Chris PeBenito 8e0ef1
Chris PeBenito 8e0ef1
Chris PeBenito 8e0ef1
# Policy build options
Chris PeBenito 8e0ef1
Chris PeBenito 8e0ef1
Chris PeBenito 8e0ef1
# Policy version
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# By default, checkpolicy will create the highest
Chris PeBenito 8e0ef1
# version policy it supports.  Setting this will
Chris PeBenito 8e0ef1
# override the version.  This only has an
Chris PeBenito 8e0ef1
# effect for monolithic policies.
Chris PeBenito 8e0ef1
Chris PeBenito 8e0ef1
Chris PeBenito 8e0ef1
# Policy Type
Chris PeBenito 8e0ef1
# strict, targeted,
Chris PeBenito 8e0ef1
# strict-mls, targeted-mls,
Chris PeBenito 8e0ef1
# strict-mcs, targeted-mcs
Chris PeBenito cb1d1e
TYPE = strict
Chris PeBenito 8e0ef1
Chris PeBenito 8e0ef1
# Policy Name
Chris PeBenito 8e0ef1
# If set, this will be used as the policy
Chris PeBenito 8e0ef1
# name.  Otherwise the policy type will be
Chris PeBenito 8e0ef1
# used for the name.
Chris PeBenito 8e0ef1
NAME = refpolicy
Chris PeBenito 8e0ef1
Chris PeBenito 8e0ef1
# Distribution
Chris PeBenito 8e0ef1
# Some distributions have portions of policy
Chris PeBenito 8e0ef1
# for programs or configurations specific to the
Chris PeBenito 8e0ef1
# distribution.  Setting this will enable options
Chris PeBenito 8e0ef1
# for the distribution.
Chris PeBenito 8e0ef1
# redhat, gentoo, debian, and suse are current options.
Chris PeBenito 8e0ef1
# Fedora users should enable redhat.
Chris PeBenito cb1d1e
#DISTRO = redhat
Chris PeBenito 8e0ef1
Chris PeBenito 8e0ef1
# Direct admin init
Chris PeBenito 8e0ef1
# Setting this will allow sysadm to directly
Chris PeBenito 8e0ef1
# run init scripts, instead of requring run_init.
Chris PeBenito 8e0ef1
# This is a build option, as role transitions do
Chris PeBenito 8e0ef1
# not work in conditional policy.
Chris PeBenito 2d54b8
Chris PeBenito 8e0ef1
Chris PeBenito 8e0ef1
# Build monolithic policy.  Putting n here
Chris PeBenito 8e0ef1
# will build a loadable module policy.
Chris PeBenito 8e0ef1
Chris PeBenito 8e0ef1
Chris PeBenito b07eae
# Polyinstantiation
Chris PeBenito b07eae
# Enable polyinstantiated directory support.
Chris PeBenito b07eae
Chris PeBenito b07eae
Chris PeBenito 8e0ef1
# Uncomment this to disable command echoing
Chris PeBenito 8e0ef1