Chris PeBenito fedd3c
To install Reference Policy sources into /etc/selinux/refpolicy/src/policy:
Chris PeBenito 337e4a
Chris PeBenito 337e4a
	make install-src
Chris PeBenito 337e4a
Chris PeBenito fedd3c
This will back up a pre-existing source policy to the
Chris PeBenito fedd3c
/etc/selinux/refpolicy/src/policy.bak directory.
Chris PeBenito fedd3c
Chris PeBenito c767b1
If you do not have a modules.conf, one can be generated:
Chris PeBenito c767b1
Chris PeBenito c767b1
	make conf
Chris PeBenito c767b1
Chris PeBenito 8e0ef1
This will create a default modules.conf.  Options for the policy
Chris PeBenito 8e0ef1
build process can be found in build.conf.  After installing the policy sources,
Chris PeBenito c767b1
the old Make targets have been maintained for the monolithic policy:
Chris PeBenito 337e4a
Chris PeBenito 337e4a
Local policy development:
Chris PeBenito 337e4a
Chris PeBenito 337e4a
	make policy
Chris PeBenito 337e4a
Chris PeBenito 337e4a
Compile and install the policy:
Chris PeBenito 337e4a
Chris PeBenito 337e4a
	make install
Chris PeBenito 337e4a
Chris PeBenito 337e4a
Compile, install, and load the policy:
Chris PeBenito 337e4a
Chris PeBenito 337e4a
	make load
Chris PeBenito 337e4a
Chris PeBenito 337e4a
Filesystem labeling:
Chris PeBenito 337e4a
Chris PeBenito 337e4a
	make relabel
Chris PeBenito 337e4a
	make checklabels
Chris PeBenito 337e4a
	make restorelabels
Chris PeBenito fedd3c
Chris PeBenito fedd3c
See the README for more information on available make targets.