Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito c12621
policy_module(postgresql, 1.8.2)
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
	class db_database all_db_database_perms;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
	class db_table all_db_table_perms;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
	class db_procedure all_db_procedure_perms;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
	class db_column all_db_column_perms;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
	class db_tuple all_db_tuple_perms;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
	class db_blob all_db_blob_perms;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
# Declarations
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
## <desc>
Chris PeBenito e8cb08

Chris PeBenito e8cb08
## Allow unprived users to execute DDL statement
Chris PeBenito e8cb08

Chris PeBenito e8cb08
## </desc>
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
gen_tunable(sepgsql_enable_users_ddl, true)
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
type postgresql_t;
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
type postgresql_exec_t;
Chris PeBenito 0bfccd
init_daemon_domain(postgresql_t, postgresql_exec_t)
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
type postgresql_db_t;
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
type postgresql_etc_t;
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
type postgresql_lock_t;
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
type postgresql_log_t;
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
type postgresql_tmp_t;
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
type postgresql_var_run_t;
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
# database clients attribute
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
attribute sepgsql_client_type;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
attribute sepgsql_unconfined_type;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
# database objects attribute
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
attribute sepgsql_database_type;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
attribute sepgsql_table_type;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
attribute sepgsql_sysobj_table_type;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
attribute sepgsql_procedure_type;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
attribute sepgsql_blob_type;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
attribute sepgsql_module_type;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
# database object types
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
type sepgsql_blob_t;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
type sepgsql_db_t;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
type sepgsql_fixed_table_t;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
type sepgsql_proc_t;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
type sepgsql_ro_blob_t;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
type sepgsql_ro_table_t;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
type sepgsql_secret_blob_t;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
type sepgsql_secret_table_t;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
type sepgsql_sysobj_t;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
type sepgsql_table_t;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito 7f4005
type sepgsql_trusted_proc_exec_t;
Chris PeBenito 7f4005
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
# Trusted Procedure Domain
Chris PeBenito 7f4005
type sepgsql_trusted_proc_t;
Chris PeBenito 7f4005
Chris PeBenito 7f4005
Chris PeBenito 7f4005
role system_r types sepgsql_trusted_proc_t;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito 296273
type user_sepgsql_blob_t;
Chris PeBenito 296273
typealias user_sepgsql_blob_t alias { staff_sepgsql_blob_t sysadm_sepgsql_blob_t };
Chris PeBenito 296273
typealias user_sepgsql_blob_t alias { auditadm_sepgsql_blob_t secadm_sepgsql_blob_t };
Chris PeBenito 296273
Chris PeBenito 296273
Chris PeBenito 296273
type user_sepgsql_proc_exec_t;
Chris PeBenito 296273
typealias user_sepgsql_proc_exec_t alias { staff_sepgsql_proc_exec_t sysadm_sepgsql_proc_exec_t };
Chris PeBenito 296273
typealias user_sepgsql_proc_exec_t alias { auditadm_sepgsql_proc_exec_t secadm_sepgsql_proc_exec_t };
Chris PeBenito 296273
Chris PeBenito 296273
Chris PeBenito 296273
type user_sepgsql_sysobj_t;
Chris PeBenito 296273
typealias user_sepgsql_sysobj_t alias { staff_sepgsql_sysobj_t sysadm_sepgsql_sysobj_t };
Chris PeBenito 296273
typealias user_sepgsql_sysobj_t alias { auditadm_sepgsql_sysobj_t secadm_sepgsql_sysobj_t };
Chris PeBenito 296273
Chris PeBenito 296273
Chris PeBenito 296273
type user_sepgsql_table_t;
Chris PeBenito 296273
typealias user_sepgsql_table_t alias { staff_sepgsql_table_t sysadm_sepgsql_table_t };
Chris PeBenito 296273
typealias user_sepgsql_table_t alias { auditadm_sepgsql_table_t secadm_sepgsql_table_t };
Chris PeBenito 296273
Chris PeBenito 296273
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
# postgresql Local policy
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
allow postgresql_t self:capability { kill dac_override dac_read_search chown fowner fsetid setuid setgid sys_nice sys_tty_config sys_admin };
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
dontaudit postgresql_t self:capability { sys_tty_config sys_admin };
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
allow postgresql_t self:process signal_perms;
Chris PeBenito 0b36a2
allow postgresql_t self:fifo_file rw_fifo_file_perms;
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
allow postgresql_t self:sem create_sem_perms;
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
allow postgresql_t self:shm create_shm_perms;
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
allow postgresql_t self:tcp_socket create_stream_socket_perms;
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
allow postgresql_t self:udp_socket create_stream_socket_perms;
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
allow postgresql_t self:unix_dgram_socket create_socket_perms;
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
allow postgresql_t self:unix_stream_socket create_stream_socket_perms;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
allow postgresql_t self:netlink_selinux_socket create_socket_perms;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
allow postgresql_t sepgsql_database_type:db_database *;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
type_transition postgresql_t postgresql_t:db_database sepgsql_db_t;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
allow postgresql_t sepgsql_module_type:db_database install_module;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
# Database/Loadable module
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
allow sepgsql_database_type sepgsql_module_type:db_database load_module;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
allow postgresql_t sepgsql_table_type:{ db_table db_column db_tuple } *;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
type_transition postgresql_t sepgsql_database_type:db_table sepgsql_sysobj_t;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
allow postgresql_t sepgsql_procedure_type:db_procedure *;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
type_transition postgresql_t sepgsql_database_type:db_procedure sepgsql_proc_t;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
allow postgresql_t sepgsql_blob_type:db_blob *;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
type_transition postgresql_t sepgsql_database_type:db_blob sepgsql_blob_t;
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 0bfccd
manage_dirs_pattern(postgresql_t, postgresql_db_t, postgresql_db_t)
Chris PeBenito 0bfccd
manage_files_pattern(postgresql_t, postgresql_db_t, postgresql_db_t)
Chris PeBenito 0bfccd
manage_lnk_files_pattern(postgresql_t, postgresql_db_t, postgresql_db_t)
Chris PeBenito 0bfccd
manage_fifo_files_pattern(postgresql_t, postgresql_db_t, postgresql_db_t)
Chris PeBenito 0bfccd
manage_sock_files_pattern(postgresql_t, postgresql_db_t, postgresql_db_t)
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
files_var_lib_filetrans(postgresql_t, postgresql_db_t, { dir file lnk_file sock_file fifo_file })
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito c0868a
allow postgresql_t postgresql_etc_t:dir list_dir_perms;
Chris PeBenito 0bfccd
read_files_pattern(postgresql_t, postgresql_etc_t, postgresql_etc_t)
Chris PeBenito 0bfccd
read_lnk_files_pattern(postgresql_t, postgresql_etc_t, postgresql_etc_t)
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
allow postgresql_t postgresql_exec_t:lnk_file { getattr read };
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
can_exec(postgresql_t, postgresql_exec_t )
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito c0868a
allow postgresql_t postgresql_lock_t:file manage_file_perms;
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 0bfccd
manage_files_pattern(postgresql_t, postgresql_log_t, postgresql_log_t)
Chris PeBenito 0bfccd
logging_log_filetrans(postgresql_t, postgresql_log_t, { file dir })
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 0bfccd
manage_dirs_pattern(postgresql_t, postgresql_tmp_t, postgresql_tmp_t)
Chris PeBenito 0bfccd
manage_files_pattern(postgresql_t, postgresql_tmp_t, postgresql_tmp_t)
Chris PeBenito 0bfccd
manage_lnk_files_pattern(postgresql_t, postgresql_tmp_t, postgresql_tmp_t)
Chris PeBenito 0bfccd
manage_fifo_files_pattern(postgresql_t, postgresql_tmp_t, postgresql_tmp_t)
Chris PeBenito 0bfccd
manage_sock_files_pattern(postgresql_t, postgresql_tmp_t, postgresql_tmp_t)
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
files_tmp_filetrans(postgresql_t, postgresql_tmp_t, { dir file sock_file })
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
fs_tmpfs_filetrans(postgresql_t, postgresql_tmp_t, { dir file lnk_file sock_file fifo_file })
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 0bfccd
manage_files_pattern(postgresql_t, postgresql_var_run_t, postgresql_var_run_t)
Chris PeBenito 0bfccd
manage_sock_files_pattern(postgresql_t, postgresql_var_run_t, postgresql_var_run_t)
Chris PeBenito 0bfccd
files_pid_filetrans(postgresql_t, postgresql_var_run_t, file)
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 190066
Chris PeBenito 190066
Chris PeBenito 668b30
Chris PeBenito 668b30
Chris PeBenito c12621
Chris PeBenito c12621
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito c12621
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 770c01
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 09e216
Chris PeBenito 09e216
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 296273
Chris PeBenito 296273
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
	allow postgresql_t self:process execmem;
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 0b6aca
Chris PeBenito 0b6aca
Chris PeBenito 0b6aca
Chris PeBenito 0b6aca
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito 17de1b
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
# Rules common to all clients
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
allow sepgsql_client_type sepgsql_db_t:db_database { getattr access get_param set_param };
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
type_transition sepgsql_client_type sepgsql_client_type:db_database sepgsql_db_t;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
allow sepgsql_client_type sepgsql_fixed_table_t:db_table { getattr use select insert };
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
allow sepgsql_client_type sepgsql_fixed_table_t:db_column { getattr use select insert };
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
allow sepgsql_client_type sepgsql_fixed_table_t:db_tuple { use select insert };
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
allow sepgsql_client_type sepgsql_table_t:db_table { getattr use select update insert delete };
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
allow sepgsql_client_type sepgsql_table_t:db_column { getattr use select update insert };
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
allow sepgsql_client_type sepgsql_table_t:db_tuple { use select update insert delete };
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
allow sepgsql_client_type sepgsql_ro_table_t:db_table { getattr use select };
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
allow sepgsql_client_type sepgsql_ro_table_t:db_column { getattr use select };
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
allow sepgsql_client_type sepgsql_ro_table_t:db_tuple { use select };
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
allow sepgsql_client_type sepgsql_secret_table_t:db_table getattr;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
allow sepgsql_client_type sepgsql_secret_table_t:db_column getattr;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
allow sepgsql_client_type sepgsql_sysobj_t:db_table { getattr use select };
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
allow sepgsql_client_type sepgsql_sysobj_t:db_column { getattr use select };
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
allow sepgsql_client_type sepgsql_sysobj_t:db_tuple { use select };
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
allow sepgsql_client_type sepgsql_proc_t:db_procedure { getattr execute };
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
allow sepgsql_client_type sepgsql_trusted_proc_t:db_procedure { getattr execute entrypoint };
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
allow sepgsql_client_type sepgsql_blob_t:db_blob { create drop getattr setattr read write };
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
allow sepgsql_client_type sepgsql_ro_blob_t:db_blob { getattr read };
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
allow sepgsql_client_type sepgsql_secret_blob_t:db_blob getattr;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
# The purpose of the dontaudit rule in row-level access control is to prevent a flood of logs.
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
# If a client tries to SELECT a table including violated tuples, these are filtered from
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
# the result set as if not exist, but its access denied longs can be recorded within log files.
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
# In generally, the number of tuples are much larger than the number of columns, tables and so on.
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
# So, it makes a flood of logs when many tuples are violated.
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
# The default policy does not prevent anything for sepgsql_client_type sepgsql_unconfined_type,
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
# so we don't need "dontaudit" rules in Type-Enforcement. However, MLS/MCS can prevent them
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
# to access classified tuples and can make a audit record.
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
# Therefore, the following rule is applied for any domains which can connect SE-PostgreSQL.
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
dontaudit { postgresql_t sepgsql_client_type sepgsql_unconfined_type } { sepgsql_table_type -sepgsql_sysobj_table_type }:db_tuple { use select update insert delete };
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito 0bfccd
	allow sepgsql_client_type sepgsql_table_t:db_table { create drop setattr };
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
	allow sepgsql_client_type sepgsql_table_t:db_column { create drop setattr };
Chris PeBenito 0bfccd
	allow sepgsql_client_type sepgsql_sysobj_t:db_tuple { update insert delete };
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
# Unconfined access to this module
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
allow sepgsql_unconfined_type sepgsql_database_type:db_database *;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
type_transition sepgsql_unconfined_type sepgsql_unconfined_type:db_database sepgsql_db_t;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
type_transition sepgsql_unconfined_type sepgsql_database_type:db_table sepgsql_table_t;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
type_transition sepgsql_unconfined_type sepgsql_database_type:db_procedure sepgsql_proc_t;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
type_transition sepgsql_unconfined_type sepgsql_database_type:db_blob sepgsql_blob_t;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
allow sepgsql_unconfined_type sepgsql_table_type:{ db_table db_column db_tuple } *;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
# unconfined domain is not allowed to invoke user defined procedure directly.
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
# They have to confirm and relabel it at first.
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
allow sepgsql_unconfined_type { sepgsql_proc_t sepgsql_trusted_proc_t }:db_procedure *;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
allow sepgsql_unconfined_type sepgsql_procedure_type:db_procedure { create drop getattr setattr relabelfrom relabelto };
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
allow sepgsql_unconfined_type sepgsql_blob_type:db_blob *;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
allow sepgsql_unconfined_type sepgsql_module_type:db_database install_module;
Chris PeBenito e8cb08
Chris PeBenito e8cb08