Chris PeBenito 185272
## <summary>Thunderbird email client</summary>
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## <summary>
Chris PeBenito 296273
##	Role access for thunderbird
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## </summary>
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## <param name="role">
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##	<summary>
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##	Role allowed access
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##	</summary>
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## </param>
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## <param name="domain">
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##	<summary>
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##	User domain for the role
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##	</summary>
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## </param>
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Chris PeBenito 296273
		type thunderbird_t, thunderbird_exec_t;
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		type thunderbird_home_t, thunderbird_tmpfs_t;
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	role $1 types thunderbird_t;
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	domain_auto_trans($2, thunderbird_exec_t, thunderbird_t)
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	allow $2 thunderbird_t:fd use;
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	allow $2 thunderbird_t:shm { associate getattr };
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	allow $2 thunderbird_t:unix_stream_socket connectto;
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	allow thunderbird_t $2:fd use;
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	allow thunderbird_t $2:process sigchld;
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	allow thunderbird_t $2:unix_stream_socket connectto;
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	# allow ps to show thunderbird and allow the user to kill it 
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	ps_process_pattern($2, thunderbird_t)
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	allow $2 thunderbird_t:process signal;
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	# Access ~/.thunderbird
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	manage_dirs_pattern($2, thunderbird_home_t, thunderbird_home_t)
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	manage_files_pattern($2, thunderbird_home_t, thunderbird_home_t)
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	manage_lnk_files_pattern($2, thunderbird_home_t, thunderbird_home_t)
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	relabel_dirs_pattern($2, thunderbird_home_t, thunderbird_home_t)
Chris PeBenito 296273
	relabel_files_pattern($2, thunderbird_home_t, thunderbird_home_t)
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	relabel_lnk_files_pattern($2, thunderbird_home_t, thunderbird_home_t)
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Chris PeBenito 6b19be
## <summary>
Chris PeBenito 6b19be
##	Run thunderbird in the user thunderbird domain.
Chris PeBenito 6b19be
## </summary>
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## <param name="domain">
Chris PeBenito 6b19be
##	<summary>
Chris PeBenito 6b19be
##	Domain allowed access.
Chris PeBenito 6b19be
##	</summary>
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## </param>
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		type thunderbird_t, thunderbird_exec_t;
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Chris PeBenito 296273
	domtrans_pattern($1, thunderbird_exec_t, thunderbird_t)
Chris PeBenito 185272