Chris PeBenito 473ea7
#include <unistd.h>
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
#include <fcntl.h>
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
#include <sys/stat.h>
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
#include <string.h>
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
#include "selinux_internal.h"
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
#include <stdio.h>
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
#include <stdio_ext.h>
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
#include <stdlib.h>
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
#include <ctype.h>
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
#include <errno.h>
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
#include <limits.h>
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
#include <regex.h>
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
#include <stdarg.h>
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
#include "policy.h"
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
#include "context_internal.h"
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
static void 
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
#ifdef __GNUC__
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
__attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 2)))
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
default_printf(const char *fmt, ...) 
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	va_list ap;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	va_start(ap, fmt);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
/* If MLS is disabled, strip any MLS level field from the context.
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
   This allows file_contexts with MLS levels to be processed on
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
   a non-MLS system that otherwise has the same policy. */
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
static inline int STRIP_LEVEL(char **context, int mls_enabled)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	char *str;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	context_t con;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	int rc = -1;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	if (mls_enabled)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		return 0;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	con = context_new(*context);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	if (!con)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		return rc;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	if (context_range_set(con,NULL))
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		goto out;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	str = context_str(con);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	if (!str)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		goto out;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	str = strdup(str);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	if (!str)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		goto out;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	*context = str;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	rc = 0;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	return rc;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
static void (*myprintf)(const char *fmt, ...) = &default_printf;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
void set_matchpathcon_printf(void (*f)(const char *fmt, ...))
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	if (f)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		myprintf = f;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		myprintf = &default_printf;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
static int default_invalidcon(const char *path, unsigned lineno, char *context)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	if (security_check_context(context) < 0 && errno != ENOENT) {
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		myprintf("%s:  line %u has invalid context %s\n", path, lineno, context);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		return 1;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	return 0;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
static int (*myinvalidcon)(const char *p, unsigned l, char *c) = &default_invalidcon;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
void set_matchpathcon_invalidcon(int (*f)(const char *p, unsigned l, char *c))
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	if (f)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		myinvalidcon = f;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		myinvalidcon = &default_invalidcon;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
static unsigned int myflags;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
void set_matchpathcon_flags(unsigned int flags)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	myflags = flags;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
 * A file security context specification.
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
typedef struct spec {
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	char *regex_str;	/* regular expession string for diagnostic messages */
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	char *type_str;		/* type string for diagnostic messages */
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	char *context;		/* context string */
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	regex_t regex;		/* compiled regular expression */
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	mode_t mode;		/* mode format value */
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	int matches;		/* number of matching pathnames */
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	int hasMetaChars; 	/* indicates whether the RE has 
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
				   any meta characters.  
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
				   0 = no meta chars 
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
				   1 = has one or more meta chars */
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	int stem_id;		/* indicates which of the stem-compression
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
				 * items it matches */
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
} spec_t;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
typedef struct stem {
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	char *buf;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	int len;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
} stem_t;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
static stem_t *stem_arr = NULL;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
static int num_stems = 0;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
static int alloc_stems = 0;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
static const char * const regex_chars = ".^$?*+|[({";
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
/* Return the length of the text that can be considered the stem, returns 0
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
 * if there is no identifiable stem */
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
static int get_stem_from_spec(const char * const buf)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	const char *tmp = strchr(buf + 1, '/');
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	const char *ind;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		return 0;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	for(ind = buf; ind < tmp; ind++)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		if(strchr(regex_chars, (int)*ind))
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			return 0;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	return tmp - buf;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
/* return the length of the text that is the stem of a file name */
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
static int get_stem_from_file_name(const char * const buf)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	const char *tmp = strchr(buf + 1, '/');
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		return 0;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	return tmp - buf;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
/* find the stem of a file spec, returns the index into stem_arr for a new
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
 * or existing stem, (or -1 if there is no possible stem - IE for a file in
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
 * the root directory or a regex that is too complex for us).  Makes buf
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
 * point to the text AFTER the stem. */
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
static int find_stem_from_spec(const char **buf)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	int i;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	int stem_len = get_stem_from_spec(*buf);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		return -1;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	for(i = 0; i < num_stems; i++)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		if(stem_len == stem_arr[i].len && !strncmp(*buf, stem_arr[i].buf, stem_len))
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			*buf += stem_len;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			return i;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	if(num_stems == alloc_stems)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		stem_t *tmp_arr;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		alloc_stems = alloc_stems * 2 + 16;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		tmp_arr = realloc(stem_arr, sizeof(stem_t) * alloc_stems);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			return -1;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		stem_arr = tmp_arr;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	stem_arr[num_stems].len = stem_len;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	stem_arr[num_stems].buf = malloc(stem_len + 1);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		return -1;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	memcpy(stem_arr[num_stems].buf, *buf, stem_len);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	stem_arr[num_stems].buf[stem_len] = '\0';
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	*buf += stem_len;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	return num_stems - 1;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
/* find the stem of a file name, returns the index into stem_arr (or -1 if
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
 * there is no match - IE for a file in the root directory or a regex that is
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
 * too complex for us).  Makes buf point to the text AFTER the stem. */
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
static int find_stem_from_file(const char **buf)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	int i;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	int stem_len = get_stem_from_file_name(*buf);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		return -1;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	for(i = 0; i < num_stems; i++)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		if(stem_len == stem_arr[i].len && !strncmp(*buf, stem_arr[i].buf, stem_len))
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			*buf += stem_len;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			return i;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	return -1;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
 * The array of specifications, initially in the
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
 * same order as in the specification file.
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
 * Sorting occurs based on hasMetaChars
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
static spec_t *spec_arr;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
static unsigned int nspec;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
 * An association between an inode and a 
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
 * specification.  
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
typedef struct file_spec {
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	ino_t ino;		/* inode number */
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	int specind;		/* index of specification in spec */
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	char *file;		/* full pathname for diagnostic messages about conflicts */
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	struct file_spec *next;	/* next association in hash bucket chain */
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
} file_spec_t;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
 * The hash table of associations, hashed by inode number.
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
 * Chaining is used for collisions, with elements ordered
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
 * by inode number in each bucket.  Each hash bucket has a dummy 
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
 * header.
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
#define HASH_BITS 16
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
static file_spec_t *fl_head;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
 * Try to add an association between an inode and
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
 * a specification.  If there is already an association
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
 * for the inode and it conflicts with this specification,
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
 * then use the specification that occurs later in the
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
 * specification array.
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
int matchpathcon_filespec_add(ino_t ino, int specind, const char *file)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	file_spec_t *prevfl, *fl;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	int h, no_conflict, ret;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	struct stat sb;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	if (!fl_head) {
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		fl_head = malloc(sizeof(file_spec_t)*HASH_BUCKETS);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		if (!fl_head)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			goto oom;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		memset(fl_head, 0, sizeof(file_spec_t)*HASH_BUCKETS);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	h = (ino + (ino >> HASH_BITS)) & HASH_MASK;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	for (prevfl = &fl_head[h], fl = fl_head[h].next; fl;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	     prevfl = fl, fl = fl->next) {
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		if (ino == fl->ino) {
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			ret = lstat(fl->file, &sb);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			if (ret < 0 || sb.st_ino != ino) {
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
				fl->specind = specind;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
				fl->file = malloc(strlen(file) + 1);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
				if (!fl->file)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
					goto oom;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
				strcpy(fl->file, file);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
				return fl->specind;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			no_conflict = (strcmp(spec_arr[fl->specind].context,spec_arr[specind].context) == 0);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			if (no_conflict)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
				return fl->specind;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			myprintf("%s:  conflicting specifications for %s and %s, using %s.\n",
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
				__FUNCTION__, file, fl->file,
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
				((specind > fl->specind) ? spec_arr[specind].
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
				 context : spec_arr[fl->specind].context));
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			fl->specind =
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			    (specind >
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			     fl->specind) ? specind : fl->specind;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			fl->file = malloc(strlen(file) + 1);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			if (!fl->file)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
				goto oom;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			strcpy(fl->file, file);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			return fl->specind;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		if (ino > fl->ino)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	fl = malloc(sizeof(file_spec_t));
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	if (!fl)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		goto oom;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	fl->ino = ino;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	fl->specind = specind;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	fl->file = malloc(strlen(file) + 1);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	if (!fl->file)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		goto oom_freefl;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	strcpy(fl->file, file);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	fl->next = prevfl->next;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	prevfl->next = fl;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	return fl->specind;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	myprintf("%s:  insufficient memory for file label entry for %s\n",
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		 __FUNCTION__, file);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	return -1;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
 * Evaluate the association hash table distribution.
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
void matchpathcon_filespec_eval(void)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	file_spec_t *fl;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	int h, used, nel, len, longest;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	if (!fl_head)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	used = 0;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	longest = 0;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	nel = 0;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	for (h = 0; h < HASH_BUCKETS; h++) {
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		len = 0;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		for (fl = fl_head[h].next; fl; fl = fl->next) {
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		if (len)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		if (len > longest)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			longest = len;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		nel += len;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	    ("%s:  hash table stats: %d elements, %d/%d buckets used, longest chain length %d\n",
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	     __FUNCTION__, nel, used, HASH_BUCKETS, longest);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
 * Destroy the association hash table.
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
void matchpathcon_filespec_destroy(void)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	file_spec_t *fl, *tmp;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	int h;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	if (!fl_head)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	for (h = 0; h < HASH_BUCKETS; h++) {
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		fl = fl_head[h].next;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		while (fl) {
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			tmp = fl;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			fl = fl->next;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		fl_head[h].next = NULL;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	fl_head = NULL;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
 * Warn about duplicate specifications.
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
static void nodups_specs(const char *path)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	unsigned int ii, jj;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	struct spec *curr_spec;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	for (ii = 0; ii < nspec; ii++) {
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		curr_spec = &spec_arr[ii];
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		for (jj = ii + 1; jj < nspec; jj++) { 
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			if ((!strcmp(spec_arr[jj].regex_str, curr_spec->regex_str))
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
				(!spec_arr[jj].mode || !curr_spec->mode 
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
				 || spec_arr[jj].mode == curr_spec->mode)) {
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
				if (strcmp(spec_arr[jj].context, curr_spec->context)) {
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
					"%s: Multiple different specifications for %s  (%s and %s).\n",
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
						path, curr_spec->regex_str, 
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
				else {
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
					"%s: Multiple same specifications for %s.\n",
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
						path, curr_spec->regex_str);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
/* Determine if the regular expression specification has any meta characters. */
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
static void spec_hasMetaChars(struct spec *spec)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	char *c;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	int len;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	char *end;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	c = spec->regex_str;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	len = strlen(spec->regex_str);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	end = c + len;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	spec->hasMetaChars = 0; 
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	/* Look at each character in the RE specification string for a 
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	 * meta character. Return when any meta character reached. */
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	while (c != end) {
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		switch(*c) {
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			case '.':
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			case '^':
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			case '$':
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			case '?':
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			case '*':
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			case '+':
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			case '|':
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			case '[':
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			case '(':
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			case '{':
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
				spec->hasMetaChars = 1;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			case '\\':		/* skip the next character */
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
static int process_line( const char *path, char *line_buf, int pass, unsigned lineno, int mls_enabled) {
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	int items, len, regerr;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	char *buf_p;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	char *regex, *type, *context;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	char *anchored_regex;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	len = strlen(line_buf);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	if (line_buf[len - 1] == '\n')
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		line_buf[len - 1] = 0;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	buf_p = line_buf;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	while (isspace(*buf_p))
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	/* Skip comment lines and empty lines. */
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	if (*buf_p == '#' || *buf_p == 0)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		return 0;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	items =
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		sscanf(line_buf, "%as %as %as", &regex, &type,
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	if (items < 2) {
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		myprintf("%s:  line %d is missing fields\n, skipping", path, lineno); 
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		return 0;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	} else if (items == 2) {
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		/* The type field is optional. */
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		context = type;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		type = 0;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	if (pass == 1) {
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		/* On the second pass, compile and store the specification in spec. */
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		const char *reg_buf = regex;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		char *cp;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		spec_arr[nspec].stem_id = find_stem_from_spec(&reg_buf);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		spec_arr[nspec].regex_str = regex;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		/* Anchor the regular expression. */
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		len = strlen(reg_buf);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		cp = anchored_regex = malloc(len + 3);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		if (!anchored_regex)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			return -1;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		/* Create ^...$ regexp.  */
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		*cp++ = '^';
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		cp = mempcpy(cp, reg_buf, len);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		*cp++ = '$';
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		*cp = '\0';
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		/* Compile the regular expression. */
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		regerr =
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		if (regerr != 0) {
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			size_t errsz = 0;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			char *errbuf = NULL;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			errsz = regerror(regerr, &spec_arr[nspec].regex, 
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
					 errbuf, errsz);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			if (errsz)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
				errbuf = malloc(errsz);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			if (errbuf)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
				(void) regerror(regerr, 
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
						errbuf, errsz);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			myprintf("%s:  line %d has invalid regex %s:  %s\n", path, lineno, anchored_regex, (errbuf ? errbuf : "out of memory")); 
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			return 0;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		/* Convert the type string to a mode format */
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		spec_arr[nspec].type_str = type;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		spec_arr[nspec].mode = 0;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		if (!type)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			goto skip_type;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		len = strlen(type);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		if (type[0] != '-' || len != 2) {
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			myprintf("%s:  line %d has invalid file type %s\n", path, lineno, type); 
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			return 0;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		switch (type[1]) {
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		case 'b':
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			spec_arr[nspec].mode = S_IFBLK;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		case 'c':
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			spec_arr[nspec].mode = S_IFCHR;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		case 'd':
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			spec_arr[nspec].mode = S_IFDIR;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		case 'p':
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			spec_arr[nspec].mode = S_IFIFO;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		case 'l':
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			spec_arr[nspec].mode = S_IFLNK;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		case 's':
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			spec_arr[nspec].mode = S_IFSOCK;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		case '-':
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			spec_arr[nspec].mode = S_IFREG;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			myprintf("%s:  line %d has invalid file type %s\n", path, lineno, type); 
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			return 0;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		if (strcmp(context, "<<none>>")) {
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			if (context_translations) {
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
				if (raw_to_trans_context(context,
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
				                    &spec_arr[nspec].context)) {
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
					myprintf("%s: line %u has invalid "
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
					         "context %s\n",
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
					         path, lineno, context);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
					return 0;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
				context = spec_arr[nspec].context;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			} else {
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
				if (STRIP_LEVEL(&context, mls_enabled))
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
					return -1;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			if (myinvalidcon(path, lineno, context))
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
				return 0;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		spec_arr[nspec].context = context;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		/* Determine if specification has 
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		 * any meta characters in the RE */
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	if (pass == 0) {
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		if (type)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	return 0;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
int matchpathcon_init(const char *path)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	FILE *fp;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	FILE *localfp = NULL;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	FILE *homedirfp = NULL;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	char local_path[PATH_MAX + 1];
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	char homedir_path[PATH_MAX + 1];
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	char *line_buf = NULL;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	size_t line_len = 0;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	unsigned int lineno, pass, i, j, maxnspec;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	spec_t *spec_copy=NULL;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	int status=-1;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	int mls_enabled=is_selinux_mls_enabled();
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	/* Open the specification file. */
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	if (!path)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		path = selinux_file_context_path();
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	if ((fp = fopen(path, "r")) == NULL)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		return -1;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	__fsetlocking(fp, FSETLOCKING_BYCALLER);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	if ((myflags & MATCHPATHCON_BASEONLY) == 0) {
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		snprintf(homedir_path, sizeof(homedir_path), "%s.homedirs", path);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		homedirfp = fopen(homedir_path, "r");
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		if (homedirfp != NULL)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			__fsetlocking(homedirfp, FSETLOCKING_BYCALLER);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		snprintf(local_path, sizeof(local_path), "%s.local", path);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		localfp = fopen(local_path, "r");
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		if (localfp != NULL)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			__fsetlocking(localfp, FSETLOCKING_BYCALLER);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	 * Perform two passes over the specification file.
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	 * The first pass counts the number of specifications and
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	 * performs simple validation of the input.  At the end
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	 * of the first pass, the spec array is allocated.
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	 * The second pass performs detailed validation of the input
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	 * and fills in the spec array.
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	maxnspec = UINT_MAX / sizeof(spec_t);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	for (pass = 0; pass < 2; pass++) {
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		lineno = 0;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		nspec = 0;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		while (getline(&line_buf, &line_len, fp) > 0 && nspec < maxnspec) {
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			if (process_line(path, line_buf, pass, ++lineno, mls_enabled) != 0)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
				goto finish;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		lineno = 0;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		if (homedirfp) 
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			while (getline(&line_buf, &line_len, homedirfp) > 0 && nspec < maxnspec) {
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
				if (process_line(homedir_path, line_buf, pass, ++lineno, mls_enabled) != 0)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
					goto finish;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		lineno = 0;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		if (localfp) 
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			while (getline(&line_buf, &line_len, localfp) > 0 && nspec < maxnspec) {
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
				if (process_line(local_path, line_buf, pass, ++lineno, mls_enabled) != 0)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
					goto finish;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		if (pass == 0) {
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			if (nspec == 0) {
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
				status = 0;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
				goto finish;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			if ((spec_arr = malloc(sizeof(spec_t) * nspec)) ==
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
				goto finish;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			memset(spec_arr, '\0', sizeof(spec_t) * nspec);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			maxnspec = nspec;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			if (homedirfp) rewind(homedirfp);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			if (localfp) rewind(localfp);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	/* Move exact pathname specifications to the end. */
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	spec_copy = malloc(sizeof(spec_t) * nspec);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	if (!spec_copy)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		goto finish;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	j = 0;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	for (i = 0; i < nspec; i++) {
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		if (spec_arr[i].hasMetaChars)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			memcpy(&spec_copy[j++], &spec_arr[i], sizeof(spec_t));
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	for (i = 0; i < nspec; i++) {
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		if (!spec_arr[i].hasMetaChars)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			memcpy(&spec_copy[j++], &spec_arr[i], sizeof(spec_t));
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	spec_arr = spec_copy;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	status = 0;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	if (spec_arr != spec_copy) free(spec_arr);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	if (homedirfp) fclose(homedirfp);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	if (localfp) fclose(localfp);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	return status;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
static int matchpathcon_common(const char *name, 
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			       mode_t mode)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	int i, ret, file_stem;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	const char *buf = name;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	if (!nspec) {
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		ret = matchpathcon_init(NULL);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		if (ret < 0)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			return ret;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		if (!nspec) {
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			errno = ENOENT;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			return -1;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	file_stem = find_stem_from_file(&buf;;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	mode &= S_IFMT;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	 * Check for matching specifications in reverse order, so that
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	 * the last matching specification is used.
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	for (i = nspec - 1; i >= 0; i--)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		/* if the spec in question matches no stem or has the same
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		 * stem as the file AND if the spec in question has no mode
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		 * specified or if the mode matches the file mode then we do
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		 * a regex check	*/
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		if( (spec_arr[i].stem_id == -1 || spec_arr[i].stem_id == file_stem)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		  && (!mode || !spec_arr[i].mode || ( (mode & S_IFMT) == spec_arr[i].mode ) ) )
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			if(spec_arr[i].stem_id == -1)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
				ret = regexec(&spec_arr[i].regex, name, 0, NULL, 0);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
				ret = regexec(&spec_arr[i].regex, buf, 0, NULL, 0);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			if (ret == 0)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			if (ret == REG_NOMATCH)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			/* else it's an error */
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			return -1;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	if (i < 0) {
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		/* No matching specification. */
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		errno = ENOENT;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		return -1;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	return i;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
int matchpathcon(const char *name, 
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		 mode_t mode,
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		 security_context_t *con)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	int i = matchpathcon_common(name, mode);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	if (i < 0)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		return -1;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	if (strcmp(spec_arr[i].context, "<<none>>") == 0) {
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		errno = ENOENT;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		return -1;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	*con = strdup(spec_arr[i].context);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	if (!(*con))
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		return -1;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	return 0;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
int matchpathcon_index(const char *name, 
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		       mode_t mode,
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		       security_context_t *con)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	int i = matchpathcon_common(name, mode);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	if (i < 0)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		return -1;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	*con = strdup(spec_arr[i].context);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	if (!(*con))
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		return -1;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	return i;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
void matchpathcon_checkmatches(char *str)
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	unsigned int i;
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
	for (i = 0; i < nspec; i++) {
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
		if (spec_arr[i].matches == 0) {
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			if (spec_arr[i].type_str) {
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
					("%s:  Warning!  No matches for (%s, %s, %s)\n",
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
					 str, spec_arr[i].regex_str,
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
					 spec_arr[i].type_str, spec_arr[i].context);
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
			} else {
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
					("%s:  Warning!  No matches for (%s, %s)\n",
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
					 str, spec_arr[i].regex_str,
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7
Chris PeBenito 473ea7