diff --git a/0001-Support-for-booting-from-LSI-Logic-LSI53C1030-SAS106.patch b/0001-Support-for-booting-from-LSI-Logic-LSI53C1030-SAS106.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2826a56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/0001-Support-for-booting-from-LSI-Logic-LSI53C1030-SAS106.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
+From 4d785f1227127d63ef412eaf482259cedd3ccf99 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Don Slutz <Don.Slutz@Gmail.com>
+Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2015 13:44:10 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] Support for booting from LSI Logic LSI53C1030, SAS1068,
+ SAS1068e
+Also known as Fusion MPT disk; this controller model is supported
+by VirtualBox and VMware, and QEMU support patches have been
+Signed-off-by: Don Slutz <Don.Slutz@Gmail.com>
+Signed-off-by: Paolo Bonzini <pbonzini@redhat.com>
+ Makefile          |   2 +-
+ src/Kconfig       |   6 ++
+ src/block.c       |   3 +
+ src/block.h       |   1 +
+ src/hw/mpt-scsi.c | 313 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ src/hw/mpt-scsi.h |   8 ++
+ src/post.c        |   2 +
+ 7 files changed, 334 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+ create mode 100644 src/hw/mpt-scsi.c
+ create mode 100644 src/hw/mpt-scsi.h
+diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
+index 3a0d2e8..fcbd88a 100644
+--- a/Makefile
++++ b/Makefile
+@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ SRCBOTH=misc.c stacks.c output.c string.c block.c cdrom.c disk.c mouse.c kbd.c \
+     hw/usb.c hw/usb-uhci.c hw/usb-ohci.c hw/usb-ehci.c \
+     hw/usb-hid.c hw/usb-msc.c hw/usb-uas.c \
+     hw/blockcmd.c hw/floppy.c hw/ata.c hw/ramdisk.c \
+-    hw/lsi-scsi.c hw/esp-scsi.c hw/megasas.c
++    hw/lsi-scsi.c hw/esp-scsi.c hw/megasas.c hw/mpt-scsi.c
+ SRC32FLAT=$(SRCBOTH) post.c e820map.c malloc.c romfile.c x86.c optionroms.c \
+     pmm.c font.c boot.c bootsplash.c jpeg.c bmp.c tcgbios.c sha1.c \
+diff --git a/src/Kconfig b/src/Kconfig
+index b873cd3..8250702 100644
+--- a/src/Kconfig
++++ b/src/Kconfig
+@@ -208,6 +208,12 @@ menu "Hardware support"
+         default y
+         help
+             Support boot from LSI MegaRAID SAS scsi storage.
++    config MPT_SCSI
++        depends on DRIVES
++        bool "LSI MPT Fusion controllers"
++        default y
++        help
++            Support boot from LSI MPT Fusion scsi storage.
+     config FLOPPY
+         depends on DRIVES && HARDWARE_IRQ
+         bool "Floppy controller"
+diff --git a/src/block.c b/src/block.c
+index 97e05fa..ef1cd9f 100644
+--- a/src/block.c
++++ b/src/block.c
+@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
+ #include "hw/esp-scsi.h" // esp_scsi_process_op
+ #include "hw/lsi-scsi.h" // lsi_scsi_process_op
+ #include "hw/megasas.h" // megasas_process_op
++#include "hw/mpt-scsi.h" // mpt_scsi_process_op
+ #include "hw/pci.h" // pci_bdf_to_bus
+ #include "hw/pvscsi.h" // pvscsi_process_op
+ #include "hw/rtc.h" // rtc_read
+@@ -521,6 +522,8 @@ process_op_both(struct disk_op_s *op)
+         return esp_scsi_process_op(op);
+     case DTYPE_MEGASAS:
+         return megasas_process_op(op);
++    case DTYPE_MPT_SCSI:
++        return mpt_scsi_process_op(op);
+     default:
+         if (!MODESEGMENT)
+             return DISK_RET_EPARAM;
+diff --git a/src/block.h b/src/block.h
+index 2ff359f..7de6f54 100644
+--- a/src/block.h
++++ b/src/block.h
+@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ struct drive_s {
+ #define DTYPE_ESP_SCSI     0x81
+ #define DTYPE_MEGASAS      0x82
+ #define DTYPE_PVSCSI       0x83
++#define DTYPE_MPT_SCSI     0x84
+ #define DTYPE_SDCARD       0x90
+ #define MAXDESCSIZE 80
+diff --git a/src/hw/mpt-scsi.c b/src/hw/mpt-scsi.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..44f5446
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/hw/mpt-scsi.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
++// MPT Fusion boot support.
++// This file may be distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPLv3 license.
++#include "biosvar.h" // GET_GLOBALFLAT
++#include "block.h" // struct drive_s
++#include "blockcmd.h" // scsi_drive_setup
++#include "config.h" // CONFIG_*
++#include "malloc.h" // free
++#include "output.h" // dprintf
++#include "pci.h" // foreachpci
++#include "pci_ids.h" // PCI_DEVICE_ID
++#include "pci_regs.h" // PCI_VENDOR_ID
++#include "std/disk.h" // DISK_RET_SUCCESS
++#include "string.h" // memset
++#include "util.h" // usleep
++#define MPT_REG_DOORBELL  0x00
++#define MPT_REG_WRITE_SEQ 0x04
++#define MPT_REG_HOST_DIAG 0x08
++#define MPT_REG_TEST      0x0c
++#define MPT_REG_DIAG_DATA 0x10
++#define MPT_REG_DIAG_ADDR 0x14
++#define MPT_REG_ISTATUS   0x30
++#define MPT_REG_IMASK     0x34
++#define MPT_REG_REQ_Q     0x40
++#define MPT_REG_REP_Q     0x44
++#define MPT_IMASK_DOORBELL 0x01
++#define MPT_IMASK_REPLY    0x08
++struct mpt_lun_s {
++    struct drive_s drive;
++    struct pci_device *pci;
++    u32 iobase;
++    u8 target;
++    u8 lun;
++u8 reply_msg[4] __attribute((aligned(4))) VARLOW;
++#define MPT_MESSAGE_HDR_FUNCTION_IOC_INIT               (0x02)
++static struct MptIOCInitRequest
++    u8     WhoInit;             /* Which system sent this init request. */
++    u8     Reserved1;           /* Reserved */
++    u8     ChainOffset;         /* Chain offset in the SG list. */
++    u8     Function;            /* Function to execute. */
++    u8     Flags;               /* Flags */
++    u8     MaxDevices;          /* Max devices the driver can handle. */
++    u8     MaxBuses;            /* Max buses the driver can handle. */
++    u8     MessageFlags;        /* Message flags. */
++    u32    MessageContext;      /* Message context ID. */
++    u16    ReplyFrameSize;      /* Reply frame size. */
++    u16    Reserved2;           /* Reserved */
++    u32    HostMfaHighAddr;     /* Upper 32bit of the message frames. */
++    u32    SenseBufferHighAddr; /* Upper 32bit of the sense buffer. */
++} MptIOCInitRequest = {
++    .WhoInit = 2,
++    .MaxDevices = 8,
++    .MaxBuses = 1,
++    .ReplyFrameSize = sizeof(reply_msg),
++    .HostMfaHighAddr = 0,
++    .SenseBufferHighAddr = 0
++struct MptIOCInitReply {
++    u8     WhoInit;     /* Which subsystem sent this init request. */
++    u8     Reserved1;   /* Reserved */
++    u8     MessageLength; /* Message length */
++    u8     Function;    /* Function. */
++    u8     Flags;       /* Flags */
++    u8     MaxDevices;  /* Maximum number of devices the driver can handle. */
++    u8     MaxBuses;    /* Maximum number of busses the driver can handle. */
++    u8     MessageFlags; /* Message flags. */
++    u32    MessageContext; /* Message context ID */
++    u16    Reserved2;   /* Reserved */
++    u16    IOCStatus;   /* IO controller status. */
++    u32    IOCLogInfo;  /* IO controller log information. */
++typedef struct MptSCSIIORequest {
++    u8     TargetID;            /* Target ID */
++    u8     Bus;                 /* Bus number */
++    u8     ChainOffset;         /* Chain offset */
++    u8     Function;            /* Function number. */
++    u8     CDBLength;           /* CDB length. */
++    u8     SenseBufferLength;   /* Sense buffer length. */
++    u8     Reserved;            /* Reserved */
++    u8     MessageFlags;        /* Message flags. */
++    u32    MessageContext;      /* Message context ID. */
++    u8     LUN[8];              /* LUN */
++    u32    Control;             /* Control values. */
++    u8     CDB[16];             /* The CDB. */
++    u32    DataLength;          /* Data length. */
++    u32    SenseBufferLowAddr;  /* Sense buffer low 32bit address. */
++} __attribute__((packed)) MptSCSIIORequest_t;
++#define MPT_POLL_TIMEOUT  60000
++typedef struct MptSGEntrySimple32 {
++    u32 FlagsLength;
++    u32 DataBufferAddressLow;
++} __attribute__((packed)) MptSGEntrySimple32_t;
++static int
++mpt_scsi_cmd(u32 iobase, struct disk_op_s *op,
++             u8 *cdb, u16 target, u16 lun, u16 blocksize)
++    if (lun != 0)
++        return DISK_RET_ENOTREADY;
++    u32 end = timer_calc(MPT_POLL_TIMEOUT);
++    u8 sense_buf[18];
++    struct scsi_req {
++        MptSCSIIORequest_t      scsi_io;
++        MptSGEntrySimple32_t    sge;
++    } __attribute__((packed, aligned(4))) req = {
++        .scsi_io = {
++            .TargetID = target,
++            .Bus = 0,
++            .CDBLength = 16,
++            .SenseBufferLength = 18,
++            .MessageContext = end & 0x7fffffff,
++            .DataLength = op->count * blocksize,
++            .SenseBufferLowAddr = (u32)MAKE_FLATPTR(GET_SEG(SS), &sense_buf[0]),
++        },
++        .sge = {
++            /* end of list, simple entry, end of buffer, last element */
++            .FlagsLength = (op->count * blocksize) | 0xD1000000,
++            .DataBufferAddressLow = (u32)op->buf_fl,
++        }
++    };
++    req.scsi_io.LUN[1] = lun;
++    memcpy(req.scsi_io.CDB, cdb, 16);
++    if (blocksize) {
++        if (scsi_is_read(op)) {
++            req.scsi_io.Control = 2 << 24;
++        } else {
++            req.scsi_io.Control = 1 << 24;
++            req.sge.FlagsLength |= 0x04000000;
++        }
++    }
++    outl((u32)MAKE_FLATPTR(GET_SEG(SS), &req), iobase + MPT_REG_REQ_Q);
++    for (;;) {
++        if (timer_check(end)) {
++            return DISK_RET_ETIMEOUT;
++        }
++        u32 istatus = inl(iobase + MPT_REG_ISTATUS);
++        if (istatus & MPT_IMASK_REPLY) {
++            u32 resp = inl(iobase + MPT_REG_REP_Q);
++            /* another read to turn interrupt off */
++            inl(iobase + MPT_REG_REP_Q);
++            if (resp == req.scsi_io.MessageContext) {
++                return DISK_RET_SUCCESS;
++            } else if (resp & 0x80000000) {
++                outl((u32)&reply_msg[0], iobase + MPT_REG_REP_Q);
++                return DISK_RET_EBADTRACK;
++            }
++        }
++        usleep(50);
++    }
++mpt_scsi_process_op(struct disk_op_s *op)
++    if (!CONFIG_MPT_SCSI)
++        return DISK_RET_EBADTRACK;
++    u8 cdbcmd[16];
++    int blocksize = scsi_fill_cmd(op, cdbcmd, sizeof(cdbcmd));
++    if (blocksize < 0)
++        return default_process_op(op);
++    struct mpt_lun_s *llun_gf =
++        container_of(op->drive_gf, struct mpt_lun_s, drive);
++    u16 target = GET_GLOBALFLAT(llun_gf->target);
++    u16 lun = GET_GLOBALFLAT(llun_gf->lun);
++    u32 iobase = GET_GLOBALFLAT(llun_gf->iobase);
++    return mpt_scsi_cmd(iobase, op, cdbcmd, target, lun, blocksize);
++static int
++mpt_scsi_add_lun(struct pci_device *pci, u32 iobase, u8 target, u8 lun)
++    struct mpt_lun_s *llun = malloc_fseg(sizeof(*llun));
++    if (!llun) {
++        warn_noalloc();
++        return -1;
++    }
++    memset(llun, 0, sizeof(*llun));
++    llun->drive.type = DTYPE_MPT_SCSI;
++    llun->drive.cntl_id = pci->bdf;
++    llun->pci = pci;
++    llun->target = target;
++    llun->lun = lun;
++    llun->iobase = iobase;
++    char *name = znprintf(16, "mpt %02x:%02x.%x %d:%d",
++                          pci_bdf_to_bus(pci->bdf), pci_bdf_to_dev(pci->bdf),
++                          pci_bdf_to_fn(pci->bdf), target, lun);
++    int prio = bootprio_find_scsi_device(pci, target, lun);
++    int ret = scsi_drive_setup(&llun->drive, name, prio);
++    free(name);
++    if (ret) {
++        goto fail;
++    }
++    return 0;
++    free(llun);
++    return -1;
++static void
++mpt_scsi_scan_target(struct pci_device *pci, u32 iobase, u8 target)
++    /* TODO: send REPORT LUNS.  For now, only LUN 0 is recognized.  */
++    mpt_scsi_add_lun(pci, iobase, target, 0);
++static inline void
++mpt_out_doorbell(u8 func, u8 arg, u16 iobase)
++    outl((func << 24) | (arg << 16), iobase + MPT_REG_DOORBELL);
++static void
++init_mpt_scsi(struct pci_device *pci, const char *dev_name)
++    u16 *msg_in_p;
++    u16 bdf = pci->bdf;
++    u32 iobase = pci_config_readl(pci->bdf, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0)
++    struct MptIOCInitReply MptIOCInitReply;
++    pci_config_maskw(bdf, PCI_COMMAND, 0,
++                     PCI_COMMAND_IO | PCI_COMMAND_MASTER);
++    dprintf(1, "found %s at %02x:%02x.%x, io @ %x\n", dev_name,
++            pci_bdf_to_bus(bdf), pci_bdf_to_dev(bdf),
++            pci_bdf_to_fn(bdf), iobase);
++    // reset
++    mpt_out_doorbell(MPT_DOORBELL_MSG_RESET, 0, iobase);
++    outl(0, iobase + MPT_REG_ISTATUS);
++    // send IOC Init message through the doorbell
++    mpt_out_doorbell(MPT_DOORBELL_HANDSHAKE,
++		     sizeof(MptIOCInitRequest)/sizeof(u32),
++		     iobase);
++    outsl(iobase + MPT_REG_DOORBELL,
++	  (u32 *)&MptIOCInitRequest,
++	  sizeof(MptIOCInitRequest)/sizeof(u32));
++    // Read the reply 16 bits at a time.  Cannot use insl
++    // because the port is 32 bits wide.
++    msg_in_p = (u16 *)&MptIOCInitReply;
++    while(msg_in_p != (u16 *)(&MptIOCInitReply + 1))
++        *msg_in_p++ = (u16)inl(iobase + MPT_REG_DOORBELL);
++    // Eat doorbell interrupt
++    outl(0, iobase + MPT_REG_ISTATUS);
++    // Post reply message used for SCSI errors
++    outl((u32)&reply_msg[0], iobase + MPT_REG_REP_Q);
++    for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
++        mpt_scsi_scan_target(pci, iobase, i);
++    return;
++    ASSERT32FLAT();
++    if (!CONFIG_MPT_SCSI) {
++        return;
++    }
++    dprintf(3, "init MPT\n");
++    struct pci_device *pci;
++    foreachpci(pci) {
++        if (pci->vendor == PCI_VENDOR_ID_LSI_LOGIC) {
++            if (pci->device == PCI_DEVICE_ID_LSI_53C1030) {
++                init_mpt_scsi(pci, "lsi53c1030");
++            }
++            if (pci->device == PCI_DEVICE_ID_LSI_SAS1068) {
++                init_mpt_scsi(pci, "sas1068");
++            }
++            if (pci->device == PCI_DEVICE_ID_LSI_SAS1068E) {
++                init_mpt_scsi(pci, "sas1068e");
++            }
++        }
++    }
+diff --git a/src/hw/mpt-scsi.h b/src/hw/mpt-scsi.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..6535dd8
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/hw/mpt-scsi.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
++#ifndef __MPT_SCSI_H
++#define __MPT_SCSI_H
++struct disk_op_s;
++int mpt_scsi_process_op(struct disk_op_s *op);
++void mpt_scsi_setup(void);
++#endif /* __MPT_SCSI_H */
+diff --git a/src/post.c b/src/post.c
+index 6803585..1dd075e 100644
+--- a/src/post.c
++++ b/src/post.c
+@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
+ #include "hw/ata.h" // ata_setup
+ #include "hw/esp-scsi.h" // esp_scsi_setup
+ #include "hw/lsi-scsi.h" // lsi_scsi_setup
++#include "hw/mpt-scsi.h" // lsi_scsi_setup
+ #include "hw/megasas.h" // megasas_setup
+ #include "hw/pvscsi.h" // pvscsi_setup
+ #include "hw/pic.h" // pic_setup
+@@ -153,6 +154,7 @@ device_hardware_setup(void)
+     esp_scsi_setup();
+     megasas_setup();
+     pvscsi_setup();
++    mpt_scsi_setup();
+ }
+ static void
diff --git a/config.seabios-128k b/config.seabios-128k
index 155741b..29495c1 100644
--- a/config.seabios-128k
+++ b/config.seabios-128k
@@ -1,10 +1,15 @@
 # for qemu machine types 1.7 + older
-# need to turn off features (xhci) to make it fit into 128k
+# need to turn off features (bootsplash) to make it fit into 128k
+# Right now all drivers fit in the ROM, but these could
+# easily go...
diff --git a/seabios.spec b/seabios.spec
index a9a5900..aff92c3 100644
--- a/seabios.spec
+++ b/seabios.spec
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Name:           seabios
 Version:        1.9.1
-Release:        1%{?dist}
+Release:        2%{?dist}
 Summary:        Open-source legacy BIOS implementation
 Group:          Applications/Emulators
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ License:        LGPLv3
 URL:            http://www.coreboot.org/SeaBIOS
 Source0:        http://code.coreboot.org/p/seabios/downloads/get/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
+Patch1:         0001-Support-for-booting-from-LSI-Logic-LSI53C1030-SAS106.patch
 Source10:       config.vga.cirrus
 Source11:       config.vga.isavga
@@ -71,6 +72,7 @@ SeaVGABIOS is an open-source VGABIOS implementation.
 %setup -q
+%patch1 -p1
@@ -137,6 +139,10 @@ install -m 0644 binaries/vgabios*.bin $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/seavgabios
+* Thu Mar 24 2016 Paolo Bonzini <pbonzini@redhat.com> - 1.9.1-2
+- Include MPT Fusion driver, in preparation for QEMU 2.6
+- Include XHCI and UAS drivers in 128k ROM, sacrifice bootsplash instead
 * Thu Mar 17 2016 Cole Robinson <crobinso@redhat.com> - 1.9.1-1
 - Rebased to version 1.9.1
 - Fix incorrect UUID format in boot output (bz #1284259)