f41043 |
%{!?python_sitearch: %global python_sitearch %(%{__python} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib(1)")}
f41043 |
f41043 |
# rhel6's python-sphinx cannot build manual pages
f41043 |
%if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} <= 6
f41043 |
%define enable_python_manpage 0
f41043 |
f41043 |
%define enable_python_manpage 1
f41043 |
f41043 |
f41043 |
%if 0%{?suse_version}
f41043 |
%define python2_devel python-devel
f41043 |
%define libdw_devel libdw-devel
f41043 |
%define libelf_devel libelf-devel
f41043 |
f41043 |
%define python2_devel python2-devel
f41043 |
%define libdw_devel elfutils-devel
f41043 |
%define libelf_devel elfutils-libelf-devel
f41043 |
f41043 |
f41043 |
Name: satyr
f41043 |
Version: 0.13
f41043 |
Release: 15%{?dist}
f41043 |
Summary: Tools to create anonymous, machine-friendly problem reports
f41043 |
Group: System Environment/Libraries
f41043 |
License: GPLv2+
f41043 |
URL: https://github.com/abrt/satyr
f41043 |
Source0: https://fedorahosted.org/released/abrt/satyr-%{version}.tar.xz
f41043 |
BuildRequires: %{python2_devel}
f41043 |
BuildRequires: %{libdw_devel}
f41043 |
BuildRequires: %{libelf_devel}
f41043 |
BuildRequires: binutils-devel
f41043 |
BuildRequires: rpm-devel
f41043 |
BuildRequires: libtool
f41043 |
BuildRequires: pkgconfig
f41043 |
BuildRequires: automake
f41043 |
BuildRequires: gcc-c++
f41043 |
%if %{?enable_python_manpage}
f41043 |
BuildRequires: python-sphinx
f41043 |
f41043 |
f41043 |
# git is need for '%%autosetup -S git' which automatically applies all the
f41043 |
# patches above. Please, be aware that the patches must be generated
f41043 |
# by 'git format-patch'
f41043 |
BuildRequires: git
f41043 |
f41043 |
Patch0: satyr-0.13-elfutils-0.158.patch
f41043 |
Patch1: satyr-0.13-elfutils-unwinder.patch
f41043 |
Patch2: satyr-0.13-disable-fingerprints.patch
f41043 |
Patch3: satyr-0.13-unwinder-refresh-config-h.patch
f41043 |
f41043 |
# 1142856, minor bugs found by static analyzer
f41043 |
Patch4: satyr-0.13-static-analyzer-bugs.patch
f41043 |
f41043 |
# 1123262, empty duphash of unreliable koops
f41043 |
Patch5: satyr-0.13-koops-unreliable-frames.patch
f41043 |
f41043 |
# 1142339, python exception parsing
f41043 |
Patch6: satyr-0.13-python-exceptions.patch
f41043 |
f41043 |
# 1142338, ppc64 backtrace parsing
f41043 |
Patch7: satyr-0.13-ppc64-backtrace-parsing.patch
f41043 |
f41043 |
# 1142346, limit stacktrace depth
f41043 |
Patch8: satyr-0.13-limit-stacktrace-depth.patch
f41043 |
f41043 |
# 1139555, ureport auth support
f41043 |
Patch9: satyr-0.13-ureport-auth-support.patch
f41043 |
f41043 |
# 1034857, ignore java suppressed exceptions
f41043 |
Patch10: satyr-0.13-java-suppressed-exceptions.patch
f41043 |
f41043 |
# 1147952, don't free gdb stacktrace on method failure
f41043 |
Patch11: satyr-0.13-dont-free-gdb-stacktrace.patch
f41043 |
f41043 |
# 1142346, better handling of infinite recursion
f41043 |
Patch12: satyr-0.13-better-inf-recursion-handling.patch
f41043 |
f41043 |
# 1210599, add functionality to generate a backtrace without saving a coredump
f41043 |
Patch13: satyr-0.13-fulfill-missing-values-in-core-frames.patch
f41043 |
Patch14: satyr-0.13-unwind-minor-refactoring.patch
f41043 |
Patch15: satyr-0.13-support-unwinding-from-core-hook.patch
f41043 |
Patch16: satyr-0.13-debug-unwinding-from-core-hook-using-satyr-binary.patch
f41043 |
Patch17: satyr-0.13-disable-hook-unwind-on-kernels-w-o-PTRACE_SEIZE.patch
f41043 |
Patch18: satyr-0.13-abrt-refactorize-unwinding-from-core-hook.patch
f41043 |
Patch19: satyr-0.13-core_unwind-fix-the-missing-frame-build_id-and-file.patch
f41043 |
f41043 |
# 1334604, add support for Ruby
f41043 |
Patch20: satyr-0.13-Add-support-for-Ruby-report-type.patch
f41043 |
Patch21: satyr-0.13-python-add-Ruby-support.patch
f41043 |
f41043 |
# 1332869, actualize list of normalization function in satyr
f41043 |
Patch22: satyr-0.13-normalize-extend-xorg-blacklist.patch
f41043 |
Patch23: satyr-0.13-normalization-additional-X-GDK-functions.patch
f41043 |
Patch24: satyr-0.13-normalization-add-glibc-__assert_fail_base.patch
f41043 |
Patch25: satyr-0.13-normalization-add-glibc-__libc_fatal.patch
f41043 |
Patch26: satyr-0.13-normalization-normalize-out-exit-frames.patch
f41043 |
Patch27: satyr-0.13-normalization-actualize-list-of-functions.patch
f41043 |
f41043 |
# 1334604, add support for Ruby testsuite fix
f41043 |
Patch28: satyr-0.13-tests-fix-failure-on-gcc5-on-x86_64.patch
f41043 |
f41043 |
# 1336390, fix defects found by coverity
f41043 |
Patch29: satyr-0.13-Fix-defects-found-by-coverity.patch
f41043 |
Patch30: satyr-0.13-Check-the-return-value-of-sr_parse_char_cspan.patch
f41043 |
f41043 |
# 1342469, support for VARIANT and VARIANT_ID
f41043 |
Patch31: satyr-0.13-os-add-support-for-OS-Variant.patch
f41043 |
f41043 |
# 1260074, Incorrectly unwinding core_backtrace for stack overflow (aarch64)
f41043 |
Patch32: satyr-0.13-Honor-frame-number-limit-in-GDB-core-unwinder.patch
f41043 |
Patch33: satyr-0.13-testsuite-add-test-for-limit-frame-number-in-GDB-cor.patch
f41043 |
f41043 |
f41043 |
Satyr is a library that can be used to create and process microreports.
f41043 |
Microreports consist of structured data suitable to be analyzed in a fully
f41043 |
automated manner, though they do not necessarily contain sufficient information
f41043 |
to fix the underlying problem. The reports are designed not to contain any
f41043 |
potentially sensitive data to eliminate the need for review before submission.
f41043 |
Included is a tool that can create microreports and perform some basic
f41043 |
operations on them.
f41043 |
f41043 |
%package devel
f41043 |
Summary: Development libraries for %{name}
f41043 |
Group: Development/Libraries
f41043 |
Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
f41043 |
f41043 |
%description devel
f41043 |
Development libraries and headers for %{name}.
f41043 |
f41043 |
%package python
f41043 |
Summary: Python bindings for %{name}
f41043 |
Group: Development/Libraries
f41043 |
Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
f41043 |
f41043 |
%description python
f41043 |
Python bindings for %{name}.
f41043 |
f41043 |
f41043 |
# http://www.rpm.org/wiki/PackagerDocs/Autosetup
f41043 |
# Default '__scm_apply_git' is 'git apply && git commit' but this workflow
f41043 |
# doesn't allow us to create a new file within a patch, so we have to use
f41043 |
# 'git am' (see /usr/lib/rpm/macros for more details)
f41043 |
%define __scm_apply_git(qp:m:) %{__git} am
f41043 |
%autosetup -S git
f41043 |
f41043 |
f41043 |
f41043 |
f41043 |
%configure \
f41043 |
%if ! %{?enable_python_manpage}
f41043 |
--disable-python-manpage \
f41043 |
f41043 |
f41043 |
f41043 |
make %{?_smp_mflags}
f41043 |
f41043 |
f41043 |
make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot}
f41043 |
f41043 |
# Remove all libtool archives (*.la) from modules directory.
f41043 |
find %{buildroot} -name "*.la" | xargs rm --
f41043 |
f41043 |
f41043 |
make check || {
f41043 |
# find and print the logs of failed test
f41043 |
# do not cat tests/testsuite.log because it contains a lot of bloat
f41043 |
find tests -name "testsuite.log" -print -exec cat '{}' \;
f41043 |
exit 1
f41043 |
f41043 |
f41043 |
f41043 |
%post -p /sbin/ldconfig
f41043 |
%postun -p /sbin/ldconfig
f41043 |
f41043 |
f41043 |
f41043 |
f41043 |
f41043 |
f41043 |
f41043 |
%files devel
f41043 |
f41043 |
f41043 |
f41043 |
f41043 |
%files python
f41043 |
%dir %{python_sitearch}/%{name}
f41043 |
f41043 |
f41043 |
%if %{?enable_python_manpage}
f41043 |
f41043 |
f41043 |
f41043 |
f41043 |
* Tue Jun 19 2018 Matej Marusak <mmarusak@redhat.com> - 0.13-15
f41043 |
- Honor frame number limit in GDB core unwinder
f41043 |
- Related: #1260074
f41043 |
f41043 |
* Mon Jun 06 2016 Matej Habrnal <mhabrnal@redhat.com> - 0.13-14
f41043 |
- add support for OS Variant
f41043 |
- Related: #1342469
f41043 |
f41043 |
* Thu May 12 2016 Matej Habrnal <mhabrnal@redhat.com> - 0.13-13
f41043 |
- add support for Ruby
f41043 |
- Related: #1334604
f41043 |
- actualize list of normalization function in satyr
f41043 |
- Related: #1332869
f41043 |
- fix defects found by coverity
f41043 |
- Related: #1336390
f41043 |
f41043 |
* Wed Sep 9 2015 Richard Marko <rmarko@redhat.com> - 0.13-12
f41043 |
- apply last patch
f41043 |
- Related: #1210599
f41043 |
f41043 |
* Wed Sep 9 2015 Richard Marko <rmarko@redhat.com> - 0.13-11
f41043 |
- core unwind: fix the missing frame build_id and file_name
f41043 |
- Related: #1210599
f41043 |
f41043 |
* Fri Jul 17 2015 Richard Marko <rmarko@redhat.com> - 0.13-10
f41043 |
- leave saving of core backtrace to abrt hook
f41043 |
- Related: #1210599
f41043 |
f41043 |
* Tue Jun 23 2015 Richard Marko <rmarko@redhat.com> - 0.13-9
f41043 |
- Add functionality to generate a backtrace without saving a coredump
f41043 |
- Resolves: #1210599
f41043 |
f41043 |
* Wed Nov 19 2014 Martin Milata <mmilata@redhat.com> - 0.13-8
f41043 |
- Better handling of stacktraces with infinite recursion
f41043 |
- Resolves: #1142346
f41043 |
f41043 |
* Fri Oct 03 2014 Martin Milata <mmilata@redhat.com> - 0.13-7
f41043 |
- Don't free GDB stacktrace on error
f41043 |
- Resolves: #1147952
f41043 |
f41043 |
* Fri Oct 03 2014 Martin Milata <mmilata@redhat.com> - 0.13-6
f41043 |
- Ignore suppressed exceptions in the Java exception parser
f41043 |
- Resolves: #1034857
f41043 |
f41043 |
* Thu Sep 18 2014 Martin Milata <mmilata@redhat.com> - 0.13-5
f41043 |
- Fix minor bugs found by static analyzers
f41043 |
- Resolves: #1142856
f41043 |
- Return empty duphash for koopses with no reliable frames
f41043 |
- Resolves: #1123262
f41043 |
- Fix parsing of python SyntaxError exceptions
f41043 |
- Resolves: #1142339
f41043 |
- Fix parsing of ppc64 gdb stacktraces
f41043 |
- Resolves: #1142338
f41043 |
- Limit the depth of generated stacktrace to avoid huge reports
f41043 |
- Resolves: #1142346
f41043 |
- Add authentication support to uReport, needed for reporting to customer portal
f41043 |
- Resolves: #1139555
f41043 |
f41043 |
* Fri Jan 24 2014 Daniel Mach <dmach@redhat.com> - 0.13-4
f41043 |
- Mass rebuild 2014-01-24
f41043 |
f41043 |
* Wed Jan 22 2014 Martin Milata <mmilata@redhat.com> 0.13-3
f41043 |
- Fix build with elfutils unwinder
f41043 |
- Resolves: #1051569
f41043 |
f41043 |
* Tue Jan 14 2014 Martin Milata <mmilata@redhat.com> 0.13-2
f41043 |
- Use elfutils unwinder
f41043 |
- Resolves: #1051569
f41043 |
- Disable function fingerprinting
f41043 |
- Resolves: #1052402
f41043 |
f41043 |
* Tue Jan 07 2014 Martin Milata <mmilata@redhat.com> 0.13-1
f41043 |
- Rebase to satyr-0.13
f41043 |
- Resolves: #1040900
f41043 |
- Includes patch to build against elfutils-0.158
f41043 |
f41043 |
* Fri Dec 27 2013 Daniel Mach <dmach@redhat.com> - 0.9-3
f41043 |
- Mass rebuild 2013-12-27
f41043 |
f41043 |
* Wed Dec 04 2013 Martin Milata <mmilata@redhat.com> 0.9-2
f41043 |
- Fix malformed JSON for some Java and koops reports
f41043 |
- Resolves: #1035317
f41043 |
- Resolves: #1036790
f41043 |
- Fix memory leak in RPM handling
f41043 |
- Resolves: #1016780
f41043 |
- Check for unsigned overflows
f41043 |
- Resolves: #1034869
f41043 |
f41043 |
* Wed Sep 11 2013 Jakub Filak <jfilak@redhat.com> 0.9-1
f41043 |
- New upstream version
f41043 |
- Enrich koops uReport data with koops text and kernel version.
f41043 |
- Improve koops modules handling.
f41043 |
f41043 |
* Wed Aug 28 2013 Richard Marko<rmarko@redhat.com> 0.8-1
f41043 |
- New upstream version
f41043 |
- Added support for json de/serialization of reports and stacktraces.
f41043 |
- Library version number increased, as the interface changed since the last release
f41043 |
f41043 |
* Mon Aug 26 2013 Martin Milata <mmilata@redhat.com> 0.7-1
f41043 |
- New upstream version
f41043 |
- Fix couple of crashes (#997076, #994747)
f41043 |
f41043 |
* Mon Jul 29 2013 Martin Milata <mmilata@redhat.com> 0.6-1
f41043 |
- New upstream version
f41043 |
- Do not export internal function symbols.
f41043 |
f41043 |
* Thu Jul 25 2013 Martin Milata <mmilata@redhat.com> 0.5-2
f41043 |
- Remove libunwind dependency altogether, always use GDB for unwinding.
f41043 |
f41043 |
* Thu Jul 25 2013 Jakub Filak <jfilak@redhat.com> 0.5-1
f41043 |
- Added function that creates core stacktrace from GDB output. Several bugfixes.
f41043 |
f41043 |
* Tue Jul 09 2013 Martin Milata <mmilata@redhat.com> 0.4-2
f41043 |
- Fix failing tests (failure manifests only on s390x)
f41043 |
f41043 |
* Mon Jul 08 2013 Martin Milata <mmilata@redhat.com> 0.4-1
f41043 |
- New upstream version
f41043 |
- Added features needed by ABRT
f41043 |
- Support for uReport2
f41043 |
- Major C and Python API changes
f41043 |
- Patch for python-2.6 compatibility
f41043 |
f41043 |
* Tue Apr 02 2013 Dan HorĂ¡k <dan[at]danny.cz> 0.3-2
f41043 |
- libunwind exists only on selected arches
f41043 |
f41043 |
* Mon Mar 25 2013 Martin Milata <mmilata@redhat.com> 0.3-1
f41043 |
- New upstream version
f41043 |
- Bug fixes
f41043 |
- Build fixes for older systems
f41043 |
- Do not require libunwind on rhel
f41043 |
f41043 |
* Mon Mar 18 2013 Martin Milata <mmilata@redhat.com> 0.2-1
f41043 |
- Documentation and spec cleanup
f41043 |
- Build fixes (build against RPM)
f41043 |
f41043 |
* Mon Aug 30 2010 Karel Klic <kklic@redhat.com> 0.1-1
f41043 |
- Upstream package spec file