diff --git a/SOURCES/rsyslog-8.24.0-rhbz1858297-buffer-overflow.patch b/SOURCES/rsyslog-8.24.0-rhbz1858297-buffer-overflow.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59873fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/rsyslog-8.24.0-rhbz1858297-buffer-overflow.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
+From 493279b790a8cdace8ccbc2c5136985e820dd2fa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jiri Vymazal <jvymazal@redhat.com>
+Date: Thu, 6 Aug 2020 16:21:03 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH] imudp & nsdsel_ptcp: replace select() by poll()
+select was used when epoll was not available. This could cause issues
+if during startup fds > 1024 were generated. This is extremely unlikely
+and we have never seen any such report in practice. Nevertheless, it is
+better to have this fixed. The performance will probably also increase 
+in most cases.
+Note this is not a replacement for the epoll drivers, but a general
+stability improvement when epoll() is not available for some reason.
+closes https://github.com/rsyslog/rsyslog/issues/2615
+closes https://github.com/rsyslog/rsyslog/issues/1728
+closes https://github.com/rsyslog/rsyslog/issues/1459
+ plugins/imudp/imudp.c |  73 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ runtime/nsdsel_ptcp.c | 142 ++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
+ runtime/nsdsel_ptcp.h |  14 ++---
+ runtime/rsyslog.h     |   1 +
+ 4 files changed, 116 insertions(+), 114 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/plugins/imudp/imudp.c b/plugins/imudp/imudp.c
+index 4303f0b952..24d90ab665 100644
+--- a/plugins/imudp/imudp.c
++++ b/plugins/imudp/imudp.c
+@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
+ #include <sys/socket.h>
+ #include <pthread.h>
+ #include <signal.h>
++#include <poll.h>
+ #	include <sys/epoll.h>
+ #endif
+@@ -836,61 +837,75 @@ rcvMainLoop(struct wrkrInfo_s *const __restrict__ pWrkr)
+ }
+ #else /* #if HAVE_EPOLL_CREATE1 */
+ /* this is the code for the select() interface */
+-static rsRetVal
++static rsRetVal
+ rcvMainLoop(struct wrkrInfo_s *const __restrict__ pWrkr)
+ {
+ 	DEFiRet;
+-	int maxfds;
+ 	int nfds;
+-	fd_set readfds;
+ 	struct sockaddr_storage frominetPrev;
+ 	int bIsPermitted;
++	int i = 0;
+ 	struct lstn_s *lstn;
++	DBGPRINTF("imudp uses poll() [ex-select]\n");
+ 	/* start "name caching" algo by making sure the previous system indicator
+-	 * is invalidated.
+-	 */
++	 * is invalidated. */
+ 	bIsPermitted = 0;
+ 	memset(&frominetPrev, 0, sizeof(frominetPrev));
+-	DBGPRINTF("imudp uses select()\n");
+-	while(1) {
+-		/* Add the Unix Domain Sockets to the list of read descriptors.
+-		 */
+-	        maxfds = 0;
+-	        FD_ZERO(&readfds);
+-		/* Add the UDP listen sockets to the list of read descriptors. */
+-		for(lstn = lcnfRoot ; lstn != NULL ; lstn = lstn->next) {
+-			if (lstn->sock != -1) {
+-				if(Debug)
+-					net.debugListenInfo(lstn->sock, (char*)"UDP");
+-				FD_SET(lstn->sock, &readfds);
+-				if(lstn->sock>maxfds) maxfds=lstn->sock;
++	/* setup poll() subsystem */
++	int nfd = 0;
++	for(lstn = lcnfRoot ; lstn != NULL ; lstn = lstn->next) {
++		if(lstn->sock != -1) {
++			if(Debug) {
++				net.debugListenInfo(lstn->sock, (char*)"UDP");
+ 			}
++			++nfd;
+ 		}
+-		if(Debug) {
+-			dbgprintf("--------imUDP calling select, active file descriptors (max %d): ", maxfds);
+-			for (nfds = 0; nfds <= maxfds; ++nfds)
+-				if(FD_ISSET(nfds, &readfds))
+-					dbgprintf("%d ", nfds);
+-			dbgprintf("\n");
++	}
++	struct pollfd *const pollfds = calloc(nfd, sizeof(struct pollfd));
++	CHKmalloc(pollfds);
++	for(lstn = lcnfRoot ; lstn != NULL ; lstn = lstn->next) {
++		assert(i < nfd);
++		if (lstn->sock != -1) {
++			pollfds[i].fd = lstn->sock;
++			pollfds[i].events = POLLIN;
++			++i;
+ 		}
++	}
+-		/* wait for io to become ready */
+-		nfds = select(maxfds+1, (fd_set *) &readfds, NULL, NULL, NULL);
++	while(1) {
++		DBGPRINTF("--------imudp calling poll() on %d fds\n", nfd);
++		nfds = poll(pollfds, nfd, -1);
+ 		if(glbl.GetGlobalInputTermState() == 1)
+ 			break; /* terminate input! */
++		if(nfds < 0) {
++			if(errno == EINTR) {
++				DBGPRINTF("imudp: EINTR occured\n");
++			} else {
++				LogMsg(errno, RS_RET_POLL_ERR, LOG_WARNING, "imudp: poll "
++					"system call failed, may cause further troubles");
++			}
++			nfds = 0;
++		}
++		i = 0;
+ 		for(lstn = lcnfRoot ; nfds && lstn != NULL ; lstn = lstn->next) {
+-			if(FD_ISSET(lstn->sock, &readfds)) {
++			assert(i < nfd);
++			if(glbl.GetGlobalInputTermState() == 1)
++				ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_FORCE_TERM); /* terminate input! */
++			if(pollfds[i].revents & POLLIN) {
+ 		       		processSocket(pWrkr, lstn, &frominetPrev, &bIsPermitted);
+-			--nfds; /* indicate we have processed one descriptor */
++				--nfds;
+ 			}
++			++i;
+ 	       }
+ 	       /* end of a run, back to loop for next recv() */
+ 	}
+ 	RETiRet;
+ }
+ #endif /* #if HAVE_EPOLL_CREATE1 */
+diff --git a/runtime/nsdsel_ptcp.c b/runtime/nsdsel_ptcp.c
+index e2cfca7caa..0ea6af4a1d 100644
+--- a/runtime/nsdsel_ptcp.c
++++ b/runtime/nsdsel_ptcp.c
+@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
+  *
+  * An implementation of the nsd select() interface for plain tcp sockets.
+  * 
+- * Copyright 2008 Rainer Gerhards and Adiscon GmbH.
++ * Copyright 2008-2018 Rainer Gerhards and Adiscon GmbH.
+  *
+  * This file is part of the rsyslog runtime library.
+  *
+@@ -38,70 +38,61 @@
+ #include "nsdsel_ptcp.h"
+ #include "unlimited_select.h"
++#define FDSET_INCREMENT 1024 /* increment for struct pollfds array allocation */
+ /* static data */
+ DEFobjStaticHelpers
+ DEFobjCurrIf(glbl)
+-/* Standard-Constructor
+- */
++/* Standard-Constructor */
+ BEGINobjConstruct(nsdsel_ptcp) /* be sure to specify the object type also in END macro! */
+-	pThis->maxfds = 0;
+-        pThis->pReadfds = calloc(1, glbl.GetFdSetSize());
+-        pThis->pWritefds = calloc(1, glbl.GetFdSetSize());
+-	FD_ZERO(&pThis->readfds);
+-	FD_ZERO(&pThis->writefds);
++	pThis->currfds = 0;
++	pThis->maxfds = FDSET_INCREMENT;
++        CHKmalloc(pThis->fds = calloc(FDSET_INCREMENT, sizeof(struct pollfd)));
+ ENDobjConstruct(nsdsel_ptcp)
+ /* destructor for the nsdsel_ptcp object */
+ BEGINobjDestruct(nsdsel_ptcp) /* be sure to specify the object type also in END and CODESTART macros! */
+ CODESTARTobjDestruct(nsdsel_ptcp)
+-	freeFdSet(pThis->pReadfds);
+-	freeFdSet(pThis->pWritefds);
++	free(pThis->fds);
+ ENDobjDestruct(nsdsel_ptcp)
+ /* Add a socket to the select set */
+-static rsRetVal
+-Add(nsdsel_t *pNsdsel, nsd_t *pNsd, nsdsel_waitOp_t waitOp)
++static rsRetVal
++Add(nsdsel_t *const pNsdsel, nsd_t *const pNsd, const nsdsel_waitOp_t waitOp)
+ {
+ 	DEFiRet;
+-	nsdsel_ptcp_t *pThis = (nsdsel_ptcp_t*) pNsdsel;
+-	nsd_ptcp_t *pSock = (nsd_ptcp_t*) pNsd;
+-        fd_set *pReadfds = pThis->pReadfds;
+-        fd_set *pWritefds = pThis->pWritefds;
+-        fd_set *pReadfds = &pThis->readfds;
+-        fd_set *pWritefds = &pThis->writefds;
++	nsdsel_ptcp_t *const pThis = (nsdsel_ptcp_t*) pNsdsel;
++	const nsd_ptcp_t *const pSock = (nsd_ptcp_t*) pNsd;
+ 	ISOBJ_TYPE_assert(pSock, nsd_ptcp);
+ 	ISOBJ_TYPE_assert(pThis, nsdsel_ptcp);
++	if(pThis->currfds == pThis->maxfds) {
++		struct pollfd *newfds;
++		CHKmalloc(newfds = realloc(pThis->fds,
++			sizeof(struct pollfd) * (pThis->maxfds + FDSET_INCREMENT)));
++		pThis->maxfds += FDSET_INCREMENT;
++		pThis->fds = newfds;
++	}
+ 	switch(waitOp) {
+ 		case NSDSEL_RD:
+-			FD_SET(pSock->sock, pReadfds);
++			pThis->fds[pThis->currfds].events = POLLIN;
+ 			break;
+ 		case NSDSEL_WR:
+-			FD_SET(pSock->sock, pWritefds);
++			pThis->fds[pThis->currfds].events = POLLOUT;
+ 			break;
+ 		case NSDSEL_RDWR:
+-			FD_SET(pSock->sock, pReadfds);
+-			FD_SET(pSock->sock, pWritefds);
++			pThis->fds[pThis->currfds].events = POLLIN | POLLOUT;
+ 			break;
+ 	}
++	pThis->fds[pThis->currfds].fd = pSock->sock;
++	++pThis->currfds;
+-	if(pSock->sock > pThis->maxfds)
+-		pThis->maxfds = pSock->sock;
+ 	RETiRet;
+ }
+@@ -109,71 +100,77 @@ Add(nsdsel_t *pNsdsel, nsd_t *pNsd, nsdsel_waitOp_t waitOp)
+ /* perform the select()  piNumReady returns how many descriptors are ready for IO 
+  * TODO: add timeout!
+  */
+-static rsRetVal
+-Select(nsdsel_t *pNsdsel, int *piNumReady)
++static rsRetVal
++Select(nsdsel_t *const pNsdsel, int *const piNumReady)
+ {
+ 	DEFiRet;
+-	int i;
+ 	nsdsel_ptcp_t *pThis = (nsdsel_ptcp_t*) pNsdsel;
+-        fd_set *pReadfds = pThis->pReadfds;
+-        fd_set *pWritefds = pThis->pWritefds;
+-        fd_set *pReadfds = &pThis->readfds;
+-        fd_set *pWritefds = &pThis->writefds;
+ 	ISOBJ_TYPE_assert(pThis, nsdsel_ptcp);
+ 	assert(piNumReady != NULL);
+-	if(Debug) { // TODO: debug setting!
+-		// TODO: name in dbgprintf!
+-		dbgprintf("--------<NSDSEL_PTCP> calling select, active fds (max %d): ", pThis->maxfds);
+-		for(i = 0; i <= pThis->maxfds; ++i)
+-			if(FD_ISSET(i, pReadfds) || FD_ISSET(i, pWritefds))
+-				dbgprintf("%d ", i);
++	assert(pThis->currfds >= 1);
++	if(Debug) {
++		dbgprintf("--------<NSDSEL_PTCP> calling poll, active fds (%d): ", pThis->currfds);
++		for(uint32_t i = 0; i <= pThis->currfds; ++i)
++			dbgprintf("%d ", pThis->fds[i].fd);
+ 		dbgprintf("\n");
+ 	}
+ 	/* now do the select */
+-	*piNumReady = select(pThis->maxfds+1, pReadfds, pWritefds, NULL, NULL);
++	*piNumReady = poll(pThis->fds, pThis->currfds, -1);
++	if(*piNumReady < 0) {
++		if(errno == EINTR) {
++			DBGPRINTF("nsdsel_ptcp received EINTR\n");
++		} else {
++			LogMsg(errno, RS_RET_POLL_ERR, LOG_WARNING,
++				"ndssel_ptcp: poll system call failed, may cause further troubles");
++		}
++		*piNumReady = 0;
++	}
+ 	RETiRet;
+ }
+ /* check if a socket is ready for IO */
+-static rsRetVal
+-IsReady(nsdsel_t *pNsdsel, nsd_t *pNsd, nsdsel_waitOp_t waitOp, int *pbIsReady)
++static rsRetVal
++IsReady(nsdsel_t *const pNsdsel, nsd_t *const pNsd, const nsdsel_waitOp_t waitOp, int *const pbIsReady)
+ {
+ 	DEFiRet;
+-	nsdsel_ptcp_t *pThis = (nsdsel_ptcp_t*) pNsdsel;
+-	nsd_ptcp_t *pSock = (nsd_ptcp_t*) pNsd;
+-        fd_set *pReadfds = pThis->pReadfds;
+-        fd_set *pWritefds = pThis->pWritefds;
+-        fd_set *pReadfds = &pThis->readfds;
+-        fd_set *pWritefds = &pThis->writefds;
++	const nsdsel_ptcp_t *const pThis = (nsdsel_ptcp_t*) pNsdsel;
++	const nsd_ptcp_t *const pSock = (nsd_ptcp_t*) pNsd;
+ 	ISOBJ_TYPE_assert(pThis, nsdsel_ptcp);
+ 	ISOBJ_TYPE_assert(pSock, nsd_ptcp);
+-	assert(pbIsReady != NULL);
++	const int sock = pSock->sock;
++	// TODO: consider doing a binary search
++	uint32_t idx;
++	for(idx = 0 ; idx < pThis->currfds ; ++idx) {
++		if(pThis->fds[idx].fd == sock)
++			break;
++	}
++	if(idx >= pThis->currfds) {
++			"ndssel_ptcp: could not find socket %d which should be present", sock);
++	}
++	const short revent = pThis->fds[idx].revents;
++	assert(!(revent & POLLNVAL));
+ 	switch(waitOp) {
+ 		case NSDSEL_RD:
+-			*pbIsReady = FD_ISSET(pSock->sock, pReadfds);
++			*pbIsReady = revent & POLLIN;
+ 			break;
+ 		case NSDSEL_WR:
+-			*pbIsReady = FD_ISSET(pSock->sock, pWritefds);
++			*pbIsReady = revent & POLLOUT;
+ 			break;
+ 		case NSDSEL_RDWR:
+-			*pbIsReady =   FD_ISSET(pSock->sock, pReadfds)
+-				     | FD_ISSET(pSock->sock, pWritefds);
++			*pbIsReady = revent & (POLLIN | POLLOUT);
+ 			break;
+ 	}
+ 	RETiRet;
+ }
+@@ -208,7 +205,6 @@ BEGINObjClassExit(nsdsel_ptcp, OBJ_IS_CORE_MODULE) /* CHANGE class also in END M
+ CODESTARTObjClassExit(nsdsel_ptcp)
+ 	/* release objects we no longer need */
+ 	objRelease(glbl, CORE_COMPONENT);
+-	objRelease(errmsg, CORE_COMPONENT);
+ ENDObjClassExit(nsdsel_ptcp)
+@@ -217,11 +213,5 @@ ENDObjClassExit(nsdsel_ptcp)
+  * rgerhards, 2008-02-19
+  */
+ BEGINObjClassInit(nsdsel_ptcp, 1, OBJ_IS_CORE_MODULE) /* class, version */
+-	/* request objects we use */
+-	CHKiRet(objUse(errmsg, CORE_COMPONENT));
+ 	CHKiRet(objUse(glbl, CORE_COMPONENT));
+-	/* set our own handlers */
+ ENDObjClassInit(nsdsel_ptcp)
+-/* vi:set ai:
+- */
+diff --git a/runtime/nsdsel_ptcp.h b/runtime/nsdsel_ptcp.h
+index f9ec8210c2..87270c9f9f 100644
+--- a/runtime/nsdsel_ptcp.h
++++ b/runtime/nsdsel_ptcp.h
+@@ -24,20 +24,16 @@
++#include <poll.h>
+ #include "nsd.h"
+ typedef nsdsel_if_t nsdsel_ptcp_if_t; /* we just *implement* this interface */
+ /* the nsdsel_ptcp object */
+ struct nsdsel_ptcp_s {
+-	BEGINobjInstance;	/* Data to implement generic object - MUST be the first data element! */
+-	int maxfds;
+-	fd_set *pReadfds;
+-	fd_set *pWritefds;
+-	fd_set readfds;
+-	fd_set writefds;
++	BEGINobjInstance;
++	uint32_t maxfds;
++	uint32_t currfds;
++	struct pollfd *fds;
+ };
+ /* interface is defined in nsd.h, we just implement it! */
+diff --git a/runtime/rsyslog.h b/runtime/rsyslog.h
+index 9b40ba2159..e0dbab9af2 100644
+--- a/runtime/rsyslog.h
++++ b/runtime/rsyslog.h
+@@ -478,6 +478,7 @@
+ 	RS_RET_FILE_CHOWN_ERROR = -2434, /**< error during chown() */
+ 	RS_RET_RENAME_TMP_QI_ERROR = -2435, /**< renaming temporary .qi file failed */
+ 	RS_RET_ERR_SETENV = -2436, /**< error setting an environment variable */
++	RS_RET_POLL_ERR = -2444, /**< error in poll() system call */
+ 	/* RainerScript error messages (range 1000.. 1999) */
+ 	RS_RET_SYSVAR_NOT_FOUND = 1001, /**< system variable could not be found (maybe misspelled) */
diff --git a/SPECS/rsyslog.spec b/SPECS/rsyslog.spec
index 28aaa22..b5238f5 100644
--- a/SPECS/rsyslog.spec
+++ b/SPECS/rsyslog.spec
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 Summary: Enhanced system logging and kernel message trapping daemon
 Name: rsyslog
 Version: 8.24.0
-Release: 55%{?dist}
+Release: 57%{?dist}
 License: (GPLv3+ and ASL 2.0)
 Group: System Environment/Daemons
 URL: http://www.rsyslog.com/
@@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ Patch66: rsyslog-8.24.0-rhbz1600171-omelastic-ES6.patch
 Patch67: rsyslog-8.24.0-rhbz1806493-imfile-file_id.patch
 Patch68: rsyslog-8.24.0-rhbz1778841-serialize-crash-race.patch
+Patch69: rsyslog-8.24.0-rhbz1858297-buffer-overflow.patch
 %package crypto
 Summary: Encryption support
@@ -452,6 +453,7 @@ mv build doc
 %patch67 -p1 -b .file-id_2
 %patch68 -p1 -b .serialize_race
+%patch69 -p1 -b .overflow_sel_poll
@@ -711,6 +713,11 @@ done
+* Mon Aug 17 2020 Jiri Vymazal <jvymazal@redhat.com> - 8.24.0-57
+- added patch resolving buffer overflows in select() function
+  resolves: rhbz#1858297
 * Tue Jun 09 2020 Jiri Vymazal <jvymazal@redhat.com> - 8.24.0-55
 - edited imfile file-id patch to not segfault on selinux block