Blame rpm-4.13.0-Noarch-ExclusiveArch.patch
Florian Festi |
43e89e |
From d53499d1565dd7ba6d93939e552cc604b26dccd7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
Florian Festi |
43e89e |
From: Florian Festi <>
Florian Festi |
43e89e |
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2016 11:15:23 +0100
Florian Festi |
43e89e |
Subject: [PATCH] Use %_build_cpu instead of noarch when evaluating ExcludeArch
Florian Festi |
43e89e |
and ExclusiveArch
Florian Festi |
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Florian Festi |
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Some noarch packages need build tools not available on all architectures.
Florian Festi |
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By using %_build_cpu you can restrict the architectures those noarch
Florian Festi |
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packages can be build on.
Florian Festi |
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Florian Festi |
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build/parsePreamble.c | 5 +++++
Florian Festi |
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1 file changed, 5 insertions(+)
Florian Festi |
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Florian Festi |
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Florian Festi |
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index 13501de..933f734 100644
Florian Festi |
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Florian Festi |
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Florian Festi |
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@@ -428,6 +428,11 @@ static rpmRC checkForValidArchitectures(rpmSpec spec)
Florian Festi |
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char *arch = rpmExpand("%{_target_cpu}", NULL);
Florian Festi |
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char *os = rpmExpand("%{_target_os}", NULL);
Florian Festi |
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rpmRC rc = RPMRC_FAIL;
Florian Festi |
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Florian Festi |
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+ if (!strcmp(arch, "noarch")) {
Florian Festi |
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+ free(arch);
Florian Festi |
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+ arch = rpmExpand("%{_build_cpu}", NULL);
Florian Festi |
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+ }
Florian Festi |
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Florian Festi |
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if (isMemberInEntry(spec->buildRestrictions,
Florian Festi |
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Florian Festi |
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Florian Festi |
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Florian Festi |
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