7958ac |
require 'set'
7958ac |
7958ac |
LIBRUBY_SO = 'libruby.so'
7958ac |
PROBES_D = 'probes.d'
7958ac |
7958ac |
# These probes are excluded by VM_COLLECT_USAGE_DETAILS ifdef.
7958ac |
EXCLUDE_PROBES = Set.new %w(insn insn__operand)
7958ac |
7958ac |
## Detect SystemTap section headers presence
7958ac |
7958ac |
stap_headers = [
7958ac |
7958ac |
7958ac |
7958ac |
7958ac |
header_regexp = %r{ (#{stap_headers.join('|')}) }
7958ac |
7958ac |
section_headers = `readelf -S "#{LIBRUBY_SO}"`
7958ac |
detected_stap_headers = section_headers.scan(header_regexp).flatten
7958ac |
7958ac |
# Assume there are both headers until this is proven wrong ;)
7958ac |
unless detected_stap_headers.size == 2
7958ac |
puts 'ERROR: SystemTap (DTrace) headers were not detected in resulting library.'
7958ac |
exit false
7958ac |
7958ac |
7958ac |
## Find if every declared probe is propagated to resulting library
7958ac |
7958ac |
# Colect probes specified in probes.d file.
7958ac |
probes_declared = []
7958ac |
7958ac |
File.open(PROBES_D) do |file|
7958ac |
file.each_line do |line|
7958ac |
if probe = line[/probe (\S+)\(.*\);/, 1]
7958ac |
probes_declared << probe
7958ac |
7958ac |
7958ac |
7958ac |
7958ac |
probes_declared = Set.new probes_declared
7958ac |
7958ac |
unless EXCLUDE_PROBES.subset? probes_declared
7958ac |
puts 'ERROR: Change in SystemTap (DTrace) probes definition file detected.'
7958ac |
exit false
7958ac |
7958ac |
7958ac |
probes_declared -= EXCLUDE_PROBES
7958ac |
7958ac |
# Detect probes in resulting library.
7958ac |
get_probes_detected = %r{
7958ac |
7958ac |
7958ac |
7958ac |
probes_detected = `eu-readelf -n "#{LIBRUBY_SO}"`
7958ac |
7958ac |
probes_detected = Set.new probes_detected.scan(get_probes_detected).flatten
7958ac |
7958ac |
# Both sets must be equal, otherwise something is wrong.
7958ac |
unless probes_declared == probes_detected
7958ac |
puts 'ERROR: SystemTap (DTrace) probes were not correctly propagated into resulting library.'
7958ac |
puts " Undetected probes: #{(probes_declared - probes_detected).sort.join(', ')}\n",
7958ac |
" Additional detected probes: #{(probes_detected - probes_declared).sort.join(', ')}"
7958ac |
7958ac |
exit false
7958ac |