#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2012, 2013 T.C. Hollingsworth # Copyright 2019 Jan Staněk # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to # deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the # rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or # sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. """ Automatic dependency generator for Node.js libraries. Metadata parsed from package.json. See `man npm-json` for details. """ from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import with_statement import json import operator import os import re import sys from collections import namedtuple from itertools import chain from itertools import takewhile # Python version detection _PY2 = sys.version_info[0] <= 2 _PY3 = sys.version_info[0] >= 3 if _PY2: from future_builtins import map, filter #: Name format of the requirements REQUIREMENT_NAME_TEMPLATE = "rh-nodejs8-npm({name})" #: ``simple`` product of the NPM semver grammar. RANGE_SPECIFIER_SIMPLE = re.compile( r""" (?P <= | >= | < | > | = # primitive | ~ | \^ # tilde/caret operators )? \s*(?P\S+)\s* # version specifier """, flags=re.VERBOSE, ) class UnsupportedVersionToken(ValueError): """Version specifier contains token unsupported by the parser.""" class Version(tuple): """Normalized RPM/NPM version. The version has up to 3 components – major, minor, patch. Any part set to None is treated as unspecified. :: 1.2.3 == Version(1, 2, 3) 1.2 == Version(1, 2) 1 == Version(1) * == Version() """ __slots__ = () #: Version part meaning 'Any' #: ``xr`` in https://docs.npmjs.com/misc/semver#range-grammar _PART_ANY = re.compile(r"^[xX*]$") #: Numeric version part #: ``nr`` in https://docs.npmjs.com/misc/semver#range-grammar _PART_NUMERIC = re.compile(r"0|[1-9]\d*") def __new__(cls, *args): """Create new version. Arguments: Version components in the order of "major", "minor", "patch". All parts are optional:: >>> Version(1, 2, 3) Version(1, 2, 3) >>> Version(1) Version(1) >>> Version() Version() Returns: New Version. """ if len(args) > 3: raise ValueError("Version has maximum of 3 components") return super(Version, cls).__new__(cls, map(int, args)) def __repr__(self): """Pretty debugging format.""" return "{0}({1})".format(self.__class__.__name__, ", ".join(map(str, self))) def __str__(self): """RPM version format.""" return ".".join(format(part, "d") for part in self) @property def major(self): """Major version number, if any.""" return self[0] if len(self) > 0 else None @property def minor(self): """Major version number, if any.""" return self[1] if len(self) > 1 else None @property def patch(self): """Major version number, if any.""" return self[2] if len(self) > 2 else None @property def empty(self): """True if the version contains nothing but zeroes.""" return not any(self) @classmethod def parse(cls, version_string): """Parse individual version string (like ``1.2.3``) into Version. This is the ``partial`` production in the grammar: https://docs.npmjs.com/misc/semver#range-grammar Examples:: >>> Version.parse("1.2.3") Version(1, 2, 3) >>> Version.parse("v2.x") Version(2) >>> Version.parse("") Version() Arguments: version_string (str): The version_string to parse. Returns: Version: Parsed result. """ # Ignore leading ``v``, if any version_string = version_string.lstrip("v") part_list = version_string.split(".", 2) # Use only parts up to first "Any" indicator part_list = list(takewhile(lambda p: not cls._PART_ANY.match(p), part_list)) if not part_list: return cls() # Strip off and discard any pre-release or build qualifiers at the end. # We can get away with this, because there is no sane way to represent # these kinds of version requirements in RPM, and we generally expect # the distro will only carry proper releases anyway. try: part_list[-1] = cls._PART_NUMERIC.match(part_list[-1]).group() except AttributeError: # no match part_list.pop() # Extend with ``None``s at the end, if necessary return cls(*part_list) def incremented(self): """Increment the least significant part of the version:: >>> Version(1, 2, 3).incremented() Version(1, 2, 4) >>> Version(1, 2).incremented() Version(1, 3) >>> Version(1).incremented() Version(2) >>> Version().incremented() Version() Returns: Version: New incremented Version. """ if len(self) == 0: return self.__class__() else: args = self[:-1] + (self[-1] + 1,) return self.__class__(*args) class VersionBoundary(namedtuple("VersionBoundary", ("version", "operator"))): """Normalized version range boundary.""" __slots__ = () #: Ordering of primitive operators. #: Operators not listed here are handled specially; see __compare below. #: Convention: Lower boundary < 0, Upper boundary > 0 _OPERATOR_ORDER = {"<": 2, "<=": 1, ">=": -1, ">": -2} def __str__(self): """Pretty-print the boundary""" return "{0.operator}{0.version}".format(self) def __compare(self, other, operator): """Compare two boundaries with provided operator. Boundaries compare same as (version, operator_order) tuple. In case the boundary operator is not listed in _OPERATOR_ORDER, it's order is treated as 0. Arguments: other (VersionBoundary): The other boundary to compare with. operator (Callable[[VersionBoundary, VersionBoundary], bool]): Comparison operator to delegate to. Returns: bool: The result of the operator's comparison. """ ORDER = self._OPERATOR_ORDER lhs = self.version, ORDER.get(self.operator, 0) rhs = other.version, ORDER.get(other.operator, 0) return operator(lhs, rhs) def __eq__(self, other): return self.__compare(other, operator.eq) def __lt__(self, other): return self.__compare(other, operator.lt) def __le__(self, other): return self.__compare(other, operator.le) def __gt__(self, other): return self.__compare(other, operator.gt) def __ge__(self, other): return self.__compare(other, operator.ge) @property def upper(self): """True if self is upper boundary.""" return self._OPERATOR_ORDER.get(self.operator, 0) > 0 @property def lower(self): """True if self is lower boundary.""" return self._OPERATOR_ORDER.get(self.operator, 0) < 0 @classmethod def equal(cls, version): """Normalize single samp:`={version}` into equivalent x-range:: >>> empty = VersionBoundary.equal(Version()); tuple(map(str, empty)) () >>> patch = VersionBoundary.equal(Version(1, 2, 3)); tuple(map(str, patch)) ('>=1.2.3', '<1.2.4') >>> minor = VersionBoundary.equal(Version(1, 2)); tuple(map(str, minor)) ('>=1.2', '<1.3') >>> major = VersionBoundary.equal(Version(1)); tuple(map(str, major)) ('>=1', '<2') See `X-Ranges `_ for details. Arguments: version (Version): The version the x-range should be equal to. Returns: (VersionBoundary, VersionBoundary): Lower and upper bound of the x-range. (): Empty tuple in case version is empty (any version matches). """ if version: return ( cls(version=version, operator=">="), cls(version=version.incremented(), operator="<"), ) else: return () @classmethod def tilde(cls, version): """Normalize :samp:`~{version}` into equivalent range. Tilde allows patch-level changes if a minor version is specified. Allows minor-level changes if not:: >>> with_minor = VersionBoundary.tilde(Version(1, 2, 3)); tuple(map(str, with_minor)) ('>=1.2.3', '<1.3') >>> no_minor = VersionBoundary.tilde(Version(1)); tuple(map(str, no_minor)) ('>=1', '<2') Arguments: version (Version): The version to tilde-expand. Returns: (VersionBoundary, VersionBoundary): The lower and upper boundary of the tilde range. """ # Fail on ``~*`` or similar nonsense specifier assert version.major is not None, "Nonsense '~*' specifier" lower_boundary = cls(version=version, operator=">=") if version.minor is None: upper_boundary = cls(version=Version(version.major + 1), operator="<") else: upper_boundary = cls( version=Version(version.major, version.minor + 1), operator="<" ) return lower_boundary, upper_boundary @classmethod def caret(cls, version): """Normalize :samp:`^{version}` into equivalent range. Caret allows changes that do not modify the left-most non-zero digit in the ``(major, minor, patch)`` tuple. In other words, this allows patch and minor updates for versions 1.0.0 and above, patch updates for versions 0.X >=0.1.0, and no updates for versions 0.0.X:: >>> major = VersionBoundary.caret(Version(1, 2, 3)); tuple(map(str, major)) ('>=1.2.3', '<2') >>> minor = VersionBoundary.caret(Version(0, 2, 3)); tuple(map(str, minor)) ('>=0.2.3', '<0.3') >>> patch = VersionBoundary.caret(Version(0, 0, 3)); tuple(map(str, patch)) ('>=0.0.3', '<0.0.4') When parsing caret ranges, a missing patch value desugars to the number 0, but will allow flexibility within that value, even if the major and minor versions are both 0:: >>> rel = VersionBoundary.caret(Version(1, 2)); tuple(map(str, rel)) ('>=1.2', '<2') >>> pre = VersionBoundary.caret(Version(0, 0)); tuple(map(str, pre)) ('>=0.0', '<0.1') A missing minor and patch values will desugar to zero, but also allow flexibility within those values, even if the major version is zero:: >>> rel = VersionBoundary.caret(Version(1)); tuple(map(str, rel)) ('>=1', '<2') >>> pre = VersionBoundary.caret(Version(0)); tuple(map(str, pre)) ('>=0', '<1') Arguments: version (Version): The version to range-expand. Returns: (VersionBoundary, VersionBoundary): The lower and upper boundary of caret-range. """ # Fail on ^* or similar nonsense specifier assert len(version) != 0, "Nonsense '^*' specifier" lower_boundary = cls(version=version, operator=">=") # Increment left-most non-zero part for idx, part in enumerate(version): if part != 0: upper_version = Version(*(version[:idx] + (part + 1,))) break else: # No non-zero found; increment last specified part upper_version = version.incremented() upper_boundary = cls(version=upper_version, operator="<") return lower_boundary, upper_boundary @classmethod def hyphen(cls, lower_version, upper_version): """Construct hyphen range (inclusive set):: >>> full = VersionBoundary.hyphen(Version(1, 2, 3), Version(2, 3, 4)); tuple(map(str, full)) ('>=1.2.3', '<=2.3.4') If a partial version is provided as the first version in the inclusive range, then the missing pieces are treated as zeroes:: >>> part = VersionBoundary.hyphen(Version(1, 2), Version(2, 3, 4)); tuple(map(str, part)) ('>=1.2', '<=2.3.4') If a partial version is provided as the second version in the inclusive range, then all versions that start with the supplied parts of the tuple are accepted, but nothing that would be greater than the provided tuple parts:: >>> part = VersionBoundary.hyphen(Version(1, 2, 3), Version(2, 3)); tuple(map(str, part)) ('>=1.2.3', '<2.4') >>> part = VersionBoundary.hyphen(Version(1, 2, 3), Version(2)); tuple(map(str, part)) ('>=1.2.3', '<3') Arguments: lower_version (Version): Version on the lower range boundary. upper_version (Version): Version on the upper range boundary. Returns: (VersionBoundary, VersionBoundary): Lower and upper boundaries of the hyphen range. """ lower_boundary = cls(version=lower_version, operator=">=") if len(upper_version) < 3: upper_boundary = cls(version=upper_version.incremented(), operator="<") else: upper_boundary = cls(version=upper_version, operator="<=") return lower_boundary, upper_boundary def parse_simple_seq(specifier_string): """Parse all specifiers from a space-separated string:: >>> single = parse_simple_seq(">=1.2.3"); list(map(str, single)) ['>=1.2.3'] >>> multi = parse_simple_seq("~1.2.0 <1.2.5"); list(map(str, multi)) ['>=1.2.0', '<1.3', '<1.2.5'] This method implements the ``simple (' ' simple)*`` part of the grammar: https://docs.npmjs.com/misc/semver#range-grammar. Arguments: specifier_string (str): Space-separated string of simple version specifiers. Yields: VersionBoundary: Parsed boundaries. """ # Per-operator dispatch table # API: Callable[[Version], Iterable[VersionBoundary]] handler = { ">": lambda v: [VersionBoundary(version=v, operator=">")], ">=": lambda v: [VersionBoundary(version=v, operator=">=")], "<=": lambda v: [VersionBoundary(version=v, operator="<=")], "<": lambda v: [VersionBoundary(version=v, operator="<")], "=": VersionBoundary.equal, "~": VersionBoundary.tilde, "^": VersionBoundary.caret, None: VersionBoundary.equal, } for match in RANGE_SPECIFIER_SIMPLE.finditer(specifier_string): operator, version_string = match.group("operator", "version") for boundary in handler[operator](Version.parse(version_string)): yield boundary def parse_range(range_string): """Parse full NPM version range specification:: >>> empty = parse_range(""); list(map(str, empty)) [] >>> simple = parse_range("^1.0"); list(map(str, simple)) ['>=1.0', '<2'] >>> hyphen = parse_range("1.0 - 2.0"); list(map(str, hyphen)) ['>=1.0', '<2.1'] This method implements the ``range`` part of the grammar: https://docs.npmjs.com/misc/semver#range-grammar. Arguments: range_string (str): The range specification to parse. Returns: Iterable[VersionBoundary]: Parsed boundaries. Raises: UnsupportedVersionToken: ``||`` is present in range_string. """ HYPHEN = " - " # FIXME: rpm should be able to process OR in dependencies # This error reporting kept for backward compatibility if "||" in range_string: raise UnsupportedVersionToken(range_string) if HYPHEN in range_string: version_pair = map(Version.parse, range_string.split(HYPHEN, 2)) return VersionBoundary.hyphen(*version_pair) elif range_string != "": return parse_simple_seq(range_string) else: return [] def unify_range(boundary_iter): """Calculate largest allowed continuous version range from a set of boundaries:: >>> unify_range([]) () >>> _ = unify_range(parse_range("=1.2.3 <2")); tuple(map(str, _)) ('>=1.2.3', '<1.2.4') >>> _ = unify_range(parse_range("~1.2 <1.2.5")); tuple(map(str, _)) ('>=1.2', '<1.2.5') Arguments: boundary_iter (Iterable[VersionBoundary]): The version boundaries to unify. Returns: (VersionBoundary, VersionBoundary): Lower and upper boundary of the unified range. """ # Drop boundaries with empty version boundary_iter = ( boundary for boundary in boundary_iter if not boundary.version.empty ) # Split input sequence into upper/lower boundaries lower_list, upper_list = [], [] for boundary in boundary_iter: if boundary.lower: lower_list.append(boundary) elif boundary.upper: upper_list.append(boundary) else: msg = "Unsupported boundary for unify_range: {0}".format(boundary) raise ValueError(msg) # Select maximum from lower boundaries and minimum from upper boundaries intermediate = ( max(lower_list) if lower_list else None, min(upper_list) if upper_list else None, ) return tuple(filter(None, intermediate)) def rpm_format(requirement, version_spec="*"): """Format requirement as RPM boolean dependency:: >>> rpm_format("nodejs(engine)") 'nodejs(engine)' >>> rpm_format("npm(foo)", ">=1.0.0") 'npm(foo) >= 1.0.0' >>> rpm_format("npm(bar)", "~1.2") '(npm(bar) >= 1.2 with npm(bar) < 1.3)' Arguments: requirement (str): The name of the requirement. version_spec (str): The NPM version specification for the requirement. Returns: str: Formatted requirement. """ TEMPLATE = "{name} {boundary.operator} {boundary.version!s}" try: boundary_tuple = unify_range(parse_range(version_spec)) except UnsupportedVersionToken: # FIXME: Typos and print behavior kept for backward compatibility warning_lines = [ "WARNING: The {requirement} dependency contains an OR (||) dependency: '{version_spec}.", "Please manually include a versioned dependency in your spec file if necessary", ] warning = "\n".join(warning_lines).format( requirement=requirement, version_spec=version_spec ) print(warning, end="", file=sys.stderr) return requirement formatted = [ TEMPLATE.format(name=requirement, boundary=boundary) for boundary in boundary_tuple ] if len(formatted) > 1: return "({0})".format(" with ".join(formatted)) elif len(formatted) == 1: return formatted[0] else: return requirement def has_only_bundled_dependencies(module_dir_path): """Determines if the module contains only bundled dependencies. Dependencies are considered un-bundled when they are symlinks pointing outside the root module's tree. Arguments: module_dir_path (str): Path to the module directory (directory with ``package.json``). Returns: bool: True if all dependencies are bundled, False otherwise. """ module_root_path = os.path.abspath(module_dir_path) dependency_root_path = os.path.join(module_root_path, "node_modules") try: dependency_path_iter = ( os.path.join(dependency_root_path, basename) for basename in os.listdir(dependency_root_path) ) linked_dependency_iter = ( os.path.realpath(path) for path in dependency_path_iter if os.path.islink(path) ) outside_dependency_iter = ( path for path in linked_dependency_iter if not path.startswith(module_root_path) ) return not any(outside_dependency_iter) except OSError: # node_modules does not exist return False def extract_dependencies(metadata_path, optional=False): """Extract all dependencies in RPM format from package metadata. Arguments: metadata_path (str): Path to package metadata (``package.json``). optional (bool): If True, extract ``optionalDependencies`` instead of ``dependencies``. Yields: RPM-formatted dependencies. Raises: TypeError: Invalid dependency data type. """ if has_only_bundled_dependencies(os.path.dirname(metadata_path)): return # skip # Read metadata try: with open(metadata_path, mode="r") as metadata_file: metadata = json.load(metadata_file) except OSError: # Invalid metadata file return # skip # Report required NodeJS version with required dependencies if not optional: try: yield rpm_format("nodejs(engine)", metadata["engines"]["node"]) except KeyError: # NodeJS engine version unspecified yield rpm_format("nodejs(engine)") # Report listed dependencies kind = "optionalDependencies" if optional else "dependencies" container = metadata.get(kind, {}) if isinstance(container, dict): for name, version_spec in container.items(): yield rpm_format(REQUIREMENT_NAME_TEMPLATE.format(name=name), version_spec) elif isinstance(container, list): for name in container: yield rpm_format(REQUIREMENT_NAME_TEMPLATE.format(name=name)) elif isinstance(container, str): yield rpm_format(REQUIREMENT_NAME_TEMPLATE.format(name=name)) else: raise TypeError("invalid package.json: dependencies not a valid type") if __name__ == "__main__": nested = ( extract_dependencies(path.strip(), optional="--optional" in sys.argv) for path in sys.stdin ) flat = chain.from_iterable(nested) # Ignore parentheses around the requirements when sorting ordered = sorted(flat, key=lambda s: s.strip("()")) print(*ordered, sep="\n")