261ad6 |
diff --git a/heartbeat/oracle b/heartbeat/oracle
261ad6 |
index 5ecc2f3..c629eb6 100755
261ad6 |
--- a/heartbeat/oracle
261ad6 |
+++ b/heartbeat/oracle
261ad6 |
@@ -27,6 +27,9 @@
261ad6 |
# OCF_RESKEY_ipcrm (optional; defaults to "instance")
261ad6 |
# OCF_RESKEY_clear_backupmode (optional; default to "false")
261ad6 |
# OCF_RESKEY_shutdown_method (optional; default to "checkpoint/abort")
261ad6 |
+# OCF_RESKEY_monuser (optional; defaults to "OCFMON")
261ad6 |
+# OCF_RESKEY_monpassword (optional; defaults to "OCFMON")
261ad6 |
+# OCF_RESKEY_monprofile (optional; defaults to "OCFMONPROFILE")
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
# Initialization:
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
@@ -56,6 +59,11 @@ oracle_usage() {
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
+# Defaults
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
oracle_meta_data() {
261ad6 |
cat <
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
@@ -100,6 +108,39 @@ If this does not work for you, just set it explicitely.
261ad6 |
<content type="string" default="" />
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
+<parameter name="monuser" unique="0">
261ad6 |
+<longdesc lang="en">
261ad6 |
+Monitoring user name. Every connection as
261ad6 |
+sysdba is logged in an audit log. This can
261ad6 |
+result in a large number of new files created.
261ad6 |
+A new user is created (if it doesn't exist) in
261ad6 |
+the start action and subsequently used in monitor.
261ad6 |
+It should have very limited rights. Make sure
261ad6 |
+that the password for this user does not expire.
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
+<shortdesc lang="en">monuser</shortdesc>
261ad6 |
+<content type="string" default="$OCF_RESKEY_monuser_default" />
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
+<parameter name="monpassword" unique="0">
261ad6 |
+<longdesc lang="en">
261ad6 |
+Password for the monitoring user. Make sure
261ad6 |
+that the password for this user does not expire.
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
+<shortdesc lang="en">monpassword</shortdesc>
261ad6 |
+<content type="string" default="$OCF_RESKEY_monpassword_default" />
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
+<parameter name="monprofile" unique="0">
261ad6 |
+<longdesc lang="en">
261ad6 |
+Profile used by the monitoring user. If the
261ad6 |
+profile does not exist, it will be created
261ad6 |
+with a non-expiring password.
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
+<shortdesc lang="en">monprofile</shortdesc>
261ad6 |
+<content type="string" default="$OCF_RESKEY_monprofile_default" />
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
<parameter name="ipcrm" unique="0">
261ad6 |
<longdesc lang="en">
261ad6 |
Sometimes IPC objects (shared memory segments and semaphores)
261ad6 |
@@ -216,7 +257,7 @@ execsql() {
261ad6 |
if [ "$US" = "$ORACLE_OWNER" ]; then
261ad6 |
sqlplus -S /nolog
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
- su - $ORACLE_OWNER -c ". $ORA_ENVF; sqlplus -S /nolog"
261ad6 |
+ su - $ORACLE_OWNER -s /bin/sh -c ". $ORA_ENVF; sqlplus -S /nolog"
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
@@ -250,7 +291,7 @@ dbasql() {
261ad6 |
runsql "connect / as sysdba" $*
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
monsql() {
261ad6 |
- runsql "connect $MONUSR/$MONUSR" $*
261ad6 |
+ runsql "connect $MONUSR/\"$MONPWD\"" $*
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
# use dbasql_one if the query should result in a single line output
261ad6 |
# at times people stuff commands in oracle .profile
261ad6 |
@@ -325,22 +366,73 @@ getipc() {
261ad6 |
echo "oradebug tracefile_name"
261ad6 |
echo "oradebug ipc"
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
+show_mon_profile() {
261ad6 |
+ echo "select PROFILE from dba_profiles where PROFILE='$MONPROFILE';"
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
+mk_mon_profile() {
261ad6 |
+ cat<
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
show_mon_user() {
261ad6 |
echo "select USERNAME, ACCOUNT_STATUS from dba_users where USERNAME='$MONUSR';"
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
mk_mon_user() {
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
-create user $MONUSR identified by $MONUSR;
261ad6 |
+create user $MONUSR identified by "$MONPWD" profile $MONPROFILE;
261ad6 |
grant create session to $MONUSR;
261ad6 |
grant select on v_\$instance to $MONUSR;
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
-check_mon_user() {
261ad6 |
+show_mon_user_profile() {
261ad6 |
+ echo "select PROFILE from dba_users where USERNAME='$MONUSR';"
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
+set_mon_user_profile() {
261ad6 |
+ echo "alter user $MONUSR profile $MONPROFILE;"
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
+reset_mon_user_password() {
261ad6 |
+ echo "alter user $MONUSR identified by $MONPWD;"
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
+check_mon_profile() {
261ad6 |
local output
261ad6 |
- dbasql show_mon_user | grep -w "^$MONUSR" >/dev/null &&
261ad6 |
+ output=`dbasql show_mon_profile`
261ad6 |
+ if echo "$output" | grep -iw "^$MONPROFILE" >/dev/null; then
261ad6 |
return 0
261ad6 |
+ fi
261ad6 |
+ output=`dbasql mk_mon_profile show_mon_profile`
261ad6 |
+ if echo "$output" | grep -iw "^$MONPROFILE" >/dev/null; then
261ad6 |
+ return 0
261ad6 |
+ else
261ad6 |
+ ocf_log err "could not create $MONPROFILE oracle profile"
261ad6 |
+ ocf_log err "sqlplus output: $output"
261ad6 |
+ return 1
261ad6 |
+ fi
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
+check_mon_user() {
261ad6 |
+ local output
261ad6 |
+ local output2
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
+ output=`dbasql show_mon_user`
261ad6 |
+ if echo "$output" | grep -iw "^$MONUSR" >/dev/null; then
261ad6 |
+ if echo "$output" | grep -w "EXPIRED" >/dev/null; then
261ad6 |
+ dbasql reset_mon_user_password
261ad6 |
+ fi
261ad6 |
+ output=`dbasql show_mon_user_profile`
261ad6 |
+ if echo "$output" | grep -iw "^$MONPROFILE" >/dev/null; then
261ad6 |
+ return 0
261ad6 |
+ else
261ad6 |
+ output=`dbasql set_mon_user_profile`
261ad6 |
+ output2=`dbasql show_mon_user_profile`
261ad6 |
+ if echo "$output2" | grep -iw "^$MONPROFILE" >/dev/null; then
261ad6 |
+ return 0
261ad6 |
+ fi
261ad6 |
+ ocf_log err "could not set profile for $MONUSR oracle user"
261ad6 |
+ ocf_log err "sqlplus output: $output( $output2 )"
261ad6 |
+ return 1
261ad6 |
+ fi
261ad6 |
+ fi
261ad6 |
output=`dbasql mk_mon_user show_mon_user`
261ad6 |
- if echo "$output" | grep -w "^$MONUSR" >/dev/null; then
261ad6 |
+ if echo "$output" | grep -iw "^$MONUSR" >/dev/null; then
261ad6 |
return 0
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
ocf_log err "could not create $MONUSR oracle user"
261ad6 |
@@ -417,7 +509,7 @@ ipcdesc() {
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
rmipc() {
261ad6 |
local what=$1 id=$2
261ad6 |
- ipcs -$what | filteroraipc | grep -w $id >/dev/null 2>&1 ||
261ad6 |
+ ipcs -$what | filteroraipc | grep -iw $id >/dev/null 2>&1 ||
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
ocf_log info "Removing `ipcdesc $what` $id."
261ad6 |
ipcrm -$what $id
261ad6 |
@@ -447,6 +539,8 @@ is_proc_running() {
261ad6 |
# instance in OPEN state?
261ad6 |
instance_live() {
261ad6 |
local status=`monsql_one dbstat`
261ad6 |
+ [ "$status" = OPEN ] && return 0
261ad6 |
+ status=`dbasql_one dbstat`
261ad6 |
if [ "$status" = OPEN ]; then
261ad6 |
return 0
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
@@ -473,7 +567,7 @@ ora_cleanup() {
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
oracle_getconfig() {
261ad6 |
- ora_common_getconfig "$OCF_RESKEY_sid" "$OCF_RESKEY_home" "$OCF_RESKEY_user" "$OCF_RESKEY_tns_admin"
261ad6 |
+ ora_common_getconfig "$OCF_RESKEY_sid" "$OCF_RESKEY_home" "$OCF_RESKEY_user"
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
@@ -493,7 +587,7 @@ oracle_getconfig() {
261ad6 |
oracle_start() {
261ad6 |
local status output
261ad6 |
if is_proc_running; then
261ad6 |
- status="`monsql_one dbstat`"
261ad6 |
+ status="`dbasql_one dbstat`"
261ad6 |
case "$status" in
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
: nothing to be done, we can leave right now
261ad6 |
@@ -541,6 +635,11 @@ oracle_start() {
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
output=`dbasql dbopen`
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
+ # check/create the monitor profile
261ad6 |
+ if ! check_mon_profile; then
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
+ fi
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
# check/create the monitor user
261ad6 |
if ! check_mon_user; then
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
@@ -650,7 +749,12 @@ show_procs() {
261ad6 |
proc_pids() { show_procs | awk '{print $1}'; }
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
+MONUSR=$(echo $MONUSR | awk '{print toupper($0)}')
261ad6 |
+MONPROFILE=$(echo $MONPROFILE | awk '{print toupper($0)}')
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
ocf_rarun $*
261ad6 |
diff --git a/heartbeat/oralsnr b/heartbeat/oralsnr
261ad6 |
index 2409017..a91eeab 100755
261ad6 |
--- a/heartbeat/oralsnr
261ad6 |
+++ b/heartbeat/oralsnr
261ad6 |
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ runasdba() {
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
echo ". $ORA_ENVF"
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
- ) | su - $ORACLE_OWNER
261ad6 |
+ ) | su -s $SH - $ORACLE_OWNER
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ oralsnr_validate_all() {
261ad6 |
# used in ora-common.sh
261ad6 |
show_procs() {
261ad6 |
ps -e -o pid,user,args |
261ad6 |
- grep '[t]nslsnr' | grep -w "$listener" | grep -w "$ORACLE_OWNER"
261ad6 |
+ grep '[t]nslsnr' | grep -i -w "$listener" | grep -w "$ORACLE_OWNER"
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
proc_pids() { show_procs | awk '{print $1}'; }
261ad6 |