261ad6 |
diff --git a/heartbeat/SAPHana b/heartbeat/SAPHana
261ad6 |
index f4db17a..412152b 100644
261ad6 |
--- a/heartbeat/SAPHana
261ad6 |
+++ b/heartbeat/SAPHana
261ad6 |
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ function saphana_meta_data() {
261ad6 |
<shortdesc lang="en">Manages two SAP HANA instances in system replication (SR).</shortdesc>
261ad6 |
<longdesc lang="en">
261ad6 |
The SAPHanaSR resource agent manages two SAP Hana instances (databases) which are configured
261ad6 |
-in system replication. This first version is limitted to the scale-up scenario. Scale-Up is
261ad6 |
+in system replication. This first version is limitted to the scale-up scenario. Scale-Out is
261ad6 |
not supported in this version.
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
Managing the two SAP HANA instances means that the resource agent controls the start/stop of the
261ad6 |
@@ -231,7 +231,9 @@ The resource agent uses the following four interfaces provided by SAP:
261ad6 |
<parameter name="SAPHanaFilter" unique="0" required="0">
261ad6 |
<shortdesc lang="en">Define SAPHana resource agent messages to be printed</shortdesc>
261ad6 |
<longdesc lang="en">Define SAPHana resource agent messages to be printed.
261ad6 |
- This parameter should only be set of been requested by SUSE support. The default is sufficient for normal operation.
261ad6 |
+ This parameter should only be set if requested by support. The default is sufficient for normal operation.
261ad6 |
+ Values: ra-act-lpa-dec-flow
261ad6 |
+ You could specify any combination of the above values like "ra-act-flow"
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
<content type="string" default="" />
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
@@ -480,7 +482,7 @@ function get_crm_master()
261ad6 |
# globals: sr_name(w), remoteHost(w), otherNodes(w)
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
-# globals: LPA_DIRECTORY(w), SIDInstanceName(w), remoteNode(w)
261ad6 |
+# globals: LPA_DIRECTORY(w), SIDInstanceName(w), remoteNode(w), hdbSrQueryTimeout(w)
261ad6 |
# saphana_init : Define global variables with default values, if optional parameters are not set
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
function saphana_init() {
261ad6 |
@@ -497,6 +499,8 @@ function saphana_init() {
261ad6 |
super_ocf_log debug "DBG: Used new method to get SID ($SID) and InstanceNr ($InstanceNr)"
261ad6 |
sid=$(echo "$SID" | tr [:upper:] [:lower:])
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
+ # TODO PRIO3: Do we need a parameter for the RA to be able to adjust hdbSrQueryTimeout?
261ad6 |
+ hdbSrQueryTimeout=180
261ad6 |
# DONE: PRIO4: SAPVIRHOST might be different to NODENAME
261ad6 |
# DONE: PRIO1: ASK: Is the output format of ListInstances fix? Could we take that as an API? Answer: Yes
261ad6 |
# try to catch: Inst Info : LNX - 42 - lv9041 - 740, patch 36, changelist 1444691
261ad6 |
@@ -827,7 +831,7 @@ function analyze_hana_sync_status()
261ad6 |
super_ocf_log err "ACT: Secure store users are missing (see best practice manual how to setup the users)"
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
- hana_sync_status=$(timeout 60 $DIR_EXECUTABLE/hdbsql -a -x -U $secUser $query_state); sqlrc=$?
261ad6 |
+ hana_sync_status=$(timeout $hdbSrQueryTimeout $DIR_EXECUTABLE/hdbsql -a -x -U $secUser $query_state); sqlrc=$?
261ad6 |
hana_sync_status=$(echo $hana_sync_status | dequote)
261ad6 |
super_ocf_log debug "DBG: hdbsql rc=$sqlrc hana_sync_status=\"$hana_sync_status\""
261ad6 |
if [ "$sqlrc" -eq 0 -a "$hana_sync_status" != "" ]; then
261ad6 |
@@ -846,10 +850,10 @@ function analyze_hana_sync_status()
261ad6 |
# TODO: PRIO9: for first we assume there is only ONE secondary site (like ROT)
261ad6 |
# TODO: PRIO3: should we loop over all cluster nodes fetching their roles-attribute? To minimize sql-queries?
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
- all_secondary_hosts=$(timeout 60 hdbsql -a -x -U $secUser $query_secondaries ); sqlrc=$?
261ad6 |
+ all_secondary_hosts=$(timeout $hdbSrQueryTimeout hdbsql -a -x -U $secUser $query_secondaries ); sqlrc=$?
261ad6 |
all_secondary_hosts=$(echo $all_secondary_hosts | dequote);
261ad6 |
if [ "$sqlrc" -eq 0 ]; then
261ad6 |
- all_broken_secondary_hosts=$(timeout 60 hdbsql -a -x -U $secUser $query_failed_secondaries); sqlrc=$?
261ad6 |
+ all_broken_secondary_hosts=$(timeout $hdbSrQueryTimeout hdbsql -a -x -U $secUser $query_failed_secondaries); sqlrc=$?
261ad6 |
all_broken_secondary_hosts=$(echo $all_broken_secondary_hosts | dequote);
261ad6 |
if [ "$sqlrc" -eq 0 ]; then
261ad6 |
if [ -n "$all_broken_secondary_hosts" ]; then
261ad6 |
@@ -869,9 +873,9 @@ function analyze_hana_sync_status()
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
- # return codes 19: license error -> set SFAIL!
261ad6 |
case "$sqlrc" in
261ad6 |
19 )
261ad6 |
+ # return codes 19: license error -> set SFAIL!
261ad6 |
# DONE: PRIO1: We should NOT set SFAIL, if HDB is exactly broken now
261ad6 |
# When HDB breaks during monitor this could prevent a prositive remote failover
261ad6 |
super_ocf_log warn "ACT: Was not able to fetch HANA SYNC STATUS - set sync status to SFAIL for ALL OTHER cluster hosts"
261ad6 |
diff --git a/heartbeat/SAPHanaTopology b/heartbeat/SAPHanaTopology
261ad6 |
index 19fbbb4..082ad29 100644
261ad6 |
--- a/heartbeat/SAPHanaTopology
261ad6 |
+++ b/heartbeat/SAPHanaTopology
261ad6 |
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ function sht_meta_data() {
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
261ad6 |
<resource-agent name="SAPHanaTopology">
261ad6 |
- <version>0.149.3</version>
261ad6 |
+ <version>0.149.4</version>
261ad6 |
<shortdesc lang="en">Analyzes SAP HANA System Replication Topology.</shortdesc>
261ad6 |
<longdesc lang="en">This RA analyzes the SAP HANA topology and "sends" all findings via the node status attributes to
261ad6 |
all nodes in the cluster. These attributes are taken by the SAPHana RA to control the SAP Hana Databases.
261ad6 |
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ SAPHanaTopology scans the output table of landscapeHostConfiguration.py to ident
261ad6 |
<shortdesc lang="en">Define type of SAPHanaTopology RA messages to be printed</shortdesc>
261ad6 |
<longdesc lang="en">Define type of SAPHanaTopology RA messages to be printed.
261ad6 |
Define SAPHana resource agent messages to be printed.
261ad6 |
- This parameter should only be set of been requested by SUSE support. The default is sufficient for normal operation.
261ad6 |
+ This parameter should only be set if requested by support. The default is sufficient for normal operation.
261ad6 |
Values: ra-act-lpa-dec-flow
261ad6 |
You could specify any combination of the above values like "ra-act-flow"
261ad6 |