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From fc497e888afcb88babbc21a59883556335c070fa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
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From: Oyvind Albrigtsen <oalbrigt@redhat.com>
b4b3ce |
Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2018 11:41:32 +0200
b4b3ce |
Subject: [PATCH] aliyun-vpc-move-ip: improve metadata and manpage
b4b3ce |
b4b3ce |
b4b3ce |
heartbeat/aliyun-vpc-move-ip | 10 ++++++----
b4b3ce |
1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
b4b3ce |
b4b3ce |
diff --git a/heartbeat/aliyun-vpc-move-ip b/heartbeat/aliyun-vpc-move-ip
b4b3ce |
index e27952adb..c004d26fc 100755
b4b3ce |
--- a/heartbeat/aliyun-vpc-move-ip
b4b3ce |
+++ b/heartbeat/aliyun-vpc-move-ip
b4b3ce |
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ ecs_ip_metadata() {
b4b3ce |
Resource Agent to move IP addresses within a VPC of the Aliyun Webservices ECS
b4b3ce |
by changing an entry in an specific routing table
b4b3ce |
b4b3ce |
-<shortdesc lang="en">Move IP within a APC of the Aliyun ECS</shortdesc>
b4b3ce |
+<shortdesc lang="en">Move IP within a VPC of the Aliyun ECS</shortdesc>
b4b3ce |
b4b3ce |
<parameter name="address" required="1">
b4b3ce |
<longdesc lang="en">
b4b3ce |
@@ -134,21 +134,23 @@ VPC private IP address
b4b3ce |
b4b3ce |
<parameter name="routing_table" required="1">
b4b3ce |
<longdesc lang="en">
b4b3ce |
-Name of the routing table, where the route for the IP address should be changed, i.e. rtb-...
b4b3ce |
+Name of the routing table, where the route for the IP address should be changed, i.e. vtb-...
b4b3ce |
b4b3ce |
<shortdesc lang="en">routing table name</shortdesc>
b4b3ce |
<content type="string" default="" />
b4b3ce |
b4b3ce |
<parameter name="interface" required="1">
b4b3ce |
<longdesc lang="en">
b4b3ce |
-Name of the network interfacen, i.e. eth0
b4b3ce |
+Name of the network interface, i.e. eth0
b4b3ce |
b4b3ce |
<shortdesc lang="en">network interface name</shortdesc>
b4b3ce |
<content type="string" default="eth0" />
b4b3ce |
b4b3ce |
<parameter name="profile" required="0">
b4b3ce |
<longdesc lang="en">
b4b3ce |
-Valid Aliyun CLI profile name
b4b3ce |
+Valid Aliyun CLI profile name (see 'aliyuncli-ra configure').
b4b3ce |
b4b3ce |
+See https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/doc-detail/43039.htm?spm=a2c63.p38356.b99.16.38a914abRZtOU3 for more information about aliyuncli-ra.
b4b3ce |
b4b3ce |
<shortdesc lang="en">profile name</shortdesc>
b4b3ce |
<content type="string" default="default" />