diff --git a/.cvsignore b/.cvsignore
index 0d7a480..ec05a89 100644
--- a/.cvsignore
+++ b/.cvsignore
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/qemu-0.7.0-gcc4-ppc.patch b/qemu-0.7.0-gcc4-ppc.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index e4e6444..0000000
--- a/qemu-0.7.0-gcc4-ppc.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
---- qemu/dyngen.c.x	2005-05-16 10:30:43.000000000 +0100
-+++ qemu/dyngen.c	2005-05-16 10:32:41.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1996,6 +1996,9 @@ void gen_code(const char *name, host_ulo
-     int retpos;
-     int exit_addrs[MAX_EXITS];
- #endif
-+#if defined(HOST_PPC)
-+    uint8_t *blr_addr = NULL;
-     /* Compute exact size excluding prologue and epilogue instructions.
-      * Increment start_offset to skip epilogue instructions, then compute
-@@ -2018,9 +2021,23 @@ void gen_code(const char *name, host_ulo
-         p = (void *)(p_end - 4);
-         if (p == p_start)
-             error("empty code for %s", name);
--        if (get32((uint32_t *)p) != 0x4e800020)
--            error("blr expected at the end of %s", name);
--        copy_size = p - p_start;
-+        if (get32((uint32_t *)p) == 0x4e800020) {
-+		copy_size = p - p_start; /* blr at end */
-+	} else {
-+	    /* Find the blr and note its address so that we 
-+	       can emit code to rewrite it to a branch. */
-+	    do {
-+		p -= 4;
-+		if (get32((uint32_t *)p) == 0x4e800020) {
-+		    blr_addr = p;
-+		    copy_size = p_end - p_start;
-+		    break;
-+		}
-+	    } while (p > p_start);
-+	    if (p == p_start)
-+		error("blr expected in the end of %s", name);
-+	}
-     }
- #elif defined(HOST_S390)
-     {
-@@ -2633,6 +2650,9 @@ void gen_code(const char *name, host_ulo
- #else
- #error unsupport object format
- #endif
-+		if (blr_addr)
-+		    fprintf(outfile, "    *(uint32_t *)(gen_code_ptr + %d) = 0x48000000 | %d;\n",
-+			    blr_addr - p_start, p_end - blr_addr);
-             }
- #elif defined(HOST_S390)
-             {
diff --git a/qemu-0.7.0-gcc4-x86.patch b/qemu-0.7.0-gcc4-x86.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 41cef7d..0000000
--- a/qemu-0.7.0-gcc4-x86.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,893 +0,0 @@
-Index: dyngen-exec.h
-RCS file: /cvsroot/qemu/qemu/dyngen-exec.h,v
-retrieving revision 1.25
-diff -u -p -r1.25 dyngen-exec.h
---- dyngen-exec.h	24 Apr 2005 18:01:56 -0000	1.25
-+++ dyngen-exec.h	11 May 2005 20:38:33 -0000
-@@ -155,7 +155,12 @@ extern int printf(const char *, ...);
- #endif
- /* force GCC to generate only one epilog at the end of the function */
-+#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
-+/* Also add 4 bytes of padding so that we can replace the ret with a jmp.  */
-+#define FORCE_RET() asm volatile ("nop;nop;nop;nop");
- #define FORCE_RET() asm volatile ("");
- #ifndef OPPROTO
- #define OPPROTO
-@@ -205,12 +210,19 @@ extern int __op_jmp0, __op_jmp1, __op_jm
- #endif
- #ifdef __i386__
--#define EXIT_TB() asm volatile ("ret")
--#define GOTO_LABEL_PARAM(n) asm volatile ("jmp " ASM_NAME(__op_gen_label) #n)
-+/* Dyngen will replace hlt instructions with a ret instruction.  Inserting a
-+   ret directly would confuse dyngen.  */
-+#define EXIT_TB() asm volatile ("hlt")
-+/* Dyngen will replace cli with 0x9e (jmp). 
-+   We generate the offset manually.  */
-+#define GOTO_LABEL_PARAM(n) \
-+  asm volatile ("cli;.long " ASM_NAME(__op_gen_label) #n " - 1f;1:")
- #endif
- #ifdef __x86_64__
--#define EXIT_TB() asm volatile ("ret")
--#define GOTO_LABEL_PARAM(n) asm volatile ("jmp " ASM_NAME(__op_gen_label) #n)
-+/* The same as i386.  */
-+#define EXIT_TB() asm volatile ("hlt")
-+#define GOTO_LABEL_PARAM(n) \
-+  asm volatile ("cli;.long " ASM_NAME(__op_gen_label) #n " - 1f;1:")
- #endif
- #ifdef __powerpc__
- #define EXIT_TB() asm volatile ("blr")
-Index: dyngen.c
-RCS file: /cvsroot/qemu/qemu/dyngen.c,v
-retrieving revision 1.40
-diff -u -p -r1.40 dyngen.c
---- dyngen.c	27 Apr 2005 19:55:58 -0000	1.40
-+++ dyngen.c	11 May 2005 20:38:33 -0000
-@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@
- #include "config-host.h"
-+//#define DEBUG_OP
- /* NOTE: we test CONFIG_WIN32 instead of _WIN32 to enabled cross
-    compilation */
- #if defined(CONFIG_WIN32)
-@@ -1343,6 +1345,639 @@ int arm_emit_ldr_info(const char *name, 
- #endif
-+#if defined(HOST_I386) || defined(HOST_X86_64)
-+/* This byte is the first byte of an instruction.  */
-+#define FLAG_INSN     (1 << 0)
-+/* This byte has been processed as part of an instruction.  */
-+#define FLAG_SCANNED  (1 << 1)
-+/* This instruction is a return instruction.  Gcc cometimes generates prefix
-+   bytes, so may be more than one byte long.  */
-+#define FLAG_RET      (1 << 2)
-+/* This is either the target of a jump, or the preceeding instruction uses
-+   a pc-relative offset.  */
-+#define FLAG_TARGET   (1 << 3)
-+/* This is a magic instruction that needs fixing up.  */
-+#define FLAG_EXIT     (1 << 4)
-+#define MAX_EXITS     5
-+static void
-+bad_opcode(const char *name, uint32_t op)
-+    error("Unsupported opcode %0*x in %s", (op > 0xff) ? 4 : 2, op, name);
-+/* Mark len bytes as scanned,  Returns insn_size + len.  Reports an error
-+   if these bytes have already been scanned.  */
-+static int
-+eat_bytes(const char *name, char *flags, int insn, int insn_size, int len)
-+    while (len > 0) {
-+        /* This should never occur in sane code.  */
-+        if (flags[insn + insn_size] & FLAG_SCANNED)
-+            error ("Overlapping instructions in %s", name);
-+        flags[insn + insn_size] |= FLAG_SCANNED;
-+        insn_size++;
-+        len--;
-+    }
-+    return insn_size;
-+static void
-+trace_i386_insn (const char *name, uint8_t *start_p, char *flags, int insn,
-+                 int len)
-+    uint8_t *ptr;
-+    uint8_t op;
-+    int modrm;
-+    int is_prefix;
-+    int op_size;
-+    int addr_size;
-+    int insn_size;
-+    int is_ret;
-+    int is_condjmp;
-+    int is_jmp;
-+    int is_exit;
-+    int is_pcrel;
-+    int immed;
-+    int seen_rexw;
-+    int32_t disp;
-+    ptr = start_p + insn;
-+    /* nonzero if this insn has a ModR/M byte.  */
-+    modrm = 1;
-+    /* The size of the immediate value in this instruction.  */
-+    immed = 0;
-+    /* The operand size.  */
-+    op_size = 4;
-+    /* The address size */
-+    addr_size = 4;
-+    /* The total length of this instruction.  */
-+    insn_size = 0;
-+    is_prefix = 1;
-+    is_ret = 0;
-+    is_condjmp = 0;
-+    is_jmp = 0;
-+    is_exit = 0;
-+    seen_rexw = 0;
-+    is_pcrel = 0;
-+    while (is_prefix) {
-+        op = ptr[insn_size];
-+        insn_size = eat_bytes(name, flags, insn, insn_size, 1);
-+        is_prefix = 0;
-+        switch (op >> 4) {
-+        case 0:
-+        case 1:
-+        case 2:
-+        case 3:
-+            if (op == 0x0f) {
-+                /* two-byte opcode.  */
-+                op = ptr[insn_size];
-+                insn_size = eat_bytes(name, flags, insn, insn_size, 1);
-+                switch (op >> 4) {
-+                case 0:
-+                    if ((op & 0xf) > 3)
-+                      modrm = 0;
-+                    break;
-+                case 1: /* vector move or prefetch */
-+                case 2: /* various moves and vector compares.  */
-+                case 4: /* cmov */
-+                case 5: /* vector instructions */
-+                case 6:
-+                case 13:
-+                case 14:
-+                case 15:
-+                    break;
-+                case 7: /* mmx */
-+                    if (op & 0x77) /* emms */
-+                      modrm = 0;
-+                    break;
-+                case 3: /* wrmsr, rdtsc, rdmsr, rdpmc, sysenter, sysexit */
-+                    modrm = 0;
-+                    break;
-+                case 8: /* long conditional jump */
-+                    is_condjmp = 1;
-+                    immed = op_size;
-+                    modrm = 0;
-+                    break;
-+                case 9: /* setcc */
-+                    break;
-+                case 10:
-+                    switch (op & 0x7) {
-+                    case 0: /* push fs/gs */
-+                    case 1: /* pop fs/gs */
-+                    case 2: /* cpuid/rsm */
-+                        modrm = 0;
-+                        break;
-+                    case 4: /* shld/shrd immediate */
-+                        immed = 1;
-+                        break;
-+                    default: /* Normal instructions with a ModR/M byte.  */
-+                        break;
-+                    }
-+                    break;
-+                case 11:
-+                    switch (op & 0xf) {
-+                    case 10: /* bt, bts, btr, btc */
-+                        immed = 1;
-+                        break;
-+                    default:
-+                        /* cmpxchg, lss, btr, lfs, lgs, movzx, btc, bsf, bsr
-+                           undefined, and movsx */
-+                        break;
-+                    }
-+                    break;
-+                case 12:
-+                    if (op & 8) {
-+                        /* bswap */
-+                        modrm = 0;
-+                    } else {
-+                        switch (op & 0x7) {
-+                        case 2:
-+                        case 4:
-+                        case 5:
-+                        case 6:
-+                            immed = 1;
-+                            break;
-+                        default:
-+                            break;
-+                        }
-+                    }
-+                    break;
-+                }
-+            } else if ((op & 0x07) <= 0x3) {
-+                /* General arithmentic ax.  */
-+            } else if ((op & 0x07) <= 0x5) {
-+                /* General arithmetic ax, immediate.  */
-+                if (op & 0x01)
-+                    immed = op_size;
-+                else
-+                    immed = 1;
-+                modrm = 0;
-+            } else if ((op & 0x23) == 0x22) {
-+                /* Segment prefix.  */
-+                is_prefix = 1;
-+            } else {
-+                /* Segment register push/pop or DAA/AAA/DAS/AAS.  */
-+                modrm = 0;
-+            }
-+            break;
-+#if defined(HOST_X86_64)
-+        case 4: /* rex prefix.  */
-+            is_prefix = 1;
-+            /* The address/operand size is actually 64-bit, but the immediate
-+               values in the instruction are still 32-bit.  */
-+            op_size = 4;
-+            addr_size = 4;
-+            if (op & 8)
-+                seen_rexw = 1;
-+            break;
-+        case 4: /* inc/dec register.  */
-+        case 5: /* push/pop general register.  */
-+            modrm = 0;
-+            break;
-+        case 6:
-+            switch (op & 0x0f) {
-+            case 0: /* pusha */
-+            case 1: /* popa */
-+                modrm = 0;
-+                break;
-+            case 2: /* bound */
-+            case 3: /* arpl */
-+                break;
-+            case 4: /* FS */
-+            case 5: /* GS */
-+                is_prefix = 1;
-+                break;
-+            case 6: /* opcode size prefix.  */
-+                op_size = 2;
-+                is_prefix = 1;
-+                break;
-+            case 7: /* Address size prefix.  */
-+                addr_size = 2;
-+                is_prefix = 1;
-+                break;
-+            case 8: /* push immediate */
-+            case 10: /* pop immediate */
-+                immed = op_size;
-+                modrm = 0;
-+                break;
-+            case 9: /* imul immediate */
-+            case 11: /* imul immediate */
-+                immed = op_size;
-+                break;
-+            case 12: /* insb */
-+            case 13: /* insw */
-+            case 14: /* outsb */
-+            case 15: /* outsw */
-+                modrm = 0;
-+                break;
-+            }
-+            break;
-+        case 7: /* Short conditional jump.  */
-+            is_condjmp = 1;
-+            immed = 1;
-+            modrm = 0;
-+            break;
-+        case 8:
-+            if ((op & 0xf) <= 3) {
-+                /* arithmetic immediate.  */
-+                if ((op & 3) == 1)
-+                    immed = op_size;
-+                else
-+                    immed = 1;
-+            }
-+            /* else test, xchg, mov, lea or pop general.  */
-+            break;
-+        case 9:
-+            /* Various single-byte opcodes with no modrm byte.  */
-+            modrm = 0;
-+            if (op == 10) {
-+                /* Call */
-+                immed = 4;
-+            }
-+            break;
-+        case 10:
-+            switch ((op & 0xe) >> 1) {
-+            case 0: /* mov absoliute immediate.  */
-+            case 1:
-+                if (seen_rexw)
-+                    immed = 8;
-+                else
-+                    immed = addr_size;
-+                break;
-+            case 4: /* test immediate.  */
-+                if (op & 1)
-+                    immed = op_size;
-+                else
-+                    immed = 1;
-+                break;
-+            default: /* Various string ops.  */
-+                break;
-+            }
-+            modrm = 0;
-+            break;
-+        case 11: /* move immediate to register */
-+            if (op & 8) {
-+                if (seen_rexw)
-+                    immed = 8;
-+                else
-+                    immed = op_size;
-+            } else {
-+                immed = 1;
-+            }
-+            modrm = 0;
-+            break;
-+          case 12:
-+            switch (op & 0xf) {
-+            case 0: /* shift immediate */
-+            case 1:
-+                immed = 1;
-+                break;
-+            case 2: /* ret immediate */
-+                immed = 2;
-+                modrm = 0;
-+                bad_opcode(name, op);
-+                break;
-+            case 3: /* ret */
-+                modrm = 0;
-+                is_ret = 1;
-+            case 4: /* les */
-+            case 5: /* lds */
-+                break;
-+            case 6: /* mov immediate byte */
-+                immed = 1;
-+                break;
-+            case 7: /* mov immediate */
-+                immed = op_size;
-+                break;
-+            case 8: /* enter */
-+                /* TODO: Is this right?  */
-+                immed = 3;
-+                modrm = 0;
-+                break;
-+            case 10: /* retf immediate */
-+                immed = 2;
-+                modrm = 0;
-+                bad_opcode(name, op);
-+                break;
-+            case 13: /* int */
-+                immed = 1;
-+                modrm = 0;
-+                break;
-+            case 11: /* retf */
-+            case 15: /* iret */
-+                modrm = 0;
-+                bad_opcode(name, op);
-+                break;
-+            default: /* leave, int3 or into */
-+                modrm = 0;
-+                break;
-+            }
-+            break;
-+        case 13:
-+            if ((op & 0xf) >= 8) {
-+                /* Coprocessor escape.  For our purposes this is just a normal
-+                   instruction with a ModR/M byte.  */
-+            } else if ((op & 0xf) >= 4) {
-+                /* AAM, AAD or XLAT */
-+                modrm = 0;
-+            }
-+            /* else shift instruction */
-+            break;
-+        case 14:
-+            switch ((op & 0xc) >> 2) {
-+            case 0: /* loop or jcxz */
-+                is_condjmp = 1;
-+                immed = 1;
-+                break;
-+            case 1: /* in/out immed */
-+                immed = 1;
-+                break;
-+            case 2: /* call or jmp */
-+                switch (op & 3) {
-+                case 0: /* call */
-+                    immed = op_size;
-+                    break;
-+                case 1: /* long jump */
-+                    immed = 4;
-+                    is_jmp = 1;
-+                    break;
-+                case 2: /* far jmp */
-+                    bad_opcode(name, op);
-+                    break;
-+                case 3: /* short jmp */
-+                    immed = 1;
-+                    is_jmp = 1;
-+                    break;
-+                }
-+                break;
-+            case 3: /* in/out register */
-+                break;
-+            }
-+            modrm = 0;
-+            break;
-+        case 15:
-+            switch ((op & 0xe) >> 1) {
-+            case 0:
-+            case 1:
-+                is_prefix = 1;
-+                break;
-+            case 2:
-+            case 4:
-+            case 5:
-+            case 6:
-+                modrm = 0;
-+                /* Some privileged insns are used as markers.  */
-+                switch (op) {
-+                case 0xf4: /* hlt: Exit translation block.  */
-+                    is_exit = 1;
-+                    break;
-+                case 0xfa: /* cli: Jump to label.  */
-+                    is_exit = 1;
-+                    immed = 4;
-+                    break;
-+                case 0xfb: /* sti: TB patch jump.  */
-+                    /* Mark the insn for patching, but continue sscanning.  */
-+                    flags[insn] |= FLAG_EXIT;
-+                    immed = 4;
-+                    break;
-+                }
-+                break;
-+            case 3: /* unary grp3 */
-+                if ((ptr[insn_size] & 0x38) == 0) {
-+                    if (op == 0xf7)
-+                        immed = op_size;
-+                    else
-+                        immed = 1; /* test immediate */
-+                }
-+                break;
-+            case 7: /* inc/dec grp4/5 */
-+                /* TODO: This includes indirect jumps.  We should fail if we
-+                   encounter one of these. */
-+                break;
-+            }
-+            break;
-+        }
-+    }
-+    if (modrm) {
-+        if (addr_size != 4)
-+            error("16-bit addressing mode used in %s", name);
-+        disp = 0;
-+        modrm = ptr[insn_size];
-+        insn_size = eat_bytes(name, flags, insn, insn_size, 1);
-+        modrm &= 0xc7;
-+        switch ((modrm & 0xc0) >> 6) {
-+        case 0:
-+            if (modrm == 5)
-+              disp = 4;
-+            break;
-+        case 1:
-+            disp = 1;
-+            break;
-+        case 2:
-+            disp = 4;
-+            break;
-+        }
-+        if ((modrm & 0xc0) != 0xc0 && (modrm & 0x7) == 4) {
-+            /* SIB byte */
-+            if (modrm == 4 && (ptr[insn_size] & 0x7) == 5) {
-+                disp = 4;
-+                is_pcrel = 1;
-+            }
-+            insn_size = eat_bytes(name, flags, insn, insn_size, 1);
-+        }
-+        insn_size = eat_bytes(name, flags, insn, insn_size, disp);
-+    }
-+    insn_size = eat_bytes(name, flags, insn, insn_size, immed);
-+    if (is_condjmp || is_jmp) {
-+        if (immed == 1) {
-+            disp = (int8_t)*(ptr + insn_size - 1);
-+        } else {
-+            disp = (((int32_t)*(ptr + insn_size - 1)) << 24)
-+                   | (((int32_t)*(ptr + insn_size - 2)) << 16)
-+                   | (((int32_t)*(ptr + insn_size - 3)) << 8)
-+                   | *(ptr + insn_size - 4);
-+        }
-+        disp += insn_size;
-+        /* Jumps to external symbols point to the address of the offset
-+           before relocation.  */
-+        /* ??? These are probably a tailcall.  We could fix them up by
-+           replacing them with jmp to EOB + call, but it's easier to just
-+           prevent the compiler generating them.  */
-+        if (disp == 1)
-+            error("Unconditional jump (sibcall?) in %s", name);
-+        disp += insn;
-+        if (disp < 0 || disp > len)
-+            error("Jump outside instruction in %s", name);
-+        if ((flags[disp] & (FLAG_INSN | FLAG_SCANNED)) == FLAG_SCANNED)
-+            error("Overlapping instructions in %s", name);
-+        flags[disp] |= (FLAG_INSN | FLAG_TARGET);
-+        is_pcrel = 1; 
-+    }
-+    if (is_pcrel) {
-+        /* Mark the following insn as a jump target.  This will stop
-+           this instruction being moved.  */
-+        flags[insn + insn_size] |= FLAG_TARGET;
-+    }
-+    if (is_ret)
-+      flags[insn] |= FLAG_RET;
-+    if (is_exit)
-+      flags[insn] |= FLAG_EXIT;
-+    if (!(is_jmp || is_ret || is_exit))
-+      flags[insn + insn_size] |= FLAG_INSN;
-+/* Scan a function body.  Returns the position of the return sequence.
-+   Sets *patch_bytes to the number of bytes that need to be copied from that
-+   location.  If no patching is required (ie. the return is the last insn)
-+   *patch_bytes will be set to -1.  *plen is the number of code bytes to copy.
-+ */
-+static int trace_i386_op(const char * name, uint8_t *start_p, int *plen,
-+                         int *patch_bytes, int *exit_addrs)
-+    char *flags;
-+    int more;
-+    int insn;
-+    int retpos;
-+    int bytes;
-+    int num_exits;
-+    int len;
-+    int last_insn;
-+    len = *plen;
-+    flags = malloc(len + 1);
-+    memset(flags, 0, len + 1);
-+    flags[0] |= FLAG_INSN;
-+    more = 1;
-+    while (more) {
-+        more = 0;
-+        for (insn = 0; insn < len; insn++) {
-+            if ((flags[insn] & (FLAG_INSN | FLAG_SCANNED)) == FLAG_INSN) {
-+                trace_i386_insn(name, start_p, flags, insn, len);
-+                more = 1;
-+            }
-+        }
-+    }
-+    /* Strip any unused code at the end of the function.  */
-+    while (len > 0 && flags[len - 1] == 0)
-+      len--;
-+    retpos = -1;
-+    num_exits = 0;
-+    last_insn = 0;
-+    for (insn = 0; insn < len; insn++) {
-+        if (flags[insn] & FLAG_RET) {
-+            /* ??? In theory it should be possible to handle multiple return
-+               points.  In practice it's not worth the effort.  */
-+            if (retpos != -1)
-+                error("Multiple return instructions in %s", name);
-+            retpos = insn;
-+        }
-+        if (flags[insn] & FLAG_EXIT) {
-+            if (num_exits == MAX_EXITS)
-+                error("Too many block exits in %s", name);
-+            exit_addrs[num_exits] = insn;
-+            num_exits++;
-+        }
-+        if (flags[insn] & FLAG_INSN)
-+            last_insn = insn;
-+    }
-+    exit_addrs[num_exits] = -1;
-+    if (retpos == -1) {
-+        if (num_exits == 0) {
-+            error ("No return instruction found in %s", name);
-+        } else {
-+            retpos = len;
-+            last_insn = len;
-+        }
-+    }
-+    /* If the return instruction is the last instruction we can just 
-+       remove it.  */
-+    if (retpos == last_insn)
-+        *patch_bytes = -1;
-+    else
-+        *patch_bytes = 0;
-+    /* Back up over any nop instructions.  */
-+    while (retpos > 0
-+           && (flags[retpos] & FLAG_TARGET) == 0
-+           && (flags[retpos - 1] & FLAG_INSN) != 0
-+           && start_p[retpos - 1] == 0x90) {
-+        retpos--;
-+    }
-+    if (*patch_bytes == -1) {
-+        *plen = retpos;
-+        free (flags);
-+        return retpos;
-+    }
-+    *plen = len;
-+    /* The ret is in the middle of the function.  Find four more bytes that
-+       so the ret can be replaced by a jmp. */
-+    /* ??? Use a short jump where possible. */
-+    bytes = 4;
-+    insn = retpos + 1;
-+    /* We can clobber everything up to the next jump target.  */
-+    while (insn < len && bytes > 0 && (flags[insn] & FLAG_TARGET) == 0) {
-+        insn++;
-+        bytes--;
-+    }
-+    if (bytes > 0) {
-+        /* ???: Strip out nop blocks.  */
-+        /* We can't do the replacement without clobbering anything important.
-+           Copy preceeding instructions(s) to give us some space.  */
-+        while (retpos > 0) {
-+            /* If this byte is the target of a jmp we can't move it.  */
-+            if (flags[retpos] & FLAG_TARGET)
-+                break;
-+            (*patch_bytes)++;
-+            bytes--;
-+            retpos--;
-+            /* Break out of the loop if we have enough space and this is either 
-+               the first byte of an instruction or a pad byte.  */
-+            if ((flags[retpos] & (FLAG_INSN | FLAG_SCANNED)) != FLAG_SCANNED
-+                && bytes <= 0) {
-+                break;
-+            }
-+        }
-+    }
-+    if (bytes > 0)
-+        error("Unable to replace ret with jmp in %s\n", name);
-+    free(flags);
-+    return retpos;
- #define MAX_ARGS 3
- /* generate op code */
-@@ -1356,6 +1991,11 @@ void gen_code(const char *name, host_ulo
-     uint8_t args_present[MAX_ARGS];
-     const char *sym_name, *p;
-     EXE_RELOC *rel;
-+#if defined(HOST_I386) || defined(HOST_X86_64)
-+    int patch_bytes;
-+    int retpos;
-+    int exit_addrs[MAX_EXITS];
-     /* Compute exact size excluding prologue and epilogue instructions.
-      * Increment start_offset to skip epilogue instructions, then compute
-@@ -1366,33 +2006,12 @@ void gen_code(const char *name, host_ulo
-     p_end = p_start + size;
-     start_offset = offset;
- #if defined(HOST_I386) || defined(HOST_X86_64)
--    {
--        uint8_t *p;
--        p = p_end - 1;
--        if (p == p_start)
--            error("empty code for %s", name);
--        while (*p != 0xc3) {
--            p--;
--            if (p <= p_start)
--                error("ret or jmp expected at the end of %s", name);
--        }
--        copy_size = p - p_start;
--    }
-     {
-         int len;
-         len = p_end - p_start;
--        if (len == 0)
--            error("empty code for %s", name);
--        if (p_end[-1] == 0xc3) {
--            len--;
--        } else {
--            error("ret or jmp expected at the end of %s", name);
--        }
-+        retpos = trace_i386_op(name, p_start, &len, &patch_bytes, exit_addrs);
-         copy_size = len;
-     }
- #elif defined(HOST_PPC)
-     {
-         uint8_t *p;
-@@ -1559,6 +2178,13 @@ void gen_code(const char *name, host_ulo
-     }
-     if (gen_switch == 2) {
-+#if defined(HOST_I386) || defined(HOST_X86_64)
-+        if (patch_bytes != -1)
-+            copy_size += patch_bytes;
-+#ifdef DEBUG_OP
-+        copy_size += 2;
-         fprintf(outfile, "DEF(%s, %d, %d)\n", name + 3, nb_args, copy_size);
-     } else if (gen_switch == 1) {
-@@ -1761,7 +2387,43 @@ void gen_code(const char *name, host_ulo
- #error unsupport object format
- #endif
-                 }
-+		}
-+                /* Replace the marker instructions with the actual opcodes.  */
-+                for (i = 0; exit_addrs[i] != -1; i++) {
-+                    int op;
-+                    switch (p_start[exit_addrs[i]])
-+                      {
-+                      case 0xf4: op = 0xc3; break; /* hlt -> ret */
-+                      case 0xfa: op = 0xe9; break; /* cli -> jmp */
-+                      case 0xfb: op = 0xe9; break; /* sti -> jmp */
-+                      default: error("Internal error");
-+                      }
-+                    fprintf(outfile, 
-+                            "    *(uint8_t *)(gen_code_ptr + %d) = 0x%x;\n",
-+                            exit_addrs[i], op);
-+                }
-+                /* Fix up the return instruction.  */
-+                if (patch_bytes != -1) {
-+                    if (patch_bytes) {
-+                        fprintf(outfile, "    memcpy(gen_code_ptr + %d,"
-+                                "gen_code_ptr + %d, %d);\n",
-+                                copy_size, retpos, patch_bytes);
-+                    }
-+                    fprintf(outfile,
-+                            "    *(uint8_t *)(gen_code_ptr + %d) = 0xe9;\n",
-+                            retpos);
-+                    fprintf(outfile,
-+                            "    *(uint32_t *)(gen_code_ptr + %d) = 0x%x;\n",
-+                            retpos + 1, copy_size - (retpos + 5));
-+                    copy_size += patch_bytes;
-                 }
-+#ifdef DEBUG_OP
-+                fprintf(outfile,
-+                        "    *(uint16_t *)(gen_code_ptr + %d) = 0x9090;\n",
-+                        copy_size);
-+                copy_size += 2;
-             }
- #elif defined(HOST_X86_64)
-             {
-@@ -1793,6 +2455,42 @@ void gen_code(const char *name, host_ulo
-                     }
-                 }
-                 }
-+                /* Replace the marker instructions with the actual opcodes.  */
-+                for (i = 0; exit_addrs[i] != -1; i++) {
-+                    int op;
-+                    switch (p_start[exit_addrs[i]])
-+                      {
-+                      case 0xf4: op = 0xc3; break; /* hlt -> ret */
-+                      case 0xfa: op = 0xe9; break; /* cli -> jmp */
-+                      case 0xfb: op = 0xe9; break; /* sti -> jmp */
-+                      default: error("Internal error");
-+                      }
-+                    fprintf(outfile, 
-+                            "    *(uint8_t *)(gen_code_ptr + %d) = 0x%x;\n",
-+                            exit_addrs[i], op);
-+                }
-+                /* Fix up the return instruction.  */
-+                if (patch_bytes != -1) {
-+                    if (patch_bytes) {
-+                        fprintf(outfile, "    memcpy(gen_code_ptr + %d,"
-+                                "gen_code_ptr + %d, %d);\n",
-+                                copy_size, retpos, patch_bytes);
-+                    }
-+                    fprintf(outfile,
-+                            "    *(uint8_t *)(gen_code_ptr + %d) = 0xe9;\n",
-+                            retpos);
-+                    fprintf(outfile,
-+                            "    *(uint32_t *)(gen_code_ptr + %d) = 0x%x;\n",
-+                            retpos + 1, copy_size - (retpos + 5));
-+                    copy_size += patch_bytes;
-+                }
-+#ifdef DEBUG_OP
-+                fprintf(outfile,
-+                        "    *(uint16_t *)(gen_code_ptr + %d) = 0x9090;\n",
-+                        copy_size);
-+                copy_size += 2;
-             }
- #elif defined(HOST_PPC)
-             {
-Index: exec-all.h
-RCS file: /cvsroot/qemu/qemu/exec-all.h,v
-retrieving revision 1.31
-diff -u -p -r1.31 exec-all.h
---- exec-all.h	17 Apr 2005 18:32:14 -0000	1.31
-+++ exec-all.h	11 May 2005 20:38:33 -0000
-@@ -335,14 +335,15 @@ do {\
- #elif defined(__i386__) && defined(USE_DIRECT_JUMP)
--/* we patch the jump instruction directly */
-+/* we patch the jump instruction directly.  Use sti in place of the actual
-+   jmp instruction so that dyngen can patch in the correct result.  */
- #define GOTO_TB(opname, tbparam, n)\
- do {\
-     asm volatile (".section .data\n"\
- 		  ASM_NAME(__op_label) #n "." ASM_NAME(opname) ":\n"\
- 		  ".long 1f\n"\
--                  "jmp " ASM_NAME(__op_jmp) #n "\n"\
-+                  "sti;.long " ASM_NAME(__op_jmp) #n " - 1f\n"\
- 		  "1:\n");\
- } while (0)
-Index: target-ppc/exec.h
-RCS file: /cvsroot/qemu/qemu/target-ppc/exec.h,v
-retrieving revision 1.10
-diff -u -p -r1.10 exec.h
---- target-ppc/exec.h	13 Mar 2005 17:01:22 -0000	1.10
-+++ target-ppc/exec.h	11 May 2005 20:38:35 -0000
-@@ -33,11 +33,7 @@ register uint32_t T2 asm(AREG3);
- #define FT1 (env->ft1)
- #define FT2 (env->ft2)
--#if defined (DEBUG_OP)
--#define RETURN() __asm__ __volatile__("nop");
--#define RETURN() __asm__ __volatile__("");
-+#define RETURN() FORCE_RET()
- #include "cpu.h"
- #include "exec-all.h"
diff --git a/qemu.spec b/qemu.spec
index 19c55c8..2bc460b 100644
--- a/qemu.spec
+++ b/qemu.spec
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Summary: QEMU is a FAST! processor emulator
 Name: qemu
-Version: 0.7.0
-Release: 2
+Version: 0.8.0
+Release: 1%{?dist}
 License: GPL/LGPL
 Group: Development/Tools
@@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ URL: http://fabrice.bellard.free.fr/qemu
 Source0: http://fabrice.bellard.free.fr/qemu/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
 Source1: qemu.init
 Patch0: qemu-0.7.0-build.patch
-Patch1: qemu-0.7.0-gcc4-x86.patch
-Patch2: qemu-0.7.0-gcc4-ppc.patch
 BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
-BuildRequires: SDL-devel
+BuildRequires: SDL-devel compat-gcc-32
 PreReq: /sbin/chkconfig
 PreReq: /sbin/service
 ExclusiveArch: %{ix86} ppc alpha sparc armv4l x86_64
@@ -36,11 +34,9 @@ As QEMU requires no host kernel patches to run, it is very safe and easy to use.
 %setup -q
 %patch0 -p1
-%patch1 -p0
-%patch2 -p1
-./configure --prefix=%{_prefix} --interp-prefix=%{_prefix}/qemu-%%M
+./configure --prefix=%{_prefix} --interp-prefix=%{_prefix}/qemu-%%M --cc=gcc32 --enable-alsa
@@ -78,11 +74,16 @@ fi
 %config %{_sysconfdir}/rc.d/init.d/qemu
-* Mon May 16 2005 David Woodhouse <dwmw2@infradead.org> .0.7.0-2
+* Fri Mar 17 2006 David Woodhouse <dwmw2@infradead.org> 0.8.0-1
+- Update to 0.8.0
+- Resort to using compat-gcc-32
+- Enable ALSA
+* Mon May 16 2005 David Woodhouse <dwmw2@infradead.org> 0.7.0-2
 - Proper fix for GCC 4 putting 'blr' or 'ret' in the middle of the function,
   for i386, x86_64 and PPC.
-* Sat Apr 30 2005 David Woodhouse <dwmw2@infradead.org> .0.7.0-1
+* Sat Apr 30 2005 David Woodhouse <dwmw2@infradead.org> 0.7.0-1
 - Update to 0.7.0
 - Fix dyngen for PPC functions which end in unconditional branch
diff --git a/sources b/sources
index 3de9160..557e09b 100644
--- a/sources
+++ b/sources
@@ -1 +1 @@
-234e9ace03b00259bb57dc5a9c633056  qemu-0.7.0.tar.gz
+eb175b26583280706fe7e4d8910d320d  qemu-0.8.0.tar.gz