diff --git a/qemu-properly-save-kvm-system-time-registers.patch b/qemu-properly-save-kvm-system-time-registers.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bc87b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qemu-properly-save-kvm-system-time-registers.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+From 20a3c3095744ea65b4dfb5365efea8cdb802f7f5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Glauber Costa <glommer@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2009 10:52:46 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH] properly save kvm system time msr registers
+Currently, the msrs involved in setting up pvclock are not saved over
+migration and/or save/restore. This patch puts their value in special
+fields in our CPUState, and deal with them using vmstate.
+kvm also has to account for it, by including them in the msr list
+for the ioctls.
+Fedora-patch: qemu-properly-save-kvm-system-time-registers.patch
+Signed-off-by: Glauber Costa <glommer@redhat.com>
+ qemu-kvm-x86.c        |   15 +++++++++++++--
+ target-i386/cpu.h     |    5 ++++-
+ target-i386/machine.c |    8 ++++++++
+ 3 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/qemu-kvm-x86.c b/qemu-kvm-x86.c
+index d5436b6..300e6c2 100644
+--- a/qemu-kvm-x86.c
++++ b/qemu-kvm-x86.c
+@@ -839,6 +839,12 @@ static int get_msr_entry(struct kvm_msr_entry *entry, CPUState *env)
+         case MSR_VM_HSAVE_PA:
+             env->vm_hsave     = entry->data;
+             break;
++        case MSR_KVM_SYSTEM_TIME:
++            env->system_time_msr = entry->data;
++            break;
++        case MSR_KVM_WALL_CLOCK:
++            env->wall_clock_msr = entry->data;
++            break;
+         default:
+             printf("Warning unknown msr index 0x%x\n", entry->index);
+             return 1;
+@@ -847,9 +853,9 @@ static int get_msr_entry(struct kvm_msr_entry *entry, CPUState *env)
+ }
+ #ifdef TARGET_X86_64
+-#define MSR_COUNT 10
++#define MSR_COUNT 12
+ #else
+-#define MSR_COUNT 6
++#define MSR_COUNT 8
+ #endif
+ static void set_v8086_seg(struct kvm_segment *lhs, const SegmentCache *rhs)
+@@ -1007,6 +1013,8 @@ void kvm_arch_load_regs(CPUState *env)
+         set_msr_entry(&msrs[n++], MSR_LSTAR  ,           env->lstar);
+     }
+ #endif
++    set_msr_entry(&msrs[n++], MSR_KVM_SYSTEM_TIME,  env->system_time_msr);
++    set_msr_entry(&msrs[n++], MSR_KVM_WALL_CLOCK,  env->wall_clock_msr);
+     rc = kvm_set_msrs(env->kvm_cpu_state.vcpu_ctx, msrs, n);
+     if (rc == -1)
+@@ -1184,6 +1192,9 @@ void kvm_arch_save_regs(CPUState *env)
+         msrs[n++].index = MSR_LSTAR;
+     }
+ #endif
++    msrs[n++].index = MSR_KVM_SYSTEM_TIME;
++    msrs[n++].index = MSR_KVM_WALL_CLOCK;
+     rc = kvm_get_msrs(env->kvm_cpu_state.vcpu_ctx, msrs, n);
+     if (rc == -1) {
+         perror("kvm_get_msrs FAILED");
+diff --git a/target-i386/cpu.h b/target-i386/cpu.h
+index 08200ed..22e76ec 100644
+--- a/target-i386/cpu.h
++++ b/target-i386/cpu.h
+@@ -640,6 +640,9 @@ typedef struct CPUX86State {
+     target_ulong fmask;
+     target_ulong kernelgsbase;
+ #endif
++    uint64_t system_time_msr;
++    uint64_t wall_clock_msr;
+     uint64_t tsc;
+@@ -867,7 +870,7 @@ static inline int cpu_get_time_fast(void)
+ #define cpu_signal_handler cpu_x86_signal_handler
+ #define cpu_list x86_cpu_list
+-#define CPU_SAVE_VERSION 10
++#define CPU_SAVE_VERSION 11
+ /* MMU modes definitions */
+ #define MMU_MODE0_SUFFIX _kernel
+diff --git a/target-i386/machine.c b/target-i386/machine.c
+index ca32a92..4654508 100644
+--- a/target-i386/machine.c
++++ b/target-i386/machine.c
+@@ -174,6 +174,9 @@ void cpu_save(QEMUFile *f, void *opaque)
+             qemu_put_be64s(f, &env->mce_banks[4*i + 3]);
+         }
+     }
++    qemu_put_be64s(f, &env->system_time_msr);
++    qemu_put_be64s(f, &env->wall_clock_msr);
+  }
+ #ifdef USE_X86LDOUBLE
+@@ -405,5 +408,10 @@ int cpu_load(QEMUFile *f, void *opaque, int version_id)
+             kvm_arch_load_mpstate(env);
+         }
+     }
++    if (version_id >= 11) {
++        qemu_get_be64s(f, &env->system_time_msr);
++        qemu_get_be64s(f, &env->wall_clock_msr);
++    }
+     return 0;
+ }
diff --git a/qemu.spec b/qemu.spec
index e2000fe..287912f 100644
--- a/qemu.spec
+++ b/qemu.spec
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Summary: QEMU is a FAST! processor emulator
 Name: qemu
 Version: 0.11.0
-Release: 7%{?dist}
+Release: 8%{?dist}
 # Epoch because we pushed a qemu-1.0 package
 Epoch: 2
 License: GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ and BSD
@@ -52,6 +52,9 @@ Patch09: qemu-fix-qcow2-backing-file-with-virtio.patch
 # Fix potential segfault from too small MSR_COUNT (#528901)
 Patch10: qemu-fix-msr-count-potential-segfault.patch
+# Properly save kvm time registers (#524229)
+Patch11: qemu-properly-save-kvm-system-time-registers.patch
 BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
 BuildRequires: SDL-devel zlib-devel which texi2html gnutls-devel cyrus-sasl-devel
 BuildRequires: rsync dev86 iasl
@@ -249,6 +252,7 @@ such as kvmtrace and kvm_stat.
 %patch08 -p1
 %patch09 -p1
 %patch10 -p1
+%patch11 -p1
 # --build-id option is used fedora 8 onwards for giving info to the debug packages.
@@ -530,6 +534,9 @@ fi
+* Wed Oct 21 2009 Glauber Costa <gcosta@redhat.com> - 2:0.11.0-8
+- Properly save kvm time registers (#524229)
 * Mon Oct 19 2009 Mark McLoughlin <markmc@redhat.com> - 2:0.11.0-7
 - Fix potential segfault from too small MSR_COUNT (#528901)