diff --git a/SOURCES/kvm-hw-arm-virt-Add-hw_compat_rhel_8_5-to-8.5-machine-ty.patch b/SOURCES/kvm-hw-arm-virt-Add-hw_compat_rhel_8_5-to-8.5-machine-ty.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86c0bdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/kvm-hw-arm-virt-Add-hw_compat_rhel_8_5-to-8.5-machine-ty.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+From 86e3057c0a6ca9b032b27da95f466cc617f39685 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Eric Auger <eric.auger@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2021 17:45:08 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 2/2] hw: arm: virt: Add hw_compat_rhel_8_5 to 8.5 machine type
+RH-Author: Eric Auger <eric.auger@redhat.com>
+RH-MergeRequest: 50: hw: arm: virt: Add hw_compat_rhel_8_5 to 8.5 machine type
+RH-Commit: [1/1] 36829fd07764be52b3af52e58f6d6fce50d1d10e
+RH-Bugzilla: 1998947
+RH-Acked-by: Stefano Garzarella <sgarzare@redhat.com>
+RH-Acked-by: Gavin Shan <gshan@redhat.com>
+RH-Acked-by: Andrew Jones <drjones@redhat.com>
+branch: rhel-8.6.0
+upstream: no
+Brew: https://brewweb.engineering.redhat.com/brew/taskinfo?taskID=40294321
+Add hw_compat_rhel_8_5 to rhel8.5 virt options.
+Signed-off-by: Eric Auger <eric.auger@redhat.com>
+ hw/arm/virt.c | 1 +
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
+diff --git a/hw/arm/virt.c b/hw/arm/virt.c
+index 07f9e64b23..4d1fd970fc 100644
+--- a/hw/arm/virt.c
++++ b/hw/arm/virt.c
+@@ -3143,6 +3143,7 @@ type_init(rhel_machine_init);
+ static void rhel850_virt_options(MachineClass *mc)
+ {
+     compat_props_add(mc->compat_props, arm_rhel_compat, arm_rhel_compat_len);
++    compat_props_add(mc->compat_props, hw_compat_rhel_8_5, hw_compat_rhel_8_5_len);
+ }
diff --git a/SPECS/qemu-kvm.spec b/SPECS/qemu-kvm.spec
index 93d8edb..e653662 100644
--- a/SPECS/qemu-kvm.spec
+++ b/SPECS/qemu-kvm.spec
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ Obsoletes: %1-rhev <= %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
 Summary: QEMU is a machine emulator and virtualizer
 Name: qemu-kvm
 Version: 6.1.0
-Release: 3%{?rcrel}%{?dist}
+Release: 4%{?rcrel}%{?dist}
 # Epoch because we pushed a qemu-1.0 package. AIUI this can't ever be dropped
 Epoch: 15
 License: GPLv2 and GPLv2+ and CC-BY
@@ -148,6 +148,8 @@ Patch21: kvm-redhat-Update-pseries-rhel8.5.0.patch
 Patch22: kvm-redhat-Add-s390x-machine-type-compatibility-update-f.patch
 # For bz#1999221 - CVE-2021-3748 virt:rhel/qemu-kvm: QEMU: virtio-net: heap use-after-free in virtio_net_receive_rcu [rhel-8]
 Patch23: kvm-virtio-net-fix-use-after-unmap-free-for-sg.patch
+# For bz#1998947 - Add machine type compatibility update for 6.1 rebase [aarch64]
+Patch25: kvm-hw-arm-virt-Add-hw_compat_rhel_8_5-to-8.5-machine-ty.patch
 BuildRequires: wget
 BuildRequires: rpm-build
@@ -309,15 +311,6 @@ emulation for the KVM hypervisor. qemu-kvm acts as a virtual
 machine monitor together with the KVM kernel modules, and emulates the
 hardware for a full system such as a PC and its associated peripherals.
-%package -n qemu-kiwi
-Summary: qemu-kiwi components
-Requires: qemu-kvm-common = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
-%description -n qemu-kiwi
-qemu-kiwi is a version of qemu-kvm with a restricted set of features
-intended for use by specific applications.
-It's experimental and unsupported.
 %package -n qemu-kvm-docs
 Summary: qemu-kvm documentation
@@ -486,18 +479,6 @@ mkdir slirp
 %autopatch -p1
 %global qemu_kvm_build qemu_kvm_build
-%global qemu_kiwi_build qemu_kiwi_src/build
-# XXX: ugly hack to copy source tree into a new folder.
-# it allows to build qemu-kiwi without touching the original source tree.
-# This is required as the build isolation is not 100% as we also have to
-# change the source tree when building qemu-kiwi. And, when we do that,
-# calling "make check" on qemu-kvm see that change and behaves baddly.
-# Newer version of qemu allow us to create a better sollution, and this
-# hack can be dropped.
-cp -fpr . ../qemu_kiwi_src
-mv  ../qemu_kiwi_src ./qemu_kiwi_src
-mkdir -p %{qemu_kiwi_build}
 mkdir -p %{qemu_kvm_build}
@@ -760,98 +741,6 @@ cp -a %{kvm_target}-softmmu/qemu-system-%{kvm_target} qemu-kvm
 gcc %{SOURCE6} $RPM_OPT_FLAGS $RPM_LD_FLAGS -o ksmctl
 gcc %{SOURCE35} $RPM_OPT_FLAGS $RPM_LD_FLAGS -o udev-kvm-check
-echo "Starting qemu-kiwi build"
-pushd %{qemu_kiwi_build}
-# XXX: removing QXL and CONFIG_TPM.* mak configuration,
-# which causes problem with the config options used by qemu-kiwi.
-# Ideally we should be able to do this at configure time.
-find ../configs -name "*-rh-devices.mak" \
-         -exec sed -i '/CONFIG_QXL=/d' {} \;
-find ../configs -name "*-rh-devices.mak" \
-         -exec sed -i '/CONFIG_TPM.*=/d' {} \;
-../configure  \
-  --prefix="%{_prefix}" \
-  --libdir="%{_libdir}" \
-  --sysconfdir="%{_sysconfdir}" \
-  --interp-prefix=%{_prefix}/qemu-%M \
-  --localstatedir="%{_localstatedir}" \
-  --libexecdir="%{_libexecdir}" \
-  --extra-ldflags="-Wl,--build-id -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now" \
-  --extra-cflags="%{optflags}" \
-  --with-pkgversion="%{name}-%{version}-%{release}" \
-  --with-suffix="%{name}" \
-  --firmwarepath=%{_prefix}/share/qemu-firmware \
-  --meson="%{__meson}" \
-  --target-list="%{buildarch}" \
-  --block-drv-rw-whitelist=%{block_drivers_list} \
-  --audio-drv-list= \
-  --block-drv-ro-whitelist=vmdk,vhdx,vpc,https,ssh \
-  --with-coroutine=ucontext \
-  --with-git=git \
-  --tls-priority=@QEMU,SYSTEM \
-  %{disable_everything} \
-  --enable-attr \
-%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
-  --enable-avx2 \
-  --enable-cap-ng \
-  --enable-coroutine-pool \
-  --enable-debug-info \
-%if 0%{have_fdt}
-  --enable-fdt \
-  --enable-kvm \
-%ifarch x86_64
-  --enable-libpmem \
-  --enable-linux-aio \
-  --enable-libudev \
-  --enable-malloc-trim \
-  --enable-mpath \
-%ifnarch s390x
-  --enable-numa \
-  --enable-pie \
-  --enable-seccomp \
-  --enable-system \
-  --enable-tcg \
-  --enable-trace-backend=dtrace \
-  --enable-vhost-kernel \
-  --enable-vhost-net \
-  --enable-vhost-user \
-  --enable-vhost-user-blk-server \
-  --enable-vhost-vdpa \
-  --enable-vhost-vsock \
-  --enable-werror \
-  --enable-xkbcommon \
-  --without-default-devices \
-  --with-devices-%{kvm_target}=%{kvm_target}-rh-devices
-echo "qemu-kiki config-host.mak contents:"
-echo "==="
-cat config-host.mak
-echo "==="
-make V=1 %{?_smp_mflags} $buildldflags
-%{__python3} scripts/tracetool.py --backend dtrace --format stap \
-  --group=all --binary %{_libexecdir}/qemu-kiwi --probe-prefix qemu.kvm \
-  trace/trace-events-all qemu-kiwi.stp
-%{__python3} scripts/tracetool.py --backends=dtrace --format=log-stap \
-  --group=all --binary %{_libexecdir}/qemu-kiwi --probe-prefix qemu.kvm \
-  trace/trace-events-all qemu-kiwi-log.stp
-%{__python3} scripts/tracetool.py --backend dtrace --format simpletrace-stap \
-  --group=all --binary %{_libexecdir}/qemu-kiwi --probe-prefix qemu.kvm \
-  trace/trace-events-all qemu-kiwi-simpletrace.stp
-cp -a %{kvm_target}-softmmu/qemu-system-%{kvm_target} qemu-kiwi
 %ifarch s390x
     # Copy the built new images into place for "make check":
     cp pc-bios/s390-ccw/s390-ccw.img pc-bios/s390-ccw/s390-netboot.img pc-bios/
@@ -1159,24 +1048,12 @@ rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{qemudocdir}/specs
-pushd %{qemu_kiwi_build}
-install -m 0755 %{kvm_target}-softmmu/qemu-system-%{kvm_target} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libexecdir}/qemu-kiwi
-install -m 0644 qemu-kiwi.stp $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/systemtap/tapset/
-install -m 0644 qemu-kiwi-log.stp $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/systemtap/tapset/
-install -m 0644 qemu-kiwi-simpletrace.stp $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/systemtap/tapset/
 pushd %{qemu_kvm_build}
 echo "Testing qemu-kvm-build"
 export DIFF=diff; make check V=1
-echo "Testing qemu-kiwi"
-pushd %{qemu_kiwi_build}
-export DIFF=diff; make check V=1
 %post -n qemu-kvm-common
 %systemd_post ksm.service
 %systemd_post ksmtuned.service
@@ -1359,13 +1236,6 @@ sh %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/modules/kvm.modules &> /dev/null || :
-%files -n qemu-kiwi
 %files -n qemu-img
@@ -1434,6 +1304,14 @@ sh %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/modules/kvm.modules &> /dev/null || :
+* Thu Oct 21 2021 Jon Maloy <jmaloy@redhat.com> - 6.1.0-4
+- kvm-spec-Remove-qemu-kiwi-build.patch [bz#2002694]
+- kvm-hw-arm-virt-Add-hw_compat_rhel_8_5-to-8.5-machine-ty.patch [bz#1998947]
+- Resolves: bz#2002694
+  (remove qemu-kiwi rpm from qemu-kvm sources in rhel-8.6)
+- Resolves: bz#1998947
+  (Add machine type compatibility update for 6.1 rebase [aarch64])
 * Tue Oct 12 2021 Jon Maloy <jmaloy@redhat.com> - 6.1.0-3
 - kvm-virtio-net-fix-use-after-unmap-free-for-sg.patch [bz#1999221]
 - Resolves: bz#1999221