%if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} <= 6 %{!?__python2: %global __python2 /usr/bin/python2} %{!?python2_sitelib: %global python2_sitelib %(%{__python2} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print(get_python_lib())")} %{!?python2_sitearch: %global python2_sitearch %(%{__python2} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print(get_python_lib(1))")} %endif %if 0%{?fedora} %global with_python3 1 %endif %global modname websocket %global distname websocket-client %global eggname websocket_client Name: python-websocket-client Version: 0.32.0 Release: 116%{?dist} Summary: WebSocket client for python Group: Development/Libraries License: LGPLv2 URL: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/websocket-client Source0: http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/w/%{distname}/%{eggname}-%{version}.tar.gz Patch0: urlparse.patch BuildArch: noarch BuildRequires: python2-devel BuildRequires: python-setuptools BuildRequires: python-six %if 0%{?with_python3} BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-six %endif %if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} <= 6 BuildRequires: python-unittest2 BuildRequires: python-argparse Requires: python-argparse BuildRequires: python-backports-ssl_match_hostname Requires: python-backports-ssl_match_hostname %endif Requires: python-six %description python-websocket-client module is WebSocket client for python. This provides the low level APIs for WebSocket. All APIs are the synchronous functions. python-websocket-client supports only hybi-13. %if 0%{?with_python3} %package -n python3-websocket-client Summary: WebSocket client for python Group: Development/Libraries Requires: python3-six %description -n python3-websocket-client python-websocket-client module is WebSocket client for python. This provides the low level APIs for WebSocket. All APIs are the synchronous functions. python-websocket-client supports only hybi-13. %endif %prep %setup -q -n %{eggname}-%{version} %patch0 -p1 # Remove bundled egg-info in case it exists rm -rf %{distname}.egg-info %if 0%{?with_python3} rm -rf %{py3dir} cp -a . %{py3dir} %endif %build %if 0%{?with_python3} pushd %{py3dir} %{__python3} setup.py build popd %endif %{__python2} setup.py build %install %if 0%{?with_python3} pushd %{py3dir} %{__python3} setup.py install -O1 --skip-build --root=%{buildroot} mv %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/wsdump.py \ %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/python3-wsdump # unbundle cacert rm %{buildroot}/%{python3_sitelib}/%{modname}/cacert.pem # And link in the mozilla ca ln -s /etc/pki/tls/cert.pem \ %{buildroot}/%{python3_sitelib}/%{modname}/cacert.pem # remove tests that got installed into the buildroot rm -rf %{buildroot}/%{python3_sitelib}/tests/ # Remove executable bit from installed files. find %{buildroot}/%{python3_sitelib} -type f -exec chmod -x {} \; popd %endif %{__python} setup.py install -O1 --skip-build --root=%{buildroot} mv %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/wsdump.py \ %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/wsdump # unbundle cacert rm %{buildroot}/%{python2_sitelib}/%{modname}/cacert.pem # And link in the mozilla ca ln -s /etc/pki/tls/cert.pem \ %{buildroot}/%{python2_sitelib}/%{modname}/cacert.pem # remove tests that got installed into the buildroot rm -rf %{buildroot}/%{python2_sitelib}/tests/ # Remove executable bit from installed files. find %{buildroot}/%{python2_sitelib} -type f -exec chmod -x {} \; %check %if 0%{?with_python3} pushd %{py3dir} %{__python3} setup.py test popd %endif #%%{__python2} setup.py test %files %doc README.rst LICENSE %{python2_sitelib}/%{modname}/ %{python2_sitelib}/%{eggname}*%{version}* %{_bindir}/wsdump %if 0%{?with_python3} %files -n python3-websocket-client %doc README.rst LICENSE %{python3_sitelib}/%{modname}/ %{python3_sitelib}/%{eggname}*%{version}* %{_bindir}/python3-wsdump %endif %changelog * Mon Aug 31 2015 Lokesh Mandvekar - 0.32.0-116 - Update to 0.32.0 * Tue Jun 16 2015 Lokesh Mandvekar - 0.14.1-98 - Rebuild fedora rawhide specfile for extras-rhel-7.1 - Release number abruptly bumped to obsolete subpackage generated from docker * Sun Jun 08 2014 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.14.1-3 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild * Wed May 28 2014 Kalev Lember - 0.14.1-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Python_3.4 * Thu May 22 2014 Ralph Bean - 0.14.1-1 - Latest upstream with python3 support. * Sun Aug 04 2013 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.10.0-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_20_Mass_Rebuild * Wed Apr 10 2013 Ralph Bean - 0.10.0-1 - Latest upstream release. - Removed executable bit from installed lib files for rpmlint. * Wed Feb 27 2013 Ralph Bean - 0.9.0-2 - Replaced websocket_client with %%{eggname} as per review by Palle Ravn https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=909644#c4 - Removed a few unnecessary newlines. * Wed Feb 27 2013 Ralph Bean - 0.9.0-1 - Latest upstream. * Sat Feb 09 2013 Ralph Bean - 0.8.0-1 - Initial package for Fedora