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pyproject RPM macros

These macros allow projects that follow the Python [packaging specifications]
to be packaged as RPMs.

They are still *provisional*: we can make non-backwards-compatible changes to
the API.
Please subscribe to Fedora's [python-devel list] if you use the macros.

They work for:

* traditional Setuptools-based projects that use the `` file,
* newer Setuptools-based projects that have a `setup.cfg` file,
* general Python projects that use the [PEP 517] `pyproject.toml` file (which allows using any build system, such as setuptools, flit or poetry).

These macros replace `%py3_build` and `%py3_install`, which only work with ``.

[packaging specifications]:
[python-devel list]:


To use these macros, first BuildRequire them:

    BuildRequires: pyproject-rpm-macros

Also BuildRequire the devel package for the Python you are building against.
In Fedora, that's `python3-devel`.
(In the future, we plan to make `python3-devel` itself require

Next, you need to generate more build dependencies (of your projects and
the macros themselves) by running `%pyproject_buildrequires` in the
`%generate_buildrequires` section:


This will add build dependencies according to [PEP 517] and [PEP 518].
To also add run-time and test-time dependencies, see the section below.
If you need more dependencies, such as non-Python libraries, BuildRequire
them manually.

Note that `%generate_buildrequires` may produce error messages `(exit 11)` in
the build log. This is expected behavior of BuildRequires generators; see
[the Fedora change] for details.

[the Fedora change]:

Then, build a wheel in `%build` with `%pyproject_wheel`:


And install the wheel in `%install` with `%pyproject_install`:


`%pyproject_install` installs all wheels in `pyproject-wheeldir/` located in the root of the source tree.

Adding run-time and test-time dependencies

To run tests in the `%check` section, the package's runtime dependencies
often need to also be included as build requirements.
This can be done using the `-r` flag:

    %pyproject_buildrequires -r

For this to work, the project's build system must support the
[`prepare-metadata-for-build-wheel` hook](
The popular buildsystems (setuptools, flit, poetry) do support it.

For projects that specify test requirements using an [`extra`
these can be added using the `-x` flag.
Multiple extras can be supplied by repeating the flag or as a comma separated list.
For example, if upstream suggests installing test dependencies with
`pip install mypackage[testing]`, the test deps would be generated by:

    %pyproject_buildrequires -x testing

For projects that specify test requirements in their [tox] configuration,
these can be added using the `-t` flag (default tox environment)
or the `-e` flag followed by the tox environment.
The default tox environment (such as `py37` assuming the Fedora's Python version is 3.7)
is available in the `%{toxenv}` macro.
For example, if upstream suggests running the tests on Python 3.7 with `tox -e py37`,
the test deps would be generated by:

    %pyproject_buildrequires -t

If upstream uses a custom derived environment, such as `py37-unit`, use:

    %pyproject_buildrequires -e %{toxenv}-unit

Or specify more environments if needed:

    %pyproject_buildrequires -e %{toxenv}-unit,%{toxenv}-integration

The `-e` option redefines `%{toxenv}` for further reuse.
Use `%{default_toxenv}` to get the default value.

The `-t`/`-e` option uses [tox-current-env]'s `--print-deps-to-file` behind the scenes.

If your package specifies some tox plugins in `tox.requires`,
such plugins will be BuildRequired as well.
Not all plugins are guaranteed to play well with [tox-current-env],
in worst case, patch/sed the requirement out from the tox configuration.

Note that both `-x` and `-t` imply `-r`,
because runtime dependencies are always required for testing.


Additionally to generated requirements you can supply multiple file names to `%pyproject_buildrequires` macro.
Dependencies will be loaded from them:

    %pyproject_buildrequires -r requirements/ requirements/ requirements/

For packages not using build system you can use `-N` to entirely skip automatical
generation of requirements and install requirements only from manually specified files.
`-N` option cannot be used in combination with other options mentioned above
(`-r`, `-e`, `-t`, `-x`).

Running tox based tests

In case you want to run the tests as specified in [tox] configuration,
you must use `%pyproject_buildrequires` with `-t` or `-e` as explained above.
Then, use the `%tox` macro in `%check`:


The macro:

 - Always prepends `$PATH` with `%{buildroot}%{_bindir}`
 - If not defined, sets `$PYTHONPATH` to `%{buildroot}%{python3_sitearch}:%{buildroot}%{python3_sitelib}`
 - If not defined, sets `$TOX_TESTENV_PASSENV` to `*`
 - Runs `tox` with `-q` (quiet), `--recreate` and `--current-env` (from [tox-current-env]) flags
 - Implicitly uses the tox environment name stored in `%{toxenv}` - as overridden by `%pyproject_buildrequires -e`

By using the `-e` flag, you can use a different tox environment(s):

    %if %{with integration_test}
    %tox -e %{default_toxenv}-integration

If you wish to provide custom `tox` flags or arguments, add them after `--`:

    %tox -- --flag-for-tox

If you wish to pass custom `posargs` to tox, use another `--`:

    %tox -- --flag-for-tox -- --flag-for-posargs

Or (note the two sequential `--`s):

    %tox -- -- --flag-for-posargs

Generating the %files section

To generate the list of files in the `%files` section, you can use `%pyproject_save_files` after the `%pyproject_install` macro.
It takes toplevel module names (i.e. the names used with `import` in Python) and stores paths for those modules and metadata for the package (dist-info directory) to a file stored at `%{pyproject_files}`.
For example, if a package provides the modules `requests` and `_requests`, write:

    %pyproject_save_files requests _requests

To add listed files to the `%files` section, use `%files -f %{pyproject_files}`.
Note that you still need to add any documentation manually (for now).

    %files -n python3-requests -f %{pyproject_files}
    %doc README.rst

You can use globs in the module names if listing them explicitly would be too tedious:

    %pyproject_save_files '*requests'

In fully automated environments, you can use the `*` glob to include all modules (put it in single quotes to prevent Shell from expanding it). In Fedora however, you should always use a more specific glob to avoid accidentally packaging unwanted files (for example, a top level module named `test`).

Speaking about automated environments, some files cannot be classified with `%pyproject_save_files`, but it is possible to list all unclassified files by adding a special `+auto` argument.

    %pyproject_save_files '*' +auto
    %files -n python3-requests -f %{pyproject_files}

However, in Fedora packages, always list executables explicitly to avoid unintended collisions with other packages or accidental missing executables:

    %pyproject_save_files requests _requests
    %files -n python3-requests -f %{pyproject_files}
    %doc README.rst

`%pyproject_save_files` can automatically mark license files with `%license` macro
and  language (`*.mo`) files with `%lang` macro and appropriate language code.
Only license files declared via [PEP 639] `License-Field` field are detected.
[PEP 639] is still a draft and can be changed in the future.

Note that `%pyproject_save_files` uses data from the [RECORD file](
If you wish to rename, remove or otherwise change the installed files of a package
*after* `%pyproject_install`, `%pyproject_save_files` might break.
If possible, remove/rename such files in `%prep`.
If not possible, avoid using `%pyproject_save_files` or edit/replace `%{pyproject_files}`.

Generating Extras subpackages

The `%pyproject_extras_subpkg` macro generates simple subpackage(s)
for Python extras.

The macro should be placed after the base package's `%description` to avoid
issues in building the SRPM.

For example, if the `requests` project's metadata defines the extras
`security` and `socks`, the following invocation will generate the subpackage
`python3-requests+security` that provides `python3dist(requests[security])`,
and a similar one for `socks`.

    %pyproject_extras_subpkg -n python3-requests security socks

The macro works like `%python_extras_subpkg`,
except the `-i`/`-f`/`-F` arguments are optional and discouraged.
A filelist written by `%pyproject_install` is used by default.
For more information on `%python_extras_subpkg`, see the [Fedora change].

[Fedora change]:

These arguments are still required:

* -n: name of the “base” package (e.g. python3-requests)
* Positional arguments: the extra name(s).
  Multiple subpackages are generated when multiple names are provided.


`%pyproject_install` changes shebang lines of every Python script in `%{buildroot}%{_bindir}` to `#!%{__python3} %{py3_shbang_opt}` (`#!/usr/bin/python3 -s`).
Existing Python flags in shebangs are preserved.
For example `#!/usr/bin/python3 -Ru` will be updated to `#!/usr/bin/python3 -sRu`.
Sometimes, this can interfere with tests that run such scripts directly by name,
because in tests we usually rely on `PYTHONPATH` (and `-s` ignores that).
Would this behavior be undesired for any reason,
undefine `%{py3_shbang_opt}` to turn it off.

Some valid Python version specifiers are not supported.

When a dependency is specified via an URL or local path, for example as:

The `%pyproject_buildrequires` macro is unable to convert it to an appropriate RPM requirement and will fail.
If the URL contains the `packageName @` prefix as specified in [PEP 508],
the requirement will be generated without a version constraint:


Will be converted to:


Alternatively, when an URL requirement parsed from a text file
given as positional argument to `%pyproject_buildrequires`
contains the `#egg=packageName` fragment,
as documented in [pip's documentation]:


The requirements will be converted to package names without versions, e.g.:


However upstreams usually only use direct URLs for their requirements as workarounds,
so be prepared for problems.

[PEP 508]:
[PEP 517]:
[PEP 518]:
[PEP 639]:
[pip's documentation]:

Testing the macros

This repository has two kinds of tests.
First, there is RPM `%check` section, run when building the `python-rpm-macros`

Then there are CI tests.
There is currently [no way to run Fedora CI tests locally][ci-rfe],
but you can do what the tests do manually using mock.
For each `$PKG.spec` in `tests/`:

  - clean your mock environment:

        mock -r fedora-rawhide-x86_64 clean

  - install the version of `python-rpm-macros` you're testing, e.g.:

        mock -r fedora-rawhide-x86_64 install .../python-rpm-macros-*.noarch.rpm

  - download the sources:

        spectool -g -R $PKG.spec

  - build a SRPM:

        rpmbuild -bs $PKG.spec

  - build in mock, using the path from the command above as `$SRPM`:

        mock -r fedora-rawhide-x86_64 -n -N $SRPM
