diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98defb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/.postgresql.metadata b/.postgresql.metadata
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a672e12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.postgresql.metadata
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+a22737b203a44694c1dd53e4991203900899de49 SOURCES/postgresql-9.6.10-US.pdf
+860ff3e2ce42246f45db1fc4519f972228168242 SOURCES/postgresql-9.6.10.tar.bz2
+c1f5190ed00adbcca38ec6f57c1452222450bb0e SOURCES/postgresql-setup-8.2.tar.gz
diff --git a/SOURCES/Makefile.regress b/SOURCES/Makefile.regress
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..925877c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/Makefile.regress
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# Simplified makefile for running the PostgreSQL regression tests
+# in an RPM installation
+# maximum simultaneous connections for parallel tests
+MAXCONNOPT += --max-connections=$(MAX_CONNECTIONS)
+# locale
+ifdef NO_LOCALE
+NOLOCALE += --no-locale
+srcdir := .
+REGRESS_OPTS += --dlpath=.
+pg_regress_locale_flags = $(if $(ENCODING),--encoding=$(ENCODING)) $(NOLOCALE)
+pg_regress_installcheck = ./pg_regress --inputdir=$(srcdir) --bindir=@bindir@ $(pg_regress_locale_flags)
+# Test input and expected files.  These are created by pg_regress itself, so we
+# don't have a rule to create them.  We do need rules to clean them however.
+ifile_list := $(subst .source,, $(notdir $(wildcard $(srcdir)/input/*.source)))
+input_files  := $(foreach file, $(ifile_list), sql/$(file).sql)
+ofile_list := $(subst .source,, $(notdir $(wildcard $(srcdir)/output/*.source)))
+output_files := $(foreach file, $(ofile_list), expected/$(file).out)
+abs_srcdir := $(shell pwd)
+abs_builddir := $(shell pwd)
+check: installcheck-parallel
+installcheck: cleandirs
+	$(pg_regress_installcheck) $(REGRESS_OPTS) --schedule=$(srcdir)/serial_schedule $(EXTRA_TESTS)
+installcheck-parallel: cleandirs
+	$(pg_regress_installcheck) $(REGRESS_OPTS) --schedule=$(srcdir)/parallel_schedule $(MAXCONNOPT) $(EXTRA_TESTS)
+# The tests command the server to write into testtablespace and results.
+# On a SELinux-enabled system this will fail unless we mark those directories
+# as writable by the server.
+	-rm -rf testtablespace results
+	mkdir testtablespace results
+	[ -x /usr/bin/chcon ] && /usr/bin/chcon -u system_u -r object_r -t postgresql_db_t testtablespace results
+# old interfaces follow...
+runcheck: check
+runtest: installcheck
+runtest-parallel: installcheck-parallel
+## Clean up
+clean distclean maintainer-clean:
+	rm -f $(output_files) $(input_files)
+	rm -rf testtablespace
+	rm -rf results tmp_check log
+	rm -f regression.diffs regression.out regress.out run_check.out
diff --git a/SOURCES/generate-pdf.sh b/SOURCES/generate-pdf.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e0ed008
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/generate-pdf.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# This script builds the PDF version of the PostgreSQL documentation.
+# In principle we could do this as part of the RPM build, but there are
+# good reasons not to:
+# 1. The build would take longer and have a larger BuildRequires footprint.
+# 2. The generated PDF has timestamps in it, which would inevitably result
+#    in multilib conflicts due to slightly different timestamps.
+# So instead, we run this manually when rebasing to a new upstream release,
+# and treat the resulting PDF as a separate Source file.
+# You will need to have the docbook packages installed to run this.
+# Expect it to take about 20 minutes and use about 160MB of disk.
+set -e
+# Pass package version (e.g., 9.1.2) as argument
+test -z "$VERSION" && VERSION=`awk '/^Version:/ { print $2; }' postgresql.spec`
+test -f "$TARGETFILE" && echo "$TARGETFILE exists" && exit 1
+echo Building $TARGETFILE ...
+# Unpack postgresql
+rm -rf postgresql-$VERSION
+tar xfj postgresql-$VERSION.tar.bz2
+cd postgresql-$VERSION
+# Apply any patches that affect the PDF documentation
+# patch -p1 < ../xxx.patch
+# Configure ...
+./configure >/dev/null
+# Build the PDF docs
+cd doc/src/sgml
+make postgres-US.pdf >make.log
+mv -f postgres-US.pdf ../../../../$TARGETFILE
+# Clean up
+cd ../../../..
+rm -rf postgresql-$VERSION
+exit 0
diff --git a/SOURCES/postgresql-9.6.10.tar.bz2.sha256 b/SOURCES/postgresql-9.6.10.tar.bz2.sha256
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d5f96b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/postgresql-9.6.10.tar.bz2.sha256
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+8615acc56646401f0ede97a767dfd27ce07a8ae9c952afdb57163b7234fe8426  postgresql-9.6.10.tar.bz2
diff --git a/SOURCES/postgresql-bashprofile b/SOURCES/postgresql-bashprofile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cd70d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/postgresql-bashprofile
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+[ -f /etc/profile ] && source /etc/profile
+export PGDATA
diff --git a/SOURCES/postgresql-logging.patch b/SOURCES/postgresql-logging.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a051014
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/postgresql-logging.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+Default to stderr-based logging with a week's worth of daily logfiles.
+diff -Naur postgresql-9.1rc1.orig/src/backend/utils/misc/postgresql.conf.sample postgresql-9.1rc1/src/backend/utils/misc/postgresql.conf.sample
+--- postgresql-9.1rc1.orig/src/backend/utils/misc/postgresql.conf.sample	2011-08-18 17:23:13.000000000 -0400
++++ postgresql-9.1rc1/src/backend/utils/misc/postgresql.conf.sample	2011-08-18 18:39:39.697526799 -0400
+@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@
+ 					# requires logging_collector to be on.
+ # This is used when logging to stderr:
+-#logging_collector = off		# Enable capturing of stderr and csvlog
++logging_collector = on			# Enable capturing of stderr and csvlog
+ 					# into log files. Required to be on for
+ 					# csvlogs.
+ 					# (change requires restart)
+@@ -287,11 +287,11 @@
+ # These are only used if logging_collector is on:
+ #log_directory = 'pg_log'		# directory where log files are written,
+ 					# can be absolute or relative to PGDATA
+-#log_filename = 'postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log'	# log file name pattern,
++log_filename = 'postgresql-%a.log'	# log file name pattern,
+ 					# can include strftime() escapes
+ #log_file_mode = 0600			# creation mode for log files,
+ 					# begin with 0 to use octal notation
+-#log_truncate_on_rotation = off		# If on, an existing log file with the
++log_truncate_on_rotation = on		# If on, an existing log file with the
+ 					# same name as the new log file will be
+ 					# truncated rather than appended to.
+ 					# But such truncation only occurs on
+@@ -299,9 +299,9 @@
+ 					# or size-driven rotation.  Default is
+ 					# off, meaning append to existing files
+ 					# in all cases.
+-#log_rotation_age = 1d			# Automatic rotation of logfiles will
++log_rotation_age = 1d			# Automatic rotation of logfiles will
+ 					# happen after that time.  0 disables.
+-#log_rotation_size = 10MB		# Automatic rotation of logfiles will
++log_rotation_size = 0			# Automatic rotation of logfiles will
+ 					# happen after that much log output.
+ 					# 0 disables.
diff --git a/SOURCES/postgresql-man.patch b/SOURCES/postgresql-man.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d3afe3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/postgresql-man.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+PostgreSQL ecpg/initdb manual page fixes
+This was generated based on automatic Red Hat manual page scan (private
+diff -up ./doc/src/sgml/man1/ecpg.1.man948933 ./doc/src/sgml/man1/ecpg.1
+--- ./doc/src/sgml/man1/ecpg.1.man948933	2014-12-16 02:13:15.000000000 +0100
++++ ./doc/src/sgml/man1/ecpg.1	2014-12-23 11:26:37.883644047 +0100
+@@ -80,6 +80,11 @@ INFORMIX_SE\&.
+ Define a C preprocessor symbol\&.
+ .RE
+ .PP
++\fB\-h \fR
++.RS 4
++Parse a header file, this option includes option \fB\-c\fR\&.
+ \fB\-i\fR
+ .RS 4
+ Parse system include files as well\&.
+@@ -128,6 +133,11 @@ Allow question mark as placeholder for c
+ .RE
+ .RE
+ .PP
++.RS 4
++Run in regression testing mode\&.
+ \fB\-t\fR
+ .RS 4
+ Turn on autocommit of transactions\&. In this mode, each SQL command is automatically committed unless it is inside an explicit transaction block\&. In the default mode, commands are committed only when
+diff -up ./doc/src/sgml/man1/initdb.1.man948933 ./doc/src/sgml/man1/initdb.1
+--- ./doc/src/sgml/man1/initdb.1.man948933	2014-12-16 02:13:21.000000000 +0100
++++ ./doc/src/sgml/man1/initdb.1	2014-12-23 11:26:37.883644047 +0100
+@@ -281,6 +281,13 @@ determines that an error prevented it fr
+ .PP
+ Other options:
+ .PP
++.RS 4
++Print the internal settings, then exit\&.
+ \fB\-V\fR
+ .br
+ \fB\-\-version\fR
diff --git a/SOURCES/postgresql-no-libs.patch b/SOURCES/postgresql-no-libs.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6054d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/postgresql-no-libs.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
+index 977f80b..3d3b679 100644
+--- a/src/Makefile
++++ b/src/Makefile
+@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ SUBDIRS = \
+ 	backend/utils/mb/conversion_procs \
+ 	backend/snowball \
+ 	include \
+-	interfaces \
+ 	backend/replication/libpqwalreceiver \
+ 	fe_utils \
+ 	bin \
+diff --git a/src/Makefile.global.in b/src/Makefile.global.in
+index d280a2d..724f3cf 100644
+--- a/src/Makefile.global.in
++++ b/src/Makefile.global.in
+@@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ endif
+ # This macro is for use by libraries linking to libpq.  (Because libpgport
+ # isn't created with the same link flags as libpq, it can't be used.)
+-libpq = -L$(libpq_builddir) -lpq
++libpq = -lpq
+ # This macro is for use by client executables (not libraries) that use libpq.
+ # We force clients to pull symbols from the non-shared libraries libpgport
+@@ -480,7 +480,6 @@ endif
+ # Commonly used submake targets
+ submake-libpq:
+-	$(MAKE) -C $(libpq_builddir) all
+ submake-libpgport:
+ 	$(MAKE) -C $(top_builddir)/src/port all
diff --git a/SOURCES/postgresql-server-pg_config.patch b/SOURCES/postgresql-server-pg_config.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e46158d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/postgresql-server-pg_config.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+diff --git a/src/bin/pg_config/Makefile b/src/bin/pg_config/Makefile
+index c410087..e546b7b 100644
+--- a/src/bin/pg_config/Makefile
++++ b/src/bin/pg_config/Makefile
+@@ -11,28 +11,30 @@
+ PGFILEDESC = "pg_config - report configuration information"
++PG_CONFIG = pg_server_config$(X)
+ subdir = src/bin/pg_config
+ top_builddir = ../../..
+ include $(top_builddir)/src/Makefile.global
+ OBJS=   pg_config.o $(WIN32RES)
+-all: pg_config
++all: $(PG_CONFIG)
+-pg_config: $(OBJS) | submake-libpgport
+-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(OBJS) $(LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS_EX) $(LIBS) -o $@$(X)
++$(PG_CONFIG): $(OBJS) | submake-libpgport
++	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(OBJS) $(LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS_EX) $(LIBS) -o $@
+ install: all installdirs
+-	$(INSTALL_SCRIPT) pg_config$(X) '$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/pg_config$(X)'
+ installdirs:
+ 	$(MKDIR_P) '$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)'
+ uninstall:
+-	rm -f '$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/pg_config$(X)'
++	rm -f '$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/$(PG_CONFIG)'
+ clean distclean maintainer-clean:
+-	rm -f pg_config$(X) $(OBJS)
++	rm -f $(PG_CONFIG)  $(OBJS)
+ 	rm -rf tmp_check
+ check:
+diff --git a/src/bin/pg_config/nls.mk b/src/bin/pg_config/nls.mk
+index 1d41f90ee0..0f34f371cc 100644
+--- a/src/bin/pg_config/nls.mk
++++ b/src/bin/pg_config/nls.mk
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+ # src/bin/pg_config/nls.mk
+-CATALOG_NAME     = pg_config
++CATALOG_NAME     = pg_server_config
+ AVAIL_LANGUAGES  = cs de es fr it ja ko nb pl pt_BR ro ru sv ta tr zh_CN zh_TW
+ GETTEXT_FILES    = pg_config.c ../../common/config_info.c ../../common/exec.c
diff --git a/SOURCES/postgresql-var-run-socket.patch b/SOURCES/postgresql-var-run-socket.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e3b193
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/postgresql-var-run-socket.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Change the built-in default socket directory to be /var/run/postgresql.
+For backwards compatibility with (probably non-libpq-based) clients that
+might still expect to find the socket in /tmp, also create a socket in
+/tmp.  This is to resolve communication problems with clients operating
+under systemd's PrivateTmp environment, which won't be using the same
+global /tmp directory as the server; see bug #825448.
+Note that we apply the socket directory change at the level of the
+hard-wired defaults in the C code, not by just twiddling the setting in
+postgresql.conf.sample; this is so that the change will take effect on
+server package update, without requiring any existing postgresql.conf
+to be updated.  (Of course, a user who dislikes this behavior can still
+override it via postgresql.conf.)
+diff --git a/src/backend/utils/misc/guc.c b/src/backend/utils/misc/guc.c
+index 9481f2d..75532c7 100644
+--- a/src/backend/utils/misc/guc.c
++++ b/src/backend/utils/misc/guc.c
+@@ -3196,7 +3196,7 @@ static struct config_string ConfigureNamesString[] =
+ 		},
+ 		&Unix_socket_directories,
+ #else
+ 		"",
+ #endif
+diff --git a/src/bin/initdb/initdb.c b/src/bin/initdb/initdb.c
+index feeff9e..3e3d784 100644
+--- a/src/bin/initdb/initdb.c
++++ b/src/bin/initdb/initdb.c
+@@ -1234,7 +1234,7 @@ setup_config(void)
+ 	snprintf(repltok, sizeof(repltok), "#unix_socket_directories = '%s'",
++			 DEFAULT_PGSOCKET_DIR ", /tmp");
+ #else
+ 	snprintf(repltok, sizeof(repltok), "#unix_socket_directories = ''");
+ #endif
+diff --git a/src/include/pg_config_manual.h b/src/include/pg_config_manual.h
+index e278fa0..9ee15d4 100644
+--- a/src/include/pg_config_manual.h
++++ b/src/include/pg_config_manual.h
+@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
+  * here's where to twiddle it.  You can also override this at runtime
+  * with the postmaster's -k switch.
+  */
+-#define DEFAULT_PGSOCKET_DIR  "/tmp"
++#define DEFAULT_PGSOCKET_DIR  "/var/run/postgresql"
+ /*
+  * This is the default event source for Windows event log.
diff --git a/SOURCES/postgresql.pam b/SOURCES/postgresql.pam
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d78594
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/postgresql.pam
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+auth		include		password-auth
+account		include		password-auth
diff --git a/SOURCES/postgresql.tmpfiles.d b/SOURCES/postgresql.tmpfiles.d
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8d960d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/postgresql.tmpfiles.d
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+d /var/run/postgresql 0755 postgres postgres -
diff --git a/SOURCES/rpm-pgsql.patch b/SOURCES/rpm-pgsql.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aec64ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/rpm-pgsql.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+For the RPMs, we want the custom installation directories to end in
+/pgsql not /postgresql.  This is historical but not worth changing.
+Notice that this patch also makes the appending of /pgsql unconditional.
+This is to avoid unexpected behavior if the RPM is built in a working
+directory whose path happens to include "postgres" or "pgsql" already.
+However, datadir and sysconfdir are already set up in the specfile's
+configure call, so we do not have to append anything to them.
+diff -Naur postgresql-9.0.1.orig/src/Makefile.global.in postgresql-9.0.1/src/Makefile.global.in
+--- postgresql-9.0.1.orig/src/Makefile.global.in	2010-10-01 10:25:44.000000000 -0400
++++ postgresql-9.0.1/src/Makefile.global.in	2010-10-11 11:52:05.224975308 -0400
+@@ -55,8 +55,7 @@
+ # Installation directories
+ #
+ # These are set by the equivalent --xxxdir configure options.  We
+-# append "postgresql" to some of them, if the string does not already
+-# contain "pgsql" or "postgres", in order to avoid directory clutter.
++# append "pgsql" to some of them, in order to avoid directory clutter.
+ #
+ # In a PGXS build, we cannot use the values inserted into Makefile.global
+ # by configure, since the installation tree may have been relocated.
+@@ -74,45 +73,23 @@
+ bindir := @bindir@
+ datadir := @datadir@
+-ifeq "$(findstring pgsql, $(datadir))" ""
+-ifeq "$(findstring postgres, $(datadir))" ""
+-override datadir := $(datadir)/postgresql
+ sysconfdir := @sysconfdir@
+-ifeq "$(findstring pgsql, $(sysconfdir))" ""
+-ifeq "$(findstring postgres, $(sysconfdir))" ""
+-override sysconfdir := $(sysconfdir)/postgresql
+ libdir := @libdir@
+ pkglibdir = $(libdir)
+-ifeq "$(findstring pgsql, $(pkglibdir))" ""
+-ifeq "$(findstring postgres, $(pkglibdir))" ""
+-override pkglibdir := $(pkglibdir)/postgresql
++override pkglibdir := $(pkglibdir)/pgsql
+ includedir := @includedir@
+ pkgincludedir = $(includedir)
+-ifeq "$(findstring pgsql, $(pkgincludedir))" ""
+-ifeq "$(findstring postgres, $(pkgincludedir))" ""
+-override pkgincludedir := $(pkgincludedir)/postgresql
++override pkgincludedir := $(pkgincludedir)/pgsql
+ mandir := @mandir@
+ docdir := @docdir@
+-ifeq "$(findstring pgsql, $(docdir))" ""
+-ifeq "$(findstring postgres, $(docdir))" ""
+-override docdir := $(docdir)/postgresql
++override docdir := $(docdir)/pgsql
+ htmldir := @htmldir@
diff --git a/SPECS/postgresql.spec b/SPECS/postgresql.spec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7d8ee8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SPECS/postgresql.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,2225 @@
+# This is the PostgreSQL Global Development Group Official RPMset spec file,
+# or a derivative thereof.
+# Copyright 2003-2009 Lamar Owen <lowen@pari.edu> <lamar.owen@wgcr.org>
+# and others listed.                 ** vi: ts=4 sw=4 noexpandtab nosmarttab
+# Major Contributors:
+# ---------------
+# Lamar Owen
+# Trond Eivind Glomsrd <teg@redhat.com>
+# Thomas Lockhart
+# Reinhard Max
+# Karl DeBisschop
+# Peter Eisentraut
+# Joe Conway
+# Andrew Overholt
+# David Jee
+# Kaj J. Niemi
+# Sander Steffann
+# Tom Lane
+# and others in the Changelog....
+# This spec file and ancillary files are licensed in accordance with
+# The PostgreSQL license.
+# In this file you can find the default build package list macros.
+# These can be overridden by defining on the rpm command line:
+# rpm --define 'packagename 1' .... to force the package to build.
+# rpm --define 'packagename 0' .... to force the package NOT to build.
+# The base package, the libs package, the devel package, and the server package
+# always get built.
+%{!?beta:%global beta 0}
+%{!?test:%global test 1}
+%{!?upgrade:%global upgrade 0}
+%{!?plpython:%global plpython 0}
+%{!?plpython3:%global plpython3 1}
+%{!?pltcl:%global pltcl 1}
+%{!?plperl:%global plperl 1}
+%{!?ssl:%global ssl 1}
+%{!?kerberos:%global kerberos 1}
+%{!?ldap:%global ldap 1}
+%{!?nls:%global nls 1}
+%{!?uuid:%global uuid 1}
+%{!?xml:%global xml 1}
+%{!?pam:%global pam 1}
+%{!?sdt:%global sdt 1}
+%{!?selinux:%global selinux 1}
+%{!?runselftest:%global runselftest 1}
+# By default, patch(1) creates backup files when chunks apply with offsets.
+# Turn that off to ensure such files don't get included in RPMs.
+%global _default_patch_flags --no-backup-if-mismatch
+# https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:Guidelines#Packaging_of_Additional_RPM_Macros
+%global macrosdir %(d=%{_rpmconfigdir}/macros.d; [ -d $d ] || d=%{_sysconfdir}/rpm; echo $d)
+Summary: PostgreSQL client programs
+Name: postgresql
+%global majorversion 9.6
+Version: 9.6.10
+Release: 1%{?dist}
+# The PostgreSQL license is very similar to other MIT licenses, but the OSI
+# recognizes it as an independent license, so we do as well.
+License: PostgreSQL
+Group: Applications/Databases
+Url: http://www.postgresql.org/
+# This SRPM includes a copy of the previous major release, which is needed for
+# in-place upgrade of an old database.  In most cases it will not be critical
+# that this be kept up with the latest minor release of the previous series;
+# but update when bugs affecting pg_dump output are fixed.
+%global prevversion 9.5.13
+%global prevmajorversion 9.5
+%global prev_prefix %{_libdir}/pgsql/postgresql-%{prevmajorversion}
+%global precise_version %{?epoch:%epoch:}%version-%release
+%global setup_version 8.2
+%global service_name postgresql.service
+Source0: https://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/source/v%{version}/postgresql-%{version}.tar.bz2
+# The PDF file is generated by generate-pdf.sh, which see for comments
+Source1: postgresql-%{version}-US.pdf
+# generate-pdf.sh is not used during RPM build, but include for documentation
+Source2: generate-pdf.sh
+Source4: Makefile.regress
+Source9: postgresql.tmpfiles.d
+Source10: postgresql.pam
+Source11: postgresql-bashprofile
+# git: https://github.com/devexp-db/postgresql-setup
+Source12: https://github.com/devexp-db/postgresql-setup/releases/download/v%{setup_version}/postgresql-setup-%{setup_version}.tar.gz
+# Those here are just to enforce packagers check that the tarball was downloaded
+# correctly.  Also, this allows us check that packagers-only tarballs do not
+# differ with publicly released ones.
+Source16: https://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/source/v%{version}/postgresql-%{version}.tar.bz2.sha256
+# Comments for these patches are in the patch files.
+Patch1: rpm-pgsql.patch
+Patch2: postgresql-logging.patch
+Patch5: postgresql-var-run-socket.patch
+Patch6: postgresql-man.patch
+Patch8: postgresql-no-libs.patch
+Patch9: postgresql-server-pg_config.patch
+BuildRequires: gcc
+BuildRequires: perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker) glibc-devel bison flex gawk
+BuildRequires: perl(ExtUtils::Embed), perl-devel
+%if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?rhel} > 7
+BuildRequires: perl-generators
+BuildRequires: readline-devel zlib-devel
+BuildRequires: systemd systemd-devel util-linux
+BuildRequires: multilib-rpm-config
+BuildRequires: libpq-devel
+# postgresql-setup build requires
+BuildRequires: m4 elinks docbook-utils help2man
+%if %plpython
+BuildRequires: python2-devel
+%if %plpython3
+BuildRequires: python3-devel
+%if %pltcl
+BuildRequires: tcl-devel
+%if %ssl
+BuildRequires: openssl-devel
+%if %kerberos
+BuildRequires: krb5-devel
+%if %ldap
+BuildRequires: openldap-devel
+%if %nls
+BuildRequires: gettext >= 0.10.35
+%if %uuid
+BuildRequires: uuid-devel
+%if %xml
+BuildRequires: libxml2-devel libxslt-devel
+%if %pam
+BuildRequires: pam-devel
+%if %sdt
+BuildRequires: systemtap-sdt-devel
+%if %selinux
+BuildRequires: libselinux-devel
+# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1464368
+%global __provides_exclude_from %{_libdir}/pgsql
+PostgreSQL is an advanced Object-Relational database management system (DBMS).
+The base postgresql package contains the client programs that you'll need to
+access a PostgreSQL DBMS server, as well as HTML documentation for the whole
+system.  These client programs can be located on the same machine as the
+PostgreSQL server, or on a remote machine that accesses a PostgreSQL server
+over a network connection.  The PostgreSQL server can be found in the
+postgresql-server sub-package.
+%package server
+Summary: The programs needed to create and run a PostgreSQL server
+Group: Applications/Databases
+Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %precise_version
+Requires(pre): /usr/sbin/useradd
+# We require this to be present for %%{_prefix}/lib/tmpfiles.d
+Requires: systemd
+# Make sure it's there when scriptlets run, too
+# Packages which provide postgresql plugins should build-require
+# postgresql-server-devel and require
+# postgresql-server(:MODULE_COMPAT_%%{postgresql_major}).
+# This will automatically guard against incompatible server & plugin
+# installation (#1008939, #1007840)
+Provides: %{name}-server(:MODULE_COMPAT_%{majorversion})
+Provides: bundled(postgresql-setup) = %setup_version
+%description server
+PostgreSQL is an advanced Object-Relational database management system (DBMS).
+The postgresql-server package contains the programs needed to create
+and run a PostgreSQL server, which will in turn allow you to create
+and maintain PostgreSQL databases.
+%package docs
+Summary: Extra documentation for PostgreSQL
+Group: Applications/Databases
+Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %precise_version
+# Just for more intuitive documentation installation
+Provides: %{name}-doc = %precise_version
+%description docs
+The postgresql-docs package contains some additional documentation for
+PostgreSQL.  Currently, this includes the main documentation in PDF format
+and source files for the PostgreSQL tutorial.
+%package contrib
+Summary: Extension modules distributed with PostgreSQL
+Group: Applications/Databases
+Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %precise_version
+%description contrib
+The postgresql-contrib package contains various extension modules that are
+included in the PostgreSQL distribution.
+%package server-devel
+Summary: PostgreSQL development header files and libraries
+Group: Development/Libraries
+%description server-devel
+The postgresql-server-devel package contains the header files and libraries
+needed to compile C or C++ applications which will directly interact
+with a PostgreSQL database management server.  It also contains the ecpg
+Embedded C Postgres preprocessor. You need to install this package if you want
+to develop applications which will interact with a PostgreSQL server.
+%package test-rpm-macros
+Summary: Convenience RPM macros for build-time testing against PostgreSQL server
+Requires: %{name}-server = %precise_version
+%description test-rpm-macros
+This package is meant to be added as BuildRequires: dependency of other packages
+that want to run build-time testsuite against running PostgreSQL server.
+%package static
+Summary: Statically linked PostgreSQL libraries
+Requires: %{name}-server-devel%{?_isa} = %precise_version
+%description static
+Statically linked PostgreSQL libraries that do not have dynamically linked
+%if %upgrade
+%package upgrade
+Summary: Support for upgrading from the previous major release of PostgreSQL
+Group: Applications/Databases
+Requires: %{name}-server%{?_isa} = %precise_version
+Provides: bundled(postgresql-libs) = %prevversion
+%description upgrade
+The postgresql-upgrade package contains the pg_upgrade utility and supporting
+files needed for upgrading a PostgreSQL database from the previous major
+version of PostgreSQL.
+%package upgrade-devel
+Summary: Support for build of extensions required for upgrade process
+Group: Development/Libraries
+Requires: %{name}-upgrade%{?_isa} = %precise_version
+%description upgrade-devel
+The postgresql-devel package contains the header files and libraries
+needed to compile C or C++ applications which are necessary in upgrade
+%if %plperl
+%package plperl
+Summary: The Perl procedural language for PostgreSQL
+Group: Applications/Databases
+Requires: %{name}-server%{?_isa} = %precise_version
+Requires: perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_%(eval "`%{__perl} -V:version`"; echo $version))
+%if %runselftest
+BuildRequires: perl(Data::Dumper)
+%description plperl
+The postgresql-plperl package contains the PL/Perl procedural language,
+which is an extension to the PostgreSQL database server.
+Install this if you want to write database functions in Perl.
+%if %plpython
+%package plpython
+Summary: The Python2 procedural language for PostgreSQL
+Group: Applications/Databases
+Requires: %{name}-server%{?_isa} = %precise_version
+Provides: %{name}-plpython2 = %precise_version
+%description plpython
+The postgresql-plpython package contains the PL/Python procedural language,
+which is an extension to the PostgreSQL database server.
+Install this if you want to write database functions in Python 2.
+%if %plpython3
+%package plpython3
+Summary: The Python3 procedural language for PostgreSQL
+Group: Applications/Databases
+Requires: %{name}-server%{?_isa} = %precise_version
+%description plpython3
+The postgresql-plpython3 package contains the PL/Python3 procedural language,
+which is an extension to the PostgreSQL database server.
+Install this if you want to write database functions in Python 3.
+%if %pltcl
+%package pltcl
+Summary: The Tcl procedural language for PostgreSQL
+Group: Applications/Databases
+Requires: %{name}-server%{?_isa} = %precise_version
+%description pltcl
+The postgresql-pltcl package contains the PL/Tcl procedural language,
+which is an extension to the PostgreSQL database server.
+Install this if you want to write database functions in Tcl.
+%if %test
+%package test
+Summary: The test suite distributed with PostgreSQL
+Group: Applications/Databases
+Requires: %{name}-server%{?_isa} = %precise_version
+Requires: %{name}-server-devel%{?_isa} = %precise_version
+%description test
+The postgresql-test package contains files needed for various tests for the
+PostgreSQL database management system, including regression tests and
+( cd %_sourcedir; sha256sum -c %{SOURCE16} )
+%setup -q -a 12
+%patch1 -p1
+%patch2 -p1
+%patch5 -p1
+%patch6 -p1
+%patch8 -p1
+%patch9 -p1
+# We used to run autoconf here, but there's no longer any real need to,
+# since Postgres ships with a reasonably modern configure script.
+cp -p %{SOURCE1} .
+%if %upgrade
+tar xfj %{SOURCE3}
+# apply once SOURCE3 is extracted
+# remove .gitignore files to ensure none get into the RPMs (bug #642210)
+find . -type f -name .gitignore | xargs rm
+# fail quickly and obviously if user tries to build as root
+%if %runselftest
+	if [ x"`id -u`" = x0 ]; then
+		echo "postgresql's regression tests fail if run as root."
+		echo "If you really need to build the RPM as root, use"
+		echo "--define='runselftest 0' to skip the regression tests."
+		exit 1
+	fi
+# Building postgresql-setup
+cd postgresql-setup-%{setup_version}
+%configure \
+    pgdocdir=%{_pkgdocdir} \
+    PGVERSION=%{version} \
+    PGMAJORVERSION=%{majorversion} \
+make %{?_smp_mflags}
+cd ..
+# Fiddling with CFLAGS.
+%ifarch %{power64}
+# See the bug #1051075, ppc64 should benefit from -O3
+CFLAGS=`echo $CFLAGS | xargs -n 1 | sed 's|-O2|-O3|g' | xargs -n 100`
+# Strip out -ffast-math from CFLAGS....
+CFLAGS=`echo $CFLAGS|xargs -n 1|grep -v ffast-math|xargs -n 100`
+export CFLAGS
+# plpython requires separate configure/build runs to build against python 2
+# versus python 3.  Our strategy is to do the python 3 run first, then make
+# distclean and do it again for the "normal" build.  Note that the installed
+# Makefile.global will reflect the python 2 build, which seems appropriate
+# since that's still considered the default plpython version.
+	--disable-rpath
+%if %beta
+	--enable-debug
+	--enable-cassert
+%if %plperl
+	--with-perl
+%if %pltcl
+	--with-tcl
+	--with-tclconfig=%_libdir
+%if %ldap
+	--with-ldap
+%if %ssl
+	--with-openssl
+%if %pam
+	--with-pam
+%if %kerberos
+	--with-gssapi
+%if %uuid
+	--with-ossp-uuid
+%if %xml
+	--with-libxml
+	--with-libxslt
+%if %nls
+	--enable-nls
+%if %sdt
+	--enable-dtrace
+%if %selinux
+	--with-selinux
+	--with-system-tzdata=%_datadir/zoneinfo
+	--datadir=%_datadir/pgsql
+	--with-systemd
+%if %plpython3
+export PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3
+# These configure options must match main build
+%configure $common_configure_options \
+	--with-python
+# Fortunately we don't need to build much except plpython itself.
+make %{?_smp_mflags} -C src/pl/plpython all
+# save built form in a directory that "make distclean" won't touch
+cp -a src/pl/plpython src/pl/plpython3
+# must also save this version of Makefile.global for later
+cp src/Makefile.global src/Makefile.global.python3
+make distclean
+%endif # %%plpython3
+# Normal (python2) build begins here
+%configure $common_configure_options \
+%if %plpython
+	--with-python
+unset PYTHON
+make %{?_smp_mflags} world
+# Have to hack makefile to put correct path into tutorial scripts
+sed "s|C=\`pwd\`;|C=%{_libdir}/pgsql/tutorial;|" < src/tutorial/Makefile > src/tutorial/GNUmakefile
+make %{?_smp_mflags} -C src/tutorial NO_PGXS=1 all
+rm -f src/tutorial/GNUmakefile
+# The object files shouldn't be copied to rpm bz#1187514
+rm -f src/tutorial/*.o
+# run_testsuite WHERE
+# -------------------
+# Run 'make check' in WHERE path.  When that command fails, return the logs
+# given by PostgreSQL build system and set 'test_failure=1'.  This function
+# never exits directly nor stops rpmbuild where `set -e` is enabled.
+	make -k -C "$1" MAX_CONNECTIONS=5 check && return 0 || test_failure=1
+	(
+		set +x
+		echo "=== trying to find all regression.diffs files in build directory ==="
+		find "$1" -name 'regression.diffs' | \
+		while read line; do
+			echo "=== make failure: $line ==="
+			cat "$line"
+		done
+	)
+%if %runselftest
+	run_testsuite "src/test/regress"
+	make clean -C "src/test/regress"
+	run_testsuite "src/pl"
+%if %plpython3
+	# must install Makefile.global that selects python3
+	mv src/Makefile.global src/Makefile.global.save
+	cp src/Makefile.global.python3 src/Makefile.global
+	touch -r src/Makefile.global.save src/Makefile.global
+	# because "make check" does "make install" on the whole tree,
+	# we must temporarily install plpython3 as src/pl/plpython,
+	# since that is the subdirectory src/pl/Makefile knows about
+	mv src/pl/plpython src/pl/plpython2
+	mv src/pl/plpython3 src/pl/plpython
+	run_testsuite "src/pl/plpython"
+	# and clean up our mess
+	mv src/pl/plpython src/pl/plpython3
+	mv src/pl/plpython2 src/pl/plpython
+	mv -f src/Makefile.global.save src/Makefile.global
+	run_testsuite "contrib"
+# "assert(ALL_TESTS_OK)"
+test "$test_failure" -eq 0
+%if %test
+	# undo the "make clean" above
+	make all -C src/test/regress
+%if %upgrade
+	pushd postgresql-%{prevversion}
+	# The upgrade build can be pretty stripped-down, but make sure that
+	# any options that affect on-disk file layout match the previous
+	# major release!
+	# The set of built server modules here should ideally create superset
+	# of modules we used to ship in %%prevversion (in the installation
+	# the user will upgrade from), including *-contrib or *-pl*
+	# subpackages.  This increases chances that the upgrade from
+	# %%prevversion will work smoothly.
+upgrade_configure ()
+	# Note we intentionally do not use %%configure here, because we *don't* want
+	# its ideas about installation paths.
+	# The -fno-aggressive-loop-optimizations is hack for #993532
+	PYTHON="${PYTHON-/usr/bin/python2}" \
+	CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -fno-aggressive-loop-optimizations" ./configure \
+		--build=%{_build} \
+		--host=%{_host} \
+		--prefix=%prev_prefix \
+		--disable-rpath \
+%if %beta
+		--enable-debug \
+		--enable-cassert \
+%if %plperl
+		--with-perl \
+%if %pltcl
+		--with-tcl \
+		--with-tclconfig=%_libdir \
+		--with-system-tzdata=/usr/share/zoneinfo \
+		"$@"
+%if %plpython3
+	export PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3
+	upgrade_configure --with-python
+	# upstream fixed this later 7107d58ec5a3c45967e77525809612a5f89b97f3
+	make %{?_smp_mflags} -C src/backend submake-errcodes
+	make %{?_smp_mflags} -C src/pl/plpython all
+	# save aside the only one file which we are interested here
+	cp src/pl/plpython/plpython3.so ./
+	unset PYTHON
+	make distclean
+	upgrade_configure \
+%if %plpython
+		--with-python
+	make %{?_smp_mflags} all
+	make -C contrib %{?_smp_mflags} all
+	popd
+%endif # %%upgrade
+cd postgresql-setup-%{setup_version}
+cd ..
+# For some reason, having '%%doc %%{_pkgdocdir}/README.rpm-dist' in %%files
+# causes FTBFS (at least on RHEL6), see rhbz#1250006.
+mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_pkgdocdir}/README.rpm-dist ./
+cat > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/postgresql-setup/upgrade/postgresql.conf <<EOF
+id              postgresql
+major           %{prevmajorversion}
+data_default    %{_localstatedir}/pgsql/data
+package         postgresql-upgrade
+engine          %{_libdir}/pgsql/postgresql-%{prevmajorversion}/bin
+description     "Upgrade data from system PostgreSQL version (PostgreSQL %{prevmajorversion})"
+redhat_sockets_hack no
+make DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT install-world
+# We ship pg_config through libpq-devel
+mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%_mandir/man1/pg_{,server_}config.1
+rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%_includedir/pg_config*.h
+rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%_includedir/libpq/libpq-fs.h
+rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%_includedir/postgres_ext.h
+rm -r $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%_includedir/pgsql/internal/
+%if %plpython3
+	mv src/Makefile.global src/Makefile.global.save
+	cp src/Makefile.global.python3 src/Makefile.global
+	touch -r src/Makefile.global.save src/Makefile.global
+	pushd src/pl/plpython3
+	make DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT install
+	popd
+	mv -f src/Makefile.global.save src/Makefile.global
+# make sure these directories exist even if we suppressed all contrib modules
+install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/pgsql/contrib
+install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/pgsql/extension
+# multilib header hack
+for header in \
+	%{_includedir}/pgsql/server/pg_config.h \
+	%{_includedir}/pgsql/server/pg_config_ext.h
+%multilib_fix_c_header --file "$header"
+install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/pgsql/tutorial
+cp -p src/tutorial/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/pgsql/tutorial
+%if %pam
+install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/pam.d
+install -m 644 %{SOURCE10} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/pam.d/postgresql
+# Create the directory for sockets.
+install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{?_localstatedir}/run/postgresql
+# ... and make a tmpfiles script to recreate it at reboot.
+mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_tmpfilesdir}
+install -m 0644 %{SOURCE9} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_tmpfilesdir}/postgresql.conf
+# PGDATA needs removal of group and world permissions due to pg_pwd hole.
+install -d -m 700 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{?_localstatedir}/lib/pgsql/data
+# backups of data go here...
+install -d -m 700 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{?_localstatedir}/lib/pgsql/backups
+# postgres' .bash_profile
+install -m 644 %{SOURCE11} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{?_localstatedir}/lib/pgsql/.bash_profile
+rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/man/man1/ecpg.1
+%if %upgrade
+	pushd postgresql-%{prevversion}
+	make DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT install
+	make -C contrib DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT install
+%if %plpython3
+	install -m 755 plpython3.so \
+		$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%_libdir/pgsql/postgresql-%prevmajorversion/lib
+	popd
+	# remove stuff we don't actually need for upgrade purposes
+	pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/pgsql/postgresql-%{prevmajorversion}
+	rm bin/clusterdb
+	rm bin/createdb
+	rm bin/createlang
+	rm bin/createuser
+	rm bin/dropdb
+	rm bin/droplang
+	rm bin/dropuser
+	rm bin/ecpg
+	rm bin/initdb
+	rm bin/pg_basebackup
+	rm bin/pg_dump
+	rm bin/pg_dumpall
+	rm bin/pg_restore
+	rm bin/psql
+	rm bin/reindexdb
+	rm bin/vacuumdb
+	rm -rf share/doc
+	rm -rf share/man
+	rm -rf share/tsearch_data
+	rm lib/*.a
+	# Drop libpq.  This might need some tweaks once there's
+	# soname bump between %%prevversion and %%version.
+	rm lib/libpq.so*
+	# Drop libraries.
+	rm lib/lib{ecpg,ecpg_compat,pgtypes}.so*
+	rm share/*.bki
+	rm share/*description
+	rm share/*.sample
+	rm share/*.sql
+	rm share/*.txt
+	rm share/extension/*.sql
+	rm share/extension/*.control
+	popd
+	cat <<EOF > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%macrosdir/macros.%name-upgrade
+%%postgresql_upgrade_prefix %prev_prefix
+%if %test
+	# tests. There are many files included here that are unnecessary,
+	# but include them anyway for completeness.  We replace the original
+	# Makefiles, however.
+	mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/pgsql/test
+	cp -a src/test/regress $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/pgsql/test
+	# pg_regress binary should be only in one subpackage,
+	# there will be a symlink from -test to -devel
+	rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/pgsql/test/regress/pg_regress
+	ln -sf ../../pgxs/src/test/regress/pg_regress $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/pgsql/test/regress/pg_regress
+	pushd  $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/pgsql/test/regress
+	rm -f GNUmakefile Makefile *.o
+	chmod 0755 pg_regress regress.so
+	popd
+	sed 's|@bindir@|%{_bindir}|g' \
+		< %{SOURCE4} \
+		> $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/pgsql/test/regress/Makefile
+	chmod 0644 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/pgsql/test/regress/Makefile
+rm -rf doc/html # HACK! allow 'rpmbuild -bi --short-circuit'
+mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_docdir}/pgsql/html doc
+rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_docdir}/pgsql
+# remove files not to be packaged
+rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/libpgfeutils.a
+%if !%plperl
+rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/pgsql/hstore_plperl.so
+%if !%plpython
+rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/pgsql/hstore_plpython2.so
+# initialize file lists
+cp /dev/null main.lst
+cp /dev/null server.lst
+cp /dev/null plperl.lst
+cp /dev/null pltcl.lst
+cp /dev/null plpython.lst
+cp /dev/null plpython3.lst
+%if %nls
+find_lang_bins ()
+	lstfile=$1 ; shift
+	for binary; do
+		%find_lang "$binary"-%{majorversion}
+		cat "$binary"-%{majorversion}.lang >>$lstfile
+	done
+find_lang_bins devel.lst pg_server_config
+find_lang_bins server.lst \
+	initdb pg_basebackup pg_controldata pg_ctl pg_resetxlog pg_rewind plpgsql postgres
+find_lang_bins  main.lst \
+	pg_dump pgscripts psql
+%if %plperl
+find_lang_bins plperl.lst plperl
+%if %plpython
+find_lang_bins plpython.lst plpython
+%if %plpython3
+# plpython3 shares message files with plpython
+find_lang_bins plpython3.lst plpython
+%if %pltcl
+find_lang_bins pltcl.lst pltcl
+%pre server
+/usr/sbin/groupadd -g 26 -o -r postgres >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
+/usr/sbin/useradd -M -N -g postgres -o -r -d /var/lib/pgsql -s /bin/bash \
+	-c "PostgreSQL Server" -u 26 postgres >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
+%post server
+%systemd_post %service_name
+%preun server
+%systemd_preun %service_name
+%postun server
+%systemd_postun_with_restart %service_name
+%if %runselftest
+make -C postgresql-setup-%{setup_version} check
+# FILES sections.
+%files -f main.lst
+%doc COPYRIGHT README HISTORY doc/bug.template
+%doc README.rpm-dist
+%dir %{_libdir}/pgsql
+%files docs
+%doc *-US.pdf
+%doc doc/html
+%files contrib
+%doc contrib/spi/*.example
+%if %plperl
+%if %plpython
+%if %plpython
+%if %selinux
+%if %ssl
+%if %uuid
+%if %xml
+%files server -f server.lst
+%dir %{_datadir}/pgsql
+%dir %{_datadir}/pgsql/contrib
+%dir %{_datadir}/pgsql/extension
+%dir %{_datadir}/postgresql-setup
+%dir %{_libexecdir}/initscripts/legacy-actions/postgresql
+%dir %{_sysconfdir}/postgresql-setup
+%dir %{_sysconfdir}/postgresql-setup/upgrade
+%config %{_sysconfdir}/postgresql-setup/upgrade/*.conf
+%attr(700,postgres,postgres) %dir %{?_localstatedir}/lib/pgsql
+%attr(644,postgres,postgres) %config(noreplace) %{?_localstatedir}/lib/pgsql/.bash_profile
+%attr(700,postgres,postgres) %dir %{?_localstatedir}/lib/pgsql/backups
+%attr(700,postgres,postgres) %dir %{?_localstatedir}/lib/pgsql/data
+%attr(755,postgres,postgres) %dir %{?_localstatedir}/run/postgresql
+%if %pam
+%config(noreplace) /etc/pam.d/postgresql
+%files server-devel -f devel.lst
+%dir %{_includedir}/pgsql
+%dir %{_includedir}/pgsql/server
+%files test-rpm-macros
+%files static
+%if %upgrade
+%files upgrade
+%exclude %{_libdir}/pgsql/postgresql-%{prevmajorversion}/bin/pg_config
+%exclude %{_libdir}/pgsql/postgresql-%{prevmajorversion}/lib/pgxs
+%files upgrade-devel
+%if %plperl
+%files plperl -f plperl.lst
+%if %pltcl
+%files pltcl -f pltcl.lst
+%if %plpython
+%files plpython -f plpython.lst
+%if %plpython3
+%files plpython3 -f plpython3.lst
+%if %test
+%files test
+%attr(-,postgres,postgres) %{_libdir}/pgsql/test
+* Fri Aug 10 2018 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.6.10-1
+- update to the latest 9.6 release
+* Fri Jul 13 2018 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.6.9-1
+- update to the latest 9.6 release
+* Thu Apr 26 2018 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.6.8-5
+- pltcl: drop tcl-pltcl dependency (rhbz#1571181)
+* Mon Apr 23 2018 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.6.8-4
+- sync with branch arb-10
+* Tue Apr 17 2018 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.6.8-3
+- build with sd_notify, too (required by modern service files)
+* Fri Apr 13 2018 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.6.8-2
+- sync with stream 10
+* Fri Apr 06 2018 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.6.8-1.3
+- don't build *-libs subpackage
+- don't collide with libpq{,-devel}
+* Fri Apr 06 2018 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.6.8-1
+- update to 9.6.8 per release notes:
+  https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/static/release-9-6-8.html
+  https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/static/release-9-6-7.html
+  https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/static/release-9-6-6.html
+- rebase to new postgresql-setup 6.0 version, to fix CVE-2017-15097
+* Tue Aug 29 2017 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.6.5-1
+- update to 9.6.5 per release notes:
+  https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/static/release-9-6-5.html
+* Tue Aug 08 2017 Petr Kubat <pkubat@redhat.com> - 9.6.4-1
+- update to 9.6.4 per release notes:
+  https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/static/release-9-6-4.html
+* Thu Aug 03 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 9.6.3-9
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Binutils_Mass_Rebuild
+* Thu Jul 27 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 9.6.3-8
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Mass_Rebuild
+* Mon Jul 24 2017 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.6.3-7
+- drop perl rpath patch; libperl.so* is now in %%_libdir (rhbz#1474417)
+* Mon Jun 26 2017 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.6.3-6
+- don't provide libpqwalreceiver.so() soname
+* Wed Jun 21 2017 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.6.3-5
+- drop the __os_install_post redefinition hack
+* Mon Jun 12 2017 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.6.3-4
+- drop -DLINUX_OOM_SCORE_ADJ=0 define from CFLAGS (rhbz#1110969, rhbz#1436554)
+* Sun Jun 04 2017 Jitka Plesnikova <jplesnik@redhat.com> - 9.6.3-3
+- Perl 5.26 rebuild
+* Mon May 22 2017 Petr Kubat <pkubat@redhat.com> - 9.6.3-2
+- fix indentation issues in hstore_plperlu test-case (rhbz#1453111)
+* Thu May 11 2017 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.6.3-1
+- update to 9.6.3 per release notes:
+  https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/static/release-9-6-3.html
+* Mon Apr 24 2017 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.6.2-4
+- rebase to postgresql-setup 5.1
+* Mon Apr 10 2017 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.6.2-3
+- spring cleanup
+* Mon Mar 27 2017 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.6.2-2
+- rebuild for rhbz#1436006
+* Wed Feb 22 2017 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.6.2-1
+- update to 9.6.2 per release notes:
+  https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/static/release-9-6-2.html
+- remove mistakenly isntalled libpgfeutils.a
+* Thu Jan 12 2017 Igor Gnatenko <ignatenko@redhat.com> - 9.6.1-3
+- Rebuild for readline 7.x
+* Mon Dec 19 2016 Miro Hrončok <mhroncok@redhat.com> - 9.6.1-2
+- Rebuild for Python 3.6
+* Wed Oct 26 2016 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.6.1-1
+- update to 9.6.1 per release notes:
+  https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/static/release-9-6-1.html
+- add gen_sources.sh script
+- remove plpython build hack, fixed upstream
+- remove aarch64 and ppc64p7 hacks, fixed by the %%configure call
+* Tue Oct 04 2016 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.6.0-1
+- rebase the postgresql-setup tarball
+* Fri Sep 30 2016 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.6.0-1
+- update to 9.6.0 per release notes:
+  https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/static/release-9-6.html
+* Fri Aug 12 2016 Petr Kubat <pkubat@redhat.com> - 9.5.4-1
+- update to 9.5.4 per release notes:
+  http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.5/static/release-9-5-4.html
+* Mon Jun 20 2016 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.5.3-3
+- use multilib-rpm-config package for multilib hacks
+* Sun May 15 2016 Jitka Plesnikova <jplesnik@redhat.com> - 9.5.3-2
+- Perl 5.24 rebuild
+* Thu May 12 2016 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.5.3-1
+- update to 9.5.3 per release notes:
+  http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.5/static/release-9-5-3.html
+* Mon May 09 2016 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.5.2-2
+- fix the test subpackage, pg_regress now uses --bindir
+* Sun Apr 03 2016 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.5.2-1
+- update to 9.5.2 per release notes
+  http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.5/static/release-9-5-2.html
+* Fri Feb 26 2016 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.5.1-2
+- package static libraries without dynamic counterparts (rhbz#784281)
+* Tue Feb 09 2016 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.5.1-1
+- update to 9.5.1 per release notes
+  http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.5/static/release-9-5-1.html
+* Thu Feb 04 2016 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 9.5.0-2
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_Mass_Rebuild
+* Wed Jan 06 2016 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.5.0-1
+- update to 9.5.0 per release notes
+  http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.5/static/release-9-5.html
+- update postgresql-setup to v4.0 to reflect new packaging style
+* Wed Dec 16 2015 Pavel Kajaba <pkajaba@redhat.com> - 9.4.5-5
+- fixed problem with xml2 test (rhbz#1286692)
+* Thu Dec 3 2015 Pavel Kajaba <pkajaba@redhat.com> - 9.4.5-4
+- fixed short-circuit build
+* Thu Nov 12 2015 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.4.5-3
+- fix testsuite failure with new Python 3.5 (rhbz#1280404)
+* Tue Nov 10 2015 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 9.4.5-3
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/python3.5
+* Fri Oct 16 2015 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.4.5-2
+- devel package should not require the main package (rhbz#1272219)
+- multilib fix, more general solution (rhbz#1190346)
+* Tue Oct 06 2015 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.4.5-1
+- update to 9.4.5 per release notes
+  http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.4/static/release-9-4-5.html
+* Fri Sep 25 2015 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.4.4-6
+- postgresql-setup rebase to 3.4 (rhbz#1265319, rhbz#1247477)
+* Thu Sep 17 2015 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.4.4-5
+- enable hardening (safe for kernel 4.1+) (see rhbz#952946 comment #24)
+* Tue Aug 04 2015 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.4.4-4
+- install README.rpm-dist properly (rhbz#1249708)
+* Tue Jul 14 2015 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.4.4-3
+- revert/fix part of e6acde1a9 commit related to multilib hack (rhbz#1242873)
+* Thu Jun 18 2015 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 9.4.4-2
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_23_Mass_Rebuild
+* Mon Jun 15 2015 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.4.4-1
+- fix for Perl 5.22 rebase (rhbz#1231279)
+* Thu Jun 11 2015 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.4.4-1
+- update to 9.4.4 per release notes
+  http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.4/static/release-9-4-4.html
+* Sat Jun 06 2015 Jitka Plesnikova <jplesnik@redhat.com> - 9.4.3-2
+- Perl 5.22 rebuild
+* Wed Jun 03 2015 Jozef Mlich <jmlich@redhat.com> - 9.4.3-1
+- update to 9.4.3 per release notes
+  http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.4/static/release-9-4-3.html
+* Thu May 21 2015 Jozef Mlich <jmlich@redhat.com> - 9.4.2-1
+- update to 9.4.2 per release notes
+  http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.4/static/release-9-4-2.html
+* Thu May 21 2015 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.4.1-4
+- make the %%check phase more verbose for FAIL cases
+- don't FTBFS on f23+ where hardening is on by default
+* Wed Mar 25 2015 Jozef Mlich <jmlich@redhat.com> - 9.4.1-3
+- update to postgresql-setup 3.3
+* Thu Mar 19 2015 Jozef Mlich <jmlich@redhat.com> - 9.4.1-2
+- Adding tcl-pgtcl into Requires of -tcl subpackage
+* Wed Feb 04 2015 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.4.1-1
+- update to 9.4.1 per release notes
+  http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.4/static/release-9-4-1.html
+* Tue Feb 03 2015 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.4.0-2
+- sort file lists alphabetically
+* Tue Dec 23 2014 Jozef Mlich <jmlich@redhat.com> - 9.4.0-1
+- update to 9.4.0 per release notes
+  http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.4/static/index.html
+* Mon Nov 24 2014 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.3.5-8
+- print regression.diffs contents to stdout (#1118392)
+* Mon Oct 20 2014 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.3.5-7
+- be forgiving of variant spellings of locale names in pg_upgrade (#1007802)
+* Sun Sep 21 2014 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.3.5-6
+- postgresql-setup & relatives are now in separate tarball
+* Wed Aug 27 2014 Jitka Plesnikova <jplesnik@redhat.com> - 9.3.5-5
+- Perl 5.20 rebuild
+* Thu Aug 21 2014 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.3.5-4
+- install macros.postgresql, not postgresql.macros
+* Sun Aug 17 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 9.3.5-3
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_22_Mass_Rebuild
+* Thu Jul 24 2014 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.3.5-2
+- fix the prevversion sum link and comment a little
+* Tue Jul 22 2014 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.3.5-1
+- update to 9.3.5 per release notes
+  http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/static/release-9-3-5.html
+* Fri Jul 18 2014 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.3.4-8
+- provide postgresql-doc for postgresql-docs package (#1086420)
+- move html documentation to *-docs subpackage (#1086420)
+- provide postgresql-server(:MODULE_COMPAT_%%{postgresql_major}) to guard
+  against incompatible plugin installation (#1008939)
+* Thu Jun 19 2014 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.3.4-7
+- OOM handling compatible with 9.5+, by Tom Lane (#1110969)
+* Sat Jun 07 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 9.3.4-6
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild
+* Mon May 26 2014 Honza Horak <hhorak@redhat.com> - 9.3.4-5
+- Rebuild for Python 3.4
+* Fri May 23 2014 Honza Horak <hhorak@redhat.com> - 9.3.4-4
+- Change plpython_do test a bit so it is universal for all python versions
+* Wed May 21 2014 Jaroslav Škarvada <jskarvad@redhat.com> - 9.3.4-3
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/f21tcl86
+* Wed May 14 2014 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.3.4-2
+- set basic $PATH when it is empty or unset, (#1097317)
+* Thu Mar 20 2014 Jozef Mlich <jmlich@redhat.com> - 9.3.4-1
+- update to 9.3.4 minor version per release notes:
+  http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/static/release-9-3-4.html
+* Thu Mar 13 2014 Jozef Mlich <jmlich@redhat.com> - 9.3.3-2
+- Fix WAL replay of locking an updated tuple 
+  kudos to Alvaro Herrera 
+* Thu Feb 20 2014 Jozef Mlich <jmlich@redhat.com> - 9.3.3-1
+- update to 9.3.3 minor version per release notes:
+  http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/static/release-9-3-3.html
+* Thu Jan 23 2014 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.3.2-7
+- postgresql-setup: typos
+* Tue Jan 21 2014 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.3.2-6
+- add PGSETUP_PGUPGRADE_OPTIONS env var for postgresql-setup
+* Mon Jan 20 2014 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.3.2-5
+- fix the postgresql-setup --version option
+* Mon Jan 20 2014 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.3.2-4
+- postgresql-setup(upgrade): don't stop old server when it can not be started
+- postgresql-setup(initdb, upgrade): add $PGSETUP_INITDB_OPTIONS
+- postgresql-setup: do not pretend 'sh' compatibility
+- move script generation to proper place
+- postgresql-setup: document a little and genrate manual page
+* Fri Jan 10 2014 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.3.2-3
+- build with -O3 on ppc64 (private #1051075)
+* Fri Dec 13 2013 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.3.2-2
+- lint the postgresql-setup script
+* Thu Dec 12 2013 Jozef Mlich <jmlich@redhat.com> - 9.3.2-2
+- don't fail if user has badly configure 'postgres' user access (#1040364)
+* Thu Dec 05 2013 Jozef Mlich <jmlich@redhat.com> - 9.3.2-1
+- update to 9.3.2 minor version per release notes:
+  http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/static/release-9-3-2.html
+* Thu Oct 17 2013 Jozef Mlich <jmlich@redhat.com> - 9.3.1-2
+- the prevversion (see package upgrade process) is updated
+  from 9.2.4 to 9.2.5
+* Thu Oct 10 2013 Jozef Mlich <jmlich@redhat.com> - 9.3.1-1
+- update to 9.3.1 minor version per release notes:
+  http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/static/release-9-3-1.html
+* Tue Sep 10 2013 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.3.0-1
+- update to 9.3 major version per release notes:
+  http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/static/release-9-3.html
+* Thu Aug 15 2013 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.2.4-11
+- upgrade: stop old server in case of permissions problem (#896161)
+* Mon Aug 12 2013 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.2.4-10
+- disable aggressive loop optimizations for old codebase (#993532)
+* Wed Aug 07 2013 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.2.4-9
+- generate links docdir links in postgresql-check-db-dir correctly (#994048)
+* Tue Aug 06 2013 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.2.4-8
+- allow `rpmbuild -bi --short-circuit`
+* Sun Aug 04 2013 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 9.2.4-7
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_20_Mass_Rebuild
+* Wed Jul 24 2013 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.2.4-6
+- split aarch64 patch to allow build without postgresql-upgrade
+* Tue Jul 23 2013 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.2.4-5
+- fix testsuite to allow build against Perl 5.18
+* Thu Jul 18 2013 Petr Pisar <ppisar@redhat.com> - 9.2.4-5
+- Perl 5.18 rebuild
+* Tue Jul 09 2013 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.2.4-4
+- do not use -b for manual page fixes
+* Thu Jun 20 2013 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.2.4-3
+- fix README.rpm-dist for the bug (#969050)
+- replace hard-wired path with %%{_datadir}
+* Thu Jun 13 2013 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.2.4-3
+- add atomic operations support for aarch64 to preupgrade version also (#970661)
+- apply the forgotten man-page-day patch (#948933)
+* Thu Jun 13 2013 Jan Stanek <jstanek@redhat.com> - 9.2.4-3
+- added patch for manual pages (#948933)
+* Tue Jun 11 2013 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.2.4-2
+- postgresql-setup: don't create whole path to server's data to make sure that
+  the parent directory has correct permissions (#972425)
+* Wed Jun 05 2013 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup@redhat.com> - 9.2.4-2
+- fix rpmlint warnings
+- fix aarch64 build by defining missing atomic operations (#970661)
+* Thu Apr  4 2013 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 9.2.4-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 9.2.4, for various fixes described at
+  http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.2/static/release-9-2-4.html
+  including the fixes for CVE-2013-1899, CVE-2013-1900, CVE-2013-1901
+Resolves: #929223, #929255, #929328
+- fix build for aarch64 and ppc64p7
+* Thu Feb  7 2013 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 9.2.3-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 9.2.3, for various fixes described at
+  http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.2/static/release-9-2-3.html
+  including the fix for CVE-2013-0255
+Resolves: #908722
+- Make the package build with selinux option disabled
+Resolves: #894367
+- Include old version of pg_controldata in postgresql-upgrade subpackage
+Related: #896161
+* Thu Jan  3 2013 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 9.2.2-3
+- Prevent creation of TCP socket during pg_upgrade regression test, so that
+  concurrent RPM builds on the same machine won't fail
+Resolves: #891531
+- Make sure $PGDATA/pg_log/ gets the right SELinux label in postgresql-setup
+Resolves: #891547
+* Wed Dec 19 2012 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 9.2.2-2
+- Make building of plpython3 dependent on Fedora version, per guidelines
+Resolves: #888419
+* Thu Dec  6 2012 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 9.2.2-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 9.2.2, for various fixes described at
+  http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.2/static/release-9-2-2.html
+- Use new systemd install/uninstall trigger macros conditionally,
+  so that package can still be installed on pre-F18 branches
+* Mon Sep 24 2012 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 9.2.1-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 9.2.1, for various fixes described at
+  http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.2/static/release-9-2-1.html
+  including a nasty data-loss bug
+- Adopt new systemd macros for server package install/uninstall triggers
+Resolves: #850277
+* Mon Sep 10 2012 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 9.2.0-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 9.2.0 (major version bump);
+  in-place upgrade support now works from 9.1.x as the previous version
+- Add postgresql-plpython3 subpackage with PL/Python built against Python 3
+* Tue Aug 28 2012 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 9.1.5-2
+- Remove unnecessary ldconfig calls in pre/post triggers
+Resolves: #849344
+* Fri Aug 17 2012 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 9.1.5-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 9.1.5, for various fixes described at
+  http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/release-9-1-5.html
+  including the fixes for CVE-2012-3488, CVE-2012-3489
+* Mon Aug 13 2012 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 9.1.4-5
+- Back-port upstream support for postmaster listening on multiple Unix sockets
+- Configure postmaster to create sockets in both /var/run/postgresql and /tmp;
+  the former is now the default place for libpq to contact the postmaster.
+Resolves: #825448
+- Annotate postgresql.conf about not setting port number there
+- Minor specfile cleanup per suggestions from Tom Callaway
+Related: #845110
+* Sat Jul 21 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 9.1.4-4
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild
+* Sat Jul 14 2012 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 9.1.4-3
+- Update code to use oom_score_adj not oom_adj, thereby suppressing
+  whining in the kernel log
+- Add "legacy action" scripts to support "service postgresql initdb" and
+  "service postgresql upgrade" in a now-approved fashion (requires a
+  recent version of initscripts to work)
+Resolves: #800416
+* Mon Jun 11 2012 Petr Pisar <ppisar@redhat.com> - 9.1.4-2
+- Perl 5.16 rebuild
+* Mon Jun  4 2012 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 9.1.4-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 9.1.4, for various fixes described at
+  http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/release-9-1-4.html
+  including the fixes for CVE-2012-2143, CVE-2012-2655
+Resolves: #826606
+- Update previous version (embedded in postgresql-upgrade) to 9.0.8
+  because fix in whole-row variable dumping could be needed for upgrades
+- Revert fix for bug #800416, per fedora-packaging discussion at
+  http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/packaging/2012-April/008314.html
+  "service postgresql initdb" is dead and will stay that way
+* Sat Mar 17 2012 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 9.1.3-3
+- Fix postgresql-setup to rely on systemd to parse the unit file, instead
+  of using ad-hoc code
+Resolves: #804290
+* Tue Mar 13 2012 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 9.1.3-2
+- Fix postgresql-setup to look for unit file in /usr/lib and to ignore
+  comments therein
+Resolves: #802835
+- Resurrect a now-mostly-dummy postgresql init script, so that people can
+  keep on using "service postgresql initdb" if they wish
+Resolves: #800416
+* Mon Feb 27 2012 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 9.1.3-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 9.1.3, for various fixes described at
+  http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/release-9-1-3.html
+  including the fixes for CVE-2012-0866, CVE-2012-0867, CVE-2012-0868
+Resolves: #797918
+* Mon Jan  9 2012 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 9.1.2-2
+- Make systemd unit file more user-friendly by resurrecting the old init
+  script's checks for data directory presence and version match
+Resolves: #771496
+* Mon Dec  5 2011 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 9.1.2-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 9.1.2, for various fixes described at
+  http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/release-9-1-2.html
+* Wed Nov 02 2011 Honza Horak <hhorak@redhat.com> 9.1.1-2
+- Create a symlink of pg_regress instead of full copy;
+  Don't strip symbols from regress libs
+Related: #729012
+* Mon Sep 26 2011 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 9.1.1-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 9.1.1, for various fixes described at
+  http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/release-9-1-1.html
+- Enable build (but not test) of contrib/sepgsql
+- Clean up specfile build options so that turning options off works again
+* Mon Sep 12 2011 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 9.1.0-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 9.1.0 (major version bump);
+  in-place upgrade support now works from 9.0.x as the previous version
+* Wed Jul 27 2011 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 9.0.4-8
+- Convert to systemd startup support
+Resolves: #696427
+* Thu Jul 21 2011 Petr Sabata <contyk@redhat.com> - 9.0.4-7
+- Perl mass rebuild
+* Wed Jul 20 2011 Petr Sabata <contyk@redhat.com> - 9.0.4-6
+- Perl mass rebuild
+* Wed Jul  6 2011 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 9.0.4-5
+- Remove erroneously-included Default-Start line from LSB init block
+Related: #717024
+* Fri Jun 17 2011 Marcela Mašláňová <mmaslano@redhat.com> 9.0.4-4
+- Perl mass rebuild
+- incorporate upstream patch to make it build with Perl 5.14
+* Fri Jun 10 2011 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 9.0.4-3
+- Work around gcc 4.6.0 bug (temporary backport from next upstream release)
+* Tue May 10 2011 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 9.0.4-2
+- Add LSB init block to initscript, to ensure sane ordering at system boot
+Resolves: #703215
+* Mon Apr 18 2011 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 9.0.4-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 9.0.4, for various fixes described at
+  http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.0/static/release-9-0-4.html
+- Add %%{?_isa} to cross-subpackage Requires, per latest packaging guidelines
+* Wed Feb 09 2011 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 9.0.3-3
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild
+* Thu Feb  3 2011 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 9.0.3-2
+- Remove filter-requires-perl-Pg.sh, which doesn't seem to be needed now that
+  PyGreSQL has been split out; and our use of it isn't compatible with rpm 4.9
+  anyway
+* Tue Feb  1 2011 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 9.0.3-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 9.0.3, for various fixes described at
+  http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.0/static/release-9-0-3.html
+  including the fix for CVE-2010-4015
+Resolves: #674296
+* Tue Dec 28 2010 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 9.0.2-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 9.0.2 (major version bump)
+- Create infrastructure for in-place database upgrade using pg_upgrade
+Resolves: #398221
+* Thu Dec 16 2010 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.4.6-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 8.4.6, for various fixes described at
+  http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.4/static/release-8-4-6.html
+- Ensure we don't package any .gitignore files from the source tarball
+Related: #642210
+* Tue Oct  5 2010 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.4.5-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 8.4.5, for various fixes described at
+  http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.4/static/release-8-4-5.html
+  including the fix for CVE-2010-3433
+Related: #639371
+- Add -p "$pidfile" to initscript's status call to improve corner cases.
+Related: #561010
+* Sat Jul 31 2010 Orcan Ogetbil <oget[dot]fedora[at]gmail[dot]com> - 8.4.4-3
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Python_2.7/MassRebuild
+- Duplicate COPYRIGHT in -libs subpackage, per revised packaging guidelines
+* Wed Jun 02 2010 Marcela Maslanova <mmaslano@redhat.com> - 8.4.4-2
+- Mass rebuild with perl-5.12.0
+* Mon May 17 2010 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.4.4-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 8.4.4, for various fixes described at
+  http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.4/static/release-8-4-4.html
+  including fixes for CVE-2010-1169 and CVE-2010-1170
+Resolves: #593032
+* Sun Mar 14 2010 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.4.3-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 8.4.3, for various fixes described at
+  http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.4/static/release-8-4-3.html
+* Mon Feb 22 2010 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.4.2-8
+- Bring init script into some modicum of compliance with Fedora/LSB standards
+Resolves: #201043
+* Thu Feb 18 2010 Tom "spot" Callaway <tcallawa@redhat.com> 8.4.2-7
+- adjust license tag to reflect OSI decision
+* Tue Jan 26 2010 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.4.2-6
+- Emit explicit error message if user tries to build RPM as root
+Related: #558921
+* Wed Jan 20 2010 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.4.2-5
+- Latest version of systemtap needs the probes.o file to be built again
+Resolves: #557266
+- Provide script and instructions for building the documentation PDF
+* Mon Jan 11 2010 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.4.2-4
+- Arrange for the postmaster, but not any of its child processes, to be run
+  with oom_adj -17.  This compensates for the OOM killer not being smart about
+  accounting for shared memory usage.
+* Sat Jan  9 2010 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.4.2-3
+- Remove the postgresql-python and postgresql-tcl subpackages.  These files
+  are now broken out as their own packages (PyGreSQL and tcl-pgtcl,
+  respectively), to reflect the now longstanding split of upstream projects.
+Related: #452306, #452321
+* Tue Jan  5 2010 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.4.2-2
+- Remove static libraries (.a files) from package, per packaging guidelines
+- Change %%define to %%global, per packaging guidelines
+* Wed Dec 16 2009 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.4.2-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 8.4.2, for various fixes described at
+  http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.4/static/release-8-4-2.html
+  including two security issues
+Related: #546321
+Related: #547662
+- Use -N not the obsolete -n in useradd call
+Resolves: #495727
+- Clean up specfile to eliminate rpmlint gripes, mainly by removing
+  no-longer-needed provisions for superseding rh-postgresql
+* Mon Dec  7 2009 Stepan Kasal <skasal@redhat.com> - 8.4.1-5
+- rebuild against perl 5.10.1
+* Thu Oct 15 2009 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.4.1-4
+- add sparc/sparc64 to multilib header support
+* Mon Sep 21 2009 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.4.1-3
+- Ensure pgstartup.log gets the right ownership/permissions during initdb
+Resolves: #498959
+* Wed Sep 16 2009 Tomas Mraz <tmraz@redhat.com> - 8.4.1-2
+- Use password-auth common PAM configuration instead of system-auth
+* Wed Sep  9 2009 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.4.1-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 8.4.1, for various fixes described at
+  http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.4/static/release-8-4-1.html
+  including two security issues
+Related: #522085
+Related: #522092
+* Tue Sep 01 2009 Karsten Hopp <karsten@redhat.com> 8.4.0-3.2
+- bump release and build again with the correct libssl
+* Tue Sep 01 2009 Karsten Hopp <karsten@redhat.com> 8.4.0-3.1
+- disable dtrace on s390x as a workaround until #520469 has been fixed
+* Fri Aug 21 2009 Tomas Mraz <tmraz@redhat.com> - 8.4.0-3
+- rebuilt with new openssl
+* Thu Aug 20 2009 Tom "spot" Callaway <tcallawa@redhat.com> 8.4.0-2
+- update License tag to MIT (PostgreSQL calls it "BSD", but it is MIT)
+- Note: This changes nothing from a license compatibility perspective.
+* Mon Aug 17 2009 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.4.0-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 8.4.0.  See release notes at
+  http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.4/static/release-8-4.html
+* Sun Jul 26 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 8.3.7-2
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild
+* Sat Mar 21 2009 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.3.7-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 8.3.7, for various fixes described at
+  http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/static/release-8-3-7.html
+  notably the fix for CVE-2009-0922
+* Tue Mar 10 2009 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.3.6-4
+- Prevent dependent packages from needing to include sys/sdt.h
+  (unintended side effect of previous patch)
+- Use -O1 on alpha, per report from Oliver Falk; -O2 tickles gcc bugs
+* Sun Mar  8 2009 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.3.6-3
+- Enable tracing via systemtap
+Resolves: #488941
+* Thu Feb 26 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 8.3.6-2
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild
+* Sat Feb  7 2009 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.3.6-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 8.3.6, for various fixes described at
+  http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/static/release-8-3-6.html
+* Wed Jan 21 2009 Dennis Gilmore <dennis@ausil.us> 8.3.5-4
+- use -O1 on sparc64
+* Sat Jan 17 2009 Tomas Mraz <tmraz@redhat.com> - 8.3.5-3
+- rebuild with new openssl
+* Sat Nov 29 2008 Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams <ivazqueznet+rpm@gmail.com> - 8.3.5-2
+- Rebuild for Python 2.6
+* Sun Nov  2 2008 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.3.5-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 8.3.5.
+- Improve display from init script's initdb action, per Michael Schwendt
+* Thu Sep 25 2008 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.3.4-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 8.3.4.
+* Mon Jul 28 2008 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.3.3-3
+- Fix build failure caused by new default patch fuzz = 0 policy in rawhide.
+* Fri Jun 20 2008 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.3.3-2
+- Install Pgtcl in /usr/lib/tcl$TCL_VERSION, not directly in /usr/lib.
+  Needed because tcl 8.5 no longer puts /usr/lib into its package search path.
+  NOTE: do not back-port this change into branches using pre-8.5 tcl, because
+  /usr/lib/tcl8.4 had been a symlink to /usr/share/tcl8.4, and /usr/share
+  is exactly where we must not put Pgtcl.
+Resolves: #228263
+* Wed Jun 11 2008 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.3.3-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 8.3.3.
+- Remove postgresql-prefer-ncurses.patch, no longer needed in recent
+  Fedora releases because libtermcap is gone.
+* Sat May 17 2008 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.3.1-5
+- rebuild because of buildsystem hiccup
+* Sat May 17 2008 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.3.1-4
+- Enable LDAP support
+Resolves: #445315
+- Use -Wl,--as-needed to suppress bogus dependencies for libraries that
+  are really only needed by some of the subpackages
+* Mon Apr 28 2008 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.3.1-3
+- Fix build breakage on PPC due to incorrect configure test
+Related: #444317
+* Sat Apr 26 2008 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.3.1-2
+- Clean up cross-subpackage Requires: to ensure that updating any one
+  subpackage brings in the matching versions of others.
+Resolves: #444271
+* Tue Mar 25 2008 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.3.1-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 8.3.1.
+* Tue Mar 18 2008 Tom "spot" Callaway <tcallawa@redhat.com> 8.3.0-3
+- add Requires for versioned perl (libperl.so)
+* Wed Feb  6 2008 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.3.0-2
+- Enable the new GSSAPI support in 8.3.0.
+* Mon Feb  4 2008 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.3.0-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 8.3.0.
+* Fri Jan 18 2008 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.3RC2-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 8.3RC2 (not waiting for 8.3.0 because Fedora 9 alpha
+  should be 8.3-based not 8.2-based).
+- Update to pgtcl 1.6.2
+* Mon Jan  7 2008 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.2.6-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 8.2.6 to fix CVE-2007-4769, CVE-2007-4772,
+  CVE-2007-6067, CVE-2007-6600, CVE-2007-6601
+- Make initscript and pam config files be installed unconditionally;
+  seems new buildroots don't necessarily have those directories in place
+* Wed Dec  5 2007 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.2.5-2
+- Rebuild for new openssl
+* Thu Sep 20 2007 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.2.5-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 8.2.5 and pgtcl 1.6.0
+* Tue Sep  4 2007 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.2.4-6
+- Fix multilib problem for /usr/include/ecpg_config.h (which is new in 8.2.x)
+* Sat Aug 25 2007 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.2.4-5
+- Use nicer solution for tzdata file substitution: upstream discussion
+  concluded that hardwiring the path was better than a symlink after all.
+* Wed Aug 22 2007 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.2.4-4
+- Use tzdata package's data files instead of private copy, so that
+  postgresql-server need not be turned for routine timezone updates
+- Don't remove postgres user/group during RPM uninstall, per Fedora
+  packaging guidelines
+- Seems we need an explicit BuildRequires on gawk now
+- Rebuild to fix Fedora toolchain issues
+* Sun Aug 12 2007 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.2.4-3
+- Recent perl changes in rawhide mean we need a more specific BuildRequires
+* Wed Jun 20 2007 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.2.4-2
+- Fix oversight in postgresql-test makefile: pg_regress isn't a shell script
+  anymore.  Per upstream bug 3398.
+* Tue Apr 24 2007 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.2.4-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 8.2.4 for CVE-2007-2138, data loss bugs
+Resolves: #237682
+* Wed Feb 14 2007 Karsten Hopp <karsten@redhat.com> 8.2.3-2
+- rebuild with tcl-8.4
+* Wed Feb  7 2007 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.2.3-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 8.2.3 due to regression induced by security fix
+Resolves: #227522
+* Sun Feb  4 2007 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.2.2-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 8.2.2 to fix CVE-2007-0555, CVE-2007-0556
+Related: #225496
+* Fri Jan 12 2007 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.2.1-2
+- Split -pl subpackage into three new packages to reduce dependencies
+  and track upstream project's packaging.
+* Wed Jan 10 2007 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.2.1-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 8.2.1
+- Update to pgtcl 1.5.3
+- Be sure we link to libncurses, not libtermcap which is disappearing in Fedora
+* Thu Dec  7 2006 Jeremy Katz <katzj@redhat.com> - 8.2.0-2
+- rebuild for python 2.5
+* Mon Dec  4 2006 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.2.0-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 8.2.0
+- Update to PyGreSQL 3.8.1
+- Fix chcon arguments in test/regress/Makefile
+Related: #201035
+- Adjust init script to not fool /etc/rc.d/rc
+Resolves: #161470
+- Change init script to not do initdb automatically, but require
+  manual "service postgresql initdb" for safety.  Per upstream discussions.
+* Wed Jul 12 2006 Jesse Keating <jkeating@redhat.com> - 8.1.4-1.1
+- rebuild
+* Mon May 22 2006 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.1.4-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 8.1.4 (includes fixes for CVE-2006-2313, CVE-2006-2314;
+  see bug #192173)
+- Update to PyGreSQL 3.8
+- Suppress noise from chcon, per bug #187744
+* Mon Mar 27 2006 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.1.3-2
+- Remove JDBC from this build; we will package it as separate SRPM
+* Mon Feb 13 2006 Jesse Keating <jkeating@redhat.com> - 8.1.3-1.1
+- rebump for build order issues during double-long bump
+* Mon Feb 13 2006 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.1.3-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 8.1.3 (fixes bug #180617, CVE-2006-0553)
+- Update to jdbc driver build 405
+- Modify multilib header hack to not break non-RH arches, per bug #177564
+* Tue Feb 07 2006 Jesse Keating <jkeating@redhat.com> - 8.1.2-1.1
+- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes
+* Mon Jan  9 2006 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.1.2-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 8.1.2
+- Repair extraneous quote in pgtcl configure script ... odd that bash
+  didn't use to spit up on this.
+* Thu Dec 15 2005 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.1.1-3
+- fix pg_config.h for 64-bit and ppc platforms
+- update Makefile.regress (needs to --load-language=plpgsql)
+* Wed Dec 14 2005 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.1.1-2
+- oops, looks like we want uname -i not uname -m
+* Wed Dec 14 2005 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.1.1-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 8.1.1
+- Make pg_config.h architecture-independent for multilib installs;
+  put the original pg_config.h into pg_config_$ARCH.h
+* Fri Dec 09 2005 Jesse Keating <jkeating@redhat.com>
+- rebuilt
+* Sat Nov 12 2005 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.1.0-4
+- Update included PDF-format manual to 8.1.
+* Wed Nov  9 2005 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.1.0-3
+- Rebuild due to openssl library update.
+* Wed Nov  9 2005 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.1.0-2
+- Rebuild due to openssl library update.
+* Mon Nov  7 2005 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.1.0-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 8.1.0, PyGreSQL 3.7, and jdbc driver build 404
+- Fix PAM config file (must have account not only auth) (bug #167040)
+- Add BuildPrereq: libxslt-devel (bug #170141)
+- Sync with PGDG SRPM as much as feasible
+* Fri Oct 14 2005 Tomas Mraz <tmraz@redhat.com>
+- use include instead of pam_stack in pam config
+* Tue Oct  4 2005 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.0.4-2
+- Add rpath to plperl.so (bug #162198)
+* Tue Oct  4 2005 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.0.4-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 8.0.4, PyGreSQL 3.6.2, and jdbc driver build 312
+- Adjust pgtcl link command to ensure it binds to correct libpq (bug #166665)
+- Remove obsolete Conflicts: against other python versions (bug #166754)
+- Add /etc/pam.d/postgresql (bug #167040)
+- Include contrib/xml2 in build (bug #167492)
+* Tue May 10 2005 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.0.3-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 8.0.3 (includes security and data-loss fixes; see
+  bz#156727, CAN-2005-1409, CAN-2005-1410)
+- Update to jdbc driver build 311
+- Recreate postgres user after superseding an rh-postgresql install (bug #151911)
+- Ensure postgresql server is restarted if running during an upgrade
+* Thu Apr 14 2005 Florian La Roche <laroche@redhat.com> 8.0.2-2
+- rebuild for postgresql-tcl
+* Tue Apr 12 2005 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.0.2-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 8.0.2.
+* Fri Mar 11 2005 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.0.1-5
+- Remove unwanted rpath specification from pgtcl (bz#150649)
+* Wed Mar  2 2005 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.0.1-4
+- Attach Obsoletes: declarations for rh-postgresql to subpackages (bz#144435)
+- Make Requires: and Prereq: package linkages specify release not only
+  version, as per recent mailing list discussion.
+* Tue Mar  1 2005 Tomas Mraz <tmraz@redhat.com> 8.0.1-3
+- rebuild with openssl-0.9.7e
+* Mon Feb 21 2005 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.0.1-2
+- Repair improper error message in init script when PGVERSION doesn't match.
+- Arrange for auto update of version embedded in init script.
+* Sun Jan 30 2005 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.0.1-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 8.0.1.
+- Add versionless symlinks to jar files (bz#145744)
+* Wed Jan 19 2005 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 8.0.0-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 8.0.0, PyGreSQL 3.6.1, pgtcl 1.5.2,
+  and jdbc driver build 309.
+- Extensive cleanout of obsolete cruft in patch set.
+- Regression tests are run during RPM build (NOTE: cannot build as root when
+  this is enabled).
+- Postmaster stderr goes someplace useful, not /dev/null (bz#76503, #103767)
+- Make init script return a useful exit status (bz#80782)
+- Move docs' tutorial directory to %%{_libdir}/pgsql/tutorial, since it
+  includes .so files that surely do not belong under /usr/share.
+- Remove useless .sgml files from docs RPM (bz#134450)
+- Put regression tests under /usr/lib64 on 64-bit archs, since .so files
+  are not architecture-independent.
+* Wed Jan 12 2005 Tim Waugh <twaugh@redhat.com> 7.4.6-5
+- Rebuilt for new readline.
+* Tue Jan 11 2005 Dan Walsh <dwalsh@redhat.com> 7.4.6-4
+- Add restorecon to postgresql.init in order to restore database to correct
+- SELinux context.
+* Thu Dec 16 2004 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 7.4.6-3
+- Update to PyGreSQL 3.6 (to fix bug #142711)
+- Adjust a few file permissions (bug #142431)
+- Assign %%{_libdir}/pgsql to base package instead of -server (bug #74003)
+* Mon Nov 15 2004 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 7.4.6-2
+- Rebuild so python components play with python 2.4 (bug 139160)
+* Sat Oct 23 2004 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 7.4.6-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 7.4.6 (bugs 136947, 136949)
+- Make init script more paranoid about mkdir step of initializing a new
+  database (bugs 136947, 136949)
+* Wed Oct 20 2004 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 7.4.5-4
+- Remove contrib/oidjoins stuff from installed fileset; it's of no use
+  to ordinary users and has a security issue (bugs 136300, 136301)
+- adjust chkconfig priority (bug 128852)
+* Tue Oct 05 2004 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 7.4.5-3
+- Solve the stale lockfile problem (bugs 71295, 96981, 134090)
+- Use runuser instead of su for SELinux (bug 134588)
+* Mon Aug 30 2004 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 7.4.5-2
+- Update to PyGreSQL 3.5.
+* Tue Aug 24 2004 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 7.4.5-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 7.4.5.
+- Update JDBC jars to driver build 215.
+- Add Obsoletes: entries for rh-postgresql packages, per bug 129278.
+* Sat Jul 10 2004 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 7.4.3-3
+- Undo ill-considered chkconfig change that causes server to start
+  immediately upon install.  Mea culpa (bug 127552).
+* Sat Jul 03 2004 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 7.4.3-2
+- Update JDBC jars to driver build 214.
+* Wed Jun 23 2004 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 7.4.3-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 7.4.3.
+- Uninstalling server RPM stops postmaster first, per bug 114846.
+- Fix su commands to not assume PG user's shell is sh-like, per bug 124024.
+- Fix permissions on postgresql-python doc files, per bug 124822.
+- Minor postgresql.init improvements.
+* Tue Jun 15 2004 Elliot Lee <sopwith@redhat.com>
+- rebuilt
+* Wed Mar 10 2004 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com> 7.4.2-1
+- Update to PostgreSQL 7.4.2; sync with community SRPM as much as possible.
+- Support PGOPTS from /etc/sysconfig/pgsql, per bug 111504.
+- Fix permissions on /etc/sysconfig/pgsql, per bug 115278.
+- SELinux patch in init file: always su </dev/null, per bug 117901.
+- Rebuilt
+* Tue Mar 02 2004 Elliot Lee <sopwith@redhat.com>
+- rebuilt
+* Wed Feb 25 2004 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com>
+- Update to PostgreSQL 7.4.1.
+- Rebuilt
+* Tue Feb 24 2004 Tom Lane <tgl@redhat.com>
+- Fix chown syntax in postgresql.init also.
+- Rebuilt
+* Mon Feb 23 2004 Tim Waugh <twaugh@redhat.com>
+- Use ':' instead of '.' as separator for chown.
+* Fri Feb 13 2004 Elliot Lee <sopwith@redhat.com>
+- rebuilt
+* Fri Jan 9 2004 Lamar Owen <lowen@pari.edu>
+- 7.4.1-1PGDG
+- Merge Sander Steffann's changes up to 7.4-0.5PGDG
+- Proper 7.4.1 JDBC jars this time.
+- Patch for no pl/python from Alvaro
+* Fri Dec 05 2003 David Jee <djee@redhat.com> 7.4-5
+- Rebuild for Perl 5.8.2.
+* Mon Dec 01 2003 David Jee <djee@redhat.com> 7.4-4
+- Add PyGreSQL patch for deprecated column pg_type.typprtlen [Bug #111263]
+- Add headers patch which moves ecpg headers to /usr/include/ecpg
+  [Bug #111195]
+* Fri Nov 28 2003 David Jee <djee@redhat.com> 7.4-3
+- uncomment buildrequires tcl-devel
+* Fri Nov 28 2003 David Jee <djee@redhat.com> 7.4-2
+- rebuild
+* Mon Nov 24 2003 David Jee <djee@redhat.com> 7.4-1
+- initial Red Hat build
+- move jars to /usr/share/java
+- fix rpm-multilib patch to use sysconfig
+* Fri Nov 21 2003 Lamar Owen <lowen@pari.edu> <lamar.owen@wgcr.org>
+- 7.4-0.1PGDG
+- Development JDBC jars in addition to the 7.3 jars; will replace the
+- 7.3 jars once 7.4 official jars are released.
+- Changed to use the bzip2 source to save a little size.
+- Removed some commented out portions of the specfile.
+- Removed the 7.3.4 PDF docs.  Will replace with 7.4 PDF's once they
+- are ready.
+* Tue Nov 18 2003 Kaj J. Niemi <kajtzu@fi.basen.net> 7.4-0.1
+- 7.4
+- Fixed Patch #1 (now rpm-pgsql-7.4.patch)
+- Fixed Patch #2 (now rpm-multilib-7.4.patch):
+- Patch #4 is unnecessary (upstream)
+- Fixed Patch #6 (now postgresql-7.4-src-tutorial.patch)
+- Added Patch #8 (postgresql-7.4-com_err.patch) as com_err()
+  is provided by e2fsprogs and CPPFLAGS gets lost somewhere
+  inside configure (bad macro?)
+- No 7.4 PDF docs available yet (Source #17)
+- PyGreSQL is separated from the upstream distribution but
+  we include it as usual (Source #18)
+- Default to compiling libpq and ECPG as fully thread-safe
+- 7.4 Origin.  See previous spec files for previous history. Adapted
+- from Red Hat and PGDG's 7.3.4 RPM, directly descended from 
+- postgresql-7.3.4-2 as shipped in Fedora Core 1.