e8f820 |
This Postfix build behaves differently from the upstream postfix-3.5.8.
e8f820 |
It's because in RHEL-8 backward compatibility is kept to postfix-3.3.1.
e8f820 |
e8f820 |
For the upstream postfix-3.5.8 behavior either run the following commands:
e8f820 |
e8f820 |
# postconf info_log_address_format=external
e8f820 |
# postconf smtpd_discard_ehlo_keywords=
e8f820 |
# postconf rhel_ipv6_normalize=yes
e8f820 |
e8f820 |
Or go through the following steps:
e8f820 |
e8f820 |
1. Change the configuration option 'info_log_address_format' to 'external'.
e8f820 |
In RHEL-8 it's by default set to 'internal' to mitigate [Incompat 20191109].
e8f820 |
e8f820 |
2. Change the configuration option 'smtpd_discard_ehlo_keywords' to ''.
e8f820 |
In RHEL-8 it's by default set to 'chunking' to mitigate [Incompat 20180826].
e8f820 |
e8f820 |
3. Add RHEL-8 specific configuration option 'rhel_ipv6_normalize' and set it
e8f820 |
to 'yes'. In RHEL-8 this option was added to mitigate [Incompat 20190427].
e8f820 |
e8f820 |
Details from the upstream RELEASE_NOTES:
e8f820 |
e8f820 |
[Incompat 20191109]
e8f820 |
Postfix daemon processes now log the from= and
e8f820 |
to= addresses in external (quoted) form in non-debug logging (info,
e8f820 |
warning, etc.). This means that when an address localpart contains
e8f820 |
spaces or other special characters, the localpart will be quoted,
e8f820 |
for example:
e8f820 |
e8f820 |
from=<"name with spaces"@example.com>
e8f820 |
e8f820 |
Older Postfix versions would log the internal (unquoted) form:
e8f820 |
e8f820 |
from=<name with spaces@example.com>
e8f820 |
e8f820 |
The external and internal forms are identical for the vast majority
e8f820 |
of email addresses that contain no spaces or other special characters
e8f820 |
in the localpart.
e8f820 |
e8f820 |
Specify "info_log_address_format = internal" for backwards
e8f820 |
e8f820 |
e8f820 |
The logging in external form is consistent with the address form
e8f820 |
that Postfix 3.2 and later prefer for table lookups. It is therefore
e8f820 |
the more useful form for non-debug logging.
e8f820 |
e8f820 |
[Incompat 20180826]
e8f820 |
The Postfix SMTP server announces CHUNKING (BDAT
e8f820 |
command) by default. In the unlikely case that this breaks some
e8f820 |
important remote SMTP client, disable the feature as follows:
e8f820 |
e8f820 |
e8f820 |
# The logging alternative:
e8f820 |
smtpd_discard_ehlo_keywords = chunking
e8f820 |
# The non-logging alternative:
e8f820 |
smtpd_discard_ehlo_keywords = chunking, silent_discard
e8f820 |
e8f820 |
See BDAT_README for more.
e8f820 |
e8f820 |
[Incompat 20190427]
e8f820 |
Postfix now normalizes IP addresses received
e8f820 |
with XCLIENT, XFORWARD, or with the HaProxy protocol, for consistency
e8f820 |
with direct connections to Postfix. This may change the appearance
e8f820 |
of logging, and the way that check_client_access will match subnets
e8f820 |
of an IPv6 address.