# Sensible Perl-specific RPM build macros. # # Note that these depend on the generic filtering system being in place in # rpm core; but won't cause a build to fail if they're not present. # # Chris Weyl 2009 # Marcela Mašláňová 2011 # This macro unsets several common vars used to control how Makefile.PL (et # al) build and install packages. We also set a couple to help some of the # common systems be less interactive. This was blatantly stolen from # cpanminus, and helps building rpms locally when one makes extensive use of # local::lib, etc. # # Usage, in %build, before "%{__perl} Makefile.PL ..." # # %{?perl_ext_env_unset} %@scl@perl_ext_env_unset %{expand: unset PERL_MM_OPT MODULEBUILDRC PERL5INC export PERL_AUTOINSTALL="--defaultdeps" export PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT=1 } ############################################################################# # Filtering macro incantations # keep track of what "revision" of the filtering we're at. Each time we # change the filter we should increment this. %@scl@perl_default_filter_revision 3 # Perl provides/requeries are generated by external generators. %global @scl@__perl_provides /usr/lib/rpm/perl.prov %global @scl@__perl_requires /usr/lib/rpm/perl.req # By default, for perl packages we want to filter all files in _docdir from # req/prov scanning, as well as filtering out any provides caused by private # libs in vendorarch/archlib (vendor/core). # # Note that this must be invoked in the spec file, preferably as # "%{?perl_default_filter}", before any %description block. %@scl@perl_default_filter %{expand: \ %global __provides_exclude_from %{perl_vendorarch}/auto/.*\\\\.so$|%{perl_archlib}/.*\\\\.so$|%{_docdir} %global __requires_exclude_from %{_docdir} %global __provides_exclude perl\\\\(VMS|perl\\\\(Win32|perl\\\\(DB\\\\)|perl\\\\(UNIVERSAL\\\\) %global __requires_exclude perl\\\\(VMS|perl\\\\(Win32 } ############################################################################# # Macros to assist with generating a "-tests" subpackage in a semi-automatic # manner. # # The following macros are still in a highly experimental stage and users # should be aware that the interface and behaviour may change. # # PLEASE, PLEASE CONDITIONALIZE THESE MACROS IF YOU USE THEM. # # See http://gist.github.com/284409 # These macros should be invoked as above, right before the first %description # section, and conditionalized. e.g., for the common case where all our tests # are located under t/, the correct usage is: # # %{?perl_default_subpackage_tests} # # If custom files/directories need to be specified, this can be done as such: # # %{?perl_subpackage_tests:%perl_subpackage_tests t/ one/ three.sql} # # etc, etc. %@scl@perl_version %(eval "`%{__perl} -V:version`"; echo $version) %@scl@perl_testdir %{_libexecdir}/perl5-tests %@scl@cpan_dist_name %(eval echo %{name} | %{__sed} -e 's/^perl-//') # easily mark something as required by -tests and BR to the main package %@scl@tests_req() %{expand:\ BuildRequires: %*\ %%@scl@tests_subpackage_requires %*\ } # fixup (and create if needed) the shbang lines in tests, so they work and # rpmlint doesn't (correctly) have a fit %@scl@fix_shbang_line() \ TMPHEAD=`mktemp`\ TMPBODY=`mktemp`\ for file in %* ; do \ head -1 $file > $TMPHEAD\ tail -n +2 $file > $TMPBODY\ %{__perl} -pi -e '$f = /^#!/ ? "" : "#!%{__perl}$/"; $_="$f$_"' $TMPHEAD\ cat $TMPHEAD $TMPBODY > $file\ done\ %{__perl} -MExtUtils::MakeMaker -e "ExtUtils::MM_Unix->fixin(qw{%*})"\ %{__rm} $TMPHEAD $TMPBODY\ %{nil} # additional -tests subpackage requires, if any %@scl@tests_subpackage_requires() %{expand: \ %global @scl@__tests_spkg_req %{?@scl@__tests_spkg_req} %* \ } # additional -tests subpackage provides, if any %@scl@tests_subpackage_provides() %{expand: \ %global @scl@__tests_spkg_prov %{?@scl@__tests_spkg_prov} %* \ } # # Runs after the body of %check completes. # %@scl@__perl_check_pre %{expand: \ %{?__spec_check_pre} \ pushd %{buildsubdir} \ %define @scl@perl_br_testdir %{buildroot}%{@scl@perl_testdir}/%{@scl@cpan_dist_name} \ %{__mkdir_p} %{@scl@perl_br_testdir} \ %{__tar} -cf - %{__perl_test_dirs} | ( cd %{@scl@perl_br_testdir} && %{__tar} -xf - ) \ find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*META*' -exec %{__cp} -vp {} %{@scl@perl_br_testdir} ';' \ find %{@scl@perl_br_testdir} -type f -exec %{__chmod} -c -x {} ';' \ T_FILES=`find %{@scl@perl_br_testdir} -type f -name '*.t'` \ %@scl@fix_shbang_line $T_FILES \ %{__chmod} +x $T_FILES \ %{_fixperms} %{@scl@perl_br_testdir} \ popd \ } # # The actual invoked macro # %@scl@perl_subpackage_tests() %{expand: \ %global __perl_package 1\ %global __perl_test_dirs %* \ %global __spec_check_pre %{expand:%{@scl@__perl_check_pre}} \ %package tests\ Summary: Test suite for package %{name}\ Group: Development/Debug\ Requires: %{name} = %{?epoch:%{epoch}:}%{version}-%{release}\ Requires: /usr/bin/prove \ %{?@scl@__tests_spkg_req:Requires: %@scl@__tests_spkg_req}\ %{?@scl@__tests_spkg_prov:Provides: %@scl@__tests_spkg_prov}\ AutoReqProv: 0 \ %description tests\ This package provides the test suite for package %{name}.\ %files tests\ %defattr(-,root,root,-)\ %{@scl@perl_testdir}\ } # shortcut sugar %@scl@perl_default_subpackage_tests %@scl@perl_subpackage_tests t/