diff --git a/SOURCES/perl-5.26.3-CVE-2020-12723.patch b/SOURCES/perl-5.26.3-CVE-2020-12723.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a98c81f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/perl-5.26.3-CVE-2020-12723.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+From c031e3ec7c713077659f5f7dc6638d926c69d7b2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Hugo van der Sanden <hv@crypt.org>
+Date: Sat, 11 Apr 2020 14:10:24 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH v528 3/3] study_chunk: avoid mutating regexp program within
+gh16947 and gh17743: studying GOSUB may restudy in an inner call
+(via a mix of recursion and enframing) something that an outer call
+is in the middle of looking at.  Let the outer frame deal with it.
+ embed.fnc  |  2 +-
+ embed.h    |  2 +-
+ proto.h    |  2 +-
+ regcomp.c  | 48 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
+ t/re/pat.t | 26 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-
+ 5 files changed, 60 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/embed.fnc b/embed.fnc
+index cf89277163..4b1ba28277 100644
+--- a/embed.fnc
++++ b/embed.fnc
+@@ -2397,7 +2397,7 @@ Es	|SSize_t|study_chunk	|NN RExC_state_t *pRExC_state \
+ 				|NULLOK struct scan_data_t *data \
+                                 |I32 stopparen|U32 recursed_depth \
+ 				|NULLOK regnode_ssc *and_withp \
+-				|U32 flags|U32 depth
++				|U32 flags|U32 depth|bool was_mutate_ok
+ EsRn	|U32	|add_data	|NN RExC_state_t* const pRExC_state \
+ 				|NN const char* const s|const U32 n
+ rs	|void	|re_croak2	|bool utf8|NN const char* pat1|NN const char* pat2|...
+diff --git a/embed.h b/embed.h
+index 886551ce5c..50fcabc140 100644
+--- a/embed.h
++++ b/embed.h
+@@ -1075,7 +1075,7 @@
+ #define ssc_is_cp_posixl_init	S_ssc_is_cp_posixl_init
+ #define ssc_or(a,b,c)		S_ssc_or(aTHX_ a,b,c)
+ #define ssc_union(a,b,c)	S_ssc_union(aTHX_ a,b,c)
+-#define study_chunk(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k)	S_study_chunk(aTHX_ a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k)
++#define study_chunk(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l)	S_study_chunk(aTHX_ a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l)
+ #  endif
+ #  if defined(PERL_IN_REGCOMP_C) || defined (PERL_IN_DUMP_C)
+ #define _invlist_dump(a,b,c,d)	Perl__invlist_dump(aTHX_ a,b,c,d)
+diff --git a/proto.h b/proto.h
+index d3f8802c1d..e276f69bd1 100644
+--- a/proto.h
++++ b/proto.h
+@@ -5258,7 +5258,7 @@ PERL_STATIC_INLINE void	S_ssc_union(pTHX_ regnode_ssc *ssc, SV* const invlist, c
+ 	assert(ssc); assert(invlist)
+ #endif
+-STATIC SSize_t	S_study_chunk(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode **scanp, SSize_t *minlenp, SSize_t *deltap, regnode *last, struct scan_data_t *data, I32 stopparen, U32 recursed_depth, regnode_ssc *and_withp, U32 flags, U32 depth);
++STATIC SSize_t	S_study_chunk(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode **scanp, SSize_t *minlenp, SSize_t *deltap, regnode *last, struct scan_data_t *data, I32 stopparen, U32 recursed_depth, regnode_ssc *and_withp, U32 flags, U32 depth, bool was_mutate_ok);
+ 	assert(pRExC_state); assert(scanp); assert(minlenp); assert(deltap); assert(last)
+ #endif
+diff --git a/regcomp.c b/regcomp.c
+index 0a9c6a8085..e66032a16a 100644
+--- a/regcomp.c
++++ b/regcomp.c
+@@ -110,6 +110,7 @@ typedef struct scan_frame {
+     regnode *next_regnode;      /* next node to process when last is reached */
+     U32 prev_recursed_depth;
+     I32 stopparen;              /* what stopparen do we use */
++    bool in_gosub;              /* this or an outer frame is for GOSUB */
+     U32 is_top_frame;           /* what flags do we use? */
+     struct scan_frame *this_prev_frame; /* this previous frame */
+@@ -4102,7 +4103,7 @@ S_study_chunk(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode **scanp,
+ 			I32 stopparen,
+                         U32 recursed_depth,
+ 			regnode_ssc *and_withp,
+-			U32 flags, U32 depth)
++			U32 flags, U32 depth, bool was_mutate_ok)
+ 			/* scanp: Start here (read-write). */
+ 			/* deltap: Write maxlen-minlen here. */
+ 			/* last: Stop before this one. */
+@@ -4179,6 +4180,10 @@ S_study_chunk(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode **scanp,
+                                    node length to get a real minimum (because
+                                    the folded version may be shorter) */
+ 	bool unfolded_multi_char = FALSE;
++        /* avoid mutating ops if we are anywhere within the recursed or
++         * enframed handling for a GOSUB: the outermost level will handle it.
++         */
++        bool mutate_ok = was_mutate_ok && !(frame && frame->in_gosub);
+ 	/* Peephole optimizer: */
+         DEBUG_STUDYDATA("Peep:", data, depth);
+         DEBUG_PEEP("Peep", scan, depth);
+@@ -4189,7 +4194,8 @@ S_study_chunk(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode **scanp,
+          * parsing code, as each (?:..) is handled by a different invocation of
+          * reg() -- Yves
+          */
+-        JOIN_EXACT(scan,&min_subtract, &unfolded_multi_char, 0);
++        if (mutate_ok)
++            JOIN_EXACT(scan,&min_subtract, &unfolded_multi_char, 0);
+ 	/* Follow the next-chain of the current node and optimize
+ 	   away all the NOTHINGs from it.  */
+@@ -4238,7 +4244,7 @@ S_study_chunk(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode **scanp,
+              * NOTE we dont use the return here! */
+             (void)study_chunk(pRExC_state, &scan, &minlen,
+                               &deltanext, next, &data_fake, stopparen,
+-                              recursed_depth, NULL, f, depth+1);
++                              recursed_depth, NULL, f, depth+1, mutate_ok);
+             scan = next;
+         } else
+@@ -4305,7 +4311,8 @@ S_study_chunk(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode **scanp,
+ 		    /* we suppose the run is continuous, last=next...*/
+ 		    minnext = study_chunk(pRExC_state, &scan, minlenp,
+                                       &deltanext, next, &data_fake, stopparen,
+-                                      recursed_depth, NULL, f,depth+1);
++                                      recursed_depth, NULL, f, depth+1,
++                                      mutate_ok);
+ 		    if (min1 > minnext)
+ 			min1 = minnext;
+@@ -4372,9 +4379,10 @@ S_study_chunk(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode **scanp,
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+-                if (PERL_ENABLE_TRIE_OPTIMISATION &&
+-                        OP( startbranch ) == BRANCH )
+-                {
++                    && OP(startbranch) == BRANCH
++                    && mutate_ok
++                ) {
+ 		/* demq.
+                    Assuming this was/is a branch we are dealing with: 'scan'
+@@ -4825,6 +4833,9 @@ S_study_chunk(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode **scanp,
+                 newframe->stopparen = stopparen;
+                 newframe->prev_recursed_depth = recursed_depth;
+                 newframe->this_prev_frame= frame;
++                newframe->in_gosub = (
++                    (frame && frame->in_gosub) || OP(scan) == GOSUB
++                );
+                 DEBUG_STUDYDATA("frame-new:",data,depth);
+                 DEBUG_PEEP("fnew", scan, depth);
+@@ -5043,7 +5054,7 @@ S_study_chunk(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode **scanp,
+                                   (mincount == 0
+                                    ? (f & ~SCF_DO_SUBSTR)
+                                    : f)
+-                                  ,depth+1);
++                                  , depth+1, mutate_ok);
+ 		if (flags & SCF_DO_STCLASS)
+ 		    data->start_class = oclass;
+@@ -5105,7 +5116,9 @@ S_study_chunk(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode **scanp,
+ 		if (  OP(oscan) == CURLYX && data
+ 		      && data->flags & SF_IN_PAR
+ 		      && !(data->flags & SF_HAS_EVAL)
+-		      && !deltanext && minnext == 1 ) {
++		      && !deltanext && minnext == 1
++                      && mutate_ok
++                ) {
+ 		    /* Try to optimize to CURLYN.  */
+ 		    regnode *nxt = NEXTOPER(oscan) + EXTRA_STEP_2ARGS;
+ 		    regnode * const nxt1 = nxt;
+@@ -5151,10 +5164,10 @@ S_study_chunk(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode **scanp,
+ 		      && !(data->flags & SF_HAS_EVAL)
+ 		      && !deltanext	/* atom is fixed width */
+ 		      && minnext != 0	/* CURLYM can't handle zero width */
+                          /* Nor characters whose fold at run-time may be
+                           * multi-character */
+                       && ! (RExC_seen & REG_UNFOLDED_MULTI_SEEN)
++                      && mutate_ok
+ 		) {
+ 		    /* XXXX How to optimize if data == 0? */
+ 		    /* Optimize to a simpler form.  */
+@@ -5201,7 +5214,8 @@ S_study_chunk(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, regnode **scanp,
+ #endif
+ 			/* Optimize again: */
+ 			study_chunk(pRExC_state, &nxt1, minlenp, &deltanext, nxt,
+-                                    NULL, stopparen, recursed_depth, NULL, 0,depth+1);
++                                    NULL, stopparen, recursed_depth, NULL, 0,
++                                    depth+1, mutate_ok);
+ 		    }
+ 		    else
+ 			oscan->flags = 0;
+@@ -5592,7 +5606,8 @@ Perl_re_printf( aTHX_  "LHS=%" UVuf " RHS=%" UVuf "\n",
+                 nscan = NEXTOPER(NEXTOPER(scan));
+                 minnext = study_chunk(pRExC_state, &nscan, minlenp, &deltanext,
+                                       last, &data_fake, stopparen,
+-                                      recursed_depth, NULL, f, depth+1);
++                                      recursed_depth, NULL, f, depth+1,
++                                      mutate_ok);
+                 if (scan->flags) {
+                     if (deltanext) {
+ 			FAIL("Variable length lookbehind not implemented");
+@@ -5681,7 +5696,7 @@ Perl_re_printf( aTHX_  "LHS=%" UVuf " RHS=%" UVuf "\n",
+                 *minnextp = study_chunk(pRExC_state, &nscan, minnextp,
+                                         &deltanext, last, &data_fake,
+                                         stopparen, recursed_depth, NULL,
+-                                        f,depth+1);
++                                        f, depth+1, mutate_ok);
+                 if (scan->flags) {
+                     if (deltanext) {
+ 			FAIL("Variable length lookbehind not implemented");
+@@ -5841,7 +5856,8 @@ Perl_re_printf( aTHX_  "LHS=%" UVuf " RHS=%" UVuf "\n",
+                            branches even though they arent otherwise used. */
+                         minnext = study_chunk(pRExC_state, &scan, minlenp,
+                             &deltanext, (regnode *)nextbranch, &data_fake,
+-                            stopparen, recursed_depth, NULL, f,depth+1);
++                            stopparen, recursed_depth, NULL, f, depth+1,
++                            mutate_ok);
+                     }
+                     if (nextbranch && PL_regkind[OP(nextbranch)]==BRANCH)
+                         nextbranch= regnext((regnode*)nextbranch);
+@@ -7524,7 +7540,7 @@ Perl_re_op_compile(pTHX_ SV ** const patternp, int pat_count,
+             &data, -1, 0, NULL,
+             SCF_DO_SUBSTR | SCF_WHILEM_VISITED_POS | stclass_flag
+                           | (restudied ? SCF_TRIE_DOING_RESTUDY : 0),
+-            0);
++            0, TRUE);
+         CHECK_RESTUDY_GOTO_butfirst(LEAVE_with_name("study_chunk"));
+@@ -7670,7 +7686,7 @@ Perl_re_op_compile(pTHX_ SV ** const patternp, int pat_count,
+                                                       ? SCF_TRIE_DOING_RESTUDY
+                                                       : 0),
+-            0);
++            0, TRUE);
+         CHECK_RESTUDY_GOTO_butfirst(NOOP);
+diff --git a/t/re/pat.t b/t/re/pat.t
+index 1d98fe77d7..1488259b02 100644
+--- a/t/re/pat.t
++++ b/t/re/pat.t
+@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ BEGIN {
+     skip_all('no re module') unless defined &DynaLoader::boot_DynaLoader;
+     skip_all_without_unicode_tables();
+-plan tests => 840;  # Update this when adding/deleting tests.
++plan tests => 844;  # Update this when adding/deleting tests.
+ run_tests() unless caller;
+@@ -1929,6 +1929,30 @@ EOP
+         fresh_perl_is('"AA" =~ m/AA{1,0}/','',{},"handle OPFAIL insert properly");
+     }
++    # gh16947: test regexp corruption (GOSUB)
++    {
++        fresh_perl_is(q{
++            'xy' =~ /x(?0)|x(?|y|y)/ && print 'ok'
++        }, 'ok', {}, 'gh16947: test regexp corruption (GOSUB)');
++    }
++    # gh16947: test fix doesn't break SUSPEND
++    {
++        fresh_perl_is(q{ 'sx' =~ m{ss++}i; print 'ok' },
++                'ok', {}, "gh16947: test fix doesn't break SUSPEND");
++    }
++    # gh17743: more regexp corruption via GOSUB
++    {
++        fresh_perl_is(q{
++            "0" =~ /((0(?0)|000(?|0000|0000)(?0))|)/; print "ok"
++        }, 'ok', {}, 'gh17743: test regexp corruption (1)');
++        fresh_perl_is(q{
++            "000000000000" =~ /(0(())(0((?0)())|000(?|\x{ef}\x{bf}\x{bd}|\x{ef}\x{bf}\x{bd}))|)/;
++            print "ok"
++        }, 'ok', {}, 'gh17743: test regexp corruption (2)');
++    }
+ } # End of sub run_tests
+ 1;
diff --git a/SOURCES/perl-5.28.2-Only-pass-2-digit-years-to-tests-when-testing-2-digi.patch b/SOURCES/perl-5.28.2-Only-pass-2-digit-years-to-tests-when-testing-2-digi.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fb8553
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/perl-5.28.2-Only-pass-2-digit-years-to-tests-when-testing-2-digi.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+From 381d51822fccaa333cbd0ab9fca8b69f650c05f9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?Petr=20P=C3=ADsa=C5=99?= <ppisar@redhat.com>
+Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2020 14:10:10 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] Only pass 2-digit years to tests when testing 2-digit year
+ handling
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+This will start breaking in 2020 if done without working around the whole
+breakpoint thing. See https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=124787.
+Ported from Time-Local 63265fd81c7f6177bf28dfe0d1ada9cb897de566 commit
+by Dave Rolsky <autarch@urth.org> to perl 5.28.2.
+Signed-off-by: Petr Písař <ppisar@redhat.com>
+ cpan/Time-Local/t/Local.t | 40 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
+ 1 file changed, 30 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/cpan/Time-Local/t/Local.t b/cpan/Time-Local/t/Local.t
+index 6341396..701d22d 100644
+--- a/cpan/Time-Local/t/Local.t
++++ b/cpan/Time-Local/t/Local.t
+@@ -85,19 +85,17 @@ my $epoch_is_64
+ for ( @time, @neg_time ) {
+     my ( $year, $mon, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec ) = @$_;
+-    $year -= 1900;
+     $mon--;
+ SKIP: {
+         skip '1970 test on VOS fails.', 12
+-            if $^O eq 'vos' && $year == 70;
++            if $^O eq 'vos' && $year == 1970;
+         skip 'this platform does not support negative epochs.', 12
+-            if $year < 70 && !$neg_epoch_ok;
++            if $year < 1970 && !$neg_epoch_ok;
+         # Test timelocal()
+         {
+-            my $year_in = $year < 70 ? $year + 1900 : $year;
+-            my $time = timelocal( $sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year_in );
++            my $time = timelocal( $sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year );
+             my ( $s, $m, $h, $D, $M, $Y ) = localtime($time);
+@@ -106,13 +104,12 @@ SKIP: {
+             is( $h, $hour,     "timelocal hour for @$_" );
+             is( $D, $mday,     "timelocal day for @$_" );
+             is( $M, $mon,      "timelocal month for @$_" );
+-            is( $Y, $year,     "timelocal year for @$_" );
++            is( $Y, $year - 1900,     "timelocal year for @$_" );
+         }
+         # Test timegm()
+         {
+-            my $year_in = $year < 70 ? $year + 1900 : $year;
+-            my $time = timegm( $sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year_in );
++            my $time = timegm( $sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year );
+             my ( $s, $m, $h, $D, $M, $Y ) = gmtime($time);
+@@ -121,14 +118,13 @@ SKIP: {
+             is( $h, $hour,     "timegm hour for @$_" );
+             is( $D, $mday,     "timegm day for @$_" );
+             is( $M, $mon,      "timegm month for @$_" );
+-            is( $Y, $year,     "timegm year for @$_" );
++            is( $Y, $year - 1900,     "timegm year for @$_" );
+         }
+     }
+ }
+ for (@bad_time) {
+     my ( $year, $mon, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec ) = @$_;
+-    $year -= 1900;
+     $mon--;
+     eval { timegm( $sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year ) };
+@@ -229,6 +225,30 @@ SKIP:
+     );
+ }
++# 2-digit years
++	my $current_year = ( localtime() )[5];
++	my $pre_break    = ( $current_year + 49 ) - 100;
++	my $break        = ( $current_year + 50 ) - 100;
++	my $post_break   = ( $current_year + 51 ) - 100;
++	is(
++		( ( localtime( timelocal( 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $pre_break ) ) )[5] ),
++		$pre_break + 100,
++		"year $pre_break is treated as next century",
++	);
++	is(
++		( ( localtime( timelocal( 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $break ) ) )[5] ),
++		$break + 100,
++		"year $break is treated as next century",
++	);
++	is(
++		( ( localtime( timelocal( 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $post_break ) ) )[5] ),
++		$post_break,
++		"year $post_break is treated as current century",
++	);
+ {
+     skip 'These tests only run for the package maintainer.', 8
diff --git a/SPECS/perl.spec b/SPECS/perl.spec
index 16e6095..5804c5b 100644
--- a/SPECS/perl.spec
+++ b/SPECS/perl.spec
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ License:        GPL+ or Artistic
 Epoch:          %{perl_epoch}
 Version:        %{perl_version}
 # release number must be even higher, because dual-lived modules will be broken otherwise
-Release:        416%{?dist}
+Release:        417%{?dist}
 Summary:        Practical Extraction and Report Language
 Url:            http://www.perl.org/
 Source0:        http://www.cpan.org/src/5.0/perl-%{perl_version}.tar.bz2
@@ -289,6 +289,14 @@ Patch89:        perl-5.26.2-perl.h-Add-parens-around-macro-arguments.patch
 # Pass the correct CFLAGS to dtrace
 Patch90:        perl-5.26.2-Pass-CFLAGS-to-dtrace.patch
+# Fix Time-Local tests to pass after year 2019, bug #1807120, CPAN RT#124787,
+# GH#17410, in Time-Local-1.26
+Patch91:        perl-5.28.2-Only-pass-2-digit-years-to-tests-when-testing-2-digi.patch
+# Fix CVE-2020-12723, bug #1909860, GH#16947, fixed in upstream 5.28.3, ported from
+# upstream 3f4ba871d2d397dcd4386ed75e05353c36135c29.
+Patch92:        perl-5.26.3-CVE-2020-12723.patch
 # Link XS modules to libperl.so with EU::CBuilder on Linux, bug #960048
 Patch200:       perl-5.16.3-Link-XS-modules-to-libperl.so-with-EU-CBuilder-on-Li.patch
@@ -2895,6 +2903,8 @@ Perl extension for Version Objects
 %patch88 -p1
 %patch89 -p1
 %patch90 -p1
+%patch91 -p1
+%patch92 -p1
 %patch200 -p1
 %patch201 -p1
@@ -2952,6 +2962,8 @@ perl -x patchlevel.h \
     'Fedora Patch88: Fix printing a warning about a wide character when matching a regular expression while ISO-8859-1 locale is in effect' \
     'Fedora Patch89: Fix invoking a check for wide characters while ISO-8859-1 locale is in effect' \
     'Fedora Patch90: Pass the correct CFLAGS to dtrace' \
+    'RHEL Patch91: Fix Time-Local tests to pass after year 2019 (bug #1807120)' \
+    'RHEL Patch92: Fix CVE-2020-12723 (GH#16947)' \
     'Fedora Patch200: Link XS modules to libperl.so with EU::CBuilder on Linux' \
     'Fedora Patch201: Link XS modules to libperl.so with EU::MM on Linux' \
@@ -5239,6 +5251,10 @@ popd
 # Old changelog entries are preserved in CVS.
+* Fri Dec 18 2020 Petr Pisar <ppisar@redhat.com> - 4:5.26.3-417
+- Fix CVE-2020-12723 (bug #1909860)
+- Fix Time-Local tests to pass after year 2019 (bug #1807120)
 * Thu Dec 06 2018 Jitka Plesnikova <jplesnik@redhat.com> - 4:5.26.3-416
 - 5.26.3 bump (bug #1655526)
 - Fix CVE-2018-18311 (integer overflow leading to buffer overflow) (bug #1654920)