diff --git a/SOURCES/perl-5.24.4-Fix-131649-extended-charclass-can-trigger-assert.patch b/SOURCES/perl-5.24.4-Fix-131649-extended-charclass-can-trigger-assert.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6cf161
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/perl-5.24.4-Fix-131649-extended-charclass-can-trigger-assert.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+From 10ce49389ea9ee26a3b02b6494b0a3849d56c6fa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Yves Orton <demerphq@gmail.com>
+Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2017 13:19:55 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] fix #131649 - extended charclass can trigger assert
+The extended charclass parser makes some assumptions during the
+first pass which are only true on well structured input, and it
+does not properly catch various errors. later on the code assumes
+that things the first pass will let through are valid, when in
+fact they should trigger errors.
+(cherry picked from commit 19a498a461d7c81ae3507c450953d1148efecf4f)
+ pod/perldiag.pod        | 27 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
+ pod/perlrecharclass.pod |  4 ++--
+ regcomp.c               | 28 ++++++++++++++++++----------
+ t/lib/warnings/regcomp  |  6 +++---
+ t/re/reg_mesg.t         | 29 ++++++++++++++++-------------
+ t/re/regex_sets.t       |  6 +++---
+ 6 files changed, 68 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/pod/perldiag.pod b/pod/perldiag.pod
+index 106fe41121..c29925a2a4 100644
+--- a/pod/perldiag.pod
++++ b/pod/perldiag.pod
+@@ -5904,7 +5904,7 @@ yourself.
+ a perl4 interpreter, especially if the next 2 tokens are "use strict"
+ or "my $var" or "our $var".
+-=item Syntax error in (?[...]) in regex m/%s/
++=item Syntax error in (?[...]) in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%s/
+ (F) Perl could not figure out what you meant inside this construct; this
+ notifies you that it is giving up trying.
+@@ -6402,6 +6402,31 @@ to find out why that isn't happening.
+ (F) The unexec() routine failed for some reason.  See your local FSF
+ representative, who probably put it there in the first place.
++=item Unexpected ']' with no following ')' in (?[... in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%s/
++(F) While parsing an extended character class a ']' character was encountered
++at a point in the definition where the only legal use of ']' is to close the
++character class definition as part of a '])', you may have forgotten the close
++paren, or otherwise confused the parser.
++=item Expecting close paren for nested extended charclass in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%s/
++(F) While parsing a nested extended character class like:
++    (?[ ... (?flags:(?[ ... ])) ... ])
++                             ^
++we expected to see a close paren ')' (marked by ^) but did not.
++=item Expecting close paren for wrapper for nested extended charclass in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/%s/
++(F) While parsing a nested extended character class like:
++    (?[ ... (?flags:(?[ ... ])) ... ])
++                              ^
++we expected to see a close paren ')' (marked by ^) but did not.
+ =item Unexpected binary operator '%c' with no preceding operand in regex;
+ marked by S<<-- HERE> in m/%s/
+diff --git a/pod/perlrecharclass.pod b/pod/perlrecharclass.pod
+index 79480e4131..8c008507d1 100644
+--- a/pod/perlrecharclass.pod
++++ b/pod/perlrecharclass.pod
+@@ -1128,8 +1128,8 @@ hence both of the following work:
+ Any contained POSIX character classes, including things like C<\w> and C<\D>
+ respect the C<E<sol>a> (and C<E<sol>aa>) modifiers.
+-C<< (?[ ]) >> is a regex-compile-time construct.  Any attempt to use
+-something which isn't knowable at the time the containing regular
++Note that C<< (?[ ]) >> is a regex-compile-time construct.  Any attempt
++to use something which isn't knowable at the time the containing regular
+ expression is compiled is a fatal error.  In practice, this means
+ just three limitations:
+diff --git a/regcomp.c b/regcomp.c
+index 4ee48ede42..ddac290d2b 100644
+--- a/regcomp.c
++++ b/regcomp.c
+@@ -14840,8 +14840,9 @@ S_handle_regex_sets(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, SV** return_invlist,
+                                     TRUE /* Force /x */ );
+             switch (*RExC_parse) {
+-                case '?':
+-                    if (RExC_parse[1] == '[') depth++, RExC_parse++;
++                case '(':
++                    if (RExC_parse[1] == '?' && RExC_parse[2] == '[')
++                        depth++, RExC_parse+=2;
+                     /* FALLTHROUGH */
+                 default:
+                     break;
+@@ -14898,9 +14899,9 @@ S_handle_regex_sets(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, SV** return_invlist,
+                 }
+                 case ']':
+-                    if (depth--) break;
+-                    RExC_parse++;
+-                    if (*RExC_parse == ')') {
++                    if (RExC_parse[1] == ')') {
++                        RExC_parse++;
++                        if (depth--) break;
+                         node = reganode(pRExC_state, ANYOF, 0);
+                         RExC_size += ANYOF_SKIP;
+                         nextchar(pRExC_state);
+@@ -14912,20 +14913,25 @@ S_handle_regex_sets(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, SV** return_invlist,
+                         return node;
+                     }
+-                    goto no_close;
++                    /* We output the messages even if warnings are off, because we'll fail
++                     * the very next thing, and these give a likely diagnosis for that */
++                    if (posix_warnings && av_tindex_nomg(posix_warnings) >= 0) {
++                        output_or_return_posix_warnings(pRExC_state, posix_warnings, NULL);
++                    }
++                    RExC_parse++;
++                    vFAIL("Unexpected ']' with no following ')' in (?[...");
+             }
+             RExC_parse += UTF ? UTF8SKIP(RExC_parse) : 1;
+         }
+-      no_close:
+         /* We output the messages even if warnings are off, because we'll fail
+          * the very next thing, and these give a likely diagnosis for that */
+         if (posix_warnings && av_tindex_nomg(posix_warnings) >= 0) {
+             output_or_return_posix_warnings(pRExC_state, posix_warnings, NULL);
+         }
+-        FAIL("Syntax error in (?[...])");
++        vFAIL("Syntax error in (?[...])");
+     }
+     /* Pass 2 only after this. */
+@@ -15105,12 +15111,14 @@ redo_curchar:
+                      * inversion list, and RExC_parse points to the trailing
+                      * ']'; the next character should be the ')' */
+                     RExC_parse++;
+-                    assert(UCHARAT(RExC_parse) == ')');
++                    if (UCHARAT(RExC_parse) != ')')
++                        vFAIL("Expecting close paren for nested extended charclass");
+                     /* Then the ')' matching the original '(' handled by this
+                      * case: statement */
+                     RExC_parse++;
+-                    assert(UCHARAT(RExC_parse) == ')');
++                    if (UCHARAT(RExC_parse) != ')')
++                        vFAIL("Expecting close paren for wrapper for nested extended charclass");
+                     RExC_parse++;
+                     RExC_flags = save_flags;
+diff --git a/t/lib/warnings/regcomp b/t/lib/warnings/regcomp
+index 2b084c59b0..51ad57ccbe 100644
+--- a/t/lib/warnings/regcomp
++++ b/t/lib/warnings/regcomp
+@@ -59,21 +59,21 @@ Unmatched [ in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/abc[ <-- HERE fi[.00./ at - line
+ qr/(?[[[:word]]])/;
+ Assuming NOT a POSIX class since there is no terminating ':' in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/(?[[[:word <-- HERE ]]])/ at - line 2.
+-syntax error in (?[...]) in regex m/(?[[[:word]]])/ at - line 2.
++Unexpected ']' with no following ')' in (?[... in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/(?[[[:word]] <-- HERE ])/ at - line 2.
+ ########
+ # NAME qr/(?[ [[:digit: ])/
+ # OPTION fatal
+ qr/(?[[[:digit: ])/;
+ Assuming NOT a POSIX class since no blanks are allowed in one in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/(?[[[:digit: ] <-- HERE )/ at - line 2.
+-syntax error in (?[...]) in regex m/(?[[[:digit: ])/ at - line 2.
++syntax error in (?[...]) in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/(?[[[:digit: ]) <-- HERE / at - line 2.
+ ########
+ # NAME qr/(?[ [:digit: ])/
+ # OPTION fatal
+ qr/(?[[:digit: ])/
+ Assuming NOT a POSIX class since no blanks are allowed in one in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/(?[[:digit: ] <-- HERE )/ at - line 2.
+-syntax error in (?[...]) in regex m/(?[[:digit: ])/ at - line 2.
++syntax error in (?[...]) in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/(?[[:digit: ]) <-- HERE / at - line 2.
+ ########
+ # NAME [perl #126141]
+ # OPTION fatal
+diff --git a/t/re/reg_mesg.t b/t/re/reg_mesg.t
+index d26a7caf37..5194d93751 100644
+--- a/t/re/reg_mesg.t
++++ b/t/re/reg_mesg.t
+@@ -215,8 +215,9 @@ my @death =
+  '/\b{gc}/' => "'gc' is an unknown bound type {#} m/\\b{gc{#}}/",
+  '/\B{gc}/' => "'gc' is an unknown bound type {#} m/\\B{gc{#}}/",
+- '/(?[[[::]]])/' => "Syntax error in (?[...]) in regex m/(?[[[::]]])/",
+- '/(?[[[:w:]]])/' => "Syntax error in (?[...]) in regex m/(?[[[:w:]]])/",
++ '/(?[[[::]]])/' => "Unexpected ']' with no following ')' in (?[... {#} m/(?[[[::]]{#}])/",
++ '/(?[[[:w:]]])/' => "Unexpected ']' with no following ')' in (?[... {#} m/(?[[[:w:]]{#}])/",
+  '/(?[[:w:]])/' => "",
+  '/([.].*)[.]/'   => "",    # [perl #127582]
+  '/[.].*[.]/'     => "",    # [perl #127604]
+@@ -239,11 +240,12 @@ my @death =
+  '/(?[ \p{foo} ])/' => 'Can\'t find Unicode property definition "foo" {#} m/(?[ \p{foo}{#} ])/',
+  '/(?[ \p{ foo = bar } ])/' => 'Can\'t find Unicode property definition "foo = bar" {#} m/(?[ \p{ foo = bar }{#} ])/',
+  '/(?[ \8 ])/' => 'Unrecognized escape \8 in character class {#} m/(?[ \8{#} ])/',
+- '/(?[ \t ]/' => 'Syntax error in (?[...]) in regex m/(?[ \t ]/',
+- '/(?[ [ \t ]/' => 'Syntax error in (?[...]) in regex m/(?[ [ \t ]/',
+- '/(?[ \t ] ]/' => 'Syntax error in (?[...]) in regex m/(?[ \t ] ]/',
+- '/(?[ [ ] ]/' => 'Syntax error in (?[...]) in regex m/(?[ [ ] ]/',
+- '/(?[ \t + \e # This was supposed to be a comment ])/' => 'Syntax error in (?[...]) in regex m/(?[ \t + \e # This was supposed to be a comment ])/',
++ '/(?[ \t ]/' => "Unexpected ']' with no following ')' in (?[... {#} m/(?[ \\t ]{#}/",
++ '/(?[ [ \t ]/' => "Syntax error in (?[...]) {#} m/(?[ [ \\t ]{#}/",
++ '/(?[ \t ] ]/' => "Unexpected ']' with no following ')' in (?[... {#} m/(?[ \\t ]{#} ]/",
++ '/(?[ [ ] ]/' => "Syntax error in (?[...]) {#} m/(?[ [ ] ]{#}/",
++ '/(?[ \t + \e # This was supposed to be a comment ])/' =>
++    "Syntax error in (?[...]) {#} m/(?[ \\t + \\e # This was supposed to be a comment ]){#}/",
+  '/(?[ ])/' => 'Incomplete expression within \'(?[ ])\' {#} m/(?[ {#}])/',
+  'm/(?[[a-\d]])/' => 'False [] range "a-\d" {#} m/(?[[a-\d{#}]])/',
+  'm/(?[[\w-x]])/' => 'False [] range "\w-" {#} m/(?[[\w-{#}x]])/',
+@@ -431,10 +433,10 @@ my @death_utf8 = mark_as_utf8(
+  '/ネ\p{}ネ/' => 'Empty \p{} {#} m/ネ\p{{#}}ネ/',
+- '/ネ(?[[[:ネ]]])ネ/' => "Syntax error in (?[...]) in regex m/ネ(?[[[:ネ]]])ネ/",
+- '/ネ(?[[[:ネ: ])ネ/' => "Syntax error in (?[...]) in regex m/ネ(?[[[:ネ: ])ネ/",
+- '/ネ(?[[[::]]])ネ/' => "Syntax error in (?[...]) in regex m/ネ(?[[[::]]])ネ/",
+- '/ネ(?[[[:ネ:]]])ネ/' => "Syntax error in (?[...]) in regex m/ネ(?[[[:ネ:]]])ネ/",
++ '/ネ(?[[[:ネ]]])ネ/' => "Unexpected ']' with no following ')' in (?[... {#} m/ネ(?[[[:ネ]]{#}])ネ/",
++ '/ネ(?[[[:ネ: ])ネ/' => "Syntax error in (?[...]) {#} m/ネ(?[[[:ネ: ])ネ{#}/",
++ '/ネ(?[[[::]]])ネ/' => "Unexpected ']' with no following ')' in (?[... {#} m/ネ(?[[[::]]{#}])ネ/",
++ '/ネ(?[[[:ネ:]]])ネ/' => "Unexpected ']' with no following ')' in (?[... {#} m/ネ(?[[[:ネ:]]{#}])ネ/",
+  '/ネ(?[[:ネ:]])ネ/' => "",
+  '/ネ(?[ネ])ネ/' =>  'Unexpected character {#} m/ネ(?[ネ{#}])ネ/',
+  '/ネ(?[ + [ネ] ])/' => 'Unexpected binary operator \'+\' with no preceding operand {#} m/ネ(?[ +{#} [ネ] ])/',
+@@ -447,8 +449,9 @@ my @death_utf8 = mark_as_utf8(
+  '/(?[ \x{ネ} ])ネ/' => 'Non-hex character {#} m/(?[ \x{ネ{#}} ])ネ/',
+  '/(?[ \p{ネ} ])/' => 'Can\'t find Unicode property definition "ネ" {#} m/(?[ \p{ネ}{#} ])/',
+  '/(?[ \p{ ネ = bar } ])/' => 'Can\'t find Unicode property definition "ネ = bar" {#} m/(?[ \p{ ネ = bar }{#} ])/',
+- '/ネ(?[ \t ]/' => 'Syntax error in (?[...]) in regex m/ネ(?[ \t ]/',
+- '/(?[ \t + \e # ネ This was supposed to be a comment ])/' => 'Syntax error in (?[...]) in regex m/(?[ \t + \e # ネ This was supposed to be a comment ])/',
++ '/ネ(?[ \t ]/' => "Unexpected ']' with no following ')' in (?[... {#} m/ネ(?[ \\t ]{#}/",
++ '/(?[ \t + \e # ネ This was supposed to be a comment ])/' =>
++    "Syntax error in (?[...]) {#} m/(?[ \\t + \\e # ネ This was supposed to be a comment ]){#}/",
+  'm/(*ネ)ネ/' => q<Unknown verb pattern 'ネ' {#} m/(*ネ){#}ネ/>,
+  '/\cネ/' => "Character following \"\\c\" must be printable ASCII",
+  '/\b{ネ}/' => "'ネ' is an unknown bound type {#} m/\\b{ネ{#}}/",
+diff --git a/t/re/regex_sets.t b/t/re/regex_sets.t
+index 6a79f9d692..e9644bd4e6 100644
+--- a/t/re/regex_sets.t
++++ b/t/re/regex_sets.t
+@@ -158,13 +158,13 @@ for my $char ("٠", "٥", "٩") {
+ 	eval { $_ = '/(?[(\c]) /'; qr/$_/ };
+ 	like($@, qr/^Syntax error/, '/(?[(\c]) / should not panic');
+ 	eval { $_ = '(?[\c#]' . "\n])"; qr/$_/ };
+-	like($@, qr/^Syntax error/, '/(?[(\c]) / should not panic');
++	like($@, qr/^Unexpected/, '/(?[(\c]) / should not panic');
+ 	eval { $_ = '(?[(\c])'; qr/$_/ };
+ 	like($@, qr/^Syntax error/, '/(?[(\c])/ should be a syntax error');
+ 	eval { $_ = '(?[(\c]) ]\b'; qr/$_/ };
+-	like($@, qr/^Syntax error/, '/(?[(\c]) ]\b/ should be a syntax error');
++	like($@, qr/^Unexpected/, '/(?[(\c]) ]\b/ should be a syntax error');
+ 	eval { $_ = '(?[\c[]](])'; qr/$_/ };
+-	like($@, qr/^Syntax error/, '/(?[\c[]](])/ should be a syntax error');
++	like($@, qr/^Unexpected/, '/(?[\c[]](])/ should be a syntax error');
+ 	like("\c#", qr/(?[\c#])/, '\c# should match itself');
+ 	like("\c[", qr/(?[\c[])/, '\c[ should match itself');
+ 	like("\c\ ", qr/(?[\c\])/, '\c\ should match itself');
diff --git a/SOURCES/perl-5.24.4-Fix-heap-buffer-overflow-write-reg_node-overrun.patch b/SOURCES/perl-5.24.4-Fix-heap-buffer-overflow-write-reg_node-overrun.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d76c039
Binary files /dev/null and b/SOURCES/perl-5.24.4-Fix-heap-buffer-overflow-write-reg_node-overrun.patch differ
diff --git a/SOURCES/perl-5.24.4-Pass-CFLAGS-to-dtrace.patch b/SOURCES/perl-5.24.4-Pass-CFLAGS-to-dtrace.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..069027c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/perl-5.24.4-Pass-CFLAGS-to-dtrace.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+diff -up perl-5.24.4/Makefile.SH.orig perl-5.24.4/Makefile.SH
+--- perl-5.24.4/Makefile.SH.orig	2018-10-02 12:18:23.627226701 +0200
++++ perl-5.24.4/Makefile.SH	2018-10-02 13:35:03.858920366 +0200
+@@ -451,6 +451,8 @@ CCCMD    = sh $(shellflags) cflags "opti
+ CCCMDSRC = sh $(shellflags) cflags "optimize='$(OPTIMIZE)'" $<
++DTRACEFLAGS = sh $(shellflags) cflags "optimize='$(OPTIMIZE)'" $@
+ CONFIGPM_FROM_CONFIG_SH = lib/Config.pm lib/Config_heavy.pl
+@@ -865,13 +867,13 @@ mydtrace.h: $(DTRACE_H)
+ 	define)
+ 		$spitshell >>$Makefile <<'!NO!SUBS!'
+ $(DTRACE_MINI_O): perldtrace.d $(miniperl_objs_nodt)
+-	$(DTRACE) -G -s perldtrace.d -o $(DTRACE_MINI_O) $(miniperl_objs_nodt)
++	CFLAGS="`$(DTRACEFLAGS)`" $(DTRACE) -G -s perldtrace.d -o $(DTRACE_MINI_O) $(miniperl_objs_nodt)
+ $(DTRACE_PERLLIB_O): perldtrace.d $(perllib_objs_nodt)
+-	$(DTRACE) -G -s perldtrace.d -o $(DTRACE_PERLLIB_O) $(perllib_objs_nodt)
++	CFLAGS="`$(DTRACEFLAGS)`" $(DTRACE) -G -s perldtrace.d -o $(DTRACE_PERLLIB_O) $(perllib_objs_nodt)
+ $(DTRACE_MAIN_O): perldtrace.d perlmain$(OBJ_EXT)
+-	$(DTRACE) -G -s perldtrace.d -o $(DTRACE_MAIN_O) perlmain$(OBJ_EXT)
++	CFLAGS="`$(DTRACEFLAGS)`" $(DTRACE) -G -s perldtrace.d -o $(DTRACE_MAIN_O) perlmain$(OBJ_EXT)
+ 		;;
+diff -up perl-5.24.4/cflags.SH.orig perl-5.24.4/cflags.SH
+--- perl-5.24.4/cflags.SH.orig	2018-10-02 14:37:09.368649895 +0200
++++ perl-5.24.4/cflags.SH	2018-10-02 14:39:10.785695193 +0200
+@@ -518,7 +518,10 @@ for file do
+     esac
+     # Can we perhaps use $ansi2knr here
+-    echo "$cc -c -DPERL_CORE $ccflags $stdflags $optimize $warn $extra"
++    case "$file" in
++    dtrace_*) echo "$ccflags $stdflags $optimize $warn $extra";;
++    *) echo "$cc -c -DPERL_CORE $ccflags $stdflags $optimize $warn $extra"
++    esac
+     . $TOP/config.sh
diff --git a/SOURCES/perl-5.24.4-Perl_my_setenv-handle-integer-wrap.patch b/SOURCES/perl-5.24.4-Perl_my_setenv-handle-integer-wrap.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78ead17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/perl-5.24.4-Perl_my_setenv-handle-integer-wrap.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+From 34716e2a6ee2af96078d62b065b7785c001194be Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: David Mitchell <davem@iabyn.com>
+Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2018 13:37:03 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] Perl_my_setenv(); handle integer wrap
+RT #133204
+Wean this function off int/I32 and onto UV/Size_t.
+Also, replace all malloc-ish calls with a wrapper that does
+overflow checks,
+In particular, it was doing (nlen + vlen + 2) which could wrap when
+the combined length of the environment variable name and value
+exceeded around 0x7fffffff.
+The wrapper check function is probably overkill, but belt and braces...
+NB this function has several variant parts, #ifdef'ed by platform
+type; I have blindly changed the parts that aren't compiled under linux.
+ util.c | 76 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
+ 1 file changed, 53 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/util.c b/util.c
+index 7282dd9cfe..c5c7becc0f 100644
+--- a/util.c
++++ b/util.c
+@@ -2162,8 +2162,40 @@ Perl_new_warnings_bitfield(pTHX_ STRLEN *buffer, const char *const bits,
+    *(s+(nlen+1+vlen)) = '\0'
+-       /* VMS' my_setenv() is in vms.c */
++/* small wrapper for use by Perl_my_setenv that mallocs, or reallocs if
++ * 'current' is non-null, with up to three sizes that are added together.
++ * It handles integer overflow.
++ */
++static char *
++S_env_alloc(void *current, Size_t l1, Size_t l2, Size_t l3, Size_t size)
++    void *p;
++    Size_t sl, l = l1 + l2;
++    if (l < l2)
++        goto panic;
++    l += l3;
++    if (l < l3)
++        goto panic;
++    sl = l * size;
++    if (sl < l)
++        goto panic;
++    p = current
++            ? safesysrealloc(current, sl)
++            : safesysmalloc(sl);
++    if (p)
++        return (char*)p;
++  panic:
++    croak_memory_wrap();
++/* VMS' my_setenv() is in vms.c */
+ #if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(NETWARE)
+ void
+ Perl_my_setenv(pTHX_ const char *nam, const char *val)
+ {
+@@ -2179,28 +2211,27 @@ Perl_my_setenv(pTHX_ const char *nam, const char *val)
+     if (!PL_use_safe_putenv) {
+         /* most putenv()s leak, so we manipulate environ directly */
+-        I32 i;
+-        const I32 len = strlen(nam);
+-        int nlen, vlen;
++        UV i;
++        Size_t vlen, nlen = strlen(nam);
+         /* where does it go? */
+         for (i = 0; environ[i]; i++) {
+-            if (strnEQ(environ[i],nam,len) && environ[i][len] == '=')
++            if (strnEQ(environ[i], nam, nlen) && environ[i][nlen] == '=')
+                 break;
+         }
+         if (environ == PL_origenviron) {   /* need we copy environment? */
+-            I32 j;
+-            I32 max;
++            UV j, max;
+             char **tmpenv;
+             max = i;
+             while (environ[max])
+                 max++;
+-            tmpenv = (char**)safesysmalloc((max+2) * sizeof(char*));
++            /* XXX shouldn't that be max+1 rather than max+2 ??? - DAPM */
++            tmpenv = (char**)S_env_alloc(NULL, max, 2, 0, sizeof(char*));
+             for (j=0; j<max; j++) {         /* copy environment */
+-                const int len = strlen(environ[j]);
+-                tmpenv[j] = (char*)safesysmalloc((len+1)*sizeof(char));
++                const Size_t len = strlen(environ[j]);
++                tmpenv[j] = S_env_alloc(NULL, len, 1, 0, 1);
+                 Copy(environ[j], tmpenv[j], len+1, char);
+             }
+             tmpenv[max] = NULL;
+@@ -2219,15 +2250,15 @@ Perl_my_setenv(pTHX_ const char *nam, const char *val)
+ #endif
+         }
+         if (!environ[i]) {                 /* does not exist yet */
+-            environ = (char**)safesysrealloc(environ, (i+2) * sizeof(char*));
++            environ = (char**)S_env_alloc(environ, i, 2, 0, sizeof(char*));
+             environ[i+1] = NULL;    /* make sure it's null terminated */
+         }
+         else
+             safesysfree(environ[i]);
+-        nlen = strlen(nam);
+         vlen = strlen(val);
+-        environ[i] = (char*)safesysmalloc((nlen+vlen+2) * sizeof(char));
++        environ[i] = S_env_alloc(NULL, nlen, vlen, 2, 1);
+         /* all that work just for this */
+         my_setenv_format(environ[i], nam, nlen, val, vlen);
+     } else {
+@@ -2252,22 +2283,21 @@ Perl_my_setenv(pTHX_ const char *nam, const char *val)
+             if (environ) /* old glibc can crash with null environ */
+                 (void)unsetenv(nam);
+         } else {
+-	    const int nlen = strlen(nam);
+-	    const int vlen = strlen(val);
+-	    char * const new_env =
+-                (char*)safesysmalloc((nlen + vlen + 2) * sizeof(char));
++	    const Size_t nlen = strlen(nam);
++	    const Size_t vlen = strlen(val);
++	    char * const new_env = S_env_alloc(NULL, nlen, vlen, 2, 1);
+             my_setenv_format(new_env, nam, nlen, val, vlen);
+             (void)putenv(new_env);
+         }
+ #       else /* ! HAS_UNSETENV */
+         char *new_env;
+-	const int nlen = strlen(nam);
+-	int vlen;
++	const Size_t nlen = strlen(nam);
++	Size_t vlen;
+         if (!val) {
+ 	   val = "";
+         }
+         vlen = strlen(val);
+-        new_env = (char*)safesysmalloc((nlen + vlen + 2) * sizeof(char));
++        new_env = S_env_alloc(NULL, nlen, vlen, 2, 1);
+         /* all that work just for this */
+         my_setenv_format(new_env, nam, nlen, val, vlen);
+         (void)putenv(new_env);
+@@ -2290,14 +2320,14 @@ Perl_my_setenv(pTHX_ const char *nam, const char *val)
+ {
+     dVAR;
+     char *envstr;
+-    const int nlen = strlen(nam);
+-    int vlen;
++    const Size_t nlen = strlen(nam);
++    Size_t vlen;
+     if (!val) {
+        val = "";
+     }
+     vlen = strlen(val);
+-    Newx(envstr, nlen+vlen+2, char);
++    envstr = S_env_alloc(NULL, nlen, vlen, 2, 1);
+     my_setenv_format(envstr, nam, nlen, val, vlen);
+     (void)PerlEnv_putenv(envstr);
+     Safefree(envstr);
diff --git a/SOURCES/perl-5.28.1-regcomp.c-Convert-some-strchr-to-memchr.patch b/SOURCES/perl-5.28.1-regcomp.c-Convert-some-strchr-to-memchr.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfdadde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/perl-5.28.1-regcomp.c-Convert-some-strchr-to-memchr.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+From cc56be313c7d4e7c266c01dabc762a153d5b2c28 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Karl Williamson <khw@cpan.org>
+Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2017 15:00:22 -0600
+Subject: [PATCH] regcomp.c: Convert some strchr to memchr
+This allows things to work properly in the face of embedded NULs.
+See the branch merge message for more information.
+(cherry picked from commit 43b2f4ef399e2fd7240b4eeb0658686ad95f8e62)
+ regcomp.c | 11 +++++++----
+ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/regcomp.c b/regcomp.c
+index d0d08352c0..2bee9d4460 100644
+--- a/regcomp.c
++++ b/regcomp.c
+@@ -11793,7 +11793,8 @@ S_grok_bslash_N(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state,
+     RExC_parse++;	/* Skip past the '{' */
+-    if (! (endbrace = strchr(RExC_parse, '}'))  /* no trailing brace */
++    endbrace = (char *) memchr(RExC_parse, '}', RExC_end - RExC_parse);
++    if (! endbrace                             /* no trailing brace */
+ 	|| ! (endbrace == RExC_parse		/* nothing between the {} */
+               || (endbrace - RExC_parse >= 2	/* U+ (bad hex is checked... */
+                   && strnEQ(RExC_parse, "U+", 2)))) /* ... below for a better
+@@ -12493,9 +12494,11 @@ S_regatom(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, I32 *flagp, U32 depth)
+             else {
+                 STRLEN length;
+                 char name = *RExC_parse;
+-                char * endbrace;
++                char * endbrace = NULL;
+                 RExC_parse += 2;
+-                endbrace = strchr(RExC_parse, '}');
++                if (RExC_parse < RExC_end) {
++                    endbrace = (char *) memchr(RExC_parse, '}', RExC_end - RExC_parse);
++                }
+                 if (! endbrace) {
+                     vFAIL2("Missing right brace on \\%c{}", name);
+@@ -15963,7 +15966,7 @@ S_regclass(pTHX_ RExC_state_t *pRExC_state, I32 *flagp, U32 depth,
+ 		    vFAIL2("Empty \\%c", (U8)value);
+ 		if (*RExC_parse == '{') {
+ 		    const U8 c = (U8)value;
+-		    e = strchr(RExC_parse, '}');
++		    e = (char *) memchr(RExC_parse, '}', RExC_end - RExC_parse);
+                     if (!e) {
+                         RExC_parse++;
+                         vFAIL2("Missing right brace on \\%c{}", c);
diff --git a/SPECS/perl.spec b/SPECS/perl.spec
index c1dfd0a..696340a 100644
--- a/SPECS/perl.spec
+++ b/SPECS/perl.spec
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 Name:           perl
 Version:        %{perl_version}
 # release number must be even higher, because dual-lived modules will be broken otherwise
-Release:        398%{?dist}
+Release:        404%{?dist}
 Epoch:          %{perl_epoch}
 Summary:        Practical Extraction and Report Language
 # These are all found licenses. They are distributed among various
@@ -411,6 +411,22 @@ Patch127:       perl-5.24.3-fix-parsing-of-braced-subscript-after-parens.patch
 # Adjust tests to gdbm-1.15, RT#133295
 Patch128:       perl-5.24.4-Remove-ext-GDBM_File-t-fatal.t.patch
+# Pass the correct CFLAGS to dtrace
+Patch129:       perl-5.24.4-Pass-CFLAGS-to-dtrace.patch
+# Fix an integer wrap when allocating memory for an environment variable,
+# RT#133204, in upstream after 5.29.0 - CVE-2018-18311
+Patch130:       perl-5.24.4-Perl_my_setenv-handle-integer-wrap.patch
+# Fix heap-buffer-overflow write in S_regatom (regcomp.c) CVE-2018-18314
+Patch131:       perl-5.24.4-Fix-131649-extended-charclass-can-trigger-assert.patch
+# Fix heap-buffer-overflow write in S_regatom (regcomp.c) CVE-2018-18312
+Patch132:       perl-5.24.4-Fix-heap-buffer-overflow-write-reg_node-overrun.patch
+# Fix heap-buffer-overflow read in S_grok_bslash_N (regcomp.c) - CVE-2018-18313
+Patch133:       perl-5.28.1-regcomp.c-Convert-some-strchr-to-memchr.patch
 # Link XS modules to libperl.so with EU::CBuilder on Linux, bug #960048
 Patch200:       perl-5.16.3-Link-XS-modules-to-libperl.so-with-EU-CBuilder-on-Li.patch
@@ -464,11 +480,6 @@ BuildRequires:  rsyslog
 # compat macro needed for rebuild
 %global perl_compat perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_5.24.4)
-# perl-interpreter denotes a package with the perl executable.
-# Full EVR is for compatibility with systems that swapped perl and perl-core
-# <https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/perl_Package_to_Install_Core_Modules>.
-Provides: perl-interpreter = %{perl_epoch}:%{perl_version}-%{release}
 # File provides
 Provides: perl(bytes_heavy.pl)
 Provides: perl(dumpvar.pl)
@@ -480,6 +491,9 @@ Obsoletes: perl-suidperl <= 4:5.12.2
 Requires: perl-libs%{?_isa} = %{perl_epoch}:%{perl_version}-%{release}
 # Require this till perl sub-package requires any modules
 Requires: %perl_compat
+# Require perl-interpreter to maintain compatibility (previous perl
+# package provided perl-interpreter symbol), bug #1670435
+Requires: perl-interpreter%{?_isa} = %{perl_epoch}:%{perl_version}-%{release}
 %if %{defined perl_bootstrap}
@@ -661,11 +675,12 @@ Requires:       perl-Compress-Raw-Bzip2,
 Requires:       perl-Carp, perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib, perl-Config-Perl-V,
 Requires:       perl-constant,
 Requires:       perl-CPAN, perl-CPAN-Meta, perl-CPAN-Meta-Requirements,
-Requires:       perl-CPAN-Meta-YAML, perl-Encode, perl-encoding
+Requires:       perl-CPAN-Meta-YAML
 Requires:       perl-Data-Dumper, perl-DB_File,
 Requires:       perl-Devel-Peek, perl-Devel-PPPort, perl-Devel-SelfStubber,
 Requires:       perl-Digest, perl-Digest-MD5,
 Requires:       perl-Digest-SHA,
+Requires:       perl-Encode, perl-Encode-devel, perl-encoding
 Requires:       perl-Env, perl-Errno, perl-Exporter, perl-experimental
 Requires:       perl-ExtUtils-CBuilder, perl-ExtUtils-Command,
 Requires:       perl-ExtUtils-Embed,
@@ -711,6 +726,26 @@ Requires:       perl-version, perl-threads, perl-threads-shared, perl-parent
 A metapackage which requires all of the perl bits and modules in the upstream
 tarball from perl.org.
+%package interpreter
+Summary:        Standalone executable Perl interpreter
+# This package doesn't contain any copyrightable material.
+# Nevertheless, it needs a License tag, so we'll use the generic
+# "perl" license.
+License:        GPL+ or Artistic
+# perl-interpreter denotes a package with the perl executable.
+# Full EVR is for compatibility with systems that swapped perl and perl-core
+# <https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/perl_Package_to_Install_Core_Modules>,
+# bug #1464903.
+# This dummy package exists to mask same-named non-modular package. Otherwise
+# package manager can see non-modular package that coincidently obsoletes
+# perl package and that confuses the manager, bug #1670435.
+Version:        %{perl_version}
+Epoch:          %{perl_epoch}
+Requires:       perl%{?_isa} = %{perl_epoch}:%{perl_version}-%{release}
+%description interpreter
+This is a dummy package to improve a compatibility with future Perls that will use
+this package to deliver %{_bindir}/perl Perl interpreter.
 %if %{dual_life} || %{rebuild_from_scratch}
 %package Archive-Tar
@@ -3058,6 +3093,11 @@ popd
 %patch126 -p1
 %patch127 -p1
 %patch128 -p1
+%patch129 -p1
+%patch130 -p1
+%patch131 -p1
+%patch132 -p1
+%patch133 -p1
 %patch200 -p1
 %patch201 -p1
@@ -3149,6 +3189,7 @@ perl -x patchlevel.h \
     'Fedora Patch126: Link XS modules to pthread library to fix linking with -z defs' \
     'Fedora Patch127: Fix parsing braced subscript after parentheses (RT#8045)' \
     'Fedora Patch128: Adjust tests to gdbm-1.15 (RT#133295)' \
+    'Fedora Patch129: Pass the correct CFLAGS to dtrace' \
     'Fedora Patch200: Link XS modules to libperl.so with EU::CBuilder on Linux' \
     'Fedora Patch201: Link XS modules to libperl.so with EU::MM on Linux' \
@@ -3217,8 +3258,6 @@ echo "RPM Build arch: %{_arch}"
 %global perl_vendorlib  %{privlib}/vendor_perl
 %global perl_vendorarch %{archlib}/vendor_perl
-# Disable hardening due to some run-time failures, bug #1238804
-%undefine _hardened_build
 # ldflags is not used when linking XS modules.
 # Only ldflags is used when linking miniperl.
 # Only ccflags and ldflags are used for Configure's compiler checks.
@@ -5441,8 +5480,34 @@ popd
 %files core
 # Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Zarro. Uh uh. Nope. Sorry.
+%files interpreter
+# Empty on purpose.
 # Old changelog entries are preserved in CVS.
+* Mon Mar 25 2019 Jitka Plesnikova <jplesnik@redhat.com> - 4:5.24.4-404
+- Fix annocheck failure by enabling hardening (bug #1636329)
+* Thu Feb 07 2019 Petr Pisar <ppisar@redhat.com> - 4:5.24.4-403
+- Require perl-interpreter from perl (bug #1670435)
+* Thu Jan 31 2019 Petr Pisar <ppisar@redhat.com> - 4:5.24.4-402
+- Add a dummy perl-interpreter package to mask non-modular one (bug #1670435)
+* Wed Dec 05 2018 Jitka Plesnikova <jplesnik@redhat.com> - 4:5.24.4-401
+- Resolves: #1656293
+  - Fix CVE-2018-18311 Integer overflow leading to buffer overflow
+  - Fix CVE-2018-18312 Heap-buffer-overflow write in regcomp.c
+  - Fix CVE-2018-18313 Heap-buffer-overflow read in regcomp.c
+  - Fix CVE-2018-18314 Heap-buffer-overflow write in regcomp.c
+* Fri Nov 02 2018 Petr Pisar <ppisar@redhat.com> - 4:5.24.4-400
+- Install Encode developmental files when installing complete Perl
+  (bug #1645225)
+* Tue Oct 02 2018 Jitka Plesnikova <jplesnik@redhat.com> - 4:5.24.4-399
+- Fix annocheck failure by passing CFLAGS to dtrace (bug #1630617)
 * Mon Jul 09 2018 Petr Pisar <ppisar@redhat.com> - 4:5.24.4-398
 - Adjust tests to gdbm-1.15 (RT#133295)