diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52cdfda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/.perl-ExtUtils-ParseXS.metadata b/.perl-ExtUtils-ParseXS.metadata
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a6d958
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.perl-ExtUtils-ParseXS.metadata
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+5b40949a789d0ac52a32cbfe622be5018f700ed8 SOURCES/ExtUtils-ParseXS-3.35.tar.gz
diff --git a/SOURCES/ExtUtils-ParseXS-3.35-Upgrade-to-3.39.patch b/SOURCES/ExtUtils-ParseXS-3.35-Upgrade-to-3.39.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a18bfae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/ExtUtils-ParseXS-3.35-Upgrade-to-3.39.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,4743 @@
+From c85261a4cef59150c379ff88a21d0f9ca6374dc2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jitka Plesnikova <jplesnik@redhat.com>
+Date: Thu, 24 May 2018 09:57:37 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] Upgrade to 3.39
+ Changes                            |    6 +
+ lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS.pm            |   14 +-
+ lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/Constants.pm  |    2 +-
+ lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/CountLines.pm |    2 +-
+ lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/Eval.pm       |    6 +-
+ lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/Utilities.pm  |    2 +-
+ lib/ExtUtils/Typemaps.pm           |    6 +-
+ lib/ExtUtils/Typemaps/Cmd.pm       |    2 +-
+ lib/ExtUtils/Typemaps/InputMap.pm  |    2 +-
+ lib/ExtUtils/Typemaps/OutputMap.pm |    2 +-
+ lib/ExtUtils/Typemaps/Type.pm      |    2 +-
+ lib/perlxs.pod                     | 2354 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ lib/perlxstut.pod                  | 1401 +++++++++++++++++++++
+ lib/perlxstypemap.pod              |  711 +++++++++++
+ t/XSTest.xs                        |    1 +
+ t/XSUsage.xs                       |    2 +
+ 16 files changed, 4497 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
+ create mode 100644 lib/perlxs.pod
+ create mode 100644 lib/perlxstut.pod
+ create mode 100644 lib/perlxstypemap.pod
+diff --git a/Changes b/Changes
+index 0181371..f9fb36e 100644
+--- a/Changes
++++ b/Changes
+@@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
+ Revision history for Perl extension ExtUtils::ParseXS.
++  - Make generated code avoid warnings about the "items" variable
++    being unused
++  - Avoid some unused-variable warnings generated by XS code in the
++    test suite
+ 3.35 - Mon Jul 31 17:50:00 CET 2017
+   - Fix ExtUtils-ParseXS/t/*.t that needed '.' in @INC (David Mitchell)
+   - Remove impediment to compiling under C++11 (Karl Williamson)
+diff --git a/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS.pm b/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS.pm
+index d629cf6..e1f0940 100644
+--- a/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS.pm
++++ b/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS.pm
+@@ -11,12 +11,12 @@ use Symbol;
+ our $VERSION;
+-  $VERSION = '3.35';
++  $VERSION = '3.39';
++  require ExtUtils::ParseXS::Constants; ExtUtils::ParseXS::Constants->VERSION($VERSION);
++  require ExtUtils::ParseXS::CountLines; ExtUtils::ParseXS::CountLines->VERSION($VERSION);
++  require ExtUtils::ParseXS::Utilities; ExtUtils::ParseXS::Utilities->VERSION($VERSION);
++  require ExtUtils::ParseXS::Eval; ExtUtils::ParseXS::Eval->VERSION($VERSION);
+ }
+-use ExtUtils::ParseXS::Constants $VERSION;
+-use ExtUtils::ParseXS::CountLines $VERSION;
+-use ExtUtils::ParseXS::Utilities $VERSION;
+-use ExtUtils::ParseXS::Eval $VERSION;
+ $VERSION = eval $VERSION if $VERSION =~ /_/;
+ use ExtUtils::ParseXS::Utilities qw(
+@@ -519,9 +519,10 @@ EOF
+     }
+     else {
+-    # cv likely to be unused
++    # cv and items likely to be unused
+     print Q(<<"EOF");
+ #    PERL_UNUSED_VAR(cv); /* -W */
++#    PERL_UNUSED_VAR(items); /* -W */
+     }
+@@ -871,6 +872,7 @@ EOF
+ #XS_EUPXS(XS_$self->{Packid}_nil)
+ #{
+ #   dXSARGS;
++#   PERL_UNUSED_VAR(items);
+ #}
+ #
+diff --git a/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/Constants.pm b/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/Constants.pm
+index 2150fb8..45b5674 100644
+--- a/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/Constants.pm
++++ b/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/Constants.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use Symbol;
+-our $VERSION = '3.35';
++our $VERSION = '3.39';
+ =head1 NAME
+diff --git a/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/CountLines.pm b/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/CountLines.pm
+index ad86b57..5b48449 100644
+--- a/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/CountLines.pm
++++ b/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/CountLines.pm
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ package ExtUtils::ParseXS::CountLines;
+ use strict;
+-our $VERSION = '3.35';
++our $VERSION = '3.39';
+diff --git a/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/Eval.pm b/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/Eval.pm
+index 6b06bf5..9eba5e5 100644
+--- a/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/Eval.pm
++++ b/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/Eval.pm
+@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package ExtUtils::ParseXS::Eval;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+-our $VERSION = '3.35';
++our $VERSION = '3.39';
+ =head1 NAME
+@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Warns the contents of C<$@> if any.
+ Not all these variables are necessarily considered "public" wrt. use in
+ typemaps, so beware. Variables set up from the ExtUtils::ParseXS object:
+-  $Package $Alias $func_name $Full_func_name $pname
++  $Package $ALIAS $func_name $Full_func_name $pname
+ Variables set up from C<$other_hashref>:
+@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ Warns the contents of C<$@> if any.
+ Not all these variables are necessarily considered "public" wrt. use in
+ typemaps, so beware. Variables set up from the ExtUtils::ParseXS object:
+-  $Package $Alias $func_name $Full_func_name $pname
++  $Package $ALIAS $func_name $Full_func_name $pname
+ Variables set up from C<$other_hashref>:
+diff --git a/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/Utilities.pm b/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/Utilities.pm
+index bc1e098..ae25b33 100644
+--- a/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/Utilities.pm
++++ b/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/Utilities.pm
+@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ use Exporter;
+ use File::Spec;
+ use ExtUtils::ParseXS::Constants ();
+-our $VERSION = '3.35';
++our $VERSION = '3.39';
+ our (@ISA, @EXPORT_OK);
+ @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+diff --git a/lib/ExtUtils/Typemaps.pm b/lib/ExtUtils/Typemaps.pm
+index 992d15b..a762322 100644
+--- a/lib/ExtUtils/Typemaps.pm
++++ b/lib/ExtUtils/Typemaps.pm
+@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package ExtUtils::Typemaps;
+ use 5.006001;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+-our $VERSION = '3.35';
++our $VERSION = '3.38';
+ require ExtUtils::ParseXS;
+ require ExtUtils::ParseXS::Constants;
+@@ -781,7 +781,9 @@ corresponding OUTPUT code:
+                 $var.context.value().size());
+   ',
+     'T_OUT' => '    {
+-            GV *gv = newGVgen("$Package");
++            GV *gv = (GV *)sv_newmortal();
++            gv_init_pvn(gv, gv_stashpvs("$Package",1),
++                       "__ANONIO__",10,0);
+             if ( do_open(gv, "+>&", 3, FALSE, 0, 0, $var) )
+                 sv_setsv(
+                   $arg,
+diff --git a/lib/ExtUtils/Typemaps/Cmd.pm b/lib/ExtUtils/Typemaps/Cmd.pm
+index 7ff0780..3c33f54 100644
+--- a/lib/ExtUtils/Typemaps/Cmd.pm
++++ b/lib/ExtUtils/Typemaps/Cmd.pm
+@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package ExtUtils::Typemaps::Cmd;
+ use 5.006001;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+-our $VERSION = '3.35';
++our $VERSION = '3.38';
+ use ExtUtils::Typemaps;
+diff --git a/lib/ExtUtils/Typemaps/InputMap.pm b/lib/ExtUtils/Typemaps/InputMap.pm
+index b626973..bf19df1 100644
+--- a/lib/ExtUtils/Typemaps/InputMap.pm
++++ b/lib/ExtUtils/Typemaps/InputMap.pm
+@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package ExtUtils::Typemaps::InputMap;
+ use 5.006001;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+-our $VERSION = '3.35';
++our $VERSION = '3.38';
+ =head1 NAME
+diff --git a/lib/ExtUtils/Typemaps/OutputMap.pm b/lib/ExtUtils/Typemaps/OutputMap.pm
+index 8c72e5b..90adb48 100644
+--- a/lib/ExtUtils/Typemaps/OutputMap.pm
++++ b/lib/ExtUtils/Typemaps/OutputMap.pm
+@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package ExtUtils::Typemaps::OutputMap;
+ use 5.006001;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+-our $VERSION = '3.35';
++our $VERSION = '3.38';
+ =head1 NAME
+diff --git a/lib/ExtUtils/Typemaps/Type.pm b/lib/ExtUtils/Typemaps/Type.pm
+index 7909bbe..01bd51d 100644
+--- a/lib/ExtUtils/Typemaps/Type.pm
++++ b/lib/ExtUtils/Typemaps/Type.pm
+@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ require ExtUtils::Typemaps;
+-our $VERSION = '3.35';
++our $VERSION = '3.38';
+ =head1 NAME
+diff --git a/lib/perlxs.pod b/lib/perlxs.pod
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..1419ee0
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/lib/perlxs.pod
+@@ -0,0 +1,2354 @@
++=head1 NAME
++perlxs - XS language reference manual
++=head2 Introduction
++XS is an interface description file format used to create an extension
++interface between Perl and C code (or a C library) which one wishes
++to use with Perl.  The XS interface is combined with the library to
++create a new library which can then be either dynamically loaded
++or statically linked into perl.  The XS interface description is
++written in the XS language and is the core component of the Perl
++extension interface.
++Before writing XS, read the L</CAVEATS> section below.
++An B<XSUB> forms the basic unit of the XS interface.  After compilation
++by the B<xsubpp> compiler, each XSUB amounts to a C function definition
++which will provide the glue between Perl calling conventions and C
++calling conventions.
++The glue code pulls the arguments from the Perl stack, converts these
++Perl values to the formats expected by a C function, call this C function,
++transfers the return values of the C function back to Perl.
++Return values here may be a conventional C return value or any C
++function arguments that may serve as output parameters.  These return
++values may be passed back to Perl either by putting them on the
++Perl stack, or by modifying the arguments supplied from the Perl side.
++The above is a somewhat simplified view of what really happens.  Since
++Perl allows more flexible calling conventions than C, XSUBs may do much
++more in practice, such as checking input parameters for validity,
++throwing exceptions (or returning undef/empty list) if the return value
++from the C function indicates failure, calling different C functions
++based on numbers and types of the arguments, providing an object-oriented
++interface, etc.
++Of course, one could write such glue code directly in C.  However, this
++would be a tedious task, especially if one needs to write glue for
++multiple C functions, and/or one is not familiar enough with the Perl
++stack discipline and other such arcana.  XS comes to the rescue here:
++instead of writing this glue C code in long-hand, one can write
++a more concise short-hand I<description> of what should be done by
++the glue, and let the XS compiler B<xsubpp> handle the rest.
++The XS language allows one to describe the mapping between how the C
++routine is used, and how the corresponding Perl routine is used.  It
++also allows creation of Perl routines which are directly translated to
++C code and which are not related to a pre-existing C function.  In cases
++when the C interface coincides with the Perl interface, the XSUB
++declaration is almost identical to a declaration of a C function (in K&R
++style).  In such circumstances, there is another tool called C<h2xs>
++that is able to translate an entire C header file into a corresponding
++XS file that will provide glue to the functions/macros described in
++the header file.
++The XS compiler is called B<xsubpp>.  This compiler creates
++the constructs necessary to let an XSUB manipulate Perl values, and
++creates the glue necessary to let Perl call the XSUB.  The compiler
++uses B<typemaps> to determine how to map C function parameters
++and output values to Perl values and back.  The default typemap
++(which comes with Perl) handles many common C types.  A supplementary
++typemap may also be needed to handle any special structures and types
++for the library being linked. For more information on typemaps,
++see L<perlxstypemap>.
++A file in XS format starts with a C language section which goes until the
++first C<MODULE =Z<>> directive.  Other XS directives and XSUB definitions
++may follow this line.  The "language" used in this part of the file
++is usually referred to as the XS language.  B<xsubpp> recognizes and
++skips POD (see L<perlpod>) in both the C and XS language sections, which
++allows the XS file to contain embedded documentation.
++See L<perlxstut> for a tutorial on the whole extension creation process.
++Note: For some extensions, Dave Beazley's SWIG system may provide a
++significantly more convenient mechanism for creating the extension
++glue code.  See L<http://www.swig.org/> for more information.
++=head2 On The Road
++Many of the examples which follow will concentrate on creating an interface
++between Perl and the ONC+ RPC bind library functions.  The rpcb_gettime()
++function is used to demonstrate many features of the XS language.  This
++function has two parameters; the first is an input parameter and the second
++is an output parameter.  The function also returns a status value.
++	bool_t rpcb_gettime(const char *host, time_t *timep);
++From C this function will be called with the following
++     #include <rpc/rpc.h>
++     bool_t status;
++     time_t timep;
++     status = rpcb_gettime( "localhost", &timep );
++If an XSUB is created to offer a direct translation between this function
++and Perl, then this XSUB will be used from Perl with the following code.
++The $status and $timep variables will contain the output of the function.
++     use RPC;
++     $status = rpcb_gettime( "localhost", $timep );
++The following XS file shows an XS subroutine, or XSUB, which
++demonstrates one possible interface to the rpcb_gettime()
++function.  This XSUB represents a direct translation between
++C and Perl and so preserves the interface even from Perl.
++This XSUB will be invoked from Perl with the usage shown
++above.  Note that the first three #include statements, for
++C<EXTERN.h>, C<perl.h>, and C<XSUB.h>, will always be present at the
++beginning of an XS file.  This approach and others will be
++expanded later in this document.  A #define for C<PERL_NO_GET_CONTEXT>
++should be present to fetch the interpreter context more efficiently,
++see L<perlguts|perlguts/How multiple interpreters and concurrency are
++supported> for details.
++     #define PERL_NO_GET_CONTEXT
++     #include "EXTERN.h"
++     #include "perl.h"
++     #include "XSUB.h"
++     #include <rpc/rpc.h>
++     bool_t
++     rpcb_gettime(host,timep)
++          char *host
++          time_t &timep
++        OUTPUT:
++          timep
++Any extension to Perl, including those containing XSUBs,
++should have a Perl module to serve as the bootstrap which
++pulls the extension into Perl.  This module will export the
++extension's functions and variables to the Perl program and
++will cause the extension's XSUBs to be linked into Perl.
++The following module will be used for most of the examples
++in this document and should be used from Perl with the C<use>
++command as shown earlier.  Perl modules are explained in
++more detail later in this document.
++     package RPC;
++     require Exporter;
++     require DynaLoader;
++     @ISA = qw(Exporter DynaLoader);
++     @EXPORT = qw( rpcb_gettime );
++     bootstrap RPC;
++     1;
++Throughout this document a variety of interfaces to the rpcb_gettime()
++XSUB will be explored.  The XSUBs will take their parameters in different
++orders or will take different numbers of parameters.  In each case the
++XSUB is an abstraction between Perl and the real C rpcb_gettime()
++function, and the XSUB must always ensure that the real rpcb_gettime()
++function is called with the correct parameters.  This abstraction will
++allow the programmer to create a more Perl-like interface to the C
++=head2 The Anatomy of an XSUB
++The simplest XSUBs consist of 3 parts: a description of the return
++value, the name of the XSUB routine and the names of its arguments,
++and a description of types or formats of the arguments.
++The following XSUB allows a Perl program to access a C library function
++called sin().  The XSUB will imitate the C function which takes a single
++argument and returns a single value.
++     double
++     sin(x)
++       double x
++Optionally, one can merge the description of types and the list of
++argument names, rewriting this as
++     double
++     sin(double x)
++This makes this XSUB look similar to an ANSI C declaration.  An optional
++semicolon is allowed after the argument list, as in
++     double
++     sin(double x);
++Parameters with C pointer types can have different semantic: C functions
++with similar declarations
++     bool string_looks_as_a_number(char *s);
++     bool make_char_uppercase(char *c);
++are used in absolutely incompatible manner.  Parameters to these functions
++could be described B<xsubpp> like this:
++     char *  s
++     char    &c
++Both these XS declarations correspond to the C<char*> C type, but they have
++different semantics, see L<"The & Unary Operator">.
++It is convenient to think that the indirection operator
++C<*> should be considered as a part of the type and the address operator C<&>
++should be considered part of the variable.  See L<perlxstypemap>
++for more info about handling qualifiers and unary operators in C types.
++The function name and the return type must be placed on
++separate lines and should be flush left-adjusted.
++  INCORRECT                        CORRECT
++  double sin(x)                    double
++    double x                       sin(x)
++				     double x
++The rest of the function description may be indented or left-adjusted. The
++following example shows a function with its body left-adjusted.  Most
++examples in this document will indent the body for better readability.
++  double
++  sin(x)
++  double x
++More complicated XSUBs may contain many other sections.  Each section of
++an XSUB starts with the corresponding keyword, such as INIT: or CLEANUP:.
++However, the first two lines of an XSUB always contain the same data:
++descriptions of the return type and the names of the function and its
++parameters.  Whatever immediately follows these is considered to be
++an INPUT: section unless explicitly marked with another keyword.
++(See L<The INPUT: Keyword>.)
++An XSUB section continues until another section-start keyword is found.
++=head2 The Argument Stack
++The Perl argument stack is used to store the values which are
++sent as parameters to the XSUB and to store the XSUB's
++return value(s).  In reality all Perl functions (including non-XSUB
++ones) keep their values on this stack all the same time, each limited
++to its own range of positions on the stack.  In this document the
++first position on that stack which belongs to the active
++function will be referred to as position 0 for that function.
++XSUBs refer to their stack arguments with the macro B<ST(x)>, where I<x>
++refers to a position in this XSUB's part of the stack.  Position 0 for that
++function would be known to the XSUB as ST(0).  The XSUB's incoming
++parameters and outgoing return values always begin at ST(0).  For many
++simple cases the B<xsubpp> compiler will generate the code necessary to
++handle the argument stack by embedding code fragments found in the
++typemaps.  In more complex cases the programmer must supply the code.
++=head2 The RETVAL Variable
++The RETVAL variable is a special C variable that is declared automatically
++for you.  The C type of RETVAL matches the return type of the C library
++function.  The B<xsubpp> compiler will declare this variable in each XSUB
++with non-C<void> return type.  By default the generated C function
++will use RETVAL to hold the return value of the C library function being
++called.  In simple cases the value of RETVAL will be placed in ST(0) of
++the argument stack where it can be received by Perl as the return value
++of the XSUB.
++If the XSUB has a return type of C<void> then the compiler will
++not declare a RETVAL variable for that function.  When using
++a PPCODE: section no manipulation of the RETVAL variable is required, the
++section may use direct stack manipulation to place output values on the stack.
++If PPCODE: directive is not used, C<void> return value should be used
++only for subroutines which do not return a value, I<even if> CODE:
++directive is used which sets ST(0) explicitly.
++Older versions of this document recommended to use C<void> return
++value in such cases. It was discovered that this could lead to
++segfaults in cases when XSUB was I<truly> C<void>. This practice is
++now deprecated, and may be not supported at some future version. Use
++the return value C<SV *> in such cases. (Currently C<xsubpp> contains
++some heuristic code which tries to disambiguate between "truly-void"
++and "old-practice-declared-as-void" functions. Hence your code is at
++mercy of this heuristics unless you use C<SV *> as return value.)
++=head2 Returning SVs, AVs and HVs through RETVAL
++When you're using RETVAL to return an C<SV *>, there's some magic
++going on behind the scenes that should be mentioned. When you're
++manipulating the argument stack using the ST(x) macro, for example,
++you usually have to pay special attention to reference counts. (For
++more about reference counts, see L<perlguts>.) To make your life
++easier, the typemap file automatically makes C<RETVAL> mortal when
++you're returning an C<SV *>. Thus, the following two XSUBs are more
++or less equivalent:
++  void
++  alpha()
++      PPCODE:
++          ST(0) = newSVpv("Hello World",0);
++          sv_2mortal(ST(0));
++          XSRETURN(1);
++  SV *
++  beta()
++      CODE:
++          RETVAL = newSVpv("Hello World",0);
++      OUTPUT:
++          RETVAL
++This is quite useful as it usually improves readability. While
++this works fine for an C<SV *>, it's unfortunately not as easy
++to have C<AV *> or C<HV *> as a return value. You I<should> be
++able to write:
++  AV *
++  array()
++      CODE:
++          RETVAL = newAV();
++          /* do something with RETVAL */
++      OUTPUT:
++          RETVAL
++But due to an unfixable bug (fixing it would break lots of existing
++CPAN modules) in the typemap file, the reference count of the C<AV *>
++is not properly decremented. Thus, the above XSUB would leak memory
++whenever it is being called. The same problem exists for C<HV *>,
++C<CV *>, and C<SVREF> (which indicates a scalar reference, not
++a general C<SV *>).
++In XS code on perls starting with perl 5.16, you can override the
++typemaps for any of these types with a version that has proper
++handling of refcounts. In your C<TYPEMAP> section, do
++to get the repaired variant. For backward compatibility with older
++versions of perl, you can instead decrement the reference count
++manually when you're returning one of the aforementioned
++types using C<sv_2mortal>:
++  AV *
++  array()
++      CODE:
++          RETVAL = newAV();
++          sv_2mortal((SV*)RETVAL);
++          /* do something with RETVAL */
++      OUTPUT:
++          RETVAL
++Remember that you don't have to do this for an C<SV *>. The reference
++documentation for all core typemaps can be found in L<perlxstypemap>.
++=head2 The MODULE Keyword
++The MODULE keyword is used to start the XS code and to specify the package
++of the functions which are being defined.  All text preceding the first
++MODULE keyword is considered C code and is passed through to the output with
++POD stripped, but otherwise untouched.  Every XS module will have a
++bootstrap function which is used to hook the XSUBs into Perl.  The package
++name of this bootstrap function will match the value of the last MODULE
++statement in the XS source files.  The value of MODULE should always remain
++constant within the same XS file, though this is not required.
++The following example will start the XS code and will place
++all functions in a package named RPC.
++     MODULE = RPC
++=head2 The PACKAGE Keyword
++When functions within an XS source file must be separated into packages
++the PACKAGE keyword should be used.  This keyword is used with the MODULE
++keyword and must follow immediately after it when used.
++     [ XS code in package RPC ]
++     [ XS code in package RPCB ]
++     [ XS code in package RPC ]
++The same package name can be used more than once, allowing for
++non-contiguous code. This is useful if you have a stronger ordering
++principle than package names.
++Although this keyword is optional and in some cases provides redundant
++information it should always be used.  This keyword will ensure that the
++XSUBs appear in the desired package.
++=head2 The PREFIX Keyword
++The PREFIX keyword designates prefixes which should be
++removed from the Perl function names.  If the C function is
++C<rpcb_gettime()> and the PREFIX value is C<rpcb_> then Perl will
++see this function as C<gettime()>.
++This keyword should follow the PACKAGE keyword when used.
++If PACKAGE is not used then PREFIX should follow the MODULE
++     MODULE = RPC  PREFIX = rpc_
++=head2 The OUTPUT: Keyword
++The OUTPUT: keyword indicates that certain function parameters should be
++updated (new values made visible to Perl) when the XSUB terminates or that
++certain values should be returned to the calling Perl function.  For
++simple functions which have no CODE: or PPCODE: section,
++such as the sin() function above, the RETVAL variable is
++automatically designated as an output value.  For more complex functions
++the B<xsubpp> compiler will need help to determine which variables are output
++This keyword will normally be used to complement the CODE: keyword.
++The RETVAL variable is not recognized as an output variable when the
++CODE: keyword is present.  The OUTPUT: keyword is used in this
++situation to tell the compiler that RETVAL really is an output
++The OUTPUT: keyword can also be used to indicate that function parameters
++are output variables.  This may be necessary when a parameter has been
++modified within the function and the programmer would like the update to
++be seen by Perl.
++     bool_t
++     rpcb_gettime(host,timep)
++          char *host
++          time_t &timep
++        OUTPUT:
++          timep
++The OUTPUT: keyword will also allow an output parameter to
++be mapped to a matching piece of code rather than to a
++     bool_t
++     rpcb_gettime(host,timep)
++          char *host
++          time_t &timep
++        OUTPUT:
++          timep sv_setnv(ST(1), (double)timep);
++B<xsubpp> emits an automatic C<SvSETMAGIC()> for all parameters in the
++OUTPUT section of the XSUB, except RETVAL.  This is the usually desired
++behavior, as it takes care of properly invoking 'set' magic on output
++parameters (needed for hash or array element parameters that must be
++created if they didn't exist).  If for some reason, this behavior is
++not desired, the OUTPUT section may contain a C<SETMAGIC: DISABLE> line
++to disable it for the remainder of the parameters in the OUTPUT section.
++Likewise, C<SETMAGIC: ENABLE> can be used to reenable it for the
++remainder of the OUTPUT section.  See L<perlguts> for more details
++about 'set' magic.
++=head2 The NO_OUTPUT Keyword
++The NO_OUTPUT can be placed as the first token of the XSUB.  This keyword
++indicates that while the C subroutine we provide an interface to has
++a non-C<void> return type, the return value of this C subroutine should not
++be returned from the generated Perl subroutine.
++With this keyword present L<The RETVAL Variable> is created, and in the
++generated call to the subroutine this variable is assigned to, but the value
++of this variable is not going to be used in the auto-generated code.
++This keyword makes sense only if C<RETVAL> is going to be accessed by the
++user-supplied code.  It is especially useful to make a function interface
++more Perl-like, especially when the C return value is just an error condition
++indicator.  For example,
++  NO_OUTPUT int
++  delete_file(char *name)
++      if (RETVAL != 0)
++	  croak("Error %d while deleting file '%s'", RETVAL, name);
++Here the generated XS function returns nothing on success, and will die()
++with a meaningful error message on error.
++=head2 The CODE: Keyword
++This keyword is used in more complicated XSUBs which require
++special handling for the C function.  The RETVAL variable is
++still declared, but it will not be returned unless it is specified
++in the OUTPUT: section.
++The following XSUB is for a C function which requires special handling of
++its parameters.  The Perl usage is given first.
++     $status = rpcb_gettime( "localhost", $timep );
++The XSUB follows.
++     bool_t
++     rpcb_gettime(host,timep)
++          char *host
++          time_t timep
++        CODE:
++               RETVAL = rpcb_gettime( host, &timep );
++        OUTPUT:
++          timep
++          RETVAL
++=head2 The INIT: Keyword
++The INIT: keyword allows initialization to be inserted into the XSUB before
++the compiler generates the call to the C function.  Unlike the CODE: keyword
++above, this keyword does not affect the way the compiler handles RETVAL.
++    bool_t
++    rpcb_gettime(host,timep)
++          char *host
++          time_t &timep
++	INIT:
++	  printf("# Host is %s\n", host );
++        OUTPUT:
++          timep
++Another use for the INIT: section is to check for preconditions before
++making a call to the C function:
++    long long
++    lldiv(a,b)
++	long long a
++	long long b
++      INIT:
++	if (a == 0 && b == 0)
++	if (b == 0)
++	    croak("lldiv: cannot divide by 0");
++=head2 The NO_INIT Keyword
++The NO_INIT keyword is used to indicate that a function
++parameter is being used only as an output value.  The B<xsubpp>
++compiler will normally generate code to read the values of
++all function parameters from the argument stack and assign
++them to C variables upon entry to the function.  NO_INIT
++will tell the compiler that some parameters will be used for
++output rather than for input and that they will be handled
++before the function terminates.
++The following example shows a variation of the rpcb_gettime() function.
++This function uses the timep variable only as an output variable and does
++not care about its initial contents.
++     bool_t
++     rpcb_gettime(host,timep)
++          char *host
++          time_t &timep = NO_INIT
++        OUTPUT:
++          timep
++=head2 The TYPEMAP: Keyword
++Starting with Perl 5.16, you can embed typemaps into your XS code
++instead of or in addition to typemaps in a separate file.  Multiple
++such embedded typemaps will be processed in order of appearance in
++the XS code and like local typemap files take precedence over the
++default typemap, the embedded typemaps may overwrite previous
++definitions of TYPEMAP, INPUT, and OUTPUT stanzas.  The syntax for
++embedded typemaps is
++      TYPEMAP: <<HERE
++      ... your typemap code here ...
++      HERE
++where the C<TYPEMAP> keyword must appear in the first column of a
++new line.
++Refer to L<perlxstypemap> for details on writing typemaps.
++=head2 Initializing Function Parameters
++C function parameters are normally initialized with their values from
++the argument stack (which in turn contains the parameters that were
++passed to the XSUB from Perl).  The typemaps contain the
++code segments which are used to translate the Perl values to
++the C parameters.  The programmer, however, is allowed to
++override the typemaps and supply alternate (or additional)
++initialization code.  Initialization code starts with the first
++C<=>, C<;> or C<+> on a line in the INPUT: section.  The only
++exception happens if this C<;> terminates the line, then this C<;>
++is quietly ignored.
++The following code demonstrates how to supply initialization code for
++function parameters.  The initialization code is eval'ed within double
++quotes by the compiler before it is added to the output so anything
++which should be interpreted literally [mainly C<$>, C<@>, or C<\\>]
++must be protected with backslashes.  The variables C<$var>, C<$arg>,
++and C<$type> can be used as in typemaps.
++     bool_t
++     rpcb_gettime(host,timep)
++          char *host = (char *)SvPV_nolen($arg);
++          time_t &timep = 0;
++        OUTPUT:
++          timep
++This should not be used to supply default values for parameters.  One
++would normally use this when a function parameter must be processed by
++another library function before it can be used.  Default parameters are
++covered in the next section.
++If the initialization begins with C<=>, then it is output in
++the declaration for the input variable, replacing the initialization
++supplied by the typemap.  If the initialization
++begins with C<;> or C<+>, then it is performed after
++all of the input variables have been declared.  In the C<;>
++case the initialization normally supplied by the typemap is not performed.
++For the C<+> case, the declaration for the variable will include the
++initialization from the typemap.  A global
++variable, C<%v>, is available for the truly rare case where
++information from one initialization is needed in another
++Here's a truly obscure example:
++     bool_t
++     rpcb_gettime(host,timep)
++          time_t &timep; /* \$v{timep}=@{[$v{timep}=$arg]} */
++          char *host + SvOK($v{timep}) ? SvPV_nolen($arg) : NULL;
++        OUTPUT:
++          timep
++The construct C<\$v{timep}=@{[$v{timep}=$arg]}> used in the above
++example has a two-fold purpose: first, when this line is processed by
++B<xsubpp>, the Perl snippet C<$v{timep}=$arg> is evaluated.  Second,
++the text of the evaluated snippet is output into the generated C file
++(inside a C comment)!  During the processing of C<char *host> line,
++C<$arg> will evaluate to C<ST(0)>, and C<$v{timep}> will evaluate to
++=head2 Default Parameter Values
++Default values for XSUB arguments can be specified by placing an
++assignment statement in the parameter list.  The default value may
++be a number, a string or the special string C<NO_INIT>.  Defaults should
++always be used on the right-most parameters only.
++To allow the XSUB for rpcb_gettime() to have a default host
++value the parameters to the XSUB could be rearranged.  The
++XSUB will then call the real rpcb_gettime() function with
++the parameters in the correct order.  This XSUB can be called
++from Perl with either of the following statements:
++     $status = rpcb_gettime( $timep, $host );
++     $status = rpcb_gettime( $timep );
++The XSUB will look like the code which follows.  A CODE:
++block is used to call the real rpcb_gettime() function with
++the parameters in the correct order for that function.
++     bool_t
++     rpcb_gettime(timep,host="localhost")
++          char *host
++          time_t timep = NO_INIT
++        CODE:
++               RETVAL = rpcb_gettime( host, &timep );
++        OUTPUT:
++          timep
++          RETVAL
++=head2 The PREINIT: Keyword
++The PREINIT: keyword allows extra variables to be declared immediately
++before or after the declarations of the parameters from the INPUT: section
++are emitted.
++If a variable is declared inside a CODE: section it will follow any typemap
++code that is emitted for the input parameters.  This may result in the
++declaration ending up after C code, which is C syntax error.  Similar
++errors may happen with an explicit C<;>-type or C<+>-type initialization of
++parameters is used (see L<"Initializing Function Parameters">).  Declaring
++these variables in an INIT: section will not help.
++In such cases, to force an additional variable to be declared together
++with declarations of other variables, place the declaration into a
++PREINIT: section.  The PREINIT: keyword may be used one or more times
++within an XSUB.
++The following examples are equivalent, but if the code is using complex
++typemaps then the first example is safer.
++     bool_t
++     rpcb_gettime(timep)
++          time_t timep = NO_INIT
++          char *host = "localhost";
++        CODE:
++	  RETVAL = rpcb_gettime( host, &timep );
++        OUTPUT:
++          timep
++          RETVAL
++For this particular case an INIT: keyword would generate the
++same C code as the PREINIT: keyword.  Another correct, but error-prone example:
++     bool_t
++     rpcb_gettime(timep)
++          time_t timep = NO_INIT
++	CODE:
++          char *host = "localhost";
++	  RETVAL = rpcb_gettime( host, &timep );
++        OUTPUT:
++          timep
++          RETVAL
++Another way to declare C<host> is to use a C block in the CODE: section:
++     bool_t
++     rpcb_gettime(timep)
++          time_t timep = NO_INIT
++	CODE:
++	  {
++            char *host = "localhost";
++	    RETVAL = rpcb_gettime( host, &timep );
++	  }
++        OUTPUT:
++          timep
++          RETVAL
++The ability to put additional declarations before the typemap entries are
++processed is very handy in the cases when typemap conversions manipulate
++some global state:
++    MyObject
++    mutate(o)
++	    MyState st = global_state;
++	    MyObject o;
++	    reset_to(global_state, st);
++Here we suppose that conversion to C<MyObject> in the INPUT: section and from
++MyObject when processing RETVAL will modify a global variable C<global_state>.
++After these conversions are performed, we restore the old value of
++C<global_state> (to avoid memory leaks, for example).
++There is another way to trade clarity for compactness: INPUT sections allow
++declaration of C variables which do not appear in the parameter list of
++a subroutine.  Thus the above code for mutate() can be rewritten as
++    MyObject
++    mutate(o)
++	  MyState st = global_state;
++	  MyObject o;
++	  reset_to(global_state, st);
++and the code for rpcb_gettime() can be rewritten as
++     bool_t
++     rpcb_gettime(timep)
++	  time_t timep = NO_INIT
++	  char *host = "localhost";
++	C_ARGS:
++	  host, &timep
++          timep
++          RETVAL
++=head2 The SCOPE: Keyword
++The SCOPE: keyword allows scoping to be enabled for a particular XSUB. If
++enabled, the XSUB will invoke ENTER and LEAVE automatically.
++To support potentially complex type mappings, if a typemap entry used
++by an XSUB contains a comment like C</*scope*/> then scoping will
++be automatically enabled for that XSUB.
++To enable scoping:
++To disable scoping:
++=head2 The INPUT: Keyword
++The XSUB's parameters are usually evaluated immediately after entering the
++XSUB.  The INPUT: keyword can be used to force those parameters to be
++evaluated a little later.  The INPUT: keyword can be used multiple times
++within an XSUB and can be used to list one or more input variables.  This
++keyword is used with the PREINIT: keyword.
++The following example shows how the input parameter C<timep> can be
++evaluated late, after a PREINIT.
++    bool_t
++    rpcb_gettime(host,timep)
++          char *host
++	  time_t tt;
++          time_t timep
++        CODE:
++               RETVAL = rpcb_gettime( host, &tt );
++	       timep = tt;
++        OUTPUT:
++          timep
++          RETVAL
++The next example shows each input parameter evaluated late.
++    bool_t
++    rpcb_gettime(host,timep)
++	  time_t tt;
++          char *host
++	  char *h;
++          time_t timep
++        CODE:
++	       h = host;
++	       RETVAL = rpcb_gettime( h, &tt );
++	       timep = tt;
++        OUTPUT:
++          timep
++          RETVAL
++Since INPUT sections allow declaration of C variables which do not appear
++in the parameter list of a subroutine, this may be shortened to:
++    bool_t
++    rpcb_gettime(host,timep)
++	  time_t tt;
++          char *host;
++	  char *h = host;
++          time_t timep;
++        CODE:
++	  RETVAL = rpcb_gettime( h, &tt );
++	  timep = tt;
++        OUTPUT:
++          timep
++          RETVAL
++(We used our knowledge that input conversion for C<char *> is a "simple" one,
++thus C<host> is initialized on the declaration line, and our assignment
++C<h = host> is not performed too early.  Otherwise one would need to have the
++assignment C<h = host> in a CODE: or INIT: section.)
++In the list of parameters for an XSUB, one can precede parameter names
++by the C<IN>/C<OUTLIST>/C<IN_OUTLIST>/C<OUT>/C<IN_OUT> keywords.
++C<IN> keyword is the default, the other keywords indicate how the Perl
++interface should differ from the C interface.
++Parameters preceded by C<OUTLIST>/C<IN_OUTLIST>/C<OUT>/C<IN_OUT>
++keywords are considered to be used by the C subroutine I<via
++pointers>.  C<OUTLIST>/C<OUT> keywords indicate that the C subroutine
++does not inspect the memory pointed by this parameter, but will write
++through this pointer to provide additional return values.
++Parameters preceded by C<OUTLIST> keyword do not appear in the usage
++signature of the generated Perl function.
++Parameters preceded by C<IN_OUTLIST>/C<IN_OUT>/C<OUT> I<do> appear as
++parameters to the Perl function.  With the exception of
++C<OUT>-parameters, these parameters are converted to the corresponding
++C type, then pointers to these data are given as arguments to the C
++function.  It is expected that the C function will write through these
++The return list of the generated Perl function consists of the C return value
++from the function (unless the XSUB is of C<void> return type or
++C<The NO_OUTPUT Keyword> was used) followed by all the C<OUTLIST>
++and C<IN_OUTLIST> parameters (in the order of appearance).  On the
++return from the XSUB the C<IN_OUT>/C<OUT> Perl parameter will be
++modified to have the values written by the C function.
++For example, an XSUB
++  void
++  day_month(OUTLIST day, IN unix_time, OUTLIST month)
++    int day
++    int unix_time
++    int month
++should be used from Perl as
++  my ($day, $month) = day_month(time);
++The C signature of the corresponding function should be
++  void day_month(int *day, int unix_time, int *month);
++The C<IN>/C<OUTLIST>/C<IN_OUTLIST>/C<IN_OUT>/C<OUT> keywords can be
++mixed with ANSI-style declarations, as in
++  void
++  day_month(OUTLIST int day, int unix_time, OUTLIST int month)
++(here the optional C<IN> keyword is omitted).
++The C<IN_OUT> parameters are identical with parameters introduced with
++L<The & Unary Operator> and put into the C<OUTPUT:> section (see
++L<The OUTPUT: Keyword>).  The C<IN_OUTLIST> parameters are very similar,
++the only difference being that the value C function writes through the
++pointer would not modify the Perl parameter, but is put in the output
++The C<OUTLIST>/C<OUT> parameter differ from C<IN_OUTLIST>/C<IN_OUT>
++parameters only by the initial value of the Perl parameter not
++being read (and not being given to the C function - which gets some
++garbage instead).  For example, the same C function as above can be
++interfaced with as
++  void day_month(OUT int day, int unix_time, OUT int month);
++  void
++  day_month(day, unix_time, month)
++      int &day = NO_INIT
++      int  unix_time
++      int &month = NO_INIT
++    OUTPUT:
++      day
++      month
++However, the generated Perl function is called in very C-ish style:
++  my ($day, $month);
++  day_month($day, time, $month);
++=head2 The C<length(NAME)> Keyword
++If one of the input arguments to the C function is the length of a string
++argument C<NAME>, one can substitute the name of the length-argument by
++C<length(NAME)> in the XSUB declaration.  This argument must be omitted when
++the generated Perl function is called.  E.g.,
++  void
++  dump_chars(char *s, short l)
++  {
++    short n = 0;
++    while (n < l) {
++        printf("s[%d] = \"\\%#03o\"\n", n, (int)s[n]);
++        n++;
++    }
++  }
++  MODULE = x		PACKAGE = x
++  void dump_chars(char *s, short length(s))
++should be called as C<dump_chars($string)>.
++This directive is supported with ANSI-type function declarations only.
++=head2 Variable-length Parameter Lists
++XSUBs can have variable-length parameter lists by specifying an ellipsis
++C<(...)> in the parameter list.  This use of the ellipsis is similar to that
++found in ANSI C.  The programmer is able to determine the number of
++arguments passed to the XSUB by examining the C<items> variable which the
++B<xsubpp> compiler supplies for all XSUBs.  By using this mechanism one can
++create an XSUB which accepts a list of parameters of unknown length.
++The I<host> parameter for the rpcb_gettime() XSUB can be
++optional so the ellipsis can be used to indicate that the
++XSUB will take a variable number of parameters.  Perl should
++be able to call this XSUB with either of the following statements.
++     $status = rpcb_gettime( $timep, $host );
++     $status = rpcb_gettime( $timep );
++The XS code, with ellipsis, follows.
++     bool_t
++     rpcb_gettime(timep, ...)
++          time_t timep = NO_INIT
++          char *host = "localhost";
++        CODE:
++	  if( items > 1 )
++	       host = (char *)SvPV_nolen(ST(1));
++	  RETVAL = rpcb_gettime( host, &timep );
++        OUTPUT:
++          timep
++          RETVAL
++=head2 The C_ARGS: Keyword
++The C_ARGS: keyword allows creating of XSUBS which have different
++calling sequence from Perl than from C, without a need to write
++CODE: or PPCODE: section.  The contents of the C_ARGS: paragraph is
++put as the argument to the called C function without any change.
++For example, suppose that a C function is declared as
++    symbolic nth_derivative(int n, symbolic function, int flags);
++and that the default flags are kept in a global C variable
++C<default_flags>.  Suppose that you want to create an interface which
++is called as
++    $second_deriv = $function->nth_derivative(2);
++To do this, declare the XSUB as
++    symbolic
++    nth_derivative(function, n)
++	symbolic	function
++	int		n
++      C_ARGS:
++	n, function, default_flags
++=head2 The PPCODE: Keyword
++The PPCODE: keyword is an alternate form of the CODE: keyword and is used
++to tell the B<xsubpp> compiler that the programmer is supplying the code to
++control the argument stack for the XSUBs return values.  Occasionally one
++will want an XSUB to return a list of values rather than a single value.
++In these cases one must use PPCODE: and then explicitly push the list of
++values on the stack.  The PPCODE: and CODE: keywords should not be used
++together within the same XSUB.
++The actual difference between PPCODE: and CODE: sections is in the
++initialization of C<SP> macro (which stands for the I<current> Perl
++stack pointer), and in the handling of data on the stack when returning
++from an XSUB.  In CODE: sections SP preserves the value which was on
++entry to the XSUB: SP is on the function pointer (which follows the
++last parameter).  In PPCODE: sections SP is moved backward to the
++beginning of the parameter list, which allows C<PUSH*()> macros
++to place output values in the place Perl expects them to be when
++the XSUB returns back to Perl.
++The generated trailer for a CODE: section ensures that the number of return
++values Perl will see is either 0 or 1 (depending on the C<void>ness of the
++return value of the C function, and heuristics mentioned in
++L<"The RETVAL Variable">).  The trailer generated for a PPCODE: section
++is based on the number of return values and on the number of times
++C<SP> was updated by C<[X]PUSH*()> macros.
++Note that macros C<ST(i)>, C<XST_m*()> and C<XSRETURN*()> work equally
++well in CODE: sections and PPCODE: sections.
++The following XSUB will call the C rpcb_gettime() function
++and will return its two output values, timep and status, to
++Perl as a single list.
++     void
++     rpcb_gettime(host)
++          char *host
++          time_t  timep;
++          bool_t  status;
++        PPCODE:
++          status = rpcb_gettime( host, &timep );
++          EXTEND(SP, 2);
++          PUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv(status)));
++          PUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv(timep)));
++Notice that the programmer must supply the C code necessary
++to have the real rpcb_gettime() function called and to have
++the return values properly placed on the argument stack.
++The C<void> return type for this function tells the B<xsubpp> compiler that
++the RETVAL variable is not needed or used and that it should not be created.
++In most scenarios the void return type should be used with the PPCODE:
++The EXTEND() macro is used to make room on the argument
++stack for 2 return values.  The PPCODE: directive causes the
++B<xsubpp> compiler to create a stack pointer available as C<SP>, and it
++is this pointer which is being used in the EXTEND() macro.
++The values are then pushed onto the stack with the PUSHs()
++Now the rpcb_gettime() function can be used from Perl with
++the following statement.
++     ($status, $timep) = rpcb_gettime("localhost");
++When handling output parameters with a PPCODE section, be sure to handle
++'set' magic properly.  See L<perlguts> for details about 'set' magic.
++=head2 Returning Undef And Empty Lists
++Occasionally the programmer will want to return simply
++C<undef> or an empty list if a function fails rather than a
++separate status value.  The rpcb_gettime() function offers
++just this situation.  If the function succeeds we would like
++to have it return the time and if it fails we would like to
++have undef returned.  In the following Perl code the value
++of $timep will either be undef or it will be a valid time.
++     $timep = rpcb_gettime( "localhost" );
++The following XSUB uses the C<SV *> return type as a mnemonic only,
++and uses a CODE: block to indicate to the compiler
++that the programmer has supplied all the necessary code.  The
++sv_newmortal() call will initialize the return value to undef, making that
++the default return value.
++     SV *
++     rpcb_gettime(host)
++          char *  host
++          time_t  timep;
++          bool_t x;
++        CODE:
++          ST(0) = sv_newmortal();
++          if( rpcb_gettime( host, &timep ) )
++               sv_setnv( ST(0), (double)timep);
++The next example demonstrates how one would place an explicit undef in the
++return value, should the need arise.
++     SV *
++     rpcb_gettime(host)
++          char *  host
++          time_t  timep;
++          bool_t x;
++        CODE:
++          if( rpcb_gettime( host, &timep ) ){
++               ST(0) = sv_newmortal();
++               sv_setnv( ST(0), (double)timep);
++          }
++          else{
++               ST(0) = &PL_sv_undef;
++          }
++To return an empty list one must use a PPCODE: block and
++then not push return values on the stack.
++     void
++     rpcb_gettime(host)
++          char *host
++          time_t  timep;
++        PPCODE:
++          if( rpcb_gettime( host, &timep ) )
++               PUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv(timep)));
++          else{
++	      /* Nothing pushed on stack, so an empty
++	       * list is implicitly returned. */
++          }
++Some people may be inclined to include an explicit C<return> in the above
++XSUB, rather than letting control fall through to the end.  In those
++situations C<XSRETURN_EMPTY> should be used, instead.  This will ensure that
++the XSUB stack is properly adjusted.  Consult L<perlapi> for other
++C<XSRETURN> macros.
++Since C<XSRETURN_*> macros can be used with CODE blocks as well, one can
++rewrite this example as:
++     int
++     rpcb_gettime(host)
++          char *host
++          time_t  timep;
++        CODE:
++          RETVAL = rpcb_gettime( host, &timep );
++	  if (RETVAL == 0)
++In fact, one can put this check into a POSTCALL: section as well.  Together
++with PREINIT: simplifications, this leads to:
++     int
++     rpcb_gettime(host)
++          char *host
++          time_t  timep;
++	  if (RETVAL == 0)
++=head2 The REQUIRE: Keyword
++The REQUIRE: keyword is used to indicate the minimum version of the
++B<xsubpp> compiler needed to compile the XS module.  An XS module which
++contains the following statement will compile with only B<xsubpp> version
++1.922 or greater:
++	REQUIRE: 1.922
++=head2 The CLEANUP: Keyword
++This keyword can be used when an XSUB requires special cleanup procedures
++before it terminates.  When the CLEANUP: keyword is used it must follow
++any CODE:, or OUTPUT: blocks which are present in the XSUB.  The code
++specified for the cleanup block will be added as the last statements in
++the XSUB.
++=head2 The POSTCALL: Keyword
++This keyword can be used when an XSUB requires special procedures
++executed after the C subroutine call is performed.  When the POSTCALL:
++keyword is used it must precede OUTPUT: and CLEANUP: blocks which are
++present in the XSUB.
++See examples in L<"The NO_OUTPUT Keyword"> and L<"Returning Undef And Empty Lists">.
++The POSTCALL: block does not make a lot of sense when the C subroutine
++call is supplied by user by providing either CODE: or PPCODE: section.
++=head2 The BOOT: Keyword
++The BOOT: keyword is used to add code to the extension's bootstrap
++function.  The bootstrap function is generated by the B<xsubpp> compiler and
++normally holds the statements necessary to register any XSUBs with Perl.
++With the BOOT: keyword the programmer can tell the compiler to add extra
++statements to the bootstrap function.
++This keyword may be used any time after the first MODULE keyword and should
++appear on a line by itself.  The first blank line after the keyword will
++terminate the code block.
++     BOOT:
++     # The following message will be printed when the
++     # bootstrap function executes.
++     printf("Hello from the bootstrap!\n");
++=head2 The VERSIONCHECK: Keyword
++The VERSIONCHECK: keyword corresponds to B<xsubpp>'s C<-versioncheck> and
++C<-noversioncheck> options.  This keyword overrides the command line
++options.  Version checking is enabled by default.  When version checking is
++enabled the XS module will attempt to verify that its version matches the
++version of the PM module.
++To enable version checking:
++To disable version checking:
++Note that if the version of the PM module is an NV (a floating point
++number), it will be stringified with a possible loss of precision
++(currently chopping to nine decimal places) so that it may not match
++the version of the XS module anymore. Quoting the $VERSION declaration
++to make it a string is recommended if long version numbers are used.
++=head2 The PROTOTYPES: Keyword
++The PROTOTYPES: keyword corresponds to B<xsubpp>'s C<-prototypes> and
++C<-noprototypes> options.  This keyword overrides the command line options.
++Prototypes are disabled by default.  When prototypes are enabled, XSUBs will
++be given Perl prototypes.  This keyword may be used multiple times in an XS
++module to enable and disable prototypes for different parts of the module.
++Note that B<xsubpp> will nag you if you don't explicitly enable or disable
++prototypes, with:
++    Please specify prototyping behavior for Foo.xs (see perlxs manual)
++To enable prototypes:
++To disable prototypes:
++=head2 The PROTOTYPE: Keyword
++This keyword is similar to the PROTOTYPES: keyword above but can be used to
++force B<xsubpp> to use a specific prototype for the XSUB.  This keyword
++overrides all other prototype options and keywords but affects only the
++current XSUB.  Consult L<perlsub/Prototypes> for information about Perl
++    bool_t
++    rpcb_gettime(timep, ...)
++          time_t timep = NO_INIT
++          char *host = "localhost";
++        CODE:
++		  if( items > 1 )
++		       host = (char *)SvPV_nolen(ST(1));
++		  RETVAL = rpcb_gettime( host, &timep );
++        OUTPUT:
++          timep
++          RETVAL
++If the prototypes are enabled, you can disable it locally for a given
++XSUB as in the following example:
++    void
++    rpcb_gettime_noproto()
++    ...
++=head2 The ALIAS: Keyword
++The ALIAS: keyword allows an XSUB to have two or more unique Perl names
++and to know which of those names was used when it was invoked.  The Perl
++names may be fully-qualified with package names.  Each alias is given an
++index.  The compiler will setup a variable called C<ix> which contain the
++index of the alias which was used.  When the XSUB is called with its
++declared name C<ix> will be 0.
++The following example will create aliases C<FOO::gettime()> and
++C<BAR::getit()> for this function.
++    bool_t
++    rpcb_gettime(host,timep)
++          char *host
++          time_t &timep
++	    FOO::gettime = 1
++	    BAR::getit = 2
++	INIT:
++	  printf("# ix = %d\n", ix );
++        OUTPUT:
++          timep
++=head2 The OVERLOAD: Keyword
++Instead of writing an overloaded interface using pure Perl, you
++can also use the OVERLOAD keyword to define additional Perl names
++for your functions (like the ALIAS: keyword above).  However, the
++overloaded functions must be defined in such a way as to accept the number
++of parameters supplied by perl's overload system.  For most overload
++methods, it will be three parameters; for the C<nomethod> function it will
++be four.  However, the bitwise operators C<&>, C<|>, C<^>, and C<~> may be
++called with three I<or> five arguments (see L<overload>).
++If any
++function has the OVERLOAD: keyword, several additional lines
++will be defined in the c file generated by xsubpp in order to
++register with the overload magic.
++Since blessed objects are actually stored as RV's, it is useful
++to use the typemap features to preprocess parameters and extract
++the actual SV stored within the blessed RV.  See the sample for
++To use the OVERLOAD: keyword, create an XS function which takes
++three input parameters (or use the C-style '...' definition) like
++    SV *
++    cmp (lobj, robj, swap)
++    My_Module_obj    lobj
++    My_Module_obj    robj
++    IV               swap
++    OVERLOAD: cmp <=>
++    { /* function defined here */}
++In this case, the function will overload both of the three way
++comparison operators.  For all overload operations using non-alpha
++characters, you must type the parameter without quoting, separating
++multiple overloads with whitespace.  Note that "" (the stringify
++overload) should be entered as \"\" (i.e. escaped).
++Since, as mentioned above, bitwise operators may take extra arguments, you
++may want to use something like C<(lobj, robj, swap, ...)> (with
++literal C<...>) as your parameter list.
++=head2 The FALLBACK: Keyword
++In addition to the OVERLOAD keyword, if you need to control how
++Perl autogenerates missing overloaded operators, you can set the
++FALLBACK keyword in the module header section, like this:
++    ...
++where FALLBACK can take any of the three values TRUE, FALSE, or
++UNDEF.  If you do not set any FALLBACK value when using OVERLOAD,
++it defaults to UNDEF.  FALLBACK is not used except when one or
++more functions using OVERLOAD have been defined.  Please see
++L<overload/fallback> for more details.
++=head2 The INTERFACE: Keyword
++This keyword declares the current XSUB as a keeper of the given
++calling signature.  If some text follows this keyword, it is
++considered as a list of functions which have this signature, and
++should be attached to the current XSUB.
++For example, if you have 4 C functions multiply(), divide(), add(),
++subtract() all having the signature:
++    symbolic f(symbolic, symbolic);
++you can make them all to use the same XSUB using this:
++    symbolic
++    interface_s_ss(arg1, arg2)
++	symbolic	arg1
++	symbolic	arg2
++	multiply divide
++	add subtract
++(This is the complete XSUB code for 4 Perl functions!)  Four generated
++Perl function share names with corresponding C functions.
++The advantage of this approach comparing to ALIAS: keyword is that there
++is no need to code a switch statement, each Perl function (which shares
++the same XSUB) knows which C function it should call.  Additionally, one
++can attach an extra function remainder() at runtime by using
++    CV *mycv = newXSproto("Symbolic::remainder",
++			  XS_Symbolic_interface_s_ss, __FILE__, "$$");
++    XSINTERFACE_FUNC_SET(mycv, remainder);
++say, from another XSUB.  (This example supposes that there was no
++INTERFACE_MACRO: section, otherwise one needs to use something else instead of
++C<XSINTERFACE_FUNC_SET>, see the next section.)
++=head2 The INTERFACE_MACRO: Keyword
++This keyword allows one to define an INTERFACE using a different way
++to extract a function pointer from an XSUB.  The text which follows
++this keyword should give the name of macros which would extract/set a
++function pointer.  The extractor macro is given return type, C<CV*>,
++and C<XSANY.any_dptr> for this C<CV*>.  The setter macro is given cv,
++and the function pointer.
++An INTERFACE keyword with an empty list of functions can be omitted if
++INTERFACE_MACRO keyword is used.
++Suppose that in the previous example functions pointers for
++multiply(), divide(), add(), subtract() are kept in a global C array
++C<fp[]> with offsets being C<multiply_off>, C<divide_off>, C<add_off>,
++C<subtract_off>.  Then one can use
++    #define XSINTERFACE_FUNC_BYOFFSET(ret,cv,f) \
++	((XSINTERFACE_CVT_ANON(ret))fp[CvXSUBANY(cv).any_i32])
++    #define XSINTERFACE_FUNC_BYOFFSET_set(cv,f) \
++	CvXSUBANY(cv).any_i32 = CAT2( f, _off )
++in C section,
++    symbolic
++    interface_s_ss(arg1, arg2)
++	symbolic	arg1
++	symbolic	arg2
++      INTERFACE:
++	multiply divide
++	add subtract
++in XSUB section.
++=head2 The INCLUDE: Keyword
++This keyword can be used to pull other files into the XS module.  The other
++files may have XS code.  INCLUDE: can also be used to run a command to
++generate the XS code to be pulled into the module.
++The file F<Rpcb1.xsh> contains our C<rpcb_gettime()> function:
++    bool_t
++    rpcb_gettime(host,timep)
++          char *host
++          time_t &timep
++        OUTPUT:
++          timep
++The XS module can use INCLUDE: to pull that file into it.
++    INCLUDE: Rpcb1.xsh
++If the parameters to the INCLUDE: keyword are followed by a pipe (C<|>) then
++the compiler will interpret the parameters as a command. This feature is
++mildly deprecated in favour of the C<INCLUDE_COMMAND:> directive, as documented
++    INCLUDE: cat Rpcb1.xsh |
++Do not use this to run perl: C<INCLUDE: perl |> will run the perl that
++happens to be the first in your path and not necessarily the same perl that is
++used to run C<xsubpp>. See L<"The INCLUDE_COMMAND: Keyword">.
++=head2 The INCLUDE_COMMAND: Keyword
++Runs the supplied command and includes its output into the current XS
++document. C<INCLUDE_COMMAND> assigns special meaning to the C<$^X> token
++in that it runs the same perl interpreter that is running C<xsubpp>:
++    INCLUDE_COMMAND: cat Rpcb1.xsh
++    INCLUDE_COMMAND: $^X -e ...
++=head2 The CASE: Keyword
++The CASE: keyword allows an XSUB to have multiple distinct parts with each
++part acting as a virtual XSUB.  CASE: is greedy and if it is used then all
++other XS keywords must be contained within a CASE:.  This means nothing may
++precede the first CASE: in the XSUB and anything following the last CASE: is
++included in that case.
++A CASE: might switch via a parameter of the XSUB, via the C<ix> ALIAS:
++variable (see L<"The ALIAS: Keyword">), or maybe via the C<items> variable
++(see L<"Variable-length Parameter Lists">).  The last CASE: becomes the
++B<default> case if it is not associated with a conditional.  The following
++example shows CASE switched via C<ix> with a function C<rpcb_gettime()>
++having an alias C<x_gettime()>.  When the function is called as
++C<rpcb_gettime()> its parameters are the usual C<(char *host, time_t *timep)>,
++but when the function is called as C<x_gettime()> its parameters are
++reversed, C<(time_t *timep, char *host)>.
++    long
++    rpcb_gettime(a,b)
++      CASE: ix == 1
++	  x_gettime = 1
++	  # 'a' is timep, 'b' is host
++          char *b
++          time_t a = NO_INIT
++        CODE:
++               RETVAL = rpcb_gettime( b, &a );
++        OUTPUT:
++          a
++          RETVAL
++      CASE:
++	  # 'a' is host, 'b' is timep
++          char *a
++          time_t &b = NO_INIT
++        OUTPUT:
++          b
++          RETVAL
++That function can be called with either of the following statements.  Note
++the different argument lists.
++	$status = rpcb_gettime( $host, $timep );
++	$status = x_gettime( $timep, $host );
++=head2 The EXPORT_XSUB_SYMBOLS: Keyword
++The EXPORT_XSUB_SYMBOLS: keyword is likely something you will never need.
++In perl versions earlier than 5.16.0, this keyword does nothing. Starting
++with 5.16, XSUB symbols are no longer exported by default. That is, they
++are C<static> functions. If you include
++in your XS code, the XSUBs following this line will not be declared C<static>.
++You can later disable this with
++which, again, is the default that you should probably never change.
++You cannot use this keyword on versions of perl before 5.16 to make
++XSUBs C<static>.
++=head2 The & Unary Operator
++The C<&> unary operator in the INPUT: section is used to tell B<xsubpp>
++that it should convert a Perl value to/from C using the C type to the left
++of C<&>, but provide a pointer to this value when the C function is called.
++This is useful to avoid a CODE: block for a C function which takes a parameter
++by reference.  Typically, the parameter should be not a pointer type (an
++C<int> or C<long> but not an C<int*> or C<long*>).
++The following XSUB will generate incorrect C code.  The B<xsubpp> compiler will
++turn this into code which calls C<rpcb_gettime()> with parameters C<(char
++*host, time_t timep)>, but the real C<rpcb_gettime()> wants the C<timep>
++parameter to be of type C<time_t*> rather than C<time_t>.
++    bool_t
++    rpcb_gettime(host,timep)
++          char *host
++          time_t timep
++        OUTPUT:
++          timep
++That problem is corrected by using the C<&> operator.  The B<xsubpp> compiler
++will now turn this into code which calls C<rpcb_gettime()> correctly with
++parameters C<(char *host, time_t *timep)>.  It does this by carrying the
++C<&> through, so the function call looks like C<rpcb_gettime(host, &timep)>.
++    bool_t
++    rpcb_gettime(host,timep)
++          char *host
++          time_t &timep
++        OUTPUT:
++          timep
++=head2 Inserting POD, Comments and C Preprocessor Directives
++C preprocessor directives are allowed within BOOT:, PREINIT: INIT:, CODE:,
++PPCODE:, POSTCALL:, and CLEANUP: blocks, as well as outside the functions.
++Comments are allowed anywhere after the MODULE keyword.  The compiler will
++pass the preprocessor directives through untouched and will remove the
++commented lines. POD documentation is allowed at any point, both in the
++C and XS language sections. POD must be terminated with a C<=cut> command;
++C<xsubpp> will exit with an error if it does not. It is very unlikely that
++human generated C code will be mistaken for POD, as most indenting styles
++result in whitespace in front of any line starting with C<=>. Machine
++generated XS files may fall into this trap unless care is taken to
++ensure that a space breaks the sequence "\n=".
++Comments can be added to XSUBs by placing a C<#> as the first
++non-whitespace of a line.  Care should be taken to avoid making the
++comment look like a C preprocessor directive, lest it be interpreted as
++such.  The simplest way to prevent this is to put whitespace in front of
++the C<#>.
++If you use preprocessor directives to choose one of two
++versions of a function, use
++    #if ... version1
++    #else /* ... version2  */
++    #endif
++and not
++    #if ... version1
++    #endif
++    #if ... version2
++    #endif
++because otherwise B<xsubpp> will believe that you made a duplicate
++definition of the function.  Also, put a blank line before the
++#else/#endif so it will not be seen as part of the function body.
++=head2 Using XS With C++
++If an XSUB name contains C<::>, it is considered to be a C++ method.
++The generated Perl function will assume that
++its first argument is an object pointer.  The object pointer
++will be stored in a variable called THIS.  The object should
++have been created by C++ with the new() function and should
++be blessed by Perl with the sv_setref_pv() macro.  The
++blessing of the object by Perl can be handled by a typemap.  An example
++typemap is shown at the end of this section.
++If the return type of the XSUB includes C<static>, the method is considered
++to be a static method.  It will call the C++
++function using the class::method() syntax.  If the method is not static
++the function will be called using the THIS-E<gt>method() syntax.
++The next examples will use the following C++ class.
++     class color {
++          public:
++          color();
++          ~color();
++          int blue();
++          void set_blue( int );
++          private:
++          int c_blue;
++     };
++The XSUBs for the blue() and set_blue() methods are defined with the class
++name but the parameter for the object (THIS, or "self") is implicit and is
++not listed.
++     int
++     color::blue()
++     void
++     color::set_blue( val )
++          int val
++Both Perl functions will expect an object as the first parameter.  In the
++generated C++ code the object is called C<THIS>, and the method call will
++be performed on this object.  So in the C++ code the blue() and set_blue()
++methods will be called as this:
++     RETVAL = THIS->blue();
++     THIS->set_blue( val );
++You could also write a single get/set method using an optional argument:
++     int
++     color::blue( val = NO_INIT )
++         int val
++         PROTOTYPE $;$
++         CODE:
++             if (items > 1)
++                 THIS->set_blue( val );
++             RETVAL = THIS->blue();
++         OUTPUT:
++             RETVAL
++If the function's name is B<DESTROY> then the C++ C<delete> function will be
++called and C<THIS> will be given as its parameter.  The generated C++ code for
++     void
++     color::DESTROY()
++will look like this:
++     color *THIS = ...;  // Initialized as in typemap
++     delete THIS;
++If the function's name is B<new> then the C++ C<new> function will be called
++to create a dynamic C++ object.  The XSUB will expect the class name, which
++will be kept in a variable called C<CLASS>, to be given as the first
++     color *
++     color::new()
++The generated C++ code will call C<new>.
++     RETVAL = new color();
++The following is an example of a typemap that could be used for this C++
++    color *  O_OBJECT
++    OUTPUT
++    # The Perl object is blessed into 'CLASS', which should be a
++    # char* having the name of the package for the blessing.
++    O_OBJECT
++        sv_setref_pv( $arg, CLASS, (void*)$var );
++    INPUT
++    O_OBJECT
++        if( sv_isobject($arg) && (SvTYPE(SvRV($arg)) == SVt_PVMG) )
++            $var = ($type)SvIV((SV*)SvRV( $arg ));
++        else{
++            warn("${Package}::$func_name() -- " .
++                "$var is not a blessed SV reference");
++            XSRETURN_UNDEF;
++        }
++=head2 Interface Strategy
++When designing an interface between Perl and a C library a straight
++translation from C to XS (such as created by C<h2xs -x>) is often sufficient.
++However, sometimes the interface will look
++very C-like and occasionally nonintuitive, especially when the C function
++modifies one of its parameters, or returns failure inband (as in "negative
++return values mean failure").  In cases where the programmer wishes to
++create a more Perl-like interface the following strategy may help to
++identify the more critical parts of the interface.
++Identify the C functions with input/output or output parameters.  The XSUBs for
++these functions may be able to return lists to Perl.
++Identify the C functions which use some inband info as an indication
++of failure.  They may be
++candidates to return undef or an empty list in case of failure.  If the
++failure may be detected without a call to the C function, you may want to use
++an INIT: section to report the failure.  For failures detectable after the C
++function returns one may want to use a POSTCALL: section to process the
++failure.  In more complicated cases use CODE: or PPCODE: sections.
++If many functions use the same failure indication based on the return value,
++you may want to create a special typedef to handle this situation.  Put
++  typedef int negative_is_failure;
++near the beginning of XS file, and create an OUTPUT typemap entry
++for C<negative_is_failure> which converts negative values to C<undef>, or
++maybe croak()s.  After this the return value of type C<negative_is_failure>
++will create more Perl-like interface.
++Identify which values are used by only the C and XSUB functions
++themselves, say, when a parameter to a function should be a contents of a
++global variable.  If Perl does not need to access the contents of the value
++then it may not be necessary to provide a translation for that value
++from C to Perl.
++Identify the pointers in the C function parameter lists and return
++values.  Some pointers may be used to implement input/output or
++output parameters, they can be handled in XS with the C<&> unary operator,
++and, possibly, using the NO_INIT keyword.
++Some others will require handling of types like C<int *>, and one needs
++to decide what a useful Perl translation will do in such a case.  When
++the semantic is clear, it is advisable to put the translation into a typemap
++Identify the structures used by the C functions.  In many
++cases it may be helpful to use the T_PTROBJ typemap for
++these structures so they can be manipulated by Perl as
++blessed objects.  (This is handled automatically by C<h2xs -x>.)
++If the same C type is used in several different contexts which require
++different translations, C<typedef> several new types mapped to this C type,
++and create separate F<typemap> entries for these new types.  Use these
++types in declarations of return type and parameters to XSUBs.
++=head2 Perl Objects And C Structures
++When dealing with C structures one should select either
++B<T_PTROBJ> or B<T_PTRREF> for the XS type.  Both types are
++designed to handle pointers to complex objects.  The
++T_PTRREF type will allow the Perl object to be unblessed
++while the T_PTROBJ type requires that the object be blessed.
++By using T_PTROBJ one can achieve a form of type-checking
++because the XSUB will attempt to verify that the Perl object
++is of the expected type.
++The following XS code shows the getnetconfigent() function which is used
++with ONC+ TIRPC.  The getnetconfigent() function will return a pointer to a
++C structure and has the C prototype shown below.  The example will
++demonstrate how the C pointer will become a Perl reference.  Perl will
++consider this reference to be a pointer to a blessed object and will
++attempt to call a destructor for the object.  A destructor will be
++provided in the XS source to free the memory used by getnetconfigent().
++Destructors in XS can be created by specifying an XSUB function whose name
++ends with the word B<DESTROY>.  XS destructors can be used to free memory
++which may have been malloc'd by another XSUB.
++     struct netconfig *getnetconfigent(const char *netid);
++A C<typedef> will be created for C<struct netconfig>.  The Perl
++object will be blessed in a class matching the name of the C
++type, with the tag C<Ptr> appended, and the name should not
++have embedded spaces if it will be a Perl package name.  The
++destructor will be placed in a class corresponding to the
++class of the object and the PREFIX keyword will be used to
++trim the name to the word DESTROY as Perl will expect.
++     typedef struct netconfig Netconfig;
++     Netconfig *
++     getnetconfigent(netid)
++          char *netid
++     MODULE = RPC  PACKAGE = NetconfigPtr  PREFIX = rpcb_
++     void
++     rpcb_DESTROY(netconf)
++          Netconfig *netconf
++        CODE:
++          printf("Now in NetconfigPtr::DESTROY\n");
++          free( netconf );
++This example requires the following typemap entry.  Consult
++L<perlxstypemap> for more information about adding new typemaps
++for an extension.
++     TYPEMAP
++     Netconfig *  T_PTROBJ
++This example will be used with the following Perl statements.
++     use RPC;
++     $netconf = getnetconfigent("udp");
++When Perl destroys the object referenced by $netconf it will send the
++object to the supplied XSUB DESTROY function.  Perl cannot determine, and
++does not care, that this object is a C struct and not a Perl object.  In
++this sense, there is no difference between the object created by the
++getnetconfigent() XSUB and an object created by a normal Perl subroutine.
++=head2 Safely Storing Static Data in XS
++Starting with Perl 5.8, a macro framework has been defined to allow
++static data to be safely stored in XS modules that will be accessed from
++a multi-threaded Perl.
++Although primarily designed for use with multi-threaded Perl, the macros
++have been designed so that they will work with non-threaded Perl as well.
++It is therefore strongly recommended that these macros be used by all
++XS modules that make use of static data.
++The easiest way to get a template set of macros to use is by specifying
++the C<-g> (C<--global>) option with h2xs (see L<h2xs>).
++Below is an example module that makes use of the macros.
++    #define PERL_NO_GET_CONTEXT
++    #include "EXTERN.h"
++    #include "perl.h"
++    #include "XSUB.h"
++    /* Global Data */
++    #define MY_CXT_KEY "BlindMice::_guts" XS_VERSION
++    typedef struct {
++        int count;
++        char name[3][100];
++    } my_cxt_t;
++    MODULE = BlindMice           PACKAGE = BlindMice
++    BOOT:
++    {
++        MY_CXT_INIT;
++        MY_CXT.count = 0;
++        strcpy(MY_CXT.name[0], "None");
++        strcpy(MY_CXT.name[1], "None");
++        strcpy(MY_CXT.name[2], "None");
++    }
++    int
++    newMouse(char * name)
++        PREINIT:
++          dMY_CXT;
++        CODE:
++          if (MY_CXT.count >= 3) {
++              warn("Already have 3 blind mice");
++              RETVAL = 0;
++          }
++          else {
++              RETVAL = ++ MY_CXT.count;
++              strcpy(MY_CXT.name[MY_CXT.count - 1], name);
++          }
++        OUTPUT:
++          RETVAL
++    char *
++    get_mouse_name(index)
++          int index
++        PREINIT:
++          dMY_CXT;
++        CODE:
++          if (index > MY_CXT.count)
++            croak("There are only 3 blind mice.");
++          else
++            RETVAL = MY_CXT.name[index - 1];
++        OUTPUT:
++          RETVAL
++    void
++    CLONE(...)
++	CODE:
++=over 5
++=item MY_CXT_KEY
++This macro is used to define a unique key to refer to the static data
++for an XS module. The suggested naming scheme, as used by h2xs, is to
++use a string that consists of the module name, the string "::_guts"
++and the module version number.
++    #define MY_CXT_KEY "MyModule::_guts" XS_VERSION
++=item typedef my_cxt_t
++This struct typedef I<must> always be called C<my_cxt_t>. The other
++C<CXT*> macros assume the existence of the C<my_cxt_t> typedef name.
++Declare a typedef named C<my_cxt_t> that is a structure that contains
++all the data that needs to be interpreter-local.
++    typedef struct {
++        int some_value;
++    } my_cxt_t;
++=item START_MY_CXT
++Always place the START_MY_CXT macro directly after the declaration
++of C<my_cxt_t>.
++=item MY_CXT_INIT
++The MY_CXT_INIT macro initializes storage for the C<my_cxt_t> struct.
++It I<must> be called exactly once, typically in a BOOT: section. If you
++are maintaining multiple interpreters, it should be called once in each
++interpreter instance, except for interpreters cloned from existing ones.
++(But see L</MY_CXT_CLONE> below.)
++=item dMY_CXT
++Use the dMY_CXT macro (a declaration) in all the functions that access
++=item MY_CXT
++Use the MY_CXT macro to access members of the C<my_cxt_t> struct. For
++example, if C<my_cxt_t> is
++    typedef struct {
++        int index;
++    } my_cxt_t;
++then use this to access the C<index> member
++    dMY_CXT;
++    MY_CXT.index = 2;
++=item aMY_CXT/pMY_CXT
++C<dMY_CXT> may be quite expensive to calculate, and to avoid the overhead
++of invoking it in each function it is possible to pass the declaration
++onto other functions using the C<aMY_CXT>/C<pMY_CXT> macros, eg
++    void sub1() {
++	dMY_CXT;
++	MY_CXT.index = 1;
++	sub2(aMY_CXT);
++    }
++    void sub2(pMY_CXT) {
++	MY_CXT.index = 2;
++    }
++Analogously to C<pTHX>, there are equivalent forms for when the macro is the
++first or last in multiple arguments, where an underscore represents a
++comma, i.e.  C<_aMY_CXT>, C<aMY_CXT_>, C<_pMY_CXT> and C<pMY_CXT_>.
++=item MY_CXT_CLONE
++By default, when a new interpreter is created as a copy of an existing one
++(eg via C<< threads->create() >>), both interpreters share the same physical
++my_cxt_t structure. Calling C<MY_CXT_CLONE> (typically via the package's
++C<CLONE()> function), causes a byte-for-byte copy of the structure to be
++taken, and any future dMY_CXT will cause the copy to be accessed instead.
++=item MY_CXT_INIT_INTERP(my_perl)
++=item dMY_CXT_INTERP(my_perl)
++These are versions of the macros which take an explicit interpreter as an
++Note that these macros will only work together within the I<same> source
++file; that is, a dMY_CTX in one source file will access a different structure
++than a dMY_CTX in another source file.
++=head2 Thread-aware system interfaces
++Starting from Perl 5.8, in C/C++ level Perl knows how to wrap
++system/library interfaces that have thread-aware versions
++(e.g. getpwent_r()) into frontend macros (e.g. getpwent()) that
++correctly handle the multithreaded interaction with the Perl
++interpreter.  This will happen transparently, the only thing
++you need to do is to instantiate a Perl interpreter.
++This wrapping happens always when compiling Perl core source
++(PERL_CORE is defined) or the Perl core extensions (PERL_EXT is
++defined).  When compiling XS code outside of the Perl core, the wrapping
++does not take place before Perl 5.28.  Starting in that release you can
++in your code to enable the wrapping.  It is advisable to do so if you
++are using such functions, as intermixing the C<_r>-forms (as Perl compiled
++for multithreaded operation will do) and the C<_r>-less forms is neither
++well-defined (inconsistent results, data corruption, or even crashes
++become more likely), nor is it very portable.  Unfortunately, not all
++systems have all the C<_r> forms, but using this C<#define> gives you
++whatever protection that Perl is aware is available on each system.
++=head1 EXAMPLES
++File C<RPC.xs>: Interface to some ONC+ RPC bind library functions.
++     #define PERL_NO_GET_CONTEXT
++     #include "EXTERN.h"
++     #include "perl.h"
++     #include "XSUB.h"
++     #include <rpc/rpc.h>
++     typedef struct netconfig Netconfig;
++     SV *
++     rpcb_gettime(host="localhost")
++          char *host
++          time_t  timep;
++        CODE:
++          ST(0) = sv_newmortal();
++          if( rpcb_gettime( host, &timep ) )
++               sv_setnv( ST(0), (double)timep );
++     Netconfig *
++     getnetconfigent(netid="udp")
++          char *netid
++     MODULE = RPC  PACKAGE = NetconfigPtr  PREFIX = rpcb_
++     void
++     rpcb_DESTROY(netconf)
++          Netconfig *netconf
++        CODE:
++          printf("NetconfigPtr::DESTROY\n");
++          free( netconf );
++File C<typemap>: Custom typemap for RPC.xs. (cf. L<perlxstypemap>)
++     TYPEMAP
++     Netconfig *  T_PTROBJ
++File C<RPC.pm>: Perl module for the RPC extension.
++     package RPC;
++     require Exporter;
++     require DynaLoader;
++     @ISA = qw(Exporter DynaLoader);
++     @EXPORT = qw(rpcb_gettime getnetconfigent);
++     bootstrap RPC;
++     1;
++File C<rpctest.pl>: Perl test program for the RPC extension.
++     use RPC;
++     $netconf = getnetconfigent();
++     $a = rpcb_gettime();
++     print "time = $a\n";
++     print "netconf = $netconf\n";
++     $netconf = getnetconfigent("tcp");
++     $a = rpcb_gettime("poplar");
++     print "time = $a\n";
++     print "netconf = $netconf\n";
++=head1 CAVEATS
++XS code has full access to system calls including C library functions.
++It thus has the capability of interfering with things that the Perl core
++or other modules have set up, such as signal handlers or file handles.
++It could mess with the memory, or any number of harmful things.  Don't.
++Some modules have an event loop, waiting for user-input.  It is highly
++unlikely that two such modules would work adequately together in a
++single Perl application.
++In general, the perl interpreter views itself as the center of the
++universe as far as the Perl program goes.  XS code is viewed as a
++help-mate, to accomplish things that perl doesn't do, or doesn't do fast
++enough, but always subservient to perl.  The closer XS code adheres to
++this model, the less likely conflicts will occur.
++One area where there has been conflict is in regards to C locales.  (See
++L<perllocale>.)  perl, with one exception and unless told otherwise,
++sets up the underlying locale the program is running in to the locale
++into it from the environment.  This is an important difference from a
++generic C language program, where the underlying locale is the "C"
++locale unless the program changes it.  As of v5.20, this underlying
++locale is completely hidden from pure Perl code outside the lexical
++scope of C<S<use locale>> except for a couple of function calls in the
++POSIX module which of necessity use it.  But the underlying locale, with
++one exception is exposed to XS code, affecting all C library routines
++whose behavior is locale-dependent.  Your XS code better not assume that
++the underlying locale is "C".  The exception is the
++L<C<LC_NUMERIC>|perllocale/Category LC_NUMERIC: Numeric Formatting>
++locale category, and the reason it is an exception is that experience
++has shown that it can be problematic for XS code, whereas we have not
++had reports of problems with the
++L<other locale categories|perllocale/WHAT IS A LOCALE>.  And the reason
++for this one category being problematic is that the character used as a
++decimal point can vary.  Many European languages use a comma, whereas
++English, and hence Perl are expecting a dot (U+002E: FULL STOP).  Many
++modules can handle only the radix character being a dot, and so perl
++attempts to make it so.  Up through Perl v5.20, the attempt was merely
++to set C<LC_NUMERIC> upon startup to the C<"C"> locale.  Any
++L<setlocale()|perllocale/The setlocale function> otherwise would change
++it; this caused some failures.  Therefore, starting in v5.22, perl tries
++to keep C<LC_NUMERIC> always set to C<"C"> for XS code.
++To summarize, here's what to expect and how to handle locales in XS code:
++=item Non-locale-aware XS code
++Keep in mind that even if you think your code is not locale-aware, it
++may call a library function that is.  Hopefully the man page for such
++a function will indicate that dependency, but the documentation is
++The current locale is exposed to XS code except possibly C<LC_NUMERIC>
++(explained in the next paragraph).
++There have not been reports of problems with the other categories.
++Perl initializes things on start-up so that the current locale is the
++one which is indicated by the user's environment in effect at that time.
++See L<perllocale/ENVIRONMENT>.
++However, up through v5.20, Perl initialized things on start-up so that
++C<LC_NUMERIC> was set to the "C" locale.  But if any code anywhere
++changed it, it would stay changed.  This means that your module can't
++count on C<LC_NUMERIC> being something in particular, and you can't
++expect floating point numbers (including version strings) to have dots
++in them.  If you don't allow for a non-dot, your code could break if
++anyone anywhere changed the locale.  For this reason, v5.22 changed
++the behavior so that Perl tries to keep C<LC_NUMERIC> in the "C" locale
++except around the operations internally where it should be something
++else.  Misbehaving XS code will always be able to change the locale
++anyway, but the most common instance of this is checked for and
++=item Locale-aware XS code
++If the locale from the user's environment is desired, there should be no
++need for XS code to set the locale except for C<LC_NUMERIC>, as perl has
++already set the others up.  XS code should avoid changing the locale, as
++it can adversely affect other, unrelated, code and may not be
++thread-safe.  To minimize problems, the macros
++L<perlapi/RESTORE_LC_NUMERIC> should be used to affect any needed
++But, starting with Perl v5.28, locales are thread-safe on platforms that
++support this functionality.  Windows has this starting with Visual
++Studio 2005.  Many other modern platforms support the thread-safe POSIX
++2008 functions.  The C C<#define> C<USE_THREAD_SAFE_LOCALE> will be
++defined iff this build is using these.  From Perl-space, the read-only
++variable C<${SAFE_LOCALES}> is 1 if either the build is not threaded, or
++if C<USE_THREAD_SAFE_LOCALE> is defined; otherwise it is 0.
++The way this works under-the-hood is that every thread has a choice of
++using a locale specific to it (this is the Windows and POSIX 2008
++functionality), or the global locale that is accessible to all threads
++(this is the functionality that has always been there).  The
++implementations for Windows and POSIX are completely different.  On
++Windows, the runtime can be set up so that the standard
++L<C<setlocale(3)>> function either only knows about the global locale or
++the locale for this thread.  On POSIX, C<setlocale> always deals with
++the global locale, and other functions have been created to handle
++per-thread locales.  Perl makes this transparent to perl-space code.  It
++continues to use C<POSIX::setlocale()>, and the interpreter translates
++that into the per-thread functions.
++All other locale-senstive functions automatically use the per-thread
++locale, if that is turned on, and failing that, the global locale.  Thus
++calls to C<setlocale> are ineffective on POSIX systems for the current
++thread if that thread is using a per-thread locale.  If perl is compiled
++for single-thread operation, it does not use the per-thread functions,
++so C<setlocale> does work as expected.
++If you have loaded the L<C<POSIX>> module you can use the methods given
++in L<perlcall> to call L<C<POSIX::setlocale>|POSIX/setlocale> to safely
++change or query the locale (on systems where it is safe to do so), or
++you can use the new 5.28 function L<perlapi/Perl_setlocale> instead,
++which is a drop-in replacement for the system L<C<setlocale(3)>>, and
++handles single-threaded and multi-threaded applications transparently.
++There are some locale-related library calls that still aren't
++thread-safe because they return data in a buffer global to all threads.
++In the past, these didn't matter as locales weren't thread-safe at all.
++But now you have to be aware of them in case your module is called in a
++multi-threaded application.  The known ones are
++ asctime()
++ ctime()
++ gcvt() [POSIX.1-2001 only (function removed in POSIX.1-2008)]
++ getdate()
++ wcrtomb() if its final argument is NULL
++ wcsrtombs() if its final argument is NULL
++ wcstombs()
++ wctomb()
++Some of these shouldn't really be called in a Perl application, and for
++others there are thread-safe versions of these already implemented:
++ asctime_r()
++ ctime_r()
++ Perl_langinfo()
++The C<_r> forms are automatically used, starting in Perl 5.28, if you
++compile your code, with
++See also L<perlapi/Perl_langinfo>.
++You can use the methods given in L<perlcall>, to get the best available
++locale-safe versions of these
++ POSIX::localeconv()
++ POSIX::wcstombs()
++ POSIX::wctomb()
++And note, that some items returned by C<Localeconv> are available
++through L<perlapi/Perl_langinfo>.
++The others shouldn't be used in a threaded application.
++Some modules may call a non-perl library that is locale-aware.  This is
++fine as long as it doesn't try to query or change the locale using the
++system C<setlocale>.  But if these do call the system C<setlocale>,
++those calls may be ineffective.  Instead,
++L<C<Perl_setlocale>|perlapi/Perl_setlocale> works in all circumstances.
++Plain setlocale is ineffective on multi-threaded POSIX 2008 systems.  It
++operates only on the global locale, whereas each thread has its own
++locale, paying no attention to the global one.  Since converting
++these non-Perl libraries to C<Perl_setlocale> is out of the question,
++there is a new function in v5.28
++L<C<switch_to_global_locale>|perlapi/switch_to_global_locale> that will
++switch the thread it is called from so that any system C<setlocale>
++calls will have their desired effect.  The function
++L<C<sync_locale>|perlapi/sync_locale> must be called before returning to
++This thread can change the locale all it wants and it won't affect any
++other thread, except any that also have been switched to the global
++locale.  This means that a multi-threaded application can have a single
++thread using an alien library without a problem; but no more than a
++single thread can be so-occupied.  Bad results likely will happen.
++In perls without multi-thread locale support, some alien libraries,
++such as C<Gtk> change locales.  This can cause problems for the Perl
++core and other modules.  For these, before control is returned to
++perl, starting in v5.20.1, calling the function
++L<sync_locale()|perlapi/sync_locale> from XS should be sufficient to
++avoid most of these problems.  Prior to this, you need a pure Perl
++statement that does this:
++ POSIX::setlocale(LC_ALL, POSIX::setlocale(LC_ALL));
++or use the methods given in L<perlcall>.
++=head1 XS VERSION
++This document covers features supported by C<ExtUtils::ParseXS>
++(also known as C<xsubpp>) 3.13_01.
++=head1 AUTHOR
++Originally written by Dean Roehrich <F<roehrich@cray.com>>.
++Maintained since 1996 by The Perl Porters <F<perlbug@perl.org>>.
+diff --git a/lib/perlxstut.pod b/lib/perlxstut.pod
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..ef154ad
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/lib/perlxstut.pod
+@@ -0,0 +1,1401 @@
++=head1 NAME
++perlxstut - Tutorial for writing XSUBs
++This tutorial will educate the reader on the steps involved in creating
++a Perl extension.  The reader is assumed to have access to L<perlguts>,
++L<perlapi> and L<perlxs>.
++This tutorial starts with very simple examples and becomes more complex,
++with each new example adding new features.  Certain concepts may not be
++completely explained until later in the tutorial in order to slowly ease
++the reader into building extensions.
++This tutorial was written from a Unix point of view.  Where I know them
++to be otherwise different for other platforms (e.g. Win32), I will list
++them.  If you find something that was missed, please let me know.
++=head2 make
++This tutorial assumes that the make program that Perl is configured to
++use is called C<make>.  Instead of running "make" in the examples that
++follow, you may have to substitute whatever make program Perl has been
++configured to use.  Running B<perl -V:make> should tell you what it is.
++=head2 Version caveat
++When writing a Perl extension for general consumption, one should expect that
++the extension will be used with versions of Perl different from the
++version available on your machine.  Since you are reading this document,
++the version of Perl on your machine is probably 5.005 or later, but the users
++of your extension may have more ancient versions.
++To understand what kinds of incompatibilities one may expect, and in the rare
++case that the version of Perl on your machine is older than this document,
++see the section on "Troubleshooting these Examples" for more information.
++If your extension uses some features of Perl which are not available on older
++releases of Perl, your users would appreciate an early meaningful warning.
++You would probably put this information into the F<README> file, but nowadays
++installation of extensions may be performed automatically, guided by F<CPAN.pm>
++module or other tools.
++In MakeMaker-based installations, F<Makefile.PL> provides the earliest
++opportunity to perform version checks.  One can put something like this
++in F<Makefile.PL> for this purpose:
++    eval { require 5.007 }
++        or die <<EOD;
++    ############
++    ### This module uses frobnication framework which is not available
++    ### before version 5.007 of Perl.  Upgrade your Perl before
++    ### installing Kara::Mba.
++    ############
++    EOD
++=head2 Dynamic Loading versus Static Loading
++It is commonly thought that if a system does not have the capability to
++dynamically load a library, you cannot build XSUBs.  This is incorrect.
++You I<can> build them, but you must link the XSUBs subroutines with the
++rest of Perl, creating a new executable.  This situation is similar to
++Perl 4.
++This tutorial can still be used on such a system.  The XSUB build mechanism
++will check the system and build a dynamically-loadable library if possible,
++or else a static library and then, optionally, a new statically-linked
++executable with that static library linked in.
++Should you wish to build a statically-linked executable on a system which
++can dynamically load libraries, you may, in all the following examples,
++where the command "C<make>" with no arguments is executed, run the command
++"C<make perl>" instead.
++If you have generated such a statically-linked executable by choice, then
++instead of saying "C<make test>", you should say "C<make test_static>".
++On systems that cannot build dynamically-loadable libraries at all, simply
++saying "C<make test>" is sufficient.
++=head2 Threads and PERL_NO_GET_CONTEXT
++For threaded builds, perl requires the context pointer for the current
++thread, without C<PERL_NO_GET_CONTEXT>, perl will call a function to
++retrieve the context.
++For improved performance, include:
++as shown below.
++For more details, see L<perlguts|perlguts/How multiple interpreters
++and concurrency are supported>.
++=head1 TUTORIAL
++Now let's go on with the show!
++=head2 EXAMPLE 1
++Our first extension will be very simple.  When we call the routine in the
++extension, it will print out a well-known message and return.
++Run "C<h2xs -A -n Mytest>".  This creates a directory named Mytest,
++possibly under ext/ if that directory exists in the current working
++directory.  Several files will be created under the Mytest dir, including
++MANIFEST, Makefile.PL, lib/Mytest.pm, Mytest.xs, t/Mytest.t, and Changes.
++The MANIFEST file contains the names of all the files just created in the
++Mytest directory.
++The file Makefile.PL should look something like this:
++    use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
++    # See lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm for details of how to influence
++    # the contents of the Makefile that is written.
++    WriteMakefile(
++	NAME         => 'Mytest',
++	VERSION_FROM => 'Mytest.pm', # finds $VERSION
++	LIBS         => [''],   # e.g., '-lm'
++	DEFINE       => '',     # e.g., '-DHAVE_SOMETHING'
++	INC          => '',     # e.g., '-I/usr/include/other'
++    );
++The file Mytest.pm should start with something like this:
++    package Mytest;
++    use 5.008008;
++    use strict;
++    use warnings;
++    require Exporter;
++    our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
++    our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ qw(
++    ) ] );
++    our @EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } );
++    our @EXPORT = qw(
++    );
++    our $VERSION = '0.01';
++    require XSLoader;
++    XSLoader::load('Mytest', $VERSION);
++    # Preloaded methods go here.
++    1;
++    __END__
++    # Below is the stub of documentation for your module. You better
++    # edit it!
++The rest of the .pm file contains sample code for providing documentation for
++the extension.
++Finally, the Mytest.xs file should look something like this:
++    #define PERL_NO_GET_CONTEXT
++    #include "EXTERN.h"
++    #include "perl.h"
++    #include "XSUB.h"
++    #include "ppport.h"
++    MODULE = Mytest		PACKAGE = Mytest
++Let's edit the .xs file by adding this to the end of the file:
++    void
++    hello()
++	CODE:
++	    printf("Hello, world!\n");
++It is okay for the lines starting at the "CODE:" line to not be indented.
++However, for readability purposes, it is suggested that you indent CODE:
++one level and the lines following one more level.
++Now we'll run "C<perl Makefile.PL>".  This will create a real Makefile,
++which make needs.  Its output looks something like:
++    % perl Makefile.PL
++    Checking if your kit is complete...
++    Looks good
++    Writing Makefile for Mytest
++    %
++Now, running make will produce output that looks something like this (some
++long lines have been shortened for clarity and some extraneous lines have
++been deleted):
++ % make
++ cp lib/Mytest.pm blib/lib/Mytest.pm
++ perl xsubpp  -typemap typemap  Mytest.xs > Mytest.xsc && \
++ mv Mytest.xsc Mytest.c
++ Please specify prototyping behavior for Mytest.xs (see perlxs manual)
++ cc -c     Mytest.c
++ Running Mkbootstrap for Mytest ()
++ chmod 644 Mytest.bs
++ rm -f blib/arch/auto/Mytest/Mytest.so
++ cc -shared -L/usr/local/lib Mytest.o -o blib/arch/auto/Mytest/Mytest.so
++ chmod 755 blib/arch/auto/Mytest/Mytest.so
++ cp Mytest.bs blib/arch/auto/Mytest/Mytest.bs
++ chmod 644 blib/arch/auto/Mytest/Mytest.bs
++ Manifying blib/man3/Mytest.3pm
++ %
++You can safely ignore the line about "prototyping behavior" - it is
++explained in L<perlxs/"The PROTOTYPES: Keyword">.
++Perl has its own special way of easily writing test scripts, but for this
++example only, we'll create our own test script.  Create a file called hello
++that looks like this:
++    #! /opt/perl5/bin/perl
++    use ExtUtils::testlib;
++    use Mytest;
++    Mytest::hello();
++Now we make the script executable (C<chmod +x hello>), run the script
++and we should see the following output:
++    % ./hello
++    Hello, world!
++    %
++=head2 EXAMPLE 2
++Now let's add to our extension a subroutine that will take a single numeric
++argument as input and return 1 if the number is even or 0 if the number
++is odd.
++Add the following to the end of Mytest.xs:
++    int
++    is_even(input)
++	    int input
++	CODE:
++	    RETVAL = (input % 2 == 0);
++	    RETVAL
++There does not need to be whitespace at the start of the "C<int input>"
++line, but it is useful for improving readability.  Placing a semi-colon at
++the end of that line is also optional.  Any amount and kind of whitespace
++may be placed between the "C<int>" and "C<input>".
++Now re-run make to rebuild our new shared library.
++Now perform the same steps as before, generating a Makefile from the
++Makefile.PL file, and running make.
++In order to test that our extension works, we now need to look at the
++file Mytest.t.  This file is set up to imitate the same kind of testing
++structure that Perl itself has.  Within the test script, you perform a
++number of tests to confirm the behavior of the extension, printing "ok"
++when the test is correct, "not ok" when it is not.
++    use Test::More tests => 4;
++    BEGIN { use_ok('Mytest') };
++    #########################
++    # Insert your test code below, the Test::More module is use()ed here
++    # so read its man page ( perldoc Test::More ) for help writing this
++    # test script.
++    is(&Mytest::is_even(0), 1);
++    is(&Mytest::is_even(1), 0);
++    is(&Mytest::is_even(2), 1);
++We will be calling the test script through the command "C<make test>".  You
++should see output that looks something like this:
++ %make test
++ PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e"
++ "test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
++ t/Mytest....ok
++ All tests successful.
++ Files=1, Tests=4, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.03 cusr + 0.00 csys = 0.03 CPU)
++ %
++=head2 What has gone on?
++The program h2xs is the starting point for creating extensions.  In later
++examples we'll see how we can use h2xs to read header files and generate
++templates to connect to C routines.
++h2xs creates a number of files in the extension directory.  The file
++Makefile.PL is a perl script which will generate a true Makefile to build
++the extension.  We'll take a closer look at it later.
++The .pm and .xs files contain the meat of the extension.  The .xs file holds
++the C routines that make up the extension.  The .pm file contains routines
++that tell Perl how to load your extension.
++Generating the Makefile and running C<make> created a directory called blib
++(which stands for "build library") in the current working directory.  This
++directory will contain the shared library that we will build.  Once we have
++tested it, we can install it into its final location.
++Invoking the test script via "C<make test>" did something very important.
++It invoked perl with all those C<-I> arguments so that it could find the
++various files that are part of the extension.  It is I<very> important that
++while you are still testing extensions that you use "C<make test>".  If you
++try to run the test script all by itself, you will get a fatal error.
++Another reason it is important to use "C<make test>" to run your test
++script is that if you are testing an upgrade to an already-existing version,
++using "C<make test>" ensures that you will test your new extension, not the
++already-existing version.
++When Perl sees a C<use extension;>, it searches for a file with the same name
++as the C<use>'d extension that has a .pm suffix.  If that file cannot be found,
++Perl dies with a fatal error.  The default search path is contained in the
++C<@INC> array.
++In our case, Mytest.pm tells perl that it will need the Exporter and Dynamic
++Loader extensions.  It then sets the C<@ISA> and C<@EXPORT> arrays and the
++C<$VERSION> scalar; finally it tells perl to bootstrap the module.  Perl
++will call its dynamic loader routine (if there is one) and load the shared
++The two arrays C<@ISA> and C<@EXPORT> are very important.  The C<@ISA>
++array contains a list of other packages in which to search for methods (or
++subroutines) that do not exist in the current package.  This is usually
++only important for object-oriented extensions (which we will talk about
++much later), and so usually doesn't need to be modified.
++The C<@EXPORT> array tells Perl which of the extension's variables and
++subroutines should be placed into the calling package's namespace.  Because
++you don't know if the user has already used your variable and subroutine
++names, it's vitally important to carefully select what to export.  Do I<not>
++export method or variable names I<by default> without a good reason.
++As a general rule, if the module is trying to be object-oriented then don't
++export anything.  If it's just a collection of functions and variables, then
++you can export them via another array, called C<@EXPORT_OK>.  This array
++does not automatically place its subroutine and variable names into the
++namespace unless the user specifically requests that this be done.
++See L<perlmod> for more information.
++The C<$VERSION> variable is used to ensure that the .pm file and the shared
++library are "in sync" with each other.  Any time you make changes to
++the .pm or .xs files, you should increment the value of this variable.
++=head2 Writing good test scripts
++The importance of writing good test scripts cannot be over-emphasized.  You
++should closely follow the "ok/not ok" style that Perl itself uses, so that
++it is very easy and unambiguous to determine the outcome of each test case.
++When you find and fix a bug, make sure you add a test case for it.
++By running "C<make test>", you ensure that your Mytest.t script runs and uses
++the correct version of your extension.  If you have many test cases,
++save your test files in the "t" directory and use the suffix ".t".
++When you run "C<make test>", all of these test files will be executed.
++=head2 EXAMPLE 3
++Our third extension will take one argument as its input, round off that
++value, and set the I<argument> to the rounded value.
++Add the following to the end of Mytest.xs:
++	void
++	round(arg)
++		double  arg
++	    CODE:
++		if (arg > 0.0) {
++			arg = floor(arg + 0.5);
++		} else if (arg < 0.0) {
++			arg = ceil(arg - 0.5);
++		} else {
++			arg = 0.0;
++		}
++	    OUTPUT:
++		arg
++Edit the Makefile.PL file so that the corresponding line looks like this:
++	'LIBS'      => ['-lm'],   # e.g., '-lm'
++Generate the Makefile and run make.  Change the test number in Mytest.t to
++"9" and add the following tests:
++	$i = -1.5; &Mytest::round($i); is( $i, -2.0 );
++	$i = -1.1; &Mytest::round($i); is( $i, -1.0 );
++	$i = 0.0; &Mytest::round($i);  is( $i,  0.0 );
++	$i = 0.5; &Mytest::round($i);  is( $i,  1.0 );
++	$i = 1.2; &Mytest::round($i);  is( $i,  1.0 );
++Running "C<make test>" should now print out that all nine tests are okay.
++Notice that in these new test cases, the argument passed to round was a
++scalar variable.  You might be wondering if you can round a constant or
++literal.  To see what happens, temporarily add the following line to Mytest.t:
++	&Mytest::round(3);
++Run "C<make test>" and notice that Perl dies with a fatal error.  Perl won't
++let you change the value of constants!
++=head2 What's new here?
++=over 4
++=item *
++We've made some changes to Makefile.PL.  In this case, we've specified an
++extra library to be linked into the extension's shared library, the math
++library libm in this case.  We'll talk later about how to write XSUBs that
++can call every routine in a library.
++=item *
++The value of the function is not being passed back as the function's return
++value, but by changing the value of the variable that was passed into the
++function.  You might have guessed that when you saw that the return value
++of round is of type "void".
++=head2 Input and Output Parameters
++You specify the parameters that will be passed into the XSUB on the line(s)
++after you declare the function's return value and name.  Each input parameter
++line starts with optional whitespace, and may have an optional terminating
++The list of output parameters occurs at the very end of the function, just
++after the OUTPUT: directive.  The use of RETVAL tells Perl that you
++wish to send this value back as the return value of the XSUB function.  In
++Example 3, we wanted the "return value" placed in the original variable
++which we passed in, so we listed it (and not RETVAL) in the OUTPUT: section.
++=head2 The XSUBPP Program
++The B<xsubpp> program takes the XS code in the .xs file and translates it into
++C code, placing it in a file whose suffix is .c.  The C code created makes
++heavy use of the C functions within Perl.
++=head2 The TYPEMAP file
++The B<xsubpp> program uses rules to convert from Perl's data types (scalar,
++array, etc.) to C's data types (int, char, etc.).  These rules are stored
++in the typemap file ($PERLLIB/ExtUtils/typemap).  There's a brief discussion
++below, but all the nitty-gritty details can be found in L<perlxstypemap>.
++If you have a new-enough version of perl (5.16 and up) or an upgraded
++XS compiler (C<ExtUtils::ParseXS> 3.13_01 or better), then you can inline
++typemaps in your XS instead of writing separate files.
++Either way, this typemap thing is split into three parts:
++The first section maps various C data types to a name, which corresponds
++somewhat with the various Perl types.  The second section contains C code
++which B<xsubpp> uses to handle input parameters.  The third section contains
++C code which B<xsubpp> uses to handle output parameters.
++Let's take a look at a portion of the .c file created for our extension.
++The file name is Mytest.c:
++	XS(XS_Mytest_round)
++	{
++	    dXSARGS;
++	    if (items != 1)
++		Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Usage: Mytest::round(arg)");
++	    PERL_UNUSED_VAR(cv); /* -W */
++	    {
++		double  arg = (double)SvNV(ST(0));	/* XXXXX */
++		if (arg > 0.0) {
++			arg = floor(arg + 0.5);
++		} else if (arg < 0.0) {
++			arg = ceil(arg - 0.5);
++		} else {
++			arg = 0.0;
++		}
++		sv_setnv(ST(0), (double)arg);	/* XXXXX */
++		SvSETMAGIC(ST(0));
++	    }
++	}
++Notice the two lines commented with "XXXXX".  If you check the first part
++of the typemap file (or section), you'll see that doubles are of type
++T_DOUBLE.  In the INPUT part of the typemap, an argument that is T_DOUBLE
++is assigned to the variable arg by calling the routine SvNV on something,
++then casting it to double, then assigned to the variable arg.  Similarly,
++in the OUTPUT section, once arg has its final value, it is passed to the
++sv_setnv function to be passed back to the calling subroutine.  These two
++functions are explained in L<perlguts>; we'll talk more later about what
++that "ST(0)" means in the section on the argument stack.
++=head2 Warning about Output Arguments
++In general, it's not a good idea to write extensions that modify their input
++parameters, as in Example 3.  Instead, you should probably return multiple
++values in an array and let the caller handle them (we'll do this in a later
++example).  However, in order to better accommodate calling pre-existing C
++routines, which often do modify their input parameters, this behavior is
++=head2 EXAMPLE 4
++In this example, we'll now begin to write XSUBs that will interact with
++pre-defined C libraries.  To begin with, we will build a small library of
++our own, then let h2xs write our .pm and .xs files for us.
++Create a new directory called Mytest2 at the same level as the directory
++Mytest.  In the Mytest2 directory, create another directory called mylib,
++and cd into that directory.
++Here we'll create some files that will generate a test library.  These will
++include a C source file and a header file.  We'll also create a Makefile.PL
++in this directory.  Then we'll make sure that running make at the Mytest2
++level will automatically run this Makefile.PL file and the resulting Makefile.
++In the mylib directory, create a file mylib.h that looks like this:
++	#define TESTVAL	4
++	extern double	foo(int, long, const char*);
++Also create a file mylib.c that looks like this:
++	#include <stdlib.h>
++	#include "./mylib.h"
++	double
++	foo(int a, long b, const char *c)
++	{
++		return (a + b + atof(c) + TESTVAL);
++	}
++And finally create a file Makefile.PL that looks like this:
++	use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
++	$Verbose = 1;
++	WriteMakefile(
++	    NAME   => 'Mytest2::mylib',
++	    SKIP   => [qw(all static static_lib dynamic dynamic_lib)],
++	    clean  => {'FILES' => 'libmylib$(LIB_EXT)'},
++	);
++	sub MY::top_targets {
++		'
++	all :: static
++	pure_all :: static
++	static ::       libmylib$(LIB_EXT)
++	libmylib$(LIB_EXT): $(O_FILES)
++		$(AR) cr libmylib$(LIB_EXT) $(O_FILES)
++		$(RANLIB) libmylib$(LIB_EXT)
++	';
++	}
++Make sure you use a tab and not spaces on the lines beginning with "$(AR)"
++and "$(RANLIB)".  Make will not function properly if you use spaces.
++It has also been reported that the "cr" argument to $(AR) is unnecessary
++on Win32 systems.
++We will now create the main top-level Mytest2 files.  Change to the directory
++above Mytest2 and run the following command:
++	% h2xs -O -n Mytest2 ./Mytest2/mylib/mylib.h
++This will print out a warning about overwriting Mytest2, but that's okay.
++Our files are stored in Mytest2/mylib, and will be untouched.
++The normal Makefile.PL that h2xs generates doesn't know about the mylib
++directory.  We need to tell it that there is a subdirectory and that we
++will be generating a library in it.  Let's add the argument MYEXTLIB to
++the WriteMakefile call so that it looks like this:
++	WriteMakefile(
++	    'NAME'      => 'Mytest2',
++	    'VERSION_FROM' => 'Mytest2.pm', # finds $VERSION
++	    'LIBS'      => [''],   # e.g., '-lm'
++	    'DEFINE'    => '',     # e.g., '-DHAVE_SOMETHING'
++	    'INC'       => '',     # e.g., '-I/usr/include/other'
++	    'MYEXTLIB' => 'mylib/libmylib$(LIB_EXT)',
++	);
++and then at the end add a subroutine (which will override the pre-existing
++subroutine).  Remember to use a tab character to indent the line beginning
++with "cd"!
++	sub MY::postamble {
++	'
++	$(MYEXTLIB): mylib/Makefile
++		cd mylib && $(MAKE) $(PASSTHRU)
++	';
++	}
++Let's also fix the MANIFEST file so that it accurately reflects the contents
++of our extension.  The single line that says "mylib" should be replaced by
++the following three lines:
++	mylib/Makefile.PL
++	mylib/mylib.c
++	mylib/mylib.h
++To keep our namespace nice and unpolluted, edit the .pm file and change
++the variable C<@EXPORT> to C<@EXPORT_OK>.  Finally, in the
++.xs file, edit the #include line to read:
++	#include "mylib/mylib.h"
++And also add the following function definition to the end of the .xs file:
++	double
++	foo(a,b,c)
++		int             a
++		long            b
++		const char *    c
++	    OUTPUT:
++Now we also need to create a typemap because the default Perl doesn't
++currently support the C<const char *> type.  Include a new TYPEMAP
++section in your XS code before the above function:
++        TYPEMAP: <<END
++	const char *	T_PV
++        END
++Now run perl on the top-level Makefile.PL.  Notice that it also created a
++Makefile in the mylib directory.  Run make and watch that it does cd into
++the mylib directory and run make in there as well.
++Now edit the Mytest2.t script and change the number of tests to "4",
++and add the following lines to the end of the script:
++	is( &Mytest2::foo(1, 2, "Hello, world!"), 7 );
++	is( &Mytest2::foo(1, 2, "0.0"), 7 );
++	ok( abs(&Mytest2::foo(0, 0, "-3.4") - 0.6) <= 0.01 );
++(When dealing with floating-point comparisons, it is best to not check for
++equality, but rather that the difference between the expected and actual
++result is below a certain amount (called epsilon) which is 0.01 in this case)
++Run "C<make test>" and all should be well. There are some warnings on missing
++tests for the Mytest2::mylib extension, but you can ignore them.
++=head2 What has happened here?
++Unlike previous examples, we've now run h2xs on a real include file.  This
++has caused some extra goodies to appear in both the .pm and .xs files.
++=over 4
++=item *
++In the .xs file, there's now a #include directive with the absolute path to
++the mylib.h header file.  We changed this to a relative path so that we
++could move the extension directory if we wanted to.
++=item *
++There's now some new C code that's been added to the .xs file.  The purpose
++of the C<constant> routine is to make the values that are #define'd in the
++header file accessible by the Perl script (by calling either C<TESTVAL> or
++C<&Mytest2::TESTVAL>).  There's also some XS code to allow calls to the
++C<constant> routine.
++=item *
++The .pm file originally exported the name C<TESTVAL> in the C<@EXPORT> array.
++This could lead to name clashes.  A good rule of thumb is that if the #define
++is only going to be used by the C routines themselves, and not by the user,
++they should be removed from the C<@EXPORT> array.  Alternately, if you don't
++mind using the "fully qualified name" of a variable, you could move most
++or all of the items from the C<@EXPORT> array into the C<@EXPORT_OK> array.
++=item *
++If our include file had contained #include directives, these would not have
++been processed by h2xs.  There is no good solution to this right now.
++=item *
++We've also told Perl about the library that we built in the mylib
++subdirectory.  That required only the addition of the C<MYEXTLIB> variable
++to the WriteMakefile call and the replacement of the postamble subroutine
++to cd into the subdirectory and run make.  The Makefile.PL for the
++library is a bit more complicated, but not excessively so.  Again we
++replaced the postamble subroutine to insert our own code.  This code
++simply specified that the library to be created here was a static archive
++library (as opposed to a dynamically loadable library) and provided the
++commands to build it.
++=head2 Anatomy of .xs file
++The .xs file of L<"EXAMPLE 4"> contained some new elements.  To understand
++the meaning of these elements, pay attention to the line which reads
++	MODULE = Mytest2		PACKAGE = Mytest2
++Anything before this line is plain C code which describes which headers
++to include, and defines some convenience functions.  No translations are
++performed on this part, apart from having embedded POD documentation
++skipped over (see L<perlpod>) it goes into the generated output C file as is.
++Anything after this line is the description of XSUB functions.
++These descriptions are translated by B<xsubpp> into C code which
++implements these functions using Perl calling conventions, and which
++makes these functions visible from Perl interpreter.
++Pay a special attention to the function C<constant>.  This name appears
++twice in the generated .xs file: once in the first part, as a static C
++function, then another time in the second part, when an XSUB interface to
++this static C function is defined.
++This is quite typical for .xs files: usually the .xs file provides
++an interface to an existing C function.  Then this C function is defined
++somewhere (either in an external library, or in the first part of .xs file),
++and a Perl interface to this function (i.e. "Perl glue") is described in the
++second part of .xs file.  The situation in L<"EXAMPLE 1">, L<"EXAMPLE 2">,
++and L<"EXAMPLE 3">, when all the work is done inside the "Perl glue", is
++somewhat of an exception rather than the rule.
++=head2 Getting the fat out of XSUBs
++In L<"EXAMPLE 4"> the second part of .xs file contained the following
++description of an XSUB:
++	double
++	foo(a,b,c)
++		int             a
++		long            b
++		const char *    c
++	    OUTPUT:
++Note that in contrast with L<"EXAMPLE 1">, L<"EXAMPLE 2"> and L<"EXAMPLE 3">,
++this description does not contain the actual I<code> for what is done
++during a call to Perl function foo().  To understand what is going
++on here, one can add a CODE section to this XSUB:
++	double
++	foo(a,b,c)
++		int             a
++		long            b
++		const char *    c
++	    CODE:
++		RETVAL = foo(a,b,c);
++	    OUTPUT:
++However, these two XSUBs provide almost identical generated C code: B<xsubpp>
++compiler is smart enough to figure out the C<CODE:> section from the first
++two lines of the description of XSUB.  What about C<OUTPUT:> section?  In
++fact, that is absolutely the same!  The C<OUTPUT:> section can be removed
++as well, I<as far as C<CODE:> section or C<PPCODE:> section> is not
++specified: B<xsubpp> can see that it needs to generate a function call
++section, and will autogenerate the OUTPUT section too.  Thus one can
++shortcut the XSUB to become:
++	double
++	foo(a,b,c)
++		int             a
++		long            b
++		const char *    c
++Can we do the same with an XSUB
++	int
++	is_even(input)
++		int	input
++	    CODE:
++		RETVAL = (input % 2 == 0);
++	    OUTPUT:
++of L<"EXAMPLE 2">?  To do this, one needs to define a C function C<int
++is_even(int input)>.  As we saw in L<Anatomy of .xs file>, a proper place
++for this definition is in the first part of .xs file.  In fact a C function
++	int
++	is_even(int arg)
++	{
++		return (arg % 2 == 0);
++	}
++is probably overkill for this.  Something as simple as a C<#define> will
++do too:
++	#define is_even(arg)	((arg) % 2 == 0)
++After having this in the first part of .xs file, the "Perl glue" part becomes
++as simple as
++	int
++	is_even(input)
++		int	input
++This technique of separation of the glue part from the workhorse part has
++obvious tradeoffs: if you want to change a Perl interface, you need to
++change two places in your code.  However, it removes a lot of clutter,
++and makes the workhorse part independent from idiosyncrasies of Perl calling
++convention.  (In fact, there is nothing Perl-specific in the above description,
++a different version of B<xsubpp> might have translated this to TCL glue or
++Python glue as well.)
++=head2 More about XSUB arguments
++With the completion of Example 4, we now have an easy way to simulate some
++real-life libraries whose interfaces may not be the cleanest in the world.
++We shall now continue with a discussion of the arguments passed to the
++B<xsubpp> compiler.
++When you specify arguments to routines in the .xs file, you are really
++passing three pieces of information for each argument listed.  The first
++piece is the order of that argument relative to the others (first, second,
++etc).  The second is the type of argument, and consists of the type
++declaration of the argument (e.g., int, char*, etc).  The third piece is
++the calling convention for the argument in the call to the library function.
++While Perl passes arguments to functions by reference,
++C passes arguments by value; to implement a C function which modifies data
++of one of the "arguments", the actual argument of this C function would be
++a pointer to the data.  Thus two C functions with declarations
++	int string_length(char *s);
++	int upper_case_char(char *cp);
++may have completely different semantics: the first one may inspect an array
++of chars pointed by s, and the second one may immediately dereference C<cp>
++and manipulate C<*cp> only (using the return value as, say, a success
++indicator).  From Perl one would use these functions in
++a completely different manner.
++One conveys this info to B<xsubpp> by replacing C<*> before the
++argument by C<&>.  C<&> means that the argument should be passed to a library
++function by its address.  The above two function may be XSUB-ified as
++	int
++	string_length(s)
++		char *	s
++	int
++	upper_case_char(cp)
++		char	&cp
++For example, consider:
++	int
++	foo(a,b)
++		char	&a
++		char *	b
++The first Perl argument to this function would be treated as a char and
++assigned to the variable a, and its address would be passed into the function
++foo. The second Perl argument would be treated as a string pointer and assigned
++to the variable b. The I<value> of b would be passed into the function foo.
++The actual call to the function foo that B<xsubpp> generates would look like
++	foo(&a, b);
++B<xsubpp> will parse the following function argument lists identically:
++	char	&a
++	char&a
++	char	& a
++However, to help ease understanding, it is suggested that you place a "&"
++next to the variable name and away from the variable type), and place a
++"*" near the variable type, but away from the variable name (as in the
++call to foo above).  By doing so, it is easy to understand exactly what
++will be passed to the C function; it will be whatever is in the "last
++You should take great pains to try to pass the function the type of variable
++it wants, when possible.  It will save you a lot of trouble in the long run.
++=head2 The Argument Stack
++If we look at any of the C code generated by any of the examples except
++example 1, you will notice a number of references to ST(n), where n is
++usually 0.  "ST" is actually a macro that points to the n'th argument
++on the argument stack.  ST(0) is thus the first argument on the stack and
++therefore the first argument passed to the XSUB, ST(1) is the second
++argument, and so on.
++When you list the arguments to the XSUB in the .xs file, that tells B<xsubpp>
++which argument corresponds to which of the argument stack (i.e., the first
++one listed is the first argument, and so on).  You invite disaster if you
++do not list them in the same order as the function expects them.
++The actual values on the argument stack are pointers to the values passed
++in.  When an argument is listed as being an OUTPUT value, its corresponding
++value on the stack (i.e., ST(0) if it was the first argument) is changed.
++You can verify this by looking at the C code generated for Example 3.
++The code for the round() XSUB routine contains lines that look like this:
++	double  arg = (double)SvNV(ST(0));
++	/* Round the contents of the variable arg */
++	sv_setnv(ST(0), (double)arg);
++The arg variable is initially set by taking the value from ST(0), then is
++stored back into ST(0) at the end of the routine.
++XSUBs are also allowed to return lists, not just scalars.  This must be
++done by manipulating stack values ST(0), ST(1), etc, in a subtly
++different way.  See L<perlxs> for details.
++XSUBs are also allowed to avoid automatic conversion of Perl function arguments
++to C function arguments.  See L<perlxs> for details.  Some people prefer
++manual conversion by inspecting C<ST(i)> even in the cases when automatic
++conversion will do, arguing that this makes the logic of an XSUB call clearer.
++Compare with L<"Getting the fat out of XSUBs"> for a similar tradeoff of
++a complete separation of "Perl glue" and "workhorse" parts of an XSUB.
++While experts may argue about these idioms, a novice to Perl guts may
++prefer a way which is as little Perl-guts-specific as possible, meaning
++automatic conversion and automatic call generation, as in
++L<"Getting the fat out of XSUBs">.  This approach has the additional
++benefit of protecting the XSUB writer from future changes to the Perl API.
++=head2 Extending your Extension
++Sometimes you might want to provide some extra methods or subroutines
++to assist in making the interface between Perl and your extension simpler
++or easier to understand.  These routines should live in the .pm file.
++Whether they are automatically loaded when the extension itself is loaded
++or only loaded when called depends on where in the .pm file the subroutine
++definition is placed.  You can also consult L<AutoLoader> for an alternate
++way to store and load your extra subroutines.
++=head2 Documenting your Extension
++There is absolutely no excuse for not documenting your extension.
++Documentation belongs in the .pm file.  This file will be fed to pod2man,
++and the embedded documentation will be converted to the manpage format,
++then placed in the blib directory.  It will be copied to Perl's
++manpage directory when the extension is installed.
++You may intersperse documentation and Perl code within the .pm file.
++In fact, if you want to use method autoloading, you must do this,
++as the comment inside the .pm file explains.
++See L<perlpod> for more information about the pod format.
++=head2 Installing your Extension
++Once your extension is complete and passes all its tests, installing it
++is quite simple: you simply run "make install".  You will either need
++to have write permission into the directories where Perl is installed,
++or ask your system administrator to run the make for you.
++Alternately, you can specify the exact directory to place the extension's
++files by placing a "PREFIX=/destination/directory" after the make install
++(or in between the make and install if you have a brain-dead version of make).
++This can be very useful if you are building an extension that will eventually
++be distributed to multiple systems.  You can then just archive the files in
++the destination directory and distribute them to your destination systems.
++=head2 EXAMPLE 5
++In this example, we'll do some more work with the argument stack.  The
++previous examples have all returned only a single value.  We'll now
++create an extension that returns an array.
++This extension is very Unix-oriented (struct statfs and the statfs system
++call).  If you are not running on a Unix system, you can substitute for
++statfs any other function that returns multiple values, you can hard-code
++values to be returned to the caller (although this will be a bit harder
++to test the error case), or you can simply not do this example.  If you
++change the XSUB, be sure to fix the test cases to match the changes.
++Return to the Mytest directory and add the following code to the end of
++	void
++	statfs(path)
++		char *  path
++	    INIT:
++		int i;
++		struct statfs buf;
++	    PPCODE:
++		i = statfs(path, &buf);
++		if (i == 0) {
++			XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVnv(buf.f_bavail)));
++			XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVnv(buf.f_bfree)));
++			XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVnv(buf.f_blocks)));
++			XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVnv(buf.f_bsize)));
++			XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVnv(buf.f_ffree)));
++			XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVnv(buf.f_files)));
++			XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVnv(buf.f_type)));
++		} else {
++			XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVnv(errno)));
++		}
++You'll also need to add the following code to the top of the .xs file, just
++after the include of "XSUB.h":
++	#include <sys/vfs.h>
++Also add the following code segment to Mytest.t while incrementing the "9"
++tests to "11":
++	@a = &Mytest::statfs("/blech");
++	ok( scalar(@a) == 1 && $a[0] == 2 );
++	@a = &Mytest::statfs("/");
++	is( scalar(@a), 7 );
++=head2 New Things in this Example
++This example added quite a few new concepts.  We'll take them one at a time.
++=over 4
++=item *
++The INIT: directive contains code that will be placed immediately after
++the argument stack is decoded.  C does not allow variable declarations at
++arbitrary locations inside a function,
++so this is usually the best way to declare local variables needed by the XSUB.
++(Alternatively, one could put the whole C<PPCODE:> section into braces, and
++put these declarations on top.)
++=item *
++This routine also returns a different number of arguments depending on the
++success or failure of the call to statfs.  If there is an error, the error
++number is returned as a single-element array.  If the call is successful,
++then a 7-element array is returned.  Since only one argument is passed into
++this function, we need room on the stack to hold the 7 values which may be
++We do this by using the PPCODE: directive, rather than the CODE: directive.
++This tells B<xsubpp> that we will be managing the return values that will be
++put on the argument stack by ourselves.
++=item *
++When we want to place values to be returned to the caller onto the stack,
++we use the series of macros that begin with "XPUSH".  There are five
++different versions, for placing integers, unsigned integers, doubles,
++strings, and Perl scalars on the stack.  In our example, we placed a
++Perl scalar onto the stack.  (In fact this is the only macro which
++can be used to return multiple values.)
++The XPUSH* macros will automatically extend the return stack to prevent
++it from being overrun.  You push values onto the stack in the order you
++want them seen by the calling program.
++=item *
++The values pushed onto the return stack of the XSUB are actually mortal SV's.
++They are made mortal so that once the values are copied by the calling
++program, the SV's that held the returned values can be deallocated.
++If they were not mortal, then they would continue to exist after the XSUB
++routine returned, but would not be accessible.  This is a memory leak.
++=item *
++If we were interested in performance, not in code compactness, in the success
++branch we would not use C<XPUSHs> macros, but C<PUSHs> macros, and would
++pre-extend the stack before pushing the return values:
++	EXTEND(SP, 7);
++The tradeoff is that one needs to calculate the number of return values
++in advance (though overextending the stack will not typically hurt
++anything but memory consumption).
++Similarly, in the failure branch we could use C<PUSHs> I<without> extending
++the stack: the Perl function reference comes to an XSUB on the stack, thus
++the stack is I<always> large enough to take one return value.
++=head2 EXAMPLE 6
++In this example, we will accept a reference to an array as an input
++parameter, and return a reference to an array of hashes.  This will
++demonstrate manipulation of complex Perl data types from an XSUB.
++This extension is somewhat contrived.  It is based on the code in
++the previous example.  It calls the statfs function multiple times,
++accepting a reference to an array of filenames as input, and returning
++a reference to an array of hashes containing the data for each of the
++Return to the Mytest directory and add the following code to the end of
++    SV *
++    multi_statfs(paths)
++	    SV * paths
++	INIT:
++	    AV * results;
++	    SSize_t numpaths = 0, n;
++	    int i;
++	    struct statfs buf;
++	    SvGETMAGIC(paths);
++	    if ((!SvROK(paths))
++		|| (SvTYPE(SvRV(paths)) != SVt_PVAV)
++		|| ((numpaths = av_top_index((AV *)SvRV(paths))) < 0))
++	    {
++	    }
++	    results = (AV *)sv_2mortal((SV *)newAV());
++	CODE:
++	    for (n = 0; n <= numpaths; n++) {
++		HV * rh;
++		STRLEN l;
++		char * fn = SvPV(*av_fetch((AV *)SvRV(paths), n, 0), l);
++		i = statfs(fn, &buf);
++		if (i != 0) {
++		    av_push(results, newSVnv(errno));
++		    continue;
++		}
++		rh = (HV *)sv_2mortal((SV *)newHV());
++		hv_store(rh, "f_bavail", 8, newSVnv(buf.f_bavail), 0);
++		hv_store(rh, "f_bfree",  7, newSVnv(buf.f_bfree),  0);
++		hv_store(rh, "f_blocks", 8, newSVnv(buf.f_blocks), 0);
++		hv_store(rh, "f_bsize",  7, newSVnv(buf.f_bsize),  0);
++		hv_store(rh, "f_ffree",  7, newSVnv(buf.f_ffree),  0);
++		hv_store(rh, "f_files",  7, newSVnv(buf.f_files),  0);
++		hv_store(rh, "f_type",   6, newSVnv(buf.f_type),   0);
++		av_push(results, newRV_inc((SV *)rh));
++	    }
++	    RETVAL = newRV_inc((SV *)results);
++	    RETVAL
++And add the following code to Mytest.t, while incrementing the "11"
++tests to "13":
++	$results = Mytest::multi_statfs([ '/', '/blech' ]);
++	ok( ref $results->[0] );
++	ok( ! ref $results->[1] );
++=head2 New Things in this Example
++There are a number of new concepts introduced here, described below:
++=over 4
++=item *
++This function does not use a typemap.  Instead, we declare it as accepting
++one SV* (scalar) parameter, and returning an SV* value, and we take care of
++populating these scalars within the code.  Because we are only returning
++one value, we don't need a C<PPCODE:> directive - instead, we use C<CODE:>
++and C<OUTPUT:> directives.
++=item *
++When dealing with references, it is important to handle them with caution.
++The C<INIT:> block first calls SvGETMAGIC(paths), in case
++paths is a tied variable.  Then it checks that C<SvROK> returns
++true, which indicates that paths is a valid reference.  (Simply
++checking C<SvROK> won't trigger FETCH on a tied variable.)  It
++then verifies that the object referenced by paths is an array, using C<SvRV>
++to dereference paths, and C<SvTYPE> to discover its type.  As an added test,
++it checks that the array referenced by paths is non-empty, using the
++C<av_top_index> function (which returns -1 if the array is empty). The
++XSRETURN_UNDEF macro is used to abort the XSUB and return the undefined value
++whenever all three of these conditions are not met.
++=item *
++We manipulate several arrays in this XSUB.  Note that an array is represented
++internally by an AV* pointer.  The functions and macros for manipulating
++arrays are similar to the functions in Perl: C<av_top_index> returns the
++highest index in an AV*, much like $#array; C<av_fetch> fetches a single scalar
++value from an array, given its index; C<av_push> pushes a scalar value onto the
++end of the array, automatically extending the array as necessary.
++Specifically, we read pathnames one at a time from the input array, and
++store the results in an output array (results) in the same order.  If
++statfs fails, the element pushed onto the return array is the value of
++errno after the failure.  If statfs succeeds, though, the value pushed
++onto the return array is a reference to a hash containing some of the
++information in the statfs structure.
++As with the return stack, it would be possible (and a small performance win)
++to pre-extend the return array before pushing data into it, since we know
++how many elements we will return:
++	av_extend(results, numpaths);
++=item *
++We are performing only one hash operation in this function, which is storing
++a new scalar under a key using C<hv_store>.  A hash is represented by an HV*
++pointer.  Like arrays, the functions for manipulating hashes from an XSUB
++mirror the functionality available from Perl.  See L<perlguts> and L<perlapi>
++for details.
++=item *
++To create a reference, we use the C<newRV_inc> function.  Note that you can
++cast an AV* or an HV* to type SV* in this case (and many others).  This
++allows you to take references to arrays, hashes and scalars with the same
++function.  Conversely, the C<SvRV> function always returns an SV*, which may
++need to be cast to the appropriate type if it is something other than a
++scalar (check with C<SvTYPE>).
++=item *
++At this point, xsubpp is doing very little work - the differences between
++Mytest.xs and Mytest.c are minimal.
++=head2 EXAMPLE 7 (Coming Soon)
++XPUSH args AND set RETVAL AND assign return value to array
++=head2 EXAMPLE 8 (Coming Soon)
++Setting $!
++=head2 EXAMPLE 9 Passing open files to XSes
++You would think passing files to an XS is difficult, with all the
++typeglobs and stuff. Well, it isn't.
++Suppose that for some strange reason we need a wrapper around the
++standard C library function C<fputs()>. This is all we need:
++	#define PERLIO_NOT_STDIO 0
++	#include "EXTERN.h"
++	#include "perl.h"
++	#include "XSUB.h"
++	#include <stdio.h>
++	int
++	fputs(s, stream)
++		char *          s
++		FILE *	        stream
++The real work is done in the standard typemap.
++B<But> you lose all the fine stuff done by the perlio layers. This
++calls the stdio function C<fputs()>, which knows nothing about them.
++The standard typemap offers three variants of PerlIO *:
++C<InputStream> (T_IN), C<InOutStream> (T_INOUT) and C<OutputStream>
++(T_OUT). A bare C<PerlIO *> is considered a T_INOUT. If it matters
++in your code (see below for why it might) #define or typedef
++one of the specific names and use that as the argument or result
++type in your XS file.
++The standard typemap does not contain PerlIO * before perl 5.7,
++but it has the three stream variants. Using a PerlIO * directly
++is not backwards compatible unless you provide your own typemap.
++For streams coming I<from> perl the main difference is that
++C<OutputStream> will get the output PerlIO * - which may make
++a difference on a socket. Like in our example...
++For streams being handed I<to> perl a new file handle is created
++(i.e. a reference to a new glob) and associated with the PerlIO *
++provided. If the read/write state of the PerlIO * is not correct then you
++may get errors or warnings from when the file handle is used.
++So if you opened the PerlIO * as "w" it should really be an
++C<OutputStream> if open as "r" it should be an C<InputStream>.
++Now, suppose you want to use perlio layers in your XS. We'll use the
++perlio C<PerlIO_puts()> function as an example.
++In the C part of the XS file (above the first MODULE line) you
++	#define OutputStream	PerlIO *
++    or
++	typedef PerlIO *	OutputStream;
++And this is the XS code:
++	int
++	perlioputs(s, stream)
++		char *          s
++		OutputStream	stream
++	CODE:
++		RETVAL = PerlIO_puts(stream, s);
++We have to use a C<CODE> section because C<PerlIO_puts()> has the arguments
++reversed compared to C<fputs()>, and we want to keep the arguments the same.
++Wanting to explore this thoroughly, we want to use the stdio C<fputs()>
++on a PerlIO *. This means we have to ask the perlio system for a stdio
++C<FILE *>:
++	int
++	perliofputs(s, stream)
++		char *          s
++		OutputStream	stream
++		FILE *fp = PerlIO_findFILE(stream);
++	CODE:
++		if (fp != (FILE*) 0) {
++			RETVAL = fputs(s, fp);
++		} else {
++			RETVAL = -1;
++		}
++Note: C<PerlIO_findFILE()> will search the layers for a stdio
++layer. If it can't find one, it will call C<PerlIO_exportFILE()> to
++generate a new stdio C<FILE>. Please only call C<PerlIO_exportFILE()> if
++you want a I<new> C<FILE>. It will generate one on each call and push a
++new stdio layer. So don't call it repeatedly on the same
++file. C<PerlIO_findFILE()> will retrieve the stdio layer once it has been
++generated by C<PerlIO_exportFILE()>.
++This applies to the perlio system only. For versions before 5.7,
++C<PerlIO_exportFILE()> is equivalent to C<PerlIO_findFILE()>.
++=head2 Troubleshooting these Examples
++As mentioned at the top of this document, if you are having problems with
++these example extensions, you might see if any of these help you.
++=over 4
++=item *
++In versions of 5.002 prior to the gamma version, the test script in Example
++1 will not function properly.  You need to change the "use lib" line to
++	use lib './blib';
++=item *
++In versions of 5.002 prior to version 5.002b1h, the test.pl file was not
++automatically created by h2xs.  This means that you cannot say "make test"
++to run the test script.  You will need to add the following line before the
++"use extension" statement:
++	use lib './blib';
++=item *
++In versions 5.000 and 5.001, instead of using the above line, you will need
++to use the following line:
++	BEGIN { unshift(@INC, "./blib") }
++=item *
++This document assumes that the executable named "perl" is Perl version 5.
++Some systems may have installed Perl version 5 as "perl5".
++=head1 See also
++For more information, consult L<perlguts>, L<perlapi>, L<perlxs>, L<perlmod>,
++and L<perlpod>.
++=head1 Author
++Jeff Okamoto <F<okamoto@corp.hp.com>>
++Reviewed and assisted by Dean Roehrich, Ilya Zakharevich, Andreas Koenig,
++and Tim Bunce.
++PerlIO material contributed by Lupe Christoph, with some clarification
++by Nick Ing-Simmons.
++Changes for h2xs as of Perl 5.8.x by Renee Baecker
++=head2 Last Changed
+diff --git a/lib/perlxstypemap.pod b/lib/perlxstypemap.pod
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..7d1f73c
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/lib/perlxstypemap.pod
+@@ -0,0 +1,711 @@
++=head1 NAME
++perlxstypemap - Perl XS C/Perl type mapping
++The more you think about interfacing between two languages, the more
++you'll realize that the majority of programmer effort has to go into
++converting between the data structures that are native to either of
++the languages involved.  This trumps other matter such as differing
++calling conventions because the problem space is so much greater.
++There are simply more ways to shove data into memory than there are
++ways to implement a function call.
++Perl XS' attempt at a solution to this is the concept of typemaps.
++At an abstract level, a Perl XS typemap is nothing but a recipe for
++converting from a certain Perl data structure to a certain C
++data structure and vice versa.  Since there can be C types that
++are sufficiently similar to one another to warrant converting with
++the same logic, XS typemaps are represented by a unique identifier,
++henceforth called an B<XS type> in this document.  You can then tell
++the XS compiler that multiple C types are to be mapped with the same
++XS typemap.
++In your XS code, when you define an argument with a C type or when
++you are using a C<CODE:> and an C<OUTPUT:> section together with a
++C return type of your XSUB, it'll be the typemapping mechanism that
++makes this easy.
++=head2 Anatomy of a typemap
++In more practical terms, the typemap is a collection of code
++fragments which are used by the B<xsubpp> compiler to map C function
++parameters and values to Perl values.  The typemap file may consist
++of three sections labelled C<TYPEMAP>, C<INPUT>, and C<OUTPUT>.
++An unlabelled initial section is assumed to be a C<TYPEMAP> section.
++The INPUT section tells the compiler how to translate Perl values
++into variables of certain C types.  The OUTPUT section tells the
++compiler how to translate the values from certain C types into values
++Perl can understand.  The TYPEMAP section tells the compiler which
++of the INPUT and OUTPUT code fragments should be used to map a given
++C type to a Perl value.  The section labels C<TYPEMAP>, C<INPUT>, or
++C<OUTPUT> must begin in the first column on a line by themselves,
++and must be in uppercase.
++Each type of section can appear an arbitrary number of times
++and does not have to appear at all.  For example, a typemap may
++commonly lack C<INPUT> and C<OUTPUT> sections if all it needs to
++do is associate additional C types with core XS types like T_PTROBJ.
++Lines that start with a hash C<#> are considered comments and ignored
++in the C<TYPEMAP> section, but are considered significant in C<INPUT>
++and C<OUTPUT>. Blank lines are generally ignored.
++Traditionally, typemaps needed to be written to a separate file,
++conventionally called C<typemap> in a CPAN distribution.  With
++ExtUtils::ParseXS (the XS compiler) version 3.12 or better which
++comes with perl 5.16, typemaps can also be embedded directly into
++XS code using a HERE-doc like syntax:
++  ...
++  HERE
++where C<HERE> can be replaced by other identifiers like with normal
++Perl HERE-docs.  All details below about the typemap textual format
++remain valid.
++The C<TYPEMAP> section should contain one pair of C type and
++XS type per line as follows.  An example from the core typemap file:
++  # all variants of char* is handled by the T_PV typemap
++  char *          T_PV
++  const char *    T_PV
++  unsigned char * T_PV
++  ...
++The C<INPUT> and C<OUTPUT> sections have identical formats, that is,
++each unindented line starts a new in- or output map respectively.
++A new in- or output map must start with the name of the XS type to
++map on a line by itself, followed by the code that implements it
++indented on the following lines. Example:
++  T_PV
++    $var = ($type)SvPV_nolen($arg)
++  T_PTR
++    $var = INT2PTR($type,SvIV($arg))
++We'll get to the meaning of those Perlish-looking variables in a
++little bit.
++Finally, here's an example of the full typemap file for mapping C
++strings of the C<char *> type to Perl scalars/strings:
++  char *  T_PV
++  T_PV
++    $var = ($type)SvPV_nolen($arg)
++  T_PV
++    sv_setpv((SV*)$arg, $var);
++Here's a more complicated example: suppose that you wanted
++C<struct netconfig> to be blessed into the class C<Net::Config>.
++One way to do this is to use underscores (_) to separate package
++names, as follows:
++  typedef struct netconfig * Net_Config;
++And then provide a typemap entry C<T_PTROBJ_SPECIAL> that maps
++underscores to double-colons (::), and declare C<Net_Config> to be of
++that type:
++  Net_Config      T_PTROBJ_SPECIAL
++    if (sv_derived_from($arg, \"${(my $ntt=$ntype)=~s/_/::/g;\$ntt}\")){
++      IV tmp = SvIV((SV*)SvRV($arg));
++      $var = INT2PTR($type, tmp);
++    }
++    else
++      croak(\"$var is not of type ${(my $ntt=$ntype)=~s/_/::/g;\$ntt}\")
++    sv_setref_pv($arg, \"${(my $ntt=$ntype)=~s/_/::/g;\$ntt}\",
++                 (void*)$var);
++The INPUT and OUTPUT sections substitute underscores for double-colons
++on the fly, giving the desired effect.  This example demonstrates some
++of the power and versatility of the typemap facility.
++The C<INT2PTR> macro (defined in perl.h) casts an integer to a pointer
++of a given type, taking care of the possible different size of integers
++and pointers.  There are also C<PTR2IV>, C<PTR2UV>, C<PTR2NV> macros,
++to map the other way, which may be useful in OUTPUT sections.
++=head2 The Role of the typemap File in Your Distribution
++The default typemap in the F<lib/ExtUtils> directory of the Perl source
++contains many useful types which can be used by Perl extensions.  Some
++extensions define additional typemaps which they keep in their own directory.
++These additional typemaps may reference INPUT and OUTPUT maps in the main
++typemap.  The B<xsubpp> compiler will allow the extension's own typemap to
++override any mappings which are in the default typemap.  Instead of using
++an additional F<typemap> file, typemaps may be embedded verbatim in XS
++with a heredoc-like syntax.  See the documentation on the C<TYPEMAP:> XS
++For CPAN distributions, you can assume that the XS types defined by
++the perl core are already available. Additionally, the core typemap
++has default XS types for a large number of C types.  For example, if
++you simply return a C<char *> from your XSUB, the core typemap will
++have this C type associated with the T_PV XS type.  That means your
++C string will be copied into the PV (pointer value) slot of a new scalar
++that will be returned from your XSUB to Perl.
++If you're developing a CPAN distribution using XS, you may add your own
++file called F<typemap> to the distribution.  That file may contain
++typemaps that either map types that are specific to your code or that
++override the core typemap file's mappings for common C types.
++=head2 Sharing typemaps Between CPAN Distributions
++Starting with ExtUtils::ParseXS version 3.13_01 (comes with perl 5.16
++and better), it is rather easy to share typemap code between multiple
++CPAN distributions. The general idea is to share it as a module that
++offers a certain API and have the dependent modules declare that as a
++built-time requirement and import the typemap into the XS. An example
++of such a typemap-sharing module on CPAN is
++C<ExtUtils::Typemaps::Basic>. Two steps to getting that module's
++typemaps available in your code:
++=over 4
++=item *
++Declare C<ExtUtils::Typemaps::Basic> as a build-time dependency
++in C<Makefile.PL> (use C<BUILD_REQUIRES>), or in your C<Build.PL>
++(use C<build_requires>).
++=item *
++Include the following line in the XS section of your XS file:
++(don't break the line)
++  INCLUDE_COMMAND: $^X -MExtUtils::Typemaps::Cmd
++                   -e "print embeddable_typemap(q{Basic})"
++=head2 Writing typemap Entries
++Each INPUT or OUTPUT typemap entry is a double-quoted Perl string that
++will be evaluated in the presence of certain variables to get the
++final C code for mapping a certain C type.
++This means that you can embed Perl code in your typemap (C) code using
++constructs such as
++C<${ perl code that evaluates to scalar reference here }>. A common
++use case is to generate error messages that refer to the true function
++name even when using the ALIAS XS feature:
++  ${ $ALIAS ? \q[GvNAME(CvGV(cv))] : \qq[\"$pname\"] }
++For many typemap examples, refer to the core typemap file that can be
++found in the perl source tree at F<lib/ExtUtils/typemap>.
++The Perl variables that are available for interpolation into typemaps
++are the following:
++=over 4
++=item *
++I<$var> - the name of the input or output variable, eg. RETVAL for
++return values.
++=item *
++I<$type> - the raw C type of the parameter, any C<:> replaced with
++e.g. for a type of C<Foo::Bar>, I<$type> is C<Foo__Bar>
++=item *
++I<$ntype> - the supplied type with C<*> replaced with C<Ptr>.
++e.g. for a type of C<Foo*>, I<$ntype> is C<FooPtr>
++=item *
++I<$arg> - the stack entry, that the parameter is input from or output
++to, e.g. C<ST(0)>
++=item *
++I<$argoff> - the argument stack offset of the argument.  ie. 0 for the
++first argument, etc.
++=item *
++I<$pname> - the full name of the XSUB, with including the C<PACKAGE>
++name, with any C<PREFIX> stripped.  This is the non-ALIAS name.
++=item *
++I<$Package> - the package specified by the most recent C<PACKAGE>
++=item *
++I<$ALIAS> - non-zero if the current XSUB has any aliases declared with
++=head2 Full Listing of Core Typemaps
++Each C type is represented by an entry in the typemap file that
++is responsible for converting perl variables (SV, AV, HV, CV, etc.)
++to and from that type. The following sections list all XS types
++that come with perl by default.
++=over 4
++=item T_SV
++This simply passes the C representation of the Perl variable (an SV*)
++in and out of the XS layer. This can be used if the C code wants
++to deal directly with the Perl variable.
++=item T_SVREF
++Used to pass in and return a reference to an SV.
++Note that this typemap does not decrement the reference count
++when returning the reference to an SV*.
++Used to pass in and return a reference to an SV.
++This is a fixed
++variant of T_SVREF that decrements the refcount appropriately
++when returning a reference to an SV*. Introduced in perl 5.15.4.
++=item T_AVREF
++From the perl level this is a reference to a perl array.
++From the C level this is a pointer to an AV.
++Note that this typemap does not decrement the reference count
++when returning an AV*. See also: T_AVREF_REFCOUNT_FIXED
++From the perl level this is a reference to a perl array.
++From the C level this is a pointer to an AV. This is a fixed
++variant of T_AVREF that decrements the refcount appropriately
++when returning an AV*. Introduced in perl 5.15.4.
++=item T_HVREF
++From the perl level this is a reference to a perl hash.
++From the C level this is a pointer to an HV.
++Note that this typemap does not decrement the reference count
++when returning an HV*. See also: T_HVREF_REFCOUNT_FIXED
++From the perl level this is a reference to a perl hash.
++From the C level this is a pointer to an HV. This is a fixed
++variant of T_HVREF that decrements the refcount appropriately
++when returning an HV*. Introduced in perl 5.15.4.
++=item T_CVREF
++From the perl level this is a reference to a perl subroutine
++(e.g. $sub = sub { 1 };). From the C level this is a pointer
++to a CV.
++Note that this typemap does not decrement the reference count
++when returning an HV*. See also: T_HVREF_REFCOUNT_FIXED
++From the perl level this is a reference to a perl subroutine
++(e.g. $sub = sub { 1 };). From the C level this is a pointer
++to a CV.
++This is a fixed
++variant of T_HVREF that decrements the refcount appropriately
++when returning an HV*. Introduced in perl 5.15.4.
++=item T_SYSRET
++The T_SYSRET typemap is used to process return values from system calls.
++It is only meaningful when passing values from C to perl (there is
++no concept of passing a system return value from Perl to C).
++System calls return -1 on error (setting ERRNO with the reason)
++and (usually) 0 on success. If the return value is -1 this typemap
++returns C<undef>. If the return value is not -1, this typemap
++translates a 0 (perl false) to "0 but true" (which
++is perl true) or returns the value itself, to indicate that the
++command succeeded.
++The L<POSIX|POSIX> module makes extensive use of this type.
++=item T_UV
++An unsigned integer.
++=item T_IV
++A signed integer. This is cast to the required integer type when
++passed to C and converted to an IV when passed back to Perl.
++=item T_INT
++A signed integer. This typemap converts the Perl value to a native
++integer type (the C<int> type on the current platform). When returning
++the value to perl it is processed in the same way as for T_IV.
++Its behaviour is identical to using an C<int> type in XS with T_IV.
++=item T_ENUM
++An enum value. Used to transfer an enum component
++from C. There is no reason to pass an enum value to C since
++it is stored as an IV inside perl.
++=item T_BOOL
++A boolean type. This can be used to pass true and false values to and
++from C.
++=item T_U_INT
++This is for unsigned integers. It is equivalent to using T_UV
++but explicitly casts the variable to type C<unsigned int>.
++The default type for C<unsigned int> is T_UV.
++=item T_SHORT
++Short integers. This is equivalent to T_IV but explicitly casts
++the return to type C<short>. The default typemap for C<short>
++is T_IV.
++=item T_U_SHORT
++Unsigned short integers. This is equivalent to T_UV but explicitly
++casts the return to type C<unsigned short>. The default typemap for
++C<unsigned short> is T_UV.
++T_U_SHORT is used for type C<U16> in the standard typemap.
++=item T_LONG
++Long integers. This is equivalent to T_IV but explicitly casts
++the return to type C<long>. The default typemap for C<long>
++is T_IV.
++=item T_U_LONG
++Unsigned long integers. This is equivalent to T_UV but explicitly
++casts the return to type C<unsigned long>. The default typemap for
++C<unsigned long> is T_UV.
++T_U_LONG is used for type C<U32> in the standard typemap.
++=item T_CHAR
++Single 8-bit characters.
++=item T_U_CHAR
++An unsigned byte.
++=item T_FLOAT
++A floating point number. This typemap guarantees to return a variable
++cast to a C<float>.
++=item T_NV
++A Perl floating point number. Similar to T_IV and T_UV in that the
++return type is cast to the requested numeric type rather than
++to a specific type.
++=item T_DOUBLE
++A double precision floating point number. This typemap guarantees to
++return a variable cast to a C<double>.
++=item T_PV
++A string (char *).
++=item T_PTR
++A memory address (pointer). Typically associated with a C<void *>
++=item T_PTRREF
++Similar to T_PTR except that the pointer is stored in a scalar and the
++reference to that scalar is returned to the caller. This can be used
++to hide the actual pointer value from the programmer since it is usually
++not required directly from within perl.
++The typemap checks that a scalar reference is passed from perl to XS.
++=item T_PTROBJ
++Similar to T_PTRREF except that the reference is blessed into a class.
++This allows the pointer to be used as an object. Most commonly used to
++deal with C structs. The typemap checks that the perl object passed
++into the XS routine is of the correct class (or part of a subclass).
++The pointer is blessed into a class that is derived from the name
++of type of the pointer but with all '*' in the name replaced with
++For C<DESTROY> XSUBs only, a T_PTROBJ is optimized to a T_PTRREF. This means
++the class check is skipped.
++=item T_REF_IV_REF
++=item T_REF_IV_PTR
++Similar to T_PTROBJ in that the pointer is blessed into a scalar object.
++The difference is that when the object is passed back into XS it must be
++of the correct type (inheritance is not supported) while T_PTROBJ supports
++The pointer is blessed into a class that is derived from the name
++of type of the pointer but with all '*' in the name replaced with
++For C<DESTROY> XSUBs only, a T_REF_IV_PTR is optimized to a T_PTRREF. This
++means the class check is skipped.
++=item T_PTRDESC
++=item T_REFREF
++Similar to T_PTRREF, except the pointer stored in the referenced scalar
++is dereferenced and copied to the output variable. This means that
++T_REFREF is to T_PTRREF as T_OPAQUE is to T_OPAQUEPTR. All clear?
++Only the INPUT part of this is implemented (Perl to XSUB) and there
++are no known users in core or on CPAN.
++=item T_REFOBJ
++Like T_REFREF, except it does strict type checking (inheritance is not
++For C<DESTROY> XSUBs only, a T_REFOBJ is optimized to a T_REFREF. This means
++the class check is skipped.
++This can be used to store bytes in the string component of the
++SV. Here the representation of the data is irrelevant to perl and the
++bytes themselves are just stored in the SV. It is assumed that the C
++variable is a pointer (the bytes are copied from that memory
++location).  If the pointer is pointing to something that is
++represented by 8 bytes then those 8 bytes are stored in the SV (and
++length() will report a value of 8). This entry is similar to T_OPAQUE.
++In principle the unpack() command can be used to convert the bytes
++back to a number (if the underlying type is known to be a number).
++This entry can be used to store a C structure (the number
++of bytes to be copied is calculated using the C C<sizeof> function)
++and can be used as an alternative to T_PTRREF without having to worry
++about a memory leak (since Perl will clean up the SV).
++=item T_OPAQUE
++This can be used to store data from non-pointer types in the string
++part of an SV. It is similar to T_OPAQUEPTR except that the
++typemap retrieves the pointer directly rather than assuming it
++is being supplied. For example, if an integer is imported into
++Perl using T_OPAQUE rather than T_IV the underlying bytes representing
++the integer will be stored in the SV but the actual integer value will
++not be available. i.e. The data is opaque to perl.
++The data may be retrieved using the C<unpack> function if the
++underlying type of the byte stream is known.
++T_OPAQUE supports input and output of simple types.
++T_OPAQUEPTR can be used to pass these bytes back into C if a pointer
++is acceptable.
++=item Implicit array
++xsubpp supports a special syntax for returning
++packed C arrays to perl. If the XS return type is given as
++  array(type, nelem)
++xsubpp will copy the contents of C<nelem * sizeof(type)> bytes from
++RETVAL to an SV and push it onto the stack. This is only really useful
++if the number of items to be returned is known at compile time and you
++don't mind having a string of bytes in your SV.  Use T_ARRAY to push a
++variable number of arguments onto the return stack (they won't be
++packed as a single string though).
++This is similar to using T_OPAQUEPTR but can be used to process more
++than one element.
++=item T_PACKED
++Calls user-supplied functions for conversion. For C<OUTPUT>
++(XSUB to Perl), a function named C<XS_pack_$ntype> is called
++with the output Perl scalar and the C variable to convert from.
++C<$ntype> is the normalized C type that is to be mapped to
++Perl. Normalized means that all C<*> are replaced by the
++string C<Ptr>. The return value of the function is ignored.
++Conversely for C<INPUT> (Perl to XSUB) mapping, the
++function named C<XS_unpack_$ntype> is called with the input Perl
++scalar as argument and the return value is cast to the mapped
++C type and assigned to the output C variable.
++An example conversion function for a typemapped struct
++C<foo_t *> might be:
++  static void
++  XS_pack_foo_tPtr(SV *out, foo_t *in)
++  {
++    dTHX; /* alas, signature does not include pTHX_ */
++    HV* hash = newHV();
++    hv_stores(hash, "int_member", newSViv(in->int_member));
++    hv_stores(hash, "float_member", newSVnv(in->float_member));
++    /* ... */
++    /* mortalize as thy stack is not refcounted */
++    sv_setsv(out, sv_2mortal(newRV_noinc((SV*)hash)));
++  }
++The conversion from Perl to C is left as an exercise to the reader,
++but the prototype would be:
++  static foo_t *
++  XS_unpack_foo_tPtr(SV *in);
++Instead of an actual C function that has to fetch the thread context
++using C<dTHX>, you can define macros of the same name and avoid the
++overhead. Also, keep in mind to possibly free the memory allocated by
++T_PACKEDARRAY is similar to T_PACKED. In fact, the C<INPUT> (Perl
++to XSUB) typemap is identical, but the C<OUTPUT> typemap passes
++an additional argument to the C<XS_pack_$ntype> function. This
++third parameter indicates the number of elements in the output
++so that the function can handle C arrays sanely. The variable
++needs to be declared by the user and must have the name
++C<count_$ntype> where C<$ntype> is the normalized C type name
++as explained above. The signature of the function would be for
++the example above and C<foo_t **>:
++  static void
++  XS_pack_foo_tPtrPtr(SV *out, foo_t *in, UV count_foo_tPtrPtr);
++The type of the third parameter is arbitrary as far as the typemap
++is concerned. It just has to be in line with the declared variable.
++Of course, unless you know the number of elements in the
++C<sometype **> C array, within your XSUB, the return value from
++C<foo_t ** XS_unpack_foo_tPtrPtr(...)> will be hard to decipher.
++Since the details are all up to the XS author (the typemap user),
++there are several solutions, none of which particularly elegant.
++The most commonly seen solution has been to allocate memory for
++N+1 pointers and assign C<NULL> to the (N+1)th to facilitate
++Alternatively, using a customized typemap for your purposes in
++the first place is probably preferable.
++=item T_DATAUNIT
++=item T_CALLBACK
++=item T_ARRAY
++This is used to convert the perl argument list to a C array
++and for pushing the contents of a C array onto the perl
++argument stack.
++The usual calling signature is
++  @out = array_func( @in );
++Any number of arguments can occur in the list before the array but
++the input and output arrays must be the last elements in the list.
++When used to pass a perl list to C the XS writer must provide a
++function (named after the array type but with 'Ptr' substituted for
++'*') to allocate the memory required to hold the list. A pointer
++should be returned. It is up to the XS writer to free the memory on
++exit from the function. The variable C<ix_$var> is set to the number
++of elements in the new array.
++When returning a C array to Perl the XS writer must provide an integer
++variable called C<size_$var> containing the number of elements in the
++array. This is used to determine how many elements should be pushed
++onto the return argument stack. This is not required on input since
++Perl knows how many arguments are on the stack when the routine is
++called. Ordinarily this variable would be called C<size_RETVAL>.
++Additionally, the type of each element is determined from the type of
++the array. If the array uses type C<intArray *> xsubpp will
++automatically work out that it contains variables of type C<int> and
++use that typemap entry to perform the copy of each element. All
++pointer '*' and 'Array' tags are removed from the name to determine
++the subtype.
++=item T_STDIO
++This is used for passing perl filehandles to and from C using
++C<FILE *> structures.
++=item T_INOUT
++This is used for passing perl filehandles to and from C using
++C<PerlIO *> structures. The file handle can used for reading and
++writing. This corresponds to the C<+E<lt>> mode, see also T_IN
++and T_OUT.
++See L<perliol> for more information on the Perl IO abstraction
++layer. Perl must have been built with C<-Duseperlio>.
++There is no check to assert that the filehandle passed from Perl
++to C was created with the right C<open()> mode.
++Hint: The L<perlxstut> tutorial covers the T_INOUT, T_IN, and T_OUT
++XS types nicely.
++=item T_IN
++Same as T_INOUT, but the filehandle that is returned from C to Perl
++can only be used for reading (mode C<E<lt>>).
++=item T_OUT
++Same as T_INOUT, but the filehandle that is returned from C to Perl
++is set to use the open mode C<+E<gt>>.
+diff --git a/t/XSTest.xs b/t/XSTest.xs
+index 89df22f..452d3db 100644
+--- a/t/XSTest.xs
++++ b/t/XSTest.xs
+@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ bool
+ T_BOOL_2(in)
+         bool in
+     CODE:
+     OUTPUT: in
+ void
+diff --git a/t/XSUsage.xs b/t/XSUsage.xs
+index 9a8d93d..ed3c8f8 100644
+--- a/t/XSUsage.xs
++++ b/t/XSUsage.xs
+@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ xsusage_two()
+     ALIAS:
+         two_x = 1
+         FOO::two = 2
++    INIT:
++        PERL_UNUSED_VAR(ix);
+ int
+ interface_v_i()
diff --git a/SOURCES/ExtUtils-ParseXS-3.39-Upgrade-to-3.40.patch b/SOURCES/ExtUtils-ParseXS-3.39-Upgrade-to-3.40.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff7a9b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/ExtUtils-ParseXS-3.39-Upgrade-to-3.40.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+From 4f8996e1ea5a5f24b1d5b4462f56a917daa67a47 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jitka Plesnikova <jplesnik@redhat.com>
+Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2019 15:59:36 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] Upgrade to 3.40
+The generated prototype (with PROTOTYPES: ENABLE) would include
+OUTLIST parameters, but these aren't arguments to the perl function.
+ lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS.pm            | 4 ++--
+ lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/Constants.pm  | 2 +-
+ lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/CountLines.pm | 2 +-
+ lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/Eval.pm       | 2 +-
+ lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/Utilities.pm  | 2 +-
+ t/002-more.t                       | 7 +++++--
+ 6 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS.pm b/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS.pm
+index e1f0940..fba7f4d 100644
+--- a/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS.pm
++++ b/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS.pm
+@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ use Symbol;
+ our $VERSION;
+-  $VERSION = '3.39';
++  $VERSION = '3.40';
+   require ExtUtils::ParseXS::Constants; ExtUtils::ParseXS::Constants->VERSION($VERSION);
+   require ExtUtils::ParseXS::CountLines; ExtUtils::ParseXS::CountLines->VERSION($VERSION);
+   require ExtUtils::ParseXS::Utilities; ExtUtils::ParseXS::Utilities->VERSION($VERSION);
+@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ EOM
+         $self->{defaults}->{$args[$i]} = $2;
+         $self->{defaults}->{$args[$i]} =~ s/"/\\"/g;
+       }
+-      $self->{proto_arg}->[$i+1] = '$';
++      $self->{proto_arg}->[$i+1] = '$' unless $only_C_inlist_ref->{$args[$i]};
+     }
+     my $min_args = $num_args - $extra_args;
+     $report_args =~ s/"/\\"/g;
+diff --git a/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/Constants.pm b/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/Constants.pm
+index 45b5674..2c392e3 100644
+--- a/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/Constants.pm
++++ b/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/Constants.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use Symbol;
+-our $VERSION = '3.39';
++our $VERSION = '3.40';
+ =head1 NAME
+diff --git a/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/CountLines.pm b/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/CountLines.pm
+index 5b48449..a9258f9 100644
+--- a/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/CountLines.pm
++++ b/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/CountLines.pm
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ package ExtUtils::ParseXS::CountLines;
+ use strict;
+-our $VERSION = '3.39';
++our $VERSION = '3.40';
+diff --git a/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/Eval.pm b/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/Eval.pm
+index 9eba5e5..840bac7 100644
+--- a/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/Eval.pm
++++ b/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/Eval.pm
+@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package ExtUtils::ParseXS::Eval;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+-our $VERSION = '3.39';
++our $VERSION = '3.40';
+ =head1 NAME
+diff --git a/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/Utilities.pm b/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/Utilities.pm
+index ae25b33..58f3856 100644
+--- a/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/Utilities.pm
++++ b/lib/ExtUtils/ParseXS/Utilities.pm
+@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ use Exporter;
+ use File::Spec;
+ use ExtUtils::ParseXS::Constants ();
+-our $VERSION = '3.39';
++our $VERSION = '3.40';
+ our (@ISA, @EXPORT_OK);
+ @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+diff --git a/t/002-more.t b/t/002-more.t
+index 4aaa3ab..e982290 100644
+--- a/t/002-more.t
++++ b/t/002-more.t
+@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ use ExtUtils::CBuilder;
+ use attributes;
+ use overload;
+-plan tests => 29;
++plan tests => 30;
+ my ($source_file, $obj_file, $lib_file);
+@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ SKIP: {
+ }
+ SKIP: {
+-  skip "no dynamic loading", 25
++  skip "no dynamic loading", 26
+     if !$b->have_compiler || !$Config{usedl};
+   my $module = 'XSMore';
+   $lib_file = $b->link( objects => $obj_file, module_name => $module );
+@@ -92,6 +92,9 @@ SKIP: {
+   is_deeply [XSMore::outlist()], [ord('a'), ord('b')], 'the OUTLIST keyword';
++  # eval so compile-time sees any prototype
++  is_deeply [ eval 'XSMore::outlist()' ], [ord('a'), ord('b')], 'OUTLIST prototypes';
+   is XSMore::len("foo"), 3, 'the length keyword';
+   is XSMore::sum(5, 9), 14, 'the INCLUDE_COMMAND directive';
diff --git a/SPECS/perl-ExtUtils-ParseXS.spec b/SPECS/perl-ExtUtils-ParseXS.spec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8480b9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SPECS/perl-ExtUtils-ParseXS.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+%global base_version 3.35
+Name:           perl-ExtUtils-ParseXS
+# Epoch to compete with perl.spec
+Epoch:          1
+Version:        3.40
+Release:        439%{?dist}
+Summary:        Module and a script for converting Perl XS code into C code
+License:        GPL+ or Artistic
+URL:            https://metacpan.org/release/ExtUtils-ParseXS
+Source0:        https://cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/S/SM/SMUELLER/ExtUtils-ParseXS-%{base_version}.tar.gz
+# Unbundled from perl 5.28.0-RC1
+Patch0:         ExtUtils-ParseXS-3.35-Upgrade-to-3.39.patch
+# Unbundled from perl 5.29.10
+# Fix generating Perl prototypes for XS functions with OUTLIST parameters,
+# RT#133654
+Patch1:         ExtUtils-ParseXS-3.39-Upgrade-to-3.40.patch
+BuildArch:      noarch
+BuildRequires:  coreutils
+BuildRequires:  make
+BuildRequires:  perl-devel
+BuildRequires:  perl-generators
+BuildRequires:  perl-interpreter
+BuildRequires:  perl(Config)
+BuildRequires:  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker) >= 6.76
+BuildRequires:  perl(File::Spec)
+BuildRequires:  perl(strict)
+BuildRequires:  perl(warnings)
+# Run-time:
+BuildRequires:  perl(Cwd)
+BuildRequires:  perl(Exporter) >= 5.57
+# ExtUtils::XSSymSet not needed
+BuildRequires:  perl(File::Basename)
+# Getopt::Long not tested
+BuildRequires:  perl(re)
+BuildRequires:  perl(Symbol)
+# Tests:
+BuildRequires:  perl(attributes)
+BuildRequires:  perl(Carp)
+BuildRequires:  perl(DynaLoader)
+BuildRequires:  perl(ExtUtils::CBuilder)
+BuildRequires:  perl(File::Temp)
+BuildRequires:  perl(lib)
+BuildRequires:  perl(overload)
+BuildRequires:  perl(Test::More) >= 0.47
+Requires:       perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_%(eval "`perl -V:version`"; echo $version))
+Requires:       perl(Exporter) >= 5.57
+# Remove under-specified dependencies
+%global __requires_exclude %{?__requires_exclude:%__requires_exclude|}^perl\\(Exporter\\)$
+ExtUtils::ParseXS will compile XS code into C code by embedding the
+constructs necessary to let C functions manipulate Perl values and creates
+the glue necessary to let Perl access those functions.
+%setup -q -n ExtUtils-ParseXS-%{base_version}
+%patch0 -p1
+%patch1 -p1
+perl Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=vendor NO_PACKLIST=1
+make %{?_smp_mflags}
+make pure_install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT
+%{_fixperms} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/*
+# Do not install xsubpp twice, RT#117289
+rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{perl_vendorlib}/ExtUtils/xsubpp
+ln -s ../../../../bin/xsubpp $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{perl_vendorlib}/ExtUtils/
+make test
+%doc Changes README
+* Fri Jul 26 2019 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 1:3.40-439
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_31_Mass_Rebuild
+* Thu May 30 2019 Jitka Plesnikova <jplesnik@redhat.com> - 1:3.40-438
+- Increase release to favour standalone package
+* Thu May 02 2019 Jitka Plesnikova <jplesnik@redhat.com> - 1:3.40-1
+- Upgrade to 3.40 as provided in perl-5.29.10
+* Fri Feb 01 2019 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 1:3.39-419
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_30_Mass_Rebuild
+* Wed Dec 05 2018 Petr Pisar <ppisar@redhat.com> - 1:3.39-418
+- Fix generating Perl prototypes for XS functions with OUTLIST parameters
+  (RT#133654)
+* Fri Jul 13 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 1:3.39-417
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_29_Mass_Rebuild
+* Wed Jun 27 2018 Jitka Plesnikova <jplesnik@redhat.com> - 1:3.39-416
+- Increase release to favour standalone package
+* Thu May 24 2018 Jitka Plesnikova <jplesnik@redhat.com> - 1:3.39-1
+- Upgrade to 3.39 as provided in perl-5.28.0-RC1
+* Thu Feb 08 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 1:3.35-2
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_28_Mass_Rebuild
+* Tue Aug 01 2017 Petr Pisar <ppisar@redhat.com> - 1:3.35-1
+- 3.35 bump
+* Thu Jul 27 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 1:3.34-394
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Mass_Rebuild
+* Sat Jun 03 2017 Jitka Plesnikova <jplesnik@redhat.com> - 1:3.34-393
+- Perl 5.26 rebuild
+* Thu May 11 2017 Petr Pisar <ppisar@redhat.com> - 1:3.34-1
+- Upgrade to 3.34 as provided in perl-5.25.12
+* Sat Feb 11 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 1:3.31-368
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_26_Mass_Rebuild
+* Tue Sep 13 2016 Petr Pisar <ppisar@redhat.com> - 1:3.31-367
+- Remove old obsoleting perl-ExtUtils-Typemaps
+* Wed Aug 03 2016 Jitka Plesnikova <jplesnik@redhat.com> - 1:3.31-366
+- Avoid loading optional modules from default . (CVE-2016-1238)
+* Sat May 14 2016 Jitka Plesnikova <jplesnik@redhat.com> - 1:3.31-365
+- Increase release to favour standalone package
+* Wed May 11 2016 Jitka Plesnikova <jplesnik@redhat.com> - 1:3.31-1
+- 3.31 bump in order to dual-live with perl 5.24
+* Mon Apr 18 2016 Petr Pisar <ppisar@redhat.com> - 1:3.30-3
+- Remove dependency on perl-devel (bug #1129443)
+* Thu Feb 04 2016 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 1:3.30-2
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_Mass_Rebuild
+* Mon Aug 31 2015 Petr Pisar <ppisar@redhat.com> - 1:3.30-1
+- 3.30 bump
+* Thu Jun 18 2015 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 1:3.28-346
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_23_Mass_Rebuild
+* Thu Jun 04 2015 Jitka Plesnikova <jplesnik@redhat.com> - 1:3.28-345
+- Increase release to favour standalone package
+* Wed Jun 03 2015 Jitka Plesnikova <jplesnik@redhat.com> - 1:3.28-2
+- Perl 5.22 rebuild
+* Wed May 06 2015 Petr Pisar <ppisar@redhat.com> - 1:3.28-1
+- 3.28 bump in order to dual-live with perl 5.22
+* Tue Aug 26 2014 Jitka Plesnikova <jplesnik@redhat.com> - 1:3.24-310
+- Perl 5.20 rebuild
+- Increase release to favour standalone package
+* Sat Jun 07 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 1:3.24-2
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild
+* Mon Mar 10 2014 Petr Pisar <ppisar@redhat.com> - 1:3.24-1
+- 3.24 bump
+* Mon Sep 02 2013 Petr Pisar <ppisar@redhat.com> - 1:3.22-1
+- 3.22 bump
+* Mon Aug 26 2013 Petr Pisar <ppisar@redhat.com> - 1:3.21-1
+- 3.21 bump
+* Sat Aug 03 2013 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 1:3.18-291
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_20_Mass_Rebuild
+* Mon Jul 15 2013 Petr Pisar <ppisar@redhat.com> - 1:3.18-290
+- Increase release to favour standalone package
+* Fri Jul 12 2013 Petr Pisar <ppisar@redhat.com> - 1:3.18-2
+- Perl 5.18 rebuild
+* Fri Mar 22 2013 Petr Pisar <ppisar@redhat.com> 1:3.18-1
+- Specfile autogenerated by cpanspec 1.78.