diff --git a/SOURCES/pcre-8.32-A-new-flag-is-set-when-property-checks-are-present-i.patch b/SOURCES/pcre-8.32-A-new-flag-is-set-when-property-checks-are-present-i.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0760b64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/pcre-8.32-A-new-flag-is-set-when-property-checks-are-present-i.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,849 @@
+From d779878352fdce2ca955a5a3135d2c8f2b27ba13 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: zherczeg <zherczeg@2f5784b3-3f2a-0410-8824-cb99058d5e15>
+Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2013 16:27:35 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH] A new flag is set, when property checks are present in an
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+Ported to 8.32:
+commit f928c7adccd8daa61e76c22130d79689ec41f21c
+Author: zherczeg <zherczeg@2f5784b3-3f2a-0410-8824-cb99058d5e15>
+Date:   Sun Dec 22 16:27:35 2013 +0000
+    A new flag is set, when property checks are present in an XCLASS.
+    git-svn-id: svn://vcs.exim.org/pcre/code/trunk@1414 2f5784b3-3f2a-0410-8824-cb99058d5e15
+Signed-off-by: Petr Písař <ppisar@redhat.com>
+ pcre_compile.c        |  52 +++++++++++++++--------
+ pcre_exec.c           |  14 +------
+ pcre_internal.h       |   5 ++-
+ pcre_jit_compile.c    | 114 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
+ pcre_printint.c       |  15 ++++++-
+ pcre_study.c          |  62 ++++++++++++++++++---------
+ pcre_xclass.c         |   5 +++
+ testdata/saved16BE-1  | Bin 402 -> 402 bytes
+ testdata/saved16LE-1  | Bin 402 -> 402 bytes
+ testdata/saved32BE-1  | Bin 544 -> 552 bytes
+ testdata/saved32LE-1  | Bin 544 -> 552 bytes
+ testdata/testoutput17 |   4 +-
+ testdata/testoutput23 |  34 +++++++++++++--
+ testdata/testoutput25 |  34 +++++++++++++--
+ testdata/testoutput5  |  10 ++---
+ testdata/testoutput7  |   4 +-
+ 16 files changed, 256 insertions(+), 97 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/pcre_compile.c b/pcre_compile.c
+index 3c75218..962b4d3 100644
+--- a/pcre_compile.c
++++ b/pcre_compile.c
+@@ -3512,6 +3512,7 @@ add_to_class(pcre_uint8 *classbits, pcre_uchar **uchardptr, int options,
+   compile_data *cd, pcre_uint32 start, pcre_uint32 end)
+ {
+ pcre_uint32 c;
++pcre_uint32 classbits_end = (end <= 0xff ? end : 0xff);
+ int n8 = 0;
+ /* If caseless matching is required, scan the range and process alternate
+@@ -3555,7 +3556,7 @@ if ((options & PCRE_CASELESS) != 0)
+   /* Not UTF-mode, or no UCP */
+-  for (c = start; c <= end && c < 256; c++)
++  for (c = start; c <= classbits_end; c++)
+     {
+     SETBIT(classbits, cd->fcc[c]);
+     n8++;
+@@ -3580,20 +3581,19 @@ in all cases. */
+ #endif /* COMPILE_PCRE[8|16] */
+-/* If all characters are less than 256, use the bit map. Otherwise use extra
+-data. */
++/* Use the bitmap for characters < 256. Otherwise use extra data.*/
+-if (end < 0x100)
++for (c = start; c <= classbits_end; c++)
+   {
+-  for (c = start; c <= end; c++)
+-    {
+-    n8++;
+-    SETBIT(classbits, c);
+-    }
++  /* Regardless of start, c will always be <= 255. */
++  SETBIT(classbits, c);
++  n8++;
+   }
+-  {
++#if defined SUPPORT_UTF || !defined COMPILE_PCRE8
++if (start <= 0xff) start = 0xff + 1;
++if (end >= start) {
+   pcre_uchar *uchardata = *uchardptr;
+ #ifdef SUPPORT_UTF
+@@ -3635,6 +3635,7 @@ else
+   *uchardptr = uchardata;   /* Updata extra data pointer */
+   }
++#endif /* SUPPORT_UTF || !COMPILE_PCRE8 */
+ return n8;    /* Number of 8-bit characters */
+ }
+@@ -3856,6 +3857,9 @@ for (;; ptr++)
+   BOOL reset_bracount;
+   int class_has_8bitchar;
+   int class_one_char;
++#if defined SUPPORT_UTF || !defined COMPILE_PCRE8
++  BOOL xclass_has_prop;
+   int newoptions;
+   int recno;
+   int refsign;
+@@ -4161,13 +4165,26 @@ for (;; ptr++)
+     should_flip_negation = FALSE;
++    /* Extended class (xclass) will be used when characters > 255
++    might match. */
++#if defined SUPPORT_UTF || !defined COMPILE_PCRE8
++    xclass = FALSE;
++    class_uchardata = code + LINK_SIZE + 2;   /* For XCLASS items */
++    class_uchardata_base = class_uchardata;   /* Save the start */
+     /* For optimization purposes, we track some properties of the class:
+     class_has_8bitchar will be non-zero if the class contains at least one <
+     256 character; class_one_char will be 1 if the class contains just one
+-    character. */
++    character; xclass_has_prop will be TRUE if unicode property checks
++    are present in the class. */
+     class_has_8bitchar = 0;
+     class_one_char = 0;
++#if defined SUPPORT_UTF || !defined COMPILE_PCRE8
++    xclass_has_prop = FALSE;
+     /* Initialize the 32-char bit map to all zeros. We build the map in a
+     temporary bit of memory, in case the class contains fewer than two
+@@ -4176,12 +4193,6 @@ for (;; ptr++)
+     memset(classbits, 0, 32 * sizeof(pcre_uint8));
+-#if defined SUPPORT_UTF || !defined COMPILE_PCRE8
+-    xclass = FALSE;
+-    class_uchardata = code + LINK_SIZE + 2;   /* For XCLASS items */
+-    class_uchardata_base = class_uchardata;   /* Save the start */
+     /* Process characters until ] is reached. By writing this as a "do" it
+     means that an initial ] is taken as a data character. At the start of the
+     loop, c contains the first byte of the character. */
+@@ -4305,6 +4316,7 @@ for (;; ptr++)
+             *class_uchardata++ = local_negate? XCL_NOTPROP : XCL_PROP;
+             *class_uchardata++ = ptype;
+             *class_uchardata++ = 0;
++            xclass_has_prop = TRUE;
+             ptr = tempptr + 1;
+             continue;
+@@ -4490,6 +4502,7 @@ for (;; ptr++)
+                 XCL_PROP : XCL_NOTPROP;
+               *class_uchardata++ = ptype;
+               *class_uchardata++ = pdata;
++              xclass_has_prop = TRUE;
+               class_has_8bitchar--;                /* Undo! */
+               continue;
+               }
+@@ -4767,6 +4780,7 @@ for (;; ptr++)
+       *code++ = OP_XCLASS;
+       code += LINK_SIZE;
+       *code = negate_class? XCL_NOT:0;
++      if (xclass_has_prop) *code |= XCL_HASPROP;
+       /* If the map is required, move up the extra data to make room for it;
+       otherwise just move the code pointer to the end of the extra data. */
+@@ -4776,6 +4790,8 @@ for (;; ptr++)
+         *code++ |= XCL_MAP;
+         memmove(code + (32 / sizeof(pcre_uchar)), code,
+           IN_UCHARS(class_uchardata - code));
++        if (negate_class && !xclass_has_prop)
++          for (c = 0; c < 32; c++) classbits[c] = ~classbits[c];
+         memcpy(code, classbits, 32);
+         code = class_uchardata + (32 / sizeof(pcre_uchar));
+         }
+diff --git a/pcre_exec.c b/pcre_exec.c
+index 74a2b49..48d9199 100644
+--- a/pcre_exec.c
++++ b/pcre_exec.c
+@@ -6732,18 +6732,8 @@ for(;;)
+ #ifndef COMPILE_PCRE8
+         if (c > 255) c = 255;
+ #endif
+-        if ((start_bits[c/8] & (1 << (c&7))) == 0)
+-          {
+-          start_match++;
+-#if defined SUPPORT_UTF && defined COMPILE_PCRE8
+-          /* In non 8-bit mode, the iteration will stop for
+-          characters > 255 at the beginning or not stop at all. */
+-          if (utf)
+-            ACROSSCHAR(start_match < end_subject, *start_match,
+-              start_match++);
+-          }
+-        else break;
++        if ((start_bits[c/8] & (1 << (c&7))) != 0) break;
++        start_match++;
+         }
+       }
+     }   /* Starting optimizations */
+diff --git a/pcre_internal.h b/pcre_internal.h
+index 389848f..10bd911 100644
+--- a/pcre_internal.h
++++ b/pcre_internal.h
+@@ -1849,8 +1849,9 @@ table. */
+ /* Flag bits and data types for the extended class (OP_XCLASS) for classes that
+ contain characters with values greater than 255. */
+-#define XCL_NOT    0x01    /* Flag: this is a negative class */
+-#define XCL_MAP    0x02    /* Flag: a 32-byte map is present */
++#define XCL_NOT       0x01    /* Flag: this is a negative class */
++#define XCL_MAP       0x02    /* Flag: a 32-byte map is present */
++#define XCL_HASPROP   0x04    /* Flag: property checks are present. */
+ #define XCL_END       0    /* Marks end of individual items */
+ #define XCL_SINGLE    1    /* Single item (one multibyte char) follows */
+diff --git a/pcre_jit_compile.c b/pcre_jit_compile.c
+index 5f74833..e425b91 100644
+--- a/pcre_jit_compile.c
++++ b/pcre_jit_compile.c
+@@ -2877,7 +2877,7 @@ if (firstline)
+   OP1(SLJIT_MOV, STR_END, 0, TMP3, 0);
+ }
+-static SLJIT_INLINE void fast_forward_start_bits(compiler_common *common, sljit_uw start_bits, BOOL firstline)
++static SLJIT_INLINE void fast_forward_start_bits(compiler_common *common, pcre_uint8 *start_bits, BOOL firstline)
+ {
+ struct sljit_label *start;
+@@ -2908,7 +2908,7 @@ JUMPHERE(jump);
+ #endif
+ OP2(SLJIT_AND, TMP2, 0, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 0x7);
+ OP2(SLJIT_LSHR, TMP1, 0, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 3);
+-OP1(SLJIT_MOV_UB, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_MEM1(TMP1), start_bits);
++OP1(SLJIT_MOV_UB, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_MEM1(TMP1), (sljit_sw)start_bits);
+ OP2(SLJIT_SHL, TMP2, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 1, TMP2, 0);
+@@ -3194,8 +3194,40 @@ switch(ranges[0])
+   case 2:
+   if (readch)
+     read_char(common);
+-  OP2(SLJIT_SUB, TMP1, 0, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, ranges[2]);
+-  add_jump(compiler, backtracks, CMP(ranges[1] != 0 ? SLJIT_C_LESS : SLJIT_C_GREATER_EQUAL, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, ranges[3] - ranges[2]));
++  if (ranges[2] + 1 != ranges[3])
++    {
++    OP2(SLJIT_SUB, TMP1, 0, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, ranges[2]);
++    add_jump(compiler, backtracks, CMP(ranges[1] != 0 ? SLJIT_C_LESS : SLJIT_C_GREATER_EQUAL, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, ranges[3] - ranges[2]));
++    }
++  else
++    add_jump(compiler, backtracks, CMP(ranges[1] != 0 ? SLJIT_C_EQUAL : SLJIT_C_NOT_EQUAL, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, ranges[2]));
++  return TRUE;
++  case 3:
++  if (readch)
++    read_char(common);
++  if (ranges[1] != 0)
++    {
++    add_jump(compiler, backtracks, CMP(SLJIT_C_GREATER_EQUAL, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, ranges[4]));
++    if (ranges[2] + 1 != ranges[3])
++      {
++      OP2(SLJIT_SUB, TMP1, 0, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, ranges[2]);
++      add_jump(compiler, backtracks, CMP(SLJIT_C_LESS, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, ranges[3] - ranges[2]));
++      }
++    else
++      add_jump(compiler, backtracks, CMP(SLJIT_C_EQUAL, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, ranges[2]));
++    }
++  else
++    {
++    add_jump(compiler, backtracks, CMP(SLJIT_C_LESS, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, ranges[2]));
++    if (ranges[3] + 1 != ranges[4])
++      {
++      OP2(SLJIT_SUB, TMP1, 0, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, ranges[3]);
++      add_jump(compiler, backtracks, CMP(SLJIT_C_LESS, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, ranges[4] - ranges[3]));
++      }
++    else
++      add_jump(compiler, backtracks, CMP(SLJIT_C_EQUAL, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, ranges[3]));
++    }
+   return TRUE;
+   case 4:
+@@ -3264,15 +3296,15 @@ if (bit != 0)
+ ranges[0] = length;
+ }
+-static BOOL check_class_ranges(compiler_common *common, const pcre_uint8 *bits, BOOL nclass, jump_list **backtracks)
++static BOOL check_class_ranges(compiler_common *common, const pcre_uint8 *bits, BOOL nclass, BOOL invert, jump_list **backtracks)
+ {
+ int ranges[2 + MAX_RANGE_SIZE];
+ pcre_uint8 bit, cbit, all;
+ int i, byte, length = 0;
+ bit = bits[0] & 0x1;
+-ranges[1] = bit;
+-/* Can be 0 or 255. */
++ranges[1] = !invert ? bit : (bit ^ 0x1);
++/* All bits will be zero or one (since bit is zero or one). */
+ all = -bit;
+ for (i = 0; i < 256; )
+@@ -3693,7 +3725,7 @@ static void compile_xclass_matchingpath(compiler_common *common, pcre_uchar *cc,
+ {
+ jump_list *found = NULL;
+-jump_list **list = (*cc & XCL_NOT) == 0 ? &found : backtracks;
++jump_list **list = (cc[0] & XCL_NOT) == 0 ? &found : backtracks;
+ pcre_int32 c, charoffset;
+ const pcre_uint32 *other_cases;
+ struct sljit_jump *jump = NULL;
+@@ -3712,36 +3744,62 @@ pcre_int32 typeoffset;
+ detect_partial_match(common, backtracks);
+ read_char(common);
+-if ((*cc++ & XCL_MAP) != 0)
++if ((cc[-1] & XCL_HASPROP) == 0)
+   {
+-  OP1(SLJIT_MOV, TMP3, 0, TMP1, 0);
+-#ifndef COMPILE_PCRE8
+-  jump = CMP(SLJIT_C_GREATER, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 255);
+-#elif defined SUPPORT_UTF
+-  if (common->utf)
+-    jump = CMP(SLJIT_C_GREATER, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 255);
++  if ((cc[-1] & XCL_MAP) != 0)
++    {
++    OP1(SLJIT_MOV, TMP3, 0, TMP1, 0);
++#ifdef SUPPORT_UCP
++    charsaved = TRUE;
+ #endif
++    if (!check_class_ranges(common, (const pcre_uint8 *)cc, TRUE, FALSE, backtracks))
++      {
++      jump = CMP(SLJIT_C_GREATER, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 255);
++      OP2(SLJIT_AND, TMP2, 0, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 0x7);
++      OP2(SLJIT_LSHR, TMP1, 0, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 3);
++      OP1(SLJIT_MOV_UB, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_MEM1(TMP1), (sljit_sw)cc);
++      OP2(SLJIT_SHL, TMP2, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 1, TMP2, 0);
++      OP2(SLJIT_AND | SLJIT_SET_E, SLJIT_UNUSED, 0, TMP1, 0, TMP2, 0);
++      add_jump(compiler, &found, JUMP(SLJIT_C_NOT_ZERO));
++      add_jump(compiler, backtracks, JUMP(SLJIT_JUMP));
++      JUMPHERE(jump);
++      }
++    else
++      add_jump(compiler, &found, CMP(SLJIT_C_LESS_EQUAL, TMP3, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 0xff));
+-  if (!check_class_ranges(common, (const pcre_uint8 *)cc, TRUE, list))
++    OP1(SLJIT_MOV, TMP1, 0, TMP3, 0);
++    cc += 32 / sizeof(pcre_uchar);
++    }
++  else
++    add_jump(compiler, (cc[-1] & XCL_NOT) == 0 ? backtracks : &found, CMP(SLJIT_C_LESS_EQUAL, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 0xff));
++  }
++else if ((cc[-1] & XCL_MAP) != 0)
++  {
++  OP1(SLJIT_MOV, TMP3, 0, TMP1, 0);
++#ifdef SUPPORT_UCP
++  charsaved = TRUE;
++  if (!check_class_ranges(common, (const pcre_uint8 *)cc, FALSE, TRUE, list))
+     {
++#ifdef COMPILE_PCRE8
++    SLJIT_ASSERT(common->utf);
++    jump = CMP(SLJIT_C_GREATER, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 255);
+     OP2(SLJIT_AND, TMP2, 0, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 0x7);
+     OP2(SLJIT_LSHR, TMP1, 0, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 3);
+     OP1(SLJIT_MOV_UB, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_MEM1(TMP1), (sljit_sw)cc);
+     OP2(SLJIT_SHL, TMP2, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 1, TMP2, 0);
+     add_jump(compiler, list, JUMP(SLJIT_C_NOT_ZERO));
+-    }
+-#ifndef COMPILE_PCRE8
+-  JUMPHERE(jump);
+-#elif defined SUPPORT_UTF
+-  if (common->utf)
+     JUMPHERE(jump);
++    }
+   OP1(SLJIT_MOV, TMP1, 0, TMP3, 0);
+-#ifdef SUPPORT_UCP
+-  charsaved = TRUE;
+   cc += 32 / sizeof(pcre_uchar);
+   }
+@@ -4278,7 +4336,7 @@ switch(type)
+ #ifdef SUPPORT_UCP
+   case OP_NOTPROP:
+   case OP_PROP:
+-  propdata[0] = 0;
++  propdata[0] = XCL_HASPROP;
+   propdata[1] = type == OP_NOTPROP ? XCL_NOTPROP : XCL_PROP;
+   propdata[2] = cc[0];
+   propdata[3] = cc[1];
+@@ -4636,7 +4694,7 @@ switch(type)
+   case OP_NCLASS:
+   detect_partial_match(common, backtracks);
+   read_char(common);
+-  if (check_class_ranges(common, (const pcre_uint8 *)cc, type == OP_NCLASS, backtracks))
++  if (check_class_ranges(common, (const pcre_uint8 *)cc, type == OP_NCLASS, FALSE, backtracks))
+     return cc + 32 / sizeof(pcre_uchar);
+ #if defined SUPPORT_UTF || !defined COMPILE_PCRE8
+@@ -8033,7 +8091,7 @@ if ((re->options & PCRE_ANCHORED) == 0)
+     else if ((re->flags & PCRE_STARTLINE) != 0)
+       fast_forward_newline(common, (re->options & PCRE_FIRSTLINE) != 0);
+     else if ((re->flags & PCRE_STARTLINE) == 0 && study != NULL && (study->flags & PCRE_STUDY_MAPPED) != 0)
+-      fast_forward_start_bits(common, (sljit_uw)study->start_bits, (re->options & PCRE_FIRSTLINE) != 0);
++      fast_forward_start_bits(common, study->start_bits, (re->options & PCRE_FIRSTLINE) != 0);
+     }
+   }
+ if (common->req_char_ptr != 0)
+diff --git a/pcre_printint.c b/pcre_printint.c
+index c6dcbe6..a71b3b6 100644
+--- a/pcre_printint.c
++++ b/pcre_printint.c
+@@ -619,7 +619,9 @@ for(;;)
+       int i;
+       unsigned int min, max;
+       BOOL printmap;
++      BOOL invertmap = FALSE;
+       pcre_uint8 *map;
++      pcre_uint8 inverted_map[32];
+       fprintf(f, "    [");
+@@ -628,7 +630,12 @@ for(;;)
+         extra = GET(code, 1);
+         ccode = code + LINK_SIZE + 1;
+         printmap = (*ccode & XCL_MAP) != 0;
+-        if ((*ccode++ & XCL_NOT) != 0) fprintf(f, "^");
++        if ((*ccode & XCL_NOT) != 0)
++          {
++          invertmap = (*ccode & XCL_HASPROP) == 0;
++          fprintf(f, "^");
++          }
++        ccode++;
+         }
+       else
+         {
+@@ -641,6 +648,12 @@ for(;;)
+       if (printmap)
+         {
+         map = (pcre_uint8 *)ccode;
++        if (invertmap)
++          {
++          for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) inverted_map[i] = ~map[i];
++          map = inverted_map;
++          }
+         for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
+           {
+           if ((map[i/8] & (1 << (i&7))) != 0)
+diff --git a/pcre_study.c b/pcre_study.c
+index 12d2a66..2d11d87 100644
+--- a/pcre_study.c
++++ b/pcre_study.c
+@@ -835,9 +835,6 @@ do
+       case OP_SOM:
+       case OP_THEN:
+       case OP_THEN_ARG:
+-#if defined SUPPORT_UTF || !defined COMPILE_PCRE8
+-      case OP_XCLASS:
+       return SSB_FAIL;
+       /* We can ignore word boundary tests. */
+@@ -1221,6 +1218,16 @@ do
+       with a value >= 0xc4 is a potentially valid starter because it starts a
+       character with a value > 255. */
++#if defined SUPPORT_UTF || !defined COMPILE_PCRE8
++      case OP_XCLASS:
++      if ((tcode[1 + LINK_SIZE] & XCL_HASPROP) != 0)
++        return SSB_FAIL;
++      /* All bits are set. */
++      if ((tcode[1 + LINK_SIZE] & XCL_MAP) == 0 && (tcode[1 + LINK_SIZE] & XCL_NOT) != 0)
++        return SSB_FAIL;
++      /* Fall through */
+       case OP_NCLASS:
+ #if defined SUPPORT_UTF && defined COMPILE_PCRE8
+       if (utf)
+@@ -1237,8 +1244,21 @@ do
+       case OP_CLASS:
+         {
+         pcre_uint8 *map;
+-        tcode++;
+-        map = (pcre_uint8 *)tcode;
++#if defined SUPPORT_UTF || !defined COMPILE_PCRE8
++        map = NULL;
++        if (*tcode == OP_XCLASS)
++          {
++          if ((tcode[1 + LINK_SIZE] & XCL_MAP) != 0)
++            map = (pcre_uint8 *)(tcode + 1 + LINK_SIZE + 1);
++          tcode += GET(tcode, 1);
++          }
++        else
++          {
++          tcode++;
++          map = (pcre_uint8 *)tcode;
++          tcode += 32 / sizeof(pcre_uchar);
++          }
+         /* In UTF-8 mode, the bits in a bit map correspond to character
+         values, not to byte values. However, the bit map we are constructing is
+@@ -1246,31 +1266,35 @@ do
+         value is > 127. In fact, there are only two possible starting bytes for
+         characters in the range 128 - 255. */
+-#if defined SUPPORT_UTF && defined COMPILE_PCRE8
+-        if (utf)
++#if defined SUPPORT_UTF || !defined COMPILE_PCRE8
++        if (map != NULL)
+           {
+-          for (c = 0; c < 16; c++) start_bits[c] |= map[c];
+-          for (c = 128; c < 256; c++)
++#if defined SUPPORT_UTF && defined COMPILE_PCRE8
++          if (utf)
+             {
+-            if ((map[c/8] && (1 << (c&7))) != 0)
++            for (c = 0; c < 16; c++) start_bits[c] |= map[c];
++            for (c = 128; c < 256; c++)
+               {
+-              int d = (c >> 6) | 0xc0;            /* Set bit for this starter */
+-              start_bits[d/8] |= (1 << (d&7));    /* and then skip on to the */
+-              c = (c & 0xc0) + 0x40 - 1;          /* next relevant character. */
++              if ((map[c/8] && (1 << (c&7))) != 0)
++                {
++                int d = (c >> 6) | 0xc0;            /* Set bit for this starter */
++                start_bits[d/8] |= (1 << (d&7));    /* and then skip on to the */
++                c = (c & 0xc0) + 0x40 - 1;          /* next relevant character. */
++                }
+               }
+             }
+-          }
+-        else
++          else
+ #endif
+-          {
+-          /* In non-UTF-8 mode, the two bit maps are completely compatible. */
+-          for (c = 0; c < 32; c++) start_bits[c] |= map[c];
++            {
++            /* In non-UTF-8 mode, the two bit maps are completely compatible. */
++            for (c = 0; c < 32; c++) start_bits[c] |= map[c];
++            }
+           }
+         /* Advance past the bit map, and act on what follows. For a zero
+         minimum repeat, continue; otherwise stop processing. */
+-        tcode += 32 / sizeof(pcre_uchar);
+         switch (*tcode)
+           {
+           case OP_CRSTAR:
+diff --git a/pcre_xclass.c b/pcre_xclass.c
+index dd7008a..bbde1c3 100644
+--- a/pcre_xclass.c
++++ b/pcre_xclass.c
+@@ -81,6 +81,11 @@ additional data. */
+ if (c < 256)
+   {
++  if ((*data & XCL_HASPROP) == 0)
++    {
++    if ((*data & XCL_MAP) == 0) return negated;
++    return (((pcre_uint8 *)(data + 1))[c/8] & (1 << (c&7))) != 0;
++    }
+   if ((*data & XCL_MAP) != 0 &&
+     (((pcre_uint8 *)(data + 1))[c/8] & (1 << (c&7))) != 0)
+     return !negated; /* char found */
+diff --git a/testdata/saved16BE-1 b/testdata/saved16BE-1
+index 297f2f2f06300780b83aa64af93e56e7174bc745..4e9a5fffcd14701d14611fa7e47116175c9e152d 100644
+GIT binary patch
+delta 97
+delta 74
+diff --git a/testdata/saved16LE-1 b/testdata/saved16LE-1
+index deb44919bbbc263c227c51454f2dd25d582c7a6b..a3dfe05565b5e3f8e8fffd4791531165ca3fa95c 100644
+GIT binary patch
+delta 97
+delta 74
+diff --git a/testdata/saved32BE-1 b/testdata/saved32BE-1
+index 42af7b42b026869ac20fae8a78430470c298a8e3..3da404b8cd5982b17eb3e1e84baf8f83d3b4971e 100644
+GIT binary patch
+delta 120
+delta 84
+diff --git a/testdata/saved32LE-1 b/testdata/saved32LE-1
+index a4044fd17483cc002bb94b3ba83e7cb347ec3a49..6ba74dafd9606361f94e89b2c0cc16892108f6e7 100644
+GIT binary patch
+delta 109
+delta 71
+diff --git a/testdata/testoutput17 b/testdata/testoutput17
+index ef82dc9..071539a 100644
+--- a/testdata/testoutput17
++++ b/testdata/testoutput17
+@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ No options
+ No first char
+ No need char
+ Subject length lower bound = 1
+-No set of starting bytes
++Starting byte set: \x09 \x20 \xa0 \xff 
+     \x{1681}\x{200b}\x{1680}\x{2000}\x{202f}\x{3000}
+  0: \x{1680}\x{2000}\x{202f}\x{3000}
+     \x{3001}\x{2fff}\x{200a}\xa0\x{2000}
+@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ No options
+ No first char
+ No need char
+ Subject length lower bound = 1
+-No set of starting bytes
++Starting byte set: \x0a \x0b \x0c \x0d \x85 \xff 
+     \x{2027}\x{2030}\x{2028}\x{2029}
+  0: \x{2028}\x{2029}
+     \x09\x0e\x84\x86\x85\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d
+diff --git a/testdata/testoutput23 b/testdata/testoutput23
+index 7b3634c..f7b6f31 100644
+--- a/testdata/testoutput23
++++ b/testdata/testoutput23
+@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Failed: character value in \x{...} sequence is too large at offset 8
+ /[\H]/BZSI
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+         Bra
+-        [\x00-\x08\x0a-\x1f!-\x9f\x{a1}-\x{167f}\x{1681}-\x{180d}\x{180f}-\x{1fff}\x{200b}-\x{202e}\x{2030}-\x{205e}\x{2060}-\x{2fff}\x{3001}-\x{ffff}]
++        [\x00-\x08\x0a-\x1f!-\x9f\xa1-\xff\x{100}-\x{167f}\x{1681}-\x{180d}\x{180f}-\x{1fff}\x{200b}-\x{202e}\x{2030}-\x{205e}\x{2060}-\x{2fff}\x{3001}-\x{ffff}]
+         Ket
+         End
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -23,12 +23,25 @@ No options
+ No first char
+ No need char
+ Subject length lower bound = 1
+-No set of starting bytes
++Starting byte set: \x00 \x01 \x02 \x03 \x04 \x05 \x06 \x07 \x08 \x0a \x0b 
++  \x0c \x0d \x0e \x0f \x10 \x11 \x12 \x13 \x14 \x15 \x16 \x17 \x18 \x19 \x1a 
++  \x1b \x1c \x1d \x1e \x1f ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 
++  : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ 
++  _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ \x7f \x80 
++  \x81 \x82 \x83 \x84 \x85 \x86 \x87 \x88 \x89 \x8a \x8b \x8c \x8d \x8e \x8f 
++  \x90 \x91 \x92 \x93 \x94 \x95 \x96 \x97 \x98 \x99 \x9a \x9b \x9c \x9d \x9e 
++  \x9f \xa1 \xa2 \xa3 \xa4 \xa5 \xa6 \xa7 \xa8 \xa9 \xaa \xab \xac \xad \xae 
++  \xaf \xb0 \xb1 \xb2 \xb3 \xb4 \xb5 \xb6 \xb7 \xb8 \xb9 \xba \xbb \xbc \xbd 
++  \xbe \xbf \xc0 \xc1 \xc2 \xc3 \xc4 \xc5 \xc6 \xc7 \xc8 \xc9 \xca \xcb \xcc 
++  \xcd \xce \xcf \xd0 \xd1 \xd2 \xd3 \xd4 \xd5 \xd6 \xd7 \xd8 \xd9 \xda \xdb 
++  \xdc \xdd \xde \xdf \xe0 \xe1 \xe2 \xe3 \xe4 \xe5 \xe6 \xe7 \xe8 \xe9 \xea 
++  \xeb \xec \xed \xee \xef \xf0 \xf1 \xf2 \xf3 \xf4 \xf5 \xf6 \xf7 \xf8 \xf9 
++  \xfa \xfb \xfc \xfd \xfe \xff 
+ /[\V]/BZSI
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+         Bra
+-        [\x00-\x09\x0e-\x84\x{86}-\x{2027}\x{202a}-\x{ffff}]
++        [\x00-\x09\x0e-\x84\x86-\xff\x{100}-\x{2027}\x{202a}-\x{ffff}]
+         Ket
+         End
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -37,6 +50,19 @@ No options
+ No first char
+ No need char
+ Subject length lower bound = 1
+-No set of starting bytes
++Starting byte set: \x00 \x01 \x02 \x03 \x04 \x05 \x06 \x07 \x08 \x09 \x0e 
++  \x0f \x10 \x11 \x12 \x13 \x14 \x15 \x16 \x17 \x18 \x19 \x1a \x1b \x1c \x1d 
++  \x1e \x1f \x20 ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > 
++  ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c 
++  d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ \x7f \x80 \x81 \x82 
++  \x83 \x84 \x86 \x87 \x88 \x89 \x8a \x8b \x8c \x8d \x8e \x8f \x90 \x91 \x92 
++  \x93 \x94 \x95 \x96 \x97 \x98 \x99 \x9a \x9b \x9c \x9d \x9e \x9f \xa0 \xa1 
++  \xa2 \xa3 \xa4 \xa5 \xa6 \xa7 \xa8 \xa9 \xaa \xab \xac \xad \xae \xaf \xb0 
++  \xb1 \xb2 \xb3 \xb4 \xb5 \xb6 \xb7 \xb8 \xb9 \xba \xbb \xbc \xbd \xbe \xbf 
++  \xc0 \xc1 \xc2 \xc3 \xc4 \xc5 \xc6 \xc7 \xc8 \xc9 \xca \xcb \xcc \xcd \xce 
++  \xcf \xd0 \xd1 \xd2 \xd3 \xd4 \xd5 \xd6 \xd7 \xd8 \xd9 \xda \xdb \xdc \xdd 
++  \xde \xdf \xe0 \xe1 \xe2 \xe3 \xe4 \xe5 \xe6 \xe7 \xe8 \xe9 \xea \xeb \xec 
++  \xed \xee \xef \xf0 \xf1 \xf2 \xf3 \xf4 \xf5 \xf6 \xf7 \xf8 \xf9 \xfa \xfb 
++  \xfc \xfd \xfe \xff 
+ /-- End of testinput23 --/
+diff --git a/testdata/testoutput25 b/testdata/testoutput25
+index 2a4066d..16f375b 100644
+--- a/testdata/testoutput25
++++ b/testdata/testoutput25
+@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ Need char = \x{800000}
+ /[\H]/BZSI
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+         Bra
+-        [\x00-\x08\x0a-\x1f!-\x9f\x{a1}-\x{167f}\x{1681}-\x{180d}\x{180f}-\x{1fff}\x{200b}-\x{202e}\x{2030}-\x{205e}\x{2060}-\x{2fff}\x{3001}-\x{ffffffff}]
++        [\x00-\x08\x0a-\x1f!-\x9f\xa1-\xff\x{100}-\x{167f}\x{1681}-\x{180d}\x{180f}-\x{1fff}\x{200b}-\x{202e}\x{2030}-\x{205e}\x{2060}-\x{2fff}\x{3001}-\x{ffffffff}]
+         Ket
+         End
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -60,12 +60,25 @@ No options
+ No first char
+ No need char
+ Subject length lower bound = 1
+-No set of starting bytes
++Starting byte set: \x00 \x01 \x02 \x03 \x04 \x05 \x06 \x07 \x08 \x0a \x0b 
++  \x0c \x0d \x0e \x0f \x10 \x11 \x12 \x13 \x14 \x15 \x16 \x17 \x18 \x19 \x1a 
++  \x1b \x1c \x1d \x1e \x1f ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 
++  : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ 
++  _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ \x7f \x80 
++  \x81 \x82 \x83 \x84 \x85 \x86 \x87 \x88 \x89 \x8a \x8b \x8c \x8d \x8e \x8f 
++  \x90 \x91 \x92 \x93 \x94 \x95 \x96 \x97 \x98 \x99 \x9a \x9b \x9c \x9d \x9e 
++  \x9f \xa1 \xa2 \xa3 \xa4 \xa5 \xa6 \xa7 \xa8 \xa9 \xaa \xab \xac \xad \xae 
++  \xaf \xb0 \xb1 \xb2 \xb3 \xb4 \xb5 \xb6 \xb7 \xb8 \xb9 \xba \xbb \xbc \xbd 
++  \xbe \xbf \xc0 \xc1 \xc2 \xc3 \xc4 \xc5 \xc6 \xc7 \xc8 \xc9 \xca \xcb \xcc 
++  \xcd \xce \xcf \xd0 \xd1 \xd2 \xd3 \xd4 \xd5 \xd6 \xd7 \xd8 \xd9 \xda \xdb 
++  \xdc \xdd \xde \xdf \xe0 \xe1 \xe2 \xe3 \xe4 \xe5 \xe6 \xe7 \xe8 \xe9 \xea 
++  \xeb \xec \xed \xee \xef \xf0 \xf1 \xf2 \xf3 \xf4 \xf5 \xf6 \xf7 \xf8 \xf9 
++  \xfa \xfb \xfc \xfd \xfe \xff 
+ /[\V]/BZSI
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+         Bra
+-        [\x00-\x09\x0e-\x84\x{86}-\x{2027}\x{202a}-\x{ffffffff}]
++        [\x00-\x09\x0e-\x84\x86-\xff\x{100}-\x{2027}\x{202a}-\x{ffffffff}]
+         Ket
+         End
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -74,6 +87,19 @@ No options
+ No first char
+ No need char
+ Subject length lower bound = 1
+-No set of starting bytes
++Starting byte set: \x00 \x01 \x02 \x03 \x04 \x05 \x06 \x07 \x08 \x09 \x0e 
++  \x0f \x10 \x11 \x12 \x13 \x14 \x15 \x16 \x17 \x18 \x19 \x1a \x1b \x1c \x1d 
++  \x1e \x1f \x20 ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > 
++  ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c 
++  d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ \x7f \x80 \x81 \x82 
++  \x83 \x84 \x86 \x87 \x88 \x89 \x8a \x8b \x8c \x8d \x8e \x8f \x90 \x91 \x92 
++  \x93 \x94 \x95 \x96 \x97 \x98 \x99 \x9a \x9b \x9c \x9d \x9e \x9f \xa0 \xa1 
++  \xa2 \xa3 \xa4 \xa5 \xa6 \xa7 \xa8 \xa9 \xaa \xab \xac \xad \xae \xaf \xb0 
++  \xb1 \xb2 \xb3 \xb4 \xb5 \xb6 \xb7 \xb8 \xb9 \xba \xbb \xbc \xbd \xbe \xbf 
++  \xc0 \xc1 \xc2 \xc3 \xc4 \xc5 \xc6 \xc7 \xc8 \xc9 \xca \xcb \xcc \xcd \xce 
++  \xcf \xd0 \xd1 \xd2 \xd3 \xd4 \xd5 \xd6 \xd7 \xd8 \xd9 \xda \xdb \xdc \xdd 
++  \xde \xdf \xe0 \xe1 \xe2 \xe3 \xe4 \xe5 \xe6 \xe7 \xe8 \xe9 \xea \xeb \xec 
++  \xed \xee \xef \xf0 \xf1 \xf2 \xf3 \xf4 \xf5 \xf6 \xf7 \xf8 \xf9 \xfa \xfb 
++  \xfc \xfd \xfe \xff 
+ /-- End of testinput25 --/
+diff --git a/testdata/testoutput5 b/testdata/testoutput5
+index 0e84054..f8578c0 100644
+--- a/testdata/testoutput5
++++ b/testdata/testoutput5
+@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ No match
+ /[z-\x{100}]/8DZ
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+         Bra
+-        [z-\x{100}]
++        [z-\xff\x{100}]
+         Ket
+         End
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -786,7 +786,7 @@ No match
+ /[\H]/8BZ
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+         Bra
+-        [\x00-\x08\x0a-\x1f!-\x9f\x{a1}-\x{167f}\x{1681}-\x{180d}\x{180f}-\x{1fff}\x{200b}-\x{202e}\x{2030}-\x{205e}\x{2060}-\x{2fff}\x{3001}-\x{10ffff}]
++        [\x00-\x08\x0a-\x1f!-\x9f\xa1-\xff\x{100}-\x{167f}\x{1681}-\x{180d}\x{180f}-\x{1fff}\x{200b}-\x{202e}\x{2030}-\x{205e}\x{2060}-\x{2fff}\x{3001}-\x{10ffff}]
+         Ket
+         End
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -794,7 +794,7 @@ No match
+ /[\V]/8BZ
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+         Bra
+-        [\x00-\x09\x0e-\x84\x{86}-\x{2027}\x{202a}-\x{10ffff}]
++        [\x00-\x09\x0e-\x84\x86-\xff\x{100}-\x{2027}\x{202a}-\x{10ffff}]
+         Ket
+         End
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -1594,7 +1594,7 @@ Failed: disallowed Unicode code point (>= 0xd800 && <= 0xdfff) at offset 7
+ /[\H\x{d7ff}]+/8BZ
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+         Bra
+-        [\x00-\x08\x0a-\x1f!-\x9f\x{a1}-\x{167f}\x{1681}-\x{180d}\x{180f}-\x{1fff}\x{200b}-\x{202e}\x{2030}-\x{205e}\x{2060}-\x{2fff}\x{3001}-\x{10ffff}\x{d7ff}]+
++        [\x00-\x08\x0a-\x1f!-\x9f\xa1-\xff\x{100}-\x{167f}\x{1681}-\x{180d}\x{180f}-\x{1fff}\x{200b}-\x{202e}\x{2030}-\x{205e}\x{2060}-\x{2fff}\x{3001}-\x{10ffff}\x{d7ff}]+
+         Ket
+         End
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -1634,7 +1634,7 @@ Failed: disallowed Unicode code point (>= 0xd800 && <= 0xdfff) at offset 7
+ /[\V\x{d7ff}]+/8BZ
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+         Bra
+-        [\x00-\x09\x0e-\x84\x{86}-\x{2027}\x{202a}-\x{10ffff}\x{d7ff}]+
++        [\x00-\x09\x0e-\x84\x86-\xff\x{100}-\x{2027}\x{202a}-\x{10ffff}\x{d7ff}]+
+         Ket
+         End
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+diff --git a/testdata/testoutput7 b/testdata/testoutput7
+index e3f607c..b02f923 100644
+--- a/testdata/testoutput7
++++ b/testdata/testoutput7
+@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ No match
+ /[z-\x{100}]/8iDZ 
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+         Bra
+-        [Z\x{39c}\x{3bc}\x{1e9e}\x{178}z-\x{101}]
++        [Zz-\xff\x{39c}\x{3bc}\x{1e9e}\x{178}\x{100}-\x{101}]
+         Ket
+         End
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ No match
+ /[z-\x{100}]/8DZi
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+         Bra
+-        [Z\x{39c}\x{3bc}\x{1e9e}\x{178}z-\x{101}]
++        [Zz-\xff\x{39c}\x{3bc}\x{1e9e}\x{178}\x{100}-\x{101}]
+         Ket
+         End
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/SOURCES/pcre-8.32-Add-support-for-PT_PXGRAPH-PT_PXPRINT-and-PT_PXPUNCT.patch b/SOURCES/pcre-8.32-Add-support-for-PT_PXGRAPH-PT_PXPRINT-and-PT_PXPUNCT.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b150c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/pcre-8.32-Add-support-for-PT_PXGRAPH-PT_PXPRINT-and-PT_PXPUNCT.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+From 5c8999dd06c88ec49157f59dab561ce7d5a7c911 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: zherczeg <zherczeg@2f5784b3-3f2a-0410-8824-cb99058d5e15>
+Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 12:04:55 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Add support for PT_PXGRAPH, PT_PXPRINT, and PT_PXPUNCT in
+ JIT.
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+Petr Pisar: Ported to 8.32:
+commit 9885cc24e4771dbe6daadd2107e4552bb92aafa2
+Author: zherczeg <zherczeg@2f5784b3-3f2a-0410-8824-cb99058d5e15>
+Date:   Fri Nov 15 12:04:55 2013 +0000
+    Add support for PT_PXGRAPH, PT_PXPRINT, and PT_PXPUNCT in JIT.
+    git-svn-id: svn://vcs.exim.org/pcre/code/trunk@1402 2f5784b3-3f2a-0410-8824-cb99058d5e15
+Signed-off-by: Petr Písař <ppisar@redhat.com>
+ pcre_jit_compile.c | 65 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ 1 file changed, 65 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/pcre_jit_compile.c b/pcre_jit_compile.c
+index c61c688..875947a 100644
+--- a/pcre_jit_compile.c
++++ b/pcre_jit_compile.c
+@@ -3699,6 +3699,7 @@ const pcre_uint32 *other_cases;
+ struct sljit_jump *jump = NULL;
+ pcre_uchar *ccbegin;
+ int compares, invertcmp, numberofcmps;
+ #ifdef SUPPORT_UCP
+ BOOL needstype = FALSE, needsscript = FALSE, needschar = FALSE;
+ BOOL charsaved = FALSE;
+@@ -3798,6 +3799,9 @@ while (*cc != XCL_END)
+       case PT_SPACE:
+       case PT_PXSPACE:
+       case PT_WORD:
++      case PT_PXGRAPH:
++      case PT_PXPRINT:
++      case PT_PXPUNCT:
+       needstype = TRUE;
+       needschar = TRUE;
+       break;
+@@ -4068,6 +4072,67 @@ while (*cc != XCL_END)
+         }
+       jump = JUMP(SLJIT_C_NOT_ZERO ^ invertcmp);
+       break;
++      case PT_PXGRAPH:
++      /* C and Z groups are the farthest two groups. */
++      SET_TYPE_OFFSET(ucp_Ll);
++      OP2(SLJIT_SUB | SLJIT_SET_U, SLJIT_UNUSED, 0, typereg, 0, SLJIT_IMM, ucp_So - ucp_Ll);
++      jump = CMP(SLJIT_C_NOT_EQUAL, typereg, 0, SLJIT_IMM, ucp_Cf - ucp_Ll);
++      /* In case of ucp_Cf, we overwrite the result. */
++      SET_CHAR_OFFSET(0x2066);
++      OP2(SLJIT_SUB | SLJIT_SET_U, SLJIT_UNUSED, 0, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 0x2069 - 0x2066);
++      OP2(SLJIT_SUB | SLJIT_SET_U, SLJIT_UNUSED, 0, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 0x061c - 0x2066);
++      OP2(SLJIT_SUB | SLJIT_SET_U, SLJIT_UNUSED, 0, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 0x180e - 0x2066);
++      JUMPHERE(jump);
++      jump = CMP(SLJIT_C_ZERO ^ invertcmp, TMP2, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 0);
++      break;
++      case PT_PXPRINT:
++      /* C and Z groups are the farthest two groups. */
++      SET_TYPE_OFFSET(ucp_Ll);
++      OP2(SLJIT_SUB | SLJIT_SET_U, SLJIT_UNUSED, 0, typereg, 0, SLJIT_IMM, ucp_So - ucp_Ll);
++      OP2(SLJIT_SUB | SLJIT_SET_U, SLJIT_UNUSED, 0, typereg, 0, SLJIT_IMM, ucp_Zs - ucp_Ll);
++      jump = CMP(SLJIT_C_NOT_EQUAL, typereg, 0, SLJIT_IMM, ucp_Cf - ucp_Ll);
++      /* In case of ucp_Cf, we overwrite the result. */
++      SET_CHAR_OFFSET(0x2066);
++      OP2(SLJIT_SUB | SLJIT_SET_U, SLJIT_UNUSED, 0, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 0x2069 - 0x2066);
++      OP2(SLJIT_SUB | SLJIT_SET_U, SLJIT_UNUSED, 0, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 0x061c - 0x2066);
++      JUMPHERE(jump);
++      jump = CMP(SLJIT_C_ZERO ^ invertcmp, TMP2, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 0);
++      break;
++      case PT_PXPUNCT:
++      SET_TYPE_OFFSET(ucp_Sc);
++      OP2(SLJIT_SUB | SLJIT_SET_U, SLJIT_UNUSED, 0, typereg, 0, SLJIT_IMM, ucp_So - ucp_Sc);
++      SET_CHAR_OFFSET(0);
++      SET_TYPE_OFFSET(ucp_Pc);
++      OP2(SLJIT_SUB | SLJIT_SET_U, SLJIT_UNUSED, 0, typereg, 0, SLJIT_IMM, ucp_Ps - ucp_Pc);
++      jump = JUMP(SLJIT_C_NOT_ZERO ^ invertcmp);
++      break;
+       }
+     cc += 2;
+     }
diff --git a/SOURCES/pcre-8.32-Update-POSIX-class-handling-in-UCP-mode.patch b/SOURCES/pcre-8.32-Update-POSIX-class-handling-in-UCP-mode.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a17cc0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/pcre-8.32-Update-POSIX-class-handling-in-UCP-mode.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,1122 @@
+From e74dcd1eec9227fe23c06de2ff109e48695fd879 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: ph10 <ph10@2f5784b3-3f2a-0410-8824-cb99058d5e15>
+Date: Sat, 2 Nov 2013 18:29:05 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Update POSIX class handling in UCP mode.
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+Petr Pisar: Ported to 8.32:
+commit fa3832825e3fe0d49f93658882775cdd6c26129e
+Author: ph10 <ph10@2f5784b3-3f2a-0410-8824-cb99058d5e15>
+Date:   Sat Nov 2 18:29:05 2013 +0000
+    Update POSIX class handling in UCP mode.
+    git-svn-id: svn://vcs.exim.org/pcre/code/trunk@1387 2f5784b3-3f2a-0410-8824-cb99058d5e15
+It also adjusts some test 7 outputs because 8.32 does not contain
+auto-possessification improvement from
+commit 5f42224005b7d9a503903e3342ec7ada75590b07
+Author: ph10 <ph10@2f5784b3-3f2a-0410-8824-cb99058d5e15>
+Date:   Tue Oct 1 16:54:40 2013 +0000
+    Refactored auto-possessification code.
+    git-svn-id: svn://vcs.exim.org/pcre/code/trunk@1363 2f5784b3-3f2a-0410-8824-cb99058d5e15
+Signed-off-by: Petr Písař <ppisar@redhat.com>
+ doc/pcrepattern.3    |  37 +++++--
+ pcre_compile.c       |  75 +++++++++++---
+ pcre_internal.h      |  16 ++-
+ pcre_printint.c      |  59 ++++++++---
+ pcre_xclass.c        |  63 ++++++++++--
+ testdata/testinput6  | 146 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ testdata/testinput7  |  10 ++
+ testdata/testoutput6 | 286 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
+ testdata/testoutput7 | 117 ++++++++++++++++++++-
+ 9 files changed, 752 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/doc/pcrepattern.3 b/doc/pcrepattern.3
+index c9c7b45..f638846 100644
+--- a/doc/pcrepattern.3
++++ b/doc/pcrepattern.3
+@@ -861,8 +861,9 @@ the "mark" property always have the "extend" grapheme breaking property.
+ .sp
+ As well as the standard Unicode properties described above, PCRE supports four
+ more that make it possible to convert traditional escape sequences such as \ew
+-and \es and POSIX character classes to use Unicode properties. PCRE uses these
+-non-standard, non-Perl properties internally when PCRE_UCP is set. They are:
++and \es to use Unicode properties. PCRE uses these non-standard, non-Perl
++properties internally when PCRE_UCP is set. However, they may also be used
++explicitly. These properties are:
+ .sp
+   Xan   Any alphanumeric character
+   Xps   Any POSIX space character
+@@ -873,6 +874,7 @@ Xan matches characters that have either the L (letter) or the N (number)
+ property. Xps matches the characters tab, linefeed, vertical tab, form feed, or
+ carriage return, and any other character that has the Z (separator) property.
+ Xsp is the same as Xps, except that vertical tab is excluded. Xwd matches the
+ same characters as Xan, plus underscore.
+ .
+ .
+@@ -1258,8 +1260,8 @@ supported, and an error is given if they are encountered.
+ By default, in UTF modes, characters with values greater than 128 do not match
+ any of the POSIX character classes. However, if the PCRE_UCP option is passed
+ to \fBpcre_compile()\fP, some of the classes are changed so that Unicode
+-character properties are used. This is achieved by replacing the POSIX classes
+-by other sequences, as follows:
++character properties are used. This is achieved by replacing certain POSIX
++classes by other sequences, as follows:
+ .sp
+   [:alnum:]  becomes  \ep{Xan}
+   [:alpha:]  becomes  \ep{L}
+@@ -1270,9 +1272,30 @@ by other sequences, as follows:
+   [:upper:]  becomes  \ep{Lu}
+   [:word:]   becomes  \ep{Xwd}
+ .sp
+-Negated versions, such as [:^alpha:] use \eP instead of \ep. The other POSIX
+-classes are unchanged, and match only characters with code points less than
++Negated versions, such as [:^alpha:] use \eP instead of \ep. Three other POSIX 
++classes are handled specially in UCP mode:
++.TP 10
++This matches characters that have glyphs that mark the page when printed. In 
++Unicode property terms, it matches all characters with the L, M, N, P, S, or Cf 
++properties, except for:
++  U+061C           Arabic Letter Mark
++  U+180E           Mongolian Vowel Separator 
++  U+2066 - U+2069  Various "isolate"s
++.TP 10
++This matches the same characters as [:graph:] plus space characters that are 
++not controls, that is, characters with the Zs property.
++.TP 10
++This matches all characters that have the Unicode P (punctuation) property,
++plus those characters whose code points are less than 128 that have the S
++(Symbol) property.
++The other POSIX classes are unchanged, and match only characters with code
++points less than 128.
+ .
+ .
+diff --git a/pcre_compile.c b/pcre_compile.c
+index 746dc70..3c75218 100644
+--- a/pcre_compile.c
++++ b/pcre_compile.c
+@@ -257,7 +257,8 @@ static const int verbcount = sizeof(verbs)/sizeof(verbitem);
+ now all in a single string, to reduce the number of relocations when a shared
+ library is dynamically loaded. The list of lengths is terminated by a zero
+ length entry. The first three must be alpha, lower, upper, as this is assumed
+-for handling case independence. */
++for handling case independence. The indices for graph, print, and punct are
++needed, so identify them. */
+ static const char posix_names[] =
+   STRING_alpha0 STRING_lower0 STRING_upper0 STRING_alnum0
+@@ -268,6 +269,11 @@ static const char posix_names[] =
+ static const pcre_uint8 posix_name_lengths[] = {
+   5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 6, 0 };
++#define PC_GRAPH  8
++#define PC_PRINT  9
++#define PC_PUNCT 10
+ /* Table of class bit maps for each POSIX class. Each class is formed from a
+ base map, with an optional addition or removal of another map. Then, for some
+ classes, there is some additional tweaking: for [:blank:] the vertical space
+@@ -295,9 +301,8 @@ static const int posix_class_maps[] = {
+   cbit_xdigit,-1,          0              /* xdigit */
+ };
+-/* Table of substitutes for \d etc when PCRE_UCP is set. The POSIX class
+-substitutes must be in the order of the names, defined above, and there are
+-both positive and negative cases. NULL means no substitute. */
++/* Table of substitutes for \d etc when PCRE_UCP is set. They are replaced by
++Unicode property escapes. */
+ #ifdef SUPPORT_UCP
+ static const pcre_uchar string_PNd[]  = {
+@@ -322,12 +327,18 @@ static const pcre_uchar string_pXwd[] = {
+ static const pcre_uchar *substitutes[] = {
+   string_PNd,           /* \D */
+   string_pNd,           /* \d */
+-  string_PXsp,          /* \S */       /* NOTE: Xsp is Perl space */
+-  string_pXsp,          /* \s */
++  string_PXsp,          /* \S */   /* Xsp is Perl space, but from 8.34, Perl */
++  string_pXsp,          /* \s */   /* space and POSIX space are the same. */
+   string_PXwd,          /* \W */
+   string_pXwd           /* \w */
+ };
++/* The POSIX class substitutes must be in the order of the POSIX class names,
++defined above, and there are both positive and negative cases. NULL means no
++general substitute of a Unicode property escape (\p or \P). However, for some
++POSIX classes (e.g. graph, print, punct) a special property code is compiled
++directly. */
+ static const pcre_uchar string_pL[] =   {
+@@ -375,8 +386,8 @@ static const pcre_uchar *posix_substitutes[] = {
+   NULL,                 /* graph */
+   NULL,                 /* print */
+   NULL,                 /* punct */
+-  string_pXps,          /* space */    /* NOTE: Xps is POSIX space */
+-  string_pXwd,          /* word */
++  string_pXps,          /* space */   /* Xps is POSIX space, but from 8.34 */
++  string_pXwd,          /* word  */   /* Perl and POSIX space are the same */
+   NULL,                 /* xdigit */
+   /* Negated cases */
+   string_PL,            /* ^alpha */
+@@ -390,8 +401,8 @@ static const pcre_uchar *posix_substitutes[] = {
+   NULL,                 /* ^graph */
+   NULL,                 /* ^print */
+   NULL,                 /* ^punct */
+-  string_PXps,          /* ^space */   /* NOTE: Xps is POSIX space */
+-  string_PXwd,          /* ^word */
++  string_PXps,          /* ^space */  /* Xps is POSIX space, but from 8.34 */
++  string_PXwd,          /* ^word */   /* Perl and POSIX space are the same */
+   NULL                  /* ^xdigit */
+ };
+ #define POSIX_SUBSIZE (sizeof(posix_substitutes) / sizeof(pcre_uchar *))
+@@ -4258,24 +4269,58 @@ for (;; ptr++)
+           posix_class = 0;
+         /* When PCRE_UCP is set, some of the POSIX classes are converted to
+-        different escape sequences that use Unicode properties. */
++        different escape sequences that use Unicode properties \p or \P. Others
++        that are not available via \p or \P generate XCL_PROP/XCL_NOTPROP
++        directly. */
+ #ifdef SUPPORT_UCP
+         if ((options & PCRE_UCP) != 0)
+           {
++          unsigned int ptype = 0;
+           int pc = posix_class + ((local_negate)? POSIX_SUBSIZE/2 : 0);
++          /* The posix_substitutes table specifies which POSIX classes can be 
++          converted to \p or \P items. */
+           if (posix_substitutes[pc] != NULL)
+             {
+             nestptr = tempptr + 1;
+             ptr = posix_substitutes[pc] - 1;
+             continue;
+             }
++          /* There are three other classes that generate special property calls 
++          that are recognized only in an XCLASS. */ 
++          else switch(posix_class)
++            {
++            case PC_GRAPH:
++            ptype = PT_PXGRAPH;
++            /* Fall through */
++            case PC_PRINT:
++            if (ptype == 0) ptype = PT_PXPRINT;
++            /* Fall through */
++            case PC_PUNCT:
++            if (ptype == 0) ptype = PT_PXPUNCT;
++            *class_uchardata++ = local_negate? XCL_NOTPROP : XCL_PROP;
++            *class_uchardata++ = ptype;
++            *class_uchardata++ = 0;
++            ptr = tempptr + 1;
++            continue;
++            /* For all other POSIX classes, no special action is taken in UCP
++            mode. Fall through to the non_UCP case. */
++            default:
++            break; 
++            }
+           }
+ #endif
+-        /* In the non-UCP case, we build the bit map for the POSIX class in a
+-        chunk of local store because we may be adding and subtracting from it,
+-        and we don't want to subtract bits that may be in the main map already.
+-        At the end we or the result into the bit map that is being built. */
++        /* In the non-UCP case, or when UCP makes no difference, we build the
++        bit map for the POSIX class in a chunk of local store because we may be
++        adding and subtracting from it, and we don't want to subtract bits that
++        may be in the main map already. At the end we or the result into the
++        bit map that is being built. */
+         posix_class *= 3;
+diff --git a/pcre_internal.h b/pcre_internal.h
+index 157de08..389848f 100644
+--- a/pcre_internal.h
++++ b/pcre_internal.h
+@@ -1836,6 +1836,16 @@ only. */
+ #define PT_WORD       8    /* Word - L plus N plus underscore */
+ #define PT_CLIST      9    /* Pseudo-property: match character list */
++/* The following special properties are used only in XCLASS items, when POSIX 
++classes are specified and PCRE_UCP is set - in other words, for Unicode 
++handling of these classes. They are not available via the \p or \P escapes like 
++those in the above list, and so they do not take part in the autopossessifying 
++table. */
++#define PT_PXGRAPH   11    /* [:graph:] - characters that mark the paper */
++#define PT_PXPRINT   12    /* [:print:] - [:graph:] plus non-control spaces */
++#define PT_PXPUNCT   13    /* [:punct:] - punctuation characters */
+ /* Flag bits and data types for the extended class (OP_XCLASS) for classes that
+ contain characters with values greater than 255. */
+@@ -1849,9 +1859,9 @@ contain characters with values greater than 255. */
+ #define XCL_NOTPROP   4    /* Unicode inverted property (ditto) */
+ /* These are escaped items that aren't just an encoding of a particular data
+-value such as \n. They must have non-zero values, as check_escape() returns
+-0 for a data character.  Also, they must appear in the same order as in the opcode
+-definitions below, up to ESC_z. There's a dummy for OP_ALLANY because it
++value such as \n. They must have non-zero values, as check_escape() returns 0
++for a data character.  Also, they must appear in the same order as in the
++opcode definitions below, up to ESC_z. There's a dummy for OP_ALLANY because it
+ corresponds to "." in DOTALL mode rather than an escape sequence. It is also
+ used for [^] in JavaScript compatibility mode, and for \C in non-utf mode. In
+ non-DOTALL mode, "." behaves like \N.
+diff --git a/pcre_printint.c b/pcre_printint.c
+index 10b5754..c6dcbe6 100644
+--- a/pcre_printint.c
++++ b/pcre_printint.c
+@@ -608,9 +608,9 @@ for(;;)
+     print_prop(f, code, "    ", "");
+     break;
+-    /* OP_XCLASS can only occur in UTF or PCRE16 modes. However, there's no
+-    harm in having this code always here, and it makes it less messy without
+-    all those #ifdefs. */
++    /* OP_XCLASS cannot occur in 8-bit, non-UTF mode. However, there's no harm
++    in having this code always here, and it makes it less messy without all
++    those #ifdefs. */
+     case OP_CLASS:
+     case OP_NCLASS:
+@@ -671,27 +671,52 @@ for(;;)
+         pcre_uchar ch;
+         while ((ch = *ccode++) != XCL_END)
+           {
+-          if (ch == XCL_PROP)
+-            {
+-            unsigned int ptype = *ccode++;
+-            unsigned int pvalue = *ccode++;
+-            fprintf(f, "\\p{%s}", get_ucpname(ptype, pvalue));
+-            }
+-          else if (ch == XCL_NOTPROP)
+-            {
+-            unsigned int ptype = *ccode++;
+-            unsigned int pvalue = *ccode++;
+-            fprintf(f, "\\P{%s}", get_ucpname(ptype, pvalue));
+-            }
+-          else
++          BOOL not = FALSE; 
++          const char *notch = ""; 
++          switch(ch)
+             {
++            case XCL_NOTPROP: 
++            not = TRUE;
++            notch = "^"; 
++            /* Fall through */
++            case XCL_PROP:  
++              {
++              unsigned int ptype = *ccode++;
++              unsigned int pvalue = *ccode++;
++              switch(ptype)
++                {
++                case PT_PXGRAPH:
++                fprintf(f, "[:%sgraph:]", notch);
++                break;    
++                case PT_PXPRINT:
++                fprintf(f, "[:%sprint:]", notch);
++                break;    
++                case PT_PXPUNCT:
++                fprintf(f, "[:%spunct:]", notch);
++                break;    
++                default:
++                fprintf(f, "\\%c{%s}", (not? 'P':'p'), 
++                  get_ucpname(ptype, pvalue));
++                break;
++                }    
++              }
++            break;
++            default:
+             ccode += 1 + print_char(f, ccode, utf);
+             if (ch == XCL_RANGE)
+               {
+               fprintf(f, "-");
+               ccode += 1 + print_char(f, ccode, utf);
+               }
+-            }
++            break; 
++            } 
+           }
+         }
+diff --git a/pcre_xclass.c b/pcre_xclass.c
+index fa73cd8..dd7008a 100644
+--- a/pcre_xclass.c
++++ b/pcre_xclass.c
+@@ -128,57 +128,102 @@ while ((t = *data++) != XCL_END)
+   else  /* XCL_PROP & XCL_NOTPROP */
+     {
+     const ucd_record *prop = GET_UCD(c);
++    BOOL isprop = t == XCL_PROP; 
+     switch(*data)
+       {
+       case PT_ANY:
+-      if (t == XCL_PROP) return !negated;
++      if (isprop) return !negated;
+       break;
+       case PT_LAMP:
+       if ((prop->chartype == ucp_Lu || prop->chartype == ucp_Ll ||
+-           prop->chartype == ucp_Lt) == (t == XCL_PROP)) return !negated;
++           prop->chartype == ucp_Lt) == isprop) return !negated;
+       break;
+       case PT_GC:
+-      if ((data[1] == PRIV(ucp_gentype)[prop->chartype]) == (t == XCL_PROP))
++      if ((data[1] == PRIV(ucp_gentype)[prop->chartype]) == isprop)
+         return !negated;
+       break;
+       case PT_PC:
+-      if ((data[1] == prop->chartype) == (t == XCL_PROP)) return !negated;
++      if ((data[1] == prop->chartype) == isprop) return !negated;
+       break;
+       case PT_SC:
+-      if ((data[1] == prop->script) == (t == XCL_PROP)) return !negated;
++      if ((data[1] == prop->script) == isprop) return !negated;
+       break;
+       case PT_ALNUM:
+       if ((PRIV(ucp_gentype)[prop->chartype] == ucp_L ||
+-           PRIV(ucp_gentype)[prop->chartype] == ucp_N) == (t == XCL_PROP))
++           PRIV(ucp_gentype)[prop->chartype] == ucp_N) == isprop)
+         return !negated;
+       break;
+       case PT_SPACE:    /* Perl space */
+       if ((PRIV(ucp_gentype)[prop->chartype] == ucp_Z ||
+            c == CHAR_HT || c == CHAR_NL || c == CHAR_FF || c == CHAR_CR)
+-             == (t == XCL_PROP))
++             == isprop)
+         return !negated;
+       break;
+       case PT_PXSPACE:  /* POSIX space */
+       if ((PRIV(ucp_gentype)[prop->chartype] == ucp_Z ||
+            c == CHAR_HT || c == CHAR_NL || c == CHAR_VT ||
+-           c == CHAR_FF || c == CHAR_CR) == (t == XCL_PROP))
++           c == CHAR_FF || c == CHAR_CR) == isprop)
+         return !negated;
+       break;
+       case PT_WORD:
+       if ((PRIV(ucp_gentype)[prop->chartype] == ucp_L ||
+            PRIV(ucp_gentype)[prop->chartype] == ucp_N || c == CHAR_UNDERSCORE)
+-             == (t == XCL_PROP))
++             == isprop)
+         return !negated;
+       break;
++      /* The following three properties can occur only in an XCLASS, as there
++      is no \p or \P coding for them. */
++      /* Graphic character. Implement this as not Z (space or separator) and 
++      not C (other), except for Cf (format) with a few exceptions. This seems 
++      to be what Perl does. The exceptional characters are:
++      U+061C           Arabic Letter Mark
++      U+180E           Mongolian Vowel Separator 
++      U+2066 - U+2069  Various "isolate"s
++      */ 
++      case PT_PXGRAPH:
++      if ((PRIV(ucp_gentype)[prop->chartype] != ucp_Z &&
++            (PRIV(ucp_gentype)[prop->chartype] != ucp_C ||
++              (prop->chartype == ucp_Cf && 
++                c != 0x061c && c != 0x180e && (c < 0x2066 || c > 0x2069))
++         )) == isprop)
++        return !negated;        
++      break;
++      /* Printable character: same as graphic, with the addition of Zs, i.e. 
++      not Zl and not Zp, and U+180E. */
++      case PT_PXPRINT:
++      if ((prop->chartype != ucp_Zl &&
++           prop->chartype != ucp_Zp && 
++            (PRIV(ucp_gentype)[prop->chartype] != ucp_C ||
++              (prop->chartype == ucp_Cf && 
++                c != 0x061c && (c < 0x2066 || c > 0x2069))
++         )) == isprop)
++        return !negated;        
++      break;
++      /* Punctuation: all Unicode punctuation, plus ASCII characters that 
++      Unicode treats as symbols rather than punctuation, for Perl
++      compatibility (these are $+<=>^`|~). */
++      case PT_PXPUNCT:
++      if ((PRIV(ucp_gentype)[prop->chartype] == ucp_P ||
++            (c < 256 && PRIV(ucp_gentype)[prop->chartype] == ucp_S)) == isprop)
++        return !negated;
++      break;           
+       /* This should never occur, but compilers may mutter if there is no
+       default. */
+diff --git a/testdata/testinput6 b/testdata/testinput6
+index 219a30e..adafb89 100644
+--- a/testdata/testinput6
++++ b/testdata/testinput6
+@@ -1319,4 +1319,150 @@
+ /^s?c/mi8
+     scat
++    Letter:ABC
++    Mark:\x{300}\x{1d172}\x{1d17b}
++    Number:9\x{660}
++    Punctuation:\x{66a},;
++    Symbol:\x{6de}<>\x{fffc}
++    Cf-property:\x{ad}\x{600}\x{601}\x{602}\x{603}\x{604}\x{6dd}\x{70f}
++    \x{200b}\x{200c}\x{200d}\x{200e}\x{200f}
++    \x{202a}\x{202b}\x{202c}\x{202d}\x{202e}
++    \x{2060}\x{2061}\x{2062}\x{2063}\x{2064}
++    \x{206a}\x{206b}\x{206c}\x{206d}\x{206e}\x{206f}
++    \x{feff}
++    \x{fff9}\x{fffa}\x{fffb}
++    \x{110bd}
++    \x{1d173}\x{1d174}\x{1d175}\x{1d176}\x{1d177}\x{1d178}\x{1d179}\x{1d17a}
++    \x{e0001}
++    \x{e0020}\x{e0030}\x{e0040}\x{e0050}\x{e0060}\x{e0070}\x{e007f}
++    ** Failers
++    \x{09}
++    \x{0a}
++    \x{1D}
++    \x{20}
++    \x{85}
++    \x{a0}
++    \x{61c}
++    \x{1680}
++    \x{180e}
++    \x{2028}
++    \x{2029}
++    \x{202f}
++    \x{2065}
++    \x{2066}
++    \x{2067}
++    \x{2068}
++    \x{2069}
++    \x{3000}
++    \x{e0002}
++    \x{e001f}
++    \x{e0080} 
++    Space: \x{a0}
++    \x{1680}\x{2000}\x{2001}\x{2002}\x{2003}\x{2004}\x{2005}
++    \x{2006}\x{2007}\x{2008}\x{2009}\x{200a} 
++    \x{202f}\x{205f} 
++    \x{3000}
++    Letter:ABC
++    Mark:\x{300}\x{1d172}\x{1d17b}
++    Number:9\x{660}
++    Punctuation:\x{66a},;
++    Symbol:\x{6de}<>\x{fffc}
++    Cf-property:\x{ad}\x{600}\x{601}\x{602}\x{603}\x{604}\x{6dd}\x{70f}
++    \x{180e}
++    \x{200b}\x{200c}\x{200d}\x{200e}\x{200f}
++    \x{202a}\x{202b}\x{202c}\x{202d}\x{202e}
++    \x{202f}
++    \x{2060}\x{2061}\x{2062}\x{2063}\x{2064}
++    \x{206a}\x{206b}\x{206c}\x{206d}\x{206e}\x{206f}
++    \x{feff}
++    \x{fff9}\x{fffa}\x{fffb}
++    \x{110bd}
++    \x{1d173}\x{1d174}\x{1d175}\x{1d176}\x{1d177}\x{1d178}\x{1d179}\x{1d17a}
++    \x{e0001}
++    \x{e0020}\x{e0030}\x{e0040}\x{e0050}\x{e0060}\x{e0070}\x{e007f}
++    ** Failers
++    \x{09}
++    \x{1D}
++    \x{85}
++    \x{61c}
++    \x{2028}
++    \x{2029}
++    \x{2065}
++    \x{2066}
++    \x{2067}
++    \x{2068}
++    \x{2069}
++    \x{e0002}
++    \x{e001f}
++    \x{e0080} 
++    \$+<=>^`|~
++    !\"#%&'()*,-./:;?@[\\]_{}
++    \x{a1}\x{a7}  
++    \x{37e} 
++    ** Failers
++    abcde  
++    \x{09}\x{0a}\x{1D}\x{20}\x{85}\x{a0}\x{61c}\x{1680}\x{180e}
++    \x{2028}\x{2029}\x{202f}\x{2065}\x{2066}\x{2067}\x{2068}\x{2069}
++    \x{3000}\x{e0002}\x{e001f}\x{e0080}
++    ** Failers
++    Letter:ABC
++    Mark:\x{300}\x{1d172}\x{1d17b}
++    Number:9\x{660}
++    Punctuation:\x{66a},;
++    Symbol:\x{6de}<>\x{fffc}
++    Cf-property:\x{ad}\x{600}\x{601}\x{602}\x{603}\x{604}\x{6dd}\x{70f}
++    \x{200b}\x{200c}\x{200d}\x{200e}\x{200f}
++    \x{202a}\x{202b}\x{202c}\x{202d}\x{202e}
++    \x{2060}\x{2061}\x{2062}\x{2063}\x{2064}
++    \x{206a}\x{206b}\x{206c}\x{206d}\x{206e}\x{206f}
++    \x{feff}
++    \x{fff9}\x{fffa}\x{fffb}
++    \x{110bd}
++    \x{1d173}\x{1d174}\x{1d175}\x{1d176}\x{1d177}\x{1d178}\x{1d179}\x{1d17a}
++    \x{e0001}
++    \x{e0020}\x{e0030}\x{e0040}\x{e0050}\x{e0060}\x{e0070}\x{e007f}
++    \x{09}\x{1D}\x{85}\x{61c}\x{2028}\x{2029}\x{2065}\x{2066}\x{2067}
++    \x{2068}\x{2069}\x{e0002}\x{e001f}\x{e0080}
++    ** Failers
++    Space: \x{a0}
++    \x{1680}\x{2000}\x{2001}\x{2002}\x{2003}\x{2004}\x{2005}
++    \x{2006}\x{2007}\x{2008}\x{2009}\x{200a} 
++    \x{202f}\x{205f} 
++    \x{3000}
++    Letter:ABC
++    Mark:\x{300}\x{1d172}\x{1d17b}
++    Number:9\x{660}
++    Punctuation:\x{66a},;
++    Symbol:\x{6de}<>\x{fffc}
++    Cf-property:\x{ad}\x{600}\x{601}\x{602}\x{603}\x{604}\x{6dd}\x{70f}
++    \x{180e}
++    \x{200b}\x{200c}\x{200d}\x{200e}\x{200f}
++    \x{202a}\x{202b}\x{202c}\x{202d}\x{202e}
++    \x{202f}
++    \x{2060}\x{2061}\x{2062}\x{2063}\x{2064}
++    \x{206a}\x{206b}\x{206c}\x{206d}\x{206e}\x{206f}
++    \x{feff}
++    \x{fff9}\x{fffa}\x{fffb}
++    \x{110bd}
++    \x{1d173}\x{1d174}\x{1d175}\x{1d176}\x{1d177}\x{1d178}\x{1d179}\x{1d17a}
++    \x{e0001}
++    \x{e0020}\x{e0030}\x{e0040}\x{e0050}\x{e0060}\x{e0070}\x{e007f}
++    abcde  
++    ** Failers
++    \$+<=>^`|~
++    !\"#%&'()*,-./:;?@[\\]_{}
++    \x{a1}\x{a7}  
++    \x{37e} 
+ /-- End of testinput6 --/
+diff --git a/testdata/testinput7 b/testdata/testinput7
+index 252d246..bcdcef9 100644
+--- a/testdata/testinput7
++++ b/testdata/testinput7
+@@ -672,4 +672,14 @@ of case for anything other than the ASCII letters. --/
+ /^s?c/mi8I
+     scat
++/\D+\X \d+\X \S+\X \s+\X \W+\X \w+\X \C+\X \R+\X \H+\X \h+\X \V+\X \v+\X a+\X \n+\X .+\X/BZx
++/\X+\D \X+\d \X+\S \X+\s \X+\W \X+\w \X+. \X+\C \X+\R \X+\H \X+\h \X+\V \X+\v \X+\X \X+\Z \X+\z \X+$/BZx
+ /-- End of testinput7 --/
+diff --git a/testdata/testoutput6 b/testdata/testoutput6
+index 090d23f..c426efc 100644
+--- a/testdata/testoutput6
++++ b/testdata/testoutput6
+@@ -1338,15 +1338,15 @@ No match
+ /^[[:graph:]]*/8W
+     A\x{a1}\x{a0}
+- 0: A
++ 0: A\x{a1}
+ /^[[:print:]]*/8W
+     A z\x{a0}\x{a1}
+- 0: A z
++ 0: A z\x{a0}\x{a1}
+ /^[[:punct:]]*/8W
+     .+\x{a1}\x{a0}
+- 0: .+
++ 0: .+\x{a1}
+ /\p{Zs}*?\R/
+     ** Failers
+@@ -2138,4 +2138,284 @@ No match
+     scat
+  0: sc
++    Letter:ABC
++ 0: Letter:ABC
++    Mark:\x{300}\x{1d172}\x{1d17b}
++ 0: Mark:\x{300}\x{1d172}\x{1d17b}
++    Number:9\x{660}
++ 0: Number:9\x{660}
++    Punctuation:\x{66a},;
++ 0: Punctuation:\x{66a},;
++    Symbol:\x{6de}<>\x{fffc}
++ 0: Symbol:\x{6de}<>\x{fffc}
++    Cf-property:\x{ad}\x{600}\x{601}\x{602}\x{603}\x{604}\x{6dd}\x{70f}
++ 0: Cf-property:\x{ad}\x{600}\x{601}\x{602}\x{603}\x{604}\x{6dd}\x{70f}
++    \x{200b}\x{200c}\x{200d}\x{200e}\x{200f}
++ 0: \x{200b}\x{200c}\x{200d}\x{200e}\x{200f}
++    \x{202a}\x{202b}\x{202c}\x{202d}\x{202e}
++ 0: \x{202a}\x{202b}\x{202c}\x{202d}\x{202e}
++    \x{2060}\x{2061}\x{2062}\x{2063}\x{2064}
++ 0: \x{2060}\x{2061}\x{2062}\x{2063}\x{2064}
++    \x{206a}\x{206b}\x{206c}\x{206d}\x{206e}\x{206f}
++ 0: \x{206a}\x{206b}\x{206c}\x{206d}\x{206e}\x{206f}
++    \x{feff}
++ 0: \x{feff}
++    \x{fff9}\x{fffa}\x{fffb}
++ 0: \x{fff9}\x{fffa}\x{fffb}
++    \x{110bd}
++ 0: \x{110bd}
++    \x{1d173}\x{1d174}\x{1d175}\x{1d176}\x{1d177}\x{1d178}\x{1d179}\x{1d17a}
++ 0: \x{1d173}\x{1d174}\x{1d175}\x{1d176}\x{1d177}\x{1d178}\x{1d179}\x{1d17a}
++    \x{e0001}
++ 0: \x{e0001}
++    \x{e0020}\x{e0030}\x{e0040}\x{e0050}\x{e0060}\x{e0070}\x{e007f}
++ 0: \x{e0020}\x{e0030}\x{e0040}\x{e0050}\x{e0060}\x{e0070}\x{e007f}
++    ** Failers
++No match
++    \x{09}
++No match
++    \x{0a}
++No match
++    \x{1D}
++No match
++    \x{20}
++No match
++    \x{85}
++No match
++    \x{a0}
++No match
++    \x{61c}
++No match
++    \x{1680}
++No match
++    \x{180e}
++No match
++    \x{2028}
++No match
++    \x{2029}
++No match
++    \x{202f}
++No match
++    \x{2065}
++No match
++    \x{2066}
++No match
++    \x{2067}
++No match
++    \x{2068}
++No match
++    \x{2069}
++No match
++    \x{3000}
++No match
++    \x{e0002}
++No match
++    \x{e001f}
++No match
++    \x{e0080} 
++No match
++    Space: \x{a0}
++ 0: Space: \x{a0}
++    \x{1680}\x{2000}\x{2001}\x{2002}\x{2003}\x{2004}\x{2005}
++ 0: \x{1680}\x{2000}\x{2001}\x{2002}\x{2003}\x{2004}\x{2005}
++    \x{2006}\x{2007}\x{2008}\x{2009}\x{200a} 
++ 0: \x{2006}\x{2007}\x{2008}\x{2009}\x{200a}
++    \x{202f}\x{205f} 
++ 0: \x{202f}\x{205f}
++    \x{3000}
++ 0: \x{3000}
++    Letter:ABC
++ 0: Letter:ABC
++    Mark:\x{300}\x{1d172}\x{1d17b}
++ 0: Mark:\x{300}\x{1d172}\x{1d17b}
++    Number:9\x{660}
++ 0: Number:9\x{660}
++    Punctuation:\x{66a},;
++ 0: Punctuation:\x{66a},;
++    Symbol:\x{6de}<>\x{fffc}
++ 0: Symbol:\x{6de}<>\x{fffc}
++    Cf-property:\x{ad}\x{600}\x{601}\x{602}\x{603}\x{604}\x{6dd}\x{70f}
++ 0: Cf-property:\x{ad}\x{600}\x{601}\x{602}\x{603}\x{604}\x{6dd}\x{70f}
++    \x{180e}
++ 0: \x{180e}
++    \x{200b}\x{200c}\x{200d}\x{200e}\x{200f}
++ 0: \x{200b}\x{200c}\x{200d}\x{200e}\x{200f}
++    \x{202a}\x{202b}\x{202c}\x{202d}\x{202e}
++ 0: \x{202a}\x{202b}\x{202c}\x{202d}\x{202e}
++    \x{202f}
++ 0: \x{202f}
++    \x{2060}\x{2061}\x{2062}\x{2063}\x{2064}
++ 0: \x{2060}\x{2061}\x{2062}\x{2063}\x{2064}
++    \x{206a}\x{206b}\x{206c}\x{206d}\x{206e}\x{206f}
++ 0: \x{206a}\x{206b}\x{206c}\x{206d}\x{206e}\x{206f}
++    \x{feff}
++ 0: \x{feff}
++    \x{fff9}\x{fffa}\x{fffb}
++ 0: \x{fff9}\x{fffa}\x{fffb}
++    \x{110bd}
++ 0: \x{110bd}
++    \x{1d173}\x{1d174}\x{1d175}\x{1d176}\x{1d177}\x{1d178}\x{1d179}\x{1d17a}
++ 0: \x{1d173}\x{1d174}\x{1d175}\x{1d176}\x{1d177}\x{1d178}\x{1d179}\x{1d17a}
++    \x{e0001}
++ 0: \x{e0001}
++    \x{e0020}\x{e0030}\x{e0040}\x{e0050}\x{e0060}\x{e0070}\x{e007f}
++ 0: \x{e0020}\x{e0030}\x{e0040}\x{e0050}\x{e0060}\x{e0070}\x{e007f}
++    ** Failers
++ 0: ** Failers
++    \x{09}
++No match
++    \x{1D}
++No match
++    \x{85}
++No match
++    \x{61c}
++No match
++    \x{2028}
++No match
++    \x{2029}
++No match
++    \x{2065}
++No match
++    \x{2066}
++No match
++    \x{2067}
++No match
++    \x{2068}
++No match
++    \x{2069}
++No match
++    \x{e0002}
++No match
++    \x{e001f}
++No match
++    \x{e0080} 
++No match
++    \$+<=>^`|~
++ 0: $+<=>^`|~
++    !\"#%&'()*,-./:;?@[\\]_{}
++ 0: !"#%&'()*,-./:;?@[\]_{}
++    \x{a1}\x{a7}  
++ 0: \x{a1}\x{a7}
++    \x{37e} 
++ 0: \x{37e}
++    ** Failers
++No match
++    abcde  
++No match
++    \x{09}\x{0a}\x{1D}\x{20}\x{85}\x{a0}\x{61c}\x{1680}\x{180e}
++ 0: \x{09}\x{0a}\x{1d} \x{85}\x{a0}\x{61c}\x{1680}\x{180e}
++    \x{2028}\x{2029}\x{202f}\x{2065}\x{2066}\x{2067}\x{2068}\x{2069}
++ 0: \x{2028}\x{2029}\x{202f}\x{2065}\x{2066}\x{2067}\x{2068}\x{2069}
++    \x{3000}\x{e0002}\x{e001f}\x{e0080}
++ 0: \x{3000}\x{e0002}\x{e001f}\x{e0080}
++    ** Failers
++No match
++    Letter:ABC
++No match
++    Mark:\x{300}\x{1d172}\x{1d17b}
++No match
++    Number:9\x{660}
++No match
++    Punctuation:\x{66a},;
++No match
++    Symbol:\x{6de}<>\x{fffc}
++No match
++    Cf-property:\x{ad}\x{600}\x{601}\x{602}\x{603}\x{604}\x{6dd}\x{70f}
++No match
++    \x{200b}\x{200c}\x{200d}\x{200e}\x{200f}
++No match
++    \x{202a}\x{202b}\x{202c}\x{202d}\x{202e}
++No match
++    \x{2060}\x{2061}\x{2062}\x{2063}\x{2064}
++No match
++    \x{206a}\x{206b}\x{206c}\x{206d}\x{206e}\x{206f}
++No match
++    \x{feff}
++No match
++    \x{fff9}\x{fffa}\x{fffb}
++No match
++    \x{110bd}
++No match
++    \x{1d173}\x{1d174}\x{1d175}\x{1d176}\x{1d177}\x{1d178}\x{1d179}\x{1d17a}
++No match
++    \x{e0001}
++No match
++    \x{e0020}\x{e0030}\x{e0040}\x{e0050}\x{e0060}\x{e0070}\x{e007f}
++No match
++    \x{09}\x{1D}\x{85}\x{61c}\x{2028}\x{2029}\x{2065}\x{2066}\x{2067}
++ 0: \x{09}\x{1d}\x{85}\x{61c}\x{2028}\x{2029}\x{2065}\x{2066}\x{2067}
++    \x{2068}\x{2069}\x{e0002}\x{e001f}\x{e0080}
++ 0: \x{2068}\x{2069}\x{e0002}\x{e001f}\x{e0080}
++    ** Failers
++No match
++    Space: \x{a0}
++No match
++    \x{1680}\x{2000}\x{2001}\x{2002}\x{2003}\x{2004}\x{2005}
++No match
++    \x{2006}\x{2007}\x{2008}\x{2009}\x{200a} 
++No match
++    \x{202f}\x{205f} 
++No match
++    \x{3000}
++No match
++    Letter:ABC
++No match
++    Mark:\x{300}\x{1d172}\x{1d17b}
++No match
++    Number:9\x{660}
++No match
++    Punctuation:\x{66a},;
++No match
++    Symbol:\x{6de}<>\x{fffc}
++No match
++    Cf-property:\x{ad}\x{600}\x{601}\x{602}\x{603}\x{604}\x{6dd}\x{70f}
++No match
++    \x{180e}
++No match
++    \x{200b}\x{200c}\x{200d}\x{200e}\x{200f}
++No match
++    \x{202a}\x{202b}\x{202c}\x{202d}\x{202e}
++No match
++    \x{202f}
++No match
++    \x{2060}\x{2061}\x{2062}\x{2063}\x{2064}
++No match
++    \x{206a}\x{206b}\x{206c}\x{206d}\x{206e}\x{206f}
++No match
++    \x{feff}
++No match
++    \x{fff9}\x{fffa}\x{fffb}
++No match
++    \x{110bd}
++No match
++    \x{1d173}\x{1d174}\x{1d175}\x{1d176}\x{1d177}\x{1d178}\x{1d179}\x{1d17a}
++No match
++    \x{e0001}
++No match
++    \x{e0020}\x{e0030}\x{e0040}\x{e0050}\x{e0060}\x{e0070}\x{e007f}
++No match
++    abcde  
++ 0: abcde
++    ** Failers
++No match
++    \$+<=>^`|~
++No match
++    !\"#%&'()*,-./:;?@[\\]_{}
++No match
++    \x{a1}\x{a7}  
++No match
++    \x{37e} 
++No match
+ /-- End of testinput6 --/
+diff --git a/testdata/testoutput7 b/testdata/testoutput7
+index 5f0f546..e3f607c 100644
+--- a/testdata/testoutput7
++++ b/testdata/testoutput7
+@@ -820,7 +820,7 @@ No match
+ /[[:graph:]]/WBZ
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+         Bra
+-        [!-~]
++        [[:graph:]]
+         Ket
+         End
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -828,7 +828,7 @@ No match
+ /[[:print:]]/WBZ
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+         Bra
+-        [ -~]
++        [[:print:]]
+         Ket
+         End
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -836,7 +836,7 @@ No match
+ /[[:punct:]]/WBZ
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+         Bra
+-        [!-/:-@[-`{-~]
++        [[:punct:]]
+         Ket
+         End
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -1478,4 +1478,115 @@ Need char = 'c' (caseless)
+     scat
+  0: sc
++/\D+\X \d+\X \S+\X \s+\X \W+\X \w+\X \C+\X \R+\X \H+\X \h+\X \V+\X \v+\X a+\X \n+\X .+\X/BZx
++        Bra
++        \D+
++        extuni
++        \d+
++        extuni
++        \S+
++        extuni
++        \s+
++        extuni
++        \W+
++        extuni
++        \w+
++        extuni
++        AllAny+
++        extuni
++        \R+
++        extuni
++        \H+
++        extuni
++        \h+
++        extuni
++        \V+
++        extuni
++        \v+
++        extuni
++        a+
++        extuni
++        \x0a+
++        extuni
++        Any+
++        extuni
++        Ket
++        End
++        Bra
++        AllAny+
++        extuni
++        Ket
++        End
++        Bra
++        extuni+
++     /m $
++        Ket
++        End
++/\X+\D \X+\d \X+\S \X+\s \X+\W \X+\w \X+. \X+\C \X+\R \X+\H \X+\h \X+\V \X+\v \X+\X \X+\Z \X+\z \X+$/BZx
++        Bra
++        extuni+
++        \D
++        extuni+
++        \d
++        extuni+
++        \S
++        extuni+
++        \s
++        extuni+
++        \W
++        extuni+
++        \w
++        extuni+
++        Any
++        extuni+
++        AllAny
++        extuni+
++        \R
++        extuni+
++        \H
++        extuni+
++        \h
++        extuni+
++        \V
++        extuni+
++        \v
++        extuni+
++        extuni
++        extuni+
++        \Z
++        extuni+
++        \z
++        extuni+
++        $
++        Ket
++        End
++        Bra
++        prop Nd +
++        prop Xsp {0,5}
++        =
++        prop Xsp *
++        notprop Xsp ?
++        =
++        prop Xwd {0,4}
++        notprop Xwd *
++        Ket
++        End
+ /-- End of testinput7 --/
diff --git a/SOURCES/pcre-8.34-RC1-Fix-XCLASS-POSIX-types-in-JIT.patch b/SOURCES/pcre-8.34-RC1-Fix-XCLASS-POSIX-types-in-JIT.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b2cc99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/pcre-8.34-RC1-Fix-XCLASS-POSIX-types-in-JIT.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+From 2cadfa0ec8900bb784aa4c4171ad5aec0e9b7edf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: zherczeg <zherczeg@2f5784b3-3f2a-0410-8824-cb99058d5e15>
+Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 07:05:00 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH] Fix XCLASS POSIX types in JIT.
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+git-svn-id: svn://vcs.exim.org/pcre/code/trunk@1406 2f5784b3-3f2a-0410-8824-cb99058d5e15
+Signed-off-by: Petr Písař <ppisar@redhat.com>
+ pcre_jit_compile.c | 8 ++++----
+ 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/pcre_jit_compile.c b/pcre_jit_compile.c
+index c71b5a4..15555a6 100644
+--- a/pcre_jit_compile.c
++++ b/pcre_jit_compile.c
+@@ -4431,10 +4431,10 @@ while (*cc != XCL_END)
+       OP2(SLJIT_SUB | SLJIT_SET_U, SLJIT_UNUSED, 0, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 0x2069 - 0x2066);
+-      OP2(SLJIT_SUB | SLJIT_SET_U, SLJIT_UNUSED, 0, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 0x061c - 0x2066);
++      OP2(SLJIT_SUB | SLJIT_SET_E, SLJIT_UNUSED, 0, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 0x061c - 0x2066);
+-      OP2(SLJIT_SUB | SLJIT_SET_U, SLJIT_UNUSED, 0, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 0x180e - 0x2066);
++      OP2(SLJIT_SUB | SLJIT_SET_E, SLJIT_UNUSED, 0, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 0x180e - 0x2066);
+       JUMPHERE(jump);
+@@ -4447,7 +4447,7 @@ while (*cc != XCL_END)
+       OP2(SLJIT_SUB | SLJIT_SET_U, SLJIT_UNUSED, 0, typereg, 0, SLJIT_IMM, ucp_So - ucp_Ll);
+-      OP2(SLJIT_SUB | SLJIT_SET_U, SLJIT_UNUSED, 0, typereg, 0, SLJIT_IMM, ucp_Zs - ucp_Ll);
++      OP2(SLJIT_SUB | SLJIT_SET_E, SLJIT_UNUSED, 0, typereg, 0, SLJIT_IMM, ucp_Zs - ucp_Ll);
+       jump = CMP(SLJIT_C_NOT_EQUAL, typereg, 0, SLJIT_IMM, ucp_Cf - ucp_Ll);
+@@ -4457,7 +4457,7 @@ while (*cc != XCL_END)
+       OP2(SLJIT_SUB | SLJIT_SET_U, SLJIT_UNUSED, 0, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 0x2069 - 0x2066);
+-      OP2(SLJIT_SUB | SLJIT_SET_U, SLJIT_UNUSED, 0, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 0x061c - 0x2066);
++      OP2(SLJIT_SUB | SLJIT_SET_E, SLJIT_UNUSED, 0, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 0x061c - 0x2066);
+       JUMPHERE(jump);
diff --git a/SPECS/pcre.spec b/SPECS/pcre.spec
index 4f7d15f..771cffd 100644
--- a/SPECS/pcre.spec
+++ b/SPECS/pcre.spec
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 #%%global rcversion RC1
 Name: pcre
 Version: 8.32
-Release: %{?rcversion:0.}15%{?rcversion:.%rcversion}%{?dist}.1
+Release: %{?rcversion:0.}17%{?rcversion:.%rcversion}%{?dist}
 %global myversion %{version}%{?rcversion:-%rcversion}
 Summary: Perl-compatible regular expression library
 Group: System Environment/Libraries
@@ -47,41 +47,55 @@ Patch12: pcre-8.32-Fix-compiler-crash-misbehaviour-for-zero-repeated-gr.patch
 Patch13: pcre-8.32-Fix-bug-when-there-are-unset-groups-prior-to-ACCEPT-.patch
 # Fix static linking, bug #1217111, in upstream after 8.37-RC1
 Patch14: pcre-8.37-RC1-Fix-static-linking-issue-with-pkg-config.patch
-# Fix checking whether a group could match an empty string, bug #1330508,
+# Fix checking whether a group could match an empty string, bug #1330509,
 # in upstream after 8.33, needed for
 # Fix-compile-time-loop-for-recursive-reference-within.patch
 Patch15: pcre-8.32-Fix-checking-whether-a-group-could-match-an-empty-st.patch
 # Fix CVE-2015-2328 (infinite recursion compiling pattern with recursive
-# reference in a group with indefinite repeat), bug #1330508,
+# reference in a group with indefinite repeat), bug #1330509,
 # upstream bug #1515, in upstream after 8.35
 Patch16: pcre-8.32-Fix-compile-time-loop-for-recursive-reference-within.patch
-# Fix duplicate names memory calculation error, bug #1330508,
+# Fix duplicate names memory calculation error, bug #1330509,
 # in upstream after 8.37,
 # needed for Fix-buffer-overflow-for-named-references-in-situatio.patch
 Patch17: pcre-8.32-Fix-duplicate-names-memory-calculation-error.patch
 # Fix named forward reference to duplicate group number overflow bug,
-# bug #1330508, in upstream after 8.37,
+# bug #1330509, in upstream after 8.37,
 # needed for Fix-buffer-overflow-for-named-references-in-situatio.patch
 Patch18: pcre-8.32-Fix-named-forward-reference-to-duplicate-group-numbe.patch
 # Fix CVE-2015-8385 (buffer overflow caused by named forward reference to
-# duplicate group number), bug #1330508, in upstream after 8.37
+# duplicate group number), bug #1330509, in upstream after 8.37
 Patch19: pcre-8.32-Fix-buffer-overflow-for-named-references-in-situatio.patch
 # Fix CVE-2015-8386 (buffer overflow caused by lookbehind assertion),
-# bug #1330508, in upstream after 8.37
+# bug #1330509, in upstream after 8.37
 Patch20: pcre-8.32-Fix-buffer-overflow-for-lookbehind-within-mutually-r.patch
 # Fix CVE-2015-3217 (stack overflow caused by mishandled group empty match),
-# bug #1330508, in upstream after 8.37
+# bug #1330509, in upstream after 8.37
 Patch21: pcre-8.32-Fix-group-empty-match-bug.patch
 # Fix CVE-2015-5073 and CVE-2015-8388 (buffer overflow for forward reference
-# within backward assertion with excess closing parenthesis), bug #1330508,
+# within backward assertion with excess closing parenthesis), bug #1330509,
 # in upstream after 8.37
 Patch22: pcre-8.32-Fix-buffer-overflow-for-forward-reference-within-bac.patch
 # Fix CVE-2015-8391 (inefficient posix character class syntax check),
-# bug #1330508, in upstream after 8.37
+# bug #1330509, in upstream after 8.37
 Patch23: pcre-8.32-Fix-run-for-ever-bug-for-deeply-nested-sequences.patch
 # Fix CVE-2016-3191 (workspace overflow for (*ACCEPT) with deeply nested
-# parentheses), bug #1330508, in upstream after 8.38
+# parentheses), bug #1330509, in upstream after 8.38
 Patch24: pcre-8.32-Fix-workspace-overflow-for-ACCEPT-with-deeply-nested.patch
+# 1/3 Let [:graph:], [:print:], and [:punct:] POSIX classes to handle Unicode
+# characters in UCP mode to match Perl behavior, bug #1400267,
+# in upstream 8.34
+Patch25: pcre-8.32-Update-POSIX-class-handling-in-UCP-mode.patch
+# 2/3 Let [:graph:], [:print:], and [:punct:] POSIX classes to handle Unicode
+# characters in UCP mode with JIT, bug #1400267, in upstream 8.34
+Patch26: pcre-8.32-Add-support-for-PT_PXGRAPH-PT_PXPRINT-and-PT_PXPUNCT.patch
+# 3/3 Fix XCLASS POSIX JIT compilation, tests failed on 32-bit PowerPC,
+# bug #1400267, in upstream 8.34
+Patch27: pcre-8.34-RC1-Fix-XCLASS-POSIX-types-in-JIT.patch
+# Fix matching Unicode ranges in JIT mode, bug #1402288, in upstream 8.35
+Patch28: pcre-8.32-A-new-flag-is-set-when-property-checks-are-present-i.patch
+# git required for A-new-flag-is-set-when-property-checks-are-present-i.patch
+BuildRequires: git
 BuildRequires: readline-devel
 # New libtool to get rid of rpath
 BuildRequires: autoconf, automake, libtool
@@ -146,6 +160,11 @@ Utilities demonstrating PCRE capabilities like pcregrep or pcretest.
 %patch22 -p1 -b .CVE-2015-5073
 %patch23 -p1 -b .deeply_nested_bracket_colon
 %patch24 -p1 -b .accept_with_nested_parentheses
+%patch25 -p1 -b .posix_classes_in_ucp
+%patch26 -p1 -b .posix_classes_in_ucp_jit
+%patch27 -p1 -b .posix_classes_in_ucp_jit_types
+# Apply a Git binary patch
+git --work-tree=. apply %{PATCH28}
 # Because of rpath patch
 libtoolize --copy --force && autoreconf -vif
 # One contributor's name is non-UTF-8
@@ -215,21 +234,26 @@ make check VERBOSE=yes
-* Wed Apr 27 2016 Petr Pisar <ppisar@redhat.com> - 8.32-15.1
+* Tue Dec 06 2016 Petr Pisar <ppisar@redhat.com> - 8.32-17
+- Let [:graph:], [:print:], and [:punct:] POSIX classes to handle Unicode
+  characters in UCP mode to match Perl behavior (bug #1400267)
+- Fix matching Unicode ranges in JIT mode (bug #1402288)
+* Wed Apr 27 2016 Petr Pisar <ppisar@redhat.com> - 8.32-16
 - Fix CVE-2015-2328 (infinite recursion compiling pattern with recursive
-  reference in a group with indefinite repeat) (bug #1330508)
+  reference in a group with indefinite repeat) (bug #1330509)
 - Fix CVE-2015-8385 (buffer overflow caused by named forward reference to
-  duplicate group number) (bug #1330508)
+  duplicate group number) (bug #1330509)
 - Fix CVE-2015-8386 (buffer overflow caused by lookbehind assertion)
-  (bug #1330508)
+  (bug #1330509)
 - Fix CVE-2015-3217 (stack overflow caused by mishandled group empty match)
-  (bug #1330508)
+  (bug #1330509)
 - Fix CVE-2015-5073 and CVE-2015-8388 (buffer overflow for forward reference
-  within backward assertion with excess closing parenthesis) (bug #1330508)
+  within backward assertion with excess closing parenthesis) (bug #1330509)
 - Fix CVE-2015-8391 (inefficient posix character class syntax check)
-  (bug #1330508)
+  (bug #1330509)
 - Fix CVE-2016-3191 (workspace overflow for (*ACCEPT) with deeply nested
-  parentheses) (bug #1330508)
+  parentheses) (bug #1330509)
 * Wed Apr 29 2015 Petr Pisar <ppisar@redhat.com> - 8.32-15
 - Fix compiling expression where start-anchored character with more than one