Blob Blame History Raw
commit 6b3f1e2e65db9d6fe229ccda22567a80d14efc3c
Author: Andrew Beekhof <>
Date:   Thu Jan 30 08:23:35 2014 +1100

    Fix: Bug rhbz#1057697 - Use native DBus library for systemd support to avoid problematic use of threads
    (cherry picked from commit 24404bfa83f32357e8fa2d7e80b1dd7c6a893244)

diff --git a/ b/
index b94c26e..628f46f 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1157,20 +1157,22 @@ AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(BUILD_VERSION, "$BUILD_VERSION", Build version)
-PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GIO, gio-2.0, ,HAVE_gio=0)
+PKG_CHECK_MODULES(DBUS, dbus-1, ,HAVE_dbus=0)
-AC_CHECK_TYPE([GDBusProxy],,,[[#include <gio/gio.h>]])
-if test x$ac_cv_type_GDBusProxy != xyes; then
-   HAVE_gio=0
-   AC_MSG_WARN(Unable to support systemd/upstart. You need to use glib >= 2.26)
+if test $HAVE_dbus = 1; then
+   CFLAGS="$CFLAGS `$PKGCONFIG --cflags dbus-1`"
-if test $HAVE_gio = 1 -a "x${enable_upstart}" != xno; then
-   HAVE_upstart=1
+DBUS_LIBS="$CFLAGS `$PKGCONFIG --libs dbus-1`"
+AC_CHECK_TYPES([DBusBasicValue],,,[[#include <dbus/dbus.h>]])
+if test $HAVE_dbus = 1 -a "x${enable_upstart}" != xno; then
+   HAVE_upstart=0
@@ -1186,7 +1188,7 @@ else
-if test $HAVE_gio = 1 -a "x${enable_systemd}" != xno; then
+if test $HAVE_dbus = 1 -a "x${enable_systemd}" != xno; then
    if test -n "$systemdunitdir" -a "x$systemdunitdir" != xno; then
diff --git a/include/portability.h b/include/portability.h
index b0f9f1c..29d1177 100644
--- a/include/portability.h
+++ b/include/portability.h
@@ -177,6 +177,48 @@ g_list_free_full(GList * list, GDestroyNotify free_func)
 #  endif
+#    include <dbus/dbus.h>
+ * An 8-byte struct you could use to access int64 without having
+ * int64 support
+ */
+typedef struct
+  dbus_uint32_t first32;  /**< first 32 bits in the 8 bytes (beware endian issues) */
+  dbus_uint32_t second32; /**< second 32 bits in the 8 bytes (beware endian issues) */
+} DBus8ByteStruct;
+ * A simple value union that lets you access bytes as if they
+ * were various types; useful when dealing with basic types via
+ * void pointers and varargs.
+ *
+ * This union also contains a pointer member (which can be used
+ * to retrieve a string from dbus_message_iter_get_basic(), for
+ * instance), so on future platforms it could conceivably be larger
+ * than 8 bytes.
+ */
+typedef union
+  unsigned char bytes[8]; /**< as 8 individual bytes */
+  dbus_int16_t  i16;   /**< as int16 */
+  dbus_uint16_t u16;   /**< as int16 */
+  dbus_int32_t  i32;   /**< as int32 */
+  dbus_uint32_t u32;   /**< as int32 */
+  dbus_bool_t   bool_val; /**< as boolean */
+#    ifdef DBUS_HAVE_INT64
+  dbus_int64_t  i64;   /**< as int64 */
+  dbus_uint64_t u64;   /**< as int64 */
+#    endif
+  DBus8ByteStruct eight; /**< as 8-byte struct */
+  double dbl;          /**< as double */
+  unsigned char byt;   /**< as byte */
+  char *str;           /**< as char* (string, object path or signature) */
+  int fd;              /**< as Unix file descriptor */
+} DBusBasicValue;
+#  endif
 /* Replacement error codes for non-linux */
 #  ifndef ENOTUNIQ
 #    define ENOTUNIQ  190
diff --git a/lib/services/ b/lib/services/
index 67d7237..6ed4d01 100644
--- a/lib/services/
+++ b/lib/services/
@@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ INCLUDES         = -I$(top_builddir)/include
 noinst_HEADERS  = upstart.h systemd.h services_private.h
-libcrmservice_la_SOURCES = services.c services_linux.c
+libcrmservice_la_SOURCES = services.c services_linux.c dbus.c
 libcrmservice_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info 1:0:0
 libcrmservice_la_CFLAGS  = $(GIO_CFLAGS) -DOCF_ROOT_DIR=\"@OCF_ROOT_DIR@\"
-libcrmservice_la_LIBADD  = $(GIO_LIBS) $(top_builddir)/lib/common/
+libcrmservice_la_LIBADD  = $(GIO_LIBS) $(top_builddir)/lib/common/ $(DBUS_LIBS)
 libcrmservice_la_SOURCES += upstart.c
diff --git a/lib/services/dbus.c b/lib/services/dbus.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69ea6ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/services/dbus.c
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+#include <crm_internal.h>
+#include <crm/crm.h>
+#include <crm/services.h>
+#include <dbus/dbus.h>
+#include <pcmk-dbus.h>
+static bool pcmk_dbus_error_check(DBusError *err, const char *prefix, const char *function, int line) 
+    if (err && dbus_error_is_set(err)) {
+        do_crm_log_alias(LOG_ERR, __FILE__, function, line, "%s: DBus error '%s'", prefix, err->message);
+        dbus_error_free(err);
+        return TRUE;
+    }
+    return FALSE;
+DBusConnection *pcmk_dbus_connect(void)
+    DBusError err;
+    DBusConnection *connection;
+    dbus_error_init(&err);
+    connection = dbus_bus_get(DBUS_BUS_SYSTEM, &err);
+    pcmk_dbus_error_check(&err, "Could not connect to System DBus", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+    return connection;
+void pcmk_dbus_disconnect(DBusConnection *connection)
+bool pcmk_dbus_append_arg(DBusMessage *msg, int dtype, const void *value)
+    DBusMessageIter args;
+    dbus_message_iter_init_append(msg, &args);
+    if (!dbus_message_iter_append_basic(&args, dtype, value)) {
+        crm_err("dbus_message_iter_append_basic(%c) failed", dtype);
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    return TRUE;
+DBusMessage *pcmk_dbus_send_recv(DBusMessage *msg, DBusConnection *connection, char **e)
+    DBusError error;
+    const char *method = NULL;
+    DBusMessage *reply = NULL;
+    DBusPendingCall* pending = NULL;
+    dbus_error_init(&error);
+    CRM_ASSERT(dbus_message_get_type (msg) == DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_METHOD_CALL);
+    method = dbus_message_get_member (msg);
+    // send message and get a handle for a reply
+    if (!dbus_connection_send_with_reply (connection, msg, &pending, -1)) { // -1 is default timeout
+        crm_err("Send with reply failed");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if (NULL == pending) {
+        crm_err("No pending call found");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    dbus_connection_flush(connection);
+    /* block until we receive a reply */
+    dbus_pending_call_block(pending);
+    /* get the reply message */
+    reply = dbus_pending_call_steal_reply(pending);
+    if(reply == NULL) {
+ = "org.clusterlabs.pacemaker.NoReply";
+        error.message = "No reply";
+    } else {
+        DBusMessageIter args;
+        int dtype = dbus_message_get_type(reply);
+        switch(dtype) {
+                dbus_message_iter_init(reply, &args);
+                crm_trace("Call to %s returned '%s'", method, dbus_message_iter_get_signature(&args));
+                break;
+            case DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_INVALID:
+                error.message = "Invalid reply";
+       = "org.clusterlabs.pacemaker.InvalidReply";
+                crm_err("Error processing %s response: %s", method, error.message);
+                break;
+                error.message = "Invalid reply (method call)";
+       = "org.clusterlabs.pacemaker.InvalidReply.Method";
+                crm_err("Error processing %s response: %s", method, error.message);
+                break;
+            case DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_SIGNAL:
+                error.message = "Invalid reply (signal)";
+       = "org.clusterlabs.pacemaker.InvalidReply.Signal";
+                crm_err("Error processing %s response: %s", method, error.message);
+                break;
+            case DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR:
+                dbus_set_error_from_message (&error, reply);
+                crm_err("%s error '%s': %s", method,, error.message);
+                break;
+            default:
+                error.message = "Unknown reply type";
+       = "org.clusterlabs.pacemaker.InvalidReply.Type";
+                crm_err("Error processing %s response: %s (%d)", method, error.message, dtype);
+        }
+    }
+    if( {
+        if(e) {
+            *e = strdup(;
+        }
+        if(reply) {
+            dbus_message_unref(reply);
+            reply = NULL;
+        }
+    } else if(e) {
+        *e = NULL;
+    }
+    /* free the pending message handle */
+    dbus_pending_call_unref(pending);
+    return reply;
+bool pcmk_dbus_type_check(DBusMessage *msg, DBusMessageIter *field, int expected, const char *function, int line)
+    int dtype = dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(field);
+    if(dtype != expected) {
+        DBusMessageIter args;
+        dbus_message_iter_init(msg, &args);
+        do_crm_log_alias(LOG_ERR, __FILE__, function, line,
+                         "Unexepcted DBus type, expected %c instead of %c in '%s'",
+                         expected, dtype, dbus_message_iter_get_signature(&args));
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    return TRUE;
+#define BUS_PROPERTY_IFACE "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties"
+char *
+    DBusConnection *connection, const char *target, const char *obj, const gchar * iface, const char *name)
+    DBusMessage *msg;
+    DBusMessageIter args;
+    DBusMessageIter dict;
+    DBusMessage *reply = NULL;
+    /* DBusBasicValue value; */
+    const char *method = "GetAll";
+    char *output = NULL;
+    char *error = NULL;
+        /* desc = systemd_unit_property(path, BUS_NAME ".Unit", "Description"); */
+    crm_info("Calling: %s on %s", method, target);
+    msg = dbus_message_new_method_call(target, // target for the method call
+                                       obj, // object to call on
+                                       BUS_PROPERTY_IFACE, // interface to call on
+                                       method); // method name
+    if (NULL == msg) {
+        crm_err("Call to %s failed: No message", method);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    pcmk_dbus_append_arg(msg, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &iface);
+    reply = pcmk_dbus_send_recv(msg, connection, &error);
+    dbus_message_unref(msg);
+    if(reply == NULL) {
+        crm_err("Call to %s for %s failed: No reply", method, iface);
+        return NULL;
+    } else if (!dbus_message_iter_init(reply, &args)) {
+        crm_err("Cannot get properties for %s from %s", obj, iface);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if(!pcmk_dbus_type_check(reply, &args, DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__)) {
+        crm_err("Call to %s failed: Message has invalid arguments", method);
+        dbus_message_unref(reply);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    dbus_message_iter_recurse(&args, &dict);
+    while (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type (&dict) != DBUS_TYPE_INVALID) {
+        DBusMessageIter sv;
+        DBusMessageIter v;
+        DBusBasicValue value;
+        if(!pcmk_dbus_type_check(reply, &dict, DBUS_TYPE_DICT_ENTRY, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__)) {
+            dbus_message_iter_next (&dict);
+            continue;
+        }
+        dbus_message_iter_recurse(&dict, &sv);
+        while (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type (&sv) != DBUS_TYPE_INVALID) {
+            int dtype = dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&sv);
+            switch(dtype) {
+                case DBUS_TYPE_STRING:
+                    dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&sv, &value);
+                    crm_trace("Got: %s", value.str);
+                    if(strcmp(value.str, name) != 0) {
+                        dbus_message_iter_next (&sv); /* Skip the value */
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case DBUS_TYPE_VARIANT:
+                    dbus_message_iter_recurse(&sv, &v);
+                    if(pcmk_dbus_type_check(reply, &v, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__)) {
+                        dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&v, &value);
+                        crm_trace("Result: %s", value.str);
+                        output = strdup(value.str);
+                    }
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    pcmk_dbus_type_check(reply, &sv, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+            }
+            dbus_message_iter_next (&sv);
+        }
+        dbus_message_iter_next (&dict);
+    }
+    crm_trace("Property %s[%s] is '%s'", obj, name, output);
+    return output;
+int dbus_watch_get_unix_fd	(	DBusWatch * 	watch	);
+/* */
+DBUS_EXPORT dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_set_watch_functions(
+    DBusConnection * 	connection,
+    DBusAddWatchFunction 	add_function,
+    DBusRemoveWatchFunction 	remove_function,
+    DBusWatchToggledFunction 	toggled_function,
+    void * 	data,
+    DBusFreeFunction 	free_data_function 
+    );
diff --git a/lib/services/pcmk-dbus.h b/lib/services/pcmk-dbus.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27ac737
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/services/pcmk-dbus.h
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+DBusConnection *pcmk_dbus_connect(void);
+void pcmk_dbus_disconnect(DBusConnection *connection);
+DBusMessage *pcmk_dbus_send_recv(DBusMessage *msg, DBusConnection *connection, char **error);
+bool pcmk_dbus_append_arg(DBusMessage *msg, int dtype, const void *value);
+bool pcmk_dbus_type_check(DBusMessage *msg, DBusMessageIter *field, int expected, const char *function, int line);
+char *pcmk_dbus_get_property(DBusConnection *connection, const char *target, const char *obj, const gchar * iface, const char *name);
diff --git a/lib/services/systemd.c b/lib/services/systemd.c
index ea804c8..9aa5b03 100644
--- a/lib/services/systemd.c
+++ b/lib/services/systemd.c
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
 #include <gio/gio.h>
 #include <services_private.h>
 #include <systemd.h>
+#include <dbus/dbus.h>
+#include <pcmk-dbus.h>
 #define BUS_NAME "org.freedesktop.systemd1"
 #define BUS_PATH "/org/freedesktop/systemd1"
@@ -47,42 +49,26 @@ struct unit_info {
     const char *job_path;
-static GDBusProxy *systemd_proxy = NULL;
-static GDBusProxy *
-get_proxy(const char *path, const char *interface)
+static DBusMessage *systemd_new_method(const char *iface, const char *method)
-    GError *error = NULL;
-    GDBusProxy *proxy = NULL;
-#ifndef GLIB_DEPRECATED_IN_2_36
-    g_type_init();
-    if (path == NULL) {
-        path = BUS_PATH;
-    }
-    proxy = g_dbus_proxy_new_for_bus_sync(G_BUS_TYPE_SYSTEM, G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_NONE, NULL,     /* GDBusInterfaceInfo */
-                                          BUS_NAME, path, interface,
-                                          NULL, /* GCancellable */ &error);
-    if (error) {
-        crm_err("Can't connect obtain proxy to %s interface: %s", interface, error->message);
-        g_error_free(error);
-        proxy = NULL;
-    }
-    return proxy;
+    crm_trace("Calling: %s on %s", method, iface);
+    return dbus_message_new_method_call(BUS_NAME, // target for the method call
+                                        BUS_PATH, // object to call on
+                                        iface, // interface to call on
+                                        method); // method name
+static DBusConnection* systemd_proxy = NULL;
 static gboolean
     static int need_init = 1;
+    /* */
     if (need_init) {
         need_init = 0;
-        systemd_proxy = get_proxy(NULL, BUS_NAME ".Manager");
+        systemd_proxy = pcmk_dbus_connect();
     if (systemd_proxy == NULL) {
         return FALSE;
@@ -94,7 +80,7 @@ void
     if (systemd_proxy) {
-        g_object_unref(systemd_proxy);
+        pcmk_dbus_disconnect(systemd_proxy);
         systemd_proxy = NULL;
@@ -112,130 +98,87 @@ systemd_service_name(const char *name)
     return g_strdup_printf("%s.service", name);
-static void
-systemd_daemon_reload(GDBusProxy * proxy, GError ** error)
+static bool
-    GVariant *_ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync(proxy, "Reload", g_variant_new("()"),
-                                            G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, -1, NULL, error);
-    if (_ret) {
-        g_variant_unref(_ret);
+    const char *method = "Reload";
+    DBusMessage *reply = NULL;
+    DBusMessage *msg = systemd_new_method(BUS_NAME".Manager", method);
+    CRM_ASSERT(msg != NULL);
+    reply = pcmk_dbus_send_recv(msg, systemd_proxy, NULL);
+    dbus_message_unref(msg);
+    if(reply) {
+        dbus_message_unref(reply);
+    return TRUE;
 static gboolean
-systemd_unit_by_name(GDBusProxy * proxy,
-                     const gchar * arg_name,
-                     gchar ** out_unit, GCancellable * cancellable, GError ** error)
+systemd_unit_by_name(const gchar * arg_name, gchar ** out_unit)
-    GError *reload_error = NULL;
-    GVariant *_ret = NULL;
+    DBusMessage *msg;
+    DBusMessageIter args;
+    DBusMessage *reply = NULL;
+    const char *method = "GetUnit";
     char *name = NULL;
-    int retry = 0;
+    char *error = NULL;
-  "  <method name=\"GetUnit\">\n"                                 \
-  "   <arg name=\"name\" type=\"s\" direction=\"in\"/>\n"         \
-  "   <arg name=\"unit\" type=\"o\" direction=\"out\"/>\n"        \
-  "  </method>\n"                                                 \
-    name = systemd_service_name(arg_name);
-    crm_debug("Calling GetUnit");
-    _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync(proxy, "GetUnit", g_variant_new("(s)", name),
-                                  G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, -1, cancellable, error);
-    if (_ret) {
-        crm_debug("Checking output");
-        g_variant_get(_ret, "(o)", out_unit);
-        crm_debug("%s = %s", arg_name, *out_unit);
-        g_variant_unref(_ret);
-        goto done;
-    }
-    crm_debug("Reloading the systemd manager configuration");
-    systemd_daemon_reload(proxy, &reload_error);
-    retry++;
-    if (reload_error) {
-        crm_err("Cannot reload the systemd manager configuration: %s", reload_error->message);
-        g_error_free(reload_error);
-        goto done;
-    }
-    if (*error) {
-        crm_debug("Cannot find %s: %s", name, (*error)->message);
-        g_error_free(*error);
-        *error = NULL;
-    }
+  <method name="GetUnit">
+   <arg name="name" type="s" direction="in"/>
+   <arg name="unit" type="o" direction="out"/>
+  </method>
   <method name="LoadUnit">
    <arg name="name" type="s" direction="in"/>
    <arg name="unit" type="o" direction="out"/>
-    crm_debug("Calling LoadUnit");
-    _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync(proxy, "LoadUnit", g_variant_new("(s)", name),
-                                  G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, -1, cancellable, error);
-    if (_ret) {
-        crm_debug("Checking output");
-        g_variant_get(_ret, "(o)", out_unit);
-        crm_debug("%s = %s", arg_name, *out_unit);
-        g_variant_unref(_ret);
-    }
+    name = systemd_service_name(arg_name);
-  done:
-    free(name);
-    return _ret != NULL;
+    while(*out_unit == NULL) {
+        msg = systemd_new_method(BUS_NAME".Manager", method);
+        CRM_ASSERT(msg != NULL);
-static char *
-systemd_unit_property(const char *obj, const gchar * iface, const char *name)
-    GError *error = NULL;
-    GDBusProxy *proxy;
-    GVariant *asv = NULL;
-    GVariant *value = NULL;
-    GVariant *_ret = NULL;
-    char *output = NULL;
+        pcmk_dbus_append_arg(msg, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &name);
-    crm_trace("Calling GetAll on %s", obj);
-    proxy = get_proxy(obj, BUS_PROPERTY_IFACE);
+        reply = pcmk_dbus_send_recv(msg, systemd_proxy, &error);
+        dbus_message_unref(msg);
-    if (!proxy) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
+        if(error) {
+            crm_info("Call to %s failed: %s", method, error);
+            free(error);
+            error = NULL;
-    _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync(proxy, "GetAll", g_variant_new("(s)", iface),
-                                  G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, -1, NULL, &error);
+        } else if (dbus_message_iter_init(reply, &args)) {
-    if (error) {
-        crm_err("Cannot get properties for %s: %s", g_dbus_proxy_get_object_path(proxy),
-                error->message);
-        g_error_free(error);
-        g_object_unref(proxy);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    crm_debug("Call to GetAll passed: type '%s' %d\n", g_variant_get_type_string(_ret),
-             g_variant_n_children(_ret));
+            if(pcmk_dbus_type_check(reply, &args, DBUS_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__)) {
+                DBusBasicValue value;
-    asv = g_variant_get_child_value(_ret, 0);
-    crm_trace("asv type '%s' %d\n", g_variant_get_type_string(asv), g_variant_n_children(asv));
+                dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&args, &value);
+                *out_unit = strdup(value.str);
+                dbus_message_unref(reply);
+                free(name);
+                return TRUE;
+            }
+        }
-    value = g_variant_lookup_value(asv, name, NULL);
-    if (value && g_variant_is_of_type(value, G_VARIANT_TYPE_STRING)) {
-        crm_info("Got value '%s' for %s[%s]", g_variant_get_string(value, NULL), obj, name);
-        output = g_variant_dup_string(value, NULL);
+        if(strcmp(method, "LoadUnit") != 0) {
+            method = "LoadUnit";
+            crm_debug("Cannot find %s, reloading the systemd manager configuration", name);
+            systemd_daemon_reload();
+            if(reply) {
+                dbus_message_unref(reply);
+            }
-    } else {
-        crm_info("No value for %s[%s]", obj, name);
+        } else {
+            free(name);
+            return FALSE;
+        }
-    g_object_unref(proxy);
-    g_variant_unref(_ret);
-    return output;
+    return FALSE;
 GList *
@@ -243,11 +186,13 @@ systemd_unit_listall(void)
     int lpc = 0;
     GList *units = NULL;
-    GError *error = NULL;
-    GVariant *out_units = NULL;
-    GVariantIter iter;
-    struct unit_info u;
-    GVariant *_ret = NULL;
+    DBusMessageIter args;
+    DBusMessageIter unit;
+    DBusMessageIter elem;
+    DBusMessage *msg = NULL;
+    DBusMessage *reply = NULL;
+    const char *method = "ListUnits";
+    char *error = NULL;
     if (systemd_init() == FALSE) {
         return NULL;
@@ -259,40 +204,60 @@ systemd_unit_listall(void)
         "  </method>\n"                                                 \
-    _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync(systemd_proxy, "ListUnits", g_variant_new("()"),
-                                  G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, -1, NULL, &error);
+    msg = systemd_new_method(BUS_NAME".Manager", method);
+    CRM_ASSERT(msg != NULL);
-    if (error || _ret == NULL) {
-        crm_info("Call to ListUnits failed: %s", error ? error->message : "unknown");
-        if(error) {
-            g_error_free(error);
-        }
+    reply = pcmk_dbus_send_recv(msg, systemd_proxy, &error);
+    dbus_message_unref(msg);
+    if(error) {
+        crm_err("Call to %s failed: %s", method, error);
+        free(error);
+        return NULL;
+    } else if (!dbus_message_iter_init(reply, &args)) {
+        crm_err("Call to %s failed: Message has no arguments", method);
+        dbus_message_unref(reply);
         return NULL;
-    g_variant_get(_ret, "(@a(ssssssouso))", &out_units);
-    g_variant_iter_init(&iter, out_units);
-    while (g_variant_iter_loop(&iter, "(ssssssouso)",
-                               &,
-                               &u.description,
-                               &u.load_state,
-                               &u.active_state,
-                               &u.sub_state,
-                               &u.following, &u.unit_path, &u.job_id, &u.job_type, &u.job_path)) {
-        char *match = strstr(, ".service");
-        if (match) {
-            lpc++;
-            match[0] = 0;
-            crm_trace("Got %s[%s] = %s",, u.active_state, u.description);
-            units = g_list_append(units, strdup(;
+    if(!pcmk_dbus_type_check(reply, &args, DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__)) {
+        crm_err("Call to %s failed: Message has invalid arguments", method);
+        dbus_message_unref(reply);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    dbus_message_iter_recurse(&args, &unit);
+    while (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type (&unit) != DBUS_TYPE_INVALID) {
+        DBusBasicValue value;
+        if(!pcmk_dbus_type_check(reply, &unit, DBUS_TYPE_STRUCT, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__)) {
+            continue;
+        dbus_message_iter_recurse(&unit, &elem);
+        if(!pcmk_dbus_type_check(reply, &elem, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__)) {
+            continue;
+        }
+        dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&elem, &value);
+        crm_trace("Got: %s", value.str);
+        if(value.str) {
+            char *match = strstr(value.str, ".service");
+            if (match) {
+                lpc++;
+                match[0] = 0;
+                units = g_list_append(units, strdup(value.str));
+            }
+        }
+        dbus_message_iter_next (&unit);
-    crm_info("Call to ListUnits passed: type '%s' count %d", g_variant_get_type_string(out_units),
-             lpc);
-    g_variant_unref(_ret);
+    dbus_message_unref(reply);
+    crm_trace("Found %d systemd services", lpc);
     return units;
@@ -300,26 +265,18 @@ gboolean
 systemd_unit_exists(const char *name)
     char *path = NULL;
-    GError *error = NULL;
     gboolean pass = FALSE;
     if (systemd_init() == FALSE) {
         return FALSE;
-    pass = systemd_unit_by_name(systemd_proxy, name, &path, NULL, &error);
-    if (error || pass == FALSE) {
-        pass = FALSE;
-        crm_err("Call to ListUnits failed: %s", error ? error->message : "unknown");
-        if(error) {
-            g_error_free(error);
-        }
-    } else {
+    if(systemd_unit_by_name(name, &path) && path) {
         crm_trace("Got %s", path);
+        pass = TRUE;
-    /* free(path) */
+    free(path);
     return pass;
@@ -329,11 +286,10 @@ systemd_unit_metadata(const char *name)
     char *path = NULL;
     char *meta = NULL;
     char *desc = NULL;
-    GError *error = NULL;
-    if (systemd_unit_by_name(systemd_proxy, name, &path, NULL, &error)) {
-        desc = systemd_unit_property(path, BUS_NAME ".Unit", "Description");
+    if (systemd_unit_by_name(name, &path)) {
+        desc = pcmk_dbus_get_property(systemd_proxy, BUS_NAME, path, BUS_NAME ".Unit", "Description");
     } else {
         desc = g_strdup_printf("systemd unit file for %s", name);
@@ -362,6 +318,7 @@ systemd_unit_metadata(const char *name)
     return meta;
+#if 0
 static void
 systemd_unit_exec_done(GObject * source_object, GAsyncResult * res, gpointer user_data)
@@ -411,19 +368,23 @@ systemd_unit_exec_done(GObject * source_object, GAsyncResult * res, gpointer use
 #define SYSTEMD_OVERRIDE_ROOT "/run/systemd/system/"
 systemd_unit_exec(svc_action_t * op, gboolean synchronous)
+    char *error = NULL;
     char *unit = NULL;
-    GError *error = NULL;
+    const char *replace_s = "replace";
     gboolean pass = FALSE;
-    GVariant *_ret = NULL;
-    const char *action = op->action;
+    const char *method = op->action;
     char *name = systemd_service_name(op->agent);
+    DBusMessage *msg = NULL;
+    DBusMessage *reply = NULL;
+    DBusMessageIter args;
@@ -436,22 +397,20 @@ systemd_unit_exec(svc_action_t * op, gboolean synchronous)
         goto cleanup;
-    pass = systemd_unit_by_name(systemd_proxy, op->agent, &unit, NULL, &error);
-    if (error || pass == FALSE) {
-        crm_debug("Could not obtain unit named '%s': %s", op->agent,
-                  error ? error->message : "unknown");
+    pass = systemd_unit_by_name(op->agent, &unit);
+    if (pass == FALSE) {
+        crm_debug("Could not obtain unit named '%s'", op->agent);
+#if 0
         if (error && strstr(error->message, "systemd1.NoSuchUnit")) {
             op->rc = PCMK_OCF_NOT_INSTALLED;
             op->status = PCMK_LRM_OP_NOT_INSTALLED;
-        if(error) {
-            g_error_free(error);
-        }
         goto cleanup;
-    if (safe_str_eq(op->action, "monitor") || safe_str_eq(action, "status")) {
-        char *state = systemd_unit_property(unit, BUS_NAME ".Unit", "ActiveState");
+    if (safe_str_eq(op->action, "monitor") || safe_str_eq(method, "status")) {
+        char *state = pcmk_dbus_get_property(systemd_proxy, BUS_NAME, unit, BUS_NAME ".Unit", "ActiveState");
         if (g_strcmp0(state, "active") == 0) {
             op->rc = PCMK_OCF_OK;
@@ -462,12 +421,12 @@ systemd_unit_exec(svc_action_t * op, gboolean synchronous)
         goto cleanup;
-    } else if (g_strcmp0(action, "start") == 0) {
+    } else if (g_strcmp0(method, "start") == 0) {
         FILE *file_strm = NULL;
         char *override_dir = g_strdup_printf("%s/%s", SYSTEMD_OVERRIDE_ROOT, unit);
         char *override_file = g_strdup_printf("%s/50-pacemaker.conf", override_dir);
-        action = "StartUnit";
+        method = "StartUnit";
         crm_build_path(override_dir, 0755);
         file_strm = fopen(override_file, "w");
@@ -485,74 +444,85 @@ systemd_unit_exec(svc_action_t * op, gboolean synchronous)
-        systemd_daemon_reload(systemd_proxy, &error);
-        if(error) {
-            g_error_free(error);
-        }
+        systemd_daemon_reload();
-    } else if (g_strcmp0(action, "stop") == 0) {
+    } else if (g_strcmp0(method, "stop") == 0) {
         char *override_file = g_strdup_printf("%s/%s/50-pacemaker.conf", SYSTEMD_OVERRIDE_ROOT, unit);
-        action = "StopUnit";
+        method = "StopUnit";
-        systemd_daemon_reload(systemd_proxy, &error);
-        if(error) {
-            g_error_free(error);
-        }
+        systemd_daemon_reload();
-    } else if (g_strcmp0(action, "restart") == 0) {
-        action = "RestartUnit";
+    } else if (g_strcmp0(method, "restart") == 0) {
+        method = "RestartUnit";
     } else {
         goto cleanup;
-    crm_debug("Calling %s for %s: %s", action, op->rsc, unit);
+    crm_debug("Calling %s for %s: %s", method, op->rsc, unit);
+#if 0
     if (synchronous == FALSE) {
-        g_dbus_proxy_call(systemd_proxy, action, g_variant_new("(ss)", name, "replace"),
+        g_dbus_proxy_call(systemd_proxy, method, g_variant_new("(ss)", name, "replace"),
                           G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, op->timeout, NULL, systemd_unit_exec_done, op);
         return TRUE;
-    _ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync(systemd_proxy, action, g_variant_new("(ss)", name, "replace"),
-                                  G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, op->timeout, NULL, &error);
+    msg = systemd_new_method(BUS_NAME".Manager", method);
+    CRM_ASSERT(msg != NULL);
-    if (error) {
+    /* (ss) */
+    pcmk_dbus_append_arg(msg, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &name);
+    pcmk_dbus_append_arg(msg, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &replace_s);
+    reply = pcmk_dbus_send_recv(msg, systemd_proxy, &error);
+    dbus_message_unref(msg);
+    if(error) {
         /* ignore "already started" or "not running" errors */
         if (safe_str_eq(op->action, "stop")
-            && strstr(error->message, "systemd1.InvalidName")) {
+            && (strstr(error, "org.freedesktop.systemd1.InvalidName")
+                || strstr(error, "org.freedesktop.systemd1.NoSuchUnit"))) {
             crm_trace("Masking Stop failure for %s: unknown services are stopped", op->rsc);
             op->rc = PCMK_OCF_OK;
         } else {
-            crm_err("Could not issue %s for %s: %s (%s)", action, op->rsc, error->message, unit);
+            crm_err("Could not issue %s for %s: %s (%s)", method, op->rsc, error, unit);
-        g_error_free(error);
+        goto cleanup;
-    } else if(g_variant_is_of_type (_ret, G_VARIANT_TYPE("(o)"))) {
-        char *path = NULL;
+    } else if(!dbus_message_iter_init(reply, &args)) {
+        crm_err("Call to %s failed: no arguments", method);
+        goto cleanup;
+    }
-        g_variant_get(_ret, "(o)", &path);
-        crm_info("Call to %s passed: type '%s' %s", op->action, g_variant_get_type_string(_ret),
-                 path);
-        op->rc = PCMK_OCF_OK;
+    /* (o) */
+    if(!pcmk_dbus_type_check(reply, &args, DBUS_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__)) {
+        crm_err("Call to %s failed: Message has invalid arguments", method);
     } else {
-        crm_err("Call to %s passed but return type was '%s' not '(o)'", op->action, g_variant_get_type_string(_ret));
+        DBusBasicValue value;
+        dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&args, &value);
+        crm_info("Call to %s passed: %s", op->action, value.str);
         op->rc = PCMK_OCF_OK;
+    free(error);
-    if (_ret) {
-        g_variant_unref(_ret);
+    if(reply) {
+        dbus_message_unref(reply);
     if (synchronous == FALSE) {
         return TRUE;