diff --git a/SOURCES/openvswitch-2.16.0.patch b/SOURCES/openvswitch-2.16.0.patch
index 75d73e4..bb19a71 100644
--- a/SOURCES/openvswitch-2.16.0.patch
+++ b/SOURCES/openvswitch-2.16.0.patch
@@ -2319,6 +2319,45 @@ index c4075cdae3..6d7be066b6 100644
      /* Sort and check constraints. */
+diff --git a/ovsdb/ovsdb.c b/ovsdb/ovsdb.c
+index 126d16a2f5..e6d866182c 100644
+--- a/ovsdb/ovsdb.c
++++ b/ovsdb/ovsdb.c
+@@ -422,6 +422,8 @@ ovsdb_create(struct ovsdb_schema *schema, struct ovsdb_storage *storage)
+     ovs_list_init(&db->triggers);
+     db->run_triggers_now = db->run_triggers = false;
++    db->n_atoms = 0;
+     db->is_relay = false;
+     ovs_list_init(&db->txn_forward_new);
+     hmap_init(&db->txn_forward_sent);
+@@ -518,6 +520,9 @@ ovsdb_get_memory_usage(const struct ovsdb *db, struct simap *usage)
+     }
+     simap_increase(usage, "cells", cells);
++    simap_increase(usage, "atoms", db->n_atoms);
++    simap_increase(usage, "txn-history", db->n_txn_history);
++    simap_increase(usage, "txn-history-atoms", db->n_txn_history_atoms);
+     if (db->storage) {
+         ovsdb_storage_get_memory_usage(db->storage, usage);
+diff --git a/ovsdb/ovsdb.h b/ovsdb/ovsdb.h
+index 4a7bd0f0ec..ec2d235ec2 100644
+--- a/ovsdb/ovsdb.h
++++ b/ovsdb/ovsdb.h
+@@ -90,8 +90,11 @@ struct ovsdb {
+     /* History trasanctions for incremental monitor transfer. */
+     bool need_txn_history;     /* Need to maintain history of transactions. */
+     unsigned int n_txn_history; /* Current number of history transactions. */
++    unsigned int n_txn_history_atoms; /* Total number of atoms in history. */
+     struct ovs_list txn_history; /* Contains "struct ovsdb_txn_history_node. */
++    size_t n_atoms;  /* Total number of ovsdb atoms in the database. */
+     /* Relay mode. */
+     bool is_relay;  /* True, if database is in relay mode. */
+     /* List that holds transactions waiting to be forwarded to the server. */
 diff --git a/ovsdb/raft-private.c b/ovsdb/raft-private.c
 index 26d39a087f..30760233ee 100644
 --- a/ovsdb/raft-private.c
@@ -2825,6 +2864,198 @@ index 2986027c90..ff411675f0 100644
          if (!strcmp(name, column->name)) {
              return true;
+diff --git a/ovsdb/row.c b/ovsdb/row.c
+index 65a0546211..e83c60a218 100644
+--- a/ovsdb/row.c
++++ b/ovsdb/row.c
+@@ -38,8 +38,7 @@ allocate_row(const struct ovsdb_table *table)
+     struct ovsdb_row *row = xmalloc(row_size);
+     row->table = CONST_CAST(struct ovsdb_table *, table);
+     row->txn_row = NULL;
+-    ovs_list_init(&row->src_refs);
+-    ovs_list_init(&row->dst_refs);
++    hmap_init(&row->dst_refs);
+     row->n_refs = 0;
+     return row;
+ }
+@@ -61,6 +60,78 @@ ovsdb_row_create(const struct ovsdb_table *table)
+     return row;
+ }
++static struct ovsdb_weak_ref *
++ovsdb_weak_ref_clone(struct ovsdb_weak_ref *src)
++    struct ovsdb_weak_ref *weak = xzalloc(sizeof *weak);
++    hmap_node_nullify(&weak->dst_node);
++    ovs_list_init(&weak->src_node);
++    weak->src_table = src->src_table;
++    weak->src = src->src;
++    weak->dst_table = src->dst_table;
++    weak->dst = src->dst;
++    ovsdb_atom_clone(&weak->key, &src->key, src->type.key.type);
++    if (src->type.value.type != OVSDB_TYPE_VOID) {
++        ovsdb_atom_clone(&weak->value, &src->value, src->type.value.type);
++    }
++    ovsdb_type_clone(&weak->type, &src->type);
++    weak->column_idx = src->column_idx;
++    weak->by_key = src->by_key;
++    return weak;
++ovsdb_weak_ref_hash(const struct ovsdb_weak_ref *weak)
++    return uuid_hash(&weak->src);
++static bool
++ovsdb_weak_ref_equals(const struct ovsdb_weak_ref *a,
++                      const struct ovsdb_weak_ref *b)
++    if (a == b) {
++        return true;
++    }
++    return a->src_table == b->src_table
++           && a->dst_table == b->dst_table
++           && uuid_equals(&a->src, &b->src)
++           && uuid_equals(&a->dst, &b->dst)
++           && a->column_idx == b->column_idx
++           && a->by_key == b->by_key
++           && ovsdb_atom_equals(&a->key, &b->key, a->type.key.type);
++struct ovsdb_weak_ref *
++ovsdb_row_find_weak_ref(const struct ovsdb_row *row,
++                        const struct ovsdb_weak_ref *ref)
++    struct ovsdb_weak_ref *weak;
++    HMAP_FOR_EACH_WITH_HASH (weak, dst_node,
++                             ovsdb_weak_ref_hash(ref), &row->dst_refs) {
++        if (ovsdb_weak_ref_equals(weak, ref)) {
++            return weak;
++        }
++    }
++    return NULL;
++ovsdb_weak_ref_destroy(struct ovsdb_weak_ref *weak)
++    if (!weak) {
++        return;
++    }
++    ovs_assert(ovs_list_is_empty(&weak->src_node));
++    ovsdb_atom_destroy(&weak->key, weak->type.key.type);
++    if (weak->type.value.type != OVSDB_TYPE_VOID) {
++        ovsdb_atom_destroy(&weak->value, weak->type.value.type);
++    }
++    ovsdb_type_destroy(&weak->type);
++    free(weak);
+ struct ovsdb_row *
+ ovsdb_row_clone(const struct ovsdb_row *old)
+ {
+@@ -75,6 +146,13 @@ ovsdb_row_clone(const struct ovsdb_row *old)
+                           &old->fields[column->index],
+                           &column->type);
+     }
++    struct ovsdb_weak_ref *weak, *clone;
++    HMAP_FOR_EACH (weak, dst_node, &old->dst_refs) {
++        clone = ovsdb_weak_ref_clone(weak);
++        hmap_insert(&new->dst_refs, &clone->dst_node,
++                    ovsdb_weak_ref_hash(clone));
++    }
+     return new;
+ }
+@@ -85,20 +163,13 @@ ovsdb_row_destroy(struct ovsdb_row *row)
+ {
+     if (row) {
+         const struct ovsdb_table *table = row->table;
+-        struct ovsdb_weak_ref *weak, *next;
++        struct ovsdb_weak_ref *weak;
+         const struct shash_node *node;
+-        LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE (weak, next, dst_node, &row->dst_refs) {
+-            ovs_list_remove(&weak->src_node);
+-            ovs_list_remove(&weak->dst_node);
+-            free(weak);
+-        }
+-        LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE (weak, next, src_node, &row->src_refs) {
+-            ovs_list_remove(&weak->src_node);
+-            ovs_list_remove(&weak->dst_node);
+-            free(weak);
++        HMAP_FOR_EACH_POP (weak, dst_node, &row->dst_refs) {
++            ovsdb_weak_ref_destroy(weak);
+         }
++        hmap_destroy(&row->dst_refs);
+         SHASH_FOR_EACH (node, &table->schema->columns) {
+             const struct ovsdb_column *column = node->data;
+diff --git a/ovsdb/row.h b/ovsdb/row.h
+index 394ac8eb49..fe04555d0c 100644
+--- a/ovsdb/row.h
++++ b/ovsdb/row.h
+@@ -36,11 +36,28 @@ struct ovsdb_column_set;
+  * ovsdb_weak_ref" structures are created for them.
+  */
+ struct ovsdb_weak_ref {
+-    struct ovs_list src_node;      /* In src->src_refs list. */
+-    struct ovs_list dst_node;      /* In destination row's dst_refs list. */
+-    struct ovsdb_row *src;         /* Source row. */
+-    struct ovsdb_table *dst_table; /* Destination table. */
++    struct hmap_node dst_node;     /* In ovsdb_row's 'dst_refs' hmap. */
++    struct ovs_list src_node;      /* In txn_row's 'deleted/added_refs'. */
++    struct ovsdb_table *src_table; /* Source row table. */
++    struct uuid src;               /* Source row uuid. */
++    struct ovsdb_table *dst_table; /* Destination row table. */
+     struct uuid dst;               /* Destination row uuid. */
++    /* Source row's key-value pair that created this reference.
++     * This information is needed in order to find and delete the reference
++     * from the source row.  We need both key and value in order to avoid
++     * accidential deletion of an updated data, i.e. if value in datum got
++     * updated and the reference was created by the old value.
++     * Storing column index in order to remove references from the correct
++     * column.   'by_key' flag allows to distinguish 2 references in a corner
++     * case where key and value are the same. */
++    union ovsdb_atom key;
++    union ovsdb_atom value;
++    struct ovsdb_type type;        /* Datum type of the key-value pair. */
++    unsigned int column_idx;       /* Row column index for this pair. */
++    bool by_key;                   /* 'true' if reference is a 'key'. */
+ };
+ /* A row in a database table. */
+@@ -50,8 +67,7 @@ struct ovsdb_row {
+     struct ovsdb_txn_row *txn_row; /* Transaction that row is in, if any. */
+     /* Weak references.  Updated and checked only at transaction commit. */
+-    struct ovs_list src_refs;   /* Weak references from this row. */
+-    struct ovs_list dst_refs;   /* Weak references to this row. */
++    struct hmap dst_refs;          /* Weak references to this row. */
+     /* Number of strong refs to this row from other rows, in this table or
+      * other tables, through 'uuid' columns that have a 'refTable' constraint
+@@ -69,6 +85,12 @@ struct ovsdb_row {
+      * index 'i' is contained in hmap table->indexes[i].  */
+ };
++uint32_t ovsdb_weak_ref_hash(const struct ovsdb_weak_ref *);
++struct ovsdb_weak_ref * ovsdb_row_find_weak_ref(const struct ovsdb_row *,
++                                                const struct ovsdb_weak_ref *);
++void ovsdb_weak_ref_destroy(struct ovsdb_weak_ref *);
+ struct ovsdb_row *ovsdb_row_create(const struct ovsdb_table *);
+ struct ovsdb_row *ovsdb_row_clone(const struct ovsdb_row *);
+ void ovsdb_row_destroy(struct ovsdb_row *);
 diff --git a/ovsdb/storage.c b/ovsdb/storage.c
 index d727b1eacd..9e32efe582 100644
 --- a/ovsdb/storage.c
@@ -2841,10 +3072,55 @@ index d727b1eacd..9e32efe582 100644
              return NULL;
          } else if (json->type != JSON_ARRAY || json->array.n != 2) {
 diff --git a/ovsdb/transaction.c b/ovsdb/transaction.c
-index 8ffefcf7c9..dcccc61c05 100644
+index 8ffefcf7c9..88e0528002 100644
 --- a/ovsdb/transaction.c
 +++ b/ovsdb/transaction.c
-@@ -266,9 +266,9 @@ ovsdb_txn_adjust_atom_refs(struct ovsdb_txn *txn, const struct ovsdb_row *r,
+@@ -41,6 +41,9 @@ struct ovsdb_txn {
+     struct ovs_list txn_tables; /* Contains "struct ovsdb_txn_table"s. */
+     struct ds comment;
+     struct uuid txnid; /* For clustered mode only. It is the eid. */
++    size_t n_atoms;    /* Number of atoms in all transaction rows. */
++    ssize_t n_atoms_diff;  /* Difference between number of added and
++                            * removed atoms. */
+ };
+ /* A table modified by a transaction. */
+@@ -86,6 +89,10 @@ struct ovsdb_txn_row {
+     struct uuid uuid;
+     struct ovsdb_table *table;
++    /* Weak refs that needs to be added/deleted to/from destination rows. */
++    struct ovs_list added_refs;
++    struct ovs_list deleted_refs;
+     /* Used by for_each_txn_row(). */
+     unsigned int serial;        /* Serial number of in-progress commit. */
+@@ -151,6 +158,23 @@ ovsdb_txn_row_abort(struct ovsdb_txn *txn OVS_UNUSED,
+     } else {
+         hmap_replace(&new->table->rows, &new->hmap_node, &old->hmap_node);
+     }
++    struct ovsdb_weak_ref *weak, *next;
++    LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE (weak, next, src_node, &txn_row->deleted_refs) {
++        ovs_list_remove(&weak->src_node);
++        ovs_list_init(&weak->src_node);
++        if (hmap_node_is_null(&weak->dst_node)) {
++            ovsdb_weak_ref_destroy(weak);
++        }
++    }
++    LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE (weak, next, src_node, &txn_row->added_refs) {
++        ovs_list_remove(&weak->src_node);
++        ovs_list_init(&weak->src_node);
++        if (hmap_node_is_null(&weak->dst_node)) {
++            ovsdb_weak_ref_destroy(weak);
++        }
++    }
+     ovsdb_row_destroy(new);
+     free(txn_row);
+@@ -266,9 +290,9 @@ ovsdb_txn_adjust_atom_refs(struct ovsdb_txn *txn, const struct ovsdb_row *r,
  static struct ovsdb_error * OVS_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
  ovsdb_txn_adjust_row_refs(struct ovsdb_txn *txn, const struct ovsdb_row *r,
@@ -2856,7 +3132,7 @@ index 8ffefcf7c9..dcccc61c05 100644
      struct ovsdb_error *error;
      error = ovsdb_txn_adjust_atom_refs(txn, r, column, &column->type.key,
-@@ -291,14 +291,39 @@ update_row_ref_count(struct ovsdb_txn *txn, struct ovsdb_txn_row *r)
+@@ -291,14 +315,39 @@ update_row_ref_count(struct ovsdb_txn *txn, struct ovsdb_txn_row *r)
          struct ovsdb_error *error;
          if (bitmap_is_set(r->changed, column->index)) {
@@ -2901,6 +3177,429 @@ index 8ffefcf7c9..dcccc61c05 100644
                  if (error) {
                      return error;
+@@ -459,93 +508,125 @@ static struct ovsdb_error *
+ ovsdb_txn_update_weak_refs(struct ovsdb_txn *txn OVS_UNUSED,
+                            struct ovsdb_txn_row *txn_row)
+ {
+-    struct ovsdb_weak_ref *weak, *next;
++    struct ovsdb_weak_ref *weak, *next, *dst_weak;
++    struct ovsdb_row *dst_row;
+-    /* Remove the weak references originating in the old version of the row. */
+-    if (txn_row->old) {
+-        LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE (weak, next, src_node, &txn_row->old->src_refs) {
+-            ovs_list_remove(&weak->src_node);
+-            ovs_list_remove(&weak->dst_node);
+-            free(weak);
++    /* Find and clean up deleted references from destination rows. */
++    LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE (weak, next, src_node, &txn_row->deleted_refs) {
++        dst_row = CONST_CAST(struct ovsdb_row *,
++                    ovsdb_table_get_row(weak->dst_table, &weak->dst));
++        if (dst_row) {
++            dst_weak = ovsdb_row_find_weak_ref(dst_row, weak);
++            hmap_remove(&dst_row->dst_refs, &dst_weak->dst_node);
++            ovs_assert(ovs_list_is_empty(&dst_weak->src_node));
++            ovsdb_weak_ref_destroy(dst_weak);
++        }
++        ovs_list_remove(&weak->src_node);
++        ovs_list_init(&weak->src_node);
++        if (hmap_node_is_null(&weak->dst_node)) {
++            ovsdb_weak_ref_destroy(weak);
+         }
+     }
+-    /* Although the originating rows have the responsibility of updating the
+-     * weak references in the dst, it is possible that some source rows aren't
+-     * part of the transaction.  In that situation this row needs to move the
+-     * list of incoming weak references from the old row into the new one.
+-     */
+-    if (txn_row->old && txn_row->new) {
+-        /* Move the incoming weak references from old to new. */
+-        ovs_list_push_back_all(&txn_row->new->dst_refs,
+-                               &txn_row->old->dst_refs);
+-    }
+-    /* Insert the weak references originating in the new version of the row. */
+-    struct ovsdb_row *dst_row;
+-    if (txn_row->new) {
+-        LIST_FOR_EACH (weak, src_node, &txn_row->new->src_refs) {
+-            /* dst_row MUST exist. */
+-            dst_row = CONST_CAST(struct ovsdb_row *,
++    /* Insert the weak references added in the new version of the row. */
++    LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE (weak, next, src_node, &txn_row->added_refs) {
++        dst_row = CONST_CAST(struct ovsdb_row *,
+                     ovsdb_table_get_row(weak->dst_table, &weak->dst));
+-            ovs_list_insert(&dst_row->dst_refs, &weak->dst_node);
+-        }
++        ovs_assert(!ovsdb_row_find_weak_ref(dst_row, weak));
++        hmap_insert(&dst_row->dst_refs, &weak->dst_node,
++                    ovsdb_weak_ref_hash(weak));
++        ovs_list_remove(&weak->src_node);
++        ovs_list_init(&weak->src_node);
+     }
+     return NULL;
+ }
+ static void
+-add_weak_ref(const struct ovsdb_row *src_, const struct ovsdb_row *dst_)
++add_weak_ref(struct ovsdb_txn_row *txn_row, const struct ovsdb_row *dst_,
++             struct ovs_list *ref_list,
++             const union ovsdb_atom *key, const union ovsdb_atom *value,
++             bool by_key, const struct ovsdb_column *column)
+ {
+-    struct ovsdb_row *src = CONST_CAST(struct ovsdb_row *, src_);
+     struct ovsdb_row *dst = CONST_CAST(struct ovsdb_row *, dst_);
+     struct ovsdb_weak_ref *weak;
+-    if (src == dst) {
++    if (txn_row->new == dst) {
+         return;
+     }
+-    if (!ovs_list_is_empty(&dst->dst_refs)) {
+-        /* Omit duplicates. */
+-        weak = CONTAINER_OF(ovs_list_back(&dst->dst_refs),
+-                            struct ovsdb_weak_ref, dst_node);
+-        if (weak->src == src) {
+-            return;
+-        }
+-    }
+-    weak = xmalloc(sizeof *weak);
+-    weak->src = src;
++    weak = xzalloc(sizeof *weak);
++    weak->src_table = txn_row->new->table;
++    weak->src = *ovsdb_row_get_uuid(txn_row->new);
+     weak->dst_table = dst->table;
+     weak->dst = *ovsdb_row_get_uuid(dst);
+-    /* The dst_refs list is updated at commit time. */
+-    ovs_list_init(&weak->dst_node);
+-    ovs_list_push_back(&src->src_refs, &weak->src_node);
++    ovsdb_type_clone(&weak->type, &column->type);
++    ovsdb_atom_clone(&weak->key, key, column->type.key.type);
++    if (column->type.value.type != OVSDB_TYPE_VOID) {
++        ovsdb_atom_clone(&weak->value, value, column->type.value.type);
++    }
++    weak->by_key = by_key;
++    weak->column_idx = column->index;
++    hmap_node_nullify(&weak->dst_node);
++    ovs_list_push_back(ref_list, &weak->src_node);
++static void
++find_and_add_weak_ref(struct ovsdb_txn_row *txn_row,
++                      const union ovsdb_atom *key,
++                      const union ovsdb_atom *value,
++                      const struct ovsdb_column *column,
++                      bool by_key, struct ovs_list *ref_list,
++                      struct ovsdb_datum *not_found, bool *zero)
++    const struct ovsdb_row *row = by_key
++        ? ovsdb_table_get_row(column->type.key.uuid.refTable, &key->uuid)
++        : ovsdb_table_get_row(column->type.value.uuid.refTable, &value->uuid);
++    if (row) {
++        add_weak_ref(txn_row, row, ref_list, key, value, by_key, column);
++    } else if (not_found) {
++        if (uuid_is_zero(by_key ? &key->uuid : &value->uuid)) {
++            *zero = true;
++        }
++        ovsdb_datum_add_unsafe(not_found, key, value, &column->type, NULL);
++    }
+ }
+ static struct ovsdb_error * OVS_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
+ assess_weak_refs(struct ovsdb_txn *txn, struct ovsdb_txn_row *txn_row)
+ {
++    struct ovsdb_weak_ref *weak, *next;
+     struct ovsdb_table *table;
+     struct shash_node *node;
+     if (txn_row->old && !txn_row->new) {
+         /* Mark rows that have weak references to 'txn_row' as modified, so
+-         * that their weak references will get reassessed. */
+-        struct ovsdb_weak_ref *weak, *next;
+-        LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE (weak, next, dst_node, &txn_row->old->dst_refs) {
+-            if (!weak->src->txn_row) {
+-                ovsdb_txn_row_modify(txn, weak->src);
++         * that their weak references will get reassessed.  Adding all weak
++         * refs to 'deleted_ref' lists of their source rows, so they will be
++         * cleaned up from datums and deleted on commit. */
++        HMAP_FOR_EACH (weak, dst_node, &txn_row->old->dst_refs) {
++            struct ovsdb_txn_row *src_txn_row;
++            src_txn_row = find_or_make_txn_row(txn, weak->src_table,
++                                               &weak->src);
++            if (!src_txn_row) {
++                /* Source row is also removed. */
++                continue;
+             }
++            ovs_assert(src_txn_row);
++            ovs_assert(ovs_list_is_empty(&weak->src_node));
++            ovs_list_insert(&src_txn_row->deleted_refs, &weak->src_node);
+         }
+     }
+     if (!txn_row->new) {
+-        /* We don't have to do anything about references that originate at
+-         * 'txn_row', because ovsdb_row_destroy() will remove those weak
+-         * references. */
++        /* Since all the atoms will be destroyed by the ovsdb_row_destroy(),
++         * there is no need to check them here.  Source references queued
++         * into 'deleted_ref' while removing other rows will be cleaned up at
++         * commit time. */
+         return NULL;
+     }
+@@ -553,50 +634,94 @@ assess_weak_refs(struct ovsdb_txn *txn, struct ovsdb_txn_row *txn_row)
+     SHASH_FOR_EACH (node, &table->schema->columns) {
+         const struct ovsdb_column *column = node->data;
+         struct ovsdb_datum *datum = &txn_row->new->fields[column->index];
++        struct ovsdb_datum added, removed, deleted_refs;
+         unsigned int orig_n, i;
+         bool zero = false;
+         orig_n = datum->n;
++        /* Collecting all key-value pairs that references deleted rows. */
++        ovsdb_datum_init_empty(&deleted_refs);
++        LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE (weak, next, src_node, &txn_row->deleted_refs) {
++            if (column->index == weak->column_idx) {
++                ovsdb_datum_add_unsafe(&deleted_refs, &weak->key, &weak->value,
++                                       &column->type, NULL);
++                ovs_list_remove(&weak->src_node);
++                ovs_list_init(&weak->src_node);
++            }
++        }
++        ovsdb_datum_sort_unique(&deleted_refs, column->type.key.type,
++                                               column->type.value.type);
++        /* Removing elements that references deleted rows. */
++        ovsdb_datum_subtract(datum, &column->type,
++                             &deleted_refs, &column->type);
++        ovsdb_datum_destroy(&deleted_refs, &column->type);
++        /* Generating the difference between old and new data. */
++        if (txn_row->old) {
++            ovsdb_datum_added_removed(&added, &removed,
++                                      &txn_row->old->fields[column->index],
++                                      datum, &column->type);
++        } else {
++            ovsdb_datum_init_empty(&removed);
++            ovsdb_datum_clone(&added, datum, &column->type);
++        }
++        /* Checking added data and creating new references. */
++        ovsdb_datum_init_empty(&deleted_refs);
+         if (ovsdb_base_type_is_weak_ref(&column->type.key)) {
+-            for (i = 0; i < datum->n; ) {
+-                const struct ovsdb_row *row;
+-                row = ovsdb_table_get_row(column->type.key.uuid.refTable,
+-                                          &datum->keys[i].uuid);
+-                if (row) {
+-                    add_weak_ref(txn_row->new, row);
+-                    i++;
+-                } else {
+-                    if (uuid_is_zero(&datum->keys[i].uuid)) {
+-                        zero = true;
+-                    }
+-                    ovsdb_datum_remove_unsafe(datum, i, &column->type);
+-                }
++            for (i = 0; i < added.n; i++) {
++                find_and_add_weak_ref(txn_row, &added.keys[i],
++                                      added.values ? &added.values[i] : NULL,
++                                      column, true, &txn_row->added_refs,
++                                      &deleted_refs, &zero);
+             }
+         }
+         if (ovsdb_base_type_is_weak_ref(&column->type.value)) {
+-            for (i = 0; i < datum->n; ) {
+-                const struct ovsdb_row *row;
+-                row = ovsdb_table_get_row(column->type.value.uuid.refTable,
+-                                          &datum->values[i].uuid);
+-                if (row) {
+-                    add_weak_ref(txn_row->new, row);
+-                    i++;
+-                } else {
+-                    if (uuid_is_zero(&datum->values[i].uuid)) {
+-                        zero = true;
+-                    }
+-                    ovsdb_datum_remove_unsafe(datum, i, &column->type);
+-                }
++            for (i = 0; i < added.n; i++) {
++                find_and_add_weak_ref(txn_row, &added.keys[i],
++                                      &added.values[i],
++                                      column, false, &txn_row->added_refs,
++                                      &deleted_refs, &zero);
++            }
++        }
++        if (deleted_refs.n) {
++            /* Removing all the references that doesn't point to valid rows. */
++            ovsdb_datum_sort_unique(&deleted_refs, column->type.key.type,
++                                                   column->type.value.type);
++            ovsdb_datum_subtract(datum, &column->type,
++                                 &deleted_refs, &column->type);
++            ovsdb_datum_destroy(&deleted_refs, &column->type);
++        }
++        ovsdb_datum_destroy(&added, &column->type);
++        /* Creating refs that needs to be removed on commit.  This includes
++         * both: the references that got directly removed from the datum and
++         * references removed due to deletion of a referenced row. */
++        if (ovsdb_base_type_is_weak_ref(&column->type.key)) {
++            for (i = 0; i < removed.n; i++) {
++                find_and_add_weak_ref(txn_row, &removed.keys[i],
++                                      removed.values
++                                      ? &removed.values[i] : NULL,
++                                      column, true, &txn_row->deleted_refs,
++                                      NULL, NULL);
+             }
+         }
++        if (ovsdb_base_type_is_weak_ref(&column->type.value)) {
++            for (i = 0; i < removed.n; i++) {
++                find_and_add_weak_ref(txn_row, &removed.keys[i],
++                                      &removed.values[i],
++                                      column, false, &txn_row->deleted_refs,
++                                      NULL, NULL);
++            }
++        }
++        ovsdb_datum_destroy(&removed, &column->type);
+         if (datum->n != orig_n) {
+             bitmap_set1(txn_row->changed, column->index);
+-            ovsdb_datum_sort_assert(datum, column->type.key.type);
+             if (datum->n < column->type.n_min) {
+                 const struct uuid *row_uuid = ovsdb_row_get_uuid(txn_row->new);
+                 if (zero && !txn_row->old) {
+@@ -817,6 +942,37 @@ check_index_uniqueness(struct ovsdb_txn *txn OVS_UNUSED,
+     return NULL;
+ }
++static struct ovsdb_error * OVS_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
++count_atoms(struct ovsdb_txn *txn, struct ovsdb_txn_row *txn_row)
++    struct ovsdb_table *table = txn_row->table;
++    ssize_t n_atoms_old = 0, n_atoms_new = 0;
++    struct shash_node *node;
++    SHASH_FOR_EACH (node, &table->schema->columns) {
++        const struct ovsdb_column *column = node->data;
++        const struct ovsdb_type *type = &column->type;
++        unsigned int idx = column->index;
++        if (txn_row->old) {
++            n_atoms_old += txn_row->old->fields[idx].n;
++            if (type->value.type != OVSDB_TYPE_VOID) {
++                n_atoms_old += txn_row->old->fields[idx].n;
++            }
++        }
++        if (txn_row->new) {
++            n_atoms_new += txn_row->new->fields[idx].n;
++            if (type->value.type != OVSDB_TYPE_VOID) {
++                n_atoms_new += txn_row->new->fields[idx].n;
++            }
++        }
++    }
++    txn->n_atoms += n_atoms_old + n_atoms_new;
++    txn->n_atoms_diff += n_atoms_new - n_atoms_old;
++    return NULL;
+ static struct ovsdb_error * OVS_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
+ update_version(struct ovsdb_txn *txn OVS_UNUSED, struct ovsdb_txn_row *txn_row)
+ {
+@@ -885,6 +1041,12 @@ ovsdb_txn_precommit(struct ovsdb_txn *txn)
+         return error;
+     }
++    /* Count atoms. */
++    error = for_each_txn_row(txn, count_atoms);
++    if (error) {
++        return OVSDB_WRAP_BUG("can't happen", error);
++    }
+     /* Update _version for rows that changed.  */
+     error = for_each_txn_row(txn, update_version);
+     if (error) {
+@@ -900,6 +1062,8 @@ ovsdb_txn_clone(const struct ovsdb_txn *txn)
+     struct ovsdb_txn *txn_cloned = xzalloc(sizeof *txn_cloned);
+     ovs_list_init(&txn_cloned->txn_tables);
+     txn_cloned->txnid = txn->txnid;
++    txn_cloned->n_atoms = txn->n_atoms;
++    txn_cloned->n_atoms_diff = txn->n_atoms_diff;
+     struct ovsdb_txn_table *t;
+     LIST_FOR_EACH (t, node, &txn->txn_tables) {
+@@ -958,6 +1122,7 @@ ovsdb_txn_add_to_history(struct ovsdb_txn *txn)
+         node->txn = ovsdb_txn_clone(txn);
+         ovs_list_push_back(&txn->db->txn_history, &node->node);
+         txn->db->n_txn_history++;
++        txn->db->n_txn_history_atoms += txn->n_atoms;
+     }
+ }
+@@ -968,6 +1133,7 @@ ovsdb_txn_complete(struct ovsdb_txn *txn)
+     if (!ovsdb_txn_is_empty(txn)) {
+         txn->db->run_triggers_now = txn->db->run_triggers = true;
++        txn->db->n_atoms += txn->n_atoms_diff;
+         ovsdb_monitors_commit(txn->db, txn);
+         ovsdb_error_assert(for_each_txn_row(txn, ovsdb_txn_update_weak_refs));
+         ovsdb_error_assert(for_each_txn_row(txn, ovsdb_txn_row_commit));
+@@ -1215,6 +1381,9 @@ ovsdb_txn_row_create(struct ovsdb_txn *txn, struct ovsdb_table *table,
+     txn_row->n_refs = old ? old->n_refs : 0;
+     txn_row->serial = serial - 1;
++    ovs_list_init(&txn_row->added_refs);
++    ovs_list_init(&txn_row->deleted_refs);
+     if (old) {
+         old->txn_row = txn_row;
+     }
+@@ -1423,12 +1592,18 @@ ovsdb_txn_history_run(struct ovsdb *db)
+     if (!db->need_txn_history) {
+         return;
+     }
+-    /* Remove old histories to limit the size of the history */
+-    while (db->n_txn_history > 100) {
++    /* Remove old histories to limit the size of the history.  Removing until
++     * the number of ovsdb atoms in history becomes less than the number of
++     * atoms in the database, because it will be faster to just get a database
++     * snapshot than re-constructing changes from the history that big. */
++    while (db->n_txn_history &&
++           (db->n_txn_history > 100 ||
++            db->n_txn_history_atoms > db->n_atoms)) {
+         struct ovsdb_txn_history_node *txn_h_node = CONTAINER_OF(
+                 ovs_list_pop_front(&db->txn_history),
+                 struct ovsdb_txn_history_node, node);
++        db->n_txn_history_atoms -= txn_h_node->txn->n_atoms;
+         ovsdb_txn_destroy_cloned(txn_h_node->txn);
+         free(txn_h_node);
+         db->n_txn_history--;
+@@ -1440,6 +1615,7 @@ ovsdb_txn_history_init(struct ovsdb *db, bool need_txn_history)
+ {
+     db->need_txn_history = need_txn_history;
+     db->n_txn_history = 0;
++    db->n_txn_history_atoms = 0;
+     ovs_list_init(&db->txn_history);
+ }
+@@ -1458,4 +1634,5 @@ ovsdb_txn_history_destroy(struct ovsdb *db)
+         free(txn_h_node);
+     }
+     db->n_txn_history = 0;
++    db->n_txn_history_atoms = 0;
+ }
 diff --git a/python/ovs/db/data.py b/python/ovs/db/data.py
 index 2a2102d6be..99bf80ed62 100644
 --- a/python/ovs/db/data.py
@@ -3122,6 +3821,80 @@ index 8cd2a26cb3..25c6acdac6 100644
  OVSDB_CHECK_NEGATIVE([generate and apply diff with map -- size error],
+diff --git a/tests/ovsdb-server.at b/tests/ovsdb-server.at
+index ac243d6a79..2b742f78b0 100644
+--- a/tests/ovsdb-server.at
++++ b/tests/ovsdb-server.at
+@@ -1228,6 +1228,69 @@ AT_CHECK([test $logged_updates -lt $logged_nonblock_updates])
+ AT_CHECK_UNQUOTED([ovs-vsctl get open_vswitch . system_version], [0],
+   [xyzzy$counter
+ ])
++AT_SETUP([ovsdb-server transaction history size])
++on_exit 'kill `cat *.pid`'
++dnl Start an ovsdb-server with the clustered vswitchd schema.
++AT_CHECK([ovsdb-tool create-cluster db dnl
++            $abs_top_srcdir/vswitchd/vswitch.ovsschema unix:s1.raft],
++         [0], [ignore], [ignore])
++AT_CHECK([ovsdb-server --detach --no-chdir --pidfile dnl
++            --log-file --remote=punix:db.sock db],
++         [0], [ignore], [ignore])
++AT_CHECK([ovs-vsctl --no-wait init])
++dnl Create a bridge with N ports per transaction.  Increase N every 4
++dnl iterations.  And then remove the bridges.  By increasing the size of
++dnl transactions, ensuring that they take up a significant percentage of
++dnl the total database size, so the transaction history will not be able
++dnl to hold all of them.
++dnl The test verifies that the number of atoms in the transaction history
++dnl is always less than the number of atoms in the database.
++get_n_atoms () {
++    n=$(ovs-appctl -t ovsdb-server memory/show dnl
++            | tr ' ' '\n' | grep atoms | grep "^$1:" | cut -d ':' -f 2)
++    if test X"$n" == "X"; then
++        n=0
++    fi
++    echo $n
++check_atoms () {
++    n_db_atoms=$(get_n_atoms atoms)
++    n_txn_history_atoms=$(get_n_atoms txn-history-atoms)
++    echo "n_db_atoms:          $n_db_atoms"
++    echo "n_txn_history_atoms: $n_txn_history_atoms"
++    AT_CHECK([test $n_txn_history_atoms -le $n_db_atoms])
++add_ports () {
++    for j in $(seq 1 $2); do
++        printf " -- add-port br$1 p$1-%d" $j
++    done
++initial_db_atoms=$(get_n_atoms atoms)
++for i in $(seq 1 100); do
++    cmd=$(add_ports $i $(($i / 4 + 1)))
++    AT_CHECK([ovs-vsctl --no-wait add-br br$i $cmd])
++    check_atoms
++for i in $(seq 1 100); do
++    AT_CHECK([ovs-vsctl --no-wait del-br br$i])
++    check_atoms
++dnl After removing all the bridges, the number of atoms in the database
++dnl should return to its initial value.
++AT_CHECK([test $(get_n_atoms atoms) -eq $initial_db_atoms])
+ OVS_APP_EXIT_AND_WAIT([ovsdb-server])
 diff --git a/tests/system-traffic.at b/tests/system-traffic.at
 index f400cfabc9..092de308be 100644
 --- a/tests/system-traffic.at
diff --git a/SPECS/openvswitch2.16.spec b/SPECS/openvswitch2.16.spec
index 7b89691..2856c4b 100644
--- a/SPECS/openvswitch2.16.spec
+++ b/SPECS/openvswitch2.16.spec
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ Summary: Open vSwitch
 Group: System Environment/Daemons daemon/database/utilities
 URL: http://www.openvswitch.org/
 Version: 2.16.0
-Release: 25%{?dist}
+Release: 27%{?dist}
 # Nearly all of openvswitch is ASL 2.0.  The bugtool is LGPLv2+, and the
 # lib/sflow*.[ch] files are SISSL
@@ -700,6 +700,113 @@ exit 0
+* Tue Nov 09 2021 Ilya Maximets <i.maximets@redhat.com> - 2.16.0-27
+- ovsdb: Don't let transaction history grow larger than the database. [RH git: 93d1fa0bdf] (#2012949)
+    commit 317b1bfd7dd315e241c158e6d4095002ff391ee3
+    Author: Ilya Maximets <i.maximets@ovn.org>
+    Date:   Tue Sep 28 13:17:21 2021 +0200
+        ovsdb: Don't let transaction history grow larger than the database.
+        If user frequently changes a lot of rows in a database, transaction
+        history could grow way larger than the database itself.  This wastes
+        a lot of memory and also makes monitor_cond_since slower than
+        usual monotor_cond if the transaction id is old enough, because
+        re-construction of the changes from a history is slower than just
+        creation of initial database snapshot.  This is also the case if
+        user deleted a lot of data, so transaction history still holds all of
+        it while the database itself doesn't.
+        In case of current lb-per-service model in ovn-kubernetes, each
+        load-balancer is added to every logical switch/router.  Such a
+        transaction touches more than a half of a OVN_Northbound database.
+        And each of these transactions is added to the transaction history.
+        Since transaction history depth is 100, in worst case scenario,
+        it will hold 100 copies of a database increasing memory consumption
+        dramatically.  In tests with 3000 LBs and 120 LSs, memory goes up
+        to 3 GB, while holding at 30 MB if transaction history disabled in
+        the code.
+        Fixing that by keeping count of the number of ovsdb_atom's in the
+        database and not allowing the total number of atoms in transaction
+        history to grow larger than this value.  Counting atoms is fairly
+        cheap because we don't need to iterate over them, so it doesn't have
+        significant performance impact.  It would be ideal to measure the
+        size of individual atoms, but that will hit the performance.
+        Counting cells instead of atoms is not sufficient, because OVN
+        users are adding hundreds or thousands of atoms to a single cell,
+        so they are largely different in size.
+        Signed-off-by: Ilya Maximets <i.maximets@ovn.org>
+        Acked-by: Han Zhou <hzhou@ovn.org>
+        Acked-by: Dumitru Ceara <dceara@redhat.com>
+    Reported-at: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/2012949
+    Signed-off-by: Ilya Maximets <i.maximets@redhat.com>
+* Tue Nov 09 2021 Ilya Maximets <i.maximets@redhat.com> - 2.16.0-26
+- ovsdb: transaction: Incremental reassessment of weak refs. [RH git: e8a363db49] (#2005958)
+    commit 4dbff9f0a68579241ac1a040726be3906afb8fe9
+    Author: Ilya Maximets <i.maximets@ovn.org>
+    Date:   Sat Oct 16 03:20:23 2021 +0200
+        ovsdb: transaction: Incremental reassessment of weak refs.
+        The main idea is to not store list of weak references in the source
+        row, so they all don't need to be re-checked/updated on every
+        modification of that source row.  The point is that source row already
+        knows UUIDs of all destination rows stored in the data, so there is no
+        much profit in storing this information somewhere else.  If needed,
+        destination row can be looked up and reference can be looked up in the
+        destination row.  For the fast lookup, destination row now stores
+        references in a hash map.
+        Weak reference structure now contains the table and uuid of a source
+        row instead of a direct pointer.  This allows to replace/update the
+        source row without breaking any weak references stored in destination
+        rows.
+        Structure also now contains the key-value pair of atoms that triggered
+        creation of this reference.  These atoms can be used to quickly
+        subtract removed references from a source row.  During reassessment,
+        ovsdb now only needs to care about new added or removed atoms, and
+        atoms that got removed due to removal of the destination rows, but
+        these are marked for reassessment by the destination row.
+        ovsdb_datum_subtract() is used to remove atoms that points to removed
+        or incorrect rows, so there is no need to re-sort datum in the end.
+        Results of an OVN load-balancer benchmark that adds 3K load-balancers
+        to each of 120 logical switches and 120 logical routers in the OVN
+        sandbox with clustered Northbound database and then removes them:
+        Before:
+          %CPU  CPU Time  CMD
+          86.8  00:16:05  ovsdb-server nb1.db
+          44.1  00:08:11  ovsdb-server nb2.db
+          43.2  00:08:00  ovsdb-server nb3.db
+        After:
+          %CPU  CPU Time  CMD
+          54.9  00:02:58  ovsdb-server nb1.db
+          33.3  00:01:48  ovsdb-server nb2.db
+          32.2  00:01:44  ovsdb-server nb3.db
+        So, on a cluster leader the processing time dropped by 5.4x, on
+        followers - by 4.5x.  More load-balancers - larger the performance
+        difference.  There is a slight increase of memory usage, because new
+        reference structure is larger, but the difference is not significant.
+        Signed-off-by: Ilya Maximets <i.maximets@ovn.org>
+        Acked-by: Dumitru Ceara <dceara@redhat.com>
+    Reported-at: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/2005958
+    Signed-off-by: Ilya Maximets <i.maximets@redhat.com>
 * Thu Oct 28 2021 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 2.16.0-25
 - Merging upstream branch-2.16 [RH git: f5366890c5]
     Commit list: