# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2013, 2014 Nicira Networks, Inc.
# Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
# are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
# notice and this notice are preserved.  This file is offered as-is,
# without warranty of any kind.
# If tests have to be skipped while building, specify the '--without check'
# option. For example:
# rpmbuild -bb --without check rhel/openvswitch-fedora.spec
# This defines the base package name's version.
%define pkgname openvswitch3.1
%if 0%{?commit:1}
%global shortcommit %(c=%{commit}; echo ${c:0:7})
# Enable PIE, bz#955181
%global _hardened_build 1
# RHEL-7 doesn't define _rundir macro yet
# Fedora 15 onwards uses /run as _rundir
%if 0%{!?_rundir:1}
%define _rundir /run
# FIXME remove when fast-datapath-rhel-8 buildroot is updated to new RHEL 8 zstream
# RHEL-8.0 doesn't define _smp_build_ncpus, but it uses the old _smp_mflags
%if 0%{!?_smp_build_ncpus:1}
%define _smp_build_ncpus %(c=%_smp_mflags; echo ${c:2})
# FIXME Test "STP - flush the fdb and mdb when topology changed" fails on s390x
# FIXME 2 tests fails on ppc64le. They will be hopefully fixed before official 2.11
%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64 aarch64
%bcond_without check
%bcond_with check
# option to run kernel datapath tests, requires building as root!
%bcond_with check_datapath_kernel
# option to build with libcap-ng, needed for running OVS as regular user
%bcond_without libcapng
# option to build with ipsec support
%bcond_without ipsec
# Build python2 (that provides python) and python3 subpackages on Fedora
# Build only python3 (that provides python) subpackage on RHEL8
# Build only python subpackage on RHEL7
%if 0%{?rhel} > 7 || 0%{?fedora}
# On RHEL8 Sphinx is included in buildroot
%global external_sphinx 1
# Don't use external sphinx (RHV doesn't have optional repositories enabled)
%global external_sphinx 0
Name: %{pkgname}
Summary: Open vSwitch
Group: System Environment/Daemons daemon/database/utilities
URL: http://www.openvswitch.org/
Version: 3.1.0
Open vSwitch CI 73d8c1
Release: 142%{?dist}
# Nearly all of openvswitch is ASL 2.0.  The bugtool is LGPLv2+, and the
# lib/sflow*.[ch] files are SISSL
# datapath/ is GPLv2 (although not built into any of the binary packages)
License: ASL 2.0 and LGPLv2+ and SISSL
%define dpdkver 22.11.1
%define dpdkdir dpdk
%define dpdksver %(echo %{dpdkver} | cut -d. -f-2)
# NOTE: DPDK does not currently build for s390x
# DPDK on aarch64 is not stable enough to be enabled in FDP
%if 0%{?rhel} > 7 || 0%{?fedora}
%define dpdkarches x86_64 ppc64le
%define dpdkarches
%if 0%{?commit:1}
Source: https://github.com/openvswitch/ovs/archive/%{commit}.tar.gz#/openvswitch-%{commit}.tar.gz
Source: https://github.com/openvswitch/ovs/archive/v%{version}.tar.gz#/openvswitch-%{version}.tar.gz
Source10: https://fast.dpdk.org/rel/dpdk-%{dpdkver}.tar.xz
%define docutilsver 0.12
%define pygmentsver 1.4
%define sphinxver   1.2.3
%define pyelftoolsver 0.27
Source100: https://pypi.io/packages/source/d/docutils/docutils-%{docutilsver}.tar.gz
Source101: https://pypi.io/packages/source/P/Pygments/Pygments-%{pygmentsver}.tar.gz
Source102: https://pypi.io/packages/source/S/Sphinx/Sphinx-%{sphinxver}.tar.gz
Source103: https://pypi.io/packages/source/p/pyelftools/pyelftools-%{pyelftoolsver}.tar.gz
Patch0:    openvswitch-%{version}.patch
# The DPDK is designed to optimize througput of network traffic using, among
# other techniques, carefully crafted assembly instructions.  As such it
# needs extensive work to port it to other architectures.
ExclusiveArch: x86_64 aarch64 ppc64le s390x
# Do not enable this otherwise YUM will break on any upgrade.
# Provides: openvswitch
Conflicts: openvswitch < 3.1
Conflicts: openvswitch-dpdk < 3.1
Conflicts: openvswitch2.10
Conflicts: openvswitch2.11
Conflicts: openvswitch2.12
Conflicts: openvswitch2.13
Conflicts: openvswitch2.14
Conflicts: openvswitch2.15
Conflicts: openvswitch2.16
Conflicts: openvswitch2.17
Conflicts: openvswitch3.0
# FIXME Sphinx is used to generate some manpages, unfortunately, on RHEL, it's
# in the -optional repository and so we can't require it directly since RHV
# doesn't have the -optional repository enabled and so TPS fails
%if %{external_sphinx}
BuildRequires: python3-sphinx
# Sphinx dependencies
BuildRequires: python-devel
BuildRequires: python-setuptools
#BuildRequires: python2-docutils
BuildRequires: python-jinja2
BuildRequires: python-nose
#BuildRequires: python2-pygments
# docutils dependencies
BuildRequires: python-imaging
# pygments dependencies
BuildRequires: python-nose
BuildRequires: gcc gcc-c++ make
BuildRequires: autoconf automake libtool
BuildRequires: systemd-units openssl openssl-devel
BuildRequires: python3-devel python3-setuptools
BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils
BuildRequires: groff-base graphviz
BuildRequires: unbound-devel
BuildRequires: systemtap-sdt-devel
# make check dependencies
BuildRequires: procps-ng
%if %{with check_datapath_kernel}
BuildRequires: nmap-ncat
# would be useful but not available in RHEL or EPEL
#BuildRequires: pyftpdlib
%if %{with libcapng}
BuildRequires: libcap-ng libcap-ng-devel
%ifarch %{dpdkarches}
BuildRequires: meson
%if 0%{?rhel} > 8 || 0%{?fedora}
BuildRequires: python3-pyelftools
# DPDK driver dependencies
BuildRequires: zlib-devel numactl-devel libarchive-devel
%ifarch x86_64
BuildRequires: rdma-core-devel >= 15 libmnl-devel
# Required by packaging policy for the bundled DPDK
Provides: bundled(dpdk) = %{dpdkver}
Requires: openssl iproute module-init-tools
#Upstream kernel commit 4f647e0a3c37b8d5086214128614a136064110c3
#Requires: kernel >= 3.15.0-0
Requires: openvswitch-selinux-extra-policy
Requires(pre): shadow-utils
Requires(post): /bin/sed
Requires(post): /usr/sbin/usermod
Requires(post): /usr/sbin/groupadd
Requires(post): systemd-units
Requires(preun): systemd-units
Requires(postun): systemd-units
Obsoletes: openvswitch-controller <= 0:2.1.0-1
%if 0%{?rhel}
# sortedcontainers are not packaged on RHEL yet, but ovs includes it
%global __requires_exclude ^python%{python3_version}dist\\(sortedcontainers\\)$
Open vSwitch provides standard network bridging functions and
support for the OpenFlow protocol for remote per-flow control of
%package -n python3-%{pkgname}
Summary: Open vSwitch python3 bindings
License: ASL 2.0
Requires: %{pkgname} = %{?epoch:%{epoch}:}%{version}-%{release}
Provides: python-%{pkgname} = %{?epoch:%{epoch}:}%{version}-%{release}
%description -n python3-%{pkgname}
Python bindings for the Open vSwitch database
%package test
Summary: Open vSwitch testing utilities
License: ASL 2.0
BuildArch: noarch
Requires: python3-%{pkgname} = %{?epoch:%{epoch}:}%{version}-%{release}
Requires: tcpdump
%description test
Utilities that are useful to diagnose performance and connectivity
issues in Open vSwitch setup.
%package devel
Summary: Open vSwitch OpenFlow development package (library, headers)
License: ASL 2.0
Requires: %{pkgname} = %{?epoch:%{epoch}:}%{version}-%{release}
%description devel
This provides shared library, libopenswitch.so and the openvswitch header
files needed to build an external application.
%if 0%{?rhel} == 8 || 0%{?fedora} > 28
%package -n network-scripts-%{name}
Summary: Open vSwitch legacy network service support
License: ASL 2.0
Requires: network-scripts
Supplements: (%{name} and network-scripts)
%description -n network-scripts-%{name}
This provides the ifup and ifdown scripts for use with the legacy network
%if %{with ipsec}
%package ipsec
Summary: Open vSwitch IPsec tunneling support
License: ASL 2.0
Requires: python3-%{pkgname} = %{?epoch:%{epoch}:}%{version}-%{release}
Requires: libreswan
%description ipsec
This package provides IPsec tunneling support for OVS tunnels.
%if 0%{?commit:1}
%setup -q -n ovs-%{commit} -a 10
%setup -q -n ovs-%{version} -a 10
%if ! %{external_sphinx}
%if 0%{?commit:1}
%setup -n ovs-%{commit} -q -D -T -a 100 -a 101 -a 102
%setup -n ovs-%{version} -q -D -T -a 100 -a 101 -a 102
%if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} < 9
%if 0%{?commit:1}
%setup -n ovs-%{commit} -q -D -T -a 103
%setup -n ovs-%{version} -q -D -T -a 103
mv dpdk-*/ %{dpdkdir}/
%patch0 -p1
%if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} < 9
export PYTHONPATH="${PWD}/pyelftools-%{pyelftoolsver}"
# Build Sphinx on RHEL
%if ! %{external_sphinx}
export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH:+$PYTHONPATH:}%{_builddir}/pytmp/lib/python"
for x in docutils-%{docutilsver} Pygments-%{pygmentsver} Sphinx-%{sphinxver}; do
    pushd "$x"
    python2 setup.py install --home %{_builddir}/pytmp
export PATH="$PATH:%{_builddir}/pytmp/bin"
%ifarch %{dpdkarches}    # build dpdk
# Lets build DPDK first
cd %{dpdkdir}
%ifarch x86_64
%ifarch aarch64 x86_64
for driver in "${ENABLED_DRIVERS[@]}"; do
# As of 21.11-rc3, following libraries can be disabled:
# optional_libs = [
#         'bitratestats',
#         'gpudev',
#         'gro',
#         'gso',
#         'kni',
#         'jobstats',
#         'latencystats',
#         'metrics',
#         'pdump',
#         'power',
#         'vhost',
# ]
# If doing any updates, this must be aligned with:
# https://access.redhat.com/articles/3538141
for lib in "${DISABLED_LIBS[@]}"; do
%__meson --prefix=%{_builddir}/dpdk-build \
         --buildtype=plain \
         -Ddisable_libs="$disable_libs" \
         -Ddisable_apps="*" \
         -Denable_drivers="$enable_drivers" \
         -Dplatform=generic \
         -Dmax_ethports=1024 \
         -Dmax_numa_nodes=8 \
         -Dtests=false \
%__meson install -C %{_vpath_builddir} --no-rebuild
# FIXME currently with LTO enabled OVS tries to link with both static and shared libraries
rm -v %{_builddir}/dpdk-build/%{_lib}/*.so*
# Generate a list of supported drivers, its hard to tell otherwise.
DPDK drivers included in this package:
for f in %{_builddir}/dpdk-build/%{_lib}/librte_net_*.a; do
    basename ${f} | cut -c12- | cut -d. -f1 | tr [:lower:] [:upper:]
For further information about the drivers, see
cd -
%endif    # build dpdk
# And now for OVS...
mkdir build-shared build-static
pushd build-shared
ln -s ../configure
%configure \
%if %{with libcapng}
        --enable-libcapng \
        --disable-libcapng \
        --disable-static \
        --enable-shared \
        --enable-ssl \
        --with-pkidir=%{_sharedstatedir}/openvswitch/pki \
        --enable-usdt-probes \
Open vSwitch CI 4e436c
        --disable-afxdp \
Open vSwitch CI 4e436c
make %{?_smp_mflags}
pushd build-static
ln -s ../configure
%ifarch %{dpdkarches}
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=%{_builddir}/dpdk-build/%{_lib}/pkgconfig \
%configure \
%if %{with libcapng}
        --enable-libcapng \
        --disable-libcapng \
        --enable-ssl \
%ifarch %{dpdkarches}
        --with-dpdk=static \
        --with-pkidir=%{_sharedstatedir}/openvswitch/pki \
        --enable-usdt-probes \
Open vSwitch CI 4e436c
        --disable-afxdp \
Open vSwitch CI 4e436c
make %{?_smp_mflags}
/usr/bin/python3 build-aux/dpdkstrip.py \
        --dpdk \
        < rhel/usr_lib_systemd_system_ovs-vswitchd.service.in \
        > rhel/usr_lib_systemd_system_ovs-vswitchd.service
make -C build-shared install sbin_PROGRAMS=ovsdb/ovsdb-server DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT
make -C build-static install bin_PROGRAMS= sbin_PROGRAMS=vswitchd/ovs-vswitchd DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT
install -d -m 0755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_rundir}/openvswitch
install -d -m 0750 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_localstatedir}/log/openvswitch
install -d -m 0755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/openvswitch
install -p -D -m 0644 rhel/usr_lib_udev_rules.d_91-vfio.rules \
install -p -D -m 0644 \
        rhel/usr_share_openvswitch_scripts_systemd_sysconfig.template \
for service in openvswitch ovsdb-server ovs-vswitchd \
               ovs-delete-transient-ports; do
        install -p -D -m 0644 \
                        rhel/usr_lib_systemd_system_${service}.service \
%if %{with ipsec}
install -p -D -m 0644 rhel/usr_lib_systemd_system_openvswitch-ipsec.service \
install -m 0755 rhel/etc_init.d_openvswitch \
install -p -D -m 0644 rhel/etc_openvswitch_default.conf \
install -p -D -m 0644 rhel/etc_logrotate.d_openvswitch \
install -m 0644 vswitchd/vswitch.ovsschema \
%if 0%{?rhel} < 9
install -d -m 0755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/network-scripts/
install -p -m 0755 rhel/etc_sysconfig_network-scripts_ifdown-ovs \
install -p -m 0755 rhel/etc_sysconfig_network-scripts_ifup-ovs \
install -d -m 0755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{python3_sitelib}
cp -a $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/openvswitch/python/ovstest \
# Build the JSON C extension for the Python lib (#1417738)
pushd python
export CPPFLAGS="-I ../include -I ../build-shared/include"
export LDFLAGS="%{__global_ldflags} -L $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}"
[ -f "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{python3_sitearch}/ovs/_json$(python3-config --extension-suffix)" ]
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/openvswitch/python/
install -d -m 0755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sharedstatedir}/openvswitch
install -d -m 0755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/lib/firewalld/services/
install -p -D -m 0755 \
        rhel/usr_share_openvswitch_scripts_ovs-systemd-reload \
touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/openvswitch/conf.db
# The db needs special permission as IPsec Pre-shared keys are stored in it.
chmod 0640 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/openvswitch/conf.db
touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/openvswitch/system-id.conf
# remove unpackaged files
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_bindir}/ovs-benchmark \
        $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_bindir}/ovs-docker \
        $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_bindir}/ovs-parse-backtrace \
        $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_bindir}/ovs-testcontroller \
        $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sbindir}/ovs-vlan-bug-workaround \
        $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_mandir}/man1/ovs-benchmark.1* \
        $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_mandir}/man8/ovs-testcontroller.* \
%if ! %{with ipsec}
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/openvswitch/scripts/ovs-monitor-ipsec
# remove ovn unpackages files
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/ovn*
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/ovn*
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man5/ovn*
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man7/ovn*
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man8/ovn*
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/openvswitch/ovn*
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/openvswitch/scripts/ovn*
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/ovn/*
%if %{with check}
    pushd build-static
    touch resolv.conf
    export OVS_RESOLV_CONF=$(pwd)/resolv.conf
    if make check TESTSUITEFLAGS='%{_smp_mflags}' ||
       make check TESTSUITEFLAGS='--recheck'; then :;
        cat tests/testsuite.log
        exit 1
%if %{with check_datapath_kernel}
    pushd build-static
    if make check-kernel RECHECK=yes; then :;
        cat tests/system-kmod-testsuite.log
        exit 1
%if 0%{?systemd_preun:1}
    %systemd_preun openvswitch.service
    if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then
    # Package removal, not upgrade
        /bin/systemctl --no-reload disable openvswitch.service >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
        /bin/systemctl stop openvswitch.service >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
getent group openvswitch >/dev/null || groupadd -r openvswitch
getent passwd openvswitch >/dev/null || \
    useradd -r -g openvswitch -d / -s /sbin/nologin \
    -c "Open vSwitch Daemons" openvswitch
%ifarch %{dpdkarches}
    getent group hugetlbfs >/dev/null || groupadd hugetlbfs
    usermod -a -G hugetlbfs openvswitch
exit 0
if [ $1 -eq 1 ]; then
    sed -i 's:^#OVS_USER_ID=:OVS_USER_ID=:' /etc/sysconfig/openvswitch
%ifarch %{dpdkarches}
    sed -i \
chown -R openvswitch:openvswitch /etc/openvswitch
%if 0%{?systemd_post:1}
    %systemd_post openvswitch.service
    # Package install, not upgrade
    if [ $1 -eq 1 ]; then
        /bin/systemctl daemon-reload >dev/null || :
%if 0%{?systemd_postun:1}
    %systemd_postun openvswitch.service
    /bin/systemctl daemon-reload >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
%triggerun -- openvswitch < 2.5.0-22.git20160727%{?dist}
# old rpm versions restart the service in postun, but
# due to systemd some preparation is needed.
if systemctl is-active openvswitch >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
    /usr/share/openvswitch/scripts/ovs-ctl stop >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
    systemctl daemon-reload >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
    systemctl stop openvswitch ovsdb-server ovs-vswitchd >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
    systemctl start openvswitch >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
exit 0
%files -n python3-%{pkgname}
%files test
%files devel
%exclude %{_libdir}/*.a
%exclude %{_libdir}/*.la
%if 0%{?rhel} == 8 || 0%{?fedora} > 28
%files -n network-scripts-%{name}
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/openvswitch
%config %ghost %verify(not owner group md5 size mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/openvswitch/conf.db
%ghost %attr(0600,-,-) %verify(not owner group md5 size mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/openvswitch/.conf.db.~lock~
%config %ghost %{_sysconfdir}/openvswitch/system-id.conf
%config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 size mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/openvswitch
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/openvswitch
%config %{_datadir}/openvswitch/local-config.ovsschema
%config %{_datadir}/openvswitch/vswitch.ovsschema
%config %{_datadir}/openvswitch/vtep.ovsschema
%ifarch %{dpdkarches}
%doc %{dpdkdir}/README.DPDK-PMDS
%attr(750,openvswitch,hugetlbfs) %verify(not owner group) /var/log/openvswitch
%attr(750,openvswitch,openvswitch) %verify(not owner group) /var/log/openvswitch
%ghost %attr(755,root,root) %verify(not owner group) %{_rundir}/openvswitch
%if (0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} <= 7) || (0%{?fedora} && 0%{?fedora} < 29)
%if %{with ipsec}
%files ipsec
Open vSwitch CI 73d8c1
* Fri Sep 20 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-142
Open vSwitch CI 73d8c1
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 66c69da7ac]
Open vSwitch CI 73d8c1
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 73d8c1
    dc2e4ea5ef selinux: Update policy file.
Open vSwitch CI 73d8c1
Open vSwitch CI 73d8c1
Open vSwitch CI eedcfc
* Fri Sep 20 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-141
Open vSwitch CI eedcfc
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 45cea2e2b7]
Open vSwitch CI eedcfc
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI eedcfc
    8ec460bbe5 ofproto-dpif-mirror: Always revalidate on mirror update. (FDP-788)
Open vSwitch CI eedcfc
Open vSwitch CI eedcfc
Open vSwitch CI a8b30c
* Mon Sep 16 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-140
Open vSwitch CI a8b30c
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: d63b32a343]
Open vSwitch CI a8b30c
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI a8b30c
    99e7cf9cce vconn: Always properly free flow stats reply.
Open vSwitch CI a8b30c
    72f2f60dd7 mcast-snooping: Properly check group_get_lru return code.
Open vSwitch CI a8b30c
    f59f19bf69 ovsdb-idl: Fix IDL memory leak.
Open vSwitch CI a8b30c
    8b2e703a48 ofproto/bond: Preserve active bond member over restarts.
Open vSwitch CI a8b30c
    88b50b4cda ofproto-dpif-upcall: Avoid stale ukeys leaks.
Open vSwitch CI a8b30c
Open vSwitch CI a8b30c
Open vSwitch CI 66a36b
* Wed Aug 14 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-139
Open vSwitch CI 66a36b
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 2a69a988c3]
Open vSwitch CI 66a36b
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 66a36b
    120050c26f netdev-linux: Fix unaligned access to rpl_rtnl_link_stats64.
Open vSwitch CI 66a36b
    a480602cdf route-table: Fix another UBsan warning about pointer type.
Open vSwitch CI 66a36b
Open vSwitch CI 66a36b
Open vSwitch CI 59177e
* Thu Aug 08 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-138
Open vSwitch CI 59177e
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 728b1d834e]
Open vSwitch CI 59177e
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 59177e
    e6baa67d88 netdev-dpdk: Fix race condition in mempool information dump.
Open vSwitch CI 59177e
    4cb73c60cd ovsdb: transaction: Remove incorrect transaction abort in pre-commit.
Open vSwitch CI 59177e
Open vSwitch CI 59177e
Open vSwitch CI 4e436c
* Fri Jul 26 2024 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-137
Open vSwitch CI 4e436c
- Use --with-version-suffix [RH git: abf4cd4dbb]
Open vSwitch CI 4e436c
Open vSwitch CI 4e436c
Open vSwitch CI 4e436c
* Fri Jul 26 2024 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-136
Open vSwitch CI 4e436c
- rhel: Make the version, displayed to the user, customizable. [RH git: 1c676bdac1]
Open vSwitch CI 4e436c
    Since on CentOS/RHEL the builds are based on stable branches and not on
Open vSwitch CI 4e436c
    tags for debugging purpose it's better to have the downstream version as
Open vSwitch CI 4e436c
    version so it's easier to know which commits are included in a build.
Open vSwitch CI 4e436c
Open vSwitch CI 4e436c
    This commit adds --with-version-suffix as ./configure option in
Open vSwitch CI 4e436c
    order to set an OVS version suffix that should be shown to the user via
Open vSwitch CI 4e436c
    ovs-vsctl -V and, so, also on database, on ovs-vsctl show and the other
Open vSwitch CI 4e436c
Open vSwitch CI 4e436c
Open vSwitch CI 4e436c
    --with-version-suffix is used in Fedora/CentOS/RHEL spec file in order to have
Open vSwitch CI 4e436c
    the version be aligned with the downstream one.
Open vSwitch CI 4e436c
Open vSwitch CI 4e436c
    Signed-off-by: Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI 4e436c
    Signed-off-by: Ilya Maximets <i.maximets@ovn.org>
Open vSwitch CI 4e436c
    (cherry picked from commit 9e6d43ef32152527f7887d7f316a191adb5f338c)
Open vSwitch CI 4e436c
Open vSwitch CI 4e436c
Open vSwitch CI a49cc9
* Fri Jul 19 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-135
Open vSwitch CI a49cc9
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: e19fcfab16]
Open vSwitch CI a49cc9
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI a49cc9
    21948c2283 netlink-notifier: Silence the UBsan's function pointer mismatch error.
Open vSwitch CI a49cc9
Open vSwitch CI a49cc9
Open vSwitch CI 4e26e2
* Fri Jul 19 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-134
Open vSwitch CI 4e26e2
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 2a5554263f]
Open vSwitch CI 4e26e2
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 4e26e2
    99038d3b64 Documentation: Update QEMU documentation URLs.
Open vSwitch CI 4e26e2
Open vSwitch CI 4e26e2
Open vSwitch CI 804999
* Wed Jul 17 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-133
Open vSwitch CI 804999
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: a857b9cd39]
Open vSwitch CI 804999
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 804999
    4ebbe54366 match: Fix false-positive snprintf size warning.
Open vSwitch CI 804999
    35e1fd8e8f util: Add non-NULL format assertion to xvasprintf.
Open vSwitch CI 804999
    8a09ab4a7e flow: Fix unaligned access to the ND target in miniflow_extract.
Open vSwitch CI 804999
Open vSwitch CI 804999
Open vSwitch CI fcff02
* Wed Jul 17 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-132
Open vSwitch CI fcff02
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 62cd6967dd]
Open vSwitch CI fcff02
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI fcff02
    d97c8a730a dpif-netlink-rtnl: Fix netdev leak in out-of-tree tunnels probe.
Open vSwitch CI fcff02
    be77786854 dpctl: Fix netdev reference leak in "show" command.
Open vSwitch CI fcff02
Open vSwitch CI fcff02
Open vSwitch CI fcff02
* Wed Jul 17 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-131
Open vSwitch CI fcff02
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 8ac99ae311]
Open vSwitch CI fcff02
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI fcff02
    9587dcd906 tests/tunnel.at: Add geneve options mirror test.
Open vSwitch CI fcff02
    b7d325714b ofproto-dpif-upcall: Fix redundant mirror on geneve tunnel options.
Open vSwitch CI fcff02
Open vSwitch CI fcff02
Open vSwitch CI 29fdff
* Wed Jul 03 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-130
Open vSwitch CI 29fdff
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: a9e22d1501]
Open vSwitch CI 29fdff
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 29fdff
    abdbd25a0c cirrus: Update to FreeBSD 14.1.
Open vSwitch CI 29fdff
Open vSwitch CI 29fdff
Open vSwitch CI d99d1c
* Tue Jul 02 2024 Michael Santana <msantana@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-129
Open vSwitch CI d99d1c
- netdev-offload-tc: Reserve lower tc prio for vlan ethertype. [RH git: d4fe0f1c23]
Open vSwitch CI d99d1c
    The cited commit reserved lower tc priorities for IP ethertypes in order
Open vSwitch CI d99d1c
    to give IP traffic higher priority than other management traffic.
Open vSwitch CI d99d1c
    In case of of vlan encap traffic, IP traffic will still get lower
Open vSwitch CI d99d1c
Open vSwitch CI d99d1c
Open vSwitch CI d99d1c
    Fix it by also reserving low priority tc prio for vlan.
Open vSwitch CI d99d1c
Open vSwitch CI d99d1c
    Fixes: c230c7579c14 ("netdev-offload-tc: Reserve lower tc prios for ip ethertypes")
Open vSwitch CI d99d1c
    Signed-off-by: Maor Dickman <maord@nvidia.com>
Open vSwitch CI d99d1c
    Acked-by: Roi Dayan <roid@nvidia.com>
Open vSwitch CI d99d1c
    Signed-off-by: Simon Horman <horms@ovn.org>
Open vSwitch CI d99d1c
Open vSwitch CI d99d1c
Open vSwitch CI 8ee3e8
* Tue Jun 25 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-128
Open vSwitch CI 8ee3e8
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 83707bfe66]
Open vSwitch CI 8ee3e8
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 8ee3e8
    9e59834e6b odp-execute: Set IPv6 traffic class in AVX implementation.
Open vSwitch CI 8ee3e8
Open vSwitch CI 8ee3e8
Open vSwitch CI 7a8e6f
* Wed Jun 19 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-127
Open vSwitch CI 7a8e6f
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 1b73710c1b]
Open vSwitch CI 7a8e6f
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 7a8e6f
    e87d5b2483 dpdk: Check other_config:dpdk-extra for '--lcores'.
Open vSwitch CI 7a8e6f
Open vSwitch CI 7a8e6f
Open vSwitch CI a28a68
* Fri Jun 07 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-126
Open vSwitch CI a28a68
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 3c1cb5564d]
Open vSwitch CI a28a68
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI a28a68
    9235944def Prepare for 3.1.6.
Open vSwitch CI a28a68
    44695d40ac Set release date for 3.1.5.
Open vSwitch CI a28a68
Open vSwitch CI a28a68
Open vSwitch CI 75c495
* Fri Jun 07 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-125
Open vSwitch CI 75c495
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 8b69b18632]
Open vSwitch CI 75c495
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 75c495
    a8cbe50c2b python: ovs: flow: Fix nested check_pkt_len acts.
Open vSwitch CI 75c495
    b00be11dc1 python: idl: Fix index not being updated on row modification.
Open vSwitch CI 75c495
    5527145791 python: ovsdb-idl: Convert new_uuid insert() arg to UUID.
Open vSwitch CI 75c495
    9d7867bcba python: ovsdb-idl: Make IndexedRows mirror hmap.
Open vSwitch CI 75c495
Open vSwitch CI 75c495
Open vSwitch CI 3c7aa2
* Wed Jun 05 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-124
Open vSwitch CI 3c7aa2
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 713a640223]
Open vSwitch CI 3c7aa2
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 3c7aa2
    5a9788b674 nsh: Add support to compose-packet and use it in system tests.
Open vSwitch CI 3c7aa2
    33ad96d911 tests: Convert ND, MPLS and CT sendpkt tests to compose-packet.
Open vSwitch CI 3c7aa2
    282e1ce82b tests: sendpkt: Allow different input formats.
Open vSwitch CI 3c7aa2
    9e178b6752 ipf: Handle common case of ipf defragmentation.
Open vSwitch CI 3c7aa2
    f0f186095b ipf: Only add fragments to batch of same dl_type.
Open vSwitch CI 3c7aa2
Open vSwitch CI 3c7aa2
Open vSwitch CI fb11e0
* Mon Jun 03 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-123
Open vSwitch CI fb11e0
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 64c1c90abb]
Open vSwitch CI fb11e0
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI fb11e0
    4456f2185f tests: Fix non-portable plus match in python vlog test.
Open vSwitch CI fb11e0
Open vSwitch CI fb11e0
Open vSwitch CI e22c6d
* Mon Jun 03 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-122
Open vSwitch CI e22c6d
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 37c97dd8d1]
Open vSwitch CI e22c6d
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI e22c6d
    456a1b19ac odp-execute: Fix AVX checksum calculation.
Open vSwitch CI e22c6d
    851e12f564 ovs-ofctl: Implement compose-packet --bare.
Open vSwitch CI e22c6d
Open vSwitch CI e22c6d
Open vSwitch CI 8129b5
* Thu May 30 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-121
Open vSwitch CI 8129b5
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 456d22059a]
Open vSwitch CI 8129b5
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 8129b5
    a5f41f0554 dpdk: Use DPDK 22.11.5 release for OVS 3.1.
Open vSwitch CI 8129b5
Open vSwitch CI 8129b5
Open vSwitch CI 24d7cd
* Tue May 28 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-120
Open vSwitch CI 24d7cd
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 03eb87618b]
Open vSwitch CI 24d7cd
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 24d7cd
    6767ac6c6c socket: Fix uninitialized values in inet_parse_ functions.
Open vSwitch CI 24d7cd
    0ab3811f6a dpctl: Fix uninitialized value when deleting flows.
Open vSwitch CI 24d7cd
Open vSwitch CI 24d7cd
Open vSwitch CI 613063
* Thu May 23 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-119
Open vSwitch CI 613063
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: eecd74c341]
Open vSwitch CI 613063
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 613063
    738bc59942 atlocal: Replace deprecated pkg_resources.
Open vSwitch CI 613063
    373f0ad878 atlocal: Fix setting HAVE_PYTEST on unexpected errors.
Open vSwitch CI 613063
Open vSwitch CI 613063
Open vSwitch CI 17ee06
* Fri May 17 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-118
Open vSwitch CI 17ee06
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 25f77949cb]
Open vSwitch CI 17ee06
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 17ee06
    7694dfacb8 compiler: Fix errors in Clang 17 ubsan checks.
Open vSwitch CI 17ee06
    490b5fa359 table: Fix freeing global variable.
Open vSwitch CI 17ee06
    faf1751557 vlog: Destroy async_append first then close log_fd.
Open vSwitch CI 17ee06
Open vSwitch CI 17ee06
Open vSwitch CI 67ef47
* Tue May 14 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-117
Open vSwitch CI 67ef47
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 0738b9f80e]
Open vSwitch CI 67ef47
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 67ef47
    0dab34c2f2 conntrack: Fully initialize conn struct before insertion.
Open vSwitch CI 67ef47
    b20de3c573 conntrack: Do not use {0} to initialize unions.
Open vSwitch CI 67ef47
Open vSwitch CI 67ef47
Open vSwitch CI 0168b4
* Tue May 07 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-116
Open vSwitch CI 0168b4
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: db9b177b3e]
Open vSwitch CI 0168b4
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 0168b4
    8b029bd258 ovsdb-client: Add missing arg to help for 'dump'.
Open vSwitch CI 0168b4
Open vSwitch CI 0168b4
Open vSwitch CI 8faa02
* Fri May 03 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-115
Open vSwitch CI 8faa02
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 76b4091dc6]
Open vSwitch CI 8faa02
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 8faa02
    59135a75ee ofproto-dpif-trace: Fix access to an out-of-scope stack memory.
Open vSwitch CI 8faa02
    483bc24e46 hash, jhash: Fix unaligned access to the hash remainder.
Open vSwitch CI 8faa02
    0e513282b0 sparse: Add additional define for sparse on GCC >= 14.
Open vSwitch CI 8faa02
Open vSwitch CI 8faa02
Open vSwitch CI e56826
* Tue Apr 30 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-114
Open vSwitch CI e56826
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 2b7e596ed6]
Open vSwitch CI e56826
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI e56826
    1937dbe20f sparse: Add immintrin.h header.
Open vSwitch CI e56826
    bed6894440 tc: Fix -Wgnu-variable-sized-type-not-at-end warning with Clang 18.
Open vSwitch CI e56826
    ebc6bbfb91 tests: Fix build failure with Clang 18 due to -Wformat-truncation.
Open vSwitch CI e56826
Open vSwitch CI e56826
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
* Wed Apr 24 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-113
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 10583df489]
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    6ce0130f12 netdev-dpdk: Fix possible memory leak configuring VF MAC address.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
* Tue Apr 23 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-112
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 282b986905]
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    c71c87d5c9 ovsdb: raft: Fix probe intervals after install snapshot request.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    b237df7405 ovsdb: raft: Fix inability to join a cluster with a large database.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    9812877077 rhel/systemd: Set ovsdb-server timeout to 5 minutes.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
* Thu Apr 11 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-111
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: dadb6534af]
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    6b32502aa6 github: Update python to 3.12.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    f3ce71c75a ovsdb-dot: Fix flake8 issues.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    7b994b4903 ovsdb-doc: Fix syntax warning with Python 3.12 and flake8 issues.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
* Wed Apr 10 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-110
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: bdf5e11596]
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    70f0941b23 python: Remove hacking dependency and use recent flake8.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    7e9b2f6617 cirrus: Update to FreeBSD 13.3.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
* Tue Apr 09 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-109
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 04df41821a]
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    ac31976ffa tests: Fix compatibility issue with Python 3.13 in vlog.at.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
* Fri Apr 05 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-108
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 3741a6ff0e]
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    27228f017f ofproto-dpif-upcall: Fix ukey installation failure logs and counters.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
* Wed Apr 03 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-107
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: f7577a2051]
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    d23fdb41e2 conntrack: Do not use icmp reverse helper for icmpv6.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    c769ee467a conntrack: Fix SNAT with exhaustion system test.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
* Wed Mar 27 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-106
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 1110e96479]
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    852d86e2fd ovsdb: raft: Fix inability to join after leadership change round trip.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    4136cd27ff ovsdb: raft: Fix permanent joining state on a cluster member.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    7872a1e67e ovsdb: raft: Avoid transferring leadership to unavailable servers.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
* Wed Mar 27 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-105
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 093dad7612]
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    8925f29155 ofproto-dpif-xlate: Fix continuations with associated metering.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
* Fri Mar 22 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-104
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 0ed11af3ab]
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    934ab1e76b ovs-monitor-ipsec: LibreSwan autodetect paths. (#1975039)
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    07a851265c route-table: Avoid routes from non-standard routing tables.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
* Tue Mar 19 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-103
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: e74dfafabc]
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    fe5d15b40c ofproto-dpif: Fix tunnel with different name del/add failure.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    159fd0355c ofpbuf: Prevent undefined behavior in ofpbuf_clone.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
* Tue Mar 12 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-102
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: f1020d6cf4]
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    ac8014ef39 github: Reduce ASLR entropy to be compatible with asan in llvm 14.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
* Fri Mar 08 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-101
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 98bb980e16]
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    6e11965690 bfd: Improve state change log message. (#2258496)
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    15e676dd15 tests: Fix "SSL db: Implementation" test with openssl > 3.2.0.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
* Fri Mar 08 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-100
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 5551ebc1c1]
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    c56f0b4c49 conntrack: Fix flush not flushing all elements.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
* Sat Mar 02 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-99
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 42d3fec061]
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    42a470e75a bond: Reset stats when deleting post recirc rule.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    a73d946d21 ofproto-dpif-trace: Fix infinite recirculation tracing.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    b7f021275d ofproto-dpif-xlate: Fix ignoring IPv6 local_ip for native tunnels.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    2d76b4de37 netdev-dummy: Add local route entries for IP addresses.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    ff5044649c tests: Move the non-local port as tunnel endpoint test.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    5ed423500c netdev-dummy: Support multiple IP addresses.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    9e8c641851 rstp: Fix deadlock with patch ports.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
* Sat Mar 02 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-98
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
- Merging dpdk subtree [RH git: a9cbf91b50]
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    319a57029a Revert "build: add libarchive to optional external dependencies"
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    cb88423913 Merge tag 'v22.11.4' into 22.11
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    076a05a022 Reapply "net/iavf: fix abnormal disable HW interrupt"
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    caf0f5d395 version: 22.11.4
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    7d6f1cc05f Revert "net/iavf: fix abnormal disable HW interrupt"
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    dc9c799c7d vhost: fix missing spinlock unlock
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    4307659a90 net/mlx5: fix LACP redirection in Rx domain
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    6ef77f2a5e net/gve: fix RX buffer size alignment
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    ee2197cbd4 crypto/openssl: fix memory leaks in asym session
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    02cb6cdbcd net/nfp: fix reconfigure logic of set MAC address
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    9651485a36 net/nfp: fix link status interrupt
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    6350131153 app/test: disable graph auto test for windows
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    97cdb0db6d Revert "eventdev: fix alignment padding"
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    6c688dec84 event/dlb2: fix disable PASID
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    6471372564 net/hns3: fix VF reset handler interruption
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    28e7716ee3 net/hns3: fix reset event status
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    c5d0485861 net/hns3: fix ignored reset event
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    da708a5b4e ethdev: fix ESP packet type description
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    3b67c07511 mempool: clarify enqueue/dequeue ops documentation
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    9c68d8a845 mempool: fix get function documentation
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    9f0f54a72e doc: remove number of commands in vDPA guide
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    e1aa1c2ce0 doc: fix some ordered lists
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    cabe6f3bae doc: remove restriction on ixgbe vector support
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    de38896353 app/pipeline: add sigint handler
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    22a1b5067c test/hash: fix creation error log
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    122f600818 usertools/pmdinfo: fix usage typos
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    0a742f1ec0 examples/ethtool: fix pause configuration
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    3ca387345f app/dumpcap: allow multiple invocations
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    578b87a955 pdump: fix error number on IPC response
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    364faab59a eal/windows: fix build with recent MinGW
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    82dd3dde96 config: fix RISC-V native build
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    2a720ab686 examples/ipsec-secgw: fix partial overflow
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    b5913482ec net/mlx5: fix offset size in conntrack flow action
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    434c2fc890 doc: update versions recommendations for i40e and ice
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    ce75c85b4a doc: fix RSS flow description in hns3 guide
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    fb6560fcfc doc: update features in hns3 guide
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    6a44194cc1 doc: fix hns3 build option about max queue number
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    085a72d8f8 net/txgbe: fix out of bound access
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    e0fa003972 eal/riscv: fix vector type alignment
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    d3741774d0 net/mlx5: fix MPRQ stride size check
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    07a861e472 net/mlx5: zero UDP checksum over IPv4 in encapsulation
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    c9e75ba878 net/mlx5: fix shared Rx queue list management
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    4699a174ea net/mlx5: fix multi-segment Tx inline data length
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    14a722ae6b net/mlx5: fix hairpin queue states
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    ab46753245 net/mlx5: fix hairpin queue unbind
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    480df9f41e net/mlx5: fix use after free on Rx queue start
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    d32e9e689b net/mlx5: fix destroying external representor flow
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    ca79cce293 net/mlx5: fix missing flow rules for external SQ
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    97b9c4dca3 net/mlx5: fix counter query during port close
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    49bd7912ee net/mlx5: fix validation of sample encap flow action
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    f00e3b40fd net/mlx5: fix unlock mismatch
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    5ff3454aac app/testpmd: fix tunnel TSO configuration
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    2959baf71f app/testpmd: add explicit check for tunnel TSO
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    6f1c35e7a8 app/testpmd: fix tunnel TSO capability check
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    b3009db2e4 net/hns3: fix mailbox sync
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    be77f806f2 test/bonding: fix uninitialized RSS configuration
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    5b8da03c1d ethdev: account for smaller MTU when setting default
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    5508c2d500 app/testpmd: remove useless check in TSO command
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    28f7dd30ee net/sfc: remove null dereference in log
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    c38b876902 meter: fix RFC4115 trTCM API Doxygen
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    71876ad11a event/dlb2: fix missing queue ordering capability flag
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    a998d657f5 common/cnxk: fix SDP channel mask
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    0d7ea280fe net/ice: fix crash on closing representor ports
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    2dfcdb87a5 test/bbdev: assert failed test for queue configure
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    7b8504aee3 test/bbdev: fix Python script subprocess
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    e42af2946a baseband/acc: fix TB mode on VRB1
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    2e2cc882eb event/dlb2: fix name check in self-test
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    2cd4ce8518 app/dumpcap: fix mbuf pool ring type
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    ac8ca59223 event/dlb2: disable PASID
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    5586a7be43 bus/pci: add PASID control
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    dec4b39b20 build: add libarchive to optional external dependencies
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    cb225e1ae9 config/arm: fix aarch32 build with GCC 13
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    e787872a59 net/ice: fix Tx preparation
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    8dc1b42e31 net/iavf: fix Tx preparation
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    c70a8fa66e crypto/nitrox: fix panic with high number of segments
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    f089d80b08 doc: update kernel module entry in QAT guide
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    d7b738d6dc net/ice: fix DCF port statistics
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    c7270eb8cd net/iavf: fix Tx offload flags check
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    84c1679b72 net/iavf: fix indent in Tx path
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    c1c417228a net/iavf: fix Tx offload mask
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    ae7a0f6233 net/ice: fix L1 check interval
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    f2ab72ed3d common/mlx5: fix controller index parsing
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    72ab4bf42f net/mlx5: fix flow workspace double free in Windows
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    f0bc006230 net/mlx5/hws: fix integrity bits level
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    815a8ce067 net/mlx5: fix flow thread safety flag for HWS
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    b57dd69e61 net/mlx5: fix E-Switch mirror flow rule validation
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    a908d0cb5b net/mlx5: fix NIC flow capability query
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    74b594dfd3 net/mlx5: fix decap action checking in sample flow
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    81410056f5 net/tap: fix RSS for fragmented packets
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    85b95b48ce net/nfp: fix DMA error after abnormal exit
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    5b470b0567 app/procinfo: adjust format of RSS info
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    df4470f94c app/procinfo: fix RSS info
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    69d6a23bb1 net/tap: fix IPv4 checksum offloading
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    db03b8a934 net/tap: fix L4 checksum offloading
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    de2edad82b net/hns3: fix uninitialized hash algo value
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    085f8342f5 net/hns3: keep set/get algo key functions local
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    555126492b net/hns3: fix some error logs
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    84b217ed2c net/hns3: fix some return values
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    36f408b7d8 net/hns3: fix LRO offload to report
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    518bc13327 net/hns3: fix setting DCB capability
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    4f039a69e9 net/enic: avoid extra unlock in MTU set
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    73440e9fd3 ethdev: fix 32-bit build with GCC 13
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    14a4c7b3e8 net/ngbe: add proper memory barriers in Rx
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    33f8a0ce2c net/txgbe: add proper memory barriers in Rx
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    22b7f9edf9 net/bonding: fix possible overrun
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    d3f778e077 test/bonding: add missing check
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    7989293c66 test/bonding: remove unreachable statement
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    8d45a7ecac net/nfp: fix reconfigure logic in VF initialization
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    cb30eb9a11 net/nfp: fix reconfigure logic in PF initialization
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    8dcc1b4552 net/hns3: refactor interrupt state query
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    9a62d06e64 net/hns3: fix IMP or global reset
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    65231cf278 net/hns3: fix multiple reset detected log
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    290166c239 net/hns3: remove reset log in secondary
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    c4bf1adb63 net/hns3: fix double stats for IMP and global reset
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    70c868a155 net/hns3: fix unchecked Rx free threshold
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    b9195e016e net/hns3: fix typo in function name
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    976cefa803 app/testpmd: fix early exit from signal
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    8f4eb60951 net/gve: update max Rx packet length to be based on MTU
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    6f78b589c5 ethdev: fix function name in comment
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    e671505da1 net/nfp: fix crash on close
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    4dfec51b97 net/cnxk: fix data offset in vector Tx
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    780be398dc common/cnxk: fix pool buffer size in opaque mode
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    8c291d8778 vhost: fix checking virtqueue access in stats API
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    a07736eb68 vhost: fix missing lock protection in power monitor API
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    adae353b36 vhost: fix check on virtqueue access in in-flight getter
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    7f80528fbd vhost: fix check on virtqueue access in async registration
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    2dc5b2aadd vhost: fix missing check on virtqueue access
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    ac1162d97a vhost: fix missing vring call check on virtqueue access
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    c1001c18e6 net/virtio: fix link state interrupt vector setting
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    b485fae237 net/virtio: fix missing next flag in Tx packed ring
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    51205657f1 eventdev: fix missing driver names in info struct
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    0beed895ef eventdev: fix device pointer for vdev-based devices
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    4f5e8c612f malloc: remove return from void functions
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    f2f948863b bus/ifpga: fix driver header dependency
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    f42884a20c app/procinfo: remove unnecessary rte_malloc
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    c20753f52f ethdev: add check in async flow action query
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    b33ea9e6de net/bonding: fix link status callback stop
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    d316924b1f app/testpmd: fix primary process not polling all queues
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    0cece838b9 net/vmxnet3: fix Rx and Tx queue state
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    bdaff48945 net/virtio: fix Rx and Tx queue state
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    b1dfb750b5 net/vhost: fix Rx and Tx queue state
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    dc77b5d082 net/txgbe: fix Rx and Tx queue state
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    beb475c1c4 net/softnic: fix Rx and Tx queue state
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    8ab4f361b0 net/sfc: fix Rx and Tx queue state
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    564958b988 net/ring: fix Rx and Tx queue state
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    f2edd9823d net/pfe: fix Rx and Tx queue state
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    63a8198b22 net/octeontx: fix Rx and Tx queue state
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    f6ec84e5e5 net/octeon_ep: fix Rx and Tx queue state
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    eb53c49bad net/null: fix Rx and Tx queue state
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    df52eadf8f net/ngbe: fix Rx and Tx queue state
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    4e28c37ff5 net/nfp: fix Rx and Tx queue state
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    e2e72d04cb net/mvpp2: fix Rx and Tx queue state
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    5116feb88f net/mvneta: fix Rx and Tx queue state
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    accdf4594b net/mlx4: fix Rx and Tx queue state
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    26fe1d02e5 net/memif: fix Rx and Tx queue state
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    1f38a20d2e net/ipn3ke: fix Rx and Tx queue state
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    0d4ab569a1 net/hinic: fix Rx and Tx queue state
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    2492c41642 net/enic: fix Rx and Tx queue state
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    3df3bf7e5c net/enetc: fix Rx and Tx queue state
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    1efb8fcf47 net/ena: fix Rx and Tx queue state
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    36e418d789 net/e1000: fix Rx and Tx queue state
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    ef3b3501b8 net/dpaa2: fix Rx and Tx queue state
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    b97544f35a net/dpaa: fix Rx and Tx queue state
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    606a11a71c net/cxgbe: fix Rx and Tx queue state
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    50177d5bf1 net/bonding: fix Rx and Tx queue state
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    5f75982239 net/bnxt: fix Rx and Tx queue state
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    ad55189740 net/bnx2x: fix Rx and Tx queue state
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    c0001c9115 net/avp: fix Rx and Tx queue state
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    b4078f8a6b net/af_xdp: fix Rx and Tx queue state
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    6c8f427c57 net/af_packet: fix Rx and Tx queue state
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    a8fd5060ac net/mana: add missing new line to data path logs
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    c6b2c85ca4 fib6: fix adding default route as first route
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    e4649e8d78 fib: fix adding default route overwriting entire table
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    461a81717f net/mlx5/hws: fix field copy bind
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    1c9bab50cc net/mlx5: fix jump ipool entry size
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    62a937220c common/mlx5: replace use of PMD log type
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    8115fe3345 net/mlx5: fix leak in sysfs port name translation
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    06cd13b57e net/nfp: fix initialization of physical representors
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    e054f121ef net/ark: support single function with multiple port
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    b796460bce net/axgbe: identify CPU with cpuid
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    a7ff0ba143 net/ice: fix TSO with big segments
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    a2799805b6 net/ice: remove log from Tx prepare function
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    50e27677ba net/iavf: fix TSO with big segments
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    235b473bf9 net/iavf: remove log from Tx prepare function
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    eec9ac43a7 net/iavf: fix Tx debug
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    101faaba08 net/ice: fix initial link status
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    b64cc84bb5 net/iavf: fix ESN session update
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    efdea6d6f4 net/iavf: unregister interrupt handler before FD close
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    948b21bd59 net/iavf: fix port stats clearing
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    4467e32db9 net/ice: fix TM configuration clearing
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    36e302e98b net/i40e: fix buffer leak on Rx reconfiguration
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    baaa298893 net/iavf: fix checksum offloading
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    491e9d37c1 net/iavf: fix VLAN offload strip flag
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    52c903949a net/ice: write timestamp to first segment in scattered Rx
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    d4cd714640 net/i40e: fix FDIR queue receives broadcast packets
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    202402218c app/bbdev: fix link with NXP LA12XX
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    923d7a21ab baseband/acc: fix ACC100 HARQ input alignment
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    9e7a4f889b vdpa/mlx5: fix unregister kick handler order
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    529b747a92 common/cnxk: replace direct API usage in REE
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    513e507ee4 common/cnxk: remove dead Meson code
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    257c5a049a common/cnxk: fix RSS key configuration
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    5dc2babce4 common/cnxk: fix aura disable handling
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    1ef99ed9dd mempool/cnxk: fix alloc from non-EAL threads
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    0da4d859cd mempool/cnxk: fix free from non-EAL threads
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    2b29a7975b dma/cnxk: fix chunk buffer failure return code
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    46d25f17a6 dma/cnxk: fix device reconfigure
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    915fbdb681 dma/cnxk: fix device state
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    ab0aa8b245 common/cnxk: fix DPI memzone name
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    0259cb16f7 net/cnxk: fix uninitialized variable
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    e38988edfd common/cnxk: fix incorrect aura ID
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    0e8848d299 common/cnxk: fix different size bit operations
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    bc87fece07 common/cnxk: fix xstats for different packet sizes
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    8c360e4392 common/cnxk: fix default flow action setting
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    1b7fb134d9 event/sw: fix ordering corruption with op release
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    e9da79d973 eventdev/eth_rx: fix timestamp field register in mbuf
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    6d49fdbd99 event/cnxk: fix context flush in port cleanup
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    22d4975573 event/sw: remove obsolete comment
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    bb60e98212 test/event: fix crypto null device creation
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    6e9061bd77 event/cnxk: fix return values for capability API
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    ba2ec17a2f eventdev/crypto: fix circular buffer full case
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    15b1bc964b event/cnxk: fix CASP usage for clang
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    148478f997 event/cnxk: fix getwork mode devargs parsing
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    d854ba2422 eventdev: fix alignment padding
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    73fa336da5 bus/pci: fix device ID log
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    5a03754492 eventdev: fix symbol export for port maintenance
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    f150a45b65 crypto/ipsec_mb: add dependency check for cross build
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    39b817dfee crypto/cnxk: fix IPsec CCM and GCM capabilities
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    40ea03b5ea crypto/qat: fix raw API null algorithm digest
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    31f6839de6 test/crypto: fix typo in asym tests
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    486fb2f97c test/crypto: fix return value for GMAC case
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    8506f6d67c test/crypto: skip some synchronous tests with CPU crypto
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    5f940557cf test/crypto: fix IV in some vectors
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    e4cba3bb19 test/security: fix IPv6 next header field
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    7004929e29 doc: replace code blocks with includes in security guide
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    3d75e696dc crypto/dpaa_sec: fix debug prints
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    00819a704d crypto/dpaa2_sec: fix debug prints
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    8af3c9994e cryptodev: add missing doc for security context
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    1a318a87a3 test: fix named test macro
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    086e0e529e app/testpmd: fix help string
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    8ef9e184ca net/gve: fix max MTU limit
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    6754edbeb5 net/tap: use MAC address parse API instead of local parser
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    367755a8dc net/ngbe: check process type in close operation
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    a340716239 net/txgbe: check process type in close operation
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    d9b0b9b3e2 net/ngbe: keep link down after device close
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    adb1b60601 net/txgbe: keep link down after device close
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    46e19fcf10 net/ngbe: reconfigure MAC Rx when link update
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    768e6a3d83 net/txgbe: reconfigure MAC Rx when link update
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    12662c8d63 net/ngbe: prevent NIC from slowing down link speed
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    401b94367f net/ngbe: fix flow control
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    ae0ac0ba92 net/txgbe: fix GRE tunnel packet checksum
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    2c62e36805 net/txgbe: add Tx queue maximum limit
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    64d7c1df88 net/netvsc: increase VSP response timeout to 60 seconds
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    af391d2427 hash: align SSE lookup to scalar implementation
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    421c47495c mem: fix deadlock with multiprocess
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    01d3e3c456 gpu/cuda: fix build with external GDRCopy
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    e55de889b7 bus/dpaa: fix build with asserts for GCC 13
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    517bb40874 random: initialize state for unregistered non-EAL threads
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    4e986000b1 net/hns3: fix order in NEON Rx
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    0e82ee1363 net/mana: add 32-bit short doorbell
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    e9ead33c9d net/mana: enable 32-bit build
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    b6200f6581 app/test: fix reference to master in bonding test
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    2dec2783a0 net/hns3: fix traffic management dump text alignment
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    6961856e84 net/hns3: fix traffic management thread safety
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    15b43a21b2 net/hns3: fix flushing multicast MAC address
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    71c9f50273 net/hns3: fix error code for multicast resource
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    25c73bdc49 net/hns3: fix VF default MAC modified when set failed
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    ce57bf585c net/nfp: fix control message packets
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    de47856936 net/sfc: add missing error code indication to MAE init path
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    563e7c87df net/sfc: account for data offset on Tx
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    37863f1caa net/sfc: set max Rx packet length for representors
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    38b7efe568 net/bonding: fix header for C++
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    f4b30c5e2a rawdev: fix device class in log message
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    f76fc5ef15 eal/unix: fix firmware reading with external xz helper
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    36c07ef565 mempool: fix default ops for an empty mempool
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    36001100ff ci: fix race on container image name
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
* Wed Feb 14 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-97
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 121e06c411]
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    7171152ac8 ofproto-dpif-monitor: Remove unneeded calls to clear packets.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    b5684d41d2 bfd: Set proper offsets and flags in BFD packets.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
* Fri Feb 09 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-96
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 5930b8ed0d]
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    fc6ae2463f Prepare for 3.1.5.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    fdd8edc9ae Set release date for 3.1.4.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    91e621bd5a netdev-offload-tc: Check geneve metadata length.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    d3f9eab1ab odp: ND: Follow Open Flow spec converting from OF to DP.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
* Thu Feb 08 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-95
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: ed748d4ecc]
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    2be57d0cc8 dpdk: Use DPDK 22.11.4 release for OVS 3.1.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
* Mon Jan 29 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-94
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 9c7a1ebb89]
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    ce06a9cf6d github: Update versions of action dependencies (Node.js 20).
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
* Mon Jan 29 2024 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-93
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
- Import redhat/pkgtool from 3.2 [RH git: 5ab2614753]
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
* Mon Jan 29 2024 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-92
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
- Import README.rst from 3.2 [RH git: 27392d5405]
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
* Mon Jan 29 2024 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-91
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
- Import redhat/merge from 3.2 [RH git: 4575067543]
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
* Mon Jan 29 2024 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-90
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
- Merge commit '42ed2ce550ca14cf939c2e6cc383a54c15878b74' into fast-datapath-rhel-8 [RH git: 67ba759419]
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
* Mon Jan 29 2024 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-89
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
- Add 'dpdk/' from commit '9dae7a15aea76313c592c11db44e1386e85f86fe' [RH git: 68fffc40f9]
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    git-subtree-dir: dpdk
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    git-subtree-mainline: 91d43f5108775f809175e9739961595b39c9974d
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    git-subtree-split: 9dae7a15aea76313c592c11db44e1386e85f86fe
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
* Mon Jan 29 2024 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-88
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
- Remove dpdk submodule [RH git: 91d43f5108]
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    You probably also wants to do:
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    git submodule deinit -f dpdk
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    rm -rf .git/modules/dpdk
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
* Fri Jan 19 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-87
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: f86d6b1e21]
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    7bb4f13a37 python: ovs: flow: Add meter_id to controller.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    41b2ae5165 python: ovs: flow: Make check_pkt_len action a list.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    d0fc8a2892 python: ovs: flow: Add idle_age to openflow flows.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    3e2791f8c6 python: tests: Refactor test_odp section testing.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    df59f9a225 python: ovs: flow: Add dp hash and meter actions.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    7958e50a1e python: ovs: flow: Add sample to nested actions.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    fc0fb041af python: tests: Add info and key tests for OFPFlows.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    1d00d1da6f python: ovs: flow: Fix typo in n_packets.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
* Fri Jan 19 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 1e24146953]
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    bd5b5d3b3c ovs-atomic: Fix inclusion of Clang header by GCC 14.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
* Thu Jan 11 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-85
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: baeb8a32dc]
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    dd3f0626ed ovsdb-idl.at: Test IDL behavior during database conversion.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    2c6b81ad6e tests-ovsdb: Switch OVSDB_START_IDLTEST to macro.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    e9c5226cc2 python: idl: Handle monitor_canceled.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
* Tue Jan 09 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-84
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 0a1c4bfec5]
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    bb61b5fe8e vconn: Count vconn_sent regardless of log level.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    e99e16b2bc backtrace: Fix error in log_backtrace() documentation.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    2095fdc897 ovsdb: trigger: Do not allow conversion in read-only mode.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    b7809bcc65 ovsdb: jsonrpc-server: Fix the DSCP value in default options.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    020c9efcbe jsonrpc: Sort JSON objects while printing debug messages.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    f0503a3745 tests: ovsdb: Use diff -up format for replay test.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    ed3968450f ovsdb-server.at: Enbale debug logs in active-backup tests.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    c0a453a919 ovsdb: transaction: Don't try to diff unchanged columns.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    6e988ef853 ovsdb: transaction: Avoid diffs for different type references.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    d96ce5f2c5 ovsdb: Fix incorrect sharing of UUID and _version columns.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
* Tue Jan 09 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-83
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 0b299a1cd5]
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    ffa7d6492d ci: Update the GitHub Ubuntu runner image to Ubuntu 22.04.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
* Thu Jan 04 2024 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-82
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: e9d0b1d643]
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    8fd5f77cd8 ovsdb-idl: Preserve change_seqno when deleting rows.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
* Tue Dec 19 2023 Kevin Traynor <ktraynor@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-81
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
- Merging dpdk submodule [RH git: 071ee36ba9]
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
        Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
        42ed2ce550 Revert "net/iavf: fix abnormal disable HW interrupt"
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
* Thu Dec 07 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-80
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 4c05b0f916]
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    522a69bf67 system-dpdk: Wait for MTU changes to be applied.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
* Tue Dec 05 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-79
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 5ad14a20bd]
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    9e963dbdab tunnel: Do not carry source port from a previous tunnel.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    ae3c17f840 netdev-offload-tc: Fix offload of tunnel key tp_src.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    d603759afd ofp-ct: Return error for unknown property in CT flush.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
* Fri Dec 01 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-78
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: bc18365124]
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    4151467438 cirrus: Update from FreeBSD 12 to 14.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
* Fri Dec 01 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-77
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
- Merging dpdk submodule [RH git: dd5b0ccec6]
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    db913c25d3 Merge tag 'v22.11.3' into 22.11
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    b721cba875 Revert "net/i40e: revert link status check on device start"
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    7849366693 version: 22.11.3
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    774466c6dc Revert "net/iavf: fix tunnel TSO path selection"
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    5e87ad0cf8 version: 22.11.3-rc1
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    9fb53245ea common/cnxk: fix CPT backpressure disable on LBK
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    17fef613a1 net/nfp: fix offloading flows
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    338d0d589a net/nfp: fix Tx descriptor free logic of NFD3
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    6c779801be test/bonding: fix include of standard header
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    22c3a016bb net/ngbe: fix RSS offload capability
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    fc56ce5a01 net/mana: fix Tx queue statistics
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    50dc477c2e doc: fix link to flow capabilities from bnxt guide
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    56e6c7ef88 doc: update BIOS settings and supported HW for NTB
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    89a839ade5 doc: fix description of runtime directories
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    b5513f8e84 doc: improve wording of cuda guide
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    1a4aa1d333 doc: add flow template API requirements for mlx5
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    75a8d9b6d9 app/testpmd: fix meter mark handle update
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    4b42c698a2 net/mlx5: fix handle validation for meter mark
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    6b686c0912 net/mlx5: fix validation for conntrack indirect action
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    5cf1399e93 net/mlx5: fix MPRQ stride size for headroom
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    2e3420f544 net/mlx5: fix LRO TCP checksum
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    8397c9086a net/mlx5: fix drop action memory leak
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    e6365bd3d2 net/e1000: fix Rx and Tx queue status
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    4e200ede54 net/igc: fix Rx and Tx queue status
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    4cae890867 net/ixgbe: fix Rx and Tx queue status
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    912704eee5 common/iavf: fix MAC type for 710 NIC
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    ca8c2ad458 net/iavf: fix stop ordering
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    0a1fa750bc net/i40e: fix comments
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    cb30cddab7 doc: fix typos and wording in flow API guide
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    c12b2943c9 devtools: fix bashism in mailmap check
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    0192d0ac53 kni: fix build with Linux 6.5
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    44632490d9 examples/l3fwd: fix duplicate expression for default nexthop
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    d385831f49 ipsec: fix NAT-T header length
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    93d999a062 examples/ipsec-secgw: fix TAP default MAC address
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    1fad66d244 examples/ipsec-secgw: fix socket ID default value
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    76422de830 app/crypto-perf: fix socket ID default value
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    1a98004f93 cryptodev: fix device socket ID type
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    900b4ca132 examples/fips_validation: fix digest length in AES-GCM
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    31daa7382f test/crypto: fix PDCP-SDAP test vectors
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    440e528ae5 common/qat: detach crypto from compress build
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    2e8f88824d crypto/qat: fix null algorithm digest placement
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    64db6b40e9 baseband/fpga_5gnr_fec: fix starting unconfigured queue
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    4325aff0d4 baseband/fpga_5gnr_fec: fix possible division by zero
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    5ff397c56f net/ice: fix RSS hash key generation
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    9b7215f150 net/iavf: fix tunnel TSO path selection
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    35e69229eb net/ice: fix 32-bit build
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    90a0f328b8 net/iavf: fix VLAN insertion in vector path
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    c14d373562 net/ice: fix VLAN mode parser
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    16ce632452 net/mlx5: fix query for NIC flow capability
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    d165bff7dc net/mlx5: fix RSS expansion inner buffer overflow
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    6a567b41ed net/mlx5: forbid MPRQ restart
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    03e279ee8b net/mlx5: fix flow workspace destruction
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    b5075ab2f9 net/mlx5: reduce counter pool name length
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    b74fa83cf2 net/mlx5: fix profile check of meter mark
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    db32b39aad common/mlx5: fix obtaining IB device in LAG mode
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    fcf46d9c1d net/mlx5: fix error in VLAN actions creation
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    0c50d16325 net/mlx5: fix error set for age pool initialization
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    77159a5063 net/mlx5: fix error set in control tables create
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    aa9f4b4c58 net/mlx5: fix return value of vport action
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    d8ec0d83dd net/mlx5: fix error set in Tx representor tagging
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    d3457cd43d net/mlx5: fix flow dump for modify field
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    a944f7e99c ethdev: fix potential leak in PCI probing helper
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    b6025f7a95 net/hns3: fix index to look up table in NEON Rx
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    a2dc813bc4 net/mana: fix WQE count for ringing RQ doorbell
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    9d30178ddd net/mana: fix counter overflow for posted WQE
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    92d3673001 app/testpmd: fix flow rule number parsing
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    36791bbc4b net/hns3: fix non-zero weight for disabled TC
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    56b89656df app/testpmd: revert primary process polling all queues fix
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    09d8d1fe4f net/txgbe: fix blocking system events
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    7a44cac46c doc: fix number of leading spaces in hns3 guide
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    8b5633f1e2 doc: fix syntax in hns3 guide
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    ece673c7a1 doc: fix kernel patch link in hns3 guide
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    9b9ae1aff1 net/hns3: delete duplicate macro definition
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    3a935374f2 app/testpmd: fix checksum engine with GTP on 32-bit
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    67912c46f4 net/netvsc: fix sizeof calculation
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    d5309394d1 member: fix PRNG seed reset in NitroSketch mode
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    1db71d413e hash: fix reading unaligned bits in Toeplitz hash
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    7e6b4e9d63 mem: fix memsegs exhausted message
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    7a57c9edd6 fib: fix adding default route
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    fc4be70ded devtools: fix mailmap check for parentheses
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    90aa091a20 ipc: fix file descriptor leakage with unhandled messages
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    008fdd0e07 raw/ntb: avoid disabling interrupt twice
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    54182cce72 cryptodev: fix comments of modular operation parameters
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    a60ddd6954 net/cnxk: fix flow queue index validation
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    cd88b5ff39 net/cnxk: fix cookies check with security offload
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    c98cf071f8 net/cnxk: flush SQ before configuring MTU
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    dcd21e65bd common/mlx5: adjust fork call with new kernel API
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    79310b1b61 net/mlx5: fix device removal event handling
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    ce6b9b3772 net/mlx5: fix risk in NEON Rx descriptor read
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    e149ea19c2 net/iavf: fix protocol agnostic offloading with big packets
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    04de2b4a56 net/ice: fix protocol agnostic offloading with big packets
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    15b67727ca net/ice: fix MAC type of E822 and E823
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    a45102d324 net/e1000: fix queue number initialization
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    4f26624221 net/i40e: fix tunnel packet Tx descriptor
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    2bdeeb53da net/iavf: fix abnormal disable HW interrupt
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    520330cbb1 common/idpf: fix memory leak on AVX512 Tx queue close
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    00f8c02c41 net/ixgbe: add proper memory barriers in Rx
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    c8b6f57dc4 net/ice: fix tunnel packet Tx descriptor
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    8a0712739d net/iavf: fix VLAN offload with AVX512
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    64c315b9e9 common/sfc_efx/base: fix Rx queue without RSS hash prefix
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    47326eff66 net/nfp: fix address always related with PF ID 0
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    715143b51e net/nfp: fix representor name too long
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    16a82d0d1a app/testpmd: fix primary process not polling all queues
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    368138b61b net/ngbe: remove redundant codes
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    e66f9e3fdf net/ngbe: fix link status in no LSC mode
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    1c7e19d4a0 net/ngbe: adapt to MNG veto bit setting
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    c523de9115 net/ngbe: fix extended statistics
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    409cd85a16 net/txgbe: fix extended statistics
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    19c8a701a7 net/txgbe: fix to set autoneg for 1G speed
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    57b3a57dfa net/txgbe: adapt to MNG veto bit setting
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    a62297801c net/txgbe: fix interrupt enable mask
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    d96c0259e7 net/txgbe/base: fix Tx with fiber hotplug
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    ff476852e7 net/bonding: fix destroy dedicated queues flow
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    c193423238 net/bonding: fix startup when NUMA is not supported
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    00d2dc7c42 net/nfp: fix VNI of IPv6 NVGRE encap action
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    7797d05cd9 net/nfp: fix VNI of IPv4 NVGRE encap action
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    dc6adc599c net/nfp: fix VNI of VXLAN encap action
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    fa5f6cff44 ethdev: update documentation for API to get FEC
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    7594b6e44d ethdev: check that at least one FEC mode is specified
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    ff56bf6f3a ethdev: update documentation for API to set FEC
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    c25e954265 net/nfp: fix endian conversion for tunnel decap action
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    502acb0f83 net/nfp: fix unneeded endian conversion
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    a526063092 net/nfp: fix IPv6 address for set flow action
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    64839553ee test/security: fix event inline IPsec reassembly tests
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    643423f0b7 crypto/openssl: skip workaround at compilation time
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    91085d3b58 crypto/openssl: fix memory leak in auth processing
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    981792ebc4 crypto/qat: fix sym device prototype
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    791a0227d2 common/qat: fix command parameter corruption
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    0d5c3e03c5 ci: fix libabigail cache in GHA
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    ef98a4da59 mbuf: fix Doxygen comment of distributor metadata
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    5887a7d14d test: add graph tests
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    2bdfd0d7ba examples/fips_validation: fix external build
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    72c87f820d examples/l2fwd-cat: fix external build
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    11757d12ee dma/dpaa2: set VFA bit for route-by-port with VF
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    9047d5c9bf doc: remove warning with Doxygen 1.9.7
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    d8e35e7efe doc: fix typo in graph guide
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    55fbb9de8d test/mbuf: fix crash in a forked process
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    4d116ff1ac net/iavf: fix virtchnl command called in interrupt
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    bd5c63549a net/ice: fix outer UDP checksum offload
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    bae61d2305 net/ice: initialize parser for double VLAN
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    1f35681b6e net/ice: fix timestamp enabling
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    3b032bbf78 net/ice: adjust timestamp mbuf register
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    1d71b68237 net/ice/base: remove unreachable code
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    7691c220b6 net/ice/base: fix incorrect defines for DCBx
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    4ec6da600e net/ice: fix DCF control thread crash
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    c4d749115d net/iavf: release large VF when closing device
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    21ec365e75 net/ice: fix DCF RSS initialization
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    83ad87933a net/ice: fix statistics
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    b9f3b81e9e common/idpf/base: fix memory leaks on control queue
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    1b04a2f618 common/idpf/base: fix parameters when send msg to cp
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    e5868f6648 common/idpf/base: fix ITR register definitions for AVF
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    4cc85337b3 common/idpf/base: fix control queue send and receive
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    1bfcca5b65 common/idpf: remove device stop flag
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    c86c1efd2f net/idpf: fix Rx data buffer size
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    78c374bf41 net/iavf: fix Rx data buffer size
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    1f9af08714 net/ice: fix Rx data buffer size
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    7a72db6add net/i40e: fix Rx data buffer size
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    65303f7c26 doc: fix typo in cnxk platform guide
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    d9ba8a4251 net/qede: fix RSS indirection table initialization
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    df11a52e33 common/cnxk: fix receive queue with multiple mask
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    6cbb5fc911 common/cnxk: fix inline device VF identification
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    d0f357fb6e common/cnxk: fix uninitialized pointer read
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    103a33d02d common/cnxk: fix setting channel mask for SDP interfaces
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    c1e167a078 event/cnxk: fix mempool cookies check
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    338514e558 event/cnxk: fix Tx adapter data pointer
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    46d6c05770 common/cnxk: fix IPsec IPv6 tunnel address byte swap
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    9d1dbc6a01 mempool/cnxk: avoid hang when counting batch allocs
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    255fcff79e net/mlx5: fix drop action attribute validation
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    b53417d63b net/mlx5: fix duplicated tag index matching in SWS
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    124a919b4e net/mlx5: forbid duplicated tag index in pattern template
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    eb02902423 net/mlx5: fix VXLAN matching with zero value
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    2e6f71cb51 net/mlx5: fix matcher layout size calculation
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    9015baea29 net/mlx5: enhance error log for tunnel offloading
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    2a45186cf4 net/virtio-user: fix leak when initialisation fails
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    d228fa562b net/virtio: fix initialization to return negative errno
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    a43f6d459a net/virtio: propagate interrupt configuration error values
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    94bed3c2fa vhost: fix invalid call FD handling
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    fe3e1fc9d8 vhost: fix notification stats for packed ring
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    3a5561e8b5 crypto/ipsec_mb: optimize allocation in session
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    a659f5f18c test/crypto: fix IPsec AES CCM vector
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    7e0080ff4f crypto/cnxk: fix IPsec CCM capabilities
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    c53467f356 crypto/ipsec_mb: fix enqueue counter for SNOW3G
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    d2e09fc0fc test/crypto: fix session creation check
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    e3456f2478 crypto/openssl: fix memory free
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    48b48d2ba8 cryptodev: clarify error codes for symmetric session
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    400a3302de examples/ipsec-secgw: fix zero address in ethernet header
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    6217afd84c test/crypto: fix return value for SNOW3G
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    228857a34c crypto/scheduler: fix last element for valid args
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    4413744138 crypto/qat: fix stack buffer overflow in SGL loop
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    0af5332dff doc: fix auth algos in cryptoperf app
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    3a8502c73d net/vmxnet3: fix return code in initializing
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    c40b9a9873 net/nfp: fix TP flow action for UDP
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    74870817fb net/nfp: fix flow hash table creation
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    18493825d1 net/nfp: fix representor creation
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    de78bd45d6 net/nfp: fix control mempool creation
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    caa96e94b0 net/nfp: fix TOS of IPv6 NVGRE encap flow action
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    67544106ac net/nfp: fix TOS of IPv6 GENEVE encap flow action
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    c81816d07f net/nfp: fix TOS of IPv6 VXLAN encap flow action
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    a1d864c39b net/nfp: fix IPv6 flow item
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    aae5fcb267 net/nfp: fix disabling promiscuous mode
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    e659a163e3 ethdev: fix calloc arguments
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    175e7a7bac net/hns3: fix IMP reset trigger
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    219305d227 net/hns3: fix redundant line break in log
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    4292ebcef4 net/hns3: fix inaccurate log
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    1c81e1a0a8 net/hns3: fix uninitialized variable
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    f99fa19b60 net/hns3: fix device start return value
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    19c20cef27 net/hns3: fix mbuf leakage when RxQ started after reset
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    e9ade95ac4 net/hns3: fix mbuf leakage when RxQ started during reset
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    422a5e09d2 net/hns3: extract PTP to its own header file
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    a8ad010661 net/hns3: uninitialize PTP
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    3999b58cd3 net/hns3: fix RTC time after reset
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    69bff6ea1c net/hns3: fix RTC time on initialization
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    bdf2131156 doc: fix format in flow API guide
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    9ca1814402 net/hns3: fix missing FEC capability
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    340cb03d7f net/hns3: fix FEC mode check
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    b048cdca82 net/hns3: fix FEC mode for 200G ports
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    a678d7da2b ethdev: fix indirect action conversion
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    d859368e8f net/hns3: fix Rx multiple firmware reset interrupts
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    f2dd43a6e9 net/hns3: fix variable type mismatch
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    2a7aef1dd0 net/hns3: fix never set MAC flow control
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    88cf99ed01 net/sfc: invalidate dangling MAE flow action FW resource IDs
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    3254062488 net/mana: return probing failure if no device found
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    631f57f5ef ethdev: fix MAC address occupies two entries
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    32e0eaa22b net/txgbe: fix use-after-free on remove
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    799cc0612c net/vmxnet3: fix drop of empty segments in Tx
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    acbaa6bb5d net/nfp: fix VLAN push flow action
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    9d1fbdb584 app/testpmd: fix GTP L2 length in checksum engine
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    e7e0590338 net/dpaa2: fix checksum good flags
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    ecd3e1f354 net/mana: optimize completion queue by batch processing
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    5b1a78987f net/mana: avoid unnecessary assignments in data path
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    753a735ea0 net/mana: use datapath logging
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    8e27036b63 net/tap: set locally administered bit for fixed MAC address
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    bd14912ab4 net/sfc: stop misuse of Rx ingress m-port metadata on EF100
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    a1dfa52406 net/hns3: fix build warning
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    10a2ee0333 eal/linux: fix legacy mem init with many segments
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    f4d5f30fe4 eal/linux: fix secondary process crash for mp hotplug requests
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    53e6b8c3f0 event/cnxk: fix nanoseconds to ticks conversion
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    cf79458fad eventdev/timer: fix buffer flush
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    d3f784ad5f event/cnxk: fix setting attributes in empty get work
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    d0257dc168 event/dsw: free rings on close
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    c12daa6d2d doc: fix event timer adapter guide
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    ca72f7fdba eventdev/timer: fix timeout event wait behavior
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    5ecf2e459d eal/x86: improve multiple of 64 bytes memcpy performance
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    f4ccd39056 pci: fix comment referencing renamed function
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    c3b5322fc3 build: fix warning when getting NUMA nodes
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    44a9b3b4f7 ci: fix build for Arm cross compilation in GHA
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    94babf61c5 eal: avoid calling cleanup twice
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    6413085d5f test/malloc: fix statistics checks
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    37e859deb8 test/malloc: fix missing free
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    2d3c4df8f5 pipeline: fix double free for table stats
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    cada66aff2 ring: fix dequeue parameter name
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    57dd0e53b1 telemetry: fix autotest on Alpine
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    f14b25d925 kernel/freebsd: fix function parameter list
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    47da400295 vfio: fix include with musl runtime
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    8742732344 ring: fix use after free
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    f9a20a28ec examples/ntb: fix build with GCC 13
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    28aa181578 examples/ip_pipeline: fix build with GCC 13
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    156b423f54 kni: fix build with Linux 6.3
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    403d133d7f net: fix return type of IPv4 L4 packet checksum
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    d75b66ad1c version: 22.11.2
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    8edef444c7 build: detect backtrace availability
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    aa96e66c9a version: 22.11.2-rc1
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    9dcf799d88 common/mlx5: use just sufficient barrier for Arm
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    6940159325 net/mlx5/hws: fix IPv4 fragment matching
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    f567b1ee98 common/cnxk: fix IPv6 extension header parsing
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    f9f94070e0 doc: fix DCF instructions in ice guide
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    d4dc7b1d1b doc: add Linux capability to access physical addresses
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    7ac4d1cebf doc: fix pipeline example path in user guide
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    abf5150780 devtools: move mailmap check after patch applied
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    0dce56b788 acl: fix crash on PPC64 with GCC 11
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    ac849cac65 pdump: fix build with GCC 12
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    fcf7e0e6f7 test/crypto: fix statistics error messages
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    95c2df95d2 doc: fix code blocks in cryptodev guide
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    2fe7fcc1a3 net/mlx5: fix sysfs port name translation
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    80ec04827f net/mlx5: fix CQE dump for Tx
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    1f4de71406 net/mlx5/hws: fix error code of send queue action
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    644bcdb856 net/mlx5: fix build with GCC 12 and ASan
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    d4335766d4 net/mlx5/hws: fix pattern creation
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    1cbb884f35 app/testpmd: fix encap/decap size calculation
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    6a3a2809eb examples/qos_sched: fix config entries in wrong sections
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    782eda8807 net/ipn3ke: fix representor name
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    abe24f4bd0 net/ipn3ke: fix thread exit
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    3bdf07e682 bus/ifpga: fix devargs handling
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    0680a33bc7 net/mlx5: fix isolated mode if no representor matching
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    e10c220053 net/mlx5: fix egress group translation in HWS
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    3f7e967684 doc: fix LPM support in l3forward guide
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    003a860c86 examples/l3fwd: remove hash entry number
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    e528b4f96c net/mlx5: fix hairpin Tx queue reference count
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    b836bb43cf net/iavf: fix device stop during reset
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    158c05028f net/idpf: reset queue flag when queue is stopped
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    8cb2ee860c net/i40e: fix MAC loopback on X722
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    8cc24b8aab net/e1000: fix saving of stripped VLAN TCI
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    91a60dfeee net/i40e: fix AVX512 fast-free path
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    8a6d064801 net/sfc: invalidate switch port entry on representor unplug
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    d59d4fbffa net/virtio: remove address width limit for modern devices
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    7be8e75277 net/vhost: fix Rx interrupt
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    1ecf04df54 net/vhost: fix leak in interrupt handle setup
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    9736b58d62 net/vhost: add missing newline in logs
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    b80c949b77 app/bbdev: check statistics failure
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    39ca0f7397 crypto/ipsec_mb: relax multi-process requirement
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    6919a8d874 app/compress-perf: fix remaining data for ops
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    dc6e5405ca test/crypto: fix skip condition for CPU crypto SGL
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    58dff4134c test/crypto: fix capability check for ZUC cipher-auth
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    0217458d5e test/crypto: fix ZUC digest length in comparison
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    7d3df2701d app/testpmd: fix interactive mode on Windows
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    ef700bf7d0 gpudev: export header file for external drivers
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    db12268a95 eal/unix: fix thread creation
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    29cdc2b88f test/mbuf: fix test with mbuf debug enabled
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    64f4cb8bce test: fix segment length in packet generator
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    8f35765d15 reorder: fix sequence number mbuf field register
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    38369a1974 ring: silence GCC 12 warnings
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    ebcd68e43a raw/skeleton: fix selftest
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    8160c206ca examples/ipsec-secgw: fix offload variable init
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    55f236de5c app/flow-perf: fix division or module by zero
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    161ef7c943 app/crypto-perf: fix test file memory leak
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    72c1da7b2d crypto/openssl: fix freeing in RSA EVP
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    1536a7304a crypto/qat: fix SM3 auth mode
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    eba4eee77b crypto/ccp: fix PCI probing
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    f081724c6b net/mlx5: fix Windows build with MinGW GCC 12
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    5af10c2a20 net/hns3: add verification of RSS types
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    3a5105f1de net/hns3: reimplement hash flow function
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    7307f96575 net/hns3: separate flow RSS config from RSS conf
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    796c8188a5 net/hns3: allow adding queue buffer size hash rule
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    adf239587c net/hns3: save hash algo to RSS filter list node
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    fc620e6832 net/hns3: use new RSS rule to configure hardware
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    a2804bcc0c net/hns3: separate setting and clearing RSS rule
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    679028a2ee net/hns3: separate setting RSS types
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    3b85ef547e net/hns3: separate setting redirection table
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    99c75dbbfe net/hns3: separate setting hash key
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    9c24ae1b2d net/hns3: separate setting hash algorithm
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    dde9ec15ea net/hns3: use hardware config to report redirection table
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    dbcf64d12e net/hns3: use hardware config to report hash types
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    68da0b3986 net/hns3: use hardware config to report hash key
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    5042fd8459 net/hns3: fix possible truncation of redirection table
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    81fbc0298c net/hns3: fix possible truncation of hash key when config
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    73b11178a3 mem: fix heap ID in telemetry
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    57294e8df4 app/testpmd: cleanup cleanly from signal
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    564dbb6a03 cmdline: handle EOF as quit
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    1a22081244 cmdline: make rdline status not private
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    09b626852e kni: fix possible starvation when mbufs are exhausted
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    993c0d08eb net/sfc: fix resetting mark in tunnel offload switch rules
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    f6bdbdf6f2 common/sfc_efx/base: add MAE mark reset action
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    4224d5f521 regex/mlx5: fix doorbell record
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    b5512d3186 regex/mlx5: utilize all available queue pairs
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    cb4baf72a4 table: fix action selector group size log2 setting
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    60f6d9449c raw/skeleton: fix empty devargs parsing
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    0848681e90 dma/skeleton: fix empty devargs parsing
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    ce3c0aa7aa net/virtio: fix empty devargs parsing
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    33b1cea25d net/hns3: fix empty devargs parsing
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    63ba1d9f2c cryptodev: fix empty devargs parsing
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    00e3a4efbc compressdev: fix empty devargs parsing
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    6567e0cf76 kvargs: add API documentation for process callback
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    bb296faffc net/nfp: fix MTU configuration order
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    bf878ca704 eal/windows: fix thread creation
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    fac8d80e0d common/cnxk: add memory clobber to steor and ldeor
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    67479d24a4 net/cnxk: fix LBK BPID usage
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    14688b03c0 net/ice: fix Rx timestamp
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    8ec56c115a net/i40e: fix maximum frame size configuration
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    287a57f832 net/i40e: revert link status check on device start
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    dc67b490e8 net/ixgbe: fix IPv6 mask in flow director
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    b0901e6d5b app/testpmd: fix secondary process packet forwarding
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    17637f9c0f net/nfp: fix offload of multiple output actions
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    fc325877f6 net/nfp: fix set DSCP flow action
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    336d6c1c41 net/nfp: fix set TTL flow action
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    264cbadbee net/nfp: fix set TP flow action
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    dcc0be2c8a net/nfp: fix set IPv6 flow action
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    d6fb8fc9c1 net/nfp: fix set IPv4 flow action
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    a0a1f437b2 net/nfp: fix set MAC flow action
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    aaa501436c ethdev: remove telemetry Rx mbuf alloc failed field
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    03cfac3c99 net/nfp: fix getting RSS configuration
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    5475d251f1 net/mana: fix stats counters
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    00af2661ac ethdev: fix build with LTO
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    cd2635a2b5 app/testpmd: fix packet transmission in noisy VNF engine
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    e8996dc08d app/testpmd: fix packet count in IEEE 1588 engine
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    a4141026d7 app/testpmd: fix Tx preparation in checksum engine
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    62324129c1 net/mana: enable driver by default
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    64d858dc03 net/gve: fix offloading capability
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    90f12bb74f net/nfp: fix 48-bit DMA support for NFDk
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    6ede2ab472 common/cnxk: fix auth key length
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    995a6460b2 examples/fips_validation: add extra space in JSON buffer
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    903f4ee07d examples/fips_validation: fix AES-XTS sequence number
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    91c80e936a examples/fips_validation: fix AES-GCM tests
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    809de506c9 examples/fips_validation: fix integer parsing
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    ac87a06f6b examples/fips_validation: fix MCT output for SHA
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    435188c3c4 compress/mlx5: fix queue setup for partial transformations
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    2a091b2f31 compress/mlx5: fix output Adler-32 checksum offset
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    9d7902bf42 compress/mlx5: fix decompress xform validation
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    2bf416240d examples/ipsec-secgw: fix auth IV length
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    33f3ef5021 net/virtio: deduce IP length for TSO checksum
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    950227315b vhost: fix OOB access for invalid vhost ID
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    a6d0c8f6aa vhost: fix slot index in async split virtqueue Tx
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    47cef65600 test/bbdev: remove check for invalid opaque data
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    dccdf95daa test/bbdev: extend HARQ tolerance
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    cdfa1794a6 test/bbdev: fix crash for non supported HARQ length
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    4bdaf50031 baseband/acc: fix check after deref and dead code
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    bf521b9f80 baseband/acc: fix iteration counter in TB mode
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    ff4d7c9a71 baseband/acc: prevent to dequeue more than requested
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    6c9f6f15ee baseband/acc: add explicit mbuf append for soft output
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    63797158c2 baseband/acc: protect from TB negative scenario
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    f76551552e eventdev: fix memory size for telemetry
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    2f9bb3f72a event/cnxk: fix SSO cleanup
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    0a3f30f07c doc: fix reference to event timer header
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    e806f0529d doc: add gpudev to the Doxygen index
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    300d83b989 eal/windows: fix pedantic build
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    03299eb5d4 net/mlx5: fix crash on action template failure
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    4dc4547f2d common/cnxk: fix second pass flow rule layer type
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    dc7302e733 examples/qos_sched: fix Tx port config when link down
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    ecb065fe53 examples/cmdline: fix build with GCC 12
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    1b93563378 eal: use same atomic intrinsics for GCC and clang
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    a5d83cee8e build: fix toolchain definition
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    15ae43b33a test/reorder: fix double free of drained buffers
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    b515c436e6 reorder: invalidate buffer from ready queue in drain
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    106e0f2637 dma/ioat: fix error reporting on restart
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    90ad21e988 dma/ioat: fix indexes after restart
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    881919396f dma/ioat: fix device stop if no copies done
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    fb395ef1d0 eal/freebsd: fix lock in alarm callback
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    a656595e9b sched: fix alignment of structs in subport
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    38465cec0a app/testpmd: fix crash on cleanup
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    31f4d9ce13 net/nfp: restrict flow flush to the port
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    7ae80e1379 net/nfp: fix VNI of VXLAN encap action
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    8cdbec0d75 net/bnxt: fix link state change interrupt config
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    fd1ff4fecb common/cnxk: fix channel mask for SDP interfaces
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    ad62d3f410 app/compress-perf: fix testing single operation
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    17f4281693 app/compress-perf: fix some typos
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    c028045915 net/iavf: fix VLAN offload with AVX2
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    3c047b3d86 net/ixgbe: enable IPv6 mask in flow rules
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    79781cd646 net/iavf: fix building data desc
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    644d38523a net/iavf: protect insertion in flow list
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    e13bcf7645 net/ice: fix validation of flow transfer attribute
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    199591d8d1 net/i40e: fix validation of flow transfer attribute
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    5aacd2a62c net/iavf: add lock for VF commands
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    dbe54bfd9b net/ixgbe: fix firmware version consistency
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    bfa9955652 net/idpf: fix driver infos
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    96ccb4c287 net/idpf: fix mbuf leak in split Tx
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    489ddd71b3 net/i40e: reduce interrupt interval in multi-driver mode
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    6e50af124f net/iavf: fix outer UDP checksum offload
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    4c6cddb596 net/mlx5: check compressed CQE opcode in vectorized Rx
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    547b239a21 net/mlx5: ignore non-critical syndromes for Rx queue
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    47f5a0e5f3 net/mlx5: fix error CQE dumping for vectorized Rx
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    9e0308d5ef net/mlx5/hws: fix memory leak on general pool DB init
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    394ba3cfc4 net/mlx5: fix read device clock in real time mode
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    35eadc22bc net/mlx5: fix warning for Tx scheduling option
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    a04fa37e6e net/mlx5: fix wait descriptor opcode for ConnectX-7
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    d5be082621 net/mlx5: fix flow sample with ConnectX-5
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    575cfce6a7 common/mlx5: fix offset of a field
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    f3282a003f common/mlx5: improve AES-XTS tweak capability check
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    4434048bbe net/mlx5: fix GENEVE resource overwrite
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    dcb16c48e0 net/mlx5: fix available tag registers calculation for HWS
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    a93bb50b6c net/txgbe: fix Rx buffer size in config register
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    3a842fbbb7 net/sfc: enforce fate action in transfer flow rules
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    be7d6baf28 net/sfc: fix MAC address entry leak in transfer flow parsing
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    56789776c6 net/hns3: extract common functions to set Rx/Tx
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    13f062ec55 net/hns3: make getting Tx function static
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    1df48cce5e net/hns3: separate Tx prepare from getting Tx function
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    418d6cbc35 net/hns3: remove debug condition for Tx prepare
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    873d6edb18 net/hns3: add debug info for Rx/Tx dummy function
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    c6b36e8183 net/hns3: fix burst mode query with dummy function
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    6c9834cd2a net/nfp: fix max DMA length
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    f418af17fc app/testpmd: fix link check condition on port start
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    e4f7453ec1 net/sfc: export pick transfer proxy callback to representors
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    6ae7e4345e net/hns3: fix duplicate RSS rule check
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    5c129d8898 net/hns3: fix config struct used for conversion
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    f2de3c967d net/hns3: fix warning on flush or destroy rule
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    2e99d819d3 net/hns3: remove useless code when destroy valid RSS rule
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    d45c8fe415 net/hns3: use RSS filter list to check duplicated rule
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    93fa374ce4 net/hns3: fix clearing RSS configuration
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    9126ed75be net/hns3: fix RSS key size compatibility
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    36d6105f51 net/hns3: refactor set RSS hash algorithm and key interface
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    14d988ad25 net/hns3: extract common function to query device
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    ffc3022e2d net/hns3: fix log about indirection table size
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    547a2c7a55 net/txgbe: fix interrupt loss
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    c22430a6e5 net/ngbe: add spinlock protection on YT PHY
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    767d609db7 net/ngbe: fix packet type to parse from offload flags
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    c96c4e1b9e net/txgbe: fix packet type to parse from offload flags
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    e7149d390b net/txgbe: fix default signal quality value for KX/KX4
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    a1d3811bc0 app/testpmd: fix forwarding stats for Tx dropped
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    8eefe1d245 doc: fix description of L2TPV2 flow item
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    5876103dd2 net/hns3: declare flow rule keeping capability
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    58910572e8 net/virtio-user: fix device starting failure handling
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    78d828c247 vhost: fix possible FD leaks on truncation
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    eab1940f97 vhost: fix possible FD leaks
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    cf313170bf vhost: decrease log level for unimplemented requests
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    0772cc1d89 eal: cleanup alarm and hotplug before memory detach
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    f7825956c0 eventdev/timer: fix overflow
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    fd3e2fb617 test/mbuf: fix mbuf reset test
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    cc69b3523e drivers/bus: fix leak for devices without driver
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    acacb53810 eal/linux: fix hugetlbfs sub-directories discovery
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    0343d4cb72 telemetry: fix repeat display when callback don't init dict
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    f5803ba5c5 raw/ifpga/base: fix init with multi-process
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    08019befc3 mem: fix hugepage info mapping
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    23cb90427a net/cnxk: validate RED threshold config
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    d7d670cbe2 common/cnxk: reduce channel count per LMAC
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    4060bba354 common/cnxk: fix IPv6 extension matching
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    5444957e57 common/cnxk: fix dual VLAN parsing
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    f40c4f3e0b net/cnxk: fix deadlock in security session creation
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    78c0d2ab85 common/cnxk: fix aura ID handling
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    87725aa6d2 net/cnxk: fix packet type for IPv6 packets post decryption
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    efb6eccf8e event/cnxk: fix timer operations in secondary process
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    903d4a18a1 event/cnxk: fix burst timer arm
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    77f50c0971 eventdev/eth_rx: fix getting adapter instance
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    0a78560065 event/cnxk: wait for CPT flow control on WQE path
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    5e9f154f81 eventdev/crypto: fix function symbol export
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    48870212ad doc: fix firmware list in bnxt guide
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    a4d58197b2 net/bnxt: fix RSS hash in mbuf
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    3f1568d969 net/bnxt: fix Rx queue stats after queue stop and start
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    bc1682ee55 net/bnxt: fix Tx queue stats after queue stop and start
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    d357ef8a3c crypto/ipsec_mb: fix ZUC-256 maximum tag length
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    031b48d670 compressdev: fix end of driver list
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    ce54658be7 cryptodev: fix sym session mempool creation description
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    cbd714b1f9 test/crypto: add missing MAC-I to PDCP vectors
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    ca39bc2337 test/crypto: fix typo in AES test
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    11f862d605 crypto/ipsec_mb: remove unnecessary null check
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    24dc362291 crypto/openssl: fix warning on copy length
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    2d28201221 crypto/ccp: fix IOVA handling
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    f11d779c24 crypto/ccp: remove some dead code for UIO
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    4e76b62756 crypto/ccp: remove some printf
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    f3d0a011e3 baseband/acc: fix acc100 queue mapping to 64 bits
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    8f06dfc381 baseband/acc: fix multiplexing acc100 operations
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    3c330a28d7 baseband/acc: fix acc100 iteration counter in TB
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    f770622597 baseband/acc: fix memory leak on acc100 close
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    e44360ae85 app/bbdev: add allocation checks
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    9f13ab03f6 app/bbdev: fix build with optional flag
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    1e82bbe91d app/bbdev: fix build with optional flag
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    be1187e1a6 vhost: fix net header settings in datapath
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    72820dd60f vdpa/ifc: fix reconnection in SW-assisted live migration
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    a347909ae2 vdpa/ifc: fix argument compatibility check
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    ab2779057e build: fix dependencies lookup
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    573de4f522 app/dumpcap: fix storing port identifier
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    cb3c0ba47e examples/qos_sched: fix debug mode
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    0e846591b5 mem: fix telemetry data truncation
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    453a4d30ed cryptodev: fix telemetry data truncation
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    16f272c96f mempool: fix telemetry data truncation
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    bd11b88f8b ethdev: fix telemetry data truncation
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    4f9c6db77b telemetry: move include after guard
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    8ab731497d app/testpmd: fix interactive mode with no ports
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    1df8c20923 net/nfp: fix teardown of flows sharing a mask ID
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    375086efb5 net/nfp: store counter reset before zeroing flow query
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    58db4361dc net/hns3: fix inaccurate RTC time to read
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    36ec039309 net/ena: fix deadlock in RSS RETA update
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    f029ceb7aa net/nfp: fix firmware name derived from PCI name
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    a87a84560c net/nfp: fix Tx packet drop for large data length
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    5ef77a1221 graph: fix node shrink
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    b9a14f6737 gpudev: fix deadlocks when registering callback
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    1586e3b7bc fbarray: fix metadata dump
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    23a5b25c8a bus/fslmc: fix deadlock on MC send command timeout
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    a0b1faaad2 crypto/qat: fix build
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    a636c94996 crypto/qat: fix build for generic x86 with GCC 12
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    b527b4c168 crypto/qat: fix stream cipher direction
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    e2c05f4621 examples/l2fwd-event: fix worker cleanup
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    478bec21d0 eventdev/eth_tx: fix devices loop
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    4c388e80e9 eventdev/crypto: fix failed events
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    ddaec3cd54 eventdev/crypto: fix overflow in circular buffer
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    e1ca28205f eventdev/crypto: fix offset used while flushing events
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    d66216823d eventdev/crypto: fix enqueue count
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    b81247d47b app/crypto-perf: fix IPsec direction
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    683ce01b19 app/crypto-perf: fix SPI zero
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    bbba565c73 app/crypto-perf: fix session freeing
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    a932cd545f app/crypto-perf: fix number of segments
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    193ff405b3 crypto/cnxk: fix digest for empty input data
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    a996e9816f devtools: fix escaped space in grep pattern
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    b6d9ddee2c doc: fix dependency setup in l2fwd-cat example guide
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    760cf7543c hash: fix GFNI implementation build with GCC 12
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    c8af2a4ad5 kni: fix build on RHEL 9.1
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    fc98f9c6d7 eal/windows: mark memory config as complete
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    c12e76d298 devtools: fix name check with mbox files
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    07e68b092c drivers: fix symbol exports when map is omitted
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
* Thu Nov 30 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-76
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 6215fe8715]
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    ab51834863 dpdk: Use DPDK 22.11.3 release for OVS 3.1.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
* Wed Nov 29 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-75
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: d2cdf5ef89]
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
    bfd87f6f2d ovs-ofctl: Correctly mark the CT flush commands.
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 443f86
Open vSwitch CI 58d422
* Fri Nov 24 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-74
Open vSwitch CI 58d422
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 55bed59ce6]
Open vSwitch CI 58d422
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 58d422
    e646b392b3 mcast-snooping: Flush flood and report ports when deleting interfaces.
Open vSwitch CI 58d422
    1a6192011f mcast-snooping: Test per port explicit flooding.
Open vSwitch CI 58d422
Open vSwitch CI 58d422
Open vSwitch CI fffd7d
* Wed Nov 01 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-73
Open vSwitch CI fffd7d
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 8873feec2d]
Open vSwitch CI fffd7d
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI fffd7d
    90e9c5e0f1 flake8: Fix E721 check failures.
Open vSwitch CI fffd7d
    27abcdb85c build-aux: Enable flake8 checks for python extraction scripts.
Open vSwitch CI fffd7d
    eeb58c2d30 build-aux/extract-ofp-msgs: Fix flake8 and syntax errors.
Open vSwitch CI fffd7d
    68ebc058b6 build-aux/extract-ofp-fields: Fix flake8 and syntax errors.
Open vSwitch CI fffd7d
    8313d224bc build-aux/extract-ofp-errors: Fix flake8 and syntax errors.
Open vSwitch CI fffd7d
    2c023cbdff build-aux/extract-ofp-actions: Fix flake8 and syntax errors.
Open vSwitch CI fffd7d
    be18e15562 automake: Move build-aux EXTRA_DIST updates to their own file.
Open vSwitch CI fffd7d
Open vSwitch CI fffd7d
Open vSwitch CI bd7335
* Tue Oct 31 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-72
Open vSwitch CI bd7335
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: d23d9ae817]
Open vSwitch CI bd7335
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI bd7335
    0aefd48561 netdev-offload: Fix Clang's static analyzer 'Division by zero' warnings.
Open vSwitch CI bd7335
    8df66889c1 ofp-table: Fix count_common_prefix_run() function.
Open vSwitch CI bd7335
    075f056383 vswitch.xml: Add entry for dpdkvhostuser userspace-tso.
Open vSwitch CI bd7335
    2ff1dbe5e9 vswitch.xml: Add dpdkvhostuser group status.
Open vSwitch CI bd7335
Open vSwitch CI bd7335
Open vSwitch CI e1fda8
* Thu Oct 26 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-71
Open vSwitch CI e1fda8
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 59d0c43541]
Open vSwitch CI e1fda8
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI e1fda8
    8a2418c0e3 tests: Use ping timeout instead of deadline.
Open vSwitch CI e1fda8
Open vSwitch CI e1fda8
Open vSwitch CI e03c2d
* Wed Oct 25 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-70
Open vSwitch CI e03c2d
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: dbf0b94f33]
Open vSwitch CI e03c2d
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI e03c2d
    9241e1e222 tests/system-traffic: Ensure no name resolution for tcpdump.
Open vSwitch CI e03c2d
Open vSwitch CI e03c2d
Open vSwitch CI 3ef26c
* Fri Oct 20 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-69
Open vSwitch CI 3ef26c
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 274c70054f]
Open vSwitch CI 3ef26c
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 3ef26c
    32ca3bd2c2 tc: Improve logging of mismatched actions.
Open vSwitch CI 3ef26c
    f330d7a311 ofproto-dpif-upcall: Pause revalidators when purging.
Open vSwitch CI 3ef26c
Open vSwitch CI 3ef26c
Open vSwitch CI 359763
* Wed Oct 18 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-68
Open vSwitch CI 359763
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 5862bfd2f9]
Open vSwitch CI 359763
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 359763
    1fa8722bf3 db-ctl-base: Fix memory leak of db commands.
Open vSwitch CI 359763
Open vSwitch CI 359763
Open vSwitch CI 359763
* Tue Oct 17 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-67
Open vSwitch CI 359763
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 0a816aa465]
Open vSwitch CI 359763
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 359763
    086b269551 Prepare for 3.1.4.
Open vSwitch CI 359763
    e8f9125c96 Set release date for 3.1.3.
Open vSwitch CI 359763
Open vSwitch CI 359763
Open vSwitch CI 93c7f1
* Thu Oct 12 2023 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-66
Open vSwitch CI 93c7f1
- redhat: use rhpkg push instead of git push [RH git: 1ca7062440]
Open vSwitch CI 93c7f1
Open vSwitch CI 93c7f1
Open vSwitch CI 93c7f1
* Tue Oct 10 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-65
Open vSwitch CI 93c7f1
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 13039dc4c1]
Open vSwitch CI 93c7f1
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 93c7f1
    69a0c4010e netdev-dpdk: Update docs for interface info.
Open vSwitch CI 93c7f1
    4fded929a6 netdev-dpdk: Document status options for VF MAC address.
Open vSwitch CI 93c7f1
Open vSwitch CI 93c7f1
Open vSwitch CI 93c7f1
* Mon Oct 09 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-64
Open vSwitch CI 93c7f1
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: df3bbfa401]
Open vSwitch CI 93c7f1
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 93c7f1
    3e6f7af3dc netdev-offload-dpdk: Fix flushing of a physdev.
Open vSwitch CI 93c7f1
Open vSwitch CI 93c7f1
Open vSwitch CI 93c7f1
* Thu Oct 05 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-63
Open vSwitch CI 93c7f1
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: d5068edfab]
Open vSwitch CI 93c7f1
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 93c7f1
    aa130966d1 connmgr: Fix ofconn configuration on vswitchd startup.
Open vSwitch CI 93c7f1
Open vSwitch CI 93c7f1
Open vSwitch CI 7ee4fe
* Mon Sep 18 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-62
Open vSwitch CI 7ee4fe
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 894fa023e0]
Open vSwitch CI 7ee4fe
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 7ee4fe
    95394b83c0 python: idl: Fix last-id update from a monitor reply.
Open vSwitch CI 7ee4fe
Open vSwitch CI 7ee4fe
Open vSwitch CI 0823ab
* Sat Sep 09 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-61
Open vSwitch CI 0823ab
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 926dad1f04]
Open vSwitch CI 0823ab
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 0823ab
    8e8131eff7 netlink-conntrack: Fix partial match of entries with SCTP. (#2228037)
Open vSwitch CI 0823ab
Open vSwitch CI 0823ab
Open vSwitch CI b6da0c
* Wed Sep 06 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-60
Open vSwitch CI b6da0c
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 0b6a4adefd]
Open vSwitch CI b6da0c
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI b6da0c
    2ac4059b9a ofproto-dpif-xlate: Fix recirculation with patch port and controller. (#2170920)
Open vSwitch CI b6da0c
Open vSwitch CI b6da0c
Open vSwitch CI b6da0c
* Wed Sep 06 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-59
Open vSwitch CI b6da0c
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 8a931c86c6]
Open vSwitch CI b6da0c
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI b6da0c
    04b8fe40a5 ofproto-dpif-xlate: Don't reinstall removed XC_LEARN rule. (#2213892)
Open vSwitch CI b6da0c
Open vSwitch CI b6da0c
Open vSwitch CI 89b4a8
* Thu Aug 31 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-58
Open vSwitch CI 89b4a8
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: d2918cee34]
Open vSwitch CI 89b4a8
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 89b4a8
    6753b10869 conntrack: Remove nat_conn introducing key directionality.
Open vSwitch CI 89b4a8
Open vSwitch CI 89b4a8
Open vSwitch CI 28abae
* Wed Aug 30 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-57
Open vSwitch CI 28abae
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 595f8ae841]
Open vSwitch CI 28abae
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 28abae
    7ab67cfba7 configure: Avoid deprecated AC_PROG_CC_C99 if possible.
Open vSwitch CI 28abae
Open vSwitch CI 28abae
Open vSwitch CI 4096fc
* Mon Aug 28 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-56
Open vSwitch CI 4096fc
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 7c51401b95]
Open vSwitch CI 4096fc
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 4096fc
    b6e62a481c tests: Fix time dependency in overlapping flows modification test.
Open vSwitch CI 4096fc
Open vSwitch CI 4096fc
Open vSwitch CI cca112
* Fri Aug 25 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-55
Open vSwitch CI cca112
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: c2c05ceb2a]
Open vSwitch CI cca112
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI cca112
    ed1b5f0c6b python: Use build to generate PEP517 compatible archives.
Open vSwitch CI cca112
    4d7a3d1621 python: Use twine to upload sdist package to pypi.org.
Open vSwitch CI cca112
    8cf0163595 python: Rename build related code to ovs_build_helpers.
Open vSwitch CI cca112
    2a0b280558 dpif-netdev: Fix length calculation of netdet_flow_key.
Open vSwitch CI cca112
    0ba4e07c8c doc: Fix description of max_len for controller action.
Open vSwitch CI cca112
Open vSwitch CI cca112
Open vSwitch CI 915eb8
* Fri Aug 25 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-54
Open vSwitch CI 915eb8
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 806922d22e]
Open vSwitch CI 915eb8
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 915eb8
    7b4eec7f1a docs: Fix rendering of VLAN Comparison Chart.
Open vSwitch CI 915eb8
Open vSwitch CI 915eb8
Open vSwitch CI e0cd8a
* Wed Aug 23 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-53
Open vSwitch CI e0cd8a
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: d65648625d]
Open vSwitch CI e0cd8a
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI e0cd8a
    63445c3a98 docs: Run tbl preprocessor in manpage-check rule.
Open vSwitch CI e0cd8a
    7ed1fb9737 docs: Add `nowarn` region option to tables.
Open vSwitch CI e0cd8a
    9e38036d8a tests: Add clang-analyzer-results to gitignore.
Open vSwitch CI e0cd8a
    cc1ad41178 ci: Add jobs to test -std=c99 builds.
Open vSwitch CI e0cd8a
    81b5e26fab tests: Fix order of includes in barrier/id-fpool/mpsc-queue tests.
Open vSwitch CI e0cd8a
    77e51ae91c sflow: Always enable _BSD_SOURCE.
Open vSwitch CI e0cd8a
    25a2f216c6 compiler.h: Don't use asm and typeof with non-GNU compilers.
Open vSwitch CI e0cd8a
Open vSwitch CI e0cd8a
Open vSwitch CI c8f4dd
* Thu Aug 17 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-52
Open vSwitch CI c8f4dd
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 291a6136bb]
Open vSwitch CI c8f4dd
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI c8f4dd
    4c027ebd3b ovs.tmac: Fix troff warning in versions above groff-1.23.
Open vSwitch CI c8f4dd
Open vSwitch CI c8f4dd
Open vSwitch CI 8f76f4
* Tue Aug 15 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-51
Open vSwitch CI 8f76f4
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 7f523f24fb]
Open vSwitch CI 8f76f4
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 8f76f4
    d653fd1986 connmgr: Count unsent async messages.
Open vSwitch CI 8f76f4
Open vSwitch CI 8f76f4
Open vSwitch CI d3a6b4
* Mon Aug 14 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-50
Open vSwitch CI d3a6b4
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 779079ec3f]
Open vSwitch CI d3a6b4
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI d3a6b4
    9c600710bf dpif-netdev: Fix dpif_netdev_flow_put.
Open vSwitch CI d3a6b4
Open vSwitch CI d3a6b4
Open vSwitch CI 99592d
* Wed Aug 09 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-49
Open vSwitch CI 99592d
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 229b8b4ef8]
Open vSwitch CI 99592d
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 99592d
    4e6693b44f ofproto-dpif-xlate: Reduce stack usage in recursive xlate functions. (#2104779)
Open vSwitch CI 99592d
Open vSwitch CI 99592d
Open vSwitch CI 4b37d1
* Mon Aug 07 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-48
Open vSwitch CI 4b37d1
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 5ff1d9a4de]
Open vSwitch CI 4b37d1
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 4b37d1
    70ce7a3cc6 cirrus: Update to FreeBSD 13.2.
Open vSwitch CI 4b37d1
Open vSwitch CI 4b37d1
Open vSwitch CI 955b61
* Fri Aug 04 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-47
Open vSwitch CI 955b61
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 06de042cba]
Open vSwitch CI 955b61
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 955b61
    27296cf482 ci: Fix OPTS not being passed to OSX builds.
Open vSwitch CI 955b61
Open vSwitch CI 955b61
Open vSwitch CI 0190f2
* Thu Aug 03 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-46
Open vSwitch CI 0190f2
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: ab94f613c7]
Open vSwitch CI 0190f2
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 0190f2
    8b1795c69f ovsdb-tool: Fix json leak while showing clustered log.
Open vSwitch CI 0190f2
    d4d068fef6 ovsdb-server: Fix excessive memory usage on DB open. (#2228464)
Open vSwitch CI 0190f2
    369daff0d4 tests: Add ovsdb execution cases for set size constraints.
Open vSwitch CI 0190f2
    eb33626b59 ovsdb: relay: Fix handling of XOR updates with size constraints.
Open vSwitch CI 0190f2
    8d2c8c33e7 ovsdb: file: Fix diff application to a default column value.
Open vSwitch CI 0190f2
    3797558158 ovsdb: file: Fix inability to read diffs that violate type size.
Open vSwitch CI 0190f2
    96d02ee7a8 ovs-tcpdump: Clear auto-assigned ipv6 address of mirror port.
Open vSwitch CI 0190f2
Open vSwitch CI 0190f2
Open vSwitch CI 5feebd
* Tue Aug 01 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-45
Open vSwitch CI 5feebd
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 4224df5b41]
Open vSwitch CI 5feebd
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 5feebd
    618d3bdbb5 ofproto-dpif: Fix removal of renamed datapath ports.
Open vSwitch CI 5feebd
Open vSwitch CI 5feebd
Open vSwitch CI 428fff
* Tue Jul 25 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-44
Open vSwitch CI 428fff
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 31fab0fb20]
Open vSwitch CI 428fff
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 428fff
    11c542104e netdev-dpdk: Negotiate delivery of per-packet Rx metadata.
Open vSwitch CI 428fff
Open vSwitch CI 428fff
Open vSwitch CI ae69f4
* Fri Jul 21 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-43
Open vSwitch CI ae69f4
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: da1afee4f8]
Open vSwitch CI ae69f4
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI ae69f4
    cad4759fa1 ofproto-dpif-upcall: Mirror packets that are modified. (#2155579)
Open vSwitch CI ae69f4
Open vSwitch CI ae69f4
Open vSwitch CI 621a80
* Wed Jul 19 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-42
Open vSwitch CI 621a80
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: b1a11e2717]
Open vSwitch CI 621a80
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 621a80
    17022ea063 vswitchd: Wait for a bridge exit before replying to exit unixctl.
Open vSwitch CI 621a80
Open vSwitch CI 621a80
Open vSwitch CI 344b99
* Tue Jun 27 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-41
Open vSwitch CI 344b99
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 66f8de8365]
Open vSwitch CI 344b99
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 344b99
    4aba34b82b Prepare for 3.1.3.
Open vSwitch CI 344b99
    9167774475 Set release date for 3.1.2.
Open vSwitch CI 344b99
Open vSwitch CI 344b99
Open vSwitch CI 3a2968
* Fri Jun 23 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-40
Open vSwitch CI 3a2968
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 4ccf29c3a3]
Open vSwitch CI 3a2968
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 3a2968
    aba1862d8b ofproto-dpif-upcall: Don't set statistics to 0 when they jump back.
Open vSwitch CI 3a2968
Open vSwitch CI 3a2968
Open vSwitch CI 8fe023
* Mon Jun 12 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-39
Open vSwitch CI 8fe023
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: a8358be74b]
Open vSwitch CI 8fe023
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 8fe023
    859071224c ovsdb: monitor: Destroy initial change set when new columns added.
Open vSwitch CI 8fe023
    54e45e3fee ovsdb: Monitor: Keep and maintain the initial change set.
Open vSwitch CI 8fe023
Open vSwitch CI 8fe023
Open vSwitch CI 2bd7f9
* Fri Jun 09 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-38
Open vSwitch CI 2bd7f9
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 1b7d3d3a1f]
Open vSwitch CI 2bd7f9
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 2bd7f9
    5fe322e169 fatal-signal: Don't share signal fds/handles with forked process.
Open vSwitch CI 2bd7f9
Open vSwitch CI 2bd7f9
Open vSwitch CI fc0835
* Wed Jun 07 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-37
Open vSwitch CI fc0835
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 31e7facba9]
Open vSwitch CI fc0835
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI fc0835
    3fcb817840 cpu: Fix cpuid check for some AMD processors. (#2211747)
Open vSwitch CI fc0835
    01f0668fdf tc: Fix crash on malformed reply from kernel.
Open vSwitch CI fc0835
Open vSwitch CI fc0835
Open vSwitch CI 42cea9
* Wed Jun 07 2023 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-36
Open vSwitch CI 42cea9
- redhat: Fix an unwanted change that prevent rh-fail-if-dirty to work [RH git: 1aa56d4216]
Open vSwitch CI 42cea9
Open vSwitch CI 42cea9
Open vSwitch CI fbb504
* Fri Jun 02 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-35
Open vSwitch CI fbb504
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 2eaadb8281]
Open vSwitch CI fbb504
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI fbb504
    45dba48f37 netdev-dpdk: Fix warning with gcc 13.
Open vSwitch CI fbb504
Open vSwitch CI fbb504
Open vSwitch CI 35cb1a
* Mon May 29 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-34
Open vSwitch CI 35cb1a
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: c5a742a597]
Open vSwitch CI 35cb1a
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 35cb1a
    faddfa21df utilities/bashcomp: Fix PS1 generation on new bash. (#2170344)
Open vSwitch CI 35cb1a
    33db42a34b netdev-offload-dpdk: Fix crash in debug log.
Open vSwitch CI 35cb1a
Open vSwitch CI 35cb1a
Open vSwitch CI f1e0b8
* Fri May 26 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-33
Open vSwitch CI f1e0b8
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: ea7b9de7d1]
Open vSwitch CI f1e0b8
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI f1e0b8
    55535451bb stream-ssl: Disable alerts on unexpected EOF.
Open vSwitch CI f1e0b8
Open vSwitch CI f1e0b8
Open vSwitch CI 02dcc0
* Thu May 25 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-32
Open vSwitch CI 02dcc0
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 5cf043293a]
Open vSwitch CI 02dcc0
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 02dcc0
    e3b84fd4ab tests: layer3-tunnels: Skip bareudp tests if not supported by kernel.
Open vSwitch CI 02dcc0
    e913394054 ovs-fields: Modify the width of tpa and spa.
Open vSwitch CI 02dcc0
Open vSwitch CI 02dcc0
Open vSwitch CI b36a25
* Thu May 25 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-31
Open vSwitch CI b36a25
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 03d17c9746]
Open vSwitch CI b36a25
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI b36a25
    23d77ba105 netdev-vport: RCU-fy tunnel config.
Open vSwitch CI b36a25
    0f303e4a7f smap: Make argument of smap_add_ipv6 constant.
Open vSwitch CI b36a25
    467b891f73 netdev-vport: Fix unsafe handling of GRE sequence number.
Open vSwitch CI b36a25
Open vSwitch CI b36a25
Open vSwitch CI e71f4b
* Fri May 19 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-30
Open vSwitch CI e71f4b
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 5999e438cc]
Open vSwitch CI e71f4b
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI e71f4b
    ea20146882 tests: dpdk: Pass `--no-pci` to tests that do not use physical ports.
Open vSwitch CI e71f4b
Open vSwitch CI e71f4b
Open vSwitch CI 70d354
* Thu May 11 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-29
Open vSwitch CI 70d354
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 21d461f54c]
Open vSwitch CI 70d354
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 70d354
    f4cc9ca824 dpctl: Fix dereferencing null pointer in parse_ct_limit_zones().
Open vSwitch CI 70d354
Open vSwitch CI 70d354
Open vSwitch CI 58f4f5
* Wed May 10 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-28
Open vSwitch CI 58f4f5
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: d7b0d724f2]
Open vSwitch CI 58f4f5
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 58f4f5
    9e27e8fe81 netdev-offload: Fix deadlock/recursive use of the netdev_hmap_rwlock rwlock. (#2182541)
Open vSwitch CI 58f4f5
    087439e416 ofproto-dpif-xlate: Fix use-after-free when xlate_actions().
Open vSwitch CI 58f4f5
Open vSwitch CI 58f4f5
Open vSwitch CI 3535e5
* Fri May 05 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-27
Open vSwitch CI 3535e5
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: a0b74d148b]
Open vSwitch CI 3535e5
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 3535e5
    bf9c834e64 ci: Separate DPDK from OVS build.
Open vSwitch CI 3535e5
Open vSwitch CI 3535e5
Open vSwitch CI bbe91f
* Thu May 04 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-26
Open vSwitch CI bbe91f
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: c0cd6bd2a3]
Open vSwitch CI bbe91f
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI bbe91f
    bf1b32e20e ovsdb-idl.at: Fix write-changed-only tests without change tracking.
Open vSwitch CI bbe91f
Open vSwitch CI bbe91f
Open vSwitch CI 16a7da
* Fri Apr 28 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-25
Open vSwitch CI 16a7da
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: dd97c178a8]
Open vSwitch CI 16a7da
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 16a7da
    c6cb828870 tc: Fix cleaning chains.
Open vSwitch CI 16a7da
Open vSwitch CI 16a7da
Open vSwitch CI e611a5
* Thu Apr 27 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-24
Open vSwitch CI e611a5
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: a9adae047c]
Open vSwitch CI e611a5
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI e611a5
    29c61a4024 python-stream: Handle SSL error in do_handshake.
Open vSwitch CI e611a5
Open vSwitch CI e611a5
Open vSwitch CI e611a5
* Tue Apr 25 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-23
Open vSwitch CI e611a5
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 9f3dc364af]
Open vSwitch CI e611a5
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI e611a5
    615548e532 dpif-netlink: Fix memory leak dpif_netlink_open().
Open vSwitch CI e611a5
    42edc9a1d5 ofp-parse: Check ranges on string to uint32_t conversion.
Open vSwitch CI e611a5
    d3a479c4b4 learning-switch: Fix coredump of OpenFlow15 learning-switch.
Open vSwitch CI e611a5
Open vSwitch CI e611a5
Open vSwitch CI 38c5a5
* Mon Apr 24 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-22
Open vSwitch CI 38c5a5
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 7629025902]
Open vSwitch CI 38c5a5
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 38c5a5
    9529e9aa96 ovsdb: Allow conversion records with no data in a clustered storage.
Open vSwitch CI 38c5a5
    7006bb112b ovsdb: Check for ephemeral columns before writing a new schema.
Open vSwitch CI 38c5a5
    27678b3a19 ovsdb-tool: Fix cluster-to-standalone for DB conversion records.
Open vSwitch CI 38c5a5
Open vSwitch CI 38c5a5
Open vSwitch CI 38c5a5
* Fri Apr 07 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-21
Open vSwitch CI 38c5a5
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 4890f6931a]
Open vSwitch CI 38c5a5
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 38c5a5
    771c989a9a ovs-tcpdump: Stdout is shutdown before ovs-tcpdump exit.
Open vSwitch CI 38c5a5
Open vSwitch CI 38c5a5
Open vSwitch CI 38c5a5
* Thu Apr 06 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-20
Open vSwitch CI 38c5a5
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 56a5f0d564]
Open vSwitch CI 38c5a5
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 38c5a5
    8ac6375cac Prepare for 3.1.2.
Open vSwitch CI 38c5a5
    0187eadfce Set release date for 3.1.1.
Open vSwitch CI 38c5a5
Open vSwitch CI 38c5a5
Open vSwitch CI 38c5a5
* Thu Apr 06 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-19
Open vSwitch CI 38c5a5
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 3069c68dd9]
Open vSwitch CI 38c5a5
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 38c5a5
    61b39d8c47 ofproto-dpif-xlate: Always mask ip proto field. (#2134873)
Open vSwitch CI 38c5a5
Open vSwitch CI 38c5a5
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
* Wed Apr 05 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-18
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 3607c5dbe6]
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    8019b5896e conntrack-tp: Fix clang warning.
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
* Tue Apr 04 2023 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-17
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
- ofproto-dpif-xlate: Always mask ip proto field. [RH git: 4868ac0e85] (#2134873)
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    The ofproto layer currently treats nw_proto field as overloaded to mean
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    both that a proper nw layer exists, as well as the value contained in
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    the header for the nw proto.  However, this is incorrect behavior as
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    relevant standards permit that any value, including '0' should be treated
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    as a valid value.
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    Because of this overload, when the ofproto layer builds action list for
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    a packet with nw_proto of 0, it won't build the complete action list that
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    we expect to be built for the packet.  That will cause a bad behavior
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    where all packets passing the datapath will fall into an incomplete
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    action set.
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    The fix here is to unwildcard nw_proto, allowing us to preserve setting
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    actions for protocols which we know have support for the actions we
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    program.  This means that a traffic which contains nw_proto == 0 cannot
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    cause connectivity breakage with other traffic on the link.
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    Reported-by: David Marchand <dmarchand@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    Reported-at: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2134873
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    Acked-by: Ilya Maximets <i.maximets@ovn.org>
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    Signed-off-by: Aaron Conole <aconole@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
* Mon Apr 03 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-16
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: a911cf94ce]
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    b184a68a20 netdev-offload-tc: Del ufid mapping if device not exist.
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
* Thu Mar 30 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-15
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: e6b73e0565]
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    037e2d916 db-ctl-base: Partially revert b8bf410a5.
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
* Wed Mar 29 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-14
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 407a020d7a]
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    fee5ea720 netdev-tc-offloads: Fix misaligned 8 byte read.
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
* Wed Mar 29 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-13
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
- Merging dpdk submodule [RH git: 541c8eefbd]
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    3812e23f6b net/i40e: revert link status check on device start (#2173794)
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
* Mon Mar 27 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-12
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: fbc56ee622]
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    fff04b838 ovs-thread: Fix cpus not read for the first 10s.
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    b2b467b3a dpif-netlink: Always create at least 1 handler.
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
* Wed Mar 22 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-11
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 28d55c3fb3]
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    0f30961e0 netdev-offload-tc: Fix parse_tc_flower_to_actions() reporting errors.
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
* Wed Mar 15 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-10
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: a9561af3dc]
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    3f50354a9 vswitch: Add missing documentation for "ct_flush" capability.
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    504f8c859 dpctl: Fix flush-conntrack with datapath as argument.
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    24b47072f ofproto-dpif-upcall: Wait for valid hw flow stats before applying min-revalidate-pps.
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
* Tue Mar 14 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-9
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 398009fd5f]
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    9f9b4de38 system-traffic: Fix conntrack test cases which are failing with af_xdp.
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
* Tue Mar 07 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-8
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: d17880bde7]
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    dcdff1f42 netdev-windows: Add checking when creating netdev with system type on Windows
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    39a7a18c3 ofproto-dpif-upcall: Include hardware offloaded flows in total flows.
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    f7378bc7f ofproto-dpif-upcall: Reset ukey's last stats value if the datapath changed.
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
* Tue Feb 28 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-7
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 54a2eb1fda]
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    694c7b4e0 classifier: Fix missing masks on a final stage with ports trie.
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
* Mon Feb 27 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-6
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 29cb42e1cd]
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    87249e136 ofproto: Fix re-creation of tunnel backing interfaces on restart.
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
* Thu Feb 23 2023 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-5
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
- redhat: use git rev-parse instead of git name-rev [RH git: 1b47f9b3ae]
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    Currenty, git name-rev --name-only HEAD is used in order to get the
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    current branch, but it doesn't work correctly if a tag is created so use
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name --abbrev-ref instead.
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
* Tue Feb 21 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-4
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 7992626cb1]
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    cb4eecd01 conntrack: Fix conntrack_clean may access the same exp_list each time.
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    372e1a835 ovs-actions: Correct typo in ovs-actions man page.
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
* Tue Feb 21 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-3
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
- Merging upstream branch-3.1 [RH git: 1cdfcbc3be]
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    9c34fc2f6 ofproto-ipfix: Use per-domain template timeouts.
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
    b72a7f925 Prepare for 3.1.1.
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
Open vSwitch CI 5acaff
* Mon Feb 20 2023 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-2
- redhat: add a workaround for meson [RH git: 4b77c5096a]
    Currently, fast-datapath-rhel-8 is aligned to RHEL 8.0, with an
    exception to use a newer meson version.
    The problem is that, in the meanwhile, _smp_build_ncpus macros was added
    (and meson macros uses it).
    This commit just define, if needed, _smp_build_ncpus by stripping the first 2
    characters (-j) from _smp_mflags that was present in RHEL 8.0.
    Signed-off-by: Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com>
* Fri Feb 17 2023 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 3.1.0-1
- redhat: Use official 3.1.0 tarball [RH git: 2cd8ef13fd]