diff --git a/SOURCES/openssh-6.7p1-coverity.patch b/SOURCES/openssh-6.7p1-coverity.patch
index 15d489d..1d0bf27 100644
--- a/SOURCES/openssh-6.7p1-coverity.patch
+++ b/SOURCES/openssh-6.7p1-coverity.patch
@@ -1,21 +1,27 @@
-diff -up openssh-7.4p1/channels.c.coverity openssh-7.4p1/channels.c
---- openssh-7.4p1/channels.c.coverity	2016-12-23 16:40:26.881788686 +0100
-+++ openssh-7.4p1/channels.c	2016-12-23 16:42:36.244818763 +0100
-@@ -288,11 +288,11 @@ channel_register_fds(Channel *c, int rfd
+diff -up openssh-8.0p1/channels.c.coverity openssh-8.0p1/channels.c
+--- openssh-8.0p1/channels.c.coverity	2021-04-26 11:49:58.725597484 +0200
++++ openssh-8.0p1/channels.c	2021-04-26 12:03:17.756004774 +0200
+@@ -338,17 +338,17 @@ channel_register_fds(struct ssh *ssh, Ch
+ 	c->wfd_isatty = is_tty || isatty(c->wfd);
+ #endif
- 	/* enable nonblocking mode */
- 	if (nonblock) {
--		if (rfd != -1)
-+		if (rfd >= 0)
- 			set_nonblock(rfd);
--		if (wfd != -1)
-+		if (wfd >= 0)
- 			set_nonblock(wfd);
--		if (efd != -1)
-+		if (efd >= 0)
- 			set_nonblock(efd);
+-	if (rfd != -1) {
++	if (rfd >= 0) {
+ 		if ((fcntl(rfd, F_GETFL) & O_NONBLOCK) == 0)
+ 			c->nonblock |= NEED_RESTORE_STDIN_NONBLOCK;
+ 		channel_register_fd(ssh, rfd, nonblock);
- }
+-	if (wfd != -1 && wfd != rfd) {
++	if (wfd >= 0 && wfd != rfd) {
+ 		if ((fcntl(wfd, F_GETFL) & O_NONBLOCK) == 0)
+ 		channel_register_fd(ssh, wfd, nonblock);
+ 	}
+-	if (efd != -1 && efd != rfd && efd != wfd) {
++	if (efd >= 0 && efd != rfd && efd != wfd) {
+ 		if ((fcntl(efd, F_GETFL) & O_NONBLOCK) == 0)
+ 		channel_register_fd(ssh, efd, nonblock);
 diff -up openssh-7.4p1/monitor.c.coverity openssh-7.4p1/monitor.c
 --- openssh-7.4p1/monitor.c.coverity	2016-12-23 16:40:26.888788688 +0100
 +++ openssh-7.4p1/monitor.c	2016-12-23 16:40:26.900788691 +0100
diff --git a/SOURCES/openssh-8.0p1-restore-nonblock.patch b/SOURCES/openssh-8.0p1-restore-nonblock.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cff647e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/openssh-8.0p1-restore-nonblock.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+diff -up openssh-8.0p1/channels.c.restore-nonblock openssh-8.0p1/channels.c
+--- openssh-8.0p1/channels.c.restore-nonblock	2021-04-26 11:31:44.037740711 +0200
++++ openssh-8.0p1/channels.c	2021-04-26 11:43:48.429606396 +0200
+@@ -298,32 +298,38 @@ channel_lookup(struct ssh *ssh, int id)
+ }
+ /*
+- * Register filedescriptors for a channel, used when allocating a channel or
+- * when the channel consumer/producer is ready, e.g. shell exec'd
++ * Register a filedescriptor.
+  */
+ static void
+-channel_register_fds(struct ssh *ssh, Channel *c, int rfd, int wfd, int efd,
+-    int extusage, int nonblock, int is_tty)
++channel_register_fd(struct ssh *ssh, int fd, int nonblock)
+ {
+ 	struct ssh_channels *sc = ssh->chanctxt;
+ 	/* Update the maximum file descriptor value. */
+-	sc->channel_max_fd = MAXIMUM(sc->channel_max_fd, rfd);
+-	sc->channel_max_fd = MAXIMUM(sc->channel_max_fd, wfd);
+-	sc->channel_max_fd = MAXIMUM(sc->channel_max_fd, efd);
+-	if (rfd != -1)
+-		fcntl(rfd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
+-	if (wfd != -1 && wfd != rfd)
+-		fcntl(wfd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
+-	if (efd != -1 && efd != rfd && efd != wfd)
+-		fcntl(efd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
++	sc->channel_max_fd = MAXIMUM(sc->channel_max_fd, fd);
++	if (fd != -1)
++		fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
++	/* enable nonblocking mode */
++	if (nonblock && fd != -1 && !isatty(fd))
++		set_nonblock(fd);
++ * Register filedescriptors for a channel, used when allocating a channel or
++ * when the channel consumer/producer is ready, e.g. shell exec'd
++ */
++static void
++channel_register_fds(struct ssh *ssh, Channel *c, int rfd, int wfd, int efd,
++    int extusage, int nonblock, int is_tty)
+ 	c->rfd = rfd;
+ 	c->wfd = wfd;
+ 	c->sock = (rfd == wfd) ? rfd : -1;
+ 	c->efd = efd;
+ 	c->extended_usage = extusage;
++	c->nonblock = 0;
+ 	if ((c->isatty = is_tty) != 0)
+ 		debug2("channel %d: rfd %d isatty", c->self, c->rfd);
+@@ -332,14 +338,20 @@ channel_register_fds(struct ssh *ssh, Ch
+ 	c->wfd_isatty = is_tty || isatty(c->wfd);
+ #endif
+-	/* enable nonblocking mode */
+-	if (nonblock) {
+-		if (rfd != -1)
+-			set_nonblock(rfd);
+-		if (wfd != -1)
+-			set_nonblock(wfd);
+-		if (efd != -1)
+-			set_nonblock(efd);
++	if (rfd != -1) {
++		if ((fcntl(rfd, F_GETFL) & O_NONBLOCK) == 0)
++			c->nonblock |= NEED_RESTORE_STDIN_NONBLOCK;
++		channel_register_fd(ssh, rfd, nonblock);
++	}
++	if (wfd != -1 && wfd != rfd) {
++		if ((fcntl(wfd, F_GETFL) & O_NONBLOCK) == 0)
++		channel_register_fd(ssh, wfd, nonblock);
++	}
++	if (efd != -1 && efd != rfd && efd != wfd) {
++		if ((fcntl(efd, F_GETFL) & O_NONBLOCK) == 0)
++		channel_register_fd(ssh, efd, nonblock);
+ 	}
+ }
+@@ -422,11 +434,15 @@ channel_find_maxfd(struct ssh_channels *
+ }
+ int
+-channel_close_fd(struct ssh *ssh, int *fdp)
++channel_close_fd(struct ssh *ssh, int *fdp, int nonblock)
+ {
+ 	struct ssh_channels *sc = ssh->chanctxt;
+ 	int ret = 0, fd = *fdp;
++	/* As the fd is duped, restoring the block mode
++	 * affects the original fd */
++	if (nonblock && fd != -1 && !isatty(fd))
++		unset_nonblock(fd);
+ 	if (fd != -1) {
+ 		ret = close(fd);
+ 		*fdp = -1;
+@@ -442,13 +458,13 @@ channel_close_fds(struct ssh *ssh, Chann
+ {
+ 	int sock = c->sock, rfd = c->rfd, wfd = c->wfd, efd = c->efd;
+-	channel_close_fd(ssh, &c->sock);
++	channel_close_fd(ssh, &c->sock, 0);
+ 	if (rfd != sock)
+-		channel_close_fd(ssh, &c->rfd);
++		channel_close_fd(ssh, &c->rfd, c->nonblock & NEED_RESTORE_STDIN_NONBLOCK);
+ 	if (wfd != sock && wfd != rfd)
+-		channel_close_fd(ssh, &c->wfd);
++		channel_close_fd(ssh, &c->wfd, c->nonblock & NEED_RESTORE_STDOUT_NONBLOCK);
+ 	if (efd != sock && efd != rfd && efd != wfd)
+-		channel_close_fd(ssh, &c->efd);
++		channel_close_fd(ssh, &c->efd, c->nonblock & NEED_RESTORE_STDERR_NONBLOCK);
+ }
+ static void
+@@ -681,7 +697,7 @@ channel_stop_listening(struct ssh *ssh)
+-				channel_close_fd(ssh, &c->sock);
++				channel_close_fd(ssh, &c->sock, 0);
+ 				channel_free(ssh, c);
+ 				break;
+ 			}
+@@ -1650,7 +1666,7 @@ channel_post_x11_listener(struct ssh *ss
+ 	if (c->single_connection) {
+ 		oerrno = errno;
+ 		debug2("single_connection: closing X11 listener.");
+-		channel_close_fd(ssh, &c->sock);
++		channel_close_fd(ssh, &c->sock, 0);
+ 		chan_mark_dead(ssh, c);
+ 		errno = oerrno;
+ 	}
+@@ -2087,7 +2103,7 @@ channel_handle_efd_write(struct ssh *ssh
+ 		return 1;
+ 	if (len <= 0) {
+ 		debug2("channel %d: closing write-efd %d", c->self, c->efd);
+-		channel_close_fd(ssh, &c->efd);
++		channel_close_fd(ssh, &c->efd, c->nonblock & NEED_RESTORE_STDERR_NONBLOCK);
+ 	} else {
+ 		if ((r = sshbuf_consume(c->extended, len)) != 0) {
+ 			fatal("%s: channel %d: consume: %s",
+@@ -2119,7 +2135,7 @@ channel_handle_efd_read(struct ssh *ssh,
+ 	if (len <= 0) {
+ 		debug2("channel %d: closing read-efd %d",
+ 		    c->self, c->efd);
+-		channel_close_fd(ssh, &c->efd);
++		channel_close_fd(ssh, &c->efd, c->nonblock & NEED_RESTORE_STDERR_NONBLOCK);
+ 	} else {
+ 		if (c->extended_usage == CHAN_EXTENDED_IGNORE) {
+ 			debug3("channel %d: discard efd",
+diff -up openssh-8.0p1/channels.h.restore-nonblock openssh-8.0p1/channels.h
+--- openssh-8.0p1/channels.h.restore-nonblock	2021-04-26 11:31:44.038740719 +0200
++++ openssh-8.0p1/channels.h	2021-04-26 11:38:18.151932008 +0200
+@@ -180,8 +180,15 @@ struct Channel {
+ 	void			*mux_ctx;
+ 	int			mux_pause;
+ 	int     		mux_downstream_id;
++	/* whether non-blocking is set to descriptors */
++	int 			nonblock;
+ };
+@@ -258,7 +265,7 @@ void	 channel_register_filter(struct ssh
+ void	 channel_register_status_confirm(struct ssh *, int,
+ 	    channel_confirm_cb *, channel_confirm_abandon_cb *, void *);
+ void	 channel_cancel_cleanup(struct ssh *, int);
+-int	 channel_close_fd(struct ssh *, int *);
++int	 channel_close_fd(struct ssh *, int *, int);
+ void	 channel_send_window_changes(struct ssh *);
+ /* mux proxy support */
+diff -up openssh-8.0p1/nchan.c.restore-nonblock openssh-8.0p1/nchan.c
+--- openssh-8.0p1/nchan.c.restore-nonblock	2021-04-26 11:31:44.047740792 +0200
++++ openssh-8.0p1/nchan.c	2021-04-26 11:42:33.636000753 +0200
+@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ chan_shutdown_write(struct ssh *ssh, Cha
+ 			    strerror(errno));
+ 		}
+ 	} else {
+-		if (channel_close_fd(ssh, &c->wfd) < 0) {
++		if (channel_close_fd(ssh, &c->wfd, c->nonblock & NEED_RESTORE_STDOUT_NONBLOCK) < 0) {
+ 			logit("channel %d: %s: close() failed for "
+ 			    "fd %d [i%d o%d]: %.100s",
+ 			    c->self, __func__, c->wfd, c->istate, c->ostate,
+@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ chan_shutdown_read(struct ssh *ssh, Chan
+  			    strerror(errno));
+ 		}
+ 	} else {
+-		if (channel_close_fd(ssh, &c->rfd) < 0) {
++		if (channel_close_fd(ssh, &c->rfd, c->nonblock & NEED_RESTORE_STDIN_NONBLOCK) < 0) {
+ 			logit("channel %d: %s: close() failed for "
+ 			    "fd %d [i%d o%d]: %.100s",
+ 			    c->self, __func__, c->rfd, c->istate, c->ostate,
+@@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ chan_shutdown_extended_read(struct ssh *
+ 	debug2("channel %d: %s (i%d o%d sock %d wfd %d efd %d [%s])",
+ 	    c->self, __func__, c->istate, c->ostate, c->sock, c->rfd, c->efd,
+ 	    channel_format_extended_usage(c));
+-	if (channel_close_fd(ssh, &c->efd) < 0) {
++	if (channel_close_fd(ssh, &c->efd, c->nonblock & NEED_RESTORE_STDERR_NONBLOCK) < 0) {
+ 		logit("channel %d: %s: close() failed for "
+ 		    "extended fd %d [i%d o%d]: %.100s",
+ 		    c->self, __func__, c->efd, c->istate, c->ostate,
+diff -up openssh-8.0p1/ssh.c.restore-nonblock openssh-8.0p1/ssh.c
+--- openssh-8.0p1/ssh.c.restore-nonblock	2021-04-26 11:31:44.047740792 +0200
++++ openssh-8.0p1/ssh.c	2021-04-26 11:39:58.081741180 +0200
+@@ -1862,14 +1862,6 @@ ssh_session2_open(struct ssh *ssh)
+ 	if (in < 0 || out < 0 || err < 0)
+ 		fatal("dup() in/out/err failed");
+-	/* enable nonblocking unless tty */
+-	if (!isatty(in))
+-		set_nonblock(in);
+-	if (!isatty(out))
+-		set_nonblock(out);
+-	if (!isatty(err))
+-		set_nonblock(err);
+ 	if (tty_flag) {
+@@ -1879,7 +1871,7 @@ ssh_session2_open(struct ssh *ssh)
+ 	c = channel_new(ssh,
+ 	    "session", SSH_CHANNEL_OPENING, in, out, err,
+ 	    window, packetmax, CHAN_EXTENDED_WRITE,
+-	    "client-session", /*nonblock*/0);
++	    "client-session", /*nonblock*/1);
+ 	debug3("%s: channel_new: %d", __func__, c->self);
diff --git a/SPECS/openssh.spec b/SPECS/openssh.spec
index bd8260f..46d1f12 100644
--- a/SPECS/openssh.spec
+++ b/SPECS/openssh.spec
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
 # Do not forget to bump pam_ssh_agent_auth release if you rewind the main package release to 1
 %global openssh_ver 8.0p1
-%global openssh_rel 7
+%global openssh_rel 8
 %global pam_ssh_agent_ver 0.10.3
 %global pam_ssh_agent_rel 7
@@ -239,6 +239,8 @@ Patch973: openssh-8.0p1-sftp-timespeccmp.patch
 Patch974: openssh-8.0p1-keygen-strip-doseol.patch
 # sshd provides PAM an incorrect error code (#1879503)
 Patch975: openssh-8.0p1-preserve-pam-errors.patch
+# ssh incorrectly restores the blocking mode on standard output (#1942901)
+Patch976: openssh-8.0p1-restore-nonblock.patch
 License: BSD
 Group: Applications/Internet
@@ -461,6 +463,7 @@ popd
 %patch973 -p1 -b .sftp-timespeccmp
 %patch974 -p1 -b .keygen-strip-doseol
 %patch975 -p1 -b .preserve-pam-errors
+%patch976 -p1 -b .restore-nonblock
 %patch200 -p1 -b .audit
 %patch201 -p1 -b .audit-race
@@ -752,6 +755,9 @@ getent passwd sshd >/dev/null || \
+* Mon Apr 26 2021 Dmitry Belyavskiy <dbelyavs@redhat.com> - 8.0p1-8
+- ssh doesn't restore the blocking mode on standard output (#1942901)
 * Fri Apr 09 2021 Dmitry Belyavskiy <dbelyavs@redhat.com> - 8.0p1-7 + 0.10.3-7
 - SFTP sort upon the modification time (#1909988)
 - ssh-keygen printing fingerprint issue with Windows keys (#1901518)