diff --git a/openssh-8.7p1-sftpscp-dir-create.patch b/openssh-8.7p1-sftpscp-dir-create.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a549170
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openssh-8.7p1-sftpscp-dir-create.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+diff -up openssh-8.7p1/scp.c.sftpdirs openssh-8.7p1/scp.c
+--- openssh-8.7p1/scp.c.sftpdirs	2022-02-02 14:11:12.553447509 +0100
++++ openssh-8.7p1/scp.c	2022-02-02 14:12:56.081316414 +0100
+@@ -130,6 +130,7 @@
+ #include "misc.h"
+ #include "progressmeter.h"
+ #include "utf8.h"
++#include "sftp.h"
+ #include "sftp-common.h"
+ #include "sftp-client.h"
+@@ -660,7 +661,7 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
+ 	 * Finally check the exit status of the ssh process, if one was forked
+ 	 * and no error has occurred yet
+ 	 */
+-	if (do_cmd_pid != -1 && errs == 0) {
++	if (do_cmd_pid != -1 && (mode == MODE_SFTP || errs == 0)) {
+ 		if (remin != -1)
+ 		    (void) close(remin);
+ 		if (remout != -1)
+@@ -1264,13 +1265,18 @@ tolocal(int argc, char **argv, enum scp_
+ static char *
+ prepare_remote_path(struct sftp_conn *conn, const char *path)
+ {
++	size_t nslash;
+ 	/* Handle ~ prefixed paths */
+-	if (*path != '~')
+-		return xstrdup(path);
+ 	if (*path == '\0' || strcmp(path, "~") == 0)
+ 		return xstrdup(".");
+-	if (strncmp(path, "~/", 2) == 0)
+-		return xstrdup(path + 2);
++	if (*path != '~')
++		return xstrdup(path);
++	if (strncmp(path, "~/", 2) == 0) {
++		if ((nslash = strspn(path + 2, "/")) == strlen(path + 2))
++			return xstrdup(".");
++		return xstrdup(path + 2 + nslash);
++	}
+ 	if (can_expand_path(conn))
+ 		return do_expand_path(conn, path);
+ 	/* No protocol extension */
+@@ -1282,10 +1288,16 @@ void
+ source_sftp(int argc, char *src, char *targ, struct sftp_conn *conn)
+ {
+ 	char *target = NULL, *filename = NULL, *abs_dst = NULL;
+-	int target_is_dir;
++	int src_is_dir, target_is_dir;
++	Attrib a;
++	struct stat st;
++	memset(&a, '\0', sizeof(a));
++	if (stat(src, &st) != 0)
++		fatal("stat local \"%s\": %s", src, strerror(errno));
++	src_is_dir = S_ISDIR(st.st_mode);
+ 	if ((filename = basename(src)) == NULL)
+-		fatal("basename %s: %s", src, strerror(errno));
++		fatal("basename \"%s\": %s", src, strerror(errno));
+ 	/*
+ 	 * No need to glob here - the local shell already took care of
+@@ -1295,8 +1307,12 @@ source_sftp(int argc, char *src, char *t
+ 		cleanup_exit(255);
+ 	target_is_dir = remote_is_dir(conn, target);
+ 	if (targetshouldbedirectory && !target_is_dir) {
+-		fatal("Target is not a directory, but more files selected "
+-		    "for upload");
++		debug("target directory \"%s\" does not exist", target);
++		a.perm = st.st_mode | 0700; /* ensure writable */
++		if (do_mkdir(conn, target, &a, 1) != 0)
++			cleanup_exit(255); /* error already logged */
++		target_is_dir = 1;
+ 	}
+ 	if (target_is_dir)
+ 		abs_dst = path_append(target, filename);
+@@ -1306,14 +1322,17 @@ source_sftp(int argc, char *src, char *t
+ 	}
+ 	debug3_f("copying local %s to remote %s", src, abs_dst);
+-	if (local_is_dir(src) && iamrecursive) {
++	if (src_is_dir && iamrecursive) {
+ 		if (upload_dir(conn, src, abs_dst, pflag,
+ 		    SFTP_PROGRESS_ONLY, 0, 0, 1) != 0) {
+-			fatal("failed to upload directory %s to %s",
++			error("failed to upload directory %s to %s",
+ 				src, abs_dst);
++			errs = 1;
+ 		}
+-	} else if (do_upload(conn, src, abs_dst, pflag, 0, 0) != 0)
+-		fatal("failed to upload file %s to %s", src, abs_dst);
++	} else if (do_upload(conn, src, abs_dst, pflag, 0, 0) != 0) {
++		error("failed to upload file %s to %s", src, abs_dst);
++		errs = 1;
++	}
+ 	free(abs_dst);
+ 	free(target);
+@@ -1487,14 +1506,15 @@ sink_sftp(int argc, char *dst, const cha
+ 	char *abs_dst = NULL;
+ 	glob_t g;
+ 	char *filename, *tmp = NULL;
+-	int i, r, err = 0;
++	int i, r, err = 0, dst_is_dir;
++	struct stat st;
+ 	memset(&g, 0, sizeof(g));
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Here, we need remote glob as SFTP can not depend on remote shell
+ 	 * expansions
+ 	 */
+ 	if ((abs_src = prepare_remote_path(conn, src)) == NULL) {
+ 		err = -1;
+ 		goto out;
+@@ -1510,11 +1530,24 @@ sink_sftp(int argc, char *dst, const cha
+ 		goto out;
+ 	}
+-	if (g.gl_matchc > 1 && !local_is_dir(dst)) {
+-		error("Multiple files match pattern, but destination "
+-		    "\"%s\" is not a directory", dst);
+-		err = -1;
+-		goto out;
++	if ((r = stat(dst, &st)) != 0)
++		debug2_f("stat local \"%s\": %s", dst, strerror(errno));
++	dst_is_dir = r == 0 && S_ISDIR(st.st_mode);
++	if (g.gl_matchc > 1 && !dst_is_dir) {
++		if (r == 0) {
++			error("Multiple files match pattern, but destination "
++			    "\"%s\" is not a directory", dst);
++			err = -1;
++			goto out;
++		}
++		debug2_f("creating destination \"%s\"", dst);
++		if (mkdir(dst, 0777) != 0) {
++			error("local mkdir \"%s\": %s", dst, strerror(errno));
++			err = -1;
++			goto out;
++		}
++		dst_is_dir = 1;
+ 	}
+ 	for (i = 0; g.gl_pathv[i] && !interrupted; i++) {
+@@ -1525,7 +1558,7 @@ sink_sftp(int argc, char *dst, const cha
+ 			goto out;
+ 		}
+-		if (local_is_dir(dst))
++		if (dst_is_dir)
+ 			abs_dst = path_append(dst, filename);
+ 		else
+ 			abs_dst = xstrdup(dst);
+@@ -1551,7 +1584,8 @@ out:
+ 	free(tmp);
+ 	globfree(&g);
+ 	if (err == -1) {
+-		fatal("Failed to download file '%s'", src);
++		error("Failed to download '%s'", src);
++		errs = 1;
+ 	}
+ }
diff --git a/openssh.spec b/openssh.spec
index 8a00742..f419b72 100644
--- a/openssh.spec
+++ b/openssh.spec
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
 # Do not forget to bump pam_ssh_agent_auth release if you rewind the main package release to 1
 %global openssh_ver 8.7p1
-%global openssh_rel 6
+%global openssh_rel 7
 %global pam_ssh_agent_ver 0.10.4
 %global pam_ssh_agent_rel 4
@@ -201,6 +201,8 @@ Patch977: openssh-8.7p1-scp-kill-switch.patch
 Patch978: openssh-8.7p1-upstream-cve-2021-41617.patch
 # fix for `ssh-keygen -Y find-principals -f /dev/null -s /dev/null` (#2024902)
 Patch979: openssh-8.7p1-find-principals-fix.patch
+# Create non-existent directories when scp works in sftp mode
+Patch980: openssh-8.7p1-sftpscp-dir-create.patch
 Patch1000: openssh-8.7p1-minimize-sha1-use.patch
@@ -382,6 +384,7 @@ popd
 %patch977 -p1 -b .kill-scp
 %patch978 -p1 -b .cve-2021-41617
 %patch979 -p1 -b .find-principals
+%patch980 -p1 -b .sftpdirs
 %patch200 -p1 -b .audit
 %patch201 -p1 -b .audit-race
@@ -668,6 +671,10 @@ test -f %{sysconfig_anaconda} && \
+* Wed Feb 02 2022 Dmitry Belyavskiy <dbelyavs@redhat.com> - 8.7p1-7
+- Switch to SFTP protocol in scp utility by default - upstream fixes
+  Related: rhbz#2001002
 * Tue Dec 21 2021 Dmitry Belyavskiy <dbelyavs@redhat.com> - 8.7p1-6
 - Fix SSH connection to localhost not possible in FIPS
   Related: rhbz#2031868