diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 8e9e7e0..5746d2b 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -55,4 +55,3 @@ openmpi-1.4.1-RH.tar.bz2
diff --git a/0001-Revert-ucx-check-supported-transports-and-devices-fo.patch b/0001-Revert-ucx-check-supported-transports-and-devices-fo.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2871232
--- /dev/null
+++ b/0001-Revert-ucx-check-supported-transports-and-devices-fo.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+From 63c80c7692e55f634cbca6f67cc5c9cdef3a04d2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Honggang Li <honli@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2021 21:38:13 +0800
+Subject: [PATCH] Revert "ucx: check supported transports and devices for
+ setting priority"
+This reverts commit c36d7459b6331c4da825cad5a64326e7c1a272aa.
+ contrib/platform/mellanox/optimized.conf |   2 -
+ ompi/mca/pml/ucx/pml_ucx_component.c     |  15 +-
+ opal/mca/common/ucx/common_ucx.c         | 202 +----------------------
+ opal/mca/common/ucx/common_ucx.h         |  15 --
+ opal/mca/common/ucx/configure.m4         |   2 -
+ 5 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 234 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/contrib/platform/mellanox/optimized.conf b/contrib/platform/mellanox/optimized.conf
+index 543fd8d1e224..b86b37c9e2fa 100644
+--- a/contrib/platform/mellanox/optimized.conf
++++ b/contrib/platform/mellanox/optimized.conf
+@@ -61,8 +61,6 @@
+ coll = ^ml
+ hwloc_base_binding_policy = core
+ btl = self
+-pml_ucx_tls = any
+-pml_ucx_devices = any
+ # Basic behavior to smooth startup
+ mca_base_component_show_load_errors = 0
+ orte_abort_timeout = 10
+diff --git a/ompi/mca/pml/ucx/pml_ucx_component.c b/ompi/mca/pml/ucx/pml_ucx_component.c
+index 6aed6c41d11d..ed9cc6573e8e 100644
+--- a/ompi/mca/pml/ucx/pml_ucx_component.c
++++ b/ompi/mca/pml/ucx/pml_ucx_component.c
+@@ -107,26 +107,13 @@ static mca_pml_base_module_t*
+ mca_pml_ucx_component_init(int* priority, bool enable_progress_threads,
+                            bool enable_mpi_threads)
+ {
+-    opal_common_ucx_support_level_t support_level;
+     int ret;
+-    support_level = opal_common_ucx_support_level(ompi_pml_ucx.ucp_context);
+-    if (support_level == OPAL_COMMON_UCX_SUPPORT_NONE) {
+-        return NULL;
+-    }
+     if ( (ret = mca_pml_ucx_init(enable_mpi_threads)) != 0) {
+         return NULL;
+     }
+-    /*
+-     * If found supported devices - set to the configured (high) priority.
+-     * Otherwise - Found only supported transports (which could be exposed by
+-     *             unsupported devices), so set a priority lower than ob1.
+-     */
+-    *priority = (support_level == OPAL_COMMON_UCX_SUPPORT_DEVICE) ?
+-                ompi_pml_ucx.priority : 19;
+-    PML_UCX_VERBOSE(2, "returning priority %d", *priority);
++    *priority = ompi_pml_ucx.priority;
+     return &ompi_pml_ucx.super;
+ }
+diff --git a/opal/mca/common/ucx/common_ucx.c b/opal/mca/common/ucx/common_ucx.c
+index ac7a17d799a5..ae8e66877ab6 100644
+--- a/opal/mca/common/ucx/common_ucx.c
++++ b/opal/mca/common/ucx/common_ucx.c
+@@ -14,11 +14,8 @@
+ #include "opal/mca/base/mca_base_framework.h"
+ #include "opal/mca/pmix/pmix.h"
+ #include "opal/memoryhooks/memory.h"
+-#include "opal/util/argv.h"
+ #include <ucm/api/ucm.h>
+-#include <fnmatch.h>
+-#include <stdio.h>
+ /***********************************************************************/
+@@ -28,8 +25,7 @@ opal_common_ucx_module_t opal_common_ucx = {
+     .verbose             = 0,
+     .progress_iterations = 100,
+     .registered          = 0,
+-    .opal_mem_hooks      = 0,
+-    .tls                 = NULL
++    .opal_mem_hooks      = 0
+ };
+ static void opal_common_ucx_mem_release_cb(void *buf, size_t length,
+@@ -40,15 +36,10 @@ static void opal_common_ucx_mem_release_cb(void *buf, size_t length,
+ OPAL_DECLSPEC void opal_common_ucx_mca_var_register(const mca_base_component_t *component)
+ {
+-    static const char *default_tls     = "rc_verbs,ud_verbs,rc_mlx5,dc_mlx5,cuda_ipc,rocm_ipc";
+-    static const char *default_devices = "mlx*";
+     static int registered = 0;
+     static int hook_index;
+     static int verbose_index;
+     static int progress_index;
+-    static int tls_index;
+-    static int devices_index;
+     if (!registered) {
+         verbose_index = mca_base_var_register("opal", "opal_common", "ucx", "verbose",
+                                               "Verbose level of the UCX components",
+@@ -69,29 +60,6 @@ OPAL_DECLSPEC void opal_common_ucx_mca_var_register(const mca_base_component_t *
+                                            OPAL_INFO_LVL_3,
+                                            MCA_BASE_VAR_SCOPE_LOCAL,
+                                            &opal_common_ucx.opal_mem_hooks);
+-        opal_common_ucx.tls  = malloc(sizeof(*opal_common_ucx.tls));
+-        *opal_common_ucx.tls = strdup(default_tls);
+-        tls_index = mca_base_var_register("opal", "opal_common", "ucx", "tls",
+-                                          "List of UCX transports which should be supported on the system, to enable "
+-                                          "selecting the UCX component. Special values: any (any available). "
+-                                          "A '^' prefix negates the list. "
+-                                          "For example, in order to exclude on shared memory and TCP transports, "
+-                                          "please set to '^posix,sysv,self,tcp,cma,knem,xpmem'.",
+-                                          MCA_BASE_VAR_TYPE_STRING, NULL, 0, 0,
+-                                          OPAL_INFO_LVL_3,
+-                                          MCA_BASE_VAR_SCOPE_LOCAL,
+-                                          opal_common_ucx.tls);
+-        opal_common_ucx.devices  = malloc(sizeof(*opal_common_ucx.devices));
+-        *opal_common_ucx.devices = strdup(default_devices);
+-        devices_index = mca_base_var_register("opal", "opal_common", "ucx", "devices",
+-                                              "List of device driver pattern names, which, if supported by UCX, will "
+-                                              "bump its priority above ob1. Special values: any (any available)",
+-                                              MCA_BASE_VAR_TYPE_STRING, NULL, 0, 0,
+-                                              OPAL_INFO_LVL_3,
+-                                              MCA_BASE_VAR_SCOPE_LOCAL,
+-                                              opal_common_ucx.devices);
+         registered = 1;
+     }
+     if (component) {
+@@ -107,14 +75,6 @@ OPAL_DECLSPEC void opal_common_ucx_mca_var_register(const mca_base_component_t *
+                                       component->mca_type_name,
+                                       component->mca_component_name,
+                                       "opal_mem_hooks", 0);
+-        mca_base_var_register_synonym(tls_index, component->mca_project_name,
+-                                      component->mca_type_name,
+-                                      component->mca_component_name,
+-                                      "tls", 0);
+-        mca_base_var_register_synonym(devices_index, component->mca_project_name,
+-                                      component->mca_type_name,
+-                                      component->mca_component_name,
+-                                      "devices", 0);
+     }
+ }
+@@ -163,166 +123,6 @@ OPAL_DECLSPEC void opal_common_ucx_mca_deregister(void)
+     opal_output_close(opal_common_ucx.output);
+ }
+-static bool opal_common_ucx_check_device(const char *device_name, char **device_list)
+-    char sysfs_driver_link[PATH_MAX];
+-    char driver_path[PATH_MAX];
+-    char *ib_device_name;
+-    char *driver_name;
+-    char **list_item;
+-    ssize_t ret;
+-    /* mlx5_0:1 */
+-    ret = sscanf(device_name, "%m[^:]%*d", &ib_device_name);
+-    if (ret != 1) {
+-        return false;
+-    }
+-    sysfs_driver_link[sizeof(sysfs_driver_link) - 1] = '\0';
+-    snprintf(sysfs_driver_link, sizeof(sysfs_driver_link) - 1,
+-             "/sys/class/infiniband/%s/device/driver", ib_device_name);
+-    free(ib_device_name);
+-    driver_path[sizeof(driver_path) - 1] = '\0';
+-    ret = readlink(sysfs_driver_link, driver_path, sizeof(driver_path) - 1);
+-    if (ret < 0) {
+-        MCA_COMMON_UCX_VERBOSE(2, "readlink(%s) failed: %s", sysfs_driver_link,
+-                               strerror(errno));
+-        return false;
+-    }
+-    driver_name = basename(driver_path);
+-    for (list_item = device_list; *list_item != NULL; ++list_item) {
+-        if (!fnmatch(*list_item, driver_name, 0)) {
+-            MCA_COMMON_UCX_VERBOSE(2, "driver '%s' matched by '%s'",
+-                                   driver_path, *list_item);
+-            return true;
+-        }
+-    }
+-    return false;
+-OPAL_DECLSPEC opal_common_ucx_support_level_t
+-opal_common_ucx_support_level(ucp_context_h context)
+-    opal_common_ucx_support_level_t support_level = OPAL_COMMON_UCX_SUPPORT_NONE;
+-    static const char *support_level_names[] = {
+-        [OPAL_COMMON_UCX_SUPPORT_NONE]      = "none",
+-        [OPAL_COMMON_UCX_SUPPORT_TRANSPORT] = "transports only",
+-        [OPAL_COMMON_UCX_SUPPORT_DEVICE]    = "transports and devices"
+-    };
+-    char *rsc_tl_name, *rsc_device_name;
+-    char **tl_list, **device_list, **list_item;
+-    bool is_any_tl, is_any_device;
+-    bool found_tl, negate;
+-    char line[128];
+-    FILE *stream;
+-    char *buffer;
+-    size_t size;
+-    int ret;
+-    is_any_tl     = !strcmp(*opal_common_ucx.tls, "any");
+-    is_any_device = !strcmp(*opal_common_ucx.devices, "any");
+-    /* Check for special value "any" */
+-    if (is_any_tl && is_any_device) {
+-        MCA_COMMON_UCX_VERBOSE(1, "ucx is enabled on any transport or device",
+-                               *opal_common_ucx.tls);
+-        support_level = OPAL_COMMON_UCX_SUPPORT_DEVICE;
+-        goto out;
+-    }
+-    /* Split transports list */
+-    negate  = ('^' == (*opal_common_ucx.tls)[0]);
+-    tl_list = opal_argv_split(*opal_common_ucx.tls + (negate ? 1 : 0), ',');
+-    if (tl_list == NULL) {
+-        MCA_COMMON_UCX_VERBOSE(1, "failed to split tl list '%s', ucx is disabled",
+-                               *opal_common_ucx.tls);
+-        goto out;
+-    }
+-    /* Split devices list */
+-    device_list = opal_argv_split(*opal_common_ucx.devices, ',');
+-    if (device_list == NULL) {
+-        MCA_COMMON_UCX_VERBOSE(1, "failed to split devices list '%s', ucx is disabled",
+-                               *opal_common_ucx.devices);
+-        goto out_free_tl_list;
+-    }
+-    /* Open memory stream to dump UCX information to */
+-    stream = open_memstream(&buffer, &size);
+-    if (stream == NULL) {
+-        MCA_COMMON_UCX_VERBOSE(1, "failed to open memory stream for ucx info (%s), "
+-                               "ucx is disabled", strerror(errno));
+-        goto out_free_device_list;
+-    }
+-    /* Print ucx transports information to the memory stream */
+-    ucp_context_print_info(context, stream);
+-    /* Rewind and read transports/devices list from the stream */
+-    fseek(stream, 0, SEEK_SET);
+-    while ((support_level != OPAL_COMMON_UCX_SUPPORT_DEVICE) &&
+-           (fgets(line, sizeof(line), stream) != NULL)) {
+-        rsc_tl_name = NULL;
+-        ret = sscanf(line,
+-                     /* "# resource 6  :  md 5  dev 4  flags -- rc_verbs/mlx5_0:1" */
+-                     "# resource %*d : md %*d dev %*d flags -- %m[^/ \n\r]/%m[^/ \n\r]",
+-                     &rsc_tl_name, &rsc_device_name);
+-        if (ret != 2) {
+-            free(rsc_tl_name);
+-            continue;
+-        }
+-        /* Check if 'rsc_tl_name' is found  provided list */
+-        found_tl = is_any_tl;
+-        for (list_item = tl_list; !found_tl && (*list_item != NULL); ++list_item) {
+-            found_tl = !strcmp(*list_item, rsc_tl_name);
+-        }
+-        /* Check if the transport has a match (either positive or negative) */
+-        assert(!(is_any_tl && negate));
+-        if (found_tl != negate) {
+-            if (is_any_device ||
+-                opal_common_ucx_check_device(rsc_device_name, device_list)) {
+-                MCA_COMMON_UCX_VERBOSE(2, "%s/%s: matched both transport and device list",
+-                                    rsc_tl_name, rsc_device_name);
+-                support_level = OPAL_COMMON_UCX_SUPPORT_DEVICE;
+-            } else {
+-                MCA_COMMON_UCX_VERBOSE(2, "%s/%s: matched transport list but not device list",
+-                                    rsc_tl_name, rsc_device_name);
+-                support_level = OPAL_COMMON_UCX_SUPPORT_TRANSPORT;
+-            }
+-        } else {
+-            MCA_COMMON_UCX_VERBOSE(2, "%s/%s: did not match transport list",
+-                                   rsc_tl_name, rsc_device_name);
+-        }
+-        free(rsc_device_name);
+-        free(rsc_tl_name);
+-    }
+-    MCA_COMMON_UCX_VERBOSE(2, "support level is %s", support_level_names[support_level]);
+-    fclose(stream);
+-    free(buffer);
+-    opal_argv_free(device_list);
+-    opal_argv_free(tl_list);
+-    MCA_COMMON_UCX_VERBOSE(2, "open_memstream() was not found, ucx is disabled");
+-    return support_level;
+ void opal_common_ucx_empty_complete_cb(void *request, ucs_status_t status)
+ {
+ }
+diff --git a/opal/mca/common/ucx/common_ucx.h b/opal/mca/common/ucx/common_ucx.h
+index 92cdd738ef98..202131ac8907 100644
+--- a/opal/mca/common/ucx/common_ucx.h
++++ b/opal/mca/common/ucx/common_ucx.h
+@@ -88,8 +88,6 @@ typedef struct opal_common_ucx_module {
+     int  progress_iterations;
+     int  registered;
+     bool opal_mem_hooks;
+-    char **tls;
+-    char **devices;
+ } opal_common_ucx_module_t;
+ typedef struct opal_common_ucx_del_proc {
+@@ -97,23 +95,10 @@ typedef struct opal_common_ucx_del_proc {
+     size_t   vpid;
+ } opal_common_ucx_del_proc_t;
+-typedef enum {
+-    /* No supported transports found (according to configured list of supported
+-       transports) */
+-    /* Have supported transports but not supported devices */
+-    /* Have both supported transports and supported devices */
+-} opal_common_ucx_support_level_t;
+ extern opal_common_ucx_module_t opal_common_ucx;
+ OPAL_DECLSPEC void opal_common_ucx_mca_register(void);
+ OPAL_DECLSPEC void opal_common_ucx_mca_deregister(void);
+-OPAL_DECLSPEC opal_common_ucx_support_level_t opal_common_ucx_support_level(ucp_context_h context);
+ OPAL_DECLSPEC void opal_common_ucx_mca_proc_added(void);
+ OPAL_DECLSPEC void opal_common_ucx_empty_complete_cb(void *request, ucs_status_t status);
+ OPAL_DECLSPEC int opal_common_ucx_mca_pmix_fence(ucp_worker_h worker);
+diff --git a/opal/mca/common/ucx/configure.m4 b/opal/mca/common/ucx/configure.m4
+index af8628a889c6..27e07c2005b2 100644
+--- a/opal/mca/common/ucx/configure.m4
++++ b/opal/mca/common/ucx/configure.m4
+@@ -18,8 +18,6 @@ AC_DEFUN([MCA_opal_common_ucx_CONFIG],[
+                [common_ucx_happy="yes"],
+                [common_ucx_happy="no"])
+-    AC_CHECK_DECLS([open_memstream], [], [], [[#include <stdio.h>]])
+     AS_IF([test "$common_ucx_happy" = "yes"],
+           [$1],
+           [$2])
diff --git a/266189935aef4fce825d0db831b4b53accc62c32.patch b/266189935aef4fce825d0db831b4b53accc62c32.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac960e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/266189935aef4fce825d0db831b4b53accc62c32.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+From 266189935aef4fce825d0db831b4b53accc62c32 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jeff Squyres <jsquyres@cisco.com>
+Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2021 22:28:37 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH] fbtl-posix: link to common_ompio
+The posix fbtl calls mca_common_ompio_progress(), which resides in
+common/ompio (i.e., libmca_common_ompio.la).  So add that into
+mca_fbtl_posix_la_LIBADD (like we do in a few other OMPIO-based
+components).  Failure to do this *can* lead to the posix fbtl
+component failing to load (depending on whether other OMPIO-based
+components that pull in libmca_common_ompio were loaded first).
+Thanks to Honggang Li for raising the issue.
+Signed-off-by: Jeff Squyres <jsquyres@cisco.com>
+ ompi/mca/fbtl/posix/Makefile.am | 3 ++-
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/ompi/mca/fbtl/posix/Makefile.am b/ompi/mca/fbtl/posix/Makefile.am
+index a7b0624d3ec..1ce19cb09b7 100644
+--- a/ompi/mca/fbtl/posix/Makefile.am
++++ b/ompi/mca/fbtl/posix/Makefile.am
+@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ mcacomponentdir = $(ompilibdir)
+ mcacomponent_LTLIBRARIES = $(component_install)
+ mca_fbtl_posix_la_SOURCES = $(sources)
+ mca_fbtl_posix_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version
+-mca_fbtl_posix_la_LIBADD = $(top_builddir)/ompi/lib@OMPI_LIBMPI_NAME@.la
++mca_fbtl_posix_la_LIBADD = $(top_builddir)/ompi/lib@OMPI_LIBMPI_NAME@.la \
++    $(OMPI_TOP_BUILDDIR)/ompi/mca/common/ompio/libmca_common_ompio.la
+ noinst_LTLIBRARIES = $(component_noinst)
+ libmca_fbtl_posix_la_SOURCES = $(sources)
diff --git a/openmpi.spec b/openmpi.spec
index 0c94112..a763dcd 100644
--- a/openmpi.spec
+++ b/openmpi.spec
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
 Name:           openmpi%{?_cc_name_suffix}
 Epoch:          1
-Version:        4.1.5
-Release:        1%{?dist}
+Version:        4.1.1
+Release:        5%{?dist}
 Summary:        Open Message Passing Interface
 License:        BSD and MIT and Romio
 URL:            http://www.open-mpi.org/
@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ Source1:        openmpi.module.in
 Source2:        openmpi.pth.py2
 Source3:        openmpi.pth.py3
 Source4:        macros.openmpi
+Patch1:         266189935aef4fce825d0db831b4b53accc62c32.patch
+Patch2:         0001-Revert-ucx-check-supported-transports-and-devices-fo.patch
 BuildRequires:  gcc-c++
 BuildRequires:  gcc-gfortran
@@ -356,10 +358,6 @@ make check
-* Tue Jun 13 2023 Kamal Heib <kheib@redhat.com> - 1:4.1.5-1
-- Update to upstream release 4.1.5
-- Resolves: rhbz#2159637
 * Thu Feb 17 2022 Honggang Li <honli@redhat.com> - 4.1.1-5
 - Revert v4.1.2
 - Add Epoch tag
diff --git a/sources b/sources
index 633d7e8..cc0a735 100644
--- a/sources
+++ b/sources
@@ -1 +1 @@
-SHA512 (openmpi-4.1.5.tar.bz2) = 7a2188684ed7542fe42e1717ae72cb859b4f3d6f722c9d3ba04bfed6c2178b3e7da3a536629d312c23571fed4d9b2ca5e20e85898ae5144e9332bd898e6e1cc6
+SHA512 (openmpi-4.1.1.tar.bz2) = 0d85ba45a40c0879f266e5286615e2cf94eb3570f0a705194525821d5c85d460cefc3a2da8207e6e84c479d3d0da656e2342cc2d6f88c4b4577ca22bbeacc89d