diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33f2b3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/.nss.metadata b/.nss.metadata
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1113a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.nss.metadata
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+d272a7b58364862613d44261c5744f7a336bf177 SOURCES/blank-cert8.db
+b5570125fbf6bfb410705706af48217a0817c03a SOURCES/blank-cert9.db
+7f78b5bcecdb5005e7b803604b2ec9d1a9df2fb5 SOURCES/blank-key3.db
+f9c9568442386da370193474de1b25c3f68cdaf6 SOURCES/blank-key4.db
+bd748cf6e1465a1bbe6e751b72ffc0076aff0b50 SOURCES/blank-secmod.db
+28e05ef5cbe6e7cde239d3cdcccabf571ec73f69 SOURCES/nspr-4.32.tar.gz
+9cccf98f0476905c0d863a6b2cb08a1955482241 SOURCES/nss-3.67.tar.gz
diff --git a/SOURCES/cert8.db.xml b/SOURCES/cert8.db.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e82948d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/cert8.db.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
+<!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"
+  "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.2/docbookx.dtd" [
+<!ENTITY date SYSTEM "date.xml">
+<!ENTITY version SYSTEM "version.xml">
+<refentry id="cert8.db">
+  <refentryinfo>
+    <date>&date;</date>
+    <title>Network Security Services</title>
+    <productname>nss</productname>
+    <productnumber>&version;</productnumber>
+  </refentryinfo>
+  <refmeta>
+    <refentrytitle>cert8.db</refentrytitle>
+    <manvolnum>5</manvolnum>
+  </refmeta>
+  <refnamediv>
+    <refname>cert8.db</refname>
+    <refpurpose>Legacy NSS certificate database</refpurpose>
+  </refnamediv>
+<refsection id="description">
+    <title>Description</title>
+    <para><emphasis>cert8.db</emphasis> is an NSS certificate database.</para>
+  <para>This certificate database is in the legacy database format. Consider migrating to cert9.db and key4.db which are the new sqlite-based shared database format with support for concurrent access.
+  </para>
+  </refsection>
+  <refsection>
+    <title>Files</title>
+    <para><filename>/etc/pki/nssdb/cert8.db</filename></para>
+  </refsection>
+  <refsection>
+    <title>See also</title>
+    <para>cert9.db(5), key4.db(5), pkcs11.txt(5), </para>
+  </refsection>
+  <refsection id="authors">
+    <title>Authors</title>
+    <para>The nss libraries were written and maintained by developers with Netscape, Red Hat,  Sun, Oracle, Mozilla, and Google.</para>
+    <para>Authors: Elio Maldonado &lt;emaldona@redhat.com>.</para>
+  </refsection>
+<!-- don't change -->
+  <refsection id="license">
+    <title>LICENSE</title>
+    <para>Licensed under the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.  If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+    </para>
+  </refsection>
diff --git a/SOURCES/cert9.db.xml b/SOURCES/cert9.db.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..815d3f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/cert9.db.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
+<!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"
+  "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.2/docbookx.dtd" [
+<!ENTITY date SYSTEM "date.xml">
+<!ENTITY version SYSTEM "version.xml">
+<refentry id="cert9.db">
+  <refentryinfo>
+    <date>&date;</date>
+    <title>Network Security Services</title>
+    <productname>nss</productname>
+    <productnumber>&version;</productnumber>
+  </refentryinfo>
+  <refmeta>
+    <refentrytitle>cert9.db</refentrytitle>
+    <manvolnum>5</manvolnum>
+  </refmeta>
+  <refnamediv>
+    <refname>cert9.db</refname>
+    <refpurpose>NSS certificate database</refpurpose>
+  </refnamediv>
+<refsection id="description">
+    <title>Description</title>
+    <para><emphasis>cert9.db</emphasis> is an NSS certificate database.</para>
+  <para>This certificate database is the sqlite-based shared database with support for concurrent access.
+  </para>
+  </refsection>
+  <refsection>
+    <title>Files</title>
+    <para><filename>/etc/pki/nssdb/cert9.db</filename></para>
+  </refsection>
+  <refsection>
+    <title>See also</title>
+    <para>pkcs11.txt(5)</para>
+  </refsection>
+  <refsection id="authors">
+    <title>Authors</title>
+    <para>The nss libraries were written and maintained by developers with Netscape, Red Hat,  Sun, Oracle, Mozilla, and Google.</para>
+    <para>Authors: Elio Maldonado &lt;emaldona@redhat.com>.</para>
+  </refsection>
+<!-- don't change -->
+  <refsection id="license">
+    <title>LICENSE</title>
+    <para>Licensed under the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.  If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+    </para>
+  </refsection>
diff --git a/SOURCES/iquote.patch b/SOURCES/iquote.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e4adcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/iquote.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+diff -up nss/coreconf/location.mk.iquote nss/coreconf/location.mk
+--- nss/coreconf/location.mk.iquote	2017-07-27 16:09:32.000000000 +0200
++++ nss/coreconf/location.mk	2017-09-06 13:23:14.633611555 +0200
+@@ -75,4 +75,9 @@ ifndef SQLITE_LIB_NAME
+     SQLITE_LIB_NAME = sqlite3
+ endif
++# Prefer in-tree headers over system headers
++    INCLUDES += -iquote $(DIST)/../public/nss -iquote $(DIST)/../private/nss
+ MK_LOCATION = included
diff --git a/SOURCES/key3.db.xml b/SOURCES/key3.db.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..444d7aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/key3.db.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
+<!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"
+  "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.2/docbookx.dtd" [
+<!ENTITY date SYSTEM "date.xml">
+<!ENTITY version SYSTEM "version.xml">
+<refentry id="key3.db">
+  <refentryinfo>
+    <date>&date;</date>
+    <title>Network Security Services</title>
+    <productname>nss</productname>
+    <productnumber>&version;</productnumber>
+  </refentryinfo>
+  <refmeta>
+    <refentrytitle>key3.db</refentrytitle>
+    <manvolnum>5</manvolnum>
+  </refmeta>
+  <refnamediv>
+    <refname>key3.db</refname>
+    <refpurpose>Legacy NSS certificate database</refpurpose>
+  </refnamediv>
+<refsection id="description">
+    <title>Description</title>
+    <para><emphasis>key3.db</emphasis> is an NSS certificate database.</para>
+  <para>This is a key database in the legacy database format. Consider migrating to cert9.db and key4.db which  which are the new sqlite-based shared database format with support for concurrent access.
+  </para>
+  </refsection>
+  <refsection>
+    <title>Files</title>
+    <para><filename>/etc/pki/nssdb/key3.db</filename></para>
+  </refsection>
+  <refsection>
+    <title>See also</title>
+    <para>cert9.db(5), key4.db(5), pkcs11.txt(5), </para>
+  </refsection>
+  <refsection id="authors">
+    <title>Authors</title>
+    <para>The nss libraries were written and maintained by developers with Netscape, Red Hat,  Sun, Oracle, Mozilla, and Google.</para>
+    <para>Authors: Elio Maldonado &lt;emaldona@redhat.com>.</para>
+  </refsection>
+<!-- don't change -->
+  <refsection id="license">
+    <title>LICENSE</title>
+    <para>Licensed under the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.  If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+    </para>
+  </refsection>
diff --git a/SOURCES/key4.db.xml b/SOURCES/key4.db.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b65f41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/key4.db.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
+<!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"
+  "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.2/docbookx.dtd" [
+<!ENTITY date SYSTEM "date.xml">
+<!ENTITY version SYSTEM "version.xml">
+<refentry id="key4.db">
+  <refentryinfo>
+    <date>&date;</date>
+    <title>Network Security Services</title>
+    <productname>nss</productname>
+    <productnumber>&version;</productnumber>
+  </refentryinfo>
+  <refmeta>
+    <refentrytitle>key4.db</refentrytitle>
+    <manvolnum>5</manvolnum>
+  </refmeta>
+  <refnamediv>
+    <refname>key4.db</refname>
+    <refpurpose>NSS certificate database</refpurpose>
+  </refnamediv>
+<refsection id="description">
+    <title>Description</title>
+    <para><emphasis>key4.db</emphasis> is an NSS key database.</para>
+  <para>This key database is the sqlite-based shared database format with support for concurrent access.
+  </para>
+  </refsection>
+  <refsection>
+    <title>Files</title>
+    <para><filename>/etc/pki/nssdb/key4.db</filename></para>
+  </refsection>
+  <refsection>
+    <title>See also</title>
+    <para>pkcs11.txt(5)</para>
+  </refsection>
+  <refsection id="authors">
+    <title>Authors</title>
+    <para>The nss libraries were written and maintained by developers with Netscape, Red Hat,  Sun, Oracle, Mozilla, and Google.</para>
+    <para>Authors: Elio Maldonado &lt;emaldona@redhat.com>.</para>
+  </refsection>
+<!-- don't change -->
+  <refsection id="license">
+    <title>LICENSE</title>
+    <para>Licensed under the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.  If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+    </para>
+  </refsection>
diff --git a/SOURCES/nspr-config-pc.patch b/SOURCES/nspr-config-pc.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c1fe87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/nspr-config-pc.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+diff -up nspr/config/nspr-config.in.flags nspr/config/nspr-config.in
+--- nspr/config/nspr-config.in.flags	2013-05-29 13:46:34.147971410 -0700
++++ nspr/config/nspr-config.in	2013-05-29 14:17:10.990838914 -0700
+@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ if test -z "$includedir"; then
+     includedir=@includedir@
+ fi
+ if test -z "$libdir"; then
+-    libdir=@libdir@
++    libdir=`pkg-config --variable=libdir nspr`
+ fi
+ if test "$echo_prefix" = "yes"; then
+@@ -136,12 +136,12 @@ if test "$echo_libs" = "yes"; then
+       if test -n "$lib_nspr"; then
+ 	libdirs="$libdirs -lnspr${major_version}"
+       fi
+-      os_ldflags="@LDFLAGS@"
++      os_ldflags=`pkg-config --variable=ldflags nspr`
+       for i in $os_ldflags ; do
+ 	if echo $i | grep \^-L >/dev/null; then
+ 	  libdirs="$libdirs $i"
+         fi
+       done
+-      echo $libdirs @OS_LIBS@
++      echo $libdirs `pkg-config --variable=os_libs nspr`
+ fi      
+diff -up nspr/config/nspr.pc.in.flags nspr/config/nspr.pc.in
+--- nspr/config/nspr.pc.in.flags	2013-05-29 13:48:15.026643570 -0700
++++ nspr/config/nspr.pc.in	2013-05-29 13:49:47.795202949 -0700
+@@ -6,5 +6,5 @@ includedir=@includedir@
+ Name: NSPR
+ Description: The Netscape Portable Runtime
+-Libs: -L@libdir@ -lplds@MOD_MAJOR_VERSION@ -lplc@MOD_MAJOR_VERSION@ -lnspr@MOD_MAJOR_VERSION@
+ Cflags: -I@includedir@
diff --git a/SOURCES/nspr-config.xml b/SOURCES/nspr-config.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e3f99c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/nspr-config.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
+<!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"
+  "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.2/docbookx.dtd" [
+<!ENTITY date SYSTEM "date.xml">
+<!ENTITY version SYSTEM "version.xml">
+<refentry id="nspr-config">
+  <refentryinfo>
+    <date>&date;</date>
+    <title>Netscape Portable Runtime</title>
+    <productname>nspr</productname>
+    <productnumber>&version;</productnumber>
+  </refentryinfo>
+  <refmeta>
+    <refentrytitle>nspr-config</refentrytitle>
+    <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
+  </refmeta>
+  <refnamediv>
+    <refname>nspr-config</refname>
+    <refpurpose>Return meta information about nspr libraries</refpurpose>
+  </refnamediv>
+  <refsynopsisdiv>
+    <cmdsynopsis>
+      <command>nspr-config</command>
+      <arg><option>--prefix</option></arg>
+      <arg><option>--exec-prefix</option></arg>
+      <arg><option>--includedir</option></arg>
+      <arg><option>--libs</option></arg>
+      <arg><option>--cflags</option></arg>
+      <arg><option>--libdir</option></arg>
+      <arg><option>--version</option></arg>
+    </cmdsynopsis>
+  </refsynopsisdiv>
+<refsection id="description">
+    <title>Description</title>
+    <para><command>nspr-config</command> is a shell script which can be used to obtain gcc options for building client pacakges of nspr.</para>
+  </refsection>
+  <refsection>
+    <title>Options</title>
+    <variablelist>
+      <varlistentry>
+        <term><option>--prefix</option></term>
+        <listitem><simpara>Returns the top level system directory under which the nspr libraries are installed.</simpara></listitem>
+      </varlistentry>
+      <varlistentry>
+        <term><option>--exec-prefix</option></term>
+        <listitem><simpara>Returns the top level system directory under which any nspr binaries would be installed.</simpara></listitem>
+      </varlistentry>
+      <varlistentry>
+        <term><option>--includedir</option> <replaceable>count</replaceable></term>
+        <listitem><simpara>Returns the path to the directory were the nspr headers are installed.</simpara></listitem>
+      </varlistentry>
+      <varlistentry>
+        <term><option>--version</option></term>
+        <listitem><simpara>Returns the upstream version of nspr in the form major_version-minor_version-patch_version.</simpara></listitem>
+      </varlistentry>
+      <varlistentry>
+        <term><option>--libs</option></term>
+        <listitem><simpara>Returns the compiler linking flags.</simpara></listitem>
+      </varlistentry>
+      <varlistentry>
+        <term><option>--cflags</option></term>
+        <listitem><simpara>Returns the compiler include flags.</simpara></listitem>
+      </varlistentry>
+      <varlistentry>
+        <term><option>--libdir</option></term>
+        <listitem><simpara>Returns the path to the directory were the nspr libraries are installed.</simpara></listitem>
+      </varlistentry>
+    </variablelist>
+  </refsection>
+  <refsection>
+    <title>Examples</title>
+    <para>The following example will query for both include path and linkage flags:
+      <programlisting>
+        /usr/bin/nspr-config --cflags --libs
+      </programlisting>
+    </para>
+  </refsection>
+  <refsection>
+    <title>Files</title>
+    <para><filename>/usr/bin/nspr-config</filename></para>
+  </refsection>
+  <refsection>
+    <title>See also</title>
+    <para>pkg-config(1)</para>
+  </refsection>
+  <refsection id="authors">
+    <title>Authors</title>
+    <para>The NSPR liraries were written and maintained by developers with Netscape, Red Hat,  Sun, Oracle, Mozilla, and Google.</para>
+    <para>
+	Authors: Elio Maldonado &lt;emaldona@redhat.com>.
+    </para>
+  </refsection>
+<!-- don't change -->
+  <refsection id="license">
+    <title>LICENSE</title>
+    <para>Licensed under the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.  If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+    </para>
+  </refsection>
diff --git a/SOURCES/nspr-gcc-atomics.patch b/SOURCES/nspr-gcc-atomics.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b94e840
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/nspr-gcc-atomics.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+diff --git a/pr/include/md/_linux.h b/pr/include/md/_linux.h
+--- a/pr/include/md/_linux.h
++++ b/pr/include/md/_linux.h
+@@ -82,53 +82,73 @@
+ #define NO_DLOPEN_NULL
+ #endif
+ #if defined(__FreeBSD_kernel__) || defined(__GNU__)
+ #endif
+ #if defined(__i386__)
++#if defined(__GNUC__)
++/* Use GCC built-in functions */
++#define _MD_INIT_ATOMIC()
++#define _MD_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(ptr) __sync_add_and_fetch(ptr, 1)
++#define _MD_ATOMIC_DECREMENT(ptr) __sync_sub_and_fetch(ptr, 1)
++#define _MD_ATOMIC_ADD(ptr, i) __sync_add_and_fetch(ptr, i)
++#define _MD_ATOMIC_SET(ptr, nv) __sync_lock_test_and_set(ptr, nv)
+ #define _MD_INIT_ATOMIC()
+ extern PRInt32 _PR_x86_AtomicIncrement(PRInt32 *val);
+ #define _MD_ATOMIC_INCREMENT          _PR_x86_AtomicIncrement
+ extern PRInt32 _PR_x86_AtomicDecrement(PRInt32 *val);
+ #define _MD_ATOMIC_DECREMENT          _PR_x86_AtomicDecrement
+ extern PRInt32 _PR_x86_AtomicAdd(PRInt32 *ptr, PRInt32 val);
+ #define _MD_ATOMIC_ADD                _PR_x86_AtomicAdd
+ extern PRInt32 _PR_x86_AtomicSet(PRInt32 *val, PRInt32 newval);
+ #define _MD_ATOMIC_SET                _PR_x86_AtomicSet
+ #endif
+ #if defined(__ia64__)
+ #define _MD_INIT_ATOMIC()
+ extern PRInt32 _PR_ia64_AtomicIncrement(PRInt32 *val);
+ #define _MD_ATOMIC_INCREMENT          _PR_ia64_AtomicIncrement
+ extern PRInt32 _PR_ia64_AtomicDecrement(PRInt32 *val);
+ #define _MD_ATOMIC_DECREMENT          _PR_ia64_AtomicDecrement
+ extern PRInt32 _PR_ia64_AtomicAdd(PRInt32 *ptr, PRInt32 val);
+ #define _MD_ATOMIC_ADD                _PR_ia64_AtomicAdd
+ extern PRInt32 _PR_ia64_AtomicSet(PRInt32 *val, PRInt32 newval);
+ #define _MD_ATOMIC_SET                _PR_ia64_AtomicSet
+ #endif
+ #if defined(__x86_64__)
++#if defined(__GNUC__)
++/* Use GCC built-in functions */
++#define _MD_INIT_ATOMIC()
++#define _MD_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(ptr) __sync_add_and_fetch(ptr, 1)
++#define _MD_ATOMIC_DECREMENT(ptr) __sync_sub_and_fetch(ptr, 1)
++#define _MD_ATOMIC_ADD(ptr, i) __sync_add_and_fetch(ptr, i)
++#define _MD_ATOMIC_SET(ptr, nv) __sync_lock_test_and_set(ptr, nv)
+ #define _MD_INIT_ATOMIC()
+ extern PRInt32 _PR_x86_64_AtomicIncrement(PRInt32 *val);
+ #define _MD_ATOMIC_INCREMENT          _PR_x86_64_AtomicIncrement
+ extern PRInt32 _PR_x86_64_AtomicDecrement(PRInt32 *val);
+ #define _MD_ATOMIC_DECREMENT          _PR_x86_64_AtomicDecrement
+ extern PRInt32 _PR_x86_64_AtomicAdd(PRInt32 *ptr, PRInt32 val);
+ #define _MD_ATOMIC_ADD                _PR_x86_64_AtomicAdd
+ extern PRInt32 _PR_x86_64_AtomicSet(PRInt32 *val, PRInt32 newval);
+ #define _MD_ATOMIC_SET                _PR_x86_64_AtomicSet
+ #endif
+ #if defined(__or1k__)
+ #if defined(__GNUC__)
+ /* Use GCC built-in functions */
+ #define _MD_INIT_ATOMIC()
+ #define _MD_ATOMIC_INCREMENT(ptr) __sync_add_and_fetch(ptr, 1)
+ #define _MD_ATOMIC_DECREMENT(ptr) __sync_sub_and_fetch(ptr, 1)
diff --git a/SOURCES/nss-3.44-kbkdf-coverity.patch b/SOURCES/nss-3.44-kbkdf-coverity.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ef1d8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/nss-3.44-kbkdf-coverity.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+diff -up ./lib/softoken/kbkdf.c.coverity ./lib/softoken/kbkdf.c
+--- ./lib/softoken/kbkdf.c.coverity	2019-12-03 15:33:43.047732312 -0800
++++ ./lib/softoken/kbkdf.c	2019-12-03 15:39:40.982578357 -0800
+@@ -534,6 +534,10 @@ CK_RV kbkdf_CreateKey(CK_SESSION_HANDLE
+     PR_ASSERT(derived_key != NULL);
+     PR_ASSERT(derived_key->phKey != NULL);
++    if (slot == NULL) {
++    }
+     /* Create the new key object for this additional derived key. */
+     key = sftk_NewObject(slot);
+     if (key == NULL) {
+@@ -589,7 +593,9 @@ done:
+     sftk_FreeObject(key);
+     /* Doesn't do anything. */
+-    sftk_FreeSession(session);
++    if (session) {
++        sftk_FreeSession(session);
++    }
+     return ret;
+ }
+diff -up ./lib/softoken/sftkhmac.c.coverity ./lib/softoken/sftkhmac.c
+--- ./lib/softoken/sftkhmac.c.coverity	2019-12-03 15:40:06.108848341 -0800
++++ ./lib/softoken/sftkhmac.c	2019-12-03 15:41:04.919480267 -0800
+@@ -232,7 +232,9 @@ sftk_MAC_Init(sftk_MACCtx *ctx, CK_MECHA
+                            keyval->attrib.ulValueLen, isFIPS);
+ done:
+-    sftk_FreeAttribute(keyval);
++    if (keyval) {
++        sftk_FreeAttribute(keyval);
++    }
+     return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/SOURCES/nss-3.53.1-measure-fix.patch b/SOURCES/nss-3.53.1-measure-fix.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a312936
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/nss-3.53.1-measure-fix.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+diff -up ./coreconf/config.gypi.orig ./coreconf/config.gypi
+--- ./coreconf/config.gypi.orig	2020-06-16 15:50:59.000000000 -0700
++++ ./coreconf/config.gypi	2020-10-15 16:05:37.542761192 -0700
+@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@
+               '_DEFAULT_SOURCE', # for <endian.h> functions, strdup, realpath, and getentropy
+               '_BSD_SOURCE', # for the above in glibc <= 2.19
+               '_POSIX_SOURCE', # for <signal.h>
+-              'SQL_MEASURE_USE_TEMP_DIR', # use tmpdir for the access calls
++              'SDB_MEASURE_USE_TEMP_DIR', # use tmpdir for the access calls
+             ],
+           }],
+           [ 'OS=="dragonfly" or OS=="freebsd"', {
+diff -up ./coreconf/Linux.mk.orig ./coreconf/Linux.mk
+--- ./coreconf/Linux.mk.orig	2020-10-15 16:05:04.794591674 -0700
++++ ./coreconf/Linux.mk	2020-10-15 16:05:37.543761197 -0700
+@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ ifeq ($(USE_PTHREADS),1)
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(OS_TARGET),Android)
+ ifndef ANDROID_NDK
diff --git a/SOURCES/nss-3.66-fix-gtest-parsing.patch b/SOURCES/nss-3.66-fix-gtest-parsing.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e5ff4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/nss-3.66-fix-gtest-parsing.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+diff -up ./tests/common/parsegtestreport.sed.new_gtest ./tests/common/parsegtestreport.sed
+--- ./tests/common/parsegtestreport.sed.new_gtest	2021-06-17 16:26:49.361035662 -0700
++++ ./tests/common/parsegtestreport.sed	2021-06-17 16:49:08.512261136 -0700
+@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
+ /\<testcase/{
+-  s/^.* name="\([^"]*\)" value_param="\([^"]*\)" status="\([^"]*\)" time="[^"]*" classname="\([^"]*\)".*$/\3 '\4: \1 \2'/
++  s/^.* name="\([^"]*\)" value_param="\([^"]*\)" status="\([^"]*\)" time="[^"]*" classname="\([^"]*\).*$/\3 '\4: \1 \2'/
+   t end
+   s/^.* name="\([^"]*\)" status="\([^"]*\)" time="[^"]*" classname="\([^"]*\)".*$/\2 '\3: \1'/
+   t end
++  s/^.* name="\([^"]*\)" value_param="\([^"]*\)" status="\([^"]*\)" result="[^"]*" time="[^"]*" timestamp="[^"]*" classname="\([^"]*\)".*$/\3 '\4: \1 \2'/
++  t end
++  s/^.* name="\([^"]*\)" status="\([^"]*\)" result="[^"]*" time="[^"]*" timestamp="[^"]*" classname="\([^"]*\)".*$/\2 '\3: \1'/
+ }
+ d
+ : end
diff --git a/SOURCES/nss-3.66-no-small-primes.patch b/SOURCES/nss-3.66-no-small-primes.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31be316
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/nss-3.66-no-small-primes.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+diff -up ./gtests/softoken_gtest/softoken_dh_vectors.h.orig ./gtests/softoken_gtest/softoken_dh_vectors.h
+--- ./gtests/softoken_gtest/softoken_dh_vectors.h.orig	2021-06-02 16:57:50.557008790 -0700
++++ ./gtests/softoken_gtest/softoken_dh_vectors.h	2021-06-02 16:59:52.781735096 -0700
+@@ -2872,7 +2872,7 @@ static const DhTestVector DH_TEST_VECTOR
+      {siBuffer, (unsigned char *)g2, sizeof(g2)},
+      {siBuffer, NULL, 0},
+      {siBuffer, NULL, 0},
++     SAFE_PRIME,
+      CLASS_1536},
+     {"IKE 2048",
+      {siBuffer, (unsigned char *)prime_ike_2048, sizeof(prime_ike_2048)},
+@@ -2952,7 +2952,7 @@ static const DhTestVector DH_TEST_VECTOR
+      {siBuffer, (unsigned char *)sub2_prime_ike_1536,
+       sizeof(sub2_prime_ike_1536)},
+      {siBuffer, NULL, 0},
++     SAFE_PRIME,
+      CLASS_1536},
+     {"IKE 2048 with subprime",
+      {siBuffer, (unsigned char *)prime_ike_2048, sizeof(prime_ike_2048)},
+diff -up ./lib/softoken/pkcs11c.c.orig ./lib/softoken/pkcs11c.c
+--- ./lib/softoken/pkcs11c.c.orig	2021-05-28 02:50:43.000000000 -0700
++++ ./lib/softoken/pkcs11c.c	2021-06-02 16:52:01.196932757 -0700
+@@ -5193,7 +5193,7 @@ sftk_PairwiseConsistencyCheck(CK_SESSION
+                 /* subprime not supplied, In this case look it up.
+                  * This only works with approved primes, but in FIPS mode
+                  * that's the only kine of prime that will get here */
+-                subPrimePtr = sftk_VerifyDH_Prime(&prime);
++                subPrimePtr = sftk_VerifyDH_Prime(&prime,isFIPS);
+                 if (subPrimePtr == NULL) {
+                     crv = CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
+                     goto done;
+@@ -8351,7 +8351,7 @@ NSC_DeriveKey(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession
+             /* if the prime is an approved prime, we can skip all the other
+              * checks. */
+-            subPrime = sftk_VerifyDH_Prime(&dhPrime);
++            subPrime = sftk_VerifyDH_Prime(&dhPrime,isFIPS);
+             if (subPrime == NULL) {
+                 SECItem dhSubPrime;
+                 /* If the caller set the subprime value, it means that
+diff -up ./lib/softoken/pkcs11i.h.orig ./lib/softoken/pkcs11i.h
+--- ./lib/softoken/pkcs11i.h.orig	2021-06-02 16:52:01.196932757 -0700
++++ ./lib/softoken/pkcs11i.h	2021-06-02 16:52:54.281248207 -0700
+@@ -946,7 +946,7 @@ char **NSC_ModuleDBFunc(unsigned long fu
+ /* dh verify functions */
+ /* verify that dhPrime matches one of our known primes, and if so return
+  * it's subprime value */
+-const SECItem *sftk_VerifyDH_Prime(SECItem *dhPrime);
++const SECItem *sftk_VerifyDH_Prime(SECItem *dhPrime, PRBool isFIPS);
+ /* check if dhSubPrime claims dhPrime is a safe prime. */
+ SECStatus sftk_IsSafePrime(SECItem *dhPrime, SECItem *dhSubPrime, PRBool *isSafe);
+ /* map an operation Attribute to a Mechanism flag */
+diff -up ./lib/softoken/pkcs11u.c.orig ./lib/softoken/pkcs11u.c
+--- ./lib/softoken/pkcs11u.c.orig	2021-06-02 16:54:23.387777705 -0700
++++ ./lib/softoken/pkcs11u.c	2021-06-02 16:54:51.012941866 -0700
+@@ -2312,7 +2312,7 @@ sftk_handleSpecial(SFTKSlot *slot, CK_ME
+             if (crv != CKR_OK) {
+                 return PR_FALSE;
+             }
+-            dhSubPrime = sftk_VerifyDH_Prime(&dhPrime);
++            dhSubPrime = sftk_VerifyDH_Prime(&dhPrime, PR_TRUE);
+             SECITEM_ZfreeItem(&dhPrime, PR_FALSE);
+             return (dhSubPrime) ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
+         }
+diff -up ./lib/softoken/sftkdhverify.c.orig ./lib/softoken/sftkdhverify.c
+--- ./lib/softoken/sftkdhverify.c.orig	2021-05-28 02:50:43.000000000 -0700
++++ ./lib/softoken/sftkdhverify.c	2021-06-02 16:52:01.196932757 -0700
+@@ -1171,11 +1171,15 @@ static const SECItem subprime_tls_8192 =
+  * verify that dhPrime matches one of our known primes
+  */
+ const SECItem *
+-sftk_VerifyDH_Prime(SECItem *dhPrime)
++sftk_VerifyDH_Prime(SECItem *dhPrime, PRBool isFIPS)
+ {
+     /* use the length to decide which primes to check */
+     switch (dhPrime->len) {
+         case 1536 / PR_BITS_PER_BYTE:
++            /* don't accept 1536 bit primes in FIPS mode */
++            if (isFIPS) {
++                break;
++            }
+             if (PORT_Memcmp(dhPrime->data, prime_ike_1536,
+                             sizeof(prime_ike_1536)) == 0) {
+                 return &subprime_ike_1536;
diff --git a/SOURCES/nss-3.67-fix-coverity-issues.patch b/SOURCES/nss-3.67-fix-coverity-issues.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a68fa57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/nss-3.67-fix-coverity-issues.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+diff -up ./lib/pk11wrap/pk11cxt.c.coverity ./lib/pk11wrap/pk11cxt.c
+--- ./lib/pk11wrap/pk11cxt.c.coverity	2021-06-18 09:36:19.499203028 -0700
++++ ./lib/pk11wrap/pk11cxt.c	2021-06-18 09:37:57.993765299 -0700
+@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ pk11_CreateNewContextInSlot(CK_MECHANISM
+      * of the connection.*/
+     context->fortezzaHack = PR_FALSE;
+     if (type == CKM_SKIPJACK_CBC64) {
+-        if (symKey->origin == PK11_OriginFortezzaHack) {
++        if (symKey && (symKey->origin == PK11_OriginFortezzaHack)) {
+             context->fortezzaHack = PR_TRUE;
+         }
+     }
+diff -up ./lib/pk11wrap/pk11hpke.c.coverity ./lib/pk11wrap/pk11hpke.c
+--- ./lib/pk11wrap/pk11hpke.c.coverity	2021-06-18 13:40:05.410644464 -0700
++++ ./lib/pk11wrap/pk11hpke.c	2021-06-18 13:42:40.627606469 -0700
+@@ -1164,8 +1164,6 @@ PK11_HPKE_Seal(HpkeContext *cx, const SE
+     unsigned char tagBuf[HASH_LENGTH_MAX];
+     size_t tagLen;
+     unsigned int fixedBits;
+-    PORT_Assert(cx->baseNonce->len == sizeof(ivOut));
+-    PORT_Memcpy(ivOut, cx->baseNonce->data, cx->baseNonce->len);
+     /* aad may be NULL, PT may be zero-length but not NULL. */
+     if (!cx || !cx->aeadContext ||
+@@ -1176,6 +1174,9 @@ PK11_HPKE_Seal(HpkeContext *cx, const SE
+         return SECFailure;
+     }
++    PORT_Assert(cx->baseNonce->len == sizeof(ivOut));
++    PORT_Memcpy(ivOut, cx->baseNonce->data, cx->baseNonce->len);
+     tagLen = cx->aeadParams->tagLen;
+     maxOut = pt->len + tagLen;
+     fixedBits = (cx->baseNonce->len - 8) * 8;
+diff -up ./lib/softoken/sftkike.c.coverity ./lib/softoken/sftkike.c
+--- ./lib/softoken/sftkike.c.coverity	2021-06-18 09:33:59.633405513 -0700
++++ ./lib/softoken/sftkike.c	2021-06-18 09:34:20.305523382 -0700
+@@ -1411,7 +1411,6 @@ sftk_fips_IKE_PowerUpSelfTests(void)
+         (outKeySize != sizeof(ike_known_sha256_prf_plus)) ||
+         (PORT_Memcmp(outKeyData, ike_known_sha256_prf_plus,
+                      sizeof(ike_known_sha256_prf_plus)) != 0)) {
+-        PORT_ZFree(outKeyData, outKeySize);
+         return SECFailure;
+     }
diff --git a/SOURCES/nss-3.67-fix-private-key-mac.patch b/SOURCES/nss-3.67-fix-private-key-mac.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d211940
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/nss-3.67-fix-private-key-mac.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+diff -up ./lib/softoken/sftkpwd.c.orig ./lib/softoken/sftkpwd.c
+--- ./lib/softoken/sftkpwd.c.orig	2021-06-10 05:33:12.000000000 -0700
++++ ./lib/softoken/sftkpwd.c	2021-07-01 14:04:34.068596942 -0700
+@@ -287,9 +287,12 @@ sftkdb_DecryptAttribute(SFTKDBHandle *ha
+     }
+     /* If we are using aes 256, we need to check authentication as well.*/
+-    if ((type != CKT_INVALID_TYPE) && (cipherValue.alg == SEC_OID_AES_256_CBC)) {
++    if ((type != CKT_INVALID_TYPE) && 
++	(cipherValue.alg == SEC_OID_PKCS5_PBES2) &&
++        (cipherValue.param->encAlg == SEC_OID_AES_256_CBC)) {
+         SECItem signature;
+         unsigned char signData[SDB_MAX_META_DATA_LEN];
++        CK_RV crv;
+         /* if we get here from the old legacy db, there is clearly an
+          * error, don't return the plaintext */
+@@ -301,15 +304,28 @@ sftkdb_DecryptAttribute(SFTKDBHandle *ha
+         signature.data = signData;
+         signature.len = sizeof(signData);
+-        rv = sftkdb_GetAttributeSignature(handle, handle, id, type,
++        rv = SECFailure;
++        /* sign sftkdb_GetAttriibuteSignature returns a crv, not an rv */
++        crv = sftkdb_GetAttributeSignature(handle, handle, id, type,
+                                           &signature);
+-        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
+-            goto loser;
++        if (crv == CKR_OK) {
++            rv = sftkdb_VerifyAttribute(handle, passKey, CK_INVALID_HANDLE,
++                                        type, *plain, &signature);
+         }
+-        rv = sftkdb_VerifyAttribute(handle, passKey, CK_INVALID_HANDLE, type,
+-                                    *plain, &signature);
+         if (rv != SECSuccess) {
+-            goto loser;
++            /*  handle a bug where old versions of NSS misfiled the signature
++             *  attribute on password update */
++            id |= SFTK_KEYDB_TYPE|SFTK_TOKEN_TYPE;
++            signature.len = sizeof(signData);
++            crv = sftkdb_GetAttributeSignature(handle, handle, id, type,
++                                              &signature);
++            if (crv != CKR_OK) {
++                rv = SECFailure;
++                PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_BAD_SIGNATURE);
++                goto loser;
++            }
++            rv = sftkdb_VerifyAttribute(handle, passKey, CK_INVALID_HANDLE,
++                                        type, *plain, &signature);
+         }
+     }
+@@ -1198,6 +1214,7 @@ sftk_updateEncrypted(PLArenaPool *arena,
+     unsigned int i;
+     for (i = 0; i < privAttrCount; i++) {
+         // Read the old attribute in the clear.
++        CK_OBJECT_HANDLE sdbId = id & SFTK_OBJ_ID_MASK;
+         CK_ATTRIBUTE privAttr = { privAttrTypes[i], NULL, 0 };
+         CK_RV crv = sftkdb_GetAttributeValue(keydb, id, &privAttr, 1);
+         if (crv != CKR_OK) {
+@@ -1222,7 +1239,7 @@ sftk_updateEncrypted(PLArenaPool *arena,
+         plainText.data = privAttr.pValue;
+         plainText.len = privAttr.ulValueLen;
+         if (sftkdb_EncryptAttribute(arena, keydb, keydb->db, newKey,
+-                                    iterationCount, id, privAttr.type,
++                                    iterationCount, sdbId, privAttr.type,
+                                     &plainText, &result) != SECSuccess) {
+             return CKR_GENERAL_ERROR;
+         }
+@@ -1232,10 +1249,9 @@ sftk_updateEncrypted(PLArenaPool *arena,
+         PORT_Memset(plainText.data, 0, plainText.len);
+         // Write the newly encrypted attributes out directly.
+-        CK_OBJECT_HANDLE newId = id & SFTK_OBJ_ID_MASK;
+         keydb->newKey = newKey;
+         keydb->newDefaultIterationCount = iterationCount;
+-        crv = (*keydb->db->sdb_SetAttributeValue)(keydb->db, newId, &privAttr, 1);
++        crv = (*keydb->db->sdb_SetAttributeValue)(keydb->db, sdbId, &privAttr, 1);
+         keydb->newKey = NULL;
+         if (crv != CKR_OK) {
+             return crv;
diff --git a/SOURCES/nss-3.67-fix-ssl-alerts.patch b/SOURCES/nss-3.67-fix-ssl-alerts.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10cdaf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/nss-3.67-fix-ssl-alerts.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+diff -up ./lib/ssl/ssl3con.c.alert-fix ./lib/ssl/ssl3con.c
+--- ./lib/ssl/ssl3con.c.alert-fix	2021-06-10 05:33:12.000000000 -0700
++++ ./lib/ssl/ssl3con.c	2021-07-06 17:08:25.894018521 -0700
+@@ -4319,7 +4319,11 @@ ssl_SignatureSchemeValid(SSLSignatureSch
+     if (!ssl_IsSupportedSignatureScheme(scheme)) {
+         return PR_FALSE;
+     }
+-    if (!ssl_SignatureSchemeMatchesSpkiOid(scheme, spkiOid)) {
++    /* if we are purposefully passed SEC_OID_UNKOWN, it means
++     * we not checking the scheme against a potential key, so skip
++     * the call */
++    if ((spkiOid != SEC_OID_UNKNOWN) &&
++        !ssl_SignatureSchemeMatchesSpkiOid(scheme, spkiOid)) {
+         return PR_FALSE;
+     }
+     if (isTls13) {
+@@ -4517,7 +4521,8 @@ ssl_CheckSignatureSchemeConsistency(sslS
+     }
+     /* Verify that the signature scheme matches the signing key. */
+-    if (!ssl_SignatureSchemeValid(scheme, spkiOid, isTLS13)) {
++    if ((spkiOid == SEC_OID_UNKNOWN) || 
++         !ssl_SignatureSchemeValid(scheme, spkiOid, isTLS13)) {
+         return SECFailure;
+     }
+@@ -4533,6 +4538,7 @@ ssl_CheckSignatureSchemeConsistency(sslS
+ PRBool
+ ssl_IsSupportedSignatureScheme(SSLSignatureScheme scheme)
+ {
++    PRBool isSupported = PR_FALSE;
+     switch (scheme) {
+         case ssl_sig_rsa_pkcs1_sha1:
+         case ssl_sig_rsa_pkcs1_sha256:
+@@ -4552,7 +4558,8 @@ ssl_IsSupportedSignatureScheme(SSLSignat
+         case ssl_sig_dsa_sha384:
+         case ssl_sig_dsa_sha512:
+         case ssl_sig_ecdsa_sha1:
+-            return PR_TRUE;
++            isSupported = PR_TRUE;
++            break;
+         case ssl_sig_rsa_pkcs1_sha1md5:
+         case ssl_sig_none:
+@@ -4560,7 +4567,19 @@ ssl_IsSupportedSignatureScheme(SSLSignat
+         case ssl_sig_ed448:
+             return PR_FALSE;
+     }
+-    return PR_FALSE;
++    if (isSupported) {
++        SECOidTag hashOID = ssl3_HashTypeToOID(ssl_SignatureSchemeToHashType(scheme));
++        PRUint32 policy;
++        const PRUint32 sigSchemePolicy=
++        /* check hash policy */
++        if ((NSS_GetAlgorithmPolicy(hashOID, &policy) == SECSuccess) &&
++            ((policy & sigSchemePolicy) != sigSchemePolicy)) {
++            return PR_FALSE;
++        }
++        /* check algorithm policy */
++    }
++    return isSupported;
+ }
+ PRBool
+@@ -6533,6 +6552,9 @@ ssl_PickSignatureScheme(sslSocket *ss,
+     }
+     spkiOid = SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag(&cert->subjectPublicKeyInfo.algorithm);
++    if (spkiOid == SEC_OID_UNKNOWN) {
++        goto loser;
++    }
+     /* Now we have to search based on the key type. Go through our preferred
+      * schemes in order and find the first that can be used. */
+@@ -6547,6 +6569,7 @@ ssl_PickSignatureScheme(sslSocket *ss,
+         }
+     }
+     return SECFailure;
+ }
+@@ -7700,7 +7723,8 @@ ssl_ParseSignatureSchemes(const sslSocke
+             return SECFailure;
+         }
+-        if (ssl_IsSupportedSignatureScheme((SSLSignatureScheme)tmp)) {
++        if (ssl_SignatureSchemeValid((SSLSignatureScheme)tmp, SEC_OID_UNKNOWN,
++            (PRBool)ss->version >= SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_TLS_1_3)) {;
+             schemes[numSupported++] = (SSLSignatureScheme)tmp;
+         }
+     }
+@@ -10286,7 +10310,12 @@ ssl3_HandleCertificateVerify(sslSocket *
+         PORT_Assert(ss->ssl3.hs.hashType == handshake_hash_record);
+         rv = ssl_ConsumeSignatureScheme(ss, &b, &length, &sigScheme);
+         if (rv != SECSuccess) {
+-            goto loser; /* malformed or unsupported. */
++            errCode = PORT_GetError();
++            /* unsupported == illegal_parameter, others == handshake_failure. */
++                desc = illegal_parameter;
++            }
++            goto alert_loser;
+         }
+         rv = ssl_CheckSignatureSchemeConsistency(
+             ss, sigScheme, &ss->sec.peerCert->subjectPublicKeyInfo);
+diff -up ./gtests/ssl_gtest/ssl_extension_unittest.cc.alert-fix ./gtests/ssl_gtest/ssl_extension_unittest.cc
+--- ./gtests/ssl_gtest/ssl_extension_unittest.cc.alert-fix	2021-07-07 11:32:11.634376932 -0700
++++ ./gtests/ssl_gtest/ssl_extension_unittest.cc	2021-07-07 11:33:30.595841110 -0700
+@@ -428,7 +428,10 @@ TEST_P(TlsExtensionTest12Plus, Signature
+ }
+ TEST_P(TlsExtensionTest12Plus, SignatureAlgorithmsTrailingData) {
+-  const uint8_t val[] = {0x00, 0x02, 0x04, 0x01, 0x00};  // sha-256, rsa
++  // make sure the test uses an algorithm that is legal for
++  // tls 1.3 (or tls 1.3 will through and illegalParameter
++  // instead of a decode error)
++  const uint8_t val[] = {0x00, 0x02, 0x08, 0x09, 0x00};  // sha-256, rsa-pss-pss
+   DataBuffer extension(val, sizeof(val));
+   ClientHelloErrorTest(std::make_shared<TlsExtensionReplacer>(
+       client_, ssl_signature_algorithms_xtn, extension));
diff --git a/SOURCES/nss-539183.patch b/SOURCES/nss-539183.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..267e71e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/nss-539183.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+--- nss/cmd/httpserv/httpserv.c.539183	2016-05-21 18:31:39.879585420 -0700
++++ nss/cmd/httpserv/httpserv.c	2016-05-21 18:37:22.374464057 -0700
+@@ -953,23 +953,23 @@
+ getBoundListenSocket(unsigned short port)
+ {
+     PRFileDesc *listen_sock;
+     int listenQueueDepth = 5 + (2 * maxThreads);
+     PRStatus prStatus;
+     PRNetAddr addr;
+     PRSocketOptionData opt;
+-    addr.inet.family = PR_AF_INET;
+-    addr.inet.ip = PR_INADDR_ANY;
+-    addr.inet.port = PR_htons(port);
++    if (PR_SetNetAddr(PR_IpAddrAny, PR_AF_INET6, port, &addr) != PR_SUCCESS) {
++        errExit("PR_SetNetAddr");
++    }
+-    listen_sock = PR_NewTCPSocket();
++    listen_sock = PR_OpenTCPSocket(PR_AF_INET6);
+     if (listen_sock == NULL) {
+-        errExit("PR_NewTCPSocket");
++        errExit("PR_OpenTCPSockett");
+     }
+     opt.option = PR_SockOpt_Nonblocking;
+     opt.value.non_blocking = PR_FALSE;
+     prStatus = PR_SetSocketOption(listen_sock, &opt);
+     if (prStatus < 0) {
+         PR_Close(listen_sock);
+         errExit("PR_SetSocketOption(PR_SockOpt_Nonblocking)");
+--- nss/cmd/selfserv/selfserv.c.539183	2016-05-21 18:31:39.882585367 -0700
++++ nss/cmd/selfserv/selfserv.c	2016-05-21 18:41:43.092801174 -0700
+@@ -1711,23 +1711,23 @@
+ getBoundListenSocket(unsigned short port)
+ {
+     PRFileDesc *listen_sock;
+     int listenQueueDepth = 5 + (2 * maxThreads);
+     PRStatus prStatus;
+     PRNetAddr addr;
+     PRSocketOptionData opt;
+-    addr.inet.family = PR_AF_INET;
+-    addr.inet.ip = PR_INADDR_ANY;
+-    addr.inet.port = PR_htons(port);
++    if (PR_SetNetAddr(PR_IpAddrAny, PR_AF_INET6, port, &addr) != PR_SUCCESS) {
++        errExit("PR_SetNetAddr");
++    }
+-    listen_sock = PR_NewTCPSocket();
++    listen_sock = PR_OpenTCPSocket(PR_AF_INET6);
+     if (listen_sock == NULL) {
+-        errExit("PR_NewTCPSocket");
++        errExit("PR_OpenTCPSocket error");
+     }
+     opt.option = PR_SockOpt_Nonblocking;
+     opt.value.non_blocking = PR_FALSE;
+     prStatus = PR_SetSocketOption(listen_sock, &opt);
+     if (prStatus < 0) {
+         PR_Close(listen_sock);
+         errExit("PR_SetSocketOption(PR_SockOpt_Nonblocking)");
diff --git a/SOURCES/nss-config.in b/SOURCES/nss-config.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8f893e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/nss-config.in
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+	cat <<EOF
+Usage: nss-config [OPTIONS] [LIBRARIES]
+	[--prefix[=DIR]]
+	[--exec-prefix[=DIR]]
+	[--includedir[=DIR]]
+	[--libdir[=DIR]]
+	[--version]
+	[--libs]
+	[--cflags]
+Dynamic Libraries:
+	nss
+	nssutil
+	ssl
+	smime
+	exit $1
+if test $# -eq 0; then
+	usage 1 1>&2
+while test $# -gt 0; do
+  case "$1" in
+  -*=*) optarg=`echo "$1" | sed 's/[-_a-zA-Z0-9]*=//'` ;;
+  *) optarg= ;;
+  esac
+  case $1 in
+    --prefix=*)
+      prefix=$optarg
+      ;;
+    --prefix)
+      echo_prefix=yes
+      ;;
+    --exec-prefix=*)
+      exec_prefix=$optarg
+      ;;
+    --exec-prefix)
+      echo_exec_prefix=yes
+      ;;
+    --includedir=*)
+      includedir=$optarg
+      ;;
+    --includedir)
+      echo_includedir=yes
+      ;;
+    --libdir=*)
+      libdir=$optarg
+      ;;
+    --libdir)
+      echo_libdir=yes
+      ;;
+    --version)
+      echo ${major_version}.${minor_version}.${patch_version}
+      ;;
+    --cflags)
+      echo_cflags=yes
+      ;;
+    --libs)
+      echo_libs=yes
+      ;;
+    ssl)
+      lib_ssl=yes
+      ;;
+    smime)
+      lib_smime=yes
+      ;;
+    nss)
+      lib_nss=yes
+      ;;
+    nssutil)
+      lib_nssutil=yes
+      ;;
+    *)
+      usage 1 1>&2
+      ;;
+  esac
+  shift
+# Set variables that may be dependent upon other variables
+if test -z "$exec_prefix"; then
+    exec_prefix=`pkg-config --variable=exec_prefix nss`
+if test -z "$includedir"; then
+    includedir=`pkg-config --variable=includedir nss`
+if test -z "$libdir"; then
+    libdir=`pkg-config --variable=libdir nss`
+if test "$echo_prefix" = "yes"; then
+    echo $prefix
+if test "$echo_exec_prefix" = "yes"; then
+    echo $exec_prefix
+if test "$echo_includedir" = "yes"; then
+    echo $includedir
+if test "$echo_libdir" = "yes"; then
+    echo $libdir
+if test "$echo_cflags" = "yes"; then
+    echo -I$includedir
+if test "$echo_libs" = "yes"; then
+      libdirs="-Wl,-rpath-link,$libdir -L$libdir"
+      if test -n "$lib_ssl"; then
+	libdirs="$libdirs -lssl${major_version}"
+      fi
+      if test -n "$lib_smime"; then
+	libdirs="$libdirs -lsmime${major_version}"
+      fi
+      if test -n "$lib_nss"; then
+	libdirs="$libdirs -lnss${major_version}"
+      fi
+      if test -n "$lib_nssutil"; then
+	libdirs="$libdirs -lnssutil${major_version}"
+      fi
+      echo $libdirs
diff --git a/SOURCES/nss-config.xml b/SOURCES/nss-config.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9518c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/nss-config.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
+<!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"
+  "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.2/docbookx.dtd" [
+<!ENTITY date SYSTEM "date.xml">
+<!ENTITY version SYSTEM "version.xml">
+<refentry id="nss-config">
+  <refentryinfo>
+    <date>&date;</date>
+    <title>Network Security Services</title>
+    <productname>nss</productname>
+    <productnumber>&version;</productnumber>
+  </refentryinfo>
+  <refmeta>
+    <refentrytitle>nss-config</refentrytitle>
+    <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
+  </refmeta>
+  <refnamediv>
+    <refname>nss-config</refname>
+    <refpurpose>Return meta information about nss libraries</refpurpose>
+  </refnamediv>
+  <refsynopsisdiv>
+    <cmdsynopsis>
+      <command>nss-config</command>
+      <arg><option>--prefix</option></arg>
+      <arg><option>--exec-prefix</option></arg>
+      <arg><option>--includedir</option></arg>
+      <arg><option>--libs</option></arg>
+      <arg><option>--cflags</option></arg>
+      <arg><option>--libdir</option></arg>
+      <arg><option>--version</option></arg>
+    </cmdsynopsis>
+  </refsynopsisdiv>
+<refsection id="description">
+    <title>Description</title>
+    <para><command>nss-config</command> is a shell scrip
+    tool which can be used to obtain gcc options for building client pacakges of nspt. </para>
+  </refsection>
+  <refsection>
+    <title>Options</title>
+    <variablelist>
+      <varlistentry>
+        <term><option>--prefix</option></term>
+        <listitem><simpara>Returns the top level system directory under which the nss libraries are installed.</simpara></listitem>
+      </varlistentry>
+      <varlistentry>
+        <term><option>--exec-prefix</option></term>
+        <listitem><simpara>returns the top level system directory under which any nss binaries would be installed.</simpara></listitem>
+      </varlistentry>
+      <varlistentry>
+        <term><option>--includedir</option> <replaceable>count</replaceable></term>
+        <listitem><simpara>returns the path to the directory were the nss libraries are installed.</simpara></listitem>
+      </varlistentry>
+      <varlistentry>
+        <term><option>--version</option></term>
+        <listitem><simpara>returns the upstream version of nss in the form major_version-minor_version-patch_version.</simpara></listitem>
+      </varlistentry>
+      <varlistentry>
+        <term><option>--libs</option></term>
+        <listitem><simpara>returns the compiler linking flags.</simpara></listitem>
+      </varlistentry>
+      <varlistentry>
+        <term><option>--cflags</option></term>
+        <listitem><simpara>returns the compiler include flags.</simpara></listitem>
+      </varlistentry>
+      <varlistentry>
+        <term><option>--libdir</option></term>
+        <listitem><simpara>returns the path to the directory were the nss libraries are installed.</simpara></listitem>
+      </varlistentry>
+    </variablelist>
+  </refsection>
+  <refsection>
+    <title>Examples</title>
+    <para>The following example will query for both include path and linkage flags:
+      <programlisting>
+        /usr/bin/nss-config --cflags --libs
+      </programlisting>
+    </para>
+  </refsection>
+  <refsection>
+    <title>Files</title>
+    <para><filename>/usr/bin/nss-config</filename></para>
+  </refsection>
+  <refsection>
+    <title>See also</title>
+    <para>pkg-config(1)</para>
+  </refsection>
+  <refsection id="authors">
+    <title>Authors</title>
+    <para>The nss liraries were written and maintained by developers with Netscape, Red Hat,  Sun, Oracle, Mozilla, and Google.</para>
+    <para>
+	Authors: Elio Maldonado &lt;emaldona@redhat.com>.
+    </para>
+  </refsection>
+<!-- don't change -->
+  <refsection id="license">
+    <title>LICENSE</title>
+    <para>Licensed under the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.  If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+    </para>
+  </refsection>
diff --git a/SOURCES/nss-disable-md5.patch b/SOURCES/nss-disable-md5.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..827928f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/nss-disable-md5.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+diff -r 699541a7793b lib/pk11wrap/pk11pars.c
+--- a/lib/pk11wrap/pk11pars.c	2021-04-16 14:43:41.668835607 -0700
++++ b/lib/pk11wrap/pk11pars.c	2021-04-16 14:43:50.585888411 -0700
+@@ -324,11 +324,11 @@ static const oidValDef curveOptList[] =
+ static const oidValDef hashOptList[] = {
+     /* Hashes */
+     { CIPHER_NAME("MD2"), SEC_OID_MD2,
++      0 },
+     { CIPHER_NAME("MD4"), SEC_OID_MD4,
++      0 },
+     { CIPHER_NAME("MD5"), SEC_OID_MD5,
++      0 },
+     { CIPHER_NAME("SHA224"), SEC_OID_SHA224,
+diff -r 699541a7793b lib/util/secoid.c
+--- a/lib/util/secoid.c	Tue Jun 16 23:03:22 2020 +0000
++++ b/lib/util/secoid.c	Thu Jun 25 14:33:09 2020 +0200
+@@ -2042,6 +2042,19 @@
+             int i;
+             for (i = 1; i < SEC_OID_TOTAL; i++) {
++                switch (i) {
++                case SEC_OID_MD2:
++                case SEC_OID_MD4:
++                case SEC_OID_MD5:
++                case SEC_OID_PKCS1_MD2_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION:
++                case SEC_OID_PKCS1_MD4_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION:
++                case SEC_OID_PKCS1_MD5_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION:
++                case SEC_OID_PKCS5_PBE_WITH_MD2_AND_DES_CBC:
++                case SEC_OID_PKCS5_PBE_WITH_MD5_AND_DES_CBC:
++                    continue;
++                default:
++                    break;
++                }
+                 if (oids[i].desc && strstr(arg, oids[i].desc)) {
+                     xOids[i].notPolicyFlags = notEnable |
+                                               (xOids[i].notPolicyFlags & ~(DEF_FLAGS));
diff --git a/SOURCES/nss-dso-ldflags.patch b/SOURCES/nss-dso-ldflags.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5485ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/nss-dso-ldflags.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Index: nss/coreconf/Linux.mk
+--- nss.orig/coreconf/Linux.mk
++++ nss/coreconf/Linux.mk
+@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ ifdef USE_PTHREADS
+ endif
+-DSO_LDOPTS		= -shared $(ARCHFLAG) -Wl,--gc-sections
++DSO_LDOPTS		= -shared $(ARCHFLAG) -Wl,--gc-sections $(DSO_LDFLAGS)
+ # The linker on Red Hat Linux 7.2 and RHEL 2.1 (GNU ld version
+ # incorrectly reports undefined references in the libraries we link with, so
+ # we don't use -z defs there.
diff --git a/SOURCES/nss-fedora-btrf-sql-hack.patch b/SOURCES/nss-fedora-btrf-sql-hack.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db60cc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/nss-fedora-btrf-sql-hack.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+diff -up ./lib/softoken/sdb.c.orig ./lib/softoken/sdb.c
+--- ./lib/softoken/sdb.c.orig   2020-12-11 22:49:26.961726193 -0500
++++ ./lib/softoken/sdb.c        2020-12-11 23:01:30.739122494 -0500
+@@ -690,8 +690,14 @@ sdb_openDB(const char *name, sqlite3 **s
+         openFlags = SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY;
+     } else {
++        /* btrfs and sqlite seem to incorrectly open readwrite.
++        * when the file is readonly explicitly reject that issue here */
++        if ((_NSSUTIL_Access(name, PR_ACCESS_EXISTS) == PR_SUCCESS)  && (_NSSUTIL_Access(name, PR_ACCESS_WRITE_OK) != PR_SUCCESS)) {
++            return SQLITE_READONLY;
++        }
+     }
+     /* Requires SQLite 3.5.0 or newer. */
+     sqlerr = sqlite3_open_v2(name, sqlDB, openFlags, NULL);
+     if (sqlerr != SQLITE_OK) {
diff --git a/SOURCES/nss-no-dbm-man-page.patch b/SOURCES/nss-no-dbm-man-page.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a1a9d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/nss-no-dbm-man-page.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+diff -up ./doc/certutil.xml.no-dbm ./doc/certutil.xml
+--- ./doc/certutil.xml.no-dbm	2021-05-29 10:26:21.853386165 -0700
++++ ./doc/certutil.xml	2021-05-29 10:31:15.057058619 -0700
+@@ -205,8 +205,7 @@ If this option is not used, the validity
+           <para><command>certutil</command> supports two types of databases: the legacy security databases (<filename>cert8.db</filename>, <filename>key3.db</filename>, and <filename>secmod.db</filename>) and new SQLite databases (<filename>cert9.db</filename>, <filename>key4.db</filename>, and <filename>pkcs11.txt</filename>). </para>
+           <para>NSS recognizes the following prefixes:</para>
+           <itemizedlist>
+-            <listitem><para><command>sql:</command> requests the newer database</para></listitem>
+-	    <listitem><para><command>dbm:</command> requests the legacy database</para></listitem>
++            <listitem><para><command>sql:</command> requests the sql-lite database</para></listitem>
+           </itemizedlist>
+           <para>If no prefix is specified the default type is retrieved from NSS_DEFAULT_DB_TYPE. If NSS_DEFAULT_DB_TYPE is not set then <command>sql:</command> is the default.</para>
+         </listitem>
+@@ -1205,17 +1204,9 @@ BerkeleyDB. These new databases provide
+ 	</listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+-<para>Because the SQLite databases are designed to be shared, these are the <emphasis>shared</emphasis> database type. The shared database type is preferred; the legacy format is included for backward compatibility.</para>
++<para>Because the SQLite databases are designed to be shared, these are the <emphasis>shared</emphasis> database type. </para>
+-<para>By default, the tools (<command>certutil</command>, <command>pk12util</command>, <command>modutil</command>) assume that the given security databases use the SQLite type.
+-Using the legacy databases must be manually specified by using the <command>dbm:</command> prefix with the given security directory. For example:</para>
+-<programlisting>$ certutil -L -d dbm:/home/my/sharednssdb</programlisting>
+-<para>To set the legacy database type as the default type for the tools, set the <envar>NSS_DEFAULT_DB_TYPE</envar> environment variable to <envar>dbm</envar>:</para>
+-<programlisting>export NSS_DEFAULT_DB_TYPE="dbm"</programlisting>
+-<para>This line can be set added to the <filename>~/.bashrc</filename> file to make the change permanent.</para>
++<para>By default, the tools (<command>certutil</command>, <command>pk12util</command>, <command>modutil</command>) assume that the given security databases use the SQLite type.</para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ 	<listitem>
+diff -up ./doc/modutil.xml.no-dbm ./doc/modutil.xml
+--- ./doc/modutil.xml.no-dbm	2021-05-29 10:26:21.854386171 -0700
++++ ./doc/modutil.xml	2021-05-29 10:28:23.293078869 -0700
+@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
+       <varlistentry>
+         <term>-dbdir directory</term>
+ 	  <listitem><para>Specify the database directory in which to access or create security module database files.</para>
+-	<para><command>modutil</command> supports two types of databases: the legacy security databases (<filename>cert8.db</filename>, <filename>key3.db</filename>, and <filename>secmod.db</filename>) and SQLite databases (<filename>cert9.db</filename>, <filename>key4.db</filename>, and <filename>pkcs11.txt</filename>). If the prefix <command>dbm:</command> is not used, then the tool assumes that the given databases are in SQLite format.</para></listitem>
++	<para><command>modutil</command> supports SQLite databases (<filename>cert9.db</filename>, <filename>key4.db</filename>, and <filename>pkcs11.txt</filename>). </para></listitem>
+       </varlistentry>
+       <varlistentry>
+@@ -689,15 +689,7 @@ BerkleyDB. These new databases provide m
+ <para>Because the SQLite databases are designed to be shared, these are the <emphasis>shared</emphasis> database type. The shared database type is preferred; the legacy format is included for backward compatibility.</para>
+-<para>By default, the tools (<command>certutil</command>, <command>pk12util</command>, <command>modutil</command>) assume that the given security databases use the SQLite type.
+-Using the legacy databases must be manually specified by using the <command>dbm:</command> prefix with the given security directory. For example:</para>
+-<programlisting>modutil -create -dbdir dbm:/home/my/sharednssdb</programlisting>
+-<para>To set the legacy database type as the default type for the tools, set the <envar>NSS_DEFAULT_DB_TYPE</envar> environment variable to <envar>dbm</envar>:</para>
+-<programlisting>export NSS_DEFAULT_DB_TYPE="dbm"</programlisting>
+-<para>This line can be added to the <filename>~/.bashrc</filename> file to make the change permanent for the user.</para>
++<para>By default, the tools (<command>certutil</command>, <command>pk12util</command>, <command>modutil</command>) assume that the given security databases use the SQLite type.  </para> 
+ <itemizedlist>
+ 	<listitem>
+diff -up ./doc/pk12util.xml.no-dbm ./doc/pk12util.xml
+--- ./doc/pk12util.xml.no-dbm	2021-05-29 10:26:21.854386171 -0700
++++ ./doc/pk12util.xml	2021-05-29 10:28:23.293078869 -0700
+@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
+       <varlistentry>
+         <term>-d directory</term>
+         <listitem><para>Specify the database directory into which to import to or export from certificates and keys.</para>
+-	<para><command>pk12util</command> supports two types of databases: the legacy security databases (<filename>cert8.db</filename>, <filename>key3.db</filename>, and <filename>secmod.db</filename>) and new SQLite databases (<filename>cert9.db</filename>, <filename>key4.db</filename>, and <filename>pkcs11.txt</filename>). If the prefix <command>dbm:</command> is not used, then the tool assumes that the given databases are in the SQLite format.</para></listitem>
++	<para><command>pk12util</command> supports SQLite databases (<filename>cert9.db</filename>, <filename>key4.db</filename>, and <filename>pkcs11.txt</filename>). </para></listitem>
+       </varlistentry>
+       <varlistentry>
+@@ -394,15 +394,7 @@ BerkleyDB. These new databases provide m
+ <para>Because the SQLite databases are designed to be shared, these are the <emphasis>shared</emphasis> database type. The shared database type is preferred; the legacy format is included for backward compatibility.</para>
+-<para>By default, the tools (<command>certutil</command>, <command>pk12util</command>, <command>modutil</command>) assume that the given security databases use the SQLite type
+-Using the legacy databases must be manually specified by using the <command>dbm:</command> prefix with the given security directory. For example:</para>
+-<programlisting># pk12util -i /tmp/cert-files/users.p12 -d dbm:/home/my/sharednssdb</programlisting>
+-<para>To set the legacy database type as the default type for the tools, set the <envar>NSS_DEFAULT_DB_TYPE</envar> environment variable to <envar>dbm</envar>:</para>
+-<programlisting>export NSS_DEFAULT_DB_TYPE="dbm"</programlisting>
+-<para>This line can be set added to the <filename>~/.bashrc</filename> file to make the change permanent.</para>
++<para>By default, the tools (<command>certutil</command>, <command>pk12util</command>, <command>modutil</command>) assume that the given security databases use the SQLite type.  </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ 	<listitem>
+diff -up ./doc/signver.xml.no-dbm ./doc/signver.xml
+--- ./doc/signver.xml.no-dbm	2021-05-29 10:26:21.854386171 -0700
++++ ./doc/signver.xml	2021-05-29 10:28:23.293078869 -0700
+@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
+       <varlistentry>
+         <term>-d <emphasis>directory</emphasis></term>
+         <listitem><para>Specify the database directory which contains the certificates and keys.</para>
+-	<para><command>signver</command> supports two types of databases: the legacy security databases (<filename>cert8.db</filename>, <filename>key3.db</filename>, and <filename>secmod.db</filename>) and new SQLite databases (<filename>cert9.db</filename>, <filename>key4.db</filename>, and <filename>pkcs11.txt</filename>). If the prefix <command>dbm:</command> is not used, then the tool assumes that the given databases are in the SQLite format.</para></listitem>
++	<para><command>signver</command> supports SQLite databases (<filename>cert9.db</filename>, <filename>key4.db</filename>, and <filename>pkcs11.txt</filename>). </para></listitem>
+       </varlistentry>
+       <varlistentry>
+         <term>-a</term>
+@@ -155,15 +155,7 @@ BerkleyDB. These new databases provide m
+ <para>Because the SQLite databases are designed to be shared, these are the <emphasis>shared</emphasis> database type. The shared database type is preferred; the legacy format is included for backward compatibility.</para>
+-<para>By default, the tools (<command>certutil</command>, <command>pk12util</command>, <command>modutil</command>) assume that the given security databases use the SQLite type
+-Using the legacy databases must be manually specified by using the <command>dbm:</command> prefix with the given security directory. For example:</para>
+-<programlisting># signver -A -s <replaceable>signature</replaceable> -d dbm:/home/my/sharednssdb</programlisting>
+-<para>To set the legacy database type as the default type for the tools, set the <envar>NSS_DEFAULT_DB_TYPE</envar> environment variable to <envar>dbm</envar>:</para>
+-<programlisting>export NSS_DEFAULT_DB_TYPE="dbm"</programlisting>
+-<para>This line can be added to the <filename>~/.bashrc</filename> file to make the change permanent for the user.</para>
++<para>By default, the tools (<command>certutil</command>, <command>pk12util</command>, <command>modutil</command>) assume that the given security databases use the SQLite type.</para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ 	<listitem>
diff --git a/SOURCES/nss-p11-kit.config b/SOURCES/nss-p11-kit.config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ebf073
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/nss-p11-kit.config
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/SOURCES/nss-signtool-format.patch b/SOURCES/nss-signtool-format.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f146f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/nss-signtool-format.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+diff --git a/cmd/modutil/install.c b/cmd/modutil/install.c
+--- a/cmd/modutil/install.c
++++ b/cmd/modutil/install.c
+@@ -825,17 +825,20 @@ rm_dash_r(char *path)
+         dir = PR_OpenDir(path);
+         if (!dir) {
+             return -1;
+         }
+         /* Recursively delete all entries in the directory */
+         while ((entry = PR_ReadDir(dir, PR_SKIP_BOTH)) != NULL) {
+-            sprintf(filename, "%s/%s", path, entry->name);
++            if (snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/%s", path, entry->name) >= sizeof(filename)) {
++                PR_CloseDir(dir);
++                return -1;
++            }
+             if (rm_dash_r(filename)) {
+                 PR_CloseDir(dir);
+                 return -1;
+             }
+         }
+         if (PR_CloseDir(dir) != PR_SUCCESS) {
+             return -1;
+diff --git a/cmd/signtool/util.c b/cmd/signtool/util.c
+--- a/cmd/signtool/util.c
++++ b/cmd/signtool/util.c
+@@ -138,6 +138,12 @@ rm_dash_r(char *path)
+         /* Recursively delete all entries in the directory */
+         while ((entry = PR_ReadDir(dir, PR_SKIP_BOTH)) != NULL) {
+             sprintf(filename, "%s/%s", path, entry->name);
++            if (snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/%s", path, entry->name
++) >= sizeof(filename)) {
++                errorCount++;
++                PR_CloseDir(dir);
++                return -1;
++            }
+             if (rm_dash_r(filename)) {
+                 PR_CloseDir(dir);
+                 return -1;
+diff --git a/lib/libpkix/pkix/util/pkix_list.c b/lib/libpkix/pkix/util/pkix_list.c
+--- a/lib/libpkix/pkix/util/pkix_list.c
++++ b/lib/libpkix/pkix/util/pkix_list.c
+@@ -1530,17 +1530,17 @@ cleanup:
+  */
+ PKIX_Error *
+ PKIX_List_SetItem(
+         PKIX_List *list,
+         PKIX_UInt32 index,
+         PKIX_PL_Object *item,
+         void *plContext)
+ {
+-        PKIX_List *element;
++        PKIX_List *element = NULL;
+         PKIX_ENTER(LIST, "PKIX_List_SetItem");
+         PKIX_NULLCHECK_ONE(list);
+         if (list->immutable){
+         }
+diff --git a/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_oid.c b/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_oid.c
+--- a/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_oid.c
++++ b/lib/libpkix/pkix_pl_nss/system/pkix_pl_oid.c
+@@ -102,17 +102,17 @@ cleanup:
+  */
+ static PKIX_Error *
+ pkix_pl_OID_Equals(
+         PKIX_PL_Object *first,
+         PKIX_PL_Object *second,
+         PKIX_Boolean *pResult,
+         void *plContext)
+ {
+-        PKIX_Int32 cmpResult;
++        PKIX_Int32 cmpResult = 0;
+         PKIX_ENTER(OID, "pkix_pl_OID_Equals");
+         PKIX_NULLCHECK_THREE(first, second, pResult);
+         PKIX_CHECK(pkix_pl_OID_Comparator
+                     (first, second, &cmpResult, plContext),
+                     PKIX_OIDCOMPARATORFAILED);
diff --git a/SOURCES/nss-softokn-config.in b/SOURCES/nss-softokn-config.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7abe29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/nss-softokn-config.in
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+	cat <<EOF
+Usage: nss-softokn-config [OPTIONS] [LIBRARIES]
+	[--prefix[=DIR]]
+	[--exec-prefix[=DIR]]
+	[--includedir[=DIR]]
+	[--libdir[=DIR]]
+	[--version]
+	[--libs]
+	[--cflags]
+Dynamic Libraries:
+	softokn3 - Requires full dynamic linking
+	freebl3  - for internal use only (and glibc for self-integrity check)
+	nssdbm3  - for internal use only
+Dymamically linked
+	exit $1
+if test $# -eq 0; then
+	usage 1 1>&2
+while test $# -gt 0; do
+  case "$1" in
+  -*=*) optarg=`echo "$1" | sed 's/[-_a-zA-Z0-9]*=//'` ;;
+  *) optarg= ;;
+  esac
+  case $1 in
+    --prefix=*)
+      prefix=$optarg
+      ;;
+    --prefix)
+      echo_prefix=yes
+      ;;
+    --exec-prefix=*)
+      exec_prefix=$optarg
+      ;;
+    --exec-prefix)
+      echo_exec_prefix=yes
+      ;;
+    --includedir=*)
+      includedir=$optarg
+      ;;
+    --includedir)
+      echo_includedir=yes
+      ;;
+    --libdir=*)
+      libdir=$optarg
+      ;;
+    --libdir)
+      echo_libdir=yes
+      ;;
+    --version)
+      echo ${major_version}.${minor_version}.${patch_version}
+      ;;
+    --cflags)
+      echo_cflags=yes
+      ;;
+    --libs)
+      echo_libs=yes
+      ;;
+    *)
+      usage 1 1>&2
+      ;;
+  esac
+  shift
+# Set variables that may be dependent upon other variables
+if test -z "$exec_prefix"; then
+    exec_prefix=`pkg-config --variable=exec_prefix nss-softokn`
+if test -z "$includedir"; then
+    includedir=`pkg-config --variable=includedir nss-softokn`
+if test -z "$libdir"; then
+    libdir=`pkg-config --variable=libdir nss-softokn`
+if test "$echo_prefix" = "yes"; then
+    echo $prefix
+if test "$echo_exec_prefix" = "yes"; then
+    echo $exec_prefix
+if test "$echo_includedir" = "yes"; then
+    echo $includedir
+if test "$echo_libdir" = "yes"; then
+    echo $libdir
+if test "$echo_cflags" = "yes"; then
+    echo -I$includedir
+if test "$echo_libs" = "yes"; then
+      libdirs="-Wl,-rpath-link,$libdir -L$libdir"
+      echo $libdirs
diff --git a/SOURCES/nss-softokn-dracut-module-setup.sh b/SOURCES/nss-softokn-dracut-module-setup.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..010ec18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/nss-softokn-dracut-module-setup.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# -*- mode: shell-script; indent-tabs-mode: nil; sh-basic-offset: 4; -*-
+# ex: ts=8 sw=4 sts=4 et filetype=sh
+check() {
+    return 255
+depends() {
+    return 0
+install() {
+    local _dir
+    inst_libdir_file libfreeblpriv3.so libfreeblpriv3.chk \
+        libfreebl3.so
diff --git a/SOURCES/nss-softokn-dracut.conf b/SOURCES/nss-softokn-dracut.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d9232e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/nss-softokn-dracut.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# turn on nss-softokn module
+add_dracutmodules+=" nss-softokn "
diff --git a/SOURCES/nss-softokn.pc.in b/SOURCES/nss-softokn.pc.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..022ebbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/nss-softokn.pc.in
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Description: Network Security Services Softoken PKCS #11 Module
+Requires: nspr >= %NSPR_VERSION%, nss-util >= %NSSUTIL_VERSION%
+Libs: -L${libdir} -lfreebl3 -lnssdbm3 -lsoftokn3
+Cflags: -I${includedir}
diff --git a/SOURCES/nss-util-config.in b/SOURCES/nss-util-config.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..532abbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/nss-util-config.in
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+	cat <<EOF
+Usage: nss-util-config [OPTIONS] [LIBRARIES]
+	[--prefix[=DIR]]
+	[--exec-prefix[=DIR]]
+	[--includedir[=DIR]]
+	[--libdir[=DIR]]
+	[--version]
+	[--libs]
+	[--cflags]
+Dynamic Libraries:
+	nssutil
+	exit $1
+if test $# -eq 0; then
+	usage 1 1>&2
+while test $# -gt 0; do
+  case "$1" in
+  -*=*) optarg=`echo "$1" | sed 's/[-_a-zA-Z0-9]*=//'` ;;
+  *) optarg= ;;
+  esac
+  case $1 in
+    --prefix=*)
+      prefix=$optarg
+      ;;
+    --prefix)
+      echo_prefix=yes
+      ;;
+    --exec-prefix=*)
+      exec_prefix=$optarg
+      ;;
+    --exec-prefix)
+      echo_exec_prefix=yes
+      ;;
+    --includedir=*)
+      includedir=$optarg
+      ;;
+    --includedir)
+      echo_includedir=yes
+      ;;
+    --libdir=*)
+      libdir=$optarg
+      ;;
+    --libdir)
+      echo_libdir=yes
+      ;;
+    --version)
+      echo ${major_version}.${minor_version}.${patch_version}
+      ;;
+    --cflags)
+      echo_cflags=yes
+      ;;
+    --libs)
+      echo_libs=yes
+      ;;
+    *)
+      usage 1 1>&2
+      ;;
+  esac
+  shift
+# Set variables that may be dependent upon other variables
+if test -z "$exec_prefix"; then
+    exec_prefix=`pkg-config --variable=exec_prefix nss-util`
+if test -z "$includedir"; then
+    includedir=`pkg-config --variable=includedir nss-util`
+if test -z "$libdir"; then
+    libdir=`pkg-config --variable=libdir nss-util`
+if test "$echo_prefix" = "yes"; then
+    echo $prefix
+if test "$echo_exec_prefix" = "yes"; then
+    echo $exec_prefix
+if test "$echo_includedir" = "yes"; then
+    echo $includedir
+if test "$echo_libdir" = "yes"; then
+    echo $libdir
+if test "$echo_cflags" = "yes"; then
+    echo -I$includedir
+if test "$echo_libs" = "yes"; then
+      libdirs="-Wl,-rpath-link,$libdir -L$libdir"
+      if test -n "$lib_nssutil"; then
+	libdirs="$libdirs -lnssutil${major_version}"
+      fi
+      echo $libdirs
diff --git a/SOURCES/nss-util.pc.in b/SOURCES/nss-util.pc.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1310248
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/nss-util.pc.in
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Description: Network Security Services Utility Library
+Requires: nspr >= %NSPR_VERSION%
+Libs: -L${libdir} -lnssutil3
+Cflags: -I${includedir}
diff --git a/SOURCES/nss.pc.in b/SOURCES/nss.pc.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69823cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/nss.pc.in
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Name: NSS
+Description: Network Security Services
+Version: %NSS_VERSION%
+Requires: nspr >= %NSPR_VERSION%, nss-util >= %NSSUTIL_VERSION%
+Libs: -L${libdir} -lssl3 -lsmime3 -lnss3
+Cflags: -I${includedir}
diff --git a/SOURCES/pkcs11.txt.xml b/SOURCES/pkcs11.txt.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d30e469
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/pkcs11.txt.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"
+  "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.2/docbookx.dtd" [
+<!ENTITY date SYSTEM "date.xml">
+<!ENTITY version SYSTEM "version.xml">
+<refentry id="pkcs11.txt">
+  <refentryinfo>
+    <date>&date;</date>
+    <title>Network Security Services</title>
+    <productname>nss</productname>
+    <productnumber>&version;</productnumber>
+  </refentryinfo>
+  <refmeta>
+    <refentrytitle>pkcs11.txt</refentrytitle>
+    <manvolnum>5</manvolnum>
+  </refmeta>
+  <refnamediv>
+    <refname>pkcs11.txt</refname>
+    <refpurpose>NSS PKCS #11 module configuration file</refpurpose>
+  </refnamediv>
+  <refsection id="description">
+    <title>Description</title>
+    <para>
+The pkcs11.txt file is used to configure initialization parameters for the nss security module and optionally other pkcs #11 modules.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+For full documentation visit <ulink url="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/PKCS11_Module_Specs">PKCS #11 Module Specs</ulink>.
+    </para>
+  </refsection>
+  <refsection>
+    <title>Files</title>
+    <para><filename>/etc/pki/nssdb/pkcs11.txt</filename></para>
+  </refsection>
+  <refsection id="authors">
+    <title>Authors</title>
+    <para>The nss libraries were written and maintained by developers with Netscape, Red Hat,  Sun, Oracle, Mozilla, and Google.</para>
+    <para>Authors: Elio Maldonado &lt;emaldona@redhat.com>.</para>
+  </refsection>
+<!-- don't change -->
+  <refsection id="license">
+    <title>LICENSE</title>
+    <para>Licensed under the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.  If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+    </para>
+  </refsection>
diff --git a/SOURCES/secmod.db.xml b/SOURCES/secmod.db.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afc9dce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/secmod.db.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
+<!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"
+  "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.2/docbookx.dtd" [
+<!ENTITY date SYSTEM "date.xml">
+<!ENTITY version SYSTEM "version.xml">
+<refentry id="secmod.db">
+  <refentryinfo>
+    <date>&date;</date>
+    <title>Network Security Services</title>
+    <productname>nss</productname>
+    <productnumber>&version;</productnumber>
+  </refentryinfo>
+  <refmeta>
+    <refentrytitle>secmod.db</refentrytitle>
+    <manvolnum>5</manvolnum>
+  </refmeta>
+  <refnamediv>
+    <refname>secmod.db</refname>
+    <refpurpose>Legacy NSS security modules database</refpurpose>
+  </refnamediv>
+<refsection id="description">
+    <title>Description</title>
+    <para><emphasis>secmod.db</emphasis> is an NSS security modules database.</para>
+  <para>The security modules database is used to keep track of the NSS security modules. The NSS security modules export their services via the PKCS #11 API which NSS uses as its Services Provider Interface.
+  </para>
+  <para>The command line utility <emphasis>modutil</emphasis> is used for managing PKCS #11 module information both within secmod.db files and within hardware tokens.
+  </para>
+  <para>For new applications the recommended way of tracking security modules is via the pkcs11.txt configuration file used in conjunction the new sqlite-based shared database format for certificate and key databases.
+  </para>
+  </refsection>
+  <refsection>
+    <title>Files</title>
+    <para><filename>/etc/pki/nssdb/secmod.db</filename></para>
+  </refsection>
+  <refsection>
+    <title>See also</title>
+    <para>modutil(1), cert8.db(5), cert9.db(5), key3.db(5), key4.db(5), pkcs11.txt(5)</para>
+  </refsection>
+  <refsection id="authors">
+    <title>Authors</title>
+    <para>The nss libraries were written and maintained by developers with Netscape, Red Hat, Sun, Oracle, Mozilla, and Google.</para>
+    <para>Authors: Elio Maldonado &lt;emaldona@redhat.com>.</para>
+  </refsection>
+<!-- don't change -->
+  <refsection id="license">
+    <title>LICENSE</title>
+    <para>Licensed under the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.  If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+    </para>
+  </refsection>
diff --git a/SOURCES/setup-nsssysinit.sh b/SOURCES/setup-nsssysinit.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8e1f5f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/setup-nsssysinit.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# Turns on or off the nss-sysinit module db by editing the
+# global PKCS #11 congiguration file. Displays the status.
+# This script can be invoked by the user as super user.
+# It is invoked at nss-sysinit post install time with argument on.
+  cat <<EOF
+Usage: setup-nsssysinit [on|off]
+  on     - turns on nsssysinit
+  off    - turns off nsssysinit
+  status - reports whether nsssysinit is turned on or off
+  exit $1
+# validate
+if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
+  usage 1 1>&2
+# the system-wide configuration file
+# must exist, otherwise report it and exit with failure
+if [ ! -f $p11conf ]; then
+  echo "Could not find ${p11conf}"
+  exit 1
+# check if nsssysinit is currently enabled or disabled
+  grep -q '^library=libnsssysinit' ${p11conf}
+umask 022
+case "$1" in
+  on | ON )
+    if sysinit_enabled; then 
+      exit 0 
+    fi
+    cat ${p11conf} | \
+    sed -e 's/^library=$/library=libnsssysinit.so/' \
+        -e '/^NSS/s/\(Flags=internal\)\(,[^m]\)/\1,moduleDBOnly\2/' > \
+        ${p11conf}.on
+    mv ${p11conf}.on ${p11conf}
+    ;;
+  off | OFF )
+    if ! sysinit_enabled; then
+      exit 0
+    fi
+    cat ${p11conf} | \
+    sed -e 's/^library=libnsssysinit.so/library=/' \
+        -e '/^NSS/s/Flags=internal,moduleDBOnly/Flags=internal/' > \
+        ${p11conf}.off
+    mv ${p11conf}.off ${p11conf}
+    ;;
+  status )
+    echo -n 'NSS sysinit is '
+    sysinit_enabled && echo 'enabled' || echo 'disabled'
+    ;;
+  * )
+    usage 1 1>&2
+    ;;
diff --git a/SOURCES/setup-nsssysinit.xml b/SOURCES/setup-nsssysinit.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b9827f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/setup-nsssysinit.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
+<!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"
+  "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.2/docbookx.dtd" [
+<!ENTITY date SYSTEM "date.xml">
+<!ENTITY version SYSTEM "version.xml">
+<refentry id="setup-nsssysinit">
+  <refentryinfo>
+    <date>&date;</date>
+    <title>Network Security Services</title>
+    <productname>nss</productname>
+    <productnumber>&version;</productnumber>
+  </refentryinfo>
+  <refmeta>
+    <refentrytitle>setup-nsssysinit</refentrytitle>
+    <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
+  </refmeta>
+  <refnamediv>
+    <refname>setup-nsssysinit</refname>
+    <refpurpose>Query or enable the nss-sysinit module</refpurpose>
+  </refnamediv>
+  <refsynopsisdiv>
+    <cmdsynopsis>
+      <command>setup-nsssysinit</command>
+      <arg><option>on</option></arg>
+      <arg><option>off</option></arg>
+      <arg><option>status</option></arg>
+    </cmdsynopsis>
+  </refsynopsisdiv>
+<refsection id="description">
+    <title>Description</title>
+    <para><command>setup-nsssysinit</command> is a shell script to query the status of the nss-sysinit module and when run with root priviledge it can enable or disable it. </para>
+  <para>Turns on or off the nss-sysinit module db by editing the global PKCS #11 configuration file. Displays the status. This script can be invoked by the user as super user. It is invoked at nss-sysinit post install time with argument on.
+  </para>
+  </refsection>
+  <refsection>
+    <title>Options</title>
+    <variablelist>
+      <varlistentry>
+        <term><option>on</option></term>
+        <listitem><simpara>Turn on nss-sysinit.</simpara></listitem>
+      </varlistentry>
+      <varlistentry>
+        <term><option>off</option></term>
+        <listitem><simpara>Turn on nss-sysinit.</simpara></listitem>
+      </varlistentry>
+      <varlistentry>
+        <term><option>status</option></term>
+        <listitem><simpara>returns whether nss-syinit is enabled or not.</simpara></listitem>
+      </varlistentry>
+    </variablelist>
+  </refsection>
+  <refsection>
+    <title>Examples</title>
+    <para>The following example will query for the status of nss-sysinit:
+      <programlisting>
+        /usr/bin/setup-nsssysinit status
+      </programlisting>
+    </para>
+    <para>The following example, when run as superuser, will turn on nss-sysinit:
+      <programlisting>
+        /usr/bin/setup-nsssysinit on
+      </programlisting>
+    </para>
+  </refsection>
+  <refsection>
+    <title>Files</title>
+    <para><filename>/usr/bin/setup-nsssysinit</filename></para>
+  </refsection>
+  <refsection>
+    <title>See also</title>
+    <para>pkg-config(1)</para>
+  </refsection>
+  <refsection id="authors">
+    <title>Authors</title>
+    <para>The nss libraries were written and maintained by developers with Netscape, Red Hat,  Sun, Oracle, Mozilla, and Google.</para>
+    <para>Authors: Elio Maldonado &lt;emaldona@redhat.com>.</para>
+  </refsection>
+<!-- don't change -->
+  <refsection id="license">
+    <title>LICENSE</title>
+    <para>Licensed under the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.  If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+    </para>
+  </refsection>
diff --git a/SOURCES/system-pkcs11.txt b/SOURCES/system-pkcs11.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2f5704
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/system-pkcs11.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+name=NSS Internal PKCS #11 Module
+parameters=configdir='sql:/etc/pki/nssdb'  certPrefix='' keyPrefix='' secmod='secmod.db' flags= updatedir='' updateCertPrefix='' updateKeyPrefix='' updateid='' updateTokenDescription='' 
+NSS=Flags=internal,moduleDBOnly,critical trustOrder=75 cipherOrder=100 slotParams=(1={slotFlags=[RSA,DSA,DH,RC2,RC4,DES,RANDOM,SHA1,MD5,MD2,SSL,TLS,AES,Camellia,SEED,SHA256,SHA512] askpw=any timeout=30})
diff --git a/SPECS/nss.spec b/SPECS/nss.spec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04a14b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SPECS/nss.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,2685 @@
+%global nspr_version 4.32.0
+# NOTE: To avoid NVR clashes of nspr* packages:
+# - reset %%{nspr_release} to 1, when updating %%{nspr_version}
+# - increment %%{nspr_version}, when updating the NSS part only
+# - put the nss_release number here next to nspr, as they both
+#   need to be updated on a given release
+%global nspr_release 2
+%global nss_release 13
+%global nss_version 3.67.0
+# only need to update this as we added new
+# algorithms under nss policy control
+%global crypto_policies_version 20210118
+%global unsupported_tools_directory %{_libdir}/nss/unsupported-tools
+%global saved_files_dir %{_libdir}/nss/saved
+%global dracutlibdir %{_prefix}/lib/dracut
+%global dracut_modules_dir %{dracutlibdir}/modules.d/05nss-softokn/
+%global dracut_conf_dir %{dracutlibdir}/dracut.conf.d
+%bcond_without tests
+%bcond_with dbm
+# Produce .chk files for the final stripped binaries
+# NOTE: The LD_LIBRARY_PATH line guarantees shlibsign links
+# against the freebl that we just built. This is necessary
+# because the signing algorithm changed on 3.14 to DSA2 with SHA256
+# whereas we previously signed with DSA and SHA1. We must Keep this line
+# until all mock platforms have been updated.
+# After %%{__os_install_post} we would add
+# export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%%{_libdir}
+%define __spec_install_post \
+    %{?__debug_package:%{__debug_install_post}} \
+    %{__arch_install_post} \
+    %{__os_install_post} \
+    $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{unsupported_tools_directory}/shlibsign -i $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_libdir}/libsoftokn3.so \
+    $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{unsupported_tools_directory}/shlibsign -i $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_libdir}/libfreeblpriv3.so \
+    $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{unsupported_tools_directory}/shlibsign -i $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_libdir}/libfreebl3.so \
+    %{?with_dbm:$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{unsupported_tools_directory}/shlibsign -i $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_libdir}/libnssdbm3.so} \
+# The upstream omits the trailing ".0", while we need it for
+# consistency with the pkg-config version:
+# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1578106
+rpm.define(string.format("nspr_archive_version %s",
+           string.gsub(rpm.expand("%nspr_version"), "(.*)%.0$", "%1")))
+rpm.define(string.format("nss_archive_version %s",
+           string.gsub(rpm.expand("%nss_version"), "(.*)%.0$", "%1")))
+rpm.define(string.format("nss_release_tag NSS_%s_RTM",
+           string.gsub(rpm.expand("%nss_archive_version"), "%.", "_")))
+Summary:          Network Security Services
+Name:             nss
+Version:          %{nss_version}
+Release:          %{nss_release}%{?dist}
+License:          MPLv2.0
+URL:              http://www.mozilla.org/projects/security/pki/nss/
+Requires:         nspr >= %{nspr_version}
+Requires:         nss-util >= %{nss_version}
+# TODO: revert to same version as nss once we are done with the merge
+Requires:         nss-softokn%{_isa} >= %{nss_version}
+Requires:         nss-system-init
+Requires:         p11-kit-trust
+Requires:         /usr/bin/update-crypto-policies
+Requires:         crypto-policies >= %{crypto_policies_version}
+# for shlibsign
+BuildRequires: make
+BuildRequires:    nss-softokn
+BuildRequires:    sqlite-devel
+BuildRequires:    zlib-devel
+BuildRequires:    pkgconfig
+BuildRequires:    gawk
+BuildRequires:    psmisc
+BuildRequires:    perl-interpreter
+BuildRequires:    gcc-c++
+Source0:          https://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/security/nss/releases/%{nss_release_tag}/src/%{name}-%{nss_archive_version}.tar.gz
+Source1:          nss-util.pc.in
+Source2:          nss-util-config.in
+Source3:          nss-softokn.pc.in
+Source4:          nss-softokn-config.in
+Source6:          nss-softokn-dracut-module-setup.sh
+Source7:          nss-softokn-dracut.conf
+Source8:          nss.pc.in
+Source9:          nss-config.in
+Source10:         blank-cert8.db
+Source11:         blank-key3.db
+Source12:         blank-secmod.db
+Source13:         blank-cert9.db
+Source14:         blank-key4.db
+Source15:         system-pkcs11.txt
+Source16:         setup-nsssysinit.sh
+Source20:         nss-config.xml
+Source21:         setup-nsssysinit.xml
+Source22:         pkcs11.txt.xml
+Source23:         cert8.db.xml
+Source24:         cert9.db.xml
+Source25:         key3.db.xml
+Source26:         key4.db.xml
+Source27:         secmod.db.xml
+Source28:         nss-p11-kit.config
+Source100:        nspr-%{nspr_archive_version}.tar.gz
+Source101:        nspr-config.xml
+# Upstream: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=617723
+Patch2:           nss-539183.patch
+# This patch uses the GCC -iquote option documented at
+# http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Directory-Options.html#Directory-Options
+# to give the in-tree headers a higher priority over the system headers,
+# when they are included through the quote form (#include "file.h").
+# This ensures a build even when system headers are older. Such is the
+# case when starting an update with API changes or even private export
+# changes.
+# Once the buildroot aha been bootstrapped the patch may be removed
+# but it doesn't hurt to keep it.
+Patch4:           iquote.patch
+Patch12:          nss-signtool-format.patch
+# can drop this patch when the underlying btrfs/sqlite issue is solved
+Patch30:          nss-fedora-btrf-sql-hack.patch
+# connect our shared library to the build root loader flags (needed for -relro)
+Patch31:          nss-dso-ldflags.patch
+# keep RHEL 8 semantics of disabling md4 and md5 even if the env variable is set
+Patch32:          nss-disable-md5.patch
+# dbm is disabled on RHEL9, make the man pages reflect that
+%if %{with dbm}
+Patch33:          nss-no-dbm-man-page.patch
+# Patches that should be upstreamed, and (hopefully) will disappear next
+# rebase
+# Need upstream bug
+Patch50:         nss-3.44-kbkdf-coverity.patch
+# no upsteam bug yet
+Patch51:         nss-3.67-fix-private-key-mac.patch
+# no upstream bug yet
+Patch52:         nss-3.53.1-measure-fix.patch
+# no upstream bug yet
+Patch53:         nss-3.66-no-small-primes.patch
+# no upstream bug yet
+Patch54:         nss-3.66-fix-gtest-parsing.patch
+# no upstream bug yet
+Patch55:         nss-3.67-fix-coverity-issues.patch
+# no upstream bug yet
+Patch60:         nss-3.67-fix-ssl-alerts.patch
+Patch100:         nspr-config-pc.patch
+Patch101:         nspr-gcc-atomics.patch
+Network Security Services (NSS) is a set of libraries designed to
+support cross-platform development of security-enabled client and
+server applications. Applications built with NSS can support SSL v2
+and v3, TLS, PKCS #5, PKCS #7, PKCS #11, PKCS #12, S/MIME, X.509
+v3 certificates, and other security standards.
+%package tools
+Summary:          Tools for the Network Security Services
+Requires:         %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description tools
+Network Security Services (NSS) is a set of libraries designed to
+support cross-platform development of security-enabled client and
+server applications. Applications built with NSS can support SSL v2
+and v3, TLS, PKCS #5, PKCS #7, PKCS #11, PKCS #12, S/MIME, X.509
+v3 certificates, and other security standards.
+Install the nss-tools package if you need command-line tools to
+manipulate the NSS certificate and key database.
+%package sysinit
+Summary:          System NSS Initialization
+# providing nss-system-init without version so that it can
+# be replaced by a better one, e.g. supplied by the os vendor
+Provides:         nss-system-init
+Requires:         nss%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires(post):   coreutils, sed
+%description sysinit
+Default Operating System module that manages applications loading
+NSS globally on the system. This module loads the system defined
+PKCS #11 modules for NSS and chains with other NSS modules to load
+any system or user configured modules.
+%package devel
+Summary:          Development libraries for Network Security Services
+Provides:         nss-static = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires:         nss%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires:         nss-util-devel
+Requires:         nss-softokn-devel
+Requires:         nspr-devel >= %{nspr_version}
+Requires:         pkgconfig
+BuildRequires:    xmlto
+%description devel
+Header and Library files for doing development with Network Security Services.
+%package pkcs11-devel
+Summary:          Development libraries for PKCS #11 (Cryptoki) using NSS
+Provides:         nss-pkcs11-devel-static = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires:         nss-devel = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires:         nss-softokn-freebl-devel = %{version}-%{release}
+%description pkcs11-devel
+Library files for developing PKCS #11 modules using basic NSS
+low level services.
+%package util
+Summary:          Network Security Services Utilities Library
+Requires:         nspr >= %{nspr_version}
+%description util
+Utilities for Network Security Services and the Softoken module
+%package util-devel
+Summary:          Development libraries for Network Security Services Utilities
+Requires:         nss-util%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires:         nspr-devel >= %{nspr_version}
+Requires:         pkgconfig
+%description util-devel
+Header and library files for doing development with Network Security Services.
+%package softokn
+Summary:          Network Security Services Softoken Module
+Requires:         nspr >= %{nspr_version}
+Requires:         nss-util >= %{version}-%{release}
+Requires:         nss-softokn-freebl%{_isa} >= %{version}-%{release}
+%description softokn
+Network Security Services Softoken Cryptographic Module
+%package softokn-freebl
+Summary:          Freebl library for the Network Security Services
+# For PR_GetEnvSecure() from nspr >= 4.12
+Requires:         nspr >= 4.12
+# For NSS_SecureMemcmpZero() from nss-util >= 3.33
+Requires:         nss-util >= 3.33
+Conflicts:        nss <
+Conflicts:        filesystem < 3
+%description softokn-freebl
+NSS Softoken Cryptographic Module Freebl Library
+Install the nss-softokn-freebl package if you need the freebl library.
+%package softokn-freebl-devel
+Summary:          Header and Library files for doing development with the Freebl library for NSS
+Provides:         nss-softokn-freebl-static = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires:         nss-softokn-freebl%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description softokn-freebl-devel
+NSS Softoken Cryptographic Module Freebl Library Development Tools
+This package supports special needs of some PKCS #11 module developers and
+is otherwise considered private to NSS. As such, the programming interfaces
+may change and the usual NSS binary compatibility commitments do not apply.
+Developers should rely only on the officially supported NSS public API.
+%package softokn-devel
+Summary:          Development libraries for Network Security Services
+Requires:         nss-softokn%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires:         nss-softokn-freebl-devel%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires:         nspr-devel >= %{nspr_version}
+Requires:         nss-util-devel >= %{version}-%{release}
+Requires:         pkgconfig
+%description softokn-devel
+Header and library files for doing development with Network Security Services.
+%package -n nspr
+Summary:        Netscape Portable Runtime
+Version:        %{nspr_version}
+Release:        %{nspr_release}%{?dist}
+License:        MPLv2.0
+URL:            http://www.mozilla.org/projects/nspr/
+Conflicts:      filesystem < 3
+BuildRequires:  gcc
+%description -n nspr
+NSPR provides platform independence for non-GUI operating system
+facilities. These facilities include threads, thread synchronization,
+normal file and network I/O, interval timing and calendar time, basic
+memory management (malloc and free) and shared library linking.
+%package -n nspr-devel
+Summary:        Development libraries for the Netscape Portable Runtime
+Version:        %{nspr_version}
+Release:        %{nspr_release}%{?dist}
+Requires:       nspr%{?_isa} = %{nspr_version}-%{nspr_release}%{?dist}
+Requires:       pkgconfig
+BuildRequires:  xmlto
+Conflicts:      filesystem < 3
+%description -n nspr-devel
+Header files for doing development with the Netscape Portable Runtime.
+%setup -q -T -b 100 -n nspr-%{nspr_archive_version}
+%setup -q -T -b 0 -n %{name}-%{nss_archive_version}
+mv ../nspr-%{nspr_archive_version}/nspr .
+cp ./nspr/config/nspr-config.in ./nspr/config/nspr-config-pc.in
+%patch100 -p0 -b .flags
+pushd nspr
+%patch101 -p1 -b .gcc-atomics
+pushd nss
+%autopatch -p1 -M 99
+# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1247353
+find nss/lib/libpkix -perm /u+x -type f -exec chmod -x {} \;
+# Build, check, and install NSPR for building NSS in the later phase
+# TODO: This phase can be done by the NSS build process if we switch
+# to using "make nss_build_all".  For now, however, we need some
+# adjustment in the NSS build process.
+mkdir -p nspr_build
+pushd nspr_build
+../nspr/configure \
+                 --prefix=%{_prefix} \
+                 --libdir=%{_libdir} \
+                 --includedir=%{_includedir}/nspr4 \
+                 --with-dist-prefix=$PWD/../dist \
+%ifnarch noarch
+%if 0%{__isa_bits} == 64
+                 --enable-64bit \
+%ifarch armv7l armv7hl armv7nhl
+                 --enable-thumb2 \
+                 --enable-optimize="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" \
+                 --disable-debug
+# The assembly files are only for legacy atomics, to which we prefer GCC atomics
+%ifarch i686 x86_64
+sed -i '/^PR_MD_ASFILES/d' config/autoconf.mk
+date +"%e %B %Y" | tr -d '\n' > date.xml
+echo -n %{nspr_version} > version.xml
+for m in %{SOURCE101}; do
+  cp ${m} .
+for m in nspr-config.xml; do
+  xmlto man ${m}
+# Build NSS
+# This package fails its testsuite with LTO.  Disable LTO for now
+%global _lto_cflags %{nil}
+# Must export FREEBL_LOWHASH=1 for nsslowhash.h so that it gets
+# copied to dist and the rpm install phase can find it
+# This due of the upstream changes to fix
+# https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=717906
+# export FREEBL_LOWHASH=1
+# uncomment if the iquote patch is activated
+export NSS_FORCE_FIPS=1
+# Enable compiler optimizations and disable debugging code
+export BUILD_OPT=1
+# Uncomment to disable optimizations
+#RPM_OPT_FLAGS=`echo $RPM_OPT_FLAGS | sed -e 's/-O2/-O0/g'`
+#export RPM_OPT_FLAGS
+# Generate symbolic info for debuggers
+# Work around false-positive warnings with gcc 10:
+# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1803029
+%ifarch s390x
+export XCFLAGS="$XCFLAGS -Wno-error=maybe-uninitialized"
+# Similarly, but for gcc-11
+export XCFLAGS="$XCFLAGS -Wno-array-parameter"
+export NSPR_INCLUDE_DIR=$PWD/dist/include/nspr
+%if %{with dbm}
+%ifnarch noarch
+%if 0%{__isa_bits} == 64
+export USE_64=1
+# Set the policy file location
+# if set NSS will always check for the policy file and load if it exists
+export POLICY_FILE="nss.config"
+# location of the policy file
+export POLICY_PATH="/etc/crypto-policies/back-ends"
+%{__make} -C ./nss all
+%{__make} -C ./nss latest
+# build the man pages clean
+pushd ./nss
+%{__make} clean_docs build_docs
+# and copy them to the dist directory for %%install to find them
+mkdir -p ./dist/docs/nroff
+cp ./nss/doc/nroff/* ./dist/docs/nroff
+# Set up our package files
+mkdir -p ./dist/pkgconfig
+cat %{SOURCE1} | sed -e "s,%%libdir%%,%{_libdir},g" \
+                          -e "s,%%prefix%%,%{_prefix},g" \
+                          -e "s,%%exec_prefix%%,%{_prefix},g" \
+                          -e "s,%%includedir%%,%{_includedir}/nss3,g" \
+                          -e "s,%%NSPR_VERSION%%,%{nspr_version},g" \
+                          -e "s,%%NSSUTIL_VERSION%%,%{nss_version},g" > \
+                          ./dist/pkgconfig/nss-util.pc
+NSSUTIL_VMAJOR=`cat nss/lib/util/nssutil.h | grep "#define.*NSSUTIL_VMAJOR" | awk '{print $3}'`
+NSSUTIL_VMINOR=`cat nss/lib/util/nssutil.h | grep "#define.*NSSUTIL_VMINOR" | awk '{print $3}'`
+NSSUTIL_VPATCH=`cat nss/lib/util/nssutil.h | grep "#define.*NSSUTIL_VPATCH" | awk '{print $3}'`
+cat %{SOURCE2} | sed -e "s,@libdir@,%{_libdir},g" \
+                          -e "s,@prefix@,%{_prefix},g" \
+                          -e "s,@exec_prefix@,%{_prefix},g" \
+                          -e "s,@includedir@,%{_includedir}/nss3,g" \
+                          -e "s,@MOD_MAJOR_VERSION@,$NSSUTIL_VMAJOR,g" \
+                          -e "s,@MOD_MINOR_VERSION@,$NSSUTIL_VMINOR,g" \
+                          -e "s,@MOD_PATCH_VERSION@,$NSSUTIL_VPATCH,g" \
+                          > ./dist/pkgconfig/nss-util-config
+chmod 755 ./dist/pkgconfig/nss-util-config
+cat %{SOURCE3} | sed -e "s,%%libdir%%,%{_libdir},g" \
+                          -e "s,%%prefix%%,%{_prefix},g" \
+                          -e "s,%%exec_prefix%%,%{_prefix},g" \
+                          -e "s,%%includedir%%,%{_includedir}/nss3,g" \
+                          -e "s,%%NSPR_VERSION%%,%{nspr_version},g" \
+                          -e "s,%%NSSUTIL_VERSION%%,%{nss_version},g" \
+                          -e "s,%%SOFTOKEN_VERSION%%,%{nss_version},g" > \
+                          ./dist/pkgconfig/nss-softokn.pc
+SOFTOKEN_VMAJOR=`cat nss/lib/softoken/softkver.h | grep "#define.*SOFTOKEN_VMAJOR" | awk '{print $3}'`
+SOFTOKEN_VMINOR=`cat nss/lib/softoken/softkver.h | grep "#define.*SOFTOKEN_VMINOR" | awk '{print $3}'`
+SOFTOKEN_VPATCH=`cat nss/lib/softoken/softkver.h | grep "#define.*SOFTOKEN_VPATCH" | awk '{print $3}'`
+cat %{SOURCE4} | sed -e "s,@libdir@,%{_libdir},g" \
+                          -e "s,@prefix@,%{_prefix},g" \
+                          -e "s,@exec_prefix@,%{_prefix},g" \
+                          -e "s,@includedir@,%{_includedir}/nss3,g" \
+                          -e "s,@MOD_MAJOR_VERSION@,$SOFTOKEN_VMAJOR,g" \
+                          -e "s,@MOD_MINOR_VERSION@,$SOFTOKEN_VMINOR,g" \
+                          -e "s,@MOD_PATCH_VERSION@,$SOFTOKEN_VPATCH,g" \
+                          > ./dist/pkgconfig/nss-softokn-config
+chmod 755 ./dist/pkgconfig/nss-softokn-config
+cat %{SOURCE8} | sed -e "s,%%libdir%%,%{_libdir},g" \
+                          -e "s,%%prefix%%,%{_prefix},g" \
+                          -e "s,%%exec_prefix%%,%{_prefix},g" \
+                          -e "s,%%includedir%%,%{_includedir}/nss3,g" \
+                          -e "s,%%NSS_VERSION%%,%{nss_version},g" \
+                          -e "s,%%NSPR_VERSION%%,%{nspr_version},g" \
+                          -e "s,%%NSSUTIL_VERSION%%,%{nss_version},g" \
+                          -e "s,%%SOFTOKEN_VERSION%%,%{nss_version},g" > \
+                          ./dist/pkgconfig/nss.pc
+NSS_VMAJOR=`cat nss/lib/nss/nss.h | grep "#define.*NSS_VMAJOR" | awk '{print $3}'`
+NSS_VMINOR=`cat nss/lib/nss/nss.h | grep "#define.*NSS_VMINOR" | awk '{print $3}'`
+NSS_VPATCH=`cat nss/lib/nss/nss.h | grep "#define.*NSS_VPATCH" | awk '{print $3}'`
+cat %{SOURCE9} | sed -e "s,@libdir@,%{_libdir},g" \
+                          -e "s,@prefix@,%{_prefix},g" \
+                          -e "s,@exec_prefix@,%{_prefix},g" \
+                          -e "s,@includedir@,%{_includedir}/nss3,g" \
+                          -e "s,@MOD_MAJOR_VERSION@,$NSS_VMAJOR,g" \
+                          -e "s,@MOD_MINOR_VERSION@,$NSS_VMINOR,g" \
+                          -e "s,@MOD_PATCH_VERSION@,$NSS_VPATCH,g" \
+                          > ./dist/pkgconfig/nss-config
+chmod 755 ./dist/pkgconfig/nss-config
+cat %{SOURCE16} > ./dist/pkgconfig/setup-nsssysinit.sh
+chmod 755 ./dist/pkgconfig/setup-nsssysinit.sh
+cp ./nss/lib/ckfw/nssck.api ./dist/private/nss/
+date +"%e %B %Y" | tr -d '\n' > date.xml
+echo -n %{nss_version} > version.xml
+# configuration files and setup script
+for m in %{SOURCE20} %{SOURCE21} %{SOURCE22}; do
+  cp ${m} .
+for m in nss-config.xml setup-nsssysinit.xml pkcs11.txt.xml; do
+  xmlto man ${m}
+# nss databases considered to be configuration files
+for m in %{SOURCE23} %{SOURCE24} %{SOURCE25} %{SOURCE26} %{SOURCE27}; do
+  cp ${m} .
+for m in cert8.db.xml cert9.db.xml key3.db.xml key4.db.xml secmod.db.xml; do
+  xmlto man ${m}
+%if %{with tests}
+pushd nspr_build
+# Run test suite.
+perl ../nspr/pr/tests/runtests.pl 2>&1 | tee output.log
+TEST_FAILURES=`grep -c FAILED ./output.log` || :
+if [ $TEST_FAILURES -ne 0 ]; then
+  echo "error: test suite returned failure(s)"
+  exit 1
+echo "test suite completed"
+%if %{with tests}
+# Begin -- copied from the build section
+export BUILD_OPT=1
+%ifnarch noarch
+%if 0%{__isa_bits} == 64
+export USE_64=1
+# End -- copied from the build section
+# This is necessary because the test suite tests algorithms that are
+# disabled by the system policy.
+# enable the following line to force a test failure
+# find ./nss -name \*.chk | xargs rm -f
+# Run test suite.
+# In order to support multiple concurrent executions of the test suite
+# (caused by concurrent RPM builds) on a single host,
+# we'll use a random port. Also, we want to clean up any stuck
+# selfserv processes. If process name "selfserv" is used everywhere,
+# we can't simply do a "killall selfserv", because it could disturb
+# concurrent builds. Therefore we'll do a search and replace and use
+# a different process name.
+# Using xargs doesn't mix well with spaces in filenames, in order to
+# avoid weird quoting we'll require that no spaces are being used.
+SPACEISBAD=`find ./nss/tests | grep -c ' '` ||:
+if [ $SPACEISBAD -ne 0 ]; then
+  echo "error: filenames containing space are not supported (xargs)"
+  exit 1
+MYRAND=`perl -e 'print 9000 + int rand 1000'`; echo $MYRAND ||:
+RANDSERV=selfserv_${MYRAND}; echo $RANDSERV ||:
+DISTBINDIR=`ls -d ./dist/*.OBJ/bin`; echo $DISTBINDIR ||:
+pushd "$DISTBINDIR"
+ln -s selfserv $RANDSERV
+# man perlrun, man perlrequick
+# replace word-occurrences of selfserv with selfserv_$MYRAND
+find ./nss/tests -type f |\
+  grep -v "\.db$" |grep -v "\.crl$" | grep -v "\.crt$" |\
+  grep -vw CVS  |xargs grep -lw selfserv |\
+  xargs -l perl -pi -e "s/\bselfserv\b/$RANDSERV/g" ||:
+killall $RANDSERV || :
+rm -rf ./tests_results
+pushd nss/tests
+# all.sh is the test suite script
+#  don't need to run all the tests when testing packaging
+#  nss_cycles: standard pkix upgradedb sharedb
+#  the full list from all.sh is:
+#  "cipher lowhash libpkix cert dbtests tools fips sdr crmf smime ssl ocsp merge pkits chains ec gtests ssl_gtests"
+%define nss_tests "libpkix cert dbtests tools fips sdr crmf smime ssl ocsp merge pkits chains ec gtests ssl_gtests"
+#  nss_ssl_tests: crl bypass_normal normal_bypass normal_fips fips_normal iopr policy
+#  nss_ssl_run: cov auth stapling stress
+# Uncomment these lines if you need to temporarily
+# disable some test suites for faster test builds
+# % define nss_ssl_tests "normal_fips"
+# % define nss_ssl_run "cov"
+HOST=localhost DOMSUF=localdomain PORT=$MYRAND NSS_CYCLES=%{?nss_cycles} NSS_TESTS=%{?nss_tests} NSS_SSL_TESTS=%{?nss_ssl_tests} NSS_SSL_RUN=%{?nss_ssl_run} ./all.sh
+killall $RANDSERV || :
+pushd nspr_build
+mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1
+mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_libdir}/pkgconfig
+# Get rid of the things we don't want installed (per upstream)
+rm -rf \
+   $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_bindir}/compile-et.pl \
+   $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_bindir}/prerr.properties \
+   $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_libdir}/libnspr4.a \
+   $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_libdir}/libplc4.a \
+   $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_libdir}/libplds4.a \
+   $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/aclocal/nspr.m4 \
+   $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_includedir}/nspr4/md
+for f in nspr-config; do
+   install -c -m 644 ${f}.1 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/${f}.1
+# There is no make install target so we'll do it ourselves.
+mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_includedir}/nss3
+mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_includedir}/nss3/templates
+mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_bindir}
+mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_libdir}
+mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{unsupported_tools_directory}
+mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_libdir}/pkgconfig
+mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{saved_files_dir}
+mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{dracut_modules_dir}
+mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{dracut_conf_dir}
+mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/crypto-policies/local.d
+%if %{defined rhel}
+# not needed for rhel and its derivatives only fedora
+# because of the pp.1 conflict with perl-PAR-Packer
+mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/doc/nss-tools
+install -m 755 %{SOURCE6} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{dracut_modules_dir}/module-setup.sh
+install -m 644 %{SOURCE7} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{dracut_conf_dir}/50-nss-softokn.conf
+mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1
+mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man5
+# Copy the binary libraries we want
+for file in libnssutil3.so libsoftokn3.so %{?with_dbm:libnssdbm3.so} libfreebl3.so libfreeblpriv3.so libnss3.so libnsssysinit.so libsmime3.so libssl3.so
+  install -p -m 755 dist/*.OBJ/lib/$file $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_libdir}
+# Install the empty NSS db files
+# Legacy db
+mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/pki/nssdb
+install -p -m 644 %{SOURCE10} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/pki/nssdb/cert8.db
+install -p -m 644 %{SOURCE11} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/pki/nssdb/key3.db
+install -p -m 644 %{SOURCE12} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/pki/nssdb/secmod.db
+# Shared db
+install -p -m 644 %{SOURCE13} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/pki/nssdb/cert9.db
+install -p -m 644 %{SOURCE14} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/pki/nssdb/key4.db
+install -p -m 644 %{SOURCE15} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/pki/nssdb/pkcs11.txt
+# Copy the development libraries we want
+for file in libcrmf.a libnssb.a libnssckfw.a
+  install -p -m 644 dist/*.OBJ/lib/$file $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_libdir}
+# Copy the binaries we want
+for file in certutil cmsutil crlutil modutil nss-policy-check pk12util signver ssltap
+  install -p -m 755 dist/*.OBJ/bin/$file $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_bindir}
+# Copy the binaries we ship as unsupported
+for file in bltest ecperf fbectest fipstest shlibsign atob btoa derdump listsuites ocspclnt pp selfserv signtool strsclnt symkeyutil tstclnt vfyserv vfychain
+  install -p -m 755 dist/*.OBJ/bin/$file $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{unsupported_tools_directory}
+# Copy the include files we want
+for file in dist/public/nss/*.h
+  install -p -m 644 $file $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_includedir}/nss3
+# Copy some freebl include files we also want
+for file in blapi.h alghmac.h cmac.h
+  install -p -m 644 dist/private/nss/$file $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_includedir}/nss3
+# Copy the static freebl library
+for file in libfreebl.a
+install -p -m 644 dist/*.OBJ/lib/$file $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_libdir}
+# Copy the template files we want
+for file in dist/private/nss/templates.c dist/private/nss/nssck.api
+  install -p -m 644 $file $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_includedir}/nss3/templates
+# Copy the package configuration files
+install -p -m 644 ./dist/pkgconfig/nss-util.pc $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/nss-util.pc
+install -p -m 755 ./dist/pkgconfig/nss-util-config $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_bindir}/nss-util-config
+install -p -m 644 ./dist/pkgconfig/nss-softokn.pc $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/nss-softokn.pc
+install -p -m 755 ./dist/pkgconfig/nss-softokn-config $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_bindir}/nss-softokn-config
+install -p -m 644 ./dist/pkgconfig/nss.pc $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/nss.pc
+install -p -m 755 ./dist/pkgconfig/nss-config $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_bindir}/nss-config
+# Copy the pkcs #11 configuration script
+install -p -m 755 ./dist/pkgconfig/setup-nsssysinit.sh $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_bindir}/setup-nsssysinit.sh
+# install a symbolic link to it, without the ".sh" suffix,
+# that matches the man page documentation
+ln -r -s -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_bindir}/setup-nsssysinit.sh $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_bindir}/setup-nsssysinit
+# Copy the man pages for scripts
+for f in nss-config setup-nsssysinit; do
+   install -c -m 644 ${f}.1 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/${f}.1
+# Copy the man pages for the nss tools
+for f in certutil cmsutil crlutil derdump modutil pk12util signtool signver ssltap vfychain vfyserv; do
+  install -c -m 644 ./dist/docs/nroff/${f}.1 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/${f}.1
+%if %{defined rhel}
+install -c -m 644 ./dist/docs/nroff/pp.1 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/pp.1
+install -c -m 644 ./dist/docs/nroff/pp.1 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/doc/nss-tools/pp.1
+# Copy the man pages for the configuration files
+for f in pkcs11.txt; do
+   install -c -m 644 ${f}.5 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man5/${f}.5
+# Copy the man pages for the nss databases
+for f in cert8.db cert9.db key3.db key4.db secmod.db; do
+   install -c -m 644 ${f}.5 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man5/${f}.5
+# Copy the crypto-policies configuration file
+install -p -m 644 %{SOURCE28} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/crypto-policies/local.d
+%triggerpostun -n nss-sysinit -- nss-sysinit < 3.12.8-3
+# Reverse unwanted disabling of sysinit by faulty preun sysinit scriplet
+# from previous versions of nss.spec
+/usr/bin/setup-nsssysinit.sh on
+%if %{with dbm}
+# Upon upgrade, ensure that the existing database locations are migrated to SQL
+# database.
+if test $1 -eq 2; then
+    for dbdir in %{_sysconfdir}/pki/nssdb; do
+        if test ! -e ${dbdir}/pkcs11.txt; then
+            /usr/bin/certutil --merge -d ${dbdir} --source-dir ${dbdir}
+        fi
+    done
+update-crypto-policies &> /dev/null || :
+%{!?_licensedir:%global license %%doc}
+%license nss/COPYING
+%dir %{_sysconfdir}/pki/nssdb
+%config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 size mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/pki/nssdb/cert8.db
+%config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 size mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/pki/nssdb/key3.db
+%config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 size mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/pki/nssdb/secmod.db
+%config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 size mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/pki/nssdb/cert9.db
+%config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 size mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/pki/nssdb/key4.db
+%config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 size mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/pki/nssdb/pkcs11.txt
+%config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 size mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/crypto-policies/local.d/nss-p11-kit.config
+%doc %{_mandir}/man5/cert8.db.5*
+%doc %{_mandir}/man5/key3.db.5*
+%doc %{_mandir}/man5/secmod.db.5*
+%doc %{_mandir}/man5/cert9.db.5*
+%doc %{_mandir}/man5/key4.db.5*
+%doc %{_mandir}/man5/pkcs11.txt.5*
+%files sysinit
+# symbolic link to setup-nsssysinit.sh
+%doc %{_mandir}/man1/setup-nsssysinit.1*
+%files tools
+# instead of %%{_mandir}/man*/* let's list them explicitly
+# supported tools
+%doc %{_mandir}/man1/certutil.1*
+%doc %{_mandir}/man1/cmsutil.1*
+%doc %{_mandir}/man1/crlutil.1*
+%doc %{_mandir}/man1/modutil.1*
+%doc %{_mandir}/man1/pk12util.1*
+%doc %{_mandir}/man1/signver.1*
+# unsupported tools
+%doc %{_mandir}/man1/derdump.1*
+%doc %{_mandir}/man1/signtool.1*
+%if %{defined rhel}
+%doc %{_mandir}/man1/pp.1*
+%dir %{_datadir}/doc/nss-tools
+%doc %{_datadir}/doc/nss-tools/pp.1
+%doc %{_mandir}/man1/ssltap.1*
+%doc %{_mandir}/man1/vfychain.1*
+%doc %{_mandir}/man1/vfyserv.1*
+%files devel
+%doc %{_mandir}/man1/nss-config.1*
+%dir %{_includedir}/nss3
+%files pkcs11-devel
+%files util
+%{!?_licensedir:%global license %%doc}
+%license nss/COPYING
+%files util-devel
+# package configuration files
+# co-owned with nss
+%dir %{_includedir}/nss3
+# these are marked as public export in nss/lib/util/manifest.mk
+%files softokn
+%if %{with dbm}
+# shared with nss-tools
+%dir %{_libdir}/nss
+%dir %{saved_files_dir}
+%dir %{unsupported_tools_directory}
+%files softokn-freebl
+%{!?_licensedir:%global license %%doc}
+%license nss/COPYING
+%dir %{dracut_modules_dir}
+%files softokn-freebl-devel
+%files softokn-devel
+# co-owned with nss
+%dir %{_includedir}/nss3
+# The following headers are those exported public in
+# nss/lib/freebl/manifest.mn and
+# nss/lib/softoken/manifest.mn
+# The following list is short because many headers, such as
+# the pkcs #11 ones, have been provided by nss-util-devel
+# which installed them before us.
+%files -n nspr
+%{!?_licensedir:%global license %%doc}
+%license nspr/LICENSE
+%files -n nspr-devel
+%doc %{_mandir}/man1/nspr-config.*
+* Wed Aug 25 2021 Bob Relyea <rrelyea@redhat.com> - 3.67.0-13
+- rebuild to clear gating.yaml test
+* Thu Aug 19 2021 Bob Relyea <rrelyea@redhat.com> - 3.67.0-12
+- pick up nspr 3.2 for Firefox 92
+* Thu Aug 12 2021 Florian Weimer <fweimer@redhat.com> - 3.67.0-11
+- Change release number to correct cross-package dependencies (#1991688)
+* Mon Aug 09 2021 Mohan Boddu <mboddu@redhat.com>
+- Rebuilt for IMA sigs, glibc 2.34, aarch64 flags
+  Related: rhbz#1991688
+* Thu Jul 8 2021 Bob Relyea <rrelyea@redhat.com> - 3.67.0-8
+- fix relro support in nspr part of build
+* Tue Jul 6 2021 Bob Relyea <rrelyea@redhat.com> - 3.67.0-7
+- fix ssl alert regressions
+* Fri Jul 2 2021 Bob Relyea <rrelyea@redhat.com> - 3.67.0-6
+- bump the nspr release number
+* Thu Jul 1 2021 Bob Relyea <rrelyea@redhat.com> - 3.67.0-5
+- fix error when trying to read keys from updated databases when updated
+  from unpatched versions of NSS (like on fedora or upstream).
+- fix spelling of LD_OPTFLAGS which prevents relro from working.
+* Fri Jun 18 2021 Bob Relyea <rrelyea@redhat.com> - 3.67.0-4
+- update nspr man page files to only pick up nspr man pages
+* Fri Jun 18 2021 Bob Relyea <rrelyea@redhat.com> - 3.67.0-3
+- Update NSS to 3.67
+- Update NSPR to 2.31
+- pick up rhel coverity patches which have not yet been pushed upstream.
+* Fri Apr 16 2021 Bob Relyea <rrelyea@redhat.com> - 3.63.0-3
+ - prevent MD5 from being enabled even with the environment variables
+   and policy. This mirrors the rhel8 semantics.
+ - add DSO_LDFLAGS support so we pick up system LDFLAGS in our shared libraries
+* Fri Apr 16 2021 Mohan Boddu <mboddu@redhat.com> - 3.63.0-2
+ - Rebuilt for RHEL 9 BETA on Apr 15th 2021. Related: rhbz#1947937
+* Wed Mar 24 2021 Bob Relyea <rrelyea@redhat.com> - 3.63.0-1
+- Update NSS to 3.62
+- Update NSPR to 2.30
+* Tue Feb 23 2021 Bob Relyea <rrelyea@redhat.com> - 3.62.0-1
+- Update to 3.62
+* Mon Feb 01 2021 Kalev Lember <klember@redhat.com> - 3.60.1-5
+- Rebuild to fix broken nspr dependencies
+* Tue Jan 26 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 3.60.1-4
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_34_Mass_Rebuild
+* Fri Jan 22 2021 Bob Relyea <rrelyea@redhat.com> - 3.60.1-2
+- Update nspr release number
+* Fri Jan 22 2021 Bob Relyea <rrelyea@redhat.com> - 3.60.1-2
+- Update requires so that we get the correct crypto policies
+  (or all RSA and ECDSA signatures wil fail)
+* Thu Jan 21 2021 Bob Relyea <rrelyea@redhat.com> - 3.60.1-1
+- Update to NSS 3.60.1
+* Fri Dec 11 2020 Bob Relyea <rrelyea@redhat.com> - 3.59.0-2
+- Work around btrfs/sqlite bug
+- Disable new policy entries until crypto-polices has been updated
+* Thu Dec 10 2020 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.59.0-1
+- Update to NSS 3.59
+- Remove unused quilt BR
+* Sat Nov  7 2020 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.58.0-8
+- Replace %%{version} references in %%build with %%{nss_version}, suggested by Dmitry Butskoy in bz#1895447
+* Fri Oct 30 2020 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.58.0-7
+- Use the lockstep release numbering for both nspr and nss
+* Thu Oct 29 2020 Jeff Law <law@redhat.com> - 3.58.0-6
+- Disable -Warray-parameter warning for gcc-11
+* Tue Oct 27 2020 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.58.0-5
+- Consolidate NSPR package with this package
+* Mon Oct 26 2020 Bob Relyea <rrelyea@redhat.com> - 3.58.0-4
+- fix pkix ocsp to tolerate OCSP checking on intermediates
+  when the root is signed by sha1 and sha1 is disabled by
+  policy
+* Mon Oct 26 2020 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.58.0-3
+- Revert the last change, always tolerate the first CCS in TLS 1.3
+* Thu Oct 22 2020 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.58.0-2
+- Enable TLS 1.3 middlebox compatibility mode by default
+* Tue Oct 20 2020 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.58.0-1
+- Update to NSS 3.58
+* Sat Sep 19 2020 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.57.0-1
+- Update to NSS 3.57
+* Mon Aug 24 2020 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.56.0-1
+- Update to NSS 3.56
+* Thu Aug 13 2020 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.55.0-3
+- Fix DBM backend disablement
+- Add scriptlet to auto-migrated known database locations
+* Sat Aug  8 2020 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.55.0-2
+- Disable LTO
+* Sun Aug  2 2020 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.55.0-1
+- Update to NSS 3.55
+- Disable building DBM backend
+* Sat Aug 01 2020 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 3.54.0-3
+- Second attempt - Rebuilt for
+  https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_33_Mass_Rebuild
+* Tue Jul 28 2020 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 3.54.0-2
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_33_Mass_Rebuild
+* Wed Jul 15 2020 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.54.0-1
+- Update to NSS 3.54
+* Thu Jun  4 2020 Bob Relyea <rrelyea@redhat.com> - 3.53.0-2
+- Fix non-strict prototype in pk11pub.h
+* Mon Jun  1 2020 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.53.0-1
+- Update to NSS 3.53
+* Wed May 13 2020 Bob Relyea <rrelyea@redhat.com> - 3.52.0-2
+- Delay CK_GCM_PARAMS semantics until fedora 34
+* Mon May 11 2020 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.52.0-1
+- Update to NSS 3.52
+* Sat Apr 25 2020 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.51.1-2
+- Temporarily revert DBM disablement for kernel build failure (#1827902)
+* Mon Apr 20 2020 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.51.1-1
+- Update to NSS 3.51.1
+- Disable building DBM backend
+* Tue Apr  7 2020 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.51.0-1
+- Update to NSS 3.51
+* Thu Mar 26 2020 Tom Stellard <tstellar@redhat.com> - 3.50.0-3
+- Use __make macro to invoke make
+* Thu Mar  5 2020 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.50.0-2
+- Apply CMAC fixes from upstream
+* Mon Feb 17 2020 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.50.0-1
+- Update to NSS 3.50
+* Fri Feb 14 2020 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.49.2-3
+- Ignore false-positive compiler warnings with gcc 10
+- Fix build with gcc 10
+* Wed Jan 29 2020 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 3.49.2-2
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_32_Mass_Rebuild
+* Mon Jan 27 2020 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.49.2-1
+- Update to NSS 3.49.2
+- Don't enable TLS 1.3 by default (#1794814)
+* Fri Jan 10 2020 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.49.0-1
+- Update to NSS 3.49
+- Fix build on armv7hl with the patch proposed in upstream
+* Fri Jan  3 2020 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.48.0-1
+- Update to NSS 3.48
+* Tue Dec  3 2019 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.47.1-4
+- Update nss-3.47-certdb-temp-cert.patch to avoid setting empty trust value
+* Tue Dec  3 2019 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.47.1-3
+- Update nss-3.47-certdb-temp-cert.patch to the final version
+* Thu Nov 28 2019 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.47.1-2
+- Fix intermittent SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER (#1752303, #1648617)
+* Fri Nov 22 2019 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.47.1-1
+- Update to NSS 3.47.1
+* Mon Nov 4 2019 Bob Relyea <rrelyea@redhat.com> - 3.47.0-3
+- Include ike mechanism fix
+* Wed Oct 23 2019 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.47.0-2
+- Install cmac.h required by blapi.h (#1764513)
+* Tue Oct 22 2019 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.47.0-1
+- Update to NSS 3.47
+* Mon Oct 21 2019 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.46.1-1
+- Update to NSS 3.46.1
+* Tue Sep  3 2019 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.46.0-1
+- Update to NSS 3.46
+* Thu Aug 29 2019 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.45.0-1
+- Update to NSS 3.45
+* Thu Jul 25 2019 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 3.44.1-2
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_31_Mass_Rebuild
+* Tue Jul  2 2019 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.44.1-1
+- Update to NSS 3.44.1
+* Mon May 20 2019 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.44.0-2
+- Skip TLS 1.3 tests under FIPS mode
+* Fri May 17 2019 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.44.0-1
+- Update to NSS 3.44
+* Mon May  6 2019 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.43.0-3
+- Fix PKCS#11 module leak if C_GetSlotInfo() failed
+* Tue Mar 26 2019 Elio Maldonado <elio.maldonado.batiz@gmail.com> - 3.43.0-2
+- Update %%{nspr_version} to 4.21.0 and remove obsolete comment
+* Thu Mar 21 2019 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.43.0-1
+- Update to NSS 3.43
+* Mon Feb 11 2019 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.42.1-1
+- Update to NSS 3.42.1
+* Fri Feb  8 2019 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.42.0-1
+- Update to NSS 3.42
+* Fri Feb  8 2019 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.41.0-5
+- Simplify test failure detection in %%check
+* Fri Feb 01 2019 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 3.41.0-4
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_30_Mass_Rebuild
+* Fri Jan 11 2019 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.41.0-3
+- Remove prelink.conf as prelink was removed in F24, suggested by
+  Harald Reindl
+- Use quilt for %%autopatch
+- Make sysinit require arch-dependent nss, suggested by Igor Gnatenko
+- Silence %%post/%%postun scriptlets, suggested by Ian Collier
+* Mon Dec 10 2018 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.41.0-1
+- Update to NSS 3.41
+* Thu Dec  6 2018 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.40.1-3
+- Remove unnecessary patches
+* Thu Dec  6 2018 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.40.1-2
+- Update to NSS 3.40.1
+* Wed Nov 14 2018 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.39.0-4
+- Consolidate nss-util, nss-softokn, and nss into a single package
+- Fix FTBFS with expired test certs
+- Modernize spec file based on the suggestion from Robert-André Mauchin
+* Thu Sep 13 2018 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.39.0-3
+- Fix LDFLAGS injection
+* Mon Sep  3 2018 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.39.0-2
+- Update to NSS 3.39
+- Use the upstream tarball as it is (rhbz#1578106)
+- Allow SSLKEYLOGFILE (rhbz#1620207)
+* Fri Jul 20 2018 Kai Engert <kaie@redhat.com> - 3.38.0-4
+- Backport upstream addition of nss-policy-check utility, rhbz#1428746
+* Fri Jul 13 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 3.38.0-3
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_29_Mass_Rebuild
+* Mon Jul  2 2018 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.38.0-2
+- Update to NSS 3.38
+- Install crypto-policies configuration file for
+  https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/NSSLoadP11KitModules
+- Use %%ldconfig_scriptlets
+* Wed Jun  6 2018 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.37.3-3
+- Backport fix for handling DTLS application_data before handshake
+* Tue Jun  5 2018 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.37.3-2
+- Update to NSS 3.37.3
+* Mon May 28 2018 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.37.1-2
+- Update to NSS 3.37.1
+- Temporarily disable AlertBeforeServerHello test
+* Wed May 02 2018 Kai Engert <kaie@redhat.com> - 3.36.1-3
+- Upstream patch to keep nicknames stable on repeated certificate
+  import into SQL DB, mozbz#1458518
+* Wed Apr 11 2018 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.36.1-2
+- Update to NSS 3.36.1
+* Mon Mar 12 2018 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.36.0-3
+- Remove nss-
+- Remove obsolete Conflicts
+- Fix partial injection of LDFLAGS
+* Fri Mar  9 2018 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.36.0-2
+- Update to NSS 3.36.0
+- Add gcc-c++ to BuildRequires (C++ is needed for gtests)
+- Remove NSS_NO_PKCS11_BYPASS, which is no-op in upstream
+- Make test failure detection robuster
+* Thu Feb 08 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 3.35.0-5
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_28_Mass_Rebuild
+* Mon Jan 29 2018 Kai Engert <kaie@redhat.com> - 3.35.0-4
+- Fix a compiler error with gcc 8, mozbz#1434070
+- Set NSS_FORCE_FIPS=1 at %%build time, and remove from %%check.
+* Mon Jan 29 2018 Kai Engert <kaie@redhat.com> - 3.35.0-3
+- Stop pulling in nss-pem automatically, packages that need it should
+  depend on it, rhbz#1539401
+* Tue Jan 23 2018 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.35.0-2
+- Update to NSS 3.35.0
+* Tue Nov 14 2017 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.34.0-2
+- Update to NSS 3.34.0
+* Fri Nov 10 2017 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.33.0-6
+- Make sure 32bit nss-pem always be installed with 32bit nss in
+  multlib environment, patch by Kamil Dudka
+* Wed Nov  8 2017 Kai Engert <kaie@redhat.com> - 3.33.0-5
+- Fix test script
+* Tue Nov  7 2017 Kai Engert <kaie@redhat.com> - 3.33.0-4
+- Update tests to be compatible with default NSS DB changed to sql
+  (the default was changed in the nss-util package).
+* Tue Oct 24 2017 Kai Engert <kaie@redhat.com> - 3.33.0-3
+- rhbz#1505487, backport upstream fixes required for rhbz#1496560
+* Tue Oct  3 2017 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.33.0-2
+- Update to NSS 3.33.0
+* Fri Sep 15 2017 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.32.1-2
+- Update to NSS 3.32.1
+* Wed Sep  6 2017 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.32.0-4
+- Update iquote.patch to really prefer in-tree headers over system headers
+* Wed Aug 23 2017 Kai Engert <kaie@redhat.com> - 3.32.0-3
+- NSS libnssckbi.so has already been obsoleted by p11-kit-trust, rhbz#1484449
+* Mon Aug  7 2017 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.32.0-2
+- Update to NSS 3.32.0
+* Thu Aug 03 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 3.31.0-6
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Binutils_Mass_Rebuild
+* Thu Jul 27 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 3.31.0-5
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Mass_Rebuild
+* Tue Jul 18 2017 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.31.0-4
+- Backport mozbz#1381784 to avoid deadlock in dnf
+* Thu Jul 13 2017 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.31.0-3
+- Move signtool to %%_libdir/nss/unsupported-tools, for:
+  https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/NSSSigntoolDeprecation
+* Wed Jun 21 2017 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.31.0-2
+- Rebase to NSS 3.31.0
+* Fri Jun  2 2017 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.30.2-3
+- Enable gtests
+* Mon Apr 24 2017 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.30.2-2
+- Rebase to NSS 3.30.2
+- Enable TLS 1.3
+* Thu Mar 30 2017 Kai Engert <kaie@redhat.com> - 3.30.0-3
+- Backport upstream mozbz#1328318 to support crypto policy FUTURE.
+* Tue Mar 21 2017 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.30.0-2
+- Rebase to NSS 3.30.0
+- Remove upstreamed patches
+* Thu Mar 02 2017 Kai Engert <kaie@redhat.com> - 3.29.1-3
+- Backport mozbz#1334976 and mozbz#1336487.
+* Fri Feb 17 2017 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.29.1-2
+- Rebase to NSS 3.29.1
+* Thu Feb  9 2017 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.29.0-3
+- Disable TLS 1.3, following the upstream change
+* Wed Feb  8 2017 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.29.0-2
+- Rebase to NSS 3.29.0
+- Suppress -Werror=int-in-bool-context warnings with GCC7
+* Mon Jan 23 2017 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.28.1-6
+- Work around pkgconfig -> pkgconf transition issue (releng#6597)
+* Fri Jan 20 2017 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.28.1-5
+- Disable TLS 1.3
+- Add "Conflicts" with packages using older Mozilla codebase, which is
+  not compatible with NSS 3.28.1
+- Remove NSS_ECC_MORE_THAN_SUITE_B setting, as it was removed in upstream
+* Tue Jan 17 2017 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.28.1-4
+- Add "Conflicts" with older firefox packages which don't have support
+  for smaller curves added in NSS 3.28.1
+* Fri Jan 13 2017 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.28.1-3
+- Fix incorrect version specification in %%nss_{util,softokn}_version,
+  pointed by Elio Maldonado
+* Fri Jan  6 2017 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.28.1-2
+- Rebase to NSS 3.28.1
+- Remove upstreamed patch for disabling RSA-PSS
+- Re-enable TLS 1.3
+* Wed Nov 30 2016 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.27.2-2
+- Rebase to NSS 3.27.2
+* Tue Nov 15 2016 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.27.0-5
+- Revert the previous fix for RSA-PSS and use the upstream fix instead
+* Wed Nov 02 2016 Kai Engert <kaie@redhat.com> - 3.27.0-4
+- Disable the use of RSA-PSS with SSL/TLS. #1383809
+* Sun Oct  2 2016 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.27.0-3
+- Disable TLS 1.3 for now, to avoid reported regression with TLS to
+  version intolerant servers
+* Thu Sep 29 2016 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.27.0-2
+- Rebase to NSS 3.27.0
+- Remove upstreamed ectest patch
+* Mon Aug  8 2016 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.26.0-2
+- Rebase to NSS 3.26.0
+- Update check policy file patch to better match what was upstreamed
+- Remove conditionally ignore system policy patch as it has been upstreamed
+- Skip ectest as well as ecperf, which are built as part of nss-softokn
+- Fix rpmlint error regarding %%define usage
+* Thu Jul 14 2016 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.25.0-6
+- Incorporate some changes requested in upstream review and commited upstream (#1157720)
+* Fri Jul 01 2016 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.25.0-5
+- Add support for conditionally ignoring the system policy (#1157720)
+- Remove unneeded test scripts patches in order to run more tests
+- Remove unneeded test data modifications from the spec file
+* Tue Jun 28 2016 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.25.0-4
+- Remove obsolete patch and spurious lines from the spec file (#1347336)
+* Sun Jun 26 2016 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.25.0-3
+- Cleanup spec file and patches and add references to bugs filed upstream
+* Fri Jun 24 2016 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.25.0-2
+- Rebase to nss 3.25
+* Thu Jun 16 2016 Kamil Dudka <kdudka@redhat.com> - 3.24.0-3
+- decouple nss-pem from the nss package (#1347336)
+* Fri Jun 03 2016 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.24.0-2.3
+- Apply the patch that was last introduced
+- Renumber and reorder some of the patches
+- Resolves: Bug 1342158
+* Thu Jun 02 2016 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.24.0-2.2
+- Allow application requests to disable SSL v2 to succeed
+- Resolves: Bug 1342158 - nss-3.24 does no longer support ssl V2, installation of IPA fails because nss init fails
+* Sun May 29 2016 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.24.0-2.1
+- Rebase to NSS 3.24.0
+- Restore setting the policy file location
+- Make ssl tests scripts aware of policy
+- Ajust tests data expected result for policy
+* Tue May 24 2016 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.24.0-2.0
+- Bootstrap build to rebase to NSS 3.24.0
+- Temporarily not setting the policy file location
+* Thu May 12 2016 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.23.0-9
+- Change POLICY_FILE to "nss.config"
+* Fri Apr 22 2016 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.23.0-8
+- Change POLICY_FILE to "nss.cfg"
+* Wed Apr 20 2016 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.23.0-7
+- Change the POLICY_PATH to "/etc/crypto-policies/back-ends"
+- Regenerate the check policy patch with hg to provide more context
+* Thu Apr 14 2016 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.23.0-6
+- Fix typo in the last %%changelog entry
+* Thu Mar 24 2016 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.23.0-5
+- Load policy file if /etc/pki/nssdb/policy.cfg exists
+- Resolves: Bug 1157720 - NSS should enforce the system-wide crypto policy
+* Tue Mar 08 2016 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.23.0-4
+- Remove unused patch rendered obsolete by pem update
+* Tue Mar 08 2016 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.23.0-3
+- Update pem sources to latest from nss-pem upstream
+- Resolves: Bug 1300652 - [PEM] insufficient input validity checking while loading a private key
+* Sat Mar 05 2016 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.23.0-2
+- Rebase to NSS 3.23
+* Sat Feb 27 2016 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.22.2-2
+- Rebase to NSS 3.22.2
+* Tue Feb 23 2016 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.22.1-3
+- Fix ssl2/exp test disabling to run all the required tests
+* Sun Feb 21 2016 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.22.1-1
+- Rebase to NSS 3.22.1
+* Mon Feb 08 2016 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.22.0-3
+- Update .gitignore as part of updating to nss 3.22
+* Mon Feb 08 2016 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.22.0-2
+- Update to NSS 3.22
+* Thu Feb 04 2016 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 3.21.0-7
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_Mass_Rebuild
+* Fri Jan 15 2016 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.21.0-6
+- Resolves: Bug 1299040 - Enable ssl_gtests upstream test suite
+- Remove 'export NSS_DISABLE_GTESTS=1' go ssl_gtests are built
+- Use %%define when specifying the nss_tests to run
+* Wed Dec 30 2015 Michal Toman <mtoman@fedoraproject.org> - 3.21.0-5
+- Add 64-bit MIPS to multilib arches
+* Fri Nov 20 2015 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.21.0-4
+- Update %%{nss_util_version} and %%{nss_softokn_version} to 3.21.0
+- Resolves: Bug 1284095 - all https fails with sec_error_no_token
+* Sun Nov 15 2015 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.21.0-3
+- Add references to bugs filed upstream
+* Fri Nov 13 2015 Elio Maldonado Batiz <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.21.1-2
+- Update to NSS 3.21
+- Package listsuites as part of the unsupported tools set
+- Resolves: Bug 1279912 - nss-3.21 is available
+- Resolves: Bug 1258425 - Use __isa_bits macro instead of list of 64-bit
+- Resolves: Bug 1280032 - Package listsuites as part of the nss unsupported tools set
+* Fri Oct 30 2015 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.20.1-2
+- Update to NSS 3.20.1
+* Wed Sep 30 2015 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.20.0-6
+- Enable ECC cipher-suites by default [hrbz#1185708]
+- Split the enabling patch in two for easier maintenance
+- Remove unused patches rendered obsolete by prior rebase
+* Wed Sep 16 2015 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.20.0-5
+- Enable ECC cipher-suites by default [hrbz#1185708]
+- Implement corrections requested in code review
+* Tue Sep 15 2015 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.20.0-4
+- Enable ECC cipher-suites by default [hrbz#1185708]
+* Mon Sep 14 2015 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.20.0-3
+- Fix patches that disable ssl2 and export cipher suites support
+- Fix libssl patch that disable ssl2 & export cipher suites to not disable RSA_WITH_NULL ciphers
+- Fix syntax errors in patch to skip ssl2 and export cipher suite tests
+- Turn ssl2 off by default in the tstclnt tool
+- Disable ssl stress tests containing TLS RC4 128 with MD5
+* Thu Aug 20 2015 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.20.0-2
+- Update to NSS 3.20
+* Sat Aug 08 2015 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.19.3-2
+- Update to NSS 3.19.3
+* Fri Jun 26 2015 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.19.2-3
+- Create on the fly versions of sslcov.txt and sslstress.txt that disable tests for SSL2 and EXPORT ciphers
+* Wed Jun 17 2015 Kai Engert <kaie@redhat.com> - 3.19.2-2
+- Update to NSS 3.19.2
+* Thu May 28 2015 Kai Engert <kaie@redhat.com> - 3.19.1-2
+- Update to NSS 3.19.1
+* Tue May 19 2015 Kai Engert <kaie@redhat.com> - 3.19.0-2
+- Update to NSS 3.19
+* Fri May 15 2015 Kai Engert <kaie@redhat.com> - 3.18.0-2
+- Replace expired test certificates, upstream bug 1151037
+* Thu Mar 19 2015 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.18.0-1
+- Update to nss-3.18.0
+- Resolves: Bug 1203689 - nss-3.18 is available
+* Tue Mar 03 2015 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.17.4-5
+- Disable export suites and SSL2 support at build time
+- Fix syntax errors in various shell scripts
+- Resolves: Bug 1189952 - Disable SSL2 and the export cipher suites
+* Sat Feb 21 2015 Till Maas <opensource@till.name> - 3.17.4-4
+- Rebuilt for Fedora 23 Change
+  https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Harden_all_packages_with_position-independent_code
+* Tue Feb 10 2015 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.17.4-3
+- Commented out the export NSS_NO_SSL2=1 line to not disable ssl2
+- Backing out from disabling ssl2 until the patches are fixed
+* Mon Feb 09 2015 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.17.4-2
+- Disable SSL2 support at build time
+- Fix syntax errors in various shell scripts
+- Resolves: Bug 1189952 - Disable SSL2 and the export cipher suites
+* Wed Jan 28 2015 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.17.4-1
+- Update to nss-3.17.4
+* Sat Jan 24 2015 Ville Skyttä <ville.skytta@iki.fi> - 3.17.3-4
+- Own the %%{_datadir}/doc/nss-tools dir
+* Tue Dec 16 2014 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.17.3-3
+- Resolves: Bug 987189 - nss-tools RPM conflicts with perl-PAR-Packer
+- Install pp man page in %%{_datadir}/doc/nss-tools/pp.1
+- Use %%{_mandir} instead of /usr/share/man as more generic
+* Mon Dec 15 2014 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.17.3-2
+- Install pp man page in alternative location
+- Resolves: Bug 987189 - nss-tools RPM conflicts with perl-PAR-Packer
+* Fri Dec 05 2014 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.17.3-1
+- Update to nss-3.17.3
+- Resolves: Bug 1171012 - nss-3.17.3 is available
+* Thu Oct 16 2014 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.17.2-2
+- Resolves: Bug 994599 - Enable TLS 1.2 by default
+* Sun Oct 12 2014 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.17.2-1
+- Update to nss-3.17.2
+* Wed Sep 24 2014 Kai Engert <kaie@redhat.com> - 3.17.1-1
+- Update to nss-3.17.1
+- Add a mechanism to skip test suite execution during development work
+* Thu Aug 21 2014 Kevin Fenzi <kevin@scrye.com> - 3.17.0-2
+- Rebuild for rpm bug 1131960
+* Tue Aug 19 2014 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.17.0-1
+- Update to nss-3.17.0
+* Sun Aug 17 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 3.16.2-4
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_22_Mass_Rebuild
+* Wed Jul 30 2014 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.16.2-3
+- Replace expired PayPal test cert with current one to prevent build failure
+* Fri Jul 18 2014 Tom Callaway <spot@fedoraproject.org> - 3.16.2-2
+- fix license handling
+* Sun Jun 29 2014 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.16.2-1
+- Update to nss-3.16.2
+* Sun Jun 15 2014 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.16.1-4
+- Remove unwanted source directories at end of %%prep so it truly does it
+- Skip the cipher suite already run as part of the nss-softokn build
+* Sat Jun 07 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 3.16.1-3
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild
+* Mon May 12 2014 Jaromir Capik <jcapik@redhat.com> - 3.16.1-2
+- Replacing ppc64 and ppc64le with the power64 macro
+- Related: Bug 1052545 - Trivial change for ppc64le in nss spec
+* Tue May 06 2014 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.16.1-1
+- Update to nss-3.16.1
+- Update the iquote patch on account of the rebase
+- Improve error detection in the %%section
+- Resolves: Bug 1094702 - nss-3.16.1 is available
+* Tue Mar 18 2014 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.16.0-1
+- Update to nss-3.16.0
+- Cleanup the copying of the tools man pages
+- Update the iquote.patch on account of the rebase
+* Tue Mar 04 2014 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.15.5-2
+- Restore requiring nss_softokn_version >= 3.15.5
+* Wed Feb 19 2014 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.15.5-1
+- Update to nss-3.15.5
+- Temporarily requiring only nss_softokn_version >= 3.15.4
+- Fix location of sharedb files and their manpages
+- Move cert9.db, key4.db, and pkcs11.txt to the main package
+- Move nss-sysinit manpages tar archives to the main package
+- Resolves: Bug 1066877 - nss-3.15.5 is available
+- Resolves: Bug 1067091 - Move sharedb files to the %%files section
+* Thu Feb 06 2014 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.15.4-5
+- Revert previous change that moved some sysinit manpages
+- Restore nss-sysinit manpages tar archives to %%files sysinit
+- Removing spurious wildcard entry was the only change needed
+* Mon Jan 27 2014 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.15.4-4
+- Add explanatory comments for iquote.patch as was done on f20
+* Sat Jan 25 2014 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.15.4-3
+- Update pem sources to latest from nss-pem upstream
+- Pick up pem fixes verified on RHEL and applied upstream
+- Fix a problem where same files in two rpms created rpm conflict
+- Move some nss-sysinit manpages tar archives to the %%files the
+- All man pages are listed by name so there shouldn't be wildcard inclusion
+- Add support for ppc64le, Resolves: Bug 1052545
+* Mon Jan 20 2014 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org> 3.15.4-2
+- ARM tests pass so remove ARM conditional
+* Tue Jan 07 2014 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.15.4-1
+- Update to nss-3.15.4 (hg tag NSS_3_15_4_RTM)
+- Resolves: Bug 1049229 - nss-3.15.4 is available
+- Update pem sources to latest from the interim upstream for pem
+- Remove no longer needed patches
+- Update pem/rsawrapr.c patch on account of upstream changes to freebl/softoken
+- Update iquote.patch on account of upstream changes
+* Wed Dec 11 2013 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> -
+- Update to nss- (hg tag NSS_3_15_3_1_RTM)
+- Resolves: Bug 1040282 - nss: Mis-issued ANSSI/DCSSI certificate (MFSA 2013-117)
+- Resolves: Bug 1040192 - nss- is available
+* Tue Dec 03 2013 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.15.3-2
+- Bump the release tag
+* Sun Nov 24 2013 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.15.3-1
+- Update to NSS_3_15_3_RTM
+- Resolves: Bug 1031897 - CVE-2013-5605 CVE-2013-5606 CVE-2013-1741 nss: various flaws
+- Fix option descriptions for setup-nsssysinit manpage
+- Fix man page of nss-sysinit wrong path and other flaws
+- Document email option for certutil manpage
+- Remove unused patches
+* Sun Oct 27 2013 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.15.2-3
+- Revert one change from last commit to preserve full nss pluggable ecc supprt [1019245]
+* Wed Oct 23 2013 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.15.2-2
+- Use the full sources from upstream
+- Bug 1019245 - ECDHE in openssl available -> NSS needs too for Firefox/Thunderbird
+* Thu Sep 26 2013 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.15.2-1
+- Update to NSS_3_15_2_RTM
+- Update iquote.patch on account of modified prototype on cert.h installed by nss-devel
+* Wed Aug 28 2013 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.15.1-7
+- Update pem sources to pick up a patch applied upstream which a faulty merge had missed
+- The pem module should not require unique file basenames
+* Tue Aug 27 2013 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.15.1-6
+- Update pem sources to the latest from interim upstream
+* Mon Aug 19 2013 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.15.1-5
+- Resolves: rhbz#996639 - Minor bugs in nss man pages
+- Fix some typos and improve description and see also sections
+* Sun Aug 11 2013 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.15.1-4
+- Cleanup spec file to address most rpmlint errors and warnings
+- Using double percent symbols to fix macro-in-comment warnings
+- Ignore unversioned-explicit-provides nss-system-init per spec comments
+- Ignore invalid-url Source0 as it comes from the git lookaside cache
+- Ignore invalid-url Source12 as it comes from the git lookaside cache
+* Thu Jul 25 2013 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.15.1-3
+- Add man page for pkcs11.txt configuration file and cert and key databases
+- Resolves: rhbz#985114 - Provide man pages for the nss configuration files
+* Fri Jul 19 2013 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.15.1-2
+- Fix errors in the man pages
+- Resolves: rhbz#984106 - Add missing option descriptions to man pages for {cert|cms|crl}util
+- Resolves: rhbz#982856 - Fix path to script in man page for nss-sysinit
+* Tue Jul 02 2013 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.15.1-1
+- Update to NSS_3_15_1_RTM
+- Enable the iquote.patch to access newly introduced types
+* Wed Jun 19 2013 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.15-5
+- Install man pages for nss-tools and the nss-config and setup-nsssysinit scripts
+- Resolves: rhbz#606020 - nss security tools lack man pages
+* Tue Jun 18 2013 emaldona <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.15-4
+- Build nss without softoken or util sources in the tree
+- Resolves: rhbz#689918
+* Mon Jun 17 2013 emaldona <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.15-3
+- Update ssl-cbc-random-iv-by-default.patch
+* Sun Jun 16 2013 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.15-2
+- Fix generation of NSS_VMAJOR, NSS_VMINOR, and NSS_VPATCH for nss-config
+* Sat Jun 15 2013 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.15-1
+- Update to NSS_3_15_RTM
+* Wed Apr 24 2013 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.15-0.1.beta1.2
+- Fix incorrect path that hid failed test from view
+- Add ocsp to the test suites to run but ...
+- Temporarily disable the ocsp stapling tests
+- Do not treat failed attempts at ssl pkcs11 bypass as fatal errors
+* Thu Apr 04 2013 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.15-0.1.beta1.1
+- Update to NSS_3_15_BETA1
+- Update spec file, patches, and helper scripts on account of a shallower source tree
+* Sun Mar 24 2013 Kai Engert <kaie@redhat.com> - 3.14.3-12
+- Update expired test certificates (fixed in upstream bug 852781)
+* Fri Mar 08 2013 Kai Engert <kaie@redhat.com> - 3.14.3-10
+- Fix incorrect post/postun scripts. Fix broken links in posttrans.
+* Wed Mar 06 2013 Kai Engert <kaie@redhat.com> - 3.14.3-9
+- Configure libnssckbi.so to use the alternatives system
+  in order to prepare for a drop in replacement.
+* Fri Feb 15 2013 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.14.3-1
+- Update to NSS_3_14_3_RTM
+- sync up pem rsawrapr.c with softoken upstream changes for nss-3.14.3
+- Resolves: rhbz#908257 - CVE-2013-1620 nss: TLS CBC padding timing attack
+- Resolves: rhbz#896651 - PEM module trashes private keys if login fails
+- Resolves: rhbz#909775 - specfile support for AArch64
+- Resolves: rhbz#910584 - certutil -a does not produce ASCII output
+* Mon Feb 04 2013 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.14.2-2
+- Allow building nss against older system sqlite
+* Fri Feb 01 2013 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.14.2-1
+- Update to NSS_3_14_2_RTM
+* Wed Jan 02 2013 Kai Engert <kaie@redhat.com> - 3.14.1-3
+- Update to NSS_3_14_1_WITH_CKBI_1_93_RTM
+* Sat Dec 22 2012 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.14.1-2
+- Require nspr >= 4.9.4
+- Fix changelog invalid dates
+* Mon Dec 17 2012 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.14.1-1
+- Update to NSS_3_14_1_RTM
+* Wed Dec 12 2012 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.14-12
+- Bug 879978 - Install the nssck.api header template where mod_revocator can access it
+- Install nssck.api in /usr/includes/nss3/templates
+* Tue Nov 27 2012 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.14-11
+- Bug 879978 - Install the nssck.api header template in a place where mod_revocator can access it
+- Install nssck.api in /usr/includes/nss3
+* Mon Nov 19 2012 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.14-10
+- Bug 870864 - Add support in NSS for Secure Boot
+* Sat Nov 10 2012 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.14-9
+- Disable bypass code at build time and return failure on attempts to enable at runtime
+- Bug 806588 - Disable SSL PKCS #11 bypass at build time
+* Sun Nov 04 2012 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.14-8
+- Fix pk11wrap locking which fixes 'fedpkg new-sources' and 'fedpkg update' hangs
+- Bug 872124 - nss-3.14 breaks fedpkg new-sources
+- Fix should be considered preliminary since the patch may change upon upstream approval
+* Thu Nov 01 2012 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.14-7
+- Add a dummy source file for testing /preventing fedpkg breakage
+- Helps test the fedpkg new-sources and upload commands for breakage by nss updates
+- Related to Bug 872124 - nss 3.14 breaks fedpkg new-sources
+* Thu Nov 01 2012 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.14-6
+- Fix a previous unwanted merge from f18
+- Update the SS_SSL_CBC_RANDOM_IV patch to match new sources while
+- Keeping the patch disabled while we are still in rawhide and
+- State in comment that patch is needed for both stable and beta branches
+- Update .gitignore to download only the new sources
+* Wed Oct 31 2012 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.14-5
+- Fix the spec file so sechash.h gets installed
+- Resolves: rhbz#871882 - missing header: sechash.h in nss 3.14
+* Sat Oct 27 2012 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.14-4
+- Update the license to MPLv2.0
+* Wed Oct 24 2012 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.14-3
+- Use only -f when removing unwanted headers
+* Tue Oct 23 2012 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.14-2
+- Add secmodt.h to the headers installed by nss-devel
+- nss-devel must install secmodt.h which moved from softoken to pk11wrap with nss-3.14
+* Mon Oct 22 2012 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.14-1
+- Update to NSS_3_14_RTM
+* Sun Oct 21 2012 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.14-0.1.rc.1
+- Update to NSS_3_14_RC1
+- update nss-589636.patch to apply to httpdserv
+- turn off ocsp tests for now
+- remove no longer needed patches
+- remove headers shipped by nss-util
+* Fri Oct 05 2012 Kai Engert <kaie@redhat.com> - 3.13.6-1
+- Update to NSS_3_13_6_RTM
+* Mon Aug 27 2012 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.13.5-8
+- Rebase pem sources to fedora-hosted upstream to pick up two fixes from rhel-6.3
+- Resolves: rhbz#847460 - Fix invalid read and free on invalid cert load
+- Resolves: rhbz#847462 - PEM module may attempt to free uninitialized pointer
+- Remove unneeded fix gcc 4.7 c++ issue in secmodt.h that actually undoes the upstream fix
+* Mon Aug 13 2012 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.13.5-7
+- Fix pluggable ecc support
+* Fri Jul 20 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 3.13.5-6
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild
+* Sun Jul 01 2012 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.13.5-5
+- Fix checkin comment to prevent unwanted expansions of percents
+* Sun Jul 01 2012 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.13.5-4
+- Resolves: Bug 830410 - Missing Requires %%{?_isa}
+- Use Requires: %%{name}%%{?_isa} = %%{version}-%%{release} on tools
+- Drop zlib requires which rpmlint reports as error E: explicit-lib-dependency zlib
+- Enable sha224 portion of powerup selftest when running test suites
+- Require nspr 4.9.1
+* Wed Jun 20 2012 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.13.5-3
+- Resolves: rhbz#833529 - revert unwanted change to nss.pc.in
+* Tue Jun 19 2012 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.13.5-2
+- Resolves: rhbz#833529 - Remove unwanted space from the Libs: line on nss.pc.in
+* Mon Jun 18 2012 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.13.5-1
+- Update to NSS_3_13_5_RTM
+* Fri Apr 13 2012 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.13.4-3
+- Resolves: Bug 812423 - nss_Init leaks memory, fix from RHEL 6.3
+* Sun Apr 08 2012 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.13.4-2
+- Resolves: Bug 805723 - Library needs partial RELRO support added
+- Patch coreconf/Linux.mk as done on RHEL 6.2
+* Fri Apr 06 2012 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.13.4-1
+- Update to NSS_3_13_4_RTM
+- Update the nss-pem source archive to the latest version
+- Remove no longer needed patches
+- Resolves: Bug 806043 - use pem files interchangeably in a single process
+- Resolves: Bug 806051 - PEM various flaws detected by Coverity
+- Resolves: Bug 806058 - PEM pem_CreateObject leaks memory given a non-existing file name
+* Wed Mar 21 2012 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.13.3-4
+- Resolves: Bug 805723 - Library needs partial RELRO support added
+* Fri Mar 09 2012 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.13.3-3
+- Cleanup of the spec file
+- Add references to the upstream bugs
+- Fix typo in Summary for sysinit
+* Thu Mar 08 2012 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.13.3-2
+- Pick up fixes from RHEL
+- Resolves: rhbz#800674 - Unable to contact LDAP Server during winsync
+- Resolves: rhbz#800682 - Qpid AMQP daemon fails to load after nss update
+- Resolves: rhbz#800676 - NSS workaround for freebl bug that causes openswan to drop connections
+* Thu Mar 01 2012 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.13.3-1
+- Update to NSS_3_13_3_RTM
+* Mon Jan 30 2012 Tom Callaway <spot@fedoraproject.org> - 3.13.1-13
+- fix issue with gcc 4.7 in secmodt.h and C++11 user-defined literals
+* Thu Jan 26 2012 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.13.1-12
+- Resolves: Bug 784672 - nss should protect against being called before nss_Init
+* Fri Jan 13 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 3.13.1-11
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_Mass_Rebuild
+* Fri Jan 06 2012 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.13.1-11
+- Deactivate a patch currently meant for stable branches only
+* Fri Jan 06 2012 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.13.1-10
+- Resolves: Bug 770682 - nss update breaks pidgin-sipe connectivity
+- NSS_SSL_CBC_RANDOM_IV set to 0 by default and changed to 1 on user request
+* Tue Dec 13 2011 elio maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.13.1-9
+- Revert to using current nss_softokn_version
+- Patch to deal with lack of sha224 is no longer needed
+* Tue Dec 13 2011 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.13.1-8
+- Resolves: Bug 754771 - [PEM] an unregistered callback causes a SIGSEGV
+* Mon Dec 12 2011 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.13.1-7
+- Resolves: Bug 750376 - nss 3.13 breaks sssd TLS
+- Fix how pem is built so that nss-3.13.x works with nss-softokn-3.12.y
+- Only patch blapitest for the lack of sha224 on system freebl
+- Completed the patch to make pem link against system freebl
+* Mon Dec 05 2011 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.13.1-6
+- Removed unwanted /usr/include/nss3 in front of the normal cflags include path
+- Removed unnecessary patch dealing with CERTDB_TERMINAL_RECORD, it's visible
+* Sun Dec 04 2011 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.13.1-5
+- Statically link the pem module against system freebl found in buildroot
+- Disabling sha224-related powerup selftest until we update softokn
+- Disable sha224 and pss tests which nss-softokn 3.12.x doesn't support
+* Fri Dec 02 2011 Elio Maldonado Batiz <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.13.1-4
+- Rebuild with nss-softokn from 3.12 in the buildroot
+- Allows the pem module to statically link against 3.12.x freebl
+- Required for using nss-3.13.x with nss-softokn-3.12.y for a merge inrto rhel git repo
+- Build will be temprarily placed on buildroot override but not pushed in bodhi
+* Fri Nov 04 2011 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.13.1-2
+- Fix broken dependencies by updating the nss-util and nss-softokn versions
+* Thu Nov 03 2011 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.13.1-1
+- Update to NSS_3_13_1_RTM
+- Update builtin certs to those from NSSCKBI_1_88_RTM
+* Sat Oct 15 2011 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.13-1
+- Update to NSS_3_13_RTM
+* Sat Oct 08 2011 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.13-0.1.rc0.1
+- Update to NSS_3_13_RC0
+* Wed Sep 14 2011 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.11-3
+- Fix attempt to free initilized pointer (#717338)
+- Fix leak on pem_CreateObject when given non-existing file name (#734760)
+- Fix pem_Initialize to return CKR_CANT_LOCK on multi-treaded calls (#736410)
+* Tue Sep 06 2011 Kai Engert <kaie@redhat.com> - 3.12.11-2
+- Update builtins certs to those from NSSCKBI_1_87_RTM
+* Tue Aug 09 2011 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.11-1
+- Update to NSS_3_12_11_RTM
+* Sat Jul 23 2011 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.10-6
+- Indicate the provenance of stripped source tarball (#688015)
+* Mon Jun 27 2011 Michael Schwendt <mschwendt@fedoraproject.org> - 3.12.10-5
+- Provide virtual -static package to meet guidelines (#609612).
+* Fri Jun 10 2011 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.10-4
+- Enable pluggable ecc support (#712556)
+- Disable the nssdb write-access-on-read-only-dir tests when user is root (#646045)
+* Fri May 20 2011 Dennis Gilmore <dennis@ausil.us> - 3.12.10-3
+- make the testsuite non fatal on arm arches
+* Tue May 17 2011 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.10-2
+- Fix crmf hard-coded maximum size for wrapped private keys (#703656)
+* Fri May 06 2011 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.10-1
+- Update to NSS_3_12_10_RTM
+* Wed Apr 27 2011 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.10-0.1.beta1
+- Update to NSS_3_12_10_BETA1
+* Mon Apr 11 2011 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.9-15
+- Implement PEM logging using NSPR's own (#695011)
+* Wed Mar 23 2011 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.9-14
+- Update to NSS_3.12.9_WITH_CKBI_1_82_RTM
+* Thu Feb 24 2011 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.9-13
+- Short-term fix for ssl test suites hangs on ipv6 type connections (#539183)
+* Fri Feb 18 2011 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.9-12
+- Add a missing requires for pkcs11-devel (#675196)
+* Tue Feb 15 2011 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.9-11
+- Run the test suites in the check section (#677809)
+* Thu Feb 10 2011 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.9-10
+- Fix cms headers to not use c++ reserved words (#676036)
+- Reenabling Bug 499444 patches
+- Fix to swap internal key slot on fips mode switches
+* Tue Feb 08 2011 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.9-9
+- Revert patches for 499444 until all c++ reserved words are found and extirpated
+* Tue Feb 08 2011 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 3.12.9-8
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild
+* Tue Feb 08 2011 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.9-7
+- Fix cms header to not use c++ reserved word (#676036)
+- Reenable patches for bug 499444
+* Tue Feb 08 2011 Christopher Aillon <caillon@redhat.com> - 3.12.9-6
+- Revert patches for 499444 as they use a C++ reserved word and
+  cause compilation of Firefox to fail
+* Fri Feb 04 2011 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.9-5
+- Fix the earlier infinite recursion patch (#499444)
+- Remove a header that now nss-softokn-freebl-devel ships
+* Tue Feb 01 2011 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.9-4
+- Fix infinite recursion when encoding NSS enveloped/digested data (#499444)
+* Mon Jan 31 2011 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.9-3
+- Update the cacert trust patch per upstream review requests (#633043)
+* Wed Jan 19 2011 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.9-2
+- Fix to honor the user's cert trust preferences (#633043)
+- Remove obsoleted patch
+* Wed Jan 12 2011 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.9-1
+- Update to 3.12.9
+* Mon Dec 27 2010 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.9-0.1.beta2
+- Rebuilt according to fedora pre-release package naming guidelines
+* Fri Dec 10 2010 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> -
+- Update to NSS_3_12_9_BETA2
+- Fix libpnsspem crash when cacert dir contains other directories (#642433)
+* Wed Dec 08 2010 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> -
+- Update to NSS_3_12_9_BETA1
+* Thu Nov 25 2010 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.8-9
+- Update pem source tar with fixes for 614532 and 596674
+- Remove no longer needed patches
+* Fri Nov 05 2010 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.8-8
+- Update PayPalEE.cert test certificate which had expired
+* Sun Oct 31 2010 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.8-7
+- Tell rpm not to verify md5, size, and modtime of configurations file
+* Mon Oct 18 2010 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.8-6
+- Fix certificates trust order (#643134)
+- Apply nss-sysinit-userdb-first.patch last
+* Wed Oct 06 2010 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.8-5
+- Move triggerpostun -n nss-sysinit script ahead of the other ones (#639248)
+* Tue Oct 05 2010 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.8-4
+- Fix invalid %%postun scriptlet (#639248)
+* Wed Sep 29 2010 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.8-3
+- Replace posttrans sysinit scriptlet with a triggerpostun one (#636787)
+- Fix and cleanup the setup-nsssysinit.sh script (#636792, #636801)
+* Mon Sep 27 2010 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.8-2
+- Add posttrans scriptlet (#636787)
+* Thu Sep 23 2010 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.8-1
+- Update to 3.12.8
+- Prevent disabling of nss-sysinit on package upgrade (#636787)
+- Create pkcs11.txt with correct permissions regardless of umask (#636792)
+- Setup-nsssysinit.sh reports whether nss-sysinit is turned on or off (#636801)
+- Added provides pkcs11-devel-static to comply with packaging guidelines (#609612)
+* Sat Sep 18 2010 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> -
+- NSS 3.12.8 RC0
+* Sun Sep 05 2010 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> -
+- Fix nss-util_version and nss_softokn_version required to be
+* Sat Sep 04 2010 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> -
+- NSS 3.12.8 Beta3
+- Fix unclosed comment in renegotiate-transitional.patch
+* Sat Aug 28 2010 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.7-3
+- Change BuildRequries to available version of nss-util-devel
+* Sat Aug 28 2010 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.7-2
+- Define NSS_USE_SYSTEM_SQLITE and remove unneeded patch
+- Add comments regarding an unversioned provides which triggers rpmlint warning
+- Build requires nss-softokn-devel >= 3.12.7
+* Mon Aug 16 2010 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.7-1
+- Update to 3.12.7
+* Sat Aug 14 2010 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.6-12
+- Apply the patches to fix rhbz#614532
+* Mon Aug 09 2010 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.6-11
+- Removed pem sourecs as they are in the cache
+* Mon Aug 09 2010 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.6-10
+- Add support for PKCS#8 encoded PEM RSA private key files (#614532)
+* Sat Jul 31 2010 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.6-9
+- Fix nsssysinit to return userdb ahead of systemdb (#603313)
+* Tue Jun 08 2010 Dennis Gilmore <dennis@ausil.us> - 3.12.6-8
+- Require and BuildRequire >= the listed version not =
+* Tue Jun 08 2010 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.6-7
+- Require nss-softoken 3.12.6
+* Sun Jun 06 2010 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.6-6
+- Fix SIGSEGV within CreateObject (#596674)
+* Mon Apr 12 2010 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.6-5
+- Update pem source tar to pick up the following bug fixes:
+- PEM - Allow collect objects to search through all objects
+- PEM - Make CopyObject return a new shallow copy
+- PEM - Fix memory leak in pem_mdCryptoOperationRSAPriv
+* Wed Apr 07 2010 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.6-4
+- Update the test cert in the setup phase
+* Wed Apr 07 2010 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.6-3
+- Add sed to sysinit requires as setup-nsssysinit.sh requires it (#576071)
+- Update PayPalEE test cert with unexpired one (#580207)
+* Thu Mar 18 2010 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.6-2
+- Fix ns.spec to not require nss-softokn (#575001)
+* Sat Mar 06 2010 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.6-1.2
+- rebuilt with all tests enabled
+* Sat Mar 06 2010 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.6-1.1
+- Using SSL_RENEGOTIATE_TRANSITIONAL as default while on transition period
+- Disabling ssl tests suites until bug 539183 is resolved
+* Sat Mar 06 2010 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.6-1
+- Update to 3.12.6
+- Reactivate all tests
+- Patch tools to validate command line options arguments
+* Mon Jan 25 2010 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.5-8
+- Fix curl related regression and general patch code clean up
+* Wed Jan 13 2010 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.5-5
+-  retagging
+* Tue Jan 12 2010 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.5-1.1
+- Fix SIGSEGV on call of NSS_Initialize (#553638)
+* Wed Jan 06 2010 Elio Maldonado<emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.5-1.13.2
+- New version of patch to allow root to modify ystem database (#547860)
+* Thu Dec 31 2009 Elio Maldonado<emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.5-1.13.1
+- Temporarily disabling the ssl tests
+* Sat Dec 26 2009 Elio Maldonado<emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.5-1.13
+- Fix nsssysinit to allow root to modify the nss system database (#547860)
+* Fri Dec 25 2009 Elio Maldonado<emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.5-1.11
+- Fix an error introduced when adapting the patch for rhbz #546211
+* Sat Dec 19 2009 Elio maldonado<emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.5-1.9
+- Remove left over trace statements from nsssysinit patching
+* Fri Dec 18 2009 Elio Maldonado<emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.5-2.7
+- Fix a misconstructed patch
+* Thu Dec 17 2009 Elio Maldonado<emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.5-1.6
+- Fix nsssysinit to enable apps to use system cert store, patch contributed by David Woodhouse (#546221)
+- Fix spec so sysinit requires coreutils for post install scriplet (#547067)
+- Fix segmentation fault when listing keys or certs in the database, patch contributed by Kamil Dudka (#540387)
+* Thu Dec 10 2009 Elio Maldonado<emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.5-1.5
+- Fix nsssysinit to set the default flags on the crypto module (#545779)
+- Remove redundant header from the pem module
+* Wed Dec 09 2009 Elio Maldonado<emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.5-1.1
+- Remove unneeded patch
+* Thu Dec 03 2009 Elio Maldonado<emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.5-1.1
+- Retagging to include missing patch
+* Thu Dec 03 2009 Elio Maldonado<emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.5-1
+- Update to 3.12.5
+- Patch to allow ssl/tls clients to interoperate with servers that require renogiation
+* Fri Nov 20 2009 Elio Maldonado<emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.4-14.1
+- Retagging
+* Tue Oct 20 2009 Elio Maldonado<emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.4-13.1
+- Require nss-softoken of same architecture as nss (#527867)
+- Merge setup-nsssysinit.sh improvements from F-12 (#527051)
+* Sat Oct 03 2009 Elio Maldonado<emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.4-13
+- User no longer prompted for a password when listing keys an empty system db (#527048)
+- Fix setup-nsssysinit to handle more general formats (#527051)
+* Sun Sep 27 2009 Elio Maldonado<emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.4-12
+- Fix syntax error in setup-nsssysinit.sh
+* Sun Sep 27 2009 Elio Maldonado<emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.4-11
+- Fix sysinit to be under mozilla/security/nss/lib
+* Sat Sep 26 2009 Elio Maldonado<emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.4-10
+- Add nss-sysinit activation/deactivation script
+* Fri Sep 18 2009 Elio Maldonado<emaldona@redhat.com - 3.12.4-9
+- Install blank databases and configuration file for system shared database
+- nsssysinit queries system for fips mode before relying on environment variable
+* Thu Sep 10 2009 Elio Maldonado<emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.4-8
+- Restoring nssutil and -rpath-link to nss-config for now - 522477
+* Tue Sep 08 2009 Elio Maldonado<emaldona@redhat.com - 3.12.4-7
+- Add the nss-sysinit subpackage
+* Tue Sep 08 2009 Elio Maldonado<emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.4-6
+- Installing shared libraries to %%{_libdir}
+* Mon Sep 07 2009 Elio Maldonado<emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.4-5
+- Retagging to pick up new sources
+* Mon Sep 07 2009 Elio Maldonado<emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.4-4
+- Update pem enabling source tar with latest fixes (509705, 51209)
+* Sun Sep 06 2009 Elio Maldonado<emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.4-3
+- PEM module implements memory management for internal objects - 509705
+- PEM module doesn't crash when processing malformed key files - 512019
+* Sat Sep 05 2009 Elio Maldonado<emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.4-2
+- Remove symbolic links to shared libraries from devel - 521155
+- No rpath-link in nss-softokn-config
+* Tue Sep 01 2009 Elio Maldonado<emaldona@redhat.com> - 3.12.4-1
+- Update to 3.12.4
+* Mon Aug 31 2009 Elio Maldonado<emaldona@redhat.com> -
+- Fix FORTIFY_SOURCE buffer overflows in test suite on ppc and ppc64 - bug 519766
+- Fixed requires and buildrequires as per recommendations in spec file review
+* Sun Aug 30 2009 Elio Maldonado<emaldona@redhat.com> -
+- Restoring patches 2 and 7 as we still compile all sources
+- Applying the nss-nolocalsql.patch solves nss-tools sqlite dependency problems
+* Sun Aug 30 2009 Elio Maldonado<emaldona@redhat.com> -
+- restore require sqlite
+* Sat Aug 29 2009 Elio Maldonado<emaldona@redhat.com> -
+- Don't require sqlite for nss
+* Sat Aug 29 2009 Elio Maldonado<emaldona@redhat.com> -
+- Ensure versions in the requires match those used when creating nss.pc
+* Fri Aug 28 2009 Elio Maldonado<emaldona@redhat.com> -
+- Remove nss-prelink.conf as signed all shared libraries moved to nss-softokn
+- Add a temprary hack to nss.pc.in to unblock builds
+* Fri Aug 28 2009 Warren Togami <wtogami@redhat.com> -
+- caolan's nss.pc patch
+* Thu Aug 27 2009 Elio Maldonado<emaldona@redhat.com> -
+- Bump the release number for a chained build of nss-util, nss-softokn and nss
+* Thu Aug 27 2009 Elio Maldonado<emaldona@redhat.com> -
+- Fix nss-config not to include nssutil
+- Add BuildRequires on nss-softokn and nss-util since build also runs the test suite
+* Thu Aug 27 2009 Elio Maldonado<emaldona@redhat.com> -
+- disabling all tests while we investigate a buffer overflow bug
+* Thu Aug 27 2009 Elio Maldonado<emaldona@redhat.com> -
+- disabling some tests while we investigate a buffer overflow bug - 519766
+* Thu Aug 27 2009 Elio Maldonado<emaldona@redhat.com> -
+- remove patches that are now in nss-softokn and
+- remove spurious exec-permissions for nss.pc per rpmlint
+- single requires line in nss.pc.in
+* Wed Aug 26 2009 Elio Maldonado<emaldona@redhat.com> -
+- Fix BuildRequires: nss-softokn-devel release number
+* Wed Aug 26 2009 Elio Maldonado<emaldona@redhat.com -
+- fix nss.pc.in to have one single requires line
+* Tue Aug 25 2009 Dennis Gilmore <dennis@ausil.us> -
+- cleanups for softokn
+* Tue Aug 25 2009 Dennis Gilmore <dennis@ausil.us> -
+- remove the softokn subpackages
+* Mon Aug 24 2009 Dennis Gilmore <dennis@ausil.us> -
+- don install the nss-util pkgconfig bits
+* Mon Aug 24 2009 Dennis Gilmore <dennis@ausil.us> -
+- remove from -devel the 3 headers that ship in nss-util-devel
+* Mon Aug 24 2009 Dennis Gilmore <dennis@ausil.us> -
+- kill off the nss-util nss-util-devel subpackages
+* Sun Aug 23 2009 Elio Maldonado+emaldona@redhat.com -
+- split off nss-softokn and nss-util as subpackages with their own rpms
+- first phase of splitting nss-softokn and nss-util as their own packages
+* Thu Aug 20 2009 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> -
+- must install libnssutil3.since nss-util is untagged at the moment
+- preserve time stamps when installing various files
+* Thu Aug 20 2009 Dennis Gilmore <dennis@ausil.us> -
+- dont install libnssutil3.so since its now in nss-util
+* Thu Aug 06 2009 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> -
+- Fix spec file problems uncovered by Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild
+* Sat Jul 25 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> -
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild
+* Mon Jun 22 2009 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> -
+- removed two patch files which are no longer needed and fixed previous change log number
+* Mon Jun 22 2009 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> -
+- updated pem module incorporates various patches
+- fix off-by-one error when computing size to reduce memory leak. (483855)
+- fix data type to work on x86_64 systems. (429175)
+- fix various memory leaks and free internal objects on module unload. (501080)
+- fix to not clone internal objects in collect_objects().  (501118)
+- fix to not bypass initialization if module arguments are omitted. (501058)
+- fix numerous gcc warnings. (500815)
+- fix to support arbitrarily long password while loading a private key. (500180)
+- fix memory leak in make_key and memory leaks and return values in pem_mdSession_Login (501191)
+* Mon Jun 08 2009 Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com> -
+- add patch for bug 502133 upstream bug 496997
+* Fri Jun 05 2009 Kai Engert <kaie@redhat.com> -
+- rebuild with higher release number for upgrade sanity
+* Fri Jun 05 2009 Kai Engert <kaie@redhat.com> -
+- updated to NSS_3_12_4_FIPS1_WITH_CKBI_1_75
+* Thu May 07 2009 Kai Engert <kaie@redhat.com> - 3.12.3-7
+- re-enable test suite
+- add patch for upstream bug 488646 and add newer paypal
+  certs in order to make the test suite pass
+* Wed May 06 2009 Kai Engert <kaie@redhat.com> - 3.12.3-4
+- add conflicts info in order to fix bug 499436
+* Tue Apr 14 2009 Kai Engert <kaie@redhat.com> - 3.12.3-3
+- ship .chk files instead of running shlibsign at install time
+- include .chk file in softokn-freebl subpackage
+- add patch for upstream nss bug 488350
+* Tue Apr 14 2009 Kai Engert <kaie@redhat.com> - 3.12.3-2
+- Update to NSS 3.12.3
+* Mon Apr 06 2009 Kai Engert <kaie@redhat.com> -
+- temporarily disable the test suite because of bug 494266
+* Mon Apr 06 2009 Kai Engert <kaie@redhat.com> -
+- fix softokn-freebl dependency for multilib (bug 494122)
+* Thu Apr 02 2009 Kai Engert <kaie@redhat.com> -
+- introduce separate nss-softokn-freebl package
+* Thu Apr 02 2009 Kai Engert <kaie@redhat.com> -
+- disable execstack when building freebl
+* Tue Mar 31 2009 Kai Engert <kaie@redhat.com> -
+- add upstream patch to fix bug 483855
+* Tue Mar 31 2009 Kai Engert <kaie@redhat.com> -
+- build nspr-less freebl library
+* Tue Mar 31 2009 Kai Engert <kaie@redhat.com> -
+- Update to NSS_3_12_3_BETA4
+* Wed Feb 25 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> -
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild
+* Wed Oct 22 2008 Kai Engert <kaie@redhat.com> -
+- update to NSS_3_12_2_RC1
+- use system zlib
+* Tue Sep 30 2008 Dennis Gilmore <dennis@ausil.us> -
+- add sparc64 to the list of 64 bit arches
+* Wed Sep 24 2008 Kai Engert <kaie@redhat.com> -
+- bug 456847, move pkgconfig requirement to devel package
+* Fri Sep 05 2008 Kai Engert <kengert@redhat.com> -
+- Update to NSS_3_12_1_RC2
+* Fri Aug 22 2008 Kai Engert <kaie@redhat.com> -
+- NSS 3.12.1 RC1
+* Fri Aug 15 2008 Kai Engert <kaie@redhat.com> -
+- fix bug bug 429175 in libpem module
+* Tue Aug 05 2008 Kai Engert <kengert@redhat.com> -
+- bug 456847, add Requires: pkgconfig
+* Tue Jun 24 2008 Kai Engert <kengert@redhat.com> -
+- nss package should own /etc/prelink.conf.d folder, rhbz#452062
+- use upstream patch to fix test suite abort
+* Mon Jun 02 2008 Kai Engert <kengert@redhat.com> -
+- Update to NSS_3_12_RC4
+* Mon Apr 14 2008 Kai Engert <kengert@redhat.com> -
+- Update to NSS_3_12_RC2
+* Thu Mar 20 2008 Jesse Keating <jkeating@redhat.com> -
+- Zapping old Obsoletes/Provides.  No longer needed, causes multilib headache.
+* Mon Mar 17 2008 Kai Engert <kengert@redhat.com> -
+- Update to NSS_3_12_BETA3
+* Fri Feb 22 2008 Kai Engert <kengert@redhat.com> -
+- NSS 3.12 Beta 2
+- Use /usr/lib{64} as devel libdir, create symbolic links.
+* Sat Feb 16 2008 Kai Engert <kengert@redhat.com> -
+- Apply upstream patch for bug 417664, enable test suite on pcc.
+* Fri Feb 15 2008 Kai Engert <kengert@redhat.com> -
+- Support concurrent runs of the test suite on a single build host.
+* Thu Feb 14 2008 Kai Engert <kengert@redhat.com> -
+- disable test suite on ppc
+* Thu Feb 14 2008 Kai Engert <kengert@redhat.com> -
+- disable test suite on ppc64
+* Thu Feb 14 2008 Kai Engert <kengert@redhat.com> -
+- Build against gcc 4.3.0, use workaround for bug 432146
+- Run the test suite after the build and abort on failures.
+* Thu Jan 24 2008 Kai Engert <kengert@redhat.com> -
+* NSS 3.12 Beta 1
+* Mon Jan 07 2008 Kai Engert <kengert@redhat.com> -
+- move .so files to /lib
+* Wed Dec 12 2007 Kai Engert <kengert@redhat.com> -
+- NSS 3.12 alpha 2b
+* Mon Dec 03 2007 Kai Engert <kengert@redhat.com> -
+- upstream patches to avoid calling netstat for random data
+* Wed Nov 07 2007 Kai Engert <kengert@redhat.com> -
+- NSS 3.12 alpha 2
+* Wed Oct 10 2007 Kai Engert <kengert@redhat.com> - 3.11.7-10
+- Add /etc/prelink.conf.d/nss-prelink.conf in order to blacklist
+  our signed libraries and protect them from modification.
+* Thu Sep 06 2007 Rob Crittenden <rcritten@redhat.com> - 3.11.7-9
+- Fix off-by-one error in the PEM module
+* Thu Sep 06 2007 Kai Engert <kengert@redhat.com> - 3.11.7-8
+- fix a C++ mode compilation error
+* Wed Sep 05 2007 Bob Relyea <rrelyea@redhat.com> - 3.11.7-7
+- Add 3.12 ckfw and libnsspem
+* Tue Aug 28 2007 Kai Engert <kengert@redhat.com> - 3.11.7-6
+- Updated license tag
+* Wed Jul 11 2007 Kai Engert <kengert@redhat.com> - 3.11.7-5
+- Ensure the workaround for mozilla bug 51429 really get's built.
+* Mon Jun 18 2007 Kai Engert <kengert@redhat.com> - 3.11.7-4
+- Better approach to ship freebl/softokn based on 3.11.5
+- Remove link time dependency on softokn
+* Sun Jun 10 2007 Kai Engert <kengert@redhat.com> - 3.11.7-3
+- Fix unowned directories, rhbz#233890
+* Fri Jun 01 2007 Kai Engert <kengert@redhat.com> - 3.11.7-2
+- Update to 3.11.7, but freebl/softokn remain at 3.11.5.
+- Use a workaround to avoid mozilla bug 51429.
+* Fri Mar 02 2007 Kai Engert <kengert@redhat.com> - 3.11.5-2
+- Fix rhbz#230545, failure to enable FIPS mode
+- Fix rhbz#220542, make NSS more tolerant of resets when in the
+  middle of prompting for a user password.
+* Sat Feb 24 2007 Kai Engert <kengert@redhat.com> - 3.11.5-1
+- Update to 3.11.5
+- This update fixes two security vulnerabilities with SSL 2
+- Do not use -rpath link option
+- Added several unsupported tools to tools package
+* Tue Jan  9 2007 Bob Relyea <rrelyea@redhat.com> - 3.11.4-4
+- disable ECC, cleanout dead code
+* Tue Nov 28 2006 Kai Engert <kengert@redhat.com> - 3.11.4-1
+- Update to 3.11.4
+* Thu Sep 14 2006 Kai Engert <kengert@redhat.com> - 3.11.3-2
+- Revert the attempt to require latest NSPR, as it is not yet available
+  in the build infrastructure.
+* Thu Sep 14 2006 Kai Engert <kengert@redhat.com> - 3.11.3-1
+- Update to 3.11.3
+* Thu Aug 03 2006 Kai Engert <kengert@redhat.com> - 3.11.2-2
+- Add /etc/pki/nssdb
+* Wed Jul 12 2006 Jesse Keating <jkeating@redhat.com> - 3.11.2-1.1
+- rebuild
+* Fri Jun 30 2006 Kai Engert <kengert@redhat.com> - 3.11.2-1
+- Update to 3.11.2
+- Enable executable bit on shared libs, also fixes debug info.
+* Wed Jun 14 2006 Kai Engert <kengert@redhat.com> - 3.11.1-2
+- Enable Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC)
+* Fri May 26 2006 Kai Engert <kengert@redhat.com> - 3.11.1-1
+- Update to 3.11.1
+- Include upstream patch to limit curves
+* Wed Feb 15 2006 Kai Engert <kengert@redhat.com> - 3.11-4
+- add --noexecstack when compiling assembler on x86_64
+* Fri Feb 10 2006 Jesse Keating <jkeating@redhat.com> - 3.11-3.2
+- bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64)
+* Tue Feb 07 2006 Jesse Keating <jkeating@redhat.com> - 3.11-3.1
+- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes
+* Thu Jan 19 2006 Ray Strode <rstrode@redhat.com> 3.11-3
+- rebuild
+* Fri Dec 16 2005 Christopher Aillon <caillon@redhat.com> 3.11-2
+- Update file list for the devel packages
+* Thu Dec 15 2005 Christopher Aillon <caillon@redhat.com> 3.11-1
+- Update to 3.11
+* Thu Dec 15 2005 Christopher Aillon <caillon@redhat.com> 3.11-0.cvs.2
+- Add patch to allow building on ppc*
+- Update the pkgconfig file to Require nspr
+* Thu Dec 15 2005 Christopher Aillon <caillon@redhat.com> 3.11-0.cvs
+- Initial import into Fedora Core, based on a CVS snapshot of
+  the NSS_3_11_RTM tag
+- Fix up the pkcs11-devel subpackage to contain the proper headers
+- Build with RPM_OPT_FLAGS
+- No need to have rpath of /usr/lib in the pc file
+* Thu Dec 15 2005 Kai Engert <kengert@redhat.com>
+- Adressed review comments by Wan-Teh Chang, Bob Relyea,
+  Christopher Aillon.
+* Sat Jul  9 2005 Rob Crittenden <rcritten@redhat.com> 3.10-1
+- Initial build