diff --git a/.nss.metadata b/.nss.metadata
index 2bdb864..d94a44d 100644
--- a/.nss.metadata
+++ b/.nss.metadata
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-e8207a278cbed4d97f443289e76b13ddce5850f6 SOURCES/PayPalEE.cert
+bc5c03643bfa1a5ea8519b8e7e2d7d5e30abea30 SOURCES/PayPalEE.cert
 7e2f3a4f8fe8fa8a5730aeca029696637e986f3f SOURCES/PayPalICA.cert
 706c3f929a1e7eca473be12fcd92620709fdada6 SOURCES/TestOldCA.p12
 d272a7b58364862613d44261c5744f7a336bf177 SOURCES/blank-cert8.db
diff --git a/SOURCES/NameConstraints.ipaca.cert b/SOURCES/NameConstraints.ipaca.cert
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a451f3
Binary files /dev/null and b/SOURCES/NameConstraints.ipaca.cert differ
diff --git a/SOURCES/NameConstraints.ocsp1.cert b/SOURCES/NameConstraints.ocsp1.cert
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..817faaf
Binary files /dev/null and b/SOURCES/NameConstraints.ocsp1.cert differ
diff --git a/SOURCES/nss-3.53.1-fix-deadlock-in-init-context.patch b/SOURCES/nss-3.53.1-fix-deadlock-in-init-context.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e452d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/nss-3.53.1-fix-deadlock-in-init-context.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+diff --git a/lib/pk11wrap/pk11cxt.c b/lib/pk11wrap/pk11cxt.c
+--- a/lib/pk11wrap/pk11cxt.c
++++ b/lib/pk11wrap/pk11cxt.c
+@@ -52,16 +52,37 @@ PK11_ExitContextMonitor(PK11Context *cx)
+     if ((cx->ownSession) && (cx->slot->isThreadSafe)) {
+         /* Should this use monitors instead? */
+         PZ_Unlock(cx->sessionLock);
+     } else {
+         PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(cx->slot);
+     }
+ }
++static void
++pk11_releaseSlotMonitor(PK11Context *cx)
++    if ((cx->ownSession) && (cx->slot->isThreadSafe)) {
++	return;
++    } else {
++        PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(cx->slot);
++    }
++static void
++pk11_reacquireSlotMonitor(PK11Context *cx)
++    if ((cx->ownSession) && (cx->slot->isThreadSafe)) {
++	return;
++    } else {
++        PK11_EnterSlotMonitor(cx->slot);
++    }
+ /*
+  * Free up a Cipher Context
+  */
+ void
+ PK11_DestroyContext(PK11Context *context, PRBool freeit)
+ {
+     pk11_CloseSession(context->slot, context->session, context->ownSession);
+     /* initialize the critical fields of the context */
+@@ -166,27 +187,33 @@ pk11_contextInitMessage(PK11Context *con
+     context->simulate_message = PR_FALSE;
+     /* check that we can do the Message interface. We need to check
+      * for either 1) are we using a PKCS #11 v3 interface and 2) is the
+      * Message flag set on the mechanism. If either is false we simulate
+      * the message interface for the Encrypt and Decrypt cases using the
+      * PKCS #11 V2 interface.
+      * Sign and verify do not have V2 interfaces, so we go ahead and fail
+      * if those cases */
++    /* release the monitor before calling DoesMechanism */
++    pk11_releaseSlotMonitor(context);
+     if ((version.major >= 3) &&
+         PK11_DoesMechanismFlag(slot, (mech)->mechanism, flags)) {
++        /* restore it before calling the init function */
++        pk11_reacquireSlotMonitor(context);
+         crv = (*initFunc)((context)->session, (mech), (key)->objectID);
+         if ((crv == CKR_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED) ||
+             (crv == CKR_MECHANISM_INVALID)) {
+             /* we have a 3.0 interface, and the flag was set (or ignored)
+              * but the implementation was not there, use the V2 interface */
+             crv = (scrv);
+             context->simulate_message = PR_TRUE;
+         }
+     } else {
++        /* restore the monitor */
++        pk11_reacquireSlotMonitor(context);
+         crv = (scrv);
+         context->simulate_message = PR_TRUE;
+     }
+     return crv;
+ }
+ /*
+  * Context initialization. Used by all flavors of CreateContext
diff --git a/SOURCES/nss-3.53.1-tls-flood-CVE-2020-25648.patch b/SOURCES/nss-3.53.1-tls-flood-CVE-2020-25648.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3902f9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/nss-3.53.1-tls-flood-CVE-2020-25648.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+# HG changeset patch
+# User Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com>
+# Date 1602524521 0
+# Node ID 57bbefa793232586d27cee83e74411171e128361
+# Parent  6e3bc17f05086854ffd2b06f7fae9371f7a0c174
+Bug 1641480, TLS 1.3: tighten CCS handling in compatibility mode, r=mt
+This makes the server reject CCS when the client doesn't indicate the
+use of the middlebox compatibility mode with a non-empty
+ClientHello.legacy_session_id, or it sends multiple CCS in a row.
+original patch:
+Differential Revision: https://phabricator.services.mozilla.com/D79994
+# Modified for nss-3.53.1 by rrelyea
+diff -up ./gtests/ssl_gtest/ssl_tls13compat_unittest.cc.tls-flood ./gtests/ssl_gtest/ssl_tls13compat_unittest.cc
+--- ./gtests/ssl_gtest/ssl_tls13compat_unittest.cc.tls-flood	2020-06-16 15:50:59.000000000 -0700
++++ ./gtests/ssl_gtest/ssl_tls13compat_unittest.cc	2021-02-18 10:54:28.170458465 -0800
+@@ -348,6 +348,85 @@ TEST_F(TlsConnectStreamTls13, ChangeCiph
+ }
++// The server rejects a ChangeCipherSpec if the client advertises an
++// empty session ID.
++TEST_F(TlsConnectStreamTls13, ChangeCipherSpecAfterClientHelloEmptySid) {
++  EnsureTlsSetup();
++  ConfigureVersion(SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_TLS_1_3);
++  StartConnect();
++  client_->Handshake();  // Send ClientHello
++  client_->SendDirect(DataBuffer(kCannedCcs, sizeof(kCannedCcs)));  // Send CCS
++  server_->ExpectSendAlert(kTlsAlertUnexpectedMessage);
++  server_->Handshake();  // Consume ClientHello and CCS
++// The server rejects multiple ChangeCipherSpec even if the client
++// indicates compatibility mode with non-empty session ID.
++TEST_F(Tls13CompatTest, ChangeCipherSpecAfterClientHelloTwice) {
++  EnsureTlsSetup();
++  ConfigureVersion(SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_TLS_1_3);
++  EnableCompatMode();
++  StartConnect();
++  client_->Handshake();  // Send ClientHello
++  // Send CCS twice in a row
++  client_->SendDirect(DataBuffer(kCannedCcs, sizeof(kCannedCcs)));
++  client_->SendDirect(DataBuffer(kCannedCcs, sizeof(kCannedCcs)));
++  server_->ExpectSendAlert(kTlsAlertUnexpectedMessage);
++  server_->Handshake();  // Consume ClientHello and CCS.
++// The client rejects a ChangeCipherSpec if it advertises an empty
++// session ID.
++TEST_F(TlsConnectStreamTls13, ChangeCipherSpecAfterServerHelloEmptySid) {
++  EnsureTlsSetup();
++  ConfigureVersion(SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_TLS_1_3);
++  // To replace Finished with a CCS below
++  auto filter = MakeTlsFilter<TlsHandshakeDropper>(server_);
++  filter->SetHandshakeTypes({kTlsHandshakeFinished});
++  filter->EnableDecryption();
++  StartConnect();
++  client_->Handshake();  // Send ClientHello
++  server_->Handshake();  // Consume ClientHello, and
++                         // send ServerHello..CertificateVerify
++  // Send CCS
++  server_->SendDirect(DataBuffer(kCannedCcs, sizeof(kCannedCcs)));
++  client_->ExpectSendAlert(kTlsAlertUnexpectedMessage);
++  client_->Handshake();  // Consume ClientHello and CCS
++// The client rejects multiple ChangeCipherSpec in a row even if the
++// client indicates compatibility mode with non-empty session ID.
++TEST_F(Tls13CompatTest, ChangeCipherSpecAfterServerHelloTwice) {
++  EnsureTlsSetup();
++  ConfigureVersion(SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_TLS_1_3);
++  EnableCompatMode();
++  // To replace Finished with a CCS below
++  auto filter = MakeTlsFilter<TlsHandshakeDropper>(server_);
++  filter->SetHandshakeTypes({kTlsHandshakeFinished});
++  filter->EnableDecryption();
++  StartConnect();
++  client_->Handshake();  // Send ClientHello
++  server_->Handshake();  // Consume ClientHello, and
++                         // send ServerHello..CertificateVerify
++                         // the ServerHello is followed by CCS
++  // Send another CCS
++  server_->SendDirect(DataBuffer(kCannedCcs, sizeof(kCannedCcs)));
++  client_->ExpectSendAlert(kTlsAlertUnexpectedMessage);
++  client_->Handshake();  // Consume ClientHello and CCS
+ // If we negotiate 1.2, we abort.
+ TEST_F(TlsConnectStreamTls13, ChangeCipherSpecBeforeClientHello12) {
+   EnsureTlsSetup();
+diff -up ./lib/ssl/ssl3con.c.tls-flood ./lib/ssl/ssl3con.c
+--- ./lib/ssl/ssl3con.c.tls-flood	2021-02-18 10:54:28.152458362 -0800
++++ ./lib/ssl/ssl3con.c	2021-02-18 10:59:46.699353968 -0800
+@@ -6621,7 +6621,11 @@ ssl_CheckServerSessionIdCorrectness(sslS
+     /* TLS 1.3: We sent a session ID.  The server's should match. */
+     if (!IS_DTLS(ss) && (sentRealSid || sentFakeSid)) {
+-        return sidMatch;
++        if (sidMatch) {
++            ss->ssl3.hs.allowCcs = PR_TRUE;
++            return PR_TRUE;
++        }
++        return PR_FALSE;
+     }
+     /* TLS 1.3 (no SID)/DTLS 1.3: The server shouldn't send a session ID. */
+@@ -8640,6 +8644,7 @@ ssl3_HandleClientHello(sslSocket *ss, PR
+                 errCode = PORT_GetError();
+                 goto alert_loser;
+             }
++            ss->ssl3.hs.allowCcs = PR_TRUE;
+         }
+         /* TLS 1.3 requires that compression include only null. */
+@@ -13005,8 +13010,15 @@ ssl3_HandleRecord(sslSocket *ss, SSL3Cip
+             ss->ssl3.hs.ws != idle_handshake &&
+             cText->buf->len == 1 &&
+             cText->buf->buf[0] == change_cipher_spec_choice) {
+-            /* Ignore the CCS. */
+-            return SECSuccess;
++            if (ss->ssl3.hs.allowCcs) {
++                /* Ignore the first CCS. */
++                ss->ssl3.hs.allowCcs = PR_FALSE;
++                return SECSuccess;
++            }
++            /* Compatibility mode is not negotiated. */
++            alert = unexpected_message;
+         }
+         if (IS_DTLS(ss) ||
+diff -up ./lib/ssl/sslimpl.h.tls-flood ./lib/ssl/sslimpl.h
+--- ./lib/ssl/sslimpl.h.tls-flood	2021-02-18 10:54:28.172458477 -0800
++++ ./lib/ssl/sslimpl.h	2021-02-18 11:01:43.100051582 -0800
+@@ -712,6 +712,10 @@ typedef struct SSL3HandshakeStateStr {
+                                            * or received. */
+     PRBool receivedCcs;                   /* A server received ChangeCipherSpec
+                                            * before the handshake started. */
++    PRBool allowCcs;                      /* A server allows ChangeCipherSpec
++                                           * as the middlebox compatibility mode
++                                           * is explicitly indicarted by
++                                           * legacy_session_id in TLS 1.3 ClientHello. */
+     PRBool clientCertRequested;           /* True if CertificateRequest received. */
+     ssl3KEADef kea_def_mutable;           /* Used to hold the writable kea_def
+                                            * we use for TLS 1.3 */
diff --git a/SOURCES/nss-3.53.1-tls-flood-update.patch b/SOURCES/nss-3.53.1-tls-flood-update.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3dd8f11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/nss-3.53.1-tls-flood-update.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+# HG changeset patch
+# User Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com>
+# Date 1603691171 -3600
+# Node ID b03a4fc5b902498414b02640dcb2717dfef9682f
+# Parent  6f79a76958129dc09c353c288f115fd9a51ab7d4
+Bug 1672703, always tolerate the first CCS in TLS 1.3, r=mt
+This flips the meaning of the flag for checking excessive CCS
+messages, so it only rejects multiple CCS messages while the first CCS
+message is always accepted.
+Reviewers: mt
+Reviewed By: mt
+Bug #: 1672703
+Differential Revision: https://phabricator.services.mozilla.com/D94603
+updated by rrelyea for NSS 3.53
+diff -up ./gtests/ssl_gtest/ssl_tls13compat_unittest.cc.tls-flood-update ./gtests/ssl_gtest/ssl_tls13compat_unittest.cc
+--- ./gtests/ssl_gtest/ssl_tls13compat_unittest.cc.tls-flood-update	2021-02-22 09:57:04.632375045 -0800
++++ ./gtests/ssl_gtest/ssl_tls13compat_unittest.cc	2021-02-22 09:57:04.635375062 -0800
+@@ -348,8 +348,8 @@ TEST_F(TlsConnectStreamTls13, ChangeCiph
+ }
+-// The server rejects a ChangeCipherSpec if the client advertises an
+-// empty session ID.
++// The server accepts a ChangeCipherSpec even if the client advertises
++// an empty session ID.
+ TEST_F(TlsConnectStreamTls13, ChangeCipherSpecAfterClientHelloEmptySid) {
+   EnsureTlsSetup();
+   ConfigureVersion(SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_TLS_1_3);
+@@ -358,9 +358,8 @@ TEST_F(TlsConnectStreamTls13, ChangeCiph
+   client_->Handshake();  // Send ClientHello
+   client_->SendDirect(DataBuffer(kCannedCcs, sizeof(kCannedCcs)));  // Send CCS
+-  server_->ExpectSendAlert(kTlsAlertUnexpectedMessage);
+-  server_->Handshake();  // Consume ClientHello and CCS
++  Handshake();
++  CheckConnected();
+ }
+ // The server rejects multiple ChangeCipherSpec even if the client
+@@ -381,7 +380,7 @@ TEST_F(Tls13CompatTest, ChangeCipherSpec
+ }
+-// The client rejects a ChangeCipherSpec if it advertises an empty
++// The client accepts a ChangeCipherSpec even if it advertises an empty
+ // session ID.
+ TEST_F(TlsConnectStreamTls13, ChangeCipherSpecAfterServerHelloEmptySid) {
+   EnsureTlsSetup();
+@@ -398,9 +397,10 @@ TEST_F(TlsConnectStreamTls13, ChangeCiph
+                          // send ServerHello..CertificateVerify
+   // Send CCS
+   server_->SendDirect(DataBuffer(kCannedCcs, sizeof(kCannedCcs)));
+-  client_->ExpectSendAlert(kTlsAlertUnexpectedMessage);
+-  client_->Handshake();  // Consume ClientHello and CCS
++  // No alert is sent from the client. As Finished is dropped, we
++  // can't use Handshake() and CheckConnected().
++  client_->Handshake();
+ }
+ // The client rejects multiple ChangeCipherSpec in a row even if the
+diff -up ./lib/ssl/ssl3con.c.tls-flood-update ./lib/ssl/ssl3con.c
+--- ./lib/ssl/ssl3con.c.tls-flood-update	2021-02-22 09:57:04.633375051 -0800
++++ ./lib/ssl/ssl3con.c	2021-02-22 10:00:18.659488889 -0800
+@@ -6621,11 +6621,7 @@ ssl_CheckServerSessionIdCorrectness(sslS
+     /* TLS 1.3: We sent a session ID.  The server's should match. */
+     if (!IS_DTLS(ss) && (sentRealSid || sentFakeSid)) {
+-        if (sidMatch) {
+-            ss->ssl3.hs.allowCcs = PR_TRUE;
+-            return PR_TRUE;
+-        }
+-        return PR_FALSE;
++        return sidMatch;
+     }
+     /* TLS 1.3 (no SID)/DTLS 1.3: The server shouldn't send a session ID. */
+@@ -8644,7 +8640,6 @@ ssl3_HandleClientHello(sslSocket *ss, PR
+                 errCode = PORT_GetError();
+                 goto alert_loser;
+             }
+-            ss->ssl3.hs.allowCcs = PR_TRUE;
+         }
+         /* TLS 1.3 requires that compression include only null. */
+@@ -13010,15 +13005,14 @@ ssl3_HandleRecord(sslSocket *ss, SSL3Cip
+             ss->ssl3.hs.ws != idle_handshake &&
+             cText->buf->len == 1 &&
+             cText->buf->buf[0] == change_cipher_spec_choice) {
+-            if (ss->ssl3.hs.allowCcs) {
+-                /* Ignore the first CCS. */
+-                ss->ssl3.hs.allowCcs = PR_FALSE;
++            if (!ss->ssl3.hs.rejectCcs) {
++                /* Allow only the first CCS. */
++                ss->ssl3.hs.rejectCcs = PR_TRUE;
+                 return SECSuccess;
++            } else {
++                alert = unexpected_message;
+             }
+-            /* Compatibility mode is not negotiated. */
+-            alert = unexpected_message;
+         }
+         if (IS_DTLS(ss) ||
+diff -up ./lib/ssl/sslimpl.h.tls-flood-update ./lib/ssl/sslimpl.h
+--- ./lib/ssl/sslimpl.h.tls-flood-update	2021-02-22 09:57:04.637375073 -0800
++++ ./lib/ssl/sslimpl.h	2021-02-22 10:01:46.451003953 -0800
+@@ -712,10 +712,7 @@ typedef struct SSL3HandshakeStateStr {
+                                            * or received. */
+     PRBool receivedCcs;                   /* A server received ChangeCipherSpec
+                                            * before the handshake started. */
+-    PRBool allowCcs;                      /* A server allows ChangeCipherSpec
+-                                           * as the middlebox compatibility mode
+-                                           * is explicitly indicarted by
+-                                           * legacy_session_id in TLS 1.3 ClientHello. */
++    PRBool rejectCcs;                     /* Excessive ChangeCipherSpecs are rejected. */
+     PRBool clientCertRequested;           /* True if CertificateRequest received. */
+     ssl3KEADef kea_def_mutable;           /* Used to hold the writable kea_def
+                                            * we use for TLS 1.3 */
diff --git a/SOURCES/nss-3.63-profile_fix.patch b/SOURCES/nss-3.63-profile_fix.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64c54c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/nss-3.63-profile_fix.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# HG changeset patch
+# User Robert Relyea <rrelyea@redhat.com>
+# Date 1614193447 28800
+# Node ID d827295ca19058d6b73692be38d528fd6ae9ab08
+# Parent  80793a75363d262804531f064a1936bf0fbd3d82
+Bug 1694392 NSS does not work with PKCS #11 modules not supporting profiles
+User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:85.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/85.0
+Steps to reproduce:
+Using NSS with PKCS #11 library that returns CKR_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_INVALID when searching for CKA_CLASS = CKO_PROFILE.
+Actual results:
+PK11_InitToken calls pk11_ReadProfileList and passes on failures. Thus, if the profiles cannot be read the token cannot be initialized.
+pk11_ReadProfileList in turn uses pk11_FindObjectsByTemplate to search for CKO_PROFILE objects. This function fails if C_FindObjectsInit fails.
+However, it should be perfectly ok that C_FindObjectsInit fails if CKO_PROFILE is not known. In fact, CKR_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_INVALID is a valid return code here since the library does not know (yet) the value CKO_PROFILE for CKA_CLASS and since the CKA_CLASS is a fixed list it the standard allows to return this error code.
+Expected results:
+PK11_InitToken should complete successfully.
+Differential Revision: https://phabricator.services.mozilla.com/D106167
+diff --git a/lib/pk11wrap/pk11slot.c b/lib/pk11wrap/pk11slot.c
+--- a/lib/pk11wrap/pk11slot.c
++++ b/lib/pk11wrap/pk11slot.c
+@@ -1364,20 +1364,19 @@ PK11_InitToken(PK11SlotInfo *slot, PRBoo
+         if (!slot->isThreadSafe)
+             PK11_ExitSlotMonitor(slot);
+     }
+     status = nssToken_Refresh(slot->nssToken);
+     if (status != PR_SUCCESS)
+         return SECFailure;
+-    rv = pk11_ReadProfileList(slot);
+-    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
+-        return SECFailure;
+-    }
++    /* Not all tokens have profile objects or even recognize what profile
++     * objects are it's OK for pk11_ReadProfileList to fail */
++    (void) pk11_ReadProfileList(slot);
+     if (!(slot->isInternal) && (slot->hasRandom)) {
+         /* if this slot has a random number generater, use it to add entropy
+          * to the internal slot. */
+         PK11SlotInfo *int_slot = PK11_GetInternalSlot();
+         if (int_slot) {
+             unsigned char random_bytes[32];
diff --git a/SPECS/nss.spec b/SPECS/nss.spec
index 1fd6eb5..546ab13 100644
--- a/SPECS/nss.spec
+++ b/SPECS/nss.spec
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ rpm.define(string.format("nss_archive_version %s",
 Summary:          Network Security Services
 Name:             nss
 Version:          %{nss_version}
-Release:          3%{?dist}
+Release:          7%{?dist}
 License:          MPLv2.0
 URL:              http://www.mozilla.org/projects/security/pki/nss/
 Group:            System Environment/Libraries
@@ -103,6 +103,8 @@ Source30:         PayPalRootCA.cert
 Source31:         PayPalICA.cert
 Source32:         nss-rhel7.config
 Source33:         TestOldCA.p12
+Source34:         NameConstraints.ocsp1.cert
+Source35:         NameConstraints.ipaca.cert
 Patch2:           add-relro-linker-option.patch
 Patch3:           renegotiate-transitional.patch
@@ -168,10 +170,18 @@ Patch158: nss-sql-default-tests.patch
 Patch159: nss-disable-dc.patch
 # Upstream: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1648822
 Patch160: nss-3.53.1-remove-timing-tests.patch
-# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1884793
+# https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1662738
 Patch161: nss-3.53.1-no-small-primes.patch
-# Local patch: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1843417
-Patch162: nss-3.53-strict-proto-fix.patch
+# No upstream bug yet. at least post NSS 3.63
+Patch162: nss-3.53.1-fix-deadlock-in-init-context.patch
+# CVE-2020-25648 https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1641480 
+Patch163: nss-3.53.1-tls-flood-CVE-2020-25648.patch
+# CVE-2020-25648 update https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1672703
+Patch164: nss-3.53.1-tls-flood-update.patch
+# Upstream: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1694392
+Patch165: nss-3.63-profile_fix.patch
+# Upstream: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1643528
+Patch166: nss-3.53-strict-proto-fix.patch
 Network Security Services (NSS) is a set of libraries designed to
@@ -249,6 +259,8 @@ low level services.
 %{__cp} %{SOURCE30} -f ./nss/tests/libpkix/certs
 %{__cp} %{SOURCE31} -f ./nss/tests/libpkix/certs
 %{__cp} %{SOURCE33} -f ./nss/tests/tools
+%{__cp} %{SOURCE34} -f ./nss/tests/libpkix/certs
+%{__cp} %{SOURCE35} -f ./nss/tests/libpkix/certs
 %patch2 -p0 -b .relro
 %patch3 -p0 -b .transitional
@@ -285,7 +297,11 @@ pushd nss
 %patch159 -p1 -b .dc
 %patch160 -p1 -b .remove-timing-tests
 %patch161 -p1 -b .no-small-primes
-%patch162 -p1 -b .strict-proto-fix
+%patch162 -p1 -b .deadlock
+%patch163 -p1 -b .tls-flood
+%patch164 -p1 -b .tls-flood-update
+%patch165 -p1 -b .cko-profile
+%patch166 -p1 -b .strict-proto
@@ -898,14 +914,19 @@ fi
-* Thu Nov  5 2020 Johnny Hughes <johnny@centos.org> - 3.53.1-3
-- much thanks to both Tuomo Soini (foobar.fi) and Pat Riehecky (scientificlinux.org)
-  for finding the fix to these issues 
-* Fri Oct  2 2020 Tuomo Soini <tis@foobar.fi> - 3.53.1-3
-- Fix tests by updating PayPalEE.cert to valid one
-- Fix tests to expect small primes failing rhbz#1884793
-- Fix Cannot compile code with nss headers and -Werror=strict-prototypes
-  rhbz#1885321
+* Wed Mar 03 2021 Bob Relyea <rrelyea@redhat.com> - 3.53.1-7
+- Fix HSM load failure because of CKO_Profile
+- Allow builds with strict-proto
+* Mon Feb 22 2021 Bob Relyea <rrelyea@redhat.com> - 3.53.1-6
+- Update to CVE 2020-256423 TLS flood DOS attack patch.
+* Thu Feb 18 2021 Bob Relyea <rrelyea@redhat.com> - 3.53.1-5
+- Fix CVE 2020-256423 TLS flood DOS Attack.
+* Mon Feb  1 2021 Bob Relyea <rrelyea@redhat.com> - 3.53.1-4
+- Fix deadlock issue
+- Fix 3 FTBS issues, 2 expired certs, one semantic change in nss-softokn.
 * Sat Aug  1 2020 Daiki Ueno <dueno@redhat.com> - 3.53.1-3
 - Disable dh timing test because it's unreliable on s390 (from Bob Relyea)