c0b1b2 |
%{?scl:%scl_package nodejs-%{module_name}}
c0b1b2 |
%{!?scl:%global pkg_name %{name}}
c0b1b2 |
c0b1b2 |
c0b1b2 |
# BR: for tests are not packaged yet
c0b1b2 |
%global enable_tests 0
c0b1b2 |
c0b1b2 |
%global module_name pause-stream
c0b1b2 |
c0b1b2 |
Name: %{?scl_prefix}nodejs-%{module_name}
c0b1b2 |
Version: 0.0.11
c0b1b2 |
Release: 4%{?dist}
c0b1b2 |
Summary: A ThroughStream that strictly buffers all readable events when paused
c0b1b2 |
c0b1b2 |
License: MIT and ASL 2.0
c0b1b2 |
URL: http://github.com/dominictarr/pause-stream
c0b1b2 |
Source0: http://registry.npmjs.org/%{module_name}/-/%{module_name}-%{version}.tgz
c0b1b2 |
BuildArch: noarch
c0b1b2 |
ExclusiveArch: %{nodejs_arches} noarch
c0b1b2 |
c0b1b2 |
BuildRequires: nodejs010-runtime
c0b1b2 |
c0b1b2 |
%if 0%{?enable_tests}
c0b1b2 |
BuildRequires: %{?scl_prefix}npm(stream-tester)
c0b1b2 |
BuildRequires: %{?scl_prefix}npm(stream-spec)
c0b1b2 |
c0b1b2 |
c0b1b2 |
c0b1b2 |
This is a Stream that will strictly buffer when paused. Connect it to anything
c0b1b2 |
you need buffered.
c0b1b2 |
c0b1b2 |
c0b1b2 |
%setup -q -n package
c0b1b2 |
rm -rf node_modules
c0b1b2 |
c0b1b2 |
c0b1b2 |
# nothing to build
c0b1b2 |
c0b1b2 |
c0b1b2 |
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{nodejs_sitelib}/%{module_name}
c0b1b2 |
cp -pr package.json index.js %{buildroot}%{nodejs_sitelib}/%{module_name}
c0b1b2 |
c0b1b2 |
c0b1b2 |
c0b1b2 |
%if 0%{?enable_tests}
c0b1b2 |
c0b1b2 |
c0b1b2 |
%nodejs_symlink_deps --check
c0b1b2 |
node test/index.js && node test/pause-end.js
c0b1b2 |
c0b1b2 |
c0b1b2 |
c0b1b2 |
%doc readme.markdown LICENSE
c0b1b2 |
c0b1b2 |
c0b1b2 |
c0b1b2 |
* Thu Jan 14 2016 Tomas Hrcka <thrcka@redhat.com> - 0.0.11-4
c0b1b2 |
- Enable find provides and requires macro
c0b1b2 |
c0b1b2 |
* Thu Jan 07 2016 Tomas Hrcka <thrcka@redhat.com> - 0.0.11-3
c0b1b2 |
- Enable scl macros
c0b1b2 |
c0b1b2 |
* Wed Jun 17 2015 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 0.0.11-2
c0b1b2 |
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_23_Mass_Rebuild
c0b1b2 |
c0b1b2 |
* Fri Dec 19 2014 Parag Nemade <pnemade AT redhat DOT com> - 0.0.11-1
c0b1b2 |
- Initial packaging