fdea4a |
// Copyright (C) 2014 IBM Corporation and Others. All Rights Reserved.
fdea4a |
// This file is part of the Node.JS ICU enablement work
fdea4a |
// https://github.com/joyent/node/pull/7719
fdea4a |
// and is under the same license.
fdea4a |
fdea4a |
// This is a very, very, very basic test of es402
fdea4a |
fdea4a |
// URL: https://github.com/srl295/btest402
fdea4a |
// Author: Steven R. Loomis <srl@icu-project.org>
fdea4a |
fdea4a |
// for a complete test, see http://test262.ecmascript.org
fdea4a |
fdea4a |
// Usage: node btest402.js
fdea4a |
fdea4a |
try {
fdea4a |
console.log("You have console.log.");
fdea4a |
} catch(e) {
fdea4a |
// this works on d8
fdea4a |
console = { log: print };
fdea4a |
console.log("Now you have console.log.");
fdea4a |
fdea4a |
fdea4a |
function runbtest() {
fdea4a |
var summary = {};
fdea4a |
fdea4a |
try {
fdea4a |
var i = Intl;
fdea4a |
summary.haveIntl = true;
fdea4a |
console.log("+ Congrats, you have the Intl object.");
fdea4a |
} catch(e) {
fdea4a |
console.log("You don't have the Intl object: " + e);
fdea4a |
fdea4a |
fdea4a |
if(summary.haveIntl) {
fdea4a |
var locs = [ "en", "mt", "ja","tlh"];
fdea4a |
var d = new Date(196400000);
fdea4a |
for ( var n=0; n
fdea4a |
var loc = locs[n];
fdea4a |
var lsummary = summary[loc] = {};
fdea4a |
fdea4a |
fdea4a |
var sl=null;
fdea4a |
try {
fdea4a |
sl = Intl.DateTimeFormat.supportedLocalesOf([loc]);
fdea4a |
if( sl.length > 0 ) {
fdea4a |
lsummary.haveSlo = true;
fdea4a |
fdea4a |
} catch (e) {
fdea4a |
console.log("SLO err: " + e);
fdea4a |
fdea4a |
var dstr = "ERR";
fdea4a |
try {
fdea4a |
lsummary.dstr = d.toLocaleString(loc,{month: "long",day:"numeric",weekday:"long",year:"numeric"});
fdea4a |
console.log(" date: (supported:"+sl+") " + lsummary.dstr);
fdea4a |
} catch (e) {
fdea4a |
console.log(" Date Format err: " + e);
fdea4a |
fdea4a |
try {
fdea4a |
new Intl.v8BreakIterator();
fdea4a |
console.log(" Intl.v8BreakIterator:" +
fdea4a |
Intl.v8BreakIterator.supportedLocalesOf(loc) + " Supported, first()==" +
fdea4a |
new Intl.v8BreakIterator(loc).first() );
fdea4a |
lsummary.brkOk = true;
fdea4a |
} catch ( e) {
fdea4a |
console.log(" Intl.v8BreakIterator error (NOT part of EcmaScript402): " + e);
fdea4a |
fdea4a |
fdea4a |
fdea4a |
fdea4a |
fdea4a |
// print summary
fdea4a |
fdea4a |
console.log("--------- Analysis ---------");
fdea4a |
stxt = "";
fdea4a |
if( summary.haveIntl ) {
fdea4a |
console.log("* You have the 'Intl' object. Congratulations! You have the possibility of being EcmaScript 402 compliant.");
fdea4a |
stxt += "Have Intl, ";
fdea4a |
fdea4a |
if ( !summary.en.haveSlo ) {
fdea4a |
stxt += "Date:no EN, ";
fdea4a |
console.log("* English isn't a supported language by the date formatter. Perhaps the data isn't installed properly?");
fdea4a |
fdea4a |
if ( !summary.tlh.haveSlo ) {
fdea4a |
stxt += "Date:no 'tlh', ";
fdea4a |
console.log("* Klingon isn't a supported language by the date formatter. It is without honor!");
fdea4a |
fdea4a |
// now, what is it actually saying
fdea4a |
if( summary.en.dstr.indexOf("1970") == -1) {
fdea4a |
stxt += "Date:bad 'en', ";
fdea4a |
console.log("* the English date format text looks bad to me. Doesn't even have the year.");
fdea4a |
} else {
fdea4a |
if( summary.en.dstr.indexOf("Jan") == -1) {
fdea4a |
stxt += "Date:bad 'en', ";
fdea4a |
console.log("* The English date format text looks bad to me. Doesn't have the right month.");
fdea4a |
fdea4a |
fdea4a |
fdea4a |
if( summary.mt.dstr == summary.en.dstr ) {
fdea4a |
stxt += "Date:'mt'=='en', ";
fdea4a |
console.log("* The English and Maltese look the same to me. Probably a 'small' build.");
fdea4a |
} else if( summary.mt.dstr.indexOf("1970") == -1) {
fdea4a |
stxt += "Date:bad 'mt', ";
fdea4a |
console.log("* the Maltese date format text looks bad to me. Doesn't even have the year. (This data is missing from the Chromium ICU build)");
fdea4a |
} else {
fdea4a |
if( summary.mt.dstr.indexOf("Jann") == -1) {
fdea4a |
stxt += "Date:bad 'mt', ";
fdea4a |
console.log("* The Maltese date format text looks bad to me. Doesn't have the right month. (This data is missing from the Chromium ICU build)");
fdea4a |
fdea4a |
fdea4a |
fdea4a |
if ( !summary.ja.haveSlo ) {
fdea4a |
stxt += "Date:no 'ja', ";
fdea4a |
console.log("* Japanese isn't a supported language by the date formatter. Could be a 'small' build.");
fdea4a |
} else {
fdea4a |
if( summary.ja.dstr.indexOf("1970") == -1) {
fdea4a |
stxt += "Date:bad 'ja', ";
fdea4a |
console.log("* the Japanese date format text looks bad to me. Doesn't even have the year.");
fdea4a |
} else {
fdea4a |
if( summary.ja.dstr.indexOf("日") == -1) {
fdea4a |
stxt += "Date:bad 'ja', ";
fdea4a |
console.log("* The Japanese date format text looks bad to me.");
fdea4a |
fdea4a |
fdea4a |
fdea4a |
if ( summary.en.brkOk ) {
fdea4a |
stxt += "FYI: v8Brk:have 'en', ";
fdea4a |
console.log("* You have Intl.v8BreakIterator support. (Note: not part of ES402.)");
fdea4a |
fdea4a |
} else {
fdea4a |
console.log("* You don't have the 'Intl' object. You aren't EcmaScript 402 compliant.");
fdea4a |
stxt += " NO Intl. ";
fdea4a |
fdea4a |
fdea4a |
// 1-liner.
fdea4a |
fdea4a |
fdea4a |
console.log( "SUMMARY:" + stxt );
fdea4a |
fdea4a |
fdea4a |
var dorun = true;
fdea4a |
fdea4a |
try {
fdea4a |
if(btest402_noautorun) {
fdea4a |
dorun = false;
fdea4a |
fdea4a |
} catch(e) {}
fdea4a |
fdea4a |
if(dorun) {
fdea4a |
console.log("Running btest..");
fdea4a |
fdea4a |