diff --git a/SOURCES/nfs-utils-1.3.0-gssd-mutex-updated.patch b/SOURCES/nfs-utils-1.3.0-gssd-mutex-updated.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7073633
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/nfs-utils-1.3.0-gssd-mutex-updated.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,784 @@
+diff --git a/utils/gssd/gssd.c b/utils/gssd/gssd.c
+index c5b5dc9..1f85c71 100644
+--- a/utils/gssd/gssd.c
++++ b/utils/gssd/gssd.c
+@@ -90,9 +90,8 @@ char *preferred_realm = NULL;
+ char *ccachedir = NULL;
+ /* Avoid DNS reverse lookups on server names */
+ static bool avoid_dns = true;
+-int thread_started = false;
+-pthread_mutex_t pmutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
+-pthread_cond_t pcond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
++pthread_mutex_t clp_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
++static bool signal_received = false;
+ TAILQ_HEAD(topdir_list_head, topdir) topdir_list;
+@@ -359,20 +358,28 @@ out:
+ 	free(port);
+ }
++/* Actually frees clp and fields that might be used from other
++ * threads if was last reference.
++ */
+ static void
+-gssd_destroy_client(struct clnt_info *clp)
++gssd_free_client(struct clnt_info *clp)
+ {
+-	if (clp->krb5_fd >= 0) {
++	int refcnt;
++	pthread_mutex_lock(&clp_lock);
++	refcnt = --clp->refcount;
++	pthread_mutex_unlock(&clp_lock);
++	if (refcnt > 0)
++		return;
++	printerr(3, "freeing client %s\n", clp->relpath);
++	if (clp->krb5_fd >= 0)
+ 		close(clp->krb5_fd);
+-		event_del(&clp->krb5_ev);
+-	}
+-	if (clp->gssd_fd >= 0) {
++	if (clp->gssd_fd >= 0)
+ 		close(clp->gssd_fd);
+-		event_del(&clp->gssd_ev);
+-	}
+-	inotify_rm_watch(inotify_fd, clp->wd);
+ 	free(clp->relpath);
+ 	free(clp->servicename);
+ 	free(clp->servername);
+@@ -380,6 +387,24 @@ gssd_destroy_client(struct clnt_info *clp)
+ 	free(clp);
+ }
++/* Called when removing from clnt_list to tear down event handling.
++ * Will then free clp if was last reference.
++ */
++static void
++gssd_destroy_client(struct clnt_info *clp)
++	printerr(3, "destroying client %s\n", clp->relpath);
++	if (clp->krb5_fd >= 0)
++		event_del(&clp->krb5_ev);
++	if (clp->gssd_fd >= 0)
++		event_del(&clp->gssd_ev);
++	inotify_rm_watch(inotify_fd, clp->wd);
++	gssd_free_client(clp);
+ static void gssd_scan(void);
+ static int
+@@ -416,11 +441,21 @@ static struct clnt_upcall_info *alloc_upcall_info(struct clnt_info *clp)
+ 	info = malloc(sizeof(struct clnt_upcall_info));
+ 	if (info == NULL)
+ 		return NULL;
++	pthread_mutex_lock(&clp_lock);
++	clp->refcount++;
++	pthread_mutex_unlock(&clp_lock);
+ 	info->clp = clp;
+ 	return info;
+ }
++void free_upcall_info(struct clnt_upcall_info *info)
++	gssd_free_client(info->clp);
++	free(info);
+ /* For each upcall read the upcall info into the buffer, then create a
+  * thread in a detached state so that resources are released back into
+  * the system without the need for a join.
+@@ -438,13 +473,13 @@ gssd_clnt_gssd_cb(int UNUSED(fd), short UNUSED(which), void *data)
+ 	info->lbuflen = read(clp->gssd_fd, info->lbuf, sizeof(info->lbuf));
+ 	if (info->lbuflen <= 0 || info->lbuf[info->lbuflen-1] != '\n') {
+ 		printerr(0, "WARNING: %s: failed reading request\n", __func__);
+-		free(info);
++		free_upcall_info(info);
+ 		return;
+ 	}
+ 	info->lbuf[info->lbuflen-1] = 0;
+ 	if (start_upcall_thread(handle_gssd_upcall, info))
+-		free(info);
++		free_upcall_info(info);
+ }
+ static void
+@@ -461,12 +496,12 @@ gssd_clnt_krb5_cb(int UNUSED(fd), short UNUSED(which), void *data)
+ 			sizeof(info->uid)) < (ssize_t)sizeof(info->uid)) {
+ 		printerr(0, "WARNING: %s: failed reading uid from krb5 "
+ 			 "upcall pipe: %s\n", __func__, strerror(errno));
+-		free(info);
++		free_upcall_info(info);
+ 		return;
+ 	}
+ 	if (start_upcall_thread(handle_krb5_upcall, info))
+-		free(info);
++		free_upcall_info(info);
+ }
+ static struct clnt_info *
+@@ -501,6 +536,7 @@ gssd_get_clnt(struct topdir *tdi, const char *name)
+ 	clp->name = clp->relpath + strlen(tdi->name) + 1;
+ 	clp->krb5_fd = -1;
+ 	clp->gssd_fd = -1;
++	clp->refcount = 1;
+ 	TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&tdi->clnt_list, clp, list);
+ 	return clp;
+@@ -649,7 +685,7 @@ gssd_scan_topdir(const char *name)
+ 		if (clp->scanned)
+ 			continue;
+-		printerr(3, "destroying client %s\n", clp->relpath);
++		printerr(3, "orphaned client %s\n", clp->relpath);
+ 		saveprev = clp->list.tqe_prev;
+ 		TAILQ_REMOVE(&tdi->clnt_list, clp, list);
+ 		gssd_destroy_client(clp);
+@@ -824,8 +860,13 @@ found:
+ static void
+ sig_die(int signal)
+ {
+-	if (root_uses_machine_creds)
+-		gssd_destroy_krb5_machine_creds();
++	if (signal_received) {
++		gssd_destroy_krb5_principals(root_uses_machine_creds);
++		printerr(1, "forced exiting on signal %d\n", signal);
++		exit(0);
++	}
++	signal_received = true;
+ 	printerr(1, "exiting on signal %d\n", signal);
+ 	exit(0);
+ }
+@@ -883,6 +924,7 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ 	int rpc_verbosity = 0;
+ 	int opt;
+ 	int i;
++	int rc;
+ 	extern char *optarg;
+ 	char *progname;
+ 	struct event sighup_ev;
+@@ -1054,7 +1096,30 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ 	event_dispatch();
+-	printerr(0, "ERROR: event_dispatch() returned!\n");
+-	return EXIT_FAILURE;
++	printerr(0, "event_dispatch() returned %i!\n", rc);
++	gssd_destroy_krb5_principals(root_uses_machine_creds);
++	while (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&topdir_list)) {
++		struct topdir *tdi = TAILQ_FIRST(&topdir_list);
++		TAILQ_REMOVE(&topdir_list, tdi, list);
++		while (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&tdi->clnt_list)) {
++			struct clnt_info *clp = TAILQ_FIRST(&tdi->clnt_list);
++			TAILQ_REMOVE(&tdi->clnt_list, clp, list);
++			gssd_destroy_client(clp);
++		}
++		free(tdi);
++	}
++	event_del(&inotify_ev);
++	signal_del(&sighup_ev);
++	close(inotify_fd);
++	close(pipefs_fd);
++	closedir(pipefs_dir);
++	free(preferred_realm);
++	free(ccachesearch);
++	return rc < 0 ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS;
+diff --git a/utils/gssd/gssd.h b/utils/gssd/gssd.h
+index f4f5975..5091df6 100644
+--- a/utils/gssd/gssd.h
++++ b/utils/gssd/gssd.h
+@@ -62,13 +62,10 @@ extern int			root_uses_machine_creds;
+ extern unsigned int 		context_timeout;
+ extern unsigned int rpc_timeout;
+ extern char			*preferred_realm;
+-extern pthread_mutex_t ple_lock;
+-extern pthread_cond_t pcond;
+-extern pthread_mutex_t pmutex;
+-extern int thread_started;
+ struct clnt_info {
+ 	TAILQ_ENTRY(clnt_info)	list;
++	int			refcount;
+ 	int			wd;
+ 	bool			scanned;
+ 	char			*name;
+@@ -94,6 +91,7 @@ struct clnt_upcall_info {
+ void handle_krb5_upcall(struct clnt_upcall_info *clp);
+ void handle_gssd_upcall(struct clnt_upcall_info *clp);
++void free_upcall_info(struct clnt_upcall_info *info);
+ #endif /* _RPC_GSSD_H_ */
+diff --git a/utils/gssd/gssd_proc.c b/utils/gssd/gssd_proc.c
+index 504c398..f34dffa 100644
+--- a/utils/gssd/gssd_proc.c
++++ b/utils/gssd/gssd_proc.c
+@@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ krb5_use_machine_creds(struct clnt_info *clp, uid_t uid, char *tgtname,
+ 		uid, tgtname);
+ 	do {
+-		gssd_refresh_krb5_machine_credential(clp->servername, NULL,
++		gssd_refresh_krb5_machine_credential(clp->servername,
+ 						service);
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Get a list of credential cache names and try each
+@@ -724,7 +724,7 @@ handle_krb5_upcall(struct clnt_upcall_info *info)
+ 	printerr(2, "\n%s: uid %d (%s)\n", __func__, info->uid, clp->relpath);
+ 	process_krb5_upcall(clp, info->uid, clp->krb5_fd, NULL, NULL);
+-	free(info);
++	free_upcall_info(info);
+ }
+ void
+@@ -821,7 +821,7 @@ handle_gssd_upcall(struct clnt_upcall_info *info)
+ out:
+ 	free(upcall_str);
+ out_nomem:
+-	free(info);
++	free_upcall_info(info);
+ 	return;
+ }
+diff --git a/utils/gssd/krb5_util.c b/utils/gssd/krb5_util.c
+index 3fb11e1..f05ebfd 100644
+--- a/utils/gssd/krb5_util.c
++++ b/utils/gssd/krb5_util.c
+@@ -126,9 +126,28 @@
+ #include "gss_util.h"
+ #include "krb5_util.h"
++ * List of principals from our keytab that we
++ * will try to use to obtain credentials
++ * (known as a principal list entry (ple))
++ */
++struct gssd_k5_kt_princ {
++	struct gssd_k5_kt_princ *next;
++	// Only protect against deletion, not modification
++	int refcount;
++	// Only set during creation in new_ple()
++	krb5_principal princ;
++	char *realm;
++	// Modified during usage by gssd_get_single_krb5_cred()
++	char *ccname;
++	krb5_timestamp endtime;
+ /* Global list of principals/cache file names for machine credentials */
+-struct gssd_k5_kt_princ *gssd_k5_kt_princ_list = NULL;
+-pthread_mutex_t ple_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
++static struct gssd_k5_kt_princ *gssd_k5_kt_princ_list = NULL;
++/* This mutex protects list modification & ple->ccname */
++static pthread_mutex_t ple_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
+ int limit_to_legacy_enctypes = 0;
+@@ -146,6 +165,28 @@ static int gssd_get_single_krb5_cred(krb5_context context,
+ static int query_krb5_ccache(const char* cred_cache, char **ret_princname,
+ 		char **ret_realm);
++static void release_ple_locked(krb5_context context,
++			       struct gssd_k5_kt_princ *ple)
++	if (--ple->refcount)
++		return;
++	printerr(3, "freeing cached principal (ccname=%s, realm=%s)\n",
++		 ple->ccname, ple->realm);
++	krb5_free_principal(context, ple->princ);
++	free(ple->ccname);
++	free(ple->realm);
++	free(ple);
++static void release_ple(krb5_context context, struct gssd_k5_kt_princ *ple)
++	pthread_mutex_lock(&ple_lock);
++	release_ple_locked(context, ple);
++	pthread_mutex_unlock(&ple_lock);
+ /*
+  * Called from the scandir function to weed out potential krb5
+  * credentials cache files
+@@ -356,12 +397,15 @@ gssd_get_single_krb5_cred(krb5_context context,
+ 	 * 300 because clock skew must be within 300sec for kerberos
+ 	 */
+ 	now += 300;
++	pthread_mutex_lock(&ple_lock);
+ 	if (ple->ccname && ple->endtime > now && !nocache) {
+ 		printerr(3, "INFO: Credentials in CC '%s' are good until %d\n",
+ 			 ple->ccname, ple->endtime);
+ 		code = 0;
++		pthread_mutex_unlock(&ple_lock);
+ 		goto out;
+ 	}
++	pthread_mutex_unlock(&ple_lock);
+ 	if ((code = krb5_kt_get_name(context, kt, kt_name, BUFSIZ))) {
+ 		printerr(0, "ERROR: Unable to get keytab name in "
+@@ -414,6 +458,7 @@ gssd_get_single_krb5_cred(krb5_context context,
+ 	 * Initialize cache file which we're going to be using
+ 	 */
++	pthread_mutex_lock(&ple_lock);
+ 	if (use_memcache)
+ 	    cache_type = "MEMORY";
+ 	else
+@@ -423,15 +468,18 @@ gssd_get_single_krb5_cred(krb5_context context,
+ 		ccachesearch[0], GSSD_DEFAULT_CRED_PREFIX,
+ 	ple->endtime = my_creds.times.endtime;
+-	if (ple->ccname != NULL)
++	if (ple->ccname == NULL || strcmp(ple->ccname, cc_name) != 0) {
+ 		free(ple->ccname);
+-	ple->ccname = strdup(cc_name);
+-	if (ple->ccname == NULL) {
+-		printerr(0, "ERROR: no storage to duplicate credentials "
+-			    "cache name '%s'\n", cc_name);
+-		code = ENOMEM;
+-		goto out;
++		ple->ccname = strdup(cc_name);
++		if (ple->ccname == NULL) {
++			printerr(0, "ERROR: no storage to duplicate credentials "
++				    "cache name '%s'\n", cc_name);
++			code = ENOMEM;
++			pthread_mutex_unlock(&ple_lock);
++			goto out;
++		}
+ 	}
++	pthread_mutex_unlock(&ple_lock);
+ 	if ((code = krb5_cc_resolve(context, cc_name, &ccache))) {
+ 		k5err = gssd_k5_err_msg(context, code);
+ 		printerr(0, "ERROR: %s while opening credential cache '%s'\n",
+@@ -469,6 +517,7 @@ gssd_get_single_krb5_cred(krb5_context context,
+ /*
+  * Given a principal, find a matching ple structure
++ * Called with mutex held
+  */
+ static struct gssd_k5_kt_princ *
+ find_ple_by_princ(krb5_context context, krb5_principal princ)
+@@ -485,6 +534,7 @@ find_ple_by_princ(krb5_context context, krb5_principal princ)
+ /*
+  * Create, initialize, and add a new ple structure to the global list
++ * Called with mutex held
+  */
+ static struct gssd_k5_kt_princ *
+ new_ple(krb5_context context, krb5_principal princ)
+@@ -536,6 +586,7 @@ new_ple(krb5_context context, krb5_principal princ)
+ 			p->next = ple;
+ 	}
++	ple->refcount = 1;
+ 	return ple;
+ outerr:
+ 	if (ple) {
+@@ -554,13 +605,14 @@ get_ple_by_princ(krb5_context context, krb5_principal princ)
+ {
+ 	struct gssd_k5_kt_princ *ple;
+-	/* Need to serialize list if we ever become multi-threaded! */
+ 	pthread_mutex_lock(&ple_lock);
+ 	ple = find_ple_by_princ(context, princ);
+ 	if (ple == NULL) {
+ 		ple = new_ple(context, princ);
+ 	}
++	if (ple != NULL) {
++		ple->refcount++;
++	}
+ 	pthread_mutex_unlock(&ple_lock);
+ 	return ple;
+@@ -725,6 +777,8 @@ gssd_search_krb5_keytab(krb5_context context, krb5_keytab kt,
+ 				retval = ENOMEM;
+ 				k5_free_kt_entry(context, kte);
+ 			} else {
++				release_ple(context, ple);
++				ple = NULL;
+ 				retval = 0;
+ 				*found = 1;
+ 			}
+@@ -1052,6 +1106,93 @@ err_cache:
+ 	return found;
+ }
++ * Obtain (or refresh if necessary) Kerberos machine credentials
++ * If a ple is passed in, it's reference will be released
++ */
++static int
++gssd_refresh_krb5_machine_credential_internal(char *hostname,
++				     struct gssd_k5_kt_princ *ple,
++				     char *service)
++	krb5_error_code code = 0;
++	krb5_context context;
++	krb5_keytab kt = NULL;;
++	int retval = 0;
++	char *k5err = NULL;
++	const char *svcnames[] = { "$", "root", "nfs", "host", NULL };
++	printerr(2, "%s: hostname=%s ple=%p service=%s \n",
++		__func__, hostname, ple, service);
++	/*
++	 * If a specific service name was specified, use it.
++	 * Otherwise, use the default list.
++	 */
++	if (service != NULL && strcmp(service, "*") != 0) {
++		svcnames[0] = service;
++		svcnames[1] = NULL;
++	}
++	if (hostname == NULL && ple == NULL)
++		return EINVAL;
++	code = krb5_init_context(&context);
++	if (code) {
++		k5err = gssd_k5_err_msg(NULL, code);
++		printerr(0, "ERROR: %s: %s while initializing krb5 context\n",
++			 __func__, k5err);
++		retval = code;
++		goto out;
++	}
++	if ((code = krb5_kt_resolve(context, keytabfile, &kt))) {
++		k5err = gssd_k5_err_msg(context, code);
++		printerr(0, "ERROR: %s: %s while resolving keytab '%s'\n",
++			 __func__, k5err, keytabfile);
++		goto out_free_context;
++	}
++	if (ple == NULL) {
++		krb5_keytab_entry kte;
++		code = find_keytab_entry(context, kt, hostname,
++					 &kte, svcnames);
++		if (code) {
++			printerr(0, "ERROR: %s: no usable keytab entry found "
++				 "in keytab %s for connection with host %s\n",
++				 __FUNCTION__, keytabfile, hostname);
++			retval = code;
++			goto out_free_kt;
++		}
++		ple = get_ple_by_princ(context, kte.principal);
++		k5_free_kt_entry(context, &kte);
++		if (ple == NULL) {
++			char *pname;
++			if ((krb5_unparse_name(context, kte.principal, &pname))) {
++				pname = NULL;
++			}
++			printerr(0, "ERROR: %s: Could not locate or create "
++				 "ple struct for principal %s for connection "
++				 "with host %s\n",
++				 __FUNCTION__, pname ? pname : "<unparsable>",
++				 hostname);
++			if (pname) k5_free_unparsed_name(context, pname);
++			goto out_free_kt;
++		}
++	}
++	retval = gssd_get_single_krb5_cred(context, kt, ple, 0);
++	krb5_kt_close(context, kt);
++	if (ple)
++		release_ple(context, ple);
++	krb5_free_context(context);
++	free(k5err);
++	return retval;
+ /*==========================*/
+ /*===  External routines ===*/
+ /*==========================*/
+@@ -1145,37 +1286,56 @@ gssd_get_krb5_machine_cred_list(char ***list)
+ 		goto out;
+ 	}
+-	/* Need to serialize list if we ever become multi-threaded! */
++	pthread_mutex_lock(&ple_lock);
+ 	for (ple = gssd_k5_kt_princ_list; ple; ple = ple->next) {
+-		if (ple->ccname) {
+-			/* Make sure cred is up-to-date before returning it */
+-			retval = gssd_refresh_krb5_machine_credential(NULL, ple,
+-				NULL);
+-			if (retval)
+-				continue;
+-			if (i + 1 > listsize) {
+-				listsize += listinc;
+-				l = (char **)
+-					realloc(l, listsize * sizeof(char *));
+-				if (l == NULL) {
+-					retval = ENOMEM;
+-					goto out;
+-				}
+-			}
+-			if ((l[i++] = strdup(ple->ccname)) == NULL) {
++		if (!ple->ccname)
++			continue;
++		/* Take advantage of the fact we only remove the ple
++		 * from the list during shutdown. If it's modified
++		 * concurrently at worst we'll just miss a new entry
++		 * before the current ple
++		 *
++		 * gssd_refresh_krb5_machine_credential_internal() will
++		 * release the ple refcount
++		 */
++		ple->refcount++;
++		pthread_mutex_unlock(&ple_lock);
++		/* Make sure cred is up-to-date before returning it */
++		retval = gssd_refresh_krb5_machine_credential_internal(NULL, ple,
++								       NULL);
++		pthread_mutex_lock(&ple_lock);
++		if (gssd_k5_kt_princ_list == NULL) {
++			/* Looks like we did shutdown... abort */
++			l[i] = NULL;
++			gssd_free_krb5_machine_cred_list(l);
++			retval = ENOMEM;
++			goto out_lock;
++		}
++		if (retval)
++			continue;
++		if (i + 1 > listsize) {
++			listsize += listinc;
++			l = (char **)
++				realloc(l, listsize * sizeof(char *));
++			if (l == NULL) {
+ 				retval = ENOMEM;
+-				goto out;
++				goto out_lock;
+ 			}
+ 		}
++		if ((l[i++] = strdup(ple->ccname)) == NULL) {
++			retval = ENOMEM;
++			goto out_lock;
++		}
+ 	}
+ 	if (i > 0) {
+ 		l[i] = NULL;
+ 		*list = l;
+ 		retval = 0;
+-		goto out;
+ 	} else
+ 		free((void *)l);
++	pthread_mutex_unlock(&ple_lock);
+   out:
+ 	return retval;
+ }
+@@ -1200,7 +1360,7 @@ gssd_free_krb5_machine_cred_list(char **list)
+  * Called upon exit.  Destroys machine credentials.
+  */
+ void
++gssd_destroy_krb5_principals(int destroy_machine_creds)
+ {
+ 	krb5_context context;
+ 	krb5_error_code code = 0;
+@@ -1212,113 +1372,48 @@ gssd_destroy_krb5_machine_creds(void)
+ 	if (code) {
+ 		k5err = gssd_k5_err_msg(NULL, code);
+ 		printerr(0, "ERROR: %s while initializing krb5\n", k5err);
+-		goto out;
++		free(k5err);
++		return;
+ 	}
+-	for (ple = gssd_k5_kt_princ_list; ple; ple = ple->next) {
+-		if (!ple->ccname)
+-			continue;
+-		if ((code = krb5_cc_resolve(context, ple->ccname, &ccache))) {
+-			k5err = gssd_k5_err_msg(context, code);
+-			printerr(0, "WARNING: %s while resolving credential "
+-				    "cache '%s' for destruction\n", k5err,
+-				    ple->ccname);
+-			free(k5err);
+-			k5err = NULL;
+-			continue;
+-		}
++	pthread_mutex_lock(&ple_lock);
++	while (gssd_k5_kt_princ_list) {
++		ple = gssd_k5_kt_princ_list;
++		gssd_k5_kt_princ_list = ple->next;
+-		if ((code = krb5_cc_destroy(context, ccache))) {
+-			k5err = gssd_k5_err_msg(context, code);
+-			printerr(0, "WARNING: %s while destroying credential "
+-				    "cache '%s'\n", k5err, ple->ccname);
+-			free(k5err);
+-			k5err = NULL;
++		if (destroy_machine_creds && ple->ccname) {
++			if ((code = krb5_cc_resolve(context, ple->ccname, &ccache))) {
++				k5err = gssd_k5_err_msg(context, code);
++				printerr(0, "WARNING: %s while resolving credential "
++					    "cache '%s' for destruction\n", k5err,
++					    ple->ccname);
++				free(k5err);
++				k5err = NULL;
++			}
++			if (!code && (code = krb5_cc_destroy(context, ccache))) {
++				k5err = gssd_k5_err_msg(context, code);
++				printerr(0, "WARNING: %s while destroying credential "
++					    "cache '%s'\n", k5err, ple->ccname);
++				free(k5err);
++				k5err = NULL;
++			}
+ 		}
++		release_ple_locked(context, ple);
+ 	}
++	pthread_mutex_unlock(&ple_lock);
+ 	krb5_free_context(context);
+-  out:
+-	free(k5err);
+ }
+ /*
+  * Obtain (or refresh if necessary) Kerberos machine credentials
+  */
+ int
+-gssd_refresh_krb5_machine_credential(char *hostname,
+-				     struct gssd_k5_kt_princ *ple, 
+-					 char *service)
++gssd_refresh_krb5_machine_credential(char *hostname, char *service)
+ {
+-	krb5_error_code code = 0;
+-	krb5_context context;
+-	krb5_keytab kt = NULL;;
+-	int retval = 0;
+-	char *k5err = NULL;
+-	const char *svcnames[] = { "$", "root", "nfs", "host", NULL };
+-	/*
+-	 * If a specific service name was specified, use it.
+-	 * Otherwise, use the default list.
+-	 */
+-	if (service != NULL && strcmp(service, "*") != 0) {
+-		svcnames[0] = service;
+-		svcnames[1] = NULL;
+-	}
+-	if (hostname == NULL && ple == NULL)
+-		return EINVAL;
+-	code = krb5_init_context(&context);
+-	if (code) {
+-		k5err = gssd_k5_err_msg(NULL, code);
+-		printerr(0, "ERROR: %s: %s while initializing krb5 context\n",
+-			 __func__, k5err);
+-		retval = code;
+-		goto out;
+-	}
+-	if ((code = krb5_kt_resolve(context, keytabfile, &kt))) {
+-		k5err = gssd_k5_err_msg(context, code);
+-		printerr(0, "ERROR: %s: %s while resolving keytab '%s'\n",
+-			 __func__, k5err, keytabfile);
+-		goto out_free_context;
+-	}
+-	if (ple == NULL) {
+-		krb5_keytab_entry kte;
+-		code = find_keytab_entry(context, kt, hostname, &kte, svcnames);
+-		if (code) {
+-			printerr(0, "ERROR: %s: no usable keytab entry found "
+-				 "in keytab %s for connection with host %s\n",
+-				 __FUNCTION__, keytabfile, hostname);
+-			retval = code;
+-			goto out_free_kt;
+-		}
+-		ple = get_ple_by_princ(context, kte.principal);
+-		k5_free_kt_entry(context, &kte);
+-		if (ple == NULL) {
+-			char *pname;
+-			if ((krb5_unparse_name(context, kte.principal, &pname))) {
+-				pname = NULL;
+-			}
+-			printerr(0, "ERROR: %s: Could not locate or create "
+-				 "ple struct for principal %s for connection "
+-				 "with host %s\n",
+-				 __FUNCTION__, pname ? pname : "<unparsable>",
+-				 hostname);
+-			if (pname) k5_free_unparsed_name(context, pname);
+-			goto out_free_kt;
+-		}
+-	}
+-	retval = gssd_get_single_krb5_cred(context, kt, ple, 0);
+-	krb5_kt_close(context, kt);
+-	krb5_free_context(context);
+-	free(k5err);
+-	return retval;
++    return gssd_refresh_krb5_machine_credential_internal(hostname, NULL,
++							 service);
+ }
+ /*
+diff --git a/utils/gssd/krb5_util.h b/utils/gssd/krb5_util.h
+index e3bbb07..b38c7d5 100644
+--- a/utils/gssd/krb5_util.h
++++ b/utils/gssd/krb5_util.h
+@@ -9,27 +9,13 @@
+ #include "gss_oids.h"
+ #endif
+- * List of principals from our keytab that we
+- * will try to use to obtain credentials
+- * (known as a principal list entry (ple))
+- */
+-struct gssd_k5_kt_princ {
+-	struct gssd_k5_kt_princ *next;
+-	krb5_principal princ;
+-	char *ccname;
+-	char *realm;
+-	krb5_timestamp endtime;
+ int gssd_setup_krb5_user_gss_ccache(uid_t uid, char *servername,
+ 				     char *dirname);
+ int  gssd_get_krb5_machine_cred_list(char ***list);
+ void gssd_free_krb5_machine_cred_list(char **list);
+-void gssd_destroy_krb5_machine_creds(void);
++void gssd_destroy_krb5_principals(int destroy_machine_creds);
+ int  gssd_refresh_krb5_machine_credential(char *hostname,
+-					  struct gssd_k5_kt_princ *ple, 
+ 					  char *service);
+ char *gssd_k5_err_msg(krb5_context context, krb5_error_code code);
+ void gssd_k5_get_default_realm(char **def_realm);
diff --git a/SPECS/nfs-utils.spec b/SPECS/nfs-utils.spec
index 1a77331..4851220 100644
--- a/SPECS/nfs-utils.spec
+++ b/SPECS/nfs-utils.spec
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ Summary: NFS utilities and supporting clients and daemons for the kernel NFS ser
 Name: nfs-utils
 URL: http://sourceforge.net/projects/nfs
 Version: 1.3.0
-Release: 0.68%{?dist}.1
+Release: 0.68%{?dist}.2
 Epoch: 1
 # group all 32bit related archs
@@ -172,6 +172,7 @@ Patch128: nfs-utils-1.3.0-rpcgssd-closedir.patch
 # RHEL7.9.z
 Patch129: nfs-utils-1.3.0-exportfs-root.patch
+Patch130: nfs-utils-1.3.0-gssd-mutex-updated.patch
 Patch1000: nfs-utils-1.2.1-statdpath-man.patch
 Patch1001: nfs-utils-1.2.1-exp-subtree-warn-off.patch
@@ -487,6 +488,7 @@ This package also contains the mount.nfs and umount.nfs program.
 %patch128 -p1
 # 1958975 - exportfs: unable to unexport root
 %patch129 -p1
+%patch130 -p1
 %patch1000 -p1
 %patch1001 -p1
@@ -739,6 +741,9 @@ fi
+* Tue Aug 10 2021 Steve Dickson <steved@redhat.com> 1.3.0-0.68.2
+- gssd: mutex updates (bz 1990981)
 * Wed Jun  9 2020 Steve Dickson <steved@redhat.com> 1.3.0-0.68.1
 - exportfs: fix unexporting of '/' (bz 1958975)