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This is a dist-git like repo for NFS-Ganesha.

The master brach is unused. Use an existing branch instead. Branch names follow convention like c<VERSION>-sig-storage-nfs-ganesha-<GANESHA-VERSION> as descibed on Naming and Patterns for Mapping Git Branches to Koji Tags

  • c7-sig-storage-nfs-ganesha-30: CentOS-7, nfs-ganesha-30
  • c7-sig-storage-nfs-ganesha-4: CentOS-7, nfs-ganesha-4
  • c8-sig-storage-nfs-ganesha-3: CentOS-8, nfs-ganesha-3
  • c8s-sig-storage-nfs-ganesha-3: CentOS-Stream8, nfs-ganesha-3
  • c8s-sig-storage-nfs-ganesha-4: CentOS-Stream8, nfs-ganesha-4
  • c9s-sig-storage-nfs-ganesha-4: CentOS-Stream9, nfs-ganesha-4
  • ...

Instructions for building the libntirpc and nfs-ganesha packages for the CentOS Storage SIG can be found in the following places:

E.g. build a src.rpm with:

$ rpmbuild -bs \
           --define "_sourcedir $PWD/SOURCES" --define "_srcrpmdir $PWD" \
           --define "dist .el8s" SPECS/nfs-ganesha.spec

To build:

  1. Upload the source tar file to the lookaside cache, e.g.: $ lookaside_upload -f SOURCES/nfs-ganesha-4.0.tar.gz -n nfs-ganesha -b c8s-sig-storage-nfs-ganesha-4

  2. update the .nfs-ganesha.metadata with the hash from step 1: $ cat .nfs-ganesha.metadata e9c6a6a482b8e46117c2a6c37b50c569bd62d92e SOURCES/nfs-ganesha-4.0.tar.gz

  3. commit and push SPECS/nfs-ganesha.spec and .nfs-ganesha.metadata, e.g.: $ git add SPECS/nfs-ganesha.spec .nfs-ganesha.metadata $ git commit $ git push origin c8s-sig-storage-nfs-ganesha-4

  4. retrieve the commit for step 3: $ git log|head -n 1 commit 29f19456be12986e86392652331e3a56ff0a88a0

  5. build $ cbs build storage8s-nfsganesha-4-el8s git+https://git.centos.org/rpms/nfs-ganesha.git#29f19456be12986e86392652331e3a56ff0a88a0

And the packages with

$ cbs build [--scratch] storage8s-nfsganesha-4-el8s nfs-ganesha*.el8s.src.rpm