diff --git a/SOURCES/0001-clutter-actor-Don-t-emit-the-parent-set-signal-on-de.patch b/SOURCES/0001-clutter-actor-Don-t-emit-the-parent-set-signal-on-de.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c845f2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0001-clutter-actor-Don-t-emit-the-parent-set-signal-on-de.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+From be7ac5afa6227484b997a1770dab01a42ea2a035 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?Marco=20Trevisan=20=28Trevi=C3=B1o=29?= <mail@3v1n0.net>
+Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2019 03:19:58 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 1/2] clutter/actor: Don't emit the parent-set signal on
+ destruction
+Clutter actors unset their parent on dispose, after emitting the ::destroy
+signal, however this could cause ::parent-set signal emission. Since we
+assume that after the destruction has been completed the actor isn't valid
+anymore, and that during the destroy phase we do all the signal / source
+disconnections, this might create unwanted behaviors, as in the signal
+callbacks we always assume that the actor isn't in disposed yet.
+To avoid this, don't emit ::parent-set signal if the actor is being
+Update the actor-destroy test to verify this behavior.
+(cherry picked from commit f376a318ba90fc29d3d661df4f55698459f31cfa)
+ clutter/clutter/clutter-actor.c       |  3 ++-
+ clutter/tests/conform/actor-destroy.c | 16 ++++++++++++++++
+ 2 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/clutter/clutter/clutter-actor.c b/clutter/clutter/clutter-actor.c
+index 7111d824d3..0e531eea52 100644
+--- a/clutter/clutter/clutter-actor.c
++++ b/clutter/clutter/clutter-actor.c
+@@ -4315,7 +4315,8 @@ clutter_actor_remove_child_internal (ClutterActor                 *self,
+     }
+   /* clutter_actor_reparent() will emit ::parent-set for us */
+-  if (emit_parent_set && !CLUTTER_ACTOR_IN_REPARENT (child))
++  if (emit_parent_set && !CLUTTER_ACTOR_IN_REPARENT (child) &&
+     g_signal_emit (child, actor_signals[PARENT_SET], 0, self);
+   /* if the child was mapped then we need to relayout ourselves to account
+diff --git a/clutter/tests/conform/actor-destroy.c b/clutter/tests/conform/actor-destroy.c
+index 03092a0108..14ad1a25c8 100644
+--- a/clutter/tests/conform/actor-destroy.c
++++ b/clutter/tests/conform/actor-destroy.c
+@@ -159,15 +159,28 @@ on_destroy (ClutterActor *actor,
+ {
+   gboolean *destroy_called = data;
++  g_assert_true (CLUTTER_IS_ACTOR (clutter_actor_get_parent (actor)));
+   *destroy_called = TRUE;
+ }
++static void
++on_parent_set (ClutterActor *actor,
++               ClutterActor *old_parent,
++               gpointer      data)
++  gboolean *parent_set_called = data;
++  *parent_set_called = TRUE;
+ static void
+ actor_destruction (void)
+ {
+   ClutterActor *test = g_object_new (TEST_TYPE_DESTROY, NULL);
+   ClutterActor *child = clutter_rectangle_new ();
+   gboolean destroy_called = FALSE;
++  gboolean parent_set_called = FALSE;
+   g_object_ref_sink (test);
+@@ -179,6 +192,8 @@ actor_destruction (void)
+   clutter_actor_set_name (child, "Child");
+   clutter_container_add_actor (CLUTTER_CONTAINER (test), child);
++  g_signal_connect (child, "parent-set", G_CALLBACK (on_parent_set),
++                    &parent_set_called);
+   g_signal_connect (child, "destroy", G_CALLBACK (on_destroy), &destroy_called);
+   if (g_test_verbose ())
+@@ -186,6 +201,7 @@ actor_destruction (void)
+   clutter_actor_destroy (test);
+   g_assert (destroy_called);
++  g_assert_false (parent_set_called);
+   g_assert_null (child);
+   g_assert_null (test);
+ }
diff --git a/SOURCES/0001-idle-monitor-NULL-check-cached-InhibitedActions-prop.patch b/SOURCES/0001-idle-monitor-NULL-check-cached-InhibitedActions-prop.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd98419
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0001-idle-monitor-NULL-check-cached-InhibitedActions-prop.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+From fd5f67d2e3459168f9cf83648d5f7f91eccca61e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?Jonas=20=C3=85dahl?= <jadahl@gmail.com>
+Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2018 17:43:27 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] idle-monitor: NULL check cached InhibitedActions property
+ variant
+We might not have a cached "InhibitedActions" property available for us,
+so do as elsewhere in this file and NULL check before processing it.
+ src/backends/meta-idle-monitor.c | 7 +++++--
+ 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/backends/meta-idle-monitor.c b/src/backends/meta-idle-monitor.c
+index c6e814468..6ce024001 100644
+--- a/src/backends/meta-idle-monitor.c
++++ b/src/backends/meta-idle-monitor.c
+@@ -235,62 +235,65 @@ meta_idle_monitor_inhibited_actions_changed (GDBusProxy  *session,
+     }
+ }
+ static void
+ meta_idle_monitor_init (MetaIdleMonitor *monitor)
+ {
+   GVariant *v;
+   monitor->watches = g_hash_table_new_full (NULL, NULL, NULL, free_watch);
+   monitor->last_event_time = g_get_monotonic_time ();
+   /* Monitor inhibitors */
+   monitor->session_proxy =
+     g_dbus_proxy_new_for_bus_sync (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION,
+                                    G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_DO_NOT_CONNECT_SIGNALS,
+                                    NULL,
+                                    "org.gnome.SessionManager",
+                                    "/org/gnome/SessionManager",
+                                    "org.gnome.SessionManager",
+                                    NULL,
+                                    NULL);
+   if (!monitor->session_proxy)
+     return;
+   g_signal_connect (monitor->session_proxy, "g-properties-changed",
+                     G_CALLBACK (meta_idle_monitor_inhibited_actions_changed),
+                     monitor);
+   v = g_dbus_proxy_get_cached_property (monitor->session_proxy,
+                                         "InhibitedActions");
+-  monitor->inhibited = g_variant_get_uint32 (v) & GSM_INHIBITOR_FLAG_IDLE;
+-  g_variant_unref (v);
++  if (v)
++    {
++      monitor->inhibited = g_variant_get_uint32 (v) & GSM_INHIBITOR_FLAG_IDLE;
++      g_variant_unref (v);
++    }
+ }
+ /**
+  * meta_idle_monitor_get_core:
+  *
+  * Returns: (transfer none): the #MetaIdleMonitor that tracks the server-global
+  * idletime for all devices. To track device-specific idletime,
+  * use meta_idle_monitor_get_for_device().
+  */
+ MetaIdleMonitor *
+ meta_idle_monitor_get_core (void)
+ {
+   MetaBackend *backend = meta_get_backend ();
+   return meta_backend_get_idle_monitor (backend, 0);
+ }
+ /**
+  * meta_idle_monitor_get_for_device:
+  * @device_id: the device to get the idle time for.
+  *
+  * Returns: (transfer none): a new #MetaIdleMonitor that tracks the
+  * device-specific idletime for @device. To track server-global idletime
+  * for all devices, use meta_idle_monitor_get_core().
+  */
+ MetaIdleMonitor *
+ meta_idle_monitor_get_for_device (int device_id)
+ {
+   MetaBackend *backend = meta_get_backend ();
+   return meta_backend_get_idle_monitor (backend, device_id);
+ }
diff --git a/SOURCES/0002-clutter-actor-Don-t-emit-property-changes-after-dest.patch b/SOURCES/0002-clutter-actor-Don-t-emit-property-changes-after-dest.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96c83d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0002-clutter-actor-Don-t-emit-property-changes-after-dest.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+From e10d6a7994dcdd9faa913444857bbe96b32528f5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?Marco=20Trevisan=20=28Trevi=C3=B1o=29?= <mail@3v1n0.net>
+Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2019 03:34:09 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 2/2] clutter/actor: Don't emit property changes after
+ ::destroy
+Clutter actors might emit property changes in dispose, while unparenting.
+However we assume that the ::destroy signal is the last one we emit for an
+actor, and that starting from this moment the object is not valid anymore,
+and so we don't expect any signal emission from it.
+To avoid this, freeze the object notifications on an actor during its
+disposition, just before the ::destroy signal emission.
+Update the actor-destroy test to verify this behavior.
+(cherry picked from commit 105a3f757a31299ed4eaafa0615e1fcd0b4ffeec)
+ clutter/clutter/clutter-actor.c       |  3 +++
+ clutter/tests/conform/actor-destroy.c | 13 +++++++++++++
+ 2 files changed, 16 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/clutter/clutter/clutter-actor.c b/clutter/clutter/clutter-actor.c
+index 0e531eea52..e381352e72 100644
+--- a/clutter/clutter/clutter-actor.c
++++ b/clutter/clutter/clutter-actor.c
+@@ -5933,6 +5933,9 @@ clutter_actor_dispose (GObject *object)
+                 object->ref_count,
+ 		g_type_name (G_OBJECT_TYPE (self)));
++  /* Stop the emission of any property change */
++  g_object_freeze_notify (object);
+   g_signal_emit (self, actor_signals[DESTROY], 0);
+   /* avoid recursing when called from clutter_actor_destroy() */
+diff --git a/clutter/tests/conform/actor-destroy.c b/clutter/tests/conform/actor-destroy.c
+index 14ad1a25c8..0f648cf6c8 100644
+--- a/clutter/tests/conform/actor-destroy.c
++++ b/clutter/tests/conform/actor-destroy.c
+@@ -174,6 +174,16 @@ on_parent_set (ClutterActor *actor,
+   *parent_set_called = TRUE;
+ }
++static void
++on_notify (ClutterActor *actor,
++           ClutterActor *old_parent,
++           gpointer      data)
++  gboolean *property_changed = data;
++  *property_changed = TRUE;
+ static void
+ actor_destruction (void)
+ {
+@@ -181,6 +191,7 @@ actor_destruction (void)
+   ClutterActor *child = clutter_rectangle_new ();
+   gboolean destroy_called = FALSE;
+   gboolean parent_set_called = FALSE;
++  gboolean property_changed = FALSE;
+   g_object_ref_sink (test);
+@@ -194,6 +205,7 @@ actor_destruction (void)
+   clutter_container_add_actor (CLUTTER_CONTAINER (test), child);
+   g_signal_connect (child, "parent-set", G_CALLBACK (on_parent_set),
+                     &parent_set_called);
++  g_signal_connect (child, "notify", G_CALLBACK (on_notify), &property_changed);
+   g_signal_connect (child, "destroy", G_CALLBACK (on_destroy), &destroy_called);
+   if (g_test_verbose ())
+@@ -202,6 +214,7 @@ actor_destruction (void)
+   clutter_actor_destroy (test);
+   g_assert (destroy_called);
+   g_assert_false (parent_set_called);
++  g_assert_false (property_changed);
+   g_assert_null (child);
+   g_assert_null (test);
+ }
diff --git a/SPECS/mutter.spec b/SPECS/mutter.spec
index a323819..a6810cf 100644
--- a/SPECS/mutter.spec
+++ b/SPECS/mutter.spec
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 Name:          mutter
 Version:       3.28.3
-Release:       28%{?dist}
+Release:       30%{?dist}
 Summary:       Window and compositing manager based on Clutter
 License:       GPLv2+
@@ -168,6 +168,12 @@ Patch502: 0002-barriers-Fix-leak-in-meta_barrier_destroy.patch
 Patch503: 0003-barriers-Free-backend-implementation-at-dispose-time.patch
 Patch504: 0004-src-Export-MetaWaylandX11-to-introspection.patch
+# More Leak fixes
+Patch601: 0001-clutter-actor-Don-t-emit-the-parent-set-signal-on-de.patch
+Patch602: 0002-clutter-actor-Don-t-emit-property-changes-after-dest.patch
+Patch701: 0001-idle-monitor-NULL-check-cached-InhibitedActions-prop.patch
 BuildRequires: chrpath
 BuildRequires: pango-devel
 BuildRequires: startup-notification-devel
@@ -323,6 +329,10 @@ glib-compile-schemas %{_datadir}/glib-2.0/schemas &> /dev/null || :
+* Thu Nov 12 2020 Jonas Ã…dahl <jadahl@redhat.com>) - 3.28.3-30
+- Try to fix leaks even more and a log spew fix
+  Resolves: #1897063
 * Wed Oct 14 2020 Ray Strode <rstrode@redhat.com> - 3.28.3-28
 - Try to fix leaks
   Resolves: #1717000