diff --git a/SOURCES/0001-background-Allow-using-sliced-textures-for-file-base.patch b/SOURCES/0001-background-Allow-using-sliced-textures-for-file-base.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13bdb48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0001-background-Allow-using-sliced-textures-for-file-base.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+From b7840bec7d135fec3c268b5eab1233d6c6c7cdf6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Ray Strode <rstrode@redhat.com>
+Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 14:49:13 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH] background: Allow using sliced textures for file based
+ backgrounds
+Some cards have 2k texture limits, which can be smaller than
+commonly sized backgrounds.
+One way to get around this problem is to use Cogl's "sliced texture"
+feature, that transparently uses several hardware textures under the hood.
+This commit changes background textures loaded from file to potentially
+use slicing.  Based on a patch by Jasper St. Pierre
+ src/compositor/meta-background.c | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/src/compositor/meta-background.c b/src/compositor/meta-background.c
+index b8e0d52..568614f 100644
+--- a/src/compositor/meta-background.c
++++ b/src/compositor/meta-background.c
+@@ -1090,7 +1090,7 @@ meta_background_load_file_finish (MetaBackground  *self,
+   texture = cogl_texture_new_from_data (width,
+                                         height,
+-                                        COGL_TEXTURE_NO_SLICING,
++                                        COGL_TEXTURE_NO_ATLAS,
+                                         has_alpha ?
+                                         COGL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888 :
+                                         COGL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_888,
diff --git a/SOURCES/0001-background-don-t-save-pixbuf-in-user-data.patch b/SOURCES/0001-background-don-t-save-pixbuf-in-user-data.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3270091
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0001-background-don-t-save-pixbuf-in-user-data.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+From c52b30d01f0abcba397c7bfa62abb311d7ea2c8a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Tim Lunn <tim@feathertop.org>
+Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 11:39:38 +1000
+Subject: [PATCH] background: don't save pixbuf in user data
+ src/compositor/meta-background.c | 7 -------
+ 1 file changed, 7 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/compositor/meta-background.c b/src/compositor/meta-background.c
+index 76477c8..af33f58 100644
+--- a/src/compositor/meta-background.c
++++ b/src/compositor/meta-background.c
+@@ -1031,7 +1031,6 @@ meta_background_load_file_finish (MetaBackground  *self,
+                                   GAsyncResult    *result,
+                                   GError         **error)
+ {
+-  static CoglUserDataKey key;
+   GTask *task;
+   LoadFileTaskData *task_data;
+   CoglTexture *texture;
+@@ -1077,12 +1076,6 @@ meta_background_load_file_finish (MetaBackground  *self,
+       goto out;
+     }
+-  cogl_object_set_user_data (COGL_OBJECT (texture),
+-                             &key,
+-                             g_object_ref (pixbuf),
+-                             (CoglUserDataDestroyCallback)
+-                             g_object_unref);
+   ensure_pipeline (self);
+   unset_texture (self);
+   set_style (self, task_data->style);
diff --git a/SOURCES/0001-core-Add-minimal-handling-of-touch-events.patch b/SOURCES/0001-core-Add-minimal-handling-of-touch-events.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac0f8fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0001-core-Add-minimal-handling-of-touch-events.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+From 9eeb657cd98eeb198e50130b4081b2b34b1d7469 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Carlos Garnacho <carlosg@gnome.org>
+Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2014 19:24:12 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] core: Add minimal handling of touch events
+Currently touch events are ignored in the core event handler,
+and hence dealt with within GDK. If those touch events were
+emulating pointer events, GDK would attempt to convert back
+those events to pointer events as the frame GdkWindow doesn't
+have the GDK_TOUCH_MASK set.
+This results in XI_TouchBegin events being initially processed
+by GDK, converted to button events, and triggering a grab op
+that subverts touch events into pointer events, so the touch
+is never ever seen again by GDK. This leaves GDK in an
+inconsistent internal state wrt pointer grabs, so future
+pointer-emulating touches will refer to the same window forever.
+Fix this by handling touch events minimally, just enough to
+convert XI_TouchBegin to GDK_BUTTON_PRESS within mutter, so GDK
+is bypassed for every touch event just like it is for pointer
+events. This, and the XIGrabDevice() that keeps coercing pointer
+events when the grab operation starts, are enough to fix window
+drag and drop on touch devices.
+ src/core/display.c | 51 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
+ src/ui/ui.c        | 18 ++++++++++++++----
+ 2 files changed, 53 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/core/display.c b/src/core/display.c
+index d611314..435d9d9 100644
+--- a/src/core/display.c
++++ b/src/core/display.c
+@@ -1838,6 +1838,9 @@ get_input_event (MetaDisplay *display,
+       switch (input_event->evtype)
+         {
++        case XI_TouchBegin:
++        case XI_TouchUpdate:
++        case XI_TouchEnd:
+         case XI_Motion:
+         case XI_ButtonPress:
+         case XI_ButtonRelease:
+@@ -2041,6 +2044,7 @@ event_callback (XEvent   *event,
+     {
+       XIDeviceEvent *device_event = (XIDeviceEvent *) input_event;
+       XIEnterEvent *enter_event = (XIEnterEvent *) input_event;
++      gint button = 0;
+       if (window && !window->override_redirect &&
+           ((input_event->type == XI_KeyPress) || (input_event->type == XI_ButtonPress)))
+@@ -2076,19 +2080,32 @@ event_callback (XEvent   *event,
+           if (meta_display_process_key_event (display, window, (XIDeviceEvent *) input_event))
+             filter_out_event = bypass_compositor = TRUE;
+           break;
++        case XI_TouchBegin:
++          /* Filter out non-pointer-emulating touches */
++          if ((((XIDeviceEvent *) input_event)->flags & XITouchEmulatingPointer) == 0)
++            break;
++          /* Fall through */
+         case XI_ButtonPress:
+           if (display->grab_op == META_GRAB_OP_COMPOSITOR)
+             break;
+           display->overlay_key_only_pressed = FALSE;
+-          if (device_event->detail == 4 || device_event->detail == 5)
+-            /* Scrollwheel event, do nothing and deliver event to compositor below */
+-            break;
++          if (input_event->evtype == XI_ButtonPress)
++            {
++              if (device_event->detail == 4 || device_event->detail == 5)
++                /* Scrollwheel event, do nothing and deliver event to compositor below */
++                break;
++              else
++                button = device_event->detail;
++            }
++          else if (input_event->evtype == XI_TouchBegin)
++            button = 1;
+           if ((window &&
+                meta_grab_op_is_mouse (display->grab_op) &&
+-               display->grab_button != device_event->detail &&
++               display->grab_button != button &&
+                display->grab_window == window) ||
+               grab_op_is_keyboard (display->grab_op))
+             {
+@@ -2130,8 +2147,7 @@ event_callback (XEvent   *event,
+                */
+               unmodified = (device_event->mods.effective & grab_mask) == 0;
+-              if (unmodified ||
+-                  device_event->detail == 1)
++              if (unmodified || button == 1)
+                 {
+                   /* don't focus if frame received, will be lowered in
+                    * frames.c or special-cased if the click was on a
+@@ -2152,7 +2168,7 @@ event_callback (XEvent   *event,
+                         {
+                           meta_topic (META_DEBUG_FOCUS,
+                                       "Focusing %s due to unmodified button %u press (display.c)\n",
+-                                      window->desc, device_event->detail);
++                                      window->desc, button);
+                           meta_window_focus (window, device_event->time);
+                         }
+                       else
+@@ -2168,7 +2184,7 @@ event_callback (XEvent   *event,
+                   if (!unmodified)
+                     begin_move = TRUE;
+                 }
+-              else if (!unmodified && device_event->detail == meta_prefs_get_mouse_button_resize())
++              else if (!unmodified && button == meta_prefs_get_mouse_button_resize())
+                 {
+                   if (window->has_resize_func)
+                     {
+@@ -2210,21 +2226,21 @@ event_callback (XEvent   *event,
+                                                     op,
+                                                     TRUE,
+                                                     FALSE,
+-                                                    device_event->detail,
++                                                    button,
+                                                     0,
+                                                     device_event->time,
+                                                     device_event->root_x,
+                                                     device_event->root_y);
+                     }
+                 }
+-              else if (device_event->detail == meta_prefs_get_mouse_button_menu())
++              else if (button == meta_prefs_get_mouse_button_menu())
+                 {
+                   if (meta_prefs_get_raise_on_click ())
+                     meta_window_raise (window);
+                   meta_window_show_menu (window,
+                                          device_event->root_x,
+                                          device_event->root_y,
+-                                         device_event->detail,
++                                         button,
+                                          device_event->time);
+                 }
+@@ -2267,7 +2283,7 @@ event_callback (XEvent   *event,
+                                               META_GRAB_OP_MOVING,
+                                               TRUE,
+                                               FALSE,
+-                                              device_event->detail,
++                                              button,
+                                               0,
+                                               device_event->time,
+                                               device_event->root_x,
+@@ -2438,6 +2454,14 @@ event_callback (XEvent   *event,
+             filter_out_event = bypass_compositor = TRUE;
+           break;
+ #endif /* HAVE_XI23 */
++        case XI_TouchUpdate:
++        case XI_TouchEnd:
++          /* Currently unhandled, if any grab_op is started through XI_TouchBegin,
++           * the XIGrabDevice() evmask drops touch events, so only emulated
++           * XI_Motions and XI_ButtonRelease will follow.
++           */
++          filter_out_event = TRUE;
++          break;
+         }
+     }
+   else
+@@ -2963,6 +2987,9 @@ event_get_modified_window (MetaDisplay *display,
+         case XI_ButtonRelease:
+         case XI_KeyPress:
+         case XI_KeyRelease:
++        case XI_TouchBegin:
++        case XI_TouchUpdate:
++        case XI_TouchEnd:
+           return ((XIDeviceEvent *) input_event)->event;
+         case XI_FocusIn:
+         case XI_FocusOut:
+diff --git a/src/ui/ui.c b/src/ui/ui.c
+index af28263..582fdce 100644
+--- a/src/ui/ui.c
++++ b/src/ui/ui.c
+@@ -126,6 +126,7 @@ maybe_redirect_mouse_event (XEvent *xevent)
+   switch (xev->evtype)
+     {
++    case XI_TouchBegin:
+     case XI_ButtonPress:
+     case XI_ButtonRelease:
+     case XI_Motion:
+@@ -162,20 +163,27 @@ maybe_redirect_mouse_event (XEvent *xevent)
+   switch (xev->evtype)
+     {
++    case XI_TouchBegin:
+     case XI_ButtonPress:
+     case XI_ButtonRelease:
+-      if (xev_d->evtype == XI_ButtonPress)
++      if (xev_d->evtype == XI_ButtonPress || xev_d->evtype == XI_TouchBegin)
+         {
+           GtkSettings *settings = gtk_settings_get_default ();
+           int double_click_time;
+           int double_click_distance;
++          int button;
+           g_object_get (settings,
+                         "gtk-double-click-time", &double_click_time,
+                         "gtk-double-click-distance", &double_click_distance,
+                         NULL);
+-          if (xev_d->detail == ui->button_click_number &&
++          if (xev->evtype == XI_TouchBegin)
++            button = 1;
++          else
++            button = xev_d->detail;
++          if (button == ui->button_click_number &&
+               xev_d->event == ui->button_click_window &&
+               xev_d->time < ui->button_click_time + double_click_time &&
+               ABS (xev_d->event_x - ui->button_click_x) <= double_click_distance &&
+@@ -188,20 +196,22 @@ maybe_redirect_mouse_event (XEvent *xevent)
+           else
+             {
+               gevent = gdk_event_new (GDK_BUTTON_PRESS);
+-              ui->button_click_number = xev_d->detail;
++              ui->button_click_number = button;
+               ui->button_click_window = xev_d->event;
+               ui->button_click_time = xev_d->time;
+               ui->button_click_x = xev_d->event_x;
+               ui->button_click_y = xev_d->event_y;
+             }
++          gevent->button.button = button;
+         }
+       else
+         {
+           gevent = gdk_event_new (GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE);
++          gevent->button.button = xev_d->detail;
+         }
+       gevent->button.window = g_object_ref (gdk_window);
+-      gevent->button.button = xev_d->detail;
+       gevent->button.time = xev_d->time;
+       gevent->button.x = xev_d->event_x;
+       gevent->button.y = xev_d->event_y;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0001-workspace-Add-missing-chain-up-for-finalize.patch b/SOURCES/0001-workspace-Add-missing-chain-up-for-finalize.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6733f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0001-workspace-Add-missing-chain-up-for-finalize.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+From 2a4678ecee0839f9efe12f169002c3d19c1a40fa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Pavel Vasin <rat4vier@gmail.com>
+Date: Sat, 14 Sep 2013 16:18:02 +0400
+Subject: [PATCH] workspace: Add missing chain-up for finalize()
+ src/core/workspace.c | 1 +
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
+diff --git a/src/core/workspace.c b/src/core/workspace.c
+index d2c1552..e5da6d2 100644
+--- a/src/core/workspace.c
++++ b/src/core/workspace.c
+@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ static void
+ meta_workspace_finalize (GObject *object)
+ {
+   /* Actual freeing done in meta_workspace_remove() for now */
++  G_OBJECT_CLASS (meta_workspace_parent_class)->finalize (object);
+ }
+ static void
diff --git a/SOURCES/MetaWindowGroup-fix-paint-volume.patch b/SOURCES/MetaWindowGroup-fix-paint-volume.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c685323
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/MetaWindowGroup-fix-paint-volume.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+From a796938b3991535ac9b5e79436ce1dbf1da72904 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: "Owen W. Taylor" <otaylor@fishsoup.net>
+Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2013 00:27:03 -0500
+Subject: [PATCH] MetaWindowGroup: fix paint volume
+In the past, MetaWindowGroup was allocated the size of the screen and
+painted the size of the screen because it contained the screen background,
+but now we also have the "top window group" which contains only popup
+windows, so the allocation doesn't properly reflect the paint bounds
+of the window group. Compute the paint bounds accurately from the
+ src/compositor/meta-window-group.c | 23 +++++++++++++++++++++--
+ 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff -up mutter-3.8.4/src/compositor/meta-window-group.c.window-group-paint-volume mutter-3.8.4/src/compositor/meta-window-group.c
+--- mutter-3.8.4/src/compositor/meta-window-group.c.window-group-paint-volume	2014-02-11 11:36:22.448065800 -0500
++++ mutter-3.8.4/src/compositor/meta-window-group.c	2014-02-11 11:40:28.723506360 -0500
+@@ -250,11 +250,30 @@ meta_window_group_paint (ClutterActor *a
+   g_list_free (children);
+ }
++/* Adapted from clutter_actor_update_default_paint_volume() */
+ static gboolean
+-meta_window_group_get_paint_volume (ClutterActor       *actor,
++meta_window_group_get_paint_volume (ClutterActor       *self,
+                                     ClutterPaintVolume *volume)
+ {
+-  return clutter_paint_volume_set_from_allocation (volume, actor);
++  ClutterActorIter iter;
++  ClutterActor *child;
++  clutter_actor_iter_init (&iter, self);
++  while (clutter_actor_iter_next (&iter, &child))
++    {
++      const ClutterPaintVolume *child_volume;
++      if (!CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_MAPPED (child))
++        continue;
++      child_volume = clutter_actor_get_transformed_paint_volume (child, self);
++      if (child_volume == NULL)
++        return FALSE;
++      clutter_paint_volume_union (volume, child_volume);
++    }
++  return TRUE;
+ }
+ static void
diff --git a/SOURCES/deal-more-gracefully-with-oversized-windows.patch b/SOURCES/deal-more-gracefully-with-oversized-windows.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff248ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/deal-more-gracefully-with-oversized-windows.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+From 45b76b121a6f7fd01742b78f9c44a48a3caffbf0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?Florian=20M=C3=BCllner?= <fmuellner@gnome.org>
+Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2014 06:26:57 -0500
+Subject: [PATCH 1/2] window-actor: Guard against %NULL frame mask
+Creating a new cogl texture may fail, in which case the intent to
+free it will crash. While something is clearly wrong (insanely
+large window, oom, ...), crashing the WM is harsh and we should
+try to avoid it if at all possible, so carry on.
+ src/compositor/meta-window-actor.c | 3 ++-
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/src/compositor/meta-window-actor.c b/src/compositor/meta-window-actor.c
+index 42d1257..055b413 100644
+--- a/src/compositor/meta-window-actor.c
++++ b/src/compositor/meta-window-actor.c
+@@ -2181,7 +2181,8 @@ build_and_scan_frame_mask (MetaWindowActor       *self,
+   meta_shaped_texture_set_mask_texture (META_SHAPED_TEXTURE (priv->actor),
+                                         mask_texture);
+-  cogl_object_unref (mask_texture);
++  if (mask_texture)
++    cogl_object_unref (mask_texture);
+   g_free (mask_data);
+ }
+From bd6fa34598b774de36c4c65d2cfa577c24f18722 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?Florian=20M=C3=BCllner?= <fmuellner@gnome.org>
+Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 02:04:13 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 2/2] constraints: Enforce X11 size limits
+X11 limits windows to a maximum of 32767x32767, enforce that restriction
+to keep insanely huge windows from crashing the WM.
+ src/core/constraints.c | 39 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ 1 file changed, 39 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/src/core/constraints.c b/src/core/constraints.c
+index 606baea..2a510e0 100644
+--- a/src/core/constraints.c
++++ b/src/core/constraints.c
+@@ -104,6 +104,7 @@ typedef enum
+   PRIORITY_MAXIMUM = 4 /* Dummy value used for loop end = max(all priorities) */
+ } ConstraintPriority;
+@@ -192,6 +193,10 @@ static gboolean constrain_partially_onscreen (MetaWindow         *window,
+                                               ConstraintInfo     *info,
+                                               ConstraintPriority  priority,
+                                               gboolean            check_only);
++static gboolean constrain_xlimits            (MetaWindow         *window,
++                                              ConstraintInfo     *info,
++                                              ConstraintPriority  priority,
++                                              gboolean            check_only);
+ static void setup_constraint_info        (ConstraintInfo      *info,
+                                           MetaWindow          *window,
+@@ -236,6 +241,7 @@ static const Constraint all_constraints[] = {
+   {constrain_fully_onscreen,     "constrain_fully_onscreen"},
+   {constrain_titlebar_visible,   "constrain_titlebar_visible"},
+   {constrain_partially_onscreen, "constrain_partially_onscreen"},
++  {constrain_xlimits,            "constrain_xlimits"},
+   {NULL,                         NULL}
+ };
+@@ -1518,3 +1524,36 @@ constrain_partially_onscreen (MetaWindow         *window,
+   return retval;
+ }
++#define MAX_WINDOW_SIZE 32767
++static gboolean
++constrain_xlimits (MetaWindow         *window,
++                   ConstraintInfo     *info,
++                   ConstraintPriority  priority,
++                   gboolean            check_only)
++  int max_w, max_h;
++  gboolean constraint_already_satisfied;
++  if (priority > PRIORITY_XLIMITS)
++    return TRUE;
++  max_w = MAX_WINDOW_SIZE;
++  if (window->frame)
++    max_w -= (info->borders->total.left + info->borders->total.right);
++  max_h = MAX_WINDOW_SIZE;
++  if (window->frame)
++    max_h -= (info->borders->total.top + info->borders->total.bottom);
++  constraint_already_satisfied = info->current.width < max_w && info->current.height < max_h;
++  if (check_only || constraint_already_satisfied)
++    return constraint_already_satisfied;
++  info->current.width = MIN (info->current.width, max_w);
++  info->current.height = MIN (info->current.height, max_h);
++  return TRUE;
diff --git a/SOURCES/mutter-translation-updates.patch b/SOURCES/mutter-translation-updates.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4af0bae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/mutter-translation-updates.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,12703 @@
+--- a/mutter-3.8.4/po/bn_IN.po	2013-11-28 17:15:31.984866743 +0530
++++ a/mutter-3.8.4/po/bn_IN.po	2013-11-28 17:17:23.036871335 +0530
+@@ -2,54 +2,236 @@ 
+ # Bengali India Translation for Metacity 2.4
+ # Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the METACITY package.
+ # Dr Anirban Mitra <mitra_anirban@yahoo.co.in>, 2003.
+ # Mahay Alam Khan <makl10n@yahoo.com>, 2005.
+ # Samia Niamatullah <mailsamia2001@yahoo.com>, 2005.
+ # Runa Bhattacharjee <runabh@gmail.com>, 2006.
+ # Runa Bhattacharjee <runab@redhat.com>, 2009.
+ # Sayak Sarkar <sayak.bugsmith@gmail.com>, 2012.
++# sray <sray@redhat.com>, 2013. #zanata
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: bn_IN\n"
+-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product="
+ "POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-11 20:02+0000\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-10-12 05:01+0530\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Sayak Sarkar <sayak.bugsmith@gmail.com>\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-10-22 03:37-0400\n"
++"Last-Translator: sray <sray@redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Bengali (India) <anubad@lists.ankur.org.in>\n"
+-"Language: bn_IN\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+-"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.4\n"
++"Language: bn-IN\n"
+ "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
++"X-Generator: Zanata 3.1.2\n"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Navigation"
++msgstr "ন্যাভিগেশন"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Move window to workspace 1"
++msgstr "উইন্ডো কর্মক্ষেত্র ১ এ সরান"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:3
++msgid "Move window to workspace 2"
++msgstr "উইন্ডো কর্মক্ষেত্র ২ এ সরান"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "Move window to workspace 3"
++msgstr "উইন্ডো কর্মক্ষেত্র ৩ এ সরান"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Move window to workspace 4"
++msgstr "উইন্ডো কর্মক্ষেত্র ৪ এ সরান"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "Move window one workspace to the left"
++msgstr "উইন্ডো বাম দিকে এক কর্মক্ষেত্র সরান"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Move window one workspace to the right"
++msgstr "উইন্ডো ডান দিকে এক কর্মক্ষেত্র সরান"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "Move window one workspace up"
++msgstr "উইন্ডো এক কর্মক্ষেত্র উপরে সরান"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Move window one workspace down"
++msgstr "উইন্ডো এক কর্মক্ষেত্র নীচে সরান"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:10
++msgid "Switch applications"
++msgstr "অ্যাপ্লিকেশনগুলি স্যুইচ করুন"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:11
++msgid "Switch windows"
++msgstr "উইন্ডোগুলি স্যুইচ করুন"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:12
++msgid "Switch windows of an application"
++msgstr "কোনো অ্যাপ্লিকেশনের উইন্ডোগুলি স্যুইচ করুন"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:13
++msgid "Switch system controls"
++msgstr "সিস্টেম কন্ট্রোলগুলি স্যুইচ করুন"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Switch windows directly"
++msgstr "উইন্ডোগুলি সরাসরি স্যুইচ করুন"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:15
++msgid "Switch windows of an app directly"
++msgstr "কোনো অ্যাপ্লিকেশনের উইন্ডোগুলি সরাসরি স্যুইচ করুন"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:16
++msgid "Switch system controls directly"
++msgstr "সিস্টেম কন্ট্রোলগুলি সরাসরি স্যুইচ করুন"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:17
++msgid "Hide all normal windows"
++msgstr "সমস্ত সাধারণ উইন্ডো লুকান"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:18
++msgid "Switch to workspace 1"
++msgstr "কর্মক্ষেত্র ১ এ স্যুইচ করুন"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:19
++msgid "Switch to workspace 2"
++msgstr "কর্মক্ষেত্র ২ এ স্যুইচ করুন"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:20
++msgid "Switch to workspace 3"
++msgstr "কর্মক্ষেত্র ৩ এ স্যুইচ করুন"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:21
++msgid "Switch to workspace 4"
++msgstr "কর্মক্ষেত্র ৪ এ স্যুইচ করুন"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:22
++msgid "Move to workspace left"
++msgstr "বাম দিকের কর্মক্ষেত্রে সরান"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:23
++msgid "Move to workspace right"
++msgstr "ডান দিকের কর্মক্ষেত্রে সরান"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:24
++msgid "Move to workspace above"
++msgstr "উপরের দিকের কর্মক্ষেত্রে সরান"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:25
++msgid "Move to workspace below"
++msgstr "নীচের দিকের কর্মক্ষেত্রে সরান"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-system.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "System"
++msgstr "সিস্টেম"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-system.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Show the run command prompt"
++msgstr "চালনা কম্যান্ড প্রমপ্ট দেখান"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-system.xml.in.h:3
++msgid "Show the activities overview"
++msgstr "ক্রিয়াকলাপের পূর্বরূপ দেখান"
+ #: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "Windows"
+ msgstr "উইন্ডোগুলি"
+ #: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Activate the window menu"
++msgstr "উইন্ডো মেনু সক্রিয় করুন"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:3
++msgid "Toggle fullscreen mode"
++msgstr "সম্পূর্ণ পর্দা মোড টগল করুন"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "Toggle maximization state"
++msgstr "বড় করার অবস্থা টগল করুন"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Maximize window"
++msgstr "উইন্ডো বড় করুন"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "Restore window"
++msgstr "উইন্ডো পূর্বাবস্থা করুন"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Toggle shaded state"
++msgstr "ছায়াবৃত অবস্থা টগল করুন"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "Close window"
++msgstr "উইন্ডো বন্ধ করুন"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Hide window"
++msgstr "উইন্ডো লুকান"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:10
++msgid "Move window"
++msgstr "উইন্ডো সরান"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:11
++msgid "Resize window"
++msgstr "উইন্ডোর মাপ পরিবর্তন করুন"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:12
++msgid "Toggle window on all workspaces or one"
++msgstr "সমস্ত কর্মক্ষেত্রে বা একটিতে উইন্ডো টগল করুন"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:13
++msgid "Raise window if covered, otherwise lower it"
++msgstr "ঢাকা থাকলে উইন্ডো ওঠান অথবা এটিকে নামান"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Raise window above other windows"
++msgstr "উইন্ডো অন্যান্য উইন্ডোর উপরে ওঠান"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:15
++msgid "Lower window below other windows"
++msgstr "উইন্ডো অন্যান্য উইন্ডোর নীচে নামান"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:16
++msgid "Maximize window vertically"
++msgstr "উইন্ডো উল্লম্বভাবে বড় করুন"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:17
++msgid "Maximize window horizontally"
++msgstr "উইন্ডো অনুভূমিক ভাবে বড় করুন"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:18
+ msgid "View split on left"
+ msgstr "বাম বিভক্ত দেখুন"
+-#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:3
++#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:19
+ msgid "View split on right"
+ msgstr "ডান বিভক্ত দেখুন"
+ #. This probably means that a non-WM compositor like xcompmgr is running;
+ #. * we have no way to get it to exit
+-#: ../src/compositor/compositor.c:492
++#: ../src/compositor/compositor.c:568
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Another compositing manager is already running on screen %i on display \"%s"
++"Another compositing manager is already running on screen %i on display "
+ msgstr ""
+-"অন্য কম্পোসিটিং পরিচালককে পর্দা %i-তে ইতিমধ্যেই চলমান প্রদর্শন করা হয়েছে \"%s\"।"
++"অন্য কম্পোসিটিং পরিচালককে পর্দা %i-তে ইতিমধ্যেই চলমান প্রদর্শন করা হয়েছে "
++#: ../src/compositor/meta-background.c:1076
++msgid "background texture could not be created from file"
++msgstr "ফাইল থেকে ব্যাকগ্রাউন্ড পরিকাঠামো তৈরি করা যায়নি"
+-#: ../src/core/bell.c:320
++#: ../src/core/bell.c:322
+ msgid "Bell event"
+ msgstr "বেল ইভেন্ট"
+@@ -58,85 +240,91 @@ 
+ msgid "Unknown window information request: %d"
+ msgstr "উইন্ডোর তথ্য সম্বন্ধে অজানা অনুরোধ: %d"
+-#: ../src/core/delete.c:113
++#: ../src/core/delete.c:111
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "%s is not responding."
+-msgstr "%s থেকে প্রতিক্রিয়া পাওয়া যাচ্ছে না।"
++msgid "“%s” is not responding."
++msgstr "“%s” সাড়া দিচ্ছে না।"
+-#: ../src/core/delete.c:117
++#: ../src/core/delete.c:113
+ msgid "Application is not responding."
+ msgstr "অ্যাপ্লিকেশনটির থেকে প্রতিক্রিয়া পাওয়া যাচ্ছে না।"
+-#: ../src/core/delete.c:122
++#: ../src/core/delete.c:118
+ msgid ""
+ "You may choose to wait a short while for it to continue or force the "
+ "application to quit entirely."
+ msgstr ""
+-"এটি চালু হওয়ার জন্য আপনি একটি সংক্ষিপ্ত সময় অপেক্ষা করতে পারেন বাঅ্যাপ্লিকেশনটিকে "
+-"সম্পূর্ণরূপে বন্ধ হতে বাধ্য করতে পারেন‌।"
++"এটি চালু হওয়ার জন্য আপনি একটি সংক্ষিপ্ত সময় অপেক্ষা করতে পারেন "
++"বাঅ্যাপ্লিকেশনটিকে সম্পূর্ণরূপে বন্ধ হতে বাধ্য করতে পারেন‌।"
+-#: ../src/core/delete.c:129
++#: ../src/core/delete.c:125
+ msgid "_Wait"
+ msgstr "অপেক্ষা করা হবে (_W)"
+-#: ../src/core/delete.c:129
++#: ../src/core/delete.c:125
+ msgid "_Force Quit"
+ msgstr "বলপূর্বক বন্ধ করুন (_F)"
+-#: ../src/core/display.c:396
++#: ../src/core/display.c:421
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Missing %s extension required for compositing"
+ msgstr "কম্পোসিটিং-র জন্য আবশ্যক %s এক্সটেনশন অনুপস্থিত"
+-#: ../src/core/display.c:492
++#: ../src/core/display.c:513
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Failed to open X Window System display '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "X উইন্ডো সিস্টেম প্রদর্শন খুলতে ব্যর্থ '%s'\n"
+ # " উইন্ডো অবৃহদায়ত কর"
+-#: ../src/core/keybindings.c:853
++#: ../src/core/keybindings.c:1138
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Some other program is already using the key %s with modifiers %x as a "
+ "binding\n"
+-msgstr "একটি পৃথক প্রোগ্রাম দ্বারা বর্তমানে %s-কি, %x বাইন্ডিং সহ ব্যবহৃত হচ্ছে\n"
++msgstr ""
++"একটি পৃথক প্রোগ্রাম দ্বারা বর্তমানে %s-কি, %x বাইন্ডিং সহ ব্যবহৃত হচ্ছে\n"
++#: ../src/core/keybindings.c:1335
++#, c-format
++msgid "\"%s\" is not a valid accelerator\n"
++msgstr "\"%s\" একটি বৈধ অ্যাকসিলেটর নয়\n"
+-#: ../src/core/main.c:196
++#: ../src/core/main.c:197
+ msgid "Disable connection to session manager"
+ msgstr "সেশান পরিচালন ব্যবস্থার সাথে সংযোগ বিচ্ছিন্ন করা হবে"
+-#: ../src/core/main.c:202
++#: ../src/core/main.c:203
+ msgid "Replace the running window manager"
+ msgstr "চলমান উইন্ডো পরিচালন ব্যবস্থা প্রতিস্থাপন করুন"
+-#: ../src/core/main.c:208
++#: ../src/core/main.c:209
+ msgid "Specify session management ID"
+ msgstr "সেশান পরিচালনার ID উল্লেখ করুন"
+-#: ../src/core/main.c:213
++#: ../src/core/main.c:214
+ msgid "X Display to use"
+ msgstr "ব্যবহারের জন্য এক্স ডিসপ্লে"
+-#: ../src/core/main.c:219
++#: ../src/core/main.c:220
+ msgid "Initialize session from savefile"
+ msgstr "সংরক্ষণ ফাইল থেকে সেশন চালু করো"
+-#: ../src/core/main.c:225
++#: ../src/core/main.c:226
+ msgid "Make X calls synchronous"
+ msgstr "X-র কল সিঙ্ক্রোনাস করা হবে"
+-#: ../src/core/main.c:494
++#: ../src/core/main.c:534
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Failed to scan themes directory: %s\n"
+ msgstr "থীম এর ডিরেক্টরি স্ক্যান করতে ব্যর্থ: %s\n"
+-#: ../src/core/main.c:510
++#: ../src/core/main.c:550
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Could not find a theme! Be sure %s exists and contains the usual themes.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"কোনো থিম খুঁজে পাওয়া যায়নি! অনুগ্রহ করে পরীক্ষা করুন %s উপস্থিত আছে কি না ও এর মধ্যে "
+-"সাধারণ থিমগুলি অন্তর্ভুক্ত কি না।\n"
++"কোনো থিম খুঁজে পাওয়া যায়নি! অনুগ্রহ করে পরীক্ষা করুন %s উপস্থিত আছে কি না ও "
++"এর মধ্যে সাধারণ থিমগুলি অন্তর্ভুক্ত কি না।\n"
+ #: ../src/core/mutter.c:40
+ #, c-format
+@@ -149,9 +337,10 @@ 
+ msgstr ""
+ "mutter %s\n"
+ "স্বত্বাধিকার (C) ২০০১-%d হ্যাভক পেনিংটন, Red Hat, Inc., ও অন্যান্যদের\n"
+-"এটি একটি মুক্ত সফ্টওয়্যার; পুনব্যবহারের নিয়মাবলীর জন্য সোর্সের মধ্যে উপলব্ধ নথিপত্র "
+-"এর কোনো ওয়ারেন্টি উপলব্ধ নেই; বাণিজ্যিক ও কোনো সুনির্দিষ্ট কর্ম সাধনের জন্যও নয়।\n"
++"এটি একটি মুক্ত সফ্টওয়্যার; পুনব্যবহারের নিয়মাবলীর জন্য সোর্সের মধ্যে উপলব্ধ "
++"নথিপত্র দেখুন।\n"
++"এর কোনো ওয়ারেন্টি উপলব্ধ নেই; বাণিজ্যিক ও কোনো সুনির্দিষ্ট কর্ম সাধনের জন্যও "
+ #: ../src/core/mutter.c:54
+ msgid "Print version"
+@@ -161,75 +350,78 @@ 
+ msgid "Mutter plugin to use"
+ msgstr "Mutter-এর ব্যবহারযোগ্য প্লাগইন"
+-#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1079
++#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1210
+ msgid ""
+ "Workarounds for broken applications disabled. Some applications may not "
+ "behave properly.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত অ্যাপ্লিকেশনের ত্রুটি অগ্রাহ্য করার প্রণালী নিষ্ক্রিয় করা হয়েছে। কয়েকটি "
+-"অ্যাপ্লিকেশন সম্ভবত সঠিকরূপে চালানো সম্ভব হবে না।\n"
++"ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত অ্যাপ্লিকেশনের ত্রুটি অগ্রাহ্য করার প্রণালী নিষ্ক্রিয় করা হয়েছে। "
++"কয়েকটি অ্যাপ্লিকেশন সম্ভবত সঠিকরূপে চালানো সম্ভব হবে না।\n"
+-#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1154
++#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1285
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not parse font description \"%s\" from GSettings key %s\n"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" ফন্টের বিবরণ GSettings-কি %s থেকে পার্স করতে ব্যর্থ\n"
+-#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1220
++#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1351
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\"%s\" found in configuration database is not a valid value for mouse button "
+ "modifier\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"কনফিগারেশন ডাটাবেসের মধ্যে উপস্থিত \"%s\" মাউস বাটন পরিবর্তকের জন্য বৈধ মান নয়\n"
++"কনফিগারেশন ডাটাবেসের মধ্যে উপস্থিত \"%s\" মাউস বাটন পরিবর্তকের জন্য বৈধ মান "
+-#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1747
++#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1928
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\"%s\" found in configuration database is not a valid value for keybinding "
+ "\"%s\"\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"কনফিগারেশন ডাটাবেসের মধ্যে উপলব্ধ \"%s\", \"%s\" কি-বাইন্ডিং'র ক্ষেত্রে বৈধ মান "
++"কনফিগারেশন ডাটাবেসের মধ্যে উপলব্ধ \"%s\", \"%s\" কি-বাইন্ডিং'র ক্ষেত্রে বৈধ "
++"মান নয়\n"
+-#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1844
++#: ../src/core/prefs.c:2018
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Workspace %d"
+ msgstr "কর্মক্ষেত্র %d"
+-#: ../src/core/screen.c:652
++#: ../src/core/screen.c:691
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Screen %d on display '%s' is invalid\n"
+ msgstr "পর্দা %d (ডিসপ্লে '%s') বৈধ নয়\n"
+-#: ../src/core/screen.c:668
++#: ../src/core/screen.c:707
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Screen %d on display \"%s\" already has a window manager; try using the --"
+ "replace option to replace the current window manager.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"পর্দা %d'র (\"%s\" ডিসপ্লে) ক্ষেত্রে একটি উইন্ডো পরিচালনব্যবস্থা বর্তমানে উপস্তিত "
+-"রয়েছে; বর্তমানে উইন্ডো পরিচালন ব্যবস্থা পরিবর্তন করতে --replace বিকল্প প্রয়োগ করুন।\n"
++"পর্দা %d'র (\"%s\" ডিসপ্লে) ক্ষেত্রে একটি উইন্ডো পরিচালনব্যবস্থা বর্তমানে "
++"উপস্তিত রয়েছে; বর্তমানে উইন্ডো পরিচালন ব্যবস্থা পরিবর্তন করতে --replace "
++"বিকল্প প্রয়োগ করুন।\n"
+-#: ../src/core/screen.c:695
++#: ../src/core/screen.c:734
+ #, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Could not acquire window manager selection on screen %d display \"%s\"\n"
++msgid "Could not acquire window manager selection on screen %d display \"%s\"\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"পর্দা %d (ডিসপ্লে \"%s\")'র মধ্যে উইন্ডো পরিচালন ব্যবস্থার নির্বাচিত অংশ গ্রহণ করতে "
++"পর্দা %d (ডিসপ্লে \"%s\")'র মধ্যে উইন্ডো পরিচালন ব্যবস্থার নির্বাচিত অংশ "
++"গ্রহণ করতে ব্যর্থ\n"
+-#: ../src/core/screen.c:750
++#: ../src/core/screen.c:812
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Screen %d on display \"%s\" already has a window manager\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"পর্দা %d'র ( \"%s\" ডিসপ্লে) ক্ষেত্রে একটি উইন্ডো পরিচালন ব্যবস্থা উপস্থিত রয়েছে\n"
++"পর্দা %d'র ( \"%s\" ডিসপ্লে) ক্ষেত্রে একটি উইন্ডো পরিচালন ব্যবস্থা উপস্থিত "
+-#: ../src/core/screen.c:935
++#: ../src/core/screen.c:998
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not release screen %d on display \"%s\"\n"
+ msgstr "পর্দা %d (ডিসপ্লে \"%s\") মুক্ত করতে ব্যর্থ\n"
+-#: ../src/core/session.c:843 ../src/core/session.c:850
++#: ../src/core/session.c:843
++#: ../src/core/session.c:850
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not create directory '%s': %s\n"
+ msgstr "ডিরেক্টরি '%s' নির্মাণ করতে ব্যর্থ: %s\n"
+@@ -257,10 +449,13 @@ 
+ #: ../src/core/session.c:1185
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "<mutter_session> attribute seen but we already have the session ID"
+-msgstr "<mutter_session> বৈশিষ্ট্য প্রদর্শিত কিন্তু সেশান ID বর্তমানে উপস্থিত রয়েছে"
++msgstr ""
++"<mutter_session> বৈশিষ্ট্য প্রদর্শিত কিন্তু সেশান ID বর্তমানে উপস্থিত রয়েছে"
+-#: ../src/core/session.c:1198 ../src/core/session.c:1273
+-#: ../src/core/session.c:1305 ../src/core/session.c:1377
++#: ../src/core/session.c:1198
++#: ../src/core/session.c:1273
++#: ../src/core/session.c:1305
++#: ../src/core/session.c:1377
+ #: ../src/core/session.c:1437
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown attribute %s on <%s> element"
+@@ -281,54 +476,55 @@ 
+ "These windows do not support &quot;save current setup&quot; and will have to "
+ "be restarted manually next time you log in."
+ msgstr ""
+-"এই উইন্ডোগুলির দ্বারা \"save current setup\" বৈশিষ্ট্য সমর্থিত হয় না এবং পরবর্তীবার "
+-"লগ-ইন করা হলে ব্যবহারকারীর দ্বারা পুনরায় আরম্ভীত করা প্রয়োজন।"
++"এই উইন্ডোগুলির দ্বারা \"save current setup\" বৈশিষ্ট্য সমর্থিত হয় না এবং "
++"পরবর্তীবার লগ-ইন করা হলে ব্যবহারকারীর দ্বারা পুনরায় আরম্ভীত করা প্রয়োজন।"
+-#: ../src/core/util.c:80
++#: ../src/core/util.c:84
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Failed to open debug log: %s\n"
+ msgstr "ডিবাগ লগ খুলতে ব্যর্থ: %s\n"
+-#: ../src/core/util.c:90
++#: ../src/core/util.c:94
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Failed to fdopen() log file %s: %s\n"
+ msgstr "fdopen() লগ ফাইল %s খুলতে ব্যর্থ: %s\n"
+-#: ../src/core/util.c:96
++#: ../src/core/util.c:100
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Opened log file %s\n"
+ msgstr "লগ ফাইল %s খোলা হয়েছে\n"
+-#: ../src/core/util.c:115 ../src/tools/mutter-message.c:149
++#: ../src/core/util.c:119
++#: ../src/tools/mutter-message.c:149
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Mutter was compiled without support for verbose mode\n"
+ msgstr "ভার্বোস মোডের সমর্থন অন্তর্ভুক্ত না করে Mutter কম্পাইল করা হয়েছে\n"
+-#: ../src/core/util.c:259
++#: ../src/core/util.c:264
+ msgid "Window manager: "
+ msgstr "উইন্ডো পরিচালন ব্যবস্থা: "
+-#: ../src/core/util.c:407
++#: ../src/core/util.c:412
+ msgid "Bug in window manager: "
+ msgstr "উইন্ডো পরিচালনব্যবস্থা সংক্রান্ত সমস্যা: "
+-#: ../src/core/util.c:438
++#: ../src/core/util.c:443
+ msgid "Window manager warning: "
+ msgstr "উইন্ডো পরিচালন ব্যবস্থা সংক্রান্ত সতর্কবার্তা: "
+-#: ../src/core/util.c:466
++#: ../src/core/util.c:471
+ msgid "Window manager error: "
+ msgstr "উইন্ডো পরিচালন ব্যবস্থা সংক্রান্ত ত্রুটি: "
+ #. first time through
+-#: ../src/core/window.c:7237
++#: ../src/core/window.c:7643
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Window %s sets SM_CLIENT_ID on itself, instead of on the WM_CLIENT_LEADER "
+ "window as specified in the ICCCM.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"উইন্ডো %s দ্বারা ICCCM'এ নির্ধারিত WM_CLIENT_LEADER উইন্ডোর পরিবর্তে নিজের উপর "
+-"SM_CLIENT_ID নির্ধারিত হয়েছে।\n"
++"উইন্ডো %s দ্বারা ICCCM'এ নির্ধারিত WM_CLIENT_LEADER উইন্ডোর পরিবর্তে নিজের "
++"উপর SM_CLIENT_ID নির্ধারিত হয়েছে।\n"
+ #. We ignore mwm_has_resize_func because WM_NORMAL_HINTS is the
+ #. * authoritative source for that info. Some apps such as mplayer or
+@@ -336,34 +532,35 @@ 
+ #. * leads to e.g. us not fullscreening their windows.  Apps that set
+ #. * MWM but not WM_NORMAL_HINTS are basically broken. We complain
+ #. * about these apps but make them work.
+-#: ../src/core/window.c:7902
++#: ../src/core/window.c:8367
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Window %s sets an MWM hint indicating it isn't resizable, but sets min size "
+ "%d x %d and max size %d x %d; this doesn't make much sense.\n"
+ msgstr ""
++"উইন্ডো %s একটি MWM হিন্ট করে যা সূচিত করে যে এটির মাপ পরিবর্তন করা যায় না, "
++"তবে সর্বনিম্ন মাপ %d x %d এবং সর্বাধিক মাপ %d x %d সেট করে; যার খুব বেশি "
++"গুরুত্ব নেই।\n"
+-#: ../src/core/window-props.c:274
++#: ../src/core/window-props.c:318
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Application set a bogus _NET_WM_PID %lu\n"
+ msgstr "অ্যাপ্লিকেশন দ্বারা ভুল _NET_WM_PID %lu নির্ধারিত হয়েছে\n"
+-#: ../src/core/window-props.c:393
++#: ../src/core/window-props.c:434
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s (on %s)"
+ msgstr "%s (%s'র উপর)"
+-#: ../src/core/window-props.c:1448
++#: ../src/core/window-props.c:1517
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid WM_TRANSIENT_FOR window 0x%lx specified for %s.\n"
+ msgstr "অবৈধ WM_TRANSIENT_FOR উইন্ডো 0x%lx, %s'র জন্য নির্ধারিত হয়েছে।\n"
+-#: ../src/core/window-props.c:1459
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
+-#| msgid "Invalid WM_TRANSIENT_FOR window 0x%lx specified for %s.\n"
++#: ../src/core/window-props.c:1528
++#, c-format
+ msgid "WM_TRANSIENT_FOR window 0x%lx for %s would create loop.\n"
+-msgstr "অবৈধ WM_TRANSIENT_FOR উইন্ডো 0x%lx, %s'র জন্য নির্ধারিত হয়েছে।\n"
++msgstr "WM_TRANSIENT_FOR উইন্ডো 0x%lx %s এর জন্য লুপ তৈরি করবে।\n"
+ #: ../src/core/xprops.c:155
+ #, c-format
+@@ -374,32 +571,37 @@ 
+ "This is most likely an application bug, not a window manager bug.\n"
+ "The window has title=\"%s\" class=\"%s\" name=\"%s\"\n"
+ msgstr ""
++"উইন্ডো 0x%lx এর বিশিষ্টতা হল %s\n"
++"যার প্রত্যাশিত ধরন হল %s ফর্ম্যাট %d\n"
++"এবং বাস্তবিক ধরন হল %s ফর্ম্যাট %d n_items %d।\n"
++"খুব সম্ভবতঃ এটি একটি অ্যাপ্লিকেশন বাগ, এবং উইন্ডো ম্যানেজার বাগ নয়।\n"
++"উইন্ডোর টাইটেল=\"%s\" ক্লাস=\"%s\" নাম=\"%s\"\n"
+ #: ../src/core/xprops.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Property %s on window 0x%lx contained invalid UTF-8\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"%s বৈশিষ্ট্যটি 0x%lx উইন্ডোর উপর উপস্থিত ও এর মধ্যে অবৈধ UTF-8 অক্ষর অন্তর্ভুক্ত "
++"%s বৈশিষ্ট্যটি 0x%lx উইন্ডোর উপর উপস্থিত ও এর মধ্যে অবৈধ UTF-8 অক্ষর "
++"অন্তর্ভুক্ত রয়েছে\n"
+ # FIXME msgstr "%s বিশেষত্বটি জানালা 0x%lx -তে অন্যায্য UTF-8 আছে\n
+ #: ../src/core/xprops.c:494
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Property %s on window 0x%lx contained invalid UTF-8 for item %d in the list\n"
++"Property %s on window 0x%lx contained invalid UTF-8 for item %d in the "
+ msgstr ""
+-"%s বৈশিষ্ট্যটি 0x%lx উইন্ডোর উপর উপস্থিত ও এর তালিকায় %d সংখ্যক বস্তুর মধ্যে অবৈধ "
+-"UTF-8 অক্ষর অন্তর্ভুক্ত রয়েছে\n"
++"%s বৈশিষ্ট্যটি 0x%lx উইন্ডোর উপর উপস্থিত ও এর তালিকায় %d সংখ্যক বস্তুর মধ্যে "
++"অবৈধ UTF-8 অক্ষর অন্তর্ভুক্ত রয়েছে\n"
+-#: ../src/mutter.desktop.in.h:1 ../src/mutter-wm.desktop.in.h:1
++#: ../src/mutter.desktop.in.h:1
++#: ../src/mutter-wm.desktop.in.h:1
+ msgid "Mutter"
+ msgstr "Mutter"
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:1
+-#, fuzzy
+-#| msgid "Modifier to use for modified window click actions"
+ msgid "Modifier to use for extended window management operations"
+-msgstr "পরিবর্তিত উইন্ডো ক্লিক কর্মের ফলে ব্যবহারযোগ্য পরিবর্তক"
++msgstr "বর্ধিত উইন্ডো পরিচালনা কাজের জন্য ব্যবহার করার সংশোধক"
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid ""
+@@ -408,10 +610,13 @@ 
+ "\"Windows key\" on PC hardware. It's expected that this binding either the "
+ "default or set to the empty string."
+ msgstr ""
++"এই কী \"ওভারলে\" এর সূচনা করবে, যা হল এক সমন্বয় উইন্ডো পূর্বরূপ এবং "
++"অ্যাপ্লিকেশন লঞ্চিং সিস্টেম। অভিপ্রেত ডিফল্ট হল PC হার্ডওয়্যারে \"Windows "
++"কী\"। প্রত্যাশিত হল, এই বন্ধন হয় ডিফল্ট বা খালি স্ট্রীঙে সেট করা।"
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "Attach modal dialogs"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "মোডেল ডায়ালগ সংযুক্ত করুন"
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:4
+ msgid ""
+@@ -419,21 +624,28 @@ 
+ "attached to the titlebar of the parent window and are moved together with "
+ "the parent window."
+ msgstr ""
++"সত্য হলে, স্বতন্ত্র টাইটেলবার থাকার পরিবর্তে, মোডেল ডায়ালগ পেরেন্ট উইন্ডোর "
++"টাইটেল বারে সংযুক্ত অবস্থায় অাসে এবং পেরেন্ট উইন্ডোর সাথে একসাথে অবস্থান "
++"পরিবর্তন করে।"
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:5
+ msgid "Enable edge tiling when dropping windows on screen edges"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "উইন্ডো স্ক্রীন কিনারায় অানার সময়ে কিনারা টাইল পরিবৃত করা সক্ষম করুন"
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:6
+ msgid ""
+ "If enabled, dropping windows on vertical screen edges maximizes them "
+-"vertically and resizes them horizontally to cover half of the available "
+-"area. Dropping windows on the top screen edge maximizes them completely."
++"vertically and resizes them horizontally to cover half of the available area."
++" Dropping windows on the top screen edge maximizes them completely."
+ msgstr ""
++"সক্রিয় করা হলে, উইন্ডো উল্লম্ব স্ক্রীন কিনারায় রাখা হলে, তা উল্লম্ব ভাবে "
++"বর্ধিত হয় এবং উপলব্ধ অঞ্চলের অর্ধেক অাবৃত করতে তাদের মাপ অনুভূমিক ভাবে "
++"পরিবর্তন করে। উইন্ডো উপরের স্ক্রীন কিনারায় ছাড়া হলে তা তাদের সম্পূর্ণ ভাবে "
++"বড় করে।"
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:7
+ msgid "Workspaces are managed dynamically"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "কর্মক্ষেত্রগুলি ডায়নামিক ভাবে ব্যবস্থাপনা করা হয়"
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:8
+ msgid ""
+@@ -441,67 +653,79 @@ 
+ "static number of workspaces (determined by the num-workspaces key in org."
+ "gnome.desktop.wm.preferences)."
+ msgstr ""
++"কর্মক্ষেত্রগুলি ডায়নামিক ভাবে পরিচালিত হয় নাকি কর্মক্ষেত্রের সংখ্যা স্থির তা "
++"নির্ধারণ করে (এখানে num-workspaces কী দ্বারা নির্ধারিত হয় org.gnome.desktop."
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:9
+ msgid "Workspaces only on primary"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "কর্মক্ষেত্রগুলি শুধুমাত্র প্রাথমিকে"
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:10
+ msgid ""
+ "Determines whether workspace switching should happen for windows on all "
+ "monitors or only for windows on the primary monitor."
+ msgstr ""
++"কর্মক্ষেত্র একটি থেকে অন্যটিতে পাল্টানো সমস্ত মনিটরের উইন্ডোর জন্য নাকি "
++"শুধুমাত্র প্রাথমিক মনিটরের উইন্ডোর জন্য ঘটবে তা নির্ধারণ করে।"
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:11
+ msgid "No tab popup"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "কোনো ট্যাব পপ-অাপ নেই"
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:12
+ msgid ""
+ "Determines whether the use of popup and highlight frame should be disabled "
+ "for window cycling."
+ msgstr ""
++"উইন্ডো অাবর্তনের ক্ষেত্রে পপ-অাপ এবং ফ্রেম হাইলাইট ব্যবহার করা হবে কিনা তা "
++"নির্ধারণ করে।"
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:13
+ msgid "Delay focus changes until the pointer stops moving"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ফোকাসে বিলম্ব পয়েন্টার অবস্থান পরিবর্তন করা পর্যন্ত পরিবর্তিত হয়"
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:14
+-#, fuzzy
+-#| msgid ""
+-#| "If set to true, and the focus mode is either \"sloppy\" or \"mouse\" then "
+-#| "the focused window will be automatically raised after a delay specified "
+-#| "by the auto_raise_delay key. This is not related to clicking on a window "
+-#| "to raise it, nor to entering a window during drag-and-drop."
+ msgid ""
+ "If set to true, and the focus mode is either \"sloppy\" or \"mouse\" then "
+ "the focus will not be changed immediately when entering a window, but only "
+ "after the pointer stops moving."
+ msgstr ""
+-"মান true ধার্য করা হলে ও উজ্জ্বল করার মোড \"sloppy\" অথবা \"mouse\" হয়ে থাকলে "
+-"auto_raise_delay কি দ্বারা চিহ্নিত মিলিসেকেন্ড পরে উজ্জ্বলিত উইন্ডোটি স্বয়ংক্রিয়রূপে "
+-"বড় করা হবে। উইন্ডোর উপর ক্লিক করে উইন্ডো বড় করার বৈশিষ্ট্য অথবা ড্র্যাগ-ড্রপ কর্ম "
+-"সঞ্চালনকালে উইন্ডোর মধ্যে প্রবেশের সাথে এর কোনো সম্পর্ক নেই।"
++"সত্য হিসাবে সেট করা হলে, এবং ফোকাস মোড \"sloppy\" বা \"mouse\" হলে একটি "
++"উইন্ডোতে প্রবেশ করার সময়ে ফোকাস সংগে সংগে পরিবর্তিত হবে না, তবে তা ঘটবে "
++"পয়েন্টার অবস্থান পরিবর্তন করা থামালে তবেই।"
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:15
+ msgid "Draggable border width"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "টানা যায় এমন কিনারার প্রস্থ"
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:16
+ msgid ""
+ "The amount of total draggable borders. If the theme's visible borders are "
+ "not enough, invisible borders will be added to meet this value."
+ msgstr ""
++"টানা যায় এমন সর্বমোট কিনারার পরিমাণ। থিমের দৃশ্যমান কিনারা পর্যাপ্ত না হলে, "
++"এই মান পূরণ করতে অদৃশ্যমান কিনারা যোগ করা হবে।"
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:17
+-#, fuzzy
+-#| msgid "Remove Window From Top"
+-msgid "Select window from tab popup"
+-msgstr "উইন্ডো সর্বোচ্চ স্তর থেকে সরিয়ে ফেলা হবে"
++msgid "Auto maximize nearly monitor sized windows"
++msgstr "প্রায় মনিটরের মাপের উইন্ডো স্বয়ংক্রিয় ভাবে বড় করুন"
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:18
+-msgid "Cancel tab popup"
++msgid ""
++"If enabled, new windows that are initially the size of the monitor "
++"automatically get maximized."
+ msgstr ""
++"সক্রিয় করা হলে, প্রাথমিক ভাবে মনিটরের সমান মাপের নতুন উইন্ডোগুলি স্বয়ংক্রিয় "
++"ভাবে বড় হয়।"
++#: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:19
++msgid "Select window from tab popup"
++msgstr "উইন্ডো ট্যাব পপ-অাপ থেকে নির্বাচন করুন"
++#: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:20
++msgid "Cancel tab popup"
++msgstr "ট্যাব পপ-অাপ বাতিল করুন"
+ #: ../src/tools/mutter-message.c:123
+ #, c-format
+@@ -550,7 +774,8 @@ 
+ #. separator
+ #. Translators: Translate this string the same way as you do in libwnck!
+-#: ../src/ui/menu.c:86 ../src/ui/menu.c:88
++#: ../src/ui/menu.c:86
++#: ../src/ui/menu.c:88
+ msgid "Always on _Top"
+ msgstr "সর্বদা উপরে (_T)"
+@@ -613,7 +838,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the shift key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:77
+ msgid "Shift"
+ msgstr "Shift"
+@@ -622,7 +846,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the control key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:83
+ msgid "Ctrl"
+ msgstr "Ctrl"
+@@ -631,7 +854,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the alt key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:89
+ msgid "Alt"
+ msgstr "Alt"
+@@ -640,7 +862,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the meta key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:95
+ msgid "Meta"
+ msgstr "মিটা"
+@@ -649,7 +870,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the super key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:101
+ msgid "Super"
+ msgstr "Super"
+@@ -658,7 +878,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the hyper key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:107
+ msgid "Hyper"
+ msgstr "Hyper"
+@@ -667,7 +886,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the mod2 key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:113
+ msgid "Mod2"
+ msgstr "Mod2"
+@@ -676,7 +894,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the mod3 key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:119
+ msgid "Mod3"
+ msgstr "Mod3"
+@@ -685,7 +902,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the mod4 key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:125
+ msgid "Mod4"
+ msgstr "Mod4"
+@@ -694,256 +910,279 @@ 
+ #. * that use the mod5 key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:131
+ msgid "Mod5"
+ msgstr "Mod5"
+ #. Translators: This represents the size of a window.  The first number is
+ #. * the width of the window and the second is the height.
+-#: ../src/ui/resizepopup.c:113
++#: ../src/ui/resizepopup.c:136
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d x %d"
+ msgstr "%d x %d"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:234
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:236
+ msgid "top"
+ msgstr "উপরে"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:236
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:238
+ msgid "bottom"
+ msgstr "নীচে"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:238
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:240
+ msgid "left"
+ msgstr "বাঁদিকে"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:240
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:242
+ msgid "right"
+ msgstr "ডানদিকে"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:268
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:270
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "frame geometry does not specify \"%s\" dimension"
+ msgstr "ফ্রেম জ্যামিতি দ্বারা \"%s\" পরিমাপ নির্ধারিত হয়নি"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:287
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:289
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "frame geometry does not specify dimension \"%s\" for border \"%s\""
+ msgstr "ফ্রেম জ্যামিতি দ্বারা \"%s\" পরিমাপ  \"%s\" প্রান্তের জন্য নির্ধারিত হয়নি"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:324
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:326
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Button aspect ratio %g is not reasonable"
+ msgstr "বাটনের অ্যাপেক্ট অনুপাত %g যথাযথ নয়"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:336
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:338
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Frame geometry does not specify size of buttons"
+ msgstr "ফ্রেম জ্যামিতি দ্বারা বাটনের মাপ নির্ধারিত হয়নি"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1049
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1051
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Gradients should have at least two colors"
+ msgstr "গ্রেডিয়েন্টের ক্ষেত্রে দুটি রং নির্ধারিত হওয়া আবশ্যক"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1201
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1203
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "GTK custom color specification must have color name and fallback in "
+ "parentheses, e.g. gtk:custom(foo,bar); could not parse \"%s\""
+ msgstr ""
++"GTK কাস্টম রঙ বিশেষীকরণে অবশ্যই বন্ধনীর মধ্যে রঙের নাম এবং ফলব্যাকের উল্লেখ "
++"রাখতে হবে, উদাঃ gtk:custom(foo,bar); \"%s\" পার্জ করা যায়নি"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1217
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1219
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Invalid character '%c' in color_name parameter of gtk:custom, only A-Za-z0-9-"
+ "_ are valid"
+ msgstr ""
++"অবৈধ অক্ষর '%c' color_name প্যারামিটারে gtk:custom এর, শুধুমাত্র A-Za-z0-9-_ "
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1231
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
+-#| msgid ""
+-#| "Shade format is \"shade/base_color/factor\", \"%s\" does not fit the "
+-#| "format"
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1233
++#, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Gtk:custom format is \"gtk:custom(color_name,fallback)\", \"%s\" does not "
+ "fit the format"
+ msgstr ""
+-"ছায়ার বিন্যাস \"shade/base_color/factor\", \"%s\" বিন্যাসের সাথে সুসংগত নয়"
++"Gtk:কাস্টম ফর্ম্যাট হল \"gtk:custom(color_name,fallback)\", \"%s\" ফর্ম্যাটে "
++"মানানসই নয়"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1276
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1278
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "GTK color specification must have the state in brackets, e.g. gtk:fg[NORMAL] "
+ "where NORMAL is the state; could not parse \"%s\""
+ msgstr ""
++"GTK রঙের বিশেষীকরণে অবশ্যই বন্ধনীর মধ্যে অবস্থার উল্লেখ করতে হবে, উদাঃ gtk:"
++"fg[NORMAL] যেখানে NORMAL হল অবস্থা; \"%s\" পার্জ করা যায়নি"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1290
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1292
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "GTK color specification must have a close bracket after the state, e.g. gtk:"
+ "fg[NORMAL] where NORMAL is the state; could not parse \"%s\""
+ msgstr ""
++"GTK রঙ বিশেষীকরণে অবশ্যই অবস্থার পরে একটি সমাপ্তি বন্ধনী থাকতে হবে, উদাঃ gtk:"
++"fg[NORMAL] যেখানে NORMAL হল অবস্থা; \"%s\" পার্জ করা যায়নি"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1301
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1303
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Did not understand state \"%s\" in color specification"
+ msgstr "রং নির্ধারণের জন্য state \"%s\" বোধগম্য হয়নি"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1314
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1316
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Did not understand color component \"%s\" in color specification"
+ msgstr "রং নির্ধারণের জন্য রং'র বিষয়বস্তু \"%s\" বোধগম্য হয়নি"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1343
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1345
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Blend format is \"blend/bg_color/fg_color/alpha\", \"%s\" does not fit the "
+ "format"
+ msgstr ""
+-"ব্লেন্ড বিন্যাস \"blend/bg_color/fg_color/alpha\", \"%s\" বিন্যাসের সাথে সুসংগত নয়"
++"ব্লেন্ড বিন্যাস \"blend/bg_color/fg_color/alpha\", \"%s\" বিন্যাসের সাথে "
++"সুসংগত নয়"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1354
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1356
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not parse alpha value \"%s\" in blended color"
+ msgstr "ব্লেন্ড করা রং'এ আল্ফা মান \"%s\" পার্স করতে ব্যর্থ"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1364
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1366
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Alpha value \"%s\" in blended color is not between 0.0 and 1.0"
+ msgstr "ব্লেন্ড করা রং'এ আল্ফা মান \"%s\" 0.0 ও1.0 সীমারেখার মধ্যে নয়"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1411
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1413
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Shade format is \"shade/base_color/factor\", \"%s\" does not fit the format"
+ msgstr ""
+ "ছায়ার বিন্যাস \"shade/base_color/factor\", \"%s\" বিন্যাসের সাথে সুসংগত নয়"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1422
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1424
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not parse shade factor \"%s\" in shaded color"
+ msgstr "ছায়াযুক্ত রং'র ক্ষেত্রে ছায়ার মাপ \"%s\" পার্স করতে ব্যর্থ"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1432
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1434
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Shade factor \"%s\" in shaded color is negative"
+ msgstr "ছায়াযুক্ত রং'র ক্ষেত্রে ছায়ার মান \"%s\" শূণ্যের কম"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1461
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1463
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not parse color \"%s\""
+ msgstr "\"%s\" রং পার্স করতে ব্যর্থ"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1778
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1780
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Coordinate expression contains character '%s' which is not allowed"
+-msgstr "কো-ওর্ডিনেট এক্সপ্রেশনের মধ্যে '%s' অক্ষর উপস্থিত এবং এর ব্যবহার অনুমোদিত নয়"
++msgstr ""
++"কো-ওর্ডিনেট এক্সপ্রেশনের মধ্যে '%s' অক্ষর উপস্থিত এবং এর ব্যবহার অনুমোদিত নয়"
+ # what is bengali for Coordinate expression ? অবস্থানের মান or অবস্থানের সমীকরণ?
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1805
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1807
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Coordinate expression contains floating point number '%s' which could not be "
+ "parsed"
+ msgstr ""
+-"কো-ওর্ডিনেট এক্সপ্রেশনের মধ্যে '%s' ফ্লোটিং পয়েন্ট সংখ্যা উপস্থিত যা পার্স করা সম্ভব "
++"কো-ওর্ডিনেট এক্সপ্রেশনের মধ্যে '%s' ফ্লোটিং পয়েন্ট সংখ্যা উপস্থিত যা পার্স "
++"করা সম্ভব হয়নি"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1819
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1821
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Coordinate expression contains integer '%s' which could not be parsed"
+ msgstr ""
+-"কো-ওর্ডিনেট এক্সপ্রেশনের মধ্যে '%s' ইন্টিজার সংখ্যা উপস্থিত যা পার্স করা সম্ভব হয়নি"
++"কো-ওর্ডিনেট এক্সপ্রেশনের মধ্যে '%s' ইন্টিজার সংখ্যা উপস্থিত যা পার্স করা "
++"সম্ভব হয়নি"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1940
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1942
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Coordinate expression contained unknown operator at the start of this text: "
+ "\"%s\""
+ msgstr ""
+-"কো-ওর্ডিনেট এক্সপ্রেশনের মধ্যে টেক্সটের প্রারম্ভিক স্থানে অজানা অপারেটর: \"%s\""
++"কো-ওর্ডিনেট এক্সপ্রেশনের মধ্যে টেক্সটের প্রারম্ভিক স্থানে অজানা অপারেটর: "
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1997
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1999
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Coordinate expression was empty or not understood"
+ msgstr "কো-ওর্ডিনেট এক্সপ্রেশন ফাঁকা অথবা বোধগম্য নয়"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2110 ../src/ui/theme.c:2120 ../src/ui/theme.c:2154
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2112
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2122
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2156
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Coordinate expression results in division by zero"
+-msgstr "কো-ওর্ডিনেট এক্সপ্রেশনের ফলাফলে শূণ্য দ্বারা ভাগ করার অবস্থা উৎপন্ন হয়"
++msgstr ""
++"কো-ওর্ডিনেট এক্সপ্রেশনের ফলাফলে শূণ্য দ্বারা ভাগ করার অবস্থা উৎপন্ন হয়"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2162
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2164
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Coordinate expression tries to use mod operator on a floating-point number"
+ msgstr ""
+-"কো-ওর্ডিনেট এক্সপ্রেশন দ্বারা ফ্লোটিং পয়েন্ট সংখ্যার উপর mod অপারেটর ব্যবহারের প্রয়াস "
+-"করা হয়েছে"
++"কো-ওর্ডিনেট এক্সপ্রেশন দ্বারা ফ্লোটিং পয়েন্ট সংখ্যার উপর mod অপারেটর "
++"ব্যবহারের প্রয়াস করা হয়েছে"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2218
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2220
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Coordinate expression has an operator \"%s\" where an operand was expected"
+ msgstr ""
+-"কো-ওর্ডিনেট এক্সপ্রেশনের মধ্যে  \"%s\" অপারেটর উপস্থিত কিন্তু অপারেন্ড প্রত্যাশিত"
++"কো-ওর্ডিনেট এক্সপ্রেশনের মধ্যে  \"%s\" অপারেটর উপস্থিত কিন্তু অপারেন্ড "
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2227
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2229
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Coordinate expression had an operand where an operator was expected"
+-msgstr "কো-ওর্ডিনেট এক্সপ্রেশনের মধ্যে প্রত্যাশিত অপারেন্ডের পরিবর্তে অপারেটর উপস্থিত"
++msgstr ""
++"কো-ওর্ডিনেট এক্সপ্রেশনের মধ্যে প্রত্যাশিত অপারেন্ডের পরিবর্তে অপারেটর "
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2235
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2237
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Coordinate expression ended with an operator instead of an operand"
+-msgstr "কো-ওর্ডিনেট এক্সপ্রেশনের অন্তে প্রত্যাশিত অপারেন্ডের পরিবর্তে অপারেটর উপস্থিত"
++msgstr ""
++"কো-ওর্ডিনেট এক্সপ্রেশনের অন্তে প্রত্যাশিত অপারেন্ডের পরিবর্তে অপারেটর "
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2245
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2247
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Coordinate expression has operator \"%c\" following operator \"%c\" with no "
+ "operand in between"
+ msgstr ""
+-"কো-ওর্ডিনেট এক্সপ্রেশনের ক্ষেত্রে \"%c\" অপারেটরের পরে \"%c\" অপারেটর উপস্থিত এবং "
+-"দুটির মধ্যে কোনো অপারেন্ড উপস্থিত নেই"
++"কো-ওর্ডিনেট এক্সপ্রেশনের ক্ষেত্রে \"%c\" অপারেটরের পরে \"%c\" অপারেটর "
++"উপস্থিত এবং দুটির মধ্যে কোনো অপারেন্ড উপস্থিত নেই"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2396 ../src/ui/theme.c:2441
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2398
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2443
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Coordinate expression had unknown variable or constant \"%s\""
+-msgstr "কো-ওর্ডিনেট এক্সপ্রেশনের মধ্যে অজানা ভেরিয়েবল অথবা কনস্ট্যান্ট \"%s\" উপস্থিত"
++msgstr ""
++"কো-ওর্ডিনেট এক্সপ্রেশনের মধ্যে অজানা ভেরিয়েবল অথবা কনস্ট্যান্ট \"%s\" "
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2495
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Coordinate expression parser overflowed its buffer."
+ msgstr "কো-ওর্ডিনেট এক্সপ্রেশনের পার্সারের বাফারের সীমা অতিক্রান্ত হয়েছে।"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2524
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2526
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Coordinate expression had a close parenthesis with no open parenthesis"
+ msgstr ""
+-"কো-ওর্ডিনেট এক্সপ্রেশনের মধ্যে শেষের বন্ধনী চিহ্ন উপস্থিত, প্রারম্ভিক চিহ্ন অনুপস্থিত"
++"কো-ওর্ডিনেট এক্সপ্রেশনের মধ্যে শেষের বন্ধনী চিহ্ন উপস্থিত, প্রারম্ভিক চিহ্ন "
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2588
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2590
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Coordinate expression had an open parenthesis with no close parenthesis"
++msgid ""
++"Coordinate expression had an open parenthesis with no close parenthesis"
+ msgstr ""
+-"কো-ওর্ডিনেট এক্সপ্রেশনের মধ্যে প্রারম্ভিক বন্ধনী চিহ্ন উপস্থিত শেষের বন্ধনী চিহ্ন "
++"কো-ওর্ডিনেট এক্সপ্রেশনের মধ্যে প্রারম্ভিক বন্ধনী চিহ্ন উপস্থিত শেষের বন্ধনী "
++"চিহ্ন অনুপস্থিত"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2599
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2601
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Coordinate expression doesn't seem to have any operators or operands"
+ msgstr "কো-ওর্ডিনেট এক্সপ্রেশনের মধ্যে কোনো অপারেটর অথবা অপারেন্ড উপস্থিত নেই"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2812 ../src/ui/theme.c:2832 ../src/ui/theme.c:2852
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2814
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2834
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2854
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Theme contained an expression that resulted in an error: %s\n"
+ msgstr "থিমের মধ্যে উপস্থিত এক্সপ্রেশনের ফলে সমস্যা উৎপন্ন হয়েছে: %s\n"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:4498
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:4500
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "<button function=\"%s\" state=\"%s\" draw_ops=\"whatever\"/> must be "
+@@ -952,55 +1191,61 @@ 
+ "চিহ্নিত ফ্রেমের বিন্যাসের জন্য <button function=\"%s\" state=\"%s\" draw_ops="
+ "\"whatever\"/> উল্লেখ করা আবশ্যক"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5009 ../src/ui/theme.c:5034
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5011
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5036
+ #, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Missing <frame state=\"%s\" resize=\"%s\" focus=\"%s\" style=\"whatever\"/>"
+-msgstr ""
+-"<frame state=\"%s\" resize=\"%s\" focus=\"%s\" style=\"whatever\"/> অনুপস্থিত"
++msgid "Missing <frame state=\"%s\" resize=\"%s\" focus=\"%s\" style=\"whatever\"/>"
++msgstr "<frame state=\"%s\" resize=\"%s\" focus=\"%s\" style=\"whatever\"/> "
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5082
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5084
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Failed to load theme \"%s\": %s\n"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" থিম লোড করতে ব্যর্থ: %s\n"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5218 ../src/ui/theme.c:5225 ../src/ui/theme.c:5232
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5239 ../src/ui/theme.c:5246
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5220
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5227
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5234
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5241
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5248
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No <%s> set for theme \"%s\""
+ msgstr "<%s> নির্ধারিত হয়নি \"%s\" থিমের জন্য"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5254
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5256
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "No frame style set for window type \"%s\" in theme \"%s\", add a <window "
+ "type=\"%s\" style_set=\"whatever\"/> element"
+ msgstr ""
+-"\"%s\" ধরনের উইন্ডোর জন্য \"%s\" থিমের মধ্যে ফ্রেমের বিন্যাস নির্ধারিত হয়নি, একটি "
+-"<window type=\"%s\" style_set=\"whatever\"/> স্বত্বা যোগ করুন"
++"\"%s\" ধরনের উইন্ডোর জন্য \"%s\" থিমের মধ্যে ফ্রেমের বিন্যাস নির্ধারিত হয়নি, "
++"একটি <window type=\"%s\" style_set=\"whatever\"/> স্বত্বা যোগ করুন"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5650 ../src/ui/theme.c:5712 ../src/ui/theme.c:5775
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5663
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5725
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5788
+ #, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"User-defined constants must begin with a capital letter; \"%s\" does not"
++msgid "User-defined constants must begin with a capital letter; \"%s\" does not"
+ msgstr ""
+-"ব্যবহারকারী দ্বারা নির্ধারিত কনস্ট্যান্টের ক্ষেত্রে প্রারম্ভে বড় ছাঁদের হরফ উপস্থিত থাকা "
+-"আবশ্যক; \"%s\"'এ ক্ষেত্রে এটি উপস্থিত নেই"
++"ব্যবহারকারী দ্বারা নির্ধারিত কনস্ট্যান্টের ক্ষেত্রে প্রারম্ভে বড় ছাঁদের হরফ "
++"উপস্থিত থাকা আবশ্যক; \"%s\"'এ ক্ষেত্রে এটি উপস্থিত নেই"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5658 ../src/ui/theme.c:5720 ../src/ui/theme.c:5783
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5671
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5733
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5796
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Constant \"%s\" has already been defined"
+ msgstr "কনস্ট্যান্ট \"%s\" পূর্বে নির্ধারিত হয়েছে"
+ #. Translators: This means that an attribute which should have been found
+ #. * on an XML element was not in fact found.
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:236
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No \"%s\" attribute on element <%s>"
+ msgstr "<%s> স্বত্বায় \"%s\" অ্যাট্রিবিউট অনুপস্থিত"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:265 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:283
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:265
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:283
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Line %d character %d: %s"
+ msgstr "পংক্তি %d অক্ষর %d: %s"
+@@ -1010,7 +1255,8 @@ 
+ msgid "Attribute \"%s\" repeated twice on the same <%s> element"
+ msgstr "বৈশিষ্ট্য \"%s\" একই <%s> স্বত্বায় দুইবার ব্যবহৃত হয়েছে"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:503 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:552
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:503
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attribute \"%s\" is invalid on <%s> element in this context"
+ msgstr "এই প্রসঙ্গে বৈশিষ্ট্য \"%s\", <%s> স্বত্বার ক্ষেত্রে বৈধ নয়"
+@@ -1020,7 +1266,8 @@ 
+ msgid "Could not parse \"%s\" as an integer"
+ msgstr "পূর্ণসংখ্যা রূপে \"%s\" পার্স করতে ব্যর্থ"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:603 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:658
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:603
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:658
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Did not understand trailing characters \"%s\" in string \"%s\""
+ msgstr "অন্তিম অংশের \"%s\" অক্ষরগুলি \"%s\" পংক্তির মধ্যে বোধগম্য নয়"
+@@ -1035,12 +1282,14 @@ 
+ msgid "Integer %ld is too large, current max is %d"
+ msgstr "পূর্ণসংখ্যা %ld অত্যাধিক বড়, বর্তমানে সর্বাধিক মান %d"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:649 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:765
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:649
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:765
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not parse \"%s\" as a floating point number"
+ msgstr "\"%s\"কে দশমিকযুক্ত সংখ্যা রূপে পার্স করতে ব্যর্থ"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:680 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:708
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:680
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:708
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Boolean values must be \"true\" or \"false\" not \"%s\""
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -1055,24 +1304,28 @@ 
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Alpha must be between 0.0 (invisible) and 1.0 (fully opaque), was %g\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"আলফার মান 0.0 (অদৃশ্য) থেকে 1.0 (সম্পূর্ণ অস্বচ্ছ)'র মধ্যে হওয়া আবশ্যক, %g উল্লিখিত\n"
++"আলফার মান 0.0 (অদৃশ্য) থেকে 1.0 (সম্পূর্ণ অস্বচ্ছ)'র মধ্যে হওয়া আবশ্যক, %g "
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:863
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Invalid title scale \"%s\" (must be one of xx-small,x-small,small,medium,"
++"Invalid title scale \"%s\" (must be one of xx-small,x-"
+ msgstr ""
+-"শিরোনামের মাত্রা \"%s\" বৈধ নয় (xx-small,x-small,small,medium,large,x-large,"
+-"xx-large মানগুলির মধ্যে যে কোনো একটি হওয়া আবশ্যক)\n"
++"শিরোনামের মাত্রা \"%s\" বৈধ নয় (xx-small,x-small,small,medium,large,x-"
++"large,xx-large মানগুলির মধ্যে যে কোনো একটি হওয়া আবশ্যক)\n"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1019 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1082
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1116 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1219
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1019
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1082
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1116
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1219
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "<%s> name \"%s\" used a second time"
+ msgstr "<%s> নাম  \"%s\"'এ দ্বিতীয়বার ব্যবহৃত হয়েছে "
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1031 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1128
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1031
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1128
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1231
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "<%s> parent \"%s\" has not been defined"
+@@ -1087,12 +1340,14 @@ 
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "<%s> must specify either a geometry or a parent that has a geometry"
+ msgstr ""
+-"<%s> দ্বারা জ্যামিতি নির্ধারিত হওয়া আবশ্যক অথবা ঊর্ধ্বতন বস্তুর ক্ষেত্রে জ্যামিতির "
+-"উপস্থিতি আবশ্যক"
++"<%s> দ্বারা জ্যামিতি নির্ধারিত হওয়া আবশ্যক অথবা ঊর্ধ্বতন বস্তুর ক্ষেত্রে "
++"জ্যামিতির উপস্থিতি আবশ্যক"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1196
+ msgid "You must specify a background for an alpha value to be meaningful"
+ msgstr ""
++"একটি অালফা মানকে অর্থপূর্ণ করে তুলতে, অাপনাকে অবশ্যই একটি ব্যাকগ্রাউন্ডের "
++"উল্লেখ করতে হবে"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1264
+ #, c-format
+@@ -1109,23 +1364,29 @@ 
+ msgid "Window type \"%s\" has already been assigned a style set"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" প্রকারের উইন্ডোর জন্য একটি স্টাইল সেট নির্ধারিত হয়েছে"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1313 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1377
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1603 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2838
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2884 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3034
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3273 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3311
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3349 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3387
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1313
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1377
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1603
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2838
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2884
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3034
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3273
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3311
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3349
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3387
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Element <%s> is not allowed below <%s>"
+ msgstr "<%s> স্বত্বা <%s>'র নীচে ব্যবহার করা সম্ভব নয়"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1427 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1441
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1427
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1441
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1486
+ msgid ""
+ "Cannot specify both \"button_width\"/\"button_height\" and \"aspect_ratio\" "
+ "for buttons"
+ msgstr ""
+-"বাটনের জন্য \"button_width\"/\"button_height\" ও \"aspect_ratio\" (অ্যাস্পেক্ট "
+-"অনুপাত) উভয় একসাথে উল্লেখ করা সম্ভব নয়"
++"বাটনের জন্য \"button_width\"/\"button_height\" ও \"aspect_ratio\" "
++"(অ্যাস্পেক্ট অনুপাত) উভয় একসাথে উল্লেখ করা সম্ভব নয়"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1450
+ #, c-format
+@@ -1157,18 +1418,21 @@ 
+ msgid "Did not understand value \"%s\" for type of gradient"
+ msgstr "গ্রেডিয়েন্টের জন্যে \"%s\" মান বোধগম্য হয়নি"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2193 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2568
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2193
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2568
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Did not understand fill type \"%s\" for <%s> element"
+ msgstr "ভরাট করার ধরন \"%s\"  <%s> স্বত্বার জন্য বোধগম্য হয়নি"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2360 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2443
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2360
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2443
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2506
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Did not understand state \"%s\" for <%s> element"
+ msgstr "অবস্থা \"%s\", <%s> স্বত্বার জন্য বোধগম্য হয়নি"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2370 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2453
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2370
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2453
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Did not understand shadow \"%s\" for <%s> element"
+ msgstr "শেডো \"%s\", <%s> স্বত্বার জন্য বোধগম্য হয়নি"
+@@ -1178,15 +1442,18 @@ 
+ msgid "Did not understand arrow \"%s\" for <%s> element"
+ msgstr "তীরচিহ্ন \"%s\", <%s> স্বত্বার জন্য বোধগম্য হয়নি"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2694 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2790
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2694
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2790
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No <draw_ops> called \"%s\" has been defined"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" নামক কোনো <draw_ops> নির্ধারিত হয়নি"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2706 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2802
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2706
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Including draw_ops \"%s\" here would create a circular reference"
+ msgstr ""
++"এখানে draw_ops \"%s\" অন্তর্ভুক্ত করলে তা একটি বৃত্তীয় রেফারেন্স তৈরি করবে"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2917
+ #, c-format
+@@ -1198,7 +1465,8 @@ 
+ msgid "Frame style already has a piece at position %s"
+ msgstr "ফ্রেমের বিন্যাসের মধ্যে %s অবস্থানে একটি অংশ উপস্থিত রয়েছে"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2942 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3019
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2942
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3019
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No <draw_ops> with the name \"%s\" has been defined"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" নামের কোনো <draw_ops> নির্ধারিত হয়নি"
+@@ -1222,8 +1490,8 @@ 
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Frame style already has a button for function %s state %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-"function %s state %s বৈশিষ্ট্যের মানের ক্ষেত্রে ফ্রেম বিন্যাসের মধ্যে একটি বাটন "
+-"উপস্থিত রয়েছে"
++"function %s state %s বৈশিষ্ট্যের মানের ক্ষেত্রে ফ্রেম বিন্যাসের মধ্যে একটি "
++"বাটন উপস্থিত রয়েছে"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3073
+ #, c-format
+@@ -1240,7 +1508,8 @@ 
+ msgid "A style called \"%s\" has not been defined"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" নামক বিন্যাস নির্ধারণ করা হয়নি"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3113 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3136
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3113
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3136
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "\"%s\" is not a valid value for resize attribute"
+ msgstr "resize বৈশিষ্ট্যর মান হিসাবে \"%s\" গ্রহণযোগ্য নয়"
+@@ -1251,24 +1520,31 @@ 
+ "Should not have \"resize\" attribute on <%s> element for maximized/shaded "
+ "states"
+ msgstr ""
+-"সর্বোচ্চ মাপ/ছায়াবৃত অবস্থার ক্ষেত্রে <%s> স্বত্বায় \"resize\" বৈশিষ্ট্য উপস্থিত থাকা "
+-"উচিত নয়"
++"সর্বোচ্চ মাপ/ছায়াবৃত অবস্থার ক্ষেত্রে <%s> স্বত্বায় \"resize\" বৈশিষ্ট্য "
++"উপস্থিত থাকা উচিত নয়"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3161
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Should not have \"resize\" attribute on <%s> element for maximized states"
+-msgstr "সর্বোচ্চ মাপে ক্ষেত্রে <%s> স্বত্বায় \"resize\" বৈশিষ্ট্য উপস্থিত থাকা উচিত নয়"
++msgstr ""
++"সর্বোচ্চ মাপে ক্ষেত্রে <%s> স্বত্বায় \"resize\" বৈশিষ্ট্য উপস্থিত থাকা উচিত "
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3175 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3222
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3175
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3222
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Style has already been specified for state %s resize %s focus %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-"state %s resize %s focus %s বৈশিষ্ট্য সহ অবস্থার ক্ষেত্রে বিন্যাস নির্ধারিত হয়েছে"
++"state %s resize %s focus %s বৈশিষ্ট্য সহ অবস্থার ক্ষেত্রে বিন্যাস নির্ধারিত "
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3186 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3197
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3208 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3233
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3244 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3255
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3186
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3197
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3208
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3233
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3244
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3255
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Style has already been specified for state %s focus %s"
+ msgstr "state %s focus %s অবস্থার জন্য বিন্যাস নির্ধারিত হয়েছে"
+@@ -1278,24 +1554,27 @@ 
+ "Can't have a two draw_ops for a <piece> element (theme specified a draw_ops "
+ "attribute and also a <draw_ops> element, or specified two elements)"
+ msgstr ""
+-"একটি <piece> স্বত্বার সাথে দুটি draw_ops উপস্থিত থাকা সম্ভব নয় (থিম দ্বারা একটি "
+-"draw_ops বৈশিষ্ট্য ও <draw_ops> স্বত্বা অথবা দুটি স্বত্বা উল্লিখিত হয়েছে)"
++"একটি <piece> স্বত্বার সাথে দুটি draw_ops উপস্থিত থাকা সম্ভব নয় (থিম দ্বারা "
++"একটি draw_ops বৈশিষ্ট্য ও <draw_ops> স্বত্বা অথবা দুটি স্বত্বা উল্লিখিত "
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3332
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't have a two draw_ops for a <button> element (theme specified a draw_ops "
+ "attribute and also a <draw_ops> element, or specified two elements)"
+ msgstr ""
+-"একটি <button> স্বত্বার সাথে দুটি draw_ops উপস্থিত থাকা সম্ভব নয় (থিম দ্বারা একটি "
+-"draw_ops বৈশিষ্ট্য ও <draw_ops> স্বত্বা অথবা দুটি স্বত্বা উল্লিখিত হয়েছে)"
++"একটি <button> স্বত্বার সাথে দুটি draw_ops উপস্থিত থাকা সম্ভব নয় (থিম দ্বারা "
++"একটি draw_ops বৈশিষ্ট্য ও <draw_ops> স্বত্বা অথবা দুটি স্বত্বা উল্লিখিত "
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3370
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't have a two draw_ops for a <menu_icon> element (theme specified a "
+ "draw_ops attribute and also a <draw_ops> element, or specified two elements)"
+ msgstr ""
+-"একটি <menu> স্বত্বার সাথে দুটি draw_ops উপস্থিত থাকা সম্ভব নয় (থিম দ্বারা একটি "
+-"draw_ops বৈশিষ্ট্য ও <draw_ops> স্বত্বা অথবা দুটি স্বত্বা উল্লিখিত হয়েছে)"
++"একটি <menu> স্বত্বার সাথে দুটি draw_ops উপস্থিত থাকা সম্ভব নয় (থিম দ্বারা "
++"একটি draw_ops বৈশিষ্ট্য ও <draw_ops> স্বত্বা অথবা দুটি স্বত্বা উল্লিখিত "
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3434
+ #, c-format
+@@ -1307,26 +1586,30 @@ 
+ "\"version\" attribute cannot be used in metacity-theme-1.xml or metacity-"
+ "theme-2.xml"
+ msgstr ""
+-"\"version\" অ্যাট্রিবিউট metacity-theme-1.xml বা metacity-থিম-2.xml এ ব্যবহার "
+-"করা যাবে না"
++"\"version\" অ্যাট্রিবিউট metacity-theme-1.xml বা metacity-থিম-2.xml এ "
++"ব্যবহার করা যাবে না"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3530
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Theme requires version %s but latest supported theme version is %d.%d"
+-msgstr "থিমের প্রয়োজনীয় সংস্করণ %s কিন্তু সর্বশেষ সমর্থিত থিম সংস্করণ সংখ্যা হল %d। %d"
++msgstr ""
++"থিমের প্রয়োজনীয় সংস্করণ %s কিন্তু সর্বশেষ সমর্থিত থিম সংস্করণ সংখ্যা হল %d। "
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3562
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Outermost element in theme must be <metacity_theme> not <%s>"
+ msgstr ""
+-"থিমের মধ্যে কেন্দ্রস্থল থেকে সবচেয়ে দূরে অবস্থিত উপাদান <%s> নয় <metacity_theme> "
+-"হওয়া আবশ্যক"
++"থিমের মধ্যে কেন্দ্রস্থল থেকে সবচেয়ে দূরে অবস্থিত উপাদান <%s> নয় "
++"<metacity_theme> হওয়া আবশ্যক"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3582
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Element <%s> is not allowed inside a name/author/date/description element"
+-msgstr "name/author/date/description স্বত্বার মধ্যে <%s> স্বত্বার ব্যবহার অনুমোদিত নয়"
++msgstr ""
++"name/author/date/description স্বত্বার মধ্যে <%s> স্বত্বার ব্যবহার অনুমোদিত "
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3587
+ #, c-format
+@@ -1337,15 +1620,21 @@ 
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Element <%s> is not allowed inside a distance/border/aspect_ratio element"
+-msgstr "distance/border/aspect_ratio স্বত্বার মধ্যে <%s> স্বত্বার ব্যবহার অনুমোদিত নয়"
++msgstr ""
++"distance/border/aspect_ratio স্বত্বার মধ্যে <%s> স্বত্বার ব্যবহার অনুমোদিত "
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3621
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Element <%s> is not allowed inside a draw operation element"
+-msgstr "draw operation (ড্র অপারেশন) স্বত্বার মধ্যে <%s> স্বত্বার ব্যবহার অনুমোদিত নয়"
++msgstr ""
++"draw operation (ড্র অপারেশন) স্বত্বার মধ্যে <%s> স্বত্বার ব্যবহার অনুমোদিত "
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3631 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3661
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3666 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3671
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3631
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3661
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3666
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3671
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Element <%s> is not allowed inside a <%s> element"
+ msgstr "<%s> স্বত্বার মধ্যে <%s> স্বত্বার ব্যবহার অনুমোদিত নয়"
+@@ -1363,14 +1652,16 @@ 
+ msgid "No text is allowed inside element <%s>"
+ msgstr "<%s> স্বত্বার মধ্যে টেক্সটের ব্যবহার অনুমোদিত নয়"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4026 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4038
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4050 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4062
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4026
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4038
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4050
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4062
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4074
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "<%s> specified twice for this theme"
+ msgstr "এই থিমের ক্ষেত্রে <%s> দুইবার  নির্দিষ্ট করা হয়েছে"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4334
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4336
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Failed to find a valid file for theme %s\n"
+ msgstr "থিম %s-এর বৈধ ফাইল খুঁজে পেতে ব্যর্থ \n"
+@@ -1476,846 +1767,104 @@ 
+ msgid "Attached Modal Dialog"
+ msgstr "সংযুক্ত মোডাল ডায়লগ"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:739
++#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:737
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Button layout test %d"
+ msgstr "বাটন বিন্যাসের পরীক্ষা %d"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:768
++#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:766
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%g milliseconds to draw one window frame"
+ msgstr "একটি উইন্ডো ফ্রেম নির্মাণের জন্য %g মিলিসেকেন্ড"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:813
++#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:811
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Usage: metacity-theme-viewer [THEMENAME]\n"
+ msgstr "ব্যবহারপদ্ধতি: metacity-theme-viewer [THEMENAME]\n"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:820
++#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:818
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error loading theme: %s\n"
+ msgstr "থিম লোড করতে সমস্যা: %s\n"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:826
++#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:824
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Loaded theme \"%s\" in %g seconds\n"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" থিম %g সেকেন্ডে লোড করা হয়েছে\n"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:870
++#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:869
+ msgid "Normal Title Font"
+ msgstr "স্বাভাবিক মাপের শিরোনামে ব্যবহৃত ফন্ট"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:876
++#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:875
+ msgid "Small Title Font"
+ msgstr "ছোট মাপের শিরোনামে ব্যবহৃত ফন্ট"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:882
++#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:881
+ msgid "Large Title Font"
+ msgstr "বড় মাপের শিরোনামে ব্যবহৃত ফন্ট"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:887
++#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:886
+ msgid "Button Layouts"
+ msgstr "বাটনের বিন্যাস"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:892
++#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:891
+ msgid "Benchmark"
+ msgstr "মাত্রাবিশিষ্ট"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:944
++#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:947
+ msgid "Window Title Goes Here"
+ msgstr "উইন্ডো শিরোনাম চিহ্নিত স্থানে স্থাপিত হবে"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:1047
++#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:1053
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Drew %d frames in %g client-side seconds (%g milliseconds per frame) and %g "
+ "seconds wall clock time including X server resources (%g milliseconds per "
+ "frame)\n"
+ msgstr ""
++"অাঁকা হয়েছে %d ফ্রেম %g client-side সেকেন্ডে (ফ্রেম প্রতি %g মিলিসেকেন্ড) "
++"এবং %g সেকেন্ড দেওয়াল ঘড়ি সময় X সার্ভার রিসোর্স সমেত (ফ্রেম প্রতি %g "
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:1266
++#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:1273
+ msgid "position expression test returned TRUE but set error"
+ msgstr ""
+-"অবস্থান চিহ্নকারী এক্সপ্রেশনের পরীক্ষা দ্বারা মান TRUE উল্লিখিত হলেও ত্রুটি নির্ধারিত "
++"অবস্থান চিহ্নকারী এক্সপ্রেশনের পরীক্ষা দ্বারা মান TRUE উল্লিখিত হলেও ত্রুটি "
++"নির্ধারিত হয়েছে"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:1268
++#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:1275
+ msgid "position expression test returned FALSE but didn't set error"
+ msgstr ""
+-"অবস্থান চিহ্নকারী এক্সপ্রেশনের পরীক্ষা দ্বারা মান FALSE উল্লিখিত হলেও ত্রুটি নির্ধারিত "
++"অবস্থান চিহ্নকারী এক্সপ্রেশনের পরীক্ষা দ্বারা মান FALSE উল্লিখিত হলেও ত্রুটি "
++"নির্ধারিত হয়নি"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:1272
++#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:1279
+ msgid "Error was expected but none given"
+ msgstr "ত্রুটি প্রত্যাশিত কিন্তু উল্লিখিত হয়নি"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:1274
++#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:1281
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error %d was expected but %d given"
+ msgstr "ত্রুটি %d প্রত্যাশিত %d প্রদত্ত"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:1280
++#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:1287
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error not expected but one was returned: %s"
+ msgstr "ত্রুটি প্রত্যাশিত নয় কিন্তু প্রাপ্ত: %s"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:1284
++#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:1291
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "x value was %d, %d was expected"
+ msgstr "x'র মান %d, %d প্রত্যাশিত"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:1287
++#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:1294
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "y value was %d, %d was expected"
+ msgstr "y'র মান %d, %d প্রত্যাশিত"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:1352
++#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:1359
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d coordinate expressions parsed in %g seconds (%g seconds average)\n"
+-msgstr "%d কো-ওর্ডিনেট এক্সপ্রেশন %g সেকেন্ডে পার্স করা হয়েছে (গড় %g সেকেন্ড)\n"
+-#~| msgid "Window manager: "
+-#~ msgid "Window Management"
+-#~ msgstr "উইন্ডো পরিচালন ব্যবস্থা"
+-#~ msgid "Failed to parse message \"%s\" from dialog process\n"
+-#~ msgstr "ডায়লগের প্রসেস থেকে প্রাপ্ত \"%s\" বার্তা পার্স করতে ব্যর্থ\n"
+-#~ msgid "Error reading from dialog display process: %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr "ডায়লগ প্রদর্শনের প্রক্রিয়া থেকে পড়তে সমস্যা : %s\n"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Error launching metacity-dialog to ask about killing an application: %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "অ্যাপ্লিকেশন বন্ধ (kill) করার সম্মতি জানতে ব্যবহৃত metacity-dialog প্রদর্শন করতে "
+-#~ "সমস্যা: %s\n"
+-#~ msgid "Failed to get hostname: %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr "হোস্ট-নেম প্রাপ্ত করতে ব্যর্থ: %s\n"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Lost connection to the display '%s';\n"
+-#~ "most likely the X server was shut down or you killed/destroyed\n"
+-#~ "the window manager.\n"
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "ডিসপ্লে '%s'-র সাথে সংযোগ বিচ্ছিন্ন হয়েছে;\n"
+-#~ "সম্ভবত X সার্ভার বন্ধ করা হয়েছে অথবা উইন্ডো পরিচালন ব্যবস্থা kill/বন্ধ\n"
+-#~ "করা হয়েছে।\n"
+-#~ msgid "Fatal IO error %d (%s) on display '%s'.\n"
+-#~ msgstr "গুরুতর IO সমস্যা %d (%s) '%s' প্রদর্শনে।\n"
+-#~| msgid ""
+-#~| "There was an error running \"%s\":\n"
+-#~| "%s."
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "There was an error running <tt>%s</tt>:\n"
+-#~ "\n"
+-#~ "%s"
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "<tt>%s</tt> সঞ্চালনে সমস্যা:\n"
+-#~ "\n"
+-#~ "%s"
+-#~ msgid "No command %d has been defined.\n"
+-#~ msgstr "%d কমান্ড ব্যাখ্যা করা হয়নি।\n"
+-#~ msgid "No terminal command has been defined.\n"
+-#~ msgstr "টার্মিনালে ব্যবহারযোগ্য কোনো কমান্ড ব্যাখ্যা করা হয়নি।\n"
+-#~ msgid "Turn compositing on"
+-#~ msgstr "কম্পোসিটিং ব্যবস্থা চালু করুন"
+-#~ msgid "Turn compositing off"
+-#~ msgstr "কম্পোসিটিং ব্যবস্থা বন্ধ করুন"
+-#~ msgid "Failed to restart: %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr "আবার চালু করতে পারলাম না: %s\n"
+-#~ msgid "GConf key '%s' is set to an invalid value\n"
+-#~ msgstr "GConf-কি \"%s\"'র মান বৈধ নয়\n"
+-#~| msgid "%d stored in GConf key %s is out of range 0 to %d\n"
+-#~ msgid "%d stored in GConf key %s is out of range %d to %d\n"
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "%d মান যা GConf-কি %s-র মধ্যে সংরক্ষিত রয়েছে, %d থেকে %d-র সীমাবহির্ভূত\n"
+-#~ msgid "GConf key \"%s\" is set to an invalid type\n"
+-#~ msgstr "GConf-কি \"%s\"'র ধরন বৈধ নয়\n"
+-#~ msgid "Error setting number of workspaces to %d: %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr "কর্মক্ষেত্রের সংখ্যা %d রূপে নির্ধারণ করতে ব্যর্থ: %s\n"
+-#~ msgid "Error setting name for workspace %d to \"%s\": %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr "কর্মক্ষেত্র %d'র নাম \"%s\" রূপে নির্ধারণ করতে ব্যর্থ: %s\n"
+-#~| msgid "Error setting name for workspace %d to \"%s\": %s\n"
+-#~ msgid "Error setting compositor status: %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr "কম্পোসিটারের অবস্থা নির্ধারণ করতে ত্রুটি: %s\n"
+-#~| msgid ""
+-#~| "The keybinding used to close a window. The format looks like \"&lt;"
+-#~| "Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly "
+-#~| "liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations such as "
+-#~| "\"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the "
+-#~| "special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for this "
+-#~| "action."
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The format looks like \"<Control>a\" or <Shift><Alt>F1\".\n"
+-#~ "\n"
+-#~ "The parser is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also "
+-#~ "abbreviations such as \"<Ctl>\" and \"<Ctrl>\". If you set the option to "
+-#~ "the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for "
+-#~ "this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "যে কি-বাইন্ডিং দ্বারা উইন্ডো বন্ধ করা হবে। \"<Control>a\" অথবা "
+-#~ "<Shift><Alt>F1\" বিন্যাস ব্যবহৃত হবে। \n"
+-#~ "\n"
+-#~ "পার্সার হরফের ছাঁদ সম্পর্কে সচেতন নয় এবং প্রয়োজনে \"<Ctl>\" ও \"<Ctrl>\"-র "
+-#~ "অনুরূপ সংক্ষিপ্ত রূপও ব্যবহার করা যাবে। বিকল্পের ক্ষেত্রে বিশেষ পংক্তি \"disabled\" "
+-#~ "প্রয়োগ করা হলে এই কর্মের জন্য কোনো কি-বাইন্ডিং ব্যবহার করা হবে না।"
+-#~| msgid ""
+-#~| "The keybinding used to close a window. The format looks like \"&lt;"
+-#~| "Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly "
+-#~| "liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations such as "
+-#~| "\"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the "
+-#~| "special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for this "
+-#~| "action."
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The format looks like \"<Control>a\" or <Shift><Alt>F1\".\n"
+-#~ "\n"
+-#~ "The parser is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also "
+-#~ "abbreviations such as \"<Ctl>\" and \"<Ctrl>\". If you set the option to "
+-#~ "the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for "
+-#~ "this action.\n"
+-#~ "\n"
+-#~ "This keybinding may be reversed by holding down the \"shift\" key; "
+-#~ "therefore, \"shift\" cannot be one of the keys it uses."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "যে কি-বাইন্ডিং দ্বারা উইন্ডো বন্ধ করা হবে। \"<Control>a\" অথবা "
+-#~ "<Shift><Alt>F1\" বিন্যাস ব্যবহৃত হবে। \n"
+-#~ "\n"
+-#~ "পার্সার হরফের ছাঁদ সম্পর্কে সচেতন নয় এবং প্রয়োজনে \"<Ctl>\" ও \"<Ctrl>\"-র "
+-#~ "অনুরূপ সংক্ষিপ্ত রূপও ব্যবহার করা যাবে। বিকল্পের ক্ষেত্রে বিশেষ পংক্তি \"disabled\" "
+-#~ "প্রয়োগ করা হলে এই কর্মের জন্য কোনো কি-বাইন্ডিং ব্যবহার করা হবে না।\n"
+-#~ "\n"
+-#~ "\"shift\" কি টেপা হলে কি-বাইন্ডিংগুলির বিপরীত ব্যবহার করা হবে; অর্থাৎ, \"shift"
+-#~ "\" কি এই ক্ষেত্রে ব্যবহার করা যাবে না।"
+-#~ msgid "Failed to read saved session file %s: %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr "সংরক্ষিত সেশান ফাইল %s পড়তে ব্যর্থ: %s\n"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Error launching metacity-dialog to warn about apps that don't support "
+-#~ "session management: %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "সেশান পরিচালনব্যবস্থা সমর্থন করতে ব্যর্থ অ্যাপ্লিকেশন সম্পরকে সূচিত করে ব্যবহৃথ "
+-#~ "metacity-dialog: %s\n"
+-#~ msgid "Metacity"
+-#~ msgstr "Metacity"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 1"
+-#~ msgstr "কর্মক্ষেত্র ১'এ পরিবর্তন করুন"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 2"
+-#~ msgstr "কর্মক্ষেত্র ১৩'এ পরিবর্তন করুন"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 3"
+-#~ msgstr "কর্মক্ষেত্র ৩'এ পরিবর্তন করুন"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 4"
+-#~ msgstr "কর্মক্ষেত্র ৪'এ পরিবর্তন করুন"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 5"
+-#~ msgstr "কর্মক্ষেত্র ৫'এ পরিবর্তন করুন"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 6"
+-#~ msgstr "কর্মক্ষেত্র ৬'এ পরিবর্তন করুন"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 7"
+-#~ msgstr "কর্মক্ষেত্র ৭'এ পরিবর্তন করুন"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 8"
+-#~ msgstr "কর্মক্ষেত্র ৮'এ পরিবর্তন করুন"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 9"
+-#~ msgstr "কর্মক্ষেত্র ৯'এ পরিবর্তন করুন"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 10"
+-#~ msgstr "কর্মক্ষেত্র ১'এ পরিবর্তন করুন"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 11"
+-#~ msgstr "কর্মক্ষেত্র ১১'এ পরিবর্তন করুন"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 12"
+-#~ msgstr "কর্মক্ষেত্র ১২'এ পরিবর্তন করুন"
+-#~| msgid "Switch to workspace on the left"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace on the left of the current workspace"
+-#~ msgstr "বাঁদিকের পার্শ্ববর্তী কর্মক্ষেত্রে পরিবর্তন করুন"
+-#~| msgid "Switch to workspace on the right"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace on the right of the current workspace"
+-#~ msgstr "ডানদিকের পার্শ্ববর্তী কর্মক্ষেত্রে পরিবর্তন করুন"
+-#~| msgid "Switch to workspace above this one"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace above the current workspace"
+-#~ msgstr "ঊর্ধস্থ কর্মক্ষেত্রে পরিবর্তন করুন"
+-#~| msgid "Switch to workspace below this one"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace below the current workspace"
+-#~ msgstr "নিম্নস্থিত কর্মক্ষেত্রে পরিবর্তন করুন"
+-#~| msgid "Move between windows of an application with popup"
+-#~ msgid "Move between windows of an application, using a popup window"
+-#~ msgstr "অ্যাপ্লিকেশনের উইন্ডোগুলির মধ্যে পপ-আপ উইন্ডো প্রয়োগ করে স্থান পরিবর্তন করুন"
+-#~| msgid "Move backwards between windows of an application with popup"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Move backward between windows of an application, using a popup window"
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "অ্যাপ্লিকেশনের উইন্ডোগুলির মধ্যে পপ-আপ উইন্ডো প্রয়োগ করে বিপরীতদিকে স্থান পরিবর্তন "
+-#~ "করুন"
+-#~| msgid "Move between windows with popup"
+-#~ msgid "Move between windows, using a popup window"
+-#~ msgstr "উইন্ডোগুলির মধ্যে পপ-আপ উইন্ডো প্রয়োগ করে স্থান পরিবর্তন করুন"
+-#~| msgid "Move focus backwards between windows using popup display"
+-#~ msgid "Move backward between windows, using a popup window"
+-#~ msgstr "উইন্ডোগুলির মধ্যে পপ-আপ উইন্ডো প্রয়োগ করে বিপরীতদিকে স্থান পরিবর্তন করুন"
+-#~| msgid "Move between panels and the desktop with popup"
+-#~ msgid "Move between panels and the desktop, using a popup window"
+-#~ msgstr "প্যানেল ও ডেস্কটপের মধ্যে পপ-আপ উইন্ডো প্রয়োগ করে স্থান পরিবর্তন করুন"
+-#~| msgid "Move backwards between panels and the desktop with popup"
+-#~ msgid "Move backward between panels and the desktop, using a popup window"
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "প্যানেল ও ডেস্কটপের মধ্যে পপ-আপ উইন্ডো প্রয়োগ করে বিপরীত দিশায় স্থান পরিবর্তন করুন"
+-#~ msgid "Move between windows of an application immediately"
+-#~ msgstr "অ্যাপ্লিকেশনের উইন্ডোগুলির মধ্যে তৎক্ষনাৎ স্থান পরিবর্তন করা হবে"
+-#~| msgid "Move backwards between windows of an application immediately"
+-#~ msgid "Move backward between windows of an application immediately"
+-#~ msgstr "অ্যাপ্লিকেশনের উইন্ডোগুলির মধ্যে তৎক্ষনাৎ বিপরীতদিকে স্থান পরিবর্তন করুন"
+-#~ msgid "Move between windows immediately"
+-#~ msgstr "উইন্ডোগুলির মধ্যে তৎক্ষনাৎ স্থান পরিবর্তন করা হবে"
+-#~| msgid "Move backwards between windows immediately"
+-#~ msgid "Move backward between windows immediately"
+-#~ msgstr "উইন্ডোগুলির মধ্যে তৎক্ষনাৎ বিপরীতদিকে স্থান পরিবর্তন করুন"
+-#~ msgid "Move between panels and the desktop immediately"
+-#~ msgstr "প্যানেল ও ডেস্কটপের মধ্যে তৎক্ষনাৎ স্থান পরিবর্তন করা হবে"
+-#~ msgid "Move backward between panels and the desktop immediately"
+-#~ msgstr "প্যানেল ও ডেস্কটপের মধ্যে তৎক্ষনাৎ বিপরীত দিশায় স্থান পরিবর্তন করা হবে"
+-#~| msgid "Hide all windows and focus desktop"
+-#~ msgid "Hide all normal windows and set focus to the desktop"
+-#~ msgstr "সমস্ত সাধারণ উইন্ডো আড়াল করে ডেস্কটপ উজ্জ্বল করা হবে"
+-#~| msgid "Show the panel menu"
+-#~ msgid "Show the panel's main menu"
+-#~ msgstr "প্যানেলের প্রধান মেনু প্রদর্শন করা হবে"
+-#~| msgid "Show the panel run application dialog"
+-#~ msgid "Show the panel's \"Run Application\" dialog box"
+-#~ msgstr "প্যানেলের \"অ্যাপ্লিকেশন সঞ্চালনা\"-র ডায়লগ বক্স প্রদর্শন করা হবে"
+-#~ msgid "Take a screenshot"
+-#~ msgstr "পর্দার ছবি নিন"
+-#~ msgid "Take a screenshot of a window"
+-#~ msgstr "উইন্ডোর ছবি নিন"
+-#~ msgid "Run a terminal"
+-#~ msgstr "টার্মিনাল আরম্ভ করুন"
+-#~| msgid "Activate window menu"
+-#~ msgid "Activate the window menu"
+-#~ msgstr "উইন্ডো মেনু সক্রিয় করুন"
+-#~ msgid "Toggle fullscreen mode"
+-#~ msgstr "সম্পূর্ণ পর্দা জুড়ে প্রদর্শনের মোড অদল-বদল করা হবে"
+-#~ msgid "Toggle maximization state"
+-#~ msgstr "সর্বোচ্চ মাপে প্রদর্শনের অবস্থা অদল-বদল করা হবে"
+-#~| msgid "Lower window below other windows"
+-#~ msgid "Toggle whether a window will always be visible over other windows"
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "উইন্ডোটি সর্বদা অন্য সকল উইন্ডোর উপর প্রদর্শিত হবে কিনা তা টগল করে চিহ্নিত করুন"
+-#~ msgid "Maximize window"
+-#~ msgstr "উইন্ডো বড় করুন"
+-#~| msgid "Resize window"
+-#~ msgid "Restore window"
+-#~ msgstr "উইন্ডো প্রদর্শন করুন"
+-#~ msgid "Toggle shaded state"
+-#~ msgstr "ছায়াবৃত প্রদর্শনের অবস্থা অদল-বদল করা হবে"
+-#~ msgid "Minimize window"
+-#~ msgstr "উইন্ডো আড়াল করুন"
+-#~ msgid "Close window"
+-#~ msgstr "উইন্ডো বন্ধ করুন"
+-#~ msgid "Move window"
+-#~ msgstr "উইন্ডো স্থানান্তরণ"
+-#~ msgid "Resize window"
+-#~ msgstr "উইন্ডোর মাপ পরিবর্তন করুন"
+-#~| msgid "Toggle window on all workspaces"
+-#~ msgid "Toggle whether window is on all workspaces or just one"
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "সকল কর্মক্ষেত্র অথবা একটি কর্মক্ষেত্রে উইন্ডো প্রদর্শন করা হবে কি না তা টগল করে "
+-#~ "চিহ্নিত করুন"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 1"
+-#~ msgstr "কর্মক্ষেত্র ১'এ স্থানান্তর করুন"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 2"
+-#~ msgstr "কর্মক্ষেত্র ২'এ স্থানান্তর করুন"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 3"
+-#~ msgstr "কর্মক্ষেত্র ৩'এ স্থানান্তর করুন"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 4"
+-#~ msgstr "কর্মক্ষেত্র ৪'এ স্থানান্তর করুন"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 5"
+-#~ msgstr "কর্মক্ষেত্র ৫'এ স্থানান্তর করুন"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 6"
+-#~ msgstr "কর্মক্ষেত্র ৬'এ স্থানান্তর করুন"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 7"
+-#~ msgstr "কর্মক্ষেত্র ৭'এ স্থানান্তর করুন"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 8"
+-#~ msgstr "কর্মক্ষেত্র ৮'এ স্থানান্তর করুন"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 9"
+-#~ msgstr "কর্মক্ষেত্র ৯'এ স্থানান্তর করুন"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 10"
+-#~ msgstr "কর্মক্ষেত্র ১০'এ স্থানান্তর করুন"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 11"
+-#~ msgstr "কর্মক্ষেত্র ১১'এ স্থানান্তর করুন"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 12"
+-#~ msgstr "কর্মক্ষেত্র ১২'এ স্থানান্তর করুন"
+-#~ msgid "Move window one workspace to the left"
+-#~ msgstr "উইন্ডো বাঁদিকের পার্শ্ববর্তী কর্মক্ষেত্রে স্থানান্তরণ করা হবে"
+-#~ msgid "Move window one workspace to the right"
+-#~ msgstr "উইন্ডো ডানদিকের পার্শ্ববর্তী কর্মক্ষেত্রে স্থানান্তরণ করা হবে"
+-#~ msgid "Move window one workspace up"
+-#~ msgstr "উইন্ডো একটি কর্মক্ষেত্র উপরে স্থানান্তরণ করা হবে"
+-#~ msgid "Move window one workspace down"
+-#~ msgstr "উইন্ডো একটি কর্মক্ষেত্র নীচে স্থানান্তরণ করা হবে"
+-#~| msgid "Raise window above other windows"
+-#~ msgid "Raise window if it's covered by another window, otherwise lower it"
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "অন্য উইন্ডো দ্বারা ঢাকা থাকলে উইন্ডোটি উপরে উইন্ডো উত্থাপন করা হবে, অন্যথা সেটি "
+-#~ "নীচে নামানো হবে"
+-#~ msgid "Raise window above other windows"
+-#~ msgstr "অন্যান্য উইন্ডোর উপরে উইন্ডো উত্থাপন করা হবে"
+-#~ msgid "Lower window below other windows"
+-#~ msgstr "উইন্ডোটিকে অন্য উইন্ডোর নীচে নামানো হবে"
+-#~ msgid "Maximize window vertically"
+-#~ msgstr "উইন্ডো উলম্ব দিশায় বড় করুন"
+-#~ msgid "Maximize window horizontally"
+-#~ msgstr "উইন্ডো অনুভূমিক দিশায় বড় করুন"
+-#~| msgid "Move window one workspace to the left"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to north-west (top left) corner"
+-#~ msgstr "পর্দার উপরে বাঁদিকের কোণে উইন্ডো স্থাপন করা হবে"
+-#~| msgid "Move window one workspace to the right"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to north-east (top right) corner"
+-#~ msgstr "পর্দার উপরে ডানদিকের কোণে উইন্ডো স্থাপন করা হবে"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to south-west (bottom left) corner"
+-#~ msgstr "পর্দার নীচে বাঁদিকের কোণে উইন্ডো স্থাপন করা হবে"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to south-east (bottom right) corner"
+-#~ msgstr "পর্দার নীচে ডানদিকের কোণে উইন্ডো স্থাপন করা হবে"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to north (top) side of screen"
+-#~ msgstr "পর্দার উপরের অংশে উইন্ডো স্থাপন করা হবে"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to south (bottom) side of screen"
+-#~ msgstr "পর্দার নীচের অংশে উইন্ডো স্থাপন করা হবে"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to east (right) side of screen"
+-#~ msgstr "পর্দার ডানদিকের অংশে উইন্ডো স্থাপন করা হবে"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to west (left) side of screen"
+-#~ msgstr "পর্দার বাঁদিকের অংশে উইন্ডো স্থাপন করা হবে"
+-#~| msgid "Move window one workspace down"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to center of screen"
+-#~ msgstr "পর্দার কেন্দ্রে উইন্ডো স্থাপন করা হবে"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "(Not implemented) Navigation works in terms of applications not windows"
+-#~ msgstr "(কার্যকরী নয়) উইন্ডোর পরিবর্তে অ্যাপ্লিকেশন অনুসারে চলাচল করা সম্ভব"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "A font description string describing a font for window titlebars. The "
+-#~ "size from the description will only be used if the titlebar_font_size "
+-#~ "option is set to 0. Also, this option is disabled if the "
+-#~ "titlebar_uses_desktop_font option is set to true."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "উইন্ডোর শিরোনামে ব্যবহৃত ফন্টের ব্যাখ্যা রূপে একটি পংক্তি। titlebar_font_size "
+-#~ "বিকল্পের মান 0 রূপে ধার্য করা হলে ফন্টের ব্যাখ্যায় উল্লিখিত ফন্টের মাপ ব্যবহৃত হবে। "
+-#~ "titlebar_uses_desktop_font বিকল্পের মান true হলে এই বিকল্পের ব্যবহার নিষ্ক্রিয় "
+-#~ "করা হবে।"
+-#~ msgid "Action on title bar double-click"
+-#~ msgstr "শিরোনামের বারে দুইবার ক্লিক করা হলে করণীয় কর্ম"
+-#~| msgid "Action on title bar double-click"
+-#~ msgid "Action on title bar middle-click"
+-#~ msgstr "শিরোনামের বারে মাউসের মাঝের বাটন ক্লিক করা হলে সঞ্চালনযোগ্য কর্ম"
+-#~| msgid "Action on title bar double-click"
+-#~ msgid "Action on title bar right-click"
+-#~ msgstr "শিরোনামের বারে মাউসের ডানদিকের বাটন ক্লিক করা হলে সঞ্চালনযোগ্য কর্ম"
+-#~ msgid "Arrangement of buttons on the titlebar"
+-#~ msgstr "শিরোনাম বারে বাটনের বিন্যাস"
+-#, fuzzy
+-#~| msgid ""
+-#~| "Arrangement of buttons on the titlebar. The value should be a string, "
+-#~| "such as \"menu:minimize,maximize,close\"; the colon separates the left "
+-#~| "corner of the window from the right corner, and the button names are "
+-#~| "comma-separated. Duplicate buttons are not allowed. Unknown button names "
+-#~| "are silently ignored so that buttons can be added in future metacity "
+-#~| "versions without breaking older versions."
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Arrangement of buttons on the titlebar. The value should be a string, "
+-#~ "such as \"menu:minimize,maximize,spacer,close\"; the colon separates the "
+-#~ "left corner of the window from the right corner, and the button names are "
+-#~ "comma-separated. Duplicate buttons are not allowed. Unknown button names "
+-#~ "are silently ignored so that buttons can be added in future metacity "
+-#~ "versions without breaking older versions. A special spacer tag can be "
+-#~ "used to insert some space between two adjacent buttons."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "শিরোনাম বারের মধ্যে বাটনের বিন্যাস। চিহ্নিত মান একটি পংক্তি হওয়া আবশ্যক যেমন "
+-#~ "\"menu:minimize,maximize,close\"; কোলোন চিহ্ন দ্বারা উইন্ডোর বাঁদিকের কোণার ও "
+-#~ "ডানদিকের কোণার মান বিভাজিত করা হয় এবং বাটনের নামগুলি কমা-চিহ্ন দ্বারা বিভক্ত।"
+-#~ "দুটি বাটন অনুরূপ হওয়া সম্ভব নয়। অজানা বাটনের নাম সতর্কবাণী বিনা অগ্রাহ্য করা হয় "
+-#~ "যার ফলে ভবিষ্যতে প্রকাশিত metacity'র সংস্করণের সাথে বিনা দ্বন্দ্বে বাটন যোগ করা "
+-#~ "সম্ভব হবে।"
+-#~ msgid "Automatically raises the focused window"
+-#~ msgstr "ব্যবহৃত উইন্ডো স্বয়ংক্রিয়রূপে বড় করা হবে"
+-#, fuzzy
+-#~| msgid ""
+-#~| "Clicking a window while holding down this modifier key will move the "
+-#~| "window (left click), resize the window (middle click), or show the "
+-#~| "window menu (right click). Modifier is expressed as \"&lt;Alt&gt;\" or "
+-#~| "\"&lt;Super&gt;\" for example."
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Clicking a window while holding down this modifier key will move the "
+-#~ "window (left click), resize the window (middle click), or show the window "
+-#~ "menu (right click). The left and right operations may be swapped using "
+-#~ "the \"mouse_button_resize\" key. Modifier is expressed as \"&lt;Alt&gt;\" "
+-#~ "or \"&lt;Super&gt;\" for example."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "চিহ্নিত পরিবর্তক-কি টিপে ধরে উইন্ডোর উপর ক্লিক করা হলে উইন্ডোটির স্থান পরিবর্তন "
+-#~ "(বাঁদিকের বাটনে ক্লিক), মাপ পরিবর্তন (মধ্যবর্তী বাটনে ক্লিক) অথবা উইন্ডোর মেনু "
+-#~ "পরিবর্তন(ডানদিকের বাটনে ক্লিক) করা সম্ভব হবে। পরিবর্তক লেখার জন্য \"&lt;Alt&gt;"
+-#~ "\" অথবা  \"&lt;Super&gt;\" প্রভৃতি বিন্যাস ব্যবহার করা হয়।"
+-#~ msgid "Commands to run in response to keybindings"
+-#~ msgstr "কি-বাইন্ডিং ব্যবহৃত হলে সঞ্চালনযোগ্য কমান্ড"
+-#~ msgid "Compositing Manager"
+-#~ msgstr "কম্পোসিটিং পরিচালন ব্যবস্থা"
+-#~ msgid "Control how new windows get focus"
+-#~ msgstr "নতুন উইন্ড উজ্জ্বল করার প্রণালী নিয়ন্ত্রণ করুন"
+-#~ msgid "Current theme"
+-#~ msgstr "বর্তমানে ব্যবহৃত থিম"
+-#~ msgid "Delay in milliseconds for the auto raise option"
+-#~ msgstr "স্বয়ংক্রিয়রূপে উইন্ডোর বড় করার পূর্বে বিলম্বক্ষণ, মিলিসেকেন্ডে ব্যক্ত"
+-#~ msgid "Determines whether Metacity is a compositing manager."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "কমপোসিটিং পরিচালন ব্যবস্থা রূপে Metacity প্রয়োগ করা হবে কি না তা ধার্য করা হবে।"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Determines whether applications or the system can generate audible "
+-#~ "'beeps'; may be used in conjunction with 'visual bell' to allow silent "
+-#~ "'beeps'."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "অ্যাপ্লিকেশন অথবা সিস্টেমের দ্বারা শ্রুতিগম্য 'beeps' শব্দ উৎপন্ন করা হবে কিনা তা "
+-#~ "নির্ধারণ করে; নিঃশব্দ 'beeps' শব্দের জন্য 'visual bell'-র সাথে ব্যবহারযোগ্য।"
+-#~ msgid "Disable misfeatures that are required by old or broken applications"
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "পুরোনো অথবা ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত অ্যাপ্লিকেশনের ক্ষেত্রে আবশ্যক ত্রুটিপূর্ণ বৈশিষ্ট্যের ব্যবহার "
+-#~ "নিষ্ক্রিয় করা হবে"
+-#~ msgid "Enable Visual Bell"
+-#~ msgstr "Visual Bell সক্রিয় করা হবে"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "If true, ignore the titlebar_font option, and use the standard "
+-#~ "application font for window titles."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "মান true হলে, titlebar_font বিকল্পটি অগ্রাহ্য করা হবে ও উইন্ডোর শিরোনামের জন্য "
+-#~ "অ্যাপ্লিকেশনের ক্ষেত্রে চিহ্নিত প্রমিত ফন্ট ব্যবহৃত হবে।"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "If true, metacity will give the user less feedback by using wireframes, "
+-#~ "avoiding animations, or other means. This is a significant reduction in "
+-#~ "usability for many users, but may allow legacy applications to continue "
+-#~ "working, and may also be a useful tradeoff for terminal servers. However, "
+-#~ "the wireframe feature is disabled when accessibility is on."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "মান true হলে, metacity দ্বারা ব্যবহারকারীদের কম ফিড-ব্যাক প্রদান করা হবে এবং "
+-#~ "এর জন্য অ্যানিমেশন প্রভৃতি উপেক্ষা করে ওয়াইর-ফ্রেম ব্যবহার করা হবে। এর ফলে অনেক "
+-#~ "ব্যবহারকারীর ক্ষেত্রে ব্যবহারযোগ্যতা হ্রাস পেলেও লিগাসি অ্যাপ্লিকেশন সঞ্চালন করা "
+-#~ "যাবে এবং টারমিনাল সার্ভারের ক্ষেত্রে বিশেষ কর্মোপযোগিতা উপলব্ধ করবে। তথাপি "
+-#~ "সহায়ক প্রযুক্তির ব্যবহার সক্রিয় থাকাকালীন ওয়াইর-ফ্রেমের ব্যবহার নিষ্ক্রিয় করা হয়।"
+-# fuzzy
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "If true, then Metacity works in terms of applications rather than "
+-#~ "windows. The concept is a bit abstract, but in general an application-"
+-#~ "based setup is more like the Mac and less like Windows. When you focus a "
+-#~ "window in application-based mode, all the windows in the application will "
+-#~ "be raised. Also, in application-based mode, focus clicks are not passed "
+-#~ "through to windows in other applications. Application-based mode is, "
+-#~ "however, largely unimplemented at the moment."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "মান true হলে, উইন্ডোর পরিবর্তে Metacity অ্যাপ্লিকেশন অনুযায়ী কর্ম সঞ্চালন করবে। "
+-#~ "অ্যাপ্লিকেশন-ভিত্তিক পরিবেশ Mac'র অনুরূপ ও Windows'র সাথে এর সাদৃশ্য কম। "
+-#~ "অ্যাপ্লিকেশন-ভিত্তিক মোডে কোনে উইন্ডো উজ্জ্বল করা হলে সংশ্লিষ্ট অ্যাপ্লিকেশনের সমস্ত "
+-#~ "উইন্ডো বড় করা হবে। উপরন্তু উজ্জ্বল করার সময় কৃত ক্লিক, উইন্ডোর মাধ্যমে অন্যান্য "
+-#~ "অ্যাপ্লিকেশনে প্রেরিত হয় না। বাস্তবে অ্যাপ্লিকেশন-ভিত্তিক মোড বর্তমানে বিশেষ "
+-#~ "প্রয়োগ করা হয় না।"
+-#~ msgid "If true, trade off usability for less resource usage"
+-#~ msgstr "মান true হলে, রিসোর্সের ব্যবহার হ্রাস করতে কর্মক্ষমতা হ্রাস করা হবে"
+-#~ msgid "Name of workspace"
+-#~ msgstr "কর্মক্ষেত্রের নাম"
+-#~ msgid "Number of workspaces"
+-#~ msgstr "কর্মক্ষেত্রের সংখ্যা"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Number of workspaces. Must be more than zero, and has a fixed maximum to "
+-#~ "prevent making the desktop unusable by accidentally asking for too many "
+-#~ "workspaces."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "কর্মক্ষেত্রের সংখ্যা। শূণ্যের অধিক হওয়া আবশ্যক ও সর্বোচ্চ অনুমোদিত কর্মক্ষেত্রের সংখ্যা "
+-#~ "চিহ্নিত হওয়া আবশ্যক যার ফলে ভুলবসত অত্যাধিক কর্মক্ষেত্রের উপস্থিতির ফলে ডেস্কটপ "
+-#~ "ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত না হয়।"
+-#~ msgid "Run a defined command"
+-#~ msgstr "একটি সুনির্দিষ্ট কমান্ড সঞ্চালন করুন"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Some applications disregard specifications in ways that result in window "
+-#~ "manager misfeatures. This option puts Metacity in a rigorously correct "
+-#~ "mode, which gives a more consistent user interface, provided one does not "
+-#~ "need to run any misbehaving applications."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "কয়েকটি অ্যাপ্লিকেশন দ্বারা সুনির্দিষ্ট বৈশিষ্ট্যের মান অগ্রাহ্য করা হয় যার ফলে "
+-#~ "উইন্ডো পরিচালন ব্যবস্থা ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত হয়। এই বিকল্পের দ্বারা Metacity সুস্পষ্টরূপে সঠিক "
+-#~ "চালনার মোডে স্থাপিত হবে যার ফলে ইউজার ইন্টারফেস তুলনামূলকরূপে স্থায়ী হবে যদি "
+-#~ "কোনো অ্যাপ্লিকেশনের গতিবিধি উশৃঙ্খল না হয়ে থাকে।"
+-#~ msgid "System Bell is Audible"
+-#~ msgstr "সিস্টেম ঘন্টি শোনা যাবে"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Tells Metacity how to implement the visual indication that the system "
+-#~ "bell or another application 'bell' indicator has been rung. Currently "
+-#~ "there are two valid values, \"fullscreen\", which causes a fullscreen "
+-#~ "white-black flash, and \"frame_flash\" which causes the titlebar of the "
+-#~ "application which sent the bell signal to flash. If the application which "
+-#~ "sent the bell is unknown (as is usually the case for the default \"system "
+-#~ "beep\"), the currently focused window's titlebar is flashed."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "এর দ্বারা Metacity'কে সিস্টেম ঘন্টি অথবা অন্য কোনো অ্যাপ্লিকেশনের 'ঘন্টি' থেকে "
+-#~ "উৎপন্ন শব্দের সংকেত প্রদর্শনের নির্দেশ প্রদান করা হয়। বর্তমানে দুটি বৈধ মান "
+-#~ "উপস্থিত রয়েছে, \"fullscreen\" যার ফলে সম্পূর্ণ পর্দা জুড়ে সাদা-কালো ঝলকানি হয় "
+-#~ "এবং \"frame_flash\" যার ফলে ঘন্টির শব্দ উৎপন্নকারী অ্যাপ্লিকেশনের শিরোনাম-বারে "
+-#~ "ঝলকানি সৃষ্টি করা হবে। শব্দ উৎপন্নকারী অ্যাপ্লিকেশনের পরিচয় জানতে পারা না গেলে "
+-#~ "(ডিফল্ট  \"system beep (সিস্টেম বিপ)\"'র ক্ষেত্রে) বর্তমানে উজ্জ্বলিত উইন্ডোর "
+-#~ "শিরোনামের বারে ঝলকানি সৃষ্টি করা হবে।"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_N keys define "
+-#~ "keybindings that correspond to these commands. Pressing the keybinding "
+-#~ "for run_command_N will execute command_N."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "/apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_N কিগুলি দ্বারা এই সমস্ত "
+-#~ "কমান্ডের ক্ষেত্রে সংশ্লিস্ট কি-বাইন্ডিং ব্যাখ্যা করা হয়।run_command_N'র কি-"
+-#~ "বাইন্ডিং প্রয়োগ করা হলে command_N সঞ্চালিত হবে।"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_screenshot key defines "
+-#~ "a keybinding which causes the command specified by this setting to be "
+-#~ "invoked."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "/apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_screenshot কি দ্বারা একটি কি-"
+-#~ "বাইন্ডিং ব্যাখ্যা করা হয় যার ফলে এই বৈশিষ্ট্য দ্বারা চিহ্নিত কমান্ড সঞ্চালিত হবে।"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_window_screenshot key "
+-#~ "defines a keybinding which causes the command specified by this setting "
+-#~ "to be invoked."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "/apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_window_screenshot কি দ্বারা "
+-#~ "একটি কি-বাইন্ডিং ব্যাখ্যা করা হয় যার ফলে এই বৈশিষ্ট্য দ্বারা চিহ্নিত কমান্ড "
+-#~ "সঞ্চালিত হবে।"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding that runs the correspondingly-numbered command in /apps/"
+-#~ "metacity/keybinding_commands The format looks like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" "
+-#~ "or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly liberal and "
+-#~ "allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;"
+-#~ "\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the special string "
+-#~ "\"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "যে কি-বাইন্ডিং দ্বারা /apps/metacity/keybinding_commands থেকে সংশ্লিষ্ট সংখ্যা "
+-#~ "দ্বারা চিহ্নিত কমান্ড সঞ্চালিত হবে। \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" অথবা \"&lt;Shift&gt;"
+-#~ "&lt;Alt&gt;F1\" বিন্যাস ব্যবহৃত হবে। পার্সার হরফের ছাঁদ সম্পর্কে সচেতন নয় এবং "
+-#~ "প্রয়োজনে \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" ও \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\"'র অনুরূপ সংক্ষিপ্ত রূপও ব্যবহার করা "
+-#~ "যাবে। বিকল্পের ক্ষেত্রে বিশেষ পংক্তি \"disabled\" প্রয়োগ করা হলে এই কর্মের জন্য "
+-#~ "কোনো কি-বাইন্ডিং ব্যবহার করা হবে না।"
+-#~ msgid "The name of a workspace."
+-#~ msgstr "কর্মক্ষেত্রের নাম"
+-#~ msgid "The screenshot command"
+-#~ msgstr "পর্দার ছবি নেওয়ার কমান্ড"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The theme determines the appearance of window borders, titlebar, and so "
+-#~ "forth."
+-#~ msgstr "থিম দ্বারা উইন্ডোর প্রান্ত, শিরোনামের-বার প্রভৃতির বিন্যাস নির্ধারিত হবে।"
+-#~ msgid "The window screenshot command"
+-#~ msgstr "উইন্ডোর ছবি নেওয়ার জন্য ব্যবহৃত কমান্ড"
+-# "অবৃহদায়ত কর"
+-#~ msgid "Use standard system font in window titles"
+-#~ msgstr "উইন্ডোর শিরোনামে সিস্টেমের প্রমিত মাপের ফন্ট ব্যবহার করা হবে"
+-#~ msgid "Visual Bell Type"
+-#~ msgstr "ভিসুয়্যল বেলের ধরন"
+-#~ msgid "Whether raising should be a side-effect of other user interactions"
+-#~ msgstr "ব্যবহারকারীদের দ্বারা সঞ্চালিত কর্মের ফলে উইন্ডো বড় করা হবে কি না"
+-#~ msgid "Whether to resize with the right button"
+-#~ msgstr "ডানদিকের বাটন প্রয়োগ করে মাপ পরিবর্তন করা হবে কি না"
+-#~ msgid "Window focus mode"
+-#~ msgstr "উইন্ডো উজ্জ্বল করার মোড"
+-#~ msgid "Window title font"
+-#~ msgstr "উইন্ডোর শিরোনামে ব্যবহৃত ফন্ট"
+-#~ msgid "Close Window"
+-#~ msgstr "উইন্ডো বন্ধ করুন"
+-#~ msgid "Window Menu"
+-#~ msgstr "উইন্ডো মেনু"
+-#~ msgid "Minimize Window"
+-#~ msgstr "উইন্ডো আড়াল করুন"
+-# "উইন্ডো ক্ষুদ্রায়ত কর"
+-#~ msgid "Maximize Window"
+-#~ msgstr "উইন্ডো বড় করুন"
+-#~| msgid "Resize window"
+-#~ msgid "Restore Window"
+-#~ msgstr "উইন্ডো প্রদর্শন করুন"
+-#~| msgid "Roll _Up"
+-#~ msgid "Roll Up Window"
+-#~ msgstr "উইন্ডো গুটিয়ে ফেলুন"
+-#~ msgid "Keep Window On Top"
+-#~ msgstr "উইন্ডো সর্বোচ্চ স্তরে স্থাপন করা হবে"
+-#~| msgid "_Always on Visible Workspace"
+-#~ msgid "Always On Visible Workspace"
+-#~ msgstr "দৃশ্যমান কর্মক্ষেত্রে সর্বদা উপস্থিত"
+-#~| msgid "Toggle window on all workspaces"
+-#~ msgid "Put Window On Only One Workspace"
+-#~ msgstr "শুধুমাত্র একটি কর্মক্ষেত্রের মধ্যে উইন্ডো স্থাপন করা হবে"
+-#~ msgid "Title"
+-#~ msgstr "শিরোনাম"
+-#~ msgid "Class"
+-#~ msgstr "শ্রেণী"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "There was an error running \"%s\":\n"
+-#~ "%s."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "\"%s\" সঞ্চালনে সমস্যা:\n"
+-#~ "%s."
+-#~ msgid "<author> specified twice for this theme"
+-#~ msgstr "এই থিমের ক্ষেত্রে <author> দুইবার  নির্দিষ্ট করা হয়েছে"
+-#~ msgid "<copyright> specified twice for this theme"
+-#~ msgstr "এই থিমের ক্ষেত্রে <copyright> দুইবার  নির্দিষ্ট করা হয়েছে"
+-#~ msgid "<date> specified twice for this theme"
+-#~ msgstr "এই থিমের ক্ষেত্রে <date> দুইবার  নির্দিষ্ট করা হয়েছে"
+-#~ msgid "<description> specified twice for this theme"
+-#~ msgstr "এই থিমের ক্ষেত্রে <description> দুইবার  নির্দিষ্ট করা হয়েছে"
+-#~ msgid "Theme file %s did not contain a root <metacity_theme> element"
+-#~ msgstr "%s থিম ফাইলের মধ্যে root <metacity_theme> স্বত্বা অনুপস্থিত"
+-#~ msgid "/Windows/tearoff"
+-#~ msgstr "/উইন্ডো/টিয়ার-অফ"
+-#~ msgid "/Windows/_Dialog"
+-#~ msgstr "/উইন্ডো/ডায়লগ (_D)"
+-#~ msgid "/Windows/_Modal dialog"
+-#~ msgstr "/উইন্ডো/মোডাল ডায়লগ (_M)"
+-#~ msgid "/Windows/Des_ktop"
+-#~ msgstr "/উইন্ডো/ডেস্কটপ (_k)"
++msgstr ""
++"%d কো-ওর্ডিনেট এক্সপ্রেশন %g সেকেন্ডে পার্স করা হয়েছে (গড় %g সেকেন্ড)\n"
+--- a/mutter-3.8.4/po/de.po	2013-11-28 17:15:31.981866716 +0530
++++ a/mutter-3.8.4/po/de.po	2013-11-28 17:17:23.035871326 +0530
+@@ -7,22 +7,22 @@ 
+ # Christian Kirbach <Christian.Kirbach@googlemail.com>, 2009, 2011, 2012.
+ # Wolfgang Stöggl <c72578@yahoo.de> 2011.
+ # Tobias Endrigkeit <tobiasendrigkeit@googlemail.com>, 2012.
++# rgromans <rgromans@redhat.com>, 2013. #zanata
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: mutter master\n"
+-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product="
+ "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-03-01 15:50+0000\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-03-03 16:27+0100\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Mario Blättermann <mario.blaettermann@gmail.com>\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-10-10 01:16-0400\n"
++"Last-Translator: rgromans <rgromans@redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Deutsch <gnome-de@gnome.org>\n"
+-"Language: de\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
++"Language: de\n"
+ "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+-"X-Generator: Gtranslator 2.91.5\n"
++"X-Generator: Zanata 3.1.2\n"
+ #: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "Navigation"
+@@ -183,7 +183,8 @@ 
+ #: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:12
+ msgid "Toggle window on all workspaces or one"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Festlegen, ob das Fenster auf allen oder nur einer Arbeitsfläche sichtbar ist"
++"Festlegen, ob das Fenster auf allen oder nur einer Arbeitsfläche sichtbar "
+ #: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:13
+ msgid "Raise window if covered, otherwise lower it"
+@@ -215,19 +216,20 @@ 
+ #. This probably means that a non-WM compositor like xcompmgr is running;
+ #. * we have no way to get it to exit
+-#: ../src/compositor/compositor.c:507
++#: ../src/compositor/compositor.c:568
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Another compositing manager is already running on screen %i on display \"%s\"."
++"Another compositing manager is already running on screen %i on display "
+ msgstr ""
+ "Ein weiterer Compositing-Verwalter läuft bereits auf Bildschirm %i der "
+ "Anzeige »%s«."
+-#: ../src/compositor/meta-background.c:1111
++#: ../src/compositor/meta-background.c:1076
+ msgid "background texture could not be created from file"
+ msgstr "Hintergrundtextur konnte aus Datei nicht erzeugt werden"
+-#: ../src/core/bell.c:320
++#: ../src/core/bell.c:322
+ msgid "Bell event"
+ msgstr "Klangereignis"
+@@ -261,17 +263,17 @@ 
+ msgid "_Force Quit"
+ msgstr "_Beenden erzwingen"
+-#: ../src/core/display.c:401
++#: ../src/core/display.c:421
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Missing %s extension required for compositing"
+ msgstr "Die für Compositing benötigte %s-Erweiterung wurde nicht gefunden"
+-#: ../src/core/display.c:493
++#: ../src/core/display.c:513
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Failed to open X Window System display '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "X-Window-Systemanzeige »%s« konnte nicht geöffnet werden\n"
+-#: ../src/core/keybindings.c:929
++#: ../src/core/keybindings.c:1138
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Some other program is already using the key %s with modifiers %x as a "
+@@ -280,41 +282,41 @@ 
+ "Ein anderes Programm verwendet die Taste %s bereits mit den Umschaltern %x "
+ "als Tastenkombination\n"
+-#: ../src/core/keybindings.c:1129
++#: ../src/core/keybindings.c:1335
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "\"%s\" is not a valid accelerator\n"
+ msgstr "»%s« ist keine zulässige Zugriffstaste\n"
+-#: ../src/core/main.c:196
++#: ../src/core/main.c:197
+ msgid "Disable connection to session manager"
+ msgstr "Verbindung zur Sitzungsverwaltung deaktivieren"
+-#: ../src/core/main.c:202
++#: ../src/core/main.c:203
+ msgid "Replace the running window manager"
+ msgstr "Den aktuellen Fensterverwalter ersetzen"
+-#: ../src/core/main.c:208
++#: ../src/core/main.c:209
+ msgid "Specify session management ID"
+ msgstr "Kennung der Sitzungsverwaltung angeben"
+-#: ../src/core/main.c:213
++#: ../src/core/main.c:214
+ msgid "X Display to use"
+ msgstr "Zu verwendende X-Anzeige"
+-#: ../src/core/main.c:219
++#: ../src/core/main.c:220
+ msgid "Initialize session from savefile"
+ msgstr "Sitzung anhand gespeicherter Datei starten"
+-#: ../src/core/main.c:225
++#: ../src/core/main.c:226
+ msgid "Make X calls synchronous"
+ msgstr "X-Aufrufe abgleichen"
+-#: ../src/core/main.c:494
++#: ../src/core/main.c:534
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Failed to scan themes directory: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Der Themenordner konnte nicht eingelesen werden: %s\n"
+-#: ../src/core/main.c:510
++#: ../src/core/main.c:550
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Could not find a theme! Be sure %s exists and contains the usual themes.\n"
+@@ -348,7 +350,7 @@ 
+ msgid "Mutter plugin to use"
+ msgstr "Zu benutzendes Mutter-Plugin"
+-#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1087
++#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1210
+ msgid ""
+ "Workarounds for broken applications disabled. Some applications may not "
+ "behave properly.\n"
+@@ -356,14 +358,14 @@ 
+ "Provisorien (Workarounds) für defekte Anwendungen abgeschaltet. "
+ "Möglicherweise funktionieren manche Anwendungen nicht richtig.\n"
+-#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1162
++#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1285
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not parse font description \"%s\" from GSettings key %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Schriftbeschreibung »%s« aus GConf-Schlüssel %s konnte nicht verarbeitet "
+ "werden\n"
+-#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1228
++#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1351
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\"%s\" found in configuration database is not a valid value for mouse button "
+@@ -372,7 +374,7 @@ 
+ "In der Konfigurationsdatenbank gefundenes »%s« ist kein zulässiger Wert für "
+ "den Maustastenumschalter\n"
+-#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1780
++#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1928
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\"%s\" found in configuration database is not a valid value for keybinding "
+@@ -381,44 +383,45 @@ 
+ "In der Konfigurationsdatenbank gefundenes »%s« ist kein zulässiger Wert für "
+ "die Tastenkombination »%s«\n"
+-#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1879
++#: ../src/core/prefs.c:2018
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Workspace %d"
+ msgstr "Arbeitsfläche %d"
+-#: ../src/core/screen.c:673
++#: ../src/core/screen.c:691
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Screen %d on display '%s' is invalid\n"
+ msgstr "Bildschirm %d auf Anzeige »%s« ist ungültig\n"
+-#: ../src/core/screen.c:689
++#: ../src/core/screen.c:707
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Screen %d on display \"%s\" already has a window manager; try using the --"
+ "replace option to replace the current window manager.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Bildschirm %d auf Anzeige »%s« hat bereits einen Fensterverwalter; Geben Sie "
+-"die Option »--replace« an, um zu versuchen, den aktuellen Fensterverwalter zu "
++"die Option »--replace« an, um zu versuchen, den aktuellen Fensterverwalter "
++"zu ersetzen.\n"
+-#: ../src/core/screen.c:716
++#: ../src/core/screen.c:734
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not acquire window manager selection on screen %d display \"%s\"\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Markierung des Fensterverwalters auf Bildschirm %d auf Anzeige »%s« konnte "
+ "nicht empfangen werden\n"
+-#: ../src/core/screen.c:794
++#: ../src/core/screen.c:812
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Screen %d on display \"%s\" already has a window manager\n"
+ msgstr "Bildschirm %d auf Anzeige »%s« hat bereits einen Fensterverwalter\n"
+-#: ../src/core/screen.c:979
++#: ../src/core/screen.c:998
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not release screen %d on display \"%s\"\n"
+ msgstr "Bildschirm %d auf Anzeige »%s« konnte nicht freigegeben werden\n"
+-#: ../src/core/session.c:843 ../src/core/session.c:850
++#: ../src/core/session.c:843
++#: ../src/core/session.c:850
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not create directory '%s': %s\n"
+ msgstr "Ordner »%s« konnte nicht angelegt werden: %s\n"
+@@ -447,11 +450,13 @@ 
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "<mutter_session> attribute seen but we already have the session ID"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Attribut <metacity_session> ist aufgetaucht, obwohl die Sitzungskennung "
++"Attribut <mutter_session> ist aufgetaucht, obwohl die Sitzungskennung "
+ "bereits feststeht"
+-#: ../src/core/session.c:1198 ../src/core/session.c:1273
+-#: ../src/core/session.c:1305 ../src/core/session.c:1377
++#: ../src/core/session.c:1198
++#: ../src/core/session.c:1273
++#: ../src/core/session.c:1305
++#: ../src/core/session.c:1377
+ #: ../src/core/session.c:1437
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown attribute %s on <%s> element"
+@@ -475,44 +480,45 @@ 
+ "Diese Fenster unterstützen das Speichern der aktuellen Einstellungen nicht "
+ "und müssen bei der nächsten Anmeldung manuell neu gestartet werden."
+-#: ../src/core/util.c:80
++#: ../src/core/util.c:84
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Failed to open debug log: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Diagnoseprotokoll konnte nicht geöffnet werden: %s\n"
+-#: ../src/core/util.c:90
++#: ../src/core/util.c:94
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Failed to fdopen() log file %s: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Protokolldatei %s konnte nicht mit fdopen() geöffnet werden: %s\n"
+-#: ../src/core/util.c:96
++#: ../src/core/util.c:100
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Opened log file %s\n"
+ msgstr "Protokolldatei %s geöffnet\n"
+-#: ../src/core/util.c:115 ../src/tools/mutter-message.c:149
++#: ../src/core/util.c:119
++#: ../src/tools/mutter-message.c:149
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Mutter was compiled without support for verbose mode\n"
+ msgstr "Mutter wurde ohne Unterstützung für den redseligen Modus kompiliert\n"
+-#: ../src/core/util.c:259
++#: ../src/core/util.c:264
+ msgid "Window manager: "
+ msgstr "Fensterverwalter:"
+-#: ../src/core/util.c:407
++#: ../src/core/util.c:412
+ msgid "Bug in window manager: "
+ msgstr "Fehler in Fensterverwalter:"
+-#: ../src/core/util.c:438
++#: ../src/core/util.c:443
+ msgid "Window manager warning: "
+ msgstr "Fensterverwalter-Warnung:"
+-#: ../src/core/util.c:466
++#: ../src/core/util.c:471
+ msgid "Window manager error: "
+ msgstr "Fensterverwalter-Fehler:"
+ #. first time through
+-#: ../src/core/window.c:7539
++#: ../src/core/window.c:7643
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Window %s sets SM_CLIENT_ID on itself, instead of on the WM_CLIENT_LEADER "
+@@ -533,16 +539,15 @@ 
+ #. * leads to e.g. us not fullscreening their windows.  Apps that set
+ #. * MWM but not WM_NORMAL_HINTS are basically broken. We complain
+ #. * about these apps but make them work.
+-#: ../src/core/window.c:8263
++#: ../src/core/window.c:8367
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Window %s sets an MWM hint indicating it isn't resizable, but sets min size "
+ "%d x %d and max size %d x %d; this doesn't make much sense.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Fenster %s zeigt durch einen MWM-Hinweis an, dass die Größe nicht veränderbar "
+-"ist, setzt jedoch die minimale Größe auf %d x %d und die maximale Größe auf "
+-"%d x %d; dies ergibt keinen Sinn.\n"
++"Fenster %s zeigt durch einen MWM-Hinweis an, dass die Größe nicht "
++"veränderbar ist, setzt jedoch die minimale Größe auf %d x %d und die "
++"maximale Größe auf %d x %d; dies ergibt keinen Sinn.\n"
+ #: ../src/core/window-props.c:318
+ #, c-format
+@@ -563,7 +568,8 @@ 
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "WM_TRANSIENT_FOR window 0x%lx for %s would create loop.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"WM_TRANSIENT_FOR-Fenster 0x%lx für %s würde eine Endlosschleife verursachen.\n"
++"WM_TRANSIENT_FOR-Fenster 0x%lx für %s würde eine Endlosschleife verursachen."
+ #: ../src/core/xprops.c:155
+ #, c-format
+@@ -577,8 +583,8 @@ 
+ "Fenster 0x%lx hat die Eigenschaft %s,\n"
+ "die Typ %s, Format %d sein sollte,\n"
+ "jedoch Typ %s, Format %d n_items %d ist.\n"
+-"Dies ist vermutlich ein Fehler in der Anwendung\n"
+-"und nicht im Fensterverwalter. Das Fenster hat den\n"
++"Dies ist vermutlich ein Fehler in der Anwendung und nicht im "
++"Fensterverwalter. Das Fenster hat den\n"
+ "Titel »%s«, die Klasse »%s« und den Namen »%s«\n"
+ #: ../src/core/xprops.c:411
+@@ -589,12 +595,14 @@ 
+ #: ../src/core/xprops.c:494
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Property %s on window 0x%lx contained invalid UTF-8 for item %d in the list\n"
++"Property %s on window 0x%lx contained invalid UTF-8 for item %d in the "
+ msgstr ""
+ "Eigenschaft %s auf Fenster 0x%lx enthielt ungültiges UTF-8 für Objekt %d in "
+ "der Liste\n"
+-#: ../src/mutter.desktop.in.h:1 ../src/mutter-wm.desktop.in.h:1
++#: ../src/mutter.desktop.in.h:1
++#: ../src/mutter-wm.desktop.in.h:1
+ msgid "Mutter"
+ msgstr "Mutter"
+@@ -611,8 +619,8 @@ 
+ msgstr ""
+ "Dieser Schlüssel wird die »Überlagerung« auslösen, d.h. eine kombinierte "
+ "Fensterübersicht und ein System zum Starten von Anwendungen. Als "
+-"Voreinstellung ist die Windows-Taste der Tastatur von PC-Hardware vorgesehen. "
+-"Man geht davon aus, dass diese Tastenverknüpfung entweder die Vorgabe ist "
++"Voreinstellung ist die Windows-Taste der Tastatur von PC-Hardware vorgesehen."
++" Man geht davon aus, dass diese Tastenverknüpfung entweder die Vorgabe ist "
+ "oder als leere Zeichenkette gesetzt ist."
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:3
+@@ -622,12 +630,12 @@ 
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:4
+ msgid ""
+ "When true, instead of having independent titlebars, modal dialogs appear "
+-"attached to the titlebar of the parent window and are moved together with the "
+-"parent window."
++"attached to the titlebar of the parent window and are moved together with "
++"the parent window."
+ msgstr ""
+-"Wenn auf »wahr« gesetzt, erscheinen anstelle unabhängiger Titelleisten an die "
+-"Titelleisten des Elternfensters angehängte modale Dialoge, welche zusammen "
+-"mit dem Elternfenster bewegt werden."
++"Wenn auf »wahr« gesetzt, erscheinen anstelle unabhängiger Titelleisten an "
++"die Titelleisten des Elternfensters angehängte modale Dialoge, welche "
++"zusammen mit dem Elternfenster bewegt werden."
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:5
+ msgid "Enable edge tiling when dropping windows on screen edges"
+@@ -637,8 +645,8 @@ 
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:6
+ msgid ""
+ "If enabled, dropping windows on vertical screen edges maximizes them "
+-"vertically and resizes them horizontally to cover half of the available area. "
+-"Dropping windows on the top screen edge maximizes them completely."
++"vertically and resizes them horizontally to cover half of the available area."
++" Dropping windows on the top screen edge maximizes them completely."
+ msgstr ""
+ "Falls aktiviert, wird bei Berührung eines Fensters mit den senkrechten "
+ "Bildschirmrändern dieses vertikal maximiert und horizontal angepasst, um die "
+@@ -689,9 +697,9 @@ 
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:14
+ msgid ""
+-"If set to true, and the focus mode is either \"sloppy\" or \"mouse\" then the "
+-"focus will not be changed immediately when entering a window, but only after "
+-"the pointer stops moving."
++"If set to true, and the focus mode is either \"sloppy\" or \"mouse\" then "
++"the focus will not be changed immediately when entering a window, but only "
++"after the pointer stops moving."
+ msgstr ""
+ "Falls dieser Schlüssel gesetzt ist und der Fokusmodus entweder »sloppy« oder "
+ "»mouse« ist, wird der Fokus nicht sofort beim Erreichen eines Fensters "
+@@ -704,11 +712,11 @@ 
+ # Lange Beschreibung von »Draggable border width«
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:16
+ msgid ""
+-"The amount of total draggable borders. If the theme's visible borders are not "
+-"enough, invisible borders will be added to meet this value."
++"The amount of total draggable borders. If the theme's visible borders are "
++"not enough, invisible borders will be added to meet this value."
+ msgstr ""
+-"Die Gesamtbreite ziehbarer Ränder. Falls die im Thema sichtbaren Ränder nicht "
+-"ausreichen, werden unsichtbare Ränder hinzugefügt, um diesen Wert zu "
++"Die Gesamtbreite ziehbarer Ränder. Falls die im Thema sichtbaren Ränder "
++"nicht ausreichen, werden unsichtbare Ränder hinzugefügt, um diesen Wert zu "
+ "erreichen."
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:17
+@@ -778,7 +786,8 @@ 
+ #. separator
+ #. Translators: Translate this string the same way as you do in libwnck!
+-#: ../src/ui/menu.c:86 ../src/ui/menu.c:88
++#: ../src/ui/menu.c:86
++#: ../src/ui/menu.c:88
+ msgid "Always on _Top"
+ msgstr "Im V_ordergrund"
+@@ -841,7 +850,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the shift key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:77
+ msgid "Shift"
+ msgstr "Shift"
+@@ -850,7 +858,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the control key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:83
+ msgid "Ctrl"
+ msgstr "Strg"
+@@ -859,7 +866,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the alt key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:89
+ msgid "Alt"
+ msgstr "Alt"
+@@ -868,7 +874,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the meta key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:95
+ msgid "Meta"
+ msgstr "Meta"
+@@ -877,7 +882,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the super key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:101
+ msgid "Super"
+ msgstr "Super"
+@@ -886,7 +890,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the hyper key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:107
+ msgid "Hyper"
+ msgstr "Hyper"
+@@ -895,7 +898,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the mod2 key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:113
+ msgid "Mod2"
+ msgstr "Umschalter2"
+@@ -904,7 +906,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the mod3 key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:119
+ msgid "Mod3"
+ msgstr "Umschalter3"
+@@ -913,7 +914,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the mod4 key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:125
+ msgid "Mod4"
+ msgstr "Umschalter4"
+@@ -922,63 +922,61 @@ 
+ #. * that use the mod5 key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:131
+ msgid "Mod5"
+ msgstr "Umschalter5"
+ #. Translators: This represents the size of a window.  The first number is
+ #. * the width of the window and the second is the height.
+ #: ../src/ui/resizepopup.c:136
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d x %d"
+ msgstr "%d x %d"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:235
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:236
+ msgid "top"
+ msgstr "oben"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:237
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:238
+ msgid "bottom"
+ msgstr "unten"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:239
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:240
+ msgid "left"
+ msgstr "links"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:241
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:242
+ msgid "right"
+ msgstr "rechts"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:269
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:270
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "frame geometry does not specify \"%s\" dimension"
+ msgstr "Die Rahmengeometrie gibt die »%s«-Abmessungen nicht an"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:288
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:289
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "frame geometry does not specify dimension \"%s\" for border \"%s\""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Die Rahmengeometrie gibt die »%s«-Abmessungen für den Rand »%s« nicht an"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:325
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:326
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Button aspect ratio %g is not reasonable"
+ msgstr "Das Seitenverhältnis %g für einen Knopf ergibt keinen Sinn"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:337
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:338
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Frame geometry does not specify size of buttons"
+ msgstr "Die Rahmengeometrie gibt die Abmessungen der Knöpfe nicht an"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1050
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1051
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Gradients should have at least two colors"
+ msgstr "Farbverläufe sollten mindestens zwei Farben enthalten"
+ # (where "foo" refers to the name defined in GTK+'s CSS, and "bar" refers to an alternative color spec which is used when the color referenced by "foo" is not found)
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1202
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1203
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "GTK custom color specification must have color name and fallback in "
+@@ -988,54 +986,55 @@ 
+ "in Klammern gesetzt werden, z.B. gtk:custom(foo,bar); »%s« konnte nicht "
+ "verarbeitet werden"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1218
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1219
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Invalid character '%c' in color_name parameter of gtk:custom, only A-Za-z0-9-"
+ "_ are valid"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Ungültiges Zeichen »%c« im Parameter »color_name parameter« von »gtk:custom«, "
+-"nur A-Za-z0-9-_ sind zulässig"
++"Ungültiges Zeichen »%c« im Parameter »color_name parameter« von »gtk:"
++"custom«, nur A-Za-z0-9-_ sind zulässig"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1232
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1233
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Gtk:custom format is \"gtk:custom(color_name,fallback)\", \"%s\" does not fit "
+-"the format"
++"Gtk:custom format is \"gtk:custom(color_name,fallback)\", \"%s\" does not "
++"fit the format"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Das Gtk:custom-Format ist »gtk:custom(Farbname,Ersetzungsanweisung)«; »%s« "
+ "passt nicht auf dieses Format"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1277
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1278
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "GTK color specification must have the state in brackets, e.g. gtk:fg[NORMAL] "
+ "where NORMAL is the state; could not parse \"%s\""
+ msgstr ""
+-"Bei GTK-Farbangaben muss der Zustand in eckigen Klammern stehen, z.B. gtk:fg"
+-"[NORMAL], wobei NORMAL der Zustand ist; »%s« konnte nicht verarbeitet werden."
++"Bei GTK-Farbangaben muss der Zustand in eckigen Klammern stehen, z.B. gtk:"
++"fg[NORMAL], wobei NORMAL der Zustand ist; »%s« konnte nicht verarbeitet "
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1291
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1292
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"GTK color specification must have a close bracket after the state, e.g. gtk:fg"
+-"[NORMAL] where NORMAL is the state; could not parse \"%s\""
++"GTK color specification must have a close bracket after the state, e.g. gtk:"
++"fg[NORMAL] where NORMAL is the state; could not parse \"%s\""
+ msgstr ""
+ "GTK-Farbangaben müssen nach dem Zustand eine schließende eckige Klammer "
+ "enthalten, z.B. gtk:fg[NORMAL], wobei NORMAL der Zustand ist; »%s« konnte "
+ "nicht verarbeitet werden"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1302
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1303
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Did not understand state \"%s\" in color specification"
+ msgstr "Zustand »%s« in der Farbangabe konnte nicht verarbeitet werden"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1315
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1316
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Did not understand color component \"%s\" in color specification"
+ msgstr "Farbkomponente »%s« in der Farbangabe konnte nicht verarbeitet werden"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1344
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1345
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Blend format is \"blend/bg_color/fg_color/alpha\", \"%s\" does not fit the "
+@@ -1044,17 +1043,19 @@ 
+ "Das Blendformat ist »blend/bg_color/fg_color/alpha«; »%s« passt nicht auf "
+ "dieses Format"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1355
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1356
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not parse alpha value \"%s\" in blended color"
+-msgstr "Der Alphawert »%s« in einer Mischfarbe konnte nicht verarbeitet werden"
++msgstr ""
++"Der Alphawert »%s« in einer Mischfarbe konnte nicht verarbeitet werden"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1365
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1366
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Alpha value \"%s\" in blended color is not between 0.0 and 1.0"
+-msgstr "Der Alphawert »%s« in einer Mischfarbe liegt nicht zwischen 0.0 und 1.0"
++msgstr ""
++"Der Alphawert »%s« in einer Mischfarbe liegt nicht zwischen 0.0 und 1.0"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1412
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1413
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Shade format is \"shade/base_color/factor\", \"%s\" does not fit the format"
+@@ -1062,28 +1063,28 @@ 
+ "Das Mischformat ist »Mischen/Basisfarbe/Faktor«; »%s« passt nicht auf dieses "
+ "Format"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1423
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1424
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not parse shade factor \"%s\" in shaded color"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Der Mischfaktor »%s« in einer Mischfarbe konnte nicht verarbeitet werden"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1433
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1434
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Shade factor \"%s\" in shaded color is negative"
+ msgstr "Der Mischfaktor »%s« in einer Mischfarbe ist negativ"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1462
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1463
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not parse color \"%s\""
+ msgstr "Die Farbe »%s« konnte nicht verarbeitet werden"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1779
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1780
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Coordinate expression contains character '%s' which is not allowed"
+ msgstr "Der Koordinatenausdruck enthält das unerlaubte Zeichen »%s«"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1806
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1807
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Coordinate expression contains floating point number '%s' which could not be "
+@@ -1092,14 +1093,14 @@ 
+ "Der Koordinatenausdruck enthält die Gleitkommazahl »%s«, die nicht "
+ "verarbeitet werden konnte"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1820
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1821
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Coordinate expression contains integer '%s' which could not be parsed"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Der Koordinatenausdruck enthält die Ganzzahl »%s«, die nicht verarbeitet "
+ "werden konnte"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1941
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1942
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Coordinate expression contained unknown operator at the start of this text: "
+@@ -1108,25 +1109,27 @@ 
+ "Der Koordinatenausdruck enthält einen unbekannten Operator am Anfang dieses "
+ "Texts: »%s«"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1998
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1999
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Coordinate expression was empty or not understood"
+ msgstr "Der Koordinatenausdruck war leer oder unverständlich"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2111 ../src/ui/theme.c:2121 ../src/ui/theme.c:2155
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2112
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2122
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2156
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Coordinate expression results in division by zero"
+ msgstr "Der Koordinatenausdruck führt zu einer Division durch Null"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2163
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2164
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Coordinate expression tries to use mod operator on a floating-point number"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Der Koordinatenausdruck versucht, den Modulo-Operator auf eine Gleitkommazahl "
++"Der Koordinatenausdruck versucht, den Modulo-Operator auf eine "
++"Gleitkommazahl anzuwenden"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2219
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2220
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Coordinate expression has an operator \"%s\" where an operand was expected"
+@@ -1134,18 +1137,20 @@ 
+ "Der Koordinatenausdruck enthält den Operator »%s«, wo ein Operand stehen "
+ "müsste"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2228
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2229
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Coordinate expression had an operand where an operator was expected"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Der Koordinatenausdruck enthält einen Operanden, wo ein Operator stehen müsste"
++"Der Koordinatenausdruck enthält einen Operanden, wo ein Operator stehen "
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2236
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2237
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Coordinate expression ended with an operator instead of an operand"
+-msgstr "Der Koordinatenausdruck endet mit einem Operator statt einem Operanden"
++msgstr ""
++"Der Koordinatenausdruck endet mit einem Operator statt einem Operanden"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2246
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2247
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Coordinate expression has operator \"%c\" following operator \"%c\" with no "
+@@ -1154,99 +1159,109 @@ 
+ "Der Koordinatenausdruck enthält die beiden Operatoren »%c« und »%c«, jedoch "
+ "keinen Operanden dazwischen"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2397 ../src/ui/theme.c:2442
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2398
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2443
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Coordinate expression had unknown variable or constant \"%s\""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Der Koordinatenausdruck enthält die unbekannte Variable oder Konstante »%s«"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2496
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Coordinate expression parser overflowed its buffer."
+ msgstr "Der Koordinatenausdruck brachte seinen Puffer zum Überlaufen."
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2525
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2526
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Coordinate expression had a close parenthesis with no open parenthesis"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Der Koordinatenausdruck enthält eine schließende Klammer, jedoch keine "
+ "Öffnende"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2589
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2590
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Coordinate expression had an open parenthesis with no close parenthesis"
++msgid ""
++"Coordinate expression had an open parenthesis with no close parenthesis"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Der Koordinatenausdruck enthält eine öffnende Klammer, jedoch keine "
+ "Schließende"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2600
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2601
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Coordinate expression doesn't seem to have any operators or operands"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Der Koordinatenausdruck scheint weder Operatoren noch Operanden zu enthalten"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2813 ../src/ui/theme.c:2833 ../src/ui/theme.c:2853
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2814
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2834
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2854
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Theme contained an expression that resulted in an error: %s\n"
+ msgstr "Das Thema enthält einen Ausdruck, der zu folgendem Fehler führte: %s\n"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:4499
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:4500
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "<button function=\"%s\" state=\"%s\" draw_ops=\"whatever\"/> must be "
+ "specified for this frame style"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Für diesen Rahmenstil muss <button function=\"%s\" state=\"%s\" draw_ops="
+-"\"irgendwas\"/> angegeben werden"
++"\"whatever\"/> angegeben werden"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5010 ../src/ui/theme.c:5035
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5011
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5036
+ #, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Missing <frame state=\"%s\" resize=\"%s\" focus=\"%s\" style=\"whatever\"/>"
+-msgstr ""
+-"<frame state=\"%s\" resize=\"%s\" focus=\"%s\" style=\"irgendwas\"/> fehlt"
++msgid "Missing <frame state=\"%s\" resize=\"%s\" focus=\"%s\" style=\"whatever\"/>"
++msgstr "<frame state=\"%s\" resize=\"%s\" focus=\"%s\" style=\"whatever\"/> fehlt"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5083
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5084
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Failed to load theme \"%s\": %s\n"
+ msgstr "Thema »%s« konnte nicht geladen werden: %s\n"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5219 ../src/ui/theme.c:5226 ../src/ui/theme.c:5233
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5240 ../src/ui/theme.c:5247
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5220
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5227
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5234
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5241
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5248
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No <%s> set for theme \"%s\""
+ msgstr "Kein <%s> für Thema »%s« festgelegt"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5255
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5256
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"No frame style set for window type \"%s\" in theme \"%s\", add a <window type="
+-"\"%s\" style_set=\"whatever\"/> element"
++"No frame style set for window type \"%s\" in theme \"%s\", add a <window "
++"type=\"%s\" style_set=\"whatever\"/> element"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Kein Rahmenstil für Fenstertyp »%s« in Thema »%s« angegeben; fügen Sie ein "
+-"Element <window type=\"%s\" style_set=\"irgendwas\"/> hinzu"
++"Element <window type=\"%s\" style_set=\"whatever\"/> hinzu"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5662 ../src/ui/theme.c:5724 ../src/ui/theme.c:5787
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5663
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5725
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5788
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "User-defined constants must begin with a capital letter; \"%s\" does not"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Benutzerdefinierte Konstanten müssen mit einem Großbuchstaben beginnen; »%s« "
+ "jedoch nicht"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5670 ../src/ui/theme.c:5732 ../src/ui/theme.c:5795
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5671
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5733
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5796
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Constant \"%s\" has already been defined"
+ msgstr "Konstante »%s« wurde bereits definiert"
+ #. Translators: This means that an attribute which should have been found
+ #. * on an XML element was not in fact found.
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:236
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No \"%s\" attribute on element <%s>"
+ msgstr "Kein Attribut »%s« in Element <%s>"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:265 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:283
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:265
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:283
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Line %d character %d: %s"
+ msgstr "Zeile %d Zeichen %d: %s"
+@@ -1256,7 +1271,8 @@ 
+ msgid "Attribute \"%s\" repeated twice on the same <%s> element"
+ msgstr "Attribut »%s« wiederholt sich im selben Element <%s>"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:503 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:552
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:503
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attribute \"%s\" is invalid on <%s> element in this context"
+ msgstr "Attribut »%s« ist in diesem Kontext in Element <%s> ungültig"
+@@ -1266,11 +1282,13 @@ 
+ msgid "Could not parse \"%s\" as an integer"
+ msgstr "»%s« konnte nicht als Ganzzahl verarbeitet werden"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:603 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:658
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:603
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:658
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Did not understand trailing characters \"%s\" in string \"%s\""
+ msgstr ""
+-"Schließende Zeichen »%s« in Zeichenkette »%s« konnten nicht verarbeitet werden"
++"Schließende Zeichen »%s« in Zeichenkette »%s« konnten nicht verarbeitet "
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:613
+ #, c-format
+@@ -1282,12 +1300,14 @@ 
+ msgid "Integer %ld is too large, current max is %d"
+ msgstr "Ganzzahl %ld ist zu groß, aktuelles Maximum ist %d"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:649 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:765
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:649
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:765
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not parse \"%s\" as a floating point number"
+ msgstr "»%s« konnte nicht als Gleitkommazahl verarbeitet werden"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:680 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:708
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:680
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:708
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Boolean values must be \"true\" or \"false\" not \"%s\""
+ msgstr "Wahrheitswerte müssen »true« oder »false« sein, nicht »%s«"
+@@ -1307,19 +1327,22 @@ 
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:863
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Invalid title scale \"%s\" (must be one of xx-small,x-small,small,medium,"
++"Invalid title scale \"%s\" (must be one of xx-small,x-"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Ungültiger Titelmaßstab »%s« (muss xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-"
+-"large oder xx-large sein)\n"
++"Ungültiger Titelmaßstab »%s« (muss xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, "
++"x-large oder xx-large sein)\n"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1019 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1082
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1116 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1219
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1019
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1082
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1116
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1219
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "<%s> name \"%s\" used a second time"
+ msgstr "Name »%s« von <%s> wurde zweimal verwendet"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1031 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1128
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1031
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1128
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1231
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "<%s> parent \"%s\" has not been defined"
+@@ -1341,6 +1364,7 @@ 
+ msgid "You must specify a background for an alpha value to be meaningful"
+ msgstr ""
+ "Es muss ein Hintergrund festgelegt werden, damit ein Alpha-Wert sinnvoll ist."
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1264
+ #, c-format
+@@ -1357,16 +1381,22 @@ 
+ msgid "Window type \"%s\" has already been assigned a style set"
+ msgstr "Fenstertyp »%s« wurde bereits ein Stilsatz zugeordnet"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1313 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1377
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1603 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2838
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2884 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3034
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3273 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3311
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3349 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3387
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1313
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1377
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1603
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2838
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2884
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3034
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3273
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3311
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3349
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3387
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Element <%s> is not allowed below <%s>"
+ msgstr "Element <%s> ist nicht unter <%s> erlaubt"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1427 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1441
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1427
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1441
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1486
+ msgid ""
+ "Cannot specify both \"button_width\"/\"button_height\" and \"aspect_ratio\" "
+@@ -1405,18 +1435,21 @@ 
+ msgid "Did not understand value \"%s\" for type of gradient"
+ msgstr "Wert »%s« für Typ des Farbverlaufs konnte nicht verarbeitet werden"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2193 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2568
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2193
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2568
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Did not understand fill type \"%s\" for <%s> element"
+ msgstr "Fülltyp »%s« für Element <%s> konnte nicht verarbeitet werden"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2360 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2443
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2360
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2443
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2506
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Did not understand state \"%s\" for <%s> element"
+ msgstr "Zustand »%s« für Element <%s> konnte nicht verarbeitet werden"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2370 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2453
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2370
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2453
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Did not understand shadow \"%s\" for <%s> element"
+ msgstr "Schatten »%s« für Element <%s> konnte nicht verarbeitet werden"
+@@ -1426,12 +1459,14 @@ 
+ msgid "Did not understand arrow \"%s\" for <%s> element"
+ msgstr "Pfeil »%s« für Element <%s> konnte nicht verarbeitet werden"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2694 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2790
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2694
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2790
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No <draw_ops> called \"%s\" has been defined"
+ msgstr "Es wurde kein <draw_ops> namens »%s« definiert"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2706 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2802
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2706
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Including draw_ops \"%s\" here would create a circular reference"
+ msgstr "Hier draw_ops »%s« einzufügen würde einen Ringschluss erzeugen"
+@@ -1446,7 +1481,8 @@ 
+ msgid "Frame style already has a piece at position %s"
+ msgstr "Rahmenstil hat bereits einen Teil bei Position %s"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2942 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3019
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2942
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3019
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No <draw_ops> with the name \"%s\" has been defined"
+ msgstr "Es wurde kein <draw_ops> mit Namen »%s« definiert"
+@@ -1459,7 +1495,8 @@ 
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2982
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Button function \"%s\" does not exist in this version (%d, need %d)"
+-msgstr "Knopf-Funktion »%s« existiert in dieser Version nicht (%d, benötigt %d)"
++msgstr ""
++"Knopf-Funktion »%s« existiert in dieser Version nicht (%d, benötigt %d)"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2994
+ #, c-format
+@@ -1486,7 +1523,8 @@ 
+ msgid "A style called \"%s\" has not been defined"
+ msgstr "Es wurde kein Stil namens »%s« definiert"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3113 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3136
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3113
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3136
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "\"%s\" is not a valid value for resize attribute"
+ msgstr "»%s« ist kein zulässiger Wert für das Attribut »resize«"
+@@ -1497,24 +1535,29 @@ 
+ "Should not have \"resize\" attribute on <%s> element for maximized/shaded "
+ "states"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Für die Zustände maximiert/eingerollt sollte es im Element <%s> kein Attribut "
+-"»resize« geben"
++"Für die Zustände maximiert/eingerollt sollte es im Element <%s> kein "
++"Attribut »resize« geben"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3161
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Should not have \"resize\" attribute on <%s> element for maximized states"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Für maximierte Zustände sollte es im Element <%s> kein Attribut »resize« geben"
++"Für maximierte Zustände sollte es im Element <%s> kein Attribut »resize« "
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3175 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3222
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3175
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3222
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Style has already been specified for state %s resize %s focus %s"
+ msgstr "Stil wurde bereits für state %s, resize %s, focus %s angegeben"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3186 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3197
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3208 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3233
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3244 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3255
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3186
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3197
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3208
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3233
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3244
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3255
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Style has already been specified for state %s focus %s"
+ msgstr "Stil wurde bereits für state %s, focus %s angegeben"
+@@ -1532,8 +1575,8 @@ 
+ "Can't have a two draw_ops for a <button> element (theme specified a draw_ops "
+ "attribute and also a <draw_ops> element, or specified two elements)"
+ msgstr ""
+-"Es kann keine zwei draw_ops für ein <button>-Element geben (das Thema gab ein "
+-"draw_ops-Attribut und ein <draw_ops>-Element oder zwei Elemente an)"
++"Es kann keine zwei draw_ops für ein <button>-Element geben (das Thema gab "
++"ein draw_ops-Attribut und ein <draw_ops>-Element oder zwei Elemente an)"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3370
+ msgid ""
+@@ -1592,8 +1635,10 @@ 
+ msgid "Element <%s> is not allowed inside a draw operation element"
+ msgstr "Element <%s> ist in einem draw_ops-Element nicht erlaubt"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3631 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3661
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3666 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3671
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3631
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3661
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3666
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3671
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Element <%s> is not allowed inside a <%s> element"
+ msgstr "Element <%s> ist in einem <%s>-Element nicht erlaubt"
+@@ -1611,14 +1656,16 @@ 
+ msgid "No text is allowed inside element <%s>"
+ msgstr "In Element <%s> ist kein Text erlaubt"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4026 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4038
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4050 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4062
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4026
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4038
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4050
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4062
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4074
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "<%s> specified twice for this theme"
+ msgstr "<%s> wurde für dieses Thema zweimal angegeben"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4334
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4336
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Failed to find a valid file for theme %s\n"
+ msgstr "Es konnte keine gültige Datei für das Thema »%s« gefunden werden\n"
+@@ -1823,262 +1870,3 @@ 
+ msgstr ""
+ "%d Koordinatenausdrücke in %g Sekunden verarbeitet (im Durchschnitt %g pro "
+ "Sekunde)\n"
+-#, fuzzy
+-#~ msgid "Minimize window"
+-#~ msgstr "Fenster minimieren"
+-#~ msgid "Comma-separated list of compositor plugins"
+-#~ msgstr "Eine durch Kommata getrennte Liste von Plugins für den Compositor"
+-#~ msgid "Live Hidden Windows"
+-#~ msgstr "Verborgene Fenster erhalten"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Determines whether hidden windows (i.e., minimized windows and windows on "
+-#~ "other workspaces than the current one) should be kept alive."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "Legt fest, ob verborgene Fenster (d.h. minimierte Fenster und Fenster auf "
+-#~ "anderen Arbeitsflächen) erhalten bleiben sollen."
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 5"
+-#~ msgstr "Zur Arbeitsfläche 5 wechseln"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 6"
+-#~ msgstr "Zur Arbeitsfläche 6 wechseln"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 7"
+-#~ msgstr "Zur Arbeitsfläche 7 wechseln"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 8"
+-#~ msgstr "Zur Arbeitsfläche 8 wechseln"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 9"
+-#~ msgstr "Zur Arbeitsfläche 9 wechseln"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 10"
+-#~ msgstr "Zur Arbeitsfläche 10 wechseln"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 11"
+-#~ msgstr "Zur Arbeitsfläche 11 wechseln"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 12"
+-#~ msgstr "Zur Arbeitsfläche 12 wechseln"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace on the left of the current workspace"
+-#~ msgstr "Zur Arbeitsfläche links der aktuellen wechseln"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace on the right of the current workspace"
+-#~ msgstr "Zur Arbeitsfläche rechts der aktuellen wechseln"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace above the current workspace"
+-#~ msgstr "Zur Arbeitsfläche oberhalb der aktuellen wechseln"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace below the current workspace"
+-#~ msgstr "Zur Arbeitsfläche unterhalb der aktuellen wechseln"
+-#~ msgid "Move between windows of an application, using a popup window"
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "Zwischen den Fenstern einer Anwendung mittels einer Fensterliste wechseln"
+-#~ msgid "Move backward between windows of an application, using a popup window"
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "Zwischen den Fenstern einer Anwendung mittels einer Fensterliste in "
+-#~ "umgekehrter Reihenfolge wechseln"
+-#~ msgid "Move between windows, using a popup window"
+-#~ msgstr "Zwischen den Fenstern mittels einer Fensterliste wechseln"
+-#~ msgid "Move backward between windows, using a popup window"
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "Zwischen den Fenstern mittels einer Fensterliste in umgekehrter "
+-#~ "Reihenfolge wechseln"
+-#~ msgid "Move between panels and the desktop, using a popup window"
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "Zwischen Panels und der Arbeitsfläche mittels einer Fensterliste wechseln"
+-#~ msgid "Move backward between panels and the desktop, using a popup window"
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "Zwischen Panels und der Arbeitsfläche in umgekehrter Reihenfolge mittels "
+-#~ "einer Fensterliste wechseln"
+-#~ msgid "Move between windows of an application immediately"
+-#~ msgstr "Zwischen den Fenstern einer Anwendung sofort wechseln"
+-#~ msgid "Move backward between windows of an application immediately"
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "Zwischen den Fenstern einer Anwendung in umgekehrter Reihenfolge sofort "
+-#~ "wechseln"
+-#~ msgid "Move between windows immediately"
+-#~ msgstr "Zwischen Fenstern sofort wechseln"
+-#~ msgid "Move backward between windows immediately"
+-#~ msgstr "Zwischen Fenstern in umgekehrter Reihenfolge sofort wechseln"
+-#~ msgid "Move between panels and the desktop immediately"
+-#~ msgstr "Zwischen Panels und der Arbeitsfläche sofort wechseln"
+-#~ msgid "Move backward between panels and the desktop immediately"
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "Zwischen Panels und der Arbeitsfläche in umgekehrter Reihenfolge sofort "
+-#~ "wechseln"
+-#~ msgid "Hide all normal windows and set focus to the desktop"
+-#~ msgstr "Alle normalen Fenster verbergen und die Arbeitsfläche fokussieren"
+-#~ msgid "Show the panel's main menu"
+-#~ msgstr "Das Hauptmenü des Panels anzeigen"
+-#~ msgid "Show the panel's \"Run Application\" dialog box"
+-#~ msgstr "Das Dialogfenster »Anwendung ausführen« des Panels anzeigen"
+-#~ msgid "Start or stop recording the session"
+-#~ msgstr "Die Sitzungsaufzeichnung starten oder beenden"
+-#~ msgid "Take a screenshot"
+-#~ msgstr "Ein Bildschirmfoto aufnehmen"
+-#~ msgid "Take a screenshot of a window"
+-#~ msgstr "Ein Bildschirmfoto eines Fensters aufnehmen"
+-#~ msgid "Run a terminal"
+-#~ msgstr "Ein Terminal starten"
+-#~ msgid "Toggle whether a window will always be visible over other windows"
+-#~ msgstr "Fenster ständig im Vordergrund ein-/ausschalten"
+-#~ msgid "Toggle whether window is on all workspaces or just one"
+-#~ msgstr "Fenster sichtbar auf allen Arbeitsflächen ein-/ausschalten"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 5"
+-#~ msgstr "Fenster auf Arbeitsfläche 5 verschieben"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 6"
+-#~ msgstr "Fenster auf Arbeitsfläche 6 verschieben"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 7"
+-#~ msgstr "Fenster auf Arbeitsfläche 7 verschieben"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 8"
+-#~ msgstr "Fenster auf Arbeitsfläche 8 verschieben"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 9"
+-#~ msgstr "Fenster auf Arbeitsfläche 9 verschieben"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 10"
+-#~ msgstr "Fenster auf Arbeitsfläche 10 verschieben"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 11"
+-#~ msgstr "Fenster auf Arbeitsfläche 11 verschieben"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 12"
+-#~ msgstr "Fenster auf Arbeitsfläche 12 verschieben"
+-#~ msgid "Raise window if it's covered by another window, otherwise lower it"
+-#~ msgstr "Fenster anheben falls überdeckt, sonst absenken"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to north-west (top left) corner"
+-#~ msgstr "Fenster in linke obere Ecke des Bildschirms verschieben"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to north-east (top right) corner"
+-#~ msgstr "Fenster in rechte obere Ecke des Bildschirms verschieben"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to south-west (bottom left) corner"
+-#~ msgstr "Fenster in linke untere Ecke des Bildschirms verschieben"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to south-east (bottom right) corner"
+-#~ msgstr "Fenster in rechte untere Ecke des Bildschirms verschieben"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to north (top) side of screen"
+-#~ msgstr "Fenster zur oberen Seite des Bildschirms verschieben"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to south (bottom) side of screen"
+-#~ msgstr "Fenster zur unteren Seite des Bildschirms verschieben"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to east (right) side of screen"
+-#~ msgstr "Fenster zur rechten Seite des Bildschirms verschieben"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to west (left) side of screen"
+-#~ msgstr "Fenster zur linken Seite des Bildschirms verschieben"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to center of screen"
+-#~ msgstr "Fenster in die Mitte des Bildschirms verschieben"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "There was an error running <tt>%s</tt>:\n"
+-#~ "\n"
+-#~ "%s"
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "Beim Ausführen von <tt>%s</tt> ist ein Fehler aufgetreten:\n"
+-#~ "\n"
+-#~ "%s"
+-#~ msgid "No command %d has been defined.\n"
+-#~ msgstr "Es wurde kein Befehl %d festgelegt.\n"
+-#~ msgid "No terminal command has been defined.\n"
+-#~ msgstr "Es wurde kein Terminal-Befehl festgelegt.\n"
+-#~ msgid "GConf key '%s' is set to an invalid value\n"
+-#~ msgstr "Wert des GConf-Schlüssels »%s« unzulässig\n"
+-#~ msgid "%d stored in GConf key %s is out of range %d to %d\n"
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "%d, gespeichert in GConf-Schlüssel %s, liegt außerhalb des Bereichs %d-%d\n"
+-#~ msgid "GConf key \"%s\" is set to an invalid type\n"
+-#~ msgstr "Typ des GConf-Schlüssels »%s« ungültig\n"
+-#~ msgid "GConf key %s is already in use and can't be used to override %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "Der GConf-Schlüssel %s wird bereits benutzt und kann nicht zum "
+-#~ "Überschreiben von %s verwendet werden\n"
+-#~ msgid "Can't override GConf key, %s not found\n"
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "GConf-Schlüssel kann nicht überschrieben werden, %s wurde nicht gefunden\n"
+-#~ msgid "Error setting number of workspaces to %d: %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr "Fehler beim Festlegen der Anzahl der Arbeitsflächen auf %d: %s\n"
+-#~ msgid "Error setting name for workspace %d to \"%s\": %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "Fehler beim Festlegen des Namens der Arbeitsflächen %d auf »%s«: %s\n"
+-#~ msgid "Error setting live hidden windows status status: %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr "Fehler beim Festlegen des Status des verborgenen Fensters: %s\n"
+-#~ msgid "Error setting no tab popup status: %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr "Fehler beim Festlegen des Status des Einblendfensters: %s\n"
+-#~ msgid "Close Window"
+-#~ msgstr "Fenster schließen"
+-#~ msgid "Window Menu"
+-#~ msgstr "Fenstermenü"
+-#~ msgid "Minimize Window"
+-#~ msgstr "Fenster minimieren"
+-#~ msgid "Maximize Window"
+-#~ msgstr "Fenster maximieren"
+-#~ msgid "Restore Window"
+-#~ msgstr "Fenster wiederherstellen"
+-#~ msgid "Roll Up Window"
+-#~ msgstr "Fenster einrollen"
+-#~ msgid "Unroll Window"
+-#~ msgstr "Fenster abrollen"
+-#~ msgid "Keep Window On Top"
+-#~ msgstr "Fenster immer im Vordergrund"
+-#~ msgid "Always On Visible Workspace"
+-#~ msgstr "Immer auf der sichtbaren Arbeitsfläche"
+-#~ msgid "Put Window On Only One Workspace"
+-#~ msgstr "Soll das Fenster auf nur einer Arbeitsfläche sichtbar sein?"
+--- a/mutter-3.8.4/po/ja.po	2013-11-28 17:15:31.994866833 +0530
++++ a/mutter-3.8.4/po/ja.po	2013-11-28 17:17:23.035871326 +0530
+@@ -7,20 +7,22 @@ 
+ # Satoru SATOH <ss@gnome.gr.jp>, 2006.
+ # Jiro Matsuzawa <jmatsuzawa@gnome.org>, 2012, 2013.
+ # Noriko Mizumoto <noriko@fedoraproject.org>, 2012.
++# noriko <noriko@redhat.com>, 2013. #zanata
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: mutter master\n"
+-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=mutter&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product="
+ "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-03-22 10:02+0000\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-03-25 17:02+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Jiro Matsuzawa <jmatsuzawa@gnome.org>\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-10-09 09:40-0400\n"
++"Last-Translator: noriko <noriko@redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Japanese <gnome-translation@gnome.gr.jp>\n"
+-"Language: ja\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
++"Language: ja\n"
+ "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
++"X-Generator: Zanata 3.1.2\n"
+ #: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "Navigation"
+@@ -215,12 +217,14 @@ 
+ #. * we have no way to get it to exit
+ #: ../src/compositor/compositor.c:568
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Another compositing manager is already running on screen %i on display \"%s\"."
++msgid ""
++"Another compositing manager is already running on screen %i on display "
+ msgstr "既に別の合成マネージャーがディスプレイ \"%2$s\" 上のスクリーン %1$i で起動中です"
+-#: ../src/compositor/meta-background.c:1191
++#: ../src/compositor/meta-background.c:1076
+ msgid "background texture could not be created from file"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "背景のテクスチャをファイルから生成できませんでした"
+ #: ../src/core/bell.c:322
+ msgid "Bell event"
+@@ -232,16 +236,18 @@ 
+ msgstr "ウィンドウ情報の要求が不明です: %d"
+ #: ../src/core/delete.c:111
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#, c-format
+ msgid "“%s” is not responding."
+-msgstr "%s から応答がありません"
++msgstr "\"\"%s\"\" から応答がありません。"
+ #: ../src/core/delete.c:113
+ msgid "Application is not responding."
+ msgstr "アプリケーションから応答がありません"
+ #: ../src/core/delete.c:118
+-msgid "You may choose to wait a short while for it to continue or force the application to quit entirely."
++msgid ""
++"You may choose to wait a short while for it to continue or force the "
++"application to quit entirely."
+ msgstr "応答があるまで少し待つか、または強制的にアプリケーションを終了するか選択してください。"
+ #: ../src/core/delete.c:125
+@@ -252,25 +258,27 @@ 
+ msgid "_Force Quit"
+ msgstr "強制終了する(_F)"
+-#: ../src/core/display.c:401
++#: ../src/core/display.c:421
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Missing %s extension required for compositing"
+ msgstr "ウィンドウの合成に必要な %s という拡張モジュールが存在しません"
+-#: ../src/core/display.c:493
++#: ../src/core/display.c:513
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Failed to open X Window System display '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "X Window System のディスプレイ '%s' のオープンに失敗しました\n"
+-#: ../src/core/keybindings.c:935
++#: ../src/core/keybindings.c:1138
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Some other program is already using the key %s with modifiers %x as a binding\n"
++msgid ""
++"Some other program is already using the key %s with modifiers %x as a "
+ msgstr "既にバインディングとして別のプログラムでキー %s (修飾キー %x) を使っています\n"
+-#: ../src/core/keybindings.c:1135
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
++#: ../src/core/keybindings.c:1335
++#, c-format
+ msgid "\"%s\" is not a valid accelerator\n"
+-msgstr "\"%s\" はフォーカス属性のためには有効な値ではありません"
++msgstr "\"%s\" は有効なアクセラレーターではありません\n"
+ #: ../src/core/main.c:197
+ msgid "Disable connection to session manager"
+@@ -304,7 +312,8 @@ 
+ #: ../src/core/main.c:550
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Could not find a theme! Be sure %s exists and contains the usual themes.\n"
++msgid ""
++"Could not find a theme! Be sure %s exists and contains the usual themes.\n"
+ msgstr "テーマが見つかりませんでした! %s の存在と通常のテーマが含まれていることを確認してください。\n"
+ #: ../src/core/mutter.c:40
+@@ -313,12 +322,14 @@ 
+ "mutter %s\n"
+ "Copyright (C) 2001-%d Havoc Pennington, Red Hat, Inc., and others\n"
+ "This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.\n"
+-"There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.\n"
++"There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A "
+ msgstr ""
+ "mutter %s\n"
+ "Copyright (C) 2001-%d Havoc Pennington, Red Hat, Inc., and others\n"
+ "This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.\n"
+-"There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.\n"
++"There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A "
+ #: ../src/core/mutter.c:54
+ msgid "Print version"
+@@ -328,26 +339,32 @@ 
+ msgid "Mutter plugin to use"
+ msgstr "使用する Mutter のプラグイン"
+-#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1095
+-msgid "Workarounds for broken applications disabled. Some applications may not behave properly.\n"
++#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1210
++msgid ""
++"Workarounds for broken applications disabled. Some applications may not "
++"behave properly.\n"
+ msgstr "仕様に準拠していないアプリケーションに対する次善策は無効になっています。一部のアプリケーションは正常に動作しない可能性があります\n"
+-#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1170
++#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1285
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not parse font description \"%s\" from GSettings key %s\n"
+ msgstr "GSettings の %2$s キーからフォント名 \"%1$s\" を解析できませんでした\n"
+-#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1236
++#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1351
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "\"%s\" found in configuration database is not a valid value for mouse button modifier\n"
++msgid ""
++"\"%s\" found in configuration database is not a valid value for mouse button "
+ msgstr "設定データベース中の \"%s\" はマウスボタンの修飾キーとして妥当な値ではありません\n"
+-#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1788
++#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1928
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "\"%s\" found in configuration database is not a valid value for keybinding \"%s\"\n"
++msgid ""
++"\"%s\" found in configuration database is not a valid value for keybinding "
+ msgstr "設定データベース中の \"%s\" はキーバインド \"%s\" に有効な値ではありません\n"
+-#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1887
++#: ../src/core/prefs.c:2018
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Workspace %d"
+ msgstr "ワークスペース %d"
+@@ -359,8 +376,12 @@ 
+ #: ../src/core/screen.c:707
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Screen %d on display \"%s\" already has a window manager; try using the --replace option to replace the current window manager.\n"
+-msgstr "ディスプレイ \"%2$s\" 上のスクリーン %1$d はすでにウィンドウマネージャーを持っています; 現在のウィンドウマネージャーを上書きするために--replace オプションの使用を試してください。\n"
++msgid ""
++"Screen %d on display \"%s\" already has a window manager; try using the --"
++"replace option to replace the current window manager.\n"
++msgstr ""
++"ディスプレイ \"%2$s\" 上のスクリーン %1$d はすでにウィンドウマネージャーを持っています; 現在のウィンドウマネージャーを上書きするために-"
++"-replace オプションの使用を試してください。\n"
+ #: ../src/core/screen.c:734
+ #, c-format
+@@ -377,7 +398,8 @@ 
+ msgid "Could not release screen %d on display \"%s\"\n"
+ msgstr "ディスプレイ \"%2$s\" 上のスクリーン %1$d を解放できませんでした\n"
+-#: ../src/core/session.c:843 ../src/core/session.c:850
++#: ../src/core/session.c:843
++#: ../src/core/session.c:850
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not create directory '%s': %s\n"
+ msgstr "ディレクトリ '%s' を作成できませんでした : %s\n"
+@@ -407,8 +429,10 @@ 
+ msgid "<mutter_session> attribute seen but we already have the session ID"
+ msgstr "<mutter_session> 属性はありますが、既にセッション ID を所有しています"
+-#: ../src/core/session.c:1198 ../src/core/session.c:1273
+-#: ../src/core/session.c:1305 ../src/core/session.c:1377
++#: ../src/core/session.c:1198
++#: ../src/core/session.c:1273
++#: ../src/core/session.c:1305
++#: ../src/core/session.c:1377
+ #: ../src/core/session.c:1437
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown attribute %s on <%s> element"
+@@ -425,7 +449,9 @@ 
+ msgstr "不明なエレメント %s があります"
+ #: ../src/core/session.c:1809
+-msgid "These windows do not support &quot;save current setup&quot; and will have to be restarted manually next time you log in."
++msgid ""
++"These windows do not support &quot;save current setup&quot; and will have to "
++"be restarted manually next time you log in."
+ msgstr "これらのウィンドウは \"現在の設定を保存する\" 機能をサポートしません。次回ログインする時に手動で再起動してください。"
+ #: ../src/core/util.c:84
+@@ -443,7 +469,8 @@ 
+ msgid "Opened log file %s\n"
+ msgstr "ログファイル %s をオープンしました\n"
+-#: ../src/core/util.c:119 ../src/tools/mutter-message.c:149
++#: ../src/core/util.c:119
++#: ../src/tools/mutter-message.c:149
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Mutter was compiled without support for verbose mode\n"
+ msgstr "この mutter は詳細ログモードをサポートしていません\n"
+@@ -465,10 +492,14 @@ 
+ msgstr "ウィンドウマネージャーのエラー: "
+ #. first time through
+-#: ../src/core/window.c:7596
++#: ../src/core/window.c:7643
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Window %s sets SM_CLIENT_ID on itself, instead of on the WM_CLIENT_LEADER window as specified in the ICCCM.\n"
+-msgstr "ウィンドウ %s は ICCCM で指定されていたような WM_CLIENT_LEADER ウィンドウの代わりに自分自身で SM_CLIENT_ID を設定しています\n"
++msgid ""
++"Window %s sets SM_CLIENT_ID on itself, instead of on the WM_CLIENT_LEADER "
++"window as specified in the ICCCM.\n"
++msgstr ""
++"ウィンドウ %s は ICCCM で指定されていたような WM_CLIENT_LEADER ウィンドウの代わりに自分自身で SM_CLIENT_ID "
+ #. We ignore mwm_has_resize_func because WM_NORMAL_HINTS is the
+ #. * authoritative source for that info. Some apps such as mplayer or
+@@ -476,11 +507,14 @@ 
+ #. * leads to e.g. us not fullscreening their windows.  Apps that set
+ #. * MWM but not WM_NORMAL_HINTS are basically broken. We complain
+ #. * about these apps but make them work.
+-#: ../src/core/window.c:8320
++#: ../src/core/window.c:8367
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Window %s sets an MWM hint indicating it isn't resizable, but sets min size %d x %d and max size %d x %d; this doesn't make much sense.\n"
+-msgstr "ウィンドウ %s はリサイズ可能ではない MWM ヒント指示を設定していますが、最小サイズ %d x %d と最大サイズ %d x %dも設定しています。これはあまり意味がありません\n"
++msgid ""
++"Window %s sets an MWM hint indicating it isn't resizable, but sets min size "
++"%d x %d and max size %d x %d; this doesn't make much sense.\n"
++msgstr ""
++"ウィンドウ %s はリサイズ可能ではない MWM ヒント指示を設定していますが、最小サイズ %d x %d と最大サイズ %d x "
+ #: ../src/core/window-props.c:318
+ #, c-format
+@@ -524,10 +558,13 @@ 
+ #: ../src/core/xprops.c:494
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Property %s on window 0x%lx contained invalid UTF-8 for item %d in the list\n"
++msgid ""
++"Property %s on window 0x%lx contained invalid UTF-8 for item %d in the "
+ msgstr "ウィンドウ 0x%2$lx 上のプロパティ %1$s はリスト内のアイテム %3$d で無効な UTF-8を含んでいました\n"
+-#: ../src/mutter.desktop.in.h:1 ../src/mutter-wm.desktop.in.h:1
++#: ../src/mutter.desktop.in.h:1
++#: ../src/mutter-wm.desktop.in.h:1
+ msgid "Mutter"
+ msgstr "Mutter"
+@@ -536,72 +573,108 @@ 
+ msgstr "ウィンドウの拡張管理の操作で使用する修飾キー"
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:2
+-msgid "This key will initiate the \"overlay\", which is a combination window overview and application launching system. The default is intended to be the \"Windows key\" on PC hardware. It's expected that this binding either the default or set to the empty string."
+-msgstr "ここに指定したキーで「オーバーレイの機能」を起動します。この機能は GNOME Shell などが提供するウィンドウの全体表示やアプリの起動システムと連携します。デフォルトのキーは PC のキーボードにある [Windows キー] です。指定可能な値: デフォルトのキー、または空の文字列"
++msgid ""
++"This key will initiate the \"overlay\", which is a combination window "
++"overview and application launching system. The default is intended to be the "
++"\"Windows key\" on PC hardware. It's expected that this binding either the "
++"default or set to the empty string."
++msgstr ""
++"ここに指定したキーで「オーバーレイの機能」を起動します。この機能は GNOME Shell "
++"などが提供するウィンドウの全体表示やアプリの起動システムと連携します。デフォルトのキーは PC のキーボードにある [Windows キー] "
++"です。指定可能な値: デフォルトのキー、または空の文字列"
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "Attach modal dialogs"
+ msgstr "モーダルなダイアログを統合するかどうか"
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:4
+-msgid "When true, instead of having independent titlebars, modal dialogs appear attached to the titlebar of the parent window and are moved together with the parent window."
+-msgstr "TRUE にすると、タイトルバーを持つ通常のモーダルなダイアログを表示する代わりに、親ウィンドウのタイトルバーに統合したダイアログを表示します (親ウィンドウを移動すると一緒にモーダルなダイアログも移動します)。"
++msgid ""
++"When true, instead of having independent titlebars, modal dialogs appear "
++"attached to the titlebar of the parent window and are moved together with "
++"the parent window."
++msgstr ""
++"TRUE にすると、タイトルバーを持つ通常のモーダルなダイアログを表示する代わりに、親ウィンドウのタイトルバーに統合したダイアログを表示します "
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:5
+ msgid "Enable edge tiling when dropping windows on screen edges"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ウィンドウを画面の端に移動させたときにタイル状に配置する"
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:6
+-msgid "If enabled, dropping windows on vertical screen edges maximizes them vertically and resizes them horizontally to cover half of the available area. Dropping windows on the top screen edge maximizes them completely."
++msgid ""
++"If enabled, dropping windows on vertical screen edges maximizes them "
++"vertically and resizes them horizontally to cover half of the available area."
++" Dropping windows on the top screen edge maximizes them completely."
+ msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:7
+ msgid "Workspaces are managed dynamically"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ワークスペースを動的に管理する"
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:8
+-msgid "Determines whether workspaces are managed dynamically or whether there's a static number of workspaces (determined by the num-workspaces key in org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences)."
++msgid ""
++"Determines whether workspaces are managed dynamically or whether there's a "
++"static number of workspaces (determined by the num-workspaces key in org."
+ msgstr ""
++"ワークスペースを動的に管理するか、固定のワークスペース数にするか (org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences のnum-"
++"workspaces キーで指定 ) を指定します。"
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:9
+ msgid "Workspaces only on primary"
+ msgstr "プライマリモニターのみワークスペースを切り替えるかどうか"
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:10
+-msgid "Determines whether workspace switching should happen for windows on all monitors or only for windows on the primary monitor."
+-msgstr "全てのモニターにあるウィンドウに対してワークスペースの切り替えを可能にするか、またはプライマリモニターにあるウィンドウに対してのみワークスペースの切り替えを提供するかどうかです。"
++msgid ""
++"Determines whether workspace switching should happen for windows on all "
++"monitors or only for windows on the primary monitor."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:11
+ msgid "No tab popup"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "タブのポップアップなし"
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "Determines whether the use of popup and highlight frame should be disabled for window cycling."
+-msgstr ""
++msgid ""
++"Determines whether the use of popup and highlight frame should be disabled "
++"for window cycling."
++msgstr "ウィンドウ循環に対してフレームのポップアップと強調表示の使用を向こうにするかどうかを指定します。"
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:13
+ msgid "Delay focus changes until the pointer stops moving"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ポインターの動きが止まるまで焦点の変更を遅延させる"
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:14
+-msgid "If set to true, and the focus mode is either \"sloppy\" or \"mouse\" then the focus will not be changed immediately when entering a window, but only after the pointer stops moving."
++msgid ""
++"If set to true, and the focus mode is either \"sloppy\" or \"mouse\" then "
++"the focus will not be changed immediately when entering a window, but only "
++"after the pointer stops moving."
+ msgstr ""
++"true に設定され、フォーカスモードが \"sloppy\" または \"mouse\" "
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:15
+ msgid "Draggable border width"
+ msgstr "ドラッグが可能になる境界線の幅"
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:16
+-msgid "The amount of total draggable borders. If the theme's visible borders are not enough, invisible borders will be added to meet this value."
+-msgstr "ドラッグができるようになる境界線の幅です。テーマで表示している境界線がこの値よりも小さい場合は、表示できない境界線がこの値になるように追加されます。"
++msgid ""
++"The amount of total draggable borders. If the theme's visible borders are "
++"not enough, invisible borders will be added to meet this value."
++msgstr ""
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:17
+ msgid "Auto maximize nearly monitor sized windows"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "モニターと同サイズのウィンドウを自動的に最大化する"
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:18
+-msgid "If enabled, new windows that are initially the size of the monitor automatically get maximized."
+-msgstr ""
++msgid ""
++"If enabled, new windows that are initially the size of the monitor "
++"automatically get maximized."
++msgstr "有効にすると、初期サイズがモニターと同じ大きさの新規ウィンドウは自動的に最大化されます。"
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:19
+ msgid "Select window from tab popup"
+@@ -609,12 +682,12 @@ 
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:20
+ msgid "Cancel tab popup"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "タブのポップアップを取り消し"
+ #: ../src/tools/mutter-message.c:123
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Usage: %s\n"
+-msgstr "用法: %s\n"
++msgstr "使い方: %s\n"
+ #. Translators: Translate this string the same way as you do in libwnck!
+ #: ../src/ui/menu.c:69
+@@ -658,7 +731,8 @@ 
+ #. separator
+ #. Translators: Translate this string the same way as you do in libwnck!
+-#: ../src/ui/menu.c:86 ../src/ui/menu.c:88
++#: ../src/ui/menu.c:86
++#: ../src/ui/menu.c:88
+ msgid "Always on _Top"
+ msgstr "最前面へ(_T)"
+@@ -721,7 +795,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the shift key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:77
+ msgid "Shift"
+ msgstr "Shift"
+@@ -730,7 +803,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the control key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:83
+ msgid "Ctrl"
+ msgstr "Ctrl"
+@@ -739,7 +811,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the alt key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:89
+ msgid "Alt"
+ msgstr "Alt"
+@@ -748,7 +819,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the meta key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:95
+ msgid "Meta"
+ msgstr "Meta"
+@@ -757,7 +827,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the super key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:101
+ msgid "Super"
+ msgstr "Super"
+@@ -766,7 +835,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the hyper key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:107
+ msgid "Hyper"
+ msgstr "Hyper"
+@@ -775,7 +843,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the mod2 key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:113
+ msgid "Mod2"
+ msgstr "Mod2"
+@@ -784,7 +851,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the mod3 key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:119
+ msgid "Mod3"
+ msgstr "Mod3"
+@@ -793,7 +859,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the mod4 key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:125
+ msgid "Mod4"
+ msgstr "Mod4"
+@@ -802,14 +867,12 @@ 
+ #. * that use the mod5 key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:131
+ msgid "Mod5"
+ msgstr "Mod5"
+ #. Translators: This represents the size of a window.  The first number is
+ #. * the width of the window and the second is the height.
+ #: ../src/ui/resizepopup.c:136
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d x %d"
+@@ -858,28 +921,46 @@ 
+ #: ../src/ui/theme.c:1203
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "GTK custom color specification must have color name and fallback in parentheses, e.g. gtk:custom(foo,bar); could not parse \"%s\""
+-msgstr "\"%s\" を解析できませんでした; GTK の色指定では gtk:custom(foo,bar); のように括弧の中に色の名前とそれと代替えになる色の名前を指定してください"
++msgid ""
++"GTK custom color specification must have color name and fallback in "
++"parentheses, e.g. gtk:custom(foo,bar); could not parse \"%s\""
++msgstr ""
++"\"%s\" を解析できませんでした; GTK の色指定では gtk:custom(foo,bar); "
+ #: ../src/ui/theme.c:1219
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Invalid character '%c' in color_name parameter of gtk:custom, only A-Za-z0-9-_ are valid"
++msgid ""
++"Invalid character '%c' in color_name parameter of gtk:custom, only A-Za-z0-9-"
++"_ are valid"
+ msgstr "gtk:custom の color_name で指定した文字が間違っています (使用できる文字は A-Za-z0-9-_): '%c'"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme.c:1233
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Gtk:custom format is \"gtk:custom(color_name,fallback)\", \"%s\" does not fit the format"
+-msgstr "Gtk:custom の書式は \"gtk:custom(color_name,fallback)\" です (\"%s\" はこの書式に合っていません)"
++msgid ""
++"Gtk:custom format is \"gtk:custom(color_name,fallback)\", \"%s\" does not "
++"fit the format"
++msgstr ""
++"Gtk:custom の書式は \"gtk:custom(color_name,fallback)\" です (\"%s\" "
+ #: ../src/ui/theme.c:1278
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "GTK color specification must have the state in brackets, e.g. gtk:fg[NORMAL] where NORMAL is the state; could not parse \"%s\""
+-msgstr "\"%s\" を解析できませんでした; GTK の色指定では gtk:fg[NORMAL] のように状態を大括弧で囲み指定する必要があります (NORMAL は状態を示す)"
++msgid ""
++"GTK color specification must have the state in brackets, e.g. gtk:fg[NORMAL] "
++"where NORMAL is the state; could not parse \"%s\""
++msgstr ""
++"\"%s\" を解析できませんでした; GTK の色指定では gtk:fg[NORMAL] のように状態を大括弧で囲み指定する必要があります "
++"(NORMAL は状態を示す)"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme.c:1292
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "GTK color specification must have a close bracket after the state, e.g. gtk:fg[NORMAL] where NORMAL is the state; could not parse \"%s\""
+-msgstr "\"%s\" を解析できませんでした; GTK の色指定では gtk:fg[NORMAL] のように状態の後に右大括弧をつける必要があります (NORMAL は状態を示す)"
++msgid ""
++"GTK color specification must have a close bracket after the state, e.g. gtk:"
++"fg[NORMAL] where NORMAL is the state; could not parse \"%s\""
++msgstr ""
++"\"%s\" を解析できませんでした; GTK の色指定では gtk:fg[NORMAL] のように状態の後に右大括弧をつける必要があります "
++"(NORMAL は状態を示す)"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme.c:1303
+ #, c-format
+@@ -893,7 +974,9 @@ 
+ #: ../src/ui/theme.c:1345
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Blend format is \"blend/bg_color/fg_color/alpha\", \"%s\" does not fit the format"
++msgid ""
++"Blend format is \"blend/bg_color/fg_color/alpha\", \"%s\" does not fit the "
+ msgstr "混合色のフォーマットは \"blend/bg_color/fg_color/alpha\" で、\"%s\" はこのフォーマットに適合していません"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme.c:1356
+@@ -908,7 +991,8 @@ 
+ #: ../src/ui/theme.c:1413
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Shade format is \"shade/base_color/factor\", \"%s\" does not fit the format"
++msgid ""
++"Shade format is \"shade/base_color/factor\", \"%s\" does not fit the format"
+ msgstr "シェードのフォーマットは \"shade/base_color/factor\" で、\"%s\" はこのフォーマットに適合していません"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme.c:1424
+@@ -933,7 +1017,9 @@ 
+ #: ../src/ui/theme.c:1807
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Coordinate expression contains floating point number '%s' which could not be parsed"
++msgid ""
++"Coordinate expression contains floating point number '%s' which could not be "
+ msgstr "解析できない浮動小数点数 '%s' が座標式に含まれています"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme.c:1821
+@@ -943,7 +1029,9 @@ 
+ #: ../src/ui/theme.c:1942
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Coordinate expression contained unknown operator at the start of this text: \"%s\""
++msgid ""
++"Coordinate expression contained unknown operator at the start of this text: "
+ msgstr "座標式は次のテキストの先頭に無効な演算子を含んでいました: \"%s\""
+ #: ../src/ui/theme.c:1999
+@@ -951,19 +1039,23 @@ 
+ msgid "Coordinate expression was empty or not understood"
+ msgstr "座標式が空か解析不能です"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2112 ../src/ui/theme.c:2122 ../src/ui/theme.c:2156
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2112
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2122
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2156
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Coordinate expression results in division by zero"
+ msgstr "座標式はゼロで除算しました"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme.c:2164
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Coordinate expression tries to use mod operator on a floating-point number"
++msgid ""
++"Coordinate expression tries to use mod operator on a floating-point number"
+ msgstr "座標式は浮動小数点で mod 演算子を使用しようとしています"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme.c:2220
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Coordinate expression has an operator \"%s\" where an operand was expected"
++msgid ""
++"Coordinate expression has an operator \"%s\" where an operand was expected"
+ msgstr "座標式はオペランドが必要な場所に演算子 \"%s\" を使用しています"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme.c:2229
+@@ -978,10 +1070,13 @@ 
+ #: ../src/ui/theme.c:2247
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Coordinate expression has operator \"%c\" following operator \"%c\" with no operand in between"
++msgid ""
++"Coordinate expression has operator \"%c\" following operator \"%c\" with no "
++"operand in between"
+ msgstr "座標式は演算子 \"%2$c\" の後に演算子 \"%1$c\" が続いており、これらの間にオペランドがありません"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2398 ../src/ui/theme.c:2443
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2398
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2443
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Coordinate expression had unknown variable or constant \"%s\""
+ msgstr "座標式は無効な値または定数 \"%s\" が使用されていました"
+@@ -998,7 +1093,8 @@ 
+ #: ../src/ui/theme.c:2590
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Coordinate expression had an open parenthesis with no close parenthesis"
++msgid ""
++"Coordinate expression had an open parenthesis with no close parenthesis"
+ msgstr "座標式は左括弧が指定されていますが、右括弧がありません"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme.c:2601
+@@ -1006,17 +1102,24 @@ 
+ msgid "Coordinate expression doesn't seem to have any operators or operands"
+ msgstr "座標式は演算子もオペランドも使用していないようです"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2814 ../src/ui/theme.c:2834 ../src/ui/theme.c:2854
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2814
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2834
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2854
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Theme contained an expression that resulted in an error: %s\n"
+ msgstr "テーマにエラーを引き起こす式が含まれていました: %s\n"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme.c:4500
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "<button function=\"%s\" state=\"%s\" draw_ops=\"whatever\"/> must be specified for this frame style"
+-msgstr "このフレームスタイルは <button function=\"%s\" state=\"%s\" draw_ops=\"whatever\"/> を指定する必要があります"
++msgid ""
++"<button function=\"%s\" state=\"%s\" draw_ops=\"whatever\"/> must be "
++"specified for this frame style"
++msgstr ""
++"このフレームスタイルは <button function=\"%s\" state=\"%s\" draw_ops=\"whatever\"/> "
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5011 ../src/ui/theme.c:5036
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5011
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5036
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Missing <frame state=\"%s\" resize=\"%s\" focus=\"%s\" style=\"whatever\"/>"
+ msgstr "<frame state=\"%s\" resize=\"%s\" focus=\"%s\" style=\"whatever\"/>がありません"
+@@ -1026,36 +1129,47 @@ 
+ msgid "Failed to load theme \"%s\": %s\n"
+ msgstr "テーマ \"%s\" の読み込みに失敗しました: %s\n"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5220 ../src/ui/theme.c:5227 ../src/ui/theme.c:5234
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5241 ../src/ui/theme.c:5248
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5220
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5227
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5234
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5241
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5248
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No <%s> set for theme \"%s\""
+ msgstr "テーマ \"%1$s\" の <%2$s> が設定されていません"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme.c:5256
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "No frame style set for window type \"%s\" in theme \"%s\", add a <window type=\"%s\" style_set=\"whatever\"/> element"
+-msgstr "テーマ \"%2$s\" にウィンドウタイプ \"%1$s\" のフレームスタイルが設定されていません。<window type=\"%3$s\" style_set=\"whatever\"/> エレメントを追加してください"
++msgid ""
++"No frame style set for window type \"%s\" in theme \"%s\", add a <window "
++"type=\"%s\" style_set=\"whatever\"/> element"
++msgstr ""
++"テーマ \"%2$s\" にウィンドウタイプ \"%1$s\" のフレームスタイルが設定されていません。<window type=\"%3$s\" "
++"style_set=\"whatever\"/> エレメントを追加してください"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5663 ../src/ui/theme.c:5725 ../src/ui/theme.c:5788
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5663
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5725
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5788
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "User-defined constants must begin with a capital letter; \"%s\" does not"
+ msgstr "ユーザー定義の定数は大文字で始まらなければなりません; \"%s\" は違います"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5671 ../src/ui/theme.c:5733 ../src/ui/theme.c:5796
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5671
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5733
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5796
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Constant \"%s\" has already been defined"
+ msgstr "定数 \"%s\" は既に定義されています"
+ #. Translators: This means that an attribute which should have been found
+ #. * on an XML element was not in fact found.
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:236
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No \"%s\" attribute on element <%s>"
+ msgstr "エレメント <%2$s> に \"%1$s\" 属性がありません"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:265 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:283
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:265
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:283
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Line %d character %d: %s"
+ msgstr "%d 行目 %d 文字目: %s"
+@@ -1065,7 +1179,8 @@ 
+ msgid "Attribute \"%s\" repeated twice on the same <%s> element"
+ msgstr "同じ <%2$s> エレメント上で属性 \"%1$s\" が 2 度繰り返されました"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:503 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:552
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:503
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attribute \"%s\" is invalid on <%s> element in this context"
+ msgstr "このコンテキスト内では <%2$s> エレメント上の属性 \"%1$s\" は無効です"
+@@ -1075,7 +1190,8 @@ 
+ msgid "Could not parse \"%s\" as an integer"
+ msgstr "\"%s\"を整数として構文解釈できませんでした"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:603 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:658
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:603
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:658
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Did not understand trailing characters \"%s\" in string \"%s\""
+ msgstr "末尾の文字列 \"%s\" (文字列 \"%s\") を理解できませんでした"
+@@ -1090,12 +1206,14 @@ 
+ msgid "Integer %ld is too large, current max is %d"
+ msgstr "整数 %ld は大きすぎます、現在の最大は %d です"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:649 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:765
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:649
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:765
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not parse \"%s\" as a floating point number"
+ msgstr "浮動小数点として \"%s\" を解析できませんでした"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:680 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:708
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:680
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:708
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Boolean values must be \"true\" or \"false\" not \"%s\""
+ msgstr "ブール値は \"true\" か \"false\" でなければならず \"%s\" ではありません"
+@@ -1112,16 +1230,23 @@ 
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:863
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Invalid title scale \"%s\" (must be one of xx-small,x-small,small,medium,large,x-large,xx-large)\n"
+-msgstr "無効なタイトルスケール \"%s\" です (xx-small,x-small,small,medium,large,x-large,xx-large のひとつでなければなりません)\n"
++msgid ""
++"Invalid title scale \"%s\" (must be one of xx-small,x-"
++msgstr ""
++"無効なタイトルスケール \"%s\" です (xx-small,x-small,small,medium,large,x-large,xx-large "
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1019 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1082
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1116 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1219
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1019
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1082
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1116
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1219
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "<%s> name \"%s\" used a second time"
+ msgstr "<%s> の名前 \"%s\"が2回使われています"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1031 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1128
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1031
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1128
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1231
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "<%s> parent \"%s\" has not been defined"
+@@ -1156,19 +1281,28 @@ 
+ msgid "Window type \"%s\" has already been assigned a style set"
+ msgstr "ウィンドウタイプ \"%s\" はすでにスタイル設定に割り当てられています"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1313 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1377
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1603 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2838
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2884 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3034
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3273 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3311
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3349 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3387
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1313
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1377
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1603
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2838
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2884
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3034
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3273
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3311
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3349
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3387
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Element <%s> is not allowed below <%s>"
+ msgstr "エレメント <%s> は <%s> の下では許可されていません"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1427 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1441
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1427
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1441
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1486
+-msgid "Cannot specify both \"button_width\"/\"button_height\" and \"aspect_ratio\" for buttons"
+-msgstr "\"button_width\"/\"button_height\" と \"aspect_ratio\" の両方のプロパティを指定することはできません"
++msgid ""
++"Cannot specify both \"button_width\"/\"button_height\" and \"aspect_ratio\" "
++"for buttons"
++msgstr ""
++"\"button_width\"/\"button_height\" と \"aspect_ratio\" の両方のプロパティを指定することはできません"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1450
+ #, c-format
+@@ -1193,8 +1327,7 @@ 
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1875
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No \"extent_angle\" or \"to\" attribute on element <%s>"
+-msgstr ""
+-"エレメント <%s> に \"extent_angle\" または \"to\" 属性はありません\n"
++msgstr "エレメント <%s> に \"extent_angle\" または \"to\" 属性はありません\n"
+ "               "
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2115
+@@ -1202,18 +1335,21 @@ 
+ msgid "Did not understand value \"%s\" for type of gradient"
+ msgstr "階調度のタイプの値 \"%s\" は解釈されませんでした"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2193 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2568
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2193
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2568
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Did not understand fill type \"%s\" for <%s> element"
+ msgstr "<%2$s>エレメント用のフィルタイプ \"%1$s\"は解釈されませんでした"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2360 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2443
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2360
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2443
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2506
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Did not understand state \"%s\" for <%s> element"
+ msgstr "<%2$s> エレメント用の状態 \"%1$s\" は解釈されませんでした"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2370 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2453
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2370
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2453
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Did not understand shadow \"%s\" for <%s> element"
+ msgstr "<%2$s> エレメント用の影 \"%1$s\" は解釈されませんでした"
+@@ -1223,12 +1359,14 @@ 
+ msgid "Did not understand arrow \"%s\" for <%s> element"
+ msgstr "<%2$s> エレメント用の矢印 \"%1$s\" は解釈されませんでした"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2694 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2790
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2694
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2790
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No <draw_ops> called \"%s\" has been defined"
+ msgstr "\"%s\"を呼ぶ <draw_ops> は定義されていません"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2706 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2802
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2706
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Including draw_ops \"%s\" here would create a circular reference"
+ msgstr "ここに draw_ops \"%s\" を含めると循環参照が生成されます"
+@@ -1243,7 +1381,8 @@ 
+ msgid "Frame style already has a piece at position %s"
+ msgstr "フレームスタイルはすでに場所 %s に要素を持っています"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2942 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3019
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2942
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3019
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No <draw_ops> with the name \"%s\" has been defined"
+ msgstr "名前 \"%s\" で <draw_ops>が定義されていません"
+@@ -1283,44 +1422,64 @@ 
+ msgid "A style called \"%s\" has not been defined"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" に呼ばれるスタイルは定義されていません"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3113 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3136
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3113
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3136
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "\"%s\" is not a valid value for resize attribute"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" はリサイズ属性のためには有効な値ではありません"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3147
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Should not have \"resize\" attribute on <%s> element for maximized/shaded states"
++msgid ""
++"Should not have \"resize\" attribute on <%s> element for maximized/shaded "
+ msgstr "最大化/シェード化のための <%s> エレメントには \"resize\" 属性を指定できません"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3161
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Should not have \"resize\" attribute on <%s> element for maximized states"
++msgid ""
++"Should not have \"resize\" attribute on <%s> element for maximized states"
+ msgstr "最大化のための <%s> エレメントには \"resize\" 属性を指定できません"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3175 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3222
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3175
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3222
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Style has already been specified for state %s resize %s focus %s"
+ msgstr "状態 %s リサイズ %s フォーカス %s のためのスタイルはすでに指定されています"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3186 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3197
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3208 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3233
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3244 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3255
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3186
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3197
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3208
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3233
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3244
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3255
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Style has already been specified for state %s focus %s"
+ msgstr "状態 %s フォーカス %s のためのスタイルはすでに指定されています"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3294
+-msgid "Can't have a two draw_ops for a <piece> element (theme specified a draw_ops attribute and also a <draw_ops> element, or specified two elements)"
+-msgstr "<piece> エレメントは2つの draw_ops を持つことができません (テーマで draw_ops 属性と <draw_ops> エレメントが指定されたか、あるいは 2 つのエレメントが指定されました)"
++msgid ""
++"Can't have a two draw_ops for a <piece> element (theme specified a draw_ops "
++"attribute and also a <draw_ops> element, or specified two elements)"
++msgstr ""
++"<piece> エレメントは2つの draw_ops を持つことができません (テーマで draw_ops 属性と <draw_ops> "
++"エレメントが指定されたか、あるいは 2 つのエレメントが指定されました)"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3332
+-msgid "Can't have a two draw_ops for a <button> element (theme specified a draw_ops attribute and also a <draw_ops> element, or specified two elements)"
+-msgstr "<button> エレメントは 2 つの draw_ops を持つことができません (テーマで draw_ops 属性と <draw_ops> エレメントが指定されたか、あるいは 2 つのエレメントが指定されました)"
++msgid ""
++"Can't have a two draw_ops for a <button> element (theme specified a draw_ops "
++"attribute and also a <draw_ops> element, or specified two elements)"
++msgstr ""
++"<button> エレメントは 2 つの draw_ops を持つことができません (テーマで draw_ops 属性と <draw_ops> "
++"エレメントが指定されたか、あるいは 2 つのエレメントが指定されました)"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3370
+-msgid "Can't have a two draw_ops for a <menu_icon> element (theme specified a draw_ops attribute and also a <draw_ops> element, or specified two elements)"
+-msgstr "<menu_icon> エレメントは 2 つの draw_ops を持つことができません (テーマで draw_ops 属性と <draw_ops> エレメントが指定されたか、あるいは 2 つのエレメントが指定されました)"
++msgid ""
++"Can't have a two draw_ops for a <menu_icon> element (theme specified a "
++"draw_ops attribute and also a <draw_ops> element, or specified two elements)"
++msgstr ""
++"<menu_icon> エレメントは 2 つの draw_ops を持つことができません (テーマで draw_ops 属性と <draw_ops> "
++"エレメントが指定されたか、あるいは 2 つのエレメントが指定されました)"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3434
+ #, c-format
+@@ -1328,7 +1487,9 @@ 
+ msgstr "バージョン '%s' の仕様はサポートしていません"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3507
+-msgid "\"version\" attribute cannot be used in metacity-theme-1.xml or metacity-theme-2.xml"
++msgid ""
++"\"version\" attribute cannot be used in metacity-theme-1.xml or metacity-"
+ msgstr "\"version\" 属性は metacity-theme-1.xml や metacity-theme-2.xml では指定できません"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3530
+@@ -1343,7 +1504,8 @@ 
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3582
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Element <%s> is not allowed inside a name/author/date/description element"
++msgid ""
++"Element <%s> is not allowed inside a name/author/date/description element"
+ msgstr "エレメント <%s> は name/author/date/description エレメントの内側に許可されていません"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3587
+@@ -1353,7 +1515,8 @@ 
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3599
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Element <%s> is not allowed inside a distance/border/aspect_ratio element"
++msgid ""
++"Element <%s> is not allowed inside a distance/border/aspect_ratio element"
+ msgstr "エレメント <%s> はdistance/border/aspect_ratioエレメントの内側に許可されていません"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3621
+@@ -1361,8 +1524,10 @@ 
+ msgid "Element <%s> is not allowed inside a draw operation element"
+ msgstr "エレメント <%s> は描画処理エレメントの内側に許可されていません"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3631 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3661
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3666 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3671
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3631
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3661
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3666
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3671
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Element <%s> is not allowed inside a <%s> element"
+ msgstr "エレメント <%s> は <%s> エレメントの内側に許可されていません"
+@@ -1380,8 +1545,10 @@ 
+ msgid "No text is allowed inside element <%s>"
+ msgstr "エレメント <%s> の内側にテキストは許可されません"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4026 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4038
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4050 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4062
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4026
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4038
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4050
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4062
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4074
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "<%s> specified twice for this theme"
+@@ -1544,8 +1711,13 @@ 
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:1053
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Drew %d frames in %g client-side seconds (%g milliseconds per frame) and %g seconds wall clock time including X server resources (%g milliseconds per frame)\n"
+-msgstr "%d フレームをクライアント側で %g秒 (1フレームにつき %gミリ秒)、実時間ではXサーバーのリソースを含めて %g秒 (1フレームにつき %gミリ秒)で描画しました\n"
++msgid ""
++"Drew %d frames in %g client-side seconds (%g milliseconds per frame) and %g "
++"seconds wall clock time including X server resources (%g milliseconds per "
++msgstr ""
++"%d フレームをクライアント側で %g秒 (1フレームにつき %gミリ秒)、実時間ではXサーバーのリソースを含めて %g秒 (1フレームにつき "
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:1273
+ msgid "position expression test returned TRUE but set error"
+@@ -1583,228 +1755,3 @@ 
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d coordinate expressions parsed in %g seconds (%g seconds average)\n"
+ msgstr "%d個の座標式を %g秒 (平均 %g秒) で解析しました\n"
+-#~ msgid "Comma-separated list of compositor plugins"
+-#~ msgstr "画像の合成プラグインを指定する (複数ある時はカンマ ',' で区切る)"
+-#~ msgid "Live Hidden Windows"
+-#~ msgstr "表示されていないウィンドウをそのままにしておくかどうか"
+-#~ msgid "Determines whether hidden windows (i.e., minimized windows and windows on other workspaces than the current one) should be kept alive."
+-#~ msgstr "現在表示されていないウィンドウ (すなわち、最小化したウィンドウや現在のワークスペースにはないウィンドウなど) を (表示させずに) そのままの状態にしておくかどうかです。"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 5"
+-#~ msgstr "ワークスペース 5 へ切り替える"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 6"
+-#~ msgstr "ワークスペース 6 へ切り替える"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 7"
+-#~ msgstr "ワークスペース 7 へ切り替える"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 8"
+-#~ msgstr "ワークスペース 8 へ切り替える"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 9"
+-#~ msgstr "ワークスペース 9 へ切り替える"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 10"
+-#~ msgstr "ワークスペース 10 へ切り替える"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 11"
+-#~ msgstr "ワークスペース 11 へ切り替える"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 12"
+-#~ msgstr "ワークスペース 12 へ切り替える"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace on the left of the current workspace"
+-#~ msgstr "左側のワークスペースへ切り替える"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace on the right of the current workspace"
+-#~ msgstr "右側のワークスペースへ切り替える"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace above the current workspace"
+-#~ msgstr "上側のワークスペースへ切り替える"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace below the current workspace"
+-#~ msgstr "下側のワークスペースへ切り替える"
+-#~ msgid "Move between windows of an application, using a popup window"
+-#~ msgstr "ポップアップウィンドウを使って複数のウィンドウの間を移動する"
+-#~ msgid "Move backward between windows of an application, using a popup window"
+-#~ msgstr "ポップアップウィンドウを使って複数のウィンドウの間を降順で移動する"
+-#~ msgid "Move between windows, using a popup window"
+-#~ msgstr "ポップアップウィンドウを使ってウィンドウ間のフォーカスを切り替える"
+-#~ msgid "Move backward between windows, using a popup window"
+-#~ msgstr "ポップアップウィンドウを使ってウィンドウ間のフォーカスを降順で切り替える"
+-#~ msgid "Move between panels and the desktop, using a popup window"
+-#~ msgstr "ポップアップウィンドウを使ってパネルとデスクトップの間のフォーカスを切り替える"
+-#~ msgid "Move backward between panels and the desktop, using a popup window"
+-#~ msgstr "ポップアップウィンドウを使ってパネルとデスクトップの間のフォーカスを降順で切り替える"
+-#~ msgid "Move backward between windows of an application immediately"
+-#~ msgstr "アプリケーションが持つ複数のウィンドウを降順で移動する"
+-#~ msgid "Move between windows immediately"
+-#~ msgstr "ウィンドウ間のフォーカスを切り替える"
+-#~ msgid "Move backward between windows immediately"
+-#~ msgstr "ウィンドウ間のフォーカスを降順で切り替える"
+-#~ msgid "Move between panels and the desktop immediately"
+-#~ msgstr "パネルとデスクトップとのフォーカスを切り替える"
+-#~ msgid "Move backward between panels and the desktop immediately"
+-#~ msgstr "後方のパネルとデスクトップとの間を切り替える"
+-#~ msgid "Show the panel's \"Run Application\" dialog box"
+-#~ msgstr "アプリケーションの実行ダイアログを開く"
+-#~ msgid "Start or stop recording the session"
+-#~ msgstr "セッションの録画を開始/停止する"
+-#~ msgid "Take a screenshot"
+-#~ msgstr "スクリーンショットを撮る"
+-#~ msgid "Take a screenshot of a window"
+-#~ msgstr "ウィンドウのスクリーンショットを撮る"
+-#~ msgid "Run a terminal"
+-#~ msgstr "端末を起動する"
+-#~ msgid "Toggle whether a window will always be visible over other windows"
+-#~ msgstr "ウィンドウを常に前面に表示するかどうかの設定を切り替える"
+-#~ msgid "Minimize window"
+-#~ msgstr "ウィンドウを最小化する"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 5"
+-#~ msgstr "ウィンドウをワークスペース 5 へ移動する"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 6"
+-#~ msgstr "ウィンドウをワークスペース 6 へ移動する"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 7"
+-#~ msgstr "ウィンドウをワークスペース 7 へ移動する"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 8"
+-#~ msgstr "ウィンドウをワークスペース 8 へ移動する"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 9"
+-#~ msgstr "ウィンドウをワークスペース 9 へ移動する"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 10"
+-#~ msgstr "ウィンドウをワークスペース 10 へ移動する"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 11"
+-#~ msgstr "ウィンドウをワークスペース 11 へ移動する"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 12"
+-#~ msgstr "ウィンドウをワークスペース 12 へ移動する"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to north-west (top left) corner"
+-#~ msgstr "ウィンドウを画面の左上隅へ移動する"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to north-east (top right) corner"
+-#~ msgstr "ウィンドウを画面の右上隅へ移動する"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to south-west (bottom left) corner"
+-#~ msgstr "ウィンドウを画面の左下隅へ移動する"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to south-east (bottom right) corner"
+-#~ msgstr "ウィンドウを画面の右下隅へ移動する"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to north (top) side of screen"
+-#~ msgstr "ウィンドウを画面の上側へ移動する"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to south (bottom) side of screen"
+-#~ msgstr "ウィンドウを画面の下側へ移動する"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to east (right) side of screen"
+-#~ msgstr "ウィンドウを画面の右側へ移動する"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to west (left) side of screen"
+-#~ msgstr "ウィンドウを画面の左側へ移動する"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to center of screen"
+-#~ msgstr "ウィンドウを画面の中央へ移動する"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "There was an error running <tt>%s</tt>:\n"
+-#~ "\n"
+-#~ "%s"
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "<tt>%s</tt>の動作中にエラーが発生しました:\n"
+-#~ "\n"
+-#~ "%s"
+-#~ msgid "No command %d has been defined.\n"
+-#~ msgstr "コマンド %d は定義されていません。\n"
+-#~ msgid "No terminal command has been defined.\n"
+-#~ msgstr "端末を起動するコマンドが定義されていません。\n"
+-#~ msgid "GConf key '%s' is set to an invalid value\n"
+-#~ msgstr "GConf の '%s' キーには無効な値が格納されています\n"
+-#~ msgid "%d stored in GConf key %s is out of range %d to %d\n"
+-#~ msgstr "GConf の %2$s キーの値 %1$d は %3$d〜%4$d の範囲内にありません\n"
+-#~ msgid "GConf key \"%s\" is set to an invalid type\n"
+-#~ msgstr "GConf の \"%s\" キーには無効な型が格納されています\n"
+-#~ msgid "GConf key %s is already in use and can't be used to override %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr "GConf キーの %s は既に使用中なので %s をオーバーライドできません\n"
+-#~ msgid "Can't override GConf key, %s not found\n"
+-#~ msgstr "GConf キーをオーバーライドできません (%s が見つかりませんでした)\n"
+-#~ msgid "Error setting number of workspaces to %d: %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr "ワークスペース数を %d に設定中にエラーが発生しました: %s\n"
+-#~ msgid "Error setting name for workspace %d to \"%s\": %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr "ワークスペース %d の名前を \"%s\" に設定するときにエラーが発生しました: %s\n"
+-#~ msgid "Error setting live hidden windows status status: %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr "表示されていないが動作中のウィンドウに対するステータスの設定エラー: %s\n"
+-#~ msgid "Error setting no tab popup status: %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr "タブなしのポップアップステータスの設定エラー: %s\n"
+-#~ msgid "Close Window"
+-#~ msgstr "ウィンドウを閉じます"
+-#~ msgid "Window Menu"
+-#~ msgstr "ウィンドウメニューを表示します"
+-#~ msgid "Minimize Window"
+-#~ msgstr "ウィンドウを最小化します"
+-#~ msgid "Maximize Window"
+-#~ msgstr "ウィンドウを最大化します"
+-#~ msgid "Restore Window"
+-#~ msgstr "ウィンドウの状態を元に戻します"
+-#~ msgid "Roll Up Window"
+-#~ msgstr "ウィンドウを巻き上げます"
+-#~ msgid "Unroll Window"
+-#~ msgstr "ウィンドウの巻き上げを解除します"
+-#~ msgid "Keep Window On Top"
+-#~ msgstr "ウィンドウを最前面に維持します"
+-#~ msgid "Always On Visible Workspace"
+-#~ msgstr "全てのワークスペースに配置します"
+-#~ msgid "Put Window On Only One Workspace"
+-#~ msgstr "現在のワークスペースにのみ配置します"
+-#~ msgid "Failed to retrieve color %s[%s] from GTK+ theme.\n"
+-#~ msgstr "GTK+ のテーマから色を取得できませんでした: %s[%s]\n"
+--- a/mutter-3.8.4/po/ml.po	2013-11-28 17:15:31.988866779 +0530
++++ a/mutter-3.8.4/po/ml.po	2013-11-28 17:17:23.037871344 +0530
+@@ -4,25 +4,26 @@ 
+ # FSF-India <locale@gnu.org.in>, 2003.
+ # Ani Peter <apeter@redhat.com>, 2006, 2007, 2013.
+ # Anish A <aneesh.nl@gmail.com>, 2012.
++# apeter <apeter@redhat.com>, 2013. #zanata
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: metacity.HEAD.ml\n"
+-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product="
+ "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-03-01 15:50+0000\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-03-26 12:50+0530\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Ani Peter <peter.ani@gmail.com>\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-05 07:34-0500\n"
++"Last-Translator: apeter <apeter@redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: American English <kde-i18n-doc@kde.org>\n"
+-"Language: ml\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
++"Language: ml\n"
+ "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+-"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.5\n"
++"X-Generator: Zanata 3.1.2\n"
+ #: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "Navigation"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "നാവിഗേഷന്‍"
+ #: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Move window to workspace 1"
+@@ -78,11 +79,11 @@ 
+ #: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:15
+ msgid "Switch windows of an app directly"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ഒരു പ്രയോഗത്തില്‍ ജാലകങ്ങള്‍ തമ്മില്‍ ‍ നേരിട്ട് മാറ്റുക"
+ #: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:16
+ msgid "Switch system controls directly"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "സിസ്റ്റം നിയന്ത്രണങ്ങള്‍ നേരിട്ട് മാറ്റുക"
+ #: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:17
+ msgid "Hide all normal windows"
+@@ -105,22 +106,18 @@ 
+ msgstr "പണിയറകള് 4ലേക്ക് മാറ്റൂ"
+ #: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:22
+-#| msgid "Move to Workspace _Left"
+ msgid "Move to workspace left"
+ msgstr "ഇടത്തുളള പണിയറയിലേക്ക് നീങ്ങുക"
+ #: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:23
+-#| msgid "Move to Workspace R_ight"
+ msgid "Move to workspace right"
+ msgstr "വലത്തുളള പണിയറയിലേക്ക് നീങ്ങുക"
+ #: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:24
+-#| msgid "Move to Workspace _Left"
+ msgid "Move to workspace above"
+ msgstr "മുകളിലുള്ള പണിയറയിലേക്ക് നീങ്ങുക "
+ #: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:25
+-#| msgid "Move to Workspace _Down"
+ msgid "Move to workspace below"
+ msgstr "താഴെയുളള പണിയറയിലേക്ക് നീങ്ങുക"
+@@ -141,7 +138,6 @@ 
+ msgstr "ജാലകങ്ങള്‍ (_W)"
+ #: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:2
+-#| msgid "Activate window menu"
+ msgid "Activate the window menu"
+ msgstr "ജാലകത്തിന്റെ മെനു സജീവമാക്കുക"
+@@ -151,27 +147,25 @@ 
+ #: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:4
+ msgid "Toggle maximization state"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ഏറ്റവും കൂടിയ അവസ്ഥ ടൊഗിള്‍ ചെയ്യുക"
+ #: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:5
+ msgid "Maximize window"
+ msgstr "ജാലകം ഏറ്റവും വലുതാക്കുക"
+ #: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:6
+-#| msgid "Resize window"
+ msgid "Restore window"
+ msgstr "ജാലകം വീണ്ടെടുക്കുക"
+ #: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:7
+ msgid "Toggle shaded state"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "മറയുടെ അവസ്ഥ ടൊഗിള്‍ ചെയ്യുക"
+ #: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:8
+ msgid "Close window"
+ msgstr "ജാലകം അടയ്‍ക്കുക"
+ #: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:9
+-#| msgid "Resize window"
+ msgid "Hide window"
+ msgstr "ജാലകം അദൃശ്യമാക്കുക"
+@@ -184,14 +178,12 @@ 
+ msgstr "ജാലകത്തിന്‍റെ വലിപ്പം മാറ്റുക"
+ #: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:12
+-#| msgid "Toggle window on all workspaces"
+ msgid "Toggle window on all workspaces or one"
+ msgstr "എല്ലാ പണിയറകളിലെയും ജാലകങ്ങള്‍ കാണിക്കുക"
+ #: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:13
+-#| msgid "Raise obscured window, otherwise lower"
+ msgid "Raise window if covered, otherwise lower it"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "മൂടിയിട്ടുണ്ടെങ്കില്‍ ജാലകം ഉയര്‍ത്തുക, അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ കുറയ്ക്കുക"
+ #: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:14
+ msgid "Raise window above other windows"
+@@ -211,26 +203,29 @@ 
+ #: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:18
+ msgid "View split on left"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ഇടത്തു് വേര്‍തിരിച്ചതു് കാണുക"
+ #: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:19
+ msgid "View split on right"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "വലത്തു് വേര്‍തിരിച്ചതു് കാണുക"
+ #. This probably means that a non-WM compositor like xcompmgr is running;
+ #. * we have no way to get it to exit
+-#: ../src/compositor/compositor.c:507
++#: ../src/compositor/compositor.c:568
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Another compositing manager is already running on screen %i on display \"%s"
++"Another compositing manager is already running on screen %i on display "
+ msgstr ""
++"\"%s\" പ്രദര്‍ശനത്തിലുള്ള %i സ്ക്രീനില്‍ മറ്റൊരു കമ്പോസിങ്ങിങ് മാനേജര്‍ "
++"നിലവില്‍ പ്രവര്‍ത്തിയ്ക്കുന്നുണ്ടു്"
+-#: ../src/compositor/meta-background.c:1111
++#: ../src/compositor/meta-background.c:1076
+ msgid "background texture could not be created from file"
+ msgstr ""
++"ഫയലില്‍ നിന്നും പശ്ചാത്തലത്തിലുള്ള ടെക്സ്ച്ചര്‍ തയ്യാറാക്കുവാന്‍ സാധ്യമല്ല"
+-#: ../src/core/bell.c:320
++#: ../src/core/bell.c:322
+ msgid "Bell event"
+ msgstr "ബെല്‍ ഇവെന്റ്"
+@@ -241,7 +236,6 @@ 
+ #: ../src/core/delete.c:111
+ #, c-format
+-#| msgid "%s is not responding."
+ msgid "“%s” is not responding."
+ msgstr "\"%s\"-ല്‍ നിന്നും മറുപടി ലഭ്യമല്ല."
+@@ -254,8 +248,8 @@ 
+ "You may choose to wait a short while for it to continue or force the "
+ "application to quit entirely."
+ msgstr ""
+-"ഒന്നുകില്‍ പ്രയോഗം മുഴുവനായി നീര്‍ത്താം, അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ അതിന് കുറച്ച് സമയം കൂടി "
+-"കൊടുത്ത് തുടരാം."
++"ഒന്നുകില്‍ പ്രയോഗം മുഴുവനായി നീര്‍ത്താം, അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ അതിന് കുറച്ച് സമയം "
++"കൂടി കൊടുത്ത് തുടരാം."
+ #: ../src/core/delete.c:125
+ msgid "_Wait"
+@@ -265,62 +259,66 @@ 
+ msgid "_Force Quit"
+ msgstr "നിര്‍ബന്ധമായും പുറത്ത് കടക്കുക (_F)"
+-#: ../src/core/display.c:401
++#: ../src/core/display.c:421
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Missing %s extension required for compositing"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "കോമ്പോസിറ്റിങിനു് ആവശ്യമുള്ള %s എക്സ്റ്റെന്‍ഷന്‍ ലഭ്യമല്ല"
+-#: ../src/core/display.c:493
++#: ../src/core/display.c:513
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Failed to open X Window System display '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "XWindow തുറക്കുന്നതില്‌ പരാജയം : %s\n"
+-#: ../src/core/keybindings.c:929
++#: ../src/core/keybindings.c:1138
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Some other program is already using the key %s with modifiers %x as a "
+ "binding\n"
+ msgstr ""
++"മറ്റു് ചില പ്രോഗ്രാം നിലവില്‍  %s കീയും ബൈന്‍ഡിങ്ങായി %x മോഡിഫയറുകളും "
+-#: ../src/core/keybindings.c:1129
++#: ../src/core/keybindings.c:1335
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "\"%s\" is not a valid accelerator\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\"%s\" ശരിയായൊരു ആക്സിലറേറ്ററല്ല\n"
+-#: ../src/core/main.c:196
++#: ../src/core/main.c:197
+ msgid "Disable connection to session manager"
+ msgstr "സെഷന്‍ മാനേജറിലേക്കുള്ള കണക്ഷന്‍ പ്രവര്‍ത്തന രഹിതമാക്കുക"
+-#: ../src/core/main.c:202
++#: ../src/core/main.c:203
+ msgid "Replace the running window manager"
+ msgstr "പ്രവര്‍ത്തനത്തിലുള്ള ജാലകത്തിന്റെ മാനേജറിനെ മാറ്റുക"
+-#: ../src/core/main.c:208
++#: ../src/core/main.c:209
+ msgid "Specify session management ID"
+ msgstr "സെഷന്‍ കൈകാര്യം ചെയ്യുന്ന ID നല്‍കുക"
+-#: ../src/core/main.c:213
++#: ../src/core/main.c:214
+ msgid "X Display to use"
+ msgstr "ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്നതിനുള്ള X ഡിസ്പ്ളെ"
+-#: ../src/core/main.c:219
++#: ../src/core/main.c:220
+ msgid "Initialize session from savefile"
+ msgstr "savefile-ല്‍ നിന്നും സെഷന്‍ ആരംഭിക്കുക"
+-#: ../src/core/main.c:225
++#: ../src/core/main.c:226
+ msgid "Make X calls synchronous"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "എക്സ് കോളുകള്‍ സിന്‍ക്രൊണസ് ആക്കുക"
+-#: ../src/core/main.c:494
++#: ../src/core/main.c:534
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Failed to scan themes directory: %s\n"
+ msgstr "പ്രമേയം സ്കാന്‍ ചെയ്യുവാന്‍ കഴിഞ്ഞില്ല: %s\n"
+-#: ../src/core/main.c:510
++#: ../src/core/main.c:550
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Could not find a theme! Be sure %s exists and contains the usual themes.\n"
+ msgstr ""
++"ഒരു പ്രമേയം കണ്ടുപിടിയ്ക്കുവാനായില്ല! %s നിലവിലുണ്ടെന്നും സാധാരണയായുള്ള "
++"പ്രമേയങ്ങളുണ്ടെന്നു് ുറപ്പാക്കുക.\n"
+ #: ../src/core/mutter.c:40
+ #, c-format
+@@ -337,8 +335,7 @@ 
+ "ഇത് ഒരു സ്വതന്ത്ര സോഫ്റ്റ്‌വെയറാണ്; പകര്‍ത്താനുള്ള നിബന്ധനകള്‍ കാണാന്‍ "
+ "സോഴ്സ്കോഡ് നോക്കുക.\n"
+ "ഇതിന് ഒരു ഉറപ്പും ഇല്ല; ഏതെങ്കിലും കാര്യങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് അനുയോജ്യമാണെന്നോ "
+-"ഉപയോഗയോഗ്യമാണന്നോഉള്ള ഉറപ്പ് "
++"ഉപയോഗയോഗ്യമാണന്നോഉള്ള ഉറപ്പ് പോലും.\n"
+ #: ../src/core/mutter.c:54
+ msgid "Print version"
+@@ -348,65 +345,75 @@ 
+ msgid "Mutter plugin to use"
+ msgstr "ഉപയോഗിക്കേണ്ട മട്ടര്‍ പ്ലഗ്ഗിന്‍"
+-#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1087
++#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1210
+ msgid ""
+ "Workarounds for broken applications disabled. Some applications may not "
+ "behave properly.\n"
+ msgstr ""
++"തകരാറുള്ള പ്രയോഗങ്ങള്‍ക്കുള്ള പരിഹാരങ്ങള്‍ പ്രവര്‍ത്തന രഹിതം. ചില "
++"പ്രയോഗങ്ങള്‍ ശരിയായി പ്രവര്‍ത്തിച്ചിട്ടില്ലായിരിയ്ക്കാം.\n"
+-#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1162
++#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1285
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not parse font description \"%s\" from GSettings key %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
++"\"%s\" അക്ഷരസഞ്ചയം, GSettings കീ %s-ല്‍ നിന്നും പാഴ്സ് ചെയ്യുവാന്‍ "
+-#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1228
++#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1351
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\"%s\" found in configuration database is not a valid value for mouse button "
+ "modifier\n"
+ msgstr ""
++"മൌസ് ബട്ടണ്‍ മോഡിഫയറില്‍, ക്രമീകരണ ഡേറ്റാബെയ്സില്‍ ലഭ്യമായ \"%s\" ശരിയല്ല\n"
+-#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1780
++#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1928
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\"%s\" found in configuration database is not a valid value for keybinding "
+ "\"%s\"\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "കീബൈന്‍ഡിങ് \"%s\"-ല്‍ ക്രമീകരണ ഡേറ്റാബെയ്സില്‍ ലഭ്യമായ \"%s\" ശരിയല്ല\n"
+-#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1879
++#: ../src/core/prefs.c:2018
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Workspace %d"
+ msgstr "പണിയറ %d"
+-#: ../src/core/screen.c:673
++#: ../src/core/screen.c:691
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Screen %d on display '%s' is invalid\n"
+ msgstr "സ്ക്രീന്‍ %d (ഡിസ്പ്ളേ '%s'ലെ) അസാധുവാണ്\n"
+-#: ../src/core/screen.c:689
++#: ../src/core/screen.c:707
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Screen %d on display \"%s\" already has a window manager; try using the --"
+ "replace option to replace the current window manager.\n"
+ msgstr ""
++"\"%s\" പ്രദര്‍ശനത്തിലുള്ള %d സ്ക്രീനു് നിലവില്‍ ഒരു ജാലകപാലകനുണ്ടു്; "
++"നിലവിലുള്ള ജാലകപാലകനെ മാറ്റി സ്ഥാപിയ്ക്കുന്നതിനു് --replace ഐച്ഛികം "
+-#: ../src/core/screen.c:716
++#: ../src/core/screen.c:734
+ #, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Could not acquire window manager selection on screen %d display \"%s\"\n"
++msgid "Could not acquire window manager selection on screen %d display \"%s\"\n"
+ msgstr ""
++"സ്ക്രീന്‍ %d \"%s\" പ്രദര്‍ശനത്തില്‍ വിന്‍ഡോ മാനേജര്‍ തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുന്നതു് "
+-#: ../src/core/screen.c:794
++#: ../src/core/screen.c:812
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Screen %d on display \"%s\" already has a window manager\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\"%s\" പ്രദര്‍ശനത്തിലുള്ള %d സ്ക്രീനിനു് നിലവില്‍ ഒരു ജാലക പാലകനുണ്ടു്\n"
+-#: ../src/core/screen.c:979
++#: ../src/core/screen.c:998
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not release screen %d on display \"%s\"\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\"%s\" പ്രദര്‍ശനത്തില്‍ %d സ്ക്രീന്‍ ഉപേക്ഷിയ്ക്കുവാനായില്ല\n"
+-#: ../src/core/session.c:843 ../src/core/session.c:850
++#: ../src/core/session.c:843
++#: ../src/core/session.c:850
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not create directory '%s': %s\n"
+ msgstr "'%s'എന്ന കൂട് ഉണ്ടാക്കാന്‌ കഴിയുന്നില്ല: %s\n"
+@@ -434,10 +441,12 @@ 
+ #: ../src/core/session.c:1185
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "<mutter_session> attribute seen but we already have the session ID"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "<mutter_session> വിശേഷത കണ്ടു, പക്ഷേ നിലവില്‍ സെഷന്‍ ഐഡിയുണ്ടു്"
+-#: ../src/core/session.c:1198 ../src/core/session.c:1273
+-#: ../src/core/session.c:1305 ../src/core/session.c:1377
++#: ../src/core/session.c:1198
++#: ../src/core/session.c:1273
++#: ../src/core/session.c:1305
++#: ../src/core/session.c:1377
+ #: ../src/core/session.c:1437
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown attribute %s on <%s> element"
+@@ -458,52 +467,58 @@ 
+ "These windows do not support &quot;save current setup&quot; and will have to "
+ "be restarted manually next time you log in."
+ msgstr ""
++"ഈ ജാലകങ്ങള്‍ &quot;save current setup&quot; പിന്തുണയ്ക്കുന്നില്ല. കൂടാതെ "
++"അടുത്ത തവണ നിങ്ങള്‍ പ്രവേശിയ്ക്കുമ്പോള്‍ ഇതു് നിങ്ങള്‍ സ്വയമായി വീണ്ടും "
+-#: ../src/core/util.c:80
++#: ../src/core/util.c:84
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Failed to open debug log: %s\n"
+ msgstr "തുറക്കുന്നതില്‌ പരാജയം: %s\n"
+-#: ../src/core/util.c:90
++#: ../src/core/util.c:94
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Failed to fdopen() log file %s: %s\n"
+ msgstr "fdopen() log രചന %s തുറക്കുന്നതില്‌ പരാജയം : %s\n"
+-#: ../src/core/util.c:96
++#: ../src/core/util.c:100
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Opened log file %s\n"
+ msgstr "തുറന്ന ഒരു ലോഗ് രചന %s\n"
+-#: ../src/core/util.c:115 ../src/tools/mutter-message.c:149
++#: ../src/core/util.c:119
++#: ../src/tools/mutter-message.c:149
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Mutter was compiled without support for verbose mode\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "വിശദാംശങ്ങള്‍ കാണിക്കുന്ന രീതിയുടെ പിന്തുണ ഇല്ലാതെയാണ് ഈ മെറ്റാ സിറ്റി "
+ "തയ്യാറാക്കിയത്\n"
+-#: ../src/core/util.c:259
++#: ../src/core/util.c:264
+ msgid "Window manager: "
+ msgstr "ജാലക പാലകന്:‌"
+-#: ../src/core/util.c:407
++#: ../src/core/util.c:412
+ msgid "Bug in window manager: "
+ msgstr "ജാലക പാലകനിലെ പിഴവ്: ‌"
+-#: ../src/core/util.c:438
++#: ../src/core/util.c:443
+ msgid "Window manager warning: "
+ msgstr "ജാലക പാലകന്റെ മുന്നറിയിപ്പ്:‌"
+-#: ../src/core/util.c:466
++#: ../src/core/util.c:471
+ msgid "Window manager error: "
+ msgstr "ജാലക പാലകന്റെ തെറ്റ്:‌‌"
+ #. first time through
+-#: ../src/core/window.c:7539
++#: ../src/core/window.c:7643
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Window %s sets SM_CLIENT_ID on itself, instead of on the WM_CLIENT_LEADER "
+ "window as specified in the ICCCM.\n"
+ msgstr ""
++"ഐസിസിസിഎമില്‍ പറഞ്ഞിരിയ്ക്കുന്നതു് പോലെ WM_CLIENT_LEADER ജാലകത്തിനു് പകരം, "
++"%s ജാലകം അതില്‍ തന്നെ SM_CLIENT_ID സജ്ജമാക്കുന്നു.\n"
+ #. We ignore mwm_has_resize_func because WM_NORMAL_HINTS is the
+ #. * authoritative source for that info. Some apps such as mplayer or
+@@ -511,18 +526,20 @@ 
+ #. * leads to e.g. us not fullscreening their windows.  Apps that set
+ #. * MWM but not WM_NORMAL_HINTS are basically broken. We complain
+ #. * about these apps but make them work.
+-#: ../src/core/window.c:8263
++#: ../src/core/window.c:8367
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Window %s sets an MWM hint indicating it isn't resizable, but sets min size "
+ "%d x %d and max size %d x %d; this doesn't make much sense.\n"
+ msgstr ""
++"വിന്‍ഡോ %s ഒരു MWM സൂചന നല്‍കുന്നു, ഇതിന്റെ വ്യാപ്തി മാറ്റുവാന്‍ സാധ്യമല്ല, "
++"പക്ഷേ ഏറ്റവും കുറഞ്ഞ വ്യാപ്തി %d x %d, കൂടിയ വ്യാപ്തി %d x %d ആയി "
++"സജ്ജമാക്കുന്നു; ഇതു് ഉചിതമല്ല.\n"
+ #: ../src/core/window-props.c:318
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Application set a bogus _NET_WM_PID %lu\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "പ്രയോഗം വ്യാജമായൊരു _NET_WM_PID %lu സജ്ജമാക്കുന്നു\n"
+ #: ../src/core/window-props.c:434
+ #, c-format
+@@ -532,12 +549,12 @@ 
+ #: ../src/core/window-props.c:1517
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid WM_TRANSIENT_FOR window 0x%lx specified for %s.\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%s-നു് തെറ്റായ WM_TRANSIENT_FOR window 0x%lx നല്‍കിയിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു.\n"
+ #: ../src/core/window-props.c:1528
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "WM_TRANSIENT_FOR window 0x%lx for %s would create loop.\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%s-നുള്ള WM_TRANSIENT_FOR window 0x%lx ഒരു ലൂപ്പ് ഉണ്ടാക്കുന്നു.\n"
+ #: ../src/core/xprops.c:155
+ #, c-format
+@@ -548,25 +565,36 @@ 
+ "This is most likely an application bug, not a window manager bug.\n"
+ "The window has title=\"%s\" class=\"%s\" name=\"%s\"\n"
+ msgstr ""
++"0x%lx ജാലകത്തിനു് %s വിശേഷതയുണ്ടു്,\n"
++"ഇതിനു് %s തരം %d ശൈലി പ്രതീക്ഷിയ്ക്കുന്നു.\n"
++"യഥാര്‍ത്ഥില്‍ ഇതിന്റെ തരം %s ശൈലി %d n_items %d ആകുന്നു.\n"
++"ഇതു് ഒരു പക്ഷേ ഒരു പ്രയോഗത്തിലുള്ള ബഗാകുന്നു, ഒരു വിന്‍ഡോ മാനേജര്‍ ബഗ് അല്ല.\n"
++"ജാലകത്തിന്റെ വിശേഷത, തലക്കെട്ട്=\"%s\" ക്ലാസ്സ്=\"%s\" പേരു്=\"%s\"\n"
+ #: ../src/core/xprops.c:411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Property %s on window 0x%lx contained invalid UTF-8\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "0x%lx ജാലകത്തിലുള്ള %s വിശേഷതയില്‍ തെറ്റായ യുടിഎഫ്-8\n"
+ #: ../src/core/xprops.c:494
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Property %s on window 0x%lx contained invalid UTF-8 for item %d in the list\n"
++"Property %s on window 0x%lx contained invalid UTF-8 for item %d in the "
+ msgstr ""
++"പട്ടികയിലുള്ള %d വസ്തുവിനു്, 0x%lx ജാലകത്തിലുള്ള %s വിശേഷതയില്‍ തെറ്റായ UTF-"
+-#: ../src/mutter.desktop.in.h:1 ../src/mutter-wm.desktop.in.h:1
++#: ../src/mutter.desktop.in.h:1
++#: ../src/mutter-wm.desktop.in.h:1
+ msgid "Mutter"
+ msgstr "മട്ടര്‍"
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "Modifier to use for extended window management operations"
+ msgstr ""
++"വികസിപ്പിച്ച വിന്‍ഡോ മാനേജ്മെന്റ് പ്രക്രിയകള്‍ക്കു് ഉപയോഗിയ്ക്കുവാനുള്ള "
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid ""
+@@ -575,6 +603,10 @@ 
+ "\"Windows key\" on PC hardware. It's expected that this binding either the "
+ "default or set to the empty string."
+ msgstr ""
++"ഈ കീ \"overlay\" ആരംഭിയ്ക്കുന്നു, ഇതു് പ്രയോഗം ലഭ്യമാക്കുന്ന സിസ്റ്റവും ജാലക "
++"അവലോകനവും ഒന്നിച്ചാകുന്നു. സ്വതവേ, പിസി ഹാര്‍ഡ്‌വെയറിലുള്ള \"Windows കീ\" "
++"ആകുന്നതിനു്. ഈ ബൈന്‍ഡിങ് ഒന്നുകില്‍ സ്വതവേയുള്ളതാകുന്നു അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ കാലിയായ "
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "Attach modal dialogs"
+@@ -586,21 +618,30 @@ 
+ "attached to the titlebar of the parent window and are moved together with "
+ "the parent window."
+ msgstr ""
++"true എങ്കില്‍, സ്വതന്ത്രമായ തലക്കെട്ട് പട്ടകള്‍ക്കു് പകരം, പേരന്റ് "
++"ജാലകത്തിന്റെ തലക്കെട്ട് പട്ടയിലേക്കു് മോഡല്‍ ഡയലോഗുകള്‍ ഘടിപ്പിയ്ക്കുന്നു, "
++"ഇതു് പേരന്റ് ജാലകത്തിനൊപ്പം നീക്കുന്നു."
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:5
+ msgid "Enable edge tiling when dropping windows on screen edges"
+ msgstr ""
++"സ്ക്രീന്‍ കോണുകളില്‍ ജാലകങ്ങള്‍ എത്തിയ്ക്കുമ്പോള്‍ കോണ്‍ ചരിയ്ക്കുന്നതിനായി "
++"പ്രവര്‍ത്തന സജ്ജമാക്കുക"
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:6
+ msgid ""
+ "If enabled, dropping windows on vertical screen edges maximizes them "
+-"vertically and resizes them horizontally to cover half of the available "
+-"area. Dropping windows on the top screen edge maximizes them completely."
++"vertically and resizes them horizontally to cover half of the available area."
++" Dropping windows on the top screen edge maximizes them completely."
+ msgstr ""
++"പ്രവര്‍ത്തന സജ്ജമെങ്കില്‍, കുറുകെയുള്ള സ്ക്രീന്‍ കോണുകളില്‍ ജാലകങ്ങള്‍ "
++"ഉപേക്ഷിയ്ക്കുന്നതു് കുറുകെ വ്യാപ്തി കൂട്ടുന്നു. ലഭ്യമായ സ്ഥലത്തിന്റെ പകുതി "
++"ലഭ്യമാക്കുന്നതിനു് ഇതു് നേരെ വ്യാപ്തി മാറ്റുന്നു. സ്ക്രീന്‍ കോണില്‍ മുകളില്‍ "
++"ജാലകങ്ങള്‍ ഉപേക്ഷിയ്ക്കുന്നതു് ഇവയെ പൂര്‍ണ്ണമായി വലുതാക്കുന്നു."
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:7
+ msgid "Workspaces are managed dynamically"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "പണിയിടങ്ങള്‍ ഡയനാമിക്കായി കൈകാര്യം ചെയ്തിരിക്കുന്നു"
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:8
+ msgid ""
+@@ -608,16 +649,22 @@ 
+ "static number of workspaces (determined by the num-workspaces key in org."
+ "gnome.desktop.wm.preferences)."
+ msgstr ""
++"പണിയറകള്‍ ഡൈനമിക്കായി കൈകാര്യം ചെയ്യുന്നുവോ അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ പണിയറകളുടെ "
++"സ്റ്റാറ്റിക്ക് എണ്ണമോ എന്നു് കണ്ടുപിടിയ്ക്കുന്നു (org.gnome.desktop.wm."
++"preferences-ലുള്ള num-workspaces കണ്ടുപിടിയ്ക്കുന്നു)."
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:9
+ msgid "Workspaces only on primary"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "പ്രധാനപ്പെട്ടതില്‍‍ മാത്രം പണിയിടങ്ങള്‍"
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:10
+ msgid ""
+ "Determines whether workspace switching should happen for windows on all "
+ "monitors or only for windows on the primary monitor."
+ msgstr ""
++"എല്ലാ മോണിറ്ററുകളിലുള്ള ജാലകങ്ങള്‍ അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ പ്രധാന മോണിറ്ററിലുള്ള "
++"ജാലകങ്ങള്‍ക്കു് മാത്രം പണിയറ മാറ്റുന്നതു് സംഭവ്യമോ എന്നു് "
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:11
+ msgid "No tab popup"
+@@ -628,10 +675,14 @@ 
+ "Determines whether the use of popup and highlight frame should be disabled "
+ "for window cycling."
+ msgstr ""
++"പോപ്പപ്പ്, ഹൈലൈറ്റ് ഫ്രെയിം എന്നിവയുടെ ഉപയോഗം വിന്‍ഡോ സൈക്കിളിങിനു് "
++"പ്രവര്‍ത്തന രഹിതമാക്കണോ എന്നു് കണ്ടുപിടിയ്ക്കുന്നു"
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:13
+ msgid "Delay focus changes until the pointer stops moving"
+ msgstr ""
++"പോയിന്റര്‍ നീങ്ങുന്നതു് നില്‍ക്കുന്നതു് വരെ ഫോക്കസ് മാറ്റങ്ങളില്‍ താമസം "
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:14
+ msgid ""
+@@ -639,26 +690,34 @@ 
+ "the focus will not be changed immediately when entering a window, but only "
+ "after the pointer stops moving."
+ msgstr ""
++"true ആയി സജ്ജമെങ്കില്‍, ഫോക്കസ് മോഡ് \"sloppy\" അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ \"mouse\" "
++"ആകുന്നു. ശേഷം ഒരു ജാലകത്തില്‍ പ്രവേശിയ്ക്കുമ്പോള്‍ ഉടന്‍ തന്നെ ഫോക്കസ് "
++"മാറില്ല, ഇതിനായി പോയിന്റര്‍ നീങ്ങുന്നതു് നില്‍ക്കണം."
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:15
+ msgid "Draggable border width"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "വലിച്ചിടുവാന്‍ സാധ്യമായ അതിരിന്റെ വീതി"
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:16
+ msgid ""
+ "The amount of total draggable borders. If the theme's visible borders are "
+ "not enough, invisible borders will be added to meet this value."
+ msgstr ""
++"വലിച്ചിടുവാന്‍ സാധ്യമായ മൊത്തം അതിരുകളുടെ എണ്ണം. പ്രമേയത്തിന്റെ ദൃശ്യമായ "
++"അതിരുകള്‍ മതിയല്ലെങ്കില്‍, ഈ മൂല്ല്യം ലഭ്യമാക്കുന്നതിനായി അദൃശ്യമായ "
++"അതിരുകള്‍ ചേര്‍ക്കുന്നു."
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:17
+ msgid "Auto maximize nearly monitor sized windows"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "മോണിറ്ററിന്റെ അടുത്തു് വ്യാപ്തിയുള്ള ജാലകങ്ങള്‍ സ്വയമായി വലുതാക്കുക"
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:18
+ msgid ""
+ "If enabled, new windows that are initially the size of the monitor "
+ "automatically get maximized."
+ msgstr ""
++"പ്രവര്‍ത്തന സജ്ജമെങ്കില്‍, പുതിയ ജാലകങ്ങള്‍, ഇവ ആദ്യം മോണിറ്ററിന്റെ "
++"വ്യാപ്തി, തനിയേ വലുതാകുന്നു."
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:19
+ msgid "Select window from tab popup"
+@@ -715,7 +774,8 @@ 
+ #. separator
+ #. Translators: Translate this string the same way as you do in libwnck!
+-#: ../src/ui/menu.c:86 ../src/ui/menu.c:88
++#: ../src/ui/menu.c:86
++#: ../src/ui/menu.c:88
+ msgid "Always on _Top"
+ msgstr "എപ്പോഴും മുകളില്‍ (_T)"
+@@ -778,7 +838,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the shift key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:77
+ msgid "Shift"
+ msgstr "മാറ്റുക"
+@@ -787,7 +846,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the control key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:83
+ msgid "Ctrl"
+ msgstr "നിയന്ത്രണം"
+@@ -796,7 +854,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the alt key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:89
+ msgid "Alt"
+ msgstr "Alt"
+@@ -805,7 +862,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the meta key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:95
+ msgid "Meta"
+ msgstr "Meta"
+@@ -814,7 +870,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the super key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:101
+ msgid "Super"
+ msgstr "Super"
+@@ -823,7 +878,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the hyper key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:107
+ msgid "Hyper"
+ msgstr "Hyper"
+@@ -832,7 +886,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the mod2 key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:113
+ msgid "Mod2"
+ msgstr "Mod2"
+@@ -841,7 +894,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the mod3 key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:119
+ msgid "Mod3"
+ msgstr "Mod3"
+@@ -850,7 +902,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the mod4 key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:125
+ msgid "Mod4"
+ msgstr "Mod4"
+@@ -859,288 +910,345 @@ 
+ #. * that use the mod5 key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:131
+ msgid "Mod5"
+ msgstr "Mod5"
+ #. Translators: This represents the size of a window.  The first number is
+ #. * the width of the window and the second is the height.
+ #: ../src/ui/resizepopup.c:136
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d x %d"
+ msgstr "%d x %d"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:235
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:236
+ msgid "top"
+ msgstr "മുകളില്‌"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:237
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:238
+ msgid "bottom"
+ msgstr "താഴെ"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:239
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:240
+ msgid "left"
+ msgstr "ഇടത്"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:241
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:242
+ msgid "right"
+ msgstr "വലത്"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:269
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:270
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "frame geometry does not specify \"%s\" dimension"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ഫ്രെയിം ജോമെട്രി \"%s\" അളവു് നല്‍കുന്നില്ല"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:288
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:289
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "frame geometry does not specify dimension \"%s\" for border \"%s\""
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ഫ്രെയിം ജോമെട്രി \"%s\" അളവുകള്‍ നല്‍കുന്നില്ല, \"%s\" അതിരിനുള്ളതു്"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:325
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:326
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Button aspect ratio %g is not reasonable"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ബട്ടണ്‍ ആസ്പെക്സ് റേഷ്യോ %g ഉചിതമല്ല"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:337
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:338
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Frame geometry does not specify size of buttons"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ഫ്രെയിം ജോമെട്രി ബട്ടണുകളുടെ വ്യാപ്തി വ്യക്തമാക്കുന്നില്ല"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1050
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1051
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Gradients should have at least two colors"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ഗ്രേഡിയന്റുകള്‍ക്കു് കുറഞ്ഞതു് രണ്ടു് നിറങ്ങള്‍ ആവശ്യമുണ്ടു്"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1202
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1203
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "GTK custom color specification must have color name and fallback in "
+ "parentheses, e.g. gtk:custom(foo,bar); could not parse \"%s\""
+ msgstr ""
++"ജിറ്റികെ യഥേഷ്ട നിറം വ്യക്തമാക്കലില്‍ പരാന്ഥസിസില്‍ നിറത്തിന്റെ പേരും "
++"ഫോള്‍ബാക്കും ആവശ്യമുണ്ടു്, ഉദാ. gtk:custom(foo,bar);-നു് \"%s\" പാഴ്സ് "
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1218
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1219
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Invalid character '%c' in color_name parameter of gtk:custom, only A-Za-z0-9-"
+ "_ are valid"
+ msgstr ""
++"gtk:custom-ലുള്ള color_name പരാമിറ്ററില്‍  തെറ്റായ '%c' അക്ഷരം, A-Za-z0-9-_ "
++"മാത്രമാണു് ശരി"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1232
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1233
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Gtk:custom format is \"gtk:custom(color_name,fallback)\", \"%s\" does not "
+ "fit the format"
+ msgstr ""
++"Gtk:custom ശൈലി \"gtk:custom(color_name,fallback)\" ആകുന്നു, \"%s\" "
++"ശൈലിയ്ക്കു് പാകമല്ല"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1277
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1278
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "GTK color specification must have the state in brackets, e.g. gtk:fg[NORMAL] "
+ "where NORMAL is the state; could not parse \"%s\""
+ msgstr ""
++"ജിറ്റികെ നിറം വ്യക്തമാക്കലിനു് ബ്രാക്കറ്റുകളില്‍ അവസ്ഥയുണ്ടായിരിയ്ക്കണം, "
++"ഉദാഹരണത്തിനു്, gtk:fg[NORMAL] ഇവിടെ NORMAL ആണു് അവസ്ഥ; \"%s\" പാഴ്സ് "
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1291
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1292
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "GTK color specification must have a close bracket after the state, e.g. gtk:"
+ "fg[NORMAL] where NORMAL is the state; could not parse \"%s\""
+ msgstr ""
++"അവസ്ഥയ്ക്കു് ശേഷം ജിറ്റികെ നിറം വ്യക്തമാക്കലിനു് ഒരു അടച്ച് "
++"ബ്രാക്കറ്റുണ്ടായിരിയ്ക്കണം, ഉദാഹരണത്തിനു്, gtk:fg[NORMAL] ഇവിടെ NORMAL ആണു് "
++"അവസ്ഥ; \"%s\" പാഴ്സ് ചെയ്യുവാനായില്ല"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1302
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1303
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Did not understand state \"%s\" in color specification"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "നിറം വ്യക്തമാക്കുന്ന \"%s\" അവസ്ഥ വ്യക്തമല്ല"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1315
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1316
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Did not understand color component \"%s\" in color specification"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "നിറം വ്യക്തമാക്കുന്ന \"%s\"നിറം ഘടകം വ്യക്തമല്ല"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1344
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1345
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Blend format is \"blend/bg_color/fg_color/alpha\", \"%s\" does not fit the "
+ "format"
+ msgstr ""
++"ബ്ലെന്‍ഡ് ശൈലി \"blend/bg_color/fg_color/alpha\" ആകുന്നു, \"%s\" ശൈലിയ്ക്കു് "
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1355
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1356
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not parse alpha value \"%s\" in blended color"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "കൂടികലര്‍ന്ന നിറത്തിലുള്ള ആല്‍ഫാ മൂല്ല്യം \"%s\" പാഴ്സ് ചെയ്യുവാനായില്ല"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1365
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1366
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Alpha value \"%s\" in blended color is not between 0.0 and 1.0"
+ msgstr ""
++"കൂടികലര്‍ന്ന നിറത്തിലുള്ള ആല്‍ഫാ മൂല്ല്യം \"%s\" 0.0-നും 1.0-നും "
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1412
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1413
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Shade format is \"shade/base_color/factor\", \"%s\" does not fit the format"
+ msgstr ""
++"ഷെയിഡ് ശൈലി \"shade/base_color/factor\" ആകുന്നു, \"%s\" ശൈലിയ്ക്കു് പാകമല്ല"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1423
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1424
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not parse shade factor \"%s\" in shaded color"
+ msgstr ""
++"ഷെയിഡുള്ള നിറത്തില്‍ \"%s\" എന്ന ഫെയിഡ് ഫാക്ടര്‍ പാഴ്സ് ചെയ്യുവാന്‍ "
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1433
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1434
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Shade factor \"%s\" in shaded color is negative"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ഷെയിഡുള്ള നിറമുള്ള \"%s\" ഷെയിഡ് ഫാക്ടര്‍ നെഗറ്റീവാണു്"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1462
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1463
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not parse color \"%s\""
+ msgstr "\"%s\" നിറം പാഴ്സ് ചെയ്യുക"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1779
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1780
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Coordinate expression contains character '%s' which is not allowed"
+ msgstr ""
++"കോര്‍ഡിനേറ്റ് എക്സ്പ്രഷനില്‍ '%s' അക്ഷരമുണ്ടു്, ഇതു് അനുവദിയ്ക്കുന്നില്ല"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1806
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1807
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Coordinate expression contains floating point number '%s' which could not be "
+ "parsed"
+ msgstr ""
++"കോര്‍ഡിനേറ്റ് എക്സ്പ്രഷനില്‍ '%s' ഫ്ലോട്ടിങ് നമ്പറുണ്ടു്, ഇതു് പാഴ്സ് "
++"ചെയ്യുവാന്‍ സാധ്യമല്ല"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1820
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1821
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Coordinate expression contains integer '%s' which could not be parsed"
+ msgstr ""
++"കോര്‍ഡിനേറ്റ് എക്സ്പ്രഷനില്‍ '%s' ഇന്റിജറുണ്ടു്, ഇതു് പാഴ്സ് ചെയ്യുവാന്‍ "
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1941
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1942
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Coordinate expression contained unknown operator at the start of this text: "
+ "\"%s\""
+ msgstr ""
++"ഈ വാചകത്തിന്റെ തുടക്കത്തില്‍ കോര്‍ഡിനേറ്റ് എക്സ്പ്രഷനു് അപരിചിതമായ "
++"പ്രക്രിയയുണ്ടു്: \"%s\""
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1998
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1999
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Coordinate expression was empty or not understood"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "കോര്‍ഡിനേറ്റ് എക്സ്പ്രഷന്‍ കാലിയാണു് അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ വ്യക്തമല്ല"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2111 ../src/ui/theme.c:2121 ../src/ui/theme.c:2155
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2112
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2122
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2156
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Coordinate expression results in division by zero"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "കോര്‍ഡിനേറ്റ് എക്സ്പ്രഷന്റെ ഫലം ഡിവിഷന്‍ ബൈ സിറോ ആകുന്നു"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2163
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2164
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Coordinate expression tries to use mod operator on a floating-point number"
+ msgstr ""
++"ഒരു ഫ്ലോറ്റിങ് പോയിന്റ് നമ്പറില്‍ കോര്‍ഡിനേറ്റ് എക്സ്പ്രഷന്‍ മോഡ് "
++"ഓപ്പറേറ്റര്‍ ഉപയോഗിയ്ക്കുവാന്‍ ശ്രമിയ്ക്കുന്നു"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2219
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2220
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Coordinate expression has an operator \"%s\" where an operand was expected"
+ msgstr ""
++"കോര്‍ഡിനേറ്റ് എക്സ്പ്രഷനില്‍ ഒരു \"%s\" ഓപ്പറേറ്റുണ്ടു്, ഇതില്‍ ഒരു "
++"ഓപ്പറണ്ട് പ്രതീക്ഷിച്ചു"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2228
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2229
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Coordinate expression had an operand where an operator was expected"
+ msgstr ""
++"കോര്‍ഡിനേറ്റ് എക്സ്പ്രഷനില്‍ ഒരു ഓപ്പറുണ്ടു്, ഇതില്‍ ഒരു ഓപ്പറേറ്റര്‍ "
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2236
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2237
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Coordinate expression ended with an operator instead of an operand"
+ msgstr ""
++"കോര്‍ഡിനേറ്റ് എക്സ്പ്രഷന്‍ ഒരു ഓപ്പറണ്ടിനു് പകരം ഒരു ഓപ്പറേറില്‍ അവസാനിച്ചു"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2246
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2247
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Coordinate expression has operator \"%c\" following operator \"%c\" with no "
+ "operand in between"
+ msgstr ""
++"കോര്‍ഡിനേറ്റ് എക്സ്പ്രഷനില്‍ \"%c\" ഓപ്പറേറ്റും ‌‌\"%c\" ഓപ്പറേറ്ററുമുണ്ടു്, "
++"മദ്ധ്യത്തില്‍ ഓപ്പറണ്ടില്ല"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2397 ../src/ui/theme.c:2442
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2398
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2443
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Coordinate expression had unknown variable or constant \"%s\""
+ msgstr ""
++"കോര്‍ഡിനേറ്റ് എക്സ്പ്രഷനില്‍ അപരിചിതമായ വേരിയബിള്‍ അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ "
++"കോണ്‍സ്റ്റന്റ് \"%s\" ഉണ്ടു്"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2496
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Coordinate expression parser overflowed its buffer."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "കോര്‍ഡിനേറ്റ് എക്സ്പ്രഷന്‍ പാഴ്സറിന്റെ ബഫര്‍ ഓവര്‍ഫ്ലോ."
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2525
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2526
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Coordinate expression had a close parenthesis with no open parenthesis"
+ msgstr ""
++"കോര്‍‍ഡിനേറ്റ് എക്സ്പ്രഷനില്‍ തുറക്കുന്നതിനുള്ള പരാന്ഥസിസ് ഇല്ലാതെ "
++"അടയ്ക്കുന്ന പരാന്ഥസിസ് ഉള്ളൂ"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2589
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2590
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Coordinate expression had an open parenthesis with no close parenthesis"
++msgid ""
++"Coordinate expression had an open parenthesis with no close parenthesis"
+ msgstr ""
++"കോര്‍‍ഡിനേറ്റ് എക്സ്പ്രഷനില്‍ അടയ്ക്കുന്നതിനുള്ള പരാന്ഥസിസ് ഇല്ലാതെ "
++"തുറക്കുന്ന പരാന്ഥസിസ് ഉള്ളൂ"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2600
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2601
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Coordinate expression doesn't seem to have any operators or operands"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "കോര്‍ഡിനേറ്റ് എക്സ്പ്രഷനില്‍ ഒരു ഓപ്പറേറ്ററുകളും ഓപ്പറണ്ടുകളുമില്ല"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2813 ../src/ui/theme.c:2833 ../src/ui/theme.c:2853
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2814
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2834
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2854
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Theme contained an expression that resulted in an error: %s\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "പ്രമേയത്തിലുള്ളൊരു എക്സ്പ്രഷന്‍ ഒരു പിശകുണ്ടാക്കിയിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു: %s\n"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:4499
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:4500
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "<button function=\"%s\" state=\"%s\" draw_ops=\"whatever\"/> must be "
+ "specified for this frame style"
+ msgstr ""
++"ഈ ഫ്രെയിം ശൈലിയ്ക്കുക <button function=\"%s\" state=\"%s\" draw_ops="
++"\"whatever\"/> നല്‍കിയിരിയ്ക്കണം"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5010 ../src/ui/theme.c:5035
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5011
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5036
+ #, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Missing <frame state=\"%s\" resize=\"%s\" focus=\"%s\" style=\"whatever\"/>"
+-msgstr ""
+-"<frame state=\"%s\" resize=\"%s\" focus=\"%s\" style=\"whatever\"/> ലഭ്യമല്ല"
++msgid "Missing <frame state=\"%s\" resize=\"%s\" focus=\"%s\" style=\"whatever\"/>"
++msgstr "<frame state=\"%s\" resize=\"%s\" focus=\"%s\" style=\"whatever\"/> ലഭ്യമല്ല"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5083
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5084
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Failed to load theme \"%s\": %s\n"
+ msgstr "പ്രമേയം %s കൊണ്ട് വരാന് കഴിഞ്ഞില്ല: %s\n"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5219 ../src/ui/theme.c:5226 ../src/ui/theme.c:5233
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5240 ../src/ui/theme.c:5247
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5220
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5227
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5234
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5241
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5248
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No <%s> set for theme \"%s\""
+ msgstr "<%s>, \"%s\"-നു് സജ്ജമല്ല"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5255
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5256
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "No frame style set for window type \"%s\" in theme \"%s\", add a <window "
+ "type=\"%s\" style_set=\"whatever\"/> element"
+ msgstr ""
++"\"%s\" ജാലക തരത്തിനു് ഒരു ഫ്രെയിം ശൈലിയും സജ്ജമല്ല, \"%s\" പ്രമേയത്തില്‍. "
++"ഒരു  <window type=\"%s\" style_set=\"whatever\"/> എലമെന്റ് ചേര്‍ക്കുക"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5662 ../src/ui/theme.c:5724 ../src/ui/theme.c:5787
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5663
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5725
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5788
+ #, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"User-defined constants must begin with a capital letter; \"%s\" does not"
++msgid "User-defined constants must begin with a capital letter; \"%s\" does not"
+ msgstr ""
++"ഉപയോക്താവു് അതിഷ്ഠിത കോണ്‍സ്റ്റന്റുകള്‍ ഒരു വലിയ അക്ഷരത്തില്‍ ആരംഭിയ്ക്കണം; "
++"\"%s\" അല്ല"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5670 ../src/ui/theme.c:5732 ../src/ui/theme.c:5795
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5671
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5733
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5796
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Constant \"%s\" has already been defined"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "കോണ്‍സ്റ്റന്റ് \"%s\" നിലവില്‍ വ്യക്തമാക്കിയിരിക്കുന്നു"
+ #. Translators: This means that an attribute which should have been found
+ #. * on an XML element was not in fact found.
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:236
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No \"%s\" attribute on element <%s>"
+ msgstr "<%s> എലമെന്‍റില്‍ \"%s\" ആട്രിബ്യൂട്ട് ഇല്ല"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:265 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:283
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:265
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:283
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Line %d character %d: %s"
+ msgstr "%d-ആം വരി %d എന്ന അക്ഷരം: %s"
+@@ -1148,9 +1256,10 @@ 
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:479
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attribute \"%s\" repeated twice on the same <%s> element"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\"%s\" സവിശേഷത ഒരേ <%s> എലമെന്റില്‍ രണ്ടു് തവണ ആവര്‍ത്തിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നു"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:503 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:552
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:503
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attribute \"%s\" is invalid on <%s> element in this context"
+ msgstr "ഇവിടെ <%s> എന്ന എലമെന്‍റില്‍ \"%s\" ആട്ട്രിബ്യൂട്ട് അസാധുവാണ്."
+@@ -1160,10 +1269,11 @@ 
+ msgid "Could not parse \"%s\" as an integer"
+ msgstr "%s നെ ഒരു സംഖ്യയായി വേ‌ര്തിരിക്കാന്‌ കഴിയുഞ്ഞില്ല"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:603 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:658
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:603
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:658
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Did not understand trailing characters \"%s\" in string \"%s\""
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "പിന്നാലെയുള്ള \"%s\" അക്ഷരങ്ങള്‍ വ്യക്തമല്ല, \"%s\" സ്ട്രിങില്‍"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:613
+ #, c-format
+@@ -1173,17 +1283,21 @@ 
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:621
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Integer %ld is too large, current max is %d"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ഇന്റിജര്‍ %ld വളരെ വലുതു്, നിലവില്‍ ഏറ്റവും കൂടിയതു് %d"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:649 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:765
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:649
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:765
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not parse \"%s\" as a floating point number"
+ msgstr "%s നെ ഒരു സംഖ്യയായി വേ‌ര്തിരിക്കാന്‌ കഴിയുഞ്ഞില്ല"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:680 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:708
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:680
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:708
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Boolean values must be \"true\" or \"false\" not \"%s\""
+ msgstr ""
++"ബൂളിയന്‍ മൂല്ല്യങ്ങള്‍ \"true\" അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ \"false\" ആയിരിയ്ക്കണം, \"%s\" "
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:735
+ #, c-format
+@@ -1194,21 +1308,28 @@ 
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Alpha must be between 0.0 (invisible) and 1.0 (fully opaque), was %g\n"
+ msgstr ""
++"0.0 (അദൃശ്യം) and 1.0 (പൂര്‍ണ്ണമായും കട്ടിയുള്ള) മദ്ധ്യകത്തിലൈയിരിയ്ക്കണം "
++"ആല്‍ഫാ, %g ആയിരുന്നു\n"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:863
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Invalid title scale \"%s\" (must be one of xx-small,x-small,small,medium,"
++"Invalid title scale \"%s\" (must be one of xx-small,x-"
+ msgstr ""
++"തെറ്റായ തലെക്കട്ട് അളവു് \"%s\" (xx-small,x-small,small,medium,large,x-"
++"large,xx-large എന്നതില്‍ ഒന്നായിരിയ്ക്കണം)\n"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1019 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1082
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1116 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1219
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1019
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1082
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1116
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1219
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "<%s> name \"%s\" used a second time"
+ msgstr "<%s> പേര് \"%s\" രണ്ടാം തവണ ഉപയോഗിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നു"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1031 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1128
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1031
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1128
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1231
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "<%s> parent \"%s\" has not been defined"
+@@ -1217,16 +1338,17 @@ 
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1141
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "<%s> geometry \"%s\" has not been defined"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "<%s> ജോമെട്രി \"%s\" വ്യക്തമാക്കിയിട്ടില്ല"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1154
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "<%s> must specify either a geometry or a parent that has a geometry"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "<%s> ഒന്നെങ്കില്‍ ജോമെട്രി അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ പേരന്റുള്ള ജോമെട്രി നല്‍കണം"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1196
+ msgid "You must specify a background for an alpha value to be meaningful"
+ msgstr ""
++"ഒരു ആല്‍ഫാ മൂല്ല്യം അര്‍ത്ഥമുള്ളതാകുന്നതിനു് ഒരു പശ്ചാത്തലം നല്‍കേണ്ടതുണ്ടു്"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1264
+ #, c-format
+@@ -1236,28 +1358,36 @@ 
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1275
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown style_set \"%s\" on <%s> element"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "അപരിചിതമായ style_set \"%s\" തരം <%s> എലമെന്റില്‍"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1283
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Window type \"%s\" has already been assigned a style set"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\"%s\" ജാലക രീതിയ്ക്കു് ഒരു സ്റ്റൈല്‍ സെറ്റ് നല്‍കിയിട്ടുണ്ടു്"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1313 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1377
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1603 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2838
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2884 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3034
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3273 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3311
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3349 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3387
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1313
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1377
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1603
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2838
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2884
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3034
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3273
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3311
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3349
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3387
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Element <%s> is not allowed below <%s>"
+ msgstr "<%s>-ന്‍റെ കീഴില്‍ <%s> എന്ന എലമെന്‍റിന് അനുവാദമില്ല"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1427 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1441
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1427
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1441
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1486
+ msgid ""
+ "Cannot specify both \"button_width\"/\"button_height\" and \"aspect_ratio\" "
+ "for buttons"
+ msgstr ""
++"ബട്ടണുകള്‍ക്കു് \"button_width\"/\"button_height\" , \"aspect_ratio\" രണ്ടും "
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1450
+ #, c-format
+@@ -1277,63 +1407,71 @@ 
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1868
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No \"start_angle\" or \"from\" attribute on element <%s>"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "<%s> എലമെന്‍റില്‍ \"start_angle\" or \"from\" ആട്രിബ്യൂട്ട് ഇല്ല"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1875
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No \"extent_angle\" or \"to\" attribute on element <%s>"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "<%s> എലമെന്‍റില്‍ \"extent_angle\" അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ \"to\" ആട്രിബ്യൂട്ട് ഇല്ല"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2115
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Did not understand value \"%s\" for type of gradient"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ഗ്രേഡിയന്റ് തരത്തിനു് \"%s\" മൂല്ല്യം വ്യക്തമല്ല"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2193 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2568
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2193
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2568
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Did not understand fill type \"%s\" for <%s> element"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "<%s> എലമെന്റിനു് \"%s\" ഫില്‍ രീതി വ്യക്തമല്ല"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2360 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2443
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2360
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2443
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2506
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Did not understand state \"%s\" for <%s> element"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "<%s> എലമെന്റിനു് \"%s\" അവസ്ഥ വ്യക്തമല്ല"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2370 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2453
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2370
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2453
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Did not understand shadow \"%s\" for <%s> element"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "<%s> എലമെന്റിനു് \"%s\" ഷാഡോ വ്യക്തമല്ല"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2380
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Did not understand arrow \"%s\" for <%s> element"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "<%s> എലമെന്റിനു് \"%s\" ആരോ വ്യക്തമല്ല"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2694 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2790
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2694
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2790
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No <draw_ops> called \"%s\" has been defined"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\"%s\" പേരുള്ള <draw_ops> നിഷ്കര്‍ഷിച്ചിട്ടില്ല"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2706 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2802
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2706
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Including draw_ops \"%s\" here would create a circular reference"
+ msgstr ""
++"ഇവിടെ draw_ops \"%s\" ഉള്‍പ്പെടുത്തുന്നതു് ഒരു സര്‍ക്കുലാര്‍ "
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2917
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown position \"%s\" for frame piece"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ഫ്രെയിം പീസിനു് അപരിചിതമായ \"%s\" സ്ഥാനം"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2925
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Frame style already has a piece at position %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%s സ്ഥാനത്തു് ഫ്രെയിം ശൈലിയ്ക്കു് നിലവില്‍ ഒരു പീസുണ്ടു്"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2942 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3019
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2942
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3019
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No <draw_ops> with the name \"%s\" has been defined"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\"%s\" പേരുള്ള <draw_ops> നിഷ്കര്‍ഷിച്ചിട്ടില്ല"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2972
+ #, c-format
+@@ -1343,7 +1481,7 @@ 
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2982
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Button function \"%s\" does not exist in this version (%d, need %d)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\"%s\" ബട്ടണ്‍ ഫംഗ്ഷന്‍ ഈ പതിപ്പില്‍ (%d, need %d) നിലവിലില്ല"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2994
+ #, c-format
+@@ -1353,27 +1491,28 @@ 
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3002
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Frame style already has a button for function %s state %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%s state %s ഫംഗ്ഷനു് ഫ്രെയിം ശൈലിയ്ക്കു് നിലവില്‍ ബട്ടണുണ്ടു്"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3073
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "\"%s\" is not a valid value for focus attribute"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "focus വിശേഷതയ്ക്കു് \"%s\" ഒരു ശരിയായ മൂല്ല്യമല്ല"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3082
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "\"%s\" is not a valid value for state attribute"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "state വിശേഷതയ്ക്കു് \"%s\" ഒരു ശരിയായ മൂല്ല്യമല്ല"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3092
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "A style called \"%s\" has not been defined"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "\"%s\" എന്നു് പേരുള്ളൊരു ശൈലി നിഷ്കര്‍ഷിച്ചിട്ടില്ല"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3113 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3136
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3113
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3136
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "\"%s\" is not a valid value for resize attribute"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "resize വിശേഷതയ്ക്കു് \"%s\" ഒരു ശരിയായ മൂല്ല്യമല്ല"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3147
+ #, c-format
+@@ -1381,42 +1520,57 @@ 
+ "Should not have \"resize\" attribute on <%s> element for maximized/shaded "
+ "states"
+ msgstr ""
++"ഏറ്റവും വലിയ/മറയുള്ള അവസ്ഥകള്‍ക്കു് <%s> എലമെന്റില്‍ \"resize\" വിശേഷത "
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3161
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Should not have \"resize\" attribute on <%s> element for maximized states"
+ msgstr ""
++"ഏറ്റവും വലിയ അവസ്ഥകള്‍ക്കു് <%s> എലമെന്റില്‍ \"resize\" വിശേഷത സാധ്യമല്ല"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3175 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3222
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3175
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3222
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Style has already been specified for state %s resize %s focus %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "അവസ്ഥ %s റീസൈസ് %s ഫോക്കസ് %s-നു് ശൈലി നല്‍കിയിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3186 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3197
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3208 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3233
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3244 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3255
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3186
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3197
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3208
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3233
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3244
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3255
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Style has already been specified for state %s focus %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "അവസ്ഥ %s ഫോക്കസ് %s-നു് ശൈലി നല്‍കിയിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3294
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't have a two draw_ops for a <piece> element (theme specified a draw_ops "
+ "attribute and also a <draw_ops> element, or specified two elements)"
+ msgstr ""
++"ഒരു <piece> എലമെന്റിനു് രണ്ടു് draw_ops സാധ്യമല്ല (ഒരു draw_ops വിഷേതയും ഒരു "
++"<draw_ops> എലമെന്റും അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ രണ്ടു് എലമെന്റുകള്‍ പ്രമേയം വ്യക്തമാക്കി)"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3332
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't have a two draw_ops for a <button> element (theme specified a draw_ops "
+ "attribute and also a <draw_ops> element, or specified two elements)"
+ msgstr ""
++"ഒരു <button> എലമെന്റിനു് രണ്ടു് draw_ops സാധ്യമല്ല (ഒരു draw_ops വിഷേതയും "
++"ഒരു <draw_ops> എലമെന്റും അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ രണ്ടു് എലമെന്റുകള്‍ പ്രമേയം "
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3370
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't have a two draw_ops for a <menu_icon> element (theme specified a "
+ "draw_ops attribute and also a <draw_ops> element, or specified two elements)"
+ msgstr ""
++"ഒരു <menu_icon> എലമെന്റിനു് രണ്ടു് draw_ops സാധ്യമല്ല (ഒരു draw_ops വിഷേതയും "
++"ഒരു <draw_ops> എലമെന്റും അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ രണ്ടു് എലമെന്റുകള്‍ പ്രമേയം "
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3434
+ #, c-format
+@@ -1428,66 +1582,80 @@ 
+ "\"version\" attribute cannot be used in metacity-theme-1.xml or metacity-"
+ "theme-2.xml"
+ msgstr ""
++"\"version\" വിശേഷത metacity-theme-1.xml അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ metacity-theme-2.xml "
++"ഉപയോഗിയ്ക്കുവാന്‍ സാധ്യമല്ല"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3530
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Theme requires version %s but latest supported theme version is %d.%d"
+ msgstr ""
++"പ്രമേയത്തിനു് ആവശ്യം %s പതിപ്പാണു്, പക്ഷേ ഏറ്റവും പുതിയ പിന്തുണയുള്ള പ്രമേയ "
++"പതിപ്പു് %d.%d ആകുന്നു"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3562
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Outermost element in theme must be <metacity_theme> not <%s>"
+ msgstr ""
++"പ്രമേയത്തിലുള്ള ഔട്ടര്‍മോസ്റ്റ് എലമെന്റ് <metacity_theme> not <%s> "
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3582
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Element <%s> is not allowed inside a name/author/date/description element"
+ msgstr ""
++"ഒരു name/author/date/description‍ എലമെന്റില്‍  <%s> എലമെന്റ് "
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3587
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Element <%s> is not allowed inside a <constant> element"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "എലമെന്റ് <%s>, <constant>-നുള്ളില്‍ അനുവദിയ്ക്കുന്നില്ല"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3599
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Element <%s> is not allowed inside a distance/border/aspect_ratio element"
+ msgstr ""
++"ഒരു distance/border/aspect_ratio‍ എലമെന്റില്‍  <%s> എലമെന്റ് "
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3621
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Element <%s> is not allowed inside a draw operation element"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ഒരു ഡ്രോ ഓപ്പറേഷന്‍ എലമെന്റില്‍  <%s> എലമെന്റ് അനുവദിയ്ക്കുന്നില്ല"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3631 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3661
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3666 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3671
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3631
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3661
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3666
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3671
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Element <%s> is not allowed inside a <%s> element"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "എലമെന്റ് <%s>, <%s>-നുള്ളില്‍ അനുവദിയ്ക്കുന്നില്ല"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3899
+ msgid "No draw_ops provided for frame piece"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ഫ്രെയിം പീസിനു് draw_ops-ന്റെ ആവശ്യമില്ല"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3914
+ msgid "No draw_ops provided for button"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ബട്ടണു് draw_ops-ന്റെ ആവശ്യമില്ല"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3968
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No text is allowed inside element <%s>"
+ msgstr "എലമെന്റ് <%s>-ല്‍ വാചകം അനുവദിയ്ക്കുന്നില്ല"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4026 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4038
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4050 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4062
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4026
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4038
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4050
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4062
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4074
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "<%s> specified twice for this theme"
+ msgstr "<%s> ഈ പ്രമേയത്തിനു് രണ്ടു് തവണ നല്‍കിയിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4334
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4336
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Failed to find a valid file for theme %s\n"
+ msgstr "%s തീമിന് യോജിക്കുന്ന ഒരു ഫയല്‍ ലഭ്യമാക്കുവാന്‍ സാധ്യമായില്ല\n"
+@@ -1505,7 +1673,6 @@ 
+ msgstr "_മോഡല്‍ ഡയലോഗ് ബോക്സ്"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:102
+-#| msgid "/Windows/_Utility"
+ msgid "_Utility"
+ msgstr "_Utility"
+@@ -1514,27 +1681,22 @@ 
+ msgstr "മി_ന്നല്‍ ജാലകം"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:104
+-#| msgid "/Windows/_Top dock"
+ msgid "_Top dock"
+ msgstr "_Top dock"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:105
+-#| msgid "/Windows/_Bottom dock"
+ msgid "_Bottom dock"
+ msgstr "_Bottom dock"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:106
+-#| msgid "/Windows/_Left dock"
+ msgid "_Left dock"
+ msgstr "_Left dock"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:107
+-#| msgid "/Windows/_Right dock"
+ msgid "_Right dock"
+ msgstr "_Right dock"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:108
+-#| msgid "/Windows/_All docks"
+ msgid "_All docks"
+ msgstr "_All docks"
+@@ -1548,15 +1710,15 @@ 
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:117
+ msgid "This is a demo button with an 'open' icon"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ഇതു് ഒരു 'തുറക്കുക' പ്രതിരൂപമള്ളൊരു ഡോമോ ബട്ടണ്‍ ആണു്"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:119
+ msgid "This is a demo button with a 'quit' icon"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ഇതു് ഒരു 'പുറത്തു് കടക്കുക' പ്രതിരൂപമള്ളൊരു ഡോമോ ബട്ടണ്‍ ആണു്"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:248
+ msgid "This is a sample message in a sample dialog"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ഒരു മാതൃക ഡയലോഗിലുള്ളൊരു മാതൃക സന്ദേശമാണിതു്"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:328
+ #, c-format
+@@ -1565,7 +1727,7 @@ 
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:363
+ msgid "Border-only window"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "അതിരു് മാത്രമുള്ള ജാലകം"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:365
+ msgid "Bar"
+@@ -1589,7 +1751,7 @@ 
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:398
+ msgid "Torn-off Menu"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ടോണ്‍-ഓഫ് മെനു"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:402
+ msgid "Border"
+@@ -1607,7 +1769,7 @@ 
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:766
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%g milliseconds to draw one window frame"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ഒരു ജാലക ഫ്രെയിം വരയ്ക്കുന്നതിനു് %g മില്ലിസെക്കന്‍ഡുകള്‍"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:811
+ #, c-format
+@@ -1638,11 +1800,11 @@ 
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:886
+ msgid "Button Layouts"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "ബട്ടണ്‍ ശൈലികള്‍"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:891
+ msgid "Benchmark"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "അളവു് കോള്‍"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:947
+ msgid "Window Title Goes Here"
+@@ -1655,28 +1817,35 @@ 
+ "seconds wall clock time including X server resources (%g milliseconds per "
+ "frame)\n"
+ msgstr ""
++"%d ഫ്രെയിമുകളില്‍ %g ക്ലയന്റ് വശത്തുള്ള നിമിഷങ്ങളിലും (ഒരു ഫ്രെയിനില്‍ %g "
++"മില്ലിസെക്കന്‍ഡുകള്‍) എക്സ് സര്‍വര്‍ റിസോഴ്സുകള്‍ ഉള്‍പ്പെടുന്ന %g "
++"നിമിഷങ്ങള്‍ വോള്‍ ക്ലോക്ക് സമയത്തു് വരയ്ക്കുന്നു (ഒരു ഫ്രെയിനില്‍ %g "
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:1273
+ msgid "position expression test returned TRUE but set error"
+ msgstr ""
++"പൊസിഷന്‍ എക്സ്പ്രഷന്‍ പരീക്ഷണം TRUE ലഭ്യമാക്കി, പക്ഷേ പിശകായി "
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:1275
+ msgid "position expression test returned FALSE but didn't set error"
+ msgstr ""
++"പൊസിഷന്‍ എക്സ്പ്രഷന്‍ പരീക്ഷണം FALSE ലഭ്യമാക്കി, പക്ഷേ പിശകായി സജ്ജമല്ല"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:1279
+ msgid "Error was expected but none given"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "പിശക് പ്രതീക്ഷിച്ചു, പക്ഷേ ഒന്നും ലഭിച്ചില്ല"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:1281
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error %d was expected but %d given"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%d പിശക് പ്രതീക്ഷിച്ചു, പക്ഷേ %d ലഭിച്ചു"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:1287
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error not expected but one was returned: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "പിശക് പ്രതീക്ഷിച്ചില്ല, പക്ഷേ ഒന്നു് ലഭിച്ചു: %s"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:1291
+ #, c-format
+@@ -1692,307 +1861,5 @@ 
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d coordinate expressions parsed in %g seconds (%g seconds average)\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-#~ msgid "Window Management"
+-#~ msgstr "ജാലക നിരീക്ഷണം"
+-#~ msgid "Failed to parse message \"%s\" from dialog process\n"
+-#~ msgstr "രചന %sലെ പ്രമേയം വായിക്കുന്നതില്‌ പരാജയപ്പെട്ടു:\n"
+-#~ msgid "Error reading from dialog display process: %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr "%s വായിക്കുന്നതില്‌ പരാജയം : \n"
+-#~ msgid "Failed to get hostname: %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr "ആതിഥേയനാമം ലഭിക്കുന്നതില്‌ പരാജയപ്പെട്ടു: %s\n"
+-#~ msgid "Fatal IO error %d (%s) on display '%s'.\n"
+-#~ msgstr "ഗുരുതരമായ IO പിശക് %d (%s) ('%s' ദൃശ്യത്തില്‍).\n"
+-#~ msgid "Close Window"
+-#~ msgstr "ജാലകം അടയ്‍ക്കുക"
+-#~ msgid "Window Menu"
+-#~ msgstr "ജാലക പട്ടിക‌"
+-#~ msgid "Minimize Window"
+-#~ msgstr "ജാലകം ചെറുതാക്കുക"
+-#~ msgid "Maximize Window"
+-#~ msgstr "ജാലകം വലുതാക്കുക"
+-#~ msgid "Unmaximize Window"
+-#~ msgstr "ജാലകം വലുതാക്കിയതൊഴിവാക്കുക"
+-#~ msgid "Roll Up Window"
+-#~ msgstr "ജാലകം ചുരുട്ടുക"
+-#~ msgid "Unroll Window"
+-#~ msgstr "Unroll Window"
+-#~ msgid "Keep Window On Top"
+-#~ msgstr "ജാലകം മുകളിലാക്കുക"
+-#~ msgid "Always On Visible Workspace"
+-#~ msgstr "എപ്പോഴും ദൃശ്യമായ പണിയറയില്‍ "
+-#~ msgid "Put Window On Only One Workspace"
+-#~ msgstr "ഒരു പണിയറയില്‍ ജാലകം കാണിക്കുക"
+-#~ msgid "No command %d has been defined.\n"
+-#~ msgstr "%d എന്ന കമാന്‍ഡ് ലഭ്യമല്ല.\n"
+-#~ msgid "No terminal command has been defined.\n"
+-#~ msgstr "ഒരു ടെറ്‍മിനല്‍ കമാന്‍ഡും ലഭ്യമല്ല.\n"
+-#~ msgid "Failed to restart: %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr "പുനരാരംഭിക്കുന്നതില്‌ പരാജയപ്പെട്ടു: %s\n"
+-#~ msgid "Title"
+-#~ msgstr "തലക്കെട്ട്"
+-#~ msgid "Class"
+-#~ msgstr "ക്ളാസ്"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "There was an error running \"%s\":\n"
+-#~ "%s."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "\"%s\" പ്രവ‍ര്ത്തിക്കുന്നതില് തകരാറ്:\n"
+-#~ "%s."
+-#~ msgid "Metacity"
+-#~ msgstr "മെറ്റാസിറ്റി"
+-#~ msgid "Action on title bar double-click"
+-#~ msgstr "തലക്കെട്ടിനുള്ള ബാറ്‍ രണ്ട് തവണ ക്ളിക്ക് ചെയ്യുമ്പോള്‍ ഉണ്ടാകുന്ന പ്റവറ്‍ത്തി"
+-#~ msgid "Action on title bar middle-click"
+-#~ msgstr "തലക്കെട്ടിനുള്ള ബാറില്‍ നടുക്ക് ക്ളിക്ക് ചെയ്യുമ്പോള്‍ ഉണ്ടാകുന്ന പ്റവറ്‍ത്തി"
+-#~ msgid "Action on title bar right-click"
+-#~ msgstr "തലക്കെട്ടിനുള്ള ബാറില്‍ റൈറ്റ് ക്ളിക്ക് ചെയ്യുമ്പോള്‍ ഉണ്ടാകുന്ന പ്റവറ്‍ത്തി"
+-#~ msgid "Arrangement of buttons on the titlebar"
+-#~ msgstr "തലക്കെട്ടിനുള്ള ബാറില്‍ ബട്ടണുകളുടെ ക്റമികരണം"
+-#~ msgid "Automatically raises the focused window"
+-#~ msgstr "അവസ്ഥാ മാറ്റങ്ങള് സ്വയമേവ സംരക്ഷിക്കുക"
+-#~ msgid "Current theme"
+-#~ msgstr "സജീവ തീം"
+-#~ msgid "Hide all windows and focus desktop"
+-#~ msgstr "എല്ലാ ജാലകങ്ങളും അദൃശ്യമാക്കി ഡസ്ക്ടോപ്പ് കാണിക്കുക"
+-#~ msgid "Minimize window"
+-#~ msgstr "ജാലകം ഏറ്റവും ചെറുതാക്കുക"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to east side of screen"
+-#~ msgstr "സ്ക്രീനിന്റെ കിഴക്ക് വശത്തേക്ക് ജാലകം മാറ്റുക"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to north side of screen"
+-#~ msgstr "സ്ക്രീനിന്റെ വടക്ക് വശത്തേക്ക് ജാലകം മാറ്റുക"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to north-east corner"
+-#~ msgstr "സ്ക്രീനിന്റെ വടക്ക്-കിഴക്ക് വശത്തേക്ക് ജാലകം മാറ്റുക"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to north-west corner"
+-#~ msgstr "സ്ക്രീനിന്റെ വടക്ക്-പടിഞ്ഞാറ് വശത്തേക്ക് ജാലകം മാറ്റുക"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to south side of screen"
+-#~ msgstr "സ്ക്രീനിന്റെ തെക്ക് വശത്തേക്ക് ജാലകം മാറ്റുക"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to south-east corner"
+-#~ msgstr "സ്ക്രീനിന്റെ തെക്ക്-കിഴക്ക് വശത്തേക്ക് ജാലകം മാറ്റുക"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to south-west corner"
+-#~ msgstr "സ്ക്രീനിന്റെ തെക്ക്-പടിഞ്ഞാറ് വശത്തേക്ക് ജാലകം മാറ്റുക"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to west side of screen"
+-#~ msgstr "സ്ക്രീനിന്റെ പടിഞ്ഞാറിലേക്ക് ജാലകം മാറ്റുക"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 10"
+-#~ msgstr "പണിയറ ജാലകം പത്തിലേക്ക് നീക്കുക"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 11"
+-#~ msgstr "പണിയറ ജാലകം 11ലേക്ക് നീക്കുക"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 12"
+-#~ msgstr "പണിയറ ജാലകം 12ലേക്ക് നീക്കുക"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 5"
+-#~ msgstr "പണിയറ ജാലകം 5ലേക്ക് നീക്കുക"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 6"
+-#~ msgstr "പണിയറ ജാലകം 6ലേക്ക് നീക്കുക"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 7"
+-#~ msgstr "പണിയറ ജാലകം 7ലേക്ക് നീക്കുക"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 8"
+-#~ msgstr "പണിയറ ജാലകം 8ലേക്ക് നീക്കുക"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 9"
+-#~ msgstr "പണിയറ ജാലകം 9ലേക്ക് നീക്കുക"
+-#~ msgid "Name of workspace"
+-#~ msgstr "പണിയറയുടെ പേര‌്"
+-#~ msgid "Number of workspaces"
+-#~ msgstr "പണിയറകളുടെ എണ്ണം"
+-#~ msgid "Run a defined command"
+-#~ msgstr "നി‌‌‌ര്‌വചിച്ച നി‌ര്ദ്ദേശം പ്രാവ‌‌ര്ത്തികമാക്കൂ"
+-#~ msgid "Run a terminal"
+-#~ msgstr "ഒരു ടറ്‍മിനല്‍ ലഭ്യമാക്കുക"
+-#~ msgid "Show the panel menu"
+-#~ msgstr "പാനലിന്റെ മെനു കാണിക്കുക"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 10"
+-#~ msgstr "പണിയറകള് 10ലേക്ക് മാറ്റൂ"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 11"
+-#~ msgstr "പണിയറകള് 11ലേക്ക് മാറ്റൂ"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 12"
+-#~ msgstr "പണിയറകള് 12ലേക്ക് മാറ്റൂ"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 5"
+-#~ msgstr "പണിയറകള് 5ലേക്ക് മാറ്റൂ"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 6"
+-#~ msgstr "പണിയറകള് 6ലേക്ക് മാറ്റൂ"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 7"
+-#~ msgstr "പണിയറകള് 7ലേക്ക് മാറ്റൂ"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 8"
+-#~ msgstr "പണിയറകള് 8ലേക്ക് മാറ്റൂ"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 9"
+-#~ msgstr "പണിയറകള് 9ലേക്ക് മാറ്റൂ"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace above this one"
+-#~ msgstr "ഇതിന്റെ മുകളിലുള്ള പണിയറകളിേക്ക് മാറ്റൂ"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace below this one"
+-#~ msgstr "ഇതിന്റെ താഴെയുള്ള പണിയറകളിേക്ക് മാറ്റൂ"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace on the left"
+-#~ msgstr "ഇതിന്റെ ഇടതുവശത്തുള്ള പണിയറകളിേക്ക് മാറ്റൂ"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace on the right"
+-#~ msgstr "ഇതിന്റെ വലതുവശത്തുള്ള പണിയറകളിേക്ക് മാറ്റൂ"
+-#~ msgid "Take a screenshot"
+-#~ msgstr "ഒരു സ്ക്രീന്‍ ഷോട്ട് എടുക്കുക"
+-#~ msgid "Take a screenshot of a window"
+-#~ msgstr "ജാലകത്തിന്റെ ഒരു സ്ക്രീന്‍ ഷോട്ട് എടുക്കുക"
+-#~ msgid "The name of a workspace."
+-#~ msgstr "പണിയറുടെ പേര‍്"
+-#~ msgid "The screenshot command"
+-#~ msgstr "സ്ക്രീന്‍ ഷോട്ടിനുള്ള കമാന്‍ഡ്"
+-#~ msgid "The window screenshot command"
+-#~ msgstr "ജാലകത്തിന്റെ സ്ക്രീന്‍ഷോട്ടിനുള്ള കമാന്‍ഡ്"
+-#~ msgid "Unmaximize window"
+-#~ msgstr "ജാലകം ചെറുതാക്കുക "
+-#~ msgid "Window focus mode"
+-#~ msgstr "ജാലക കേന്ദ്രീകരണരീതി"
+-#~ msgid "Window title font"
+-#~ msgstr "ജാലക തലക്കെട്ട് അക്ഷരരൂപം"
+-#~ msgid "Error setting name for workspace %d to \"%s\": %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr "%d യില്‌നിന്ന് \"%s\"ലേക്ക് പണിയറയുടെ പേ‌ര‌് സജ്ജമാക്കുന്നതില്‌ തെറ്റ്: %s\n"
+-#~ msgid "Failed to read saved session file %s: %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr "രചന %sലെ പ്രമേയം വായിക്കുന്നതില്‌ പരാജയപ്പെട്ടു: %s\n"
+-#~ msgid "No \"top\" attribute on element <%s>"
+-#~ msgstr "\"മുകളില്‍\" എന്ന ആട്രിബ്യൂട്ട് <%s> എന്ന എലമെന്റില്‍ ലഭ്യമല്ല"
+-#~ msgid "No \"bottom\" attribute on element <%s>"
+-#~ msgstr "\"താഴെ\" എന്ന ആട്രിബ്യൂട്ട് <%s> എന്ന എലമെന്റില്‍ ലഭ്യമല്ല"
+-#~ msgid "No \"left\" attribute on element <%s>"
+-#~ msgstr "\"ഇടത്\" എന്ന ആട്രിബ്യൂട്ട് <%s> എന്ന എലമെന്റില്‍ ലഭ്യമല്ല"
+-#~ msgid "No \"right\" attribute on element <%s>"
+-#~ msgstr "\"വലത്\" എന്ന ആട്രിബ്യൂട്ട് <%s> എന്ന എലമെന്റില്‍ ലഭ്യമല്ല"
+-#~ msgid "No \"color\" attribute on element <%s>"
+-#~ msgstr "\"നിറം\" എന്ന ആട്രിബ്യൂട്ട് <%s> എന്ന എലമെന്റില്‍ ലഭ്യമല്ല"
+-#~ msgid "No \"x1\" attribute on element <%s>"
+-#~ msgstr "\"x1\" എന്ന ആട്രിബ്യൂട്ട് <%s> എന്ന എലമെന്റില്‍ ലഭ്യമല്ല"
+-#~ msgid "No \"y1\" attribute on element <%s>"
+-#~ msgstr "\"y1\" എന്ന ആട്രിബ്യൂട്ട് <%s> എന്ന എലമെന്റില്‍ ലഭ്യമല്ല"
+-#~ msgid "No \"x2\" attribute on element <%s>"
+-#~ msgstr "\"x2\" എന്ന ആട്രിബ്യൂട്ട് <%s> എന്ന എലമെന്റില്‍ ലഭ്യമല്ല"
+-#~ msgid "No \"y2\" attribute on element <%s>"
+-#~ msgstr "\"y2\" എന്ന ആട്രിബ്യൂട്ട് <%s> എന്ന എലമെന്റില്‍ ലഭ്യമല്ല"
+-#~ msgid "No \"y\" attribute on element <%s>"
+-#~ msgstr "\"y\" എന്ന ആട്രിബ്യൂട്ട് <%s> എന്ന എലമെന്റില്‍ ലഭ്യമല്ല"
+-#~ msgid "No \"width\" attribute on element <%s>"
+-#~ msgstr "\"വീതി\" എന്ന ആട്രിബ്യൂട്ട് <%s> എന്ന എലമെന്റില്‍ ലഭ്യമല്ല"
+-#~ msgid "No \"height\" attribute on element <%s>"
+-#~ msgstr "\"ഉയരം\" എന്ന ആട്രിബ്യൂട്ട് <%s> എന്ന എലമെന്റില്‍ ലഭ്യമല്ല"
+-#~ msgid "No \"alpha\" attribute on element <%s>"
+-#~ msgstr "\"ആല്‍ഫാ\" എന്ന ആട്രിബ്യൂട്ട് <%s> എന്ന എലമെന്റില്‍ ലഭ്യമല്ല"
+-#~ msgid "No \"type\" attribute on element <%s>"
+-#~ msgstr "\"ഏത് തരം\" എന്ന ആട്രിബ്യൂട്ട് <%s> എന്ന എലമെന്റില്‍ ലഭ്യമല്ല"
+-#~ msgid "No \"filename\" attribute on element <%s>"
+-#~ msgstr "\"ഫയലിന്റെ പേര്\" എന്ന ആട്രിബ്യൂട്ട് <%s> എന്ന എലമെന്റില്‍ ലഭ്യമല്ല"
+-#~ msgid "No \"state\" attribute on element <%s>"
+-#~ msgstr "\"അവസ്ഥ\" എന്ന ആട്രിബ്യൂട്ട് <%s> എന്ന എലമെന്റില്‍ ലഭ്യമല്ല"
+-#~ msgid "No \"shadow\" attribute on element <%s>"
+-#~ msgstr "\"ഷാഡോ\" എന്ന ആട്രിബ്യൂട്ട് <%s> എന്ന എലമെന്റില്‍ ലഭ്യമല്ല"
+-#~ msgid "No \"arrow\" attribute on element <%s>"
+-#~ msgstr "\"ആരോ\" എന്ന ആട്രിബ്യൂട്ട് <%s> എന്ന എലമെന്റില്‍ ലഭ്യമല്ല"
+-#~ msgid "No \"value\" attribute on <%s> element"
+-#~ msgstr "\"മൂല്ല്യം\" എന്ന ആട്രിബ്യൂട്ട് <%s> എലമെന്റില്‍ ലഭ്യമല്ല"
+-#~ msgid "No \"position\" attribute on <%s> element"
+-#~ msgstr "\"സ്ഥാനം\" എന്ന ആട്രിബ്യൂട്ട് <%s> എലമെന്റില്‍ ലഭ്യമല്ല"
+-#~ msgid "No \"state\" attribute on <%s> element"
+-#~ msgstr "\"അവസ്ഥ\" എന്ന ആട്രിബ്യൂട്ട് <%s> എലമെന്റില്‍ ലഭ്യമല്ല"
+-#~ msgid "No \"focus\" attribute on <%s> element"
+-#~ msgstr "\"ഫോക്കസ്\" എന്ന ആട്രിബ്യൂട്ട് <%s> എലമെന്റില്‍ ലഭ്യമല്ല"
+-#~ msgid "No \"style\" attribute on <%s> element"
+-#~ msgstr "\"രീതി\" എന്ന ആട്രിബ്യൂട്ട് <%s> എലമെന്റില്‍ ലഭ്യമല്ല"
+-#~ msgid "/Windows/tearoff"
+-#~ msgstr "/Windows/tearoff"
+-#~ msgid "/Windows/_Dialog"
+-#~ msgstr "/Windows/_Dialog"
+-#~ msgid "/Windows/_Modal dialog"
+-#~ msgstr "/Windows/_Modal dialog"
+-#~ msgid "/Windows/Des_ktop"
+-#~ msgstr "/Windows/Des_ktop"
++"%d കോര്‍ഡിനേറ്റ് എക്സ്പ്രഷനുകള്‍  %g നിമിഷങ്ങളില്‍ പാഴ്സ് ചെയ്തിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു "
++"(ശരാശരി %g നിമിഷങ്ങള്‍ )\n"
+--- a/mutter-3.8.4/po/ta.po	2013-11-28 17:15:31.985866752 +0530
++++ a/mutter-3.8.4/po/ta.po	2013-11-28 17:17:23.037871344 +0530
+@@ -2,36 +2,36 @@ 
+ # translation of metacity.gnome-2-26.ta.po to
+ # Tamil translation of Tamil Metacity 2.4.
+ # Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ # Dinesh Nadarajah <n_dinesh@yahoo.com>, 2003.
+ # Jayaradha N <jaya@pune.redhat.com>, 2004.
+ # Felix <ifelix@redhat.com>, 2006.
+ # Dr.T.Vasudevan <agnihot3@gmail.com>, 2007, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013.
+ # Dr.T.vasudevan <agnihot3@gmail.com>, 2009.
+ # I. Felix <ifelix@redhat.com>, 2009, 2011.
++# shkumar <shkumar@redhat.com>, 2013. #zanata
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: metacity.gnome-2-26.ta\n"
+ "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+ "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-03-23 14:03+0530\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-03-23 14:11+0530\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Dr.T.Vasudevan <drtvasudevan@gmail.com>\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-12 03:08-0500\n"
++"Last-Translator: shkumar <shkumar@redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: American English <<gnome-tamil-translation@googlegroups.com>>\n"
+-"Language: en_US\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+ "0500\n"
+-"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.5\n"
+-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\\n"
++"Language: ta\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\\n\n"
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
++"X-Generator: Zanata 3.1.2\n"
+ #: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "Navigation"
+-msgstr "திசையறிதல்"
++msgstr "வழிசெலுத்தல்"
+ #: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:2
+ msgid "Move window to workspace 1"
+@@ -51,19 +51,19 @@ 
+ #: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:6
+ msgid "Move window one workspace to the left"
+-msgstr "ஒருபணியிடத்திற்கு இடது பக்கம் சாளரத்தை நகர்த்தவும்"
++msgstr "ஒரு பணியிடத்திற்கு இடது பக்கம் சாளரத்தை நகர்த்தவும்"
+ #: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:7
+ msgid "Move window one workspace to the right"
+-msgstr "ஒருபணியிடத்திற்கு வலதுபக்கம் சாளரத்தை நகர்த்தவும்"
++msgstr "ஒரு பணியிடத்திற்கு வலதுபக்கம் சாளரத்தை நகர்த்தவும்"
+ #: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:8
+ msgid "Move window one workspace up"
+-msgstr "ஒருபணியிடத்திற்கு மேலே சாளரத்தை நகர்த்தவும்"
++msgstr "ஒரு பணியிடத்திற்கு மேலே சாளரத்தை நகர்த்தவும்"
+ #: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:9
+ msgid "Move window one workspace down"
+-msgstr "ஒருபணியிடத்திற்கு கீழே சாளரத்தை நகர்த்தவும்"
++msgstr "ஒரு பணியிடத்திற்கு கீழே சாளரத்தை நகர்த்தவும்"
+ #: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:10
+ msgid "Switch applications"
+@@ -189,6 +189,7 @@ 
+ msgid "Toggle window on all workspaces or one"
+ msgstr ""
+ "சாளரம் அனைத்து பணியிடங்களிலும் இருக்குமா அல்லது ஒரே பணியிடத்திலா என்பதை நிலை "
+ #: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:13
+ msgid "Raise window if covered, otherwise lower it"
+@@ -224,12 +225,13 @@ 
+ #: ../src/compositor/compositor.c:568
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Another compositing manager is already running on screen %i on display \"%s"
++"Another compositing manager is already running on screen %i on display "
+ msgstr ""
+-" %i திரையில் காட்சி \"%s\" இல் இன்னொரு சாளர மேலாளர் இயங்கிக்கொண்டு இருக்கிறது."
++" %i திரையில் காட்சி \"%s\" இல் இன்னொரு சாளர மேலாளர் இயங்கிக்கொண்டு "
+-#: ../src/compositor/meta-background.c:1191
++#: ../src/compositor/meta-background.c:1076
+ msgid "background texture could not be created from file"
+ msgstr "கோப்பிலிருந்து பின் புல இழை நய அமைப்பை உருவாக்க முடியவில்லை."
+@@ -257,8 +259,7 @@ 
+ "application to quit entirely."
+ msgstr ""
+ "நீங்கள் சிறிது நேரம் பொறுத்து அது தொடர அனுமதிக்கலாம் அல்லது செயல்பாட்டை வன் "
+-"வெளியேறு "
++"வெளியேறு செய்யலாம்."
+ #: ../src/core/delete.c:125
+ msgid "_Wait"
+@@ -268,17 +269,17 @@ 
+ msgid "_Force Quit"
+ msgstr "கட்டாய வெளியேற்றம் (_F)"
+-#: ../src/core/display.c:401
++#: ../src/core/display.c:421
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Missing %s extension required for compositing"
+ msgstr "நீட்சி  %s  காணப்படவில்லை பவின் ஆக்கத்துக்கு அது அவசியம்"
+-#: ../src/core/display.c:493
++#: ../src/core/display.c:513
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Failed to open X Window System display '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "X சாளர காட்சியை திறப்பதில் தோல்வி '%s'\n"
+-#: ../src/core/keybindings.c:935
++#: ../src/core/keybindings.c:1138
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Some other program is already using the key %s with modifiers %x as a "
+@@ -286,7 +287,7 @@ 
+ msgstr ""
+ "விசை %s ஐ மாற்றி  %x ஓடு இணைத்து வேறு நிரல் பயன்படுத்திக்கொண்டிருக்கிறது\n"
+-#: ../src/core/keybindings.c:1135
++#: ../src/core/keybindings.c:1335
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "\"%s\" is not a valid accelerator\n"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" செல்லாத முடுக்கி\n"
+@@ -326,8 +327,7 @@ 
+ "Could not find a theme! Be sure %s exists and contains the usual themes.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "கருப்பொருளை காணவில்லை! %s உள்ளதா எனவும் அதில் பயனுள்ள கருப்பொருள் உள்ளதா "
+-"எனவும் "
++"எனவும் பார்க்கவும்.\n"
+ #: ../src/core/mutter.c:40
+ #, c-format
+@@ -343,8 +343,7 @@ 
+ "மற்றவர்கள்.\n"
+ "இது இலவச மென்பொருள், பிரதி எடுக்க விதிமுறைகளை மூலத்தில் காண்க.\n"
+ "விற்க தகுதி அல்லது ஒரு குறிப்பிட்ட செயலுக்கு தகுதி உட்பட எந்த ஒரு ஒரு "
+-"உத்திரவாதமும் "
++"உத்திரவாதமும் இல்லை.\n"
+ #: ../src/core/mutter.c:54
+ msgid "Print version"
+@@ -354,7 +353,7 @@ 
+ msgid "Mutter plugin to use"
+ msgstr "பயன்படுத்த க்ளட்டர் செருகிகள்"
+-#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1095
++#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1210
+ msgid ""
+ "Workarounds for broken applications disabled. Some applications may not "
+ "behave properly.\n"
+@@ -362,29 +361,28 @@ 
+ "உடைந்த பயன்பாடுகளின் செயல்பாடு தடைசெய்யப்பட்டது, சில பயன்பாடுகள் சரியாக வேலை "
+ "செய்யாது.\n"
+-#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1170
++#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1285
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not parse font description \"%s\" from GSettings key %s\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"எழுத்துரு விளக்கம் \"%s\" ஐ ஜிசெட்டிங்க்ஸ் விசையிலிருந்து பகுக்க முடியவில்லை %"
++"எழுத்துரு விளக்கம் \"%s\" ஐ ஜிசெட்டிங்க்ஸ் விசையிலிருந்து பகுக்க முடியவில்லை "
+-#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1236
++#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1351
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\"%s\" found in configuration database is not a valid value for mouse button "
+ "modifier\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"அமைப்பு பாங்கில் உள்ள \"%s\" சுட்டி பட்டன் மாற்றியில் செல்லாத மதிப்பு\n"
++msgstr "அமைப்பு பாங்கில் உள்ள \"%s\" சுட்டி பட்டன் மாற்றியில் செல்லாத மதிப்பு\n"
+-#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1788
++#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1928
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\"%s\" found in configuration database is not a valid value for keybinding "
+ "\"%s\"\n"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" அமைப்பு தரவுத்தளத்தில் உள்ள மதிப்பு செல்லாத கீபைன்டிங்\"%s\"\n"
+-#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1887
++#: ../src/core/prefs.c:2018
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Workspace %d"
+ msgstr "வேலையிடம் %d"
+@@ -405,8 +403,7 @@ 
+ #: ../src/core/screen.c:734
+ #, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Could not acquire window manager selection on screen %d display \"%s\"\n"
++msgid "Could not acquire window manager selection on screen %d display \"%s\"\n"
+ msgstr "திரையில் சாளர மேலாளர் தேர்வை பெறமுடியவில்லை %d காட்சி \"%s\"\n"
+ #: ../src/core/screen.c:812
+@@ -419,7 +416,8 @@ 
+ msgid "Could not release screen %d on display \"%s\"\n"
+ msgstr "திரை %d ஐ விடுவிக்க முடியவில்லை \"%s\"\n"
+-#: ../src/core/session.c:843 ../src/core/session.c:850
++#: ../src/core/session.c:843
++#: ../src/core/session.c:850
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not create directory '%s': %s\n"
+ msgstr "அடைவை உருவாக்க முடியவில்லை '%s': %s\n"
+@@ -450,8 +448,10 @@ 
+ msgstr ""
+ "<mutter_session> பண்பு பார்க்கப்பட்டது ஆனால் இங்கு அமர்வு ID ஏற்கெனவே உள்ளது"
+-#: ../src/core/session.c:1198 ../src/core/session.c:1273
+-#: ../src/core/session.c:1305 ../src/core/session.c:1377
++#: ../src/core/session.c:1198
++#: ../src/core/session.c:1273
++#: ../src/core/session.c:1305
++#: ../src/core/session.c:1377
+ #: ../src/core/session.c:1437
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown attribute %s on <%s> element"
+@@ -490,7 +490,8 @@ 
+ msgid "Opened log file %s\n"
+ msgstr "பதிவுக்கோப்பு திறக்கப்பட்டது %s\n"
+-#: ../src/core/util.c:119 ../src/tools/mutter-message.c:149
++#: ../src/core/util.c:119
++#: ../src/tools/mutter-message.c:149
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Mutter was compiled without support for verbose mode\n"
+ msgstr "வெர்போஸ் ஆதரவு இல்லாமல் மட்டர் அமைக்கப்பட்டது\n"
+@@ -512,15 +513,14 @@ 
+ msgstr "சாளர மேலாளர் பிழை"
+ #. first time through
+-#: ../src/core/window.c:7596
++#: ../src/core/window.c:7643
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Window %s sets SM_CLIENT_ID on itself, instead of on the WM_CLIENT_LEADER "
+ "window as specified in the ICCCM.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "சாளரம் %s SM_CLIENT_ID இன் மேல் உள்ளது, WM_CLIENT_LEADER சாளரத்தில் "
+-"குறிப்பிட்டது "
+-"போல் ICCCM.\n"
++"குறிப்பிட்டது போல் ICCCM.\n"
+ #. We ignore mwm_has_resize_func because WM_NORMAL_HINTS is the
+ #. * authoritative source for that info. Some apps such as mplayer or
+@@ -528,16 +528,14 @@ 
+ #. * leads to e.g. us not fullscreening their windows.  Apps that set
+ #. * MWM but not WM_NORMAL_HINTS are basically broken. We complain
+ #. * about these apps but make them work.
+-#: ../src/core/window.c:8320
++#: ../src/core/window.c:8367
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Window %s sets an MWM hint indicating it isn't resizable, but sets min size "
+ "%d x %d and max size %d x %d; this doesn't make much sense.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+ "சாளரம் %s MWM அளவு மாற்ற முடியும் என குறிப்பிடுகிறதும் ஆனால் %d x %d மற்றும் "
+-"அதிக "
+-"பட்ச அளவு %d x %d; பொருள் தரும்படி இல்லை.\n"
++"அதிக பட்ச அளவு %d x %d; பொருள் தரும்படி இல்லை.\n"
+ #: ../src/core/window-props.c:318
+ #, c-format
+@@ -582,10 +580,12 @@ 
+ #: ../src/core/xprops.c:494
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Property %s on window 0x%lx contained invalid UTF-8 for item %d in the list\n"
++"Property %s on window 0x%lx contained invalid UTF-8 for item %d in the "
+ msgstr "பண்பு %s சாளரம் 0x%lx செல்லாத UTF-8 உருப்படி %d பட்டியலில் உள்ளது\n"
+-#: ../src/mutter.desktop.in.h:1 ../src/mutter-wm.desktop.in.h:1
++#: ../src/mutter.desktop.in.h:1
++#: ../src/mutter-wm.desktop.in.h:1
+ msgid "Mutter"
+ msgstr "மட்டர்"
+@@ -602,8 +602,7 @@ 
+ msgstr ""
+ "இந்த விசை \"overlay\", இது ஒரு சாளர மேல்நோக்கு பயன்பாடு துவக்க அமைப்பு. இதன் "
+ "முன்னிருப்பு கணினி வன்பொருட்களின் சாளர விசையாக யோசிக்கப்படுகிறது. இந்த "
+-"பிணைப்பை "
+-"முன்னிருப்பாகவோ காலி சரமாகவோ அமைக்கவும்."
++"பிணைப்பை முன்னிருப்பாகவோ காலி சரமாகவோ அமைக்கவும்."
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "Attach modal dialogs"
+@@ -616,9 +615,8 @@ 
+ "the parent window."
+ msgstr ""
+ "உண்மை எனில் சுதந்திர தனி தலைப்பு பட்டைகளுக்கு பதில் மாதிரி உரையாடல்கள் "
+-"முதன்மை "
+-"சாளரத்தின் தலைப்பு பட்டயுடன் இணைத்து இருக்கும்; இவை முதன்மை சாளரத்துடனே "
++"முதன்மை சாளரத்தின் தலைப்பு பட்டயுடன் இணைத்து இருக்கும்; இவை முதன்மை "
++"சாளரத்துடனே நகர்த்தப்படும்."
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:5
+ msgid "Enable edge tiling when dropping windows on screen edges"
+@@ -627,13 +625,13 @@ 
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:6
+ msgid ""
+ "If enabled, dropping windows on vertical screen edges maximizes them "
+-"vertically and resizes them horizontally to cover half of the available "
+-"area. Dropping windows on the top screen edge maximizes them completely."
++"vertically and resizes them horizontally to cover half of the available area."
++" Dropping windows on the top screen edge maximizes them completely."
+ msgstr ""
+ "செயலாக்கினால் செங்குத்தான திரை விளிம்பில் சாரளங்களை விட்டால் அவை சென்குத்தாக "
+ "அதிகப்படுத்தப்படும்; கிடைமட்டத்தில் கிடைக்கும் இடத்தில் பாதியை "
+-"ஆக்கிரமிக்கும். திரையின் "
+-"மேல்  விளிம்பில் விட அவை முழுமையாக அதிகரிக்கப்படும்."
++"ஆக்கிரமிக்கும். திரையின் மேல்  விளிம்பில் விட அவை முழுமையாக அதிகரிக்கப்படும்."
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:7
+ msgid "Workspaces are managed dynamically"
+@@ -646,9 +644,8 @@ 
+ "gnome.desktop.wm.preferences)."
+ msgstr ""
+ "பணியிடங்கள் இயங்கு நிலையில் மேலாளப்படுமா அல்லது நிலையான பணியிடங்கள் இருக்க "
+-"வேன்டுமா என "
+-"நிர்ணயிக்கிறது. (org.gnome.desktop.wm.விருப்பங்களில் நிர்ணயித்த பணியிடங்கள் "
++"வேன்டுமா என நிர்ணயிக்கிறது. (org.gnome.desktop.wm.விருப்பங்களில் நிர்ணயித்த "
++"பணியிடங்கள் எண்ணிக்கையால்)."
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:9
+ msgid "Workspaces only on primary"
+@@ -660,8 +657,7 @@ 
+ "monitors or only for windows on the primary monitor."
+ msgstr ""
+ "வேலைக்கள் மாற்றம் எல்லா திரைகளிலும் உள்ள சாளரங்களுக்குமா அல்லது முதன்மை திரை "
+-"சாளரத்துக்கு "
+-"மட்டுமா என தீர்மானிக்கிறது"
++"சாளரத்துக்கு மட்டுமா என தீர்மானிக்கிறது"
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:11
+ msgid "No tab popup"
+@@ -673,8 +669,7 @@ 
+ "for window cycling."
+ msgstr ""
+ "சாளரங்கள் சுழற்சிக்கு துள்ளுவதையும் சட்டத்தை சிறப்பாக காட்டுவதையும் "
+-"பயன்படுத்த வேண்டுமா என "
++"பயன்படுத்த வேண்டுமா என நிர்ணயிக்கிறது"
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:13
+ msgid "Delay focus changes until the pointer stops moving"
+@@ -687,10 +682,8 @@ 
+ "after the pointer stops moving."
+ msgstr ""
+ "ஆம் என அமைக்கப்பட்டால், குவியும் பயன்முறையானது \"சாய்ந்த\" அல்லது \"மவுஸ்\" "
+-"என "
+-"அமைக்கப்பட்டு ஒரு சாளரத்தில் நுழையும் போது குவியம் உடனடியாக மாற்றப்படாது, "
+-"மாறாக "
+-"பாயின்ட்டர் நகர்வது நின்ற பிறகே குவியம் மாறும்."
++"என அமைக்கப்பட்டு ஒரு சாளரத்தில் நுழையும் போது குவியம் உடனடியாக மாற்றப்படாது, "
++"மாறாக பாயின்ட்டர் நகர்வது நின்ற பிறகே குவியம் மாறும்."
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:15
+ msgid "Draggable border width"
+@@ -702,8 +695,7 @@ 
+ "not enough, invisible borders will be added to meet this value."
+ msgstr ""
+ "இழுக்கக்கூடிய விளிம்புகளின் மொத்த அளவு. கருத்தின் தெரியும் விளிம்புகள் "
+-"போதவில்லை எனில் "
+-"இந்த மதிப்பை அடைய மறை விளிம்பு சேர்க்கப்படும்."
++"போதவில்லை எனில் இந்த மதிப்பை அடைய மறை விளிம்பு சேர்க்கப்படும்."
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:17
+ msgid "Auto maximize nearly monitor sized windows"
+@@ -714,8 +706,8 @@ 
+ "If enabled, new windows that are initially the size of the monitor "
+ "automatically get maximized."
+ msgstr ""
+-"செயலாக்கினால், துவக்கத்தில் ஏறத்தாழ திரை அளவுள்ள புதிய சாளரங்கள் தானியங்கியாக "
+-"அதிக பட்ச அளவாக்கப்படும்"
++"செயலாக்கினால், துவக்கத்தில் ஏறத்தாழ திரை அளவுள்ள புதிய சாளரங்கள் "
++"தானியங்கியாக அதிக பட்ச அளவாக்கப்படும்"
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:19
+ msgid "Select window from tab popup"
+@@ -772,7 +764,8 @@ 
+ #. separator
+ #. Translators: Translate this string the same way as you do in libwnck!
+-#: ../src/ui/menu.c:86 ../src/ui/menu.c:88
++#: ../src/ui/menu.c:86
++#: ../src/ui/menu.c:88
+ msgid "Always on _Top"
+ msgstr "எப்போதும் மேலே (_T)"
+@@ -835,7 +828,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the shift key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:77
+ msgid "Shift"
+ msgstr "Shift"
+@@ -844,7 +836,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the control key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:83
+ msgid "Ctrl"
+ msgstr "Ctrl"
+@@ -853,7 +844,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the alt key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:89
+ msgid "Alt"
+ msgstr "Alt"
+@@ -862,7 +852,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the meta key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:95
+ msgid "Meta"
+ msgstr "Meta"
+@@ -871,7 +860,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the super key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:101
+ msgid "Super"
+ msgstr "Super"
+@@ -880,7 +868,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the hyper key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:107
+ msgid "Hyper"
+ msgstr "Hyper"
+@@ -889,7 +876,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the mod2 key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:113
+ msgid "Mod2"
+ msgstr "Mod2"
+@@ -898,7 +884,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the mod3 key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:119
+ msgid "Mod3"
+ msgstr "Mod3"
+@@ -907,7 +892,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the mod4 key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:125
+ msgid "Mod4"
+ msgstr "Mod4"
+@@ -916,14 +900,12 @@ 
+ #. * that use the mod5 key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:131
+ msgid "Mod5"
+ msgstr "Mod5"
+ #. Translators: This represents the size of a window.  The first number is
+ #. * the width of the window and the second is the height.
+ #: ../src/ui/resizepopup.c:136
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d x %d"
+@@ -977,8 +959,8 @@ 
+ "parentheses, e.g. gtk:custom(foo,bar); could not parse \"%s\""
+ msgstr ""
+ "GTK தனிப்பயன் வண்ணத்தின் பெயர் வணத்தின் பெயரையும் காப்பை மூடிய "
+-"அடைப்புக்குறிகளுக்குள்ளும்  "
+-"கொண்டிருக்க வேண்டும் உம்  gtk:custom(foo,bar); \"%s\" ஐ பகுக்க முடியவில்லை"
++"அடைப்புக்குறிகளுக்குள்ளும்  கொண்டிருக்க வேண்டும் உம்  gtk:custom(foo,bar); "
++"\"%s\" ஐ பகுக்க முடியவில்லை"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme.c:1219
+ #, c-format
+@@ -986,9 +968,8 @@ 
+ "Invalid character '%c' in color_name parameter of gtk:custom, only A-Za-z0-9-"
+ "_ are valid"
+ msgstr ""
+-"gtk:custom இன் color_name தருமதிப்பில்  செல்லுபடியாகாத எழுத்துரு '%c'   "
+-"_ ஆகியன மட்டுமே செல்லுபடியாகும்."
++"gtk:custom இன் color_name தருமதிப்பில்  செல்லுபடியாகாத எழுத்துரு '%c'   A-Za-"
++"z0-9-_ ஆகியன மட்டுமே செல்லுபடியாகும்."
+ #: ../src/ui/theme.c:1233
+ #, c-format
+@@ -1006,8 +987,7 @@ 
+ "where NORMAL is the state; could not parse \"%s\""
+ msgstr ""
+ "GTK வண்ணம் அடைப்புக்குறிகளை கொண்டிருக்க வேண்டும் உம் gtk:fg[NORMAL] NORMAL "
+-"நிலையை "
+-"குறிக்கும் பகுக்க முடியாது \"%s\""
++"நிலையை குறிக்கும் பகுக்க முடியாது \"%s\""
+ #: ../src/ui/theme.c:1292
+ #, c-format
+@@ -1016,8 +996,7 @@ 
+ "fg[NORMAL] where NORMAL is the state; could not parse \"%s\""
+ msgstr ""
+ "GTK வண்ணம் மூடிய அடைப்புக்குறிகளை கொண்டிருக்க வேண்டும் உம் gtk:fg[NORMAL] "
+-"நிலையை குறிக்கும் பகுக்க முடியாது \"%s\""
++"NORMAL நிலையை குறிக்கும் பகுக்க முடியாது \"%s\""
+ #: ../src/ui/theme.c:1303
+ #, c-format
+@@ -1102,7 +1081,9 @@ 
+ msgid "Coordinate expression was empty or not understood"
+ msgstr "அச்சு கூற்று காலியாக உள்ளது அல்லது புரியவில்லை"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2112 ../src/ui/theme.c:2122 ../src/ui/theme.c:2156
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2112
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2122
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2156
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Coordinate expression results in division by zero"
+ msgstr "அச்சு கூற்று பூஜ்ஜியத்தால் வகுத்தல் பிழையை தந்தது"
+@@ -1117,8 +1098,7 @@ 
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Coordinate expression has an operator \"%s\" where an operand was expected"
+-msgstr ""
+-"அச்சு கூற்றில் ஆப்பரேட்டர் உள்ளது \"%s\" ஆப்பரன் எதிர்பார்க்கப்படுகிறது"
++msgstr "அச்சு கூற்றில் ஆப்பரேட்டர் உள்ளது \"%s\" ஆப்பரன் எதிர்பார்க்கப்படுகிறது"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme.c:2229
+ #, c-format
+@@ -1140,7 +1120,8 @@ 
+ "அச்சு கூற்றில்  \"%c\" ஆப்பரேட்டர் உள்ளது \"%c\" ஆப்பரேட்டருக்கு ஆப்பரன்ட் "
+ "இல்லை"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2398 ../src/ui/theme.c:2443
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2398
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2443
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Coordinate expression had unknown variable or constant \"%s\""
+ msgstr "அச்சு கூற்றில் செல்லாத மாற்றி மற்றும் கான்ஸ்ட்டன் உள்ளது \"%s\""
+@@ -1158,7 +1139,8 @@ 
+ #: ../src/ui/theme.c:2590
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Coordinate expression had an open parenthesis with no close parenthesis"
++msgid ""
++"Coordinate expression had an open parenthesis with no close parenthesis"
+ msgstr ""
+ "அச்சு கூற்றில் திறந்த அடைப்புக்குறி உள்ளது ஆனால் மூடிய அடைப்புகுறி இல்லை"
+@@ -1167,7 +1149,9 @@ 
+ msgid "Coordinate expression doesn't seem to have any operators or operands"
+ msgstr "அச்சுக்கூற்றில் ஆப்பரன்ட் மற்றும் ஆப்பரேட்டர் காணப்படவில்லை"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2814 ../src/ui/theme.c:2834 ../src/ui/theme.c:2854
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2814
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2834
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2854
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Theme contained an expression that resulted in an error: %s\n"
+ msgstr "கருப்பொருளில் ஒரு கூற்று இருந்தது. அது பிழையை ஏற்படுத்தியது : %s\n"
+@@ -1179,23 +1163,25 @@ 
+ "specified for this frame style"
+ msgstr ""
+ "<button function=\"%s\" state=\"%s\" draw_ops=\"whatever\"/> இந்த சட்ட "
+-"பாணிக்கு "
+-"குறிப்பிடப்பட வேண்டும்"
++"பாணிக்கு குறிப்பிடப்பட வேண்டும்"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5011 ../src/ui/theme.c:5036
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5011
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5036
+ #, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Missing <frame state=\"%s\" resize=\"%s\" focus=\"%s\" style=\"whatever\"/>"
+-msgstr ""
+-"காணவில்லை <frame state=\"%s\" resize=\"%s\" focus=\"%s\" style=\"whatever\"/>"
++msgid "Missing <frame state=\"%s\" resize=\"%s\" focus=\"%s\" style=\"whatever\"/>"
++msgstr "காணவில்லை <frame state=\"%s\" resize=\"%s\" focus=\"%s\" style=\"whatever\"/"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme.c:5084
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Failed to load theme \"%s\": %s\n"
+ msgstr "கருப்பொருளை ஏற்றுவதில் தோல்வி \"%s\": %s\n"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5220 ../src/ui/theme.c:5227 ../src/ui/theme.c:5234
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5241 ../src/ui/theme.c:5248
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5220
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5227
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5234
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5241
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5248
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No <%s> set for theme \"%s\""
+ msgstr "இல்லை<%s> கருப்பொருளுக்காக அமைக்கப்பட்டது \"%s\""
+@@ -1209,28 +1195,31 @@ 
+ "சட்ட பாணி சாளர வகை இல்லை\"%s\" கருப்பொருளில் \"%s\", <window type=\"%s\" "
+ "style_set=\"whatever\"/> உறுப்பை சேர்க்கவும்"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5663 ../src/ui/theme.c:5725 ../src/ui/theme.c:5788
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5663
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5725
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5788
+ #, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"User-defined constants must begin with a capital letter; \"%s\" does not"
++msgid "User-defined constants must begin with a capital letter; \"%s\" does not"
+ msgstr ""
+ "பயனீட்டாளர்-குறிப்பிட்ட கான்ஸ்டன் பெரிய எழுத்தில் துவங்க வேண்டும்; \"%s\" "
+ "இல்லை"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5671 ../src/ui/theme.c:5733 ../src/ui/theme.c:5796
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5671
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5733
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5796
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Constant \"%s\" has already been defined"
+ msgstr "கான்ஸ்டன் \"%s\" ஏற்கெனவே குறிப்பிடப்பட்டது"
+ #. Translators: This means that an attribute which should have been found
+ #. * on an XML element was not in fact found.
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:236
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No \"%s\" attribute on element <%s>"
+ msgstr " \"%s\" பண்புகூறு உறுப்பில் இல்லை  <%s>"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:265 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:283
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:265
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:283
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Line %d character %d: %s"
+ msgstr "வரி %d எழுத்து %d: %s"
+@@ -1240,7 +1229,8 @@ 
+ msgid "Attribute \"%s\" repeated twice on the same <%s> element"
+ msgstr "பண்பு \"%s\" ஒரே உறுப்பில் இரண்டு முறை வந்துள்ளது <%s>"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:503 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:552
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:503
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attribute \"%s\" is invalid on <%s> element in this context"
+ msgstr "பண்பு \"%s\" <%s> இந்த பயன்பாட்டிற்கு செல்லாது"
+@@ -1250,7 +1240,8 @@ 
+ msgid "Could not parse \"%s\" as an integer"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" ஐ இயல் எண்ணாக பகுக்க முடியாது"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:603 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:658
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:603
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:658
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Did not understand trailing characters \"%s\" in string \"%s\""
+ msgstr "\"%s\" தொடரும் சரத்தில் \"%s\" சரத்தை புரிந்துகொள்ள முடியவில்லை"
+@@ -1265,12 +1256,14 @@ 
+ msgid "Integer %ld is too large, current max is %d"
+ msgstr "இயல் எண் %ld பெரிதாக இருக்கிறது, தற்போது அதிகபட்சம் %d"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:649 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:765
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:649
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:765
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not parse \"%s\" as a floating point number"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" பின்ன எண் பகுக்க முடியாது"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:680 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:708
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:680
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:708
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Boolean values must be \"true\" or \"false\" not \"%s\""
+ msgstr "பூலியன் மதிப்புகள் \"true\" அல்லது \"false\" \"%s\" இல்லை"
+@@ -1288,19 +1281,22 @@ 
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:863
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Invalid title scale \"%s\" (must be one of xx-small,x-small,small,medium,"
++"Invalid title scale \"%s\" (must be one of xx-small,x-"
+ msgstr ""
+ "செல்லாத தலைப்பு அளவு \"%s\" ( xx-small,x-small,small,medium,large,x-large,xx-"
+ "large)\n"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1019 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1082
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1116 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1219
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1019
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1082
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1116
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1219
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "<%s> name \"%s\" used a second time"
+ msgstr "<%s> பெயர் \"%s\" இரண்டாது முறை பயன்படுத்தப்படுகிறது"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1031 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1128
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1031
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1128
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1231
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "<%s> parent \"%s\" has not been defined"
+@@ -1336,16 +1332,22 @@ 
+ msgid "Window type \"%s\" has already been assigned a style set"
+ msgstr "சாளர வகை \"%s\" இந்த பாணிக்கு ஏற்கெனவே குறிப்பிடப்பட்டது"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1313 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1377
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1603 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2838
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2884 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3034
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3273 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3311
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3349 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3387
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1313
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1377
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1603
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2838
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2884
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3034
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3273
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3311
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3349
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3387
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Element <%s> is not allowed below <%s>"
+ msgstr "உறுப்பு <%s> கீழே அனுமதிக்கப்படவில்லை <%s>"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1427 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1441
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1427
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1441
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1486
+ msgid ""
+ "Cannot specify both \"button_width\"/\"button_height\" and \"aspect_ratio\" "
+@@ -1384,18 +1386,21 @@ 
+ msgid "Did not understand value \"%s\" for type of gradient"
+ msgstr "இந்த ஒலிவிளைவிற்கான மதிப்பு \"%s\" ஐ புரிந்துகொள்ள முடியவில்லை"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2193 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2568
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2193
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2568
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Did not understand fill type \"%s\" for <%s> element"
+ msgstr "இந்த உறுப்பிற்கான <%s> நிரப்பல் வகை \"%s\" ஐ புரிந்துகொள்ள முடியவில்லை"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2360 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2443
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2360
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2443
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2506
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Did not understand state \"%s\" for <%s> element"
+ msgstr "இந்த உறுப்பிற்கான <%s> நிலை \"%s\" ஐ புரிந்துகொள்ள முடியவில்லை"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2370 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2453
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2370
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2453
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Did not understand shadow \"%s\" for <%s> element"
+ msgstr "இந்த உறுப்பிற்கான <%s> நிழல் \"%s\" ஐ புரிந்துகொள்ள முடியவில்லை"
+@@ -1405,12 +1410,14 @@ 
+ msgid "Did not understand arrow \"%s\" for <%s> element"
+ msgstr "இந்த உறுப்பிற்கான <%s> அம்புக்குறி \"%s\" ஐ புரிந்துகொள்ள முடியவில்லை"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2694 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2790
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2694
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2790
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No <draw_ops> called \"%s\" has been defined"
+ msgstr "இல்லை <draw_ops> அழைக்கப்பட்ட \"%s\" குறிப்பிடப்பட்டது"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2706 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2802
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2706
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Including draw_ops \"%s\" here would create a circular reference"
+ msgstr "draw_ops உம் சேர்த்து \"%s\" முழு குறிப்பை உருவாக்கும்"
+@@ -1425,7 +1432,8 @@ 
+ msgid "Frame style already has a piece at position %s"
+ msgstr "%s இட சட்டம் ஏற்கெனவே உள்ளது"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2942 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3019
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2942
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3019
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No <draw_ops> with the name \"%s\" has been defined"
+ msgstr "இல்லை <draw_ops> இந்த பெயர் \"%s\" எற்கெனவே குறிப்பிடப்பட்டது"
+@@ -1465,7 +1473,8 @@ 
+ msgid "A style called \"%s\" has not been defined"
+ msgstr "பாணி \"%s\" குறிப்பிடப்படவில்லை"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3113 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3136
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3113
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3136
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "\"%s\" is not a valid value for resize attribute"
+ msgstr "\"%s\" அளவுமாற்ற ப்பு பண்பிற்கு இது செல்லாத மதிப்பு"
+@@ -1486,15 +1495,19 @@ 
+ msgstr ""
+ "பெரிதாக்கிய நிலையில் <%s> உறுப்பு க்கு \"resize\" மதிப்புரு இருக்கக்கூடாது."
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3175 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3222
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3175
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3222
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Style has already been specified for state %s resize %s focus %s"
+ msgstr ""
+ " %s அளவுமாற்று %s குறி %s ஆகியவைகளின் நிலை ஏற்கெனவே குறிப்பிடப்பட்டுள்ளது"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3186 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3197
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3208 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3233
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3244 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3255
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3186
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3197
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3208
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3233
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3244
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3255
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Style has already been specified for state %s focus %s"
+ msgstr "%s குறி %s ஆகியவைகளின் நிலை ஏற்கெனவே குறிப்பிடப்பட்டுள்ளது"
+@@ -1505,8 +1518,7 @@ 
+ "attribute and also a <draw_ops> element, or specified two elements)"
+ msgstr ""
+ "இரண்டு draw_ops கள் <piece> உறுப்பிற்கு இருக்கக்கூடாது (draw_ops ஐ "
+-"குறிப்பிடும் "
+-"கருப்பொருள் மற்றும் அதன் பண்புகள் <draw_ops> அல்லது இரண்டும்)"
++"குறிப்பிடும் கருப்பொருள் மற்றும் அதன் பண்புகள் <draw_ops> அல்லது இரண்டும்)"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3332
+ msgid ""
+@@ -1514,8 +1526,7 @@ 
+ "attribute and also a <draw_ops> element, or specified two elements)"
+ msgstr ""
+ "இரண்டு draw_ops கள் <button> உறுப்பிற்கு இருக்கக்கூடாது (draw_ops ஐ "
+-"குறிப்பிடும் "
+-"கருப்பொருள் மற்றும் அதன் பண்புகள் <draw_ops> அல்லது இரண்டும்)"
++"குறிப்பிடும் கருப்பொருள் மற்றும் அதன் பண்புகள் <draw_ops> அல்லது இரண்டும்)"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3370
+ msgid ""
+@@ -1523,8 +1534,7 @@ 
+ "draw_ops attribute and also a <draw_ops> element, or specified two elements)"
+ msgstr ""
+ "இரண்டு draw_ops கள் <menu_icon> உறுப்பிற்கு இருக்கக்கூடாது (draw_ops ஐ "
+-"குறிப்பிடும் "
+-"கருப்பொருள் மற்றும் அதன் பண்புகள் <draw_ops> அல்லது இரண்டும்)"
++"குறிப்பிடும் கருப்பொருள் மற்றும் அதன் பண்புகள் <draw_ops> அல்லது இரண்டும்)"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3434
+ #, c-format
+@@ -1536,16 +1546,15 @@ 
+ "\"version\" attribute cannot be used in metacity-theme-1.xml or metacity-"
+ "theme-2.xml"
+ msgstr ""
+-"\"பதிப்பு\"  என்ற பண்புக்கூற்றை மெடாசிடி-கருத்து-1.xml அல்லது  "
+-"xml இவற்றில் பயன்படுத்த முடியாது."
++"\"பதிப்பு\"  என்ற பண்புக்கூற்றை மெடாசிடி-கருத்து-1.xml அல்லது  மெடாசிடி-"
++"கருத்து-2.xml இவற்றில் பயன்படுத்த முடியாது."
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3530
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Theme requires version %s but latest supported theme version is %d.%d"
+ msgstr ""
+-"கருத்துக்கு பதிப்பு %s  தேவை. ஆனால் சமீபத்தில் ஆதரவு உள்ள கருத்து பதிப்பு %d.%"
++"கருத்துக்கு பதிப்பு %s  தேவை. ஆனால் சமீபத்தில் ஆதரவு உள்ள கருத்து பதிப்பு %d."
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3562
+ #, c-format
+@@ -1574,8 +1583,10 @@ 
+ msgid "Element <%s> is not allowed inside a draw operation element"
+ msgstr "உறுப்பு <%s> க்கு வரையும் செயல்பாட்டில் பில் அனுமதி இல்லை"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3631 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3661
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3666 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3671
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3631
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3661
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3666
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3671
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Element <%s> is not allowed inside a <%s> element"
+ msgstr "உறுப்பு <%s> க்கு <%s> உறுப்பில் அனுமதி இல்லை"
+@@ -1593,8 +1604,10 @@ 
+ msgid "No text is allowed inside element <%s>"
+ msgstr "உறுப்பிற்குள் உரை அனுமதி இல்லை<%s>"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4026 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4038
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4050 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4062
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4026
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4038
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4050
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4062
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4074
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "<%s> specified twice for this theme"
+@@ -1762,9 +1775,8 @@ 
+ "seconds wall clock time including X server resources (%g milliseconds per "
+ "frame)\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"%d சட்டங்கள் %g புரவலனில் செகண்டிலும் (%g சட்டத்தின் மில்லி செக்கண்டு )  %g X "
+-"சேவகனின் "
+-"மூலத்தில் (%g மில்லி செகண்ட் சட்டத்திற்கு)\n"
++"%d சட்டங்கள் %g புரவலனில் செகண்டிலும் (%g சட்டத்தின் மில்லி செக்கண்டு )  %g "
++"X சேவகனின் மூலத்தில் (%g மில்லி செகண்ட் சட்டத்திற்கு)\n"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:1273
+ msgid "position expression test returned TRUE but set error"
+@@ -1802,846 +1814,3 @@ 
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d coordinate expressions parsed in %g seconds (%g seconds average)\n"
+ msgstr "%d அச்சு கூற்று பகுக்கப்பட்டது %g செகண்டில் (%g சராசரி செகண்ட்)\n"
+-#~ msgid "Minimize window"
+-#~ msgstr "சாளரத்தை சிறிதாக்கு"
+-#~ msgid "Comma-separated list of compositor plugins"
+-#~ msgstr "பல்வினையாக்கியின் சொருகிகளின் கமாவால் பிரித்த பட்டியல்."
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Determines whether hidden windows (i.e., minimized windows and windows on "
+-#~ "other workspaces than the current one) should be kept alive."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "மறைந்துள்ள சாளரங்கள் (அதாவது குறூக்கியவை, நடப்பில் இல்லாத வேறு பணிக்களத்தில் உள்ளவை) "
+-#~ "உயிர்ப்புடன் வைக்கப்பட வேண்டுமா என தீர்மானிக்கிறது."
+-#~ msgid "Live Hidden Windows"
+-#~ msgstr "உயிர்ப்புள்ள மறைந்த சாளரங்கள்"
+-#~ msgid "Close Window"
+-#~ msgstr "சாளரம் மூடவும்"
+-#~ msgid "Window Menu"
+-#~ msgstr "சாளர பட்டி"
+-#~ msgid "Minimize Window"
+-#~ msgstr "சாளரத்தை குறுக்கவும்"
+-#~ msgid "Maximize Window"
+-#~ msgstr "சாளரத்தை பெரிதாக்கவும்"
+-#~ msgid "Restore Window"
+-#~ msgstr "சாளரத்தை மீட்டமை"
+-#~ msgid "Roll Up Window"
+-#~ msgstr "சாளரத்தை மேலே சுருட்டு"
+-#~ msgid "Unroll Window"
+-#~ msgstr "சாளரம் விரிக்கவும்"
+-#~ msgid "Keep Window On Top"
+-#~ msgstr "சாளரத்தை மேலே வைத்திரு "
+-#~ msgid "Remove Window From Top"
+-#~ msgstr "மேலிருந்து சாளரத்தை நீக்கு  "
+-#~ msgid "Always On Visible Workspace"
+-#~ msgstr "வேலைகளத்தில்  எப்போதும் தெரியும் "
+-#~ msgid "Put Window On Only One Workspace"
+-#~ msgstr "சாளரத்தை ஒரே ஒரு பணியிடத்தில் மட்டும் வைக்கவும்"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 5"
+-#~ msgstr "பணியிடம் 5 க்கு மாறு"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 6"
+-#~ msgstr "பணியிடம் 6 க்கு மாறு"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 7"
+-#~ msgstr "பணியிடம் 7 க்கு மாறு"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 8"
+-#~ msgstr "பணியிடம் 8 க்கு மாறு"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 9"
+-#~ msgstr "பணியிடம் 9 க்கு மாறு"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 10"
+-#~ msgstr "பணியிடம் 10 க்கு மாறு"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 11"
+-#~ msgstr "பணியிடம் 11 க்கு மாறு"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 12"
+-#~ msgstr "பணியிடம் 11 க்கு மாறு"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace on the left of the current workspace"
+-#~ msgstr "நடப்பு பணியிடத்துக்கு இடது பக்கம் உள்ள பணியிடத்துக்கு மாறவும்"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace on the right of the current workspace"
+-#~ msgstr "நடப்பு பணியிடத்துக்கு வலது பக்கம் உள்ள பணியிடத்துக்கு மாறவும்கு வலது இதில்"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace above the current workspace"
+-#~ msgstr "நடப்பு பணியிடத்துக்கு மேல் பக்கம் உள்ள பணியிடத்துக்கு மாறவும்"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace below the current workspace"
+-#~ msgstr "நடப்பு பணியிடத்துக்கு கீழ் பக்கம் உள்ள பணியிடத்துக்கு மாறவும்"
+-#~ msgid "Move between windows of an application, using a popup window"
+-#~ msgstr "துள்ளு சாளரத்தை பயன்படுத்தி பயன்பாட்டின் சாளரங்கள் இடையே நகரவும்"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Move backward between windows of an application, using a popup window"
+-#~ msgstr "துள்ளு சாளரத்தை பயன்படுத்தி பயன்பாட்டின் சாளரங்கள் இடையே பின்பக்கம் நகரவும்"
+-#~ msgid "Move between windows, using a popup window"
+-#~ msgstr "துள்ளு சாளரத்தை பயன்படுத்தி சாளரங்கள் இடையே நகரவும்"
+-#~ msgid "Move backward between windows, using a popup window"
+-#~ msgstr "துள்ளு சாளரத்தை பயன்படுத்தி சாளரங்கள் இடையே பின்னே நகரவும்"
+-#~ msgid "Move between panels and the desktop, using a popup window"
+-#~ msgstr "துள்ளு சாளரத்தை பயன்படுத்தி பலகங்கள் மேல்மேசை இடையே நகரவும்"
+-#~ msgid "Move backward between panels and the desktop, using a popup window"
+-#~ msgstr "துள்ளு சாளரத்தை பயன்படுத்தி பலகங்கள் மேல்மேசை இடையே பின்பக்கம் நகரவும்"
+-#~ msgid "Move between windows of an application immediately"
+-#~ msgstr "ஒரு பயன்பாட்டின் சாளரங்களிடையே உடனடியாக நகரவும்"
+-#~ msgid "Move backward between windows of an application immediately"
+-#~ msgstr "பயன்பாட்டின் சாளரங்கள்  இடையே உடனே பின்னே நகரவும்"
+-#~ msgid "Move between windows immediately"
+-#~ msgstr "சாளரத்திற்கிடையில் உடனடியாக நகரவும்"
+-#~ msgid "Move backward between windows immediately"
+-#~ msgstr "சாளரங்கள்  இடையே உடனே பின்னே நகரவும்"
+-#~ msgid "Move between panels and the desktop immediately"
+-#~ msgstr "பலகம் மற்றும் மேல்மேசையில் உடனடியாக நகரவும்"
+-#~ msgid "Move backward between panels and the desktop immediately"
+-#~ msgstr "பலகம் மற்றும் மேல்மேசையில் பின்னோக்கி நகரவும்"
+-#~ msgid "Hide all normal windows and set focus to the desktop"
+-#~ msgstr "அனைத்து இயல்பான சாளரங்களை மறை  மற்றும் மேல்மேசை மீது குவிப்பை அமை "
+-#~ msgid "Show the panel's main menu"
+-#~ msgstr "பலகத்தில் முதன்மை பட்டியல் ஐ காட்டு"
+-#~ msgid "Show the panel's \"Run Application\" dialog box"
+-#~ msgstr "பலகத்தின் \"பயன்பாட்டை இயக்கு\"   உரையாடல் பெட்டியை காட்டு "
+-#~ msgid "Start or stop recording the session"
+-#~ msgstr "அமர்வை பதிவு செய்தலை துவக்கு/நிறுத்து"
+-#~ msgid "Take a screenshot"
+-#~ msgstr "திரைவெட்டை பதிவு செய்"
+-#~ msgid "Take a screenshot of a window"
+-#~ msgstr "சாளரத்தின் திரைவெட்டை பதிவு செய்"
+-#~ msgid "Run a terminal"
+-#~ msgstr "முனையம் ஒன்றை இயக்கு"
+-#~ msgid "Toggle whether a window will always be visible over other windows"
+-#~ msgstr "ஒரு சாளரம் மற்றவற்றின் மேலே எப்போதும் இருக்குமா என்பதை  நிலைமாற்று"
+-#~ msgid "Toggle whether window is on all workspaces or just one"
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "சாளரம்  எல்லா பணியிடங்களிலும் இருக்குமா அல்லது ஒள்றில் மட்டுமா என்பதை  நிலைமாற்று"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 5"
+-#~ msgstr "பணியிடம் 5 க்கு சாளரத்தை நகர்த்தவும்"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 6"
+-#~ msgstr "பணியிடம் 6 க்கு சாளரத்தை நகர்த்தவும்"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 7"
+-#~ msgstr "பணியிடம் 7 க்கு சாளரத்தை நகர்த்தவும்"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 8"
+-#~ msgstr "பணியிடம் 8 க்கு சாளரத்தை நகர்த்தவும்"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 9"
+-#~ msgstr "பணியிடம் 9 க்கு சாளரத்தை நகர்த்தவும்"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 10"
+-#~ msgstr "பணியிடம் 10 க்கு சாளரத்தை நகர்த்தவும்"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 11"
+-#~ msgstr "பணியிடம் 11 க்கு சாளரத்தை நகர்த்தவும்"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 12"
+-#~ msgstr "பணியிடம் 12 க்கு சாளரத்தை நகர்த்தவும்"
+-#~ msgid "Raise window if it's covered by another window, otherwise lower it"
+-#~ msgstr "வேறு சாளரத்தால் சாளரம் மூடப்பட்டு இருந்தால் அதை உயர்த்து இல்லையானால் தாழ்த்து"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to north-west (top left) corner"
+-#~ msgstr "சாளரத்தை வடமேற்கே (மேல் இடது) மூலைக்கு நகர்த்து "
+-#~ msgid "Move window to north-east (top right) corner"
+-#~ msgstr "சாளரத்தை வடகிழக்கே (மேல் வலது) மூலைக்கு நகர்த்து "
+-#~ msgid "Move window to south-west (bottom left) corner"
+-#~ msgstr "சாளரத்தை தென்மேற்கே (கீழ் இடது) மூலைக்கு நகர்த்து "
+-#~ msgid "Move window to south-east (bottom right) corner"
+-#~ msgstr "சாளரத்தை தென் கிழக்கே (கீழ் வலது) மூலைக்கு நகர்த்து "
+-#~ msgid "Move window to north (top) side of screen"
+-#~ msgstr "சாளரத்தை வடக்கு (மேல்) பக்கம் நகர்த்து "
+-#~ msgid "Move window to south (bottom) side of screen"
+-#~ msgstr "சாளரத்தை தெற்கு (கீழ் ) பக்கம் நகர்த்து "
+-#~ msgid "Move window to east (right) side of screen"
+-#~ msgstr "சாளரத்தை கிழக்கு (கீழ்) பக்கம் நகர்த்து "
+-#~ msgid "Move window to west (left) side of screen"
+-#~ msgstr "சாளரத்தை மேற்கு (இடது  ) பக்கம் நகர்த்து "
+-#~ msgid "Move window to center of screen"
+-#~ msgstr "சாளரத்தை திரையின் நடுவே  நகர்த்து "
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "There was an error running <tt>%s</tt>:\n"
+-#~ "\n"
+-#~ "%s"
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "இயக்குவதில் பிழை <tt>%s</tt>:\n"
+-#~ "\n"
+-#~ "%s"
+-#~ msgid "No command %d has been defined.\n"
+-#~ msgstr "கட்டளை %d எதுவும் குறிப்பிடப்படவில்லை.\n"
+-#~ msgid "No terminal command has been defined.\n"
+-#~ msgstr "முனைய கட்டளை எதுவும் குறிப்பிடப்படவில்லை.\n"
+-#~ msgid "GConf key '%s' is set to an invalid value\n"
+-#~ msgstr "GConf விசை '%s' செல்லாத மதிப்பாக அமைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது\n"
+-#~ msgid "%d stored in GConf key %s is out of range %d to %d\n"
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "ஜிகான்ஃப் இல் சேமிக்கப்பட்ட %d  %s வீச்சுக்கு அப்பால் பட்டு உள்ளது. %d லிருந்து %d "
+-#~ "வரை.\n"
+-#~ msgid "GConf key \"%s\" is set to an invalid type\n"
+-#~ msgstr "GConf விசை \"%s\" செல்லாத வகை\n"
+-#~ msgid "GConf key %s is already in use and can't be used to override %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "ஜிகான்ஃப் விசை %s ஏற்கெனெவே பயனில் இருக்கிறது. அதனால் %s ஐ மேல்செயலாக்க முடியாது\n"
+-#~ msgid "Can't override GConf key, %s not found\n"
+-#~ msgstr "ஜிகான்ஃப் விசையை உதசீனம் செய்து மேல் செயலாக்க முடியாது, %s ஐ காணவில்லை\n"
+-#~ msgid "Error setting number of workspaces to %d: %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr "பணியிடத்தை அமைப்பதில் பிழை %d: %s\n"
+-#~ msgid "Error setting name for workspace %d to \"%s\": %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr "பணியிடத்தை %d லிருந்து \"%s\" க்கு மாற்றுவதில் பிழை: %s\n"
+-#~ msgid "Error setting live hidden windows status status: %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr "உயிர்ப்புள்ள மறைந்த சாளர நிலையை அமைப்பதில் பிழை: %s\n"
+-#~ msgid "Error setting no tab popup status: %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr "கீற்று துள்ளல் நிலையை அமைப்பதில் பிழை: %s\n"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Lost connection to the display '%s';\n"
+-#~ "most likely the X server was shut down or you killed/destroyed\n"
+-#~ "the window manager.\n"
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "காட்ட வேண்டிய இணைப்புகளின் பட்டியல்'%s';\n"
+-#~ "X சேவகன் பணிநிறுத்தம் செய்யப்பட்டிருக்கலாம் அல்லது நீங்கள் செயலை\n"
+-#~ "சிதைத்திருக்கலாம்/கொன்றிருக்கலாம்\n"
+-#~ msgid "Fatal IO error %d (%s) on display '%s'.\n"
+-#~ msgstr "கவலைக்கிடமான IO பிழை %d (%s) திரையில் '%s'.\n"
+-#~ msgid "Turn compositing on"
+-#~ msgstr "பல்வினை ஆக்கத்தை செயலாக்கு"
+-#~ msgid "Turn compositing off"
+-#~ msgstr "பல்வினை ஆக்கத்தை செயல் நீக்கு"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Don't make fullscreen windows that are maximized and have no decorations"
+-#~ msgstr "அதிக அளவாக்கி அலங்காரம் இல்லாத முழுத்திரை சாளரங்களை உருவாக்காதே"
+-#~ msgid "Whether window popup/frame should be shown when cycling windows."
+-#~ msgstr "சாளரங்களை சுழற்றும் மோது சாளர துள்ளல்/ சட்டங்களை காட்ட வேண்டுமா."
+-#~ msgid "Internal argument for GObject introspection"
+-#~ msgstr "ஜிஓ பொருள் உளாய்வுக்கான உள்ளமை தருமதிப்பு "
+-#~ msgid "Failed to restart: %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr "மீண்டும் துவக்குவதில் பிழை: %s\n"
+-#~ msgid "Error setting compositor status: %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr "பல்வினையாக்கத்தை அமைப்பதில் பிழை: %s\n"
+-#~ msgid "Error setting clutter plugin list: %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr "க்ளட்டர் சொருகிகளை அமைப்பதில் பிழை: %s\n"
+-#~ msgid "Plugins to load for the Clutter-based compositing manager."
+-#~ msgstr "க்ளட்டர் அடிப்பைடையிலான பலவின்ஆக்க மேலாளர் க்கு ஏற்ற வேண்டிய சொருகிகள்"
+-#~ msgid "Window Management"
+-#~ msgstr "சாளர மேலாண்மை"
+-#~ msgid "Failed to parse message \"%s\" from dialog process\n"
+-#~ msgstr "செய்தி \"%s\" ஐ உரையாடலில் இருந்து பகுப்பதில் தோல்வி\n"
+-#~ msgid "Error reading from dialog display process: %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr "காட்சி செயலை படிக்கும் போது பிழை: %s\n"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Error launching metacity-dialog to ask about killing an application: %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr "மெட்டாசிட்டி தகவலை ஏற்றும் போது தோல்வி எனவே பயன்பாட்டை கொல்கிறது: %s\n"
+-#~ msgid "Failed to get hostname: %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr "புரவலன் பெயரை பெறுவதில் தோல்வி: %s\n"
+-#~| msgid ""
+-#~| "The keybinding used to close a window. The format looks like \"&lt;"
+-#~| "Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly "
+-#~| "liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations such as "
+-#~| "\"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the "
+-#~| "special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for this "
+-#~| "action."
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The format looks like \"<Control>a\" or <Shift><Alt>F1\".\n"
+-#~ "\n"
+-#~ "The parser is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also "
+-#~ "abbreviations such as \"<Ctl>\" and \"<Ctrl>\". If you set the option to "
+-#~ "the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for "
+-#~ "this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ ". இதன் அமைப்பு \"<Control>a\" or <Shift><Alt>F1\".\n"
+-#~ "\n"
+-#~ "ஆக இருக்கும். இதன் பகுப்பி தாராளமானது  பெரிய மற்றும் சிறிய எழுத்துக்களை "
+-#~ "அனுமதிப்பதோடு,  \"<Ctl>\" மற்றும் \"<Ctrl>\" போன்ற குறுக்கங்களை யும் "
+-#~ "அனுமதிக்கும்.  \"disabled\" என்ற சிறப்பு சரத்தை பயன்படுத்தினால்  கீபைன்டிங் செயல் "
+-#~ "இராது "
+-#~| msgid ""
+-#~| "The keybinding used to close a window. The format looks like \"&lt;"
+-#~| "Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly "
+-#~| "liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations such as "
+-#~| "\"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the "
+-#~| "special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for this "
+-#~| "action."
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The format looks like \"<Control>a\" or <Shift><Alt>F1\".\n"
+-#~ "\n"
+-#~ "The parser is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also "
+-#~ "abbreviations such as \"<Ctl>\" and \"<Ctrl>\". If you set the option to "
+-#~ "the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for "
+-#~ "this action.\n"
+-#~ "\n"
+-#~ "This keybinding may be reversed by holding down the \"shift\" key; "
+-#~ "therefore, \"shift\" cannot be one of the keys it uses."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "The format looks like \"<Control>a\" or <Shift><Alt>F1\".\n"
+-#~ "\n"
+-#~ "The parser is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also "
+-#~ "abbreviations such as \"<Ctl>\" and \"<Ctrl>\". If you set the option to "
+-#~ "the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for "
+-#~ "this action.\n"
+-#~ "\n"
+-#~ "This keybinding may be reversed by holding down the \"shift\" key; "
+-#~ "therefore, \"shift\" cannot be one of the keys it uses."
+-#~ msgid "Failed to read saved session file %s: %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr "சேமிக்கப்பட்ட அமர்வு கோப்பை படிப்பதில் தோல்வி %s: %s\n"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Error launching metacity-dialog to warn about apps that don't support "
+-#~ "session management: %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "மெட்டாசிட்டி உரையாடலை துவக்குவதில் பிழை அமர்வு மேலாண்மைக்கு ஆதரவில்லா "
+-#~ "பயன்பாடுகளுக்கு எச்சரிக்கை தருகிறது: %s\n"
+-#~ msgid "Metacity"
+-#~ msgstr "மெட்டாசிட்டி"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "(Not implemented) Navigation works in terms of applications not windows"
+-#~ msgstr "(செயல்படுத்தப்படாத) உலாவல் பயன்பாட்டின் படி சாளரத்தின் படி அல்ல"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "A font description string describing a font for window titlebars. The "
+-#~ "size from the description will only be used if the titlebar_font_size "
+-#~ "option is set to 0. Also, this option is disabled if the "
+-#~ "titlebar_uses_desktop_font option is set to true."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "சாளரத்தின் தலைப்புப்பட்டிக்கான  எழுத்துருவை விளக்கும் எழுத்துரு விளக்க சரம். "
+-#~ "titlebar_font_size தேர்வில் 0 ஐ அமைத்தால் மட்டும் விளக்க சரத்தில் உள்ள அளவு "
+-#~ "பயன்படுத்தப்படும். மேலும் titlebar_uses_desktop_font தேர்வை உண்மை என அமைத்தால் இந்த "
+-#~ "தேர்வு செயல்படாது. "
+-#~ msgid "Action on title bar double-click"
+-#~ msgstr "தலைப்புப்பட்டியை இரண்டு-சொடுக்கு செய்யும் போது நிகழவேண்டியது"
+-#~ msgid "Action on title bar middle-click"
+-#~ msgstr "தலைப்புப்பட்டியை நடு சொடுக்கு செய்யும் போது நிகழவேண்டியது"
+-#~ msgid "Action on title bar right-click"
+-#~ msgstr "தலைப்புப்பட்டியை வலது சொடுக்கு செய்யும் போது நிகழவேண்டியது"
+-#~ msgid "Arrangement of buttons on the titlebar"
+-#~ msgstr "தலைப்புப்பட்டியில் பட்டன்கள் அடுக்கப்பட்ட நிலை"
+-#~| msgid ""
+-#~| "Arrangement of buttons on the titlebar. The value should be a string, "
+-#~| "such as \"menu:minimize,maximize,close\"; the colon separates the left "
+-#~| "corner of the window from the right corner, and the button names are "
+-#~| "comma-separated. Duplicate buttons are not allowed. Unknown button names "
+-#~| "are silently ignored so that buttons can be added in future metacity "
+-#~| "versions without breaking older versions."
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Arrangement of buttons on the titlebar. The value should be a string, "
+-#~ "such as \"menu:minimize,maximize,spacer,close\"; the colon separates the "
+-#~ "left corner of the window from the right corner, and the button names are "
+-#~ "comma-separated. Duplicate buttons are not allowed. Unknown button names "
+-#~ "are silently ignored so that buttons can be added in future metacity "
+-#~ "versions without breaking older versions. A special spacer tag can be "
+-#~ "used to insert some space between two adjacent buttons."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "தலைப்புப்பட்டியில் பட்டன்கள் அடுக்கப்பட்ட நிலை.\"menu:minimize,maximize,close\" என "
+-#~ "மதிப்புகள் இருக்க வேண்டும்; அரைப்புள்ளி சாளரத்தின் இடது மூலையிலிருந்து வலது மூலையை "
+-#~ "தனிப்படுத்த பயன்படும். மேலும் பட்டன் பெயர்கள் கமா வால் பிரிக்கப்பட்டிருக்கும் பொய் "
+-#~ "பட்டனுக்கு அனுமதி இல்லை. தெரியாத பட்டன் பெயர்கள் தவிர்க்கப்பட்டு மெட்டா சிட்டியின் "
+-#~ "அடுத்த பதிப்பின் சேர்க்கப்படும். இரு பொத்தான்களிடையே கொஞ்சம்  இடைவெளி அமைக்க ஒரு "
+-#~ "சிறப்பு இடைவெளி குறியை அமைக்கலாம்"
+-#~ msgid "Automatically raises the focused window"
+-#~ msgstr "குறிக்கப்பட்ட சாளரத்தை தானாக ஏற்று"
+-#~| msgid ""
+-#~| "Clicking a window while holding down this modifier key will move the "
+-#~| "window (left click), resize the window (middle click), or show the "
+-#~| "window menu (right click). Modifier is expressed as \"&lt;Alt&gt;\" or "
+-#~| "\"&lt;Super&gt;\" for example."
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Clicking a window while holding down this modifier key will move the "
+-#~ "window (left click), resize the window (middle click), or show the window "
+-#~ "menu (right click). The left and right operations may be swapped using "
+-#~ "the \"mouse_button_resize\" key. Modifier is expressed as \"&lt;Alt&gt;\" "
+-#~ "or \"&lt;Super&gt;\" for example."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "Clicking a window while holding down this modifier key will move the "
+-#~ "window (left click), resize the window (middle click), or show the window "
+-#~ "menu (right click). The left and right operations may be swapped using "
+-#~ "the \"mouse_button_resize\" key. Modifier is expressed as \"&lt;Alt&gt;\" "
+-#~ "or \"&lt;Super&gt;\" for example. a சாளரம் கீழே நகர்த்தவும் சாளரம் இடது சொடுக்கு "
+-#~ "மறுஅளவு சாளரம் சொடுக்கு சாளரம் பட்டியல் வலது சொடுக்கு இடது மற்றும் வலது பொத்தான் "
+-#~ "மறுஅளவு இல்&lt; Alt&gt;&lt; Super&gt; க்கு."
+-#~ msgid "Commands to run in response to keybindings"
+-#~ msgstr "பதிக் கீபைண்டிங்கை இயக்க கட்டளை"
+-#~ msgid "Compositing Manager"
+-#~ msgstr "பலவின் ஆக்க மேலாளர்"
+-#~ msgid "Control how new windows get focus"
+-#~ msgstr "புதிய சாளரம் எப்படி முன்னிலை பெறும் என கட்டுப்படுத்துகிறது"
+-#~ msgid "Current theme"
+-#~ msgstr "தற்போதைய கருப்பொருள்"
+-#~ msgid "Delay in milliseconds for the auto raise option"
+-#~ msgstr "தானாக துவக்க தேர்வில் தாமதம் மில்லிசெகண்டில்"
+-#~ msgid "Determines whether Metacity is a compositing manager."
+-#~ msgstr "மெட்டாசிட்டி பலவின் ஆக்க மேலாளரா என நிர்ணயிக்கிறது"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Determines whether applications or the system can generate audible "
+-#~ "'beeps'; may be used in conjunction with 'visual bell' to allow silent "
+-#~ "'beeps'."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "கணினி அல்லது பயன்பாட்டால் மணியை காட்டுவதற்கு பதில் கேட்கக்கூடிய ஒலியை உருவாக்க "
+-#~ "முடியுமா. "
+-#~ msgid "Disable misfeatures that are required by old or broken applications"
+-#~ msgstr "பழைய மற்றும் உடைந்த பயன்பாடுகளாள் செயல்நீக்கம் செய்யப்பட்ட காணாமல் போன வசதிகள்"
+-#~ msgid "Enable Visual Bell"
+-#~ msgstr "்சி மணகாட்சியாக ியை செயல்படுத்து"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "If true, ignore the titlebar_font option, and use the standard "
+-#~ "application font for window titles."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "உண்மையெனில், titlebar_font தேர்வை தவிர்கும். நிலையான எழுத்துருவை சாளர தலைப்பில் "
+-#~ "காட்டும்."
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "If true, metacity will give the user less feedback by using wireframes, "
+-#~ "avoiding animations, or other means. This is a significant reduction in "
+-#~ "usability for many users, but may allow legacy applications to continue "
+-#~ "working, and may also be a useful tradeoff for terminal servers. However, "
+-#~ "the wireframe feature is disabled when accessibility is on."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "உண்மையெனில், மெட்டாசிட்டி குறைவான கருத்து மற்றும் குறைந்த நேர் மாற்றத்திற்கும் வசதி "
+-#~ "செய்து தரும், கம்பி சட்டங்களை பயன்படுத்தி, அசைவூட்டங்களை தவிர்க்கும். இதனால் "
+-#~ "பயனீட்டாளரின் பயன்பாடுகளில் குறிப்பிடும்படி குறைகள்  இருக்கும் , ஆனால் பழைய "
+-#~ "பயன்பாடுகள் மற்றும் முனைய சேவைகள் பாகுபாடு பாராமல் வேலை செய்ய அனுமதிக்கும். எனினும் "
+-#~ "வயர்ப்ரேம் வசதி அணுகல் தேர்வு இருப்பின் செயலிழக்கப்படும்."
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "If true, then Metacity works in terms of applications rather than "
+-#~ "windows. The concept is a bit abstract, but in general an application-"
+-#~ "based setup is more like the Mac and less like Windows. When you focus a "
+-#~ "window in application-based mode, all the windows in the application will "
+-#~ "be raised. Also, in application-based mode, focus clicks are not passed "
+-#~ "through to windows in other applications. Application-based mode is, "
+-#~ "however, largely unimplemented at the moment."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "உண்மையெனில், மெட்டாசிட்டி சாளரத்தில் இல்லாமல் பயன்பாட்டில் இயங்கும். இந்த கொள்கை சிறிது "
+-#~ "சிக்கலானது என்றாலும், மேக் போன்ற பயன்பாடு-சார்ந்த அமைப்புக்கு மிக பயனுள்ளது, சாளரத்தை "
+-#~ "பயன்பாடு-சார்ந்து அமைக்கும் போது பயன்பாடோடு தொடர்புடைய சாளரங்கள் மேலெழும்பும்.மேலும் "
+-#~ "இது மற்ற சாளரங்களை பாதிக்காது. ஆனால் இதன் அமைப்பு சற்றே கேள்விக்குட்பட்டது. ஆனால் "
+-#~ "அமைப்புகள் பயன்பாடு சார்ந்த மற்றும் சாளரம் சார்ந்தவைகளின் விளக்கத்தை தெரிந்துகொள்வது "
+-#~ "நல்லது. மேலும் பயன்பாடு-சார்ந்தவை முடிக்கப்படாத நிலையில் உள்ளது"
+-#~ msgid "If true, trade off usability for less resource usage"
+-#~ msgstr "உண்மையெனில், குறைவான வளத்தை பயன்படுத்தும்"
+-#~ msgid "Name of workspace"
+-#~ msgstr "பணியிடத்தின் பெயர்"
+-#~ msgid "Number of workspaces"
+-#~ msgstr "பணியிடங்களின் எண்ணிக்கை"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Number of workspaces. Must be more than zero, and has a fixed maximum to "
+-#~ "prevent making the desktop unusable by accidentally asking for too many "
+-#~ "workspaces."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "பணிக்களங்களின் எண். இது பூஜ்யமாக இருக்க வேண்டும்.  அதிகபட்சம் வரையறுக்கப்பட்டு இருக்க "
+-#~ "வேண்டும். இல்லாவிடில் தவறுதலாக் மிக அதிக பணிக்களம் கேட்கப்பட்டால் மேல்மேசை பயன்படுத்த "
+-#~ "முடியாததாகி விடும்."
+-#~ msgid "Run a defined command"
+-#~ msgstr "குறிப்பிட்ட கட்டளையை இயக்கு"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Set this to true to resize with the right button and show a menu with the "
+-#~ "middle button while holding down the key given in \"mouse_button_modifier"
+-#~ "\"; set it to false to make it work the opposite way around."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "இதை உண்மை என அமைத்தால்  வலது பொத்தானால்  மறுஅளவு செய்யலாம் மற்றும் "
+-#~ "\"mouse_button_modifier\"இல் அமைத்த விசையை அழுத்தி பிடித்து  நடு  பொத்தானால்  "
+-#~ "பட்டியல் ஒன்றை பெறலாம்.  மாற்றாக அமைக்க பொய் என அமைக்கவும்."
+-#~| msgid ""
+-#~| "Setting this option to false can lead to buggy behavior, so users are "
+-#~| "strongly discouraged from changing it from the default of true. Many "
+-#~| "actions (e.g. clicking in the client area, moving or resizing the "
+-#~| "window) normally raise the window as a side-effect. Set this option to "
+-#~| "false to decouple raising from other user actions. Even when this option "
+-#~| "is false, windows can still be raised by an alt-left-click anywhere on "
+-#~| "the window, a normal click on the window decorations, or by special "
+-#~| "messages from pagers, such as activation requests from tasklist applets. "
+-#~| "This option is currently disabled in click-to-focus mode. Note that the "
+-#~| "list of ways to raise windows when raise_on_click is false does not "
+-#~| "include programmatic requests from applications to raise windows; such "
+-#~| "requests will be ignored regardless of the reason for the request. If "
+-#~| "you are an application developer and have a user complaining that your "
+-#~| "application does not work with this setting disabled, tell them it is "
+-#~| "_their_ fault for breaking their window manager and that they need to "
+-#~| "change this option back to true or live with the bug they requested. See "
+-#~| "also http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=445447#c6."
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Setting this option to false can lead to buggy behavior, so users are "
+-#~ "strongly discouraged from changing it from the default of true. Many "
+-#~ "actions (e.g. clicking in the client area, moving or resizing the window) "
+-#~ "normally raise the window as a side-effect. Setting this option to false, "
+-#~ "which is strongly discouraged, will decouple raising from other user "
+-#~ "actions, and ignore raise requests generated by applications. See http://"
+-#~ "bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=445447#c6. Even when this option is "
+-#~ "false, windows can still be raised by an alt-left-click anywhere on the "
+-#~ "window, a normal click on the window decorations, or by special messages "
+-#~ "from pagers, such as activation requests from tasklist applets. This "
+-#~ "option is currently disabled in click-to-focus mode. Note that the list "
+-#~ "of ways to raise windows when raise_on_click is false does not include "
+-#~ "programmatic requests from applications to raise windows; such requests "
+-#~ "will be ignored regardless of the reason for the request. If you are an "
+-#~ "application developer and have a user complaining that your application "
+-#~ "does not work with this setting disabled, tell them it is _their_ fault "
+-#~ "for breaking their window manager and that they need to change this "
+-#~ "option back to true or live with the \"bug\" they requested."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "இந்த தேர்வை அமைத்தல் பிழையான நடத்தையை தரலாம். பயனர் முன்னிருப்பான உண்மை தேர்வை மாற்ற "
+-#~ "வேண்டாம் என பலமாக பரிந்துரைக்கப்படுகிறது. சார்ந்தோன் இடம், சாளர நகர்வு, மறு அளவாக்கம் "
+-#~ "ஆகிய பல செயல்கள் பக்க விளைவாக சாதாரணமாக சாளரத்தை முன்னிலையாக்கும். இல்லை என "
+-#~ "அமைத்தல் மற்ற பயனர் செயல்களில் இருந்து இணைப்பை நீக்கும்.; அப்படி பயன்பாடுகள் வேண்டினால் "
+-#~ "அதை உதாசீனம் செய்யும்.  http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=445447#c6 ஐ "
+-#~ "காண்க. அப்படியானாலும் சாளரத்தில் எங்கேயும் ஆல்ட்+ இடது சொடுக்கு, சாளர அலங்காரத்தில் "
+-#~ "சொடுக்கு, டாஸ்க்லிஸ்ட் குறுநிரலிலிருந்து செயல்பாடு வேண்டுகோள் போன்ற "
+-#~ "விளிப்பான்களிடமிருந்து சிறப்புச்செய்திகள் ஆகியவற்றால் சாளரத்தை முன்னிலையாக்கலாம். இந்த "
+-#~ "தேர்வு இப்போது ´முன்னிலைபடுத்த சொடுக்கு´ பாங்கில் செயலிழக்கபட்டுள்ளது. "
+-#~ "raise_on_click தேர்வு இல்லை என அமைக்கப்பட்டால் பாதிக்கப்படும் வழிகளில் நிரல்களின் "
+-#~ "வேண்டுதல்கள் இல்லை என அறியவும். அவை எப்போதுமே உதாசீனப்படுத்தப்படும். நீங்கள் செயல்பாடு "
+-#~ "உருவாக்குபவர் ஆயின் பயனர் செயல்பாடு வேலை செய்யவில்லை என கூறினால் அவரை இந்த சாளர "
+-#~ "மேலாளரை மாற்றியதால் இது நிகழ்ந்தது என்றும், இந்த தேர்வை உண்மை என அமைக்க வேண்டும் "
+-#~ "அல்லது \"பிழையுடன்\" வாழ வேண்டும் என கூறுங்கள்."
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Some applications disregard specifications in ways that result in window "
+-#~ "manager misfeatures. This option puts Metacity in a rigorously correct "
+-#~ "mode, which gives a more consistent user interface, provided one does not "
+-#~ "need to run any misbehaving applications."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "சில நிரல்கள் சாளர மேலாளர் குறிப்பிடும் வரையரைகளை மீறுவதால் பிரச்சினைகள் ஏற்படுகிறன. "
+-#~ "இந்த தேர்வு மெட்டாசிட்டி ஐ வெகு சரியான பாங்கில் அமைக்கும். இதனால் சரியில்லாத "
+-#~ "பயன்பாடுகள் தவிர பயனருக்கு எப்போதுமே சரியான பயன்பாடு இடைமுகம் கிடைக்கும். "
+-#~ msgid "System Bell is Audible"
+-#~ msgstr "கணினி ஒலி கேட்கும்படி"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Tells Metacity how to implement the visual indication that the system "
+-#~ "bell or another application 'bell' indicator has been rung. Currently "
+-#~ "there are two valid values, \"fullscreen\", which causes a fullscreen "
+-#~ "white-black flash, and \"frame_flash\" which causes the titlebar of the "
+-#~ "application which sent the bell signal to flash. If the application which "
+-#~ "sent the bell is unknown (as is usually the case for the default \"system "
+-#~ "beep\"), the currently focused window's titlebar is flashed."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "மணி ஒலிப்பதை காட்சியாக காட்டுவது எப்படி என்பதை மெட்டாசிட்டி குறிப்பிடும். தற்போது "
+-#~ "இரண்டு மதிப்புகள் உள்ளது \"முழுதிரை: முழுதிரையும் கருப்பு வெள்ளையாக தெரியும். "
+-#~ "\"சட்ட_காட்சி\" தலைப்புப்பட்டியில் பயன்பாட்டின் சின்னம் மணியோசையை அனுப்பும். மணியோசையை "
+-#~ "அனுப்பிய பயன்பாடு தெரியாத பயன்பாடு(இது இயல்பான \"கணினி ஒலிக்கு\" பொருந்தும்)"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_N keys define "
+-#~ "keybindings that correspond to these commands. Pressing the keybinding "
+-#~ "for run_command_N will execute command_N."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "/apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_N கீபைன்டிங்கை அதனோடு "
+-#~ "தொடர்புடைய கட்டளையோடு இணைக்கும்.இந்த கட்டளைக்காக run_command_N கீபைன்டிங்கை "
+-#~ "அழுத்துவதால் command_N இயங்கும்."
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_screenshot key defines "
+-#~ "a keybinding which causes the command specified by this setting to be "
+-#~ "invoked."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ " /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_screenshot கட்டளை அமைப்பை "
+-#~ "துவக்க பயன்படும் கீபைன்டிங்கை குறிக்கும்"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_window_screenshot key "
+-#~ "defines a keybinding which causes the command specified by this setting "
+-#~ "to be invoked."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "The /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_window_screenshot விசை "
+-#~ "இந்த கட்டளை செயல்படுத்த வேண்டிய கீபைன்டிங்கை குறிக்கும்"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding that runs the correspondingly-numbered command in /apps/"
+-#~ "metacity/keybinding_commands The format looks like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" "
+-#~ "or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly liberal and "
+-#~ "allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;"
+-#~ "\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the special string "
+-#~ "\"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "கீபைன்டிங் குறிப்பிட்ட எண்ணுள்ள கட்டளையை /apps/metacity/keybinding_commands இல் "
+-#~ "இயக்கும். இதன் அமைப்பு \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" அல்லது\"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;"
+-#~ "F1\" வாக இருக்கும். இதன் பகுப்பி பெரிய மற்றும் சிறிய எழுத்துக்களை அனுமதிப்பதோடு,  "
+-#~ "\"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" மற்றும் \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\".விரிவாக்கங்களை அனுமதிக்கும். "
+-#~ "\"செயல்படுத்தாதே\" தேர்வை அமைப்பதன் மூலம் கீபைன்டிங் செயலை கட்டுப்படுத்த முடியும்"
+-#~ msgid "The name of a workspace."
+-#~ msgstr "பணியிடத்தின் பெயர்"
+-#~ msgid "The screenshot command"
+-#~ msgstr "திரைவெட்டு கட்டளை"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The theme determines the appearance of window borders, titlebar, and so "
+-#~ "forth."
+-#~ msgstr "கருப்பொருள் ஓரம், தலைப்புப்பட்டி போன்றவைகளின் தோற்றத்தை கண்டறியும்."
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The time delay before raising a window if auto_raise is set to true. The "
+-#~ "delay is given in thousandths of a second."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "(_r)தானாக துவங்குதல் உண்மையென்று அமைக்கப்பட்டால் சாளரம் எடுத்துக்கொள்ளும் தாமத நேரம். "
+-#~ "தாமதம் 1000 நொடிகளில் குறிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The window focus mode indicates how windows are activated. It has three "
+-#~ "possible values; \"click\" means windows must be clicked in order to "
+-#~ "focus them, \"sloppy\" means windows are focused when the mouse enters "
+-#~ "the window, and \"mouse\" means windows are focused when the mouse enters "
+-#~ "the window and unfocused when the mouse leaves the window."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "சாளர துவக்க குறி சாளரங்கள் எவ்வாறு செயல்படுத்தப்படுகிறது என்பதை குறிப்பிடும். இதில் "
+-#~ "மூன்றுவித மதிப்புகள் இருக்கும்,\"க்ளிக்\" எனில் க்ளிக் செய்யும் போது சாளரம் குறியை "
+-#~ "நகர்த்தும்.\"sloppy\" எனில் சுட்டி சாளரத்தில் நுழையும் போது செயல்படும் மற்றும்  "
+-#~ "\"mouse\" எனில் சுட்டி சாளரதில் நுழையும் போது செயல்படும்."
+-#~ msgid "The window screenshot command"
+-#~ msgstr "சாளர திரைவெட்டு கட்டளை"
+-#~| msgid ""
+-#~| "This option determines the effects of double-clicking on the title bar. "
+-#~| "Current valid options are 'toggle_shade', which will shade/unshade the "
+-#~| "window, 'toggle_maximize' which will maximize/unmaximize the window, "
+-#~| "'minimize' which will minimize the window, and 'none' which will not do "
+-#~| "anything."
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "This option determines the effects of double-clicking on the title bar. "
+-#~ "Current valid options are 'toggle_shade', which will shade/unshade the "
+-#~ "window, 'toggle_maximize' which will maximize/unmaximize the window, "
+-#~ "'toggle_maximize_horizontally' and 'toggle_maximize_vertically' which "
+-#~ "will maximize/unmaximize the window in that direction only, 'minimize' "
+-#~ "which will minimize the window, 'shade' which will roll the window up, "
+-#~ "'menu' which will display the window menu, 'lower' which will put the "
+-#~ "window behind all the others, and 'none' which will not do anything."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "இந்த தேர்வு தலைப்பு பட்டியில் இரட்டை சொடுக்கு செய்வதின் பலனை நிர்ணயிக்கிறது. இப்போதைய "
+-#~ "செல்லுபடியாகும் விருப்பங்கள் 'toggle_shade', -இது சாளரத்தை நிழல் அல்லது நிழலற்றதாக "
+-#~ "ஆக்கும். 'toggle_maximize' சாளரத்தை பெரிதாக்கும் அல்லது பெரிதாகியதை மீட்கும், "
+-#~ "'toggle_maximize_horizontally' மற்றும் 'toggle_maximize_vertically' இவை "
+-#~ "கிடைமட்டத்திலும் செங்குத்தாகவும் மட்டும் பெரிதாக்கும்,'minimize' சாளரத்தை சிறிதாக்கும் "
+-#~ "அல்லது சிறிதாக்கியதை மீட்கும், 'shade' என்பது சாளரத்தை மேலே சுருட்டி தூக்கும்,  "
+-#~ "'menu'சாளர பட்டியை காண்பிக்கும், 'lower' என்பது சாளரத்தை மற்ற எல்லாவற்றுக்கும் கீழே "
+-#~ "அனுப்பும். மற்றும் 'none' ஏதும் செய்யாது"
+-#~| msgid ""
+-#~| "This option determines the effects of middle-clicking on the title bar. "
+-#~| "Current valid options are 'toggle_shade', which will shade/unshade the "
+-#~| "window, 'toggle_maximize' which will maximize/unmaximize the window, "
+-#~| "'minimize' which will minimize the window, and 'none' which will not do "
+-#~| "anything."
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "This option determines the effects of middle-clicking on the title bar. "
+-#~ "Current valid options are 'toggle_shade', which will shade/unshade the "
+-#~ "window, 'toggle_maximize' which will maximize/unmaximize the window, "
+-#~ "'toggle_maximize_horizontally' and 'toggle_maximize_vertically' which "
+-#~ "will maximize/unmaximize the window in that direction only, 'minimize' "
+-#~ "which will minimize the window, 'shade' which will roll the window up, "
+-#~ "'menu' which will display the window menu, 'lower' which will put the "
+-#~ "window behind all the others, and 'none' which will not do anything."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "இந்த தேர்வு தலைப்பு பட்டியில் நடு சொடுக்கு செய்வதின் பலனை நிர்ணயிக்கிறது. இப்போதைய "
+-#~ "செல்லுபடியாகும் விருப்பங்கள் 'toggle_shade', -இது சாளரத்தை நிழல் அல்லது நிழலற்றதாக "
+-#~ "ஆக்கும். 'toggle_maximize' சாளரத்தை பெரிதாக்கும் அல்லது பெரிதாகியதை மீட்கும், "
+-#~ "'toggle_maximize_horizontally' மற்றும் 'toggle_maximize_vertically' இவை "
+-#~ "கிடைமட்டத்திலும் செங்குத்தாகவும் மட்டும் பெரிதாக்கும்,'minimize' சாளரத்தை சிறிதாக்கும் "
+-#~ "அல்லது சிறிதாக்கியதை மீட்கும், 'shade' என்பது சாளரத்தை மேலே சுருட்டி தூக்கும்,  "
+-#~ "'menu'சாளர பட்டியை காண்பிக்கும், 'lower' என்பது சாளரத்தை மற்ற எல்லாவற்றுக்கும் கீழே "
+-#~ "அனுப்பும். மற்றும் 'none' ஏதும் செய்யாது"
+-#~| msgid ""
+-#~| "This option determines the effects of right-clicking on the title bar. "
+-#~| "Current valid options are 'toggle_shade', which will shade/unshade the "
+-#~| "window, 'toggle_maximize' which will maximize/unmaximize the window, "
+-#~| "'minimize' which will minimize the window, and 'none' which will not do "
+-#~| "anything."
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "This option determines the effects of right-clicking on the title bar. "
+-#~ "Current valid options are 'toggle_shade', which will shade/unshade the "
+-#~ "window, 'toggle_maximize' which will maximize/unmaximize the window, "
+-#~ "'toggle_maximize_horizontally' and 'toggle_maximize_vertically' which "
+-#~ "will maximize/unmaximize the window in that direction only, 'minimize' "
+-#~ "which will minimize the window, 'shade' which will roll the window up, "
+-#~ "'menu' which will display the window menu, 'lower' which will put the "
+-#~ "window behind all the others, and 'none' which will not do anything."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "இந்த தேர்வு தலைப்பு பட்டியில் வலது சொடுக்கு செய்வதின் பலனை நிர்ணயிக்கிறது. இப்போதைய "
+-#~ "செல்லுபடியாகும் விருப்பங்கள் 'toggle_shade', -இது சாளரத்தை நிழல் அல்லது நிழலற்றதாக "
+-#~ "ஆக்கும். 'toggle_maximize' சாளரத்தை பெரிதாக்கும் அல்லது பெரிதாகியதை மீட்கும், "
+-#~ "'toggle_maximize_horizontally' மற்றும் 'toggle_maximize_vertically' இவை "
+-#~ "கிடைமட்டத்திலும் செங்குத்தாகவும் மட்டும் பெரிதாக்கும்,'minimize' சாளரத்தை சிறிதாக்கும் "
+-#~ "அல்லது சிறிதாக்கியதை மீட்கும், 'shade' என்பது சாளரத்தை மேலே சுருட்டி தூக்கும்,  "
+-#~ "'menu'சாளர பட்டியை காண்பிக்கும், 'lower' என்பது சாளரத்தை மற்ற எல்லாவற்றுக்கும் கீழே "
+-#~ "அனுப்பும். மற்றும் 'none' ஏதும் செய்யாது"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "This option provides additional control over how newly created windows "
+-#~ "get focus. It has two possible values; \"smart\" applies the user's "
+-#~ "normal focus mode, and \"strict\" results in windows started from a "
+-#~ "terminal not being given focus."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "இந்த தேர்வு புதிதாக உருவாக்கிய சாளரங்கல் மீது மேலும் கூடுதல் கட்டுப்பாடு தருகிறது. "
+-#~ "இதில் இரண்டு மதிப்புகள் இருக்கக்கூடும். \"smart\"  என்பது பயனரின் வழக்கமான குவிப்பு "
+-#~ "பாங்கை தரும். \"strict\" என்பது முனையத்திலிருந்து துவக்கிய சாளரத்துக்கு முன்னிலை "
+-#~ "தராது."
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Turns on a visual indication when an application or the system issues a "
+-#~ "'bell' or 'beep'; useful for the hard-of-hearing and for use in noisy "
+-#~ "environments."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "கணினி ஒரு பெல் அல்லது பீப் எச்சரிக்கை தரும் போது ஒரு காட்சி குறிப்பை தரும். இது "
+-#~ "காது சரியாக கேட்காதவர்களுக்கும் சத்தமான சூழலில் வேலை செய்பவர்களுக்கும் உபயோகமாகும்."
+-#~ msgid "Use standard system font in window titles"
+-#~ msgstr "சாளர தலைப்பிம் நிலையான கணினி எழுத்துருவை பயன்படுத்து"
+-#~ msgid "Visual Bell Type"
+-#~ msgstr "காட்சி மணி வகை"
+-#~ msgid "Whether raising should be a side-effect of other user interactions"
+-#~ msgstr "முன்னிருத்தம் மற்றா பயனர் ஊடாடலுக்கு பக்க விளைவாக இருக்க வேண்டுமா?"
+-#~ msgid "Whether to resize with the right button"
+-#~ msgstr "வலது பொத்தானால் மறுஅளவு செய்வதா"
+-#~ msgid "Window focus mode"
+-#~ msgstr "சாளர குறி பாங்கு"
+-#~ msgid "Window title font"
+-#~ msgstr "சாளர தலைப்பு எழுத்துரு"
+-#~ msgid "Title"
+-#~ msgstr "தலைப்பு"
+-#~ msgid "Class"
+-#~ msgstr "வகுப்பு"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "There was an error running \"%s\":\n"
+-#~ "%s."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "இயக்குவதில் பிழை \"%s\":\n"
+-#~ "%s."
+-#~ msgid "<author> specified twice for this theme"
+-#~ msgstr "<author> கருப்பொருளை இரண்டுமுறை குறிப்பிட்டுள்ளது"
+-#~ msgid "<copyright> specified twice for this theme"
+-#~ msgstr "<copyright> கருப்பொருளை இரண்டுமுறை குறிப்பிட்டுள்ளது"
+-#~ msgid "<date> specified twice for this theme"
+-#~ msgstr "<date> கருப்பொருளை இரண்டுமுறை குறிப்பிட்டுள்ளது"
+-#~ msgid "<description> specified twice for this theme"
+-#~ msgstr "<description> கருப்பொருளை இரண்டுமுறை குறிப்பிட்டுள்ளது"
+-#~ msgid "Theme file %s did not contain a root <metacity_theme> element"
+-#~ msgstr "கருப்பொருள் கோப்பு %s இல் root <metacity_theme> உறுப்பு இல்லை"
+-#~ msgid "/Windows/tearoff"
+-#~ msgstr "/Windows/tearoff"
+-#~ msgid "/Windows/_Dialog"
+-#~ msgstr "/Windows/_Dialog"
+-#~ msgid "/Windows/_Modal dialog"
+-#~ msgstr "/Windows/_Modal dialog"
+-#~ msgid "/Windows/Des_ktop"
+-#~ msgstr "/Windows/Des_ktop"
+--- a/mutter-3.8.4/po/zh_CN.po	2013-11-28 17:15:31.987866770 +0530
++++ a/mutter-3.8.4/po/zh_CN.po	2013-11-28 17:17:23.036871335 +0530
+@@ -10,45 +10,225 @@ 
+ # Yinghua Wang <wantinghard@gmail.com>, 2010.
+ # Lele Long <schemacs@gmail.com>, 2011.
+ # YunQiang Su <wzssyqa@gmail.com>, 2011, 2012.
++# Leah Liu <lliu@redhat.com>, 2013. #zanata
+ msgid ""
+ msgstr ""
+ "Project-Id-Version: mutter master\n"
+-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product="
+ "POT-Creation-Date: 2012-04-14 03:24+0000\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-20 17:10+0000\n"
+-"Last-Translator: Wylmer Wang <wantinghard@gmail.com>\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-10-31 11:58-0400\n"
++"Last-Translator: Leah Liu <lliu@redhat.com>\n"
+ "Language-Team: Chinese (simplified) <i18n-zh@googlegroups.com>\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bits\n"
++"Language: zh-CN\n"
+ "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
++"X-Generator: Zanata 3.1.2\n"
+-#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:1 ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:17
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "Navigation"
++msgstr "导航"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Move window to workspace 1"
++msgstr "将窗口移到工作区 1"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:3
++msgid "Move window to workspace 2"
++msgstr "将窗口移到工作区 2"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "Move window to workspace 3"
++msgstr "将窗口移到工作区 3"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Move window to workspace 4"
++msgstr "将窗口移到工作区 4"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "Move window one workspace to the left"
++msgstr "将窗口左移一个工作区"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Move window one workspace to the right"
++msgstr "将窗口右移一个工作区"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "Move window one workspace up"
++msgstr "将窗口上移一个工作区"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Move window one workspace down"
++msgstr "将窗口下移一个工作区"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:10
++msgid "Switch applications"
++msgstr "切换应用程序"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:11
++msgid "Switch windows"
++msgstr "切换窗口"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:12
++msgid "Switch windows of an application"
++msgstr "在应用程序的窗口之间切换窗口"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:13
++msgid "Switch system controls"
++msgstr "切换系统控制"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Switch windows directly"
++msgstr "直接切换窗口"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:15
++msgid "Switch windows of an app directly"
++msgstr "在应用程序窗口间直接移动焦点"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:16
++msgid "Switch system controls directly"
++msgstr "直接切换系统控制"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:17
++msgid "Hide all normal windows"
++msgstr "隐藏所有正常窗口"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:18
++msgid "Switch to workspace 1"
++msgstr "切换到工作区 1"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:19
++msgid "Switch to workspace 2"
++msgstr "切换到工作区 2"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:20
++msgid "Switch to workspace 3"
++msgstr "切换到工作区 3"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:21
++msgid "Switch to workspace 4"
++msgstr "切换到工作区 4"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:22
++msgid "Move to workspace left"
++msgstr "移动到左侧工作区"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:23
++msgid "Move to workspace right"
++msgstr "移动到右侧工作区"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:24
++msgid "Move to workspace above"
++msgstr "移动到上层工作区"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:25
++msgid "Move to workspace below"
++msgstr "移动到下层工作区"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-system.xml.in.h:1
++msgid "System"
++msgstr "系统"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-system.xml.in.h:2
++msgid "Show the run command prompt"
++msgstr "显示运行命令提示符"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-system.xml.in.h:3
++msgid "Show the activities overview"
++msgstr "显示活动大纲"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:1
+ msgid "Windows"
+ msgstr "窗口"
+ #: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:2
+-#, fuzzy
+-msgid "View split on left"
+-msgstr "分割到左侧"
++msgid "Activate the window menu"
++msgstr "激活窗口菜单"
+ #: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:3
+-#, fuzzy
++msgid "Toggle fullscreen mode"
++msgstr "切换全屏模式"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:4
++msgid "Toggle maximization state"
++msgstr "切换最大化状态"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:5
++msgid "Maximize window"
++msgstr "最大化窗口"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:6
++msgid "Restore window"
++msgstr "恢复窗口"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:7
++msgid "Toggle shaded state"
++msgstr "切换卷起状态"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:8
++msgid "Close window"
++msgstr "关闭窗口"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:9
++msgid "Hide window"
++msgstr "隐藏窗口"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:10
++msgid "Move window"
++msgstr "移动窗口"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:11
++msgid "Resize window"
++msgstr "改变窗口大小"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:12
++msgid "Toggle window on all workspaces or one"
++msgstr "在位于所有或仅一个工作区的窗口间切换"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:13
++msgid "Raise window if covered, otherwise lower it"
++msgstr "如果窗口被其他窗口遮盖,则提升它,否则降低它"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:14
++msgid "Raise window above other windows"
++msgstr "将窗口提升到其它窗口之上"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:15
++msgid "Lower window below other windows"
++msgstr "将窗口降低到其它窗口之下"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:16
++msgid "Maximize window vertically"
++msgstr "垂直最大化窗口"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:17
++msgid "Maximize window horizontally"
++msgstr "水平最大化窗口"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:18
++msgid "View split on left"
++msgstr "查看左侧分割"
++#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:19
+ msgid "View split on right"
+-msgstr "分割到右侧"
++msgstr "查看右侧分割"
+ #. This probably means that a non-WM compositor like xcompmgr is running;
+ #. * we have no way to get it to exit
+-#: ../src/compositor/compositor.c:492
++#: ../src/compositor/compositor.c:568
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Another compositing manager is already running on screen %i on display \"%s"
+-msgstr "DISPLAY %2$s 的屏幕 %1$i 上已有另外一个混成窗口管理器正在运行。"
++"Another compositing manager is already running on screen %i on display "
++msgstr "DISPLAY \"%s\" 的屏幕 %i 上已有另外一个混成窗口管理器正在运行。"
++#: ../src/compositor/meta-background.c:1076
++msgid "background texture could not be created from file"
++msgstr "无法使用文件创建背景文本"
+-#: ../src/core/bell.c:307
++#: ../src/core/bell.c:322
+ msgid "Bell event"
+ msgstr "响铃事件"
+@@ -59,74 +239,79 @@ 
+ #: ../src/core/delete.c:111
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "<tt>%s</tt> is not responding."
+-msgstr "<tt>%s</tt> 未响应。"
++msgid "“%s” is not responding."
++msgstr "\"%s\" 不响应。"
+-#: ../src/core/delete.c:114
++#: ../src/core/delete.c:113
+ msgid "Application is not responding."
+ msgstr "应用程序未响应。"
+-#: ../src/core/delete.c:119
++#: ../src/core/delete.c:118
+ msgid ""
+ "You may choose to wait a short while for it to continue or force the "
+ "application to quit entirely."
+ msgstr "您可以选择稍等一会儿,或者强制退出该应用程序。"
+-#: ../src/core/delete.c:126
++#: ../src/core/delete.c:125
+ msgid "_Wait"
+ msgstr "等待(_W)"
+-#: ../src/core/delete.c:126
++#: ../src/core/delete.c:125
+ msgid "_Force Quit"
+ msgstr "强制退出(_F)"
+-#: ../src/core/display.c:387
++#: ../src/core/display.c:421
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Missing %s extension required for compositing"
+ msgstr "缺少复合效果所需的 %s 扩展"
+-#: ../src/core/display.c:453
++#: ../src/core/display.c:513
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Failed to open X Window System display '%s'\n"
+ msgstr "无法打开 X Window System 显示“%s”\n"
+-#: ../src/core/keybindings.c:852
++#: ../src/core/keybindings.c:1138
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Some other program is already using the key %s with modifiers %x as a "
+ "binding\n"
+ msgstr "某个其它程序已经将按键 %s 和修饰键 %x 配合使用作为一种组合\n"
+-#: ../src/core/main.c:206
++#: ../src/core/keybindings.c:1335
++#, c-format
++msgid "\"%s\" is not a valid accelerator\n"
++msgstr "\"%s\" 不是有效加速器\n"
++#: ../src/core/main.c:197
+ msgid "Disable connection to session manager"
+ msgstr "禁止连接到会话管理器"
+-#: ../src/core/main.c:212
++#: ../src/core/main.c:203
+ msgid "Replace the running window manager"
+ msgstr "替换正在运行的窗口管理器"
+-#: ../src/core/main.c:218
++#: ../src/core/main.c:209
+ msgid "Specify session management ID"
+ msgstr "指定会话管理 ID"
+-#: ../src/core/main.c:223
++#: ../src/core/main.c:214
+ msgid "X Display to use"
+ msgstr "要使用的 X 显示"
+-#: ../src/core/main.c:229
++#: ../src/core/main.c:220
+ msgid "Initialize session from savefile"
+ msgstr "从保存文件中初始化会话"
+-#: ../src/core/main.c:235
++#: ../src/core/main.c:226
+ msgid "Make X calls synchronous"
+ msgstr "使 X 调用同步"
+-#: ../src/core/main.c:504
++#: ../src/core/main.c:534
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Failed to scan themes directory: %s\n"
+ msgstr "扫描主题目录失败:%s\n"
+-#: ../src/core/main.c:520
++#: ../src/core/main.c:550
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Could not find a theme! Be sure %s exists and contains the usual themes.\n"
+@@ -151,70 +336,68 @@ 
+ msgstr "打印版本"
+ #: ../src/core/mutter.c:60
+-msgid "Comma-separated list of compositor plugins"
+-msgstr "逗号分开 列表和混合渲染器插件"
++msgid "Mutter plugin to use"
++msgstr "要使用的静音程序插件"
+-#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1077
++#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1210
+ msgid ""
+ "Workarounds for broken applications disabled. Some applications may not "
+ "behave properly.\n"
+ msgstr "有缺陷的应用程序的工作区已禁用。某些应用程序可能无法正常运行。\n"
+-#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1152
++#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1285
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not parse font description \"%s\" from GSettings key %s\n"
+ msgstr "无法解析字体说明“%s”(来自 GSettings 键 %s)\n"
+-#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1218
++#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1351
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\"%s\" found in configuration database is not a valid value for mouse button "
+ "modifier\n"
+ msgstr "在配置数据库中找到的“%s”不是鼠标按钮修饰键的有效值\n"
+-#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1739
++#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1928
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "\"%s\" found in configuration database is not a valid value for keybinding "
+ "\"%s\"\n"
+ msgstr "在配置数据库中找到的“%s”不是按键组合“%s”的有效值\n"
+-#: ../src/core/prefs.c:1836
++#: ../src/core/prefs.c:2018
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Workspace %d"
+ msgstr "工作区 %d"
+-#: ../src/core/screen.c:730
++#: ../src/core/screen.c:691
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Screen %d on display '%s' is invalid\n"
+ msgstr "显示“%2$s”上的屏幕 %1$d 无效\n"
+-#: ../src/core/screen.c:746
++#: ../src/core/screen.c:707
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Screen %d on display \"%s\" already has a window manager; try using the --"
+ "replace option to replace the current window manager.\n"
+-msgstr ""
+-"显示“%2$s”上的屏幕 %1$d 已经有一个窗口管理器;请尝试使用 --replace 选项替换当"
++msgstr "显示“%2$s”上的屏幕 %1$d 已经有一个窗口管理器;请尝试使用 --replace 选项替换当前的窗口管理器。\n"
+-#: ../src/core/screen.c:773
++#: ../src/core/screen.c:734
+ #, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Could not acquire window manager selection on screen %d display \"%s\"\n"
++msgid "Could not acquire window manager selection on screen %d display \"%s\"\n"
+ msgstr "无法获得显示“%2$s”上的屏幕 %1$d 的窗口管理器选定项\n"
+-#: ../src/core/screen.c:828
++#: ../src/core/screen.c:812
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Screen %d on display \"%s\" already has a window manager\n"
+ msgstr "在显示“%2$s”上的 %1$d 屏幕已经有一个窗口管理器\n"
+-#: ../src/core/screen.c:1013
++#: ../src/core/screen.c:998
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not release screen %d on display \"%s\"\n"
+ msgstr "无法释放显示“%2$s”上的屏幕 %1$d\n"
+-#: ../src/core/session.c:843 ../src/core/session.c:850
++#: ../src/core/session.c:843
++#: ../src/core/session.c:850
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not create directory '%s': %s\n"
+ msgstr "无法创建目录“%s”:%s\n"
+@@ -244,8 +427,10 @@ 
+ msgid "<mutter_session> attribute seen but we already have the session ID"
+ msgstr "<mutter_session> 属性已看到,但我们已经拥有该会话 ID"
+-#: ../src/core/session.c:1198 ../src/core/session.c:1273
+-#: ../src/core/session.c:1305 ../src/core/session.c:1377
++#: ../src/core/session.c:1198
++#: ../src/core/session.c:1273
++#: ../src/core/session.c:1305
++#: ../src/core/session.c:1377
+ #: ../src/core/session.c:1437
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Unknown attribute %s on <%s> element"
+@@ -265,55 +450,53 @@ 
+ msgid ""
+ "These windows do not support &quot;save current setup&quot; and will have to "
+ "be restarted manually next time you log in."
+-msgstr ""
+-"这些窗口不支持 &quot;保存当前设置 &quot;  您在下次登录时,必须手动重启动它"
++msgstr "这些窗口不支持 &quot;保存当前设置 &quot;  您在下次登录时,必须手动重启动它们。"
+-#: ../src/core/util.c:111
++#: ../src/core/util.c:84
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Failed to open debug log: %s\n"
+ msgstr "无法打开调试日志:%s\n"
+-#: ../src/core/util.c:121
++#: ../src/core/util.c:94
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Failed to fdopen() log file %s: %s\n"
+ msgstr "无法对日志文件 %s 进行 fdopen() 操作:%s\n"
+-#: ../src/core/util.c:127
++#: ../src/core/util.c:100
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Opened log file %s\n"
+ msgstr "打开的日志文件 %s\n"
+-#: ../src/core/util.c:146 ../src/tools/mutter-message.c:149
++#: ../src/core/util.c:119
++#: ../src/tools/mutter-message.c:149
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Mutter was compiled without support for verbose mode\n"
+ msgstr "Mutter 编译的时候没有加入详细模式的支持\n"
+-#: ../src/core/util.c:290
++#: ../src/core/util.c:264
+ msgid "Window manager: "
+ msgstr "窗口管理器:"
+-#: ../src/core/util.c:438
++#: ../src/core/util.c:412
+ msgid "Bug in window manager: "
+ msgstr "窗口管理器中的错误:"
+-#: ../src/core/util.c:471
++#: ../src/core/util.c:443
+ msgid "Window manager warning: "
+ msgstr "窗口管理器警告:"
+-#: ../src/core/util.c:499
++#: ../src/core/util.c:471
+ msgid "Window manager error: "
+ msgstr "窗口管理器错误:"
+ #. first time through
+-#: ../src/core/window.c:7266
++#: ../src/core/window.c:7643
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Window %s sets SM_CLIENT_ID on itself, instead of on the WM_CLIENT_LEADER "
+ "window as specified in the ICCCM.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"窗口 %s 在它自身上设置 SM_CLIENT_ID,而不是按照 ICCCM 规定的那样,设置在 "
++"窗口 %s 在它自身上设置 SM_CLIENT_ID,而不是按照 ICCCM 规定的那样,设置在 WM_CLIENT_LEADER 窗口上。\n"
+ #. We ignore mwm_has_resize_func because WM_NORMAL_HINTS is the
+ #. * authoritative source for that info. Some apps such as mplayer or
+@@ -321,32 +504,30 @@ 
+ #. * leads to e.g. us not fullscreening their windows.  Apps that set
+ #. * MWM but not WM_NORMAL_HINTS are basically broken. We complain
+ #. * about these apps but make them work.
+-#: ../src/core/window.c:7931
++#: ../src/core/window.c:8367
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Window %s sets an MWM hint indicating it isn't resizable, but sets min size %"
+-"d x %d and max size %d x %d; this doesn't make much sense.\n"
++"Window %s sets an MWM hint indicating it isn't resizable, but sets min size "
++"%d x %d and max size %d x %d; this doesn't make much sense.\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"窗口 %s 设置了一个 MWM 提示,表明它是不可改变大小的,但设置最小尺寸为 %d x %"
+-"d,最大尺寸为 %d x %d;这没有任何意义。\n"
++"窗口 %s 设置了一个 MWM 提示,表明它是不可改变大小的,但设置最小尺寸为 %d x %d,最大尺寸为 %d x %d;这没有任何意义。\n"
+-#: ../src/core/window-props.c:309
++#: ../src/core/window-props.c:318
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Application set a bogus _NET_WM_PID %lu\n"
+ msgstr "应用程序设置一个假的 _NET_WM_PID %lu\n"
+-#: ../src/core/window-props.c:426
++#: ../src/core/window-props.c:434
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%s (on %s)"
+ msgstr "%s (于 %s)"
+-#: ../src/core/window-props.c:1481
++#: ../src/core/window-props.c:1517
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Invalid WM_TRANSIENT_FOR window 0x%lx specified for %s.\n"
+ msgstr "为 %2$s 指定了无效的 WM_TRANSIENT_FOR 窗口 0x%1$lx。\n"
+-#: ../src/core/window-props.c:1492
++#: ../src/core/window-props.c:1528
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "WM_TRANSIENT_FOR window 0x%lx for %s would create loop.\n"
+ msgstr "为 %2$s 指定的 WM_TRANSIENT_FOR 窗口 0x%1$lx 将导致循环。\n"
+@@ -374,10 +555,12 @@ 
+ #: ../src/core/xprops.c:494
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Property %s on window 0x%lx contained invalid UTF-8 for item %d in the list\n"
++"Property %s on window 0x%lx contained invalid UTF-8 for item %d in the "
+ msgstr "窗口 0x%2$lx 上的属性 %1$s 为列表中的条目 %3$d 包含无效的 UTF-8\n"
+-#: ../src/mutter.desktop.in.h:1 ../src/mutter-wm.desktop.in.h:1
++#: ../src/mutter.desktop.in.h:1
++#: ../src/mutter-wm.desktop.in.h:1
+ msgid "Mutter"
+ msgstr "Mutter"
+@@ -391,9 +574,7 @@ 
+ "overview and application launching system. The default is intended to be the "
+ "\"Windows key\" on PC hardware. It's expected that this binding either the "
+ "default or set to the empty string."
+-msgstr ""
+-"这个键指出的“覆盖”是一种混合窗口概述和应用程序运行的系统。默认要求使用 "
+-"“Super 键”。可能使用默认或者空白。"
++msgstr "这个键指出的“覆盖”是一种混合窗口概述和应用程序运行的系统。默认要求使用 “Super 键”。可能使用默认或者空白。"
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:3
+ msgid "Attach modal dialogs"
+@@ -404,70 +585,66 @@ 
+ "When true, instead of having independent titlebars, modal dialogs appear "
+ "attached to the titlebar of the parent window and are moved together with "
+ "the parent window."
+-msgstr ""
+-"当为 true 时,模态对话框会依附在父窗口的标题栏出现,并随父窗口移动,而不使用"
++msgstr "当为 true 时,模态对话框会依附在父窗口的标题栏出现,并随父窗口移动,而不使用单独的标题栏。"
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:5
+-msgid "Live Hidden Windows"
+-msgstr "实时隐藏窗口"
+-#: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:6
+-msgid ""
+-"Determines whether hidden windows (i.e., minimized windows and windows on "
+-"other workspaces than the current one) should be kept alive."
+-msgstr "判断是否隐藏的窗口(比如,最小化窗口和其他工作区的窗口)应该保持状态。"
+-#: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:7
+ msgid "Enable edge tiling when dropping windows on screen edges"
+ msgstr "当窗口位于屏幕边缘时,启用边缘平铺"
+-#: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:8
++#: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:6
+ msgid ""
+ "If enabled, dropping windows on vertical screen edges maximizes them "
+-"vertically and resizes them horizontally to cover half of the available "
+-"area. Dropping windows on the top screen edge maximizes them completely."
+-msgstr ""
++"vertically and resizes them horizontally to cover half of the available area."
++" Dropping windows on the top screen edge maximizes them completely."
++msgstr "如果启用,将窗口拖放到屏幕竖直边缘时会将窗口纵向最大化、横向占据半屏;将窗口拖放到屏幕上边缘时会将窗口最大化。"
+-#: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:9
++#: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:7
+ msgid "Workspaces are managed dynamically"
+ msgstr "动态管理工作区"
+-#: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:10
++#: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:8
+ msgid ""
+ "Determines whether workspaces are managed dynamically or whether there's a "
+ "static number of workspaces (determined by the num-workspaces key in org."
+ "gnome.desktop.wm.preferences)."
+ msgstr ""
+-"决定工作区动态管理还是静态数量的工作区(由 org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences 中"
+-"的 num-workspaces 键确定)。"
++"决定工作区动态管理还是静态数量的工作区(由 org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences 中的 num-workspaces "
+ # 或者 只在主显示器上显示工作区
+-#: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:11
++#: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:9
+ msgid "Workspaces only on primary"
+ msgstr "只对主显示器上的工作区"
+ # monitors 是否该翻译为 屏幕?
+-#: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:12
++#: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:10
+ msgid ""
+ "Determines whether workspace switching should happen for windows on all "
+ "monitors or only for windows on the primary monitor."
+ msgstr "决定工作区切换对所有显示器上的窗口还是只对主显示器上的有效。"
+-#: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:13
+-#, fuzzy
++#: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:11
+ msgid "No tab popup"
+-msgstr "无切换弹出"
++msgstr "未弹出任何表格"
+-#: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:14
+-#, fuzzy
++#: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:12
+ msgid ""
+ "Determines whether the use of popup and highlight frame should be disabled "
+ "for window cycling."
+ msgstr "决定窗口轮换时是否禁用缩略图弹出和高亮边框。"
++#: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:13
++msgid "Delay focus changes until the pointer stops moving"
++msgstr "延迟焦点变更直到光标停止移动"
++#: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:14
++msgid ""
++"If set to true, and the focus mode is either \"sloppy\" or \"mouse\" then "
++"the focus will not be changed immediately when entering a window, but only "
++"after the pointer stops moving."
++msgstr ""
++"如果将其设定为 true,且焦点模式可能是 “sloppy”,也可能是 “mouse”,那么在进入窗口后焦点不会立即更改,只有在光标停止移动后方更改。"
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:15
+ msgid "Draggable border width"
+ msgstr "可拖拽的边界宽度"
+@@ -476,17 +653,23 @@ 
+ msgid ""
+ "The amount of total draggable borders. If the theme's visible borders are "
+ "not enough, invisible borders will be added to meet this value."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "可拖拽的边界总数。如果主题的可见边界不足,将添加不可见的边界来满足此值。"
+ #: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:17
+-#, fuzzy
+-#| msgid "Remove Window From Top"
++msgid "Auto maximize nearly monitor sized windows"
++msgstr "自动最大化接近窗口大小的显示器"
++#: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:18
++msgid ""
++"If enabled, new windows that are initially the size of the monitor "
++"automatically get maximized."
++msgstr "如果启用,将自动最大化最初大小接近监视器的窗口。"
++#: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:19
+ msgid "Select window from tab popup"
+ msgstr "从切换弹出界面选择窗口"
+-#: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:18
+-#, fuzzy
++#: ../src/org.gnome.mutter.gschema.xml.in.h:20
+ msgid "Cancel tab popup"
+ msgstr "取消切换弹出"
+@@ -537,7 +720,8 @@ 
+ #. separator
+ #. Translators: Translate this string the same way as you do in libwnck!
+-#: ../src/ui/menu.c:86 ../src/ui/menu.c:88
++#: ../src/ui/menu.c:86
++#: ../src/ui/menu.c:88
+ msgid "Always on _Top"
+ msgstr "常居顶端(_T)"
+@@ -600,7 +784,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the shift key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:77
+ msgid "Shift"
+ msgstr "Shift"
+@@ -609,7 +792,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the control key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:83
+ msgid "Ctrl"
+ msgstr "Ctrl"
+@@ -618,7 +800,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the alt key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:89
+ msgid "Alt"
+ msgstr "Alt"
+@@ -627,7 +808,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the meta key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:95
+ msgid "Meta"
+ msgstr "Meta"
+@@ -636,7 +816,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the super key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:101
+ msgid "Super"
+ msgstr "Super"
+@@ -645,7 +824,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the hyper key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:107
+ msgid "Hyper"
+ msgstr "Hyper"
+@@ -654,7 +832,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the mod2 key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:113
+ msgid "Mod2"
+ msgstr "Mod2"
+@@ -663,7 +840,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the mod3 key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:119
+ msgid "Mod3"
+ msgstr "Mod3"
+@@ -672,7 +848,6 @@ 
+ #. * that use the mod4 key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:125
+ msgid "Mod4"
+ msgstr "Mod4"
+@@ -681,298 +856,299 @@ 
+ #. * that use the mod5 key. If the text on this key isn't typically
+ #. * translated on keyboards used for your language, don't translate
+ #. * this.
+ #: ../src/ui/metaaccellabel.c:131
+ msgid "Mod5"
+ msgstr "Mod5"
+ #. Translators: This represents the size of a window.  The first number is
+ #. * the width of the window and the second is the height.
+-#: ../src/ui/resizepopup.c:113
++#: ../src/ui/resizepopup.c:136
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d x %d"
+ msgstr "%d x %d"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:253
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:236
+ msgid "top"
+ msgstr "上"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:255
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:238
+ msgid "bottom"
+ msgstr "下"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:257
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:240
+ msgid "left"
+ msgstr "左"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:259
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:242
+ msgid "right"
+ msgstr "右"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:286
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:270
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "frame geometry does not specify \"%s\" dimension"
+ msgstr "框架几何布局没有指定“%s”尺寸"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:305
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:289
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "frame geometry does not specify dimension \"%s\" for border \"%s\""
+ msgstr "框架几何布局没有指定“%s”尺寸(该尺寸是为边框“%s”指定的)"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:342
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:326
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Button aspect ratio %g is not reasonable"
+ msgstr "按钮长宽比 %g 不合理"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:354
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:338
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Frame geometry does not specify size of buttons"
+ msgstr "框架几何布局没有指定按钮大小"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1067
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1051
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Gradients should have at least two colors"
+ msgstr "渐变应至少有两种颜色"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1219
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1203
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "GTK custom color specification must have color name and fallback in "
+ "parentheses, e.g. gtk:custom(foo,bar); could not parse \"%s\""
+-msgstr ""
+-"GTK 颜色规范要求色彩名称和其后备值必须在随后的圆括号内,例如 gtk:custom(foo,"
++msgstr "GTK 颜色规范要求色彩名称和其后备值必须在随后的圆括号内,例如 gtk:custom(foo,bar);无法解析“%s”"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1235
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1219
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Invalid character '%c' in color_name parameter of gtk:custom, only A-Za-z0-9-"
+ "_ are valid"
+ msgstr "gtk:custom 中包含无效的字符 %c,仅允许使用 A-Za-z0-9-_"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1249
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1233
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Gtk:custom format is \"gtk:custom(color_name,fallback)\", \"%s\" does not "
+ "fit the format"
+ msgstr "Gtk:custom 的格式为 gtk:custom(color_name,fallback),“%s”不符合该格式"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1294
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1278
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "GTK color specification must have the state in brackets, e.g. gtk:fg[NORMAL] "
+ "where NORMAL is the state; could not parse \"%s\""
+-msgstr ""
+-"GTK 颜色规范必须将状态包含在方括号中,例如 gtk:fg[NORMAL]其中 NORMAL 是状态;"
++msgstr "GTK 颜色规范必须将状态包含在方括号中,例如 gtk:fg[NORMAL]其中 NORMAL 是状态;无法解析“%s”"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1308
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1292
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "GTK color specification must have a close bracket after the state, e.g. gtk:"
+ "fg[NORMAL] where NORMAL is the state; could not parse \"%s\""
+-msgstr ""
+-"GTK 颜色规范必须在状态后有一个闭方括号,例如 gtk:fg[NORMAL],其中 NORMAL 是状"
++msgstr "GTK 颜色规范必须在状态后有一个闭方括号,例如 gtk:fg[NORMAL],其中 NORMAL 是状态;无法解析“%s”"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1319
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1303
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Did not understand state \"%s\" in color specification"
+ msgstr "不理解颜色规范中的状态“%s”"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1332
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1316
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Did not understand color component \"%s\" in color specification"
+ msgstr "不理解颜色规范中的颜色组成部分“%s”"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1361
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1345
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Blend format is \"blend/bg_color/fg_color/alpha\", \"%s\" does not fit the "
+ "format"
+ msgstr "混合格式为“blend/bg_color/fg_color/alpha”,“%s”不符合该格式"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1372
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1356
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not parse alpha value \"%s\" in blended color"
+ msgstr "无法解析混合色中的 Alpha 值“%s”"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1382
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1366
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Alpha value \"%s\" in blended color is not between 0.0 and 1.0"
+ msgstr "混合色中的 Alpha 值“%s”不在 0.0 到 1.0 之间"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1429
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1413
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Shade format is \"shade/base_color/factor\", \"%s\" does not fit the format"
+ msgstr "阴影格式为“shade/base_color/factor”,“%s”不符合该格式"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1440
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1424
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not parse shade factor \"%s\" in shaded color"
+ msgstr "无法解析阴影色中的阴影因子“%s”"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1450
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1434
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Shade factor \"%s\" in shaded color is negative"
+ msgstr "阴影色中的阴影因子“%s”为负数"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1479
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1463
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not parse color \"%s\""
+ msgstr "无法解析颜色“%s”"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1790
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1780
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Coordinate expression contains character '%s' which is not allowed"
+ msgstr "坐标表达式包含不允许的字符“%s”"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1817
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1807
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Coordinate expression contains floating point number '%s' which could not be "
+ "parsed"
+ msgstr "坐标表达式包含无法解析的浮点数“%s”"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1831
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1821
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Coordinate expression contains integer '%s' which could not be parsed"
+ msgstr "坐标表达式包含无法解析的整数“%s”"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1953
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1942
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Coordinate expression contained unknown operator at the start of this text: "
+ "\"%s\""
+ msgstr "坐标表达式在该文本开始处包含未知的运算符:“%s”"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2010
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:1999
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Coordinate expression was empty or not understood"
+ msgstr "坐标表达式为空或无法理解"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2121 ../src/ui/theme.c:2131 ../src/ui/theme.c:2165
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2112
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2122
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2156
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Coordinate expression results in division by zero"
+ msgstr "坐标表达式用零做除数"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2173
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2164
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Coordinate expression tries to use mod operator on a floating-point number"
+ msgstr "坐标表达式试图对浮点数使用 mod 运算符"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2229
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2220
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Coordinate expression has an operator \"%s\" where an operand was expected"
+ msgstr "坐标表达式的运算符“%s”应该是一个操作数"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2238
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2229
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Coordinate expression had an operand where an operator was expected"
+ msgstr "坐标表达式的某个操作数应该是运算符"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2246
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2237
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Coordinate expression ended with an operator instead of an operand"
+ msgstr "坐标表达式以运算符结尾,而不是以操作数结尾"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2256
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2247
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Coordinate expression has operator \"%c\" following operator \"%c\" with no "
+ "operand in between"
+ msgstr "坐标表达式的运算符“%c”后面跟着运算符“%c”,之间没有操作数"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2407 ../src/ui/theme.c:2452
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2398
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2443
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Coordinate expression had unknown variable or constant \"%s\""
+ msgstr "坐标表达式有未知的变量或常数“%s”"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2506
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2497
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Coordinate expression parser overflowed its buffer."
+ msgstr "坐标表达式溢出了其缓冲区。"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2535
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2526
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Coordinate expression had a close parenthesis with no open parenthesis"
+ msgstr "坐标表达式有一个闭括号,而没有开括号"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2599
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2590
+ #, c-format
+-msgid "Coordinate expression had an open parenthesis with no close parenthesis"
++msgid ""
++"Coordinate expression had an open parenthesis with no close parenthesis"
+ msgstr "坐标表达式有一个开括号,而没有闭括号"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2610
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2601
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Coordinate expression doesn't seem to have any operators or operands"
+ msgstr "坐标表达式似乎没有任何运算符或操作数"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2822 ../src/ui/theme.c:2842 ../src/ui/theme.c:2862
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2814
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2834
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:2854
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Theme contained an expression that resulted in an error: %s\n"
+ msgstr "主题包含的一个表达式产生错误:%s\n"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:4533
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:4500
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "<button function=\"%s\" state=\"%s\" draw_ops=\"whatever\"/> must be "
+ "specified for this frame style"
+-msgstr ""
+-"必须为该框架风格指定<button function=\"%s\" state=\"%s\" draw_ops=\"whatever"
++msgstr "必须为该框架风格指定<button function=\"%s\" state=\"%s\" draw_ops=\"whatever\"/>"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5066 ../src/ui/theme.c:5091
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5011
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5036
+ #, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"Missing <frame state=\"%s\" resize=\"%s\" focus=\"%s\" style=\"whatever\"/>"
+-msgstr ""
+-"缺少 <frame state=\"%s\" resize=\"%s\" focus=\"%s\" style=\"whatever\"/>"
++msgid "Missing <frame state=\"%s\" resize=\"%s\" focus=\"%s\" style=\"whatever\"/>"
++msgstr "缺少 <frame state=\"%s\" resize=\"%s\" focus=\"%s\" style=\"whatever\"/>"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5139
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5084
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Failed to load theme \"%s\": %s\n"
+ msgstr "无法载入主题“%s”:%s\n"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5275 ../src/ui/theme.c:5282 ../src/ui/theme.c:5289
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5296 ../src/ui/theme.c:5303
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5220
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5227
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5234
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5241
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5248
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No <%s> set for theme \"%s\""
+ msgstr "没有为主题“%2$s”设置 <%1$s>"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5311
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5256
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "No frame style set for window type \"%s\" in theme \"%s\", add a <window "
+ "type=\"%s\" style_set=\"whatever\"/> element"
+ msgstr ""
+-"没有为窗口类型“%s”(在主题“%s”中)设置框架风格,请添加一个 <window type=\"%s\" "
+-"style_set=\"whatever\"/> 元素"
++"没有为窗口类型“%s”(在主题“%s”中)设置框架风格,请添加一个 <window type=\"%s\" style_set=\"whatever\"/"
++"> 元素"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5709 ../src/ui/theme.c:5771 ../src/ui/theme.c:5834
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5663
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5725
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5788
+ #, c-format
+-msgid ""
+-"User-defined constants must begin with a capital letter; \"%s\" does not"
++msgid "User-defined constants must begin with a capital letter; \"%s\" does not"
+ msgstr "用户定义的常数必须以大写字母开头;而“%s”却不必"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5717 ../src/ui/theme.c:5779 ../src/ui/theme.c:5842
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5671
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5733
++#: ../src/ui/theme.c:5796
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Constant \"%s\" has already been defined"
+ msgstr "常数“%s”已被定义"
+ #. Translators: This means that an attribute which should have been found
+ #. * on an XML element was not in fact found.
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:236
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No \"%s\" attribute on element <%s>"
+ msgstr "元素 <%2$s> 上没有 \"%1$s\" 属性"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:265 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:283
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:265
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:283
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Line %d character %d: %s"
+ msgstr "行 %d 字符 %d:%s"
+@@ -982,7 +1158,8 @@ 
+ msgid "Attribute \"%s\" repeated twice on the same <%s> element"
+ msgstr "属性“%s”在同一个 <%s> 元素上重复了两次"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:503 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:552
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:503
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:552
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Attribute \"%s\" is invalid on <%s> element in this context"
+ msgstr "在该上下文中,属性“%s”对 <%s> 元素无效"
+@@ -992,7 +1169,8 @@ 
+ msgid "Could not parse \"%s\" as an integer"
+ msgstr "无法将 \"%s\" 解析为整数"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:603 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:658
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:603
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:658
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Did not understand trailing characters \"%s\" in string \"%s\""
+ msgstr "不理解结尾字符 \"%1$s\" (位于字符串 \"%2$s\"中)"
+@@ -1007,12 +1185,14 @@ 
+ msgid "Integer %ld is too large, current max is %d"
+ msgstr "整数 %ld 过大,当前最大值为 %d"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:649 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:765
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:649
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:765
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Could not parse \"%s\" as a floating point number"
+ msgstr "无法将“%s”解析为浮点数"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:680 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:708
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:680
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:708
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Boolean values must be \"true\" or \"false\" not \"%s\""
+ msgstr "布尔值必须为“true”或“false”,不能为“%s”"
+@@ -1030,19 +1210,21 @@ 
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:863
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+-"Invalid title scale \"%s\" (must be one of xx-small,x-small,small,medium,"
++"Invalid title scale \"%s\" (must be one of xx-small,x-"
+ msgstr ""
+-"无效的标题比例“%s”(必须是 xx-small、x-small、small、medium、large、x-large、"
+-"xx-large 中的一个)\n"
++"无效的标题比例“%s”(必须是 xx-small、x-small、small、medium、large、x-large、xx-large 中的一个)\n"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1019 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1082
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1116 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1219
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1019
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1082
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1116
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1219
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "<%s> name \"%s\" used a second time"
+ msgstr "再次使用了 <%s> 名称“%s”"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1031 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1128
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1031
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1128
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1231
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "<%s> parent \"%s\" has not been defined"
+@@ -1077,22 +1259,27 @@ 
+ msgid "Window type \"%s\" has already been assigned a style set"
+ msgstr "已经为窗口类型“%s”指定了一种风格设置"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1313 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1377
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1603 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2838
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2884 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3034
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3273 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3311
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3349 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3387
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1313
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1377
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1603
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2838
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2884
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3034
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3273
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3311
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3349
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3387
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Element <%s> is not allowed below <%s>"
+ msgstr "不允许元素 <%s> 在 <%s> 下方"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1427 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1441
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1427
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1441
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1486
+ msgid ""
+ "Cannot specify both \"button_width\"/\"button_height\" and \"aspect_ratio\" "
+ "for buttons"
+-msgstr ""
+-"不能同时指定按钮的 \"button_width\"/\"button_height\" 和 \"aspect_ratio\""
++msgstr "不能同时指定按钮的 \"button_width\"/\"button_height\" 和 \"aspect_ratio\""
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:1450
+ #, c-format
+@@ -1124,18 +1311,21 @@ 
+ msgid "Did not understand value \"%s\" for type of gradient"
+ msgstr "不理解梯度类型的值“%s”"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2193 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2568
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2193
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2568
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Did not understand fill type \"%s\" for <%s> element"
+ msgstr "不理解填充类型“%s”(用于 <%s> 元素)"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2360 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2443
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2360
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2443
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2506
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Did not understand state \"%s\" for <%s> element"
+ msgstr "不理解状态“%s”(用于 <%s> 元素)"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2370 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2453
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2370
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2453
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Did not understand shadow \"%s\" for <%s> element"
+ msgstr "不理解阴影“%s”(用于 <%s> 元素)"
+@@ -1145,12 +1335,14 @@ 
+ msgid "Did not understand arrow \"%s\" for <%s> element"
+ msgstr "不理解箭头“%s”(用于 <%s> 元素)"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2694 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2790
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2694
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2790
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No <draw_ops> called \"%s\" has been defined"
+ msgstr "尚未定义名为“%s”的 <draw_ops>"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2706 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2802
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2706
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2802
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Including draw_ops \"%s\" here would create a circular reference"
+ msgstr "此处包括 draw_ops“%s”将创建一个循环引用"
+@@ -1165,7 +1357,8 @@ 
+ msgid "Frame style already has a piece at position %s"
+ msgstr "在位置 %s 处已经有一段框架风格"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2942 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3019
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:2942
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3019
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "No <draw_ops> with the name \"%s\" has been defined"
+ msgstr "尚未定义名为“%s”的 <draw_ops>"
+@@ -1205,7 +1398,8 @@ 
+ msgid "A style called \"%s\" has not been defined"
+ msgstr "尚未定义名为“%s”的风格"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3113 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3136
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3113
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3136
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "\"%s\" is not a valid value for resize attribute"
+ msgstr "“%s”不是 resize 属性的有效值"
+@@ -1223,14 +1417,18 @@ 
+ "Should not have \"resize\" attribute on <%s> element for maximized states"
+ msgstr "状态为 maximized 的 <%s> 元素不应有“resize”属性"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3175 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3222
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3175
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3222
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Style has already been specified for state %s resize %s focus %s"
+ msgstr "已经为 state 属性 %s、resize 属性 %s、focus 属性 %s 指定了风格"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3186 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3197
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3208 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3233
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3244 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3255
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3186
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3197
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3208
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3233
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3244
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3255
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Style has already been specified for state %s focus %s"
+ msgstr "已经为 state 属性 %s、focus 属性 %s 指定了风格"
+@@ -1240,24 +1438,22 @@ 
+ "Can't have a two draw_ops for a <piece> element (theme specified a draw_ops "
+ "attribute and also a <draw_ops> element, or specified two elements)"
+ msgstr ""
+-"一个 <piece> 元素不能有两个 draw_ops(主题指定了一个 draw_ops属性和一个 "
+-"<draw_ops> 元素,或者指定了两个元素)"
++"一个 <piece> 元素不能有两个 draw_ops(主题指定了一个 draw_ops属性和一个 <draw_ops> 元素,或者指定了两个元素)"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3332
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't have a two draw_ops for a <button> element (theme specified a draw_ops "
+ "attribute and also a <draw_ops> element, or specified two elements)"
+ msgstr ""
+-"一个 <button> 元素不能有两个 draw_ops(主题指定了一个 draw_ops属性和一个 "
+-"<draw_ops> 元素,或者指定了两个元素)"
++"一个 <button> 元素不能有两个 draw_ops(主题指定了一个 draw_ops属性和一个 <draw_ops> 元素,或者指定了两个元素)"
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3370
+ msgid ""
+ "Can't have a two draw_ops for a <menu_icon> element (theme specified a "
+ "draw_ops attribute and also a <draw_ops> element, or specified two elements)"
+ msgstr ""
+-"一个 <menu_icon> 元素不能有两个 draw_ops(主题指定了一个draw_ops 属性和一个 "
+-"<draw_ops> 元素,或者指定了两个元素)"
++"一个 <menu_icon> 元素不能有两个 draw_ops(主题指定了一个draw_ops 属性和一个 <draw_ops> "
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3434
+ #, c-format
+@@ -1302,8 +1498,10 @@ 
+ msgid "Element <%s> is not allowed inside a draw operation element"
+ msgstr "draw operation 元素中不允许有元素 <%s>"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3631 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3661
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3666 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3671
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3631
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3661
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3666
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:3671
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Element <%s> is not allowed inside a <%s> element"
+ msgstr "元素 <%s> 不允许出现在 <%s> 元素内"
+@@ -1321,14 +1519,16 @@ 
+ msgid "No text is allowed inside element <%s>"
+ msgstr "元素 <%s> 中不允许有文本"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4026 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4038
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4050 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4062
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4026
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4038
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4050
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4062
+ #: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4074
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "<%s> specified twice for this theme"
+ msgstr "为此主题指定了两次 <%s>"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4348
++#: ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:4336
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Failed to find a valid file for theme %s\n"
+ msgstr "找不到主题 %s 的有效文件\n"
+@@ -1434,2131 +1634,97 @@ 
+ msgid "Attached Modal Dialog"
+ msgstr "依附的模态对话框"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:739
++#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:737
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Button layout test %d"
+ msgstr "按钮布局测试 %d"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:768
++#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:766
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%g milliseconds to draw one window frame"
+ msgstr "%g 毫秒用来绘制一个窗口框架"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:813
++#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:811
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Usage: metacity-theme-viewer [THEMENAME]\n"
+ msgstr "用法:metacity-theme-viewer [主题名称]\n"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:820
++#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:818
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error loading theme: %s\n"
+ msgstr "载入主题出错:%s\n"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:826
++#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:824
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Loaded theme \"%s\" in %g seconds\n"
+ msgstr "在 %2$g 秒内载入主题“%1$s”\n"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:870
++#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:869
+ msgid "Normal Title Font"
+ msgstr "普通标题字体"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:876
++#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:875
+ msgid "Small Title Font"
+ msgstr "小标题字体"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:882
++#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:881
+ msgid "Large Title Font"
+ msgstr "大标题字体"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:887
++#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:886
+ msgid "Button Layouts"
+ msgstr "按钮布局"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:892
++#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:891
+ msgid "Benchmark"
+ msgstr "基准"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:944
++#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:947
+ msgid "Window Title Goes Here"
+ msgstr "窗口标题在这里"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:1047
++#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:1053
+ #, c-format
+ msgid ""
+ "Drew %d frames in %g client-side seconds (%g milliseconds per frame) and %g "
+ "seconds wall clock time including X server resources (%g milliseconds per "
+ "frame)\n"
+ msgstr ""
+-"在 %2$g 的客户端秒(每帧 %3$g 毫秒)和包括 X 服务器资源在内的 %4$g 秒时钟时间"
+-"(每帧 %5$g 毫秒)内绘制 %1$d 帧\n"
++"在 %2$g 的客户端秒(每帧 %3$g 毫秒)和包括 X 服务器资源在内的 %4$g 秒时钟时间(每帧 %5$g 毫秒)内绘制 %1$d 帧\n"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:1266
++#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:1273
+ msgid "position expression test returned TRUE but set error"
+ msgstr "位置表达式测试返回了 TRUE 但设置错误"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:1268
++#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:1275
+ msgid "position expression test returned FALSE but didn't set error"
+ msgstr "位置表达式测试返回了 FALSE 但并没有设置错误"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:1272
++#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:1279
+ msgid "Error was expected but none given"
+ msgstr "期待错误但没有给出错误"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:1274
++#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:1281
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error %d was expected but %d given"
+ msgstr "期待错误 %d,但给出了 %d"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:1280
++#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:1287
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "Error not expected but one was returned: %s"
+ msgstr "未期待错误,但返回了错误:%s"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:1284
++#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:1291
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "x value was %d, %d was expected"
+ msgstr "x 值为 %d,但应该为 %d"
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:1287
++#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:1294
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "y value was %d, %d was expected"
+ msgstr "y 值为 %d,但应该为 %d "
+-#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:1352
++#: ../src/ui/theme-viewer.c:1359
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d coordinate expressions parsed in %g seconds (%g seconds average)\n"
+ msgstr "在 %2$g 秒内处理了 %1$d 个坐标表达式(平均 %3$g 秒)\n"
+-#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:18
+-msgid "Switch to workspace 1"
+-msgstr "切换到工作区 1"
+-#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:19
+-msgid "Switch to workspace 2"
+-msgstr "切换到工作区 2"
+-#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:20
+-msgid "Switch to workspace 3"
+-msgstr "切换到工作区 3"
+-#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:21
+-msgid "Switch to workspace 4"
+-msgstr "切换到工作区 4"
+-#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Activate the window menu"
+-msgstr "激活窗口菜单"
+-#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Toggle fullscreen mode"
+-msgstr "切换全屏模式"
+-#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:14
+-msgid "Toggle maximization state"
+-msgstr "切换最大化状态"
+-#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:4
+-msgid "Maximize window"
+-msgstr "最大化窗口"
+-#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "Restore window"
+-msgstr "恢复窗口"
+-#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:15
+-msgid "Toggle shaded state"
+-msgstr "切换卷起状态"
+-#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:7
+-msgid "Minimize window"
+-msgstr "最小化窗口"
+-#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:2
+-msgid "Close window"
+-msgstr "关闭窗口"
+-#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:8
+-msgid "Move window"
+-msgstr "移动窗口"
+-#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:11
+-msgid "Resize window"
+-msgstr "改变窗口大小"
+-#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:10
+-msgid "Move window to workspace 1"
+-msgstr "将窗口移到工作区 1"
+-#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:11
+-msgid "Move window to workspace 2"
+-msgstr "将窗口移到工作区 2"
+-#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:12
+-msgid "Move window to workspace 3"
+-msgstr "将窗口移到工作区 3"
+-#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:13
+-msgid "Move window to workspace 4"
+-msgstr "将窗口移到工作区 4"
+-#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:7
+-msgid "Move window one workspace to the left"
+-msgstr "将窗口左移一个工作区"
+-#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:8
+-msgid "Move window one workspace to the right"
+-msgstr "将窗口右移一个工作区"
+-#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:9
+-msgid "Move window one workspace up"
+-msgstr "将窗口上移一个工作区"
+-#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:6
+-msgid "Move window one workspace down"
+-msgstr "将窗口下移一个工作区"
+-#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:9
+-msgid "Raise window above other windows"
+-msgstr "将窗口提升到其它窗口之上"
+-#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:3
+-msgid "Lower window below other windows"
+-msgstr "将窗口降低到其它窗口之下"
+-#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:6
+-msgid "Maximize window vertically"
+-msgstr "垂直最大化窗口"
+-#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:5
+-msgid "Maximize window horizontally"
+-msgstr "水平最大化窗口"
+-#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Hide all normal windows"
+-msgstr "隐藏所有正常窗口"
+-#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:2
+-msgid "Move to workspace above"
+-msgstr "移动到上层工作区"
+-#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:3
+-msgid "Move to workspace below"
+-msgstr "移动到下层工作区"
+-#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:4
+-msgid "Move to workspace left"
+-msgstr "移动到左侧工作区"
+-#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:5
+-msgid "Move to workspace right"
+-msgstr "移动到右侧工作区"
+-#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:14
+-msgid "Navigation"
+-msgstr "导航"
+-#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:15
+-msgid "Switch applications"
+-msgstr "切换应用程序"
+-#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:16
+-msgid "Switch system controls"
+-msgstr "切换系统控制"
+-#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:17
+-msgid "Switch system controls directly"
+-msgstr "直接切换系统控制"
+-#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:22
+-msgid "Switch windows directly"
+-msgstr "直接切换窗口"
+-#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:23
+-msgid "Switch windows of an app directly"
+-msgstr "在应用程序窗口间直接移动焦点"
+-#: ../src/50-mutter-navigation.xml.in.h:24
+-msgid "Switch windows of an application"
+-msgstr "在应用程序的窗口之间切换窗口"
+-#: ../src/50-mutter-system.xml.in.h:1
+-msgid "Show the activities overview"
+-msgstr "显示活动大纲"
+-#: ../src/50-mutter-system.xml.in.h:2
+-msgid "Show the run command prompt"
+-msgstr "显示运行命令提示符"
+-#: ../src/50-mutter-system.xml.in.h:3
+-msgid "System"
+-msgstr "系统"
+-#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:10
+-msgid "Raise window if covered, otherwise lower it"
+-msgstr "如果窗口被其他窗口遮盖,则提升它,否则降低它"
+-#: ../src/50-mutter-windows.xml.in.h:16
+-msgid "Toggle window on all workspaces or one"
+-msgstr "在位于所有或仅一个工作区的窗口间切换"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 5"
+-#~ msgstr "切换到工作区 5"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 6"
+-#~ msgstr "切换到工作区 6"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 7"
+-#~ msgstr "切换到工作区 7"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 8"
+-#~ msgstr "切换到工作区 8"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 9"
+-#~ msgstr "切换到工作区 9"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 10"
+-#~ msgstr "切换到工作区 10"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 11"
+-#~ msgstr "切换到工作区 11"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace 12"
+-#~ msgstr "切换到工作区 12"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace on the left of the current workspace"
+-#~ msgstr "切换到当前工作区左侧的工作区"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace on the right of the current workspace"
+-#~ msgstr "切换到当前工作区右侧的工作区"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace above the current workspace"
+-#~ msgstr "切换到当前工作区上方的工作区"
+-#~ msgid "Switch to workspace below the current workspace"
+-#~ msgstr "切换到当前工作区下方的工作区"
+-#~ msgid "Move between windows of an application, using a popup window"
+-#~ msgstr "在应用程序的窗口之间移动,使用弹出窗口"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Move backward between windows of an application, using a popup window"
+-#~ msgstr "在应用程序的窗口之间反向移动,使用弹出窗口"
+-#~ msgid "Move between windows, using a popup window"
+-#~ msgstr "在窗口之间移动,使用弹出窗口"
+-#~ msgid "Move backward between windows, using a popup window"
+-#~ msgstr "在窗口之间反向移动,使用弹出窗口"
+-#~ msgid "Move between panels and the desktop, using a popup window"
+-#~ msgstr "在面板和桌面之间移动,使用弹出窗口"
+-#~ msgid "Move backward between panels and the desktop, using a popup window"
+-#~ msgstr "在面板和桌面之间反向移动,使用弹出窗口"
+-#~ msgid "Move between windows of an application immediately"
+-#~ msgstr "在应用程序的窗口之间立即移动焦点"
+-#~ msgid "Move backward between windows of an application immediately"
+-#~ msgstr "在应用程序的窗口之间即时反向移动"
+-#~ msgid "Move between windows immediately"
+-#~ msgstr "在窗口之间立即移动焦点"
+-#~ msgid "Move backward between windows immediately"
+-#~ msgstr "在窗口之间即时反向移动"
+-#~ msgid "Move between panels and the desktop immediately"
+-#~ msgstr "在面板和桌面之间立即移动焦点"
+-#~ msgid "Move backward between panels and the desktop immediately"
+-#~ msgstr "在面板和桌面之间立即反向移动焦点"
+-#~ msgid "Hide all normal windows and set focus to the desktop"
+-#~ msgstr "隐藏所有正常窗口并将焦点设置到桌面"
+-#~ msgid "Show the panel's main menu"
+-#~ msgstr "显示面板主菜单"
+-#~ msgid "Show the panel's \"Run Application\" dialog box"
+-#~ msgstr "显示面板的“运行应用程序”对话框"
+-#~ msgid "Start or stop recording the session"
+-#~ msgstr "开始或停止记录会话"
+-#~ msgid "Take a screenshot"
+-#~ msgstr "屏幕抓图"
+-#~ msgid "Take a screenshot of a window"
+-#~ msgstr "窗口抓图"
+-#~ msgid "Run a terminal"
+-#~ msgstr "运行终端"
+-#~ msgid "Toggle whether a window will always be visible over other windows"
+-#~ msgstr "在窗口是否永远可见于其它窗口之上间切换"
+-#~ msgid "Toggle whether window is on all workspaces or just one"
+-#~ msgstr "在窗口位于所有或仅一个工作区间切换"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 5"
+-#~ msgstr "将窗口移到工作区 5"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 6"
+-#~ msgstr "将窗口移到工作区 6"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 7"
+-#~ msgstr "将窗口移到工作区 7"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 8"
+-#~ msgstr "将窗口移到工作区 8"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 9"
+-#~ msgstr "将窗口移到工作区 9"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 10"
+-#~ msgstr "将窗口移到工作区 10"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 11"
+-#~ msgstr "将窗口移到工作区 11"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to workspace 12"
+-#~ msgstr "将窗口移到工作区 12"
+-#~ msgid "Raise window if it's covered by another window, otherwise lower it"
+-#~ msgstr "如果窗口被其他窗口遮盖,则提升它,否则降低它"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to north-west (top left) corner"
+-#~ msgstr "将窗口移到西北(左上)角"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to north-east (top right) corner"
+-#~ msgstr "将窗口移到东北(右上)角"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to south-west (bottom left) corner"
+-#~ msgstr "将窗口移到西南(左下)角"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to south-east (bottom right) corner"
+-#~ msgstr "将窗口移到东南(右下)角"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to north (top) side of screen"
+-#~ msgstr "将窗口移到屏幕北(顶)侧"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to south (bottom) side of screen"
+-#~ msgstr "将窗口移到屏幕南(底)侧"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to east (right) side of screen"
+-#~ msgstr "将窗口移到屏幕东(右)侧"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to west (left) side of screen"
+-#~ msgstr "将窗口移到屏幕西(左)侧"
+-#~ msgid "Move window to center of screen"
+-#~ msgstr "将窗口移到屏幕中心"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "There was an error running <tt>%s</tt>:\n"
+-#~ "\n"
+-#~ "%s"
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "运行 <tt>%s</tt>时发生错误:\n"
+-#~ "\n"
+-#~ "%s"
+-#~ msgid "No command %d has been defined.\n"
+-#~ msgstr "命令 %d 尚未定义。\n"
+-#~ msgid "No terminal command has been defined.\n"
+-#~ msgstr "终端命令尚未定义。\n"
+-#~ msgid "GConf key '%s' is set to an invalid value\n"
+-#~ msgstr "GConf 关键字“%s”被设置为无效值\n"
+-#~ msgid "%d stored in GConf key %s is out of range %d to %d\n"
+-#~ msgstr "存储在 GConf 关键字 %2$s 中的值 %1$d 超出了 %3$d 到 %4$d 的范围\n"
+-#~ msgid "GConf key \"%s\" is set to an invalid type\n"
+-#~ msgstr "GConf 关键字“%s”被设置为无效的类型\n"
+-#~ msgid "GConf key %s is already in use and can't be used to override %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr "GConf 键 %s 已经使用,不能用于替代 %s\n"
+-#~ msgid "Can't override GConf key, %s not found\n"
+-#~ msgstr "无法替代 GConf 键,未找到 %s \n"
+-#~ msgid "Error setting number of workspaces to %d: %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr "将工作区数量设置为 %d 时出错:%s\n"
+-#~ msgid "Error setting name for workspace %d to \"%s\": %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr "将工作区 %d 的名称设置为“%s”时出错:%s\n"
+-#~ msgid "Error setting live hidden windows status status: %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr "设置实时隐藏窗口状态时出错:%s\n"
+-#~ msgid "Error setting no tab popup status: %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr "设置无标签页弹出状态时出错:%s\n"
+-#~ msgid "Close Window"
+-#~ msgstr "关闭窗口"
+-#~ msgid "Window Menu"
+-#~ msgstr "窗口菜单"
+-#~ msgid "Minimize Window"
+-#~ msgstr "最小化窗口"
+-#~ msgid "Maximize Window"
+-#~ msgstr "最大化窗口"
+-#~ msgid "Restore Window"
+-#~ msgstr "恢复窗口"
+-#~ msgid "Roll Up Window"
+-#~ msgstr "卷起窗口"
+-#~ msgid "Unroll Window"
+-#~ msgstr "展开窗口"
+-#~ msgid "Keep Window On Top"
+-#~ msgstr "窗口常居顶端"
+-#~ msgid "Always On Visible Workspace"
+-#~ msgstr "总在可见工作区"
+-#~ msgid "Put Window On Only One Workspace"
+-#~ msgstr "只将窗口放在一个工作区"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Don't make fullscreen windows that are maximized and have no decorations"
+-#~ msgstr "不要全屏已经最大化和没有窗口装饰的窗口"
+-#~ msgid "Whether window popup/frame should be shown when cycling windows."
+-#~ msgstr "窗口弹出或者/窗口是否切换窗口"
+-#~ msgid "Internal argument for GObject introspection"
+-#~ msgstr "GObject 内省用的内部变量"
+-#~ msgid "Failed to restart: %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr "无法重启动:%s\n"
+-#~ msgid "Error setting clutter plugin list: %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr "设置clutter插件列表时出错:%s\n"
+-#~ msgid "Clutter Plugins"
+-#~ msgstr "Clutter 插件"
+-#~ msgid "Plugins to load for the Clutter-based compositing manager."
+-#~ msgstr "插件载入到基于 Clutter 的混合管理器。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Lost connection to the display '%s';\n"
+-#~ "most likely the X server was shut down or you killed/destroyed\n"
+-#~ "the window manager.\n"
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "丢失到显示“%s”的连接;\n"
+-#~ "可能是 X 服务器已关闭或者您杀死/摧毁了\n"
+-#~ "窗口管理器。\n"
+-#~ msgid "Fatal IO error %d (%s) on display '%s'.\n"
+-#~ msgstr "严重的 IO 错误 %d (%s) 出现在显示“%s”上。\n"
+-#~ msgid "Turn compositing on"
+-#~ msgstr "打开复合效果"
+-#~ msgid "Turn compositing off"
+-#~ msgstr "关闭复合效果"
+-#~ msgid "Error setting compositor status: %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr "设置复合管理器状态时出错:%s\n"
+-#~ msgid "Failed to get hostname: %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr "无法获取主机名:%s\n"
+-#~ msgid "Theme file %s did not contain a root <metacity_theme> element"
+-#~ msgstr "主题文件 %s 不包含根 <metacity_theme> 元素"
+-#~ msgid "/Windows/tearoff"
+-#~ msgstr "/窗口(W)/撕下"
+-#~ msgid "/Windows/_Dialog"
+-#~ msgstr "/窗口(W)/对话框(_D)"
+-#~ msgid "/Windows/_Modal dialog"
+-#~ msgstr "/窗口(W)/模态对话框(_M)"
+-#~ msgid "/Windows/Des_ktop"
+-#~ msgstr "/窗口(W)/桌面(_K)"
+-#~ msgid "Failed to read saved session file %s: %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr "无法读取保存的会话文件 %s:%s\n"
+-#~ msgid "<author> specified twice for this theme"
+-#~ msgstr "为此主题指定了两次 <author>"
+-#~ msgid "<copyright> specified twice for this theme"
+-#~ msgstr "为此主题指定了两次 <copyright>"
+-#~ msgid "<date> specified twice for this theme"
+-#~ msgstr "为此主题指定了两次 <date>"
+-#~ msgid "<description> specified twice for this theme"
+-#~ msgstr "为此主题指定了两次 <description>"
+-#~ msgid "Window Management"
+-#~ msgstr "窗口管理"
+-#~ msgid "Failed to parse message \"%s\" from dialog process\n"
+-#~ msgstr "无法通过对话进程解析消息“%s”\n"
+-#~ msgid "Error reading from dialog display process: %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr "读取对话显示进程时出错:%s\n"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Error launching metacity-dialog to ask about killing an application: %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr "启动 metacity-dialog 查询有关杀死应用程序的情况时出错:%s\n"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The format looks like \"<Control>a\" or <Shift><Alt>F1\".\n"
+-#~ "\n"
+-#~ "The parser is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also "
+-#~ "abbreviations such as \"<Ctl>\" and \"<Ctrl>\". If you set the option to "
+-#~ "the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for "
+-#~ "this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "其格式类似于 \"<Control>a\" 或 <Shift><Alt>F1\"。\n"
+-#~ "\n"
+-#~ "该解析程序相当自由,大小写以及诸如 \"<Ctl>\" 和 \"<Ctrl>\" 的缩写均允许使"
+-#~ "用。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符串 \"disabled\",那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The format looks like \"<Control>a\" or <Shift><Alt>F1\".\n"
+-#~ "\n"
+-#~ "The parser is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also "
+-#~ "abbreviations such as \"<Ctl>\" and \"<Ctrl>\". If you set the option to "
+-#~ "the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for "
+-#~ "this action.\n"
+-#~ "\n"
+-#~ "This keybinding may be reversed by holding down the \"shift\" key; "
+-#~ "therefore, \"shift\" cannot be one of the keys it uses."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "其格式类似于 \"<Control>a\" 或 <Shift><Alt>F1\"。\n"
+-#~ "\n"
+-#~ "该解析程序相当自由,大小写以及诸如 \"<Ctl>\" 和 \"<Ctrl>\" 的缩写均允许使"
+-#~ "用。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符串 \"disabled\",那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Error launching metacity-dialog to warn about apps that don't support "
+-#~ "session management: %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr "启动 metacity-dialog 以警告应用程序不支持会话管理时出错:%s\n"
+-#~ msgid "Metacity"
+-#~ msgstr "Metacity"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "(Not implemented) Navigation works in terms of applications not windows"
+-#~ msgstr "(未实现)导航以应用程序而不是窗口的方式工作"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "A font description string describing a font for window titlebars. The "
+-#~ "size from the description will only be used if the titlebar_font_size "
+-#~ "option is set to 0. Also, this option is disabled if the "
+-#~ "titlebar_uses_desktop_font option is set to true."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "描述窗口标题栏所用字体的字体描述字符串。但是,只有在 titlebar_font_size 选"
+-#~ "项设置为 0 时,才使用该说明中的字体大小。同时,如果 "
+-#~ "titlebar_uses_desktop_font 选项设置为真,则禁用该选项。默认情况下不设置 "
+-#~ "titlebar_font。"
+-#~ msgid "Action on title bar double-click"
+-#~ msgstr "双击标题栏时的动作"
+-#~ msgid "Action on title bar middle-click"
+-#~ msgstr "鼠标中键单击标题栏时的动作"
+-#~ msgid "Action on title bar right-click"
+-#~ msgstr "鼠标右键单击标题栏时的动作"
+-#~ msgid "Arrangement of buttons on the titlebar"
+-#~ msgstr "标题栏上按钮的排列"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Arrangement of buttons on the titlebar. The value should be a string, "
+-#~ "such as \"menu:minimize,maximize,spacer,close\"; the colon separates the "
+-#~ "left corner of the window from the right corner, and the button names are "
+-#~ "comma-separated. Duplicate buttons are not allowed. Unknown button names "
+-#~ "are silently ignored so that buttons can be added in future metacity "
+-#~ "versions without breaking older versions. A special spacer tag can be "
+-#~ "used to insert some space between two adjacent buttons."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "标题栏上按钮的排列。它的值必须是一个字符串,比如“menu:minimize,maximize,"
+-#~ "spacer,close”;冒号分隔窗口左上角和右上角的按钮,按钮名称之间用逗号分隔。"
+-#~ "不允许指定重复的按钮。未知的按钮名称将被忽略,因此在将来版本的 metacity 中"
+-#~ "可以添加新的按钮,而不至于破坏旧的版本。而特殊的 spacer 标记可在两个按钮之"
+-#~ "间添加一些空格。"
+-#~ msgid "Automatically raises the focused window"
+-#~ msgstr "自动提升获得焦点的窗口"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Clicking a window while holding down this modifier key will move the "
+-#~ "window (left click), resize the window (middle click), or show the window "
+-#~ "menu (right click). Modifier is expressed as \"&lt;Alt&gt;\" or \"&lt;"
+-#~ "Super&gt;\" for example."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "单击窗口时如果按住这个修饰键将移动窗口(左键单击)、改变窗口大小(中键单击)、"
+-#~ "或者显示窗口菜单(右键单击)。修饰键可写作“&lt;Alt&gt;”或者“&lt;Super&gt;”。"
+-#~ msgid "Commands to run in response to keybindings"
+-#~ msgstr "按键组合对应的执行命令"
+-#~ msgid "Compositing Manager"
+-#~ msgstr "复合管理器"
+-#~ msgid "Control how new windows get focus"
+-#~ msgstr "控制新窗口如何获得窗口"
+-#~ msgid "Current theme"
+-#~ msgstr "当前主题"
+-#~ msgid "Delay in milliseconds for the auto raise option"
+-#~ msgstr "自动提升选项的几毫秒延迟"
+-#~ msgid "Determines whether Metacity is a compositing manager."
+-#~ msgstr "决定 Metacity 是否是复合管理器。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Determines whether applications or the system can generate audible "
+-#~ "'beeps'; may be used in conjunction with 'visual bell' to allow silent "
+-#~ "'beeps'."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "决定应用程序或系统是否可以生成听得见的铃声;可以和“视觉铃声”一起使用,以便"
+-#~ "允许静默的铃声。"
+-#~ msgid "Disable misfeatures that are required by old or broken applications"
+-#~ msgstr "禁用旧的或有缺陷的应用程序所需的错误功能"
+-#~ msgid "Enable Visual Bell"
+-#~ msgstr "启用视觉铃声"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "If set to true, and the focus mode is either \"sloppy\" or \"mouse\" then "
+-#~ "the focused window will be automatically raised after a delay specified "
+-#~ "by the auto_raise_delay key. This is not related to clicking on a window "
+-#~ "to raise it, nor to entering a window during drag-and-drop."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "如果为 true,而聚焦模式为“sloppy”或“mouse”,那么聚焦的窗口将会在指定延迟后"
+-#~ "自动升起,延迟的时间由 auto_raise_delay 键指定。此选项与单击行为并没有什么"
+-#~ "关系,它也与拖放时进入窗口无关。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "If true, ignore the titlebar_font option, and use the standard "
+-#~ "application font for window titles."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "如果为 true,则忽略 titlebar_font 选项,并为窗口标题使用标准应用程序字体。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "If true, metacity will give the user less feedback by using wireframes, "
+-#~ "avoiding animations, or other means. This is a significant reduction in "
+-#~ "usability for many users, but may allow legacy applications to continue "
+-#~ "working, and may also be a useful tradeoff for terminal servers. However, "
+-#~ "the wireframe feature is disabled when accessibility is on."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "如果为 true,metacity 将会给用户提供较少的反馈,方法是使用线框、避免动画或"
+-#~ "者其它途径。这对许多用户来说,可用性大打折扣,但是这将允许较早的应用程序和"
+-#~ "终端服务器能够顺利运行。此外,如果开启了辅助功能,系统会自动禁用线框特性。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "If true, then Metacity works in terms of applications rather than "
+-#~ "windows. The concept is a bit abstract, but in general an application-"
+-#~ "based setup is more like the Mac and less like Windows. When you focus a "
+-#~ "window in application-based mode, all the windows in the application will "
+-#~ "be raised. Also, in application-based mode, focus clicks are not passed "
+-#~ "through to windows in other applications. Application-based mode is, "
+-#~ "however, largely unimplemented at the moment."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "如果为 true,那么 Metacity 将以应用程序而不是窗口的方式工作。该概念有点抽"
+-#~ "象,但通常基于应用程序的设置更类似于 Mac 系统,而不太像 Windows 系统。当您"
+-#~ "以基于应用程序的模式聚焦窗口时,该应用程序中的所有窗口都将被提升。同时,在"
+-#~ "基于应用程序的模式下,聚焦点击不会被传递到其它应用程序中的窗口。但是,基于"
+-#~ "应用程序的模式目前还基本没有实现。"
+-#~ msgid "If true, trade off usability for less resource usage"
+-#~ msgstr "如果为 true,则以可用性为代价而降低资源占用"
+-#~ msgid "Name of workspace"
+-#~ msgstr "工作区名称"
+-#~ msgid "Number of workspaces"
+-#~ msgstr "工作区数量"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Number of workspaces. Must be more than zero, and has a fixed maximum to "
+-#~ "prevent making the desktop unusable by accidentally asking for too many "
+-#~ "workspaces."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "工作区数量。必须大于零,并有一个固定的最大值,以防由于不小心请求调用太多工"
+-#~ "作区而摧毁您的桌面。"
+-#~ msgid "Run a defined command"
+-#~ msgstr "运行预定义的命令"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Setting this option to false can lead to buggy behavior, so users are "
+-#~ "strongly discouraged from changing it from the default of true. Many "
+-#~ "actions (e.g. clicking in the client area, moving or resizing the window) "
+-#~ "normally raise the window as a side-effect. Setting this option to false, "
+-#~ "which is strongly discouraged, will decouple raising from other user "
+-#~ "actions, and ignore raise requests generated by applications. See http://"
+-#~ "bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=445447#c6. Even when this option is "
+-#~ "false, windows can still be raised by an alt-left-click anywhere on the "
+-#~ "window, a normal click on the window decorations, or by special messages "
+-#~ "from pagers, such as activation requests from tasklist applets. This "
+-#~ "option is currently disabled in click-to-focus mode. Note that the list "
+-#~ "of ways to raise windows when raise_on_click is false does not include "
+-#~ "programmatic requests from applications to raise windows; such requests "
+-#~ "will be ignored regardless of the reason for the request. If you are an "
+-#~ "application developer and have a user complaining that your application "
+-#~ "does not work with this setting disabled, tell them it is _their_ fault "
+-#~ "for breaking their window manager and that they need to change this "
+-#~ "option back to true or live with the \"bug\" they requested."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "将本选项设定为 false (假)将导致有缺陷的行为,所以强烈反对用户将该值由默认"
+-#~ "的 true (真)进行更改。许多动作(例如在客户区域内单击,移动或调整窗口大小)通"
+-#~ "常都会提升窗口,这其实是个副作用。将该选项设定为 false (假),在此强烈反"
+-#~ "对,将从其他用户动作中 decouple 提升,同时忽略由程序产生的提升要求。参见 "
+-#~ "http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=445447#c6。但即便该选项为 false "
+-#~ "(假),仍然可以通过 alt + 左键单击窗口任何地方,在窗口装饰条上正常单击,或"
+-#~ "从寻呼中的特别消息(诸如从任务列表小程序的激活要求)来提升窗口。该选项目前在"
+-#~ "单击以聚焦(click-to-focus)模式中禁用。注意:当 raise_on_click 设为 false "
+-#~ "(假)而同时要提升窗口的一系列办法中并不包括从程序来的编程请求;此类请求将被"
+-#~ "忽略而不管为什么请求。如果你是一名程序开发者,而有某用户埋怨你的程序无法在"
+-#~ "该设定禁用下工作,告诉他们这都是他们破坏他们窗口管理器所犯的错,他们要么将"
+-#~ "该选项改回为 true (真),或好好享受他们自找的麻烦。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Some applications disregard specifications in ways that result in window "
+-#~ "manager misfeatures. This option puts Metacity in a rigorously correct "
+-#~ "mode, which gives a more consistent user interface, provided one does not "
+-#~ "need to run any misbehaving applications."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "某些应用程序破坏规定从而导致窗口管理器功能失常。该选项将 Metacity 置于完全"
+-#~ "正确模式下,这样的用户界面会更具有一致性,假定您不需要运行任何有缺陷的应用"
+-#~ "程序。"
+-#~ msgid "System Bell is Audible"
+-#~ msgstr "系统铃声发声"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Tells Metacity how to implement the visual indication that the system "
+-#~ "bell or another application 'bell' indicator has been rung. Currently "
+-#~ "there are two valid values, \"fullscreen\", which causes a fullscreen "
+-#~ "white-black flash, and \"frame_flash\" which causes the titlebar of the "
+-#~ "application which sent the bell signal to flash. If the application which "
+-#~ "sent the bell is unknown (as is usually the case for the default \"system "
+-#~ "beep\"), the currently focused window's titlebar is flashed."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "通知 Metacity 如何实现系统铃声或其它应用程序响铃的视觉标识。目前有两种"
+-#~ "值,“全屏”将以黑白色闪烁整个屏幕,而“框架闪烁”将闪烁发出响铃信号的应用程序"
+-#~ "的标题栏。如果发送响铃的程序未知(通常是默认的“系统响铃”),则闪烁当前窗口的"
+-#~ "标题栏。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_N keys define "
+-#~ "keybindings that correspond to these commands. Pressing the keybinding "
+-#~ "for run_command_N will execute command_N."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "/apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_N 键值定义这些命令对应的按键"
+-#~ "组合。按下 run_command_N 对应的按键组合将执行命令 command_N。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_screenshot key defines "
+-#~ "a keybinding which causes the command specified by this setting to be "
+-#~ "invoked."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "/apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_screenshot 键值定义了导致调"
+-#~ "用此设置的按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_window_screenshot key "
+-#~ "defines a keybinding which causes the command specified by this setting "
+-#~ "to be invoked."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "/apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_window_screenshot 键值定义了"
+-#~ "导致调用此设置的按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding that runs the correspondingly-numbered command in /apps/"
+-#~ "metacity/keybinding_commands The format looks like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" "
+-#~ "or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly liberal and "
+-#~ "allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;"
+-#~ "\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the special string "
+-#~ "\"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "运行 /apps/metacity/keybinding_commands 中相应编号的命令的按键组合。其格式"
+-#~ "类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或者“&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该分析程序的格式"
+-#~ "相当自由并允许大小写或者缩写,如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选"
+-#~ "项设置为特殊字符串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid "The name of a workspace."
+-#~ msgstr "工作区名称。"
+-#~ msgid "The screenshot command"
+-#~ msgstr "屏幕抓图命令"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The theme determines the appearance of window borders, titlebar, and so "
+-#~ "forth."
+-#~ msgstr "主题决定窗口边框、标题栏等的外观。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The time delay before raising a window if auto_raise is set to true. The "
+-#~ "delay is given in thousandths of a second."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "提升窗口前的延迟时间(如果 auto_raise 设置为真)。延迟时间的单位为毫秒。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The window focus mode indicates how windows are activated. It has three "
+-#~ "possible values; \"click\" means windows must be clicked in order to "
+-#~ "focus them, \"sloppy\" means windows are focused when the mouse enters "
+-#~ "the window, and \"mouse\" means windows are focused when the mouse enters "
+-#~ "the window and unfocused when the mouse leaves the window."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "窗口焦点模式指明窗口的激活方式。它有三个可能的值;“click”表示必须单击窗口"
+-#~ "才能聚焦该窗口,“sloppy”表示当鼠标进入窗口时,即会聚焦该窗口,“mouse”表示"
+-#~ "当鼠标进入窗口时会聚焦该窗口,当鼠标离开该窗口时则会失去焦点。"
+-#~ msgid "The window screenshot command"
+-#~ msgstr "窗口抓图命令"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "This option determines the effects of double-clicking on the title bar. "
+-#~ "Current valid options are 'toggle_shade', which will shade/unshade the "
+-#~ "window, 'toggle_maximize' which will maximize/unmaximize the window, "
+-#~ "'toggle_maximize_horizontally' and 'toggle_maximize_vertically' which "
+-#~ "will maximize/unmaximize the window in that direction only, 'minimize' "
+-#~ "which will minimize the window, 'shade' which will roll the window up, "
+-#~ "'menu' which will display the window menu, 'lower' which will put the "
+-#~ "window behind all the others, and 'none' which will not do anything."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "这个选项决定在标题栏上双击的效果。当前有效的选项包括,“toggle_shade”将卷"
+-#~ "起/展开窗口,“toggle_maximize”将最大化/还原窗"
+-#~ "口,“toggle_maximize_horizontally”和“toggle_maximize_vertically”将分别在水"
+-#~ "平和垂直方向上最大化窗口,“minimize”将最小化窗口,“shade”将卷起窗"
+-#~ "口,“menu”将显示窗口菜单,“lower”将把窗口推至最后b,而“none”将不执行任何操"
+-#~ "作。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "This option determines the effects of middle-clicking on the title bar. "
+-#~ "Current valid options are 'toggle_shade', which will shade/unshade the "
+-#~ "window, 'toggle_maximize' which will maximize/unmaximize the window, "
+-#~ "'toggle_maximize_horizontally' and 'toggle_maximize_vertically' which "
+-#~ "will maximize/unmaximize the window in that direction only, 'minimize' "
+-#~ "which will minimize the window, 'shade' which will roll the window up, "
+-#~ "'menu' which will display the window menu, 'lower' which will put the "
+-#~ "window behind all the others, and 'none' which will not do anything."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "这个选项决定在标题栏上单击中键的效果。当前有效的选项包括,“toggle_shade”将"
+-#~ "卷起/展开窗口,“toggle_maximize”将最大化/还原窗"
+-#~ "口,“toggle_maximize_horizontally”和“toggle_maximize_vertically”将分别在水"
+-#~ "平和垂直方向上最大化窗口,“minimize”将最小化窗口,“shade”将卷起窗"
+-#~ "口,“menu”将显示窗口菜单,“lower”将把窗口推至最后b,而“none”将不执行任何操"
+-#~ "作。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "This option determines the effects of right-clicking on the title bar. "
+-#~ "Current valid options are 'toggle_shade', which will shade/unshade the "
+-#~ "window, 'toggle_maximize' which will maximize/unmaximize the window, "
+-#~ "'toggle_maximize_horizontally' and 'toggle_maximize_vertically' which "
+-#~ "will maximize/unmaximize the window in that direction only, 'minimize' "
+-#~ "which will minimize the window, 'shade' which will roll the window up, "
+-#~ "'menu' which will display the window menu, 'lower' which will put the "
+-#~ "window behind all the others, and 'none' which will not do anything."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "这个选项决定在标题栏上单击右键的效果。当前有效的选项包括,“toggle_shade”将"
+-#~ "卷起/展开窗口,“toggle_maximize”将最大化/还原窗"
+-#~ "口,“toggle_maximize_horizontally”和“toggle_maximize_vertically”将分别在水"
+-#~ "平和垂直方向上最大化窗口,“minimize”将最小化窗口,“shade”将卷起窗"
+-#~ "口,“menu”将显示窗口菜单,“lower”将把窗口推至最后b,而“none”将不执行任何操"
+-#~ "作。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "This option provides additional control over how newly created windows "
+-#~ "get focus. It has two possible values; \"smart\" applies the user's "
+-#~ "normal focus mode, and \"strict\" results in windows started from a "
+-#~ "terminal not being given focus."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "此选项提供了关于新创建的窗口如何获得焦点的额外控制。目前有效的选项包"
+-#~ "括,“smart”将应用用户普通的聚焦模式,而“strict”将使得通过终端启动的窗口不"
+-#~ "获得焦点。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Turns on a visual indication when an application or the system issues a "
+-#~ "'bell' or 'beep'; useful for the hard-of-hearing and for use in noisy "
+-#~ "environments."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "当应用程序或系统发出“铃声”时,打开视觉标识;适合有听力障碍的用户以及在吵闹"
+-#~ "的环境中使用。"
+-#~ msgid "Use standard system font in window titles"
+-#~ msgstr "在窗口标题中使用标准系统字体"
+-#~ msgid "Visual Bell Type"
+-#~ msgstr "视觉铃声类型"
+-#~ msgid "Whether raising should be a side-effect of other user interactions"
+-#~ msgstr "升起是否作为其它用户交互的副作用"
+-#~ msgid "Window focus mode"
+-#~ msgstr "窗口焦点模式"
+-#~ msgid "Window title font"
+-#~ msgstr "窗口标题字体"
+-#~ msgid "Title"
+-#~ msgstr "标题"
+-#~ msgid "Class"
+-#~ msgstr "类别"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "There was an error running \"%s\":\n"
+-#~ "%s."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "运行“%s”时发生错误:\n"
+-#~ "%s"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Error launching metacity-dialog to print an error about a command: %s\n"
+-#~ msgstr "用 metacity-dialog 输出一个命令错误消息时出错:%s\n"
+-#~ msgid "Unknown attribute %s on <metacity_session> element"
+-#~ msgstr "<metacity_session> 元素上未知的属性 %s"
+-#~ msgid "Unknown attribute %s on <maximized> element"
+-#~ msgstr "<maximized> 元素上未知的属性 %s"
+-#~ msgid "Unknown attribute %s on <geometry> element"
+-#~ msgstr "<geometry> 元素上未知的属性 %s"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "Many actions (e.g. clicking in the client area, moving or resizing the "
+-#~ "window) normally raise the window as a side-effect. Setting this option "
+-#~ "to false, which is strongly discouraged, will decouple raising from other "
+-#~ "user actions, and ignore raise requests generated by applications. See "
+-#~ "http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=445447#c6."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "许多动作(如点击客户区域,移动窗口或改变其大小)一般会有提升窗口的副作用。将"
+-#~ "此设定为 false 将会使其它的用户动作不再提升窗口,且忽略应用程序生成的提升"
+-#~ "请求。参见 http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=445447#c6."
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding that switches to the workspace above the current "
+-#~ "workspace. The format looks like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;"
+-#~ "&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper "
+-#~ "case, and also abbreviations such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;"
+-#~ "\". If you set the option to the special string \"disabled\", then there "
+-#~ "will be no keybinding for this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "切换到当前工作区上方的工作区的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;"
+-#~ "a”或“&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写"
+-#~ "和缩写,如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符"
+-#~ "串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding that switches to the workspace below the current "
+-#~ "workspace. The format looks like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;"
+-#~ "&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper "
+-#~ "case, and also abbreviations such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;"
+-#~ "\". If you set the option to the special string \"disabled\", then there "
+-#~ "will be no keybinding for this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "切换到当前工作区下方的工作区的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;"
+-#~ "a”或“&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写"
+-#~ "和缩写,如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符"
+-#~ "串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding that switches to the workspace on the left of the current "
+-#~ "workspace. The format looks like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;"
+-#~ "&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper "
+-#~ "case, and also abbreviations such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;"
+-#~ "\". If you set the option to the special string \"disabled\", then there "
+-#~ "will be no keybinding for this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "切换到当前工作区的左侧工作区的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;"
+-#~ "a”或“&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写"
+-#~ "和缩写,如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符"
+-#~ "串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding that switches to the workspace on the right of the current "
+-#~ "workspace. The format looks like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;"
+-#~ "&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper "
+-#~ "case, and also abbreviations such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;"
+-#~ "\". If you set the option to the special string \"disabled\", then there "
+-#~ "will be no keybinding for this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "切换到当前工作区的右侧工作区的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;"
+-#~ "a”或“&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写"
+-#~ "和缩写,如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符"
+-#~ "串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding that switches to workspace 1. The format looks like \"&lt;"
+-#~ "Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly "
+-#~ "liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations such as "
+-#~ "\"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the "
+-#~ "special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for this "
+-#~ "action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "切换到工作区 1 的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;Shift&gt;"
+-#~ "&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,例如“&lt;"
+-#~ "Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符串“disabled”,那么此操"
+-#~ "作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding that switches to workspace 10. The format looks like \"&lt;"
+-#~ "Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly "
+-#~ "liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations such as "
+-#~ "\"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the "
+-#~ "special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for this "
+-#~ "action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "切换到工作区 10 的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;Shift&gt;"
+-#~ "&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,例如“&lt;"
+-#~ "Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符串“disabled”,那么此操"
+-#~ "作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding that switches to workspace 11. The format looks like \"&lt;"
+-#~ "Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly "
+-#~ "liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations such as "
+-#~ "\"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the "
+-#~ "special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for this "
+-#~ "action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "切换到工作区 11 的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;Shift&gt;"
+-#~ "&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,例如“&lt;"
+-#~ "Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符串“disabled”,那么此操"
+-#~ "作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding that switches to workspace 12. The format looks like \"&lt;"
+-#~ "Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly "
+-#~ "liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations such as "
+-#~ "\"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the "
+-#~ "special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for this "
+-#~ "action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "切换到工作区 12 的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;Shift&gt;"
+-#~ "&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,例如“&lt;"
+-#~ "Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符串“disabled”,那么此操"
+-#~ "作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding that switches to workspace 2. The format looks like \"&lt;"
+-#~ "Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly "
+-#~ "liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations such as "
+-#~ "\"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the "
+-#~ "special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for this "
+-#~ "action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "切换到工作区 2 的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;Shift&gt;"
+-#~ "&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,例如“&lt;"
+-#~ "Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符串“disabled”,那么此操"
+-#~ "作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding that switches to workspace 3. The format looks like \"&lt;"
+-#~ "Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly "
+-#~ "liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations such as "
+-#~ "\"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the "
+-#~ "special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for this "
+-#~ "action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "切换到工作区 3 的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;Shift&gt;"
+-#~ "&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,例如“&lt;"
+-#~ "Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符串“disabled”,那么此操"
+-#~ "作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding that switches to workspace 4. The format looks like \"&lt;"
+-#~ "Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly "
+-#~ "liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations such as "
+-#~ "\"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the "
+-#~ "special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for this "
+-#~ "action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "切换到工作区 4 的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;Shift&gt;"
+-#~ "&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,例如“&lt;"
+-#~ "Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符串“disabled”,那么此操"
+-#~ "作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding that switches to workspace 5. The format looks like \"&lt;"
+-#~ "Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly "
+-#~ "liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations such as "
+-#~ "\"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the "
+-#~ "special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for this "
+-#~ "action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "切换到工作区 5 的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;Shift&gt;"
+-#~ "&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,例如“&lt;"
+-#~ "Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符串“disabled”,那么此操"
+-#~ "作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding that switches to workspace 6. The format looks like \"&lt;"
+-#~ "Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly "
+-#~ "liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations such as "
+-#~ "\"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the "
+-#~ "special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for this "
+-#~ "action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "切换到工作区 6 的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;Shift&gt;"
+-#~ "&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,例如“&lt;"
+-#~ "Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符串“disabled”,那么此操"
+-#~ "作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding that switches to workspace 7. The format looks like \"&lt;"
+-#~ "Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly "
+-#~ "liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations such as "
+-#~ "\"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the "
+-#~ "special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for this "
+-#~ "action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "切换到工作区 7 的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;Shift&gt;"
+-#~ "&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,例如“&lt;"
+-#~ "Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符串“disabled”,那么此操"
+-#~ "作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding that switches to workspace 8. The format looks like \"&lt;"
+-#~ "Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly "
+-#~ "liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations such as "
+-#~ "\"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the "
+-#~ "special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for this "
+-#~ "action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "切换到工作区 8 的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;Shift&gt;"
+-#~ "&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,例如“&lt;"
+-#~ "Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符串“disabled”,那么此操"
+-#~ "作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding that switches to workspace 9. The format looks like \"&lt;"
+-#~ "Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly "
+-#~ "liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations such as "
+-#~ "\"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the "
+-#~ "special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for this "
+-#~ "action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "切换到工作区 9 的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;Shift&gt;"
+-#~ "&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,例如“&lt;"
+-#~ "Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符串“disabled”,那么此操"
+-#~ "作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding used to activate the window menu. The format looks like "
+-#~ "\"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is "
+-#~ "fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations "
+-#~ "such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to "
+-#~ "the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for "
+-#~ "this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于激活窗口菜单的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;Shift&gt;"
+-#~ "&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,例如“&lt;"
+-#~ "Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符串“disabled”,那么此操"
+-#~ "作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding used to enter \"move mode\" and begin moving a window "
+-#~ "using the keyboard. The format looks like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;"
+-#~ "Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly liberal and allows lower "
+-#~ "or upper case, and also abbreviations such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;"
+-#~ "Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the special string \"disabled\", "
+-#~ "then there will be no keybinding for this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于进入“移动窗口模式”并开始使用键盘移动窗口的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;"
+-#~ "Control&gt;a”或“&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允"
+-#~ "许使用大小写和缩写,例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为"
+-#~ "特殊字符串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding used to enter \"resize mode\" and begin resizing a window "
+-#~ "using the keyboard. The format looks like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;"
+-#~ "Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly liberal and allows lower "
+-#~ "or upper case, and also abbreviations such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;"
+-#~ "Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the special string \"disabled\", "
+-#~ "then there will be no keybinding for this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于进入“改变大小模式”并开始使用键盘改变窗口大小的按键组合。其格式类似"
+-#~ "于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自"
+-#~ "由并允许使用大小写和缩写,例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项"
+-#~ "设置为特殊字符串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding used to hide all normal windows and set the focus to the "
+-#~ "desktop background. The format looks like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;"
+-#~ "Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly liberal and allows lower "
+-#~ "or upper case, and also abbreviations such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;"
+-#~ "Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the special string \"disabled\", "
+-#~ "then there will be no keybinding for this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于隐藏所有普通窗口并将焦点设置为桌面背景的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;"
+-#~ "Control&gt;a”或“&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允"
+-#~ "许使用大小写和缩写,例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为"
+-#~ "特殊字符串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding used to maximize a window. The format looks like \"&lt;"
+-#~ "Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly "
+-#~ "liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations such as "
+-#~ "\"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the "
+-#~ "special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for this "
+-#~ "action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于最大化窗口的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;Shift&gt;"
+-#~ "&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,例如“&lt;"
+-#~ "Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符串“disabled”,那么此操"
+-#~ "作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding used to minimize a window. The format looks like \"&lt;"
+-#~ "Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly "
+-#~ "liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations such as "
+-#~ "\"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the "
+-#~ "special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for this "
+-#~ "action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于最小化窗口的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;Shift&gt;"
+-#~ "&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,例如“&lt;"
+-#~ "Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符串“disabled”,那么此操"
+-#~ "作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding used to move a window one workspace down. The format looks "
+-#~ "like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser "
+-#~ "is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations "
+-#~ "such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to "
+-#~ "the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for "
+-#~ "this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于将窗口下移一个工作区的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;"
+-#~ "Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,"
+-#~ "例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符"
+-#~ "串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding used to move a window one workspace to the left. The "
+-#~ "format looks like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". "
+-#~ "The parser is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also "
+-#~ "abbreviations such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set "
+-#~ "the option to the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no "
+-#~ "keybinding for this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于将窗口左移一个工作区的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;"
+-#~ "Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,"
+-#~ "例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符"
+-#~ "串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding used to move a window one workspace to the right. The "
+-#~ "format looks like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". "
+-#~ "The parser is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also "
+-#~ "abbreviations such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set "
+-#~ "the option to the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no "
+-#~ "keybinding for this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于将窗口右移一个工作区的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;"
+-#~ "Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,"
+-#~ "例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符"
+-#~ "串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding used to move a window one workspace up. The format looks "
+-#~ "like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser "
+-#~ "is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations "
+-#~ "such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to "
+-#~ "the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for "
+-#~ "this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于将窗口上移一个工作区的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;"
+-#~ "Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,"
+-#~ "例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符"
+-#~ "串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding used to move a window to workspace 1. The format looks "
+-#~ "like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser "
+-#~ "is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations "
+-#~ "such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to "
+-#~ "the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for "
+-#~ "this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于将窗口移动到工作区 1 的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;"
+-#~ "Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,"
+-#~ "例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符"
+-#~ "串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding used to move a window to workspace 10. The format looks "
+-#~ "like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser "
+-#~ "is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations "
+-#~ "such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to "
+-#~ "the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for "
+-#~ "this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于将窗口移动到工作区 10 的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;"
+-#~ "a”或“&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写"
+-#~ "和缩写,例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符"
+-#~ "串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding used to move a window to workspace 11. The format looks "
+-#~ "like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser "
+-#~ "is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations "
+-#~ "such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to "
+-#~ "the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for "
+-#~ "this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于将窗口移动到工作区 11 的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;"
+-#~ "a”或“&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写"
+-#~ "和缩写,例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符"
+-#~ "串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding used to move a window to workspace 12. The format looks "
+-#~ "like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser "
+-#~ "is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations "
+-#~ "such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to "
+-#~ "the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for "
+-#~ "this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于将窗口移动到工作区 12 的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;"
+-#~ "a”或“&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写"
+-#~ "和缩写,例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符"
+-#~ "串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding used to move a window to workspace 2. The format looks "
+-#~ "like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser "
+-#~ "is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations "
+-#~ "such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to "
+-#~ "the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for "
+-#~ "this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于将窗口移动到工作区 2 的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;"
+-#~ "Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,"
+-#~ "例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符"
+-#~ "串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding used to move a window to workspace 3. The format looks "
+-#~ "like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser "
+-#~ "is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations "
+-#~ "such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to "
+-#~ "the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for "
+-#~ "this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于将窗口移动到工作区 3 的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;"
+-#~ "Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,"
+-#~ "例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符"
+-#~ "串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding used to move a window to workspace 4. The format looks "
+-#~ "like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser "
+-#~ "is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations "
+-#~ "such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to "
+-#~ "the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for "
+-#~ "this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于将窗口移动到工作区 4 的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;"
+-#~ "Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,"
+-#~ "例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符"
+-#~ "串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding used to move a window to workspace 5. The format looks "
+-#~ "like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser "
+-#~ "is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations "
+-#~ "such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to "
+-#~ "the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for "
+-#~ "this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于将窗口移动到工作区 5 的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;"
+-#~ "Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,"
+-#~ "例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符"
+-#~ "串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding used to move a window to workspace 6. The format looks "
+-#~ "like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser "
+-#~ "is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations "
+-#~ "such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to "
+-#~ "the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for "
+-#~ "this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于将窗口移动到工作区 6 的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;"
+-#~ "Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,"
+-#~ "例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符"
+-#~ "串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding used to move a window to workspace 7. The format looks "
+-#~ "like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser "
+-#~ "is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations "
+-#~ "such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to "
+-#~ "the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for "
+-#~ "this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于将窗口移动到工作区 7 的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;"
+-#~ "Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,"
+-#~ "例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符"
+-#~ "串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding used to move a window to workspace 8. The format looks "
+-#~ "like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser "
+-#~ "is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations "
+-#~ "such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to "
+-#~ "the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for "
+-#~ "this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于将窗口移动到工作区 8 的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;"
+-#~ "Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,"
+-#~ "例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符"
+-#~ "串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding used to move a window to workspace 9. The format looks "
+-#~ "like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser "
+-#~ "is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations "
+-#~ "such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to "
+-#~ "the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for "
+-#~ "this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于将窗口移动到工作区 9 的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;"
+-#~ "Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,"
+-#~ "例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符"
+-#~ "串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding used to move focus backwards between panels and the "
+-#~ "desktop, using a popup window. The format looks like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" "
+-#~ "or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly liberal and "
+-#~ "allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;"
+-#~ "\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the special string "
+-#~ "\"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于在面板和桌面之间用弹出框反向移动焦点的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;"
+-#~ "Control&gt;a”或“&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允"
+-#~ "许使用大小写和缩写,例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为"
+-#~ "特殊字符串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding used to move focus backwards between panels and the "
+-#~ "desktop, without a popup window. The format looks like \"&lt;Control&gt;a"
+-#~ "\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly liberal and "
+-#~ "allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;"
+-#~ "\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the special string "
+-#~ "\"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于在面板和桌面之间不用弹出框反向移动焦点的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;"
+-#~ "Control&gt;a”或“&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允"
+-#~ "许使用大小写和缩写,例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为"
+-#~ "特殊字符串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding used to move focus backwards between windows of an "
+-#~ "application without a popup window. Holding \"shift\" together with this "
+-#~ "binding makes the direction go forward again. The format looks like \"&lt;"
+-#~ "Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly "
+-#~ "liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations such as "
+-#~ "\"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the "
+-#~ "special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for this "
+-#~ "action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于同一个应用程序的不同窗口之间不用弹出框反向移动焦点的按键组合。使用这个"
+-#~ "组合时如果按住“Shift”键会将移动顺序改回正向顺序。其格式类似于“&lt;"
+-#~ "Control&gt;a”或“&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允"
+-#~ "许使用大小写和缩写,例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为"
+-#~ "特殊字符串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding used to move focus backwards between windows of an "
+-#~ "application, using a popup window. Holding \"shift\" together with this "
+-#~ "binding makes the direction go forward again. The format looks like \"&lt;"
+-#~ "Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly "
+-#~ "liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations such as "
+-#~ "\"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the "
+-#~ "special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for this "
+-#~ "action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于同一个应用程序的不同窗口之间不用弹出框反向移动焦点的按键组合。使用这个"
+-#~ "组合时如果按住“Shift”键会将移动顺序改回正向顺序。其格式类似于“&lt;"
+-#~ "Control&gt;a”或“&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允"
+-#~ "许使用大小写和缩写,例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为"
+-#~ "特殊字符串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding used to move focus backwards between windows without a "
+-#~ "popup window. Holding \"shift\" together with this binding makes the "
+-#~ "direction go forward again. The format looks like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or "
+-#~ "\"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly liberal and allows "
+-#~ "lower or upper case, and also abbreviations such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and "
+-#~ "\"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the special string \"disabled"
+-#~ "\", then there will be no keybinding for this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于在窗口之间不用弹出框反向移动焦点的按键组合。使用这个组合时如果按"
+-#~ "住“Shift”键会将移动顺序改回正向顺序。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;"
+-#~ "Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,"
+-#~ "例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符"
+-#~ "串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding used to move focus backwards between windows, using a "
+-#~ "popup window. Holding \"shift\" together with this binding makes the "
+-#~ "direction go forward again. The format looks like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or "
+-#~ "\"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly liberal and allows "
+-#~ "lower or upper case, and also abbreviations such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and "
+-#~ "\"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the special string \"disabled"
+-#~ "\", then there will be no keybinding for this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于在窗口之间用弹出框反向移动焦点的按键组合。使用这个组合时如果按"
+-#~ "住“Shift”键会将移动顺序改回正向顺序。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;"
+-#~ "Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,"
+-#~ "例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符"
+-#~ "串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding used to move focus between panels and the desktop, using a "
+-#~ "popup window. The format looks like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;"
+-#~ "Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly liberal and allows lower "
+-#~ "or upper case, and also abbreviations such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;"
+-#~ "Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the special string \"disabled\", "
+-#~ "then there will be no keybinding for this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于在面板和桌面之间用弹出框移动焦点的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;"
+-#~ "Control&gt;a”或“&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允"
+-#~ "许使用大小写和缩写,例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为"
+-#~ "特殊字符串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding used to move focus between panels and the desktop, without "
+-#~ "a popup window. The format looks like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;"
+-#~ "Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly liberal and allows lower "
+-#~ "or upper case, and also abbreviations such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;"
+-#~ "Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the special string \"disabled\", "
+-#~ "then there will be no keybinding for this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于在面板和桌面之间不用弹出框移动焦点的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;"
+-#~ "Control&gt;a”或“&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允"
+-#~ "许使用大小写和缩写,例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为"
+-#~ "特殊字符串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding used to move focus between windows of an application "
+-#~ "without a popup window. Holding the \"shift\" key while using this "
+-#~ "binding reverses the direction of movement. The format looks like \"&lt;"
+-#~ "Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly "
+-#~ "liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations such as "
+-#~ "\"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the "
+-#~ "special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for this "
+-#~ "action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于同一个应用程序的不同窗口之间不用弹出框移动焦点的按键组合。使用这个组合"
+-#~ "时如果按住“Shift”键将反转移动顺序。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;"
+-#~ "Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,"
+-#~ "例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符"
+-#~ "串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding used to move focus between windows of an application, "
+-#~ "using a popup window. (Traditionally &lt;Alt&gt;F6) Holding the \"shift\" "
+-#~ "key while using this binding reverses the direction of movement. The "
+-#~ "format looks like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". "
+-#~ "The parser is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also "
+-#~ "abbreviations such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set "
+-#~ "the option to the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no "
+-#~ "keybinding for this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于同一个应用程序的不同窗口之间使用弹出框移动焦点的按键组合。使用这个组合"
+-#~ "时如果按住“Shift”键将反转移动顺序。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;"
+-#~ "Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,"
+-#~ "例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符"
+-#~ "串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding used to move focus between windows without a popup window. "
+-#~ "(Traditionally &lt;Alt&gt;Escape) Holding the \"shift\" key while using "
+-#~ "this binding reverses the direction of movement. The format looks like "
+-#~ "\"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is "
+-#~ "fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations "
+-#~ "such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to "
+-#~ "the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for "
+-#~ "this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于在窗口之间不用弹出框移动焦点的按键组合(传统设置为 &lt;Alt&gt;Esc)。使"
+-#~ "用这个组合时如果按住“Shift”键将反转移动顺序。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;"
+-#~ "a”或“&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写"
+-#~ "和缩写,例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符"
+-#~ "串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding used to move focus between windows, using a popup window. "
+-#~ "(Traditionally &lt;Alt&gt;Tab) Holding the \"shift\" key while using this "
+-#~ "binding reverses the direction of movement. The format looks like \"&lt;"
+-#~ "Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly "
+-#~ "liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations such as "
+-#~ "\"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the "
+-#~ "special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for this "
+-#~ "action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于在窗口之间用弹出框移动焦点的按键组合(传统传统为&lt;Alt&gt;Tab)。使用这"
+-#~ "个组合时如果按住“Shift”键将反转移动顺序。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;"
+-#~ "a”或“&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写"
+-#~ "和缩写,例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符"
+-#~ "串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding used to toggle always on top. A window that is always on "
+-#~ "top will always be visible over other overlapping windows. The format "
+-#~ "looks like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The "
+-#~ "parser is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also "
+-#~ "abbreviations such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set "
+-#~ "the option to the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no "
+-#~ "keybinding for this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于切换窗口常居顶层的按键组合。常居顶层的窗口,即总是位于其它窗口之上的窗"
+-#~ "口。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程"
+-#~ "序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;"
+-#~ "Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组"
+-#~ "合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding used to toggle fullscreen mode. The format looks like "
+-#~ "\"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is "
+-#~ "fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations "
+-#~ "such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to "
+-#~ "the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for "
+-#~ "this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于切换全屏模式的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;Shift&gt;"
+-#~ "&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,例如“&lt;"
+-#~ "Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符串“disabled”,那么此操"
+-#~ "作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding used to toggle maximization. The format looks like \"&lt;"
+-#~ "Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly "
+-#~ "liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations such as "
+-#~ "\"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the "
+-#~ "special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for this "
+-#~ "action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于切换最大化操作的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;"
+-#~ "Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,"
+-#~ "例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符"
+-#~ "串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding used to toggle shaded/unshaded state. The format looks "
+-#~ "like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser "
+-#~ "is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations "
+-#~ "such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to "
+-#~ "the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for "
+-#~ "this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于切换卷起/展开状态的按键组合。格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;"
+-#~ "Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,"
+-#~ "例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符"
+-#~ "串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding used to toggle whether the window is on all workspaces or "
+-#~ "just one. The format looks like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;"
+-#~ "&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper "
+-#~ "case, and also abbreviations such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;"
+-#~ "\". If you set the option to the special string \"disabled\", then there "
+-#~ "will be no keybinding for this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于切换窗口是在所有工作区上还是只在一个工作区上的按键组合。其格式类似"
+-#~ "于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自"
+-#~ "由并允许使用大小写和缩写,例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项"
+-#~ "设置为特殊字符串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding used to unmaximize a window. The format looks like \"&lt;"
+-#~ "Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly "
+-#~ "liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations such as "
+-#~ "\"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the "
+-#~ "special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for this "
+-#~ "action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于取消最大化窗口的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;"
+-#~ "Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,"
+-#~ "例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符"
+-#~ "串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding which display's the panel's \"Run Application\" dialog "
+-#~ "box. The format looks like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;"
+-#~ "Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, "
+-#~ "and also abbreviations such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If "
+-#~ "you set the option to the special string \"disabled\", then there will be "
+-#~ "no keybinding for this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "显示面板的“运行程序”对话框的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;"
+-#~ "a”或“&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写"
+-#~ "和缩写,例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符"
+-#~ "串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding which invokes a terminal. The format looks like \"&lt;"
+-#~ "Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly "
+-#~ "liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations such as "
+-#~ "\"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the "
+-#~ "special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for this "
+-#~ "action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "调用终端的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;"
+-#~ "Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,例如“&lt;"
+-#~ "Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符串“disabled”,那么此操"
+-#~ "作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding which invokes the panel's screenshot utility to take a "
+-#~ "screenshot of a window. The format looks like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or "
+-#~ "\"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly liberal and allows "
+-#~ "lower or upper case, and also abbreviations such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and "
+-#~ "\"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the special string \"disabled"
+-#~ "\", then there will be no keybinding for this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于调用面板抓图工具以抓取某一窗口的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;"
+-#~ "a”或“&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写"
+-#~ "和缩写,例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符"
+-#~ "串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding which invokes the panel's screenshot utility. The format "
+-#~ "looks like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The "
+-#~ "parser is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also "
+-#~ "abbreviations such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set "
+-#~ "the option to the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no "
+-#~ "keybinding for this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "调用面板的抓图工具的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;"
+-#~ "Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,"
+-#~ "例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符"
+-#~ "串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "The keybinding which shows the panel's main menu. The format looks like "
+-#~ "\"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is "
+-#~ "fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations "
+-#~ "such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to "
+-#~ "the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for "
+-#~ "this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于显示面板主菜单的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;"
+-#~ "Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,"
+-#~ "例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符"
+-#~ "串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "This keybinding changes whether a window is above or below other windows. "
+-#~ "If the window is covered by another one, it raises the window above all "
+-#~ "others, and if the window is already fully visible, it lowers it below "
+-#~ "all others. The format looks like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;"
+-#~ "&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper "
+-#~ "case, and also abbreviations such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;"
+-#~ "\". If you set the option to the special string \"disabled\", then there "
+-#~ "will be no keybinding for this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于将窗口更改到位于其它窗口上方或下方的按键组合。如果窗口被另一个窗口覆"
+-#~ "盖,则会将该窗口提升到其它窗口的上方。如果窗口已经完全可见,则会将该窗口降"
+-#~ "低到其它窗口的下方。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;"
+-#~ "Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,例如“&lt;"
+-#~ "Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符串“disabled”,那么此操"
+-#~ "作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "This keybinding lowers a window below other windows. The format looks "
+-#~ "like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser "
+-#~ "is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations "
+-#~ "such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to "
+-#~ "the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for "
+-#~ "this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于将窗口降低到其它窗口之下的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;"
+-#~ "a”或“&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写"
+-#~ "和缩写,例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符"
+-#~ "串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "This keybinding moves a window against the north (top) side of the "
+-#~ "screen. The format looks like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;"
+-#~ "Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, "
+-#~ "and also abbreviations such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If "
+-#~ "you set the option to the special string \"disabled\", then there will be "
+-#~ "no keybinding for this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于将窗口移到屏幕上侧的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;"
+-#~ "Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,"
+-#~ "例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符"
+-#~ "串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "This keybinding moves a window into the east (right) side of the screen. "
+-#~ "The format looks like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1"
+-#~ "\". The parser is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also "
+-#~ "abbreviations such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set "
+-#~ "the option to the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no "
+-#~ "keybinding for this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于将窗口移到屏幕右侧的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;"
+-#~ "Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,"
+-#~ "例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符"
+-#~ "串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "This keybinding moves a window into the north-east (top right) corner of "
+-#~ "the screen. The format looks like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;"
+-#~ "&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper "
+-#~ "case, and also abbreviations such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;"
+-#~ "\". If you set the option to the special string \"disabled\", then there "
+-#~ "will be no keybinding for this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于将窗口移到屏幕右上角的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;"
+-#~ "Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,"
+-#~ "例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符"
+-#~ "串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "This keybinding moves a window into the north-west (top left) corner of "
+-#~ "the screen. The format looks like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;"
+-#~ "&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper "
+-#~ "case, and also abbreviations such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;"
+-#~ "\". If you set the option to the special string \"disabled\", then there "
+-#~ "will be no keybinding for this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于将窗口移到屏幕左上角的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;"
+-#~ "Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,"
+-#~ "例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符"
+-#~ "串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "This keybinding moves a window into the south (bottom) side of the "
+-#~ "screen. The format looks like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;"
+-#~ "Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, "
+-#~ "and also abbreviations such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If "
+-#~ "you set the option to the special string \"disabled\", then there will be "
+-#~ "no keybinding for this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于将窗口移到屏幕下侧的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;"
+-#~ "Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,"
+-#~ "例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符"
+-#~ "串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "This keybinding moves a window into the south-east (bottom right) corner "
+-#~ "of the screen. The format looks like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;"
+-#~ "Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly liberal and allows lower "
+-#~ "or upper case, and also abbreviations such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;"
+-#~ "Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the special string \"disabled\", "
+-#~ "then there will be no keybinding for this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于将窗口移到屏幕右下角的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;"
+-#~ "Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,"
+-#~ "例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符"
+-#~ "串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "This keybinding moves a window into the south-west (bottom left) corner "
+-#~ "of the screen. The format looks like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;"
+-#~ "Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser is fairly liberal and allows lower "
+-#~ "or upper case, and also abbreviations such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;"
+-#~ "Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to the special string \"disabled\", "
+-#~ "then there will be no keybinding for this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于将窗口移到屏幕左下角的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;"
+-#~ "Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,"
+-#~ "例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符"
+-#~ "串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "This keybinding moves a window into the west (left) side of the screen. "
+-#~ "The format looks like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1"
+-#~ "\". The parser is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also "
+-#~ "abbreviations such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set "
+-#~ "the option to the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no "
+-#~ "keybinding for this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于将窗口移到屏幕左侧的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;a”或“&lt;"
+-#~ "Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写和缩写,"
+-#~ "例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符"
+-#~ "串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "This keybinding raises the window above other windows. The format looks "
+-#~ "like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". The parser "
+-#~ "is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations "
+-#~ "such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set the option to "
+-#~ "the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no keybinding for "
+-#~ "this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于将窗口提升到其它窗口之上的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;Control&gt;"
+-#~ "a”或“&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允许使用大小写"
+-#~ "和缩写,例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为特殊字符"
+-#~ "串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "This keybinding resizes a window to fill available horizontal space. The "
+-#~ "format looks like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". "
+-#~ "The parser is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also "
+-#~ "abbreviations such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set "
+-#~ "the option to the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no "
+-#~ "keybinding for this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于改变窗口大小使其充满可用的水平空间的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;"
+-#~ "Control&gt;a”或“&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允"
+-#~ "许使用大小写和缩写,例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为"
+-#~ "特殊字符串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "This keybinding resizes a window to fill available vertical space. The "
+-#~ "format looks like \"&lt;Control&gt;a\" or \"&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1\". "
+-#~ "The parser is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also "
+-#~ "abbreviations such as \"&lt;Ctl&gt;\" and \"&lt;Ctrl&gt;\". If you set "
+-#~ "the option to the special string \"disabled\", then there will be no "
+-#~ "keybinding for this action."
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "用于改变窗口大小使其充满可用的垂直空间的按键组合。其格式类似于“&lt;"
+-#~ "Control&gt;a”或“&lt;Shift&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;F1”。该解析程序的格式非常自由并允"
+-#~ "许使用大小写和缩写,例如“&lt;Ctl&gt;”和“&lt;Ctrl&gt;”。如果将该选项设置为"
+-#~ "特殊字符串“disabled”,那么此操作将没有按键组合。"
+-#~ msgid "Toggle always on top state"
+-#~ msgstr "切换常居顶层状态"
+-#~ msgid "Unmaximize window"
+-#~ msgstr "取消最大化窗口"
+-#~ msgid "Unmaximize Window"
+-#~ msgstr "取消最大化窗口"
+-#~ msgid "No \"%s\" attribute on <%s> element"
+-#~ msgstr "无“%s”属性在 <%s> 元素上"
+-#~ msgid "Theme already has a fallback icon"
+-#~ msgstr "主题已经有默认图标了"
+-#~ msgid "Theme already has a fallback mini_icon"
+-#~ msgstr "主题已经有默认迷你图标了"
+-#~ msgid "No \"name\" attribute on element <%s>"
+-#~ msgstr "元素 <%s> 上没有“name”属性"
+-#~ msgid "No \"value\" attribute on element <%s>"
+-#~ msgstr "元素 <%s> 上没有“value”属性"
+-#~ msgid "No \"top\" attribute on element <%s>"
+-#~ msgstr "元素 <%s> 上没有“top”属性"
+-#~ msgid "No \"bottom\" attribute on element <%s>"
+-#~ msgstr "元素 <%s> 上没有“bottom”属性"
+-#~ msgid "No \"left\" attribute on element <%s>"
+-#~ msgstr "元素 <%s> 上没有“left”属性"
+-#~ msgid "No \"right\" attribute on element <%s>"
+-#~ msgstr "元素 <%s> 上没有“right”属性"
+-#~ msgid "No \"color\" attribute on element <%s>"
+-#~ msgstr "元素 <%s> 上没有“color”属性"
+-#~ msgid "No \"x1\" attribute on element <%s>"
+-#~ msgstr "元素 <%s> 上没有“x1”属性"
+-#~ msgid "No \"y1\" attribute on element <%s>"
+-#~ msgstr "元素 <%s> 上没有“y1”属性"
+-#~ msgid "No \"x2\" attribute on element <%s>"
+-#~ msgstr "元素 <%s> 上没有“x2”属性"
+-#~ msgid "No \"y2\" attribute on element <%s>"
+-#~ msgstr "元素 <%s> 上没有“y2”属性"
+-#~ msgid "No \"y\" attribute on element <%s>"
+-#~ msgstr "元素 <%s> 上没有“y”属性"
+-#~ msgid "No \"width\" attribute on element <%s>"
+-#~ msgstr "元素 <%s> 上没有“width”属性"
+-#~ msgid "No \"height\" attribute on element <%s>"
+-#~ msgstr "元素 <%s> 上没有“height”属性"
+-#~ msgid "No \"start_angle\" attribute on element <%s>"
+-#~ msgstr "元素 <%s> 上没有“start_angle”属性"
+-#~ msgid "No \"extent_angle\" attribute on element <%s>"
+-#~ msgstr "元素 <%s> 上没有“extent_angle”属性"
+-#~ msgid "No \"alpha\" attribute on element <%s>"
+-#~ msgstr "元素 <%s> 上没有“alpha”属性"
+-#~ msgid "No \"type\" attribute on element <%s>"
+-#~ msgstr "元素 <%s> 上没有“type”属性"
+-#~ msgid "No \"filename\" attribute on element <%s>"
+-#~ msgstr "元素 <%s> 上没有“filename”属性"
+-#~ msgid "No \"state\" attribute on element <%s>"
+-#~ msgstr "元素 <%s> 上没有“state”属性"
+-#~ msgid "No \"shadow\" attribute on element <%s>"
+-#~ msgstr "元素 <%s> 上没有“shadow”属性"
+-#~ msgid "No \"arrow\" attribute on element <%s>"
+-#~ msgstr "元素 <%s> 上没有“arrow”属性"
+-#~ msgid "No \"value\" attribute on <%s> element"
+-#~ msgstr "元素 <%s> 上没有“value”属性"
+-#~ msgid "No \"position\" attribute on <%s> element"
+-#~ msgstr "元素 <%s> 上没有“position”属性"
+-#~ msgid "No \"function\" attribute on <%s> element"
+-#~ msgstr "元素 <%s> 上没有“function”属性"
+-#~ msgid "No \"state\" attribute on <%s> element"
+-#~ msgstr "元素 <%s> 上没有“state”属性"
+-#~ msgid "No \"focus\" attribute on <%s> element"
+-#~ msgstr "元素 <%s> 上没有“focus”属性"
+-#~ msgid "No \"style\" attribute on <%s> element"
+-#~ msgstr "元素 <%s> 上没有“style”属性"
+-#~ msgid "No \"resize\" attribute on <%s> element"
+-#~ msgstr "元素 <%s> 上没有“resize”属性"
+-#~ msgid "Type of %s was not integer"
+-#~ msgstr "%s 的类型不是整型"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "%d stored in GConf key %s is not a reasonable cursor_size; must be in the "
+-#~ "range 1..128\n"
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "存储在 GConf 关键字 %2$s 中的值 %1$d 不是一个合理的光标大小;必须介于 1 "
+-#~ "到 128 之间\n"
+-#~ msgid ""
+-#~ "%d stored in GConf key %s is not a reasonable number of workspaces, "
+-#~ "current maximum is %d\n"
+-#~ msgstr ""
+-#~ "存储在 GConf 关键字 %2$s 中的值 %1$d 不是一个合理的工作区数量,当前最大值"
+-#~ "为 %3$d\n"
diff --git a/SPECS/mutter.spec b/SPECS/mutter.spec
index 139ac15..1338c8a 100644
--- a/SPECS/mutter.spec
+++ b/SPECS/mutter.spec
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Name:          mutter
 Version:       3.8.4
-Release:       2%{?dist}
+Release:       10%{?dist}
 Summary:       Window and compositing manager based on Clutter
 Group:         User Interface/Desktops
@@ -9,6 +9,20 @@ License:       GPLv2+
 Source0:       http://download.gnome.org/sources/%{name}/3.8/%{name}-%{version}.tar.xz
 Patch0: 0001-shaped-texture-Use-nearest-pixel-interpolation-if-th.patch
+# https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=719669
+Patch1: MetaWindowGroup-fix-paint-volume.patch
+Patch10: 0001-background-Allow-using-sliced-textures-for-file-base.patch
+Patch20: mutter-translation-updates.patch
+Patch30: 0001-core-Add-minimal-handling-of-touch-events.patch
+# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1067456
+Patch40: 0001-background-don-t-save-pixbuf-in-user-data.patch
+Patch41: 0001-workspace-Add-missing-chain-up-for-finalize.patch
+Patch50: deal-more-gracefully-with-oversized-windows.patch
 BuildRequires: clutter-devel >= 1.13.5
 BuildRequires: pango-devel
@@ -66,6 +80,13 @@ utilities for testing Metacity/Mutter themes.
 %setup -q
 %patch0 -p1 -b .software-rendering-performance
+%patch1 -p1 -b .window-group-paint-volume
+%patch10 -p1 -b .sliced-backgrounds
+%patch20 -p2 -b .translation-updates
+%patch30 -p1 -b .minimal-touch-support
+%patch40 -p1 -b .dont-save-pixbuf-in-userdata
+%patch41 -p1 -b .plug-minor-memory-leak
+%patch50 -p1 -b .deal-with-oversized-windows
 (if ! test -x configure; then NOCONFIGURE=1 ./autogen.sh; fi;
@@ -136,6 +157,42 @@ glib-compile-schemas %{_datadir}/glib-2.0/schemas &> /dev/null || :
 %exclude %{_datadir}/gtk-doc
+* Tue Mar 11 2014 Florian Müllner <fmuellner@redhat.com> - 3.8.4-10
+- Fix crash when encountering over-sized windows
+  Resolves: #1027832
+* Tue Mar 11 2014 Florian Müllner <fmuellner@redhat.com> - 3.8.4-10
+- Backport another minor memory leak fix
+  Resolves: #1067456
+* Tue Mar 11 2014 Debarshi Ray <rishi@fedoraproject.org> - 3.8.4-9
+- Do not save pixbuf in user data
+  Resolves: #1067456
+* Wed Feb 12 2014 Carlos Garnacho <cgarnach@redhat.com> - 3.8.4-8
+- Fix window dragging on touchscreens
+  Resolves: #1051006
+* Tue Feb 11 2014 Owen Taylor <otaylor@redhat.com> - 3.8.4-7
+- Add an upstream patch that fixes a bug with left-over window
+  shadows that show up when we add patches to Clutter to stop
+  redrawing the entire screen on every window move.
+  Resolves: rhbz#1063984
+* Fri Jan 24 2014 Daniel Mach <dmach@redhat.com> - 3.8.4-6
+- Mass rebuild 2014-01-24
+* Fri Dec 27 2013 Daniel Mach <dmach@redhat.com> - 3.8.4-5
+- Mass rebuild 2013-12-27
+* Thu Nov 28 2013 Florian Müllner <fmuellner@redhat.com> - 3.8.4-4
+- Include translation updates
+  Resolves: rhbz#1030369
+* Mon Nov 11 2013 Florian Müllner <fmuellner@redhat.com> - 3.8.4-3
+- Backport allowing sliced textures for large backgrounds
+  Resolves: rhbz#1028586
 * Thu Oct 31 2013 Florian Müllner <fmuellner@redhat.com> - 3.8.4-2
 - Backport performance improvements for software rendering from 3.10