diff --git a/SOURCES/motif-2.3.4-motifzone_1564-88bdce1.patch b/SOURCES/motif-2.3.4-motifzone_1564-88bdce1.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2f533a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/motif-2.3.4-motifzone_1564-88bdce1.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,449 @@
+commit 88bdce139baf89839b6e13d698576fc56211e845
+Author: Oleksiy Chernyavskyy <ochern@ics.com>
+Date:   Wed Mar 16 00:46:49 2016 +0200
+    Reimplemented bugfix 1565
+    Signed-off-by: Oleksiy Chernyavskyy <ochern@ics.com>
+diff --git a/lib/Xm/ComboBox.c b/lib/Xm/ComboBox.c
+index 1472e45..cf507da 100644
+--- a/lib/Xm/ComboBox.c
++++ b/lib/Xm/ComboBox.c
+@@ -3164,6 +3164,9 @@ CreatePulldown(Widget    parent,
+   Arg      args[4];
+   ArgList  merged_args;
+   Cardinal n;
++#ifdef FIX_1565
++  XmGrabShellWidget grabsh;
+   n = 0;
+   XtSetArg(args[n], XmNlayoutDirection, LayoutM(parent)), n++;
+@@ -3175,6 +3178,11 @@ CreatePulldown(Widget    parent,
+ 			     merged_args, n + *num_args);
+   XtFree((char*)merged_args);
++#ifdef FIX_1565
++  grabsh = (XmGrabShellWidget) shell;
++  grabsh->grab_shell.set_input_focus = False;
+   return shell;
+ }
+diff --git a/lib/Xm/DropDown.c b/lib/Xm/DropDown.c
+index 37fec03..5cd15ca 100644
+--- a/lib/Xm/DropDown.c
++++ b/lib/Xm/DropDown.c
+@@ -2027,6 +2027,9 @@ CreatePopup(Widget w, ArgList args, Cardinal num_args)
+     Arg *new_list, largs[10];
+     Cardinal num_largs;
+     Widget sb;
++#ifdef FIX_1565
++    XmGrabShellWidget grabsh;
+     num_largs = 0;
+     XtSetArg(largs[num_largs], XmNoverrideRedirect, True); num_largs++;
+@@ -2040,6 +2043,10 @@ CreatePopup(Widget w, ArgList args, Cardinal num_args)
+ 						xmGrabShellWidgetClass, w,
+ 						new_list,
+ 						num_largs + num_args);
++#ifdef FIX_1565
++    grabsh = (XmGrabShellWidget) XmDropDown_popup_shell(cbw);
++    grabsh->grab_shell.set_input_focus = False;
+     XtFree((char *) new_list);
+ #ifdef FIX_1446
+diff --git a/lib/Xm/GrabShell.c b/lib/Xm/GrabShell.c
+index 88f3154..af13e0b 100644
+--- a/lib/Xm/GrabShell.c
++++ b/lib/Xm/GrabShell.c
+@@ -283,6 +283,10 @@ Initialize(Widget req,		/* unused */
+   /* CR 9920:  Popdown may be requested before MapNotify. */
+   grabsh->grab_shell.mapped = False;
++#ifdef FIX_1565
++  grabsh->grab_shell.set_input_focus = True;
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -395,8 +399,16 @@ MapNotifyHandler(Widget shell, XtPointer client_data,
+   XGetInputFocus(XtDisplay(shell), &grabshell->grab_shell.old_focus,
+ 		 &grabshell->grab_shell.old_revert_to);
+   old_handler = XSetErrorHandler(IgnoreXErrors);
+-  XSetInputFocus(XtDisplay(shell), XtWindow(shell), RevertToParent, time);
+-  XSync(XtDisplay(shell), False);
++#ifdef FIX_1565
++  if (! grabshell->grab_shell.set_input_focus) {
++    XmForceGrabKeyboard(shell, time);
++  } else {
++    XSetInputFocus(XtDisplay(shell), XtWindow(shell), RevertToParent, time);
++    XSync(XtDisplay(shell), False);
++#ifdef FIX_1565
++  }
+   XSetErrorHandler(old_handler);
+ }
+diff --git a/lib/Xm/GrabShellP.h b/lib/Xm/GrabShellP.h
+index 92fe508..025f001 100644
+--- a/lib/Xm/GrabShellP.h
++++ b/lib/Xm/GrabShellP.h
+@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
+ #include <Xm/GrabShell.h>
+ #include <Xm/XmP.h>
+ #include <X11/ShellP.h>
++#include "XmI.h"
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+@@ -55,6 +56,9 @@ typedef struct
+   Boolean	mapped;
+   Window	old_focus;
+   int		old_revert_to;
++#ifdef FIX_1565
++  Boolean	set_input_focus;
+ } XmGrabShellPart;
+diff --git a/lib/Xm/MenuShell.c b/lib/Xm/MenuShell.c
+index 2ed3dd8..9887087 100644
+--- a/lib/Xm/MenuShell.c
++++ b/lib/Xm/MenuShell.c
+@@ -1514,9 +1514,7 @@ ChangeManaged(
+ 	       /** the real grab ***/
+          _XmMenuGrabKeyboardAndPointer((Widget)rowcol, _time);
+-#ifndef FIX_1565
+ 	 _XmMenuFocus(XtParent(rowcol), XmMENU_BEGIN, _time);
+ 	 /* To support menu replay, keep the pointer in sync mode */
+ 	 XAllowEvents(XtDisplay(rowcol), SyncPointer, CurrentTime);
+diff --git a/lib/Xm/MenuUtil.c b/lib/Xm/MenuUtil.c
+index 1d88390..2fb6a27 100644
+--- a/lib/Xm/MenuUtil.c
++++ b/lib/Xm/MenuUtil.c
+@@ -1053,11 +1053,7 @@ _XmMenuGrabKeyboardAndPointer(
+    register int status =
+            (_XmGrabKeyboard(widget,
+-#ifdef FIX_1565
+-                            False,
+                             True,
+                             GrabModeSync,
+                             GrabModeAsync,
+                             time) != GrabSuccess);
+diff --git a/lib/Xm/RCMenu.c b/lib/Xm/RCMenu.c
+index 2c698d4..8b156da 100644
+--- a/lib/Xm/RCMenu.c
++++ b/lib/Xm/RCMenu.c
+@@ -85,6 +85,9 @@ static char *rcsid = "$TOG: RCMenu.c /main/25 1999/05/24 18:06:57 samborn $";
+ #include "TraversalI.h"
+ #include "UniqueEvnI.h"
+ #include "VendorSI.h"
++#ifdef FIX_1565
++#include <Xm/GrabShell.h>
+ #define FIX_1535
+@@ -943,6 +946,13 @@ _XmMenuFocus(
+    XmMenuState mst = _XmGetMenuState((Widget)w);
+    Window tmpWindow;
+    int tmpRevert;
++#ifdef FIX_1565
++   Widget shell;
++   shell = w;
++   while (! XtIsSubclass(shell, shellWidgetClass))
++     shell = XtParent(shell);
+    if (_time == CurrentTime) 
+      _time = XtLastTimestampProcessed(XtDisplay(w));
+@@ -983,6 +993,11 @@ _XmMenuFocus(
+ 			  shell.popped_up))
+ **/
+ 		     {
++#ifdef FIX_1565
++               if (XtIsSubclass(shell, xmGrabShellWidgetClass) || XtIsSubclass(shell, xmMenuShellWidgetClass))
++                 XmForceGrabKeyboard(w, _time);
++               else
+ 		       SetInputFocus(XtDisplay(w), mst->RC_menuFocus.oldFocus,
+ 				     mst->RC_menuFocus.oldRevert,
+ 				     mst->RC_menuFocus.oldTime);
+@@ -996,6 +1011,11 @@ _XmMenuFocus(
+  	      */
+  	     else
+  	       {
++#ifdef FIX_1565
++               if (XtIsSubclass(shell, xmGrabShellWidgetClass) || XtIsSubclass(shell, xmMenuShellWidgetClass))
++                 XmForceGrabKeyboard(w, _time);
++               else
+  		  SetInputFocus(XtDisplay(w), mst->RC_menuFocus.oldFocus,
+ 				mst->RC_menuFocus.oldRevert,
+ 				mst->RC_menuFocus.oldTime);
+@@ -1014,6 +1034,11 @@ _XmMenuFocus(
+ 	     RC_menuFocus.oldFocus);
+ 	  mst->RC_menuFocus.oldTime = _time - 1;
++#ifdef FIX_1565
++      if (XtIsSubclass(shell, xmGrabShellWidgetClass) || XtIsSubclass(shell, xmMenuShellWidgetClass))
++        XmForceGrabKeyboard(w, _time);
++      else
+ 	  SetInputFocus(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), mst->RC_menuFocus.oldRevert,
+ 			mst->RC_menuFocus.oldTime);
+@@ -1027,6 +1052,11 @@ _XmMenuFocus(
+ 	  XGetInputFocus(XtDisplay(w), &tmpWindow, &tmpRevert);
+ 	  if (tmpWindow != XtWindow(w))
+ 	  {
++#ifdef FIX_1565
++        if (XtIsSubclass(shell, xmGrabShellWidgetClass) || XtIsSubclass(shell, xmMenuShellWidgetClass))
++          XmForceGrabKeyboard(w, _time);
++        else
+ 	    SetInputFocus(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), tmpRevert, _time);
+ 	    mst->RC_menuFocus.oldRevert = tmpRevert;
+@@ -1048,6 +1078,11 @@ _XmMenuFocus(
+ 	  break;
+ 	case XmMENU_MIDDLE:
++#ifdef FIX_1565
++      if (XtIsSubclass(shell, xmGrabShellWidgetClass) || XtIsSubclass(shell, xmMenuShellWidgetClass))
++        XmForceGrabKeyboard(w, _time);
++      else
+ 	  SetInputFocus(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w),
+ 			mst->RC_menuFocus.oldRevert,
+ 			mst->RC_menuFocus.oldTime);
+@@ -1062,6 +1097,11 @@ _XmMenuFocus(
+ 	  if ((tmpWindow != XtWindow(w)) &&
+ 	      (_time > mst->RC_menuFocus.oldTime))
+ 	  {
++#ifdef FIX_1565
++        if (XtIsSubclass(shell, xmGrabShellWidgetClass) || XtIsSubclass(shell, xmMenuShellWidgetClass))
++          XmForceGrabKeyboard(w, _time);
++        else
+ 	    SetInputFocus(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), tmpRevert, _time);
+ 	    mst->RC_menuFocus.oldRevert = tmpRevert;
+diff --git a/lib/Xm/Xm.c b/lib/Xm/Xm.c
+index 3dfd794..45d48b6 100644
+--- a/lib/Xm/Xm.c
++++ b/lib/Xm/Xm.c
+@@ -40,6 +40,10 @@
+ #ifdef FIX_345
+ #include <X11/keysym.h>
+ #endif
++#ifdef FIX_1565
++#include <Xm/GrabShell.h>
++#include <Xm/MenuShell.h>
+ /**************************************************************************
+@@ -530,3 +534,173 @@ _XmAssignInsensitiveColor(Widget w)
+ 	return p;
+ }
+ #endif
++#ifdef FIX_1565
++typedef struct _GrabData GrabData;
++struct _GrabData {
++  Widget w;
++  GrabData *next;
++static void _XmSendFocusEvent(Widget child, int type);
++static void _XmStartDispatcher(Display *display);
++static Boolean _XmEventDispatcher(XEvent *event);
++static void UnmapHandler(Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XEvent *event, Boolean *cont);
++static Boolean _UngrabKeyboard(Widget w);
++static GrabData *grabw_top = NULL;
++static int xm_dispatcher_on = 0;
++static XtEventDispatchProc saved_dispatcher_proc = NULL;
++static XtEventDispatchProc xt_dispatcher_proc = NULL;
++   XmForceGrabKeyboard function is defined to be a substitutor of XSetInputFocus calls
++   for popup and pulldown menus that should grab keyboard focus yet main window at the
++   same time should visually stay in focus for window manager. This resolves focus flip
++   issue when popup or pulldown menu is raised. ~ochern
++ */
++void XmForceGrabKeyboard(Widget w, Time time)
++  GrabData *grabw;
++  if (!w)
++    return;
++  while (! XtIsSubclass(w, shellWidgetClass))
++    w = XtParent(w);
++  if (! (XtIsSubclass(w, xmGrabShellWidgetClass) || XtIsSubclass(w, xmMenuShellWidgetClass)))
++    return;
++  _XmStartDispatcher(XtDisplay(w));
++  _UngrabKeyboard(w);
++  grabw = (GrabData *) XtMalloc(sizeof(GrabData));
++  grabw->w = w;
++  _XmProcessLock();
++  grabw->next = grabw_top;
++  grabw_top = grabw;
++  _XmProcessUnlock();
++  XtInsertEventHandler(w, StructureNotifyMask, False, UnmapHandler, NULL, XtListHead);
++  _XmSendFocusEvent(w, FocusIn);
++  /* Following the XSetInputFocus behaviour we force sending FocusOut (see XGrabKeyboard(3))
++     event to a previous keyboard holder */
++  XtGrabKeyboard(w, True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, time);
++static void _XmStartDispatcher(Display *display)
++  if (!display)
++    return;
++  _XmProcessLock();
++  if (xm_dispatcher_on) {
++    _XmProcessUnlock();
++    return;
++  }
++  saved_dispatcher_proc = XtSetEventDispatcher(display, KeyPress, _XmEventDispatcher);
++  if (! xt_dispatcher_proc)
++    xt_dispatcher_proc = saved_dispatcher_proc;
++  XtSetEventDispatcher(display, KeyRelease, _XmEventDispatcher);
++  xm_dispatcher_on = 1;
++  _XmProcessUnlock();
++static Boolean _XmEventDispatcher(XEvent *event)
++  _XmProcessLock();
++  if (grabw_top) {
++    if (event->type == KeyPress || event->type == KeyRelease)
++      event->xany.window = XtWindow(grabw_top->w);
++  }
++  _XmProcessUnlock();
++  if (saved_dispatcher_proc) {
++    return (*saved_dispatcher_proc)(event);
++  } else if (xt_dispatcher_proc) {
++    return (*xt_dispatcher_proc)(event);
++  } else {
++    if (grabw_top)
++      XtSetEventDispatcher(XtDisplay(grabw_top->w), event->type, NULL);
++    return XtDispatchEvent(event);
++  }
++static void UnmapHandler(Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XEvent *event, Boolean *cont)
++  if (event->type == UnmapNotify)
++    _UngrabKeyboard(w);
++  if (! grabw_top) {
++    XtSetEventDispatcher(XtDisplay(w), KeyPress, saved_dispatcher_proc);
++    XtSetEventDispatcher(XtDisplay(w), KeyRelease, saved_dispatcher_proc);
++    xm_dispatcher_on = 0;
++  }
++  /* we do not call XtUngrabKeyboard since X server automatically performs an
++     UngrabKeyboard request if the event window for an active keyboard grab becomes
++     not viewable. ~ochern */
++static Boolean _UngrabKeyboard(Widget w)
++  GrabData *grabw, *grabw_prev;
++  _XmProcessLock();
++  if (! grabw_top) {
++    _XmProcessUnlock();
++    return False;
++  }
++  grabw = grabw_top;
++  grabw_prev = NULL;
++  while(grabw && grabw->w != w) {
++    grabw_prev = grabw;
++    grabw = grabw->next;
++  }
++  if (grabw) {
++    if (grabw_prev)
++      grabw_prev->next = grabw->next;
++    else
++      grabw_top = grabw->next;
++    XtFree((char*) grabw);
++    _XmProcessUnlock();
++    return True;
++  }
++  _XmProcessUnlock();
++  return False;
++static void _XmSendFocusEvent(Widget child, int type)
++  child = XtIsWidget(child) ? child : _XtWindowedAncestor(child);
++  if (XtIsSensitive(child) && !child->core.being_destroyed
++      && XtIsRealized(child) && (XtBuildEventMask(child) & FocusChangeMask))
++  {
++    XFocusChangeEvent event;
++    Display* dpy = XtDisplay (child);
++    event.type = type;
++    event.serial = LastKnownRequestProcessed(dpy);
++    event.send_event = True;
++    event.display = dpy;
++    event.window = XtWindow(child);
++    event.mode = NotifyNormal;
++    event.detail = NotifyAncestor;
++    if (XFilterEvent((XEvent*)&event, XtWindow(child)))
++      return;
++    XtDispatchEventToWidget(child, (XEvent*)&event);
++  }
+diff --git a/lib/Xm/XmI.h b/lib/Xm/XmI.h
+index b4420d3..c2b819e 100644
+--- a/lib/Xm/XmI.h
++++ b/lib/Xm/XmI.h
+@@ -242,7 +242,9 @@ extern Boolean _XmIsISO10646(Display *dpy,
+ extern XChar2b* _XmUtf8ToUcs2(char *draw_text,
+                               size_t seg_len,
+ 			      size_t *ret_str_len);
++#ifdef FIX_1565
++extern void XmForceGrabKeyboard(Widget w, Time time);
+ /********    End Private Function Declarations    ********/
diff --git a/SPECS/motif.spec b/SPECS/motif.spec
index 293b44f..40228c4 100644
--- a/SPECS/motif.spec
+++ b/SPECS/motif.spec
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Summary: Run-time libraries and programs
 Name: motif
 Version: 2.3.4
-Release: 8%{?dist}
+Release: 8.1%{?dist}
 License: LGPLv2+
 Group: System Environment/Libraries
 Source: http://downloads.sf.net/motif/motif-%{version}-src.tgz
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Patch46: motif-2.3.4-bindings.patch
 Patch47: openMotif-2.3.0-no_X11R6.patch
 Patch48: openmotif-2.3.1-rhbz_997241.patch
 Patch49: motif-2.3.5-motifzone_1654.patch
+Patch50: motif-2.3.4-motifzone_1564-88bdce1.patch
 Conflicts: lesstif <= 0.92.32-6
@@ -76,6 +77,7 @@ This package contains the static Motif libraries.
 %patch47 -p1 -b .no_X11R6
 %patch48 -p1 -b .rhbz_997241
 %patch49 -p1 -b .motifzone_1654
+%patch50 -p1 -b .motifzone_1564-88bdce1
@@ -130,6 +132,10 @@ rm -rf %{buildroot}
+* Fri Jan 20 2017 Thomas Woerner <twoerner@redhat.com> - 2.3.4-8.1
+- Fixed motif issue while navigating drop down menus with arrow keys
+  (RHBZ#1415153) (RHBZ#1396514) (MotifZone bug #1564)
 * Mon Jun 13 2016 Thomas Woerner <twoerner@redhat.com> - 2.3.4-8
 - mwm: do not see outline of window when moving (RHBZ#1080548)
   Clone of RHBZ#997241