31c3fa Update dependencies

1 file Authored by daandemeyer 2 years ago, Committed by zbyszek 2 years ago,
1 file changed. 51 lines added. 35 lines removed.
    Update dependencies
    This updates the dependencies based on the builtin list in mkosi's
    fedora default tools tree package list.
    We get rid of a few old dependencies that aren't relevant anymore
    such as veritysetup and binutils as well. We drop the
    python3-cryptography dependency as it's a dependency of ukify, not
    mkosi itself.
    While the various filesystem creation tools are invoked by
    systemd-repart and not mkosi itself, we still opt to keep them as
    recommends in mkosi to avoid having to add them as recommends to
    systemd itself.
    We also get rid of the EPEL 7 macros since v15 will never be built
    for EPEL 7 anyway as its a huge breaking change and they don't like
    those in EPEL.
    The list of dependencies is also reordered and cleaned up a bit.
file modified
+51 -35