diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 7803deb..a4e3e90 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/.mesa.metadata b/.mesa.metadata
index 1628364..3d34979 100644
--- a/.mesa.metadata
+++ b/.mesa.metadata
@@ -1 +1 @@
-c0a5052ad61807c5c33dd904a75420e583c60f8b SOURCES/mesa-20.3.2.tar.xz
+c0e42fada2b306a6d9740376398c0d8b0a130427 SOURCES/mesa-20.3.3.tar.xz
diff --git a/SOURCES/Makefile b/SOURCES/Makefile
index 90c7c33..eea9f33 100644
--- a/SOURCES/Makefile
+++ b/SOURCES/Makefile
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-VERSION ?= 20.3.2
+VERSION ?= 20.3.3
diff --git a/SOURCES/anv-remove-warning.patch b/SOURCES/anv-remove-warning.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..130a050
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/anv-remove-warning.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+diff -up mesa-20.3.3/src/intel/vulkan/anv_perf.c.dma mesa-20.3.3/src/intel/vulkan/anv_perf.c
+--- mesa-20.3.3/src/intel/vulkan/anv_perf.c.dma	2021-02-16 12:56:09.881084752 +1000
++++ mesa-20.3.3/src/intel/vulkan/anv_perf.c	2021-02-16 12:56:14.626213956 +1000
+@@ -47,9 +47,6 @@ anv_get_perf(const struct gen_device_inf
+    gen_perf_init_metrics(perf, devinfo, fd, false /* pipeline statistics */);
+    if (!perf->n_queries) {
+-      if (perf->platform_supported)
+-         mesa_logw("Performance support disabled, "
+-                   "consider sysctl dev.i915.perf_stream_paranoid=0\n");
+       goto err;
+    }
diff --git a/SOURCES/mesa-20.3.3-stable-fixes.patch b/SOURCES/mesa-20.3.3-stable-fixes.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..231e20b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/mesa-20.3.3-stable-fixes.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,930 @@
+diff --git a/src/amd/vulkan/radv_query.c b/src/amd/vulkan/radv_query.c
+index d49bc0f0564..90512d4f276 100644
+--- a/src/amd/vulkan/radv_query.c
++++ b/src/amd/vulkan/radv_query.c
+@@ -1679,13 +1679,14 @@ static void emit_begin_query(struct radv_cmd_buffer *cmd_buffer,
+ 			va += 8 * idx;
+-			si_cs_emit_write_event_eop(cs,
+-						   cmd_buffer->device->physical_device->rad_info.chip_class,
+-						   radv_cmd_buffer_uses_mec(cmd_buffer),
+-						   V_028A90_PS_DONE, 0,
+-						   EOP_DST_SEL_TC_L2,
+-						   EOP_DATA_SEL_GDS,
+-						   va, EOP_DATA_GDS(0, 1), 0);
++			radeon_emit(cs, PKT3(PKT3_COPY_DATA, 4, 0));
++			radeon_emit(cs, COPY_DATA_SRC_SEL(COPY_DATA_GDS) |
++			radeon_emit(cs, 0);
++			radeon_emit(cs, 0);
++			radeon_emit(cs, va);
++			radeon_emit(cs, va >> 32);
+ 			/* Record that the command buffer needs GDS. */
+ 			cmd_buffer->gds_needed = true;
+@@ -1769,13 +1770,14 @@ static void emit_end_query(struct radv_cmd_buffer *cmd_buffer,
+ 			va += 8 * idx;
+-			si_cs_emit_write_event_eop(cs,
+-						   cmd_buffer->device->physical_device->rad_info.chip_class,
+-						   radv_cmd_buffer_uses_mec(cmd_buffer),
+-						   V_028A90_PS_DONE, 0,
+-						   EOP_DST_SEL_TC_L2,
+-						   EOP_DATA_SEL_GDS,
+-						   va, EOP_DATA_GDS(0, 1), 0);
++			radeon_emit(cs, PKT3(PKT3_COPY_DATA, 4, 0));
++			radeon_emit(cs, COPY_DATA_SRC_SEL(COPY_DATA_GDS) |
++			radeon_emit(cs, 0);
++			radeon_emit(cs, 0);
++			radeon_emit(cs, va);
++			radeon_emit(cs, va >> 32);
+ 			cmd_buffer->state.active_pipeline_gds_queries--;
+ 		}
+diff --git a/src/amd/vulkan/radv_shader.h b/src/amd/vulkan/radv_shader.h
+index 9d9491d4361..2eb3ba4e64e 100644
+--- a/src/amd/vulkan/radv_shader.h
++++ b/src/amd/vulkan/radv_shader.h
+@@ -573,9 +573,11 @@ get_tcs_num_patches(unsigned tcs_num_input_vertices,
+ 	if (chip_class >= GFX7 && family != CHIP_STONEY)
+ 		hardware_lds_size = 65536;
+-	num_patches = MIN2(num_patches, hardware_lds_size / (input_patch_size + output_patch_size));
++	if (input_patch_size + output_patch_size)
++		num_patches = MIN2(num_patches, hardware_lds_size / (input_patch_size + output_patch_size));
+ 	/* Make sure the output data fits in the offchip buffer */
+-	num_patches = MIN2(num_patches, (tess_offchip_block_dw_size * 4) / output_patch_size);
++	if (output_patch_size)
++		num_patches = MIN2(num_patches, (tess_offchip_block_dw_size * 4) / output_patch_size);
+ 	/* Not necessary for correctness, but improves performance. The
+ 	 * specific value is taken from the proprietary driver.
+ 	 */
+diff --git a/src/gallium/auxiliary/cso_cache/cso_context.c b/src/gallium/auxiliary/cso_cache/cso_context.c
+index 1eef6aac70c..a6a663d97a6 100644
+--- a/src/gallium/auxiliary/cso_cache/cso_context.c
++++ b/src/gallium/auxiliary/cso_cache/cso_context.c
+@@ -402,10 +402,13 @@ void cso_destroy_context( struct cso_context *ctx )
+                                                 PIPE_SHADER_CAP_MAX_SHADER_BUFFERS);
+             int maxcb = scr->get_shader_param(scr, sh,
+                                               PIPE_SHADER_CAP_MAX_CONST_BUFFERS);
++            int maximg = scr->get_shader_param(scr, sh,
++                                              PIPE_SHADER_CAP_MAX_SHADER_IMAGES);
+             assert(maxsam <= PIPE_MAX_SAMPLERS);
+             assert(maxview <= PIPE_MAX_SHADER_SAMPLER_VIEWS);
+             assert(maxssbo <= PIPE_MAX_SHADER_BUFFERS);
+             assert(maxcb <= PIPE_MAX_CONSTANT_BUFFERS);
++            assert(maximg <= PIPE_MAX_SHADER_IMAGES);
+             if (maxsam > 0) {
+                ctx->pipe->bind_sampler_states(ctx->pipe, sh, 0, maxsam, zeros);
+             }
+@@ -415,6 +418,9 @@ void cso_destroy_context( struct cso_context *ctx )
+             if (maxssbo > 0) {
+                ctx->pipe->set_shader_buffers(ctx->pipe, sh, 0, maxssbo, ssbos, 0);
+             }
++            if (maximg > 0) {
++               ctx->pipe->set_shader_images(ctx->pipe, sh, 0, maximg, NULL);
++            }
+             for (int i = 0; i < maxcb; i++) {
+                ctx->pipe->set_constant_buffer(ctx->pipe, sh, i, NULL);
+             }
+diff --git a/src/gallium/drivers/iris/iris_program.c b/src/gallium/drivers/iris/iris_program.c
+index 8157e921850..971fc80b5ac 100644
+--- a/src/gallium/drivers/iris/iris_program.c
++++ b/src/gallium/drivers/iris/iris_program.c
+@@ -2109,8 +2109,8 @@ iris_get_scratch_space(struct iris_context *ice,
+     * in the base configuration.
+     */
+    unsigned subslice_total = screen->subslice_total;
+-   if (devinfo->gen >= 12)
+-      subslice_total = devinfo->num_subslices[0];
++   if (devinfo->gen == 12)
++      subslice_total = (devinfo->is_dg1 || devinfo->gt == 2 ? 6 : 2);
+    else if (devinfo->gen == 11)
+       subslice_total = 8;
+    else if (devinfo->gen < 11)
+diff --git a/src/gallium/drivers/iris/iris_resolve.c b/src/gallium/drivers/iris/iris_resolve.c
+index 276ad62b1dd..045f43ed8c0 100644
+--- a/src/gallium/drivers/iris/iris_resolve.c
++++ b/src/gallium/drivers/iris/iris_resolve.c
+@@ -793,7 +793,9 @@ iris_resource_set_aux_state(struct iris_context *ice,
+       if (res->aux.state[level][start_layer + a] != aux_state) {
+          res->aux.state[level][start_layer + a] = aux_state;
+          /* XXX: Need to track which bindings to make dirty */
+-         ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_RENDER_BUFFER;
++         ice->state.dirty |= IRIS_DIRTY_RENDER_BUFFER |
++                             IRIS_DIRTY_RENDER_RESOLVES_AND_FLUSHES |
++                             IRIS_DIRTY_COMPUTE_RESOLVES_AND_FLUSHES;
+          ice->state.stage_dirty |= IRIS_ALL_STAGE_DIRTY_BINDINGS;
+       }
+    }
+diff --git a/src/gallium/drivers/iris/iris_resource.c b/src/gallium/drivers/iris/iris_resource.c
+index 8747ef4aa8a..3b34e32cd21 100644
+--- a/src/gallium/drivers/iris/iris_resource.c
++++ b/src/gallium/drivers/iris/iris_resource.c
+@@ -1125,6 +1125,20 @@ iris_flush_resource(struct pipe_context *ctx, struct pipe_resource *resource)
+                                 0, INTEL_REMAINING_LAYERS,
+                                 mod ? mod->aux_usage : ISL_AUX_USAGE_NONE,
+                                 mod ? mod->supports_clear_color : false);
++   if (!res->mod_info && res->aux.usage != ISL_AUX_USAGE_NONE) {
++      /* flush_resource may be used to prepare an image for sharing external
++       * to the driver (e.g. via eglCreateImage). To account for this, make
++       * sure to get rid of any compression that a consumer wouldn't know how
++       * to handle.
++       */
++      for (int i = 0; i < IRIS_BATCH_COUNT; i++) {
++         if (iris_batch_references(&ice->batches[i], res->bo))
++            iris_batch_flush(&ice->batches[i]);
++      }
++      iris_resource_disable_aux(res);
++   }
+ }
+ static void
+diff --git a/src/gallium/drivers/iris/iris_state.c b/src/gallium/drivers/iris/iris_state.c
+index 59a63f7bbab..b9ddb863a16 100644
+--- a/src/gallium/drivers/iris/iris_state.c
++++ b/src/gallium/drivers/iris/iris_state.c
+@@ -1666,6 +1666,8 @@ struct iris_rasterizer_state {
+    bool multisample;
+    bool force_persample_interp;
+    bool conservative_rasterization;
++   bool fill_mode_point;
++   bool fill_mode_line;
+    bool fill_mode_point_or_line;
+    enum pipe_sprite_coord_mode sprite_coord_mode; /* PIPE_SPRITE_* */
+    uint16_t sprite_coord_enable;
+@@ -1729,11 +1731,15 @@ iris_create_rasterizer_state(struct pipe_context *ctx,
+    cso->conservative_rasterization =
+       state->conservative_raster_mode == PIPE_CONSERVATIVE_RASTER_POST_SNAP;
+-   cso->fill_mode_point_or_line =
+-      state->fill_front == PIPE_POLYGON_MODE_LINE ||
++   cso->fill_mode_point =
+       state->fill_front == PIPE_POLYGON_MODE_POINT ||
+-      state->fill_back == PIPE_POLYGON_MODE_LINE ||
+       state->fill_back == PIPE_POLYGON_MODE_POINT;
++   cso->fill_mode_line =
++      state->fill_front == PIPE_POLYGON_MODE_LINE ||
++      state->fill_back == PIPE_POLYGON_MODE_LINE;
++   cso->fill_mode_point_or_line =
++      cso->fill_mode_point ||
++      cso->fill_mode_line;
+    if (state->clip_plane_enable != 0)
+       cso->num_clip_plane_consts = util_logbase2(state->clip_plane_enable) + 1;
+@@ -4059,6 +4065,28 @@ iris_emit_sbe_swiz(struct iris_batch *batch,
+    }
+ }
++static bool
++iris_is_drawing_points(const struct iris_context *ice)
++   const struct iris_rasterizer_state *cso_rast = ice->state.cso_rast;
++   if (cso_rast->fill_mode_point) {
++      return true;
++   }
++   if (ice->shaders.prog[MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY]) {
++      const struct brw_gs_prog_data *gs_prog_data =
++         (void *) ice->shaders.prog[MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY]->prog_data;
++      return gs_prog_data->output_topology == _3DPRIM_POINTLIST;
++   } else if (ice->shaders.prog[MESA_SHADER_TESS_EVAL]) {
++      const struct brw_tes_prog_data *tes_data =
++         (void *) ice->shaders.prog[MESA_SHADER_TESS_EVAL]->prog_data;
++      return tes_data->output_topology == BRW_TESS_OUTPUT_TOPOLOGY_POINT;
++   } else {
++      return ice->state.prim_mode == PIPE_PRIM_POINTS;
++   }
+ static unsigned
+ iris_calculate_point_sprite_overrides(const struct brw_wm_prog_data *prog_data,
+                                       const struct iris_rasterizer_state *cso)
+@@ -4093,7 +4121,8 @@ iris_emit_sbe(struct iris_batch *batch, const struct iris_context *ice)
+                                       &urb_read_offset, &urb_read_length);
+    unsigned sprite_coord_overrides =
+-      iris_calculate_point_sprite_overrides(wm_prog_data, cso_rast);
++      iris_is_drawing_points(ice) ?
++      iris_calculate_point_sprite_overrides(wm_prog_data, cso_rast) : 0;
+    iris_emit_cmd(batch, GENX(3DSTATE_SBE), sbe) {
+       sbe.AttributeSwizzleEnable = true;
+diff --git a/src/gallium/drivers/radeonsi/si_descriptors.c b/src/gallium/drivers/radeonsi/si_descriptors.c
+index 8f688fa3650..ef35f86b05f 100644
+--- a/src/gallium/drivers/radeonsi/si_descriptors.c
++++ b/src/gallium/drivers/radeonsi/si_descriptors.c
+@@ -1482,11 +1482,12 @@ void si_update_needs_color_decompress_masks(struct si_context *sctx)
+ /* Reset descriptors of buffer resources after \p buf has been invalidated.
+  * If buf == NULL, reset all descriptors.
+  */
+-static void si_reset_buffer_resources(struct si_context *sctx, struct si_buffer_resources *buffers,
++static bool si_reset_buffer_resources(struct si_context *sctx, struct si_buffer_resources *buffers,
+                                       unsigned descriptors_idx, uint64_t slot_mask,
+                                       struct pipe_resource *buf, enum radeon_bo_priority priority)
+ {
+    struct si_descriptors *descs = &sctx->descriptors[descriptors_idx];
++   bool noop = true;
+    uint64_t mask = buffers->enabled_mask & slot_mask;
+    while (mask) {
+@@ -1501,8 +1502,10 @@ static void si_reset_buffer_resources(struct si_context *sctx, struct si_buffer_
+             sctx, si_resource(buffer),
+             buffers->writable_mask & (1llu << i) ? RADEON_USAGE_READWRITE : RADEON_USAGE_READ,
+             priority, true);
++         noop = false;
+       }
+    }
++   return !noop;
+ }
+ /* Update all buffer bindings where the buffer is bound, including
+@@ -1577,11 +1580,15 @@ void si_rebind_buffer(struct si_context *sctx, struct pipe_resource *buf)
+    }
+    if (!buffer || buffer->bind_history & PIPE_BIND_SHADER_BUFFER) {
+-      for (shader = 0; shader < SI_NUM_SHADERS; shader++)
+-         si_reset_buffer_resources(sctx, &sctx->const_and_shader_buffers[shader],
+-                                   si_const_and_shader_buffer_descriptors_idx(shader),
+-                                   u_bit_consecutive64(0, SI_NUM_SHADER_BUFFERS), buf,
+-                                   sctx->const_and_shader_buffers[shader].priority);
++      for (shader = 0; shader < SI_NUM_SHADERS; shader++) {
++         if (si_reset_buffer_resources(sctx, &sctx->const_and_shader_buffers[shader],
++                                       si_const_and_shader_buffer_descriptors_idx(shader),
++                                       u_bit_consecutive64(0, SI_NUM_SHADER_BUFFERS), buf,
++                                       sctx->const_and_shader_buffers[shader].priority) &&
++             shader == PIPE_SHADER_COMPUTE) {
++            sctx->compute_shaderbuf_sgprs_dirty = true;
++         }
++      }
+    }
+    if (!buffer || buffer->bind_history & PIPE_BIND_SAMPLER_VIEW) {
+@@ -1633,6 +1640,9 @@ void si_rebind_buffer(struct si_context *sctx, struct pipe_resource *buf)
+                radeon_add_to_gfx_buffer_list_check_mem(sctx, si_resource(buffer),
+                                                        RADEON_USAGE_READWRITE,
+                                                        RADEON_PRIO_SAMPLER_BUFFER, true);
++               if (shader == PIPE_SHADER_COMPUTE)
++                  sctx->compute_image_sgprs_dirty = true;
+             }
+          }
+       }
+diff --git a/src/gallium/frontends/dri/dri_helpers.c b/src/gallium/frontends/dri/dri_helpers.c
+index 01a1fb3d96c..5e87df35a55 100644
+--- a/src/gallium/frontends/dri/dri_helpers.c
++++ b/src/gallium/frontends/dri/dri_helpers.c
+@@ -258,7 +258,9 @@ dri2_create_image_from_renderbuffer2(__DRIcontext *context,
+ 				     int renderbuffer, void *loaderPrivate,
+                                      unsigned *error)
+ {
+-   struct gl_context *ctx = ((struct st_context *)dri_context(context)->st)->ctx;
++   struct st_context *st_ctx = (struct st_context *)dri_context(context)->st;
++   struct gl_context *ctx = st_ctx->ctx;
++   struct pipe_context *p_ctx = st_ctx->pipe;
+    struct gl_renderbuffer *rb;
+    struct pipe_resource *tex;
+    __DRIimage *img;
+@@ -299,6 +301,13 @@ dri2_create_image_from_renderbuffer2(__DRIcontext *context,
+    pipe_resource_reference(&img->texture, tex);
++   /* If the resource supports EGL_MESA_image_dma_buf_export, make sure that
++    * it's in a shareable state. Do this now while we still have the access to
++    * the context.
++    */
++   if (dri2_get_mapping_by_format(img->dri_format))
++      p_ctx->flush_resource(p_ctx, tex);
+    *error = __DRI_IMAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS;
+    return img;
+ }
+@@ -326,7 +335,9 @@ dri2_create_from_texture(__DRIcontext *context, int target, unsigned texture,
+                          void *loaderPrivate)
+ {
+    __DRIimage *img;
+-   struct gl_context *ctx = ((struct st_context *)dri_context(context)->st)->ctx;
++   struct st_context *st_ctx = (struct st_context *)dri_context(context)->st;
++   struct gl_context *ctx = st_ctx->ctx;
++   struct pipe_context *p_ctx = st_ctx->pipe;
+    struct gl_texture_object *obj;
+    struct pipe_resource *tex;
+    GLuint face = 0;
+@@ -376,6 +387,13 @@ dri2_create_from_texture(__DRIcontext *context, int target, unsigned texture,
+    pipe_resource_reference(&img->texture, tex);
++   /* If the resource supports EGL_MESA_image_dma_buf_export, make sure that
++    * it's in a shareable state. Do this now while we still have the access to
++    * the context.
++    */
++   if (dri2_get_mapping_by_format(img->dri_format))
++      p_ctx->flush_resource(p_ctx, tex);
+    *error = __DRI_IMAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS;
+    return img;
+ }
+@@ -547,6 +565,9 @@ dri2_get_mapping_by_fourcc(int fourcc)
+ const struct dri2_format_mapping *
+ dri2_get_mapping_by_format(int format)
+ {
++   if (format == __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_NONE)
++      return NULL;
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(dri2_format_table); i++) {
+       if (dri2_format_table[i].dri_format == format)
+          return &dri2_format_table[i];
+diff --git a/src/gallium/frontends/lavapipe/lvp_device.c b/src/gallium/frontends/lavapipe/lvp_device.c
+index 45734f95880..187aecde1f8 100644
+--- a/src/gallium/frontends/lavapipe/lvp_device.c
++++ b/src/gallium/frontends/lavapipe/lvp_device.c
+@@ -52,8 +52,6 @@ lvp_physical_device_init(struct lvp_physical_device *device,
+    if (!device->pscreen)
+       return vk_error(instance, VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY);
+-   fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: lavapipe is not a conformant vulkan implementation, testing use only.\n");
+    device->max_images = device->pscreen->get_shader_param(device->pscreen, PIPE_SHADER_FRAGMENT, PIPE_SHADER_CAP_MAX_SHADER_IMAGES);
+    lvp_physical_device_get_supported_extensions(device, &device->supported_extensions);
+    result = lvp_init_wsi(device);
+@@ -575,6 +573,19 @@ void lvp_GetPhysicalDeviceProperties2(
+    }
+ }
++static void lvp_get_physical_device_queue_family_properties(
++   VkQueueFamilyProperties*                    pQueueFamilyProperties)
++   *pQueueFamilyProperties = (VkQueueFamilyProperties) {
++      .queueFlags = VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT |
++      .queueCount = 1,
++      .timestampValidBits = 64,
++      .minImageTransferGranularity = (VkExtent3D) { 1, 1, 1 },
++   };
+ void lvp_GetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties(
+    VkPhysicalDevice                            physicalDevice,
+    uint32_t*                                   pCount,
+@@ -586,15 +597,21 @@ void lvp_GetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties(
+    }
+    assert(*pCount >= 1);
++   lvp_get_physical_device_queue_family_properties(pQueueFamilyProperties);
+-   *pQueueFamilyProperties = (VkQueueFamilyProperties) {
+-      .queueFlags = VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT |
+-      .queueCount = 1,
+-      .timestampValidBits = 64,
+-      .minImageTransferGranularity = (VkExtent3D) { 1, 1, 1 },
+-   };
++void lvp_GetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties2(
++   VkPhysicalDevice                            physicalDevice,
++   uint32_t*                                   pCount,
++   VkQueueFamilyProperties2                   *pQueueFamilyProperties)
++   if (pQueueFamilyProperties == NULL) {
++      *pCount = 1;
++      return;
++   }
++   assert(*pCount >= 1);
++   lvp_get_physical_device_queue_family_properties(&pQueueFamilyProperties->queueFamilyProperties);
+ }
+ void lvp_GetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties(
+@@ -617,6 +634,14 @@ void lvp_GetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties(
+    };
+ }
++void lvp_GetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties2(
++   VkPhysicalDevice                            physicalDevice,
++   VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties2          *pMemoryProperties)
++   lvp_GetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties(physicalDevice,
++                                         &pMemoryProperties->memoryProperties);
+ PFN_vkVoidFunction lvp_GetInstanceProcAddr(
+    VkInstance                                  _instance,
+    const char*                                 pName)
+@@ -822,6 +847,8 @@ VkResult lvp_CreateDevice(
+    const VkAllocationCallbacks*                pAllocator,
+    VkDevice*                                   pDevice)
+ {
++   fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: lavapipe is not a conformant vulkan implementation, testing use only.\n");
+    LVP_FROM_HANDLE(lvp_physical_device, physical_device, physicalDevice);
+    struct lvp_device *device;
+diff --git a/src/glx/g_glxglvnddispatchfuncs.c b/src/glx/g_glxglvnddispatchfuncs.c
+index 0f02ed2d321..e0ea27c0b18 100644
+--- a/src/glx/g_glxglvnddispatchfuncs.c
++++ b/src/glx/g_glxglvnddispatchfuncs.c
+@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ const char * const __glXDispatchTableStrings[DI_LAST_INDEX] = {
+     __ATTRIB(SelectEventSGIX),
+     // glXSwapBuffers implemented by libglvnd
+     __ATTRIB(SwapBuffersMscOML),
++    __ATTRIB(SwapIntervalEXT),
+     __ATTRIB(SwapIntervalMESA),
+     __ATTRIB(SwapIntervalSGI),
+     // glXUseXFont implemented by libglvnd
+@@ -893,6 +894,24 @@ static int dispatch_SwapIntervalMESA(unsigned int interval)
++static void dispatch_SwapIntervalEXT(Display *dpy, GLXDrawable drawable, int interval)
++    __GLXvendorInfo *dd;
++    dd = GetDispatchFromDrawable(dpy, drawable);
++    if (dd == NULL)
++        return;
++    __FETCH_FUNCTION_PTR(SwapIntervalEXT);
++    if (pSwapIntervalEXT == NULL)
++        return;
++    pSwapIntervalEXT(dpy, drawable, interval);
+ static Bool dispatch_WaitForMscOML(Display *dpy, GLXDrawable drawable,
+                                       int64_t target_msc, int64_t divisor,
+                                       int64_t remainder, int64_t *ust,
+@@ -974,6 +993,7 @@ const void * const __glXDispatchFunctions[DI_LAST_INDEX + 1] = {
+     __ATTRIB(ReleaseTexImageEXT),
+     __ATTRIB(SelectEventSGIX),
+     __ATTRIB(SwapBuffersMscOML),
++    __ATTRIB(SwapIntervalEXT),
+     __ATTRIB(SwapIntervalMESA),
+     __ATTRIB(SwapIntervalSGI),
+     __ATTRIB(WaitForMscOML),
+diff --git a/src/glx/g_glxglvnddispatchindices.h b/src/glx/g_glxglvnddispatchindices.h
+index 3ba50a74abb..b65d078098f 100644
+--- a/src/glx/g_glxglvnddispatchindices.h
++++ b/src/glx/g_glxglvnddispatchindices.h
+@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ typedef enum __GLXdispatchIndex {
+     DI_SelectEventSGIX,
+     // SwapBuffers implemented by libglvnd
+     DI_SwapBuffersMscOML,
++    DI_SwapIntervalEXT,
+     DI_SwapIntervalMESA,
+     DI_SwapIntervalSGI,
+     // UseXFont implemented by libglvnd
+diff --git a/src/intel/common/gen_mi_builder.h b/src/intel/common/gen_mi_builder.h
+index ddd8459ef07..47fb98e99f7 100644
+--- a/src/intel/common/gen_mi_builder.h
++++ b/src/intel/common/gen_mi_builder.h
+@@ -932,6 +932,13 @@ gen_mi_store_address(struct gen_mi_builder *b,
+ static inline void
+ gen_mi_self_mod_barrier(struct gen_mi_builder *b)
+ {
++   /* First make sure all the memory writes from previous modifying commands
++    * have landed. We want to do this before going through the CS cache,
++    * otherwise we could be fetching memory that hasn't been written to yet.
++    */
++   gen_mi_builder_emit(b, GENX(PIPE_CONTROL), pc) {
++      pc.CommandStreamerStallEnable = true;
++   }
+    /* Documentation says Gen11+ should be able to invalidate the command cache
+     * but experiment show it doesn't work properly, so for now just get over
+     * the CS prefetch.
+diff --git a/src/intel/compiler/brw_fs_copy_propagation.cpp b/src/intel/compiler/brw_fs_copy_propagation.cpp
+index 917c3abfe9e..6896987055f 100644
+--- a/src/intel/compiler/brw_fs_copy_propagation.cpp
++++ b/src/intel/compiler/brw_fs_copy_propagation.cpp
+@@ -437,6 +437,7 @@ instruction_requires_packed_data(fs_inst *inst)
+       return true;
+    default:
+       return false;
+diff --git a/src/intel/compiler/brw_ir_fs.h b/src/intel/compiler/brw_ir_fs.h
+index 6ba3a6ca97e..3a4acc1834a 100644
+--- a/src/intel/compiler/brw_ir_fs.h
++++ b/src/intel/compiler/brw_ir_fs.h
+@@ -451,13 +451,15 @@ regs_written(const fs_inst *inst)
+  * Return the number of dataflow registers read by the instruction (either
+  * fully or partially) counted from 'floor(reg_offset(inst->src[i]) /
+  * register_size)'.  The somewhat arbitrary register size unit is 4B for the
+- * UNIFORM and IMM files and 32B for all other files.
++ * UNIFORM files and 32B for all other files.
+  */
+ inline unsigned
+ regs_read(const fs_inst *inst, unsigned i)
+ {
+-   const unsigned reg_size =
+-      inst->src[i].file == UNIFORM || inst->src[i].file == IMM ? 4 : REG_SIZE;
++   if (inst->src[i].file == IMM)
++      return 1;
++   const unsigned reg_size = inst->src[i].file == UNIFORM ? 4 : REG_SIZE;
+    return DIV_ROUND_UP(reg_offset(inst->src[i]) % reg_size +
+                        inst->size_read(i) -
+                        MIN2(inst->size_read(i), reg_padding(inst->src[i])),
+diff --git a/src/intel/vulkan/anv_allocator.c b/src/intel/vulkan/anv_allocator.c
+index 9007cd00e85..48811912e95 100644
+--- a/src/intel/vulkan/anv_allocator.c
++++ b/src/intel/vulkan/anv_allocator.c
+@@ -1447,8 +1447,8 @@ anv_scratch_pool_alloc(struct anv_device *device, struct anv_scratch_pool *pool,
+     * For, Gen11+, scratch space allocation is based on the number of threads
+     * in the base configuration.
+     */
+-   if (devinfo->gen >= 12)
+-      subslices = devinfo->num_subslices[0];
++   if (devinfo->gen == 12)
++      subslices = (devinfo->is_dg1 || devinfo->gt == 2 ? 6 : 2);
+    else if (devinfo->gen == 11)
+       subslices = 8;
+    else if (devinfo->gen >= 9)
+diff --git a/src/intel/vulkan/anv_image.c b/src/intel/vulkan/anv_image.c
+index 0290431f145..80307cd612f 100644
+--- a/src/intel/vulkan/anv_image.c
++++ b/src/intel/vulkan/anv_image.c
+@@ -684,6 +684,25 @@ choose_drm_format_mod(const struct anv_physical_device *device,
+       return NULL;
+ }
++static VkImageUsageFlags
++anv_image_create_usage(const VkImageCreateInfo *pCreateInfo,
++                       VkImageUsageFlags usage)
++   /* Add TRANSFER_SRC usage for multisample attachment images. This is
++    * because we might internally use the TRANSFER_SRC layout on them for
++    * blorp operations associated with resolving those into other attachments
++    * at the end of a subpass.
++    *
++    * Without this additional usage, we compute an incorrect AUX state in
++    * anv_layout_to_aux_state().
++    */
++   if (pCreateInfo->samples > VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT &&
++   return usage;
+ VkResult
+ anv_image_create(VkDevice _device,
+                  const struct anv_image_create_info *create_info,
+@@ -732,7 +751,7 @@ anv_image_create(VkDevice _device,
+    image->levels = pCreateInfo->mipLevels;
+    image->array_size = pCreateInfo->arrayLayers;
+    image->samples = pCreateInfo->samples;
+-   image->usage = pCreateInfo->usage;
++   image->usage = anv_image_create_usage(pCreateInfo, pCreateInfo->usage);
+    image->create_flags = pCreateInfo->flags;
+    image->tiling = pCreateInfo->tiling;
+    image->disjoint = pCreateInfo->flags & VK_IMAGE_CREATE_DISJOINT_BIT;
+@@ -745,8 +764,11 @@ anv_image_create(VkDevice _device,
+       const VkImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT *stencil_usage_info =
+          vk_find_struct_const(pCreateInfo->pNext,
+                               IMAGE_STENCIL_USAGE_CREATE_INFO_EXT);
+-      if (stencil_usage_info)
+-         image->stencil_usage = stencil_usage_info->stencilUsage;
++      if (stencil_usage_info) {
++         image->stencil_usage =
++            anv_image_create_usage(pCreateInfo,
++                                   stencil_usage_info->stencilUsage);
++      }
+    }
+    /* In case of external format, We don't know format yet,
+diff --git a/src/intel/vulkan/anv_pass.c b/src/intel/vulkan/anv_pass.c
+index af23b87969d..1818f6c587b 100644
+--- a/src/intel/vulkan/anv_pass.c
++++ b/src/intel/vulkan/anv_pass.c
+@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
+ #include "anv_private.h"
++#include "vk_format_info.h"
+ #include "vk_util.h"
+ static void
+@@ -406,6 +407,70 @@ num_subpass_attachments2(const VkSubpassDescription2KHR *desc)
+           (ds_resolve && ds_resolve->pDepthStencilResolveAttachment);
+ }
++static bool
++vk_image_layout_depth_only(VkImageLayout layout)
++   switch (layout) {
++      return true;
++   default:
++      return false;
++   }
++/* From the Vulkan Specification 1.2.166 - VkAttachmentReference2:
++ *
++ *   "If layout only specifies the layout of the depth aspect of the
++ *    attachment, the layout of the stencil aspect is specified by the
++ *    stencilLayout member of a VkAttachmentReferenceStencilLayout structure
++ *    included in the pNext chain. Otherwise, layout describes the layout for
++ *    all relevant image aspects."
++ */
++static VkImageLayout
++stencil_ref_layout(const VkAttachmentReference2KHR *att_ref)
++   if (!vk_image_layout_depth_only(att_ref->layout))
++      return att_ref->layout;
++   const VkAttachmentReferenceStencilLayoutKHR *stencil_ref =
++      vk_find_struct_const(att_ref->pNext,
++                           ATTACHMENT_REFERENCE_STENCIL_LAYOUT_KHR);
++   if (!stencil_ref)
++   return stencil_ref->stencilLayout;
++/* From the Vulkan Specification 1.2.166 - VkAttachmentDescription2:
++ *
++ *   "If format is a depth/stencil format, and initialLayout only specifies
++ *    the initial layout of the depth aspect of the attachment, the initial
++ *    layout of the stencil aspect is specified by the stencilInitialLayout
++ *    member of a VkAttachmentDescriptionStencilLayout structure included in
++ *    the pNext chain. Otherwise, initialLayout describes the initial layout
++ *    for all relevant image aspects."
++ */
++static VkImageLayout
++stencil_desc_layout(const VkAttachmentDescription2KHR *att_desc, bool final)
++   if (!vk_format_has_stencil(att_desc->format))
++   const VkImageLayout main_layout =
++      final ? att_desc->finalLayout : att_desc->initialLayout;
++   if (!vk_image_layout_depth_only(main_layout))
++      return main_layout;
++   const VkAttachmentDescriptionStencilLayoutKHR *stencil_desc =
++      vk_find_struct_const(att_desc->pNext,
++   assert(stencil_desc);
++   return final ?
++      stencil_desc->stencilFinalLayout :
++      stencil_desc->stencilInitialLayout;
+ VkResult anv_CreateRenderPass2(
+     VkDevice                                    _device,
+     const VkRenderPassCreateInfo2KHR*           pCreateInfo,
+@@ -450,10 +515,6 @@ VkResult anv_CreateRenderPass2(
+    pass->subpass_flushes = subpass_flushes;
+    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pCreateInfo->attachmentCount; i++) {
+-      const VkAttachmentDescriptionStencilLayoutKHR *stencil_layout =
+-         vk_find_struct_const(pCreateInfo->pAttachments[i].pNext,
+-                              ATTACHMENT_DESCRIPTION_STENCIL_LAYOUT_KHR);
+       pass->attachments[i] = (struct anv_render_pass_attachment) {
+          .format                 = pCreateInfo->pAttachments[i].format,
+          .samples                = pCreateInfo->pAttachments[i].samples,
+@@ -463,12 +524,10 @@ VkResult anv_CreateRenderPass2(
+          .initial_layout         = pCreateInfo->pAttachments[i].initialLayout,
+          .final_layout           = pCreateInfo->pAttachments[i].finalLayout,
+-         .stencil_initial_layout = (stencil_layout ?
+-                                    stencil_layout->stencilInitialLayout :
+-                                    pCreateInfo->pAttachments[i].initialLayout),
+-         .stencil_final_layout   = (stencil_layout ?
+-                                    stencil_layout->stencilFinalLayout :
+-                                    pCreateInfo->pAttachments[i].finalLayout),
++         .stencil_initial_layout = stencil_desc_layout(&pCreateInfo->pAttachments[i],
++                                                       false),
++         .stencil_final_layout   = stencil_desc_layout(&pCreateInfo->pAttachments[i],
++                                                       true),
+       };
+    }
+@@ -487,17 +546,11 @@ VkResult anv_CreateRenderPass2(
+          subpass_attachments += desc->inputAttachmentCount;
+          for (uint32_t j = 0; j < desc->inputAttachmentCount; j++) {
+-            const VkAttachmentReferenceStencilLayoutKHR *stencil_layout =
+-               vk_find_struct_const(desc->pInputAttachments[j].pNext,
+-                                    ATTACHMENT_REFERENCE_STENCIL_LAYOUT_KHR);
+             subpass->input_attachments[j] = (struct anv_subpass_attachment) {
+                .usage =          VK_IMAGE_USAGE_INPUT_ATTACHMENT_BIT,
+                .attachment =     desc->pInputAttachments[j].attachment,
+                .layout =         desc->pInputAttachments[j].layout,
+-               .stencil_layout = (stencil_layout ?
+-                                  stencil_layout->stencilLayout :
+-                                  desc->pInputAttachments[j].layout),
++               .stencil_layout = stencil_ref_layout(&desc->pInputAttachments[j]),
+             };
+          }
+       }
+@@ -531,17 +584,11 @@ VkResult anv_CreateRenderPass2(
+       if (desc->pDepthStencilAttachment) {
+          subpass->depth_stencil_attachment = subpass_attachments++;
+-         const VkAttachmentReferenceStencilLayoutKHR *stencil_attachment =
+-            vk_find_struct_const(desc->pDepthStencilAttachment->pNext,
+-                                 ATTACHMENT_REFERENCE_STENCIL_LAYOUT_KHR);
+          *subpass->depth_stencil_attachment = (struct anv_subpass_attachment) {
+             .usage =          VK_IMAGE_USAGE_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_BIT,
+             .attachment =     desc->pDepthStencilAttachment->attachment,
+             .layout =         desc->pDepthStencilAttachment->layout,
+-            .stencil_layout = stencil_attachment ?
+-                              stencil_attachment->stencilLayout :
+-                              desc->pDepthStencilAttachment->layout,
++            .stencil_layout = stencil_ref_layout(desc->pDepthStencilAttachment),
+          };
+       }
+@@ -552,17 +599,11 @@ VkResult anv_CreateRenderPass2(
+       if (ds_resolve && ds_resolve->pDepthStencilResolveAttachment) {
+          subpass->ds_resolve_attachment = subpass_attachments++;
+-         const VkAttachmentReferenceStencilLayoutKHR *stencil_resolve_attachment =
+-            vk_find_struct_const(ds_resolve->pDepthStencilResolveAttachment->pNext,
+-                                 ATTACHMENT_REFERENCE_STENCIL_LAYOUT_KHR);
+          *subpass->ds_resolve_attachment = (struct anv_subpass_attachment) {
+             .usage =          VK_IMAGE_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT,
+             .attachment =     ds_resolve->pDepthStencilResolveAttachment->attachment,
+             .layout =         ds_resolve->pDepthStencilResolveAttachment->layout,
+-            .stencil_layout = stencil_resolve_attachment ?
+-                              stencil_resolve_attachment->stencilLayout :
+-                              ds_resolve->pDepthStencilResolveAttachment->layout,
++            .stencil_layout = stencil_ref_layout(ds_resolve->pDepthStencilResolveAttachment),
+          };
+          subpass->depth_resolve_mode = ds_resolve->depthResolveMode;
+          subpass->stencil_resolve_mode = ds_resolve->stencilResolveMode;
+diff --git a/src/intel/vulkan/genX_cmd_buffer.c b/src/intel/vulkan/genX_cmd_buffer.c
+index a9c49e0f592..e3eb376fa5a 100644
+--- a/src/intel/vulkan/genX_cmd_buffer.c
++++ b/src/intel/vulkan/genX_cmd_buffer.c
+@@ -462,8 +462,10 @@ anv_image_init_aux_tt(struct anv_cmd_buffer *cmd_buffer,
+ {
+    uint32_t plane = anv_image_aspect_to_plane(image->aspects, aspect);
++   const struct anv_surface *surface = &image->planes[plane].surface;
+    uint64_t base_address =
+-      anv_address_physical(image->planes[plane].address);
++      anv_address_physical(anv_address_add(image->planes[plane].address,
++                                           surface->offset));
+    const struct isl_surf *isl_surf = &image->planes[plane].surface.isl;
+    uint64_t format_bits = gen_aux_map_format_bits_for_isl_surf(isl_surf);
+@@ -1231,6 +1233,17 @@ transition_color_buffer(struct anv_cmd_buffer *cmd_buffer,
+             uint32_t level_layer_count =
+                MIN2(layer_count, aux_layers - base_layer);
++            /* If will_full_fast_clear is set, the caller promises to
++             * fast-clear the largest portion of the specified range as it can.
++             * For color images, that means only the first LOD and array slice.
++             */
++            if (level == 0 && base_layer == 0 && will_full_fast_clear) {
++               base_layer++;
++               level_layer_count--;
++               if (level_layer_count == 0)
++                  continue;
++            }
+             anv_image_ccs_op(cmd_buffer, image,
+                              image->planes[plane].surface.isl.format,
+                              ISL_SWIZZLE_IDENTITY,
+@@ -1250,6 +1263,12 @@ transition_color_buffer(struct anv_cmd_buffer *cmd_buffer,
+                           "define an MCS buffer.");
+          }
++         /* If will_full_fast_clear is set, the caller promises to fast-clear
++          * the largest portion of the specified range as it can.
++          */
++         if (will_full_fast_clear)
++            return;
+          assert(base_level == 0 && level_count == 1);
+          anv_image_mcs_op(cmd_buffer, image,
+                           image->planes[plane].surface.isl.format,
+diff --git a/src/intel/vulkan/genX_pipeline.c b/src/intel/vulkan/genX_pipeline.c
+index 205e8677f19..33f071019b7 100644
+--- a/src/intel/vulkan/genX_pipeline.c
++++ b/src/intel/vulkan/genX_pipeline.c
+@@ -1180,7 +1180,22 @@ emit_cb_state(struct anv_graphics_pipeline *pipeline,
+ #endif
+          .LogicOpEnable = info->logicOpEnable,
+          .LogicOpFunction = vk_to_gen_logic_op[info->logicOp],
+-         .ColorBufferBlendEnable = a->blendEnable,
++         /* Vulkan specification 1.2.168, VkLogicOp:
++          *
++          *   "Logical operations are controlled by the logicOpEnable and
++          *    logicOp members of VkPipelineColorBlendStateCreateInfo. If
++          *    logicOpEnable is VK_TRUE, then a logical operation selected by
++          *    logicOp is applied between each color attachment and the
++          *    fragment’s corresponding output value, and blending of all
++          *    attachments is treated as if it were disabled."
++          *
++          * From the Broadwell PRM Volume 2d: Command Reference: Structures:
++          * BLEND_STATE_ENTRY:
++          *
++          *   "Enabling LogicOp and Color Buffer Blending at the same time is
++          *    UNDEFINED"
++          */
++         .ColorBufferBlendEnable = !info->logicOpEnable && a->blendEnable,
+          .ColorClampRange = COLORCLAMP_RTFORMAT,
+          .PreBlendColorClampEnable = true,
+          .PostBlendColorClampEnable = true,
+diff --git a/src/intel/vulkan/vk_format_info.h b/src/intel/vulkan/vk_format_info.h
+index 006e1f4a6ad..4e72c244742 100644
+--- a/src/intel/vulkan/vk_format_info.h
++++ b/src/intel/vulkan/vk_format_info.h
+@@ -164,4 +164,11 @@ vk_format_has_depth(VkFormat format)
+    return aspects & VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_DEPTH_BIT;
+ }
++static inline bool
++vk_format_has_stencil(VkFormat format)
++   const VkImageAspectFlags aspects = vk_format_aspects(format);
++   return aspects & VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_STENCIL_BIT;
+ #endif /* VK_FORMAT_INFO_H */
+diff --git a/src/mesa/state_tracker/st_pbo.c b/src/mesa/state_tracker/st_pbo.c
+index 65a1ce8862a..b03921c1be6 100644
+--- a/src/mesa/state_tracker/st_pbo.c
++++ b/src/mesa/state_tracker/st_pbo.c
+@@ -431,16 +431,21 @@ create_fs(struct st_context *st, bool download,
+    nir_ssa_def *coord = nir_load_var(&b, fragcoord);
+    nir_ssa_def *layer = NULL;
+-   if (st->pbo.layers && need_layer && (!download || target == PIPE_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY ||
+-                                                     target == PIPE_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY ||
+-                                                     target == PIPE_TEXTURE_3D ||
+-                                                     target == PIPE_TEXTURE_CUBE ||
+-                                                     target == PIPE_TEXTURE_CUBE_ARRAY)) {
+-      nir_variable *var = nir_variable_create(b.shader, nir_var_shader_in,
+-                                              glsl_int_type(), "gl_Layer");
+-      var->data.location = VARYING_SLOT_LAYER;
+-      var->data.interpolation = INTERP_MODE_FLAT;
+-      layer = nir_load_var(&b, var);
++   if (st->pbo.layers && (!download || target == PIPE_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY ||
++                                       target == PIPE_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY ||
++                                       target == PIPE_TEXTURE_3D ||
++                                       target == PIPE_TEXTURE_CUBE ||
++                                       target == PIPE_TEXTURE_CUBE_ARRAY)) {
++      if (need_layer) {
++         nir_variable *var = nir_variable_create(b.shader, nir_var_shader_in,
++                                                glsl_int_type(), "gl_Layer");
++         var->data.location = VARYING_SLOT_LAYER;
++         var->data.interpolation = INTERP_MODE_FLAT;
++         layer = nir_load_var(&b, var);
++      }
++      else {
++         layer = zero;
++      }
+    }
+    /* offset_pos = param.xy + f2i(coord.xy) */
+diff --git a/src/util/format/u_format.csv b/src/util/format/u_format.csv
+index 8acfb869bdb..237c4c95475 100644
+--- a/src/util/format/u_format.csv
++++ b/src/util/format/u_format.csv
+@@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ PIPE_FORMAT_R4G4B4A4_UINT           , plain, 1, 1, 1, up4 , up4 , up4 , up4 , xy
+ PIPE_FORMAT_B4G4R4A4_UINT           , plain, 1, 1, 1, up4 , up4 , up4 , up4 , zyxw, rgb, up4 , up4 , up4 , up4 , yzwx
+ PIPE_FORMAT_A4R4G4B4_UINT           , plain, 1, 1, 1, up4 , up4 , up4 , up4 , yzwx, rgb, up4 , up4 , up4 , up4 , zyxw
+ PIPE_FORMAT_A4B4G4R4_UINT           , plain, 1, 1, 1, up4 , up4 , up4 , up4 , wzyx, rgb, up4 , up4 , up4 , up4 , xyzw
+-PIPE_FORMAT_A1R5G5B5_UINT           , plain, 1, 1, 1, up1 , up5 , up5 , up5 , wzyx, rgb, up5 , up5 , up5 , up1 , zyxw
++PIPE_FORMAT_A1R5G5B5_UINT           , plain, 1, 1, 1, up1 , up5 , up5 , up5 , yzwx, rgb, up5 , up5 , up5 , up1 , zyxw
+ PIPE_FORMAT_A1B5G5R5_UINT           , plain, 1, 1, 1, up1 , up5 , up5 , up5 , wzyx, rgb, up5 , up5 , up5 , up1 , xyzw
+ PIPE_FORMAT_R5G5B5A1_UINT           , plain, 1, 1, 1, up5 , up5 , up5 , up1 , xyzw, rgb, up5 , up5 , up5 , up1 , wzyx
+ PIPE_FORMAT_B5G5R5A1_UINT           , plain, 1, 1, 1, up5 , up5 , up5 , up1 , zyxw, rgb, up1 , up5 , up5 , up5 , yzwx
+diff --git a/src/vulkan/device-select-layer/VkLayer_MESA_device_select.json b/src/vulkan/device-select-layer/VkLayer_MESA_device_select.json
+index 1d5fffd0135..361ae9fe74e 100644
+--- a/src/vulkan/device-select-layer/VkLayer_MESA_device_select.json
++++ b/src/vulkan/device-select-layer/VkLayer_MESA_device_select.json
+@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
+     "name": "VK_LAYER_MESA_device_select",
+     "type": "GLOBAL",
+     "library_path": "libVkLayer_MESA_device_select.so",
+-    "api_version": "1.1.73",
++    "api_version": "1.2.73",
+     "implementation_version": "1",
+     "description": "Linux device selection layer",
+     "functions": {
diff --git a/SPECS/mesa.spec b/SPECS/mesa.spec
index f1e4441..694bfef 100644
--- a/SPECS/mesa.spec
+++ b/SPECS/mesa.spec
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 Name:           mesa
 Summary:        Mesa graphics libraries
-Version:        20.3.2
+Version:        20.3.3
 Release:        1%{?rctag:.%{rctag}}%{?dist}
 License:        MIT
@@ -59,6 +59,8 @@ Source3:        Makefile
 Source4:        Mesa-MLAA-License-Clarification-Email.txt
 Patch0:	lavapipe-disable-env-var.patch
+Patch1: mesa-20.3.3-stable-fixes.patch
+Patch2: anv-remove-warning.patch
 BuildRequires:  gcc
 BuildRequires:  gcc-c++
@@ -551,6 +553,9 @@ done
+* Tue Feb 16 2021 Dave Airlie <airlied@redhat.com> - 20.3.3-1
+- Update to 20.3.3 + upstream fixes for qemu regression
 * Mon Jan 11 2021 Dave Airlie <airlied@redhat.com> - 20.3.2-1
 - Update to 20.3.2 for upstream fixes