diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 68c30cf..0971052 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/.lz4.metadata b/.lz4.metadata
index c2f95d3..c13c074 100644
--- a/.lz4.metadata
+++ b/.lz4.metadata
@@ -1 +1 @@
-a710a7d45beb0951806d2b98f0c1739107e97c14 SOURCES/lz4-1.7.5.tar.gz
+070867abcd93a7245b80ec6fc2ced27c6b8e3e0c SOURCES/lz4-1.8.3.tar.gz
diff --git a/SOURCES/lz4-1.7.5-dont-change-dev-null.patch b/SOURCES/lz4-1.7.5-dont-change-dev-null.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 32fbdd0..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/lz4-1.7.5-dont-change-dev-null.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-From a33bf89c62b1573a604144adaa797d94d97cb990 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Yann Collet <cyan@fb.com>
-Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2017 17:20:22 -0700
-Subject: [PATCH] fix #332 : do not modify /dev/null permissions
- NEWS             |  4 +++
- programs/lz4io.c | 68 ++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
- programs/util.h  | 10 +++----
- 3 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/programs/lz4io.c b/programs/lz4io.c
-index 5264b148..5bf54744 100644
---- a/programs/lz4io.c
-+++ b/programs/lz4io.c
-@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ static int LZ4IO_isSkippableMagicNumber(unsigned int magic) { return (magic & LZ
- /** LZ4IO_openSrcFile() :
-- * condition : `dstFileName` must be non-NULL.
-+ * condition : `srcFileName` must be non-NULL.
-  * @result : FILE* to `dstFileName`, or NULL if it fails */
- static FILE* LZ4IO_openSrcFile(const char* srcFileName)
- {
-@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ static FILE* LZ4IO_openDstFile(const char* dstFileName)
- /* unoptimized version; solves endianess & alignment issues */
- static void LZ4IO_writeLE32 (void* p, unsigned value32)
- {
--    unsigned char* dstPtr = (unsigned char*)p;
-+    unsigned char* const dstPtr = (unsigned char*)p;
-     dstPtr[0] = (unsigned char)value32;
-     dstPtr[1] = (unsigned char)(value32 >> 8);
-     dstPtr[2] = (unsigned char)(value32 >> 16);
-@@ -317,10 +317,10 @@ int LZ4IO_compressFilename_Legacy(const char* input_filename, const char* output
-     const int outBuffSize = LZ4_compressBound(LEGACY_BLOCKSIZE);
-     FILE* finput;
-     FILE* foutput;
--    clock_t end;
-+    clock_t clockEnd;
-     /* Init */
--    clock_t const start = clock();
-+    clock_t const clockStart = clock();
-     if (compressionlevel < 3) compressionFunction = LZ4IO_LZ4_compress; else compressionFunction = LZ4_compress_HC;
-     finput = LZ4IO_openSrcFile(input_filename);
-@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ int LZ4IO_compressFilename_Legacy(const char* input_filename, const char* output
-     /* Write Archive Header */
-     LZ4IO_writeLE32(out_buff, LEGACY_MAGICNUMBER);
-     { size_t const sizeCheck = fwrite(out_buff, 1, MAGICNUMBER_SIZE, foutput);
--      if (sizeCheck!=MAGICNUMBER_SIZE) EXM_THROW(22, "Write error : cannot write header"); }
-+      if (sizeCheck != MAGICNUMBER_SIZE) EXM_THROW(22, "Write error : cannot write header"); }
-     /* Main Loop */
-     while (1) {
-@@ -360,13 +360,13 @@ int LZ4IO_compressFilename_Legacy(const char* input_filename, const char* output
-     if (ferror(finput)) EXM_THROW(25, "Error while reading %s ", input_filename);
-     /* Status */
--    end = clock();
--    if (end==start) end+=1;  /* avoid division by zero (speed) */
-+    clockEnd = clock();
-+    if (clockEnd==clockStart) clockEnd+=1;  /* avoid division by zero (speed) */
-     filesize += !filesize;   /* avoid division by zero (ratio) */
-     DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "\r%79s\r", "");   /* blank line */
-     DISPLAYLEVEL(2,"Compressed %llu bytes into %llu bytes ==> %.2f%%\n",
-         filesize, compressedfilesize, (double)compressedfilesize / filesize * 100);
--    {   double const seconds = (double)(end - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
-+    {   double const seconds = (double)(clockEnd - clockStart) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
-         DISPLAYLEVEL(4,"Done in %.2f s ==> %.2f MB/s\n", seconds, (double)filesize / seconds / 1024 / 1024);
-     }
-@@ -603,11 +603,11 @@ static unsigned LZ4IO_readLE32 (const void* s)
-     return value32;
- }
--#define sizeT sizeof(size_t)
--#define maskT (sizeT - 1)
- static unsigned LZ4IO_fwriteSparse(FILE* file, const void* buffer, size_t bufferSize, unsigned storedSkips)
- {
-+    const size_t sizeT = sizeof(size_t);
-+    const size_t maskT = sizeT -1 ;
-     const size_t* const bufferT = (const size_t*)buffer;   /* Buffer is supposed malloc'ed, hence aligned on size_t */
-     const size_t* ptrT = bufferT;
-     size_t bufferSizeT = bufferSize / sizeT;
-@@ -682,22 +682,19 @@ static void LZ4IO_fwriteSparseEnd(FILE* file, unsigned storedSkips)
- }
--static unsigned g_magicRead = 0;
-+static unsigned g_magicRead = 0;   /* out-parameter of LZ4IO_decodeLegacyStream() */
- static unsigned long long LZ4IO_decodeLegacyStream(FILE* finput, FILE* foutput)
- {
--    unsigned long long filesize = 0;
--    char* in_buff;
--    char* out_buff;
-+    unsigned long long streamSize = 0;
-     unsigned storedSkips = 0;
-     /* Allocate Memory */
--    in_buff = (char*)malloc(LZ4_compressBound(LEGACY_BLOCKSIZE));
--    out_buff = (char*)malloc(LEGACY_BLOCKSIZE);
-+    char* const in_buff  = (char*)malloc(LZ4_compressBound(LEGACY_BLOCKSIZE));
-+    char* const out_buff = (char*)malloc(LEGACY_BLOCKSIZE);
-     if (!in_buff || !out_buff) EXM_THROW(51, "Allocation error : not enough memory");
-     /* Main Loop */
-     while (1) {
--        int decodeSize;
-         unsigned int blockSize;
-         /* Block Size */
-@@ -716,13 +713,12 @@ static unsigned long long LZ4IO_decodeLegacyStream(FILE* finput, FILE* foutput)
-           if (sizeCheck!=blockSize) EXM_THROW(52, "Read error : cannot access compressed block !"); }
-         /* Decode Block */
--        decodeSize = LZ4_decompress_safe(in_buff, out_buff, blockSize, LEGACY_BLOCKSIZE);
--        if (decodeSize < 0) EXM_THROW(53, "Decoding Failed ! Corrupted input detected !");
--        filesize += decodeSize;
--        /* Write Block */
--        storedSkips = LZ4IO_fwriteSparse(foutput, out_buff, decodeSize, storedSkips);
--    }
-+        {   int const decodeSize = LZ4_decompress_safe(in_buff, out_buff, blockSize, LEGACY_BLOCKSIZE);
-+            if (decodeSize < 0) EXM_THROW(53, "Decoding Failed ! Corrupted input detected !");
-+            streamSize += decodeSize;
-+            /* Write Block */
-+            storedSkips = LZ4IO_fwriteSparse(foutput, out_buff, decodeSize, storedSkips); /* success or die */
-+    }   }
-     if (ferror(finput)) EXM_THROW(54, "Read error : ferror");
-     LZ4IO_fwriteSparseEnd(foutput, storedSkips);
-@@ -731,7 +727,7 @@ static unsigned long long LZ4IO_decodeLegacyStream(FILE* finput, FILE* foutput)
-     free(in_buff);
-     free(out_buff);
--    return filesize;
-+    return streamSize;
- }
-@@ -925,10 +921,9 @@ static int LZ4IO_decompressSrcFile(dRess_t ress, const char* input_filename, con
- {
-     FILE* const foutput = ress.dstFile;
-     unsigned long long filesize = 0, decodedSize=0;
--    FILE* finput;
-     /* Init */
--    finput = LZ4IO_openSrcFile(input_filename);
-+    FILE* const finput = LZ4IO_openSrcFile(input_filename);
-     if (finput==NULL) return 1;
-     /* Loop over multiple streams */
-@@ -954,10 +949,7 @@ static int LZ4IO_decompressSrcFile(dRess_t ress, const char* input_filename, con
- static int LZ4IO_decompressDstFile(dRess_t ress, const char* input_filename, const char* output_filename)
- {
--    FILE* foutput;
--    /* Init */
--    foutput = LZ4IO_openDstFile(output_filename);
-+    FILE* const foutput = LZ4IO_openDstFile(output_filename);   /* success or die */
-     if (foutput==NULL) return 1;   /* failure */
-     ress.dstFile = foutput;
-@@ -967,8 +959,11 @@ static int LZ4IO_decompressDstFile(dRess_t ress, const char* input_filename, con
-     /* Copy owner, file permissions and modification time */
-     {   stat_t statbuf;
--        if (strcmp (input_filename, stdinmark) && strcmp (output_filename, stdoutmark) && UTIL_getFileStat(input_filename, &statbuf))
--            UTIL_setFileStat(output_filename, &statbuf);
-+        if (strcmp (input_filename, stdinmark)
-+            && strcmp (output_filename, stdoutmark)
-+            && strcmp (output_filename, nulmark)
-+            && UTIL_getFileStat(input_filename, &statbuf))
-+            UTIL_setFileStat(output_filename, &statbuf);  /* should return value be read ? or is silent fail good enough ? */
-     }
-     return 0;
-@@ -982,10 +977,9 @@ int LZ4IO_decompressFilename(const char* input_filename, const char* output_file
-     int const missingFiles = LZ4IO_decompressDstFile(ress, input_filename, output_filename);
--    {   clock_t const end = clock();
--        double const seconds = (double)(end - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
--        DISPLAYLEVEL(4, "Done in %.2f sec  \n", seconds);
--    }
-+    clock_t const end = clock();
-+    double const seconds = (double)(end - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
-+    DISPLAYLEVEL(4, "Done in %.2f sec  \n", seconds);
-     LZ4IO_freeDResources(ress);
-     return missingFiles;
-diff --git a/programs/util.h b/programs/util.h
-index 044085f3..5a69c55c 100644
---- a/programs/util.h
-+++ b/programs/util.h
-@@ -199,9 +199,9 @@ UTIL_STATIC int UTIL_setFileStat(const char *filename, stat_t *statbuf)
-     int res = 0;
-     struct utimbuf timebuf;
--	timebuf.actime = time(NULL);
--	timebuf.modtime = statbuf->st_mtime;
--	res += utime(filename, &timebuf);  /* set access and modification times */
-+    timebuf.actime = time(NULL);
-+    timebuf.modtime = statbuf->st_mtime;
-+    res += utime(filename, &timebuf);  /* set access and modification times */
- #if !defined(_WIN32)
-     res += chown(filename, statbuf->st_uid, statbuf->st_gid);  /* Copy ownership */
diff --git a/SPECS/lz4.spec b/SPECS/lz4.spec
index 5b1b5fe..46866c1 100644
--- a/SPECS/lz4.spec
+++ b/SPECS/lz4.spec
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 Name:           lz4
-Version:        1.7.5
-Release:        3%{?dist}
+Version:        1.8.3
+Release:        1%{?dist}
 Summary:        Extremely fast compression algorithm
 License:        GPLv2+ and BSD
 URL:            https://lz4.github.io/lz4/
 Source0:        https://github.com/Cyan4973/lz4/archive/v%{version}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
-Patch1: lz4-1.7.5-dont-change-dev-null.patch
 LZ4 is an extremely fast loss-less compression algorithm, providing compression
@@ -69,6 +68,11 @@ chmod +x ./configure
+* Mon Apr 06 2020 Jakub Martisko <jamartis@rehat.com> - 1.8.3-1
+- Rebase to 1.8.3
+- Drop the patch from 1.7.5-3. It is now part of the upstream archive
+- Resolves: #1813245
 * Tue Mar 12 2019 Jakub Martisko <jamartis@rehat.com> - 1.7.5-3
 - Fix: lz4 -t corrupts /dev/null permissions
 - Resolves: #1680671