diff --git a/SOURCES/lvm2-2_02_167-fix-raid4-coversion-from-striped.patch b/SOURCES/lvm2-2_02_167-fix-raid4-coversion-from-striped.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11dd7db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/lvm2-2_02_167-fix-raid4-coversion-from-striped.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,532 @@
+ WHATS_NEW                             |   2 +
+ lib/metadata/raid_manip.c             | 277 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
+ test/shell/lvconvert-raid-takeover.sh |  53 ++++++-
+ tools/lvconvert.c                     |  24 +--
+ 4 files changed, 314 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/WHATS_NEW b/WHATS_NEW
+index 5cbf4ec..6a0c311 100644
+--- a/WHATS_NEW
++++ b/WHATS_NEW
+@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
+ Version 2.02.167 - 
+ ======================================
++  Add direct striped -> raid4 conversion
++  Fix raid4 parity image pair position on conversions from striped/raid0*
+   Disable lvconvert of thin pool to raid while active.
+ Version 2.02.166 - 26th September 2016
+diff --git a/lib/metadata/raid_manip.c b/lib/metadata/raid_manip.c
+index 5fc520e..e5fd195 100644
+--- a/lib/metadata/raid_manip.c
++++ b/lib/metadata/raid_manip.c
+@@ -2459,7 +2459,7 @@ static struct lv_segment *_convert_striped_to_raid0(struct logical_volume *lv,
+ 					   0 /* chunk_size */,
+ 					   0 /* seg->region_size */, 0u /* extents_copied */ ,
+ 					   NULL /* pvmove_source_seg */))) {
+-		log_error("Failed to allocate new raid0 segement for LV %s.", display_lvname(lv));
++		log_error("Failed to allocate new raid0 segment for LV %s.", display_lvname(lv));
+ 		return NULL;
+ 	}
+@@ -2519,42 +2519,51 @@ static struct possible_takeover_reshape_type _possible_takeover_reshape_types[]
+ 	{ .current_types  = SEG_STRIPED_TARGET, /* linear, i.e. seg->area_count = 1 */
+ 	  .possible_types = SEG_RAID1,
+ 	  .current_areas = 1,
+-	  .options = ALLOW_NONE },
++	  .options = ALLOW_NONE }, /* FIXME: ALLOW_REGION_SIZE */
+ 	{ .current_types  = SEG_STRIPED_TARGET, /* linear, i.e. seg->area_count = 1 */
+ 	  .possible_types = SEG_RAID0|SEG_RAID0_META,
+ 	  .current_areas = 1,
+ 	  .options = ALLOW_STRIPE_SIZE },
+-	{ .current_types  = SEG_STRIPED_TARGET, /* striped, i.e. seg->area_count > 1 */
++	{ .current_types  = SEG_STRIPED_TARGET, /* striped -> raid0*, i.e. seg->area_count > 1 */
+ 	  .possible_types = SEG_RAID0|SEG_RAID0_META,
+ 	  .current_areas = ~0U,
+ 	  .options = ALLOW_NONE },
++	{ .current_types  = SEG_STRIPED_TARGET, /* striped -> raid4 , i.e. seg->area_count > 1 */
++	  .possible_types = SEG_RAID4,
++	  .current_areas = ~0U,
++	  .options = ALLOW_NONE }, /* FIXME: ALLOW_REGION_SIZE */
+ 	/* raid0* -> */
+ 	{ .current_types  = SEG_RAID0|SEG_RAID0_META, /* seg->area_count = 1 */
+ 	  .possible_types = SEG_RAID1,
+ 	  .current_areas = 1,
++	  .options = ALLOW_NONE }, /* FIXME: ALLOW_REGION_SIZE */
++	{ .current_types  = SEG_RAID0|SEG_RAID0_META, /* raid0* -> striped, i.e. seg->area_count > 1 */
++	  .possible_types = SEG_STRIPED_TARGET,
++	  .current_areas = ~0U,
+ 	  .options = ALLOW_NONE },
+-	{ .current_types  = SEG_RAID0|SEG_RAID0_META, /* seg->area_count > 1 */
+-	  .possible_types = SEG_RAID4,
++	{ .current_types  = SEG_RAID0|SEG_RAID0_META, /* raid0* -> raid0*, i.e. seg->area_count > 1 */
++	  .possible_types = SEG_RAID0_META|SEG_RAID0,
+ 	  .current_areas = ~0U,
+ 	  .options = ALLOW_NONE },
+-	{ .current_types  = SEG_RAID0|SEG_RAID0_META, /* raid0 striped, i.e. seg->area_count > 0 */
++	{ .current_types  = SEG_RAID0|SEG_RAID0_META, /* raid0* -> raid4, i.e. seg->area_count > 1 */
++	  .possible_types = SEG_RAID4,
++	  .current_areas = ~0U,
++	  .options = ALLOW_NONE }, /* FIXME: ALLOW_REGION_SIZE */
++	/* raid4 -> -> */
++	{ .current_types  = SEG_RAID4, /* raid4 ->striped/raid0*, i.e. seg->area_count > 1 */
+ 	  .current_areas = ~0U,
+ 	  .options = ALLOW_NONE },
+-	/* raid1 -> */
++	/* raid1 -> mirror */
+ 	{ .current_types  = SEG_RAID1,
+-	  .possible_types = SEG_RAID1|SEG_MIRROR,
++	  .possible_types = SEG_MIRROR,
+ 	  .current_areas = ~0U,
+-	  .options = ALLOW_NONE },
++	  .options = ALLOW_NONE }, /* FIXME: ALLOW_REGION_SIZE */
+ 	/* mirror -> raid1 with arbitrary number of legs */
+ 	{ .current_types  = SEG_MIRROR,
+-	  .possible_types = SEG_MIRROR|SEG_RAID1,
+-	  .current_areas = ~0U,
+-	  .options = ALLOW_NONE },
+-	{ .current_types  = SEG_RAID4,
++	  .possible_types = SEG_RAID1,
+ 	  .current_areas = ~0U,
+-	  .options = ALLOW_NONE },
++	  .options = ALLOW_NONE }, /* FIXME: ALLOW_REGION_SIZE */
+ 	/* END */
+ 	{ .current_types  = 0 }
+@@ -2861,9 +2870,176 @@ static int _raid1_to_mirrored_wrapper(TAKEOVER_FN_ARGS)
+ 					allocate_pvs, 1, &removal_lvs);
+ }
++ * HM Helper: (raid0_meta -> raid4)
++ *
++ * To convert raid0_meta to raid4, which involves shifting the
++ * parity device to lv segment area 0 and thus changing MD
++ * array roles, detach the MetaLVs and reload as raid0 in
++ * order to wipe them then reattach and set back to raid0_meta.
++ */
++static int _clear_meta_lvs(struct logical_volume *lv)
++	uint32_t s;
++	struct lv_segment *seg = first_seg(lv);
++	struct lv_segment_area *tmp_areas;
++	const struct segment_type *tmp_segtype;
++	struct dm_list meta_lvs;
++	struct lv_list *lvl_array, *lvl;
++	/* Reject non-raid0_meta segment types cautiously */
++	if (!seg_is_raid0_meta(seg) ||
++	    !seg->meta_areas)
++		return_0;
++	if (!(lvl_array = dm_pool_alloc(lv->vg->vgmem, seg->area_count * sizeof(*lvl_array))))
++		return_0;
++	dm_list_init(&meta_lvs);
++	tmp_areas = seg->meta_areas;
++	/* Extract all MetaLVs listing them on @meta_lvs */
++	log_debug_metadata("Extracting all MetaLVs of %s to activate as raid0",
++			   display_lvname(lv));
++	if (!_extract_image_component_sublist(seg, RAID_META, 0, seg->area_count, &meta_lvs, 0))
++		return_0;
++	/* Memorize meta areas and segtype to set again after initializing. */
++	seg->meta_areas = NULL;
++	tmp_segtype = seg->segtype;
++	if (!(seg->segtype = get_segtype_from_flag(lv->vg->cmd, SEG_RAID0)) ||
++	    !lv_update_and_reload(lv))
++		return_0;
++	/*
++	 * Now deactivate the MetaLVs before clearing, so
++	 * that _clear_lvs() will activate them visible.
++	 */
++	log_debug_metadata("Deactivating pulled out MetaLVs of %s before initializing.",
++			   display_lvname(lv));
++	dm_list_iterate_items(lvl, &meta_lvs)
++		if (!deactivate_lv(lv->vg->cmd, lvl->lv))
++			return_0;
++	log_debug_metadata("Clearing allocated raid0_meta metadata LVs for conversion to raid4");
++	if (!_clear_lvs(&meta_lvs)) {
++		log_error("Failed to initialize metadata LVs");
++		return 0;
++	}
++	/* Set memorized meta areas and raid0_meta segtype */
++	seg->meta_areas = tmp_areas;
++	seg->segtype = tmp_segtype;
++	log_debug_metadata("Adding metadata LVs back into %s", display_lvname(lv));
++	s = 0;
++	dm_list_iterate_items(lvl, &meta_lvs) {
++		lv_set_hidden(lvl->lv);
++		if (!set_lv_segment_area_lv(seg, s++, lvl->lv, 0, RAID_META))
++			return 0;
++	}
++	return 1;
++ * HM Helper: (raid0* <-> raid4)
++ *
++ * Rename SubLVs (pairs) allowing to shift names w/o collisions with active ones.
++ */
++#define	SLV_COUNT	2
++static int _rename_area_lvs(struct logical_volume *lv, const char *suffix)
++	uint32_t s;
++	size_t sz = strlen("rimage") + (suffix ? strlen(suffix) : 0) + 1;
++	char *sfx[SLV_COUNT] = { NULL, NULL };
++	struct lv_segment *seg = first_seg(lv);
++	/* Create _generate_raid_name() suffixes w/ or w/o passed in @suffix */
++	for (s = 0; s < SLV_COUNT; s++)
++		if (!(sfx[s] = dm_pool_alloc(lv->vg->cmd->mem, sz)) ||
++		    dm_snprintf(sfx[s], sz, suffix ? "%s%s" : "%s", s ? "rmeta" : "rimage", suffix) < 0)
++			return_0;
++	/* Change names (temporarily) to be able to shift numerical name suffixes */
++	for (s = 0; s < seg->area_count; s++) {
++		if (!(seg_lv(seg, s)->name = _generate_raid_name(lv, sfx[0], s)))
++			return_0;
++		if (seg->meta_areas &&
++		    !(seg_metalv(seg, s)->name = _generate_raid_name(lv, sfx[1], s)))
++			return_0;
++	}
++	for (s = 0; s < SLV_COUNT; s++)
++		dm_pool_free(lv->vg->cmd->mem, sfx[s]);
++	return 1;
++ * HM Helper: (raid0* <-> raid4)
++ *
++ * Switch area LVs in lv segment @seg indexed by @s1 and @s2
++ */
++static void _switch_area_lvs(struct lv_segment *seg, uint32_t s1, uint32_t s2)
++	struct logical_volume *lvt;
++	lvt = seg_lv(seg, s1);
++	seg_lv(seg, s1) = seg_lv(seg, s2);
++	seg_lv(seg, s2) = lvt;
++	/* Be cautious */
++	if (seg->meta_areas) {
++		lvt = seg_metalv(seg, s1);
++		seg_metalv(seg, s1) = seg_metalv(seg, s2);
++		seg_metalv(seg, s2) = lvt;
++	}
++ * HM Helper:
++ *
++ * shift range of area LVs in @seg in range [ @s1, @s2 ] up if @s1 < @s2,
++ * else down  bubbling the parity SubLVs up/down whilst shifting.
++ */
++static void _shift_area_lvs(struct lv_segment *seg, uint32_t s1, uint32_t s2)
++	uint32_t s;
++	if (s1 < s2)
++		/* Forward shift n+1 -> n */
++		for (s = s1; s < s2; s++)
++			_switch_area_lvs(seg, s, s + 1);
++	else
++		/* Reverse shift n-1 -> n */
++		for (s = s1; s > s2; s--)
++			_switch_area_lvs(seg, s, s - 1);
++ * Switch position of first and last area lv within
++ * @lv to move parity SubLVs from end to end.
++ *
++ * Direction depends on segment type raid4 / raid0_meta.
++ */
++static int _shift_parity_dev(struct lv_segment *seg)
++	if (seg_is_raid0_meta(seg))
++		_shift_area_lvs(seg, seg->area_count - 1, 0);
++	else if (seg_is_raid4(seg))
++		_shift_area_lvs(seg, 0, seg->area_count - 1);
++	else
++		return 0;
++	return 1;
+ /* raid45 -> raid0* / striped */
+ static int _raid456_to_raid0_or_striped_wrapper(TAKEOVER_FN_ARGS)
+ {
++	int rename_sublvs = 0;
+ 	struct lv_segment *seg = first_seg(lv);
+ 	struct dm_list removal_lvs;
+@@ -2879,10 +3055,39 @@ static int _raid456_to_raid0_or_striped_wrapper(TAKEOVER_FN_ARGS)
+ 	if (!_raid_in_sync(lv))
+ 		return 0;
++	if (!yes && yes_no_prompt("Are you sure you want to convert \"%s\" LV %s to \"%s\" "
++				  "type using all resilience? [y/n]: ",
++				  lvseg_name(seg), display_lvname(lv), new_segtype->name) == 'n') {
++		log_error("Logical volume %s NOT converted to \"%s\"",
++			  display_lvname(lv), new_segtype->name);
++		return 0;
++	}
++	if (sigint_caught())
++		return_0;
+ 	/* Archive metadata */
+ 	if (!archive(lv->vg))
+ 		return_0;
++	/*
++	 * raid4 (which actually gets mapped to raid5/dedicated first parity disk)
++	 * needs shifting of SubLVs to move the parity SubLV pair in the first area
++	 * to the last one before conversion to raid0[_meta]/striped to allow for
++	 * SubLV removal from the end of the areas arrays.
++	 */
++	if (seg_is_raid4(seg)) {
++		/* Shift parity SubLV pair "PDD..." -> "DD...P" to be able to remove it off the end */
++		if (!_shift_parity_dev(seg))
++			return 0;
++		if (segtype_is_any_raid0(new_segtype) &&
++		    !(rename_sublvs = _rename_area_lvs(lv, "_"))) {
++			log_error("Failed to rename %s LV %s MetaLVs", lvseg_name(seg), display_lvname(lv));
++			return 0;
++		}
++	}
+ 	/* Remove meta and data LVs requested */
+ 	if (!_lv_raid_change_image_count(lv, new_image_count, allocate_pvs, &removal_lvs, 0, 0))
+ 		return 0;
+@@ -2902,7 +3107,19 @@ static int _raid456_to_raid0_or_striped_wrapper(TAKEOVER_FN_ARGS)
+ 	seg->region_size = 0;
+-	return _lv_update_reload_fns_reset_eliminate_lvs(lv, &removal_lvs);
++	if (!_lv_update_reload_fns_reset_eliminate_lvs(lv, &removal_lvs))
++		return_0;
++	if (rename_sublvs) {
++		if (!_rename_area_lvs(lv, NULL)) {
++			log_error("Failed to rename %s LV %s MetaLVs", lvseg_name(seg), display_lvname(lv));
++			return 0;
++		}
++		if (!lv_update_and_reload(lv))
++			return_0;
++	}
++	return 1;
+ }
+ static int _striped_to_raid0_wrapper(struct logical_volume *lv,
+@@ -2930,6 +3147,9 @@ static int _striped_to_raid0_wrapper(struct logical_volume *lv,
+ static int _striped_or_raid0_to_raid45610_wrapper(TAKEOVER_FN_ARGS)
+ {
+ 	struct lv_segment *seg = first_seg(lv);
++	struct dm_list removal_lvs;
++	dm_list_init(&removal_lvs);
+ 	if (seg_is_raid10(seg))
+ 		return _takeover_unsupported_yet(lv, new_stripes, new_segtype);
+@@ -2944,6 +3164,13 @@ static int _striped_or_raid0_to_raid45610_wrapper(TAKEOVER_FN_ARGS)
+ 		return 0;
+ 	}
++	/* FIXME: restricted to raid4 for the time being... */
++	if (!segtype_is_raid4(new_segtype)) {
++		/* Can't convert striped/raid0* to e.g. raid10_offset */
++		log_error("Can't convert %s to %s", display_lvname(lv), new_segtype->name);
++		return 0;
++	}
+ 	/* Archive metadata */
+ 	if (!archive(lv->vg))
+ 		return_0;
+@@ -2961,7 +3188,10 @@ static int _striped_or_raid0_to_raid45610_wrapper(TAKEOVER_FN_ARGS)
+ 		log_debug_metadata("Adding metadata LVs to %s", display_lvname(lv));
+ 		if (!_raid0_add_or_remove_metadata_lvs(lv, 1 /* update_and_reload */, allocate_pvs, NULL))
+ 			return 0;
+-	}
++	/* raid0_meta -> raid4 needs clearing of MetaLVs in order to avoid raid disk role cahnge issues in the kernel */
++	} else if (segtype_is_raid4(new_segtype) &&
++		   !_clear_meta_lvs(lv))
++		return 0;
+ 	/* Add the additional component LV pairs */
+ 	log_debug_metadata("Adding %" PRIu32 " component LV pair(s) to %s", new_image_count - lv_raid_image_count(lv),
+@@ -2969,8 +3199,9 @@ static int _striped_or_raid0_to_raid45610_wrapper(TAKEOVER_FN_ARGS)
+ 	if (!_lv_raid_change_image_count(lv, new_image_count, allocate_pvs, NULL, 0, 1))
+ 		return 0;
+-	if (!segtype_is_raid4(new_segtype)) {
+-		/* Can't convert striped/raid0* to e.g. raid10_offset */
++	if (segtype_is_raid4(new_segtype) &&
++	    (!_shift_parity_dev(seg) ||
++	     !_rename_area_lvs(lv, "_"))) {
+ 		log_error("Can't convert %s to %s", display_lvname(lv), new_segtype->name);
+ 		return 0;
+ 	}
+@@ -2987,6 +3218,14 @@ static int _striped_or_raid0_to_raid45610_wrapper(TAKEOVER_FN_ARGS)
+ 	if (!_lv_update_reload_fns_reset_eliminate_lvs(lv, NULL))
+ 		return_0;
++	if (segtype_is_raid4(new_segtype)) {
++		/* We had to rename SubLVs because of collision free sgifting, rename back... */
++		if (!_rename_area_lvs(lv, NULL))
++			return 0;
++		if (!lv_update_and_reload(lv))
++			return_0;
++	}
+ 	return 1;
+ }
+diff --git a/test/shell/lvconvert-raid-takeover.sh b/test/shell/lvconvert-raid-takeover.sh
+index 19a65d3..0140e22 100644
+--- a/test/shell/lvconvert-raid-takeover.sh
++++ b/test/shell/lvconvert-raid-takeover.sh
+@@ -78,22 +78,58 @@ aux wait_for_sync $vg $lv1
+ # Clean up
+ lvremove --yes $vg/$lv1
+-# Create 3-way raid0
+-lvcreate -y -aey --type raid0 -i 3 -L 64M -n $lv1 $vg
+-check lv_field $vg/$lv1 segtype "raid0"
++# Create 3-way striped
++lvcreate -y -aey --type striped -i 3 -L 64M -n $lv1 $vg
++check lv_field $vg/$lv1 segtype "striped"
+ check lv_field $vg/$lv1 stripes 3
+ echo y | mkfs -t ext4 /dev/mapper/$vg-$lv1
+ fsck -fn  /dev/mapper/$vg-$lv1
+-# Convert raid0 -> raid4
++# Create 3-way raid0
++lvcreate -y -aey --type raid0 -i 3 -L 64M -n $lv2 $vg
++check lv_field $vg/$lv2 segtype "raid0"
++check lv_field $vg/$lv2 stripes 3
++echo y | mkfs -t ext4 /dev/mapper/$vg-$lv2
++fsck -fn  /dev/mapper/$vg-$lv2
++# Create 3-way raid0_meta
++lvcreate -y -aey --type raid0_meta -i 3 -L 64M -n $lv3 $vg
++check lv_field $vg/$lv3 segtype "raid0_meta"
++check lv_field $vg/$lv3 stripes 3
++echo y | mkfs -t ext4 /dev/mapper/$vg-$lv3
++fsck -fn  /dev/mapper/$vg-$lv3
++# Create 3-way raid4
++lvcreate -y -aey --type raid4 -i 3 -L 64M -n $lv4 $vg
++check lv_field $vg/$lv4 segtype "raid4"
++check lv_field $vg/$lv4 stripes 4
++echo y | mkfs -t ext4 /dev/mapper/$vg-$lv4
++fsck -fn  /dev/mapper/$vg-$lv4
++aux wait_for_sync $vg $lv4
++fsck -fn  /dev/mapper/$vg-$lv4
++# Convert raid4 -> striped (correct raid4 mapping test!)
++lvconvert -y --ty striped $vg/$lv4
++check lv_field $vg/$lv4 segtype "striped"
++check lv_field $vg/$lv4 stripes 3
++fsck -fn  /dev/mapper/$vg-$lv4
++# Convert striped -> raid4
+ lvconvert -y --ty raid4 $vg/$lv1
+-lvchange --refresh $vg/$lv1
+ check lv_field $vg/$lv1 segtype "raid4"
+ check lv_field $vg/$lv1 stripes 4
+ fsck -fn  /dev/mapper/$vg-$lv1
+ aux wait_for_sync $vg $lv1
+ fsck -fn  /dev/mapper/$vg-$lv1
++# Convert raid0 -> raid4
++lvconvert -y --ty raid4 $vg/$lv2
++check lv_field $vg/$lv2 segtype "raid4"
++check lv_field $vg/$lv2 stripes 4
++fsck -fn  /dev/mapper/$vg-$lv2
++aux wait_for_sync $vg $lv2
++fsck -fn  /dev/mapper/$vg-$lv2
+ # Convert raid4 -> raid0_meta
+ lvconvert -y --ty raid0_meta $vg/$lv1
+ check lv_field $vg/$lv1 segtype "raid0_meta"
+@@ -116,11 +152,16 @@ fsck -fn  /dev/mapper/$vg-$lv1
+ # Convert raid0 -> raid4
+ lvconvert -y --ty raid4 $vg/$lv1
+-lvchange --refresh $vg/$lv1
+ check lv_field $vg/$lv1 segtype "raid4"
+ check lv_field $vg/$lv1 stripes 4
+ fsck -fn  /dev/mapper/$vg-$lv1
+ aux wait_for_sync $vg $lv1
+ fsck -fn  /dev/mapper/$vg-$lv1
++# Convert raid4 -> striped
++lvconvert -y --ty striped $vg/$lv1
++check lv_field $vg/$lv1 segtype "striped"
++check lv_field $vg/$lv1 stripes 3
++fsck -fn  /dev/mapper/$vg-$lv1
+ vgremove -ff $vg
+diff --git a/tools/lvconvert.c b/tools/lvconvert.c
+index 0d2a4d1..541df72 100644
+--- a/tools/lvconvert.c
++++ b/tools/lvconvert.c
+@@ -1931,7 +1931,7 @@ static int _lvconvert_raid(struct logical_volume *lv, struct lvconvert_params *l
+ 			return 1;
+ 		}
+ 		goto try_new_takeover_or_reshape;
+-	} else if (!lp->repair && !lp->replace && (!*lp->type_str || seg->segtype == lp->segtype)) {
++	} else if (!lp->repair && !lp->replace && !*lp->type_str) {
+ 		log_error("Conversion operation not yet supported.");
+ 		return 0;
+ 	}
+@@ -2017,28 +2017,18 @@ static int _lvconvert_raid(struct logical_volume *lv, struct lvconvert_params *l
+ 		return 1;
+ 	}
+ try_new_takeover_or_reshape:
+ 	/* FIXME This needs changing globally. */
+ 	if (!arg_is_set(cmd, stripes_long_ARG))
+ 		lp->stripes = 0;
+-	/* Only let raid4 through for now. */
+-	if (lp->type_str && lp->type_str[0] && lp->segtype != seg->segtype &&
+-	    ((seg_is_raid4(seg) && seg_is_striped(lp) && lp->stripes > 1) ||
+-	     (seg_is_striped(seg) && seg->area_count > 1 && seg_is_raid4(lp)))) {
+-		if (!lv_raid_convert(lv, lp->segtype, lp->yes, lp->force, lp->stripes, lp->stripe_size_supplied, lp->stripe_size,
+-				     lp->region_size, lp->pvh))
+-			return_0;
+-		log_print_unless_silent("Logical volume %s successfully converted.",
+-					display_lvname(lv));
+-		return 1;
+-	}
++	if (!lv_raid_convert(lv, lp->segtype, lp->yes, lp->force, lp->stripes, lp->stripe_size_supplied, lp->stripe_size,
++			     lp->region_size, lp->pvh))
++		return_0;
+-	log_error("Conversion operation not yet supported.");
+-	return 0;
++	log_print_unless_silent("Logical volume %s successfully converted.",
++				display_lvname(lv));
++	return 1;
+ }
+ static int _lvconvert_splitsnapshot(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct logical_volume *cow,
diff --git a/SOURCES/lvm2-2_02_167-prevent-raid4-creation-and-conversion-on-non-supporting-kernels.patch b/SOURCES/lvm2-2_02_167-prevent-raid4-creation-and-conversion-on-non-supporting-kernels.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93eb82e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/lvm2-2_02_167-prevent-raid4-creation-and-conversion-on-non-supporting-kernels.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+ WHATS_NEW                             |  1 +
+ lib/activate/activate.c               | 25 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ lib/activate/activate.h               |  3 ++-
+ lib/metadata/lv.c                     | 16 +++++++++++++++-
+ lib/metadata/segtype.h                |  3 ++-
+ lib/raid/raid.c                       | 10 ++++++++--
+ test/shell/lvconvert-raid-takeover.sh | 13 +++++++++++++
+ tools/lvconvert.c                     | 26 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ tools/lvcreate.c                      |  6 ++++++
+ 9 files changed, 98 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/WHATS_NEW b/WHATS_NEW
+index 6a0c311..519bbc9 100644
+--- a/WHATS_NEW
++++ b/WHATS_NEW
+@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
+ Version 2.02.167 - 
+ ======================================
++  Prevent raid4 creation/conversion on non-supporting kernels
+   Add direct striped -> raid4 conversion
+   Fix raid4 parity image pair position on conversions from striped/raid0*
+   Disable lvconvert of thin pool to raid while active.
+diff --git a/lib/activate/activate.c b/lib/activate/activate.c
+index 5550955..571f2b2 100644
+--- a/lib/activate/activate.c
++++ b/lib/activate/activate.c
+@@ -370,6 +370,11 @@ void activation_exit(void)
+ {
+ }
++int raid4_is_supported(struct cmd_context *cmd, const struct segment_type *segtype)
++	return 1;
+ int lv_is_active(const struct logical_volume *lv)
+ {
+ 	return 0;
+@@ -1489,6 +1494,26 @@ out:
+ 	return r || l;
+ }
++ * Check if "raid4" @segtype is supported by kernel.
++ *
++ * if segment type is not raid4, return 1.
++ */
++int raid4_is_supported(struct cmd_context *cmd, const struct segment_type *segtype)
++	unsigned attrs;
++	if (segtype_is_raid4(segtype) &&
++	    (!segtype->ops->target_present ||
++             !segtype->ops->target_present(cmd, NULL, &attrs) ||
++             !(attrs & RAID_FEATURE_RAID4))) {
++		log_error("RAID module does not support RAID4.");
++		return 0;
++	}
++	return 1;
+ int lv_is_active(const struct logical_volume *lv)
+ {
+ 	return _lv_is_active(lv, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+diff --git a/lib/activate/activate.h b/lib/activate/activate.h
+index 1e8d7a8..3922d78 100644
+--- a/lib/activate/activate.h
++++ b/lib/activate/activate.h
+@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+ /*
+  * Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Sistina Software, Inc. All rights reserved.  
+- * Copyright (C) 2004-2012 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
++ * Copyright (C) 2004-2016 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+  *
+  * This file is part of LVM2.
+  *
+@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ int target_present(struct cmd_context *cmd, const char *target_name,
+ 		   int use_modprobe);
+ int target_version(const char *target_name, uint32_t *maj,
+ 		   uint32_t *min, uint32_t *patchlevel);
++int raid4_is_supported(struct cmd_context *cmd, const struct segment_type *segtype);
+ int lvm_dm_prefix_check(int major, int minor, const char *prefix);
+ int list_segment_modules(struct dm_pool *mem, const struct lv_segment *seg,
+ 			 struct dm_list *modules);
+diff --git a/lib/metadata/lv.c b/lib/metadata/lv.c
+index 53a1044..0f1b6e7 100644
+--- a/lib/metadata/lv.c
++++ b/lib/metadata/lv.c
+@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+ /*
+  * Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Sistina Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
+- * Copyright (C) 2004-2013 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
++ * Copyright (C) 2004-2016 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+  *
+  * This file is part of LVM2.
+  *
+@@ -1425,6 +1425,7 @@ int lv_active_change(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct logical_volume *lv,
+ 		     enum activation_change activate, int needs_exclusive)
+ {
+ 	const char *ay_with_mode = NULL;
++	struct lv_segment *seg = first_seg(lv);
+ 	if (activate == CHANGE_ASY)
+ 		ay_with_mode = "sh";
+@@ -1461,6 +1462,9 @@ deactivate:
+ 		break;
+ 	case CHANGE_ALY:
+ 	case CHANGE_AAY:
++		if (!raid4_is_supported(cmd, seg->segtype))
++			goto no_raid4;
+ 		if (needs_exclusive || _lv_is_exclusive(lv)) {
+ 			log_verbose("Activating logical volume %s exclusively locally.",
+ 				    display_lvname(lv));
+@@ -1475,6 +1479,9 @@ deactivate:
+ 		break;
+ 	case CHANGE_AEY:
+ exclusive:
++		if (!raid4_is_supported(cmd, seg->segtype))
++			goto no_raid4;
+ 		log_verbose("Activating logical volume %s exclusively.",
+ 			    display_lvname(lv));
+ 		if (!activate_lv_excl(cmd, lv))
+@@ -1483,6 +1490,9 @@ exclusive:
+ 	case CHANGE_ASY:
+ 	case CHANGE_AY:
+ 	default:
++		if (!raid4_is_supported(cmd, seg->segtype))
++			goto no_raid4;
+ 		if (needs_exclusive || _lv_is_exclusive(lv))
+ 			goto exclusive;
+ 		log_verbose("Activating logical volume %s.", display_lvname(lv));
+@@ -1495,6 +1505,10 @@ exclusive:
+ 		log_error("Failed to unlock logical volume %s.", display_lvname(lv));
+ 	return 1;
++	log_error("Failed to activate %s LV %s", lvseg_name(seg), display_lvname(lv));
++	return 0;
+ }
+ char *lv_active_dup(struct dm_pool *mem, const struct logical_volume *lv)
+diff --git a/lib/metadata/segtype.h b/lib/metadata/segtype.h
+index 9ca740d..292b8b6 100644
+--- a/lib/metadata/segtype.h
++++ b/lib/metadata/segtype.h
+@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+ /*
+  * Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Sistina Software, Inc. All rights reserved.  
+- * Copyright (C) 2004-2015 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
++ * Copyright (C) 2004-2016 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+  *
+  * This file is part of LVM2.
+  *
+@@ -268,6 +268,7 @@ struct segment_type *init_unknown_segtype(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+ #define RAID_FEATURE_RAID10			(1U << 0) /* version 1.3 */
+ #define RAID_FEATURE_RAID0			(1U << 1) /* version 1.7 */
+ #define RAID_FEATURE_RESHAPING			(1U << 2) /* version 1.8 */
++#define RAID_FEATURE_RAID4			(1U << 3) /* ! version 1.8 or 1.9.0 */
+ int init_raid_segtypes(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct segtype_library *seglib);
+diff --git a/lib/raid/raid.c b/lib/raid/raid.c
+index 3bc3c75..92a96a3 100644
+--- a/lib/raid/raid.c
++++ b/lib/raid/raid.c
+@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
+ /*
+- * Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
++ * Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+  *
+  * This file is part of LVM2.
+  *
+@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ static int _raid_target_present(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+ 	static int _raid_checked = 0;
+ 	static int _raid_present = 0;
+-	static int _raid_attrs = 0;
++	static unsigned _raid_attrs = 0;
+ 	uint32_t maj, min, patchlevel;
+ 	unsigned i;
+@@ -389,6 +389,12 @@ static int _raid_target_present(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+ 			else
+ 				log_very_verbose("Target raid does not support %s.",
+ 						 _features[i].feature);
++		if (!(maj == 1 && (min == 8 || (min == 9 && patchlevel == 0))))
++			_raid_attrs |= RAID_FEATURE_RAID4;
++		else
++			log_very_verbose("Target raid does not support %s.",
+ 	}
+ 	if (attributes)
+diff --git a/test/shell/lvconvert-raid-takeover.sh b/test/shell/lvconvert-raid-takeover.sh
+index 0140e22..332786d 100644
+--- a/test/shell/lvconvert-raid-takeover.sh
++++ b/test/shell/lvconvert-raid-takeover.sh
+@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ SKIP_WITH_LVMPOLLD=1
+ aux have_raid 1 9 0 || skip
++[ `aux have_raid 1.9.1` ] && correct_raid4_layout=1
+ aux prepare_vg 9 288
+ # Delay 1st leg so that rebuilding status characters
+@@ -99,6 +101,9 @@ check lv_field $vg/$lv3 stripes 3
+ echo y | mkfs -t ext4 /dev/mapper/$vg-$lv3
+ fsck -fn  /dev/mapper/$vg-$lv3
++if [ $correct_raid4_layout -eq 1 ]
+ # Create 3-way raid4
+ lvcreate -y -aey --type raid4 -i 3 -L 64M -n $lv4 $vg
+ check lv_field $vg/$lv4 segtype "raid4"
+@@ -164,4 +169,12 @@ check lv_field $vg/$lv1 segtype "striped"
+ check lv_field $vg/$lv1 stripes 3
+ fsck -fn  /dev/mapper/$vg-$lv1
++not lvcreate -y -aey --type raid4 -i 3 -L 64M -n $lv4 $vg
++not lvconvert -y --ty raid4 $vg/$lv1
++not lvconvert -y --ty raid4 $vg/$lv2
+ vgremove -ff $vg
+diff --git a/tools/lvconvert.c b/tools/lvconvert.c
+index 541df72..7a4215a 100644
+--- a/tools/lvconvert.c
++++ b/tools/lvconvert.c
+@@ -1821,6 +1821,25 @@ static void _lvconvert_raid_repair_ask(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+ 	}
+ }
++/* Check for dm-raid target supporting raid4 conversion properly. */
++static int _raid4_conversion_supported(struct logical_volume *lv, struct lvconvert_params *lp)
++	int ret = 1;
++	struct lv_segment *seg = first_seg(lv);
++	if (seg_is_raid4(seg))
++		ret = raid4_is_supported(lv->vg->cmd, seg->segtype);
++	else if (segtype_is_raid4(lp->segtype))
++		ret = raid4_is_supported(lv->vg->cmd, lp->segtype);
++	if (ret)
++		return 1;
++	log_error("Cannot convert %s LV %s to %s.",
++		  lvseg_name(seg), display_lvname(lv), lp->segtype->name);
++	return 0;
+ static int _lvconvert_raid(struct logical_volume *lv, struct lvconvert_params *lp)
+ {
+ 	int replace = 0, image_count = 0;
+@@ -1945,6 +1964,9 @@ static int _lvconvert_raid(struct logical_volume *lv, struct lvconvert_params *l
+ 			return 0;
+ 		}
++		if (!_raid4_conversion_supported(lv, lp))
++			return 0;
+ 		if (!arg_is_set(cmd, stripes_long_ARG))
+ 			lp->stripes = 0;
+@@ -2018,6 +2040,10 @@ static int _lvconvert_raid(struct logical_volume *lv, struct lvconvert_params *l
+ 	}
+ try_new_takeover_or_reshape:
++	if (!_raid4_conversion_supported(lv, lp))
++		return 0;
+ 	/* FIXME This needs changing globally. */
+ 	if (!arg_is_set(cmd, stripes_long_ARG))
+ 		lp->stripes = 0;
+diff --git a/tools/lvcreate.c b/tools/lvcreate.c
+index 387c8d4..dbc0708 100644
+--- a/tools/lvcreate.c
++++ b/tools/lvcreate.c
+@@ -1054,6 +1054,12 @@ static int _lvcreate_params(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+ 			return 0;
+ 		}
++		if (segtype_is_raid4(lp->segtype) &&
++		    !(lp->target_attr & RAID_FEATURE_RAID4)) {
++			log_error("RAID module does not support RAID4.");
++			return 0;
++		}
+ 		if (segtype_is_raid10(lp->segtype) && !(lp->target_attr & RAID_FEATURE_RAID10)) {
+ 			log_error("RAID module does not support RAID10.");
+ 			return 0;
diff --git a/SOURCES/lvm2-rhel7.patch b/SOURCES/lvm2-rhel7.patch
index 4b0c686..b029dce 100644
--- a/SOURCES/lvm2-rhel7.patch
+++ b/SOURCES/lvm2-rhel7.patch
@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ index dd4e60e..39d6c15 100644
 +++ b/VERSION
 @@ -1 +1 @@
 -2.02.166(2) (2016-09-26)
-+2.02.166(2)-RHEL7 (2016-09-28)
++2.02.166(2)-RHEL7 (2016-11-16)
 diff --git a/VERSION_DM b/VERSION_DM
 index d53f47a..005fbd4 100644
 @@ -1 +1 @@
 -1.02.135 (2016-09-26)
-+1.02.135-RHEL7 (2016-09-28)
++1.02.135-RHEL7 (2016-11-16)
diff --git a/SPECS/lvm2.spec b/SPECS/lvm2.spec
index 557beac..4b808ad 100644
--- a/SPECS/lvm2.spec
+++ b/SPECS/lvm2.spec
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ Summary: Userland logical volume management tools
 Name: lvm2
 Epoch: 7
 Version: 2.02.166
-Release: 1%{?dist}.1
+Release: 1%{?dist}.2
 License: GPLv2
 Group: System Environment/Base
 URL: http://sources.redhat.com/lvm2
@@ -64,6 +64,8 @@ Patch4: lvm2-default-allow-changes-with-duplicate-pvs.patch
 Patch5: lvm2-revert-fix-for-lvconvert-repair-for-raid-lvs.patch
 Patch6: lvm2-2_02_167-disable-lvconvert-of-thin-pool-to-raid-while-active.patch
 Patch7: lvm2-2_02_167-fix-inability-of-lvconvert-repair-for-cache-raid-volumes.patch
+Patch8: lvm2-2_02_167-fix-raid4-coversion-from-striped.patch
+Patch9: lvm2-2_02_167-prevent-raid4-creation-and-conversion-on-non-supporting-kernels.patch
 BuildRequires: libselinux-devel >= %{libselinux_version}, libsepol-devel
 BuildRequires: libblkid-devel >= %{util_linux_version}
@@ -117,6 +119,8 @@ or more physical volumes and creating one or more logical volumes
 %patch5 -p1 -b .lvconvert_repair_raid
 %patch6 -p1 -b .lvconvert_disable_thin_pool_to_raid
 %patch7 -p1 -b .lvconvert_cache_raid
+%patch8 -p1 -b .raid4_from_striped
+%patch9 -p1 -b .raid4_vs_kernel
 %global _default_pid_dir /run
@@ -819,6 +823,11 @@ the device-mapper event library.
+* Wed Nov 16 2016 Peter Rajnoha <prajnoha@redhat.com> - 7:2.02.166-1.el7_3.2
+- Prevent raid4 creation/conversion on non-supporting kernels
+- Add direct striped -> raid4 conversion
+- Fix raid4 parity image pair position on conversions from striped/raid0*
 * Wed Oct 12 2016 Peter Rajnoha <prajnoha@redhat.com> - 7:2.02.166-1.el7_3.1
 - Fix lvconvert to allow repair for cache raid LVs.
 - Fix time when dmeventd is reloaded on package upgrade to start using new code.