diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index a241ccb..24421d5 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/.lvm2.metadata b/.lvm2.metadata
index 6126a43..e2642d8 100644
--- a/.lvm2.metadata
+++ b/.lvm2.metadata
@@ -1 +1 @@
-ed5cd9f81b22ad5d76b927711c977463879d8afd SOURCES/LVM2.2.03.08.tgz
+15a90d5039a2a1e9f67611a2a6c2faa72e8996aa SOURCES/LVM2.2.03.09.tgz
diff --git a/SOURCES/0001-Merge-master-up-to-commit-53803821de16.patch b/SOURCES/0001-Merge-master-up-to-commit-53803821de16.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1dbef5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0001-Merge-master-up-to-commit-53803821de16.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,3317 @@
+ base/data-struct/list.h                      |   4 +-
+ daemons/lvmlockd/lvmlockd-client.h           |   1 +
+ daemons/lvmlockd/lvmlockd-core.c             | 370 +++++++--------
+ daemons/lvmlockd/lvmlockd-dlm.c              |   8 +-
+ daemons/lvmlockd/lvmlockd-internal.h         |   7 +-
+ lib/cache/lvmcache.c                         | 551 ++++++++++------------
+ lib/cache/lvmcache.h                         |  12 +-
+ lib/commands/toolcontext.c                   |   3 +-
+ lib/device/dev-io.c                          |   3 +
+ lib/format_text/archiver.c                   |   2 +-
+ lib/format_text/format-text.c                |  28 +-
+ lib/format_text/text_label.c                 |   8 +-
+ lib/label/hints.c                            |   6 +
+ lib/label/label.c                            |   2 +-
+ lib/label/label.h                            |   2 +-
+ lib/locking/lvmlockd.c                       |  14 +-
+ lib/metadata/metadata-exported.h             |   3 -
+ lib/metadata/metadata.c                      |  68 +--
+ lib/metadata/metadata.h                      |   8 +-
+ man/lvmlockd.8_main                          |  14 +-
+ test/shell/duplicate-vgnames.sh              | 660 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ test/shell/duplicate-vgrename.sh             | 319 +++++++++++++
+ test/shell/integrity-dmeventd.sh             |   6 +-
+ test/shell/integrity-large.sh                |   6 +-
+ test/shell/integrity-misc.sh                 |   6 +-
+ test/shell/integrity.sh                      |   6 +-
+ test/shell/process-each-duplicate-vgnames.sh |  55 ---
+ test/shell/thin-foreign-repair.sh            |   4 +-
+ tools/command.c                              |  12 +-
+ tools/lvconvert.c                            |   3 +-
+ tools/pvck.c                                 |   8 +-
+ tools/pvscan.c                               |   2 +-
+ tools/toollib.c                              |   2 -
+ tools/vgchange.c                             |   9 +-
+ tools/vgimportclone.c                        |   4 +-
+ tools/vgmerge.c                              |   4 +-
+ tools/vgrename.c                             |   2 +-
+ tools/vgsplit.c                              |   2 +-
+ 39 files changed, 1571 insertions(+), 654 deletions(-)
+ create mode 100644 test/shell/duplicate-vgnames.sh
+ create mode 100644 test/shell/duplicate-vgrename.sh
+ delete mode 100644 test/shell/process-each-duplicate-vgnames.sh
+diff --git a/base/data-struct/list.h b/base/data-struct/list.h
+index 54cb1c1..e0a6256 100644
+--- a/base/data-struct/list.h
++++ b/base/data-struct/list.h
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+-#include <stddef.h> /* offsetof */
++#include "base/memory/container_of.h"
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ struct dm_list *dm_list_next(const struct dm_list *head, const struct dm_list *e
+  * contained in a structure of type t, return the containing structure.
+  */
+ #define dm_list_struct_base(v, t, head) \
+-    ((t *)((const char *)(v) - offsetof(t, head)))
++    container_of(v, t, head)
+ /*
+  * Given the address v of an instance of 'struct dm_list list' contained in
+diff --git a/daemons/lvmlockd/lvmlockd-client.h b/daemons/lvmlockd/lvmlockd-client.h
+index 16d1613..62ffb73 100644
+--- a/daemons/lvmlockd/lvmlockd-client.h
++++ b/daemons/lvmlockd/lvmlockd-client.h
+@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
+ #include "libdaemon/client/daemon-client.h"
+ #define LVMLOCKD_SOCKET DEFAULT_RUN_DIR "/lvmlockd.socket"
++#define LVMLOCKD_ADOPT_FILE DEFAULT_RUN_DIR "/lvmlockd.adopt"
+ /* Wrappers to open/close connection */
+diff --git a/daemons/lvmlockd/lvmlockd-core.c b/daemons/lvmlockd/lvmlockd-core.c
+index 39275fb..84272c4 100644
+--- a/daemons/lvmlockd/lvmlockd-core.c
++++ b/daemons/lvmlockd/lvmlockd-core.c
+@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@
+ #define EXTERN
+ #include "lvmlockd-internal.h"
++static int str_to_mode(const char *str);
+ /*
+  * Basic operation of lvmlockd
+  *
+@@ -142,6 +144,8 @@ static const char *lvmlockd_protocol = "lvmlockd";
+ static const int lvmlockd_protocol_version = 1;
+ static int daemon_quit;
+ static int adopt_opt;
++static uint32_t adopt_update_count;
++static const char *adopt_file;
+ /*
+  * We use a separate socket for dumping daemon info.
+@@ -812,6 +816,144 @@ int version_from_args(char *args, unsigned int *major, unsigned int *minor, unsi
+ }
+ /*
++ * Write new info when a command exits if that command has acquired a new LV
++ * lock.  If the command has released an LV lock we don't bother updating the
++ * info.  When adopting, we eliminate any LV lock adoptions if there is no dm
++ * device for that LV.  If lvmlockd is terminated after acquiring but before
++ * writing this file, those LV locks would not be adopted on restart.
++ */
++static void write_adopt_file(void)
++	struct lockspace *ls;
++	struct resource *r;
++	struct lock *lk;
++	time_t t;
++	FILE *fp;
++	if (!(fp = fopen(adopt_file, "w")))
++		return;
++	adopt_update_count++;
++	t = time(NULL);
++	fprintf(fp, "lvmlockd adopt_version %u.%u pid %d updates %u %s",
++		ADOPT_VERSION_MAJOR, ADOPT_VERSION_MINOR, getpid(), adopt_update_count, ctime(&t));
++	pthread_mutex_lock(&lockspaces_mutex);
++	list_for_each_entry(ls, &lockspaces, list) {
++		if (ls->lm_type == LD_LM_DLM && !strcmp(ls->name, gl_lsname_dlm))
++			continue;
++		fprintf(fp, "VG: %38s %s %s %s\n",
++			ls->vg_uuid, ls->vg_name, lm_str(ls->lm_type), ls->vg_args);
++		list_for_each_entry(r, &ls->resources, list) {
++			if (r->type != LD_RT_LV)
++				continue;
++			if ((r->mode != LD_LK_EX) && (r->mode != LD_LK_SH))
++				continue;
++			list_for_each_entry(lk, &r->locks, list) {
++				fprintf(fp, "LV: %38s %s %s %s %u\n",
++					ls->vg_uuid, r->name, r->lv_args, mode_str(r->mode), r->version);
++			}
++		}
++	}
++	pthread_mutex_unlock(&lockspaces_mutex);
++	fflush(fp);
++	fclose(fp);
++static int read_adopt_file(struct list_head *vg_lockd)
++	char adopt_line[512];
++	char vg_uuid[72];
++	char lm_type_str[16];
++	char mode[8];
++	struct lockspace *ls, *ls2;
++	struct resource *r;
++	FILE *fp;
++	if (MAX_ARGS != 64 || MAX_NAME != 64)
++		return -1;
++	if (!(fp = fopen(adopt_file, "r")))
++		return 0;
++	while (fgets(adopt_line, sizeof(adopt_line), fp)) {
++		if (adopt_line[0] == '#')
++			continue;
++		else if (!strncmp(adopt_line, "lvmlockd", 8)) {
++			unsigned int v_major = 0, v_minor = 0;
++			sscanf(adopt_line, "lvmlockd adopt_version %u.%u", &v_major, &v_minor);
++			if (v_major != ADOPT_VERSION_MAJOR)
++				goto fail;
++		} else if (!strncmp(adopt_line, "VG:", 3)) {
++			if (!(ls = alloc_lockspace()))
++				goto fail;
++			memset(vg_uuid, 0, sizeof(vg_uuid));
++			if (sscanf(adopt_line, "VG: %63s %64s %16s %64s",
++				   vg_uuid, ls->vg_name, lm_type_str, ls->vg_args) != 4) {
++				goto fail;
++			}
++			memcpy(ls->vg_uuid, vg_uuid, 64);
++			if ((ls->lm_type = str_to_lm(lm_type_str)) < 0)
++				goto fail;
++			list_add(&ls->list, vg_lockd);
++		} else if (!strncmp(adopt_line, "LV:", 3)) {
++			if (!(r = alloc_resource()))
++				goto fail;
++			r->type = LD_RT_LV;
++			memset(vg_uuid, 0, sizeof(vg_uuid));
++			if (sscanf(adopt_line, "LV: %64s %64s %s %8s %u",
++				   vg_uuid, r->name, r->lv_args, mode, &r->version) != 5) {
++				goto fail;
++			}
++			if ((r->adopt_mode = str_to_mode(mode)) == LD_LK_IV)
++				goto fail;
++			if (ls && !memcmp(ls->vg_uuid, vg_uuid, 64)) {
++				list_add(&r->list, &ls->resources);
++				r = NULL;
++			} else {
++				list_for_each_entry(ls2, vg_lockd, list) {
++					if (memcmp(ls2->vg_uuid, vg_uuid, 64))
++						continue;
++					list_add(&r->list, &ls2->resources);
++					r = NULL;
++					break;
++				}
++			}
++			if (r) {
++				log_error("No lockspace found for resource %s vg_uuid %s", r->name, vg_uuid);
++				goto fail;
++			}
++		}
++	}
++	fclose(fp);
++	return 0;
++	fclose(fp);
++	return -1;
+  * These are few enough that arrays of function pointers can
+  * be avoided.
+  */
+@@ -4689,6 +4831,7 @@ static void *client_thread_main(void *arg_in)
+ 	struct client *cl;
+ 	struct action *act;
+ 	struct action *act_un;
++	uint32_t lock_acquire_count = 0, lock_acquire_written = 0;
+ 	int rv;
+ 	while (1) {
+@@ -4720,6 +4863,9 @@ static void *client_thread_main(void *arg_in)
+ 				rv = -1;
+ 			}
++			if (act->flags & LD_AF_LV_LOCK)
++				lock_acquire_count++;
+ 			/*
+ 			 * The client failed after we acquired an LV lock for
+ 			 * it, but before getting this reply saying it's done.
+@@ -4741,6 +4887,11 @@ static void *client_thread_main(void *arg_in)
+ 			continue;
+ 		}
++		if (adopt_opt && (lock_acquire_count > lock_acquire_written)) {
++			lock_acquire_written = lock_acquire_count;
++			write_adopt_file();
++		}
+ 		/*
+ 		 * Queue incoming actions for lockspace threads
+ 		 */
+@@ -4814,6 +4965,8 @@ static void *client_thread_main(void *arg_in)
+ 			pthread_mutex_unlock(&client_mutex);
+ 	}
+ out:
++	if (adopt_opt && lock_acquire_written)
++		unlink(adopt_file);
+ 	return NULL;
+ }
+@@ -4846,180 +4999,6 @@ static void close_client_thread(void)
+ 		log_error("pthread_join client_thread error %d", perrno);
+ }
+- * Get a list of all VGs with a lockd type (sanlock|dlm).
+- * We'll match this list against a list of existing lockspaces that are
+- * found in the lock manager.
+- *
+- * For each of these VGs, also create a struct resource on ls->resources to
+- * represent each LV in the VG that uses a lock.  For each of these LVs
+- * that are active, we'll attempt to adopt a lock.
+- */
+-static int get_lockd_vgs(struct list_head *vg_lockd)
+-	/* FIXME: get VGs some other way */
+-	return -1;
+-#if 0
+-	struct list_head update_vgs;
+-	daemon_reply reply;
+-	struct dm_config_node *cn;
+-	struct dm_config_node *metadata;
+-	struct dm_config_node *md_cn;
+-	struct dm_config_node *lv_cn;
+-	struct lockspace *ls, *safe;
+-	struct resource *r;
+-	const char *vg_name;
+-	const char *vg_uuid;
+-	const char *lv_uuid;
+-	const char *lock_type;
+-	const char *lock_args;
+-	char find_str_path[PATH_MAX];
+-	int rv = 0;
+-	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&update_vgs);
+-	reply = send_lvmetad("vg_list", "token = %s", "skip", NULL);
+-	if (reply.error || strcmp(daemon_reply_str(reply, "response", ""), "OK")) {
+-		log_error("vg_list from lvmetad failed %d", reply.error);
+-		rv = -EINVAL;
+-		goto destroy;
+-	}
+-	if (!(cn = dm_config_find_node(reply.cft->root, "volume_groups"))) {
+-		log_error("get_lockd_vgs no vgs");
+-		rv = -EINVAL;
+-		goto destroy;
+-	}
+-	/* create an update_vgs list of all vg uuids */
+-	for (cn = cn->child; cn; cn = cn->sib) {
+-		vg_uuid = cn->key;
+-		if (!(ls = alloc_lockspace())) {
+-			rv = -ENOMEM;
+-			break;
+-		}
+-		strncpy(ls->vg_uuid, vg_uuid, 64);
+-		list_add_tail(&ls->list, &update_vgs);
+-		log_debug("get_lockd_vgs %s", vg_uuid);
+-	}
+- destroy:
+-	daemon_reply_destroy(reply);
+-	if (rv < 0)
+-		goto out;
+-	/* get vg_name and lock_type for each vg uuid entry in update_vgs */
+-	list_for_each_entry(ls, &update_vgs, list) {
+-		reply = send_lvmetad("vg_lookup",
+-				     "token = %s", "skip",
+-				     "uuid = %s", ls->vg_uuid,
+-				     NULL);
+-		if (reply.error || strcmp(daemon_reply_str(reply, "response", ""), "OK")) {
+-			log_error("vg_lookup from lvmetad failed %d", reply.error);
+-			rv = -EINVAL;
+-			goto next;
+-		}
+-		vg_name = daemon_reply_str(reply, "name", NULL);
+-		if (!vg_name) {
+-			log_error("get_lockd_vgs %s no name", ls->vg_uuid);
+-			rv = -EINVAL;
+-			goto next;
+-		}
+-		strncpy(ls->vg_name, vg_name, MAX_NAME);
+-		metadata = dm_config_find_node(reply.cft->root, "metadata");
+-		if (!metadata) {
+-			log_error("get_lockd_vgs %s name %s no metadata",
+-				  ls->vg_uuid, ls->vg_name);
+-			rv = -EINVAL;
+-			goto next;
+-		}
+-		lock_type = dm_config_find_str(metadata, "metadata/lock_type", NULL);
+-		ls->lm_type = str_to_lm(lock_type);
+-		if ((ls->lm_type != LD_LM_SANLOCK) && (ls->lm_type != LD_LM_DLM)) {
+-			log_debug("get_lockd_vgs %s not lockd type", ls->vg_name);
+-			continue;
+-		}
+-		lock_args = dm_config_find_str(metadata, "metadata/lock_args", NULL);
+-		if (lock_args)
+-			strncpy(ls->vg_args, lock_args, MAX_ARGS);
+-		log_debug("get_lockd_vgs %s lock_type %s lock_args %s",
+-			  ls->vg_name, lock_type, lock_args ?: "none");
+-		/*
+-		 * Make a record (struct resource) of each lv that uses a lock.
+-		 * For any lv that uses a lock, we'll check if the lv is active
+-		 * and if so try to adopt a lock for it.
+-		 */
+-		for (md_cn = metadata->child; md_cn; md_cn = md_cn->sib) {
+-			if (strcmp(md_cn->key, "logical_volumes"))
+-				continue;
+-			for (lv_cn = md_cn->child; lv_cn; lv_cn = lv_cn->sib) {
+-				snprintf(find_str_path, PATH_MAX, "%s/lock_args", lv_cn->key);
+-				lock_args = dm_config_find_str(lv_cn, find_str_path, NULL);
+-				if (!lock_args)
+-					continue;
+-				snprintf(find_str_path, PATH_MAX, "%s/id", lv_cn->key);
+-				lv_uuid = dm_config_find_str(lv_cn, find_str_path, NULL);
+-				if (!lv_uuid) {
+-					log_error("get_lock_vgs no lv id for name %s", lv_cn->key);
+-					continue;
+-				}
+-				if (!(r = alloc_resource())) {
+-					rv = -ENOMEM;
+-					goto next;
+-				}
+-				r->use_vb = 0;
+-				r->type = LD_RT_LV;
+-				strncpy(r->name, lv_uuid, MAX_NAME);
+-				if (lock_args)
+-					strncpy(r->lv_args, lock_args, MAX_ARGS);
+-				list_add_tail(&r->list, &ls->resources);
+-				log_debug("get_lockd_vgs %s lv %s %s (name %s)",
+-					  ls->vg_name, r->name, lock_args ? lock_args : "", lv_cn->key);
+-			}
+-		}
+- next:
+-		daemon_reply_destroy(reply);
+-		if (rv < 0)
+-			break;
+-	}
+-	/* Return lockd VG's on the vg_lockd list. */
+-	list_for_each_entry_safe(ls, safe, &update_vgs, list) {
+-		list_del(&ls->list);
+-		if ((ls->lm_type == LD_LM_SANLOCK) || (ls->lm_type == LD_LM_DLM))
+-			list_add_tail(&ls->list, vg_lockd);
+-		else
+-			free(ls);
+-	}
+-	return rv;
+ static char _dm_uuid[DM_UUID_LEN];
+ static char *get_dm_uuid(char *dm_name)
+@@ -5236,9 +5215,9 @@ static void adopt_locks(void)
+ 	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&to_unlock);
+ 	/*
+-	 * Get list of lockspaces from lock managers.
+-	 * Get list of VGs from lvmetad with a lockd type.
+-	 * Get list of active lockd type LVs from /dev.
++	 * Get list of lockspaces from currently running lock managers.
++	 * Get list of shared VGs from file written by prior lvmlockd.
++	 * Get list of active LVs (in the shared VGs) from the file.
+ 	 */
+ 	if (lm_support_dlm() && lm_is_running_dlm()) {
+@@ -5262,12 +5241,17 @@ static void adopt_locks(void)
+ 	 * Adds a struct lockspace to vg_lockd for each lockd VG.
+ 	 * Adds a struct resource to ls->resources for each LV.
+ 	 */
+-	rv = get_lockd_vgs(&vg_lockd);
++	rv = read_adopt_file(&vg_lockd);
+ 	if (rv < 0) {
+-		log_error("adopt_locks get_lockd_vgs failed");
++		log_error("adopt_locks read_adopt_file failed");
+ 		goto fail;
+ 	}
++	if (list_empty(&vg_lockd)) {
++		log_debug("No lockspaces in adopt file");
++		return;
++	}
+ 	/*
+ 	 * For each resource on each lockspace, check if the
+ 	 * corresponding LV is active.  If so, leave the
+@@ -5506,7 +5490,7 @@ static void adopt_locks(void)
+ 				goto fail;
+ 			act->op = LD_OP_LOCK;
+ 			act->rt = LD_RT_LV;
+-			act->mode = LD_LK_EX;
++			act->mode = r->adopt_mode;
+ 			act->flags = (LD_AF_ADOPT | LD_AF_PERSISTENT);
+ 			act->client_id = INTERNAL_CLIENT_ID;
+ 			act->lm_type = ls->lm_type;
+@@ -5604,8 +5588,9 @@ static void adopt_locks(void)
+ 			 * Adopt failed because the orphan has a different mode
+ 			 * than initially requested.  Repeat the lock-adopt operation
+ 			 * with the other mode.  N.B. this logic depends on first
+-			 * trying sh then ex for GL/VG locks, and ex then sh for
+-			 * LV locks.
++			 * trying sh then ex for GL/VG locks; for LV locks the mode
++			 * from the adopt file is tried first, the alternate
++			 * (if the mode in adopt file was wrong somehow.)
+ 			 */
+ 			if ((act->rt != LD_RT_LV) && (act->mode == LD_LK_SH)) {
+@@ -5613,9 +5598,12 @@ static void adopt_locks(void)
+ 				act->mode = LD_LK_EX;
+ 				rv = add_lock_action(act);
+-			} else if ((act->rt == LD_RT_LV) && (act->mode == LD_LK_EX)) {
+-				/* LV locks: attempt to adopt sh after ex failed. */
+-				act->mode = LD_LK_SH;
++			} else if (act->rt == LD_RT_LV) {
++				/* LV locks: attempt to adopt the other mode. */
++				if (act->mode == LD_LK_EX)
++					act->mode = LD_LK_SH;
++				else if (act->mode == LD_LK_SH)
++					act->mode = LD_LK_EX;
+ 				rv = add_lock_action(act);
+ 			} else {
+@@ -5750,10 +5738,13 @@ static void adopt_locks(void)
+ 	if (count_start_fail || count_adopt_fail)
+ 		goto fail;
++	unlink(adopt_file);
++	write_adopt_file();
+ 	log_debug("adopt_locks done");
+ 	return;
+ fail:
++	unlink(adopt_file);
+ 	log_error("adopt_locks failed, reset host");
+ }
+@@ -6028,6 +6019,8 @@ static void usage(char *prog, FILE *file)
+ 	fprintf(file, "        Set path to the pid file. [%s]\n", LVMLOCKD_PIDFILE);
+ 	fprintf(file, "  --socket-path | -s <path>\n");
+ 	fprintf(file, "        Set path to the socket to listen on. [%s]\n", LVMLOCKD_SOCKET);
++	fprintf(file, "  --adopt-file <path>\n");
++	fprintf(file, "        Set path to the adopt file. [%s]\n", LVMLOCKD_ADOPT_FILE);
+ 	fprintf(file, "  --syslog-priority | -S err|warning|debug\n");
+ 	fprintf(file, "        Write log messages from this level up to syslog. [%s]\n", _syslog_num_to_name(LOG_SYSLOG_PRIO));
+ 	fprintf(file, "  --gl-type | -g <str>\n");
+@@ -6063,6 +6056,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ 		{"daemon-debug",    no_argument,       0, 'D' },
+ 		{"pid-file",        required_argument, 0, 'p' },
+ 		{"socket-path",     required_argument, 0, 's' },
++		{"adopt-file",      required_argument, 0, 128 },
+ 		{"gl-type",         required_argument, 0, 'g' },
+ 		{"host-id",         required_argument, 0, 'i' },
+ 		{"host-id-file",    required_argument, 0, 'F' },
+@@ -6085,6 +6079,9 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ 		switch (c) {
+ 		case '0':
+ 			break;
++		case 128:
++			adopt_file = strdup(optarg);
++			break;
+ 		case 'h':
+ 			usage(argv[0], stdout);
+ 			exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
+@@ -6146,6 +6143,9 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ 	if (!ds.socket_path)
+ 		ds.socket_path = LVMLOCKD_SOCKET;
++	if (!adopt_file)
++		adopt_file = LVMLOCKD_ADOPT_FILE;
+ 	/* runs daemon_main/main_loop */
+ 	daemon_start(ds);
+diff --git a/daemons/lvmlockd/lvmlockd-dlm.c b/daemons/lvmlockd/lvmlockd-dlm.c
+index 75e6dee..7915cc0 100644
+--- a/daemons/lvmlockd/lvmlockd-dlm.c
++++ b/daemons/lvmlockd/lvmlockd-dlm.c
+@@ -398,12 +398,18 @@ static int lm_adopt_dlm(struct lockspace *ls, struct resource *r, int ld_mode,
+ 			  (void *)1, (void *)1, (void *)1,
+ 			  NULL, NULL);
+-	if (rv == -1 && errno == -EAGAIN) {
++	if (rv == -1 && (errno == EAGAIN)) {
+ 		log_debug("S %s R %s adopt_dlm adopt mode %d try other mode",
+ 			  ls->name, r->name, ld_mode);
+ 		rv = -EUCLEAN;
+ 		goto fail;
+ 	}
++	if (rv == -1 && (errno == ENOENT)) {
++		log_debug("S %s R %s adopt_dlm adopt mode %d no lock",
++			  ls->name, r->name, ld_mode);
++		rv = -ENOENT;
++		goto fail;
++	}
+ 	if (rv < 0) {
+ 		log_debug("S %s R %s adopt_dlm mode %d flags %x error %d errno %d",
+ 			  ls->name, r->name, mode, flags, rv, errno);
+diff --git a/daemons/lvmlockd/lvmlockd-internal.h b/daemons/lvmlockd/lvmlockd-internal.h
+index 85e8caf..191c449 100644
+--- a/daemons/lvmlockd/lvmlockd-internal.h
++++ b/daemons/lvmlockd/lvmlockd-internal.h
+@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
++#include "base/memory/container_of.h"
+ #define MAX_NAME 64
+ #define MAX_ARGS 64
+@@ -145,6 +147,7 @@ struct resource {
+ 	char name[MAX_NAME+1];		/* vg name or lv name */
+ 	int8_t type;			/* resource type LD_RT_ */
+ 	int8_t mode;
++	int8_t adopt_mode;
+ 	unsigned int sh_count;		/* number of sh locks on locks list */
+ 	uint32_t version;
+ 	uint32_t last_client_id;	/* last client_id to lock or unlock resource */
+@@ -216,10 +219,6 @@ struct val_blk {
+ /* lm_unlock flags */
+ #define LMUF_FREE_VG 0x00000001
+-#define container_of(ptr, type, member) ({                      \
+-	const typeof( ((type *)0)->member ) *__mptr = (ptr);    \
+-	(type *)( (char *)__mptr - offsetof(type,member) );})
+ static inline void INIT_LIST_HEAD(struct list_head *list)
+ {
+ 	list->next = list;
+diff --git a/lib/cache/lvmcache.c b/lib/cache/lvmcache.c
+index 2c8c614..6cb5ff0 100644
+--- a/lib/cache/lvmcache.c
++++ b/lib/cache/lvmcache.c
+@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ struct lvmcache_info {
+ /* One per VG */
+ struct lvmcache_vginfo {
+-	struct dm_list list;	/* Join these vginfos together */
++	struct dm_list list;	 /* _vginfos */
+ 	struct dm_list infos;	/* List head for lvmcache_infos */
+ 	struct dm_list outdated_infos; /* vg_read moves info from infos to outdated_infos */
+ 	struct dm_list pvsummaries; /* pv_list taken directly from vgsummary */
+@@ -58,7 +58,6 @@ struct lvmcache_vginfo {
+ 	uint32_t status;
+ 	char vgid[ID_LEN + 1];
+ 	char _padding[7];
+-	struct lvmcache_vginfo *next; /* Another VG with same name? */
+ 	char *creation_host;
+ 	char *system_id;
+ 	char *lock_type;
+@@ -66,8 +65,16 @@ struct lvmcache_vginfo {
+ 	size_t mda_size;
+ 	int seqno;
+ 	bool scan_summary_mismatch; /* vgsummary from devs had mismatching seqno or checksum */
++	bool has_duplicate_local_vgname;   /* this local vg and another local vg have same name */
++	bool has_duplicate_foreign_vgname; /* this foreign vg and another foreign vg have same name */
+ };
++ * Each VG found during scan gets a vginfo struct.
++ * Each vginfo is in _vginfos and _vgid_hash, and
++ * _vgname_hash (unless disabled due to duplicate vgnames).
++ */
+ static struct dm_hash_table *_pvid_hash = NULL;
+ static struct dm_hash_table *_vgid_hash = NULL;
+ static struct dm_hash_table *_vgname_hash = NULL;
+@@ -262,16 +269,6 @@ void lvmcache_get_mdas(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+ 	}
+ }
+-static void _vginfo_attach_info(struct lvmcache_vginfo *vginfo,
+-				struct lvmcache_info *info)
+-	if (!vginfo)
+-		return;
+-	info->vginfo = vginfo;
+-	dm_list_add(&vginfo->infos, &info->list);
+ static void _vginfo_detach_info(struct lvmcache_info *info)
+ {
+ 	if (!dm_list_empty(&info->list)) {
+@@ -282,57 +279,80 @@ static void _vginfo_detach_info(struct lvmcache_info *info)
+ 	info->vginfo = NULL;
+ }
+-/* If vgid supplied, require a match. */
+-struct lvmcache_vginfo *lvmcache_vginfo_from_vgname(const char *vgname, const char *vgid)
++static struct lvmcache_vginfo *_search_vginfos_list(const char *vgname, const char *vgid)
+ {
+ 	struct lvmcache_vginfo *vginfo;
+-	if (!vgname)
+-		return lvmcache_vginfo_from_vgid(vgid);
+-	if (!_vgname_hash) {
+-		log_debug_cache(INTERNAL_ERROR "Internal lvmcache is no yet initialized.");
+-		return NULL;
+-	}
+-	if (!(vginfo = dm_hash_lookup(_vgname_hash, vgname))) {
+-		log_debug_cache("lvmcache has no info for vgname \"%s\"%s" FMTVGID ".",
+-				vgname, (vgid) ? " with VGID " : "", (vgid) ? : "");
+-		return NULL;
+-	}
+-	if (vgid)
+-		do
+-			if (!strncmp(vgid, vginfo->vgid, ID_LEN))
++	if (vgid) {
++		dm_list_iterate_items(vginfo, &_vginfos) {
++			if (!strcmp(vgid, vginfo->vgid))
+ 				return vginfo;
+-		while ((vginfo = vginfo->next));
+-	if  (!vginfo)
+-		log_debug_cache("lvmcache has not found vgname \"%s\"%s" FMTVGID ".",
+-				vgname, (vgid) ? " with VGID " : "", (vgid) ? : "");
+-	return vginfo;
++		}
++	} else {
++		dm_list_iterate_items(vginfo, &_vginfos) {
++			if (!strcmp(vgname, vginfo->vgname))
++				return vginfo;
++		}
++	}
++	return NULL;
+ }
+-struct lvmcache_vginfo *lvmcache_vginfo_from_vgid(const char *vgid)
++static struct lvmcache_vginfo *_vginfo_lookup(const char *vgname, const char *vgid)
+ {
+ 	struct lvmcache_vginfo *vginfo;
+ 	char id[ID_LEN + 1] __attribute__((aligned(8)));
+-	if (!_vgid_hash || !vgid) {
+-		log_debug_cache(INTERNAL_ERROR "Internal cache cannot lookup vgid.");
+-		return NULL;
++	if (vgid) {
++		/* vgid not necessarily NULL-terminated */
++		(void) dm_strncpy(id, vgid, sizeof(id));
++		if ((vginfo = dm_hash_lookup(_vgid_hash, id))) {
++			if (vgname && strcmp(vginfo->vgname, vgname)) {
++				/* should never happen */
++				log_error(INTERNAL_ERROR "vginfo_lookup vgid %s has two names %s %s",
++					  id, vginfo->vgname, vgname);
++				return NULL;
++			}
++			return vginfo;
++		} else {
++			/* lookup by vgid that doesn't exist */
++			return NULL;
++		}
+ 	}
+-	/* vgid not necessarily NULL-terminated */
+-	(void) dm_strncpy(id, vgid, sizeof(id));
++	if (vgname && !_found_duplicate_vgnames) {
++		if ((vginfo = dm_hash_lookup(_vgname_hash, vgname))) {
++			if (vginfo->has_duplicate_local_vgname) {
++				/* should never happen, found_duplicate_vgnames should be set */
++				log_error(INTERNAL_ERROR "vginfo_lookup %s %s has_duplicate_local_vgname", vgname, vgid);
++				return NULL;
++			}
++			return vginfo;
++		}
++	}
+-	if (!(vginfo = dm_hash_lookup(_vgid_hash, id))) {
+-		log_debug_cache("lvmcache has no info for vgid \"%s\"", id);
+-		return NULL;
++	if (vgname && _found_duplicate_vgnames) {
++		if ((vginfo = _search_vginfos_list(vgname, vgid))) {
++			if (vginfo->has_duplicate_local_vgname) {
++				log_debug("vginfo_lookup %s %s has_duplicate_local_vgname return none", vgname, vgid);
++				return NULL;
++			}
++			return vginfo;
++		}
+ 	}
+-	return vginfo;
++	/* lookup by vgname that doesn't exist */
++	return NULL;
++struct lvmcache_vginfo *lvmcache_vginfo_from_vgname(const char *vgname, const char *vgid)
++	return _vginfo_lookup(vgname, vgid);
++struct lvmcache_vginfo *lvmcache_vginfo_from_vgid(const char *vgid)
++	return _vginfo_lookup(NULL, vgid);
+ }
+ const char *lvmcache_vgname_from_vgid(struct dm_pool *mem, const char *vgid)
+@@ -353,17 +373,43 @@ const char *lvmcache_vgid_from_vgname(struct cmd_context *cmd, const char *vgnam
+ {
+ 	struct lvmcache_vginfo *vginfo;
+-	if (!(vginfo = dm_hash_lookup(_vgname_hash, vgname)))
+-		return_NULL;
++	if (_found_duplicate_vgnames) {
++		if (!(vginfo = _search_vginfos_list(vgname, NULL)))
++			return_NULL;
++	} else {
++		if (!(vginfo = dm_hash_lookup(_vgname_hash, vgname)))
++			return_NULL;
++	}
+-	if (!vginfo->next)
+-		return dm_pool_strdup(cmd->mem, vginfo->vgid);
++	if (vginfo->has_duplicate_local_vgname) {
++		/*
++		 * return NULL if there is a local VG with the same name since
++		 * we don't know which to use.
++		 */
++		return NULL;
++	}
+-	/*
+-	 * There are multiple VGs with this name to choose from.
+-	 * Return an error because we don't know which VG is intended.
+-	 */
+-	return NULL;
++	if (vginfo->has_duplicate_foreign_vgname)
++		return NULL;
++	return dm_pool_strdup(cmd->mem, vginfo->vgid);
++bool lvmcache_has_duplicate_local_vgname(const char *vgid, const char *vgname)
++	struct lvmcache_vginfo *vginfo;
++	if (_found_duplicate_vgnames) {
++		if (!(vginfo = _search_vginfos_list(vgname, vgid)))
++			return false;
++	} else {
++		if (!(vginfo = dm_hash_lookup(_vgname_hash, vgname)))
++			return false;
++	}
++	if (vginfo->has_duplicate_local_vgname)
++		return true;
++	return false;
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -986,15 +1032,6 @@ int lvmcache_label_scan(struct cmd_context *cmd)
+ 	log_debug_cache("Finding VG info");
+-	/* FIXME: can this happen? */
+-	if (!cmd->filter) {
+-		log_error("label scan is missing filter");
+-		goto out;
+-	}
+-	if (!refresh_filters(cmd))
+-		log_error("Scan failed to refresh device filter.");
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Duplicates found during this label scan are added to _initial_duplicates.
+ 	 */
+@@ -1057,7 +1094,6 @@ int lvmcache_label_scan(struct cmd_context *cmd)
+ 	r = 1;
+-      out:
+ 	dm_list_iterate_items(vginfo, &_vginfos) {
+ 		if (is_orphan_vg(vginfo->vgname))
+ 			continue;
+@@ -1148,49 +1184,20 @@ int lvmcache_pvid_in_unused_duplicates(const char *pvid)
+ 	return 0;
+ }
+-static int _free_vginfo(struct lvmcache_vginfo *vginfo)
++static void _free_vginfo(struct lvmcache_vginfo *vginfo)
+ {
+-	struct lvmcache_vginfo *primary_vginfo, *vginfo2;
+-	int r = 1;
+-	vginfo2 = primary_vginfo = lvmcache_vginfo_from_vgname(vginfo->vgname, NULL);
+-	if (vginfo == primary_vginfo) {
+-		dm_hash_remove(_vgname_hash, vginfo->vgname);
+-		if (vginfo->next && !dm_hash_insert(_vgname_hash, vginfo->vgname,
+-						    vginfo->next)) {
+-			log_error("_vgname_hash re-insertion for %s failed",
+-				  vginfo->vgname);
+-			r = 0;
+-		}
+-	} else
+-		while (vginfo2) {
+-			if (vginfo2->next == vginfo) {
+-				vginfo2->next = vginfo->next;
+-				break;
+-			}
+-			vginfo2 = vginfo2->next;
+-		}
+-	free(vginfo->system_id);
+ 	free(vginfo->vgname);
++	free(vginfo->system_id);
+ 	free(vginfo->creation_host);
+-	if (*vginfo->vgid && _vgid_hash &&
+-	    lvmcache_vginfo_from_vgid(vginfo->vgid) == vginfo)
+-		dm_hash_remove(_vgid_hash, vginfo->vgid);
+-	dm_list_del(&vginfo->list);
++	if (vginfo->lock_type)
++		free(vginfo->lock_type);
+ 	free(vginfo);
+-	return r;
+ }
+ /*
+- * vginfo must be info->vginfo unless info is NULL
++ * Remove vginfo from standard lists/hashes.
+  */
+-static int _drop_vginfo(struct lvmcache_info *info, struct lvmcache_vginfo *vginfo)
++static void _drop_vginfo(struct lvmcache_info *info, struct lvmcache_vginfo *vginfo)
+ {
+ 	if (info)
+ 		_vginfo_detach_info(info);
+@@ -1198,12 +1205,16 @@ static int _drop_vginfo(struct lvmcache_info *info, struct lvmcache_vginfo *vgin
+ 	/* vginfo still referenced? */
+ 	if (!vginfo || is_orphan_vg(vginfo->vgname) ||
+ 	    !dm_list_empty(&vginfo->infos))
+-		return 1;
++		return;
+-	if (!_free_vginfo(vginfo))
+-		return_0;
++	if (dm_hash_lookup(_vgname_hash, vginfo->vgname) == vginfo)
++		dm_hash_remove(_vgname_hash, vginfo->vgname);
+-	return 1;
++	dm_hash_remove(_vgid_hash, vginfo->vgid);
++	dm_list_del(&vginfo->list); /* _vginfos list */
++	_free_vginfo(vginfo);
+ }
+ void lvmcache_del(struct lvmcache_info *info)
+@@ -1261,180 +1272,150 @@ static int _lvmcache_update_vgid(struct lvmcache_info *info,
+ 	return 1;
+ }
+-static int _insert_vginfo(struct lvmcache_vginfo *new_vginfo, const char *vgid,
+-			  uint32_t vgstatus, const char *creation_host,
+-			  struct lvmcache_vginfo *primary_vginfo)
++static int _lvmcache_update_vgname(struct cmd_context *cmd,
++				   struct lvmcache_info *info,
++				   const char *vgname, const char *vgid,
++				   const char *system_id,
++				   const struct format_type *fmt)
+ {
+-	struct lvmcache_vginfo *last_vginfo = primary_vginfo;
+-	char uuid_primary[64] __attribute__((aligned(8)));
+-	char uuid_new[64] __attribute__((aligned(8)));
+-	int use_new = 0;
+-	/* Pre-existing VG takes precedence. Unexported VG takes precedence. */
+-	if (primary_vginfo) {
+-		if (!id_write_format((const struct id *)vgid, uuid_new, sizeof(uuid_new)))
+-			return_0;
++	char vgid_str[64] __attribute__((aligned(8)));
++	char other_str[64] __attribute__((aligned(8)));
++	struct lvmcache_vginfo *vginfo;
++	struct lvmcache_vginfo *other;
++	int vginfo_is_allowed;
++	int other_is_allowed;
+-		if (!id_write_format((const struct id *)&primary_vginfo->vgid, uuid_primary,
+-				     sizeof(uuid_primary)))
+-			return_0;
++	if (!vgname || (info && info->vginfo && !strcmp(info->vginfo->vgname, vgname)))
++		return 1;
+-		_found_duplicate_vgnames = 1;
++	if (!id_write_format((const struct id *)vgid, vgid_str, sizeof(vgid_str)))
++		stack;
+-		/*
+-		 * vginfo is kept for each VG with the same name.
+-		 * They are saved with the vginfo->next list.
+-		 * These checks just decide the ordering of
+-		 * that list.
+-		 *
+-		 * FIXME: it should no longer matter what order
+-		 * the vginfo's are kept in, so we can probably
+-		 * remove these comparisons and reordering entirely.
+-		 *
+-		 * If   Primary not exported, new exported => keep
+-		 * Else Primary exported, new not exported => change
+-		 * Else Primary has hostname for this machine => keep
+-		 * Else Primary has no hostname, new has one => change
+-		 * Else New has hostname for this machine => change
+-		 * Else Keep primary.
+-		 */
+-		if (!(primary_vginfo->status & EXPORTED_VG) &&
+-		    (vgstatus & EXPORTED_VG))
+-			log_verbose("Cache: Duplicate VG name %s: "
+-				    "Existing %s takes precedence over "
+-				    "exported %s", new_vginfo->vgname,
+-				    uuid_primary, uuid_new);
+-		else if ((primary_vginfo->status & EXPORTED_VG) &&
+-			   !(vgstatus & EXPORTED_VG)) {
+-			log_verbose("Cache: Duplicate VG name %s: "
+-				    "%s takes precedence over exported %s",
+-				    new_vginfo->vgname, uuid_new,
+-				    uuid_primary);
+-			use_new = 1;
+-		} else if (primary_vginfo->creation_host &&
+-			   !strcmp(primary_vginfo->creation_host,
+-				   primary_vginfo->fmt->cmd->hostname))
+-			log_verbose("Cache: Duplicate VG name %s: "
+-				    "Existing %s (created here) takes precedence "
+-				    "over %s", new_vginfo->vgname, uuid_primary,
+-				    uuid_new);
+-		else if (!primary_vginfo->creation_host && creation_host) {
+-			log_verbose("Cache: Duplicate VG name %s: "
+-				    "%s (with creation_host) takes precedence over %s",
+-				    new_vginfo->vgname, uuid_new,
+-				    uuid_primary);
+-			use_new = 1;
+-		} else if (creation_host &&
+-			   !strcmp(creation_host,
+-				   primary_vginfo->fmt->cmd->hostname)) {
+-			log_verbose("Cache: Duplicate VG name %s: "
+-				    "%s (created here) takes precedence over %s",
+-				    new_vginfo->vgname, uuid_new,
+-				    uuid_primary);
+-			use_new = 1;
+-		} else {
+-			log_verbose("Cache: Duplicate VG name %s: "
+-				    "Prefer existing %s vs new %s",
+-				    new_vginfo->vgname, uuid_primary, uuid_new);
++	/*
++	 * Add vginfo for orphan VG
++	 */
++	if (!info) {
++		if (!(vginfo = zalloc(sizeof(*vginfo)))) {
++			log_error("lvmcache adding vg list alloc failed %s", vgname);
++			return 0;
+ 		}
+-		if (!use_new) {
+-			while (last_vginfo->next)
+-				last_vginfo = last_vginfo->next;
+-			last_vginfo->next = new_vginfo;
+-			return 1;
++		if (!(vginfo->vgname = strdup(vgname))) {
++			free(vginfo);
++			log_error("lvmcache adding vg name alloc failed %s", vgname);
++			return 0;
+ 		}
++		dm_list_init(&vginfo->infos);
++		dm_list_init(&vginfo->outdated_infos);
++		dm_list_init(&vginfo->pvsummaries);
++		vginfo->fmt = fmt;
+-		dm_hash_remove(_vgname_hash, primary_vginfo->vgname);
+-	}
+-	if (!dm_hash_insert(_vgname_hash, new_vginfo->vgname, new_vginfo)) {
+-		log_error("cache_update: vg hash insertion failed: %s",
+-		  	new_vginfo->vgname);
+-		return 0;
+-	}
+-	if (primary_vginfo)
+-		new_vginfo->next = primary_vginfo;
+-	return 1;
++		if (!dm_hash_insert(_vgname_hash, vgname, vginfo)) {
++			free(vginfo->vgname);
++			free(vginfo);
++			return_0;
++		}
+-static int _lvmcache_update_vgname(struct lvmcache_info *info,
+-				   const char *vgname, const char *vgid,
+-				   uint32_t vgstatus, const char *creation_host,
+-				   const struct format_type *fmt)
+-	struct lvmcache_vginfo *vginfo, *primary_vginfo;
+-	char mdabuf[32];
++		if (!_lvmcache_update_vgid(NULL, vginfo, vgid)) {
++			free(vginfo->vgname);
++			free(vginfo);
++			return_0;
++		}
+-	if (!vgname || (info && info->vginfo && !strcmp(info->vginfo->vgname, vgname)))
++		/* Ensure orphans appear last on list_iterate */
++		dm_list_add(&_vginfos, &vginfo->list);
+ 		return 1;
++	}
+-	/* Remove existing vginfo entry */
+-	if (info)
+-		_drop_vginfo(info, info->vginfo);
++	_drop_vginfo(info, info->vginfo);
+-	if (!(vginfo = lvmcache_vginfo_from_vgname(vgname, vgid))) {
++	if (!(vginfo = lvmcache_vginfo_from_vgid(vgid))) {
+ 		/*
+ 	 	 * Create a vginfo struct for this VG and put the vginfo
+ 	 	 * into the hash table.
+ 	 	 */
++		log_debug_cache("lvmcache adding vginfo for %s %s", vgname, vgid_str);
+ 		if (!(vginfo = zalloc(sizeof(*vginfo)))) {
+-			log_error("lvmcache_update_vgname: list alloc failed");
++			log_error("lvmcache adding vg list alloc failed %s", vgname);
+ 			return 0;
+ 		}
+ 		if (!(vginfo->vgname = strdup(vgname))) {
+ 			free(vginfo);
+-			log_error("cache vgname alloc failed for %s", vgname);
++			log_error("lvmcache adding vg name alloc failed %s", vgname);
+ 			return 0;
+ 		}
+ 		dm_list_init(&vginfo->infos);
+ 		dm_list_init(&vginfo->outdated_infos);
+ 		dm_list_init(&vginfo->pvsummaries);
+-		/*
+-		 * A different VG (different uuid) can exist with the same name.
+-		 * In this case, the two VGs will have separate vginfo structs,
+-		 * but the second will be linked onto the existing vginfo->next,
+-		 * not in the hash.
+-		 */
+-		primary_vginfo = lvmcache_vginfo_from_vgname(vgname, NULL);
++		if ((other = dm_hash_lookup(_vgname_hash, vgname))) {
++			log_debug_cache("lvmcache adding vginfo found duplicate VG name %s", vgname);
+-		if (!_insert_vginfo(vginfo, vgid, vgstatus, creation_host, primary_vginfo)) {
+-			free(vginfo->vgname);
+-			free(vginfo);
+-			return 0;
++			/*
++			 * A different VG (different uuid) can exist with the
++			 * same name.  In this case, the two VGs will have
++			 * separate vginfo structs, but one will be in the
++			 * vgname_hash.  If both vginfos are local/accessible,
++			 * then _found_duplicate_vgnames is set which will
++			 * disable any further use of the vgname_hash.
++			 */
++			if (!memcmp(other->vgid, vgid, ID_LEN)) {
++				/* shouldn't happen since we looked up by vgid above */
++				log_error(INTERNAL_ERROR "lvmcache_update_vgname %s %s %s %s",
++					  vgname, vgid_str, other->vgname, other->vgid);
++				free(vginfo->vgname);
++				free(vginfo);
++				return 0;
++			}
++			vginfo_is_allowed = is_system_id_allowed(cmd, system_id);
++			other_is_allowed = is_system_id_allowed(cmd, other->system_id);
++			if (vginfo_is_allowed && other_is_allowed) {
++				if (!id_write_format((const struct id *)other->vgid, other_str, sizeof(other_str)))
++					stack;
++				vginfo->has_duplicate_local_vgname = 1;
++				other->has_duplicate_local_vgname = 1;
++				_found_duplicate_vgnames = 1;
++				log_warn("WARNING: VG name %s is used by VGs %s and %s.",
++					 vgname, vgid_str, other_str);
++				log_warn("Fix duplicate VG names with vgrename uuid, a device filter, or system IDs.");
++			}
++			if (!vginfo_is_allowed && !other_is_allowed) {
++				vginfo->has_duplicate_foreign_vgname = 1;
++				other->has_duplicate_foreign_vgname = 1;
++			}
++			if (!other_is_allowed && vginfo_is_allowed) {
++				/* the accessible vginfo must be in vgnames_hash */
++				dm_hash_remove(_vgname_hash, vgname);
++				if (!dm_hash_insert(_vgname_hash, vgname, vginfo)) {
++					log_error("lvmcache adding vginfo to name hash failed %s", vgname);
++					return 0;
++				}
++			}
++		} else {
++			if (!dm_hash_insert(_vgname_hash, vgname, vginfo)) {
++				log_error("lvmcache adding vg to name hash failed %s", vgname);
++				free(vginfo->vgname);
++				free(vginfo);
++				return 0;
++			}
+ 		}
+-		/* Ensure orphans appear last on list_iterate */
+-		if (is_orphan_vg(vgname))
+-			dm_list_add(&_vginfos, &vginfo->list);
+-		else
+-			dm_list_add_h(&_vginfos, &vginfo->list);
++		dm_list_add_h(&_vginfos, &vginfo->list);
+ 	}
+-	if (info)
+-		_vginfo_attach_info(vginfo, info);
+-	else if (!_lvmcache_update_vgid(NULL, vginfo, vgid)) /* Orphans */
+-		return_0;
+-	/* FIXME Check consistency of list! */
+ 	vginfo->fmt = fmt;
++	info->vginfo = vginfo;
++	dm_list_add(&vginfo->infos, &info->list);
+-	if (info) {
+-		if (info->mdas.n)
+-			sprintf(mdabuf, " with %u mda(s)", dm_list_size(&info->mdas));
+-		else
+-			mdabuf[0] = '\0';
+-		log_debug_cache("lvmcache %s: now in VG %s%s%s%s%s.",
+-				dev_name(info->dev),
+-				vgname, vginfo->vgid[0] ? " (" : "",
+-				vginfo->vgid[0] ? vginfo->vgid : "",
+-				vginfo->vgid[0] ? ")" : "", mdabuf);
+-	} else
+-		log_debug_cache("lvmcache: Initialised VG %s.", vgname);
++	log_debug_cache("lvmcache %s: now in VG %s %s", dev_name(info->dev), vgname, vgid_str);
+ 	return 1;
+ }
+@@ -1511,9 +1492,9 @@ out:
+ 	return 1;
+ }
+-int lvmcache_add_orphan_vginfo(const char *vgname, struct format_type *fmt)
++int lvmcache_add_orphan_vginfo(struct cmd_context *cmd, const char *vgname, struct format_type *fmt)
+ {
+-	return _lvmcache_update_vgname(NULL, vgname, vgname, 0, "", fmt);
++	return _lvmcache_update_vgname(cmd, NULL, vgname, vgname, "", fmt);
+ }
+ static void _lvmcache_update_pvsummaries(struct lvmcache_vginfo *vginfo, struct lvmcache_vgsummary *vgsummary)
+@@ -1532,7 +1513,7 @@ static void _lvmcache_update_pvsummaries(struct lvmcache_vginfo *vginfo, struct
+  * Returning 0 causes the caller to remove the info struct for this
+  * device from lvmcache, which will make it look like a missing device.
+  */
+-int lvmcache_update_vgname_and_id(struct lvmcache_info *info, struct lvmcache_vgsummary *vgsummary)
++int lvmcache_update_vgname_and_id(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct lvmcache_info *info, struct lvmcache_vgsummary *vgsummary)
+ {
+ 	const char *vgname = vgsummary->vgname;
+ 	const char *vgid = (char *)&vgsummary->vgid;
+@@ -1545,6 +1526,7 @@ int lvmcache_update_vgname_and_id(struct lvmcache_info *info, struct lvmcache_vg
+ 		vgid = vgname;
+ 	}
++	/* FIXME: remove this, it shouldn't be needed */
+ 	/* If PV without mdas is already in a real VG, don't make it orphan */
+ 	if (is_orphan_vg(vgname) && info->vginfo &&
+ 	    mdas_empty_or_ignored(&info->mdas) &&
+@@ -1556,7 +1538,7 @@ int lvmcache_update_vgname_and_id(struct lvmcache_info *info, struct lvmcache_vg
+ 	 * and attaches the info struct for the dev to the vginfo.
+ 	 * Puts the vginfo into the vgname hash table.
+ 	 */
+-	if (!_lvmcache_update_vgname(info, vgname, vgid, vgsummary->vgstatus, vgsummary->creation_host, info->fmt)) {
++	if (!_lvmcache_update_vgname(cmd, info, vgname, vgid, vgsummary->system_id, info->fmt)) {
+ 		/* shouldn't happen, internal error */
+ 		log_error("Failed to update VG %s info in lvmcache.", vgname);
+ 		return 0;
+@@ -1735,7 +1717,7 @@ int lvmcache_update_vg_from_write(struct volume_group *vg)
+ 		(void) dm_strncpy(pvid_s, (char *) &pvl->pv->id, sizeof(pvid_s));
+ 		/* FIXME Could pvl->pv->dev->pvid ever be different? */
+ 		if ((info = lvmcache_info_from_pvid(pvid_s, pvl->pv->dev, 0)) &&
+-		    !lvmcache_update_vgname_and_id(info, &vgsummary))
++		    !lvmcache_update_vgname_and_id(vg->cmd, info, &vgsummary))
+ 			return_0;
+ 	}
+@@ -1819,7 +1801,7 @@ int lvmcache_update_vg_from_read(struct volume_group *vg, unsigned precommitted)
+ 		 * info's for PVs without metadata were not connected to the
+ 		 * vginfo by label_scan, so do it here.
+ 		 */
+-		if (!lvmcache_update_vgname_and_id(info, &vgsummary)) {
++		if (!lvmcache_update_vgname_and_id(vg->cmd, info, &vgsummary)) {
+ 			log_debug_cache("lvmcache_update_vg %s failed to update info for %s",
+ 					vg->name, dev_name(info->dev));
+ 		}
+@@ -1927,7 +1909,7 @@ static struct lvmcache_info * _create_info(struct labeller *labeller, struct dev
+ 	return info;
+ }
+-struct lvmcache_info *lvmcache_add(struct labeller *labeller,
++struct lvmcache_info *lvmcache_add(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct labeller *labeller,
+ 				   const char *pvid, struct device *dev, uint64_t label_sector,
+ 				   const char *vgname, const char *vgid, uint32_t vgstatus,
+ 				   int *is_duplicate)
+@@ -2042,7 +2024,7 @@ update_vginfo:
+ 	if (vgid)
+ 		strncpy((char *)&vgsummary.vgid, vgid, sizeof(vgsummary.vgid));
+-	if (!lvmcache_update_vgname_and_id(info, &vgsummary)) {
++	if (!lvmcache_update_vgname_and_id(cmd, info, &vgsummary)) {
+ 		if (created) {
+ 			dm_hash_remove(_pvid_hash, pvid_s);
+ 			strcpy(info->dev->pvid, "");
+@@ -2055,7 +2037,7 @@ update_vginfo:
+ 	return info;
+ }
+-static void _lvmcache_destroy_entry(struct lvmcache_info *info)
++static void _lvmcache_destroy_info(struct lvmcache_info *info)
+ {
+ 	_vginfo_detach_info(info);
+ 	info->dev->pvid[0] = 0;
+@@ -2063,20 +2045,11 @@ static void _lvmcache_destroy_entry(struct lvmcache_info *info)
+ 	free(info);
+ }
+-static void _lvmcache_destroy_vgnamelist(struct lvmcache_vginfo *vginfo)
+-	struct lvmcache_vginfo *next;
+-	do {
+-		next = vginfo->next;
+-		if (!_free_vginfo(vginfo))
+-			stack;
+-	} while ((vginfo = next));
+ void lvmcache_destroy(struct cmd_context *cmd, int retain_orphans, int reset)
+ {
+-	log_debug_cache("Dropping VG info");
++	struct lvmcache_vginfo *vginfo, *vginfo2;
++	log_debug_cache("Destroy lvmcache content");
+ 	if (_vgid_hash) {
+ 		dm_hash_destroy(_vgid_hash);
+@@ -2084,20 +2057,24 @@ void lvmcache_destroy(struct cmd_context *cmd, int retain_orphans, int reset)
+ 	}
+ 	if (_pvid_hash) {
+-		dm_hash_iter(_pvid_hash, (dm_hash_iterate_fn) _lvmcache_destroy_entry);
++		dm_hash_iter(_pvid_hash, (dm_hash_iterate_fn) _lvmcache_destroy_info);
+ 		dm_hash_destroy(_pvid_hash);
+ 		_pvid_hash = NULL;
+ 	}
+ 	if (_vgname_hash) {
+-		dm_hash_iter(_vgname_hash,
+-			  (dm_hash_iterate_fn) _lvmcache_destroy_vgnamelist);
+ 		dm_hash_destroy(_vgname_hash);
+ 		_vgname_hash = NULL;
+ 	}
++	dm_list_iterate_items_safe(vginfo, vginfo2, &_vginfos) {
++		dm_list_del(&vginfo->list);
++		_free_vginfo(vginfo);
++	}
+ 	if (!dm_list_empty(&_vginfos))
+-		log_error(INTERNAL_ERROR "_vginfos list should be empty");
++		log_error(INTERNAL_ERROR "vginfos list should be empty");
+ 	dm_list_init(&_vginfos);
+ 	/*
+@@ -2109,6 +2086,8 @@ void lvmcache_destroy(struct cmd_context *cmd, int retain_orphans, int reset)
+ 	 * We want the same preferred devices to be chosen each time, so save
+ 	 * the unpreferred devs here so that _choose_preferred_devs can use
+ 	 * this to make the same choice each time.
++	 *
++	 * FIXME: I don't think is is needed any more.
+ 	 */
+ 	_destroy_device_list(&_prev_unused_duplicate_devs);
+ 	dm_list_splice(&_prev_unused_duplicate_devs, &_unused_duplicates);
+@@ -2122,7 +2101,7 @@ void lvmcache_destroy(struct cmd_context *cmd, int retain_orphans, int reset)
+ 			stack;
+ 		dm_list_iterate_items(fmt, &cmd->formats) {
+-			if (!lvmcache_add_orphan_vginfo(fmt->orphan_vg_name, fmt))
++			if (!lvmcache_add_orphan_vginfo(cmd, fmt->orphan_vg_name, fmt))
+ 				stack;
+ 		}
+ 	}
+@@ -2567,36 +2546,6 @@ int lvmcache_vginfo_has_pvid(struct lvmcache_vginfo *vginfo, char *pvid)
+ 	return 0;
+ }
+-struct metadata_area *lvmcache_get_mda(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+-				       const char *vgname,
+-				       struct device *dev,
+-				       int use_mda_num)
+-	struct lvmcache_vginfo *vginfo;
+-	struct lvmcache_info *info;
+-	struct metadata_area *mda;
+-	if (!use_mda_num)
+-		use_mda_num = 1;
+-	if (!(vginfo = lvmcache_vginfo_from_vgname(vgname, NULL)))
+-		return NULL;
+-	dm_list_iterate_items(info, &vginfo->infos) {
+-		if (info->dev != dev)
+-			continue;
+-		dm_list_iterate_items(mda, &info->mdas) {
+-			if ((use_mda_num == 1) && (mda->status & MDA_PRIMARY))
+-				return mda;
+-			if ((use_mda_num == 2) && !(mda->status & MDA_PRIMARY))
+-				return mda;
+-		}
+-		return NULL;
+-	}
+-	return NULL;
+ /*
+  * This is used by the metadata repair command to check if
+  * the metadata on a dev needs repair because it's old.
+diff --git a/lib/cache/lvmcache.h b/lib/cache/lvmcache.h
+index 0c8c789..6cef4d1 100644
+--- a/lib/cache/lvmcache.h
++++ b/lib/cache/lvmcache.h
+@@ -71,16 +71,16 @@ int lvmcache_label_rescan_vg(struct cmd_context *cmd, const char *vgname, const
+ int lvmcache_label_rescan_vg_rw(struct cmd_context *cmd, const char *vgname, const char *vgid);
+ /* Add/delete a device */
+-struct lvmcache_info *lvmcache_add(struct labeller *labeller, const char *pvid,
++struct lvmcache_info *lvmcache_add(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct labeller *labeller, const char *pvid,
+                                    struct device *dev, uint64_t label_sector,
+                                    const char *vgname, const char *vgid,
+                                    uint32_t vgstatus, int *is_duplicate);
+-int lvmcache_add_orphan_vginfo(const char *vgname, struct format_type *fmt);
++int lvmcache_add_orphan_vginfo(struct cmd_context *cmd, const char *vgname, struct format_type *fmt);
+ void lvmcache_del(struct lvmcache_info *info);
+ void lvmcache_del_dev(struct device *dev);
+ /* Update things */
+-int lvmcache_update_vgname_and_id(struct lvmcache_info *info,
++int lvmcache_update_vgname_and_id(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct lvmcache_info *info,
+ 				  struct lvmcache_vgsummary *vgsummary);
+ int lvmcache_update_vg_from_read(struct volume_group *vg, unsigned precommitted);
+ int lvmcache_update_vg_from_write(struct volume_group *vg);
+@@ -161,11 +161,6 @@ struct device *lvmcache_device(struct lvmcache_info *info);
+ unsigned lvmcache_mda_count(struct lvmcache_info *info);
+ uint64_t lvmcache_smallest_mda_size(struct lvmcache_info *info);
+-struct metadata_area *lvmcache_get_mda(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+-                                      const char *vgname,
+-                                      struct device *dev,
+-                                      int use_mda_num);
+ bool lvmcache_has_duplicate_devs(void);
+ void lvmcache_del_dev_from_duplicates(struct device *dev);
+ bool lvmcache_dev_is_unused_duplicate(struct device *dev);
+@@ -174,6 +169,7 @@ int lvmcache_get_unused_duplicates(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct dm_list *head
+ int vg_has_duplicate_pvs(struct volume_group *vg);
+ int lvmcache_found_duplicate_vgnames(void);
++bool lvmcache_has_duplicate_local_vgname(const char *vgid, const char *vgname);
+ int lvmcache_contains_lock_type_sanlock(struct cmd_context *cmd);
+diff --git a/lib/commands/toolcontext.c b/lib/commands/toolcontext.c
+index 88d5b3e..63b6811 100644
+--- a/lib/commands/toolcontext.c
++++ b/lib/commands/toolcontext.c
+@@ -1276,7 +1276,7 @@ int init_lvmcache_orphans(struct cmd_context *cmd)
+ 	struct format_type *fmt;
+ 	dm_list_iterate_items(fmt, &cmd->formats)
+-		if (!lvmcache_add_orphan_vginfo(fmt->orphan_vg_name, fmt))
++		if (!lvmcache_add_orphan_vginfo(cmd, fmt->orphan_vg_name, fmt))
+ 			return_0;
+ 	return 1;
+@@ -1598,6 +1598,7 @@ struct cmd_context *create_toolcontext(unsigned is_clvmd,
+ 	dm_list_init(&cmd->formats);
+ 	dm_list_init(&cmd->segtypes);
+ 	dm_list_init(&cmd->tags);
++	dm_list_init(&cmd->hints);
+ 	dm_list_init(&cmd->config_files);
+ 	label_init();
+diff --git a/lib/device/dev-io.c b/lib/device/dev-io.c
+index 735441f..33b9345 100644
+--- a/lib/device/dev-io.c
++++ b/lib/device/dev-io.c
+@@ -86,6 +86,9 @@ static int _dev_get_size_dev(struct device *dev, uint64_t *size)
+ 	int fd = dev->bcache_fd;
+ 	int do_close = 0;
++	if (dm_list_empty(&dev->aliases))
++		return 0;
+ 	if (dev->size_seqno == _dev_size_seqno) {
+ 		log_very_verbose("%s: using cached size %" PRIu64 " sectors",
+ 				 name, dev->size);
+diff --git a/lib/format_text/archiver.c b/lib/format_text/archiver.c
+index 3a741da..733e62b 100644
+--- a/lib/format_text/archiver.c
++++ b/lib/format_text/archiver.c
+@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ struct volume_group *backup_read_vg(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+ 	}
+ 	dm_list_iterate_items(mda, &tf->metadata_areas_in_use) {
+-		if (!(vg = mda->ops->vg_read(tf, vg_name, mda, NULL, NULL)))
++		if (!(vg = mda->ops->vg_read(cmd, tf, vg_name, mda, NULL, NULL)))
+ 			stack;
+ 		break;
+ 	}
+diff --git a/lib/format_text/format-text.c b/lib/format_text/format-text.c
+index 268bd64..e448712 100644
+--- a/lib/format_text/format-text.c
++++ b/lib/format_text/format-text.c
+@@ -290,7 +290,8 @@ static int _raw_write_mda_header(const struct format_type *fmt,
+  * in the label scanning path.
+  */
+-static struct raw_locn *_read_metadata_location_vg(struct device_area *dev_area,
++static struct raw_locn *_read_metadata_location_vg(struct cmd_context *cmd,
++				       struct device_area *dev_area,
+ 				       struct mda_header *mdah, int primary_mda,
+ 				       const char *vgname,
+ 				       int *precommitted)
+@@ -369,7 +370,7 @@ static struct raw_locn *_read_metadata_location_vg(struct device_area *dev_area,
+ 		  vgnamebuf, vgname);
+ 	if ((info = lvmcache_info_from_pvid(dev_area->dev->pvid, dev_area->dev, 0)) &&
+-	    !lvmcache_update_vgname_and_id(info, &vgsummary_orphan))
++	    !lvmcache_update_vgname_and_id(cmd, info, &vgsummary_orphan))
+ 		stack;
+ 	return NULL;
+@@ -447,7 +448,8 @@ static uint64_t _next_rlocn_offset(struct volume_group *vg, struct raw_locn *rlo
+ 	return new_start;
+ }
+-static struct volume_group *_vg_read_raw_area(struct format_instance *fid,
++static struct volume_group *_vg_read_raw_area(struct cmd_context *cmd,
++					      struct format_instance *fid,
+ 					      const char *vgname,
+ 					      struct device_area *area,
+ 					      struct cached_vg_fmtdata **vg_fmtdata,
+@@ -468,7 +470,7 @@ static struct volume_group *_vg_read_raw_area(struct format_instance *fid,
+ 		goto out;
+ 	}
+-	if (!(rlocn = _read_metadata_location_vg(area, mdah, primary_mda, vgname, &precommitted))) {
++	if (!(rlocn = _read_metadata_location_vg(cmd, area, mdah, primary_mda, vgname, &precommitted))) {
+ 		log_debug_metadata("VG %s not found on %s", vgname, dev_name(area->dev));
+ 		goto out;
+ 	}
+@@ -503,7 +505,8 @@ static struct volume_group *_vg_read_raw_area(struct format_instance *fid,
+ 	return vg;
+ }
+-static struct volume_group *_vg_read_raw(struct format_instance *fid,
++static struct volume_group *_vg_read_raw(struct cmd_context *cmd,
++					 struct format_instance *fid,
+ 					 const char *vgname,
+ 					 struct metadata_area *mda,
+ 					 struct cached_vg_fmtdata **vg_fmtdata,
+@@ -512,12 +515,13 @@ static struct volume_group *_vg_read_raw(struct format_instance *fid,
+ 	struct mda_context *mdac = (struct mda_context *) mda->metadata_locn;
+ 	struct volume_group *vg;
+-	vg = _vg_read_raw_area(fid, vgname, &mdac->area, vg_fmtdata, use_previous_vg, 0, mda_is_primary(mda));
++	vg = _vg_read_raw_area(cmd, fid, vgname, &mdac->area, vg_fmtdata, use_previous_vg, 0, mda_is_primary(mda));
+ 	return vg;
+ }
+-static struct volume_group *_vg_read_precommit_raw(struct format_instance *fid,
++static struct volume_group *_vg_read_precommit_raw(struct cmd_context *cmd,
++						   struct format_instance *fid,
+ 						   const char *vgname,
+ 						   struct metadata_area *mda,
+ 						   struct cached_vg_fmtdata **vg_fmtdata,
+@@ -526,7 +530,7 @@ static struct volume_group *_vg_read_precommit_raw(struct format_instance *fid,
+ 	struct mda_context *mdac = (struct mda_context *) mda->metadata_locn;
+ 	struct volume_group *vg;
+-	vg = _vg_read_raw_area(fid, vgname, &mdac->area, vg_fmtdata, use_previous_vg, 1, mda_is_primary(mda));
++	vg = _vg_read_raw_area(cmd, fid, vgname, &mdac->area, vg_fmtdata, use_previous_vg, 1, mda_is_primary(mda));
+ 	return vg;
+ }
+@@ -1321,7 +1325,7 @@ static struct volume_group *_vg_read_file_name(struct format_instance *fid,
+ 	return vg;
+ }
+-static struct volume_group *_vg_read_file(struct format_instance *fid,
++static struct volume_group *_vg_read_file(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct format_instance *fid,
+ 					  const char *vgname,
+ 					  struct metadata_area *mda,
+ 					  struct cached_vg_fmtdata **vg_fmtdata,
+@@ -1332,7 +1336,7 @@ static struct volume_group *_vg_read_file(struct format_instance *fid,
+ 	return _vg_read_file_name(fid, vgname, tc->path_live);
+ }
+-static struct volume_group *_vg_read_precommit_file(struct format_instance *fid,
++static struct volume_group *_vg_read_precommit_file(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct format_instance *fid,
+ 						    const char *vgname,
+ 						    struct metadata_area *mda,
+ 						    struct cached_vg_fmtdata **vg_fmtdata,
+@@ -1713,7 +1717,7 @@ static int _set_ext_flags(struct physical_volume *pv, struct lvmcache_info *info
+ }
+ /* Only for orphans - FIXME That's not true any more */
+-static int _text_pv_write(const struct format_type *fmt, struct physical_volume *pv)
++static int _text_pv_write(struct cmd_context *cmd, const struct format_type *fmt, struct physical_volume *pv)
+ {
+ 	struct format_instance *fid = pv->fid;
+ 	const char *pvid = (const char *) (*pv->old_id.uuid ? &pv->old_id : &pv->id);
+@@ -1725,7 +1729,7 @@ static int _text_pv_write(const struct format_type *fmt, struct physical_volume
+ 	unsigned mda_index;
+ 	/* Add a new cache entry with PV info or update existing one. */
+-	if (!(info = lvmcache_add(fmt->labeller, (const char *) &pv->id,
++	if (!(info = lvmcache_add(cmd, fmt->labeller, (const char *) &pv->id,
+ 				  pv->dev,  pv->label_sector, pv->vg_name,
+ 				  is_orphan_vg(pv->vg_name) ? pv->vg_name : pv->vg ? (const char *) &pv->vg->id : NULL, 0, NULL)))
+ 		return_0;
+diff --git a/lib/format_text/text_label.c b/lib/format_text/text_label.c
+index 9241eca..1674126 100644
+--- a/lib/format_text/text_label.c
++++ b/lib/format_text/text_label.c
+@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ static int _read_mda_header_and_metadata(const struct format_type *fmt,
+  * the metadata is at for those PVs.
+  */
+-static int _text_read(struct labeller *labeller, struct device *dev, void *label_buf,
++static int _text_read(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct labeller *labeller, struct device *dev, void *label_buf,
+ 		      uint64_t label_sector, int *is_duplicate)
+ {
+ 	struct lvmcache_vgsummary vgsummary;
+@@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ static int _text_read(struct labeller *labeller, struct device *dev, void *label
+ 	 *
+ 	 * Other reasons for lvmcache_add to return NULL are internal errors.
+ 	 */
+-	if (!(info = lvmcache_add(labeller, (char *)pvhdr->pv_uuid, dev, label_sector,
++	if (!(info = lvmcache_add(cmd, labeller, (char *)pvhdr->pv_uuid, dev, label_sector,
+ 				  FMT_TEXT_ORPHAN_VG_NAME, 0, is_duplicate)))
+ 		return_0;
+@@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ static int _text_read(struct labeller *labeller, struct device *dev, void *label
+ 		rv1 = _read_mda_header_and_metadata(fmt, mda1, &vgsummary, &bad_fields);
+ 		if (rv1 && !vgsummary.zero_offset && !vgsummary.mda_ignored) {
+-			if (!lvmcache_update_vgname_and_id(info, &vgsummary)) {
++			if (!lvmcache_update_vgname_and_id(cmd, info, &vgsummary)) {
+ 				/* I believe this is only an internal error. */
+ 				dm_list_del(&mda1->list);
+@@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ static int _text_read(struct labeller *labeller, struct device *dev, void *label
+ 		rv2 = _read_mda_header_and_metadata(fmt, mda2, &vgsummary, &bad_fields);
+ 		if (rv2 && !vgsummary.zero_offset && !vgsummary.mda_ignored) {
+-			if (!lvmcache_update_vgname_and_id(info, &vgsummary)) {
++			if (!lvmcache_update_vgname_and_id(cmd, info, &vgsummary)) {
+ 				dm_list_del(&mda2->list);
+ 				/* Are there other cases besides mismatch and internal error? */
+diff --git a/lib/label/hints.c b/lib/label/hints.c
+index 48fb661..9546f48 100644
+--- a/lib/label/hints.c
++++ b/lib/label/hints.c
+@@ -351,6 +351,7 @@ static void _unlock_hints(struct cmd_context *cmd)
+ void hints_exit(struct cmd_context *cmd)
+ {
++	free_hints(&cmd->hints);
+ 	if (_hints_fd == -1)
+ 		return;
+ 	return _unlock_hints(cmd);
+@@ -419,6 +420,9 @@ static int _dev_in_hint_hash(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct device *dev)
+ {
+ 	uint64_t devsize = 0;
++	if (dm_list_empty(&dev->aliases))
++		return 0;
+ 	if (!cmd->filter->passes_filter(cmd, cmd->filter, dev, "regex"))
+ 		return 0;
+@@ -1318,6 +1322,7 @@ int get_hints(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct dm_list *hints_out, int *newhints,
+ 	 */
+ 	if (!_read_hint_file(cmd, &hints_list, &needs_refresh)) {
+ 		log_debug("get_hints: read fail");
++		free_hints(&hints_list);
+ 		_unlock_hints(cmd);
+ 		return 0;
+ 	}
+@@ -1330,6 +1335,7 @@ int get_hints(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct dm_list *hints_out, int *newhints,
+ 	 */
+ 	if (needs_refresh) {
+ 		log_debug("get_hints: needs refresh");
++		free_hints(&hints_list);
+ 		if (!_lock_hints(cmd, LOCK_EX, NONBLOCK))
+ 			return 0;
+diff --git a/lib/label/label.c b/lib/label/label.c
+index 0458313..4d37cef 100644
+--- a/lib/label/label.c
++++ b/lib/label/label.c
+@@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ static int _process_block(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct dev_filter *f,
+ 	 * info/vginfo structs.  That lvmcache info is used later when the
+ 	 * command wants to read the VG to do something to it.
+ 	 */
+-	ret = labeller->ops->read(labeller, dev, label_buf, sector, &is_duplicate);
++	ret = labeller->ops->read(cmd, labeller, dev, label_buf, sector, &is_duplicate);
+ 	if (!ret) {
+ 		if (is_duplicate) {
+diff --git a/lib/label/label.h b/lib/label/label.h
+index 4108906..9a4b630 100644
+--- a/lib/label/label.h
++++ b/lib/label/label.h
+@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ struct label_ops {
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Read a label from a volume.
+ 	 */
+-	int (*read) (struct labeller * l, struct device * dev,
++	int (*read) (struct cmd_context *cmd, struct labeller * l, struct device * dev,
+ 		     void *label_buf, uint64_t label_sector, int *is_duplicate);
+ 	/*
+diff --git a/lib/locking/lvmlockd.c b/lib/locking/lvmlockd.c
+index e378fe6..dca7954 100644
+--- a/lib/locking/lvmlockd.c
++++ b/lib/locking/lvmlockd.c
+@@ -635,7 +635,6 @@ static int _init_vg_sanlock(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct volume_group *vg, in
+ 	const char *vg_lock_args = NULL;
+ 	const char *opts = NULL;
+ 	struct pv_list *pvl;
+-	struct device *sector_dev;
+ 	uint32_t sector_size = 0;
+ 	unsigned int physical_block_size, logical_block_size;
+ 	int num_mb = 0;
+@@ -656,16 +655,11 @@ static int _init_vg_sanlock(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct volume_group *vg, in
+ 	dm_list_iterate_items(pvl, &vg->pvs) {
+ 		if (!dev_get_direct_block_sizes(pvl->pv->dev, &physical_block_size, &logical_block_size))
+ 			continue;
+-		if (!sector_size) {
+-			sector_size = logical_block_size;
+-			sector_dev = pvl->pv->dev;
+-		} else if (sector_size != logical_block_size) {
+-			log_error("Inconsistent logical block sizes for %s and %s.",
+-				  dev_name(pvl->pv->dev), dev_name(sector_dev));
+-			return 0;
+-		}
++		if ((physical_block_size == 4096) || (logical_block_size == 4096))
++			sector_size = 4096;
+ 	}
++	if (!sector_size)
++		sector_size = 512;
+ 	log_debug("Using sector size %u for sanlock LV", sector_size);
+diff --git a/lib/metadata/metadata-exported.h b/lib/metadata/metadata-exported.h
+index 52bc776..083f74a 100644
+--- a/lib/metadata/metadata-exported.h
++++ b/lib/metadata/metadata-exported.h
+@@ -744,9 +744,6 @@ struct volume_group *vg_read_for_update(struct cmd_context *cmd, const char *vg_
+ 			 const char *vgid, uint32_t read_flags, uint32_t lockd_state);
+ struct volume_group *vg_read_orphans(struct cmd_context *cmd, const char *orphan_vgname);
+-/* this is historical and being removed, don't use */
+-uint32_t vg_read_error(struct volume_group *vg_handle);
+ /* pe_start and pe_end relate to any existing data so that new metadata
+ * areas can avoid overlap */
+ struct physical_volume *pv_create(const struct cmd_context *cmd,
+diff --git a/lib/metadata/metadata.c b/lib/metadata/metadata.c
+index 9c44388..4b8dce9 100644
+--- a/lib/metadata/metadata.c
++++ b/lib/metadata/metadata.c
+@@ -3666,7 +3666,7 @@ int pv_write(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+ 		return 0;
+ 	}
+-	if (!pv->fmt->ops->pv_write(pv->fmt, pv))
++	if (!pv->fmt->ops->pv_write(cmd, pv->fmt, pv))
+ 		return_0;
+ 	pv->status &= ~UNLABELLED_PV;
+@@ -4010,17 +4010,6 @@ static int _access_vg_exported(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct volume_group *vg)
+ 	return 0;
+ }
+- * Test the validity of a VG handle returned by vg_read() or vg_read_for_update().
+- */
+-uint32_t vg_read_error(struct volume_group *vg_handle)
+-	if (!vg_handle)
+-	return SUCCESS;
+ struct format_instance *alloc_fid(const struct format_type *fmt,
+ 				  const struct format_instance_ctx *fic)
+ {
+@@ -4751,18 +4740,6 @@ static struct volume_group *_vg_read(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+ 			lvmcache_label_rescan_vg(cmd, vgname, vgid);
+ 	}
+-	/* Now determine the correct vgname if none was supplied */
+-	if (!vgname && !(vgname = lvmcache_vgname_from_vgid(cmd->mem, vgid))) {
+-		log_debug_metadata("Cache did not find VG name from vgid %s", vgid);
+-		return NULL;
+-	}
+-	/* Determine the correct vgid if none was supplied */
+-	if (!vgid && !(vgid = lvmcache_vgid_from_vgname(cmd, vgname))) {
+-		log_debug_metadata("Cache did not find VG vgid from name %s", vgname);
+-		return NULL;
+-	}
+ 	/*
+ 	 * A "format instance" is an abstraction for a VG location,
+ 	 * i.e. where a VG's metadata exists on disk.
+@@ -4841,7 +4818,7 @@ static struct volume_group *_vg_read(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+ 			log_debug_metadata("Reading VG %s precommit metadata from %s %llu",
+ 				 vgname, dev_name(mda_dev), (unsigned long long)mda->header_start);
+-			vg = mda->ops->vg_read_precommit(fid, vgname, mda, &vg_fmtdata, &use_previous_vg);
++			vg = mda->ops->vg_read_precommit(cmd, fid, vgname, mda, &vg_fmtdata, &use_previous_vg);
+ 			if (!vg && !use_previous_vg) {
+ 				log_warn("WARNING: Reading VG %s precommit on %s failed.", vgname, dev_name(mda_dev));
+@@ -4852,7 +4829,7 @@ static struct volume_group *_vg_read(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+ 			log_debug_metadata("Reading VG %s metadata from %s %llu",
+ 				 vgname, dev_name(mda_dev), (unsigned long long)mda->header_start);
+-			vg = mda->ops->vg_read(fid, vgname, mda, &vg_fmtdata, &use_previous_vg);
++			vg = mda->ops->vg_read(cmd, fid, vgname, mda, &vg_fmtdata, &use_previous_vg);
+ 			if (!vg && !use_previous_vg) {
+ 				log_warn("WARNING: Reading VG %s on %s failed.", vgname, dev_name(mda_dev));
+@@ -4999,6 +4976,7 @@ struct volume_group *vg_read(struct cmd_context *cmd, const char *vg_name, const
+ 	int missing_pv_dev = 0;
+ 	int missing_pv_flag = 0;
+ 	uint32_t failure = 0;
++	int original_vgid_set = vgid ? 1 : 0;
+ 	int writing = (vg_read_flags & READ_FOR_UPDATE);
+ 	int activating = (vg_read_flags & READ_FOR_ACTIVATE);
+@@ -5033,7 +5011,45 @@ struct volume_group *vg_read(struct cmd_context *cmd, const char *vg_name, const
+ 		goto bad;
+ 	}
++	/* I belive this is unused, the name is always set. */
++	if (!vg_name && !(vg_name = lvmcache_vgname_from_vgid(cmd->mem, vgid))) {
++		unlock_vg(cmd, NULL, vg_name);
++		log_error("VG name not found for vgid %s", vgid);
++		failure |= FAILED_NOTFOUND;
++		goto_bad;
++	}
++	/*
++	 * If the command is process all vgs, process_each will get a list of vgname+vgid
++	 * pairs, and then call vg_read() for each vgname+vigd.  In this case we know
++	 * which VG to read even if there are duplicate names, and we don't fail.
++	 *
++	 * If the user has requested one VG by name, process_each passes only the vgname
++	 * to vg_read(), and we look up the vgid from lvmcache.  lvmcache finds duplicate
++	 * vgnames, doesn't know which is intended, returns a NULL vgid, and we fail.
++	 */
++	if (!vgid)
++		vgid = lvmcache_vgid_from_vgname(cmd, vg_name);
++	if (!vgid) {
++		unlock_vg(cmd, NULL, vg_name);
++		/* Some callers don't care if the VG doesn't exist and don't want an error message. */
++		if (!(vg_read_flags & READ_OK_NOTFOUND))
++			log_error("Volume group \"%s\" not found", vg_name);
++		failure |= FAILED_NOTFOUND;
++		goto_bad;
++	}
++	/*
++	 * vgchange -ay (no vgname arg) will activate multiple local VGs with the same
++	 * name, but if the vgs have the same lv name, activating those lvs will fail.
++	 */
++	if (activating && original_vgid_set && lvmcache_has_duplicate_local_vgname(vgid, vg_name))
++		log_warn("WARNING: activating multiple VGs with the same name is dangerous and may fail.");
+ 	if (!(vg = _vg_read(cmd, vg_name, vgid, 0, writing))) {
++		unlock_vg(cmd, NULL, vg_name);
+ 		/* Some callers don't care if the VG doesn't exist and don't want an error message. */
+ 		if (!(vg_read_flags & READ_OK_NOTFOUND))
+ 			log_error("Volume group \"%s\" not found.", vg_name);
+diff --git a/lib/metadata/metadata.h b/lib/metadata/metadata.h
+index f199fc4..2c22450 100644
+--- a/lib/metadata/metadata.h
++++ b/lib/metadata/metadata.h
+@@ -76,12 +76,14 @@ struct cached_vg_fmtdata;
+ /* Per-format per-metadata area operations */
+ struct metadata_area_ops {
+ 	struct dm_list list;
+-	struct volume_group *(*vg_read) (struct format_instance * fi,
++	struct volume_group *(*vg_read) (struct cmd_context *cmd,
++					 struct format_instance * fi,
+ 					 const char *vg_name,
+ 					 struct metadata_area * mda,
+ 					 struct cached_vg_fmtdata **vg_fmtdata,
+ 					 unsigned *use_previous_vg);
+-	struct volume_group *(*vg_read_precommit) (struct format_instance * fi,
++	struct volume_group *(*vg_read_precommit) (struct cmd_context *cmd,
++					 struct format_instance * fi,
+ 					 const char *vg_name,
+ 					 struct metadata_area * mda,
+ 					 struct cached_vg_fmtdata **vg_fmtdata,
+@@ -326,7 +328,7 @@ struct format_handler {
+ 	 * Write a PV structure to disk. Fails if the PV is in a VG ie
+ 	 * pv->vg_name must be a valid orphan VG name
+ 	 */
+-	int (*pv_write) (const struct format_type * fmt,
++	int (*pv_write) (struct cmd_context *cmd, const struct format_type * fmt,
+ 			 struct physical_volume * pv);
+ 	/*
+diff --git a/man/lvmlockd.8_main b/man/lvmlockd.8_main
+index 8ed5400..c21f7a9 100644
+--- a/man/lvmlockd.8_main
++++ b/man/lvmlockd.8_main
+@@ -58,6 +58,10 @@ For default settings, see lvmlockd -h.
+ .I path
+         Set path to the socket to listen on.
++.B  --adopt-file
++.I path
++        Set path to the adopt file.
+ .B  --syslog-priority | -S err|warning|debug
+         Write log messages from this level up to syslog.
+@@ -76,6 +80,8 @@ For default settings, see lvmlockd -h.
+ .I seconds
+         Override the default sanlock I/O timeout.
++.B --adopt | -A 0|1
++        Enable (1) or disable (0) lock adoption.
+@@ -548,7 +554,13 @@ necessary locks.
+ .B lvmlockd failure
+ If lvmlockd fails or is killed while holding locks, the locks are orphaned
+-in the lock manager.
++in the lock manager.  Orphaned locks must be cleared or adopted before the
++associated resources can be accessed normally.  If lock adoption is
++enabled, lvmlockd keeps a record of locks in the adopt-file.  A subsequent
++instance of lvmlockd will then adopt locks orphaned by the previous
++instance.  Adoption must be enabled in both instances (--adopt|-A 1).
++Without adoption, the lock manager or host would require a reset to clear
++orphaned lock state.
+ .B dlm/corosync failure
+diff --git a/test/shell/duplicate-vgnames.sh b/test/shell/duplicate-vgnames.sh
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..0f98f9c
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/test/shell/duplicate-vgnames.sh
+@@ -0,0 +1,660 @@
++#!/usr/bin/env bash
++# Copyright (C) 2008-2013 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
++# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
++# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions
++# of the GNU General Public License v.2.
++. lib/inittest
++aux prepare_devs 7
++# test setups:
++#    # local vgs named foo  # foreign vg named foo
++# a. 0                      1
++# b. 0                      2
++# c. 1                      1
++# d. 1                      2
++# e. 2                      0
++# f. 2                      1
++# g. 2                      2
++# h. 3                      3
++# commands to run for each test setup:
++# vgs
++# all cases show all local
++# vgs --foreign
++# all cases show all local and foreign
++# vgs foo
++# a. not found
++# b. not found
++# c. show 1 local
++# d. show 1 local
++# e-g. dup error
++# vgs --foreign foo
++# a. show 1 foreign
++# b. dup error
++# c. show 1 local
++# d. show 1 local
++# e-g. dup error
++# vgchange -ay
++# a. none
++# b. none
++# c. activate 1 local
++# d. activate 1 local
++# e-g. activate 2 local
++# (if both local vgs have lvs with same name the second will fail to activate)
++# vgchange -ay foo
++# a. none
++# b. none
++# c. activate 1 local
++# d. activate 1 local
++# e-g. dup error
++# lvcreate foo
++# a. none
++# b. none
++# c. create 1 local
++# d. create 1 local
++# e-g. dup error
++# vgremove foo
++# a. none
++# b. none
++# c. remove 1 local
++# d. remove 1 local
++# e-g. dup error
++# (in a couple cases test that vgremove -S vg_uuid=N works for local vg when local dups exist)
++# a. 0 local, 1 foreign
++# setup
++vgcreate $vg1 "$dev1"
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l1 -an $vg1
++UUID1=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs)
++vgchange -y --systemid "other" $vg1
++vgs -o+uuid |tee out
++not grep $vg1 out
++vgs --foreign -o+uuid |tee out
++grep $vg1 out
++grep $UUID1 out
++not vgs -o+uuid $vg1 |tee out
++not grep $vg1 out
++vgs --foreign -o+uuid $vg1 |tee out
++grep $vg1 out
++vgchange -ay
++lvs --foreign -o vguuid,active |tee out
++not grep active out
++vgchange -an
++not vgchange -ay $vg1
++lvs --foreign -o vguuid,active |tee out
++not grep active out
++vgchange -an
++not lvcreate -l1 -an -n $lv2 $vg1
++lvs --foreign -o vguuid,name |tee out
++grep $UUID1 out | not grep $lv2
++not vgremove $vg1
++vgs --foreign -o+uuid |tee out
++grep $UUID1 out
++vgremove -y -S vg_uuid=$UUID1
++vgs --foreign -o+uuid |tee out
++grep $UUID1 out
++aux wipefs_a "$dev1"
++aux wipefs_a "$dev2"
++# b. 0 local, 2 foreign
++# setup
++vgcreate $vg1 "$dev1"
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l1 -an $vg1
++UUID1=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs)
++vgchange -y --systemid "other" $vg1
++aux disable_dev "$dev1"
++vgcreate $vg1 "$dev2"
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l1 -an $vg1
++UUID2=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs)
++vgchange -y --systemid "other2" $vg1
++aux enable_dev "$dev1"
++vgs -o+uuid |tee out
++not grep $vg1 out
++vgs --foreign -o+uuid |tee out
++grep $vg1 out
++grep $UUID1 out
++grep $UUID2 out
++not vgs -o+uuid $vg1 |tee out
++not grep $vg1 out
++not vgs --foreign -o+uuid $vg1 |tee out
++not grep $vg1 out
++vgchange -ay
++lvs --foreign -o vguuid,active |tee out
++not grep active out
++vgchange -an
++not vgchange -ay $vg1
++lvs --foreign -o vguuid,active |tee out
++not grep active out
++vgchange -an
++not lvcreate -l1 -an -n $lv2 $vg1
++lvs --foreign -o vguuid,name |tee out
++grep $UUID1 out | not grep $lv2
++grep $UUID2 out | not grep $lv2
++not vgremove $vg1
++vgs --foreign -o+uuid |tee out
++grep $UUID1 out
++aux wipefs_a "$dev1"
++aux wipefs_a "$dev2"
++aux wipefs_a "$dev3"
++# c. 1 local, 1 foreign
++# setup
++vgcreate $vg1 "$dev1"
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l1 -an $vg1
++UUID1=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs)
++aux disable_dev "$dev1"
++vgcreate $vg1 "$dev2"
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l1 -an $vg1
++UUID2=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs)
++vgchange -y --systemid "other" $vg1
++aux enable_dev "$dev1"
++vgs -o+uuid |tee out
++cat out
++grep $vg1 out
++grep $UUID1 out
++not grep $UUID2 out
++vgs --foreign -o+uuid |tee out
++grep $vg1 out
++grep $UUID1 out
++grep $UUID2 out
++vgs -o+uuid $vg1 |tee out
++grep $vg1 out
++grep $UUID1 out
++not grep $UUID2 out
++vgs --foreign -o+uuid $vg1 |tee out
++grep $vg1 out
++grep $UUID1 out
++not grep $UUID2 out
++vgchange -ay
++lvs --foreign -o vguuid,active |tee out
++grep $UUID1 out | grep active
++grep $UUID2 out | not grep active
++vgchange -an
++vgchange -ay $vg1
++lvs --foreign -o vguuid,active |tee out
++grep $UUID1 out | grep active
++grep $UUID2 out | not grep active
++vgchange -an
++lvcreate -l1 -an -n $lv2 $vg1
++lvs --foreign -o vguuid,name |tee out
++grep $UUID1 out | grep $lv2
++grep $UUID2 out | not grep $lv2
++vgremove -y $vg1
++vgs -o+uuid |tee out
++not grep $UUID1 out
++vgs --foreign -o+uuid |tee out
++grep $UUID2 out
++aux wipefs_a "$dev1"
++aux wipefs_a "$dev2"
++aux wipefs_a "$dev3"
++# d. 1 local, 2 foreign
++# setup
++vgcreate $vg1 "$dev1"
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l1 -an $vg1
++UUID1=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs)
++aux disable_dev "$dev1"
++vgcreate $vg1 "$dev2"
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l1 -an $vg1
++UUID2=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs)
++vgchange -y --systemid "other" $vg1
++aux disable_dev "$dev2"
++vgcreate $vg1 "$dev3"
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l1 -an $vg1
++UUID3=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs)
++vgchange -y --systemid "other2" $vg1
++aux enable_dev "$dev1"
++aux enable_dev "$dev2"
++vgs -o+uuid |tee out
++grep $vg1 out
++grep $UUID1 out
++not grep $UUID2 out
++not grep $UUID3 out
++vgs --foreign -o+uuid |tee out
++grep $vg1 out
++grep $UUID1 out
++grep $UUID2 out
++grep $UUID3 out
++vgs -o+uuid $vg1 |tee out
++grep $vg1 out
++grep $UUID1 out
++not grep $UUID2 out
++not grep $UUID3 out
++vgs --foreign -o+uuid $vg1 |tee out
++grep $vg1 out
++grep $UUID1 out
++not grep $UUID2 out
++not grep $UUID3 out
++vgchange -ay
++lvs --foreign -o vguuid,active |tee out
++grep $UUID1 out | grep active
++grep $UUID2 out | not grep active
++grep $UUID3 out | not grep active
++vgchange -an
++vgchange -ay $vg1
++lvs --foreign -o vguuid,active |tee out
++grep $UUID1 out | grep active
++grep $UUID2 out | not grep active
++grep $UUID3 out | not grep active
++vgchange -an
++lvcreate -l1 -an -n $lv2 $vg1
++lvs --foreign -o vguuid,name |tee out
++grep $UUID1 out | grep $lv2
++grep $UUID2 out | not grep $lv2
++grep $UUID3 out | not grep $lv2
++vgremove -y $vg1
++vgs -o+uuid |tee out
++not grep $UUID1 out
++vgs --foreign -o+uuid |tee out
++grep $UUID2 out
++grep $UUID3 out
++aux wipefs_a "$dev1"
++aux wipefs_a "$dev2"
++aux wipefs_a "$dev3"
++aux wipefs_a "$dev4"
++# e. 2 local, 0 foreign
++# setup
++vgcreate $vg1 "$dev1"
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l1 -an $vg1
++UUID1=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs)
++aux disable_dev "$dev1"
++vgcreate $vg1 "$dev2"
++# diff lvname to prevent clash in vgchange -ay
++lvcreate -n ${lv1}_b -l1 -an $vg1
++UUID2=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs)
++aux enable_dev "$dev1"
++vgs -o+uuid |tee out
++grep $vg1 out
++grep $UUID1 out
++grep $UUID2 out
++vgs --foreign -o+uuid |tee out
++grep $vg1 out
++grep $UUID1 out
++grep $UUID2 out
++not vgs -o+uuid $vg1 |tee out
++not grep $vg1 out
++not vgs --foreign -o+uuid $vg1 |tee out
++not grep $vg1 out
++vgchange -ay
++lvs --foreign -o vguuid,active |tee out
++grep $UUID1 out | grep active
++grep $UUID2 out | grep active
++vgchange -an
++not vgchange -ay $vg1
++lvs --foreign -o vguuid,active |tee out
++grep $UUID1 out | not grep active
++grep $UUID2 out | not grep active
++vgchange -an
++not lvcreate -l1 -an -n $lv2 $vg1
++lvs --foreign -o vguuid,name |tee out
++grep $UUID1 out | not grep $lv2
++grep $UUID2 out | not grep $lv2
++not vgremove $vg1
++vgs -o+uuid |tee out
++grep $vg1 out
++grep $UUID1 out
++grep $UUID2 out
++vgremove -y -S vg_uuid=$UUID1
++vgs -o+uuid |tee out
++not grep $UUID1 out
++grep $UUID2 out
++vgremove -y -S vg_uuid=$UUID2
++vgs -o+uuid |tee out
++not grep $UUID1 out
++not grep $UUID2 out
++aux wipefs_a "$dev1"
++aux wipefs_a "$dev2"
++aux wipefs_a "$dev3"
++# f. 2 local, 1 foreign
++# setup
++vgcreate $vg1 "$dev1"
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l1 -an $vg1
++UUID1=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs)
++aux disable_dev "$dev1"
++vgcreate $vg1 "$dev2"
++# diff lvname to prevent clash in vgchange -ay
++lvcreate -n ${lv1}_b -l1 -an $vg1
++UUID2=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs)
++aux disable_dev "$dev2"
++vgcreate $vg1 "$dev3"
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l1 -an $vg1
++UUID3=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs)
++vgchange -y --systemid "other" $vg1
++aux enable_dev "$dev1"
++aux enable_dev "$dev2"
++vgs -o+uuid |tee out
++grep $vg1 out
++grep $UUID1 out
++grep $UUID2 out
++not group $UUID3 out
++vgs --foreign -o+uuid |tee out
++grep $vg1 out
++grep $UUID1 out
++grep $UUID2 out
++grep $UUID3 out
++not vgs -o+uuid $vg1 |tee out
++not grep $vg1 out
++not vgs --foreign -o+uuid $vg1 |tee out
++not grep $vg1 out
++vgchange -ay
++lvs --foreign -o vguuid,active |tee out
++grep $UUID1 out | grep active
++grep $UUID2 out | grep active
++grep $UUID3 out | not grep active
++vgchange -an
++not vgchange -ay $vg1
++lvs --foreign -o vguuid,active |tee out
++grep $UUID1 out | not grep active
++grep $UUID2 out | not grep active
++grep $UUID3 out | not grep active
++vgchange -an
++not lvcreate -l1 -an -n $lv2 $vg1
++lvs --foreign -o vguuid,name |tee out
++grep $UUID1 out | not grep $lv2
++grep $UUID2 out | not grep $lv2
++grep $UUID3 out | not grep $lv2
++not vgremove $vg1
++vgs --foreign -o+uuid |tee out
++grep $vg1 out
++grep $UUID1 out
++grep $UUID2 out
++grep $UUID3 out
++vgremove -y -S vg_uuid=$UUID1
++vgs --foreign -o+uuid |tee out
++not grep $UUID1 out
++grep $UUID2 out
++grep $UUID3 out
++vgremove -y -S vg_uuid=$UUID2
++vgs --foreign -o+uuid |tee out
++not grep $UUID1 out
++not grep $UUID2 out
++grep $UUID3 out
++aux wipefs_a "$dev1"
++aux wipefs_a "$dev2"
++aux wipefs_a "$dev3"
++aux wipefs_a "$dev4"
++# g. 2 local, 2 foreign
++# setup
++vgcreate $vg1 "$dev1"
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l1 -an $vg1
++UUID1=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs)
++aux disable_dev "$dev1"
++vgcreate $vg1 "$dev2"
++# diff lvname to prevent clash in vgchange -ay
++lvcreate -n ${lv1}_b -l1 -an $vg1
++UUID2=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs)
++aux disable_dev "$dev2"
++vgcreate $vg1 "$dev3"
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l1 -an $vg1
++UUID3=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs)
++vgchange -y --systemid "other" $vg1
++aux disable_dev "$dev3"
++vgcreate $vg1 "$dev4"
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l1 -an $vg1
++UUID4=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs)
++vgchange -y --systemid "other2" $vg1
++aux enable_dev "$dev1"
++aux enable_dev "$dev2"
++aux enable_dev "$dev3"
++vgs -o+uuid |tee out
++grep $vg1 out
++grep $UUID1 out
++grep $UUID2 out
++not group $UUID3 out
++not group $UUID4 out
++vgs --foreign -o+uuid |tee out
++grep $vg1 out
++grep $UUID1 out
++grep $UUID2 out
++grep $UUID3 out
++grep $UUID4 out
++not vgs -o+uuid $vg1 |tee out
++not grep $vg1 out
++not vgs --foreign -o+uuid $vg1 |tee out
++not grep $vg1 out
++vgchange -ay
++lvs --foreign -o vguuid,active |tee out
++grep $UUID1 out | grep active
++grep $UUID2 out | grep active
++grep $UUID3 out | not grep active
++grep $UUID4 out | not grep active
++vgchange -an
++not vgchange -ay $vg1
++lvs --foreign -o vguuid,active |tee out
++grep $UUID1 out | not grep active
++grep $UUID2 out | not grep active
++grep $UUID3 out | not grep active
++grep $UUID4 out | not grep active
++vgchange -an
++not lvcreate -l1 -an -n $lv2 $vg1
++lvs --foreign -o vguuid,name |tee out
++grep $UUID1 out | not grep $lv2
++grep $UUID2 out | not grep $lv2
++grep $UUID3 out | not grep $lv2
++grep $UUID4 out | not grep $lv2
++not vgremove $vg1
++vgs --foreign -o+uuid |tee out
++grep $vg1 out
++grep $UUID1 out
++grep $UUID2 out
++grep $UUID3 out
++grep $UUID4 out
++aux wipefs_a "$dev1"
++aux wipefs_a "$dev2"
++aux wipefs_a "$dev3"
++aux wipefs_a "$dev4"
++aux wipefs_a "$dev5"
++# h. 3 local, 3 foreign
++# setup
++vgcreate $vg1 "$dev1"
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l1 -an $vg1
++UUID1=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs)
++aux disable_dev "$dev1"
++vgcreate $vg1 "$dev2"
++# diff lvname to prevent clash in vgchange -ay
++lvcreate -n ${lv1}_b -l1 -an $vg1
++UUID2=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs)
++aux disable_dev "$dev2"
++vgcreate $vg1 "$dev3"
++# diff lvname to prevent clash in vgchange -ay
++lvcreate -n ${lv1}_bb -l1 -an $vg1
++UUID3=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs)
++aux disable_dev "$dev3"
++vgcreate $vg1 "$dev4"
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l1 -an $vg1
++UUID4=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs)
++vgchange -y --systemid "other" $vg1
++aux disable_dev "$dev4"
++vgcreate $vg1 "$dev5"
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l1 -an $vg1
++UUID5=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs)
++vgchange -y --systemid "other2" $vg1
++aux disable_dev "$dev5"
++vgcreate $vg1 "$dev6"
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l1 -an $vg1
++UUID6=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs)
++vgchange -y --systemid "other3" $vg1
++aux enable_dev "$dev1"
++aux enable_dev "$dev2"
++aux enable_dev "$dev3"
++aux enable_dev "$dev4"
++aux enable_dev "$dev5"
++vgs -o+uuid |tee out
++grep $vg1 out
++grep $UUID1 out
++grep $UUID2 out
++grep $UUID3 out
++not group $UUID4 out
++not group $UUID5 out
++not group $UUID6 out
++vgs --foreign -o+uuid |tee out
++grep $vg1 out
++grep $UUID1 out
++grep $UUID2 out
++grep $UUID3 out
++grep $UUID4 out
++grep $UUID5 out
++grep $UUID6 out
++not vgs -o+uuid $vg1 |tee out
++not grep $vg1 out
++not vgs --foreign -o+uuid $vg1 |tee out
++not grep $vg1 out
++vgchange -ay
++lvs --foreign -o vguuid,active |tee out
++grep $UUID1 out | grep active
++grep $UUID2 out | grep active
++grep $UUID3 out | grep active
++grep $UUID4 out | not grep active
++grep $UUID5 out | not grep active
++grep $UUID6 out | not grep active
++vgchange -an
++not vgchange -ay $vg1
++lvs --foreign -o vguuid,active |tee out
++grep $UUID1 out | not grep active
++grep $UUID2 out | not grep active
++grep $UUID3 out | not grep active
++grep $UUID4 out | not grep active
++grep $UUID5 out | not grep active
++grep $UUID6 out | not grep active
++vgchange -an
++not lvcreate -l1 -an -n $lv2 $vg1
++lvs --foreign -o vguuid,name |tee out
++grep $UUID1 out | not grep $lv2
++grep $UUID2 out | not grep $lv2
++grep $UUID3 out | not grep $lv2
++grep $UUID4 out | not grep $lv2
++grep $UUID5 out | not grep $lv2
++grep $UUID6 out | not grep $lv2
++not vgremove $vg1
++vgs --foreign -o+uuid |tee out
++grep $vg1 out
++grep $UUID1 out
++grep $UUID2 out
++grep $UUID3 out
++grep $UUID4 out
++grep $UUID5 out
++grep $UUID6 out
++aux wipefs_a "$dev1"
++aux wipefs_a "$dev2"
++aux wipefs_a "$dev3"
++aux wipefs_a "$dev4"
++aux wipefs_a "$dev5"
++aux wipefs_a "$dev6"
++# vgreduce test with 1 local and 1 foreign vg.
++# setup
++vgcreate $vg1 "$dev1" "$dev7"
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l1 -an $vg1 "$dev1"
++UUID1=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs)
++PV1UUID=$(pvs --noheading -o uuid "$dev1")
++PV7UUID=$(pvs --noheading -o uuid "$dev7")
++aux disable_dev "$dev1"
++aux disable_dev "$dev7"
++vgcreate $vg1 "$dev2"
++PV2UUID=$(pvs --noheading -o uuid "$dev2")
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l1 -an $vg1
++UUID2=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs)
++vgchange -y --systemid "other" $vg1
++aux enable_dev "$dev1"
++aux enable_dev "$dev7"
++vgs --foreign -o+uuid |tee out
++grep $vg1 out
++grep $UUID1 out
++grep $UUID2 out
++pvs --foreign -o+uuid |tee out
++grep $PV1UUID out
++grep $PV7UUID out
++grep $PV2UUID out
++vgreduce $vg1 "$dev7"
++pvs --foreign -o+uuid |tee out
++grep $PV1UUID out
++grep $PV7UUID out
++grep $PV2UUID out
++grep $PV7UUID out >out2
++not grep $vg1 out2
++vgremove -ff $vg1
++aux wipefs_a "$dev1"
++aux wipefs_a "$dev2"
++aux wipefs_a "$dev7"
+diff --git a/test/shell/duplicate-vgrename.sh b/test/shell/duplicate-vgrename.sh
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..8628220
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/test/shell/duplicate-vgrename.sh
+@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
++#!/usr/bin/env bash
++# Copyright (C) 2008-2013 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
++# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
++# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions
++# of the GNU General Public License v.2.
++. lib/inittest
++aux prepare_devs 4
++# a. 0 local, 1 foreign
++# setup
++vgcreate $vg1 "$dev1"
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l1 -an $vg1
++UUID1=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs)
++vgchange -y --systemid "other" $vg1
++not vgrename $vg1 $vg2
++vgs --foreign -o+uuid |tee out
++grep $UUID1 out
++not vgrename $UUID1 $vg2
++vgs --foreign -o+uuid |tee out
++grep $UUID1 out
++lvs --foreign
++aux wipefs_a "$dev1"
++# b. 0 local, 2 foreign
++# setup
++vgcreate $vg1 "$dev1"
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l1 -an $vg1
++UUID1=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs)
++vgchange -y --systemid "other" $vg1
++aux disable_dev "$dev1"
++vgcreate $vg1 "$dev2"
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l1 -an $vg1
++UUID2=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs)
++vgchange -y --systemid "other2" $vg1
++aux enable_dev "$dev1"
++not vgrename $vg1 $vg2
++vgs --foreign -o+uuid |tee out
++lvs --foreign
++grep $vg1 out
++not grep $vg2 out
++grep $UUID1 out
++grep $UUID2 out
++not vgrename $UUID1 $vg2
++vgs --foreign -o+uuid |tee out
++lvs --foreign
++grep $vg1 out
++not grep $vg2 out
++grep $UUID1 out
++grep $UUID2 out
++lvs --foreign
++aux wipefs_a "$dev1"
++aux wipefs_a "$dev2"
++# c. 1 local, 1 foreign
++# setup
++vgcreate $vg1 "$dev1"
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l1 -an $vg1
++UUID1=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs)
++aux disable_dev "$dev1"
++vgcreate $vg1 "$dev2"
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l1 -an $vg1
++UUID2=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs)
++vgchange -y --systemid "other" $vg1
++aux enable_dev "$dev1"
++vgrename $vg1 $vg2
++vgs --foreign -o+uuid |tee out
++lvs --foreign
++grep $vg1 out
++grep $vg2 out
++grep $UUID1 out
++grep $UUID2 out
++not vgrename $vg2 $vg1
++vgs --foreign -o+uuid |tee out
++lvs --foreign
++grep $vg1 out
++grep $vg2 out
++grep $UUID1 out
++grep $UUID2 out
++lvs --foreign
++aux wipefs_a "$dev1"
++aux wipefs_a "$dev2"
++# d. 1 local, 2 foreign
++# setup
++vgcreate $vg1 "$dev1"
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l1 -an $vg1
++UUID1=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs)
++aux disable_dev "$dev1"
++vgcreate $vg1 "$dev2"
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l1 -an $vg1
++UUID2=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs)
++vgchange -y --systemid "other" $vg1
++aux disable_dev "$dev2"
++vgcreate $vg1 "$dev3"
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l1 -an $vg1
++UUID3=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs)
++vgchange -y --systemid "other2" $vg1
++aux enable_dev "$dev1"
++aux enable_dev "$dev2"
++vgrename $vg1 $vg2
++vgs --foreign -o+uuid |tee out
++lvs --foreign
++grep $vg1 out
++grep $vg2 out
++grep $UUID1 out
++grep $UUID2 out
++grep $UUID3 out
++not vgrename $vg2 $vg1
++vgs --foreign -o+uuid |tee out
++lvs --foreign
++grep $vg1 out
++grep $vg2 out
++grep $UUID1 out
++grep $UUID2 out
++grep $UUID3 out
++lvs --foreign
++aux wipefs_a "$dev1"
++aux wipefs_a "$dev2"
++aux wipefs_a "$dev3"
++# e. 2 local, 0 foreign
++# setup
++vgcreate $vg1 "$dev1"
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l1 -an $vg1
++UUID1=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs)
++aux disable_dev "$dev1"
++vgcreate $vg1 "$dev2"
++lvcreate -n ${lv1}_b -l1 -an $vg1
++UUID2=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs)
++aux enable_dev "$dev1"
++not vgrename $vg1 $vg2
++vgs -o+uuid |tee out
++lvs --foreign
++grep $vg1 out
++not grep $vg2 out
++grep $UUID1 out
++grep $UUID2 out
++vgrename $UUID1 $vg2
++vgs -o+uuid |tee out
++lvs --foreign
++grep $vg1 out
++grep $vg2 out
++grep $UUID1 out
++grep $UUID2 out
++not vgrename $UUID2 $vg2
++vgs -o+uuid |tee out
++lvs --foreign
++grep $vg1 out
++grep $vg2 out
++grep $UUID1 out
++grep $UUID2 out
++lvs --foreign
++aux wipefs_a "$dev1"
++aux wipefs_a "$dev2"
++# f. 2 local, 1 foreign
++# setup
++vgcreate $vg1 "$dev1"
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l1 -an $vg1
++UUID1=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs)
++aux disable_dev "$dev1"
++vgcreate $vg1 "$dev2"
++lvcreate -n ${lv1}_b -l1 -an $vg1
++UUID2=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs)
++aux disable_dev "$dev2"
++vgcreate $vg1 "$dev3"
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l1 -an $vg1
++UUID3=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs)
++vgchange -y --systemid "other" $vg1
++aux enable_dev "$dev1"
++aux enable_dev "$dev2"
++lvs --foreign
++not vgrename $vg1 $vg2
++vgs --foreign -o+uuid |tee out
++lvs --foreign
++grep $vg1 out
++not grep $vg2 out
++grep $UUID1 out
++grep $UUID2 out
++grep $UUID3 out
++vgrename $UUID1 $vg2
++vgs --foreign -o+uuid |tee out
++lvs --foreign
++grep $vg1 out
++grep $vg2 out
++grep $UUID1 out
++grep $UUID2 out
++grep $UUID3 out
++vgrename $vg1 $vg3
++vgs --foreign -o+uuid |tee out
++lvs --foreign
++grep $vg1 out
++grep $vg2 out
++grep $vg3 out
++grep $UUID1 out
++grep $UUID2 out
++grep $UUID3 out
++not vgrename $vg2 $vg1
++vgs --foreign -o+uuid |tee out
++lvs --foreign
++grep $vg1 out
++grep $vg2 out
++grep $vg3 out
++grep $UUID1 out
++grep $UUID2 out
++grep $UUID3 out
++not vgrename $vg2 $vg3
++vgs --foreign -o+uuid |tee out
++lvs --foreign
++grep $vg1 out
++grep $vg2 out
++grep $vg3 out
++grep $UUID1 out
++grep $UUID2 out
++grep $UUID3 out
++lvs --foreign
++aux wipefs_a "$dev1"
++aux wipefs_a "$dev2"
++aux wipefs_a "$dev3"
++# g. 3 local, 0 foreign
++# setup
++vgcreate $vg1 "$dev1"
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l1 -an $vg1
++UUID1=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs)
++aux disable_dev "$dev1"
++vgcreate $vg1 "$dev2"
++lvcreate -n ${lv1}_b -l1 -an $vg1
++UUID2=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs)
++aux disable_dev "$dev2"
++vgcreate $vg1 "$dev3"
++lvcreate -n ${lv1}_c -l1 -an $vg1
++UUID3=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs)
++aux enable_dev "$dev1"
++aux enable_dev "$dev2"
++not vgrename $vg1 $vg2
++vgs -o+uuid |tee out
++lvs --foreign
++grep $vg1 out
++not grep $vg2 out
++grep $UUID1 out
++grep $UUID2 out
++grep $UUID3 out
++vgrename $UUID1 $vg2
++vgs -o+uuid |tee out
++lvs --foreign
++grep $vg1 out
++grep $vg2 out
++grep $UUID1 out
++grep $UUID2 out
++grep $UUID3 out
++not vgrename $vg1 $vg2
++vgs -o+uuid |tee out
++lvs --foreign
++grep $vg1 out
++grep $vg2 out
++grep $UUID1 out
++grep $UUID2 out
++grep $UUID3 out
++not vgrename $vg1 $vg3
++vgs -o+uuid |tee out
++lvs --foreign
++grep $vg1 out
++grep $vg2 out
++not grep $vg3 out
++grep $UUID1 out
++grep $UUID2 out
++grep $UUID3 out
++not vgrename $UUID2 $vg2
++vgs -o+uuid |tee out
++lvs --foreign
++grep $vg1 out
++grep $vg2 out
++not grep $vg3 out
++grep $UUID1 out
++grep $UUID2 out
++grep $UUID3 out
++vgrename $UUID2 $vg3
++vgs -o+uuid |tee out
++lvs --foreign
++grep $vg1 out
++grep $vg2 out
++grep $vg3 out
++grep $UUID1 out
++grep $UUID2 out
++grep $UUID3 out
++lvs --foreign
++aux wipefs_a "$dev1"
++aux wipefs_a "$dev2"
++aux wipefs_a "$dev3"
+diff --git a/test/shell/integrity-dmeventd.sh b/test/shell/integrity-dmeventd.sh
+index 58899ca..ed2436a 100644
+--- a/test/shell/integrity-dmeventd.sh
++++ b/test/shell/integrity-dmeventd.sh
+@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ mkdir -p $mnt
+ aux prepare_devs 6 64
+-for i in `seq 1 16384`; do echo -n "A" >> fileA; done
+-for i in `seq 1 16384`; do echo -n "B" >> fileB; done
+-for i in `seq 1 16384`; do echo -n "C" >> fileC; done
++printf "%0.sA" {1..16384} >> fileA
++printf "%0.sB" {1..16384} >> fileB
++printf "%0.sC" {1..16384} >> fileC
+ # generate random data
+ dd if=/dev/urandom of=randA bs=512K count=2
+diff --git a/test/shell/integrity-large.sh b/test/shell/integrity-large.sh
+index 0c36e4d..7a333c1 100644
+--- a/test/shell/integrity-large.sh
++++ b/test/shell/integrity-large.sh
+@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ mkdir -p $mnt
+ # raid1 LV needs to be extended to 512MB to test imeta being exended
+ aux prepare_devs 4 600
+-for i in `seq 1 16384`; do echo -n "A" >> fileA; done
+-for i in `seq 1 16384`; do echo -n "B" >> fileB; done
+-for i in `seq 1 16384`; do echo -n "C" >> fileC; done
++printf "%0.sA" {1..16384} >> fileA
++printf "%0.sB" {1..16384} >> fileB
++printf "%0.sC" {1..16384} >> fileC
+ # generate random data
+ dd if=/dev/urandom of=randA bs=512K count=2
+diff --git a/test/shell/integrity-misc.sh b/test/shell/integrity-misc.sh
+index 73b0a67..a176f18 100644
+--- a/test/shell/integrity-misc.sh
++++ b/test/shell/integrity-misc.sh
+@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ mkdir -p $mnt
+ aux prepare_devs 5 64
+-for i in `seq 1 16384`; do echo -n "A" >> fileA; done
+-for i in `seq 1 16384`; do echo -n "B" >> fileB; done
+-for i in `seq 1 16384`; do echo -n "C" >> fileC; done
++printf "%0.sA" {1..16384} >> fileA
++printf "%0.sB" {1..16384} >> fileB
++printf "%0.sC" {1..16384} >> fileC
+ # generate random data
+ dd if=/dev/urandom of=randA bs=512K count=2
+diff --git a/test/shell/integrity.sh b/test/shell/integrity.sh
+index 7e4f2cb..6baccf0 100644
+--- a/test/shell/integrity.sh
++++ b/test/shell/integrity.sh
+@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ mkdir -p $mnt
+ aux prepare_devs 5 64
+-for i in `seq 1 16384`; do echo -n "A" >> fileA; done
+-for i in `seq 1 16384`; do echo -n "B" >> fileB; done
+-for i in `seq 1 16384`; do echo -n "C" >> fileC; done
++printf "%0.sA" {1..16384} >> fileA
++printf "%0.sB" {1..16384} >> fileB
++printf "%0.sC" {1..16384} >> fileC
+ # generate random data
+ dd if=/dev/urandom of=randA bs=512K count=2
+diff --git a/test/shell/process-each-duplicate-vgnames.sh b/test/shell/process-each-duplicate-vgnames.sh
+deleted file mode 100644
+index a59c3bd..0000000
+--- a/test/shell/process-each-duplicate-vgnames.sh
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
+-#!/usr/bin/env bash
+-# Copyright (C) 2008-2013 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+-# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
+-# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions
+-# of the GNU General Public License v.2.
+-test_description='Test vgs with duplicate vg names'
+-. lib/inittest
+-aux prepare_devs 2
+-pvcreate "$dev1"
+-pvcreate "$dev2"
+-aux disable_dev "$dev1" "$dev2"
+-aux enable_dev "$dev1"
+-vgcreate $vg1 "$dev1"
+-UUID1=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1)
+-aux disable_dev "$dev1"
+-aux enable_dev "$dev2"
+-vgcreate $vg1 "$dev2"
+-UUID2=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1)
+-aux enable_dev "$dev1"
+-pvscan --cache "$dev1"
+-pvs "$dev1"
+-pvs "$dev2"
+-vgs -o+vg_uuid | tee err
+-grep $UUID1 err
+-grep $UUID2 err
+-# should we specify and test which should be displayed?
+-# vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 >err
+-# grep $UUID1 err
+-aux disable_dev "$dev2"
+-vgs -o+vg_uuid | tee err
+-grep $UUID1 err
+-not grep $UUID2 err
+-aux enable_dev "$dev2"
+-pvscan --cache "$dev2"
+-aux disable_dev "$dev1"
+-vgs -o+vg_uuid | tee err
+-grep $UUID2 err
+-not grep $UUID1 err
+-aux enable_dev "$dev1"
+diff --git a/test/shell/thin-foreign-repair.sh b/test/shell/thin-foreign-repair.sh
+index 147a9a0..8b4018e 100644
+--- a/test/shell/thin-foreign-repair.sh
++++ b/test/shell/thin-foreign-repair.sh
+@@ -56,7 +56,9 @@ dmsetup create "$THIN" --table "0 40960 thin $DM_DEV_DIR/mapper/$POOL 0"
+ mkfs.ext4 "$DM_DEV_DIR/mapper/$THIN"
+-dmsetup remove "$THIN"
++aux udev_wait
++dmsetup remove "$THIN" || { sleep .5 ; dmsetup remove "$THIN" }
+ lvchange -an $vg/pool
+diff --git a/tools/command.c b/tools/command.c
+index 50791b1..511dda1 100644
+--- a/tools/command.c
++++ b/tools/command.c
+@@ -2319,7 +2319,8 @@ static void _print_val_man(struct command_name *cname, int opt_enum, int val_enu
+ 	}
+ 	if (strchr(str, '|')) {
+-		line = strdup(str);
++		if (!(line = strdup(str)))
++			return;
+ 		_split_line(line, &line_argc, line_argv, '|');
+ 		for (i = 0; i < line_argc; i++) {
+ 			if (i)
+@@ -3606,9 +3607,12 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ 		goto out_free;
+ 	}
+-	if (optind < argc)
+-		cmdname = strdup(argv[optind++]);
+-	else {
++	if (optind < argc) {
++		if (!(cmdname = strdup(argv[optind++]))) {
++			log_error("Out of memory.");
++			goto out_free;
++		}
++	} else {
+ 		log_error("Missing command name.");
+ 		goto out_free;
+ 	}
+diff --git a/tools/lvconvert.c b/tools/lvconvert.c
+index e969b44..cf93538 100644
+--- a/tools/lvconvert.c
++++ b/tools/lvconvert.c
+@@ -5589,7 +5589,8 @@ static struct logical_volume *_lv_writecache_create(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+ 	memcpy(&seg->writecache_settings, settings, sizeof(struct writecache_settings));
+-	add_seg_to_segs_using_this_lv(lv_fast, seg);
++	if (!add_seg_to_segs_using_this_lv(lv_fast, seg))
++		return_NULL;
+ 	return lv_wcorig;
+ }
+diff --git a/tools/pvck.c b/tools/pvck.c
+index 71bfc1b..a0f567e 100644
+--- a/tools/pvck.c
++++ b/tools/pvck.c
+@@ -3065,11 +3065,9 @@ int pvck(struct cmd_context *cmd, int argc, char **argv)
+ 	label_scan_setup_bcache();
+-	if (arg_is_set(cmd, dump_ARG)) {
++	if ((dump = arg_str_value(cmd, dump_ARG, NULL))) {
+ 		cmd->use_hints = 0;
+-		dump = arg_str_value(cmd, dump_ARG, NULL);
+ 		if (!strcmp(dump, "metadata"))
+ 			ret = _dump_metadata(cmd, dump, &set, labelsector, dev, def, PRINT_CURRENT, 0);
+@@ -3096,11 +3094,9 @@ int pvck(struct cmd_context *cmd, int argc, char **argv)
+ 		return ECMD_PROCESSED;
+ 	}
+-	if (arg_is_set(cmd, repairtype_ARG)) {
++	if ((repair = arg_str_value(cmd, repairtype_ARG, NULL))) {
+ 		cmd->use_hints = 0;
+-		repair = arg_str_value(cmd, repairtype_ARG, NULL);
+ 		if (!strcmp(repair, "label_header"))
+ 			ret = _repair_label_header(cmd, repair, &set, labelsector, dev);
+diff --git a/tools/pvscan.c b/tools/pvscan.c
+index 1bf543c..4d811da 100644
+--- a/tools/pvscan.c
++++ b/tools/pvscan.c
+@@ -582,7 +582,7 @@ static int _online_pvscan_single(struct metadata_area *mda, void *baton)
+ 	if (mda_is_ignored(mda))
+ 		return 1;
+-	vg = mda->ops->vg_read(b->fid, "", mda, NULL, NULL);
++	vg = mda->ops->vg_read(b->cmd, b->fid, "", mda, NULL, NULL);
+ 	if (!vg) {
+ 		/*
+ 		 * Many or most cases of bad metadata would be found in
+diff --git a/tools/toollib.c b/tools/toollib.c
+index 96d0d6d..89b6374 100644
+--- a/tools/toollib.c
++++ b/tools/toollib.c
+@@ -1853,8 +1853,6 @@ static int _resolve_duplicate_vgnames(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+ 			if (lvmcache_vg_is_foreign(cmd, vgnl->vg_name, vgnl->vgid)) {
+ 				if (!id_write_format((const struct id*)vgnl->vgid, uuid, sizeof(uuid)))
+ 					stack;
+-				log_warn("WARNING: Ignoring foreign VG with matching name %s UUID %s.",
+-					 vgnl->vg_name, uuid);
+ 				dm_list_del(&vgnl->list);
+ 			} else {
+ 				found++;
+diff --git a/tools/vgchange.c b/tools/vgchange.c
+index a10bf11..58c8ddc 100644
+--- a/tools/vgchange.c
++++ b/tools/vgchange.c
+@@ -991,8 +991,13 @@ static int _vgchange_locktype_single(struct cmd_context *cmd, const char *vg_nam
+ 	 * deactivate it.
+ 	 */
+ 	if (vg->lock_type && !strcmp(vg->lock_type, "sanlock") &&
+-	    (cmd->command->command_enum == vgchange_locktype_CMD))
+-		deactivate_lv(cmd, vg->sanlock_lv);
++	    (cmd->command->command_enum == vgchange_locktype_CMD)) {
++		if (!deactivate_lv(cmd, vg->sanlock_lv)) {
++			log_error("Failed to deativate %s.",
++				  display_lvname(vg->sanlock_lv));
++			return ECMD_FAILED;
++		}
++	}
+ 	log_print_unless_silent("Volume group \"%s\" successfully changed", vg->name);
+diff --git a/tools/vgimportclone.c b/tools/vgimportclone.c
+index be01861..ee1c28f 100644
+--- a/tools/vgimportclone.c
++++ b/tools/vgimportclone.c
+@@ -315,6 +315,8 @@ retry_name:
+ 		goto_out;
+ 	log_debug("Using new VG name %s.", vp.new_vgname);
++	lvmcache_destroy(cmd, 1, 0);
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Create a device filter so that we are only working with the devices
+ 	 * in arg_import.  With the original devs hidden (that arg_import were
+@@ -325,7 +327,7 @@ retry_name:
+ 	init_internal_filtering(1);
+ 	dm_list_iterate_items(vd, &vp.arg_import)
+ 		internal_filter_allow(cmd->mem, vd->dev);
+-	lvmcache_destroy(cmd, 1, 0);
++	refresh_filters(cmd);
+ 	log_debug("Changing VG %s to %s.", vp.old_vgname, vp.new_vgname);
+diff --git a/tools/vgmerge.c b/tools/vgmerge.c
+index 903504c..895018a 100644
+--- a/tools/vgmerge.c
++++ b/tools/vgmerge.c
+@@ -21,10 +21,8 @@ static struct volume_group *_vgmerge_vg_read(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+ 	struct volume_group *vg;
+ 	log_verbose("Checking for volume group \"%s\"", vg_name);
+ 	vg = vg_read_for_update(cmd, vg_name, NULL, 0, 0);
+-	if (vg_read_error(vg)) {
+-		release_vg(vg);
++	if (!vg)
+ 		return NULL;
+-	}
+ 	if (vg_is_shared(vg)) {
+ 		log_error("vgmerge not allowed for lock_type %s", vg->lock_type);
+diff --git a/tools/vgrename.c b/tools/vgrename.c
+index 8b76d0b..f442f73 100644
+--- a/tools/vgrename.c
++++ b/tools/vgrename.c
+@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ int vgrename(struct cmd_context *cmd, int argc, char **argv)
+ 	vg_name_new = skip_dev_dir(cmd, argv[1], NULL);
+ 	if (!validate_vg_rename_params(cmd, vg_name_old, vg_name_new))
+-		return_0;
++		return_ECMD_FAILED;
+ 	if (!(vp.vg_name_old = dm_pool_strdup(cmd->mem, vg_name_old)))
+ 		return_ECMD_FAILED;
+diff --git a/tools/vgsplit.c b/tools/vgsplit.c
+index 3dc19ec..1a422e6 100644
+--- a/tools/vgsplit.c
++++ b/tools/vgsplit.c
+@@ -691,7 +691,7 @@ int vgsplit(struct cmd_context *cmd, int argc, char **argv)
+ 		vg_to = vg_read_for_update(cmd, vg_name_to, NULL, 0, 0);
+-		if (vg_read_error(vg_to)) {
++		if (!vg_to) {
+ 			log_error("Volume group \"%s\" became inconsistent: "
+ 				  "please fix manually", vg_name_to);
+ 			goto bad;
diff --git a/SOURCES/0002-Merge-master-up-to-commit-be61bd6ff5c6.patch b/SOURCES/0002-Merge-master-up-to-commit-be61bd6ff5c6.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f1b14a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0002-Merge-master-up-to-commit-be61bd6ff5c6.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+From f540a18fd7f5f65599a6c85c0bd3ba84e54f1cc8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Marian Csontos <mcsontos@redhat.com>
+Date: Thu, 28 May 2020 18:02:16 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] Merge master up to commit be61bd6ff5c6
+ VERSION                           |  2 +-
+ VERSION_DM                        |  2 +-
+ test/shell/cache-single-usage.sh  | 13 +++++++++++++
+ test/shell/integrity-dmeventd.sh  |  8 ++++++++
+ test/shell/integrity-large.sh     |  8 ++++++++
+ test/shell/integrity-misc.sh      |  8 ++++++++
+ test/shell/integrity.sh           |  8 ++++++++
+ test/shell/thin-foreign-repair.sh | 14 ++++++++++----
+ tools/lvconvert.c                 | 15 +++++++++++++++
+ 9 files changed, 72 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/VERSION b/VERSION
+index 00618e0..9ad7a70 100644
+--- a/VERSION
++++ b/VERSION
+@@ -1 +1 @@
+-2.03.09(2)-RHEL8 (2020-04-21)
++2.03.09(2)-RHEL8 (2020-05-28)
+diff --git a/VERSION_DM b/VERSION_DM
+index b9ec43e..bcd97de 100644
+@@ -1 +1 @@
+-1.02.171-RHEL8 (2020-04-21)
++1.02.171-RHEL8 (2020-05-28)
+diff --git a/test/shell/cache-single-usage.sh b/test/shell/cache-single-usage.sh
+index a885bf7..8936aa3 100644
+--- a/test/shell/cache-single-usage.sh
++++ b/test/shell/cache-single-usage.sh
+@@ -127,4 +127,17 @@ umount "$mount_dir"
+ lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
+ lvchange -an $vg/$lv2
++# misc tests
++lvremove $vg
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l 2 -an $vg "$dev1"
++lvcreate -n $lv2 -l 2 -an $vg "$dev1"
++lvcreate -n $lv3 -l 2 -an $vg "$dev2"
++lvconvert -y --type writecache --cachevol $lv3 $vg/$lv1
++not lvconvert -y --type writecache --cachevol ${lv3}_cvol $vg/$lv2
++not lvconvert -y --type cache --cachevol ${lv3}_cvol $vg/$lv2
++not lvconvert -y --type cache --cachepool ${lv3}_cvol $vg/$lv2
+ vgremove -ff $vg
+diff --git a/test/shell/integrity-dmeventd.sh b/test/shell/integrity-dmeventd.sh
+index ed2436a..296f556 100644
+--- a/test/shell/integrity-dmeventd.sh
++++ b/test/shell/integrity-dmeventd.sh
+@@ -109,6 +109,14 @@ _wait_recalc() {
+ 		sleep 1
+ 	done
++	# TODO: There is some strange bug, first leg of RAID with integrity
++	# enabled never gets in sync. I saw this in BB, but not when executing
++	# the commands manually
++	if test -z "$sync"; then
++		echo "TEST WARNING: Resync of dm-integrity device '$checklv' failed"
++                dmsetup status "$DM_DEV_DIR/mapper/${checklv/\//-}"
++		exit
++	fi
+ 	echo "timeout waiting for recalc"
+ 	return 1
+ }
+diff --git a/test/shell/integrity-large.sh b/test/shell/integrity-large.sh
+index 7a333c1..5aba80e 100644
+--- a/test/shell/integrity-large.sh
++++ b/test/shell/integrity-large.sh
+@@ -95,6 +95,14 @@ _wait_recalc() {
+ 		sleep 1
+ 	done
++	# TODO: There is some strange bug, first leg of RAID with integrity
++	# enabled never gets in sync. I saw this in BB, but not when executing
++	# the commands manually
++	if test -z "$sync"; then
++		echo "TEST WARNING: Resync of dm-integrity device '$checklv' failed"
++                dmsetup status "$DM_DEV_DIR/mapper/${checklv/\//-}"
++		exit
++	fi
+ 	echo "timeout waiting for recalc"
+ 	return 1
+ }
+diff --git a/test/shell/integrity-misc.sh b/test/shell/integrity-misc.sh
+index a176f18..0d05689 100644
+--- a/test/shell/integrity-misc.sh
++++ b/test/shell/integrity-misc.sh
+@@ -109,6 +109,14 @@ _wait_recalc() {
+ 		sleep 1
+ 	done
++	# TODO: There is some strange bug, first leg of RAID with integrity
++	# enabled never gets in sync. I saw this in BB, but not when executing
++	# the commands manually
++	if test -z "$sync"; then
++		echo "TEST WARNING: Resync of dm-integrity device '$checklv' failed"
++                dmsetup status "$DM_DEV_DIR/mapper/${checklv/\//-}"
++		exit
++	fi
+ 	echo "timeout waiting for recalc"
+ 	return 1
+ }
+diff --git a/test/shell/integrity.sh b/test/shell/integrity.sh
+index 6baccf0..77e9430 100644
+--- a/test/shell/integrity.sh
++++ b/test/shell/integrity.sh
+@@ -204,6 +204,14 @@ _wait_recalc() {
+ 		sleep 1
+ 	done
++	# TODO: There is some strange bug, first leg of RAID with integrity
++	# enabled never gets in sync. I saw this in BB, but not when executing
++	# the commands manually
++	if test -z "$sync"; then
++		echo "TEST WARNING: Resync of dm-integrity device '$checklv' failed"
++                dmsetup status "$DM_DEV_DIR/mapper/${checklv/\//-}"
++		exit
++	fi
+ 	echo "timeout waiting for recalc"
+ 	return 1
+ }
+diff --git a/test/shell/thin-foreign-repair.sh b/test/shell/thin-foreign-repair.sh
+index 8b4018e..55e9f62 100644
+--- a/test/shell/thin-foreign-repair.sh
++++ b/test/shell/thin-foreign-repair.sh
+@@ -17,9 +17,15 @@ SKIP_WITH_LVMPOLLD=1
+ . lib/inittest
++	aux udev_wait
++	dmsetup remove "$THIN" || { sleep .5 ; dmsetup remove "$THIN" ; }
+ cleanup_mounted_and_teardown()
+ {
+-	dmsetup remove $THIN || true
++	clean_thin_ || true
+ 	vgremove -ff $vg
+ 	aux teardown
+ }
+@@ -56,9 +62,7 @@ dmsetup create "$THIN" --table "0 40960 thin $DM_DEV_DIR/mapper/$POOL 0"
+ mkfs.ext4 "$DM_DEV_DIR/mapper/$THIN"
+-aux udev_wait
+-dmsetup remove "$THIN" || { sleep .5 ; dmsetup remove "$THIN" }
+ lvchange -an $vg/pool
+@@ -72,3 +76,5 @@ lvchange -ay $vg/pool
+ dmsetup create "$THIN" --table "0 40960 thin $DM_DEV_DIR/mapper/$POOL 0"
+ fsck -n "$DM_DEV_DIR/mapper/$THIN"
++# exit calls cleanup_mounted_and_teardown
+diff --git a/tools/lvconvert.c b/tools/lvconvert.c
+index cf93538..8652252 100644
+--- a/tools/lvconvert.c
++++ b/tools/lvconvert.c
+@@ -4264,6 +4264,11 @@ static int _lvconvert_cachevol_attach_single(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+ 		goto out;
+ 	}
++	if (lv_is_cache_vol(cachevol_lv)) {
++		log_error("LV %s is already used as a cachevol.", display_lvname(cachevol_lv));
++		goto out;
++	}
+ 	/* Ensure the LV is not active elsewhere. */
+ 	if (!lockd_lv(cmd, lv, "ex", 0))
+ 		goto_out;
+@@ -4347,6 +4352,11 @@ static int _lvconvert_cachepool_attach_single(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+ 			goto out;
+ 		}
++		if (lv_is_cache_vol(cachepool_lv)) {
++			log_error("LV %s is already used as a cachevol.", display_lvname(cachepool_lv));
++			goto out;
++		}
+ 		if (cachepool_lv == lv) {
+ 			log_error("Use a different LV for cache pool LV and cache LV %s.",
+ 				  display_lvname(cachepool_lv));
+@@ -5629,6 +5639,11 @@ static int _lvconvert_writecache_attach_single(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+ 		goto bad;
+ 	}
++	if (lv_is_cache_vol(lv_fast)) {
++		log_error("LV %s is already used as a cachevol.", display_lvname(lv_fast));
++		goto bad;
++	}
+ 	/*
+ 	 * To permit this we need to check the block size of the fs using lv
+ 	 * (recently in libblkid) so that we can use a matching writecache
diff --git a/SOURCES/0003-Merge-master-up-to-commit-c1d136fea3d1.patch b/SOURCES/0003-Merge-master-up-to-commit-c1d136fea3d1.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02fe5b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0003-Merge-master-up-to-commit-c1d136fea3d1.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,6235 @@
+From d8f301b9244d93695b344c33e9ff7a116b5f17b7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Marian Csontos <mcsontos@redhat.com>
+Date: Sun, 9 Aug 2020 16:42:09 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] Merge master up to commit c1d136fea3d1
+(cherry picked from commit 4ef278fcb7c08721e973af7300fd1bff5d142398)
+ WHATS_NEW                                |  11 +-
+ conf/example.conf.in                     |   6 +-
+ daemons/lvmdbusd/cmdhandler.py           |   9 +
+ daemons/lvmdbusd/lv.py                   |  45 +-
+ daemons/lvmdbusd/manager.py              |   2 +-
+ device_mapper/all.h                      |   4 +
+ device_mapper/libdm-deptree.c            |  12 +
+ include/configure.h.in                   |   6 +-
+ lib/cache/lvmcache.c                     |   4 +
+ lib/config/config_settings.h             |   5 +-
+ lib/config/defaults.h                    |   1 +
+ lib/device/bcache.c                      |   2 +-
+ lib/device/dev-cache.c                   |   1 +
+ lib/device/dev-md.c                      | 206 ++++++---
+ lib/device/dev-type.c                    |  36 +-
+ lib/label/hints.c                        |   4 +-
+ lib/metadata/cache_manip.c               |   4 +
+ lib/metadata/integrity_manip.c           |  61 ++-
+ lib/metadata/lv.c                        |   3 +
+ lib/metadata/lv_manip.c                  | 102 +++--
+ lib/metadata/merge.c                     |   3 +-
+ lib/metadata/metadata-exported.h         |   7 +-
+ lib/metadata/metadata.c                  |   4 +-
+ lib/metadata/pool_manip.c                |   6 +-
+ lib/metadata/raid_manip.c                |   5 +
+ lib/metadata/snapshot_manip.c            |   2 -
+ lib/metadata/writecache_manip.c          | 365 ++++++++++++++--
+ lib/report/report.c                      |  18 +-
+ lib/writecache/writecache.c              |  49 +++
+ man/lvconvert.8_pregen                   |  58 +++
+ man/lvcreate.8_pregen                    | 246 ++++++++++-
+ man/lvmcache.7_main                      |  85 +++-
+ man/lvs.8_end                            |   4 +
+ man/lvs.8_pregen                         |   4 +
+ man/vgck.8_pregen                        |   9 +
+ scripts/blkdeactivate.sh.in              |   6 +
+ test/dbus/lvmdbustest.py                 |  30 ++
+ test/lib/aux.sh                          |   1 +
+ test/shell/cachevol-cachedevice.sh       | 222 ++++++++++
+ test/shell/integrity-blocksize-2.sh      | 128 ++++++
+ test/shell/integrity-blocksize-3.sh      | 285 ++++++++++++
+ test/shell/integrity-blocksize.sh        | 108 ++++-
+ test/shell/integrity-large.sh            |  23 +-
+ test/shell/integrity-misc.sh             |  27 +-
+ test/shell/integrity.sh                  |  46 +-
+ test/shell/lvconvert-m-raid1-degraded.sh |   6 +-
+ test/shell/lvcreate-signature-wiping.sh  |   7 +
+ test/shell/lvcreate-thin.sh              |  21 +
+ test/shell/writecache-blocksize.sh       | 342 +++++++++++++++
+ test/shell/writecache-large.sh           | 153 +++++++
+ test/shell/writecache-split.sh           |  34 +-
+ test/shell/writecache.sh                 | 315 +++++++++-----
+ tools/args.h                             |  17 +-
+ tools/command-lines.in                   | 145 +++---
+ tools/command.c                          |   3 +
+ tools/lvchange.c                         |  85 ++++
+ tools/lvconvert.c                        | 726 +++++++++++++++++++------------
+ tools/lvcreate.c                         | 153 ++++++-
+ tools/lvmcmdline.c                       |   8 +
+ tools/toollib.c                          | 164 +++++++
+ tools/toollib.h                          |   3 +
+ tools/tools.h                            |  11 +
+ 62 files changed, 3761 insertions(+), 697 deletions(-)
+ create mode 100644 test/shell/cachevol-cachedevice.sh
+ create mode 100644 test/shell/integrity-blocksize-2.sh
+ create mode 100644 test/shell/integrity-blocksize-3.sh
+ create mode 100644 test/shell/writecache-blocksize.sh
+ create mode 100644 test/shell/writecache-large.sh
+diff --git a/WHATS_NEW b/WHATS_NEW
+index c0267b7..ac99e97 100644
+--- a/WHATS_NEW
++++ b/WHATS_NEW
+@@ -1,5 +1,14 @@
+ Version 2.03.10 - 
++  Add writecache and integrity support to lvmdbusd.
++  Generate unique cachevol name when default required from lvcreate.
++  Converting RAID1 volume to one with same number of legs now succeeds with a
++  warning.
++  Fix conversion to raid from striped lagging type.
++  Fix conversion to 'mirrored' mirror log with larger regionsize.
++  Zero pool metadata on allocation (disable with allocation/zero_metadata=0).
++  Failure in zeroing or wiping will fail command (bypass with -Zn, -Wn).
++  Fix running out of free buffers for async writing for larger writes.
+   Add integrity with raid capability.
+   Fix support for lvconvert --repair used by foreign apps (i.e. Docker).
+diff --git a/conf/example.conf.in b/conf/example.conf.in
+index 88858fc..d5807e6 100644
+--- a/conf/example.conf.in
++++ b/conf/example.conf.in
+@@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ allocation {
+ 	# This configuration option does not have a default value defined.
+ 	# Configuration option allocation/thin_pool_metadata_require_separate_pvs.
+-	# Thin pool metdata and data will always use different PVs.
++	# Thin pool metadata and data will always use different PVs.
+ 	thin_pool_metadata_require_separate_pvs = 0
+ 	# Configuration option allocation/thin_pool_zero.
+@@ -527,6 +527,10 @@ allocation {
+ 	# This configuration option has an automatic default value.
+ 	# thin_pool_chunk_size_policy = "generic"
++	# Configuration option allocation/zero_metadata.
++	# Zero whole metadata area before use with thin or cache pool.
++	zero_metadata = 1
+ 	# Configuration option allocation/thin_pool_chunk_size.
+ 	# The minimal chunk size in KiB for thin pool volumes.
+ 	# Larger chunk sizes may improve performance for plain thin volumes,
+diff --git a/daemons/lvmdbusd/cmdhandler.py b/daemons/lvmdbusd/cmdhandler.py
+index 7d2f4c4..1c15b78 100644
+--- a/daemons/lvmdbusd/cmdhandler.py
++++ b/daemons/lvmdbusd/cmdhandler.py
+@@ -453,6 +453,15 @@ def lv_cache_lv(cache_pool_full_name, lv_full_name, cache_options):
+ 	return call(cmd)
++def lv_writecache_lv(cache_lv_full_name, lv_full_name, cache_options):
++	# lvconvert --type writecache --cachevol VG/CacheLV VG/OriginLV
++	cmd = ['lvconvert']
++	cmd.extend(options_to_cli_args(cache_options))
++	cmd.extend(['-y', '--type', 'writecache', '--cachevol',
++				cache_lv_full_name, lv_full_name])
++	return call(cmd)
+ def lv_detach_cache(lv_full_name, detach_options, destroy_cache):
+ 	cmd = ['lvconvert']
+ 	if destroy_cache:
+diff --git a/daemons/lvmdbusd/lv.py b/daemons/lvmdbusd/lv.py
+index fd46f34..edfdd0d 100644
+--- a/daemons/lvmdbusd/lv.py
++++ b/daemons/lvmdbusd/lv.py
+@@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ class LvCommon(AutomatedProperties):
+ 					'l': 'mirror log device', 'c': 'under conversion',
+ 					'V': 'thin Volume', 't': 'thin pool', 'T': 'Thin pool data',
+ 					'e': 'raid or pool metadata or pool metadata spare',
+-					'd': 'vdo pool', 'D': 'vdo pool data',
++					'd': 'vdo pool', 'D': 'vdo pool data', 'g': 'integrity',
+ 					'-': 'Unspecified'}
+ 		return self.attr_struct(0, type_map)
+@@ -743,6 +743,49 @@ class Lv(LvCommon):
+ 			cb, cbe, return_tuple=False)
+ 		cfg.worker_q.put(r)
++	@staticmethod
++	def _writecache_lv(lv_uuid, lv_name, lv_object_path, cache_options):
++		# Make sure we have a dbus object representing it
++		dbo = LvCommon.validate_dbus_object(lv_uuid, lv_name)
++		# Make sure we have dbus object representing lv to cache
++		lv_to_cache = cfg.om.get_object_by_path(lv_object_path)
++		if lv_to_cache:
++			fcn = lv_to_cache.lv_full_name()
++			rc, out, err = cmdhandler.lv_writecache_lv(
++				dbo.lv_full_name(), fcn, cache_options)
++			if rc == 0:
++				# When we cache an LV, the cache pool and the lv that is getting
++				# cached need to be removed from the object manager and
++				# re-created as their interfaces have changed!
++				mt_remove_dbus_objects((dbo, lv_to_cache))
++				cfg.load()
++				lv_converted = cfg.om.get_object_path_by_lvm_id(fcn)
++			else:
++				raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException(
++					'Exit code %s, stderr = %s' % (str(rc), err))
++		else:
++			raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException(
++				LV_INTERFACE, 'LV to cache with object path %s not present!' %
++				lv_object_path)
++		return lv_converted
++	@dbus.service.method(
++		dbus_interface=LV_INTERFACE,
++		in_signature='oia{sv}',
++		out_signature='(oo)',
++		async_callbacks=('cb', 'cbe'))
++	def WriteCacheLv(self, lv_object, tmo, cache_options, cb, cbe):
++		r = RequestEntry(
++			tmo, Lv._writecache_lv,
++			(self.Uuid, self.lvm_id, lv_object,
++			cache_options), cb, cbe)
++		cfg.worker_q.put(r)
+ # noinspection PyPep8Naming
+ @utils.dbus_property(VDO_POOL_INTERFACE, 'OperatingMode', 's')
+ @utils.dbus_property(VDO_POOL_INTERFACE, 'CompressionState', 's')
+diff --git a/daemons/lvmdbusd/manager.py b/daemons/lvmdbusd/manager.py
+index 2857e9a..573a396 100644
+--- a/daemons/lvmdbusd/manager.py
++++ b/daemons/lvmdbusd/manager.py
+@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class Manager(AutomatedProperties):
+ 	@property
+ 	def Version(self):
+-		return dbus.String('1.0.0')
++		return dbus.String('1.1.0')
+ 	@staticmethod
+ 	def handle_execute(rc, out, err):
+diff --git a/device_mapper/all.h b/device_mapper/all.h
+index f00b6a5..c3c6219 100644
+--- a/device_mapper/all.h
++++ b/device_mapper/all.h
+@@ -951,6 +951,8 @@ struct writecache_settings {
+ 	uint64_t autocommit_time; /* in milliseconds */
+ 	uint32_t fua;
+ 	uint32_t nofua;
++	uint32_t cleaner;
++	uint32_t max_age;
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Allow an unrecognized key and its val to be passed to the kernel for
+@@ -970,6 +972,8 @@ struct writecache_settings {
+ 	unsigned autocommit_time_set:1;
+ 	unsigned fua_set:1;
+ 	unsigned nofua_set:1;
++	unsigned cleaner_set:1;
++	unsigned max_age_set:1;
+ };
+ int dm_tree_node_add_writecache_target(struct dm_tree_node *node,
+diff --git a/device_mapper/libdm-deptree.c b/device_mapper/libdm-deptree.c
+index 9ba24cb..2722a2c 100644
+--- a/device_mapper/libdm-deptree.c
++++ b/device_mapper/libdm-deptree.c
+@@ -2670,6 +2670,10 @@ static int _writecache_emit_segment_line(struct dm_task *dmt,
+ 		count += 1;
+ 	if (seg->writecache_settings.nofua_set)
+ 		count += 1;
++	if (seg->writecache_settings.cleaner_set && seg->writecache_settings.cleaner)
++		count += 1;
++	if (seg->writecache_settings.max_age_set)
++		count += 2;
+ 	if (seg->writecache_settings.new_key)
+ 		count += 2;
+@@ -2713,6 +2717,14 @@ static int _writecache_emit_segment_line(struct dm_task *dmt,
+ 		EMIT_PARAMS(pos, " nofua");
+ 	}
++	if (seg->writecache_settings.cleaner_set && seg->writecache_settings.cleaner) {
++		EMIT_PARAMS(pos, " cleaner");
++	}
++	if (seg->writecache_settings.max_age_set) {
++		EMIT_PARAMS(pos, " max_age %u", seg->writecache_settings.max_age);
++	}
+ 	if (seg->writecache_settings.new_key) {
+ 		EMIT_PARAMS(pos, " %s %s",
+ 			seg->writecache_settings.new_key,
+diff --git a/include/configure.h.in b/include/configure.h.in
+index 57736cc..540cee7 100644
+--- a/include/configure.h.in
++++ b/include/configure.h.in
+@@ -531,6 +531,9 @@
+ /* Define to 1 if the system has the `__builtin_clzll' built-in function */
++/* Define to 1 to include built-in support for integrity. */
+ /* Internalization package */
+@@ -678,9 +681,6 @@
+ /* Define to 1 to include built-in support for writecache. */
+-/* Define to 1 to include built-in support for integrity. */
+ /* Define to get access to GNU/Linux extension */
+ #undef _GNU_SOURCE
+diff --git a/lib/cache/lvmcache.c b/lib/cache/lvmcache.c
+index 6cb5ff0..b1d05fb 100644
+--- a/lib/cache/lvmcache.c
++++ b/lib/cache/lvmcache.c
+@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ static DM_LIST_INIT(_unused_duplicates);
+ static DM_LIST_INIT(_prev_unused_duplicate_devs);
+ static int _vgs_locked = 0;
+ static int _found_duplicate_vgnames = 0;
++static int _outdated_warning = 0;
+ int lvmcache_init(struct cmd_context *cmd)
+ {
+@@ -1776,6 +1777,9 @@ int lvmcache_update_vg_from_read(struct volume_group *vg, unsigned precommitted)
+ 		log_warn("WARNING: outdated PV %s seqno %u has been removed in current VG %s seqno %u.",
+ 			 dev_name(info->dev), info->summary_seqno, vg->name, vginfo->seqno);
++		if (!_outdated_warning++)
++			log_warn("See vgck --updatemetadata to clear outdated metadata.");
+ 		_drop_vginfo(info, vginfo); /* remove from vginfo->infos */
+ 		dm_list_add(&vginfo->outdated_infos, &info->list);
+ 	}
+diff --git a/lib/config/config_settings.h b/lib/config/config_settings.h
+index dce9705..b38ca11 100644
+--- a/lib/config/config_settings.h
++++ b/lib/config/config_settings.h
+@@ -626,7 +626,7 @@ cfg(allocation_cache_pool_max_chunks_CFG, "cache_pool_max_chunks", allocation_CF
+ 	"Using cache pool with more chunks may degrade cache performance.\n")
+ cfg(allocation_thin_pool_metadata_require_separate_pvs_CFG, "thin_pool_metadata_require_separate_pvs", allocation_CFG_SECTION, 0, CFG_TYPE_BOOL, DEFAULT_THIN_POOL_METADATA_REQUIRE_SEPARATE_PVS, vsn(2, 2, 89), NULL, 0, NULL,
+-	"Thin pool metdata and data will always use different PVs.\n")
++	"Thin pool metadata and data will always use different PVs.\n")
+ cfg(allocation_thin_pool_zero_CFG, "thin_pool_zero", allocation_CFG_SECTION, CFG_PROFILABLE | CFG_PROFILABLE_METADATA | CFG_DEFAULT_COMMENTED, CFG_TYPE_BOOL, DEFAULT_THIN_POOL_ZERO, vsn(2, 2, 99), NULL, 0, NULL,
+ 	"Thin pool data chunks are zeroed before they are first used.\n"
+@@ -657,6 +657,9 @@ cfg(allocation_thin_pool_chunk_size_policy_CFG, "thin_pool_chunk_size_policy", a
+ 	"    512KiB.\n"
+ 	"#\n")
++cfg(allocation_zero_metadata_CFG, "zero_metadata", allocation_CFG_SECTION, 0, CFG_TYPE_BOOL, DEFAULT_ZERO_METADATA, vsn(2, 3, 10), NULL, 0, NULL,
++	"Zero whole metadata area before use with thin or cache pool.\n")
+ cfg_runtime(allocation_thin_pool_chunk_size_CFG, "thin_pool_chunk_size", allocation_CFG_SECTION, CFG_PROFILABLE | CFG_PROFILABLE_METADATA | CFG_DEFAULT_UNDEFINED, CFG_TYPE_INT, vsn(2, 2, 99), 0, NULL,
+ 	"The minimal chunk size in KiB for thin pool volumes.\n"
+ 	"Larger chunk sizes may improve performance for plain thin volumes,\n"
+diff --git a/lib/config/defaults.h b/lib/config/defaults.h
+index be4f5ff..708a575 100644
+--- a/lib/config/defaults.h
++++ b/lib/config/defaults.h
+@@ -129,6 +129,7 @@
+ #define DEFAULT_THIN_POOL_DISCARDS "passdown"
+ #define DEFAULT_POOL_METADATA_SPARE 1 /* thin + cache */
++#define DEFAULT_ZERO_METADATA 1		/* thin + cache */
+diff --git a/lib/device/bcache.c b/lib/device/bcache.c
+index a7d8055..7e7e185 100644
+--- a/lib/device/bcache.c
++++ b/lib/device/bcache.c
+@@ -950,7 +950,7 @@ static struct block *_new_block(struct bcache *cache, int fd, block_address i, b
+ 	struct block *b;
+ 	b = _alloc_block(cache);
+-	while (!b && !dm_list_empty(&cache->clean)) {
++	while (!b) {
+ 		b = _find_unused_clean_block(cache);
+ 		if (!b) {
+ 			if (can_wait) {
+diff --git a/lib/device/dev-cache.c b/lib/device/dev-cache.c
+index 6af559c..c3f7c49 100644
+--- a/lib/device/dev-cache.c
++++ b/lib/device/dev-cache.c
+@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ static int _insert(const char *path, const struct stat *info,
+ static void _dev_init(struct device *dev)
+ {
+ 	dev->fd = -1;
++	dev->bcache_fd = -1;
+ 	dev->read_ahead = -1;
+ 	dev->ext.enabled = 0;
+diff --git a/lib/device/dev-md.c b/lib/device/dev-md.c
+index 9d0a363..23ce41a 100644
+--- a/lib/device/dev-md.c
++++ b/lib/device/dev-md.c
+@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
+ #include "lib/misc/lib.h"
+ #include "lib/device/dev-type.h"
+ #include "lib/mm/xlate.h"
++#include "lib/misc/crc.h"
+ #include <libudev.h> /* for MD detection using udev db records */
+ #include "lib/device/dev-ext-udev-constants.h"
+@@ -48,44 +49,89 @@ static int _dev_has_md_magic(struct device *dev, uint64_t sb_offset)
+ 	return 0;
+ }
+- * Calculate the position of the superblock.
+- * It is always aligned to a 4K boundary and
+- * depending on minor_version, it can be:
+- * 0: At least 8K, but less than 12K, from end of device
+- * 1: At start of device
+- * 2: 4K from start of device.
+- */
+-typedef enum {
+-} md_minor_version_t;
+-static uint64_t _v1_sb_offset(uint64_t size, md_minor_version_t minor_version)
++#define IMSM_SIGNATURE "Intel Raid ISM Cfg Sig. "
++#define IMSM_SIG_LEN (strlen(IMSM_SIGNATURE))
++static int _dev_has_imsm_magic(struct device *dev, uint64_t devsize_sectors)
+ {
+-	uint64_t sb_offset;
++	char imsm_signature[IMSM_SIG_LEN];
++	uint64_t off = (devsize_sectors * 512) - 1024;
+-	switch(minor_version) {
+-	case MD_MINOR_V0:
+-		sb_offset = (size - 8 * 2) & ~(4 * 2 - 1ULL);
+-		break;
+-	case MD_MINOR_V1:
+-		sb_offset = 0;
+-		break;
+-	case MD_MINOR_V2:
+-		sb_offset = 4 * 2;
+-		break;
+-	default:
+-		log_warn(INTERNAL_ERROR "WARNING: Unknown minor version %d.",
+-			 minor_version);
++	if (!dev_read_bytes(dev, off, IMSM_SIG_LEN, imsm_signature))
++		return_0;
++	if (!memcmp(imsm_signature, IMSM_SIGNATURE, IMSM_SIG_LEN))
++		return 1;
++	return 0;
++#define DDF_MAGIC 0xDE11DE11
++struct ddf_header {
++	uint32_t magic;
++	uint32_t crc;
++	char guid[24];
++	char revision[8];
++	char padding[472];
++static int _dev_has_ddf_magic(struct device *dev, uint64_t devsize_sectors, uint64_t *sb_offset)
++	struct ddf_header hdr;
++	uint32_t crc, our_crc;
++	uint64_t off;
++	uint64_t devsize_bytes = devsize_sectors * 512;
++	if (devsize_bytes < 0x30000)
+ 		return 0;
++	/* 512 bytes before the end of device (from libblkid) */
++	off = ((devsize_bytes / 0x200) - 1) * 0x200;
++	if (!dev_read_bytes(dev, off, 512, &hdr))
++		return_0;
++	if ((hdr.magic == cpu_to_be32(DDF_MAGIC)) ||
++	    (hdr.magic == cpu_to_le32(DDF_MAGIC))) {
++		crc = hdr.crc;
++		hdr.crc = 0xffffffff;
++		our_crc = calc_crc(0, (const uint8_t *)&hdr, 512);
++		if ((cpu_to_be32(our_crc) == crc) ||
++		    (cpu_to_le32(our_crc) == crc)) {
++			*sb_offset = off;
++			return 1;
++		} else {
++			log_debug_devs("Found md ddf magic at %llu wrong crc %x disk %x %s",
++				       (unsigned long long)off, our_crc, crc, dev_name(dev));
++			return 0;
++		}
++	}
++	/* 128KB before the end of device (from libblkid) */
++	off = ((devsize_bytes / 0x200) - 257) * 0x200;
++	if (!dev_read_bytes(dev, off, 512, &hdr))
++		return_0;
++	if ((hdr.magic == cpu_to_be32(DDF_MAGIC)) ||
++	    (hdr.magic == cpu_to_le32(DDF_MAGIC))) {
++		crc = hdr.crc;
++		hdr.crc = 0xffffffff;
++		our_crc = calc_crc(0, (const uint8_t *)&hdr, 512);
++		if ((cpu_to_be32(our_crc) == crc) ||
++		    (cpu_to_le32(our_crc) == crc)) {
++			*sb_offset = off;
++			return 1;
++		} else {
++			log_debug_devs("Found md ddf magic at %llu wrong crc %x disk %x %s",
++				       (unsigned long long)off, our_crc, crc, dev_name(dev));
++			return 0;
++		}
+ 	}
+-	sb_offset <<= SECTOR_SHIFT;
+-	return sb_offset;
++	return 0;
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -130,7 +176,6 @@ static int _udev_dev_is_md_component(struct device *dev)
+  */
+ static int _native_dev_is_md_component(struct device *dev, uint64_t *offset_found, int full)
+ {
+-	md_minor_version_t minor;
+ 	uint64_t size, sb_offset;
+ 	int ret;
+@@ -146,9 +191,9 @@ static int _native_dev_is_md_component(struct device *dev, uint64_t *offset_foun
+ 		return 0;
+ 	/*
+-	 * Old md versions locate the magic number at the end of the device.
+-	 * Those checks can't be satisfied with the initial bcache data, and
+-	 * would require an extra read i/o at the end of every device.  Issuing
++	 * Some md versions locate the magic number at the end of the device.
++	 * Those checks can't be satisfied with the initial scan data, and
++	 * require an extra read i/o at the end of every device.  Issuing
+ 	 * an extra read to every device in every command, just to check for
+ 	 * the old md format is a bad tradeoff.
+ 	 *
+@@ -159,42 +204,81 @@ static int _native_dev_is_md_component(struct device *dev, uint64_t *offset_foun
+ 	 * and set it for commands that could possibly write to an md dev
+ 	 * (pvcreate/vgcreate/vgextend).
+ 	 */
+-	if (!full) {
+-		sb_offset = 0;
+-		if (_dev_has_md_magic(dev, sb_offset)) {
+-			log_debug_devs("Found md magic number at offset 0 of %s.", dev_name(dev));
+-			ret = 1;
+-			goto out;
+-		}
+-		sb_offset = 8 << SECTOR_SHIFT;
+-		if (_dev_has_md_magic(dev, sb_offset)) {
+-			log_debug_devs("Found md magic number at offset %d of %s.", (int)sb_offset, dev_name(dev));
+-			ret = 1;
+-			goto out;
+-		}
++	/*
++	 * md superblock version 1.1 at offset 0 from start
++	 */
++	if (_dev_has_md_magic(dev, 0)) {
++		log_debug_devs("Found md magic number at offset 0 of %s.", dev_name(dev));
++		ret = 1;
++		goto out;
++	}
++	/*
++	 * md superblock version 1.2 at offset 4KB from start
++	 */
++	if (_dev_has_md_magic(dev, 4096)) {
++		log_debug_devs("Found md magic number at offset 4096 of %s.", dev_name(dev));
++		ret = 1;
++		goto out;
++	}
++	if (!full) {
+ 		ret = 0;
+ 		goto out;
+ 	}
+-	/* Check if it is an md component device. */
+-	/* Version 0.90.0 */
++	/*
++	 * Handle superblocks at the end of the device.
++	 */
++	/*
++	 * md superblock version 0 at 64KB from end of device
++	 * (after end is aligned to 64KB)
++	 */
+ 	sb_offset = MD_NEW_SIZE_SECTORS(size) << SECTOR_SHIFT;
+ 	if (_dev_has_md_magic(dev, sb_offset)) {
++		log_debug_devs("Found md magic number at offset %llu of %s.", (unsigned long long)sb_offset, dev_name(dev));
+ 		ret = 1;
+ 		goto out;
+ 	}
+-	/* Version 1, try v1.0 -> v1.2 */
+-	do {
+-		sb_offset = _v1_sb_offset(size, minor);
+-		if (_dev_has_md_magic(dev, sb_offset)) {
+-			ret = 1;
+-			goto out;
+-		}
+-	} while (++minor <= MD_MINOR_VERSION_MAX);
++	/*
++	 * md superblock version 1.0 at 8KB from end of device
++	 */
++	sb_offset = ((size - 8 * 2) & ~(4 * 2 - 1ULL)) << SECTOR_SHIFT;
++	if (_dev_has_md_magic(dev, sb_offset)) {
++		log_debug_devs("Found md magic number at offset %llu of %s.", (unsigned long long)sb_offset, dev_name(dev));
++		ret = 1;
++		goto out;
++	}
++	/*
++	 * md imsm superblock 1K from end of device
++	 */
++	if (_dev_has_imsm_magic(dev, size)) {
++		log_debug_devs("Found md imsm magic number at offset %llu of %s.", (unsigned long long)sb_offset, dev_name(dev));
++		sb_offset = 1024;
++		ret = 1;
++		goto out;
++	}
++	/*
++	 * md ddf superblock 512 bytes from end, or 128KB from end
++	 */
++	if (_dev_has_ddf_magic(dev, size, &sb_offset)) {
++		log_debug_devs("Found md ddf magic number at offset %llu of %s.", (unsigned long long)sb_offset, dev_name(dev));
++		ret = 1;
++		goto out;
++	}
+ 	ret = 0;
+ out:
+diff --git a/lib/device/dev-type.c b/lib/device/dev-type.c
+index deb5d6a..896821d 100644
+--- a/lib/device/dev-type.c
++++ b/lib/device/dev-type.c
+@@ -649,37 +649,23 @@ out:
+ int get_fs_block_size(struct device *dev, uint32_t *fs_block_size)
+ {
+-	blkid_probe probe = NULL;
+-	const char *block_size_str = NULL;
+-	uint64_t block_size_val;
+-	int r = 0;
++	char *block_size_str = NULL;
+-	*fs_block_size = 0;
+-	if (!(probe = blkid_new_probe_from_filename(dev_name(dev)))) {
+-		log_error("Failed to create a new blkid probe for device %s.", dev_name(dev));
+-		goto out;
++	if ((block_size_str = blkid_get_tag_value(NULL, "BLOCK_SIZE", dev_name(dev)))) {
++		*fs_block_size = (uint32_t)atoi(block_size_str);
++		free(block_size_str);
++		log_debug("Found blkid BLOCK_SIZE %u for fs on %s", *fs_block_size, dev_name(dev));
++		return 1;
++	} else {
++		log_debug("No blkid BLOCK_SIZE for fs on %s", dev_name(dev));
++		*fs_block_size = 0;
++		return 0;
+ 	}
+-	blkid_probe_enable_partitions(probe, 1);
+-	(void) blkid_probe_lookup_value(probe, "BLOCK_SIZE", &block_size_str, NULL);
+-	if (!block_size_str)
+-		goto out;
+-	block_size_val = strtoull(block_size_str, NULL, 10);
+-	*fs_block_size = (uint32_t)block_size_val;
+-	r = 1;
+-	if (probe)
+-		blkid_free_probe(probe);
+-	return r;
+ }
+ #else
+ int get_fs_block_size(struct device *dev, uint32_t *fs_block_size)
+ {
++	log_debug("Disabled blkid BLOCK_SIZE for fs.");
+ 	*fs_block_size = 0;
+ 	return 0;
+ }
+diff --git a/lib/label/hints.c b/lib/label/hints.c
+index 9546f48..efa02f7 100644
+--- a/lib/label/hints.c
++++ b/lib/label/hints.c
+@@ -801,10 +801,8 @@ static int _read_hint_file(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct dm_list *hints, int *
+ 	if (fclose(fp))
+ 		stack;
+-	if (!ret) {
+-		free_hints(hints);
++	if (!ret)
+ 		return 0;
+-	}
+ 	if (!found)
+ 		return 1;
+diff --git a/lib/metadata/cache_manip.c b/lib/metadata/cache_manip.c
+index 49b3850..a786e8b 100644
+--- a/lib/metadata/cache_manip.c
++++ b/lib/metadata/cache_manip.c
+@@ -1094,6 +1094,10 @@ int cache_vol_set_params(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+ 	if (!meta_size) {
+ 		meta_size = _cache_min_metadata_size(pool_lv->size, chunk_size);
++		/* fix bad value from _cache_min_metadata_size */
++		if (meta_size > (pool_lv->size / 2))
++			meta_size = pool_lv->size / 2;
+ 		if (meta_size < min_meta_size)
+ 			meta_size = min_meta_size;
+diff --git a/lib/metadata/integrity_manip.c b/lib/metadata/integrity_manip.c
+index 7942be0..3322a21 100644
+--- a/lib/metadata/integrity_manip.c
++++ b/lib/metadata/integrity_manip.c
+@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
+ #include "lib/metadata/segtype.h"
+ #include "lib/activate/activate.h"
+ #include "lib/config/defaults.h"
+-#include "lib/activate/dev_manager.h"
+ #define DEFAULT_TAG_SIZE 4 /* bytes */
+ #define DEFAULT_MODE 'J'
+@@ -29,6 +28,7 @@
+ #define DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE 512
+ #define ONE_MB_IN_BYTES 1048576
++#define ONE_GB_IN_BYTES 1073741824
+ int lv_is_integrity_origin(const struct logical_volume *lv)
+ {
+@@ -46,10 +46,35 @@ int lv_is_integrity_origin(const struct logical_volume *lv)
+ /*
+  * Every 500M of data needs 4M of metadata.
+  * (From trial and error testing.)
++ *
++ * plus some initial space for journals.
++ * (again from trial and error testing.)
+  */
+ static uint64_t _lv_size_bytes_to_integrity_meta_bytes(uint64_t lv_size_bytes)
+ {
+-	return ((lv_size_bytes / (500 * ONE_MB_IN_BYTES)) + 1) * (4 * ONE_MB_IN_BYTES);
++	uint64_t meta_bytes;
++	uint64_t initial_bytes;
++	/* Every 500M of data needs 4M of metadata. */
++	meta_bytes = ((lv_size_bytes / (500 * ONE_MB_IN_BYTES)) + 1) * (4 * ONE_MB_IN_BYTES);
++	/*
++	 * initial space used for journals
++	 * lv_size <= 512M -> 4M
++	 * lv_size <= 1G   -> 8M
++	 * lv_size <= 4G   -> 32M
++	 * lv_size > 4G    -> 64M
++	 */
++	if (lv_size_bytes <= (512 * ONE_MB_IN_BYTES))
++		initial_bytes = 4 * ONE_MB_IN_BYTES;
++	else if (lv_size_bytes <= ONE_GB_IN_BYTES)
++		initial_bytes = 8 * ONE_MB_IN_BYTES;
++	else if (lv_size_bytes <= (4ULL * ONE_GB_IN_BYTES))
++		initial_bytes = 32 * ONE_MB_IN_BYTES;
++	else if (lv_size_bytes > (4ULL * ONE_GB_IN_BYTES))
++		initial_bytes = 64 * ONE_MB_IN_BYTES;
++	return meta_bytes + initial_bytes;
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -278,7 +303,7 @@ int lv_remove_integrity_from_raid(struct logical_volume *lv)
+ 	return 1;
+ }
+-static int _set_integrity_block_size(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct logical_volume *lv,
++static int _set_integrity_block_size(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct logical_volume *lv, int is_active,
+ 				     struct integrity_settings *settings,
+ 				     int lbs_4k, int lbs_512, int pbs_4k, int pbs_512)
+ {
+@@ -375,7 +400,13 @@ static int _set_integrity_block_size(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct logical_vol
+ 		}
+ 		if (!settings->block_size) {
+-			if (fs_block_size <= 4096)
++			if (is_active && lbs_512) {
++				/* increasing the lbs from 512 to 4k under an active LV could cause problems
++				   for an application that expects a given io size/alignment is possible. */
++				settings->block_size = 512;
++				if (fs_block_size > 512)
++					log_print("Limiting integrity block size to 512 because the LV is active.");
++			} else if (fs_block_size <= 4096)
+ 				settings->block_size = fs_block_size;
+ 			else
+ 				settings->block_size = 4096; /* dm-integrity max is 4096 */
+@@ -587,13 +618,33 @@ int lv_add_integrity_to_raid(struct logical_volume *lv, struct integrity_setting
+ 		}
+ 	}
++	if (!is_active) {
++		/* checking block size of fs on the lv requires the lv to be active */
++		if (!activate_lv(cmd, lv)) {
++			log_error("Failed to activate LV to check block size %s", display_lvname(lv));
++			goto bad;
++		}
++		if (!sync_local_dev_names(cmd))
++			stack;
++	}
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Set settings->block_size which will be copied to segment settings below.
+ 	 * integrity block size chosen based on device logical block size and
+ 	 * file system block size.
+ 	 */
+-	if (!_set_integrity_block_size(cmd, lv, settings, lbs_4k, lbs_512, pbs_4k, pbs_512))
++	if (!_set_integrity_block_size(cmd, lv, is_active, settings, lbs_4k, lbs_512, pbs_4k, pbs_512)) {
++		if (!is_active && !deactivate_lv(cmd, lv))
++			stack;
+ 		goto_bad;
++	}
++	if (!is_active) {
++		if (!deactivate_lv(cmd, lv)) {
++			log_error("Failed to deactivate LV after checking block size %s", display_lvname(lv));
++			goto bad;
++		}
++	}
+ 	/*
+ 	 * For each rimage, move its segments to a new rimage_iorig and give
+diff --git a/lib/metadata/lv.c b/lib/metadata/lv.c
+index 4ee58b4..fac47e5 100644
+--- a/lib/metadata/lv.c
++++ b/lib/metadata/lv.c
+@@ -1412,6 +1412,9 @@ char *lv_attr_dup_with_info_and_seg_status(struct dm_pool *mem, const struct lv_
+ 	} else if (lvdm->seg_status.type == SEG_STATUS_THIN) {
+ 		if (lvdm->seg_status.thin->fail)
+ 			repstr[8] = 'F';
++	} else if (lvdm->seg_status.type == SEG_STATUS_WRITECACHE) {
++		if (lvdm->seg_status.writecache->error)
++			repstr[8] = 'E';
+ 	} else if (lvdm->seg_status.type == SEG_STATUS_UNKNOWN)
+ 		repstr[8] = 'X'; /* Unknown */
+diff --git a/lib/metadata/lv_manip.c b/lib/metadata/lv_manip.c
+index 1311f70..f0ba3f0 100644
+--- a/lib/metadata/lv_manip.c
++++ b/lib/metadata/lv_manip.c
+@@ -5066,6 +5066,7 @@ static int _lvresize_check(struct logical_volume *lv,
+ 			   struct lvresize_params *lp)
+ {
+ 	struct volume_group *vg = lv->vg;
++	struct lv_segment *seg = first_seg(lv);
+ 	if (lv_is_external_origin(lv)) {
+ 		/*
+@@ -5089,6 +5090,12 @@ static int _lvresize_check(struct logical_volume *lv,
+ 		return 0;
+ 	}
++	if (seg && (seg_is_raid4(seg) || seg_is_any_raid5(seg)) && seg->area_count < 3) {
++		log_error("Cannot resize %s LV %s. Convert to more stripes first.",
++			  lvseg_name(seg), display_lvname(lv));
++		return 0;
++	}
+ 	if (lv_is_raid(lv) &&
+ 	    lp->resize == LV_REDUCE) {
+ 		unsigned attrs;
+@@ -6568,7 +6575,20 @@ int lv_remove_single(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct logical_volume *lv,
+ 		}
+ 	}
+-	if (lv_is_used_cache_pool(lv) || lv_is_cache_vol(lv)) {
++	if (lv_is_cache_vol(lv)) {
++		if ((cache_seg = get_only_segment_using_this_lv(lv))) {
++			/* When used with cache, lvremove on cachevol also removes the cache! */
++		       	if (seg_is_cache(cache_seg)) {
++				if (!lv_cache_remove(cache_seg->lv))
++					return_0;
++			} else if (seg_is_writecache(cache_seg)) {
++				log_error("Detach cachevol before removing.");
++				return 0;
++			}
++		}
++	}
++	if (lv_is_used_cache_pool(lv)) {
+ 		/* Cache pool removal drops cache layer
+ 		 * If the cache pool is not linked, we can simply remove it. */
+ 		if (!(cache_seg = get_only_segment_using_this_lv(lv)))
+@@ -6832,7 +6852,7 @@ static int _lv_update_and_reload(struct logical_volume *lv, int origin_only)
+ 	}
+ 	if (!(origin_only ? suspend_lv_origin(vg->cmd, lock_lv) : suspend_lv(vg->cmd, lock_lv))) {
+-		log_error("Failed to lock logical volume %s.",
++		log_error("Failed to suspend logical volume %s.",
+ 			  display_lvname(lock_lv));
+ 		vg_revert(vg);
+ 	} else if (!(r = vg_commit(vg)))
+@@ -7556,20 +7576,22 @@ int wipe_lv(struct logical_volume *lv, struct wipe_params wp)
+ 	struct device *dev;
+ 	char name[PATH_MAX];
+ 	uint64_t zero_sectors;
++	int zero_metadata = wp.is_metadata ?
++		find_config_tree_bool(lv->vg->cmd, allocation_zero_metadata_CFG, NULL) : 0;
+-	if (!wp.do_zero && !wp.do_wipe_signatures)
++	if (!wp.do_zero && !wp.do_wipe_signatures && !wp.is_metadata)
+ 		/* nothing to do */
+ 		return 1;
+ 	if (!lv_is_active(lv)) {
+-		log_error("Volume \"%s/%s\" is not active locally (volume_list activation filter?).",
+-			  lv->vg->name, lv->name);
++		log_error("Volume %s is not active locally (volume_list activation filter?).",
++			  display_lvname(lv));
+ 		return 0;
+ 	}
+ 	/* Wait until devices are available */
+ 	if (!sync_local_dev_names(lv->vg->cmd)) {
+-		log_error("Failed to sync local devices before wiping LV %s.",
++		log_error("Failed to sync local devices before wiping volume %s.",
+ 			  display_lvname(lv));
+ 		return 0;
+ 	}
+@@ -7593,40 +7615,59 @@ int wipe_lv(struct logical_volume *lv, struct wipe_params wp)
+ 	}
+ 	if (!label_scan_open_rw(dev)) {
+-		log_error("Failed to open %s/%s for wiping and zeroing.", lv->vg->name, lv->name);
+-		goto out;
++		log_error("Failed to open %s for wiping and zeroing.", display_lvname(lv));
++		return 0;
+ 	}
+ 	if (wp.do_wipe_signatures) {
+-		log_verbose("Wiping known signatures on logical volume \"%s/%s\"",
+-			    lv->vg->name, lv->name);
++		log_verbose("Wiping known signatures on logical volume %s.",
++			    display_lvname(lv));
+ 		if (!wipe_known_signatures(lv->vg->cmd, dev, name, 0,
+-					   wp.yes, wp.force, NULL))
+-			stack;
++					   wp.yes, wp.force, NULL)) {
++			log_error("Filed to wipe signatures of logical volume %s.",
++				  display_lvname(lv));
++			return 0;
++		}
+ 	}
+-	if (wp.do_zero) {
+-		zero_sectors = wp.zero_sectors ? : UINT64_C(4096) >> SECTOR_SHIFT;
+-		if (zero_sectors > lv->size)
++	if (wp.do_zero || wp.is_metadata) {
++		zero_metadata = !wp.is_metadata ? 0 :
++			find_config_tree_bool(lv->vg->cmd, allocation_zero_metadata_CFG, NULL);
++		if (zero_metadata) {
++			log_debug("Metadata logical volume %s will be fully zeroed.",
++				  display_lvname(lv));
+ 			zero_sectors = lv->size;
++		} else {
++			if (wp.is_metadata) /* Verbosely notify metadata will not be fully zeroed */
++				log_verbose("Metadata logical volume %s not fully zeroed and may contain stale data.",
++					    display_lvname(lv));
++			zero_sectors = UINT64_C(4096) >> SECTOR_SHIFT;
++			if (wp.zero_sectors > zero_sectors)
++				zero_sectors = wp.zero_sectors;
+-		log_verbose("Initializing %s of logical volume \"%s/%s\" with value %d.",
+-			    display_size(lv->vg->cmd, zero_sectors),
+-			    lv->vg->name, lv->name, wp.zero_value);
++			if (zero_sectors > lv->size)
++				zero_sectors = lv->size;
++		}
+-		if (!wp.zero_value) {
+-			if (!dev_write_zeros(dev, UINT64_C(0), (size_t) zero_sectors << SECTOR_SHIFT))
+-				stack;
+-		} else {
+-			if (!dev_set_bytes(dev, UINT64_C(0), (size_t) zero_sectors << SECTOR_SHIFT, (uint8_t)wp.zero_value))
+-				stack;
++		log_verbose("Initializing %s of logical volume %s with value %d.",
++			    display_size(lv->vg->cmd, zero_sectors),
++			    display_lvname(lv), wp.zero_value);
++		if ((!wp.is_metadata &&
++		     wp.zero_value && !dev_set_bytes(dev, UINT64_C(0),
++						     (size_t) zero_sectors << SECTOR_SHIFT,
++						     (uint8_t)wp.zero_value)) ||
++		    !dev_write_zeros(dev, UINT64_C(0), (size_t) zero_sectors << SECTOR_SHIFT)) {
++			log_error("Failed to initialize %s of logical volume %s with value %d.",
++				  display_size(lv->vg->cmd, zero_sectors),
++				  display_lvname(lv), wp.zero_value);
++			return 0;
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	label_scan_invalidate(dev);
+ 	lv->status &= ~LV_NOSCAN;
+ 	return 1;
+@@ -7690,12 +7731,10 @@ int activate_and_wipe_lvlist(struct dm_list *lv_list, int commit)
+ 		}
+ 	dm_list_iterate_items(lvl, lv_list) {
+-		log_verbose("Wiping metadata area %s.", display_lvname(lvl->lv));
+ 		/* Wipe any know signatures */
+-		if (!wipe_lv(lvl->lv, (struct wipe_params) { .do_wipe_signatures = 1, .do_zero = 1, .zero_sectors = 1 })) {
+-			log_error("Failed to wipe %s.", display_lvname(lvl->lv));
++		if (!wipe_lv(lvl->lv, (struct wipe_params) { .do_zero = 1 /* TODO: is_metadata = 1 */ })) {
+ 			r = 0;
+-			goto out;
++			goto_out;
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ out:
+@@ -8440,7 +8479,8 @@ static struct logical_volume *_lv_create_an_lv(struct volume_group *vg,
+ 				     .do_zero = lp->zero,
+ 				     .do_wipe_signatures = lp->wipe_signatures,
+ 				     .yes = lp->yes,
+-				     .force = lp->force
++				     .force = lp->force,
++				     .is_metadata = lp->is_metadata,
+ 			     })) {
+ 			log_error("Aborting. Failed to wipe %s.", lp->snapshot
+ 				  ? "snapshot exception store" : "start of new LV");
+diff --git a/lib/metadata/merge.c b/lib/metadata/merge.c
+index ecd55ef..1d47449 100644
+--- a/lib/metadata/merge.c
++++ b/lib/metadata/merge.c
+@@ -441,7 +441,8 @@ static void _check_lv_segment(struct logical_volume *lv, struct lv_segment *seg,
+ 		if (seg_is_mirror(seg)) {
+ 			if (!seg->region_size)
+ 				seg_error("region size is zero");
+-			else if (seg->region_size > seg->lv->size)
++			/* Avoid regionsize check in case of 'mirrored' mirror log or larger than mlog regionsize will fail */
++			else if (!strstr(seg->lv->name, "_mlog") && (seg->region_size > seg->lv->size))
+ 				seg_error("region size is bigger then LV itself");
+ 			else if (!is_power_of_2(seg->region_size))
+ 				seg_error("region size is non power of 2");
+diff --git a/lib/metadata/metadata-exported.h b/lib/metadata/metadata-exported.h
+index 083f74a..06ea757 100644
+--- a/lib/metadata/metadata-exported.h
++++ b/lib/metadata/metadata-exported.h
+@@ -89,8 +89,7 @@
+ #define PARTIAL_LV		UINT64_C(0x0000000001000000)	/* LV - derived flag, not
+ 							   written out in metadata*/
+-//#define POSTORDER_FLAG	UINT64_C(0x0000000002000000) /* Not real flags, reserved for
+-//#define POSTORDER_OPEN_FLAG	UINT64_C(0x0000000004000000)    temporary use inside vg_read_internal. */
++#define WRITECACHE_ORIGIN	UINT64_C(0x0000000002000000)
+ #define INTEGRITY_METADATA	UINT64_C(0x0000000004000000)    /* LV - Internal use only */
+ #define VIRTUAL_ORIGIN		UINT64_C(0x0000000008000000)	/* LV - internal use only */
+@@ -804,6 +803,7 @@ struct wipe_params {
+ 	int do_wipe_signatures;	/* should we wipe known signatures found on LV? */
+ 	int yes;		/* answer yes automatically to all questions */
+ 	force_t force;		/* force mode */
++	int is_metadata;	/* wipe volume is metadata LV */
+ };
+ /* Zero out LV and/or wipe signatures */
+@@ -955,6 +955,8 @@ struct lvcreate_params {
+ 	int thin_chunk_size_calc_policy;
+ 	unsigned suppress_zero_warn : 1;
+ 	unsigned needs_lockd_init : 1;
++	unsigned ignore_type : 1;
++	unsigned is_metadata : 1; /* created LV will be used as metadata LV (and can be zeroed) */
+ 	const char *vg_name; /* only-used when VG is not yet opened (in /tools) */
+ 	const char *lv_name; /* all */
+@@ -1097,6 +1099,7 @@ int lv_is_cow(const struct logical_volume *lv);
+ int lv_is_cache_origin(const struct logical_volume *lv);
+ int lv_is_writecache_origin(const struct logical_volume *lv);
+ int lv_is_writecache_cachevol(const struct logical_volume *lv);
++int writecache_settings_to_str_list(struct writecache_settings *settings, struct dm_list *result, struct dm_pool *mem);
+ int lv_is_integrity_origin(const struct logical_volume *lv);
+diff --git a/lib/metadata/metadata.c b/lib/metadata/metadata.c
+index 4b8dce9..c0d4206 100644
+--- a/lib/metadata/metadata.c
++++ b/lib/metadata/metadata.c
+@@ -4875,8 +4875,10 @@ static struct volume_group *_vg_read(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+ 		}
+ 	}
+-	if (found_old_metadata)
++	if (found_old_metadata) {
+ 		log_warn("WARNING: Inconsistent metadata found for VG %s.", vgname);
++		log_warn("See vgck --updatemetadata to correct inconsistency.");
++	}
+ 	vg = NULL;
+diff --git a/lib/metadata/pool_manip.c b/lib/metadata/pool_manip.c
+index bed51f1..23b5b63 100644
+--- a/lib/metadata/pool_manip.c
++++ b/lib/metadata/pool_manip.c
+@@ -545,8 +545,8 @@ int create_pool(struct logical_volume *pool_lv,
+ 				  display_lvname(pool_lv));
+ 			goto bad;
+ 		}
+-		/* Clear 4KB of pool metadata device. */
+-		if (!(r = wipe_lv(pool_lv, (struct wipe_params) { .do_zero = 1 }))) {
++		/* Clear pool metadata device. */
++		if (!(r = wipe_lv(pool_lv, (struct wipe_params) { .is_metadata = 1 }))) {
+ 			log_error("Aborting. Failed to wipe pool metadata %s.",
+ 				  display_lvname(pool_lv));
+ 		}
+@@ -627,6 +627,7 @@ struct logical_volume *alloc_pool_metadata(struct logical_volume *pool_lv,
+ 		.tags = DM_LIST_HEAD_INIT(lvc.tags),
+ 		.temporary = 1,
+ 		.zero = 1,
++		.is_metadata = 1,
+ 	};
+ 	if (!(lvc.segtype = get_segtype_from_string(pool_lv->vg->cmd, SEG_TYPE_NAME_STRIPED)))
+@@ -663,6 +664,7 @@ static struct logical_volume *_alloc_pool_metadata_spare(struct volume_group *vg
+ 		.tags = DM_LIST_HEAD_INIT(lp.tags),
+ 		.temporary = 1,
+ 		.zero = 1,
++		.is_metadata = 1,
+ 	};
+ 	if (!(lp.segtype = get_segtype_from_string(vg->cmd, SEG_TYPE_NAME_STRIPED)))
+diff --git a/lib/metadata/raid_manip.c b/lib/metadata/raid_manip.c
+index 3b3e1d3..1ff2a0c 100644
+--- a/lib/metadata/raid_manip.c
++++ b/lib/metadata/raid_manip.c
+@@ -3229,6 +3229,11 @@ int lv_raid_change_image_count(struct logical_volume *lv, int yes, uint32_t new_
+ 	const char *level = seg->area_count == 1 ? "raid1 with " : "";
+ 	const char *resil = new_count < seg->area_count ? "reducing" : "enhancing";
++	if (new_count == seg->area_count) {
++		log_warn("Type %s LV %s already has %u images.", lvseg_name(seg), display_lvname(lv), new_count);
++		return 1;
++	}
+ 	/* LV must be active to perform raid conversion operations */
+ 	if (!lv_is_active(lv)) {
+ 		log_error("%s must be active to perform this operation.",
+diff --git a/lib/metadata/snapshot_manip.c b/lib/metadata/snapshot_manip.c
+index 3faea0e..0f48e62 100644
+--- a/lib/metadata/snapshot_manip.c
++++ b/lib/metadata/snapshot_manip.c
+@@ -389,8 +389,6 @@ int validate_snapshot_origin(const struct logical_volume *origin_lv)
+ 		err = "raid subvolumes";
+ 	} else if (lv_is_raid(origin_lv) && lv_raid_has_integrity((struct logical_volume *)origin_lv)) {
+ 		err = "raid with integrity";
+-	} else if (lv_is_writecache(origin_lv)) {
+-		err = "writecache";
+ 	}
+ 	if (err) {
+diff --git a/lib/metadata/writecache_manip.c b/lib/metadata/writecache_manip.c
+index 31d069e..fade82e 100644
+--- a/lib/metadata/writecache_manip.c
++++ b/lib/metadata/writecache_manip.c
+@@ -21,11 +21,21 @@
+ #include "lib/metadata/segtype.h"
+ #include "lib/activate/activate.h"
+ #include "lib/config/defaults.h"
++#include "lib/datastruct/str_list.h"
+ int lv_is_writecache_origin(const struct logical_volume *lv)
+ {
+ 	struct lv_segment *seg;
++	/*
++	 * This flag is needed when removing writecache from an origin
++	 * in which case the lv connections have been destroyed and
++	 * identifying a writecache origin by these connections doesn't
++	 * work.
++	 */
++	if (lv->status & WRITECACHE_ORIGIN)
++		return 1;
+ 	/* Make sure there's exactly one segment in segs_using_this_lv! */
+ 	if (dm_list_empty(&lv->segs_using_this_lv) ||
+ 	    (dm_list_size(&lv->segs_using_this_lv) > 1))
+@@ -48,46 +58,6 @@ int lv_is_writecache_cachevol(const struct logical_volume *lv)
+ 	return 0;
+ }
+-static int _lv_writecache_detach(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct logical_volume *lv,
+-				 struct logical_volume *lv_fast)
+-	struct lv_segment *seg = first_seg(lv);
+-	struct logical_volume *origin;
+-	if (!seg_is_writecache(seg)) {
+-		log_error("LV %s segment is not writecache.", display_lvname(lv));
+-		return 0;
+-	}
+-	if (!seg->writecache) {
+-		log_error("LV %s writecache segment has no writecache.", display_lvname(lv));
+-		return 0;
+-	}
+-	if (!(origin = seg_lv(seg, 0))) {
+-		log_error("LV %s writecache segment has no origin", display_lvname(lv));
+-		return 0;
+-	}
+-	if (!remove_seg_from_segs_using_this_lv(seg->writecache, seg))
+-		return_0;
+-	lv_set_visible(seg->writecache);
+-	lv->status &= ~WRITECACHE;
+-	seg->writecache = NULL;
+-	lv_fast->status &= ~LV_CACHE_VOL;
+-	if (!remove_layer_from_lv(lv, origin))
+-		return_0;
+-	if (!lv_remove(origin))
+-		return_0;
+-	return 1;
+ static int _get_writecache_kernel_error(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+ 					struct logical_volume *lv,
+ 					uint32_t *kernel_error)
+@@ -131,13 +101,64 @@ fail:
+ 	return 0;
+ }
+-int lv_detach_writecache_cachevol(struct logical_volume *lv, int noflush)
++static void _rename_detached_cvol(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct logical_volume *lv_fast)
++	struct volume_group *vg = lv_fast->vg;
++	char cvol_name[NAME_LEN];
++	char *suffix, *cvol_name_dup;
++	/*
++	 * Rename lv_fast back to its original name, without the _cvol
++	 * suffix that was added when lv_fast was attached for caching.
++	 * If the name is in use, generate new lvol%d.
++	 * Failing to rename is not really a problem, so we intentionally
++	 * do not consider some things here as errors.
++	 */
++	if (!dm_strncpy(cvol_name, lv_fast->name, sizeof(cvol_name)) ||
++	    !(suffix  = strstr(cvol_name, "_cvol"))) {
++		log_debug("LV %s has no suffix for cachevol (skipping rename).",
++			display_lvname(lv_fast));
++		return;
++	}
++	*suffix = 0;
++	if (lv_name_is_used_in_vg(vg, cvol_name, NULL) &&
++	    !generate_lv_name(vg, "lvol%d", cvol_name, sizeof(cvol_name))) {
++		log_warn("Failed to generate new unique name for unused LV %s", lv_fast->name);
++		return;
++	}
++	if (!(cvol_name_dup = dm_pool_strdup(vg->vgmem, cvol_name))) {
++		stack;
++		return;
++	}
++	lv_fast->name = cvol_name_dup;
++static int _lv_detach_writecache_cachevol_inactive(struct logical_volume *lv, int noflush)
+ {
+ 	struct cmd_context *cmd = lv->vg->cmd;
++	struct volume_group *vg = lv->vg;
+ 	struct logical_volume *lv_fast;
++	struct logical_volume *lv_wcorig;
++	struct lv_segment *seg = first_seg(lv);
+ 	uint32_t kernel_error = 0;
+-	lv_fast = first_seg(lv)->writecache;
++	if (!seg_is_writecache(seg)) {
++		log_error("LV %s segment is not writecache.", display_lvname(lv));
++		return 0;
++	}
++	if (!(lv_fast = seg->writecache)) {
++		log_error("LV %s writecache segment has no writecache.", display_lvname(lv));
++		return 0;
++	}
++	if (!(lv_wcorig = seg_lv(seg, 0))) {
++		log_error("LV %s writecache segment has no origin", display_lvname(lv));
++		return 0;
++	}
+ 	if (noflush)
+ 		goto detach;
+@@ -157,6 +178,8 @@ int lv_detach_writecache_cachevol(struct logical_volume *lv, int noflush)
+ 	if (!sync_local_dev_names(cmd)) {
+ 		log_error("Failed to sync local devices before detaching writecache.");
++		if (!deactivate_lv(cmd, lv))
++			log_error("Failed to deactivate %s.", display_lvname(lv));
+ 		return 0;
+ 	}
+@@ -176,7 +199,8 @@ int lv_detach_writecache_cachevol(struct logical_volume *lv, int noflush)
+ 	if (kernel_error) {
+ 		log_error("Failed to flush writecache (error %u) for %s.", kernel_error, display_lvname(lv));
+-		deactivate_lv(cmd, lv);
++		if (!deactivate_lv(cmd, lv))
++			log_error("Failed to deactivate %s.", display_lvname(lv));
+ 		return 0;
+ 	}
+@@ -188,11 +212,262 @@ int lv_detach_writecache_cachevol(struct logical_volume *lv, int noflush)
+ 	lv->status &= ~LV_TEMPORARY;
+  detach:
+-	if (!_lv_writecache_detach(cmd, lv, lv_fast)) {
+-		log_error("Failed to detach writecache from %s", display_lvname(lv));
++	if (!remove_seg_from_segs_using_this_lv(lv_fast, seg))
++		return_0;
++	lv->status &= ~WRITECACHE;
++	seg->writecache = NULL;
++	if (!remove_layer_from_lv(lv, lv_wcorig))
++		return_0;
++	if (!lv_remove(lv_wcorig))
++		return_0;
++	lv_set_visible(lv_fast);
++	lv_fast->status &= ~LV_CACHE_VOL;
++	_rename_detached_cvol(cmd, lv_fast);
++	if (!vg_write(vg) || !vg_commit(vg))
++		return_0;
++	return 1;
++static int _lv_detach_writecache_cachevol_active(struct logical_volume *lv, int noflush)
++	struct cmd_context *cmd = lv->vg->cmd;
++	struct volume_group *vg = lv->vg;
++	struct logical_volume *lv_fast;
++	struct logical_volume *lv_wcorig;
++	struct logical_volume *lv_old;
++	struct lv_segment *seg = first_seg(lv);
++	uint32_t kernel_error = 0;
++	if (!seg_is_writecache(seg)) {
++		log_error("LV %s segment is not writecache.", display_lvname(lv));
++		return 0;
++	}
++	if (!(lv_fast = seg->writecache)) {
++		log_error("LV %s writecache segment has no writecache.", display_lvname(lv));
+ 		return 0;
+ 	}
++	if (!(lv_wcorig = seg_lv(seg, 0))) {
++		log_error("LV %s writecache segment has no origin", display_lvname(lv));
++		return 0;
++	}
++	if (noflush)
++		goto detach;
++	if (!lv_writecache_message(lv, "flush_on_suspend")) {
++		log_error("Failed to set flush_on_suspend in writecache detach %s.", display_lvname(lv));
++		return 0;
++	}
++ detach:
++	if (!remove_seg_from_segs_using_this_lv(lv_fast, seg)) {
++		log_error("Failed to remove seg in writecache detach.");
++		return 0;
++	}
++	lv->status &= ~WRITECACHE;
++	seg->writecache = NULL;
++	if (!remove_layer_from_lv(lv, lv_wcorig)) {
++		log_error("Failed to remove lv layer in writecache detach.");
++		return 0;
++	}
++	/*
++	 * vg_write(), suspend_lv(), vg_commit(), resume_lv().
++	 * usually done by lv_update_and_reload for an active lv,
++	 * but in this case we need to check for writecache errors
++	 * after suspend.
++	 */
++	if (!vg_write(vg)) {
++		log_error("Failed to write VG in writecache detach.");
++		return 0;
++	}
++	/*
++	 * The version of LV before removal of writecache.  When need to
++	 * check for kernel errors based on the old version of LV which
++	 * is still present in the kernel.
++	 */
++	if (!(lv_old = (struct logical_volume *)lv_committed(lv))) {
++		log_error("Failed to get lv_committed in writecache detach.");
++		return 0;
++	}
++	/*
++	 * suspend does not use 'lv' as we know it here, but grabs the
++	 * old (precommitted) version of 'lv' using lv_committed(),
++	 * which is from vg->vg_comitted.
++	 */
++	log_debug("Suspending writecache to detach %s", display_lvname(lv));
++	if (!suspend_lv(cmd, lv)) {
++		log_error("Failed to suspend LV in writecache detach.");
++		vg_revert(vg);
++		return 0;
++	}
++	log_debug("Checking writecache errors to detach.");
++	if (!_get_writecache_kernel_error(cmd, lv_old, &kernel_error)) {
++		log_error("Failed to get writecache error status for %s.", display_lvname(lv_old));
++		return 0;
++	}
++	if (kernel_error) {
++		log_error("Failed to flush writecache (error %u) for %s.", kernel_error, display_lvname(lv));
++		return 0;
++	}
++	if (!vg_commit(vg)) {
++		log_error("Failed to commit VG in writecache detach.");
++		return 0;
++	}
++	/*
++	 * Since vg_commit has happened, vg->vg_committed is now the
++	 * newest copy of lv, so resume uses the 'lv' that we know
++	 * here.
++	 */
++	log_debug("Resuming after writecache detached %s", display_lvname(lv));
++	if (!resume_lv(cmd, lv)) {
++		log_error("Failed to resume LV in writecache detach.");
++		return 0;
++	}
++	log_debug("Deactivating previous cachevol %s", display_lvname(lv_fast));
++	if (!deactivate_lv(cmd, lv_fast))
++		log_error("Failed to deactivate previous cachevol in writecache detach.");
++	/*
++	 * Needed for lv_is_writecache_origin to know lv_wcorig was
++	 * a writecache origin, which is needed so that the -real
++	 * dm uuid suffix is applied, which is needed for deactivate to
++	 * work. This is a hacky roundabout way of setting the -real
++	 * uuid suffix (it would be nice to have a deactivate command
++	 * that accepts a dm uuid.)
++	 */
++	lv_wcorig->status |= WRITECACHE_ORIGIN;
++	log_debug("Deactivating previous wcorig %s", display_lvname(lv_wcorig));
++	if (!lv_deactivate(cmd, NULL, lv_wcorig))
++		log_error("Failed to deactivate previous wcorig LV in writecache detach.");
++	log_debug("Removing previous wcorig %s", display_lvname(lv_wcorig));
++	if (!lv_remove(lv_wcorig)) {
++		log_error("Failed to remove previous wcorig LV in writecache detach.");
++		return 0;
++	}
++	lv_set_visible(lv_fast);
++	lv_fast->status &= ~LV_CACHE_VOL;
++	_rename_detached_cvol(cmd, lv_fast);
++	if (!vg_write(vg) || !vg_commit(vg)) {
++		log_error("Failed to write and commit VG in writecache detach.");
++		return 0;
++	}
++	return 1;
++int lv_detach_writecache_cachevol(struct logical_volume *lv, int noflush)
++	if (lv_is_active(lv))
++		return _lv_detach_writecache_cachevol_active(lv, noflush);
++	else
++		return _lv_detach_writecache_cachevol_inactive(lv, noflush);
++static int _writecache_setting_str_list_add(const char *field, uint64_t val, char *val_str, struct dm_list *result, struct dm_pool *mem)
++	char buf[128];
++	char *list_item;
++	int len;
++	if (val_str) {
++		if (dm_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s=%s", field, val_str) < 0)
++			return_0;
++	} else {
++		if (dm_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s=%llu", field, (unsigned long long)val) < 0)
++			return_0;
++	}
++	len = strlen(buf) + 1;
++	if (!(list_item = dm_pool_zalloc(mem, len)))
++		return_0;
++	memcpy(list_item, buf, len);
++	if (!str_list_add_no_dup_check(mem, result, list_item))
++		return_0;
++	return 1;
++int writecache_settings_to_str_list(struct writecache_settings *settings, struct dm_list *result, struct dm_pool *mem)
++	int errors = 0;
++	if (settings->high_watermark_set)
++		if (!_writecache_setting_str_list_add("high_watermark", settings->high_watermark, NULL, result, mem))
++			errors++;
++	if (settings->low_watermark_set)
++		if (!_writecache_setting_str_list_add("low_watermark", settings->low_watermark, NULL, result, mem))
++			errors++;
++	if (settings->writeback_jobs_set)
++		if (!_writecache_setting_str_list_add("writeback_jobs", settings->writeback_jobs, NULL, result, mem))
++			errors++;
++	if (settings->autocommit_blocks_set)
++		if (!_writecache_setting_str_list_add("autocommit_blocks", settings->autocommit_blocks, NULL, result, mem))
++			errors++;
++	if (settings->autocommit_time_set)
++		if (!_writecache_setting_str_list_add("autocommit_time", settings->autocommit_time, NULL, result, mem))
++			errors++;
++	if (settings->fua_set)
++		if (!_writecache_setting_str_list_add("fua", (uint64_t)settings->fua, NULL, result, mem))
++			errors++;
++	if (settings->nofua_set)
++		if (!_writecache_setting_str_list_add("nofua", (uint64_t)settings->nofua, NULL, result, mem))
++			errors++;
++	if (settings->cleaner_set && settings->cleaner)
++		if (!_writecache_setting_str_list_add("cleaner", (uint64_t)settings->cleaner, NULL, result, mem))
++			errors++;
++	if (settings->max_age_set)
++		if (!_writecache_setting_str_list_add("max_age", (uint64_t)settings->max_age, NULL, result, mem))
++			errors++;
++	if (settings->new_key && settings->new_val)
++		if (!_writecache_setting_str_list_add(settings->new_key, 0, settings->new_val, result, mem))
++			errors++;
++	if (errors)
++		log_warn("Failed to create list of writecache settings.");
+ 	return 1;
+ }
+diff --git a/lib/report/report.c b/lib/report/report.c
+index 170df69..979cbee 100644
+--- a/lib/report/report.c
++++ b/lib/report/report.c
+@@ -1430,6 +1430,16 @@ static int _cache_settings_disp(struct dm_report *rh, struct dm_pool *mem,
+ 	struct _str_list_append_baton baton;
+ 	struct dm_list dummy_list; /* dummy list to display "nothing" */
++	if (seg_is_writecache(seg)) {
++		if (!(result = str_list_create(mem)))
++			return_0;
++		if (!writecache_settings_to_str_list((struct writecache_settings *)&seg->writecache_settings, result, mem))
++			return_0;
++		return _field_set_string_list(rh, field, result, private, 0, NULL);
++	}
+ 	if (seg_is_cache(seg) && lv_is_cache_vol(seg->pool_lv))
+ 		setting_seg = seg;
+@@ -3802,6 +3812,12 @@ static int _lvhealthstatus_disp(struct dm_report *rh, struct dm_pool *mem,
+ 			health = "failed";
+ 		else if (lvdm->seg_status.cache->read_only)
+ 			health = "metadata_read_only";
++	} else if (lv_is_writecache(lv) && (lvdm->seg_status.type != SEG_STATUS_NONE)) {
++		if (lvdm->seg_status.type != SEG_STATUS_WRITECACHE)
++			return _field_set_value(field, GET_FIRST_RESERVED_NAME(health_undef),
++						GET_FIELD_RESERVED_VALUE(health_undef));
++		if (lvdm->seg_status.writecache->error)
++			health = "error";
+ 	} else if (lv_is_thin_pool(lv) && (lvdm->seg_status.type != SEG_STATUS_NONE)) {
+ 		if (lvdm->seg_status.type != SEG_STATUS_THIN_POOL)
+ 			return _field_set_value(field, GET_FIRST_RESERVED_NAME(health_undef),
+@@ -3945,7 +3961,7 @@ static int _vdo_ ## vdo_field_name ## _disp (struct dm_report *rh, struct dm_poo
+ 	if (!seg_is_vdo_pool(seg)) \
+ 		return _field_set_value(field, "", &GET_TYPE_RESERVED_VALUE(num_undef_64)); \
+ \
+-	size = seg->vdo_params.vdo_field_name ## _mb * (1024 * 1024 >> SECTOR_SHIFT); \
++	size = seg->vdo_params.vdo_field_name ## _mb * (UINT64_C(1024) * 1024 >> SECTOR_SHIFT); \
+ \
+ 	return _size64_disp(rh, mem, field, &size, private);\
+ }
+diff --git a/lib/writecache/writecache.c b/lib/writecache/writecache.c
+index 130922a..c7aea28 100644
+--- a/lib/writecache/writecache.c
++++ b/lib/writecache/writecache.c
+@@ -26,6 +26,9 @@
+ #include "lib/metadata/lv_alloc.h"
+ #include "lib/config/defaults.h"
++static int _writecache_cleaner_supported;
++static int _writecache_max_age_supported;
+ #define SEG_LOG_ERROR(t, p...) \
+         log_error(t " segment %s of logical volume %s.", ## p,	\
+                   dm_config_parent_name(sn), seg->lv->name), 0;
+@@ -120,6 +123,18 @@ static int _writecache_text_import(struct lv_segment *seg,
+ 		seg->writecache_settings.nofua_set = 1;
+ 	}
++	if (dm_config_has_node(sn, "cleaner")) {
++		if (!dm_config_get_uint32(sn, "cleaner", &seg->writecache_settings.cleaner))
++			return SEG_LOG_ERROR("Unknown writecache_setting in");
++		seg->writecache_settings.cleaner_set = 1;
++	}
++	if (dm_config_has_node(sn, "max_age")) {
++		if (!dm_config_get_uint32(sn, "max_age", &seg->writecache_settings.max_age))
++			return SEG_LOG_ERROR("Unknown writecache_setting in");
++		seg->writecache_settings.max_age_set = 1;
++	}
+ 	if (dm_config_has_node(sn, "writecache_setting_key")) {
+ 		const char *key;
+ 		const char *val;
+@@ -184,6 +199,14 @@ static int _writecache_text_export(const struct lv_segment *seg,
+ 	        outf(f, "nofua = %u", seg->writecache_settings.nofua);
+ 	}
++	if (seg->writecache_settings.cleaner_set && seg->writecache_settings.cleaner) {
++	        outf(f, "cleaner = %u", seg->writecache_settings.cleaner);
++	}
++	if (seg->writecache_settings.max_age_set) {
++	        outf(f, "max_age = %u", seg->writecache_settings.max_age);
++	}
+ 	if (seg->writecache_settings.new_key && seg->writecache_settings.new_val) {
+ 	        outf(f, "writecache_setting_key = \"%s\"",
+ 	                seg->writecache_settings.new_key);
+@@ -208,6 +231,7 @@ static int _target_present(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+ {
+ 	static int _writecache_checked = 0;
+ 	static int _writecache_present = 0;
++	uint32_t maj, min, patchlevel;
+ 	if (!activation())
+ 		return 0;
+@@ -215,6 +239,19 @@ static int _target_present(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+ 	if (!_writecache_checked) {
+ 		_writecache_checked = 1;
+ 		_writecache_present =  target_present(cmd, TARGET_NAME_WRITECACHE, 1);
++		if (!target_version(TARGET_NAME_WRITECACHE, &maj, &min, &patchlevel))
++			return_0;
++		if (maj < 1) {
++			log_error("writecache target version older than minimum 1.0.0");
++			return 0;
++		}
++		if (min >= 2) {
++			_writecache_cleaner_supported = 1;
++			_writecache_max_age_supported = 1;
++		}
+ 	}
+ 	return _writecache_present;
+@@ -257,6 +294,18 @@ static int _writecache_add_target_line(struct dev_manager *dm,
+ 		return 0;
+ 	}
++	if (!_writecache_cleaner_supported && seg->writecache_settings.cleaner_set && seg->writecache_settings.cleaner) {
++		log_warn("WARNING: ignoring writecache setting \"cleaner\" which is not supported by kernel for LV %s.", seg->lv->name);
++		seg->writecache_settings.cleaner = 0;
++		seg->writecache_settings.cleaner_set = 0;
++	}
++	if (!_writecache_max_age_supported && seg->writecache_settings.max_age_set) {
++		log_warn("WARNING: ignoring writecache setting \"max_age\" which is not supported by kernel for LV %s.", seg->lv->name);
++		seg->writecache_settings.max_age = 0;
++		seg->writecache_settings.max_age_set = 0;
++	}
+ 	if ((pmem = lv_on_pmem(seg->writecache)) < 0)
+ 		return_0;
+diff --git a/man/lvconvert.8_pregen b/man/lvconvert.8_pregen
+index 7440984..b3902a5 100644
+--- a/man/lvconvert.8_pregen
++++ b/man/lvconvert.8_pregen
+@@ -23,6 +23,10 @@ lvconvert - Change logical volume layout
+ .ad b
+ .br
+ .ad l
++    \fB--cachedevice\fP \fIPV\fP
++.ad b
++.ad l
+     \fB--cachemetadataformat\fP \fBauto\fP|\fB1\fP|\fB2\fP
+ .ad b
+ .br
+@@ -43,6 +47,10 @@ lvconvert - Change logical volume layout
+ .ad b
+ .br
+ .ad l
++    \fB--cachesize\fP \fISize\fP[m|UNIT]
++.ad b
++.ad l
+     \fB--cachevol\fP \fILV\fP
+ .ad b
+ .br
+@@ -738,6 +746,44 @@ Attach a cache to an LV, converts the LV to type cache.
+ .br
+ -
++Add a writecache to an LV, using a specified cache device.
++\fBlvconvert\fP \fB--type\fP \fBwritecache\fP \fB--cachedevice\fP \fIPV\fP \fILV\fP\fI_linear_striped_raid\fP
++.RS 4
++.ad l
++[    \fB--cachesize\fP \fISize\fP[m|UNIT] ]
++.ad b
++.ad l
++[    \fB--cachesettings\fP \fIString\fP ]
++.ad b
++Add a cache to an LV, using a specified cache device.
++\fBlvconvert\fP \fB--type\fP \fBcache\fP \fB--cachedevice\fP \fIPV\fP \fILV\fP\fI_linear_striped_thinpool_raid\fP
++.RS 4
++.ad l
++[    \fB--cachesize\fP \fISize\fP[m|UNIT] ]
++.ad b
++.ad l
++[    \fB--cachesettings\fP \fIString\fP ]
++.ad b
+ Convert LV to type thin-pool.
+ .br
+ .P
+@@ -1135,6 +1181,12 @@ See \fBlvmcache\fP(7) for more information about LVM caching.
+ .ad b
+ .HP
+ .ad l
++\fB--cachedevice\fP \fIPV\fP
++The name of a device to use for a cache.
++.ad b
++.ad l
+ \fB--cachemetadataformat\fP \fBauto\fP|\fB1\fP|\fB2\fP
+ .br
+ Specifies the cache metadata format used by cache target.
+@@ -1182,6 +1234,12 @@ See \fBlvmcache\fP(7) for more information.
+ .ad b
+ .HP
+ .ad l
++\fB--cachesize\fP \fISize\fP[m|UNIT]
++The size of cache to use.
++.ad b
++.ad l
+ \fB--cachevol\fP \fILV\fP
+ .br
+ The name of a cache volume.
+diff --git a/man/lvcreate.8_pregen b/man/lvcreate.8_pregen
+index be8e783..ee69034 100644
+--- a/man/lvcreate.8_pregen
++++ b/man/lvcreate.8_pregen
+@@ -31,6 +31,10 @@ lvcreate - Create a logical volume
+ .ad b
+ .br
+ .ad l
++    \fB--cachedevice\fP \fIPV\fP
++.ad b
++.ad l
+     \fB--cachemetadataformat\fP \fBauto\fP|\fB1\fP|\fB2\fP
+ .ad b
+ .br
+@@ -51,6 +55,14 @@ lvcreate - Create a logical volume
+ .ad b
+ .br
+ .ad l
++    \fB--cachesize\fP \fISize\fP[m|UNIT]
++.ad b
++.ad l
++    \fB--cachevol\fP \fILV\fP
++.ad b
++.ad l
+  \fB-c\fP|\fB--chunksize\fP \fISize\fP[k|UNIT]
+ .ad b
+ .br
+@@ -816,11 +828,9 @@ where the new thin pool is named by the --thinpool arg.
+ .RE
+ -
+-Create a cache LV, first creating a new origin LV, 
++Create a new LV, then attach the specified cachepool 
+ .br
+-then combining it with the existing cache pool named 
+-by the --cachepool arg.
++which converts the new LV to type cache.
+ .br
+ .P
+ \fBlvcreate\fP \fB--type\fP \fBcache\fP \fB-L\fP|\fB--size\fP \fISize\fP[m|UNIT]
+@@ -881,6 +891,190 @@ by the --cachepool arg.
+ .RE
+ -
++Create a new LV, then attach the specified cachevol 
++which converts the new LV to type cache.
++\fBlvcreate\fP \fB--type\fP \fBcache\fP \fB-L\fP|\fB--size\fP \fISize\fP[m|UNIT]
++.RS 5
++ \fB--cachevol\fP \fILV\fP \fIVG\fP
++.RS 4
++.ad l
++[ \fB-l\fP|\fB--extents\fP \fINumber\fP[PERCENT] ]
++.ad b
++.ad l
++[ \fB-c\fP|\fB--chunksize\fP \fISize\fP[k|UNIT] ]
++.ad b
++.ad l
++[ \fB-i\fP|\fB--stripes\fP \fINumber\fP ]
++.ad b
++.ad l
++[ \fB-I\fP|\fB--stripesize\fP \fISize\fP[k|UNIT] ]
++.ad b
++.ad l
++[    \fB--cachemode\fP \fBwritethrough\fP|\fBwriteback\fP|\fBpassthrough\fP ]
++.ad b
++.ad l
++[    \fB--cachepolicy\fP \fIString\fP ]
++.ad b
++.ad l
++[    \fB--cachesettings\fP \fIString\fP ]
++.ad b
++.ad l
++[    \fB--cachemetadataformat\fP \fBauto\fP|\fB1\fP|\fB2\fP ]
++.ad b
++.RS 4
++[ \fIPV\fP ... ]
++Create a new LV, then attach a cachevol created from 
++the specified cache device, which converts the 
++new LV to type cache.
++\fBlvcreate\fP \fB--type\fP \fBcache\fP \fB-L\fP|\fB--size\fP \fISize\fP[m|UNIT]
++.RS 5
++ \fB--cachedevice\fP \fIPV\fP \fIVG\fP
++.RS 4
++.ad l
++[ \fB-l\fP|\fB--extents\fP \fINumber\fP[PERCENT] ]
++.ad b
++.ad l
++[ \fB-c\fP|\fB--chunksize\fP \fISize\fP[k|UNIT] ]
++.ad b
++.ad l
++[ \fB-i\fP|\fB--stripes\fP \fINumber\fP ]
++.ad b
++.ad l
++[ \fB-I\fP|\fB--stripesize\fP \fISize\fP[k|UNIT] ]
++.ad b
++.ad l
++[    \fB--cachemode\fP \fBwritethrough\fP|\fBwriteback\fP|\fBpassthrough\fP ]
++.ad b
++.ad l
++[    \fB--cachepolicy\fP \fIString\fP ]
++.ad b
++.ad l
++[    \fB--cachesettings\fP \fIString\fP ]
++.ad b
++.ad l
++[    \fB--cachemetadataformat\fP \fBauto\fP|\fB1\fP|\fB2\fP ]
++.ad b
++.ad l
++[    \fB--cachesize\fP \fISize\fP[m|UNIT] ]
++.ad b
++.RS 4
++[ \fIPV\fP ... ]
++Create a new LV, then attach the specified cachevol 
++which converts the new LV to type writecache.
++\fBlvcreate\fP \fB--type\fP \fBwritecache\fP \fB-L\fP|\fB--size\fP \fISize\fP[m|UNIT]
++.RS 5
++ \fB--cachevol\fP \fILV\fP \fIVG\fP
++.RS 4
++.ad l
++[ \fB-l\fP|\fB--extents\fP \fINumber\fP[PERCENT] ]
++.ad b
++.ad l
++[ \fB-i\fP|\fB--stripes\fP \fINumber\fP ]
++.ad b
++.ad l
++[ \fB-I\fP|\fB--stripesize\fP \fISize\fP[k|UNIT] ]
++.ad b
++.ad l
++[    \fB--cachesettings\fP \fIString\fP ]
++.ad b
++.RS 4
++[ \fIPV\fP ... ]
++Create a new LV, then attach a cachevol created from 
++the specified cache device, which converts the 
++new LV to type writecache.
++\fBlvcreate\fP \fB--type\fP \fBwritecache\fP \fB-L\fP|\fB--size\fP \fISize\fP[m|UNIT]
++.RS 5
++ \fB--cachedevice\fP \fIPV\fP \fIVG\fP
++.RS 4
++.ad l
++[ \fB-l\fP|\fB--extents\fP \fINumber\fP[PERCENT] ]
++.ad b
++.ad l
++[ \fB-i\fP|\fB--stripes\fP \fINumber\fP ]
++.ad b
++.ad l
++[ \fB-I\fP|\fB--stripesize\fP \fISize\fP[k|UNIT] ]
++.ad b
++.ad l
++[    \fB--cachesize\fP \fISize\fP[m|UNIT] ]
++.ad b
++.ad l
++[    \fB--cachesettings\fP \fIString\fP ]
++.ad b
++.RS 4
++[ \fIPV\fP ... ]
+ Common options for command:
+ .
+ .RS 4
+@@ -1091,6 +1285,12 @@ See \fBlvmcache\fP(7) for more information about LVM caching.
+ .ad b
+ .HP
+ .ad l
++\fB--cachedevice\fP \fIPV\fP
++The name of a device to use for a cache.
++.ad b
++.ad l
+ \fB--cachemetadataformat\fP \fBauto\fP|\fB1\fP|\fB2\fP
+ .br
+ Specifies the cache metadata format used by cache target.
+@@ -1138,6 +1338,18 @@ See \fBlvmcache\fP(7) for more information.
+ .ad b
+ .HP
+ .ad l
++\fB--cachesize\fP \fISize\fP[m|UNIT]
++The size of cache to use.
++.ad b
++.ad l
++\fB--cachevol\fP \fILV\fP
++The name of a cache volume.
++.ad b
++.ad l
+ \fB-c\fP|\fB--chunksize\fP \fISize\fP[k|UNIT]
+ .br
+ The size of chunks in a snapshot, cache pool or thin pool.
+@@ -2659,11 +2871,11 @@ config setting sparse_segtype_default.
+ .RE
+ -
+-Create a cache LV, first creating a new origin LV, 
++Create a new LV, then attach the specified cachepool 
+ .br
+-then combining it with the existing cache pool named 
++which converts the new LV to type cache 
+ .br
+-by the --cachepool arg (variant, infers --type cache).
++(variant, infers --type cache.)
+ .br
+ .P
+ \fBlvcreate\fP \fB-L\fP|\fB--size\fP \fISize\fP[m|UNIT] \fB--cachepool\fP \fILV\fP\fI_cachepool\fP \fIVG\fP
+@@ -2717,11 +2929,11 @@ by the --cachepool arg (variant, infers --type cache).
+ .RE
+ -
+-Create a cache LV, first creating a new origin LV, 
++Create a new LV, then attach the specified cachepool 
+ .br
+-then combining it with the existing cache pool named 
++which converts the new LV to type cache. 
+ .br
+-in the first arg (variant, also use --cachepool).
++(variant, also use --cachepool).
+ .br
+ .P
+ \fBlvcreate\fP \fB--type\fP \fBcache\fP \fB-L\fP|\fB--size\fP \fISize\fP[m|UNIT] \fILV\fP\fI_cachepool\fP
+@@ -2779,19 +2991,15 @@ in the first arg (variant, also use --cachepool).
+ .RE
+ -
+-When LV is a cache pool, create a cache LV, 
+-first creating a new origin LV, then combining it with 
+-the existing cache pool named in the first arg 
++When the LV arg is a cachepool, then create a new LV and 
+ .br
+-(variant, infers --type cache, also use --cachepool). 
++attach the cachepool arg to it. 
+ .br
+-When LV is not a cache pool, convert the specified LV 
++(variant, use --type cache and --cachepool.) 
+ .br
+-to type cache after creating a new cache pool LV to use 
++When the LV arg is not a cachepool, then create a new cachepool 
+ .br
+-(use lvconvert).
++and attach it to the LV arg (alternative, use lvconvert.)
+ .br
+ .P
+ \fBlvcreate\fP \fB-H\fP|\fB--cache\fP \fB-L\fP|\fB--size\fP \fISize\fP[m|UNIT] \fILV\fP
+diff --git a/man/lvmcache.7_main b/man/lvmcache.7_main
+index 425904e..37d0e33 100644
+--- a/man/lvmcache.7_main
++++ b/man/lvmcache.7_main
+@@ -34,8 +34,6 @@ LVM refers to this using the LV type \fBwritecache\fP.
+-Both kinds of caching use similar lvm commands:
+ .B 1. Identify main LV that needs caching
+ The main LV may already exist, and is located on larger, slower devices.
+@@ -131,8 +129,35 @@ attached.
+   LV   VG Attr       Type   Devices    
+   fast vg -wi------- linear /dev/fast_ssd
+   main vg -wi------- linear /dev/slow_hhd
++To stop caching the main LV and also remove unneeded cache pool,
++use the --uncache:
++  $ lvconvert --uncache vg/main
++  $ lvs -a
++  LV   VG Attr       Type   Devices
++  main vg -wi------- linear /dev/slow_hhd
+ .fi
++.SS Create a new LV with caching.
++A new LV can be created with caching attached at the time of creation
++using the following command:
++$ lvcreate --type cache|writecache -n Name -L Size
++	--cachedevice /dev/fast_ssd vg /dev/slow_hhd
++The main LV is created with the specified Name and Size from the slow_hhd.
++A hidden fast LV is created on the fast_ssd and is then attached to the
++new main LV.  If the fast_ssd is unused, the entire disk will be used as
++the cache unless the --cachesize option is used to specify a size for the
++fast LV.  The --cachedevice option can be repeated to use multiple disks
++for the fast LV.
+@@ -156,12 +181,26 @@ same fast LV.  This option can be used with dm-writecache or dm-cache.
+ Pass this option a cachepool LV or a standard LV.  When using a cache
+ pool, lvm places cache data and cache metadata on different LVs.  The two
+-LVs together are called a cache pool.  This permits specific placement of
+-data and metadata.  A cache pool is represented as a special type of LV
++LVs together are called a cache pool.  This has a bit better performance
++for dm-cache and permits specific placement and segment type selection
++for data and metadata volumes.
++A cache pool is represented as a special type of LV
+ that cannot be used directly.  If a standard LV is passed with this
+ option, lvm will first convert it to a cache pool by combining it with
+ another LV to use for metadata.  This option can be used with dm-cache.
++.B --cachedevice
++.I PV
++This option can be used in place of --cachevol, in which case a cachevol
++LV will be created using the specified device.  This option can be
++repeated to create a cachevol using multiple devices, or a tag name can be
++specified in which case the cachevol will be created using any of the
++devices with the given tag.  If a named cache device is unused, the entire
++device will be used to create the cachevol.  To create a cachevol of a
++specific size from the cache devices, include the --cachesize option.
+ \&
+ .SS dm-cache block size
+@@ -335,11 +374,16 @@ $ lvconvert --type cache --cachevol fast \\
+ The size of data blocks managed by dm-cache can be specified with the
+ --chunksize option when caching is started.  The default unit is KiB.  The
+-value must be a multiple of 32KiB between 32KiB and 1GiB.
++value must be a multiple of 32KiB between 32KiB and 1GiB. Cache chunks
++bigger then 512KiB shall be only used when necessary.
+ Using a chunk size that is too large can result in wasteful use of the
+ cache, in which small reads and writes cause large sections of an LV to be
+-stored in the cache.  However, choosing a chunk size that is too small
++stored in the cache. It can also require increasing migration threshold
++which defaults to 2048 sectors (1 MiB). Lvm2 ensures migration threshold is
++at least 8 chunks in size. This may in some cases result in very
++high bandwidth load of transfering data between the cache LV and its
++cache origin LV. However, choosing a chunk size that is too small
+ can result in more overhead trying to manage the numerous chunks that
+ become mapped into the cache.  Overhead can include both excessive CPU
+ time searching for chunks, and excessive memory tracking chunks.
+@@ -357,6 +401,35 @@ The default value is shown by:
+ .br
+ .B lvmconfig --type default allocation/cache_pool_chunk_size
++Checking migration threshold (in sectors) of running cached LV:
++.B lvs -o+kernel_cache_settings VG/LV
++.SS dm-cache migration threshold
++Migrating data between the origin and cache LV uses bandwidth.
++The user can set a throttle to prevent more than a certain amount of
++migration occurring at any one time.  Currently dm-cache is not taking any
++account of normal io traffic going to the devices.
++User can set migration threshold via cache policy settings as
++"migration_threshold=<#sectors>" to set the maximum number
++of sectors being migrated, the default being 2048 sectors (1MiB).
++Command to set migration threshold to 2MiB (4096 sectors):
++.B lvcreate --cachepolicy 'migration_threshold=4096' VG/LV
++Command to display the migration threshold:
++.B lvs -o+kernel_cache_settings,cache_settings VG/LV
++.B lvs -o+chunksize VG/LV
+ .SS dm-cache cache policy
+diff --git a/man/lvs.8_end b/man/lvs.8_end
+index 6efc9cb..5a4ecc8 100644
+--- a/man/lvs.8_end
++++ b/man/lvs.8_end
+@@ -74,5 +74,9 @@ Related to Thin Logical Volumes: (F)ailed.
+ .br
+ (F)ailed is set when related thin pool enters Failed state and no further I/O
+ is permitted at all.
++Related to writecache logical volumes: (E)rror.
++(E)rror is set dm-writecache reports an error.
+ .IP 10 3
+ s(k)ip activation: this volume is flagged to be skipped during activation.
+diff --git a/man/lvs.8_pregen b/man/lvs.8_pregen
+index 8c3091d..8aea356 100644
+--- a/man/lvs.8_pregen
++++ b/man/lvs.8_pregen
+@@ -577,6 +577,10 @@ Related to Thin Logical Volumes: (F)ailed.
+ .br
+ (F)ailed is set when related thin pool enters Failed state and no further I/O
+ is permitted at all.
++Related to writecache logical volumes: (E)rror.
++(E)rror is set dm-writecache reports an error.
+ .IP 10 3
+ s(k)ip activation: this volume is flagged to be skipped during activation.
+diff --git a/man/vgck.8_pregen b/man/vgck.8_pregen
+index a66de5d..2a1ec23 100644
+--- a/man/vgck.8_pregen
++++ b/man/vgck.8_pregen
+@@ -199,6 +199,15 @@ back metadata it believes has changed but hasn't.
+ \fB--updatemetadata\fP
+ .br
+ Update VG metadata to correct problems.
++If VG metadata was updated while a PV was missing, and the PV
++reappears with an old version of metadata, then this option
++(or any other command that writes metadata) will update the
++metadata on the previously missing PV. If a PV was removed
++from a VG while it was missing, and the PV reappears, using
++this option will clear the outdated metadata from the previously
++missing PV. If metadata text is damaged on one PV, using this
++option will replace the damaged metadata text. For more severe
++damage, e.g. with headers, see \fBpvck\fP(8).
+ .ad b
+ .HP
+ .ad l
+diff --git a/scripts/blkdeactivate.sh.in b/scripts/blkdeactivate.sh.in
+index 57b3e58..7c517b8 100644
+--- a/scripts/blkdeactivate.sh.in
++++ b/scripts/blkdeactivate.sh.in
+@@ -330,6 +330,12 @@ deactivate_vdo() {
+         test -b "$DEV_DIR/mapper/$xname" || return 0
+         test -z "${SKIP_DEVICE_LIST["$kname"]}" || return 1
++	# Skip VDO device deactivation if VDO tools missing.
++	test "$VDO_AVAILABLE" -eq 0 && {
++		add_device_to_skip_list
++		return 1
++	}
+         deactivate_holders "$DEV_DIR/mapper/$xname" || return 1
+         echo -n "  [VDO]: deactivating VDO volume $xname... "
+diff --git a/test/dbus/lvmdbustest.py b/test/dbus/lvmdbustest.py
+index b2986bf..473bb94 100755
+--- a/test/dbus/lvmdbustest.py
++++ b/test/dbus/lvmdbustest.py
+@@ -1558,6 +1558,36 @@ class TestDbusService(unittest.TestCase):
+ 			cached_lv.Lv.Rename(dbus.String(new_name), dbus.Int32(g_tmo), EOD))
+ 		verify_cache_lv_count()
++	def test_writecache_lv(self):
++		vg = self._vg_create().Vg
++		data_lv = self._create_lv(size=mib(16), vg=vg)
++		cache_lv = self._create_lv(size=mib(16), vg=vg)
++		# both LVs need to be inactive
++		self.handle_return(data_lv.Lv.Deactivate(
++			dbus.UInt64(0), dbus.Int32(g_tmo), EOD))
++		data_lv.update()
++		self.handle_return(cache_lv.Lv.Deactivate(
++			dbus.UInt64(0), dbus.Int32(g_tmo), EOD))
++		cache_lv.update()
++		cached_lv_path = self.handle_return(
++			cache_lv.Lv.WriteCacheLv(
++				dbus.ObjectPath(data_lv.object_path),
++				dbus.Int32(g_tmo),
++				EOD))
++		cached_lv = ClientProxy(self.bus, cached_lv_path, interfaces=intf)
++		self.assertEqual(cached_lv.LvCommon.SegType, ["writecache"])
++		uncached_lv_path = self.handle_return(
++				cached_lv.CachedLv.DetachCachePool(
++					dbus.Boolean(True),
++					dbus.Int32(g_tmo),
++					EOD))
++		self.assertTrue('/com/redhat/lvmdbus1/Lv' in uncached_lv_path)
+ 	def test_vg_change(self):
+ 		vg_proxy = self._vg_create()
+diff --git a/test/lib/aux.sh b/test/lib/aux.sh
+index e40da95..17e7935 100644
+--- a/test/lib/aux.sh
++++ b/test/lib/aux.sh
+@@ -1234,6 +1234,7 @@ activation/verify_udev_operations = $LVM_VERIFY_UDEV
+ activation/raid_region_size = 512
+ allocation/wipe_signatures_when_zeroing_new_lvs = 0
+ allocation/vdo_slab_size_mb = 128
++allocation/zero_metadata = 0
+ backup/archive = 0
+ backup/backup = 0
+ devices/cache_dir = "$TESTDIR/etc"
+diff --git a/test/shell/cachevol-cachedevice.sh b/test/shell/cachevol-cachedevice.sh
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..3831ee9
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/test/shell/cachevol-cachedevice.sh
+@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
++#!/usr/bin/env bash
++# Copyright (C) 2018 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
++# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
++# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions
++# of the GNU General Public License v.2.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
++# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++. lib/inittest
++aux have_cache 1 10 0 || skip
++aux have_writecache 1 0 0 || skip
++aux prepare_devs 4 64
++vgcreate $SHARED $vg "$dev1" "$dev2"
++## cache
++# use existing cachevol
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l8 -an $vg "$dev1"
++lvcreate --type cache -n $lv2 -L40M --cachevol $lv1 -y $vg "$dev2"
++check lv_field $vg/$lv2 segtype cache
++check lv_field $vg/${lv1}_cvol segtype linear -a
++lvremove -y $vg/$lv2
++# use entire cachedevice for cachevol
++lvcreate --type cache -n $lv2 -L40M --cachedevice "$dev1" -y $vg "$dev2"
++check lv_field $vg/$lv2 segtype cache
++check lv_field $vg/${lv2}_cache_cvol segtype linear -a
++lvremove -y $vg/$lv2
++# use part of cachedevice for cachevol
++lvcreate --type cache -n $lv2 -L20M --cachedevice "$dev1" --cachesize 16M -y $vg "$dev2"
++check lv_field $vg/$lv2 segtype cache
++check lv_field $vg/${lv2}_cache_cvol segtype linear -a
++lvcreate --type cache -n $lv3 -L20M --cachedevice "$dev1" --cachesize 16M -y $vg "$dev2"
++check lv_field $vg/$lv3 segtype cache
++check lv_field $vg/${lv3}_cache_cvol segtype linear -a
++lvremove -y $vg/$lv2
++lvremove -y $vg/$lv3
++## writecache
++# use existing cachevol
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l8 -an $vg "$dev1"
++lvcreate --type writecache -n $lv2 -L40M --cachevol $lv1 -y $vg "$dev2"
++check lv_field $vg/$lv2 segtype writecache
++check lv_field $vg/${lv1}_cvol segtype linear -a
++lvremove -y $vg/$lv2
++# use entire cachedevice for cachevol
++lvcreate --type writecache -n $lv2 -L40M --cachedevice "$dev1" -y $vg "$dev2"
++check lv_field $vg/$lv2 segtype writecache
++check lv_field $vg/${lv2}_cache_cvol segtype linear -a
++lvremove -y $vg/$lv2
++# use part of cachedevice for cachevol
++lvcreate --type writecache -n $lv2 -L20M --cachedevice "$dev1" --cachesize 16M -y $vg "$dev2"
++check lv_field $vg/$lv2 segtype writecache
++check lv_field $vg/${lv2}_cache_cvol segtype linear -a
++lvcreate --type writecache -n $lv3 -L20M --cachedevice "$dev1" --cachesize 16M -y $vg "$dev2"
++check lv_field $vg/$lv3 segtype writecache
++check lv_field $vg/${lv3}_cache_cvol segtype linear -a
++lvremove -y $vg/$lv2
++lvremove -y $vg/$lv3
++## multiple cachedevs
++vgextend $vg "$dev3" "$dev4"
++lvcreate --type writecache -n $lv2 -L100M --cachedevice "$dev1" --cachedevice "$dev3" -y $vg "$dev2" "$dev4"
++check lv_field $vg/${lv2}_cache_cvol lv_size "120.00m"
++lvremove -y $vg/$lv2
++lvcreate --type writecache -n $lv2 -L100M --cachedevice "$dev1" --cachedevice "$dev3" --cachesize 80M -y $vg "$dev2" "$dev4"
++check lv_field $vg/${lv2}_cache_cvol lv_size "80.00m"
++lvremove -y $vg/$lv2
++pvchange --addtag slow "$dev2"
++pvchange --addtag slow "$dev4"
++pvchange --addtag fast "$dev1"
++pvchange --addtag fast "$dev3"
++lvcreate --type writecache -n $lv2 -L100M --cachedevice @fast --cachesize 80M -y $vg @slow
++check lv_field $vg/${lv2}_cache_cvol lv_size "80.00m"
++lvremove -y $vg/$lv2
++lvcreate --type cache -n $lv2 -L100M --cachedevice @fast --cachesize 80M -y $vg @slow
++check lv_field $vg/${lv2}_cache_cvol lv_size "80.00m"
++lvremove -y $vg/$lv2
++## error cases
++# cachevol doesn't exist
++not lvcreate --type cache -n $lv2 -l8 --cachevol asdf -y $vg "$dev2"
++not lvs $vg/$lv1
++not lvs $vg/$lv2
++# cachedevice doesn't exist
++not lvcreate --type cache -n $lv2 -l8 --cachedevice asdf -y $vg "$dev2"
++not lvs $vg/$lv1
++not lvs $vg/$lv2
++# cachevol doesn't exist
++not lvcreate --type writecache -n $lv2 -l8 --cachevol asdf -y $vg "$dev2"
++not lvs $vg/$lv1
++not lvs $vg/$lv2
++# cachedevice doesn't exist
++not lvcreate --type writecache -n $lv2 -l8 --cachedevice asdf -y $vg "$dev2"
++not lvs $vg/$lv1
++not lvs $vg/$lv2
++# when cachedevice is already being used, cachesize is required to use a part of it
++lvcreate -n asdf -l1 $vg "$dev1"
++not lvcreate --type writecache -n $lv2 -l8 --cachedevice "$dev1" -y $vg "$dev2"
++not lvcreate --type writecache -n $lv2 -l8 --cachedevice "$dev1" --cachedevice "$dev3" -y $vg "$dev2"
++not lvs $vg/$lv1
++not lvs $vg/$lv2
++lvcreate --type writecache -n $lv2 -l8 --cachedevice "$dev1" --cachesize 8M -y $vg "$dev2"
++lvs $vg/$lv2
++check lv_field $vg/${lv2}_cache_cvol lv_size "8.00m"
++lvremove -y $vg/$lv2
++vgremove -ff $vg
++# lvconvert single step cachevol creation and attachment
++# . cache and writecache
++# . one or two cachedevices
++# . with or without --cachesize
++# . using tags for devices
++vgcreate $SHARED $vg "$dev1" "$dev2" "$dev3" "$dev4"
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l8 -an $vg "$dev1"
++lvconvert -y --type cache --cachedevice "$dev2" $vg/$lv1
++check lv_field $vg/$lv1 segtype cache
++check lv_field $vg/${lv1}_cache_cvol segtype linear -a
++check lv_field $vg/${lv1}_cache_cvol lv_size "60.00m"
++lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l8 -an $vg "$dev1"
++lvconvert -y --type cache --cachedevice "$dev2" --cachedevice "$dev3" $vg/$lv1
++check lv_field $vg/$lv1 segtype cache
++check lv_field $vg/${lv1}_cache_cvol lv_size "120.00m"
++lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l8 -an $vg "$dev1"
++lvconvert -y --type cache --cachedevice "$dev2" --cachedevice "$dev3" --cachesize 8M $vg/$lv1
++check lv_field $vg/$lv1 segtype cache
++check lv_field $vg/${lv1}_cache_cvol lv_size "8.00m"
++lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l8 -an $vg "$dev1"
++lvconvert -y --type writecache --cachedevice "$dev2" $vg/$lv1
++check lv_field $vg/$lv1 segtype writecache
++check lv_field $vg/${lv1}_cache_cvol lv_size "60.00m"
++lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l8 -an $vg "$dev1"
++lvconvert -y --type writecache --cachedevice "$dev2" --cachedevice "$dev3" $vg/$lv1
++check lv_field $vg/$lv1 segtype writecache
++check lv_field $vg/${lv1}_cache_cvol lv_size "120.00m"
++lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l8 -an $vg "$dev1"
++lvconvert -y --type writecache --cachedevice "$dev2" --cachedevice "$dev3" --cachesize 8M $vg/$lv1
++check lv_field $vg/$lv1 segtype writecache
++check lv_field $vg/${lv1}_cache_cvol lv_size "8.00m"
++lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++pvchange --addtag slow "$dev1"
++pvchange --addtag fast "$dev2"
++pvchange --addtag fast "$dev3"
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l8 -an $vg @slow
++lvconvert -y --type cache --cachedevice @fast --cachesize 8M $vg/$lv1
++check lv_field $vg/$lv1 segtype cache
++check lv_field $vg/${lv1}_cache_cvol lv_size "8.00m"
++lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l8 -an $vg @slow
++lvconvert -y --type writecache --cachedevice @fast --cachesize 8M $vg/$lv1
++check lv_field $vg/$lv1 segtype writecache
++check lv_field $vg/${lv1}_cache_cvol lv_size "8.00m"
++lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++# if the cache name is used generate a new name
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l8 -an $vg @slow
++lvcreate -n ${lv1}_cache -l1 -an $vg @slow
++lvconvert -y --type writecache --cachedevice @fast --cachesize 8M $vg/$lv1
++check lv_field $vg/$lv1 segtype writecache
++check lv_field $vg/${lv1}_cache0_cvol lv_size "8.00m"
++lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++vgremove -ff $vg
+diff --git a/test/shell/integrity-blocksize-2.sh b/test/shell/integrity-blocksize-2.sh
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..5e0fd9a
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/test/shell/integrity-blocksize-2.sh
+@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
++#!/usr/bin/env bash
++# Copyright (C) 2018 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
++# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
++# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions
++# of the GNU General Public License v.2.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
++# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++. lib/inittest
++aux have_integrity 1 5 0 || skip
++mkdir -p $mnt
++_sync_percent() {
++        local checklv=$1
++        get lv_field "$checklv" sync_percent | cut -d. -f1
++_wait_recalc() {
++        local checklv=$1
++        for i in $(seq 1 10) ; do
++                sync=$(_sync_percent "$checklv")
++                echo "sync_percent is $sync"
++                if test "$sync" = "100"; then
++                        return
++                fi
++                sleep 1
++        done
++        # TODO: There is some strange bug, first leg of RAID with integrity
++        # enabled never gets in sync. I saw this in BB, but not when executing
++        # the commands manually
++        if test -z "$sync"; then
++                echo "TEST WARNING: Resync of dm-integrity device '$checklv' failed"
++                dmsetup status "$DM_DEV_DIR/mapper/${checklv/\//-}"
++                exit
++        fi
++        echo "timeout waiting for recalc"
++        return 1
++# prepare_devs uses ramdisk backing which has 512 LBS and 4K PBS
++# This should cause mkfs.xfs to use 4K sector size,
++# and integrity to use 4K block size
++aux prepare_devs 2 64
++vgcreate $vg "$dev1" "$dev2"
++blockdev --getss "$dev1"
++blockdev --getpbsz "$dev1"
++blockdev --getss "$dev2"
++blockdev --getpbsz "$dev2"
++# add integrity while LV is inactive
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
++mkfs.xfs -f "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
++echo "hello world" > $mnt/hello
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg
++lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg/$lv1
++lvchange -ay $vg
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg
++mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
++cat $mnt/hello
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++# add integrity while LV is active, fs unmounted
++# lvconvert will use ribs 512 to avoid increasing LBS from 512 to 4k on active LV
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
++mkfs.xfs -f "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
++echo "hello world" > $mnt/hello
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg
++lvchange -ay $vg
++lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg/$lv1
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg
++mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
++cat $mnt/hello | grep "hello world"
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++# add integrity while LV is active, fs mounted
++# lvconvert will use ribs 512 to avoid increasing LBS from 512 to 4k on active LV
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
++mkfs.xfs -f "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
++echo "hello world" > $mnt/hello
++lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg/$lv1
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg
++cat $mnt/hello | grep "hello world"
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
++mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
++cat $mnt/hello | grep "hello world"
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++vgremove -ff $vg
+diff --git a/test/shell/integrity-blocksize-3.sh b/test/shell/integrity-blocksize-3.sh
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..4aea972
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/test/shell/integrity-blocksize-3.sh
+@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
++#!/usr/bin/env bash
++# Copyright (C) 2018 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
++# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
++# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions
++# of the GNU General Public License v.2.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
++# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++. lib/inittest
++aux have_integrity 1 5 0 || skip
++mkdir -p $mnt
++_sync_percent() {
++        local checklv=$1
++        get lv_field "$checklv" sync_percent | cut -d. -f1
++_wait_recalc() {
++        local checklv=$1
++        for i in $(seq 1 10) ; do
++                sync=$(_sync_percent "$checklv")
++                echo "sync_percent is $sync"
++                if test "$sync" = "100"; then
++                        return
++                fi
++                sleep 1
++        done
++        # TODO: There is some strange bug, first leg of RAID with integrity
++        # enabled never gets in sync. I saw this in BB, but not when executing
++        # the commands manually
++        if test -z "$sync"; then
++                echo "TEST WARNING: Resync of dm-integrity device '$checklv' failed"
++                dmsetup status "$DM_DEV_DIR/mapper/${checklv/\//-}"
++                exit
++        fi
++        echo "timeout waiting for recalc"
++        return 1
++# scsi_debug devices with 512 LBS 512 PBS
++aux prepare_scsi_debug_dev 256
++check sysfs "$(< SCSI_DEBUG_DEV)" queue/logical_block_size "512"
++check sysfs "$(< SCSI_DEBUG_DEV)" queue/physical_block_size "512"
++aux prepare_devs 2 64
++vgcreate $vg "$dev1" "$dev2"
++blockdev --getss "$dev1"
++blockdev --getpbsz "$dev1"
++blockdev --getss "$dev2"
++blockdev --getpbsz "$dev2"
++# add integrity while LV is inactive
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
++mkfs.xfs -f "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
++echo "hello world" > $mnt/hello
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg
++lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg/$lv1
++lvchange -ay $vg
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg
++mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
++cat $mnt/hello
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++# add integrity while LV is active, fs unmounted
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
++mkfs.xfs -f "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
++echo "hello world" > $mnt/hello
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg
++lvchange -ay $vg
++lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg/$lv1
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg
++mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
++cat $mnt/hello | grep "hello world"
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++# add integrity while LV is active, fs mounted
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
++mkfs.xfs -f "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
++echo "hello world" > $mnt/hello
++lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg/$lv1
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg
++cat $mnt/hello | grep "hello world"
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
++mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
++cat $mnt/hello | grep "hello world"
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++vgremove -ff $vg
++aux cleanup_scsi_debug_dev
++sleep 1
++# scsi_debug devices with 4K LBS and 4K PBS
++aux prepare_scsi_debug_dev 256 sector_size=4096
++check sysfs "$(< SCSI_DEBUG_DEV)" queue/logical_block_size "4096"
++check sysfs "$(< SCSI_DEBUG_DEV)" queue/physical_block_size "4096"
++aux prepare_devs 2 64
++vgcreate $vg "$dev1" "$dev2"
++blockdev --getss "$dev1"
++blockdev --getpbsz "$dev1"
++blockdev --getss "$dev2"
++blockdev --getpbsz "$dev2"
++# add integrity while LV is inactive
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
++mkfs.xfs -f "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
++echo "hello world" > $mnt/hello
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg
++lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg/$lv1
++lvchange -ay $vg
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg
++mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
++cat $mnt/hello
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++# add integrity while LV is active, fs unmounted
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
++mkfs.xfs -f "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
++echo "hello world" > $mnt/hello
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg
++lvchange -ay $vg
++lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg/$lv1
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg
++mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
++cat $mnt/hello | grep "hello world"
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++# add integrity while LV is active, fs mounted
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
++mkfs.xfs -f "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
++echo "hello world" > $mnt/hello
++lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg/$lv1
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg
++cat $mnt/hello | grep "hello world"
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
++mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
++cat $mnt/hello | grep "hello world"
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++vgremove -ff $vg
++aux cleanup_scsi_debug_dev
++sleep 1
++# scsi_debug devices with 512 LBS and 4K PBS
++aux prepare_scsi_debug_dev 256 sector_size=512 physblk_exp=3
++check sysfs "$(< SCSI_DEBUG_DEV)" queue/logical_block_size "512"
++check sysfs "$(< SCSI_DEBUG_DEV)" queue/physical_block_size "4096"
++aux prepare_devs 2 64
++vgcreate $vg "$dev1" "$dev2"
++blockdev --getss "$dev1"
++blockdev --getpbsz "$dev1"
++blockdev --getss "$dev2"
++blockdev --getpbsz "$dev2"
++# add integrity while LV is inactive
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
++mkfs.xfs -f "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
++echo "hello world" > $mnt/hello
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg
++lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg/$lv1
++lvchange -ay $vg
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg
++mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
++cat $mnt/hello
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++# add integrity while LV is active, fs unmounted
++# lvconvert will use ribs 512 to avoid increasing LBS from 512 to 4k on active LV
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
++mkfs.xfs -f "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
++echo "hello world" > $mnt/hello
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg
++lvchange -ay $vg
++lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg/$lv1
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg
++mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
++cat $mnt/hello | grep "hello world"
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++# add integrity while LV is active, fs mounted
++# lvconvert will use ribs 512 to avoid increasing LBS from 512 to 4k on active LV
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
++mkfs.xfs -f "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
++echo "hello world" > $mnt/hello
++lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg/$lv1
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg
++cat $mnt/hello | grep "hello world"
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
++mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
++cat $mnt/hello | grep "hello world"
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++vgremove -ff $vg
++aux cleanup_scsi_debug_dev
++sleep 1
+diff --git a/test/shell/integrity-blocksize.sh b/test/shell/integrity-blocksize.sh
+index 444e3db..eb6a364 100644
+--- a/test/shell/integrity-blocksize.sh
++++ b/test/shell/integrity-blocksize.sh
+@@ -48,9 +48,24 @@ aux extend_filter "a|$LOOP4|"
+ aux lvmconf 'devices/scan = "/dev"'
++mkdir -p $mnt
+ vgcreate $vg1 $LOOP1 $LOOP2
+ vgcreate $vg2 $LOOP3 $LOOP4
++# LOOP1/LOOP2 have LBS 512 and PBS 512
++# LOOP3/LOOP4 have LBS 4K and PBS 4K
++blockdev --getss $LOOP1
++blockdev --getpbsz $LOOP1
++blockdev --getss $LOOP2
++blockdev --getpbsz $LOOP2
++blockdev --getss $LOOP3
++blockdev --getpbsz $LOOP3
++blockdev --getss $LOOP4
++blockdev --getpbsz $LOOP4
+ # lvcreate on dev512, result 512
+ lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 --raidintegrity y -l 8 -n $lv1 $vg1
+ pvck --dump metadata $LOOP1 | grep 'block_size = 512'
+@@ -105,7 +120,11 @@ lvremove -y $vg2/$lv1
+ lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -l 8 -n $lv1 $vg1
+ aux wipefs_a /dev/$vg1/$lv1
+ mkfs.xfs -f "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg1/$lv1"
++blkid "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg1/$lv1" | grep BLOCK_SIZE=\"512\"
+ lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg1/$lv1
++blkid "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg1/$lv1" | grep BLOCK_SIZE=\"512\"
++mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg1/$lv1" $mnt
++umount $mnt
+ pvck --dump metadata $LOOP1 | grep 'block_size = 512'
+ lvremove -y $vg1/$lv1
+@@ -113,15 +132,37 @@ lvremove -y $vg1/$lv1
+ lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -l 8 -n $lv1 $vg2
+ aux wipefs_a /dev/$vg2/$lv1
+ mkfs.xfs -f "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg2/$lv1"
++blkid "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg2/$lv1" | grep BLOCK_SIZE=\"4096\"
+ lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg2/$lv1
++blkid "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg2/$lv1" | grep BLOCK_SIZE=\"4096\"
++mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg2/$lv1" $mnt
++umount $mnt
+ pvck --dump metadata $LOOP3 | grep 'block_size = 4096'
+ lvremove -y $vg2/$lv1
+-# lvconvert on dev512, ext4 1024, result 1024 
++# lvconvert on dev512, ext4 1024, result 1024 (LV active when adding)
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -l 8 -n $lv1 $vg1
++aux wipefs_a /dev/$vg1/$lv1
++mkfs.ext4 -b 1024 "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg1/$lv1"
++blkid "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg1/$lv1" | grep BLOCK_SIZE=\"1024\"
++lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg1/$lv1
++blkid "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg1/$lv1" | grep BLOCK_SIZE=\"1024\"
++mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg1/$lv1" $mnt
++umount $mnt
++pvck --dump metadata $LOOP1 | grep 'block_size = 512'
++lvremove -y $vg1/$lv1
++# lvconvert on dev512, ext4 1024, result 1024 (LV inactive when adding)
+ lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -l 8 -n $lv1 $vg1
+ aux wipefs_a /dev/$vg1/$lv1
+ mkfs.ext4 -b 1024 "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg1/$lv1"
++blkid "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg1/$lv1" | grep BLOCK_SIZE=\"1024\"
++lvchange -an $vg1/$lv1
+ lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg1/$lv1
++lvchange -ay $vg1/$lv1
++blkid "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg1/$lv1" | grep BLOCK_SIZE=\"1024\"
++mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg1/$lv1" $mnt
++umount $mnt
+ pvck --dump metadata $LOOP1 | grep 'block_size = 1024'
+ lvremove -y $vg1/$lv1
+@@ -129,7 +170,11 @@ lvremove -y $vg1/$lv1
+ lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -l 8 -n $lv1 $vg2
+ aux wipefs_a /dev/$vg2/$lv1
+ mkfs.ext4 "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg2/$lv1"
++blkid "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg2/$lv1" | grep BLOCK_SIZE=\"4096\"
+ lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg2/$lv1
++blkid "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg2/$lv1" | grep BLOCK_SIZE=\"4096\"
++mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg2/$lv1" $mnt
++umount $mnt
+ pvck --dump metadata $LOOP3 | grep 'block_size = 4096'
+ lvremove -y $vg2/$lv1
+@@ -137,7 +182,11 @@ lvremove -y $vg2/$lv1
+ lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -l 8 -n $lv1 $vg1
+ aux wipefs_a /dev/$vg1/$lv1
+ mkfs.xfs -f -s size=4096 "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg1/$lv1"
++blkid "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg1/$lv1" | grep BLOCK_SIZE=\"4096\"
+ lvconvert --raidintegrity y --raidintegrityblocksize 512 $vg1/$lv1
++blkid "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg1/$lv1" | grep BLOCK_SIZE=\"4096\"
++mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg1/$lv1" $mnt
++umount $mnt
+ pvck --dump metadata $LOOP1 | grep 'block_size = 512'
+ lvremove -y $vg1/$lv1
+@@ -145,7 +194,14 @@ lvremove -y $vg1/$lv1
+ lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -l 8 -n $lv1 $vg1
+ aux wipefs_a /dev/$vg1/$lv1
+ mkfs.xfs -f -s size=4096 "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg1/$lv1"
++blkid "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg1/$lv1" | grep BLOCK_SIZE=\"4096\"
++lvchange -an $vg1/$lv1
++# lv needs to be inactive to increase LBS from 512
+ lvconvert --raidintegrity y --raidintegrityblocksize 1024 $vg1/$lv1
++lvchange -ay $vg1/$lv1
++blkid "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg1/$lv1" | grep BLOCK_SIZE=\"4096\"
++mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg1/$lv1" $mnt
++umount $mnt
+ pvck --dump metadata $LOOP1 | grep 'block_size = 1024'
+ lvremove -y $vg1/$lv1
+@@ -153,7 +209,11 @@ lvremove -y $vg1/$lv1
+ lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -l 8 -n $lv1 $vg1
+ aux wipefs_a /dev/$vg1/$lv1
+ mkfs.ext4 -b 1024 "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg1/$lv1"
++blkid "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg1/$lv1" | grep BLOCK_SIZE=\"1024\"
+ lvconvert --raidintegrity y --raidintegrityblocksize 512 $vg1/$lv1
++blkid "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg1/$lv1" | grep BLOCK_SIZE=\"1024\"
++mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg1/$lv1" $mnt
++umount $mnt
+ pvck --dump metadata $LOOP1 | grep 'block_size = 512'
+ lvremove -y $vg1/$lv1
+@@ -164,10 +224,48 @@ mkfs.ext4 "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg2/$lv1"
+ not lvconvert --raidintegrity y --raidintegrityblocksize 512 $vg2/$lv1
+ lvremove -y $vg2/$lv1
+-# FIXME: need to use scsi_debug to create devs with LBS 512 PBS 4k
+-# FIXME: lvconvert, fsunknown, LBS 512, PBS 4k: result 512
+-# FIXME: lvconvert --bs 512, fsunknown, LBS 512, PBS 4k: result 512
+-# FIXME: lvconvert --bs 4k, fsunknown, LBS 512, PBS 4k: result 4k
++# TODO: need to use scsi_debug to create devs with LBS 512 PBS 4k
++# TODO: lvconvert, fsunknown, LBS 512, PBS 4k: result 512
++# TODO: lvconvert --bs 512, fsunknown, LBS 512, PBS 4k: result 512
++# TODO: lvconvert --bs 4k, fsunknown, LBS 512, PBS 4k: result 4k
++# lvconvert on dev512, xfs 512, result 512, (detect fs with LV inactive)
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -l 8 -n $lv1 $vg1
++aux wipefs_a /dev/$vg1/$lv1
++mkfs.xfs -f "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg1/$lv1"
++mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg1/$lv1" $mnt
++echo "test" > $mnt/test
++umount $mnt
++blkid "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg1/$lv1" | grep BLOCK_SIZE=\"512\"
++lvchange -an $vg1/$lv1
++lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg1/$lv1
++lvchange -ay $vg1/$lv1
++mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg1/$lv1" $mnt
++cat $mnt/test
++umount $mnt
++blkid "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg1/$lv1" | grep BLOCK_SIZE=\"512\"
++pvck --dump metadata $LOOP1 | grep 'block_size = 512'
++lvchange -an $vg1/$lv1
++lvremove -y $vg1/$lv1
++# lvconvert on dev4k, xfs 4096, result 4096 (detect fs with LV inactive)
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -l 8 -n $lv1 $vg2
++aux wipefs_a /dev/$vg2/$lv1
++mkfs.xfs -f "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg2/$lv1"
++mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg2/$lv1" $mnt
++echo "test" > $mnt/test
++umount $mnt
++blkid "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg2/$lv1" | grep BLOCK_SIZE=\"4096\"
++lvchange -an $vg2/$lv1
++lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg2/$lv1
++lvchange -ay $vg2/$lv1
++mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg2/$lv1" $mnt
++cat $mnt/test
++umount $mnt
++blkid "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg2/$lv1" | grep BLOCK_SIZE=\"4096\"
++pvck --dump metadata $LOOP3 | grep 'block_size = 4096'
++lvchange -an $vg2/$lv1
++lvremove -y $vg2/$lv1
+ vgremove -ff $vg1
+ vgremove -ff $vg2
+diff --git a/test/shell/integrity-large.sh b/test/shell/integrity-large.sh
+index 5aba80e..06b0e03 100644
+--- a/test/shell/integrity-large.sh
++++ b/test/shell/integrity-large.sh
+@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ mnt="mnt"
+ mkdir -p $mnt
+ # raid1 LV needs to be extended to 512MB to test imeta being exended
+-aux prepare_devs 4 600
++aux prepare_devs 4 632
+ printf "%0.sA" {1..16384} >> fileA
+ printf "%0.sB" {1..16384} >> fileB
+@@ -115,7 +115,10 @@ lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
+ lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
+ lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
+ _add_data_to_lv
++# lv needs to be inactive when adding integrity to increase LBS from 512 and get a ribs of 4k
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
+ lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg/$lv1
++lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
+ _wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
+ _wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
+ lvs -a -o+devices $vg
+@@ -128,8 +131,8 @@ _verify_data_on_lv
+ _wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
+ _wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
+ lvs -a -o+devices $vg
+-check lv_field $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0_imeta size "8.00m"
+-check lv_field $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1_imeta size "8.00m"
++check lv_field $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0_imeta size "12.00m"
++check lv_field $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1_imeta size "12.00m"
+ # provide space to extend the images onto new devs
+ vgextend $vg "$dev3" "$dev4"
+@@ -150,33 +153,35 @@ lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg/$lv1
+ _wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
+ _wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
+ lvs -a -o+devices $vg
+-check lv_field $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0_imeta size "12.00m"
+-check lv_field $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1_imeta size "12.00m"
++check lv_field $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0_imeta size "20.00m"
++check lv_field $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1_imeta size "20.00m"
+ lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
+ lvremove $vg/$lv1
+ # this succeeds because dev1,dev2 can hold rmeta+rimage
+ lvcreate --type raid1 -n $lv1 -L 592M -an $vg "$dev1" "$dev2"
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
+ # this fails because dev1,dev2 can hold rmeta+rimage, but not imeta
+ # and we require imeta to be on same devs as rmeta/rimeta
+-not lvcreate --type raid1 --raidintegrity y -n $lv1 -L 592M -an $vg "$dev1" "$dev2"
++not lvcreate --type raid1 --raidintegrity y -n $lv1 -L 624M -an $vg "$dev1" "$dev2"
+ lvs -a -o+devices $vg
+-lvremove $vg/$lv1
+ # this can allocate from more devs so there's enough space for imeta to
+ # be allocated in the vg, but lvcreate fails because rmeta+rimage are
+ # allocated from dev1,dev2, we restrict imeta to being allocated on the
+ # same devs as rmeta/rimage, and dev1,dev2 can't fit imeta.
+-not lvcreate --type raid1 --raidintegrity y -n $lv1 -L 592M -an $vg
++not lvcreate --type raid1 --raidintegrity y -n $lv1 -L 624M -an $vg
+ lvs -a -o+devices $vg
+ # counterintuitively, increasing the size will allow lvcreate to succeed
+ # because rmeta+rimage are pushed to being allocated on dev1,dev2,dev3,dev4
+ # which means imeta is now free to be allocated from dev3,dev4 which have
+ # plenty of space
+-lvcreate --type raid1 --raidintegrity y -n $lv1 -L 600M -an $vg
++lvcreate --type raid1 --raidintegrity y -n $lv1 -L 640M -an $vg
+ lvs -a -o+devices $vg
+ vgremove -ff $vg
+diff --git a/test/shell/integrity-misc.sh b/test/shell/integrity-misc.sh
+index 0d05689..2dae25f 100644
+--- a/test/shell/integrity-misc.sh
++++ b/test/shell/integrity-misc.sh
+@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ _sync_percent() {
+ 	get lv_field "$checklv" sync_percent | cut -d. -f1
+ }
+-_wait_recalc() {
++_wait_sync() {
+ 	local checklv=$1
+ 	for i in $(seq 1 10) ; do
+@@ -124,8 +124,9 @@ _wait_recalc() {
+ # lvrename
+ _prepare_vg
+ lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 --raidintegrity y -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
+-_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
+-_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++_wait_sync $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_sync $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++_wait_sync $vg/$lv1
+ _add_new_data_to_mnt
+ umount $mnt
+ lvrename $vg/$lv1 $vg/$lv2
+@@ -141,8 +142,9 @@ vgremove -ff $vg
+ # lv must be active
+ _prepare_vg
+ lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 --raidintegrity y -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg "$dev1" "$dev2"
+-_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
+-_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++_wait_sync $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_sync $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++_wait_sync $vg/$lv1
+ _add_new_data_to_mnt
+ lvconvert --replace "$dev1" $vg/$lv1 "$dev3"
+ lvs -a -o+devices $vg > out
+@@ -162,8 +164,9 @@ vgremove -ff $vg
+ # same as prev but with bitmap mode
+ _prepare_vg
+ lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 --raidintegrity y --raidintegritymode bitmap -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg "$dev1" "$dev2"
+-_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
+-_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++_wait_sync $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_sync $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++_wait_sync $vg/$lv1
+ _add_new_data_to_mnt
+ lvconvert --replace "$dev1" $vg/$lv1 "$dev3"
+ lvs -a -o+devices $vg > out
+@@ -185,8 +188,9 @@ vgremove -ff $vg
+ # (like lvconvert --replace does for a dev that's not missing).
+ _prepare_vg
+ lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 --raidintegrity y -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg "$dev1" "$dev2"
+-_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
+-_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++_wait_sync $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_sync $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++_wait_sync $vg/$lv1
+ _add_new_data_to_mnt
+ aux disable_dev "$dev2"
+ lvs -a -o+devices $vg > out
+@@ -213,8 +217,9 @@ vgremove -ff $vg
+ _prepare_vg
+ lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 --raidintegrity y -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg "$dev1" "$dev2"
+-_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
+-_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++_wait_sync $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_sync $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++_wait_sync $vg/$lv1
+ _add_new_data_to_mnt
+ umount $mnt
+ lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
+diff --git a/test/shell/integrity.sh b/test/shell/integrity.sh
+index 77e9430..0143129 100644
+--- a/test/shell/integrity.sh
++++ b/test/shell/integrity.sh
+@@ -78,14 +78,14 @@ _test_fs_with_error() {
+ 	dd if=$mnt/fileA of=tmp bs=1k
+ 	ls -l tmp
+ 	stat -c %s tmp
+-	diff fileA tmp
++	cmp -b fileA tmp
+ 	rm tmp
+ 	# read partial fileB which was corrupted
+ 	not dd if=$mnt/fileB of=tmp bs=1k
+ 	ls -l tmp
+ 	stat -c %s tmp | grep 12288
+-	not diff fileB tmp
++	not cmp -b fileB tmp
+ 	rm tmp
+ 	umount $mnt
+@@ -118,14 +118,14 @@ _test_fs_with_raid() {
+ 	dd if=$mnt/fileA of=tmp bs=1k
+ 	ls -l tmp
+ 	stat -c %s tmp | grep 16384
+-	diff fileA tmp
++	cmp -b fileA tmp
+ 	rm tmp
+ 	# read complete fileB, corruption is corrected by raid
+ 	dd if=$mnt/fileB of=tmp bs=1k
+ 	ls -l tmp
+ 	stat -c %s tmp | grep 16384
+-	diff fileB tmp
++	cmp -b fileB tmp
+ 	rm tmp
+ 	umount $mnt
+@@ -161,15 +161,15 @@ _add_more_data_to_mnt() {
+ }
+ _verify_data_on_mnt() {
+-	diff randA $mnt/randA
+-	diff randB $mnt/randB
+-	diff randC $mnt/randC
+-	diff fileA $mnt/1/fileA
+-	diff fileB $mnt/1/fileB
+-	diff fileC $mnt/1/fileC
+-	diff fileA $mnt/2/fileA
+-	diff fileB $mnt/2/fileB
+-	diff fileC $mnt/2/fileC
++	cmp -b randA $mnt/randA
++	cmp -b randB $mnt/randB
++	cmp -b randC $mnt/randC
++	cmp -b fileA $mnt/1/fileA
++	cmp -b fileB $mnt/1/fileB
++	cmp -b fileC $mnt/1/fileC
++	cmp -b fileA $mnt/2/fileA
++	cmp -b fileB $mnt/2/fileB
++	cmp -b fileC $mnt/2/fileC
+ }
+ _verify_data_on_lv() {
+@@ -221,6 +221,8 @@ _wait_recalc() {
+ _prepare_vg
+ lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 --raidintegrity y -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
+ _test_fs_with_raid
+ lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
+ lvconvert --raidintegrity n $vg/$lv1
+@@ -229,6 +231,9 @@ vgremove -ff $vg
+ _prepare_vg
+ lvcreate --type raid1 -m2 --raidintegrity y -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_2
+ _test_fs_with_raid
+ lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
+ lvconvert --raidintegrity n $vg/$lv1
+@@ -237,6 +242,9 @@ vgremove -ff $vg
+ _prepare_vg
+ lvcreate --type raid4 --raidintegrity y -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_2
+ _test_fs_with_raid
+ lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
+ lvconvert --raidintegrity n $vg/$lv1
+@@ -245,6 +253,9 @@ vgremove -ff $vg
+ _prepare_vg
+ lvcreate --type raid5 --raidintegrity y -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_2
+ _test_fs_with_raid
+ lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
+ lvconvert --raidintegrity n $vg/$lv1
+@@ -253,6 +264,11 @@ vgremove -ff $vg
+ _prepare_vg
+ lvcreate --type raid6 --raidintegrity y -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_2
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_3
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_4
+ _test_fs_with_raid
+ lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
+ lvconvert --raidintegrity n $vg/$lv1
+@@ -261,6 +277,10 @@ vgremove -ff $vg
+ _prepare_vg
+ lvcreate --type raid10 --raidintegrity y -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_2
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_3
+ _test_fs_with_raid
+ lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
+ lvconvert --raidintegrity n $vg/$lv1
+diff --git a/test/shell/lvconvert-m-raid1-degraded.sh b/test/shell/lvconvert-m-raid1-degraded.sh
+index 05c3e89..c3f7085 100644
+--- a/test/shell/lvconvert-m-raid1-degraded.sh
++++ b/test/shell/lvconvert-m-raid1-degraded.sh
+@@ -33,8 +33,10 @@ aux disable_dev "$dev1"
+ vgreduce --force --removemissing $vg
+ check raid_leg_status $vg $lv "DA"
+-# Conversion to 2 legs must fail on degraded 2-legged raid1 LV
+-not lvconvert -y -m1 $vg/$lv
++# Conversion to 2 legs does nothing on degraded 2-legged raid1 LV
++lvconvert -y -m1 $vg/$lv 2>&1 | tee out
++grep "already has 2 images" out
++# Check it remains degraded after the successful "conversion"
+ check raid_leg_status $vg $lv "DA"
+ # Repair has to succeed
+diff --git a/test/shell/lvcreate-signature-wiping.sh b/test/shell/lvcreate-signature-wiping.sh
+index 73fea54..18d7a2f 100644
+--- a/test/shell/lvcreate-signature-wiping.sh
++++ b/test/shell/lvcreate-signature-wiping.sh
+@@ -42,6 +42,13 @@ init_lv_
+ test_blkid_ || skip
+ lvremove -f $vg/$lv1
++# Zeroing stops the command when there is a failure (write error in this case)
++aux error_dev "$dev1" "$(get first_extent_sector "$dev1"):2"
++not lvcreate -l1 -n $lv1 $vg 2>&1 | tee out
++grep "Failed to initialize" out
++aux enable_dev "$dev1"
+ aux lvmconf "allocation/wipe_signatures_when_zeroing_new_lvs = 0"
+ lvcreate -y -Zn -l1 -n $lv1 $vg 2>&1 | tee out
+diff --git a/test/shell/lvcreate-thin.sh b/test/shell/lvcreate-thin.sh
+index 9ca7f11..c073eaf 100644
+--- a/test/shell/lvcreate-thin.sh
++++ b/test/shell/lvcreate-thin.sh
+@@ -248,4 +248,25 @@ not lvcreate -s $vg/lv1 -L4M -V2G --name $vg/lv4
+ not lvcreate -T mirpool -L4M --alloc anywhere -m1 $vg
+ not lvcreate --thinpool mirpool -L4M --alloc anywhere -m1 $vg
++# Check pool metadata volume is zeroed, when zero_metadata is enabled.
++# 1st. ensure 8megs of both PVs will have some non-0 data
++lvcreate -L8m -n $lv1 $vg "$dev1"
++lvextend -L+8m $vg/$lv1 "$dev2"
++dd if=/dev/urandom of="$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" bs=1M count=16 oflag=direct conv=fdatasync
++lvremove -ff $vg/$lv1
++lvcreate -l1 --poolmetadatasize 4m --conf 'allocation/zero_metadata=1' -vvvv -T $vg/pool
++lvchange -an $vg
++# component activation to check device was zeroed
++lvchange -y -ay $vg/pool_tmeta
++dd if="$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/pool_tmeta" of=file bs=1M count=3 skip=1 iflag=direct conv=fdatasync
++md5sum -b file | tee out
++# md5sum of 3M of zeros
++grep d1dd210d6b1312cb342b56d02bd5e651 out
++lvchange -an $vg
++lvremove -ff $vg
+ vgremove -ff $vg
+diff --git a/test/shell/writecache-blocksize.sh b/test/shell/writecache-blocksize.sh
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..1300176
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/test/shell/writecache-blocksize.sh
+@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
++#!/usr/bin/env bash
++# Copyright (C) 2018 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
++# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
++# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions
++# of the GNU General Public License v.2.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
++# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++# Test writecache usage
++. lib/inittest
++aux have_writecache 1 0 0 || skip
++which mkfs.xfs || skip
++# Tests with fs block sizes require a libblkid version that shows BLOCK_SIZE
++aux prepare_devs 1
++vgcreate $vg "$dev1"
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l8 $vg
++mkfs.xfs -f "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++blkid "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" | grep BLOCK_SIZE || skip
++lvchange -an $vg
++vgremove -ff $vg
++aux cleanup_scsi_debug_dev
++mkdir -p $mnt
++for i in `seq 1 16384`; do echo -n "A" >> fileA; done
++for i in `seq 1 16384`; do echo -n "B" >> fileB; done
++for i in `seq 1 16384`; do echo -n "C" >> fileC; done
++# generate random data
++dd if=/dev/urandom of=randA bs=512K count=2
++dd if=/dev/urandom of=randB bs=512K count=3
++dd if=/dev/urandom of=randC bs=512K count=4
++_add_new_data_to_mnt() {
++	mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
++	# add original data
++	cp randA $mnt
++	cp randB $mnt
++	cp randC $mnt
++	mkdir $mnt/1
++	cp fileA $mnt/1
++	cp fileB $mnt/1
++	cp fileC $mnt/1
++	mkdir $mnt/2
++	cp fileA $mnt/2
++	cp fileB $mnt/2
++	cp fileC $mnt/2
++	sync
++_add_more_data_to_mnt() {
++	mkdir $mnt/more
++	cp fileA $mnt/more
++	cp fileB $mnt/more
++	cp fileC $mnt/more
++	cp randA $mnt/more
++	cp randB $mnt/more
++	cp randC $mnt/more
++	sync
++_verify_data_on_mnt() {
++	diff randA $mnt/randA
++	diff randB $mnt/randB
++	diff randC $mnt/randC
++	diff fileA $mnt/1/fileA
++	diff fileB $mnt/1/fileB
++	diff fileC $mnt/1/fileC
++	diff fileA $mnt/2/fileA
++	diff fileB $mnt/2/fileB
++	diff fileC $mnt/2/fileC
++_verify_more_data_on_mnt() {
++	diff randA $mnt/more/randA
++	diff randB $mnt/more/randB
++	diff randC $mnt/more/randC
++	diff fileA $mnt/more/fileA
++	diff fileB $mnt/more/fileB
++	diff fileC $mnt/more/fileC
++_verify_data_on_lv() {
++	lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
++	mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
++	_verify_data_on_mnt
++	rm $mnt/randA
++	rm $mnt/randB
++	rm $mnt/randC
++	rm -rf $mnt/1
++	rm -rf $mnt/2
++	umount $mnt
++	lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++# the default is brd ram devs with 512 LBS 4K PBS
++aux prepare_devs 2 64
++blockdev --getss "$dev1"
++blockdev --getpbsz "$dev1"
++blockdev --getss "$dev2"
++blockdev --getpbsz "$dev2"
++# lbs 512, pbs 4k, xfs 4k, wc 4k
++vgcreate $SHARED $vg "$dev1"
++vgextend $vg "$dev2"
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l 8 -an $vg "$dev1"
++lvcreate -n $lv2 -l 4 -an $vg "$dev2"
++lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
++mkfs.xfs -f "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" |tee out
++grep sectsz=4096 out
++lvconvert --yes --type writecache --cachevol $lv2 $vg/$lv1
++blockdev --getss "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" |tee out
++grep 4096 out
++blockdev --getpbsz "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++lvconvert --splitcache $vg/$lv1
++check lv_field $vg/$lv1 segtype linear
++check lv_field $vg/$lv2 segtype linear
++blockdev --getss "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++blockdev --getpbsz "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv2
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv2
++vgremove $vg
++# lbs 512, pbs 4k, xfs -s 512, wc 512
++vgcreate $SHARED $vg "$dev1"
++vgextend $vg "$dev2"
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l 8 -an $vg "$dev1"
++lvcreate -n $lv2 -l 4 -an $vg "$dev2"
++lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
++mkfs.xfs -f -s size=512 "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" |tee out
++grep sectsz=512 out
++lvconvert --yes --type writecache --cachevol $lv2 $vg/$lv1
++blockdev --getss "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" |tee out
++grep 512 out
++blockdev --getpbsz "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++lvconvert --splitcache $vg/$lv1
++check lv_field $vg/$lv1 segtype linear
++check lv_field $vg/$lv2 segtype linear
++blockdev --getss "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++blockdev --getpbsz "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv2
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv2
++vgremove $vg
++aux cleanup_scsi_debug_dev
++sleep 1
++# scsi_debug devices with 512 LBS 512 PBS
++aux prepare_scsi_debug_dev 256
++check sysfs "$(< SCSI_DEBUG_DEV)" queue/logical_block_size "512"
++check sysfs "$(< SCSI_DEBUG_DEV)" queue/physical_block_size "512"
++aux prepare_devs 2 64
++blockdev --getss "$dev1"
++blockdev --getpbsz "$dev1"
++blockdev --getss "$dev2"
++blockdev --getpbsz "$dev2"
++# lbs 512, pbs 512, xfs 512, wc 512
++vgcreate $SHARED $vg "$dev1"
++vgextend $vg "$dev2"
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l 8 -an $vg "$dev1"
++lvcreate -n $lv2 -l 4 -an $vg "$dev2"
++lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
++mkfs.xfs -f "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" |tee out
++grep sectsz=512 out
++lvconvert --yes --type writecache --cachevol $lv2 $vg/$lv1
++blockdev --getss "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" |tee out
++grep 512 out
++blockdev --getpbsz "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++lvconvert --splitcache $vg/$lv1
++check lv_field $vg/$lv1 segtype linear
++check lv_field $vg/$lv2 segtype linear
++blockdev --getss "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++blockdev --getpbsz "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv2
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv2
++vgremove $vg
++# lbs 512, pbs 512, xfs -s 4096, wc 4096
++vgcreate $SHARED $vg "$dev1"
++vgextend $vg "$dev2"
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l 8 -an $vg "$dev1"
++lvcreate -n $lv2 -l 4 -an $vg "$dev2"
++lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
++mkfs.xfs -s size=4096 -f "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" |tee out
++grep sectsz=4096 out
++lvconvert --yes --type writecache --cachevol $lv2 $vg/$lv1
++blockdev --getss "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" |tee out
++grep 4096 out
++blockdev --getpbsz "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++lvconvert --splitcache $vg/$lv1
++check lv_field $vg/$lv1 segtype linear
++check lv_field $vg/$lv2 segtype linear
++blockdev --getss "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++blockdev --getpbsz "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv2
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv2
++vgremove $vg
++aux cleanup_scsi_debug_dev
++sleep 1
++# scsi_debug devices with 512 LBS and 4K PBS
++aux prepare_scsi_debug_dev 256 sector_size=512 physblk_exp=3
++check sysfs "$(< SCSI_DEBUG_DEV)" queue/logical_block_size "512"
++check sysfs "$(< SCSI_DEBUG_DEV)" queue/physical_block_size "4096"
++aux prepare_devs 2 64
++blockdev --getss "$dev1"
++blockdev --getpbsz "$dev1"
++blockdev --getss "$dev2"
++blockdev --getpbsz "$dev2"
++# lbs 512, pbs 4k, xfs 4k, wc 4k
++vgcreate $SHARED $vg "$dev1"
++vgextend $vg "$dev2"
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l 8 -an $vg "$dev1"
++lvcreate -n $lv2 -l 4 -an $vg "$dev2"
++lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
++mkfs.xfs -f "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" |tee out
++grep sectsz=4096 out
++lvconvert --yes --type writecache --cachevol $lv2 $vg/$lv1
++blockdev --getss "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" |tee out
++grep 4096 out
++blockdev --getpbsz "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++lvconvert --splitcache $vg/$lv1
++check lv_field $vg/$lv1 segtype linear
++check lv_field $vg/$lv2 segtype linear
++blockdev --getss "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++blockdev --getpbsz "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv2
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv2
++vgremove $vg
++aux cleanup_scsi_debug_dev
++sleep 1
++# scsi_debug devices with 4K LBS and 4K PBS
++aux prepare_scsi_debug_dev 256 sector_size=4096
++check sysfs "$(< SCSI_DEBUG_DEV)" queue/logical_block_size "4096"
++check sysfs "$(< SCSI_DEBUG_DEV)" queue/physical_block_size "4096"
++aux prepare_devs 2 64
++blockdev --getss "$dev1"
++blockdev --getpbsz "$dev1"
++blockdev --getss "$dev2"
++blockdev --getpbsz "$dev2"
++# lbs 4k, pbs 4k, xfs 4k, wc 4k
++vgcreate $SHARED $vg "$dev1"
++vgextend $vg "$dev2"
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l 8 -an $vg "$dev1"
++lvcreate -n $lv2 -l 4 -an $vg "$dev2"
++lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
++mkfs.xfs -f "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" |tee out
++grep sectsz=4096 out
++lvconvert --yes --type writecache --cachevol $lv2 $vg/$lv1
++blockdev --getss "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" |tee out
++grep 4096 out
++blockdev --getpbsz "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++lvconvert --splitcache $vg/$lv1
++check lv_field $vg/$lv1 segtype linear
++check lv_field $vg/$lv2 segtype linear
++blockdev --getss "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++blockdev --getpbsz "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv2
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv2
++vgremove $vg
++aux cleanup_scsi_debug_dev
+diff --git a/test/shell/writecache-large.sh b/test/shell/writecache-large.sh
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..b52eaf6
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/test/shell/writecache-large.sh
+@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
++#!/usr/bin/env bash
++# Copyright (C) 2018 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
++# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
++# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions
++# of the GNU General Public License v.2.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
++# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++# Test writecache usage
++. lib/inittest
++aux have_writecache 1 0 0 || skip
++which mkfs.xfs || skip
++# scsi_debug devices with 512 LBS 512 PBS
++aux prepare_scsi_debug_dev 1200
++check sysfs "$(< SCSI_DEBUG_DEV)" queue/logical_block_size "512"
++check sysfs "$(< SCSI_DEBUG_DEV)" queue/physical_block_size "512"
++aux prepare_devs 2 600
++blockdev --getss "$dev1"
++blockdev --getpbsz "$dev1"
++blockdev --getss "$dev2"
++blockdev --getpbsz "$dev2"
++mkdir -p $mnt
++for i in `seq 1 16384`; do echo -n "A" >> fileA; done
++for i in `seq 1 16384`; do echo -n "B" >> fileB; done
++for i in `seq 1 16384`; do echo -n "C" >> fileC; done
++# generate random data
++dd if=/dev/urandom of=randA bs=512K count=2
++dd if=/dev/urandom of=randB bs=512K count=3
++dd if=/dev/urandom of=randC bs=512K count=4
++_add_new_data_to_mnt() {
++	mkfs.xfs -f "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++	mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
++	# add original data
++	cp randA $mnt
++	cp randB $mnt
++	cp randC $mnt
++	mkdir $mnt/1
++	cp fileA $mnt/1
++	cp fileB $mnt/1
++	cp fileC $mnt/1
++	mkdir $mnt/2
++	cp fileA $mnt/2
++	cp fileB $mnt/2
++	cp fileC $mnt/2
++	sync
++_add_more_data_to_mnt() {
++	mkdir $mnt/more
++	cp fileA $mnt/more
++	cp fileB $mnt/more
++	cp fileC $mnt/more
++	cp randA $mnt/more
++	cp randB $mnt/more
++	cp randC $mnt/more
++	sync
++_verify_data_on_mnt() {
++	diff randA $mnt/randA
++	diff randB $mnt/randB
++	diff randC $mnt/randC
++	diff fileA $mnt/1/fileA
++	diff fileB $mnt/1/fileB
++	diff fileC $mnt/1/fileC
++	diff fileA $mnt/2/fileA
++	diff fileB $mnt/2/fileB
++	diff fileC $mnt/2/fileC
++_verify_more_data_on_mnt() {
++	diff randA $mnt/more/randA
++	diff randB $mnt/more/randB
++	diff randC $mnt/more/randC
++	diff fileA $mnt/more/fileA
++	diff fileB $mnt/more/fileB
++	diff fileC $mnt/more/fileC
++_verify_data_on_lv() {
++	lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
++	mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
++	_verify_data_on_mnt
++	rm $mnt/randA
++	rm $mnt/randB
++	rm $mnt/randC
++	rm -rf $mnt/1
++	rm -rf $mnt/2
++	umount $mnt
++	lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++vgcreate $SHARED $vg "$dev1"
++vgextend $vg "$dev2"
++# Use a large enough size so that the cleaner will not
++# finish immediately when detaching, and will require
++# a secondary check from command top level.
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -L 560M -an $vg "$dev1"
++lvcreate -n $lv2 -L 500M -an $vg "$dev2"
++lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
++blockdev --getss "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" 
++blockdev --getpbsz "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" 
++lvconvert --yes --type writecache --cachevol $lv2 $vg/$lv1
++dmsetup table $vg-$lv1
++blockdev --getss "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" 
++blockdev --getpbsz "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" 
++dd if=/dev/zero of=$mnt/big1 bs=1M count=100 oflag=sync
++dd if=/dev/zero of=$mnt/big2 bs=1M count=100 oflag=sync
++dd if=/dev/zero of=$mnt/big3 bs=1M count=100 oflag=sync
++dd if=/dev/zero of=$mnt/big4 bs=1M count=100 oflag=sync
++lvconvert --splitcache $vg/$lv1
++check lv_field $vg/$lv1 segtype linear
++check lv_field $vg/$lv2 segtype linear
++dmsetup table $vg-$lv1
++dd if=$mnt/big4 of=/dev/null bs=1M count=100
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv2
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv2
++vgremove -ff $vg
+diff --git a/test/shell/writecache-split.sh b/test/shell/writecache-split.sh
+index 0f2dc47..e615e2a 100644
+--- a/test/shell/writecache-split.sh
++++ b/test/shell/writecache-split.sh
+@@ -20,29 +20,21 @@ mkfs_mount_umount()
+ {
+         lvt=$1
+-        lvchange -ay $vg/$lvt
+         mkfs.xfs -f -s size=4096 "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lvt"
+         mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lvt" "$mount_dir"
+         cp pattern1 "$mount_dir/pattern1"
+         dd if=/dev/zero of="$mount_dir/zeros2M" bs=1M count=32 conv=fdatasync
+         umount "$mount_dir"
+-        lvchange -an $vg/$lvt
+ }
+ mount_umount()
+ {
+         lvt=$1
+-        lvchange -ay $vg/$lvt
+         mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lvt" "$mount_dir"
+         diff pattern1 "$mount_dir/pattern1"
+         dd if="$mount_dir/zeros2M" of=/dev/null bs=1M count=32
+         umount "$mount_dir"
+-        lvchange -an $vg/$lvt
+ }
+ aux have_writecache 1 0 0 || skip
+@@ -62,18 +54,38 @@ lvcreate -n $lv1 -l 16 -an $vg "$dev1" "$dev4"
+ lvcreate -n $lv2 -l 4 -an $vg "$dev2"
+ #
+-# split when no devs are missing
++# split while inactive
+ #
+ lvconvert -y --type writecache --cachevol $lv2 $vg/$lv1
++lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
+ mkfs_mount_umount $lv1
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
+ lvconvert --splitcache $vg/$lv1
+ lvs -o segtype $vg/$lv1 | grep linear
+ lvs -o segtype $vg/$lv2 | grep linear
++lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
+ mount_umount $lv1
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++# split while active
++lvconvert -y --type writecache --cachevol $lv2 $vg/$lv1
++lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
++mkfs_mount_umount $lv1
++lvconvert --splitcache $vg/$lv1
++lvs -o segtype $vg/$lv1 | grep linear
++lvs -o segtype $vg/$lv2 | grep linear
++mount_umount $lv1
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
+ #
+ # split while cachevol is missing
+@@ -81,7 +93,9 @@ mount_umount $lv1
+ lvconvert -y --type writecache --cachevol $lv2 $vg/$lv1
++lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
+ mkfs_mount_umount $lv1
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
+ aux disable_dev "$dev2"
+@@ -108,7 +122,9 @@ lvcreate -n $lv2 -l 14 -an $vg "$dev2" "$dev3"
+ lvconvert -y --type writecache --cachevol $lv2 $vg/$lv1
++lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
+ mkfs_mount_umount $lv1
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
+ aux disable_dev "$dev3"
+diff --git a/test/shell/writecache.sh b/test/shell/writecache.sh
+index 8852e93..39ef319 100644
+--- a/test/shell/writecache.sh
++++ b/test/shell/writecache.sh
+@@ -19,152 +19,251 @@ SKIP_WITH_LVMPOLLD=1
+ aux have_writecache 1 0 0 || skip
+ which mkfs.xfs || skip
+-mkdir -p $mount_dir
++# scsi_debug devices with 512 LBS 512 PBS
++aux prepare_scsi_debug_dev 256
++check sysfs "$(< SCSI_DEBUG_DEV)" queue/logical_block_size "512"
++check sysfs "$(< SCSI_DEBUG_DEV)" queue/physical_block_size "512"
++aux prepare_devs 2 64
++# scsi_debug devices with 512 LBS and 4K PBS
++#aux prepare_scsi_debug_dev 256 sector_size=512 physblk_exp=3
++#check sysfs "$(< SCSI_DEBUG_DEV)" queue/logical_block_size "512"
++#check sysfs "$(< SCSI_DEBUG_DEV)" queue/physical_block_size "4096"
++#aux prepare_devs 2 64
++# loop devs with 512 LBS and 512 PBS
++#dd if=/dev/zero of=loopa bs=$((1024*1024)) count=64 2> /dev/null
++#dd if=/dev/zero of=loopb bs=$((1024*1024)) count=64 2> /dev/null
++#LOOP1=$(losetup -f loopa --show)
++#LOOP2=$(losetup -f loopb --show)
++#aux extend_filter "a|$LOOP1|"
++#aux extend_filter "a|$LOOP2|"
++#aux lvmconf 'devices/scan = "/dev"'
++# loop devs with 4096 LBS and 4096 PBS
++#dd if=/dev/zero of=loopa bs=$((1024*1024)) count=64 2> /dev/null
++#dd if=/dev/zero of=loopb bs=$((1024*1024)) count=64 2> /dev/null
++#LOOP1=$(losetup -f loopa --sector-size 4096 --show)
++#LOOP2=$(losetup -f loopb --sector-size 4096 --show)
++#aux extend_filter "a|$LOOP1|"
++#aux extend_filter "a|$LOOP2|"
++#aux lvmconf 'devices/scan = "/dev"'
++# the default is brd ram devs with 512 LBS 4K PBS
++# aux prepare_devs 2 64
++blockdev --getss "$dev1"
++blockdev --getpbsz "$dev1"
++blockdev --getss "$dev2"
++blockdev --getpbsz "$dev2"
++mkdir -p $mnt
++for i in `seq 1 16384`; do echo -n "A" >> fileA; done
++for i in `seq 1 16384`; do echo -n "B" >> fileB; done
++for i in `seq 1 16384`; do echo -n "C" >> fileC; done
+ # generate random data
+-dd if=/dev/urandom of=pattern1 bs=512K count=1
++dd if=/dev/urandom of=randA bs=512K count=2
++dd if=/dev/urandom of=randB bs=512K count=3
++dd if=/dev/urandom of=randC bs=512K count=4
++_add_new_data_to_mnt() {
++	mkfs.xfs -f "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++	mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
++	# add original data
++	cp randA $mnt
++	cp randB $mnt
++	cp randC $mnt
++	mkdir $mnt/1
++	cp fileA $mnt/1
++	cp fileB $mnt/1
++	cp fileC $mnt/1
++	mkdir $mnt/2
++	cp fileA $mnt/2
++	cp fileB $mnt/2
++	cp fileC $mnt/2
++	sync
++_add_more_data_to_mnt() {
++	mkdir $mnt/more
++	cp fileA $mnt/more
++	cp fileB $mnt/more
++	cp fileC $mnt/more
++	cp randA $mnt/more
++	cp randB $mnt/more
++	cp randC $mnt/more
++	sync
++_verify_data_on_mnt() {
++	diff randA $mnt/randA
++	diff randB $mnt/randB
++	diff randC $mnt/randC
++	diff fileA $mnt/1/fileA
++	diff fileB $mnt/1/fileB
++	diff fileC $mnt/1/fileC
++	diff fileA $mnt/2/fileA
++	diff fileB $mnt/2/fileB
++	diff fileC $mnt/2/fileC
++_verify_more_data_on_mnt() {
++	diff randA $mnt/more/randA
++	diff randB $mnt/more/randB
++	diff randC $mnt/more/randC
++	diff fileA $mnt/more/fileA
++	diff fileB $mnt/more/fileB
++	diff fileC $mnt/more/fileC
++_verify_data_on_lv() {
++	lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
++	mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
++	_verify_data_on_mnt
++	rm $mnt/randA
++	rm $mnt/randB
++	rm $mnt/randC
++	rm -rf $mnt/1
++	rm -rf $mnt/2
++	umount $mnt
++	lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
+-aux prepare_devs 2 64
+ vgcreate $SHARED $vg "$dev1"
+ vgextend $vg "$dev2"
+-lvcreate -n $lv1 -l 8 -an $vg "$dev1"
+-lvcreate -n $lv2 -l 4 -an $vg "$dev2"
++blockdev --getss "$dev1"
++blockdev --getpbsz "$dev1"
++blockdev --getss "$dev2"
++blockdev --getpbsz "$dev2"
+-# test1: create fs on LV before writecache is attached
++# Test attach while inactive, detach while inactive
++# create fs on LV before writecache is attached
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l 8 -an $vg "$dev1"
++lvcreate -n $lv2 -l 4 -an $vg "$dev2"
+ lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
+-mkfs.xfs -f -s size=4096 "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
+-mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mount_dir
+-cp pattern1 $mount_dir/pattern1
+-umount $mount_dir
++umount $mnt
+ lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
+ lvconvert --yes --type writecache --cachevol $lv2 $vg/$lv1
+ check lv_field $vg/$lv1 segtype writecache
+ lvs -a $vg/${lv2}_cvol --noheadings -o segtype >out
+ grep linear out
+ lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
+-mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mount_dir
+-diff pattern1 $mount_dir/pattern1
+-cp pattern1 $mount_dir/pattern1b
+-ls -l $mount_dir
+-umount $mount_dir
++blockdev --getss "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++blockdev --getpbsz "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
++umount $mnt
+ lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
+ lvconvert --splitcache $vg/$lv1
+ check lv_field $vg/$lv1 segtype linear
+ check lv_field $vg/$lv2 segtype linear
+ lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
+-lvchange -ay $vg/$lv2
+-mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mount_dir
+-ls -l $mount_dir
+-diff pattern1 $mount_dir/pattern1
+-diff pattern1 $mount_dir/pattern1b
+-umount $mount_dir
++blockdev --getss "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++blockdev --getpbsz "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
+ lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
+ lvchange -an $vg/$lv2
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv2
+-# test2: create fs on LV after writecache is attached
++# Test attach while inactive, detach while inactive
++# create fs on LV after writecache is attached
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l 8 -an $vg "$dev1"
++lvcreate -n $lv2 -l 4 -an $vg "$dev2"
+ lvconvert --yes --type writecache --cachevol $lv2 $vg/$lv1
+ check lv_field $vg/$lv1 segtype writecache
+ lvs -a $vg/${lv2}_cvol --noheadings -o segtype >out
+ grep linear out
+ lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
+-mkfs.xfs -f -s size=4096 "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
+-mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mount_dir
+-cp pattern1 $mount_dir/pattern1
+-ls -l $mount_dir
+-umount $mount_dir
++blockdev --getss "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++blockdev --getpbsz "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++umount $mnt
+ lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
+ lvconvert --splitcache $vg/$lv1
+-check lv_field $vg/$lv1 segtype linear
+-check lv_field $vg/$lv2 segtype linear
+ lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
+-lvchange -ay $vg/$lv2
+-mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mount_dir
+-ls -l $mount_dir
+-diff pattern1 $mount_dir/pattern1
+-umount $mount_dir
++blockdev --getss "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++blockdev --getpbsz "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
++umount $mnt
+ lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
+-lvchange -an $vg/$lv2
+-# test3: attach writecache to an active LV
+-lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
+-mkfs.xfs -f -s size=4096 "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
+-mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mount_dir
+-cp pattern1 $mount_dir/pattern1
+-ls -l $mount_dir
+-# TODO BZ 1808012 - can not convert active volume to writecache:
+-not lvconvert --yes --type writecache --cachevol $lv2 $vg/$lv1
+-if false; then
+-check lv_field $vg/$lv1 segtype writecache
+-lvs -a $vg/${lv2}_cvol --noheadings -o segtype >out
+-grep linear out
+-cp pattern1 $mount_dir/pattern1.after
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv2
+-diff pattern1 $mount_dir/pattern1
+-diff pattern1 $mount_dir/pattern1.after
++# Test attach while active, detach while active
+-umount $mount_dir
+-lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l 8 -an $vg "$dev1"
++lvcreate -n $lv2 -l 4 -an $vg "$dev2"
+ lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
+-mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mount_dir
+-diff pattern1 $mount_dir/pattern1
+-diff pattern1 $mount_dir/pattern1.after
+-umount $mount_dir
++lvconvert --yes --type writecache --cachevol $lv2 $vg/$lv1
++blockdev --getss "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++blockdev --getpbsz "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++lvconvert --splitcache $vg/$lv1
++check lv_field $vg/$lv1 segtype linear
++check lv_field $vg/$lv2 segtype linear
++blockdev --getss "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++blockdev --getpbsz "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++umount $mnt
+ lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv2
+ lvremove $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv2
++# FIXME: test depends on unpushed commit
++# that enables two stage flush using cleaner
++# Test attach while active, detach while active,
++# skip cleaner so flush message is used instead
++# lvcreate -n $lv1 -l 8 -an $vg "$dev1"
++# lvcreate -n $lv2 -l 4 -an $vg "$dev2"
++# lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
++# _add_new_data_to_mnt
++# lvconvert --yes --type writecache --cachevol $lv2 $vg/$lv1
++# blockdev --getss "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++# blockdev --getpbsz "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++# _add_more_data_to_mnt
++# _verify_data_on_mnt
++# lvconvert --splitcache --cachesettings cleaner=0 $vg/$lv1
++# check lv_field $vg/$lv1 segtype linear
++# check lv_field $vg/$lv2 segtype linear
++# blockdev --getss "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++# blockdev --getpbsz "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++# _verify_data_on_mnt
++# _verify_more_data_on_mnt
++# umount $mnt
++# lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++# lvchange -an $vg/$lv2
++# _verify_data_on_lv
++# lvremove $vg/$lv1
++# lvremove $vg/$lv2
+ vgremove -ff $vg
+diff --git a/tools/args.h b/tools/args.h
+index d1f604b..3a7e5d4 100644
+--- a/tools/args.h
++++ b/tools/args.h
+@@ -126,6 +126,12 @@ arg(cachepool_ARG, '\0', "cachepool", lv_VAL, 0, 0,
+ arg(cachevol_ARG, '\0', "cachevol", lv_VAL, 0, 0,
+     "The name of a cache volume.\n")
++arg(cachedevice_ARG, '\0', "cachedevice", pv_VAL, ARG_GROUPABLE, 0,
++    "The name of a device to use for a cache.\n")
++arg(cachesize_ARG, '\0', "cachesize", sizemb_VAL, 0, 0,
++    "The size of cache to use.\n")
+ arg(commandprofile_ARG, '\0', "commandprofile", string_VAL, 0, 0,
+     "The command profile to use for command configuration.\n"
+     "See \\fBlvm.conf\\fP(5) for more information about profiles.\n")
+@@ -1428,7 +1434,16 @@ arg(thin_ARG, 'T', "thin", 0, 0, 0,
+     "See \\fBlvmthin\\fP(7) for more information about LVM thin provisioning.\n")
+ arg(updatemetadata_ARG, '\0', "updatemetadata", 0, 0, 0,
+-    "Update VG metadata to correct problems.\n")
++    "Update VG metadata to correct problems.\n"
++    "If VG metadata was updated while a PV was missing, and the PV\n"
++    "reappears with an old version of metadata, then this option\n"
++    "(or any other command that writes metadata) will update the\n"
++    "metadata on the previously missing PV. If a PV was removed\n"
++    "from a VG while it was missing, and the PV reappears, using\n"
++    "this option will clear the outdated metadata from the previously\n"
++    "missing PV. If metadata text is damaged on one PV, using this\n"
++    "option will replace the damaged metadata text. For more severe\n"
++    "damage, e.g. with headers, see \\fBpvck\\fP(8).\n")
+ arg(uuid_ARG, 'u', "uuid", 0, 0, 0,
+     "#pvchange\n"
+diff --git a/tools/command-lines.in b/tools/command-lines.in
+index ed3d041..1b0ca22 100644
+--- a/tools/command-lines.in
++++ b/tools/command-lines.in
+@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ RULE: --profile not --detachprofile
+ RULE: --metadataprofile not --detachprofile
+ RULE: --minrecoveryrate --maxrecoveryrate and LV_raid
+ RULE: --writebehind --writemostly and LV_raid1
+-RULE: --cachemode --cachepolicy --cachesettings and LV_cache LV_cachepool
++RULE: --cachemode --cachepolicy --cachesettings and LV_cache LV_cachepool LV_writecache
+ RULE: --errorwhenfull --discards --zero and LV_thinpool
+ RULE: --permission not lv_is_external_origin lv_is_raid_metadata lv_is_raid_image LV_thinpool
+ RULE: --alloc --contiguous --metadataprofile --permission --persistent --profile --readahead not lv_is_thick_origin
+@@ -359,7 +359,8 @@ OP: PV ...
+ ID: lvconvert_raid_types
+ DESC: Convert LV to raid or change raid layout
+ DESC: (a specific raid level must be used, e.g. raid1).
+-RULE: all not lv_is_locked lv_is_pvmove lv_is_raid_with_integrity
++RULE: all not lv_is_locked lv_is_pvmove
++RULE: lv_is_raid_with_integrity not --stripes_long --stripesize --regionsize --interval
+ lvconvert --mirrors SNumber LV
+ OO: --regionsize RegionSize, --interval Number, --mirrorlog MirrorLog, OO_LVCONVERT
+@@ -497,6 +498,20 @@ FLAGS: SECONDARY_SYNTAX
+ ---
++lvconvert --type writecache --cachedevice PV LV_linear_striped_raid
++OO: OO_LVCONVERT, --cachesize SizeMB, --cachesettings String
++ID: lvconvert_to_writecache_with_device
++DESC: Add a writecache to an LV, using a specified cache device.
++RULE: all and lv_is_visible
++lvconvert --type cache --cachedevice PV LV_linear_striped_raid_thinpool
++OO: OO_LVCONVERT, --cachesize SizeMB, --cachesettings String
++ID: lvconvert_to_cache_with_device
++DESC: Add a cache to an LV, using a specified cache device.
++RULE: all and lv_is_visible
+ lvconvert --type thin-pool LV_linear_striped_raid_cache
+ OO: --stripes_long Number, --stripesize SizeKB,
+ --discards Discards, OO_LVCONVERT_POOL, OO_LVCONVERT
+@@ -1205,87 +1220,107 @@ lvcreate --type cache --size SizeMB --cachepool LV_cachepool VG
+ --stripes Number, --stripesize SizeKB
+ OP: PV ...
+-ID: lvcreate_cache_vol_with_new_origin
+-DESC: Create a cache LV, first creating a new origin LV,
+-DESC: then combining it with the existing cache pool named
+-DESC: by the --cachepool arg.
++ID: lvcreate_and_attach_cachepool
++DESC: Create a new LV, then attach the specified cachepool
++DESC: which converts the new LV to type cache.
+ # alternate form of lvcreate --type cache
++# (omits the --type cache option which is inferred)
+ lvcreate --size SizeMB --cachepool LV_cachepool VG
+ OO: --type cache, --cache, OO_LVCREATE_CACHE, OO_LVCREATE,
+ --stripes Number, --stripesize SizeKB
+ OP: PV ...
+-ID: lvcreate_cache_vol_with_new_origin
+-DESC: Create a cache LV, first creating a new origin LV,
+-DESC: then combining it with the existing cache pool named
+-DESC: by the --cachepool arg (variant, infers --type cache).
++ID: lvcreate_and_attach_cachepool_v2
++DESC: Create a new LV, then attach the specified cachepool
++DESC: which converts the new LV to type cache
++DESC: (variant, infers --type cache.)
+ # alternate form of lvcreate --type cache
++# (moves cachepool from option arg to position arg,
++# dropping the normal VG position arg)
+ lvcreate --type cache --size SizeMB LV_cachepool
+ --stripes Number, --stripesize SizeKB
+ OP: PV ...
+-ID: lvcreate_cache_vol_with_new_origin
+-DESC: Create a cache LV, first creating a new origin LV,
+-DESC: then combining it with the existing cache pool named
+-DESC: in the first arg (variant, also use --cachepool).
++ID: lvcreate_and_attach_cachepool_v3
++DESC: Create a new LV, then attach the specified cachepool
++DESC: which converts the new LV to type cache.
++DESC: (variant, also use --cachepool).
+-# This is a ridiculously crazy command which nobody could
+-# understand.  It should be be eliminated.  It does two different
+-# things depending on whether LV in pos 1 is a cachepool LV
+-# or not.  Both variations are unnecessary.
+-# 1. If LV is a cachepool, then it's an alternate form of
+-#    an already complicated command above.
+-# # alternate form for lvcreate_cache_vol_with_new_origin
+-# lvcreate --cache --size SizeMB LV_cachepool
+-# OO: --type cache, --cache, OO_LVCREATE_CACHE, OO_LVCREATE, --stripes Number, --stripesize SizeKB
+-# OP: PV ...
+-# ID: lvcreate_cache_vol_with_new_origin
+-# DESC: Create a cache LV, first creating a new origin LV,
+-# DESC: then combining it with the existing cache pool named
+-# DESC: in the first arg (variant, infers --type cache,
+-# DESC: also use --cachepool).
+-# 2. If LV is not a cachepool, then it's a disguised lvconvert.
+-# # FIXME: this should be done by lvconvert, and this command removed
+-# lvcreate --type cache --size SizeMB LV
+-# OP: PV ...
+-# ID: lvcreate_convert_to_cache_vol_with_cachepool
+-# DESC: Convert the specified LV to type cache after creating a new
+-# DESC: cache pool LV to use (use lvconvert).
++# This command has two different meanings which ought to
++# have separate command defs, but since the syntax is the
++# same for both they have to share one command def with
++# an ambiguous meaning.  Which command is performed depends
++# on whether the LV in the first arg position is a
++# cachepool or not (we can't have two different command
++# defs that differ only in the type of LV in the arg position
++# because when parsing commands we don't know the LV type.)
++# 1. An alternate form of lvcreate_and_attach_cachepool_v3
++#    this syntax:         lvcreate --cache --size SizeMB LV_cachepool
++#    is alternative for:  lvcreate --type cache --size SizeMB LV_cachepool
++# 2. An alternative to using lvconvert to convert LV to type cache,
++#    but in this case the cachepool is created internally and
++#    then attached to the LV arg.
+ #
+ # Note that stripes are accepted by the first and not by the
+ # second, but it's not possible to validate this until after
+ # the LV type is known.
+-# So, to define this syntax we have to combine both of
+-# those variants, each crazy on it's own, into one
+-# ridiculous command.
+-# def1: alternate form of lvcreate --type cache, or
+-# def2: it should be done by lvconvert.
+ lvcreate --cache --size SizeMB LV
+ --stripes Number, --stripesize SizeKB
+ OP: PV ...
+-ID: lvcreate_cache_vol_with_new_origin_or_convert_to_cache_vol_with_cachepool
+-DESC: When LV is a cache pool, create a cache LV,
+-DESC: first creating a new origin LV, then combining it with
+-DESC: the existing cache pool named in the first arg
+-DESC: (variant, infers --type cache, also use --cachepool).
+-DESC: When LV is not a cache pool, convert the specified LV
+-DESC: to type cache after creating a new cache pool LV to use
+-DESC: (use lvconvert).
++ID: lvcreate_new_plus_old_cachepool_or_lvconvert_old_plus_new_cachepool
++DESC: When the LV arg is a cachepool, then create a new LV and
++DESC: attach the cachepool arg to it.
++DESC: (variant, use --type cache and --cachepool.)
++DESC: When the LV arg is not a cachepool, then create a new cachepool
++DESC: and attach it to the LV arg (alternative, use lvconvert.)
+ ---
++# These all create a new origin LV, then forwards to lvconvert
++# which combines it with a cachevol (which already exists or
++# which needs to be created from cachedevice), converting
++# the new LV to type cache or writecache.
++lvcreate --type cache --size SizeMB --cachevol LV VG
++OO: OO_LVCREATE, OO_LVCREATE_CACHE, --stripes Number, --stripesize SizeKB
++OP: PV ...
++ID: lvcreate_and_attach_cachevol_for_cache
++DESC: Create a new LV, then attach the specified cachevol
++DESC: which converts the new LV to type cache.
++lvcreate --type cache --size SizeMB --cachedevice PV VG
++OO: OO_LVCREATE, OO_LVCREATE_CACHE, --cachesize SizeMB, --stripes Number, --stripesize SizeKB
++OP: PV ...
++ID: lvcreate_and_attach_cachedevice_for_cache
++DESC: Create a new LV, then attach a cachevol created from
++DESC: the specified cache device, which converts the
++DESC: new LV to type cache.
++lvcreate --type writecache --size SizeMB --cachevol LV VG
++OO: OO_LVCREATE, --cachesettings String, --stripes Number, --stripesize SizeKB
++OP: PV ...
++ID: lvcreate_and_attach_cachevol_for_writecache
++DESC: Create a new LV, then attach the specified cachevol
++DESC: which converts the new LV to type writecache.
++lvcreate --type writecache --size SizeMB --cachedevice PV VG
++OO: OO_LVCREATE, --cachesize SizeMB, --cachesettings String, --stripes Number, --stripesize SizeKB
++OP: PV ...
++ID: lvcreate_and_attach_cachedevice_for_writecache
++DESC: Create a new LV, then attach a cachevol created from
++DESC: the specified cache device, which converts the
++DESC: new LV to type writecache.
+ lvdisplay
+ OO: --aligned, --all, --binary, --colon, --columns,
+ --configreport ConfigReport, --foreign, --history, --ignorelockingfailure,
+diff --git a/tools/command.c b/tools/command.c
+index 511dda1..2d01849 100644
+--- a/tools/command.c
++++ b/tools/command.c
+@@ -1420,6 +1420,9 @@ int define_commands(struct cmd_context *cmdtool, const char *run_name)
+ 		if (line[0] == '\n')
+ 			break;
++		if (!strcmp(line, "---") || !strcmp(line, "--"))
++			continue;
+ 		if ((n = strchr(line, '\n')))
+ 			*n = '\0';
+diff --git a/tools/lvchange.c b/tools/lvchange.c
+index 2d5bb32..c0adadf 100644
+--- a/tools/lvchange.c
++++ b/tools/lvchange.c
+@@ -606,6 +606,88 @@ static int _lvchange_persistent(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+ 	return 1;
+ }
++static int _lvchange_writecache(struct cmd_context *cmd,
++			   struct logical_volume *lv,
++			   uint32_t *mr)
++	struct writecache_settings settings = { 0 };
++	uint32_t block_size_sectors = 0;
++	struct lv_segment *seg = first_seg(lv);
++	int set_count = 0;
++	if (!get_writecache_settings(cmd, &settings, &block_size_sectors))
++		return_0;
++	if (block_size_sectors && (seg->writecache_block_size != (block_size_sectors * 512))) {
++		log_error("Cannot change existing block size %u bytes.", seg->writecache_block_size);
++		return 0;
++	}
++	if (settings.high_watermark_set) {
++		seg->writecache_settings.high_watermark_set = settings.high_watermark_set;
++		seg->writecache_settings.high_watermark = settings.high_watermark;
++		set_count++;
++	}
++	if (settings.low_watermark_set) {
++		seg->writecache_settings.low_watermark_set = settings.low_watermark_set;
++		seg->writecache_settings.low_watermark = settings.low_watermark;
++		set_count++;
++	}
++	if (settings.writeback_jobs_set) {
++		seg->writecache_settings.writeback_jobs_set = settings.writeback_jobs_set;
++		seg->writecache_settings.writeback_jobs = settings.writeback_jobs;
++		set_count++;
++	}
++	if (settings.autocommit_blocks_set) {
++		seg->writecache_settings.autocommit_blocks_set = settings.autocommit_blocks_set;
++		seg->writecache_settings.autocommit_blocks = settings.autocommit_blocks;
++		set_count++;
++	}
++	if (settings.autocommit_time_set) {
++		seg->writecache_settings.autocommit_time_set = settings.autocommit_time_set;
++		seg->writecache_settings.autocommit_time = settings.autocommit_time;
++		set_count++;
++	}
++	if (settings.fua_set) {
++		seg->writecache_settings.fua_set = settings.fua_set;
++		seg->writecache_settings.fua = settings.fua;
++		set_count++;
++	}
++	if (settings.nofua_set) {
++		seg->writecache_settings.nofua_set = settings.nofua_set;
++		seg->writecache_settings.nofua = settings.nofua;
++		set_count++;
++	}
++	if (settings.cleaner_set) {
++		seg->writecache_settings.cleaner_set = settings.cleaner_set;
++		seg->writecache_settings.cleaner = settings.cleaner;
++		set_count++;
++	}
++	if (settings.max_age_set) {
++		seg->writecache_settings.max_age_set = settings.max_age_set;
++		seg->writecache_settings.max_age = settings.max_age;
++		set_count++;
++	}
++	if (!set_count) {
++		/*
++		 * Empty settings can be used to clear all current settings,
++		 * lvchange --cachesettings "" vg/lv
++		 */
++		if (!arg_count(cmd, yes_ARG) &&
++		    yes_no_prompt("Clear all writecache settings? ") == 'n') {
++			log_print("No settings changed.");
++			return 1;
++		}
++		memset(&seg->writecache_settings, 0, sizeof(struct writecache_settings));
++	}
++	/* Request caller to commit and reload metadata */
++	*mr |= MR_RELOAD;
++	return 1;
+ static int _lvchange_cache(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+ 			   struct logical_volume *lv,
+ 			   uint32_t *mr)
+@@ -619,6 +701,9 @@ static int _lvchange_cache(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+ 	int r = 0, is_clean;
+ 	uint32_t chunk_size = 0; /* FYI: lvchange does NOT support its change */
++	if (lv_is_writecache(lv))
++		return _lvchange_writecache(cmd, lv, mr);
+ 	seg = first_seg(lv);
+ 	if (seg_is_cache(seg) && lv_is_cache_vol(seg->pool_lv))
+diff --git a/tools/lvconvert.c b/tools/lvconvert.c
+index 8652252..524ed5a 100644
+--- a/tools/lvconvert.c
++++ b/tools/lvconvert.c
+@@ -1319,6 +1319,8 @@ static int _raid4_conversion_supported(struct logical_volume *lv, struct lvconve
+ static int _lvconvert_raid(struct logical_volume *lv, struct lvconvert_params *lp)
+ {
+ 	int image_count = 0;
++	int images_reduced = 0;
++	int type_enforced = 0;
+ 	struct cmd_context *cmd = lv->vg->cmd;
+ 	struct lv_segment *seg = first_seg(lv);
+@@ -1357,6 +1359,8 @@ static int _lvconvert_raid(struct logical_volume *lv, struct lvconvert_params *l
+ 		else
+ 			image_count = lp->mirrors + 1;
++		images_reduced = (image_count < lv_raid_image_count(lv));
+ 		if (image_count < 1) {
+ 			log_error("Unable to %s images by specified amount.",
+ 				  lp->keep_mimages ? "split" : "reduce");
+@@ -1369,6 +1373,12 @@ static int _lvconvert_raid(struct logical_volume *lv, struct lvconvert_params *l
+ 				  display_lvname(lv));
+ 			return 0;
+ 		}
++		if (!*lp->type_str) {
++			lp->type_str = SEG_TYPE_NAME_RAID1;
++			lp->segtype = get_segtype_from_string(lv->vg->cmd, SEG_TYPE_NAME_RAID1);
++			type_enforced = 1;
++		}
+ 	}
+ 	if ((lp->corelog || lp->mirrorlog) && strcmp(lp->type_str, SEG_TYPE_NAME_MIRROR)) {
+@@ -1383,7 +1393,7 @@ static int _lvconvert_raid(struct logical_volume *lv, struct lvconvert_params *l
+ 		return lv_raid_split(lv, lp->yes, lp->lv_split_name, image_count, lp->pvh);
+ 	if (lp->mirrors_supplied) {
+-		if ((seg_is_striped(seg) && seg->area_count == 1) || seg_is_raid1(seg)) { /* ??? */
++		if (seg_is_linear(seg) || seg_is_raid1(seg)) { /* ??? */
+ 		if (!*lp->type_str || !strcmp(lp->type_str, SEG_TYPE_NAME_RAID1) || !strcmp(lp->type_str, SEG_TYPE_NAME_LINEAR) ||
+ 		    (!strcmp(lp->type_str, SEG_TYPE_NAME_STRIPED) && image_count == 1)) {
+ 			if (image_count > DEFAULT_RAID1_MAX_IMAGES) {
+@@ -1400,7 +1410,7 @@ static int _lvconvert_raid(struct logical_volume *lv, struct lvconvert_params *l
+ 							lp->region_size : seg->region_size , lp->pvh))
+ 				return_0;
+-			if (lv_raid_has_integrity(lv)) {
++			if (lv_raid_has_integrity(lv) && !images_reduced) {
+ 				struct integrity_settings *isettings = NULL;
+ 				if (!lv_get_raid_integrity_settings(lv, &isettings))
+ 					return_0;
+@@ -1446,7 +1456,7 @@ static int _lvconvert_raid(struct logical_volume *lv, struct lvconvert_params *l
+ 		/* FIXME This needs changing globally. */
+ 		if (!arg_is_set(cmd, stripes_long_ARG))
+ 			lp->stripes = 0;
+-		if (!arg_is_set(cmd, type_ARG))
++		if (!type_enforced && !arg_is_set(cmd, type_ARG))
+ 		       lp->segtype = NULL;
+ 		if (!arg_is_set(cmd, regionsize_ARG))
+ 		       lp->region_size = 0;
+@@ -1474,7 +1484,7 @@ try_new_takeover_or_reshape:
+ 	/* FIXME This needs changing globally. */
+ 	if (!arg_is_set(cmd, stripes_long_ARG))
+ 		lp->stripes = 0;
+-	if (!arg_is_set(cmd, type_ARG))
++	if (!type_enforced && !arg_is_set(cmd, type_ARG))
+ 	       lp->segtype = NULL;
+ 	if (!lv_raid_convert(lv, lp->segtype,
+@@ -3276,7 +3286,11 @@ static int _lvconvert_to_pool(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+ 			}
+ 			metadata_lv->status &= ~LV_ACTIVATION_SKIP;
+-			if (!wipe_lv(metadata_lv, (struct wipe_params) { .do_zero = 1 })) {
++			if (!wipe_lv(metadata_lv, (struct wipe_params) {
++						  .do_wipe_signatures = 1,
++						  .is_metadata = 1,
++						  .yes = arg_count(cmd, yes_ARG),
++						  .force = arg_count(cmd, force_ARG) } )) {
+ 				log_error("Aborting. Failed to wipe metadata lv.");
+ 				goto bad;
+ 			}
+@@ -4245,51 +4259,205 @@ int lvconvert_to_pool_cmd(struct cmd_context *cmd, int argc, char **argv)
+ 			       NULL, NULL, &_lvconvert_to_pool_single);
+ }
+-static int _lvconvert_cachevol_attach_single(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+-					  struct logical_volume *lv,
+-					  struct processing_handle *handle)
++#define MAX_CACHEDEVS 8
++static int _lv_create_cachevol(struct cmd_context *cmd,
++			       struct volume_group *vg,
++			       struct logical_volume *lv,
++			       struct logical_volume **cachevol_lv)
+ {
+-	struct volume_group *vg = lv->vg;
+-	struct logical_volume *cachevol_lv;
+-	const char *cachevol_name;
++	char cvname[NAME_LEN];
++	char format[NAME_LEN];
++	struct dm_list *use_pvh;
++	struct pv_list *pvl;
++	char *dev_name;
++	struct device *dev_fast;
++	char *dev_argv[MAX_CACHEDEVS];
++	int dev_argc = 0;
++	uint64_t cache_size_sectors = 0;
++	uint64_t full_size_sectors = 0;
++	uint64_t pv_size_sectors;
++	struct logical_volume *cachevol;
++	struct arg_value_group_list *group;
++	struct lvcreate_params lp = {
++		.activate = CHANGE_AN,
++		.alloc = ALLOC_INHERIT,
++		.major = -1,
++		.minor = -1,
++		.permission = LVM_READ | LVM_WRITE,
++		.pvh = &vg->pvs,
++		.read_ahead = DM_READ_AHEAD_NONE,
++		.stripes = 1,
++		.vg_name = vg->name,
++		.zero = 0,
++		.wipe_signatures = 0,
++		.suppress_zero_warn = 1,
++	};
+-	if (!(cachevol_name = arg_str_value(cmd, cachevol_ARG, NULL)))
+-		goto_out;
++	/*
++	 * If cache size is not set, and all cachedevice's are unused,
++	 * then the cache size is the sum of all cachedevice sizes.
++	 */
++	cache_size_sectors = arg_uint64_value(cmd, cachesize_ARG, 0);
+-	if (!validate_lvname_param(cmd, &vg->name, &cachevol_name))
+-		goto_out;
++	dm_list_iterate_items(group, &cmd->arg_value_groups) {
++		if (!grouped_arg_is_set(group->arg_values, cachedevice_ARG))
++			continue;
+-	if (!(cachevol_lv = find_lv(vg, cachevol_name))) {
+-		log_error("Cache single %s not found.", cachevol_name);
+-		goto out;
++		if (!(dev_name = (char *)grouped_arg_str_value(group->arg_values, cachedevice_ARG, NULL)))
++			break;
++		if (dev_name[0] == '@') {
++			if (!cache_size_sectors) {
++				log_error("With tag as cachedevice, --cachesize is required.");
++				return 0;
++			}
++			goto add_dev_arg;
++		}
++		if (!(dev_fast = dev_cache_get(cmd, dev_name, cmd->filter))) {
++			log_error("Device %s not found.", dev_name);
++			return 0;
++		}
++		if (!(pvl = find_pv_in_vg(vg, dev_name))) {
++			log_error("PV %s not found in VG.", dev_name);
++			return 0;
++		}
++		/*
++		 * If the dev is used in the VG, then require a cachesize to allocate
++		 * from it.  If it is not used in the VG, then prompt asking if the
++		 * entire dev should be used.
++		 */
++		if (!cache_size_sectors && pvl->pv->pe_alloc_count) {
++			log_error("PV %s is in use, --cachesize is required.", dev_name);
++			return 0;
++		}
++		if (!cache_size_sectors) {
++			pv_size_sectors = (pvl->pv->pe_count * vg->extent_size);
++			if (!arg_is_set(cmd, yes_ARG) &&
++			    yes_no_prompt("Use all %s from %s for cache? [y/n]: ",
++					  display_size(cmd, pv_size_sectors), dev_name) == 'n') {
++				log_print("Use --cachesize SizeMB to use a part of the cachedevice.");
++				log_error("Conversion aborted.");
++				return 0;
++			}
++			full_size_sectors += pv_size_sectors;
++		}
++ add_dev_arg:
++		if (dev_argc >= MAX_CACHEDEVS) {
++			log_error("Cannot allocate from more than %u cache devices.", MAX_CACHEDEVS);
++			return 0;
++		}
++		dev_argv[dev_argc++] = dev_name;
+ 	}
+-	if (lv_is_cache_vol(cachevol_lv)) {
+-		log_error("LV %s is already used as a cachevol.", display_lvname(cachevol_lv));
+-		goto out;
++	if (!cache_size_sectors)
++		cache_size_sectors = full_size_sectors;
++	if (!dev_argc) {
++		log_error("No cachedevice specified to create a cachevol.");
++		return 0;
+ 	}
+-	/* Ensure the LV is not active elsewhere. */
+-	if (!lockd_lv(cmd, lv, "ex", 0))
+-		goto_out;
++	if (!(use_pvh = create_pv_list(cmd->mem, vg, dev_argc, dev_argv, 1))) {
++		log_error("cachedevice not found in VG %s.", dev_name);
++		return 0;
++	}
+-	if (!dm_list_empty(&cachevol_lv->segs_using_this_lv)) {
+-		log_error("LV %s is already in use.", display_lvname(cachevol_lv));
+-		goto out;
++	if (dm_snprintf(cvname, NAME_LEN, "%s_cache", lv->name) < 0) {
++		log_error("Failed to create cachevol LV name.");
++		return 0;
+ 	}
+-	if (!arg_is_set(cmd, yes_ARG) &&
+-	    yes_no_prompt("Erase all existing data on %s? [y/n]: ", display_lvname(cachevol_lv)) == 'n') {
+-		log_error("Conversion aborted.");
+-		goto out;
++	if (find_lv(vg, cvname)) {
++		memset(format, 0, sizeof(cvname));
++		memset(cvname, 0, sizeof(cvname));
++		if (dm_snprintf(format, sizeof(format), "%s_cache%%d", lv->name) < 0) {
++			log_error("Failed to generate cachevol LV format.");
++			return 0;
++		}
++		if (!generate_lv_name(vg, format, cvname, sizeof(cvname))) {
++			log_error("Failed to generate cachevol LV name.");
++			return 0;
++		}
++	}
++	lp.lv_name = cvname;
++	lp.pvh = use_pvh;
++	lp.extents = cache_size_sectors / vg->extent_size;
++	log_print("Creating cachevol LV %s with size %s.",
++		  cvname, display_size(cmd, cache_size_sectors));
++	dm_list_init(&lp.tags);
++	if (!(lp.segtype = get_segtype_from_string(cmd, SEG_TYPE_NAME_STRIPED)))
++		return_0;
++	if (!(cachevol = lv_create_single(vg, &lp))) {
++		log_error("Failed to create cachevol LV");
++		return 0;
++	}
++	*cachevol_lv = cachevol;
++	return 1;
++int lvconvert_cachevol_attach_single(struct cmd_context *cmd,
++				     struct logical_volume *lv,
++				     struct processing_handle *handle)
++	struct volume_group *vg = lv->vg;
++	struct logical_volume *lv_fast;
++	const char *fast_name;
++	/*
++	 * User specifies an existing cachevol to use or a cachedevice
++	 * to create a cachevol from.
++	 */
++	if ((fast_name = arg_str_value(cmd, cachevol_ARG, NULL))) {
++		if (!validate_lvname_param(cmd, &vg->name, &fast_name))
++			goto_bad;
++		if (!(lv_fast = find_lv(vg, fast_name))) {
++			log_error("LV %s not found.", fast_name);
++			goto bad;
++		}
++		if (lv_is_cache_vol(lv_fast)) {
++			log_error("LV %s is already used as a cachevol.", display_lvname(lv_fast));
++			goto bad;
++		}
++		if (!dm_list_empty(&lv_fast->segs_using_this_lv)) {
++			log_error("LV %s is already in use.", display_lvname(lv_fast));
++			goto bad;
++		}
++		if (!arg_is_set(cmd, yes_ARG) &&
++		    yes_no_prompt("Erase all existing data on %s? [y/n]: ", display_lvname(lv_fast)) == 'n') {
++			log_error("Conversion aborted.");
++			goto bad;
++		}
++		if (!lockd_lv(cmd, lv_fast, "ex", 0))
++			goto_bad;
++	} else {
++		if (!_lv_create_cachevol(cmd, vg, lv, &lv_fast))
++			goto_bad;
+ 	}
+ 	/* Ensure the LV is not active elsewhere. */
+-	if (!lockd_lv(cmd, cachevol_lv, "ex", LDLV_PERSISTENT))
+-		goto_out;
++	if (!lockd_lv(cmd, lv, "ex", 0))
++		goto_bad;
+-	if (!wipe_cache_pool(cachevol_lv))
+-		goto_out;
++	if (!wipe_cache_pool(lv_fast))
++		goto_bad;
+ 	/* When the lv arg is a thinpool, redirect command to data sub lv. */
+@@ -4299,17 +4467,17 @@ static int _lvconvert_cachevol_attach_single(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+ 	}
+ 	if (_raid_split_image_conversion(lv))
+-		goto_out;
++		goto_bad;
+ 	/* Attach the cache to the main LV. */
+-	if (!_cache_vol_attach(cmd, lv, cachevol_lv))
+-		goto_out;
++	if (!_cache_vol_attach(cmd, lv, lv_fast))
++		goto_bad;
+ 	log_print_unless_silent("Logical volume %s is now cached.", display_lvname(lv));
+- out:
++ bad:
+ 	return ECMD_FAILED;
+ }
+@@ -5308,19 +5476,8 @@ static int _lvconvert_detach_writecache(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+ 					struct logical_volume *lv,
+ 					struct logical_volume *lv_fast)
+ {
+-	char cvol_name[NAME_LEN];
+-	char *c;
+ 	int noflush = 0;
+-	/*
+-	 * LV must be inactive externally before detaching cache.
+-	 */
+-	if (lv_info(cmd, lv, 1, NULL, 0, 0)) {
+-		log_error("LV %s must be inactive to detach writecache.", display_lvname(lv));
+-		return 0;
+-	}
+ 	if (!archive(lv->vg))
+ 		return_0;
+@@ -5344,36 +5501,23 @@ static int _lvconvert_detach_writecache(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+ 		noflush = 1;
+ 	}
+-	if (!lv_detach_writecache_cachevol(lv, noflush))
+-		return_0;
+ 	/*
+-	 * Rename lv_fast back to its original name, without the _cvol
+-	 * suffix that was added when lv_fast was attached for caching.
++	 * TODO: send a message to writecache in the kernel to start writing
++	 * back cache data to the origin.  Then release the vg lock and monitor
++	 * the progress of that writeback.  When it's complete we can reacquire
++	 * the vg lock, rescan the vg (ensure it hasn't changed), and do the
++	 * detach which should be quick since the writeback is complete.  If
++	 * this command is canceled while monitoring writeback, it should just
++	 * be rerun.  The LV will continue to have the writecache until this
++	 * command is run to completion.
+ 	 */
+-	if (!dm_strncpy(cvol_name, lv_fast->name, sizeof(cvol_name)) ||
+-	    !(c = strstr(cvol_name, "_cvol"))) {
+-		log_debug("LV %s has no suffix for cachevol (skipping rename).",
+-			display_lvname(lv_fast));
+-	} else {
+-		*c = 0;
+-		/* If the name is in use, generate new lvol%d */
+-		if (lv_name_is_used_in_vg(lv->vg, cvol_name, NULL) &&
+-		    !generate_lv_name(lv->vg, "lvol%d", cvol_name, sizeof(cvol_name))) {
+-			log_error("Failed to generate unique name for unused logical volume.");
+-			return 0;
+-		}
+-		if (!lv_rename_update(cmd, lv_fast, cvol_name, 0))
+-			return_0;
+-	}
+-	if (!vg_write(lv->vg) || !vg_commit(lv->vg))
++	if (!lv_detach_writecache_cachevol(lv, noflush))
+ 		return_0;
+ 	backup(lv->vg);
+-	log_print_unless_silent("Logical volume %s write cache has been detached.",
++	log_print_unless_silent("Logical volume %s writecache has been detached.",
+ 				display_lvname(lv));
+ 	return 1;
+ }
+@@ -5383,7 +5527,8 @@ static int _writecache_zero(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct logical_volume *lv)
+ 	struct wipe_params wp = {
+ 		.do_wipe_signatures = 1, /* optional, to print warning if clobbering something */
+ 		.do_zero = 1,            /* required for dm-writecache to work */
+-		.zero_sectors = 1
++		.yes = arg_count(cmd, yes_ARG),
++		.force = arg_count(cmd, force_ARG)
+ 	};
+ 	int ret;
+@@ -5400,7 +5545,8 @@ static int _writecache_zero(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct logical_volume *lv)
+ 		return 0;
+ 	}
+-	ret = wipe_lv(lv, wp);
++	if (!(ret = wipe_lv(lv, wp)))
++		stack;
+ 	if (!deactivate_lv(cmd, lv)) {
+ 		log_error("Failed to deactivate LV %s for zeroing.", display_lvname(lv));
+@@ -5410,157 +5556,6 @@ static int _writecache_zero(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct logical_volume *lv)
+ 	return ret;
+ }
+-static int _get_one_writecache_setting(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct writecache_settings *settings,
+-				       char *key, char *val, uint32_t *block_size_sectors)
+-	/* special case: block_size is not a setting but is set with the --cachesettings option */
+-	if (!strncmp(key, "block_size", strlen("block_size"))) {
+-		uint32_t block_size = 0;
+-		if (sscanf(val, "%u", &block_size) != 1)
+-			goto_bad;
+-		if (block_size == 512)
+-			*block_size_sectors = 1;
+-		else if (block_size == 4096)
+-			*block_size_sectors = 8;
+-		else
+-			goto_bad;
+-		return 1;
+-	}
+-	if (!strncmp(key, "high_watermark", strlen("high_watermark"))) {
+-		if (sscanf(val, "%llu", (unsigned long long *)&settings->high_watermark) != 1)
+-			goto_bad;
+-		if (settings->high_watermark > 100)
+-			goto_bad;
+-		settings->high_watermark_set = 1;
+-		return 1;
+-	}
+-	if (!strncmp(key, "low_watermark", strlen("low_watermark"))) {
+-		if (sscanf(val, "%llu", (unsigned long long *)&settings->low_watermark) != 1)
+-			goto_bad;
+-		if (settings->low_watermark > 100)
+-			goto_bad;
+-		settings->low_watermark_set = 1;
+-		return 1;
+-	}
+-	if (!strncmp(key, "writeback_jobs", strlen("writeback_jobs"))) {
+-		if (sscanf(val, "%llu", (unsigned long long *)&settings->writeback_jobs) != 1)
+-			goto_bad;
+-		settings->writeback_jobs_set = 1;
+-		return 1;
+-	}
+-	if (!strncmp(key, "autocommit_blocks", strlen("autocommit_blocks"))) {
+-		if (sscanf(val, "%llu", (unsigned long long *)&settings->autocommit_blocks) != 1)
+-			goto_bad;
+-		settings->autocommit_blocks_set = 1;
+-		return 1;
+-	}
+-	if (!strncmp(key, "autocommit_time", strlen("autocommit_time"))) {
+-		if (sscanf(val, "%llu", (unsigned long long *)&settings->autocommit_time) != 1)
+-			goto_bad;
+-		settings->autocommit_time_set = 1;
+-		return 1;
+-	}
+-	if (!strncmp(key, "fua", strlen("fua"))) {
+-		if (settings->nofua_set) {
+-			log_error("Setting fua and nofua cannot both be set.");
+-			return 0;
+-		}
+-		if (sscanf(val, "%u", &settings->fua) != 1)
+-			goto_bad;
+-		settings->fua_set = 1;
+-		return 1;
+-	}
+-	if (!strncmp(key, "nofua", strlen("nofua"))) {
+-		if (settings->fua_set) {
+-			log_error("Setting fua and nofua cannot both be set.");
+-			return 0;
+-		}
+-		if (sscanf(val, "%u", &settings->nofua) != 1)
+-			goto_bad;
+-		settings->nofua_set = 1;
+-		return 1;
+-	}
+-	if (settings->new_key) {
+-		log_error("Setting %s is not recognized. Only one unrecognized setting is allowed.", key);
+-		return 0;
+-	}
+-	log_warn("Unrecognized writecache setting \"%s\" may cause activation failure.", key);
+-	if (yes_no_prompt("Use unrecognized writecache setting? [y/n]: ") == 'n') {
+-		log_error("Aborting writecache conversion.");
+-		return 0;
+-	}
+-	log_warn("Using unrecognized writecache setting: %s = %s.", key, val);
+-	settings->new_key = dm_pool_strdup(cmd->mem, key);
+-	settings->new_val = dm_pool_strdup(cmd->mem, val);
+-	return 1;
+- bad:
+-	log_error("Invalid setting: %s", key);
+-	return 0;
+-static int _get_writecache_settings(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct writecache_settings *settings,
+-				    uint32_t *block_size_sectors)
+-	struct arg_value_group_list *group;
+-	const char *str;
+-	char key[64];
+-	char val[64];
+-	int num;
+-	int pos;
+-	/*
+-	 * "grouped" means that multiple --cachesettings options can be used.
+-	 * Each option is also allowed to contain multiple key = val pairs.
+-	 */
+-	dm_list_iterate_items(group, &cmd->arg_value_groups) {
+-		if (!grouped_arg_is_set(group->arg_values, cachesettings_ARG))
+-			continue;
+-		if (!(str = grouped_arg_str_value(group->arg_values, cachesettings_ARG, NULL)))
+-			break;
+-		pos = 0;
+-		while (pos < strlen(str)) {
+-			/* scan for "key1=val1 key2 = val2  key3= val3" */
+-			memset(key, 0, sizeof(key));
+-			memset(val, 0, sizeof(val));
+-			if (sscanf(str + pos, " %63[^=]=%63s %n", key, val, &num) != 2) {
+-				log_error("Invalid setting at: %s", str+pos);
+-				return 0;
+-			}
+-			pos += num;
+-			if (!_get_one_writecache_setting(cmd, settings, key, val, block_size_sectors))
+-				return_0;
+-		}
+-	}
+-	if (settings->high_watermark_set && settings->low_watermark_set &&
+-	    (settings->high_watermark <= settings->low_watermark)) {
+-		log_error("High watermark must be greater than low watermark.");
+-		return 0;
+-	}
+-	return 1;
+ static struct logical_volume *_lv_writecache_create(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+ 					    struct logical_volume *lv,
+ 					    struct logical_volume *lv_fast,
+@@ -5605,9 +5600,177 @@ static struct logical_volume *_lv_writecache_create(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+ 	return lv_wcorig;
+ }
++ * Currently only supports writecache block sizes 512 and 4096.
++ * This could be expanded later.
++ */
++static int _set_writecache_block_size(struct cmd_context *cmd,
++				      struct logical_volume *lv,
++				      uint32_t *block_size_sectors)
++	char pathname[PATH_MAX];
++	struct device *fs_dev;
++	struct dm_list pvs;
++	struct pv_list *pvl;
++	uint32_t fs_block_size = 0;
++	uint32_t block_size_setting = 0;
++	uint32_t block_size = 0;
++	int lbs_unknown = 0, lbs_4k = 0, lbs_512 = 0;
++	int pbs_unknown = 0, pbs_4k = 0, pbs_512 = 0;
++	int rv;
++	/* This is set if the user specified a writecache block size on the command line. */
++	if (*block_size_sectors)
++		block_size_setting = *block_size_sectors * 512;
++	dm_list_init(&pvs);
++	if (!get_pv_list_for_lv(cmd->mem, lv, &pvs)) {
++		log_error("Failed to build list of PVs for %s.", display_lvname(lv));
++		goto_bad;
++	}
++	dm_list_iterate_items(pvl, &pvs) {
++		unsigned int pbs = 0;
++		unsigned int lbs = 0;
+-static int _lvconvert_writecache_attach_single(struct cmd_context *cmd,
++		if (!dev_get_direct_block_sizes(pvl->pv->dev, &pbs, &lbs)) {
++			lbs_unknown++;
++			pbs_unknown++;
++			continue;
++		}
++		if (lbs == 4096)
++			lbs_4k++;
++		else if (lbs == 512)
++			lbs_512++;
++		else
++			lbs_unknown++;
++		if (pbs == 4096)
++			pbs_4k++;
++		else if (pbs == 512)
++			pbs_512++;
++		else
++			pbs_unknown++;
++	}
++	if (lbs_4k && lbs_512) {
++		log_error("Writecache requires consistent logical block size for LV devices.");
++		goto_bad;
++	}
++	if (lbs_4k && block_size_setting && (block_size_setting < 4096)) {
++		log_error("Writecache block size %u not allowed with device logical block size 4096.",
++			  block_size_setting);
++		goto_bad;
++	}
++	if (dm_snprintf(pathname, sizeof(pathname), "%s/%s/%s", cmd->dev_dir,
++			lv->vg->name, lv->name) < 0) {
++		log_error("Path name too long to get LV block size %s", display_lvname(lv));
++		goto_bad;
++	}
++	if (!sync_local_dev_names(cmd))
++		stack;
++	if (!(fs_dev = dev_cache_get(cmd, pathname, NULL))) {
++		if (test_mode()) {
++			log_print("Test mode skips checking fs block size.");
++			fs_block_size = 0;
++			goto skip_fs;
++		}
++		log_error("Device for LV not found to check block size %s", pathname);
++		goto_bad;
++	}
++	/*
++	 * get_fs_block_size() returns the libblkid BLOCK_SIZE value,
++	 * where libblkid has fs-specific code to set BLOCK_SIZE to the
++	 * value we need here.
++	 *
++	 * The term "block size" here may not equate directly to what the fs
++	 * calls the block size, e.g. xfs calls this the sector size (and
++	 * something different the block size); while ext4 does call this
++	 * value the block size, but it's possible values are not the same
++	 * as xfs's, and do not seem to relate directly to the device LBS.
++	 *
++	 * With 512 LBS and 4K PBS, mkfs.xfs will use xfs sector size 4K.
++	 */
++	rv = get_fs_block_size(fs_dev, &fs_block_size);
++	if (!rv || !fs_block_size) {
++		if (lbs_4k && pbs_4k && !pbs_512) {
++			block_size = 4096;
++		} else if (lbs_512 && pbs_512 && !pbs_4k) {
++			block_size = 512;
++		} else if (lbs_512 && pbs_4k) {
++			if (block_size_setting == 4096)
++				block_size = 4096;
++			else
++				block_size = 512;
++		} else {
++			block_size = 512;
++		}
++		if (block_size_setting && (block_size_setting != block_size)) {
++			log_error("Cannot use writecache block size %u with unknown file system block size, logical block size %u, physical block size %u.",
++				  block_size_setting, lbs_4k ? 4096 : 512, pbs_4k ? 4096 : 512);
++			goto bad;
++		}
++		if (block_size != 512) {
++			log_warn("WARNING: unable to detect a file system block size on %s", display_lvname(lv));
++			log_warn("WARNING: using a writecache block size larger than the file system block size may corrupt the file system.");
++			if (!arg_is_set(cmd, yes_ARG) &&
++			    yes_no_prompt("Use writecache block size %u? [y/n]: ", block_size) == 'n')  {
++				log_error("Conversion aborted.");
++				goto bad;
++			}
++		}
++		log_print("Using writecache block size %u for unknown file system block size, logical block size %u, physical block size %u.",
++			 block_size, lbs_4k ? 4096 : 512, pbs_4k ? 4096 : 512);
++		goto out;
++	}
++	if (!block_size_setting) {
++		/* User did not specify a block size, so choose according to fs block size. */
++		if (fs_block_size == 4096)
++			block_size = 4096;
++		else if (fs_block_size == 512)
++			block_size = 512;
++		else if (fs_block_size > 4096)
++			block_size = 4096;
++		else if (fs_block_size < 4096)
++			block_size = 512;
++		else
++			goto_bad;
++	} else {
++		if (block_size_setting <= fs_block_size)
++			block_size = block_size_setting;
++		else {
++			log_error("Writecache block size %u cannot be larger than file system block size %u.",
++				  block_size_setting, fs_block_size);
++			goto_bad;
++		}
++	}
++	if (block_size == 512)
++		*block_size_sectors = 1;
++	else if (block_size == 4096)
++		*block_size_sectors = 8;
++	else
++		goto_bad;
++	return 1;
++	return 0;
++int lvconvert_writecache_attach_single(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+ 					struct logical_volume *lv,
+ 					struct processing_handle *handle)
+ {
+@@ -5616,68 +5779,91 @@ static int _lvconvert_writecache_attach_single(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+ 	struct logical_volume *lv_fast;
+ 	struct writecache_settings settings;
+ 	const char *fast_name;
+-	uint32_t block_size_sectors;
++	uint32_t block_size_sectors = 0;
+ 	char *lockd_fast_args = NULL;
+ 	char *lockd_fast_name = NULL;
+ 	struct id lockd_fast_id;
+ 	char cvol_name[NAME_LEN];
++	int is_active;
+-	fast_name = arg_str_value(cmd, cachevol_ARG, "");
++	/*
++	 * User specifies an existing cachevol to use or a cachedevice
++	 * to create a cachevol from.
++	 */
++	if ((fast_name = arg_str_value(cmd, cachevol_ARG, NULL))) {
++		if (!validate_lvname_param(cmd, &vg->name, &fast_name))
++			goto_bad;
+-	if (!(lv_fast = find_lv(vg, fast_name))) {
+-		log_error("LV %s not found.", fast_name);
+-		goto bad;
+-	}
++		if (!(lv_fast = find_lv(vg, fast_name))) {
++			log_error("LV %s not found.", fast_name);
++			goto bad;
++		}
+-	if (lv_fast == lv) {
+-		log_error("Invalid cachevol LV.");
+-		goto bad;
+-	}
++		if (lv_fast == lv) {
++			log_error("Invalid cachevol LV.");
++			goto bad;
++		}
+-	if (!seg_is_linear(first_seg(lv_fast))) {
+-		log_error("LV %s must be linear to use as a writecache.", display_lvname(lv_fast));
+-		goto bad;
+-	}
++		if (lv_is_cache_vol(lv_fast)) {
++			log_error("LV %s is already used as a cachevol.", display_lvname(lv_fast));
++			goto bad;
++		}
+-	if (lv_is_cache_vol(lv_fast)) {
+-		log_error("LV %s is already used as a cachevol.", display_lvname(lv_fast));
+-		goto bad;
+-	}
++		if (!seg_is_linear(first_seg(lv_fast))) {
++			log_error("LV %s must be linear to use as a writecache.", display_lvname(lv_fast));
++			goto bad;
++		}
+-	/*
+-	 * To permit this we need to check the block size of the fs using lv
+-	 * (recently in libblkid) so that we can use a matching writecache
+-	 * block size.  We also want to do that if the lv is inactive.
+-	 */
+-	if (lv_is_active(lv)) {
+-		log_error("LV %s must be inactive to attach writecache.", display_lvname(lv));
+-		goto bad;
+-	}
++		/* fast LV shouldn't generally be active by itself, but just in case. */
++		if (lv_is_active(lv_fast)) {
++			log_error("LV %s must be inactive to attach.", display_lvname(lv_fast));
++			goto bad;
++		}
+-	/* fast LV shouldn't generally be active by itself, but just in case. */
+-	if (lv_info(cmd, lv_fast, 1, NULL, 0, 0)) {
+-		log_error("LV %s must be inactive to attach.", display_lvname(lv_fast));
+-		goto bad;
++		if (!arg_is_set(cmd, yes_ARG) &&
++		     yes_no_prompt("Erase all existing data on %s? [y/n]: ", display_lvname(lv_fast)) == 'n') {
++			log_error("Conversion aborted.");
++			goto bad;
++		}
++	} else {
++		if (!_lv_create_cachevol(cmd, vg, lv, &lv_fast))
++			goto_bad;
+ 	}
++	is_active = lv_is_active(lv);
+ 	memset(&settings, 0, sizeof(settings));
+-	if (!_get_writecache_settings(cmd, &settings, &block_size_sectors)) {
++	if (!get_writecache_settings(cmd, &settings, &block_size_sectors)) {
+ 		log_error("Invalid writecache settings.");
+ 		goto bad;
+ 	}
+-	if (!arg_is_set(cmd, yes_ARG) &&
+-	    yes_no_prompt("Erase all existing data on %s? [y/n]: ", display_lvname(lv_fast)) == 'n') {
+-		log_error("Conversion aborted.");
+-		goto bad;
++	if (!is_active) {
++		/* checking block size of fs on the lv requires the lv to be active */
++		if (!activate_lv(cmd, lv)) {
++			log_error("Failed to activate LV to check block size %s", display_lvname(lv));
++			goto bad;
++		}
++	}
++	if (!_set_writecache_block_size(cmd, lv, &block_size_sectors)) {
++		if (!is_active && !deactivate_lv(cmd, lv))
++			stack;
++		goto_bad;
+ 	}
+-	/* Ensure the two LVs are not active elsewhere. */
++	if (!is_active) {
++		if (!deactivate_lv(cmd, lv)) {
++			log_error("Failed to deactivate LV after checking block size %s", display_lvname(lv));
++			goto bad;
++		}
++	}
++	/* Ensure the LV is not active elsewhere. */
+ 	if (!lockd_lv(cmd, lv, "ex", 0))
+ 		goto_bad;
+-	if (!lockd_lv(cmd, lv_fast, "ex", 0))
++	if (fast_name && !lockd_lv(cmd, lv_fast, "ex", 0))
+ 		goto_bad;
+ 	if (!archive(vg))
+@@ -5744,7 +5930,7 @@ static int _lvconvert_writecache_attach_single(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+ 			log_error("Failed to unlock fast LV %s/%s", vg->name, lockd_fast_name);
+ 	}
+-	log_print_unless_silent("Logical volume %s now has write cache.",
++	log_print_unless_silent("Logical volume %s now has writecache.",
+ 				display_lvname(lv));
+ bad:
+@@ -5768,7 +5954,7 @@ int lvconvert_to_writecache_cmd(struct cmd_context *cmd, int argc, char **argv)
+ 	cmd->cname->flags &= ~GET_VGNAME_FROM_OPTIONS;
+ 	ret = process_each_lv(cmd, cmd->position_argc, cmd->position_argv, NULL, NULL, READ_FOR_UPDATE, handle, NULL,
+-			      &_lvconvert_writecache_attach_single);
++			      &lvconvert_writecache_attach_single);
+ 	destroy_processing_handle(cmd, handle);
+@@ -5791,7 +5977,7 @@ int lvconvert_to_cache_with_cachevol_cmd(struct cmd_context *cmd, int argc, char
+ 	cmd->cname->flags &= ~GET_VGNAME_FROM_OPTIONS;
+ 	ret = process_each_lv(cmd, cmd->position_argc, cmd->position_argv, NULL, NULL, READ_FOR_UPDATE, handle, NULL,
+-			      &_lvconvert_cachevol_attach_single);
++			      &lvconvert_cachevol_attach_single);
+ 	destroy_processing_handle(cmd, handle);
+diff --git a/tools/lvcreate.c b/tools/lvcreate.c
+index 5c978b3..3357a08 100644
+--- a/tools/lvcreate.c
++++ b/tools/lvcreate.c
+@@ -766,7 +766,9 @@ static int _lvcreate_params(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+ 	 *
+ 	 * Ordering of following type tests is IMPORTANT
+ 	 */
+-	if ((segtype_str = arg_str_value(cmd, type_ARG, NULL))) {
++	if (lp->ignore_type) {
++		segtype_str = SEG_TYPE_NAME_STRIPED;
++	} else if ((segtype_str = arg_str_value(cmd, type_ARG, NULL))) {
+ 		lp->type = 1;
+ 		if (!strcmp(segtype_str, "linear")) {
+ 			segtype_str = "striped";
+@@ -1799,3 +1801,152 @@ int lvcreate(struct cmd_context *cmd, int argc, char **argv)
+ 	destroy_processing_handle(cmd, handle);
+ 	return ret;
+ }
++static int _lvcreate_and_attach_writecache_single(struct cmd_context *cmd,
++		const char *vg_name, struct volume_group *vg, struct processing_handle *handle)
++	struct processing_params *pp = (struct processing_params *) handle->custom_handle;
++	struct lvcreate_params *lp = pp->lp;
++	struct logical_volume *lv;
++	int ret;
++	ret = _lvcreate_single(cmd, vg_name, vg, handle);
++	if (ret == ECMD_FAILED)
++		return ret;
++	if (!(lv = find_lv(vg, lp->lv_name))) {
++		log_error("Failed to find LV %s to add writecache.", lp->lv_name);
++		return ECMD_FAILED;
++	}
++	ret = lvconvert_writecache_attach_single(cmd, lv, handle);
++	if (ret == ECMD_FAILED) {
++		log_error("Removing new LV after failing to add writecache.");
++		if (!deactivate_lv(cmd, lv))
++			log_error("Failed to deactivate new LV %s.", display_lvname(lv));
++		if (!lv_remove_with_dependencies(cmd, lv, 1, 0))
++			log_error("Failed to remove new LV %s.", display_lvname(lv));
++		return ECMD_FAILED;
++	}
++int lvcreate_and_attach_writecache_cmd(struct cmd_context *cmd, int argc, char **argv)
++	struct processing_handle *handle = NULL;
++	struct processing_params pp;
++	struct lvcreate_params lp = {
++		.major = -1,
++		.minor = -1,
++	};
++	struct lvcreate_cmdline_params lcp = { 0 };
++	int ret;
++	/*
++	 * Tell lvcreate to ignore --type since we are using lvcreate
++	 * to create a linear LV and using lvconvert to add cache.
++	 * (Would be better if lvcreate code was split up so we could
++	 * call a specific function that just created a linear/striped LV.)
++	 */
++	lp.ignore_type = 1;
++	if (!_lvcreate_params(cmd, argc, argv, &lp, &lcp)) {
++		stack;
++	}
++	pp.lp = &lp;
++	pp.lcp = &lcp;
++        if (!(handle = init_processing_handle(cmd, NULL))) {
++		log_error("Failed to initialize processing handle.");
++		return ECMD_FAILED;
++	}
++	handle->custom_handle = &pp;
++	ret = process_each_vg(cmd, 0, NULL, lp.vg_name, NULL, READ_FOR_UPDATE, 0, handle,
++			      &_lvcreate_and_attach_writecache_single);
++	_destroy_lvcreate_params(&lp);
++	destroy_processing_handle(cmd, handle);
++	return ret;
++static int _lvcreate_and_attach_cache_single(struct cmd_context *cmd,
++		const char *vg_name, struct volume_group *vg, struct processing_handle *handle)
++	struct processing_params *pp = (struct processing_params *) handle->custom_handle;
++	struct lvcreate_params *lp = pp->lp;
++	struct logical_volume *lv;
++	int ret;
++	ret = _lvcreate_single(cmd, vg_name, vg, handle);
++	if (ret == ECMD_FAILED)
++		return ret;
++	if (!(lv = find_lv(vg, lp->lv_name))) {
++		log_error("Failed to find LV %s to add cache.", lp->lv_name);
++		return ECMD_FAILED;
++	}
++	ret = lvconvert_cachevol_attach_single(cmd, lv, handle);
++	if (ret == ECMD_FAILED) {
++		log_error("Removing new LV after failing to add cache.");
++		if (!deactivate_lv(cmd, lv))
++			log_error("Failed to deactivate new LV %s.", display_lvname(lv));
++		if (!lv_remove_with_dependencies(cmd, lv, 1, 0))
++			log_error("Failed to remove new LV %s.", display_lvname(lv));
++		return ECMD_FAILED;
++	}
++int lvcreate_and_attach_cache_cmd(struct cmd_context *cmd, int argc, char **argv)
++	struct processing_handle *handle = NULL;
++	struct processing_params pp;
++	struct lvcreate_params lp = {
++		.major = -1,
++		.minor = -1,
++	};
++	struct lvcreate_cmdline_params lcp = { 0 };
++	int ret;
++	/*
++	 * Tell lvcreate to ignore --type since we are using lvcreate
++	 * to create a linear LV and using lvconvert to add cache.
++	 * (Would be better if lvcreate code was split up so we could
++	 * call a specific function that just created a linear/striped LV.)
++	 */
++	lp.ignore_type = 1;
++	if (!_lvcreate_params(cmd, argc, argv, &lp, &lcp)) {
++		stack;
++	}
++	pp.lp = &lp;
++	pp.lcp = &lcp;
++	if (!(handle = init_processing_handle(cmd, NULL))) {
++		log_error("Failed to initialize processing handle.");
++		return ECMD_FAILED;
++	}
++	handle->custom_handle = &pp;
++	ret = process_each_vg(cmd, 0, NULL, lp.vg_name, NULL, READ_FOR_UPDATE, 0, handle,
++			      &_lvcreate_and_attach_cache_single);
++	_destroy_lvcreate_params(&lp);
++	destroy_processing_handle(cmd, handle);
++	return ret;
+diff --git a/tools/lvmcmdline.c b/tools/lvmcmdline.c
+index d87a8f0..7cf4e3f 100644
+--- a/tools/lvmcmdline.c
++++ b/tools/lvmcmdline.c
+@@ -124,8 +124,10 @@ static const struct command_function _command_functions[CMD_COUNT] = {
+ 	{ lvconvert_to_cachepool_CMD,			lvconvert_to_pool_cmd },
+ 	{ lvconvert_to_thin_with_external_CMD,		lvconvert_to_thin_with_external_cmd },
+ 	{ lvconvert_to_cache_with_cachevol_CMD,		lvconvert_to_cache_with_cachevol_cmd },
++	{ lvconvert_to_cache_with_device_CMD,		lvconvert_to_cache_with_cachevol_cmd },
+ 	{ lvconvert_to_cache_with_cachepool_CMD,	lvconvert_to_cache_with_cachepool_cmd },
+ 	{ lvconvert_to_writecache_CMD,			lvconvert_to_writecache_cmd },
++	{ lvconvert_to_writecache_with_device_CMD,	lvconvert_to_writecache_cmd },
+ 	{ lvconvert_swap_pool_metadata_CMD,		lvconvert_swap_pool_metadata_cmd },
+ 	{ lvconvert_to_thinpool_or_swap_metadata_CMD,   lvconvert_to_pool_or_swap_metadata_cmd },
+ 	{ lvconvert_to_cachepool_or_swap_metadata_CMD,  lvconvert_to_pool_or_swap_metadata_cmd },
+@@ -152,6 +154,12 @@ static const struct command_function _command_functions[CMD_COUNT] = {
+ 	/* lvconvert for integrity */
+ 	{ lvconvert_integrity_CMD, lvconvert_integrity_cmd },
++	/* lvcreate */
++	{ lvcreate_and_attach_cachevol_for_cache_CMD,		lvcreate_and_attach_cache_cmd },
++	{ lvcreate_and_attach_cachedevice_for_cache_CMD,	lvcreate_and_attach_cache_cmd },
++	{ lvcreate_and_attach_cachevol_for_writecache_CMD,	lvcreate_and_attach_writecache_cmd },
++	{ lvcreate_and_attach_cachedevice_for_writecache_CMD,	lvcreate_and_attach_writecache_cmd },
+ 	{ pvscan_display_CMD, pvscan_display_cmd },
+ 	{ pvscan_cache_CMD, pvscan_cache_cmd },
+ };
+diff --git a/tools/toollib.c b/tools/toollib.c
+index 89b6374..eb0de55 100644
+--- a/tools/toollib.c
++++ b/tools/toollib.c
+@@ -1184,6 +1184,170 @@ out:
+ 	return ok;
+ }
++static int _get_one_writecache_setting(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct writecache_settings *settings,
++				       char *key, char *val, uint32_t *block_size_sectors)
++	/* special case: block_size is not a setting but is set with the --cachesettings option */
++	if (!strncmp(key, "block_size", strlen("block_size"))) {
++		uint32_t block_size = 0;
++		if (sscanf(val, "%u", &block_size) != 1)
++			goto_bad;
++		if (block_size == 512)
++			*block_size_sectors = 1;
++		else if (block_size == 4096)
++			*block_size_sectors = 8;
++		else
++			goto_bad;
++		return 1;
++	}
++	if (!strncmp(key, "high_watermark", strlen("high_watermark"))) {
++		if (sscanf(val, "%llu", (unsigned long long *)&settings->high_watermark) != 1)
++			goto_bad;
++		if (settings->high_watermark > 100)
++			goto_bad;
++		settings->high_watermark_set = 1;
++		return 1;
++	}
++	if (!strncmp(key, "low_watermark", strlen("low_watermark"))) {
++		if (sscanf(val, "%llu", (unsigned long long *)&settings->low_watermark) != 1)
++			goto_bad;
++		if (settings->low_watermark > 100)
++			goto_bad;
++		settings->low_watermark_set = 1;
++		return 1;
++	}
++	if (!strncmp(key, "writeback_jobs", strlen("writeback_jobs"))) {
++		if (sscanf(val, "%llu", (unsigned long long *)&settings->writeback_jobs) != 1)
++			goto_bad;
++		settings->writeback_jobs_set = 1;
++		return 1;
++	}
++	if (!strncmp(key, "autocommit_blocks", strlen("autocommit_blocks"))) {
++		if (sscanf(val, "%llu", (unsigned long long *)&settings->autocommit_blocks) != 1)
++			goto_bad;
++		settings->autocommit_blocks_set = 1;
++		return 1;
++	}
++	if (!strncmp(key, "autocommit_time", strlen("autocommit_time"))) {
++		if (sscanf(val, "%llu", (unsigned long long *)&settings->autocommit_time) != 1)
++			goto_bad;
++		settings->autocommit_time_set = 1;
++		return 1;
++	}
++	if (!strncmp(key, "fua", strlen("fua"))) {
++		if (settings->nofua_set) {
++			log_error("Setting fua and nofua cannot both be set.");
++			return 0;
++		}
++		if (sscanf(val, "%u", &settings->fua) != 1)
++			goto_bad;
++		settings->fua_set = 1;
++		return 1;
++	}
++	if (!strncmp(key, "nofua", strlen("nofua"))) {
++		if (settings->fua_set) {
++			log_error("Setting fua and nofua cannot both be set.");
++			return 0;
++		}
++		if (sscanf(val, "%u", &settings->nofua) != 1)
++			goto_bad;
++		settings->nofua_set = 1;
++		return 1;
++	}
++	if (!strncmp(key, "cleaner", strlen("cleaner"))) {
++		if (sscanf(val, "%u", &settings->cleaner) != 1)
++			goto_bad;
++		settings->cleaner_set = 1;
++		return 1;
++	}
++	if (!strncmp(key, "max_age", strlen("max_age"))) {
++		if (sscanf(val, "%u", &settings->max_age) != 1)
++			goto_bad;
++		settings->max_age_set = 1;
++		return 1;
++	}
++	if (settings->new_key) {
++		log_error("Setting %s is not recognized. Only one unrecognized setting is allowed.", key);
++		return 0;
++	}
++	log_warn("Unrecognized writecache setting \"%s\" may cause activation failure.", key);
++	if (yes_no_prompt("Use unrecognized writecache setting? [y/n]: ") == 'n') {
++		log_error("Aborting writecache conversion.");
++		return 0;
++	}
++	log_warn("Using unrecognized writecache setting: %s = %s.", key, val);
++	settings->new_key = dm_pool_strdup(cmd->mem, key);
++	settings->new_val = dm_pool_strdup(cmd->mem, val);
++	return 1;
++ bad:
++	log_error("Invalid setting: %s", key);
++	return 0;
++int get_writecache_settings(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct writecache_settings *settings,
++			    uint32_t *block_size_sectors)
++	struct arg_value_group_list *group;
++	const char *str;
++	char key[64];
++	char val[64];
++	int num;
++	int pos;
++	/*
++	 * "grouped" means that multiple --cachesettings options can be used.
++	 * Each option is also allowed to contain multiple key = val pairs.
++	 */
++	dm_list_iterate_items(group, &cmd->arg_value_groups) {
++		if (!grouped_arg_is_set(group->arg_values, cachesettings_ARG))
++			continue;
++		if (!(str = grouped_arg_str_value(group->arg_values, cachesettings_ARG, NULL)))
++			break;
++		pos = 0;
++		while (pos < strlen(str)) {
++			/* scan for "key1=val1 key2 = val2  key3= val3" */
++			memset(key, 0, sizeof(key));
++			memset(val, 0, sizeof(val));
++			if (sscanf(str + pos, " %63[^=]=%63s %n", key, val, &num) != 2) {
++				log_error("Invalid setting at: %s", str+pos);
++				return 0;
++			}
++			pos += num;
++			if (!_get_one_writecache_setting(cmd, settings, key, val, block_size_sectors))
++				return_0;
++		}
++	}
++	if (settings->high_watermark_set && settings->low_watermark_set &&
++	    (settings->high_watermark <= settings->low_watermark)) {
++		log_error("High watermark must be greater than low watermark.");
++		return 0;
++	}
++	return 1;
+ /* FIXME move to lib */
+ static int _pv_change_tag(struct physical_volume *pv, const char *tag, int addtag)
+diff --git a/tools/toollib.h b/tools/toollib.h
+index 53a5e5b..f3a60fb 100644
+--- a/tools/toollib.h
++++ b/tools/toollib.h
+@@ -217,6 +217,9 @@ int get_cache_params(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+ 		     const char **name,
+ 		     struct dm_config_tree **settings);
++int get_writecache_settings(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct writecache_settings *settings,
++                            uint32_t *block_size_sectors);
+ int change_tag(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct volume_group *vg,
+ 	       struct logical_volume *lv, struct physical_volume *pv, int arg);
+diff --git a/tools/tools.h b/tools/tools.h
+index 7f2434d..c3d780d 100644
+--- a/tools/tools.h
++++ b/tools/tools.h
+@@ -278,7 +278,18 @@ int lvconvert_to_vdopool_param_cmd(struct cmd_context *cmd, int argc, char **arg
+ int lvconvert_integrity_cmd(struct cmd_context *cmd, int argc, char **argv);
++int lvcreate_and_attach_writecache_cmd(struct cmd_context *cmd, int argc, char **argv);
++int lvcreate_and_attach_cache_cmd(struct cmd_context *cmd, int argc, char **argv);
+ int pvscan_display_cmd(struct cmd_context *cmd, int argc, char **argv);
+ int pvscan_cache_cmd(struct cmd_context *cmd, int argc, char **argv);
++int lvconvert_writecache_attach_single(struct cmd_context *cmd,
++                                        struct logical_volume *lv,
++                                        struct processing_handle *handle);
++int lvconvert_cachevol_attach_single(struct cmd_context *cmd,
++                                     struct logical_volume *lv,
++                                     struct processing_handle *handle);
+ #endif
diff --git a/SOURCES/0004-Revert-wipe_lv-changes.patch b/SOURCES/0004-Revert-wipe_lv-changes.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0dce48f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/0004-Revert-wipe_lv-changes.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+From 99b646d87469b5ca0e93fad6b77f51a00fbbd2b7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Marian Csontos <mcsontos@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2020 18:47:15 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] Revert "debug: missing stacktrace"
+This reverts commit d0faad0db38fe733cae42d7df136d7ed4f7bcba6.
+Revert "raid: no wiping when zeroing raid metadata device"
+This reverts commit 9b9bf8786fb423a4430cc676301edadf2310098d.
+Revert "lvconvert: more support for yes conversion"
+This reverts commit b7f3667ce20b731bbda9b1d61df49abbcd1bd20e.
+Revert "wipe_lv: always zero at least 4K"
+This reverts commit fe78cd4082cb9af10580180d61898fcef93dc624.
+Revert "tests: check pool metadata are zeroed"
+This reverts commit 3f32f9811e01c8953d201c7c9b563561ad856130.
+Revert "tests: failure of zeroing fails command"
+This reverts commit 094d6f80ddb6d8a1c64977dfaae4073827063fe3.
+Revert "make: make generate"
+This reverts commit 88b92d4225b90db82047f3bac55d8059918e9c1b.
+	man/lvconvert.8_pregen
+Revert "pool: zero metadata"
+This reverts commit bc39d5bec6fea787a8d8d16fa484084b7d2a7c29.
+Revert "wipe_lv: make error a fatal event"
+This reverts commit edbc5a62b26806e5c4de59b5292609e955303576.
+build: make generate
+ WHATS_NEW                               |  2 -
+ conf/example.conf.in                    |  6 +--
+ lib/config/config_settings.h            |  5 +--
+ lib/config/defaults.h                   |  1 -
+ lib/metadata/lv_manip.c                 | 78 ++++++++++++---------------------
+ lib/metadata/metadata-exported.h        |  2 -
+ lib/metadata/pool_manip.c               |  6 +--
+ test/lib/aux.sh                         |  1 -
+ test/shell/lvcreate-signature-wiping.sh |  7 ---
+ test/shell/lvcreate-thin.sh             | 21 ---------
+ tools/lvconvert.c                       | 12 ++---
+ 11 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 105 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/WHATS_NEW b/WHATS_NEW
+index ac99e97..6a098b5 100644
+--- a/WHATS_NEW
++++ b/WHATS_NEW
+@@ -6,8 +6,6 @@ Version 2.03.10 -
+   warning.
+   Fix conversion to raid from striped lagging type.
+   Fix conversion to 'mirrored' mirror log with larger regionsize.
+-  Zero pool metadata on allocation (disable with allocation/zero_metadata=0).
+-  Failure in zeroing or wiping will fail command (bypass with -Zn, -Wn).
+   Fix running out of free buffers for async writing for larger writes.
+   Add integrity with raid capability.
+   Fix support for lvconvert --repair used by foreign apps (i.e. Docker).
+diff --git a/conf/example.conf.in b/conf/example.conf.in
+index d5807e6..88858fc 100644
+--- a/conf/example.conf.in
++++ b/conf/example.conf.in
+@@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ allocation {
+ 	# This configuration option does not have a default value defined.
+ 	# Configuration option allocation/thin_pool_metadata_require_separate_pvs.
+-	# Thin pool metadata and data will always use different PVs.
++	# Thin pool metdata and data will always use different PVs.
+ 	thin_pool_metadata_require_separate_pvs = 0
+ 	# Configuration option allocation/thin_pool_zero.
+@@ -527,10 +527,6 @@ allocation {
+ 	# This configuration option has an automatic default value.
+ 	# thin_pool_chunk_size_policy = "generic"
+-	# Configuration option allocation/zero_metadata.
+-	# Zero whole metadata area before use with thin or cache pool.
+-	zero_metadata = 1
+ 	# Configuration option allocation/thin_pool_chunk_size.
+ 	# The minimal chunk size in KiB for thin pool volumes.
+ 	# Larger chunk sizes may improve performance for plain thin volumes,
+diff --git a/lib/config/config_settings.h b/lib/config/config_settings.h
+index b38ca11..dce9705 100644
+--- a/lib/config/config_settings.h
++++ b/lib/config/config_settings.h
+@@ -626,7 +626,7 @@ cfg(allocation_cache_pool_max_chunks_CFG, "cache_pool_max_chunks", allocation_CF
+ 	"Using cache pool with more chunks may degrade cache performance.\n")
+ cfg(allocation_thin_pool_metadata_require_separate_pvs_CFG, "thin_pool_metadata_require_separate_pvs", allocation_CFG_SECTION, 0, CFG_TYPE_BOOL, DEFAULT_THIN_POOL_METADATA_REQUIRE_SEPARATE_PVS, vsn(2, 2, 89), NULL, 0, NULL,
+-	"Thin pool metadata and data will always use different PVs.\n")
++	"Thin pool metdata and data will always use different PVs.\n")
+ cfg(allocation_thin_pool_zero_CFG, "thin_pool_zero", allocation_CFG_SECTION, CFG_PROFILABLE | CFG_PROFILABLE_METADATA | CFG_DEFAULT_COMMENTED, CFG_TYPE_BOOL, DEFAULT_THIN_POOL_ZERO, vsn(2, 2, 99), NULL, 0, NULL,
+ 	"Thin pool data chunks are zeroed before they are first used.\n"
+@@ -657,9 +657,6 @@ cfg(allocation_thin_pool_chunk_size_policy_CFG, "thin_pool_chunk_size_policy", a
+ 	"    512KiB.\n"
+ 	"#\n")
+-cfg(allocation_zero_metadata_CFG, "zero_metadata", allocation_CFG_SECTION, 0, CFG_TYPE_BOOL, DEFAULT_ZERO_METADATA, vsn(2, 3, 10), NULL, 0, NULL,
+-	"Zero whole metadata area before use with thin or cache pool.\n")
+ cfg_runtime(allocation_thin_pool_chunk_size_CFG, "thin_pool_chunk_size", allocation_CFG_SECTION, CFG_PROFILABLE | CFG_PROFILABLE_METADATA | CFG_DEFAULT_UNDEFINED, CFG_TYPE_INT, vsn(2, 2, 99), 0, NULL,
+ 	"The minimal chunk size in KiB for thin pool volumes.\n"
+ 	"Larger chunk sizes may improve performance for plain thin volumes,\n"
+diff --git a/lib/config/defaults.h b/lib/config/defaults.h
+index 708a575..be4f5ff 100644
+--- a/lib/config/defaults.h
++++ b/lib/config/defaults.h
+@@ -129,7 +129,6 @@
+ #define DEFAULT_THIN_POOL_DISCARDS "passdown"
+ #define DEFAULT_POOL_METADATA_SPARE 1 /* thin + cache */
+-#define DEFAULT_ZERO_METADATA 1		/* thin + cache */
+diff --git a/lib/metadata/lv_manip.c b/lib/metadata/lv_manip.c
+index f0ba3f0..1642b90 100644
+--- a/lib/metadata/lv_manip.c
++++ b/lib/metadata/lv_manip.c
+@@ -7576,22 +7576,20 @@ int wipe_lv(struct logical_volume *lv, struct wipe_params wp)
+ 	struct device *dev;
+ 	char name[PATH_MAX];
+ 	uint64_t zero_sectors;
+-	int zero_metadata = wp.is_metadata ?
+-		find_config_tree_bool(lv->vg->cmd, allocation_zero_metadata_CFG, NULL) : 0;
+-	if (!wp.do_zero && !wp.do_wipe_signatures && !wp.is_metadata)
++	if (!wp.do_zero && !wp.do_wipe_signatures)
+ 		/* nothing to do */
+ 		return 1;
+ 	if (!lv_is_active(lv)) {
+-		log_error("Volume %s is not active locally (volume_list activation filter?).",
+-			  display_lvname(lv));
++		log_error("Volume \"%s/%s\" is not active locally (volume_list activation filter?).",
++			  lv->vg->name, lv->name);
+ 		return 0;
+ 	}
+ 	/* Wait until devices are available */
+ 	if (!sync_local_dev_names(lv->vg->cmd)) {
+-		log_error("Failed to sync local devices before wiping volume %s.",
++		log_error("Failed to sync local devices before wiping LV %s.",
+ 			  display_lvname(lv));
+ 		return 0;
+ 	}
+@@ -7615,59 +7613,40 @@ int wipe_lv(struct logical_volume *lv, struct wipe_params wp)
+ 	}
+ 	if (!label_scan_open_rw(dev)) {
+-		log_error("Failed to open %s for wiping and zeroing.", display_lvname(lv));
+-		return 0;
++		log_error("Failed to open %s/%s for wiping and zeroing.", lv->vg->name, lv->name);
++		goto out;
+ 	}
+ 	if (wp.do_wipe_signatures) {
+-		log_verbose("Wiping known signatures on logical volume %s.",
+-			    display_lvname(lv));
++		log_verbose("Wiping known signatures on logical volume \"%s/%s\"",
++			    lv->vg->name, lv->name);
+ 		if (!wipe_known_signatures(lv->vg->cmd, dev, name, 0,
+-					   wp.yes, wp.force, NULL)) {
+-			log_error("Filed to wipe signatures of logical volume %s.",
+-				  display_lvname(lv));
+-			return 0;
+-		}
++					   wp.yes, wp.force, NULL))
++			stack;
+ 	}
+-	if (wp.do_zero || wp.is_metadata) {
+-		zero_metadata = !wp.is_metadata ? 0 :
+-			find_config_tree_bool(lv->vg->cmd, allocation_zero_metadata_CFG, NULL);
+-		if (zero_metadata) {
+-			log_debug("Metadata logical volume %s will be fully zeroed.",
+-				  display_lvname(lv));
+-			zero_sectors = lv->size;
+-		} else {
+-			if (wp.is_metadata) /* Verbosely notify metadata will not be fully zeroed */
+-				log_verbose("Metadata logical volume %s not fully zeroed and may contain stale data.",
+-					    display_lvname(lv));
+-			zero_sectors = UINT64_C(4096) >> SECTOR_SHIFT;
+-			if (wp.zero_sectors > zero_sectors)
+-				zero_sectors = wp.zero_sectors;
++	if (wp.do_zero) {
++		zero_sectors = wp.zero_sectors ? : UINT64_C(4096) >> SECTOR_SHIFT;
+-			if (zero_sectors > lv->size)
+-				zero_sectors = lv->size;
+-		}
++		if (zero_sectors > lv->size)
++			zero_sectors = lv->size;
+-		log_verbose("Initializing %s of logical volume %s with value %d.",
++		log_verbose("Initializing %s of logical volume \"%s/%s\" with value %d.",
+ 			    display_size(lv->vg->cmd, zero_sectors),
+-			    display_lvname(lv), wp.zero_value);
+-		if ((!wp.is_metadata &&
+-		     wp.zero_value && !dev_set_bytes(dev, UINT64_C(0),
+-						     (size_t) zero_sectors << SECTOR_SHIFT,
+-						     (uint8_t)wp.zero_value)) ||
+-		    !dev_write_zeros(dev, UINT64_C(0), (size_t) zero_sectors << SECTOR_SHIFT)) {
+-			log_error("Failed to initialize %s of logical volume %s with value %d.",
+-				  display_size(lv->vg->cmd, zero_sectors),
+-				  display_lvname(lv), wp.zero_value);
+-			return 0;
++			    lv->vg->name, lv->name, wp.zero_value);
++		if (!wp.zero_value) {
++			if (!dev_write_zeros(dev, UINT64_C(0), (size_t) zero_sectors << SECTOR_SHIFT))
++				stack;
++		} else {
++			if (!dev_set_bytes(dev, UINT64_C(0), (size_t) zero_sectors << SECTOR_SHIFT, (uint8_t)wp.zero_value))
++				stack;
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	label_scan_invalidate(dev);
+ 	lv->status &= ~LV_NOSCAN;
+ 	return 1;
+@@ -7731,10 +7710,12 @@ int activate_and_wipe_lvlist(struct dm_list *lv_list, int commit)
+ 		}
+ 	dm_list_iterate_items(lvl, lv_list) {
++		log_verbose("Wiping metadata area %s.", display_lvname(lvl->lv));
+ 		/* Wipe any know signatures */
+-		if (!wipe_lv(lvl->lv, (struct wipe_params) { .do_zero = 1 /* TODO: is_metadata = 1 */ })) {
++		if (!wipe_lv(lvl->lv, (struct wipe_params) { .do_wipe_signatures = 1, .do_zero = 1, .zero_sectors = 1 })) {
++			log_error("Failed to wipe %s.", display_lvname(lvl->lv));
+ 			r = 0;
+-			goto_out;
++			goto out;
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ out:
+@@ -8479,8 +8460,7 @@ static struct logical_volume *_lv_create_an_lv(struct volume_group *vg,
+ 				     .do_zero = lp->zero,
+ 				     .do_wipe_signatures = lp->wipe_signatures,
+ 				     .yes = lp->yes,
+-				     .force = lp->force,
+-				     .is_metadata = lp->is_metadata,
++				     .force = lp->force
+ 			     })) {
+ 			log_error("Aborting. Failed to wipe %s.", lp->snapshot
+ 				  ? "snapshot exception store" : "start of new LV");
+diff --git a/lib/metadata/metadata-exported.h b/lib/metadata/metadata-exported.h
+index 06ea757..0cc5f37 100644
+--- a/lib/metadata/metadata-exported.h
++++ b/lib/metadata/metadata-exported.h
+@@ -803,7 +803,6 @@ struct wipe_params {
+ 	int do_wipe_signatures;	/* should we wipe known signatures found on LV? */
+ 	int yes;		/* answer yes automatically to all questions */
+ 	force_t force;		/* force mode */
+-	int is_metadata;	/* wipe volume is metadata LV */
+ };
+ /* Zero out LV and/or wipe signatures */
+@@ -956,7 +955,6 @@ struct lvcreate_params {
+ 	unsigned suppress_zero_warn : 1;
+ 	unsigned needs_lockd_init : 1;
+ 	unsigned ignore_type : 1;
+-	unsigned is_metadata : 1; /* created LV will be used as metadata LV (and can be zeroed) */
+ 	const char *vg_name; /* only-used when VG is not yet opened (in /tools) */
+ 	const char *lv_name; /* all */
+diff --git a/lib/metadata/pool_manip.c b/lib/metadata/pool_manip.c
+index 23b5b63..bed51f1 100644
+--- a/lib/metadata/pool_manip.c
++++ b/lib/metadata/pool_manip.c
+@@ -545,8 +545,8 @@ int create_pool(struct logical_volume *pool_lv,
+ 				  display_lvname(pool_lv));
+ 			goto bad;
+ 		}
+-		/* Clear pool metadata device. */
+-		if (!(r = wipe_lv(pool_lv, (struct wipe_params) { .is_metadata = 1 }))) {
++		/* Clear 4KB of pool metadata device. */
++		if (!(r = wipe_lv(pool_lv, (struct wipe_params) { .do_zero = 1 }))) {
+ 			log_error("Aborting. Failed to wipe pool metadata %s.",
+ 				  display_lvname(pool_lv));
+ 		}
+@@ -627,7 +627,6 @@ struct logical_volume *alloc_pool_metadata(struct logical_volume *pool_lv,
+ 		.tags = DM_LIST_HEAD_INIT(lvc.tags),
+ 		.temporary = 1,
+ 		.zero = 1,
+-		.is_metadata = 1,
+ 	};
+ 	if (!(lvc.segtype = get_segtype_from_string(pool_lv->vg->cmd, SEG_TYPE_NAME_STRIPED)))
+@@ -664,7 +663,6 @@ static struct logical_volume *_alloc_pool_metadata_spare(struct volume_group *vg
+ 		.tags = DM_LIST_HEAD_INIT(lp.tags),
+ 		.temporary = 1,
+ 		.zero = 1,
+-		.is_metadata = 1,
+ 	};
+ 	if (!(lp.segtype = get_segtype_from_string(vg->cmd, SEG_TYPE_NAME_STRIPED)))
+diff --git a/test/lib/aux.sh b/test/lib/aux.sh
+index 17e7935..e40da95 100644
+--- a/test/lib/aux.sh
++++ b/test/lib/aux.sh
+@@ -1234,7 +1234,6 @@ activation/verify_udev_operations = $LVM_VERIFY_UDEV
+ activation/raid_region_size = 512
+ allocation/wipe_signatures_when_zeroing_new_lvs = 0
+ allocation/vdo_slab_size_mb = 128
+-allocation/zero_metadata = 0
+ backup/archive = 0
+ backup/backup = 0
+ devices/cache_dir = "$TESTDIR/etc"
+diff --git a/test/shell/lvcreate-signature-wiping.sh b/test/shell/lvcreate-signature-wiping.sh
+index 18d7a2f..73fea54 100644
+--- a/test/shell/lvcreate-signature-wiping.sh
++++ b/test/shell/lvcreate-signature-wiping.sh
+@@ -42,13 +42,6 @@ init_lv_
+ test_blkid_ || skip
+ lvremove -f $vg/$lv1
+-# Zeroing stops the command when there is a failure (write error in this case)
+-aux error_dev "$dev1" "$(get first_extent_sector "$dev1"):2"
+-not lvcreate -l1 -n $lv1 $vg 2>&1 | tee out
+-grep "Failed to initialize" out
+-aux enable_dev "$dev1"
+ aux lvmconf "allocation/wipe_signatures_when_zeroing_new_lvs = 0"
+ lvcreate -y -Zn -l1 -n $lv1 $vg 2>&1 | tee out
+diff --git a/test/shell/lvcreate-thin.sh b/test/shell/lvcreate-thin.sh
+index c073eaf..9ca7f11 100644
+--- a/test/shell/lvcreate-thin.sh
++++ b/test/shell/lvcreate-thin.sh
+@@ -248,25 +248,4 @@ not lvcreate -s $vg/lv1 -L4M -V2G --name $vg/lv4
+ not lvcreate -T mirpool -L4M --alloc anywhere -m1 $vg
+ not lvcreate --thinpool mirpool -L4M --alloc anywhere -m1 $vg
+-# Check pool metadata volume is zeroed, when zero_metadata is enabled.
+-# 1st. ensure 8megs of both PVs will have some non-0 data
+-lvcreate -L8m -n $lv1 $vg "$dev1"
+-lvextend -L+8m $vg/$lv1 "$dev2"
+-dd if=/dev/urandom of="$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" bs=1M count=16 oflag=direct conv=fdatasync
+-lvremove -ff $vg/$lv1
+-lvcreate -l1 --poolmetadatasize 4m --conf 'allocation/zero_metadata=1' -vvvv -T $vg/pool
+-lvchange -an $vg
+-# component activation to check device was zeroed
+-lvchange -y -ay $vg/pool_tmeta
+-dd if="$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/pool_tmeta" of=file bs=1M count=3 skip=1 iflag=direct conv=fdatasync
+-md5sum -b file | tee out
+-# md5sum of 3M of zeros
+-grep d1dd210d6b1312cb342b56d02bd5e651 out
+-lvchange -an $vg
+-lvremove -ff $vg
+ vgremove -ff $vg
+diff --git a/tools/lvconvert.c b/tools/lvconvert.c
+index 524ed5a..6324ed7 100644
+--- a/tools/lvconvert.c
++++ b/tools/lvconvert.c
+@@ -3286,11 +3286,7 @@ static int _lvconvert_to_pool(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+ 			}
+ 			metadata_lv->status &= ~LV_ACTIVATION_SKIP;
+-			if (!wipe_lv(metadata_lv, (struct wipe_params) {
+-						  .do_wipe_signatures = 1,
+-						  .is_metadata = 1,
+-						  .yes = arg_count(cmd, yes_ARG),
+-						  .force = arg_count(cmd, force_ARG) } )) {
++			if (!wipe_lv(metadata_lv, (struct wipe_params) { .do_zero = 1 })) {
+ 				log_error("Aborting. Failed to wipe metadata lv.");
+ 				goto bad;
+ 			}
+@@ -5527,8 +5523,7 @@ static int _writecache_zero(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct logical_volume *lv)
+ 	struct wipe_params wp = {
+ 		.do_wipe_signatures = 1, /* optional, to print warning if clobbering something */
+ 		.do_zero = 1,            /* required for dm-writecache to work */
+-		.yes = arg_count(cmd, yes_ARG),
+-		.force = arg_count(cmd, force_ARG)
++		.zero_sectors = 1
+ 	};
+ 	int ret;
+@@ -5545,8 +5540,7 @@ static int _writecache_zero(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct logical_volume *lv)
+ 		return 0;
+ 	}
+-	if (!(ret = wipe_lv(lv, wp)))
+-		stack;
++	ret = wipe_lv(lv, wp);
+ 	if (!deactivate_lv(cmd, lv)) {
+ 		log_error("Failed to deactivate LV %s for zeroing.", display_lvname(lv));
diff --git a/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_09-cachevol-stop-dm-errors-with-uncaching-cache-with-ca.patch b/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_09-cachevol-stop-dm-errors-with-uncaching-cache-with-ca.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b53214..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_09-cachevol-stop-dm-errors-with-uncaching-cache-with-ca.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
- WHATS_NEW                  |  4 ++++
- lib/activate/dev_manager.c | 14 +++++++-------
- 2 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/WHATS_NEW b/WHATS_NEW
-index 50a0045..30f1391 100644
---- a/WHATS_NEW
-+++ b/WHATS_NEW
-@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
-+Version 2.03.09 - 
-+  Fix showing of a dm kernel error when uncaching a volume with cachevol.
- Version 2.03.08 - 11th February 2020
- ====================================
-   Prevent problematic snapshots of writecache volumes.
-diff --git a/lib/activate/dev_manager.c b/lib/activate/dev_manager.c
-index 8569e86..c8a22fb 100644
---- a/lib/activate/dev_manager.c
-+++ b/lib/activate/dev_manager.c
-@@ -3161,8 +3161,8 @@ static int _add_new_lv_to_dtree(struct dev_manager *dm, struct dm_tree *dtree,
- 		char *dlid_meta;
- 		char *dlid_data;
- 		char *dlid_pool;
--		uint64_t meta_len = first_seg(lv)->metadata_len;
--		uint64_t data_len = first_seg(lv)->data_len;
-+		uint64_t meta_size = first_seg(lv)->metadata_len;
-+		uint64_t data_size = first_seg(lv)->data_len;
- 		uint16_t udev_flags = _get_udev_flags(dm, lv, layer,
- 					     laopts->noscan, laopts->temporary,
- 					     0);
-@@ -3210,12 +3210,12 @@ static int _add_new_lv_to_dtree(struct dev_manager *dm, struct dm_tree *dtree,
- 		if (dm->track_pending_delete) {
- 			log_debug_activation("Using error for pending meta delete %s.", display_lvname(lv));
--			if (!dm_tree_node_add_error_target(dnode_meta, (uint64_t)lv->vg->extent_size * meta_len))
-+			if (!dm_tree_node_add_error_target(dnode_meta, meta_size))
- 				return_0;
- 		} else {
- 			/* add load_segment to meta dnode: linear, size of meta area */
- 			if (!add_linear_area_to_dtree(dnode_meta,
--						      meta_len,
-+						      meta_size,
- 						      lv->vg->extent_size,
- 						      lv->vg->cmd->use_linear_target,
- 						      lv->vg->name, lv->name))
-@@ -3239,19 +3239,19 @@ static int _add_new_lv_to_dtree(struct dev_manager *dm, struct dm_tree *dtree,
- 		if (dm->track_pending_delete) {
- 			log_debug_activation("Using error for pending data delete %s.", display_lvname(lv));
--			if (!dm_tree_node_add_error_target(dnode_data, (uint64_t)lv->vg->extent_size * data_len))
-+			if (!dm_tree_node_add_error_target(dnode_data, data_size))
- 				return_0;
- 		} else {
- 			/* add load_segment to data dnode: linear, size of data area */
- 			if (!add_linear_area_to_dtree(dnode_data,
--						      data_len,
-+						      data_size,
- 						      lv->vg->extent_size,
- 						      lv->vg->cmd->use_linear_target,
- 						      lv->vg->name, lv->name))
- 				return_0;
- 			/* add seg_area to prev load_seg: offset 0 maps to cachepool lv after meta */
--			if (!dm_tree_node_add_target_area(dnode_data, NULL, dlid_pool, meta_len))
-+			if (!dm_tree_node_add_target_area(dnode_data, NULL, dlid_pool, meta_size))
- 				return_0;
- 		}
- 	}
diff --git a/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_09-test-Can-not-attach-writecache-to-active-volume.patch b/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_09-test-Can-not-attach-writecache-to-active-volume.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index d579eb0..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_09-test-Can-not-attach-writecache-to-active-volume.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-From 54d0cb47848f2abfcbe106dc65250f612c7b1455 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Marian Csontos <mcsontos@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2020 14:30:09 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH] test: Can not attach writecache to active volume
- test/shell/writecache.sh | 5 ++++-
- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/test/shell/writecache.sh b/test/shell/writecache.sh
-index 0a7f694..a7a2d95 100644
---- a/test/shell/writecache.sh
-+++ b/test/shell/writecache.sh
-@@ -139,8 +139,10 @@ mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mount_dir
- cp pattern1 $mount_dir/pattern1
- ls -l $mount_dir
--lvconvert --yes --type writecache --cachevol $lv2 $vg/$lv1
-+# TODO BZ 1808012 - can not convert active volume to writecache:
-+not lvconvert --yes --type writecache --cachevol $lv2 $vg/$lv1
-+if false; then
- check lv_field $vg/$lv1 segtype writecache
- lvs -a $vg/${lv2}_cvol --noheadings -o segtype >out
-@@ -162,6 +164,7 @@ diff pattern1 $mount_dir/pattern1.after
- umount $mount_dir
- lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
- lvremove $vg/$lv1
- vgremove -ff $vg
diff --git a/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_09-thin-don-t-use-writecache-for-poolmetadata.patch b/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_09-thin-don-t-use-writecache-for-poolmetadata.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 071c852..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_09-thin-don-t-use-writecache-for-poolmetadata.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
- tools/lvconvert.c | 3 ++-
- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/tools/lvconvert.c b/tools/lvconvert.c
-index aa2dca7..757b323 100644
---- a/tools/lvconvert.c
-+++ b/tools/lvconvert.c
-@@ -3104,8 +3104,9 @@ static int _lvconvert_to_pool(struct cmd_context *cmd,
- 			return 0;
- 		}
--		/* FIXME Tidy up all these type restrictions. */
-+		/* FIXME Tidy up all these type restrictions. (Use a type whitelist?) */
- 		if (lv_is_cache_type(metadata_lv) ||
-+		    lv_is_writecache(metadata_lv) ||
- 		    lv_is_thin_type(metadata_lv) ||
- 		    lv_is_cow(metadata_lv) || lv_is_merging_cow(metadata_lv) ||
- 		    lv_is_origin(metadata_lv) || lv_is_merging_origin(metadata_lv) ||
diff --git a/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_09-writecache-allow-removing-wcorig-lv.patch b/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_09-writecache-allow-removing-wcorig-lv.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index d76f358..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_09-writecache-allow-removing-wcorig-lv.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- lib/metadata/lv_manip.c | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/lib/metadata/lv_manip.c b/lib/metadata/lv_manip.c
-index 3604a63..3090a93 100644
---- a/lib/metadata/lv_manip.c
-+++ b/lib/metadata/lv_manip.c
-@@ -6638,7 +6638,7 @@ int lv_remove_with_dependencies(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct logical_volume *
- 		return 0;
- 	}
--	if (lv_is_cache_origin(lv)) {
-+	if (lv_is_cache_origin(lv) || lv_is_writecache_origin(lv)) {
- 		if (!_lv_remove_segs_using_this_lv(cmd, lv, force, level, "cache origin"))
- 			return_0;
- 		/* Removal of cache LV also removes caching origin */
diff --git a/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_09-writecache-check-if-cachevol-is-writable.patch b/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_09-writecache-check-if-cachevol-is-writable.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a04eff..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_09-writecache-check-if-cachevol-is-writable.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
- tools/lvconvert.c | 5 +++++
- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/tools/lvconvert.c b/tools/lvconvert.c
-index cd9a3e8..aa2dca7 100644
---- a/tools/lvconvert.c
-+++ b/tools/lvconvert.c
-@@ -5351,6 +5351,11 @@ static int _writecache_zero(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct logical_volume *lv)
- 	};
- 	int ret;
-+	if (!(lv->status & LVM_WRITE)) {
-+		log_error("Cannot initialize readonly LV %s", display_lvname(lv));
-+		return 0;
-+	}
- 	if (test_mode())
- 		return 1;
diff --git a/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_09-writecache-drop-real-dm-suffix.patch b/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_09-writecache-drop-real-dm-suffix.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f5dde8b..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_09-writecache-drop-real-dm-suffix.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
- lib/misc/lvm-string.c       |  1 -
- lib/writecache/writecache.c |  2 +-
- test/shell/writecache.sh    | 36 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- 3 files changed, 37 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/lib/misc/lvm-string.c b/lib/misc/lvm-string.c
-index 0ee3403..d8b27cb 100644
---- a/lib/misc/lvm-string.c
-+++ b/lib/misc/lvm-string.c
-@@ -251,7 +251,6 @@ char *build_dm_uuid(struct dm_pool *mem, const struct logical_volume *lv,
- 		 */
- 		/* Suffixes used here MUST match lib/activate/dev_manager.c */
- 		layer = lv_is_cache_origin(lv) ? "real" :
--			lv_is_writecache_origin(lv) ? "real" :
- 			(lv_is_cache(lv) && lv_is_pending_delete(lv)) ? "real" :
- 			lv_is_cache_pool_data(lv) ? "cdata" :
- 			lv_is_cache_pool_metadata(lv) ? "cmeta" :
-diff --git a/lib/writecache/writecache.c b/lib/writecache/writecache.c
-index 130922a..08a306e 100644
---- a/lib/writecache/writecache.c
-+++ b/lib/writecache/writecache.c
-@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ static int _writecache_add_target_line(struct dev_manager *dm,
- 	if ((pmem = lv_on_pmem(seg->writecache)) < 0)
- 		return_0;
--	if (!(origin_uuid = build_dm_uuid(mem, seg_lv(seg, 0), "real")))
-+	if (!(origin_uuid = build_dm_uuid(mem, seg_lv(seg, 0), NULL)))
- 		return_0;
- 	if (!(fast_uuid = build_dm_uuid(mem, seg->writecache, "cvol")))
-diff --git a/test/shell/writecache.sh b/test/shell/writecache.sh
-index 6cd4665..0a7f694 100644
---- a/test/shell/writecache.sh
-+++ b/test/shell/writecache.sh
-@@ -127,5 +127,41 @@ umount $mount_dir
- lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
- lvchange -an $vg/$lv2
-+# test3: attach writecache to an active LV
-+lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
-+mkfs.xfs -f -s size=4096 "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
-+mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mount_dir
-+cp pattern1 $mount_dir/pattern1
-+ls -l $mount_dir
-+lvconvert --yes --type writecache --cachevol $lv2 $vg/$lv1
-+check lv_field $vg/$lv1 segtype writecache
-+lvs -a $vg/${lv2}_cvol --noheadings -o segtype >out
-+grep linear out
-+cp pattern1 $mount_dir/pattern1.after
-+diff pattern1 $mount_dir/pattern1
-+diff pattern1 $mount_dir/pattern1.after
-+umount $mount_dir
-+lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
-+lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
-+mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mount_dir
-+diff pattern1 $mount_dir/pattern1
-+diff pattern1 $mount_dir/pattern1.after
-+umount $mount_dir
-+lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
-+lvremove $vg/$lv1
- vgremove -ff $vg
diff --git a/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_09-writecache-fix-watermark-error-message.patch b/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_09-writecache-fix-watermark-error-message.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index bc3d1b6..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_09-writecache-fix-watermark-error-message.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- tools/lvconvert.c | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/tools/lvconvert.c b/tools/lvconvert.c
-index 0ddeb35..4ebda4c 100644
---- a/tools/lvconvert.c
-+++ b/tools/lvconvert.c
-@@ -5515,7 +5515,7 @@ static int _get_writecache_settings(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct writecache_s
- 	if (settings->high_watermark_set && settings->low_watermark_set &&
- 	    (settings->high_watermark <= settings->low_watermark)) {
--		log_error("High watermark must be greater than or equal to low watermark.");
-+		log_error("High watermark must be greater than low watermark.");
- 		return 0;
- 	}
diff --git a/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_09-writecache-require-inactive-LV-to-attach.patch b/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_09-writecache-require-inactive-LV-to-attach.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a93ba5..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_09-writecache-require-inactive-LV-to-attach.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
- tools/lvconvert.c | 19 ++++++++++---------
- 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/tools/lvconvert.c b/tools/lvconvert.c
-index 4ebda4c..bfaf4c0 100644
---- a/tools/lvconvert.c
-+++ b/tools/lvconvert.c
-@@ -5599,6 +5599,16 @@ static int _lvconvert_writecache_attach_single(struct cmd_context *cmd,
- 		goto bad;
- 	}
-+	/*
-+	 * To permit this we need to check the block size of the fs using lv
-+	 * (recently in libblkid) so that we can use a matching writecache
-+	 * block size.  We also want to do that if the lv is inactive.
-+	 */
-+	if (lv_is_active(lv)) {
-+		log_error("LV %s must be inactive to attach writecache.", display_lvname(lv));
-+		goto bad;
-+	}
- 	/* fast LV shouldn't generally be active by itself, but just in case. */
- 	if (lv_info(cmd, lv_fast, 1, NULL, 0, 0)) {
- 		log_error("LV %s must be inactive to attach.", display_lvname(lv_fast));
-@@ -5639,15 +5649,6 @@ static int _lvconvert_writecache_attach_single(struct cmd_context *cmd,
- 		memcpy(&lockd_fast_id, &lv_fast->lvid.id[1], sizeof(struct id));
- 	}
--	/*
--	 * TODO: use libblkid to get the sector size of lv.  If it doesn't
--	 * match the block_size we are using for the writecache, then warn that
--	 * an existing file system on lv may become unmountable with the
--	 * writecache attached because of the changing sector size.  If this
--	 * happens, then use --splitcache, and reattach the writecache using a
--	 * writecache block_size value matching the sector size of lv.
--	 */
- 	if (!_writecache_zero(cmd, lv_fast)) {
- 		log_error("LV %s could not be zeroed.", display_lvname(lv_fast));
- 		return ECMD_FAILED;
diff --git a/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_09-writecache-working-real-dm-uuid-suffix-for-wcorig-lv.patch b/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_09-writecache-working-real-dm-uuid-suffix-for-wcorig-lv.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 2df3470..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_09-writecache-working-real-dm-uuid-suffix-for-wcorig-lv.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
- lib/activate/dev_manager.c      |  4 ++++
- lib/metadata/lv.c               |  2 +-
- lib/metadata/writecache_manip.c | 16 ++++++++--------
- lib/misc/lvm-string.c           |  1 +
- lib/writecache/writecache.c     |  2 +-
- tools/lvconvert.c               |  2 ++
- 6 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/lib/activate/dev_manager.c b/lib/activate/dev_manager.c
-index c8a22fb..3b99131 100644
---- a/lib/activate/dev_manager.c
-+++ b/lib/activate/dev_manager.c
-@@ -3316,6 +3316,10 @@ static int _add_new_lv_to_dtree(struct dev_manager *dm, struct dm_tree *dtree,
- 	if (!layer && lv_is_new_thin_pool(lv))
- 		layer = lv_layer(lv);
-+	/* Adds -real to the dm uuid of wcorig LV. */
-+	if (!layer && lv_is_writecache_origin(lv))
-+		layer = lv_layer(lv); /* "real" */
- 	if (!(dlid = build_dm_uuid(dm->mem, lv, layer)))
- 		return_0;
-diff --git a/lib/metadata/lv.c b/lib/metadata/lv.c
-index ab26b8d..17d4907 100644
---- a/lib/metadata/lv.c
-+++ b/lib/metadata/lv.c
-@@ -830,7 +830,7 @@ const char *lv_layer(const struct logical_volume *lv)
- 	if (lv_is_vdo_pool(lv))
- 		return "vpool";
--	if (lv_is_origin(lv) || lv_is_external_origin(lv))
-+	if (lv_is_origin(lv) || lv_is_external_origin(lv) || lv_is_writecache_origin(lv))
- 		return "real";
- 	return NULL;
-diff --git a/lib/metadata/writecache_manip.c b/lib/metadata/writecache_manip.c
-index 0122025..31d069e 100644
---- a/lib/metadata/writecache_manip.c
-+++ b/lib/metadata/writecache_manip.c
-@@ -24,15 +24,15 @@
- int lv_is_writecache_origin(const struct logical_volume *lv)
- {
--	struct seg_list *sl;
-+	struct lv_segment *seg;
--	dm_list_iterate_items(sl, &lv->segs_using_this_lv) {
--		if (!sl->seg || !sl->seg->lv || !sl->seg->origin)
--			continue;
--		if (lv_is_writecache(sl->seg->lv) && (sl->seg->origin == lv))
--			return 1;
--	}
--	return 0;
-+	/* Make sure there's exactly one segment in segs_using_this_lv! */
-+	if (dm_list_empty(&lv->segs_using_this_lv) ||
-+	    (dm_list_size(&lv->segs_using_this_lv) > 1))
-+		return 0;
-+	seg = get_only_segment_using_this_lv(lv);
-+	return seg && lv_is_writecache(seg->lv) && !lv_is_pending_delete(seg->lv) && (seg_lv(seg, 0) == lv);
- }
- int lv_is_writecache_cachevol(const struct logical_volume *lv)
-diff --git a/lib/misc/lvm-string.c b/lib/misc/lvm-string.c
-index d8b27cb..0ee3403 100644
---- a/lib/misc/lvm-string.c
-+++ b/lib/misc/lvm-string.c
-@@ -251,6 +251,7 @@ char *build_dm_uuid(struct dm_pool *mem, const struct logical_volume *lv,
- 		 */
- 		/* Suffixes used here MUST match lib/activate/dev_manager.c */
- 		layer = lv_is_cache_origin(lv) ? "real" :
-+			lv_is_writecache_origin(lv) ? "real" :
- 			(lv_is_cache(lv) && lv_is_pending_delete(lv)) ? "real" :
- 			lv_is_cache_pool_data(lv) ? "cdata" :
- 			lv_is_cache_pool_metadata(lv) ? "cmeta" :
-diff --git a/lib/writecache/writecache.c b/lib/writecache/writecache.c
-index 08a306e..130922a 100644
---- a/lib/writecache/writecache.c
-+++ b/lib/writecache/writecache.c
-@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ static int _writecache_add_target_line(struct dev_manager *dm,
- 	if ((pmem = lv_on_pmem(seg->writecache)) < 0)
- 		return_0;
--	if (!(origin_uuid = build_dm_uuid(mem, seg_lv(seg, 0), NULL)))
-+	if (!(origin_uuid = build_dm_uuid(mem, seg_lv(seg, 0), "real")))
- 		return_0;
- 	if (!(fast_uuid = build_dm_uuid(mem, seg->writecache, "cvol")))
-diff --git a/tools/lvconvert.c b/tools/lvconvert.c
-index 757b323..0ddeb35 100644
---- a/tools/lvconvert.c
-+++ b/tools/lvconvert.c
-@@ -5537,6 +5537,8 @@ static struct logical_volume *_lv_writecache_create(struct cmd_context *cmd,
- 	if (!(segtype = get_segtype_from_string(cmd, SEG_TYPE_NAME_WRITECACHE)))
- 		return_NULL;
-+	lv->status |= WRITECACHE;
- 	/*
- 	 * "lv_wcorig" is a new LV with new id, but with the segments from "lv".
- 	 * "lv" keeps the existing name and id, but gets a new writecache segment,
diff --git a/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_10-Allow-dm-integrity-to-be-used-for-raid-images.patch b/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_10-Allow-dm-integrity-to-be-used-for-raid-images.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8dcd03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_10-Allow-dm-integrity-to-be-used-for-raid-images.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,5052 @@
+From d51fc23f967acdf8534cdda63aa9aea0f44f9d0c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: David Teigland <teigland@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2019 16:07:27 -0600
+Subject: [PATCH 2/3] Allow dm-integrity to be used for raid images
+dm-integrity stores checksums of the data written to an
+LV, and returns an error if data read from the LV does
+not match the previously saved checksum.  When used on
+raid images, dm-raid will correct the error by reading
+the block from another image, and the device user sees
+no error.  The integrity metadata (checksums) are stored
+on an internal LV allocated by lvm for each linear image.
+The internal LV is allocated on the same PV as the image.
+Create a raid LV with an integrity layer over each
+raid image (for raid levels 1,4,5,6,10):
+lvcreate --type raidN --raidintegrity y [options]
+Add an integrity layer to images of an existing raid LV:
+lvconvert --raidintegrity y LV
+Remove the integrity layer from images of a raid LV:
+lvconvert --raidintegrity n LV
+Use --raidintegritymode journal|bitmap (journal is default)
+to configure the method used by dm-integrity to ensure
+crash consistency.
+When integrity is added to an LV, the kernel needs to
+initialize the integrity metadata/checksums for all blocks
+in the LV.  The data corruption checking performed by
+dm-integrity will only operate on areas of the LV that
+are already initialized.  The progress of integrity
+initialization is reported by the "syncpercent" LV
+reporting field (and under the Cpy%Sync lvs column.)
+Example: create a raid1 LV with integrity:
+$ lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 --raidintegrity y -n rr -L1G foo
+  Creating integrity metadata LV rr_rimage_0_imeta with size 12.00 MiB.
+  Logical volume "rr_rimage_0_imeta" created.
+  Creating integrity metadata LV rr_rimage_1_imeta with size 12.00 MiB.
+  Logical volume "rr_rimage_1_imeta" created.
+  Logical volume "rr" created.
+$ lvs -a foo
+  LV                  VG  Attr       LSize  Origin              Cpy%Sync
+  rr                  foo rwi-a-r---  1.00g                     4.93
+  [rr_rimage_0]       foo gwi-aor---  1.00g [rr_rimage_0_iorig] 41.02
+  [rr_rimage_0_imeta] foo ewi-ao---- 12.00m
+  [rr_rimage_0_iorig] foo -wi-ao----  1.00g
+  [rr_rimage_1]       foo gwi-aor---  1.00g [rr_rimage_1_iorig] 39.45
+  [rr_rimage_1_imeta] foo ewi-ao---- 12.00m
+  [rr_rimage_1_iorig] foo -wi-ao----  1.00g
+  [rr_rmeta_0]        foo ewi-aor---  4.00m
+  [rr_rmeta_1]        foo ewi-aor---  4.00m
+(cherry picked from commit d9e8895a96539d75166c0f74e58f5ed4e729e551)
+ configure                           |  27 ++
+ configure.ac                        |  18 +
+ device_mapper/all.h                 |  39 ++
+ device_mapper/ioctl/libdm-iface.c   |  31 +-
+ device_mapper/ioctl/libdm-targets.h |   1 +
+ device_mapper/libdm-deptree.c       | 154 ++++++-
+ device_mapper/libdm-targets.c       |  27 ++
+ include/configure.h.in              |   3 +
+ lib/Makefile.in                     |   2 +
+ lib/activate/activate.c             |   7 +
+ lib/activate/activate.h             |   4 +
+ lib/activate/dev_manager.c          |  18 +-
+ lib/commands/toolcontext.c          |   5 +
+ lib/device/dev-type.c               |  39 ++
+ lib/device/dev-type.h               |   2 +
+ lib/format_text/flags.c             |   2 +
+ lib/integrity/integrity.c           | 343 +++++++++++++++
+ lib/metadata/integrity_manip.c      | 821 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ lib/metadata/lv.c                   |  18 +-
+ lib/metadata/lv_manip.c             | 150 ++++++-
+ lib/metadata/merge.c                |   2 +
+ lib/metadata/metadata-exported.h    |  26 ++
+ lib/metadata/raid_manip.c           |  85 +++-
+ lib/metadata/segtype.h              |   6 +
+ lib/metadata/snapshot_manip.c       |   2 +
+ lib/misc/lvm-string.c               |   4 +-
+ lib/report/report.c                 |   2 +-
+ man/lvmraid.7_main                  |  83 ++++
+ test/lib/aux.sh                     |   8 +
+ test/shell/integrity-blocksize.sh   | 183 ++++++++
+ test/shell/integrity-dmeventd.sh    | 289 +++++++++++++
+ test/shell/integrity-large.sh       | 175 ++++++++
+ test/shell/integrity-misc.sh        | 228 ++++++++++
+ test/shell/integrity.sh             | 735 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ tools/args.h                        |  20 +
+ tools/command-lines.in              |  45 +-
+ tools/lv_props.h                    |   1 +
+ tools/lv_types.h                    |   1 +
+ tools/lvchange.c                    |   5 +
+ tools/lvconvert.c                   | 137 ++++++
+ tools/lvcreate.c                    |  15 +-
+ tools/lvmcmdline.c                  |   3 +
+ tools/pvmove.c                      |  10 +
+ tools/toollib.c                     |  47 +++
+ tools/tools.h                       |   4 +
+ 45 files changed, 3790 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)
+ create mode 100644 lib/integrity/integrity.c
+ create mode 100644 lib/metadata/integrity_manip.c
+ create mode 100644 test/shell/integrity-blocksize.sh
+ create mode 100644 test/shell/integrity-dmeventd.sh
+ create mode 100644 test/shell/integrity-large.sh
+ create mode 100644 test/shell/integrity-misc.sh
+ create mode 100644 test/shell/integrity.sh
+diff --git a/configure b/configure
+index 6dd7eda..716ee9c 100755
+--- a/configure
++++ b/configure
+@@ -918,6 +918,7 @@ enable_cache_check_needs_check
+ with_vdo
+ with_vdo_format
+ with_writecache
+ enable_readline
+ enable_realtime
+ enable_ocf
+@@ -1716,6 +1717,7 @@ Optional Packages:
+   --with-vdo=TYPE         vdo support: internal/none [internal]
+   --with-vdo-format=PATH  vdoformat tool: [autodetect]
+   --with-writecache=TYPE  writecache support: internal/none [none]
++  --with-integrity=TYPE   integrity support: internal/none [none]
+   --with-ocfdir=DIR       install OCF files in
+                           [PREFIX/lib/ocf/resource.d/lvm2]
+   --with-default-pid-dir=PID_DIR
+@@ -9762,6 +9764,31 @@ $as_echo "#define WRITECACHE_INTERNAL 1" >>confdefs.h
+ esac
+ ################################################################################
++{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether to include integrity" >&5
++$as_echo_n "checking whether to include integrity... " >&6; }
++# Check whether --with-integrity was given.
++if test "${with_integrity+set}" = set; then :
++  withval=$with_integrity; INTEGRITY=$withval
++  INTEGRITY="none"
++{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $INTEGRITY" >&5
++$as_echo "$INTEGRITY" >&6; }
++case "$INTEGRITY" in
++ none) ;;
++ internal)
++$as_echo "#define INTEGRITY_INTERNAL 1" >>confdefs.h
++	;;
++ *) as_fn_error $? "--with-integrity parameter invalid" "$LINENO" 5 ;;
+ # Check whether --enable-readline was given.
+ if test "${enable_readline+set}" = set; then :
+   enableval=$enable_readline; READLINE=$enableval
+diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
+index 74ca201..9a0e41a 100644
+--- a/configure.ac
++++ b/configure.ac
+@@ -668,6 +668,24 @@ case "$WRITECACHE" in
+ esac
+ ################################################################################
++dnl -- integrity inclusion type
++AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to include integrity)
++	    AC_HELP_STRING([--with-integrity=TYPE],
++			   [integrity support: internal/none [none]]),
++			   INTEGRITY=$withval, INTEGRITY="none")
++case "$INTEGRITY" in
++ none) ;;
++ internal)
++	AC_DEFINE([INTEGRITY_INTERNAL], 1, [Define to 1 to include built-in support for integrity.])
++	;;
++ *) AC_MSG_ERROR([--with-integrity parameter invalid]) ;;
+ dnl -- Disable readline
+ AC_ARG_ENABLE([readline],
+ 	      AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-readline], [disable readline support]),
+diff --git a/device_mapper/all.h b/device_mapper/all.h
+index b23485f..f00b6a5 100644
+--- a/device_mapper/all.h
++++ b/device_mapper/all.h
+@@ -234,6 +234,7 @@ int dm_task_suppress_identical_reload(struct dm_task *dmt);
+ int dm_task_secure_data(struct dm_task *dmt);
+ int dm_task_retry_remove(struct dm_task *dmt);
+ int dm_task_deferred_remove(struct dm_task *dmt);
++void dm_task_skip_reload_params_compare(struct dm_task *dmt);
+ /*
+  * Record timestamp immediately after the ioctl returns.
+@@ -392,6 +393,15 @@ struct dm_status_writecache {
+ int dm_get_status_writecache(struct dm_pool *mem, const char *params,
+                              struct dm_status_writecache **status);
++struct dm_status_integrity {
++	uint64_t number_of_mismatches;
++	uint64_t provided_data_sectors;
++	uint64_t recalc_sector;
++int dm_get_status_integrity(struct dm_pool *mem, const char *params,
++                            struct dm_status_integrity **status);
+ /*
+  * Parse params from STATUS call for snapshot target
+  *
+@@ -970,6 +980,35 @@ int dm_tree_node_add_writecache_target(struct dm_tree_node *node,
+ 				uint32_t writecache_block_size,
+ 				struct writecache_settings *settings);
++struct integrity_settings {
++	char mode[8];
++	uint32_t tag_size;
++	uint32_t block_size;       /* optional table param always set by lvm */
++	const char *internal_hash; /* optional table param always set by lvm */
++	uint32_t journal_sectors;
++	uint32_t interleave_sectors;
++	uint32_t buffer_sectors;
++	uint32_t journal_watermark;
++	uint32_t commit_time;
++	uint32_t bitmap_flush_interval;
++	uint64_t sectors_per_bit;
++	unsigned journal_sectors_set:1;
++	unsigned interleave_sectors_set:1;
++	unsigned buffer_sectors_set:1;
++	unsigned journal_watermark_set:1;
++	unsigned commit_time_set:1;
++	unsigned bitmap_flush_interval_set:1;
++	unsigned sectors_per_bit_set:1;
++int dm_tree_node_add_integrity_target(struct dm_tree_node *node,
++				uint64_t size,
++				const char *origin_uuid,
++				const char *meta_uuid,
++				struct integrity_settings *settings,
++				int recalculate);
+ /*
+  * VDO target
+diff --git a/device_mapper/ioctl/libdm-iface.c b/device_mapper/ioctl/libdm-iface.c
+index fe04af8..25e7d1a 100644
+--- a/device_mapper/ioctl/libdm-iface.c
++++ b/device_mapper/ioctl/libdm-iface.c
+@@ -805,6 +805,11 @@ int dm_task_suppress_identical_reload(struct dm_task *dmt)
+ 	return 1;
+ }
++void dm_task_skip_reload_params_compare(struct dm_task *dmt)
++	dmt->skip_reload_params_compare = 1;
+ int dm_task_set_add_node(struct dm_task *dmt, dm_add_node_t add_node)
+ {
+ 	switch (add_node) {
+@@ -1575,11 +1580,29 @@ static int _reload_with_suppression_v4(struct dm_task *dmt)
+ 		len = strlen(t2->params);
+ 		while (len-- > 0 && t2->params[len] == ' ')
+ 			t2->params[len] = '\0';
+-		if ((t1->start != t2->start) ||
+-		    (t1->length != t2->length) ||
+-		    (strcmp(t1->type, t2->type)) ||
+-		    (strcmp(t1->params, t2->params)))
++		if (t1->start != t2->start) {
++			log_debug("reload %u:%u start diff", task->major, task->minor);
++			goto no_match;
++		}
++		if (t1->length != t2->length) {
++			log_debug("reload %u:%u length diff", task->major, task->minor);
+ 			goto no_match;
++		}
++		if (strcmp(t1->type, t2->type)) {
++			log_debug("reload %u:%u type diff %s %s", task->major, task->minor, t1->type, t2->type);
++			goto no_match;
++		}
++		if (strcmp(t1->params, t2->params)) {
++			if (dmt->skip_reload_params_compare)
++				log_debug("reload %u:%u skip params ignore %s %s",
++					  task->major, task->minor, t1->params, t2->params);
++			else {
++				log_debug("reload %u:%u params diff", task->major, task->minor);
++				goto no_match;
++			}
++		}
+ 		t1 = t1->next;
+ 		t2 = t2->next;
+ 	}
+diff --git a/device_mapper/ioctl/libdm-targets.h b/device_mapper/ioctl/libdm-targets.h
+index b5b20d5..9786a7e 100644
+--- a/device_mapper/ioctl/libdm-targets.h
++++ b/device_mapper/ioctl/libdm-targets.h
+@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ struct dm_task {
+ 	int skip_lockfs;
+ 	int query_inactive_table;
+ 	int suppress_identical_reload;
++	int skip_reload_params_compare;
+ 	dm_add_node_t add_node;
+ 	uint64_t existing_table_size;
+ 	int cookie_set;
+diff --git a/device_mapper/libdm-deptree.c b/device_mapper/libdm-deptree.c
+index 7fac6ab..9ba24cb 100644
+--- a/device_mapper/libdm-deptree.c
++++ b/device_mapper/libdm-deptree.c
+@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ enum {
+@@ -78,6 +79,7 @@ static const struct {
+ 	{ SEG_STRIPED, "striped" },
+ 	{ SEG_ZERO, "zero"},
+ 	{ SEG_WRITECACHE, "writecache"},
++	{ SEG_INTEGRITY, "integrity"},
+ 	{ SEG_THIN_POOL, "thin-pool"},
+ 	{ SEG_THIN, "thin"},
+ 	{ SEG_VDO, "vdo" },
+@@ -221,6 +223,11 @@ struct load_segment {
+ 	int writecache_pmem;				/* writecache, 1 if pmem, 0 if ssd */
+ 	uint32_t writecache_block_size;			/* writecache, in bytes */
+ 	struct writecache_settings writecache_settings;	/* writecache */
++	uint64_t integrity_data_sectors;		/* integrity (provided_data_sectors) */
++	struct dm_tree_node *integrity_meta_node;	/* integrity */
++	struct integrity_settings integrity_settings;	/* integrity */
++	int integrity_recalculate;			/* integrity */
+ };
+ /* Per-device properties */
+@@ -268,6 +275,16 @@ struct load_properties {
+ 	unsigned delay_resume_if_extended;
+ 	/*
++	 * When comparing table lines to decide if a reload is
++	 * needed, ignore any differences betwen the lvm device
++	 * params and the kernel-reported device params.
++	 * dm-integrity reports many internal parameters on the
++	 * table line when lvm does not explicitly set them,
++	 * causing lvm and the kernel to have differing params.
++	 */
++	unsigned skip_reload_params_compare;
++	/*
+ 	 * Call node_send_messages(), set to 2 if there are messages
+ 	 * When != 0, it validates matching transaction id, thus thin-pools
+ 	 * where transation_id is passed as 0 are never validated, this
+@@ -2705,6 +2722,84 @@ static int _writecache_emit_segment_line(struct dm_task *dmt,
+ 	return 1;
+ }
++static int _integrity_emit_segment_line(struct dm_task *dmt,
++				    struct load_segment *seg,
++				    char *params, size_t paramsize)
++	struct integrity_settings *set = &seg->integrity_settings;
++	int pos = 0;
++	int count;
++	char origin_dev[DM_FORMAT_DEV_BUFSIZE];
++	char meta_dev[DM_FORMAT_DEV_BUFSIZE];
++	if (!_build_dev_string(origin_dev, sizeof(origin_dev), seg->origin))
++		return_0;
++	if (seg->integrity_meta_node &&
++	    !_build_dev_string(meta_dev, sizeof(meta_dev), seg->integrity_meta_node))
++		return_0;
++	count = 3; /* block_size, internal_hash, fix_padding options are always passed */
++	if (seg->integrity_meta_node)
++		count++;
++	if (seg->integrity_recalculate)
++		count++;
++	if (set->journal_sectors_set)
++		count++;
++	if (set->interleave_sectors_set)
++		count++;
++	if (set->buffer_sectors_set)
++		count++;
++	if (set->journal_watermark_set)
++		count++;
++	if (set->commit_time_set)
++		count++;
++	if (set->bitmap_flush_interval_set)
++		count++;
++	if (set->sectors_per_bit_set)
++		count++;
++	EMIT_PARAMS(pos, "%s 0 %u %s %d fix_padding block_size:%u internal_hash:%s",
++		    origin_dev,
++		    set->tag_size,
++		    set->mode,
++		    count,
++		    set->block_size,
++		    set->internal_hash);
++	if (seg->integrity_meta_node)
++		EMIT_PARAMS(pos, " meta_device:%s", meta_dev);
++	if (seg->integrity_recalculate)
++		EMIT_PARAMS(pos, " recalculate");
++	if (set->journal_sectors_set)
++		EMIT_PARAMS(pos, " journal_sectors:%u", set->journal_sectors);
++	if (set->interleave_sectors_set)
++		EMIT_PARAMS(pos, " ineterleave_sectors:%u", set->interleave_sectors);
++	if (set->buffer_sectors_set)
++		EMIT_PARAMS(pos, " buffer_sectors:%u", set->buffer_sectors);
++	if (set->journal_watermark_set)
++		EMIT_PARAMS(pos, " journal_watermark:%u", set->journal_watermark);
++	if (set->commit_time_set)
++		EMIT_PARAMS(pos, " commit_time:%u", set->commit_time);
++	if (set->bitmap_flush_interval_set)
++		EMIT_PARAMS(pos, " bitmap_flush_interval:%u", set->bitmap_flush_interval);
++	if (set->sectors_per_bit_set)
++		EMIT_PARAMS(pos, " sectors_per_bit:%llu", (unsigned long long)set->sectors_per_bit);
++	return 1;
+ static int _thin_pool_emit_segment_line(struct dm_task *dmt,
+ 					struct load_segment *seg,
+ 					char *params, size_t paramsize)
+@@ -2889,6 +2984,10 @@ static int _emit_segment_line(struct dm_task *dmt, uint32_t major,
+ 		if (!_writecache_emit_segment_line(dmt, seg, params, paramsize))
+ 			return_0;
+ 		break;
++		if (!_integrity_emit_segment_line(dmt, seg, params, paramsize))
++			return_0;
++		break;
+ 	}
+ 	switch(seg->type) {
+@@ -2901,6 +3000,7 @@ static int _emit_segment_line(struct dm_task *dmt, uint32_t major,
+ 	case SEG_THIN:
+ 	case SEG_CACHE:
+ 		break;
+ 	case SEG_CRYPT:
+ 	case SEG_LINEAR:
+@@ -3005,6 +3105,9 @@ static int _load_node(struct dm_tree_node *dnode)
+ 	if (!dm_task_suppress_identical_reload(dmt))
+ 		log_warn("WARNING: Failed to suppress reload of identical tables.");
++	if (dnode->props.skip_reload_params_compare)
++		dm_task_skip_reload_params_compare(dmt);
+ 	if ((r = dm_task_run(dmt))) {
+ 		r = dm_task_get_info(dmt, &dnode->info);
+ 		if (r && !dnode->info.inactive_table)
+@@ -3023,8 +3126,8 @@ static int _load_node(struct dm_tree_node *dnode)
+ 			if (!existing_table_size && dnode->props.delay_resume_if_new)
+ 				dnode->props.size_changed = 0;
+-			log_debug_activation("Table size changed from %" PRIu64 " to %"
+-					     PRIu64 " for %s.%s", existing_table_size,
++			log_debug_activation("Table size changed from %" PRIu64 " to %" PRIu64 " for %s.%s",
++					     existing_table_size,
+ 					     seg_start, _node_name(dnode),
+ 					     dnode->props.size_changed ? "" : " (Ignoring.)");
+@@ -3136,7 +3239,10 @@ int dm_tree_preload_children(struct dm_tree_node *dnode,
+ 		}
+ 		/* No resume for a device without parents or with unchanged or smaller size */
+-		if (!dm_tree_node_num_children(child, 1) || (child->props.size_changed <= 0))
++		if (!dm_tree_node_num_children(child, 1))
++			continue;
++		if (child->props.size_changed <= 0)
+ 			continue;
+ 		if (!child->info.inactive_table && !child->info.suspended)
+@@ -3738,6 +3844,48 @@ int dm_tree_node_add_writecache_target(struct dm_tree_node *node,
+ 	return 1;
+ }
++int dm_tree_node_add_integrity_target(struct dm_tree_node *node,
++				  uint64_t size,
++				  const char *origin_uuid,
++				  const char *meta_uuid,
++				  struct integrity_settings *settings,
++				  int recalculate)
++	struct load_segment *seg;
++	if (!(seg = _add_segment(node, SEG_INTEGRITY, size)))
++		return_0;
++	if (!meta_uuid) {
++		log_error("No integrity meta uuid.");
++		return 0;
++	}
++	if (!(seg->integrity_meta_node = dm_tree_find_node_by_uuid(node->dtree, meta_uuid))) {
++		log_error("Missing integrity's meta uuid %s.", meta_uuid);
++		return 0;
++	}
++	if (!_link_tree_nodes(node, seg->integrity_meta_node))
++		return_0;
++	if (!(seg->origin = dm_tree_find_node_by_uuid(node->dtree, origin_uuid))) {
++		log_error("Missing integrity's origin uuid %s.", origin_uuid);
++		return 0;
++	}
++	if (!_link_tree_nodes(node, seg->origin))
++		return_0;
++	memcpy(&seg->integrity_settings, settings, sizeof(struct integrity_settings));
++	seg->integrity_recalculate = recalculate;
++	node->props.skip_reload_params_compare = 1;
++	return 1;
+ int dm_tree_node_add_replicator_target(struct dm_tree_node *node,
+ 				       uint64_t size,
+ 				       const char *rlog_uuid,
+diff --git a/device_mapper/libdm-targets.c b/device_mapper/libdm-targets.c
+index 86cb847..bfe76c5 100644
+--- a/device_mapper/libdm-targets.c
++++ b/device_mapper/libdm-targets.c
+@@ -380,6 +380,33 @@ int dm_get_status_writecache(struct dm_pool *mem, const char *params,
+ 	return 1;
+ }
++int dm_get_status_integrity(struct dm_pool *mem, const char *params,
++			     struct dm_status_integrity **status)
++	struct dm_status_integrity *s;
++	char recalc_str[16] = "\0";
++	if (!(s = dm_pool_zalloc(mem, sizeof(*s))))
++		return_0;
++	if (sscanf(params, "%llu %llu %s",
++		   (unsigned long long *)&s->number_of_mismatches,
++		   (unsigned long long *)&s->provided_data_sectors,
++		   recalc_str) != 3) {
++		log_error("Failed to parse integrity params: %s.", params);
++		dm_pool_free(mem, s);
++		return 0;
++	}
++	if (recalc_str[0] == '-')
++		s->recalc_sector = 0;
++	else
++		s->recalc_sector = strtoull(recalc_str, NULL, 0);
++	*status = s;
++	return 1;
+ int parse_thin_pool_status(const char *params, struct dm_status_thin_pool *s)
+ {
+ 	int pos;
+diff --git a/include/configure.h.in b/include/configure.h.in
+index 91a3a7d..57736cc 100644
+--- a/include/configure.h.in
++++ b/include/configure.h.in
+@@ -678,6 +678,9 @@
+ /* Define to 1 to include built-in support for writecache. */
++/* Define to 1 to include built-in support for integrity. */
+ /* Define to get access to GNU/Linux extension */
+ #undef _GNU_SOURCE
+diff --git a/lib/Makefile.in b/lib/Makefile.in
+index 2a064f3..8e50ec4 100644
+--- a/lib/Makefile.in
++++ b/lib/Makefile.in
+@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ SOURCES =\
+ 	activate/activate.c \
+ 	cache/lvmcache.c \
+ 	writecache/writecache.c \
++	integrity/integrity.c \
+ 	cache_segtype/cache.c \
+ 	commands/toolcontext.c \
+ 	config/config.c \
+@@ -67,6 +68,7 @@ SOURCES =\
+ 	log/log.c \
+ 	metadata/cache_manip.c \
+ 	metadata/writecache_manip.c \
++	metadata/integrity_manip.c \
+ 	metadata/lv.c \
+ 	metadata/lv_manip.c \
+ 	metadata/merge.c \
+diff --git a/lib/activate/activate.c b/lib/activate/activate.c
+index a82a5cb..22c4e63 100644
+--- a/lib/activate/activate.c
++++ b/lib/activate/activate.c
+@@ -2535,6 +2535,13 @@ static int _lv_activate(struct cmd_context *cmd, const char *lvid_s,
+ 		goto out;
+ 	}
++	if ((cmd->partial_activation || cmd->degraded_activation) &&
++	    lv_is_partial(lv) && lv_is_raid(lv) && lv_raid_has_integrity((struct logical_volume *)lv)) {
++		cmd->partial_activation = 0;
++		cmd->degraded_activation = 0;
++		log_print("No degraded or partial activation for raid with integrity.");
++	}
+ 	if ((!lv->vg->cmd->partial_activation) && lv_is_partial(lv)) {
+ 		if (!lv_is_raid_type(lv) || !partial_raid_lv_supports_degraded_activation(lv)) {
+ 			log_error("Refusing activation of partial LV %s.  "
+diff --git a/lib/activate/activate.h b/lib/activate/activate.h
+index a5ee438..e3c1bb3 100644
+--- a/lib/activate/activate.h
++++ b/lib/activate/activate.h
+@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ typedef enum {
+ } lv_seg_status_type_t;
+@@ -53,6 +54,7 @@ struct lv_seg_status {
+ 		struct dm_status_thin *thin;
+ 		struct dm_status_thin_pool *thin_pool;
+ 		struct dm_status_writecache *writecache;
++		struct dm_status_integrity *integrity;
+ 		struct lv_status_vdo vdo_pool;
+ 	};
+ };
+@@ -260,6 +262,7 @@ void fs_unlock(void);
+ #define TARGET_NAME_CACHE "cache"
+ #define TARGET_NAME_WRITECACHE "writecache"
++#define TARGET_NAME_INTEGRITY "integrity"
+ #define TARGET_NAME_ERROR "error"
+ #define TARGET_NAME_ERROR_OLD "erro"	/* Truncated in older kernels */
+ #define TARGET_NAME_LINEAR "linear"
+@@ -277,6 +280,7 @@ void fs_unlock(void);
+ #define MODULE_NAME_LOG_CLUSTERED "log-clustered"
+ #define MODULE_NAME_LOG_USERSPACE "log-userspace"
+diff --git a/lib/activate/dev_manager.c b/lib/activate/dev_manager.c
+index 75d4df0..a626b00 100644
+--- a/lib/activate/dev_manager.c
++++ b/lib/activate/dev_manager.c
+@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ typedef enum {
+ } action_t;
+ /* This list must match lib/misc/lvm-string.c:build_dm_uuid(). */
+-const char *uuid_suffix_list[] = { "pool", "cdata", "cmeta", "cvol", "tdata", "tmeta", "vdata", "vpool", NULL};
++const char *uuid_suffix_list[] = { "pool", "cdata", "cmeta", "cvol", "tdata", "tmeta", "vdata", "vpool", "imeta", NULL};
+ struct dlid_list {
+ 	struct dm_list list;
+@@ -222,6 +222,10 @@ static int _get_segment_status_from_target_params(const char *target_name,
+ 		if (!dm_get_status_writecache(seg_status->mem, params, &(seg_status->writecache)))
+ 			return_0;
+ 		seg_status->type = SEG_STATUS_WRITECACHE;
++	} else if (segtype_is_integrity(segtype)) {
++		if (!dm_get_status_integrity(seg_status->mem, params, &(seg_status->integrity)))
++			return_0;
++		seg_status->type = SEG_STATUS_INTEGRITY;
+ 	} else
+ 		/*
+ 		 * TODO: Add support for other segment types too!
+@@ -299,6 +303,9 @@ static int _info_run(const char *dlid, struct dm_info *dminfo,
+ 		if (lv_is_vdo_pool(seg_status->seg->lv))
+ 			length = get_vdo_pool_virtual_size(seg_status->seg);
++		if (lv_is_integrity(seg_status->seg->lv))
++			length = seg_status->seg->integrity_data_sectors;
+ 		do {
+ 			target = dm_get_next_target(dmt, target, &target_start,
+ 						    &target_length, &target_name, &target_params);
+@@ -2620,6 +2627,10 @@ static int _add_lv_to_dtree(struct dev_manager *dm, struct dm_tree *dtree,
+ 			if (!_add_lv_to_dtree(dm, dtree, seg->writecache, dm->activation ? origin_only : 1))
+ 				return_0;
+ 		}
++		if (seg->integrity_meta_dev && seg_is_integrity(seg)) {
++			if (!_add_lv_to_dtree(dm, dtree, seg->integrity_meta_dev, dm->activation ? origin_only : 1))
++				return_0;
++		}
+ 		if (seg->pool_lv &&
+ 		    (lv_is_cache_pool(seg->pool_lv) || lv_is_cache_vol(seg->pool_lv) || dm->track_external_lv_deps) &&
+ 		    /* When activating and not origin_only detect linear 'overlay' over pool */
+@@ -3076,6 +3087,11 @@ static int _add_segment_to_dtree(struct dev_manager *dm,
+ 				  lv_layer(seg->writecache)))
+ 		return_0;
++	if (seg->integrity_meta_dev && !laopts->origin_only &&
++	    !_add_new_lv_to_dtree(dm, dtree, seg->integrity_meta_dev, laopts,
++				  lv_layer(seg->integrity_meta_dev)))
++		return_0;
+ 	/* Add any LVs used by this segment */
+ 	for (s = 0; s < seg->area_count; ++s) {
+ 		if ((seg_type(seg, s) == AREA_LV) &&
+diff --git a/lib/commands/toolcontext.c b/lib/commands/toolcontext.c
+index 479d499..88d5b3e 100644
+--- a/lib/commands/toolcontext.c
++++ b/lib/commands/toolcontext.c
+@@ -1362,6 +1362,11 @@ static int _init_segtypes(struct cmd_context *cmd)
+ 		return 0;
+ #endif
++	if (!init_integrity_segtypes(cmd, &seglib))
++		return 0;
+ 	return 1;
+ }
+diff --git a/lib/device/dev-type.c b/lib/device/dev-type.c
+index d225d4d..deb5d6a 100644
+--- a/lib/device/dev-type.c
++++ b/lib/device/dev-type.c
+@@ -647,6 +647,45 @@ out:
+ }
++int get_fs_block_size(struct device *dev, uint32_t *fs_block_size)
++	blkid_probe probe = NULL;
++	const char *block_size_str = NULL;
++	uint64_t block_size_val;
++	int r = 0;
++	*fs_block_size = 0;
++	if (!(probe = blkid_new_probe_from_filename(dev_name(dev)))) {
++		log_error("Failed to create a new blkid probe for device %s.", dev_name(dev));
++		goto out;
++	}
++	blkid_probe_enable_partitions(probe, 1);
++	(void) blkid_probe_lookup_value(probe, "BLOCK_SIZE", &block_size_str, NULL);
++	if (!block_size_str)
++		goto out;
++	block_size_val = strtoull(block_size_str, NULL, 10);
++	*fs_block_size = (uint32_t)block_size_val;
++	r = 1;
++	if (probe)
++		blkid_free_probe(probe);
++	return r;
++int get_fs_block_size(struct device *dev, uint32_t *fs_block_size)
++	*fs_block_size = 0;
++	return 0;
+ static inline int _type_in_flag_list(const char *type, uint32_t flag_list)
+ {
+diff --git a/lib/device/dev-type.h b/lib/device/dev-type.h
+index e090050..fdf7791 100644
+--- a/lib/device/dev-type.h
++++ b/lib/device/dev-type.h
+@@ -97,4 +97,6 @@ int dev_is_pmem(struct device *dev);
+ int dev_is_lv(struct device *dev);
++int get_fs_block_size(struct device *dev, uint32_t *fs_block_size);
+ #endif
+diff --git a/lib/format_text/flags.c b/lib/format_text/flags.c
+index 2873ba6..bc93a5d 100644
+--- a/lib/format_text/flags.c
++++ b/lib/format_text/flags.c
+@@ -104,6 +104,8 @@ static const struct flag _lv_flags[] = {
+ 	{LV_VDO_POOL, NULL, 0},
+ 	{0, NULL, 0}
+diff --git a/lib/integrity/integrity.c b/lib/integrity/integrity.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..d5ad86b
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/lib/integrity/integrity.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * This file is part of LVM2.
++ *
++ * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
++ * modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions
++ * of the GNU Lesser General Public License v.2.1.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
++ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++#include "base/memory/zalloc.h"
++#include "lib/misc/lib.h"
++#include "lib/commands/toolcontext.h"
++#include "lib/metadata/segtype.h"
++#include "lib/display/display.h"
++#include "lib/format_text/text_export.h"
++#include "lib/config/config.h"
++#include "lib/datastruct/str_list.h"
++#include "lib/misc/lvm-string.h"
++#include "lib/activate/activate.h"
++#include "lib/metadata/metadata.h"
++#include "lib/metadata/lv_alloc.h"
++#include "lib/config/defaults.h"
++#define SEG_LOG_ERROR(t, p...) \
++        log_error(t " segment %s of logical volume %s.", ## p,	\
++                  dm_config_parent_name(sn), seg->lv->name), 0;
++static void _integrity_display(const struct lv_segment *seg)
++	/* TODO: lvdisplay segments */
++static int _integrity_text_import(struct lv_segment *seg,
++				   const struct dm_config_node *sn,
++				   struct dm_hash_table *pv_hash __attribute__((unused)))
++	struct integrity_settings *set;
++	struct logical_volume *origin_lv = NULL;
++	struct logical_volume *meta_lv = NULL;
++	const char *origin_name = NULL;
++	const char *meta_dev = NULL;
++	const char *mode = NULL;
++	const char *hash = NULL;
++	memset(&seg->integrity_settings, 0, sizeof(struct integrity_settings));
++	set = &seg->integrity_settings;
++	/* origin always set */
++	if (!dm_config_has_node(sn, "origin"))
++		return SEG_LOG_ERROR("origin not specified in");
++	if (!dm_config_get_str(sn, "origin", &origin_name))
++		return SEG_LOG_ERROR("origin must be a string in");
++	if (!(origin_lv = find_lv(seg->lv->vg, origin_name)))
++		return SEG_LOG_ERROR("Unknown LV specified for integrity origin %s in", origin_name);
++	if (!set_lv_segment_area_lv(seg, 0, origin_lv, 0, 0))
++		return_0;
++	/* data_sectors always set */
++	if (!dm_config_get_uint64(sn, "data_sectors", &seg->integrity_data_sectors))
++		return SEG_LOG_ERROR("integrity data_sectors must be set in");
++	/* mode always set */
++	if (!dm_config_get_str(sn, "mode", &mode))
++		return SEG_LOG_ERROR("integrity mode must be set in");
++	if (strlen(mode) > 7)
++		return SEG_LOG_ERROR("integrity mode invalid in");
++	strncpy(set->mode, mode, 7);
++	/* tag_size always set */
++	if (!dm_config_get_uint32(sn, "tag_size", &set->tag_size))
++		return SEG_LOG_ERROR("integrity tag_size must be set in");
++	/* block_size always set */
++	if (!dm_config_get_uint32(sn, "block_size", &set->block_size))
++		return SEG_LOG_ERROR("integrity block_size invalid in");
++	/* internal_hash always set */
++	if (!dm_config_get_str(sn, "internal_hash", &hash))
++		return SEG_LOG_ERROR("integrity internal_hash must be set in");
++	if (!(set->internal_hash = dm_pool_strdup(seg->lv->vg->vgmem, hash)))
++		return SEG_LOG_ERROR("integrity internal_hash failed to be set in");
++	/* meta_dev optional */
++	if (dm_config_has_node(sn, "meta_dev")) {
++		if (!dm_config_get_str(sn, "meta_dev", &meta_dev))
++			return SEG_LOG_ERROR("meta_dev must be a string in");
++		if (!(meta_lv = find_lv(seg->lv->vg, meta_dev)))
++			return SEG_LOG_ERROR("Unknown logical volume %s specified for integrity in", meta_dev);
++	}
++	if (dm_config_has_node(sn, "recalculate")) {
++		if (!dm_config_get_uint32(sn, "recalculate", &seg->integrity_recalculate))
++			return SEG_LOG_ERROR("integrity recalculate error in");
++	}
++	/* the rest are optional */
++	if (dm_config_has_node(sn, "journal_sectors")) {
++		if (!dm_config_get_uint32(sn, "journal_sectors", &set->journal_sectors))
++			return SEG_LOG_ERROR("Unknown integrity_setting in");
++		set->journal_sectors_set = 1;
++	}
++	if (dm_config_has_node(sn, "interleave_sectors")) {
++		if (!dm_config_get_uint32(sn, "interleave_sectors", &set->interleave_sectors))
++			return SEG_LOG_ERROR("Unknown integrity_setting in");
++		set->interleave_sectors_set = 1;
++	}
++	if (dm_config_has_node(sn, "buffer_sectors")) {
++		if (!dm_config_get_uint32(sn, "buffer_sectors", &set->buffer_sectors))
++			return SEG_LOG_ERROR("Unknown integrity_setting in");
++		set->buffer_sectors_set = 1;
++	}
++	if (dm_config_has_node(sn, "journal_watermark")) {
++		if (!dm_config_get_uint32(sn, "journal_watermark", &set->journal_watermark))
++			return SEG_LOG_ERROR("Unknown integrity_setting in");
++		set->journal_watermark_set = 1;
++	}
++	if (dm_config_has_node(sn, "commit_time")) {
++		if (!dm_config_get_uint32(sn, "commit_time", &set->commit_time))
++			return SEG_LOG_ERROR("Unknown integrity_setting in");
++		set->commit_time_set = 1;
++	}
++	if (dm_config_has_node(sn, "bitmap_flush_interval")) {
++		if (!dm_config_get_uint32(sn, "bitmap_flush_interval", &set->bitmap_flush_interval))
++			return SEG_LOG_ERROR("Unknown integrity_setting in");
++		set->bitmap_flush_interval_set = 1;
++	}
++	if (dm_config_has_node(sn, "sectors_per_bit")) {
++		if (!dm_config_get_uint64(sn, "sectors_per_bit", &set->sectors_per_bit))
++			return SEG_LOG_ERROR("Unknown integrity_setting in");
++		set->sectors_per_bit_set = 1;
++	}
++	seg->origin = origin_lv;
++	seg->integrity_meta_dev = meta_lv;
++	seg->lv->status |= INTEGRITY;
++	if (meta_lv)
++		meta_lv->status |= INTEGRITY_METADATA;
++	if (meta_lv && !add_seg_to_segs_using_this_lv(meta_lv, seg))
++		return_0;
++	return 1;
++static int _integrity_text_import_area_count(const struct dm_config_node *sn,
++					      uint32_t *area_count)
++	*area_count = 1;
++	return 1;
++static int _integrity_text_export(const struct lv_segment *seg,
++				   struct formatter *f)
++	const struct integrity_settings *set = &seg->integrity_settings;
++	outf(f, "origin = \"%s\"", seg_lv(seg, 0)->name);
++	outf(f, "data_sectors = %llu", (unsigned long long)seg->integrity_data_sectors);
++	outf(f, "mode = \"%s\"", set->mode);
++	outf(f, "tag_size = %u", set->tag_size);
++	outf(f, "block_size = %u", set->block_size);
++	outf(f, "internal_hash = \"%s\"", set->internal_hash);
++	if (seg->integrity_meta_dev)
++		outf(f, "meta_dev = \"%s\"", seg->integrity_meta_dev->name);
++	if (seg->integrity_recalculate)
++		outf(f, "recalculate = %u", seg->integrity_recalculate);
++	if (set->journal_sectors_set)
++		outf(f, "journal_sectors = %u", set->journal_sectors);
++	if (set->interleave_sectors_set)
++		outf(f, "interleave_sectors = %u", set->interleave_sectors);
++	if (set->buffer_sectors_set)
++		outf(f, "buffer_sectors = %u", set->buffer_sectors);
++	if (set->journal_watermark_set)
++		outf(f, "journal_watermark = %u", set->journal_watermark);
++	if (set->commit_time_set)
++		outf(f, "commit_time = %u", set->commit_time);
++	if (set->bitmap_flush_interval)
++		outf(f, "bitmap_flush_interval = %u", set->bitmap_flush_interval);
++	if (set->sectors_per_bit)
++		outf(f, "sectors_per_bit = %llu", (unsigned long long)set->sectors_per_bit);
++	return 1;
++static void _destroy(struct segment_type *segtype)
++	free((void *) segtype);
++static int _target_present(struct cmd_context *cmd,
++			   const struct lv_segment *seg __attribute__((unused)),
++			   unsigned *attributes __attribute__((unused)))
++	static int _integrity_checked = 0;
++	static int _integrity_present = 0;
++	uint32_t maj, min, patchlevel;
++	if (!activation())
++		return 0;
++	if (!_integrity_checked) {
++		_integrity_checked = 1;
++		_integrity_present =  target_present(cmd, TARGET_NAME_INTEGRITY, 1);
++		if (!target_version(TARGET_NAME_INTEGRITY, &maj, &min, &patchlevel))
++			return 0;
++		if (maj < 1 || min < 6) {
++			log_error("Integrity target version older than minimum 1.6.0");
++			return 0;
++		}
++	}
++	return _integrity_present;
++static int _modules_needed(struct dm_pool *mem,
++			   const struct lv_segment *seg __attribute__((unused)),
++			   struct dm_list *modules)
++	if (!str_list_add(mem, modules, MODULE_NAME_INTEGRITY)) {
++		log_error("String list allocation failed for integrity module.");
++		return 0;
++	}
++	return 1;
++#endif /* DEVMAPPER_SUPPORT */
++static int _integrity_add_target_line(struct dev_manager *dm,
++				 struct dm_pool *mem,
++				 struct cmd_context *cmd __attribute__((unused)),
++				 void **target_state __attribute__((unused)),
++				 struct lv_segment *seg,
++				 const struct lv_activate_opts *laopts,
++				 struct dm_tree_node *node, uint64_t len,
++				 uint32_t *pvmove_mirror_count __attribute__((unused)))
++	char *origin_uuid;
++	char *meta_uuid = NULL;
++	if (!seg_is_integrity(seg)) {
++		log_error(INTERNAL_ERROR "Passed segment is not integrity.");
++		return 0;
++	}
++	if (!(origin_uuid = build_dm_uuid(mem, seg_lv(seg, 0), NULL)))
++		return_0;
++	if (seg->integrity_meta_dev) {
++		if (!(meta_uuid = build_dm_uuid(mem, seg->integrity_meta_dev, NULL)))
++			return_0;
++	}
++	if (!seg->integrity_data_sectors) {
++		log_error("_integrity_add_target_line zero size");
++		return_0;
++	}
++	if (!dm_tree_node_add_integrity_target(node, seg->integrity_data_sectors,
++					       origin_uuid, meta_uuid,
++					       &seg->integrity_settings,
++					       seg->integrity_recalculate))
++		return_0;
++	return 1;
++#endif /* DEVMAPPER_SUPPORT */
++static struct segtype_handler _integrity_ops = {
++	.display = _integrity_display,
++	.text_import = _integrity_text_import,
++	.text_import_area_count = _integrity_text_import_area_count,
++	.text_export = _integrity_text_export,
++	.add_target_line = _integrity_add_target_line,
++	.target_present = _target_present,
++	.modules_needed = _modules_needed,
++	.destroy = _destroy,
++int init_integrity_segtypes(struct cmd_context *cmd,
++			struct segtype_library *seglib)
++	struct segment_type *segtype = zalloc(sizeof(*segtype));
++	if (!segtype) {
++		log_error("Failed to allocate memory for integrity segtype");
++		return 0;
++	}
++	segtype->name = SEG_TYPE_NAME_INTEGRITY;
++	segtype->flags = SEG_INTEGRITY;
++	segtype->ops = &_integrity_ops;
++	if (!lvm_register_segtype(seglib, segtype))
++		return_0;
++	log_very_verbose("Initialised segtype: %s", segtype->name);
++	return 1;
+diff --git a/lib/metadata/integrity_manip.c b/lib/metadata/integrity_manip.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..7942be0
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/lib/metadata/integrity_manip.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,821 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * This file is part of LVM2.
++ *
++ * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
++ * modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions
++ * of the GNU Lesser General Public License v.2.1.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
++ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++#include "lib/misc/lib.h"
++#include "lib/metadata/metadata.h"
++#include "lib/locking/locking.h"
++#include "lib/misc/lvm-string.h"
++#include "lib/commands/toolcontext.h"
++#include "lib/display/display.h"
++#include "lib/metadata/segtype.h"
++#include "lib/activate/activate.h"
++#include "lib/config/defaults.h"
++#include "lib/activate/dev_manager.h"
++#define DEFAULT_TAG_SIZE 4 /* bytes */
++#define DEFAULT_MODE 'J'
++#define DEFAULT_INTERNAL_HASH "crc32c"
++#define DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE 512
++#define ONE_MB_IN_BYTES 1048576
++int lv_is_integrity_origin(const struct logical_volume *lv)
++	struct seg_list *sl;
++	dm_list_iterate_items(sl, &lv->segs_using_this_lv) {
++		if (!sl->seg || !sl->seg->lv || !sl->seg->origin)
++			continue;
++		if (lv_is_integrity(sl->seg->lv) && (sl->seg->origin == lv))
++			return 1;
++	}
++	return 0;
++ * Every 500M of data needs 4M of metadata.
++ * (From trial and error testing.)
++ */
++static uint64_t _lv_size_bytes_to_integrity_meta_bytes(uint64_t lv_size_bytes)
++	return ((lv_size_bytes / (500 * ONE_MB_IN_BYTES)) + 1) * (4 * ONE_MB_IN_BYTES);
++ * The user wants external metadata, but did not specify an existing
++ * LV to hold metadata, so create an LV for metadata.
++ */
++static int _lv_create_integrity_metadata(struct cmd_context *cmd,
++				struct volume_group *vg,
++				struct lvcreate_params *lp,
++				struct logical_volume **meta_lv)
++	char metaname[NAME_LEN];
++	uint64_t lv_size_bytes, meta_bytes, meta_sectors;
++	struct logical_volume *lv;
++	struct lvcreate_params lp_meta = {
++		.activate = CHANGE_AN,
++		.alloc = ALLOC_INHERIT,
++		.major = -1,
++		.minor = -1,
++		.permission = LVM_READ | LVM_WRITE,
++		.pvh = &vg->pvs,
++		.read_ahead = DM_READ_AHEAD_NONE,
++		.stripes = 1,
++		.vg_name = vg->name,
++		.zero = 0,
++		.wipe_signatures = 0,
++		.suppress_zero_warn = 1,
++	};
++	if (lp->lv_name &&
++	    dm_snprintf(metaname, NAME_LEN, "%s_imeta", lp->lv_name) < 0) {
++		log_error("Failed to create metadata LV name.");
++		return 0;
++	}
++	lp_meta.lv_name = metaname;
++	lp_meta.pvh = lp->pvh;
++	lv_size_bytes = (uint64_t)lp->extents * (uint64_t)vg->extent_size * 512;
++	meta_bytes = _lv_size_bytes_to_integrity_meta_bytes(lv_size_bytes);
++	meta_sectors = meta_bytes / 512;
++	lp_meta.extents = meta_sectors / vg->extent_size;
++	log_print_unless_silent("Creating integrity metadata LV %s with size %s.",
++		  metaname, display_size(cmd, meta_sectors));
++	dm_list_init(&lp_meta.tags);
++	if (!(lp_meta.segtype = get_segtype_from_string(vg->cmd, SEG_TYPE_NAME_STRIPED)))
++		return_0;
++	if (!(lv = lv_create_single(vg, &lp_meta))) {
++		log_error("Failed to create integrity metadata LV");
++		return 0;
++	}
++	if (dm_list_size(&lv->segments) > 1) {
++		log_error("Integrity metadata uses more than one segment.");
++		return 0;
++	}
++	*meta_lv = lv;
++	return 1;
++int lv_extend_integrity_in_raid(struct logical_volume *lv, struct dm_list *pvh)
++	struct cmd_context *cmd = lv->vg->cmd;
++	struct volume_group *vg = lv->vg;
++	const struct segment_type *segtype;
++	struct lv_segment *seg_top, *seg_image;
++	struct logical_volume *lv_image;
++	struct logical_volume *lv_iorig;
++	struct logical_volume *lv_imeta;
++	struct dm_list allocatable_pvs;
++	struct dm_list *use_pvh;
++	uint64_t lv_size_bytes, meta_bytes, meta_sectors, prev_meta_sectors;
++	uint32_t meta_extents, prev_meta_extents;
++	uint32_t area_count, s;
++	seg_top = first_seg(lv);
++	if (!(segtype = get_segtype_from_string(cmd, SEG_TYPE_NAME_STRIPED)))
++		return_0;
++	area_count = seg_top->area_count;
++	for (s = 0; s < area_count; s++) {
++		lv_image = seg_lv(seg_top, s);
++		seg_image = first_seg(lv_image);
++		if (!(lv_imeta = seg_image->integrity_meta_dev)) {
++			log_error("LV %s segment has no integrity metadata device.", display_lvname(lv));
++			return 0;
++		}
++		if (!(lv_iorig = seg_lv(seg_image, 0))) {
++			log_error("LV %s integrity segment has no origin", display_lvname(lv));
++			return 0;
++		}
++		lv_size_bytes = lv_iorig->size * 512;
++		meta_bytes = _lv_size_bytes_to_integrity_meta_bytes(lv_size_bytes);
++		meta_sectors = meta_bytes / 512;
++		meta_extents = meta_sectors / vg->extent_size;
++		prev_meta_sectors = lv_imeta->size;
++		prev_meta_extents = prev_meta_sectors / vg->extent_size;
++		if (meta_extents <= prev_meta_extents) {
++			log_debug("extend not needed for imeta LV %s", lv_imeta->name);
++			continue;
++		}
++		/*
++		 * We only allow lv_imeta to exist on a single PV (for now),
++		 * so the allocatable_pvs is the one PV currently used by
++		 * lv_imeta.
++		 */
++		dm_list_init(&allocatable_pvs);
++		if (!get_pv_list_for_lv(cmd->mem, lv_imeta, &allocatable_pvs)) {
++			log_error("Failed to build list of PVs for extending %s.", display_lvname(lv_imeta));
++			return 0;
++		}
++		use_pvh = &allocatable_pvs;
++		if (!lv_extend(lv_imeta, segtype, 1, 0, 0, 0,
++			       meta_extents - prev_meta_extents,
++			       use_pvh, lv_imeta->alloc, 0)) {
++			log_error("Failed to extend integrity metadata LV %s", lv_imeta->name);
++			return 0;
++		}
++	}
++	return 1;
++int lv_remove_integrity_from_raid(struct logical_volume *lv)
++	struct logical_volume *iorig_lvs[DEFAULT_RAID_MAX_IMAGES];
++	struct logical_volume *imeta_lvs[DEFAULT_RAID_MAX_IMAGES];
++	struct cmd_context *cmd = lv->vg->cmd;
++	struct volume_group *vg = lv->vg;
++	struct lv_segment *seg_top, *seg_image;
++	struct logical_volume *lv_image;
++	struct logical_volume *lv_iorig;
++	struct logical_volume *lv_imeta;
++	uint32_t area_count, s;
++	int is_active = lv_is_active(lv);
++	seg_top = first_seg(lv);
++	if (!seg_is_raid1(seg_top) && !seg_is_raid4(seg_top) &&
++	    !seg_is_any_raid5(seg_top) && !seg_is_any_raid6(seg_top) &&
++	    !seg_is_any_raid10(seg_top)) {
++		log_error("LV %s segment is unsupported raid for integrity.", display_lvname(lv));
++		return 0;
++	}
++	area_count = seg_top->area_count;
++	for (s = 0; s < area_count; s++) {
++		lv_image = seg_lv(seg_top, s);
++		seg_image = first_seg(lv_image);
++		if (!(lv_imeta = seg_image->integrity_meta_dev)) {
++			log_error("LV %s segment has no integrity metadata device.", display_lvname(lv));
++			return 0;
++		}
++		if (!(lv_iorig = seg_lv(seg_image, 0))) {
++			log_error("LV %s integrity segment has no origin", display_lvname(lv));
++			return 0;
++		}
++		if (!remove_seg_from_segs_using_this_lv(seg_image->integrity_meta_dev, seg_image))
++			return_0;
++		iorig_lvs[s] = lv_iorig;
++		imeta_lvs[s] = lv_imeta;
++		lv_image->status &= ~INTEGRITY;
++		seg_image->integrity_meta_dev = NULL;
++		seg_image->integrity_data_sectors = 0;
++		memset(&seg_image->integrity_settings, 0, sizeof(seg_image->integrity_settings));
++		if (!remove_layer_from_lv(lv_image, lv_iorig))
++			return_0;
++	}
++	if (is_active) {
++		/* vg_write(), suspend_lv(), vg_commit(), resume_lv() */
++		if (!lv_update_and_reload(lv)) {
++			log_error("Failed to update and reload LV after integrity remove.");
++			return 0;
++                }
++	}
++	for (s = 0; s < area_count; s++) {
++		lv_iorig = iorig_lvs[s];
++		lv_imeta = imeta_lvs[s];
++		if (is_active) {
++			if (!deactivate_lv(cmd, lv_iorig))
++				log_error("Failed to deactivate unused iorig LV %s.", lv_iorig->name);
++			if (!deactivate_lv(cmd, lv_imeta))
++				log_error("Failed to deactivate unused imeta LV %s.", lv_imeta->name);
++		}
++		lv_imeta->status &= ~INTEGRITY_METADATA;
++		lv_set_visible(lv_imeta);
++		if (!lv_remove(lv_iorig))
++			log_error("Failed to remove unused iorig LV %s.", lv_iorig->name);
++		if (!lv_remove(lv_imeta))
++			log_error("Failed to remove unused imeta LV %s.", lv_imeta->name);
++	}
++	if (!vg_write(vg) || !vg_commit(vg))
++		return_0;
++	return 1;
++static int _set_integrity_block_size(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct logical_volume *lv,
++				     struct integrity_settings *settings,
++				     int lbs_4k, int lbs_512, int pbs_4k, int pbs_512)
++	char pathname[PATH_MAX];
++	struct device *fs_dev;
++	uint32_t fs_block_size = 0;
++	int rv;
++	if (lbs_4k && lbs_512) {
++		log_error("Integrity requires consistent logical block size for LV devices.");
++		goto_bad;
++	}
++	if (settings->block_size &&
++	    (settings->block_size != 512 && settings->block_size != 1024 &&
++	     settings->block_size != 2048 && settings->block_size != 4096)) {
++		log_error("Invalid integrity block size, possible values are 512, 1024, 2048, 4096");
++		goto_bad;
++	}
++	if (lbs_4k && settings->block_size && (settings->block_size < 4096)) {
++		log_error("Integrity block size %u not allowed with device logical block size 4096.",
++			  settings->block_size);
++		goto_bad;
++	}
++	if (!strcmp(cmd->name, "lvcreate")) {
++		if (lbs_4k) {
++			settings->block_size = 4096;
++		} else if (lbs_512 && pbs_4k && !pbs_512) {
++			settings->block_size = 4096;
++		} else if (lbs_512) {
++			if (!settings->block_size)
++				settings->block_size = 512;
++		} else if (!lbs_4k && !lbs_512) {
++			if (!settings->block_size)
++				settings->block_size = 512;
++			log_print("Using integrity block size %u with unknown device logical block size.",
++				  settings->block_size);
++		} else {
++			goto_bad;
++		}
++	} else if (!strcmp(cmd->name, "lvconvert")) {
++		if (dm_snprintf(pathname, sizeof(pathname), "%s%s/%s", cmd->dev_dir,
++				lv->vg->name, lv->name) < 0) {
++			log_error("Path name too long to get LV block size %s", display_lvname(lv));
++			goto_bad;
++		}
++		if (!(fs_dev = dev_cache_get(cmd, pathname, NULL))) {
++			log_error("Device for LV not found to check block size %s", display_lvname(lv));
++			goto_bad;
++		}
++		/*
++		 * get_fs_block_size() returns the libblkid BLOCK_SIZE value,
++		 * where libblkid has fs-specific code to set BLOCK_SIZE to the
++		 * value we need here.
++		 *
++		 * The term "block size" here may not equate directly to what the fs
++		 * calls the block size, e.g. xfs calls this the sector size (and
++		 * something different the block size); while ext4 does call this
++		 * value the block size, but it's possible values are not the same
++		 * as xfs's, and do not seem to relate directly to the device LBS.
++		 */
++		rv = get_fs_block_size(fs_dev, &fs_block_size);
++		if (!rv || !fs_block_size) {
++			int use_bs;
++			if (lbs_4k && pbs_4k) {
++				use_bs = 4096;
++			} else if (lbs_512 && pbs_512) {
++				use_bs = 512;
++			} else if (lbs_512 && pbs_4k) {
++				if (settings->block_size == 4096)
++					use_bs = 4096;
++				else
++					use_bs = 512;
++			} else {
++				use_bs = 512;
++			}
++			if (settings->block_size && (settings->block_size != use_bs)) {
++				log_error("Cannot use integrity block size %u with unknown file system block size, logical block size %u, physical block size %u.",
++					   settings->block_size, lbs_4k ? 4096 : 512, pbs_4k ? 4096 : 512);
++				goto bad;
++			}
++			settings->block_size = use_bs;
++			log_print("Using integrity block size %u for unknown file system block size, logical block size %u, physical block size %u.",
++				  settings->block_size, lbs_4k ? 4096 : 512, pbs_4k ? 4096 : 512);
++			goto out;
++		}
++		if (!settings->block_size) {
++			if (fs_block_size <= 4096)
++				settings->block_size = fs_block_size;
++			else
++				settings->block_size = 4096; /* dm-integrity max is 4096 */
++			log_print("Using integrity block size %u for file system block size %u.",
++				  settings->block_size, fs_block_size);
++		} else {
++			/* let user specify integrity block size that is less than fs block size */
++			if (settings->block_size > fs_block_size) {
++				log_error("Integrity block size %u cannot be larger than file system block size %u.",
++					  settings->block_size, fs_block_size);
++				goto_bad;
++			}
++			log_print("Using integrity block size %u for file system block size %u.",
++				  settings->block_size, fs_block_size);
++		}
++	}
++	return 1;
++	return 0;
++ * Add integrity to each raid image.
++ *
++ * for each rimage_N:
++ * . create and allocate a new linear LV rimage_N_imeta
++ * . move the segments from rimage_N to a new rimage_N_iorig
++ * . add an integrity segment to rimage_N with
++ *   origin=rimage_N_iorig, meta_dev=rimage_N_imeta
++ *
++ * Before:
++ * rimage_0
++ *   segment1: striped: pv0:A
++ * rimage_1
++ *   segment1: striped: pv1:B
++ *
++ * After:
++ * rimage_0
++ *   segment1: integrity: rimage_0_iorig, rimage_0_imeta
++ * rimage_1
++ *   segment1: integrity: rimage_1_iorig, rimage_1_imeta
++ * rimage_0_iorig
++ *   segment1: striped: pv0:A
++ * rimage_1_iorig
++ *   segment1: striped: pv1:B
++ * rimage_0_imeta
++ *   segment1: striped: pv2:A
++ * rimage_1_imeta
++ *   segment1: striped: pv2:B
++ *    
++ */
++int lv_add_integrity_to_raid(struct logical_volume *lv, struct integrity_settings *settings,
++			     struct dm_list *pvh, struct logical_volume *lv_imeta_0)
++	char imeta_name[NAME_LEN];
++	char *imeta_name_dup;
++	struct lvcreate_params lp;
++	struct dm_list allocatable_pvs;
++	struct logical_volume *imeta_lvs[DEFAULT_RAID_MAX_IMAGES];
++	struct cmd_context *cmd = lv->vg->cmd;
++	struct volume_group *vg = lv->vg;
++	struct logical_volume *lv_image, *lv_imeta, *lv_iorig;
++	struct lv_segment *seg_top, *seg_image;
++	struct pv_list *pvl;
++	const struct segment_type *segtype;
++	struct integrity_settings *set = NULL;
++	struct dm_list *use_pvh = NULL;
++	uint32_t area_count, s;
++	uint32_t revert_meta_lvs = 0;
++	int lbs_4k = 0, lbs_512 = 0, lbs_unknown = 0;
++	int pbs_4k = 0, pbs_512 = 0, pbs_unknown = 0;
++	int is_active;
++	memset(imeta_lvs, 0, sizeof(imeta_lvs));
++	is_active = lv_is_active(lv);
++	if (dm_list_size(&lv->segments) != 1)
++		return_0;
++	if (!dm_list_empty(&lv->segs_using_this_lv)) {
++		log_error("Integrity can only be added to top level raid LV.");
++		return 0;
++	}
++	if (lv_is_origin(lv)) {
++		log_error("Integrity cannot be added to snapshot origins.");
++		return 0;
++	}
++	seg_top = first_seg(lv);
++	area_count = seg_top->area_count;
++	if (!seg_is_raid1(seg_top) && !seg_is_raid4(seg_top) &&
++	    !seg_is_any_raid5(seg_top) && !seg_is_any_raid6(seg_top) &&
++	    !seg_is_any_raid10(seg_top)) {
++		log_error("Integrity can only be added to raid1,4,5,6,10.");
++		return 0;
++	}
++	/*
++	 * For each rimage, create an _imeta LV for integrity metadata.
++	 * Each needs to be zeroed.
++	 */
++	for (s = 0; s < area_count; s++) {
++		struct logical_volume *meta_lv;
++		struct wipe_params wipe = { .do_zero = 1, .zero_sectors = 8 };
++			goto_bad;
++		lv_image = seg_lv(seg_top, s);
++		/*
++		 * This function is used to add integrity to new images added
++		 * to the raid, in which case old images will already be
++		 * integrity.
++		 */
++		if (seg_is_integrity(first_seg(lv_image)))
++			continue;
++		if (!seg_is_striped(first_seg(lv_image))) {
++			log_error("raid image must be linear to add integrity");
++			goto_bad;
++		}
++		/*
++		 * Use an existing lv_imeta from previous linear+integrity LV.
++		 * FIXME: is it guaranteed that lv_image_0 is the existing?
++		 */
++		if (!s && lv_imeta_0) {
++			if (dm_snprintf(imeta_name, sizeof(imeta_name), "%s_imeta", lv_image->name) > 0) {
++				if ((imeta_name_dup = dm_pool_strdup(vg->vgmem, imeta_name)))
++					lv_imeta_0->name = imeta_name_dup;
++			}
++			imeta_lvs[0] = lv_imeta_0;
++			continue;
++		}
++		dm_list_init(&allocatable_pvs);
++		if (!get_pv_list_for_lv(cmd->mem, lv_image, &allocatable_pvs)) {
++			log_error("Failed to build list of PVs for %s.", display_lvname(lv_image));
++			goto_bad;
++		}
++		dm_list_iterate_items(pvl, &allocatable_pvs) {
++			unsigned int pbs = 0;
++			unsigned int lbs = 0;
++			if (!dev_get_direct_block_sizes(pvl->pv->dev, &pbs, &lbs)) {
++				lbs_unknown++;
++				pbs_unknown++;
++				continue;
++			}
++			if (lbs == 4096)
++				lbs_4k++;
++			else if (lbs == 512)
++				lbs_512++;
++			else
++				lbs_unknown++;
++			if (pbs == 4096)
++				pbs_4k++;
++			else if (pbs == 512)
++				pbs_512++;
++			else
++				pbs_unknown++;
++		}
++		use_pvh = &allocatable_pvs;
++		/*
++		 * allocate a new linear LV NAME_rimage_N_imeta
++		 */
++		memset(&lp, 0, sizeof(lp));
++		lp.lv_name = lv_image->name;
++		lp.pvh = use_pvh;
++		lp.extents = lv_image->size / vg->extent_size;
++		if (!_lv_create_integrity_metadata(cmd, vg, &lp, &meta_lv))
++			goto_bad;
++		revert_meta_lvs++;
++		/* Used below to set up the new integrity segment. */
++		imeta_lvs[s] = meta_lv;
++		/*
++		 * dm-integrity requires the metadata LV header to be zeroed.
++		 */
++		if (!activate_lv(cmd, meta_lv)) {
++			log_error("Failed to activate LV %s to zero", display_lvname(meta_lv));
++			goto_bad;
++		}
++		if (!wipe_lv(meta_lv, wipe)) {
++			log_error("Failed to zero LV for integrity metadata %s", display_lvname(meta_lv));
++			if (deactivate_lv(cmd, meta_lv))
++				log_error("Failed to deactivate LV %s after zero", display_lvname(meta_lv));
++			goto_bad;
++		}
++		if (!deactivate_lv(cmd, meta_lv)) {
++			log_error("Failed to deactivate LV %s after zero", display_lvname(meta_lv));
++			goto_bad;
++		}
++	}
++	/*
++	 * Set settings->block_size which will be copied to segment settings below.
++	 * integrity block size chosen based on device logical block size and
++	 * file system block size.
++	 */
++	if (!_set_integrity_block_size(cmd, lv, settings, lbs_4k, lbs_512, pbs_4k, pbs_512))
++		goto_bad;
++	/*
++	 * For each rimage, move its segments to a new rimage_iorig and give
++	 * the rimage a new integrity segment.
++	 */
++	for (s = 0; s < area_count; s++) {
++		lv_image = seg_lv(seg_top, s);
++		/* Not adding integrity to this image. */
++		if (!imeta_lvs[s])
++			continue;
++		if (!(segtype = get_segtype_from_string(cmd, SEG_TYPE_NAME_INTEGRITY)))
++			goto_bad;
++		log_debug("Adding integrity to raid image %s", lv_image->name);
++		/*
++		 * "lv_iorig" is a new LV with new id, but with the segments
++		 * from "lv_image". "lv_image" keeps the existing name and id,
++		 * but gets a new integrity segment, in place of the segments
++		 * that were moved to lv_iorig.
++		 */
++		if (!(lv_iorig = insert_layer_for_lv(cmd, lv_image, INTEGRITY, "_iorig")))
++			goto_bad;
++		lv_image->status |= INTEGRITY;
++		/*
++		 * Set up the new first segment of lv_image as integrity.
++		 */
++		seg_image = first_seg(lv_image);
++		seg_image->segtype = segtype;
++		lv_imeta = imeta_lvs[s];
++		lv_imeta->status |= INTEGRITY_METADATA;
++		lv_set_hidden(lv_imeta);
++		seg_image->integrity_data_sectors = lv_image->size;
++		seg_image->integrity_meta_dev = lv_imeta;
++		seg_image->integrity_recalculate = 1;
++		memcpy(&seg_image->integrity_settings, settings, sizeof(struct integrity_settings));
++		set = &seg_image->integrity_settings;
++		if (!set->mode[0])
++			set->mode[0] = DEFAULT_MODE;
++		if (!set->tag_size)
++			set->tag_size = DEFAULT_TAG_SIZE;
++		if (!set->block_size)
++			set->block_size = DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE;
++		if (!set->internal_hash)
++			set->internal_hash = DEFAULT_INTERNAL_HASH;
++	}
++	if (is_active) {
++		log_debug("Writing VG and updating LV with new integrity LV %s", lv->name);
++		/* vg_write(), suspend_lv(), vg_commit(), resume_lv() */
++		if (!lv_update_and_reload(lv)) {
++			log_error("LV update and reload failed");
++			goto_bad;
++		}
++		revert_meta_lvs = 0;
++	} else {
++		log_debug("Writing VG with new integrity LV %s", lv->name);
++		if (!vg_write(vg) || !vg_commit(vg))
++			goto_bad;
++		revert_meta_lvs = 0;
++		/*
++		 * This first activation includes "recalculate" which starts the
++		 * kernel's recalculating (initialization) process.
++		 */
++		log_debug("Activating to start integrity initialization for LV %s", lv->name);
++		if (!activate_lv(cmd, lv)) {
++			log_error("Failed to activate integrity LV to initialize.");
++			goto_bad;
++		}
++	}
++	/*
++	 * Now that the device is being initialized, update the VG to clear
++	 * integrity_recalculate so that subsequent activations will not
++	 * include "recalculate" and restart initialization.
++	 */
++	log_debug("Writing VG with initialized integrity LV %s", lv->name);
++	for (s = 0; s < area_count; s++) {
++		lv_image = seg_lv(seg_top, s);
++		seg_image = first_seg(lv_image);
++		seg_image->integrity_recalculate = 0;
++	}
++	if (!vg_write(vg) || !vg_commit(vg))
++		goto_bad;
++	return 1;
++	log_error("Failed to add integrity.");
++	for (s = 0; s < revert_meta_lvs; s++) {
++		if (!lv_remove(imeta_lvs[s]))
++			log_error("New integrity metadata LV may require manual removal.");
++	}
++	if (!vg_write(vg) || !vg_commit(vg))
++		log_error("New integrity metadata LV may require manual removal.");
++	return 0;
++ * This should rarely if ever be used.  A command that adds integrity
++ * to an LV will activate and then clear the flag.  If it fails before
++ * clearing the flag, then this function will be used by a subsequent
++ * activation to clear the flag.
++ */
++void lv_clear_integrity_recalculate_metadata(struct logical_volume *lv)
++	struct volume_group *vg = lv->vg;
++	struct logical_volume *lv_image;
++	struct lv_segment *seg, *seg_image;
++	uint32_t s;
++	seg = first_seg(lv);
++	if (seg_is_raid(seg)) {
++		for (s = 0; s < seg->area_count; s++) {
++			lv_image = seg_lv(seg, s);
++			seg_image = first_seg(lv_image);
++			seg_image->integrity_recalculate = 0;
++		}
++	} else if (seg_is_integrity(seg)) {
++		seg->integrity_recalculate = 0;
++	} else {
++		log_error("Invalid LV type for clearing integrity");
++		return;
++	}
++	if (!vg_write(vg) || !vg_commit(vg)) {
++		log_warn("WARNING: failed to clear integrity recalculate flag for %s",
++			 display_lvname(lv));
++	}
++int lv_has_integrity_recalculate_metadata(struct logical_volume *lv)
++	struct logical_volume *lv_image;
++	struct lv_segment *seg, *seg_image;
++	uint32_t s;
++	int ret = 0;
++	seg = first_seg(lv);
++	if (seg_is_raid(seg)) {
++		for (s = 0; s < seg->area_count; s++) {
++			lv_image = seg_lv(seg, s);
++			seg_image = first_seg(lv_image);
++			if (!seg_is_integrity(seg_image))
++				continue;
++			if (seg_image->integrity_recalculate)
++				ret = 1;
++		}
++	} else if (seg_is_integrity(seg)) {
++		ret = seg->integrity_recalculate;
++	}
++	return ret;
++int lv_raid_has_integrity(struct logical_volume *lv)
++	struct logical_volume *lv_image;
++	struct lv_segment *seg, *seg_image;
++	uint32_t s;
++	seg = first_seg(lv);
++	if (seg_is_raid(seg)) {
++		for (s = 0; s < seg->area_count; s++) {
++			lv_image = seg_lv(seg, s);
++			seg_image = first_seg(lv_image);
++			if (seg_is_integrity(seg_image))
++				return 1;
++		}
++	}
++	return 0;
++int lv_get_raid_integrity_settings(struct logical_volume *lv, struct integrity_settings **isettings)
++	struct logical_volume *lv_image;
++	struct lv_segment *seg, *seg_image;
++	uint32_t s;
++	seg = first_seg(lv);
++	if (seg_is_raid(seg)) {
++		for (s = 0; s < seg->area_count; s++) {
++			lv_image = seg_lv(seg, s);
++			seg_image = first_seg(lv_image);
++			if (seg_is_integrity(seg_image)) {
++				*isettings = &seg_image->integrity_settings;
++				return 1;
++			}
++		}
++	}
++	return 0;
+diff --git a/lib/metadata/lv.c b/lib/metadata/lv.c
+index 17d4907..4ee58b4 100644
+--- a/lib/metadata/lv.c
++++ b/lib/metadata/lv.c
+@@ -385,6 +385,17 @@ dm_percent_t lvseg_percent_with_info_and_seg_status(const struct lv_with_info_an
+ 	 *   Esentially rework  _target_percent API for segtype.
+ 	 */
+ 	switch (s->type) {
++		if (type != PERCENT_GET_DIRTY)
++		else if (!s->integrity->recalc_sector)
++		else if (s->integrity->recalc_sector == s->integrity->provided_data_sectors)
++			p = DM_PERCENT_100;
++		else
++			p = dm_make_percent(s->integrity->recalc_sector,
++					    s->integrity->provided_data_sectors);
++		break;
+ 		if (s->cache->fail || s->cache->error)
+@@ -593,6 +604,8 @@ struct logical_volume *lv_origin_lv(const struct logical_volume *lv)
+ 		origin = first_seg(lv)->external_lv;
+ 	else if (lv_is_writecache(lv) && first_seg(lv)->origin)
+ 		origin = first_seg(lv)->origin;
++	else if (lv_is_integrity(lv) && first_seg(lv)->origin)
++		origin = first_seg(lv)->origin;
+ 	return origin;
+ }
+@@ -1208,10 +1221,13 @@ char *lv_attr_dup_with_info_and_seg_status(struct dm_pool *mem, const struct lv_
+ 		repstr[0] = (lv_is_merging_origin(lv)) ? 'O' : 'o';
+ 	else if (lv_is_pool_metadata(lv) ||
+ 		 lv_is_pool_metadata_spare(lv) ||
+-		 lv_is_raid_metadata(lv))
++		 lv_is_raid_metadata(lv) ||
++		 lv_is_integrity_metadata(lv))
+ 		repstr[0] = 'e';
+ 	else if (lv_is_cache_type(lv) || lv_is_writecache(lv))
+ 		repstr[0] = 'C';
++	else if (lv_is_integrity(lv))
++		repstr[0] = 'g';
+ 	else if (lv_is_raid(lv))
+ 		repstr[0] = (lv_is_not_synced(lv)) ? 'R' : 'r';
+ 	else if (lv_is_mirror(lv))
+diff --git a/lib/metadata/lv_manip.c b/lib/metadata/lv_manip.c
+index 3090a93..1311f70 100644
+--- a/lib/metadata/lv_manip.c
++++ b/lib/metadata/lv_manip.c
+@@ -134,7 +134,9 @@ enum {
+ };
+ static const char *_lv_type_names[] = {
+@@ -190,6 +192,8 @@ static const char *_lv_type_names[] = {
+ 	[LV_TYPE_CACHEVOL] =				"cachevol",
+ 	[LV_TYPE_WRITECACHE] =				"writecache",
+ 	[LV_TYPE_WRITECACHEORIGIN] =			"writecacheorigin",
++	[LV_TYPE_INTEGRITY] =				"integrity",
++	[LV_TYPE_INTEGRITYORIGIN] =			"integrityorigin",
+ };
+ static int _lv_layout_and_role_mirror(struct dm_pool *mem,
+@@ -461,6 +465,43 @@ bad:
+ 	return 0;
+ }
++static int _lv_layout_and_role_integrity(struct dm_pool *mem,
++				     const struct logical_volume *lv,
++				     struct dm_list *layout,
++				     struct dm_list *role,
++				     int *public_lv)
++	int top_level = 0;
++	/* non-top-level LVs */
++	if (lv_is_integrity_metadata(lv)) {
++		if (!str_list_add_no_dup_check(mem, role, _lv_type_names[LV_TYPE_INTEGRITY]) ||
++		    !str_list_add_no_dup_check(mem, role, _lv_type_names[LV_TYPE_METADATA]))
++			goto_bad;
++	} else if (lv_is_integrity_origin(lv)) {
++		if (!str_list_add_no_dup_check(mem, role, _lv_type_names[LV_TYPE_INTEGRITY]) ||
++		    !str_list_add_no_dup_check(mem, role, _lv_type_names[LV_TYPE_ORIGIN]) ||
++		    !str_list_add_no_dup_check(mem, role, _lv_type_names[LV_TYPE_INTEGRITYORIGIN]))
++			goto_bad;
++	} else
++		top_level = 1;
++	if (!top_level) {
++		*public_lv = 0;
++		return 1;
++	}
++	/* top-level LVs */
++	if (lv_is_integrity(lv)) {
++		if (!str_list_add_no_dup_check(mem, layout, _lv_type_names[LV_TYPE_INTEGRITY]))
++			goto_bad;
++	}
++	return 1;
++	return 0;
+ static int _lv_layout_and_role_thick_origin_snapshot(struct dm_pool *mem,
+ 						     const struct logical_volume *lv,
+ 						     struct dm_list *layout,
+@@ -577,6 +618,11 @@ int lv_layout_and_role(struct dm_pool *mem, const struct logical_volume *lv,
+ 	    !_lv_layout_and_role_cache(mem, lv, *layout, *role, &public_lv))
+ 		goto_bad;
++	/* Integrity related */
++	if ((lv_is_integrity(lv) || lv_is_integrity_origin(lv) || lv_is_integrity_metadata(lv)) &&
++	    !_lv_layout_and_role_integrity(mem, lv, *layout, *role, &public_lv))
++		goto_bad;
+ 	/* VDO and related */
+ 	if (lv_is_vdo_type(lv) &&
+ 	    !_lv_layout_and_role_vdo(mem, lv, *layout, *role, &public_lv))
+@@ -1457,6 +1503,15 @@ static int _lv_reduce(struct logical_volume *lv, uint32_t extents, int delete)
+ 					return_0;
+ 			}
++			if (delete && seg_is_integrity(seg)) {
++				/* Remove integrity origin in addition to integrity layer. */
++				if (!lv_remove(seg_lv(seg, 0)))
++					return_0;
++				/* Remove integrity metadata. */
++				if (seg->integrity_meta_dev && !lv_remove(seg->integrity_meta_dev))
++					return_0;
++			}
+ 			if ((pool_lv = seg->pool_lv)) {
+ 				if (!detach_pool_lv(seg))
+ 					return_0;
+@@ -4111,11 +4166,14 @@ static int _lv_extend_layered_lv(struct alloc_handle *ah,
+ 				 uint32_t extents, uint32_t first_area,
+ 				 uint32_t mirrors, uint32_t stripes, uint32_t stripe_size)
+ {
++	struct logical_volume *sub_lvs[DEFAULT_RAID_MAX_IMAGES];
+ 	const struct segment_type *segtype;
+-	struct logical_volume *sub_lv, *meta_lv;
++	struct logical_volume *meta_lv, *sub_lv;
+ 	struct lv_segment *seg = first_seg(lv);
++	struct lv_segment *sub_lv_seg;
+ 	uint32_t fa, s;
+ 	int clear_metadata = 0;
++	int integrity_sub_lvs = 0;
+ 	uint32_t area_multiple = 1;
+ 	if (!(segtype = get_segtype_from_string(lv->vg->cmd, SEG_TYPE_NAME_STRIPED)))
+@@ -4133,16 +4191,28 @@ static int _lv_extend_layered_lv(struct alloc_handle *ah,
+ 			area_multiple = seg->area_count;
+ 	}
++	for (s = 0; s < seg->area_count; s++) {
++		sub_lv = seg_lv(seg, s);
++		sub_lv_seg = sub_lv ? first_seg(sub_lv) : NULL;
++		if (sub_lv_seg && seg_is_integrity(sub_lv_seg)) {
++			sub_lvs[s] = seg_lv(sub_lv_seg, 0);
++			integrity_sub_lvs = 1;
++		} else
++			sub_lvs[s] = sub_lv;
++	}
+ 	for (fa = first_area, s = 0; s < seg->area_count; s++) {
+-		if (is_temporary_mirror_layer(seg_lv(seg, s))) {
+-			if (!_lv_extend_layered_lv(ah, seg_lv(seg, s), extents / area_multiple,
++		sub_lv = sub_lvs[s];
++		if (is_temporary_mirror_layer(sub_lv)) {
++			if (!_lv_extend_layered_lv(ah, sub_lv, extents / area_multiple,
+ 						   fa, mirrors, stripes, stripe_size))
+ 				return_0;
+-			fa += lv_mirror_count(seg_lv(seg, s));
++			fa += lv_mirror_count(sub_lv);
+ 			continue;
+ 		}
+-		sub_lv = seg_lv(seg, s);
+ 		if (!lv_add_segment(ah, fa, stripes, sub_lv, segtype,
+ 				    stripe_size, sub_lv->status, 0)) {
+ 			log_error("Aborting. Failed to extend %s in %s.",
+@@ -4184,6 +4254,41 @@ static int _lv_extend_layered_lv(struct alloc_handle *ah,
+ 		fa += stripes;
+ 	}
++	/*
++	 * In raid+integrity, the lv_iorig raid images have been extended above.
++	 * Now propagate the new lv_iorig sizes up to the integrity LV layers
++	 * that are referencing the lv_iorig.
++	 */
++	if (integrity_sub_lvs) {
++		for (s = 0; s < seg->area_count; s++) {
++			struct logical_volume *lv_image;
++			struct logical_volume *lv_iorig;
++			struct logical_volume *lv_imeta;
++			struct lv_segment *seg_image;
++			lv_image = seg_lv(seg, s);
++			seg_image = first_seg(lv_image);
++			if (!(lv_imeta = seg_image->integrity_meta_dev)) {
++				log_error("1");
++				return_0;
++			}
++			if (!(lv_iorig = seg_lv(seg_image, 0))) {
++				log_error("2");
++				return_0;
++			}
++			/* new size in sectors */
++			lv_image->size = lv_iorig->size;
++			seg_image->integrity_data_sectors = lv_iorig->size;
++			/* new size in extents */
++			lv_image->le_count = lv_iorig->le_count;
++			seg_image->len = lv_iorig->le_count;
++			seg_image->area_len = lv_iorig->le_count;
++		}
++	}
+ 	seg->len += extents;
+ 	if (seg_is_raid(seg))
+ 		seg->area_len = seg->len;
+@@ -4345,6 +4450,13 @@ int lv_extend(struct logical_volume *lv,
+ 						mirrors, stripes, stripe_size)))
+ 			goto_out;
++		if (lv_raid_has_integrity(lv)) {
++			if (!lv_extend_integrity_in_raid(lv, allocatable_pvs)) {
++				r = 0;
++				goto_out;
++			}
++		}
+ 		/*
+ 		 * If we are expanding an existing mirror, we can skip the
+ 		 * resync of the extension if the LV is currently in-sync
+@@ -4538,6 +4650,9 @@ static int _for_each_sub_lv(struct logical_volume *lv, int level,
+ 		if (!_for_each_sub_lv(seg->writecache, level, fn, data))
+ 			return_0;
++		if (!_for_each_sub_lv(seg->integrity_meta_dev, level, fn, data))
++			return_0;
+ 		for (s = 0; s < seg->area_count; s++) {
+ 			if (seg_type(seg, s) != AREA_LV)
+ 				continue;
+@@ -5064,6 +5179,12 @@ static int _lvresize_check(struct logical_volume *lv,
+ 		return 0;
+ 	}
++	if (lv_is_integrity(lv) || lv_raid_has_integrity(lv)) {
++		if (lp->resize == LV_REDUCE) {
++			log_error("Cannot reduce LV with integrity.");
++			return 0;
++		}
++	}
+ 	return 1;
+ }
+@@ -5613,6 +5734,9 @@ static int _lvresize_prepare(struct logical_volume **lv,
+ 	if (lv_is_thin_pool(*lv) || lv_is_vdo_pool(*lv))
+ 		*lv = seg_lv(first_seg(*lv), 0); /* switch to data LV */
++	if (lv_is_integrity(*lv))
++		*lv = seg_lv(first_seg(*lv), 0);
+ 	/* Resolve extents from size */
+ 	if (lp->size && !_lvresize_adjust_size(vg, lp->size, lp->sign, &lp->extents))
+ 		return_0;
+@@ -7948,6 +8072,11 @@ static struct logical_volume *_lv_create_an_lv(struct volume_group *vg,
+ 		/* FIXME Eventually support raid/mirrors with -m */
+ 		if (!(create_segtype = get_segtype_from_string(vg->cmd, SEG_TYPE_NAME_STRIPED)))
+ 			return_0;
++	} else if (seg_is_integrity(lp)) {
++		if (!(create_segtype = get_segtype_from_string(vg->cmd, SEG_TYPE_NAME_STRIPED)))
++			return_0;
+ 	} else if (seg_is_mirrored(lp) || (seg_is_raid(lp) && !seg_is_any_raid0(lp))) {
+ 		if (!(lp->region_size = adjusted_mirror_region_size(vg->cmd,
+ 								    vg->extent_size,
+@@ -8198,6 +8327,15 @@ static struct logical_volume *_lv_create_an_lv(struct volume_group *vg,
+ 		goto out;
+ 	}
++	if (seg_is_raid(lp) && lp->raidintegrity) {
++		log_debug("Adding integrity to new LV");
++		if (!lv_add_integrity_to_raid(lv, &lp->integrity_settings, lp->pvh, NULL))
++			goto revert_new_lv;
++		backup(vg);
++	}
+ 	/* Do not scan this LV until properly zeroed/wiped. */
+ 	if (_should_wipe_lv(lp, lv, 0))
+ 		lv->status |= LV_NOSCAN;
+diff --git a/lib/metadata/merge.c b/lib/metadata/merge.c
+index 11b26b4..ecd55ef 100644
+--- a/lib/metadata/merge.c
++++ b/lib/metadata/merge.c
+@@ -742,6 +742,8 @@ int check_lv_segments(struct logical_volume *lv, int complete_vg)
+ 			seg_found++;
+ 		if (seg->metadata_lv == lv || seg->pool_lv == lv || seg->writecache == lv)
+ 			seg_found++;
++		if (seg->integrity_meta_dev == lv)
++			seg_found++;
+ 		if (seg_is_thin_volume(seg) && (seg->origin == lv || seg->external_lv == lv))
+ 			seg_found++;
+diff --git a/lib/metadata/metadata-exported.h b/lib/metadata/metadata-exported.h
+index 35c1231..52bc776 100644
+--- a/lib/metadata/metadata-exported.h
++++ b/lib/metadata/metadata-exported.h
+@@ -84,12 +84,14 @@
+ #define CONVERTING		UINT64_C(0x0000000000400000)	/* LV */
+ #define MISSING_PV		UINT64_C(0x0000000000800000)	/* PV */
++#define INTEGRITY		UINT64_C(0x0000000000800000)	/* LV - Internal use only */
+ #define PV_MOVED_VG		UINT64_C(0x4000000000000000)	/* PV - Moved to a new VG */
+ #define PARTIAL_LV		UINT64_C(0x0000000001000000)	/* LV - derived flag, not
+ 							   written out in metadata*/
+ //#define POSTORDER_FLAG	UINT64_C(0x0000000002000000) /* Not real flags, reserved for
+ //#define POSTORDER_OPEN_FLAG	UINT64_C(0x0000000004000000)    temporary use inside vg_read_internal. */
++#define INTEGRITY_METADATA	UINT64_C(0x0000000004000000)    /* LV - Internal use only */
+ #define VIRTUAL_ORIGIN		UINT64_C(0x0000000008000000)	/* LV - internal use only */
+ #define MERGING			UINT64_C(0x0000000010000000)	/* LV SEG */
+@@ -261,6 +263,8 @@
+ #define lv_is_pool_metadata_spare(lv)	(((lv)->status & POOL_METADATA_SPARE) ? 1 : 0)
+ #define lv_is_lockd_sanlock_lv(lv)	(((lv)->status & LOCKD_SANLOCK_LV) ? 1 : 0)
+ #define lv_is_writecache(lv)   (((lv)->status & WRITECACHE) ? 1 : 0)
++#define lv_is_integrity(lv)            (((lv)->status & INTEGRITY) ? 1 : 0)
++#define lv_is_integrity_metadata(lv)   (((lv)->status & INTEGRITY_METADATA) ? 1 : 0)
+ #define lv_is_vdo(lv)		(((lv)->status & LV_VDO) ? 1 : 0)
+ #define lv_is_vdo_pool(lv)	(((lv)->status & LV_VDO_POOL) ? 1 : 0)
+@@ -272,9 +276,11 @@
+ /* Recognize component LV (matching lib/misc/lvm-string.c _lvname_has_reserved_component_string()) */
+ #define lv_is_component(lv) (lv_is_cache_origin(lv) || \
+ 			     lv_is_writecache_origin(lv) || \
++			     lv_is_integrity_origin(lv) || \
+ 			     ((lv)->status & (\
+ 					      CACHE_POOL_DATA |\
+ 					      CACHE_POOL_METADATA |\
++					      INTEGRITY_METADATA |\
+ 					      LV_CACHE_VOL |\
+ 					      LV_VDO_POOL_DATA |\
+ 					      MIRROR_IMAGE |\
+@@ -519,6 +525,11 @@ struct lv_segment {
+ 	uint32_t writecache_block_size;		/* For writecache */
+ 	struct writecache_settings writecache_settings; /* For writecache */
++	uint64_t integrity_data_sectors;
++	struct logical_volume *integrity_meta_dev;
++	struct integrity_settings integrity_settings;
++	uint32_t integrity_recalculate;
+ 	struct dm_vdo_target_params vdo_params;	/* For VDO-pool */
+ 	uint32_t vdo_pool_header_size;		/* For VDO-pool */
+ 	uint32_t vdo_pool_virtual_extents;	/* For VDO-pool */
+@@ -992,6 +1003,10 @@ struct lvcreate_params {
+ 	alloc_policy_t alloc; /* all */
+ 	struct dm_vdo_target_params vdo_params; /* vdo */
++	int raidintegrity;
++	const char *raidintegritymode;
++	struct integrity_settings integrity_settings;
+ 	struct dm_list tags;	/* all */
+ 	int yes;
+@@ -1086,6 +1101,8 @@ int lv_is_cache_origin(const struct logical_volume *lv);
+ int lv_is_writecache_origin(const struct logical_volume *lv);
+ int lv_is_writecache_cachevol(const struct logical_volume *lv);
++int lv_is_integrity_origin(const struct logical_volume *lv);
+ int lv_is_merging_cow(const struct logical_volume *cow);
+ uint32_t cow_max_extents(const struct logical_volume *origin, uint32_t chunk_size);
+ int cow_has_min_chunks(const struct volume_group *vg, uint32_t cow_extents, uint32_t chunk_size);
+@@ -1389,4 +1406,13 @@ struct dm_list *create_pv_list(struct dm_pool *mem, struct volume_group *vg, int
+ 		                                            char **argv, int allocatable_only);
+ struct dm_list *clone_pv_list(struct dm_pool *mem, struct dm_list *pvsl);
++int lv_add_integrity_to_raid(struct logical_volume *lv, struct integrity_settings *settings, struct dm_list *pvh,
++			     struct logical_volume *lv_imeta_0);
++int lv_remove_integrity_from_raid(struct logical_volume *lv);
++void lv_clear_integrity_recalculate_metadata(struct logical_volume *lv);
++int lv_has_integrity_recalculate_metadata(struct logical_volume *lv);
++int lv_raid_has_integrity(struct logical_volume *lv);
++int lv_extend_integrity_in_raid(struct logical_volume *lv, struct dm_list *pvh);
++int lv_get_raid_integrity_settings(struct logical_volume *lv, struct integrity_settings **isettings);
+ #endif
+diff --git a/lib/metadata/raid_manip.c b/lib/metadata/raid_manip.c
+index fa1b91a..3b3e1d3 100644
+--- a/lib/metadata/raid_manip.c
++++ b/lib/metadata/raid_manip.c
+@@ -3119,6 +3119,11 @@ static int _raid_remove_images(struct logical_volume *lv, int yes,
+ 	/* Convert to linear? */
+ 	if (new_count == 1) {
++		if (lv_raid_has_integrity(lv)) {
++			log_error("Integrity must be removed before converting raid to linear.");
++			return 0;
++		}
+ 		if (!yes && yes_no_prompt("Are you sure you want to convert %s LV %s to type %s losing all resilience? [y/n]: ",
+ 					  lvseg_name(first_seg(lv)), display_lvname(lv), SEG_TYPE_NAME_LINEAR) == 'n') {
+ 			log_error("Logical volume %s NOT converted to \"%s\".",
+@@ -3265,6 +3270,11 @@ int lv_raid_split(struct logical_volume *lv, int yes, const char *split_name,
+ 		return 0;
+ 	}
++	if (lv_raid_has_integrity(lv)) {
++		log_error("Integrity must be removed before splitting.");
++		return 0;
++	}
+ 	if ((old_count - new_count) != 1) {
+ 		log_error("Unable to split more than one image from %s.",
+ 			  display_lvname(lv));
+@@ -3328,9 +3338,11 @@ int lv_raid_split(struct logical_volume *lv, int yes, const char *split_name,
+ 	}
+ 	/* Convert to linear? */
+-	if ((new_count == 1) && !_raid_remove_top_layer(lv, &removal_lvs)) {
+-		log_error("Failed to remove RAID layer after linear conversion.");
+-		return 0;
++	if (new_count == 1) {
++		if (!_raid_remove_top_layer(lv, &removal_lvs)) {
++			log_error("Failed to remove RAID layer after linear conversion.");
++			return 0;
++		}
+ 	}
+ 	/* Get first item */
+@@ -3432,6 +3444,11 @@ int lv_raid_split_and_track(struct logical_volume *lv,
+ 		return 0;
+ 	}
++	if (lv_raid_has_integrity(lv)) {
++		log_error("Integrity must be removed before splitting.");
++		return 0;
++	}
+ 	if (!seg_is_mirrored(seg)) {
+ 		log_error("Unable to split images from non-mirrored RAID.");
+ 		return 0;
+@@ -6727,7 +6744,17 @@ static int _lv_raid_rebuild_or_replace(struct logical_volume *lv,
+ 	struct lv_segment *raid_seg = first_seg(lv);
+ 	struct lv_list *lvl;
+ 	char *tmp_names[raid_seg->area_count * 2];
++	char tmp_name_buf[NAME_LEN];
++	char *tmp_name_dup;
+ 	const char *action_str = rebuild ? "rebuild" : "replace";
++	int has_integrity;
++	if ((has_integrity = lv_raid_has_integrity(lv))) {
++		if (rebuild) {
++			log_error("Can't rebuild raid with integrity.");
++			return 0;
++		}
++	}
+ 	if (seg_is_any_raid0(raid_seg)) {
+ 		log_error("Can't replace any devices in %s LV %s.",
+@@ -6992,6 +7019,15 @@ try_again:
+ 			tmp_names[s] = tmp_names[sd] = NULL;
+ 	}
++	/* Add integrity layer to any new images. */
++	if (has_integrity) {
++		struct integrity_settings *isettings = NULL;
++		if (!lv_get_raid_integrity_settings(lv, &isettings))
++			return_0;
++		if (!lv_add_integrity_to_raid(lv, isettings, NULL, NULL))
++			return_0;
++	}
+ skip_alloc:
+ 	if (!lv_update_and_reload_origin(lv))
+ 		return_0;
+@@ -7014,9 +7050,43 @@ skip_alloc:
+ 	if (!rebuild)
+ 		for (s = 0; s < raid_seg->area_count; s++) {
+ 			sd = s + raid_seg->area_count;
+ 			if (tmp_names[s] && tmp_names[sd]) {
+-				seg_metalv(raid_seg, s)->name = tmp_names[s];
+-				seg_lv(raid_seg, s)->name = tmp_names[sd];
++				struct logical_volume *lv_image = seg_lv(raid_seg, s);
++				struct logical_volume *lv_rmeta = seg_metalv(raid_seg, s);
++				lv_rmeta->name = tmp_names[s];
++				lv_image->name = tmp_names[sd];
++				if (lv_is_integrity(lv_image)) {
++					struct logical_volume *lv_imeta;
++					struct logical_volume *lv_iorig;
++					struct lv_segment *seg_image;
++					seg_image = first_seg(lv_image);
++					lv_imeta = seg_image->integrity_meta_dev;
++					lv_iorig = seg_lv(seg_image, 0);
++					if (dm_snprintf(tmp_name_buf, NAME_LEN, "%s_imeta", lv_image->name) < 0) {
++						stack;
++						continue;
++					}
++					if (!(tmp_name_dup = dm_pool_strdup(lv->vg->vgmem, tmp_name_buf))) {
++						stack;
++						continue;
++					}
++					lv_imeta->name = tmp_name_dup;
++					if (dm_snprintf(tmp_name_buf, NAME_LEN, "%s_iorig", lv_image->name) < 0) {
++						stack;
++						continue;
++					}
++					if (!(tmp_name_dup = dm_pool_strdup(lv->vg->vgmem, tmp_name_buf))) {
++						stack;
++						continue;
++					}
++					lv_iorig->name = tmp_name_dup;
++				}
+ 			}
+ 		}
+@@ -7192,6 +7262,11 @@ int partial_raid_lv_supports_degraded_activation(const struct logical_volume *cl
+ {
+ 	int not_capable = 0;
+ 	struct logical_volume * lv = (struct logical_volume *)clv; /* drop const */
++	if (lv_raid_has_integrity(lv)) {
++		log_error("Integrity must be removed before degraded or partial activation of raid.");
++		return 0;
++	}
+ 	if (!_lv_may_be_activated_in_degraded_mode(lv, &not_capable) || not_capable)
+ 		return_0;
+diff --git a/lib/metadata/segtype.h b/lib/metadata/segtype.h
+index 22a511e..08ddc35 100644
+--- a/lib/metadata/segtype.h
++++ b/lib/metadata/segtype.h
+@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ struct dev_manager;
+ #define SEG_RAID6_N_6		(1ULL << 35)
+ #define SEG_RAID6		SEG_RAID6_ZR
+ #define SEG_WRITECACHE		(1ULL << 36)
++#define SEG_INTEGRITY		(1ULL << 37)
+ #define SEG_STRIPED_TARGET	(1ULL << 39)
+ #define SEG_LINEAR_TARGET	(1ULL << 40)
+@@ -84,6 +85,7 @@ struct dev_manager;
+ #define SEG_TYPE_NAME_CACHE		"cache"
+ #define SEG_TYPE_NAME_CACHE_POOL	"cache-pool"
+ #define SEG_TYPE_NAME_WRITECACHE	"writecache"
++#define SEG_TYPE_NAME_INTEGRITY		"integrity"
+ #define SEG_TYPE_NAME_ERROR		"error"
+ #define SEG_TYPE_NAME_FREE		"free"
+ #define SEG_TYPE_NAME_ZERO		"zero"
+@@ -117,6 +119,7 @@ struct dev_manager;
+ #define segtype_is_cache(segtype)	((segtype)->flags & SEG_CACHE ? 1 : 0)
+ #define segtype_is_cache_pool(segtype)	((segtype)->flags & SEG_CACHE_POOL ? 1 : 0)
+ #define segtype_is_writecache(segtype)	((segtype)->flags & SEG_WRITECACHE ? 1 : 0)
++#define segtype_is_integrity(segtype)	((segtype)->flags & SEG_INTEGRITY ? 1 : 0)
+ #define segtype_is_mirrored(segtype)	((segtype)->flags & SEG_AREAS_MIRRORED ? 1 : 0)
+ #define segtype_is_mirror(segtype)	((segtype)->flags & SEG_MIRROR ? 1 : 0)
+ #define segtype_is_pool(segtype)	((segtype)->flags & (SEG_CACHE_POOL | SEG_THIN_POOL)  ? 1 : 0)
+@@ -179,6 +182,7 @@ struct dev_manager;
+ #define seg_is_cache(seg)	segtype_is_cache((seg)->segtype)
+ #define seg_is_cache_pool(seg)	segtype_is_cache_pool((seg)->segtype)
+ #define seg_is_writecache(seg)	segtype_is_writecache((seg)->segtype)
++#define seg_is_integrity(seg)	segtype_is_integrity((seg)->segtype)
+ #define seg_is_used_cache_pool(seg) (seg_is_cache_pool(seg) && (!dm_list_empty(&(seg->lv)->segs_using_this_lv)))
+ #define seg_is_linear(seg)	(seg_is_striped(seg) && ((seg)->area_count == 1))
+ #define seg_is_mirror(seg)	segtype_is_mirror((seg)->segtype)
+@@ -347,6 +351,8 @@ int init_vdo_segtypes(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct segtype_library *seglib);
+ int init_writecache_segtypes(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct segtype_library *seglib);
++int init_integrity_segtypes(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct segtype_library *seglib);
+ #define CACHE_FEATURE_POLICY_MQ			(1U << 0)
+ #define CACHE_FEATURE_POLICY_SMQ		(1U << 1)
+ #define CACHE_FEATURE_METADATA2			(1U << 2)
+diff --git a/lib/metadata/snapshot_manip.c b/lib/metadata/snapshot_manip.c
+index 64e27ae..3faea0e 100644
+--- a/lib/metadata/snapshot_manip.c
++++ b/lib/metadata/snapshot_manip.c
+@@ -387,6 +387,8 @@ int validate_snapshot_origin(const struct logical_volume *origin_lv)
+ 		}
+ 	} else if (lv_is_raid_type(origin_lv) && !lv_is_raid(origin_lv)) {
+ 		err = "raid subvolumes";
++	} else if (lv_is_raid(origin_lv) && lv_raid_has_integrity((struct logical_volume *)origin_lv)) {
++		err = "raid with integrity";
+ 	} else if (lv_is_writecache(origin_lv)) {
+ 		err = "writecache";
+ 	}
+diff --git a/lib/misc/lvm-string.c b/lib/misc/lvm-string.c
+index 0ee3403..959a6a1 100644
+--- a/lib/misc/lvm-string.c
++++ b/lib/misc/lvm-string.c
+@@ -166,7 +166,9 @@ static const char *_lvname_has_reserved_component_string(const char *lvname)
+ 		"_rmeta",
+ 		"_tdata",
+ 		"_tmeta",
+-		"_vdata"
++		"_vdata",
++		"_imeta",
++		"_iorig"
+ 	};
+ 	unsigned i;
+diff --git a/lib/report/report.c b/lib/report/report.c
+index d379e2a..170df69 100644
+--- a/lib/report/report.c
++++ b/lib/report/report.c
+@@ -3173,7 +3173,7 @@ static int _copypercent_disp(struct dm_report *rh,
+ 	dm_percent_t percent = DM_PERCENT_INVALID;
+ 	/* TODO: just cache passes through lvseg_percent... */
+-	if (lv_is_cache(lv) || lv_is_used_cache_pool(lv) ||
++	if (lv_is_integrity(lv) || lv_is_cache(lv) || lv_is_used_cache_pool(lv) ||
+ 	    (!lv_is_merging_origin(lv) && lv_is_raid(lv) && !seg_is_any_raid0(first_seg(lv))))
+ 		percent = lvseg_percent_with_info_and_seg_status(lvdm, PERCENT_GET_DIRTY);
+ 	else if (lv_is_raid(lv) && !seg_is_any_raid0(first_seg(lv)))
+diff --git a/man/lvmraid.7_main b/man/lvmraid.7_main
+index 498de90..aedd16a 100644
+--- a/man/lvmraid.7_main
++++ b/man/lvmraid.7_main
+@@ -785,6 +785,89 @@ configuration file itself.
+         activation_mode
++.SH Data Integrity
++The device mapper integrity target can be used in combination with RAID
++levels 1,4,5,6,10 to detect and correct data corruption in RAID images. A
++dm-integrity layer is placed above each RAID image, and an extra sub LV is
++created to hold integrity metadata (data checksums) for each RAID image.
++When data is read from an image, integrity checksums are used to detect
++corruption. If detected, dm-raid reads the data from another (good) image
++to return to the caller.  dm-raid will also automatically write the good
++data back to the image with bad data to correct the corruption.
++When creating a RAID LV with integrity, or adding integrity, space is
++required for integrity metadata.  Every 500MB of LV data requires an
++additional 4MB to be allocated for integrity metadata, for each RAID
++Create a RAID LV with integrity:
++.B lvcreate \-\-type raidN \-\-raidintegrity y
++Add integrity to an existing RAID LV:
++.B lvconvert --raidintegrity y
++.I LV
++Remove integrity from a RAID LV:
++.B lvconvert --raidintegrity n
++.I LV
++.SS Integrity options
++.B --raidintegritymode journal|bitmap
++Use a journal (default) or bitmap for keeping integrity checksums
++consistent in case of a crash. The bitmap areas are recalculated after a
++crash, so corruption in those areas would not be detected. A journal does
++not have this problem.  The journal mode doubles writes to storage, but
++can improve performance for scattered writes packed into a single journal
++write.  bitmap mode can in theory achieve full write throughput of the
++device, but would not benefit from the potential scattered write
++.B --raidintegrityblocksize 512|1024|2048|4096
++The block size to use for dm-integrity on raid images.  The integrity
++block size should usually match the device logical block size, or the file
++system sector/block sizes.  It may be less than the file system
++sector/block size, but not less than the device logical block size.
++Possible values: 512, 1024, 2048, 4096.
++.SS Integrity initialization
++When integrity is added to an LV, the kernel needs to initialize the
++integrity metadata (checksums) for all blocks in the LV.  The data
++corruption checking performed by dm-integrity will only operate on areas
++of the LV that are already initialized.  The progress of integrity
++initialization is reported by the "syncpercent" LV reporting field (and
++under the Cpy%Sync lvs column.)
++.SS Integrity limitations
++To work around some limitations, it is possible to remove integrity from
++the LV, make the change, then add integrity again.  (Integrity metadata
++would need to initialized when added again.)
++LVM must be able to allocate the integrity metadata sub LV on a single PV
++that is already in use by the associated RAID image. This can potentially
++cause a problem during lvextend if the original PV holding the image and
++integrity metadata is full.  To work around this limitation, remove
++integrity, extend the LV, and add integrity again.
++Additional RAID images can be added to raid1 LVs, but not to other raid
++A raid1 LV with integrity cannot be converted to linear (remove integrity
++to do this.)
++RAID LVs with integrity cannot yet be used as sub LVs with other LV types.
++The following are not yet permitted on RAID LVs with integrity: lvreduce,
++pvmove, snapshots, splitmirror, raid syncaction commands, raid rebuild.
+ .SH RAID1 Tuning
+ A RAID1 LV can be tuned so that certain devices are avoided for reading
+diff --git a/test/lib/aux.sh b/test/lib/aux.sh
+index 83a88a6..e40da95 100644
+--- a/test/lib/aux.sh
++++ b/test/lib/aux.sh
+@@ -1563,6 +1563,14 @@ have_writecache() {
+ 	target_at_least dm-writecache "$@"
+ }
++have_integrity() {
++	lvm segtypes 2>/dev/null | grep -q integrity$ || {
++		echo "integrity is not built-in." >&2
++		return 1
++	}
++	target_at_least dm-integrity "$@"
+ have_raid() {
+ 	target_at_least dm-raid "$@"
+diff --git a/test/shell/integrity-blocksize.sh b/test/shell/integrity-blocksize.sh
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..444e3db
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/test/shell/integrity-blocksize.sh
+@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
++#!/usr/bin/env bash
++# Copyright (C) 2018 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
++# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
++# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions
++# of the GNU General Public License v.2.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
++# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++. lib/inittest
++aux have_integrity 1 5 0 || skip
++losetup -h | grep sector-size || skip
++# Tests with fs block sizes require a libblkid version that shows BLOCK_SIZE
++aux prepare_devs 1
++vgcreate $vg "$dev1"
++lvcreate -n $lv1 -l8 $vg
++mkfs.xfs -f "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++blkid "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" | grep BLOCK_SIZE || skip
++lvchange -an $vg
++vgremove -ff $vg
++dd if=/dev/zero of=loopa bs=$((1024*1024)) count=64 2> /dev/null
++dd if=/dev/zero of=loopb bs=$((1024*1024)) count=64 2> /dev/null
++dd if=/dev/zero of=loopc bs=$((1024*1024)) count=64 2> /dev/null
++dd if=/dev/zero of=loopd bs=$((1024*1024)) count=64 2> /dev/null
++LOOP1=$(losetup -f loopa --show)
++LOOP2=$(losetup -f loopb --show)
++LOOP3=$(losetup -f loopc --sector-size 4096 --show)
++LOOP4=$(losetup -f loopd --sector-size 4096 --show)
++echo $LOOP1
++echo $LOOP2
++echo $LOOP3
++echo $LOOP4
++aux extend_filter "a|$LOOP1|"
++aux extend_filter "a|$LOOP2|"
++aux extend_filter "a|$LOOP3|"
++aux extend_filter "a|$LOOP4|"
++aux lvmconf 'devices/scan = "/dev"'
++vgcreate $vg1 $LOOP1 $LOOP2
++vgcreate $vg2 $LOOP3 $LOOP4
++# lvcreate on dev512, result 512
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 --raidintegrity y -l 8 -n $lv1 $vg1
++pvck --dump metadata $LOOP1 | grep 'block_size = 512'
++lvremove -y $vg1/$lv1
++# lvcreate on dev4k, result 4k
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 --raidintegrity y -l 8 -n $lv1 $vg2
++pvck --dump metadata $LOOP3 | grep 'block_size = 4096'
++lvremove -y $vg2/$lv1
++# lvcreate --bs 512 on dev4k, result fail
++not lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 --raidintegrity y --raidintegrityblocksize 512 -l 8 -n $lv1 $vg2
++# lvcreate --bs 4096 on dev512, result 4k
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 --raidintegrity y --raidintegrityblocksize 4096 -l 8 -n $lv1 $vg1
++pvck --dump metadata $LOOP1 | grep 'block_size = 4096'
++lvremove -y $vg1/$lv1
++# Test an unknown fs block size by simply not creating a fs on the lv.
++# lvconvert on dev512, fsunknown, result 512
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -l 8 -n $lv1 $vg1
++# clear any residual fs so that libblkid cannot find an fs block size
++aux wipefs_a /dev/$vg1/$lv1
++lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg1/$lv1
++pvck --dump metadata $LOOP1 | grep 'block_size = 512'
++lvremove -y $vg1/$lv1
++# lvconvert on dev4k, fsunknown, result 4k
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -l 8 -n $lv1 $vg2
++# clear any residual fs so that libblkid cannot find an fs block size
++aux wipefs_a /dev/$vg2/$lv1
++lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg2/$lv1
++pvck --dump metadata $LOOP3 | grep 'block_size = 4096'
++lvremove -y $vg2/$lv1
++# lvconvert --bs 4k on dev512, fsunknown, result fail
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -l 8 -n $lv1 $vg1
++# clear any residual fs so that libblkid cannot find an fs block size
++aux wipefs_a /dev/$vg1/$lv1
++not lvconvert --raidintegrity y --raidintegrityblocksize 4096 $vg1/$lv1
++lvremove -y $vg1/$lv1
++# lvconvert --bs 512 on dev4k, fsunknown, result fail
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -l 8 -n $lv1 $vg2
++# clear any residual fs so that libblkid cannot find an fs block size
++aux wipefs_a /dev/$vg2/$lv1
++not lvconvert --raidintegrity y --raidintegrityblocksize 512 $vg2/$lv1
++lvremove -y $vg2/$lv1
++# lvconvert on dev512, xfs 512, result 512
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -l 8 -n $lv1 $vg1
++aux wipefs_a /dev/$vg1/$lv1
++mkfs.xfs -f "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg1/$lv1"
++lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg1/$lv1
++pvck --dump metadata $LOOP1 | grep 'block_size = 512'
++lvremove -y $vg1/$lv1
++# lvconvert on dev4k, xfs 4096, result 4096
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -l 8 -n $lv1 $vg2
++aux wipefs_a /dev/$vg2/$lv1
++mkfs.xfs -f "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg2/$lv1"
++lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg2/$lv1
++pvck --dump metadata $LOOP3 | grep 'block_size = 4096'
++lvremove -y $vg2/$lv1
++# lvconvert on dev512, ext4 1024, result 1024 
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -l 8 -n $lv1 $vg1
++aux wipefs_a /dev/$vg1/$lv1
++mkfs.ext4 -b 1024 "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg1/$lv1"
++lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg1/$lv1
++pvck --dump metadata $LOOP1 | grep 'block_size = 1024'
++lvremove -y $vg1/$lv1
++# lvconvert on dev4k, ext4 4096, result 4096
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -l 8 -n $lv1 $vg2
++aux wipefs_a /dev/$vg2/$lv1
++mkfs.ext4 "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg2/$lv1"
++lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg2/$lv1
++pvck --dump metadata $LOOP3 | grep 'block_size = 4096'
++lvremove -y $vg2/$lv1
++# lvconvert --bs 512 on dev512, xfs 4096, result 512
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -l 8 -n $lv1 $vg1
++aux wipefs_a /dev/$vg1/$lv1
++mkfs.xfs -f -s size=4096 "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg1/$lv1"
++lvconvert --raidintegrity y --raidintegrityblocksize 512 $vg1/$lv1
++pvck --dump metadata $LOOP1 | grep 'block_size = 512'
++lvremove -y $vg1/$lv1
++# lvconvert --bs 1024 on dev512, xfs 4096, result 1024
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -l 8 -n $lv1 $vg1
++aux wipefs_a /dev/$vg1/$lv1
++mkfs.xfs -f -s size=4096 "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg1/$lv1"
++lvconvert --raidintegrity y --raidintegrityblocksize 1024 $vg1/$lv1
++pvck --dump metadata $LOOP1 | grep 'block_size = 1024'
++lvremove -y $vg1/$lv1
++# lvconvert --bs 512 on dev512, ext4 1024, result 512
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -l 8 -n $lv1 $vg1
++aux wipefs_a /dev/$vg1/$lv1
++mkfs.ext4 -b 1024 "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg1/$lv1"
++lvconvert --raidintegrity y --raidintegrityblocksize 512 $vg1/$lv1
++pvck --dump metadata $LOOP1 | grep 'block_size = 512'
++lvremove -y $vg1/$lv1
++# lvconvert --bs 512 on dev4k, ext4 4096, result fail
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -l 8 -n $lv1 $vg2
++aux wipefs_a /dev/$vg2/$lv1
++mkfs.ext4 "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg2/$lv1"
++not lvconvert --raidintegrity y --raidintegrityblocksize 512 $vg2/$lv1
++lvremove -y $vg2/$lv1
++# FIXME: need to use scsi_debug to create devs with LBS 512 PBS 4k
++# FIXME: lvconvert, fsunknown, LBS 512, PBS 4k: result 512
++# FIXME: lvconvert --bs 512, fsunknown, LBS 512, PBS 4k: result 512
++# FIXME: lvconvert --bs 4k, fsunknown, LBS 512, PBS 4k: result 4k
++vgremove -ff $vg1
++vgremove -ff $vg2
++losetup -d $LOOP1
++losetup -d $LOOP2
++losetup -d $LOOP3
++losetup -d $LOOP4
++rm loopa
++rm loopb
++rm loopc
++rm loopd
+diff --git a/test/shell/integrity-dmeventd.sh b/test/shell/integrity-dmeventd.sh
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..58899ca
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/test/shell/integrity-dmeventd.sh
+@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
++#!/usr/bin/env bash
++# Copyright (C) 2018 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
++# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
++# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions
++# of the GNU General Public License v.2.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
++# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++. lib/inittest
++aux have_integrity 1 5 0 || skip
++which mkfs.xfs || skip
++mkdir -p $mnt
++aux prepare_devs 6 64
++for i in `seq 1 16384`; do echo -n "A" >> fileA; done
++for i in `seq 1 16384`; do echo -n "B" >> fileB; done
++for i in `seq 1 16384`; do echo -n "C" >> fileC; done
++# generate random data
++dd if=/dev/urandom of=randA bs=512K count=2
++dd if=/dev/urandom of=randB bs=512K count=3
++dd if=/dev/urandom of=randC bs=512K count=4
++_prepare_vg() {
++	vgcreate $SHARED $vg "$dev1" "$dev2" "$dev3" "$dev4"
++	pvs
++_add_new_data_to_mnt() {
++        mkfs.xfs -f "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++        mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
++        # add original data
++        cp randA $mnt
++        cp randB $mnt
++        cp randC $mnt
++        mkdir $mnt/1
++        cp fileA $mnt/1
++        cp fileB $mnt/1
++        cp fileC $mnt/1
++        mkdir $mnt/2
++        cp fileA $mnt/2
++        cp fileB $mnt/2
++        cp fileC $mnt/2
++_add_more_data_to_mnt() {
++        mkdir $mnt/more
++        cp fileA $mnt/more
++        cp fileB $mnt/more
++        cp fileC $mnt/more
++        cp randA $mnt/more
++        cp randB $mnt/more
++        cp randC $mnt/more
++_verify_data_on_mnt() {
++	diff randA $mnt/randA
++	diff randB $mnt/randB
++	diff randC $mnt/randC
++	diff fileA $mnt/1/fileA
++	diff fileB $mnt/1/fileB
++	diff fileC $mnt/1/fileC
++	diff fileA $mnt/2/fileA
++	diff fileB $mnt/2/fileB
++	diff fileC $mnt/2/fileC
++_verify_data_on_lv() {
++        lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
++        mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
++        _verify_data_on_mnt
++        rm $mnt/randA
++        rm $mnt/randB
++        rm $mnt/randC
++        rm -rf $mnt/1
++        rm -rf $mnt/2
++        umount $mnt
++        lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++_sync_percent() {
++	local checklv=$1
++	get lv_field "$checklv" sync_percent | cut -d. -f1
++_wait_recalc() {
++	local checklv=$1
++	for i in $(seq 1 10) ; do
++		sync=$(_sync_percent "$checklv")
++		echo "sync_percent is $sync"
++		if test "$sync" = "100"; then
++			return
++		fi
++		sleep 1
++	done
++	echo "timeout waiting for recalc"
++	return 1
++aux lvmconf \
++        'activation/raid_fault_policy = "allocate"'
++aux prepare_dmeventd
++# raid1, one device fails, dmeventd calls repair
++vgcreate $SHARED $vg "$dev1" "$dev2" "$dev3" "$dev4"
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m 2 --raidintegrity y --ignoremonitoring -l 8 -n $lv1 $vg "$dev1" "$dev2" "$dev3"
++lvchange --monitor y $vg/$lv1
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_2
++aux wait_for_sync $vg $lv1
++aux disable_dev "$dev2"
++# wait for dmeventd to call lvconvert --repair which should
++# replace dev2 with dev4
++sleep 5
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg > out
++cat out
++not grep "$dev2" out
++grep "$dev4" out
++aux enable_dev "$dev2"
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg > out
++cat out
++not grep "$dev2" out
++grep "$dev4" out
++grep "$dev1" out
++grep "$dev3" out
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++vgremove -ff $vg
++# raid1, two devices fail, dmeventd calls repair
++vgcreate $SHARED $vg "$dev1" "$dev2" "$dev3" "$dev4" "$dev5"
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m 2 --raidintegrity y --ignoremonitoring -l 8 -n $lv1 $vg "$dev1" "$dev2" "$dev3"
++lvchange --monitor y $vg/$lv1
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_2
++aux wait_for_sync $vg $lv1
++aux disable_dev "$dev2"
++aux disable_dev "$dev1"
++# wait for dmeventd to call lvconvert --repair which should
++# replace dev1 and dev2 with dev4 and dev5
++sleep 5
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg > out
++cat out
++not grep "$dev1" out
++not grep "$dev2" out
++grep "$dev4" out
++grep "$dev5" out
++grep "$dev3" out
++aux enable_dev "$dev1"
++aux enable_dev "$dev2"
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg > out
++cat out
++not grep "$dev1" out
++not grep "$dev2" out
++grep "$dev4" out
++grep "$dev5" out
++grep "$dev3" out
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++vgremove -ff $vg
++# raid6, one device fails, dmeventd calls repair
++vgcreate $SHARED $vg "$dev1" "$dev2" "$dev3" "$dev4" "$dev5" "$dev6"
++lvcreate --type raid6 --raidintegrity y --ignoremonitoring -l 8 -n $lv1 $vg "$dev1" "$dev2" "$dev3" "$dev4" "$dev5"
++lvchange --monitor y $vg/$lv1
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_2
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_3
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_4
++aux wait_for_sync $vg $lv1
++aux disable_dev "$dev2"
++# wait for dmeventd to call lvconvert --repair which should
++# replace dev2 with dev6
++sleep 5
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg > out
++cat out
++not grep "$dev2" out
++grep "$dev6" out
++aux enable_dev "$dev2"
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg > out
++cat out
++not grep "$dev2" out
++grep "$dev6" out
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++vgremove -ff $vg
++# raid10, one device fails, dmeventd calls repair
++vgcreate $SHARED $vg "$dev1" "$dev2" "$dev3" "$dev4" "$dev5"
++lvcreate --type raid10 --raidintegrity y --ignoremonitoring -l 8 -n $lv1 $vg "$dev1" "$dev2" "$dev3" "$dev4"
++lvchange --monitor y $vg/$lv1
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_2
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_3
++aux wait_for_sync $vg $lv1
++aux disable_dev "$dev1"
++# wait for dmeventd to call lvconvert --repair which should
++# replace dev1 with dev5
++sleep 5
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg > out
++cat out
++not grep "$dev1" out
++grep "$dev5" out
++aux enable_dev "$dev1"
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg > out
++cat out
++not grep "$dev1" out
++grep "$dev5" out
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++vgremove -ff $vg
+diff --git a/test/shell/integrity-large.sh b/test/shell/integrity-large.sh
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..0c36e4d
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/test/shell/integrity-large.sh
+@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
++#!/usr/bin/env bash
++# Copyright (C) 2018 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
++# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
++# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions
++# of the GNU General Public License v.2.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
++# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++# Test writecache usage
++. lib/inittest
++aux have_integrity 1 5 0 || skip
++which mkfs.xfs || skip
++mkdir -p $mnt
++# raid1 LV needs to be extended to 512MB to test imeta being exended
++aux prepare_devs 4 600
++for i in `seq 1 16384`; do echo -n "A" >> fileA; done
++for i in `seq 1 16384`; do echo -n "B" >> fileB; done
++for i in `seq 1 16384`; do echo -n "C" >> fileC; done
++# generate random data
++dd if=/dev/urandom of=randA bs=512K count=2
++dd if=/dev/urandom of=randB bs=512K count=3
++dd if=/dev/urandom of=randC bs=512K count=4
++_prepare_vg() {
++	vgcreate $SHARED $vg "$dev1" "$dev2"
++	pvs
++_add_data_to_lv() {
++	mkfs.xfs -f "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++	mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
++	# add original data
++	cp randA $mnt
++	cp randB $mnt
++	cp randC $mnt
++	mkdir $mnt/1
++	cp fileA $mnt/1
++	cp fileB $mnt/1
++	cp fileC $mnt/1
++	mkdir $mnt/2
++	cp fileA $mnt/2
++	cp fileB $mnt/2
++	cp fileC $mnt/2
++	umount $mnt
++_verify_data_on_lv() {
++	mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
++	diff randA $mnt/randA
++	diff randB $mnt/randB
++	diff randC $mnt/randC
++	diff fileA $mnt/1/fileA
++	diff fileB $mnt/1/fileB
++	diff fileC $mnt/1/fileC
++	diff fileA $mnt/2/fileA
++	diff fileB $mnt/2/fileB
++	diff fileC $mnt/2/fileC
++	umount $mnt
++_sync_percent() {
++	local checklv=$1
++	get lv_field "$checklv" sync_percent | cut -d. -f1
++_wait_recalc() {
++	local checklv=$1
++	for i in $(seq 1 10) ; do
++		sync=$(_sync_percent "$checklv")
++		echo "sync_percent is $sync"
++		if test "$sync" = "100"; then
++			return
++		fi
++		sleep 1
++	done
++	echo "timeout waiting for recalc"
++	return 1
++# lvextend to 512MB is needed for the imeta LV to
++# be extended from 4MB to 8MB.
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
++lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg/$lv1
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvextend -L 512M $vg/$lv1
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg
++lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg
++check lv_field $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0_imeta size "8.00m"
++check lv_field $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1_imeta size "8.00m"
++# provide space to extend the images onto new devs
++vgextend $vg "$dev3" "$dev4"
++# extending the images is possible using dev3,dev4
++# but extending imeta on the existing dev1,dev2 fails
++not lvextend -L +512M $vg/$lv1
++# removing integrity will permit extending the images
++# using dev3,dev4 since imeta limitation is gone
++lvconvert --raidintegrity n $vg/$lv1
++lvextend -L +512M $vg/$lv1
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg
++# adding integrity again will allocate new 12MB imeta LVs
++# on dev3,dev4
++lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg/$lv1
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg
++check lv_field $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0_imeta size "12.00m"
++check lv_field $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1_imeta size "12.00m"
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++# this succeeds because dev1,dev2 can hold rmeta+rimage
++lvcreate --type raid1 -n $lv1 -L 592M -an $vg "$dev1" "$dev2"
++# this fails because dev1,dev2 can hold rmeta+rimage, but not imeta
++# and we require imeta to be on same devs as rmeta/rimeta
++not lvcreate --type raid1 --raidintegrity y -n $lv1 -L 592M -an $vg "$dev1" "$dev2"
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++# this can allocate from more devs so there's enough space for imeta to
++# be allocated in the vg, but lvcreate fails because rmeta+rimage are
++# allocated from dev1,dev2, we restrict imeta to being allocated on the
++# same devs as rmeta/rimage, and dev1,dev2 can't fit imeta.
++not lvcreate --type raid1 --raidintegrity y -n $lv1 -L 592M -an $vg
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg
++# counterintuitively, increasing the size will allow lvcreate to succeed
++# because rmeta+rimage are pushed to being allocated on dev1,dev2,dev3,dev4
++# which means imeta is now free to be allocated from dev3,dev4 which have
++# plenty of space
++lvcreate --type raid1 --raidintegrity y -n $lv1 -L 600M -an $vg
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg
++vgremove -ff $vg
+diff --git a/test/shell/integrity-misc.sh b/test/shell/integrity-misc.sh
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..73b0a67
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/test/shell/integrity-misc.sh
+@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
++#!/usr/bin/env bash
++# Copyright (C) 2018 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
++# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
++# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions
++# of the GNU General Public License v.2.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
++# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++. lib/inittest
++aux have_integrity 1 5 0 || skip
++which mkfs.xfs || skip
++mkdir -p $mnt
++aux prepare_devs 5 64
++for i in `seq 1 16384`; do echo -n "A" >> fileA; done
++for i in `seq 1 16384`; do echo -n "B" >> fileB; done
++for i in `seq 1 16384`; do echo -n "C" >> fileC; done
++# generate random data
++dd if=/dev/urandom of=randA bs=512K count=2
++dd if=/dev/urandom of=randB bs=512K count=3
++dd if=/dev/urandom of=randC bs=512K count=4
++_prepare_vg() {
++	vgcreate $SHARED $vg "$dev1" "$dev2" "$dev3" "$dev4" "$dev5"
++	pvs
++_add_new_data_to_mnt() {
++        mkfs.xfs -f "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++        mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
++        # add original data
++        cp randA $mnt
++        cp randB $mnt
++        cp randC $mnt
++        mkdir $mnt/1
++        cp fileA $mnt/1
++        cp fileB $mnt/1
++        cp fileC $mnt/1
++        mkdir $mnt/2
++        cp fileA $mnt/2
++        cp fileB $mnt/2
++        cp fileC $mnt/2
++_add_more_data_to_mnt() {
++        mkdir $mnt/more
++        cp fileA $mnt/more
++        cp fileB $mnt/more
++        cp fileC $mnt/more
++        cp randA $mnt/more
++        cp randB $mnt/more
++        cp randC $mnt/more
++_verify_data_on_mnt() {
++	diff randA $mnt/randA
++	diff randB $mnt/randB
++	diff randC $mnt/randC
++	diff fileA $mnt/1/fileA
++	diff fileB $mnt/1/fileB
++	diff fileC $mnt/1/fileC
++	diff fileA $mnt/2/fileA
++	diff fileB $mnt/2/fileB
++	diff fileC $mnt/2/fileC
++_verify_data_on_lv() {
++        lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
++        mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
++        _verify_data_on_mnt
++        rm $mnt/randA
++        rm $mnt/randB
++        rm $mnt/randC
++        rm -rf $mnt/1
++        rm -rf $mnt/2
++        umount $mnt
++        lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++_sync_percent() {
++	local checklv=$1
++	get lv_field "$checklv" sync_percent | cut -d. -f1
++_wait_recalc() {
++	local checklv=$1
++	for i in $(seq 1 10) ; do
++		sync=$(_sync_percent "$checklv")
++		echo "sync_percent is $sync"
++		if test "$sync" = "100"; then
++			return
++		fi
++		sleep 1
++	done
++	echo "timeout waiting for recalc"
++	return 1
++# lvrename
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 --raidintegrity y -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++umount $mnt
++lvrename $vg/$lv1 $vg/$lv2
++mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv2" $mnt
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv2
++lvremove $vg/$lv2
++vgremove -ff $vg
++# lvconvert --replace
++# an existing dev is replaced with another dev
++# lv must be active
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 --raidintegrity y -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg "$dev1" "$dev2"
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++lvconvert --replace "$dev1" $vg/$lv1 "$dev3"
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg > out
++cat out
++grep "$dev2" out
++grep "$dev3" out
++not grep "$dev1" out
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++vgremove -ff $vg
++# lvconvert --replace
++# same as prev but with bitmap mode
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 --raidintegrity y --raidintegritymode bitmap -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg "$dev1" "$dev2"
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++lvconvert --replace "$dev1" $vg/$lv1 "$dev3"
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg > out
++cat out
++grep "$dev2" out
++grep "$dev3" out
++not grep "$dev1" out
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++vgremove -ff $vg
++# lvconvert --repair
++# while lv is active a device goes missing (with rimage,rmeta,imeta,orig).
++# lvconvert --repair should replace the missing dev with another,
++# (like lvconvert --replace does for a dev that's not missing).
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 --raidintegrity y -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg "$dev1" "$dev2"
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++aux disable_dev "$dev2"
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg > out
++cat out
++grep unknown out
++lvconvert -vvvv -y --repair $vg/$lv1
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg > out
++cat out
++not grep "$dev2" out
++not grep unknown out
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++aux enable_dev "$dev2"
++vgremove -ff $vg
++# lvchange activationmode
++# a device is missing (with rimage,rmeta,imeta,iorig), the lv
++# is already inactive, and it cannot be activated, with
++# activationmode degraded or partial, or in any way,
++# until integrity is removed.
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 --raidintegrity y -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg "$dev1" "$dev2"
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++aux disable_dev "$dev2"
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg
++not lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
++not lvchange -ay --activationmode degraded $vg/$lv1
++not lvchange -ay --activationmode partial $vg/$lv1
++lvconvert --raidintegrity n $vg/$lv1
++lvchange -ay --activationmode degraded $vg/$lv1
++mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++aux enable_dev "$dev2"
++vgremove -ff $vg
+diff --git a/test/shell/integrity.sh b/test/shell/integrity.sh
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..7e4f2cb
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/test/shell/integrity.sh
+@@ -0,0 +1,735 @@
++#!/usr/bin/env bash
++# Copyright (C) 2018 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
++# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
++# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions
++# of the GNU General Public License v.2.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
++# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++. lib/inittest
++aux have_integrity 1 5 0 || skip
++which mkfs.xfs || skip
++which xfs_growfs || skip
++mkdir -p $mnt
++aux prepare_devs 5 64
++for i in `seq 1 16384`; do echo -n "A" >> fileA; done
++for i in `seq 1 16384`; do echo -n "B" >> fileB; done
++for i in `seq 1 16384`; do echo -n "C" >> fileC; done
++# generate random data
++dd if=/dev/urandom of=randA bs=512K count=2
++dd if=/dev/urandom of=randB bs=512K count=3
++dd if=/dev/urandom of=randC bs=512K count=4
++_prepare_vg() {
++	# zero devs so we are sure to find the correct file data
++	# on the underlying devs when corrupting it
++	dd if=/dev/zero of="$dev1" || true
++	dd if=/dev/zero of="$dev2" || true
++	dd if=/dev/zero of="$dev3" || true
++	dd if=/dev/zero of="$dev4" || true
++	dd if=/dev/zero of="$dev5" || true
++	vgcreate $SHARED $vg "$dev1" "$dev2" "$dev3" "$dev4" "$dev5"
++	pvs
++_test_fs_with_error() {
++	mkfs.xfs -f "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++	mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
++	# add original data
++	cp fileA $mnt
++	cp fileB $mnt
++	cp fileC $mnt
++	umount $mnt
++	lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++	# corrupt the original data on the underying dev
++	# flip one bit in fileB, changing a 0x42 to 0x43
++	# the bit is changed in the last 4096 byte block
++	# of the file, so when reading back the file we
++	# will get the first three 4096 byte blocks, for
++	# a total of 12288 bytes before getting an error
++	# on the last 4096 byte block.
++	xxd "$dev1" > dev1.txt
++	tac dev1.txt > dev1.rev
++	sed -e '0,/4242 4242 4242 4242 4242 4242 4242 4242/ s/4242 4242 4242 4242 4242 4242 4242 4242/4242 4242 4242 4242 4242 4242 4242 4243/' dev1.rev > dev1.rev.bad
++	tac dev1.rev.bad > dev1.bad
++	xxd -r dev1.bad > "$dev1"
++	rm dev1.txt dev1.rev dev1.rev.bad dev1.bad
++	lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
++	mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
++	# read complete fileA which was not corrupted
++	dd if=$mnt/fileA of=tmp bs=1k
++	ls -l tmp
++	stat -c %s tmp
++	diff fileA tmp
++	rm tmp
++	# read partial fileB which was corrupted
++	not dd if=$mnt/fileB of=tmp bs=1k
++	ls -l tmp
++	stat -c %s tmp | grep 12288
++	not diff fileB tmp
++	rm tmp
++	umount $mnt
++_test_fs_with_raid() {
++	mkfs.xfs -f "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++	mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
++	# add original data
++	cp fileA $mnt
++	cp fileB $mnt
++	cp fileC $mnt
++	umount $mnt
++	lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++	xxd "$dev1" > dev1.txt
++	tac dev1.txt > dev1.rev
++	sed -e '0,/4242 4242 4242 4242 4242 4242 4242 4242/ s/4242 4242 4242 4242 4242 4242 4242 4242/4242 4242 4242 4242 4242 4242 4242 4243/' dev1.rev > dev1.rev.bad
++	tac dev1.rev.bad > dev1.bad
++	xxd -r dev1.bad > "$dev1"
++	rm dev1.txt dev1.rev dev1.rev.bad dev1.bad
++	lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
++	mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
++	# read complete fileA which was not corrupted
++	dd if=$mnt/fileA of=tmp bs=1k
++	ls -l tmp
++	stat -c %s tmp | grep 16384
++	diff fileA tmp
++	rm tmp
++	# read complete fileB, corruption is corrected by raid
++	dd if=$mnt/fileB of=tmp bs=1k
++	ls -l tmp
++	stat -c %s tmp | grep 16384
++	diff fileB tmp
++	rm tmp
++	umount $mnt
++_add_new_data_to_mnt() {
++	mkfs.xfs -f "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1"
++	mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
++	# add original data
++	cp randA $mnt
++	cp randB $mnt
++	cp randC $mnt
++	mkdir $mnt/1
++	cp fileA $mnt/1
++	cp fileB $mnt/1
++	cp fileC $mnt/1
++	mkdir $mnt/2
++	cp fileA $mnt/2
++	cp fileB $mnt/2
++	cp fileC $mnt/2
++_add_more_data_to_mnt() {
++	mkdir $mnt/more
++	cp fileA $mnt/more
++	cp fileB $mnt/more
++	cp fileC $mnt/more
++	cp randA $mnt/more
++	cp randB $mnt/more
++	cp randC $mnt/more
++_verify_data_on_mnt() {
++	diff randA $mnt/randA
++	diff randB $mnt/randB
++	diff randC $mnt/randC
++	diff fileA $mnt/1/fileA
++	diff fileB $mnt/1/fileB
++	diff fileC $mnt/1/fileC
++	diff fileA $mnt/2/fileA
++	diff fileB $mnt/2/fileB
++	diff fileC $mnt/2/fileC
++_verify_data_on_lv() {
++	lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
++	mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
++	_verify_data_on_mnt
++	rm $mnt/randA
++	rm $mnt/randB
++	rm $mnt/randC
++	rm -rf $mnt/1
++	rm -rf $mnt/2
++	umount $mnt
++	lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++_sync_percent() {
++	local checklv=$1
++	get lv_field "$checklv" sync_percent | cut -d. -f1
++_wait_recalc() {
++	local checklv=$1
++	for i in $(seq 1 10) ; do
++		sync=$(_sync_percent "$checklv")
++		echo "sync_percent is $sync"
++		if test "$sync" = "100"; then
++			return
++		fi
++		sleep 1
++	done
++	echo "timeout waiting for recalc"
++	return 1
++# Test corrupting data on an image and verifying that
++# it is detected by integrity and corrected by raid.
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 --raidintegrity y -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvconvert --raidintegrity n $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++vgremove -ff $vg
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m2 --raidintegrity y -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvconvert --raidintegrity n $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++vgremove -ff $vg
++lvcreate --type raid4 --raidintegrity y -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvconvert --raidintegrity n $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++vgremove -ff $vg
++lvcreate --type raid5 --raidintegrity y -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvconvert --raidintegrity n $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++vgremove -ff $vg
++lvcreate --type raid6 --raidintegrity y -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvconvert --raidintegrity n $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++vgremove -ff $vg
++lvcreate --type raid10 --raidintegrity y -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvconvert --raidintegrity n $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++vgremove -ff $vg
++# Test removing integrity from an active LV
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 --raidintegrity y -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++lvconvert --raidintegrity n $vg/$lv1
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++vgremove -ff $vg
++lvcreate --type raid4 --raidintegrity y -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++lvconvert --raidintegrity n $vg/$lv1
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++vgremove -ff $vg
++lvcreate --type raid5 --raidintegrity y -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++lvconvert --raidintegrity n $vg/$lv1
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++vgremove -ff $vg
++lvcreate --type raid6 --raidintegrity y -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++lvconvert --raidintegrity n $vg/$lv1
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++vgremove -ff $vg
++lvcreate --type raid10 --raidintegrity y -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++lvconvert --raidintegrity n $vg/$lv1
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++vgremove -ff $vg
++# Test adding integrity to an active LV
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg/$lv1
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++vgremove -ff $vg
++lvcreate --type raid4 -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg/$lv1
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++vgremove -ff $vg
++lvcreate --type raid5 -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg/$lv1
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++vgremove -ff $vg
++lvcreate --type raid6 -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg/$lv1
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++vgremove -ff $vg
++lvcreate --type raid10 -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg/$lv1
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++vgremove -ff $vg
++# Test lvextend while inactive
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 --raidintegrity y -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvextend -l 16 $vg/$lv1
++lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
++mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
++xfs_growfs $mnt
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++vgremove -ff $vg
++lvcreate --type raid6 --raidintegrity y -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvextend -l 16 $vg/$lv1
++lvchange -ay $vg/$lv1
++mount "$DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv1" $mnt
++xfs_growfs $mnt
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++vgremove -ff $vg
++# Test lvextend while active
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 --raidintegrity y -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg
++lvextend -l 16 $vg/$lv1
++xfs_growfs $mnt
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++vgremove -ff $vg
++lvcreate --type raid5 --raidintegrity y -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg
++lvextend -l 16 $vg/$lv1
++xfs_growfs $mnt
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++vgremove -ff $vg
++lvcreate --type raid10 --raidintegrity y -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg
++lvextend -l 16 $vg/$lv1
++xfs_growfs $mnt
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++vgremove -ff $vg
++# Test adding image to raid1
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 --raidintegrity y -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg
++lvconvert -y -m+1 $vg/$lv1
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_2
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++vgremove -ff $vg
++# Test removing image from raid1
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m2 --raidintegrity y -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_2
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg
++lvconvert -y -m-1 $vg/$lv1
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++vgremove -ff $vg
++# Test disallowed operations on raid+integrity
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 --raidintegrity y -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg
++not lvconvert -y -m-1 $vg/$lv1
++not lvconvert --splitmirrors 1 -n tmp -y $vg/$lv1
++not lvconvert --splitmirrors 1 --trackchanges -y $vg/$lv1
++not lvchange --syncaction check $vg/$lv1
++not lvchange --syncaction repair $vg/$lv1
++not lvreduce -L4M $vg/$lv1
++not lvcreate -s -n snap -L4M $vg/$lv1
++not pvmove -n $vg/$lv1 "$dev1"
++not pvmove "$dev1"
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++vgremove -ff $vg
++# Repeat many of the tests above using bitmap mode
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 --raidintegrity y --raidintegritymode bitmap -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvconvert --raidintegrity n $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++vgremove -ff $vg
++lvcreate --type raid6 --raidintegrity y --raidintegritymode bitmap -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvconvert --raidintegrity n $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++vgremove -ff $vg
++# remove from active lv
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 --raidintegrity y --raidintegritymode bitmap -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++lvconvert --raidintegrity n $vg/$lv1
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++vgremove -ff $vg
++# add to active lv
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++lvconvert --raidintegrity y --raidintegritymode bitmap $vg/$lv1
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++vgremove -ff $vg
++# lvextend active
++lvcreate --type raid1 --raidintegrity y --raidintegritymode bitmap -m1 -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg
++lvextend -l 16 $vg/$lv1
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++xfs_growfs $mnt
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++vgremove -ff $vg
++# add image to raid1
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 --raidintegrity y --raidintegritymode bitmap -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg
++lvconvert -y -m+1 $vg/$lv1
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_0
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_1
++_wait_recalc $vg/${lv1}_rimage_2
++lvs -a -o+devices $vg
++umount $mnt
++lvchange -an $vg/$lv1
++lvremove $vg/$lv1
++vgremove -ff $vg
++# Test that raid+integrity cannot be a sublv
++# part1: cannot add integrity to a raid LV that is already a sublv
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++lvconvert -y --type thin-pool $vg/$lv1
++not lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg/$lv1
++not lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg/${lv1}_tdata
++not lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg/${lv1}_tmeta
++lvremove -y $vg/$lv1
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++lvconvert -y --type cache-pool $vg/$lv1
++not lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg/$lv1
++not lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg/${lv1}_cdata
++not lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg/${lv1}_cmeta
++lvremove -y $vg/$lv1
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++lvcreate --type cache-pool -n cpool -l 8 $vg
++lvconvert -y --type cache --cachepool cpool $vg/$lv1
++not lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg/$lv1
++not lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg/${lv1}_corig
++lvremove -y $vg/$lv1
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -n cvol -l 8 $vg
++lvconvert -y --type cache --cachevol cvol $vg/$lv1
++not lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg/$lv1
++not lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg/${lv1}_corig
++not lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg/cvol
++lvremove -y $vg/$lv1
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++lvcreate -n cvol -l 8 $vg
++lvchange -an $vg
++lvconvert -y --type writecache --cachevol cvol $vg/$lv1
++not lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg/$lv1
++not lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg/${lv1}_wcorig
++lvremove -y $vg/$lv1
++# Test that raid+integrity cannot be a sublv
++# part2: cannot convert an existing raid+integrity LV into a sublv
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++lvconvert -y --type thin-pool $vg/$lv1
++not lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg/${lv1}_tdata
++lvremove -y $vg/$lv1
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -n $lv2 -l 8 $vg
++lvconvert -y --type cache --cachevol $lv2 $vg/$lv1
++not lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg/${lv1}_corig
++not lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg/${lv2}_vol
++lvremove -y $vg/$lv1
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -n $lv2 -l 8 $vg
++lvconvert -y --type cache --cachepool $lv2 $vg/$lv1
++not lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg/${lv1}_corig
++not lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg/${lv2}_cpool_cdata
++lvremove -y $vg/$lv1
++# cannot add integrity to raid that has a snapshot
++lvcreate --type raid1 -m1 -n $lv1 -l 8 $vg
++lvcreate -s -n $lv2 -l 8 $vg/$lv1
++not lvconvert --raidintegrity y $vg/$lv1
++lvremove -y $vg/$lv1
++vgremove -ff $vg
+diff --git a/tools/args.h b/tools/args.h
+index 999d891..d1f604b 100644
+--- a/tools/args.h
++++ b/tools/args.h
+@@ -512,6 +512,26 @@ arg(pvmetadatacopies_ARG, '\0', "pvmetadatacopies", pvmetadatacopies_VAL, 0, 0,
+     "This may be useful in VGs containing many PVs (this places limitations\n"
+     "on the ability to use vgsplit later.)\n")
++arg(raidintegrity_ARG, '\0', "raidintegrity", bool_VAL, 0, 0,
++    "Enable or disable data integrity checksums for raid images.\n")
++arg(raidintegrityblocksize_ARG, '\0', "raidintegrityblocksize", number_VAL, 0, 0,
++    "The block size to use for dm-integrity on raid images.\n"
++    "The integrity block size should usually match the device\n"
++    "logical block size, or the file system block size.\n"
++    "It may be less than the file system block size, but not\n"
++    "less than the device logical block size.\n"
++    "Possible values: 512, 1024, 2048, 4096.\n")
++arg(raidintegritymode_ARG, '\0', "raidintegritymode", string_VAL, 0, 0,
++    "Use a journal (default) or bitmap for keeping integrity checksums consistent\n"
++    "in case of a crash. The bitmap areas are recalculated after a crash, so corruption\n"
++    "in those areas would not be detected. A journal does not have this problem.\n"
++    "The journal mode doubles writes to storage, but can improve performance for\n"
++    "scattered writes packed into a single journal write.\n"
++    "bitmap mode can in theory achieve full write throughput of the device,\n"
++    "but would not benefit from the potential scattered write optimization.\n")
+ arg(readonly_ARG, '\0', "readonly", 0, 0, 0,
+     "Run the command in a special read-only mode which will read on-disk\n"
+     "metadata without needing to take any locks. This can be used to peek\n"
+diff --git a/tools/command-lines.in b/tools/command-lines.in
+index 37a01cb..ed3d041 100644
+--- a/tools/command-lines.in
++++ b/tools/command-lines.in
+@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ IO: --ignoreskippedcluster
+ ID: lvchange_resync
+ DESC: Resyncronize a mirror or raid LV.
+ DESC: Use to reset 'R' attribute on a not initially synchronized LV.
+-RULE: all not lv_is_pvmove lv_is_locked
++RULE: all not lv_is_pvmove lv_is_locked lv_is_raid_with_integrity
+ RULE: all not LV_raid0
+ lvchange --syncaction SyncAction VG|LV_raid|Tag|Select ...
+@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ OP: PV ...
+ ID: lvconvert_raid_types
+ DESC: Convert LV to raid or change raid layout
+ DESC: (a specific raid level must be used, e.g. raid1).
+-RULE: all not lv_is_locked lv_is_pvmove
++RULE: all not lv_is_locked lv_is_pvmove lv_is_raid_with_integrity
+ lvconvert --mirrors SNumber LV
+ OO: --regionsize RegionSize, --interval Number, --mirrorlog MirrorLog, OO_LVCONVERT
+@@ -373,21 +373,21 @@ OO: OO_LVCONVERT, --interval Number, --regionsize RegionSize, --stripesize SizeK
+ OP: PV ...
+ ID: lvconvert_raid_types
+ DESC: Convert raid LV to change number of stripe images.
+-RULE: all not lv_is_locked lv_is_pvmove
++RULE: all not lv_is_locked lv_is_pvmove lv_is_raid_with_integrity
+ RULE: all not LV_raid0 LV_raid1
+ lvconvert --stripesize SizeKB LV_raid
+ OO: OO_LVCONVERT, --interval Number, --regionsize RegionSize
+ ID: lvconvert_raid_types
+ DESC: Convert raid LV to change the stripe size.
+-RULE: all not lv_is_locked lv_is_pvmove
++RULE: all not lv_is_locked lv_is_pvmove lv_is_raid_with_integrity
+ RULE: all not LV_raid0 LV_raid1
+ lvconvert --regionsize RegionSize LV_raid
+ ID: lvconvert_change_region_size
+ DESC: Change the region size of an LV.
+-RULE: all not lv_is_locked lv_is_pvmove
++RULE: all not lv_is_locked lv_is_pvmove lv_is_raid_with_integrity
+ RULE: all not LV_raid0
+@@ -401,20 +401,20 @@ OO: OO_LVCONVERT
+ OP: PV ...
+ ID: lvconvert_split_mirror_images
+ DESC: Split images from a raid1 or mirror LV and use them to create a new LV.
+-RULE: all not lv_is_locked lv_is_pvmove
++RULE: all not lv_is_locked lv_is_pvmove lv_is_raid_with_integrity
+ lvconvert --splitmirrors Number --trackchanges LV_raid1_cache
+ OP: PV ...
+ ID: lvconvert_split_mirror_images
+ DESC: Split images from a raid1 LV and track changes to origin for later merge.
+-RULE: all not lv_is_locked lv_is_pvmove
++RULE: all not lv_is_locked lv_is_pvmove lv_is_raid_with_integrity
+ lvconvert --mergemirrors LV_linear_raid|VG|Tag ...
+ ID: lvconvert_merge_mirror_images
+ DESC: Merge LV images that were split from a raid1 LV.
+-RULE: all not lv_is_locked lv_is_pvmove lv_is_merging_origin lv_is_virtual_origin lv_is_external_origin lv_is_merging_cow
++RULE: all not lv_is_locked lv_is_pvmove lv_is_merging_origin lv_is_virtual_origin lv_is_external_origin lv_is_merging_cow lv_is_raid_with_integrity
+ lvconvert --mirrorlog MirrorLog LV_mirror
+@@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ OO: --thin, --originname LV_new, OO_LVCONVERT_POOL, OO_LVCONVERT
+ ID: lvconvert_to_thin_with_external
+ DESC: Convert LV to a thin LV, using the original LV as an external origin.
+ RULE: all and lv_is_visible
+-RULE: all not lv_is_locked
++RULE: all not lv_is_locked lv_is_raid_with_integrity
+ RULE: --poolmetadata not --readahead --stripesize --stripes_long
+ # alternate form of lvconvert --type thin
+@@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ DESC: Convert LV to a thin LV, using the original LV as an external origin
+ DESC: (infers --type thin).
+ RULE: all and lv_is_visible
+-RULE: all not lv_is_locked
++RULE: all not lv_is_locked lv_is_raid_with_integrity
+ RULE: --poolmetadata not --readahead --stripesize --stripes_long
+ ---
+ ID: lvconvert_to_cache_with_cachepool
+ DESC: Attach a cache pool to an LV, converts the LV to type cache.
+ RULE: all and lv_is_visible
++RULE: all not lv_is_raid_with_integrity
+ RULE: --poolmetadata not --readahead --stripesize --stripes_long
+ # alternate form of lvconvert --type cache
+@@ -463,6 +464,7 @@ OO: --type cache, OO_LVCONVERT_CACHE, OO_LVCONVERT_POOL, OO_LVCONVERT
+ ID: lvconvert_to_cache_with_cachepool
+ DESC: Attach a cache pool to an LV (infers --type cache).
+ RULE: all and lv_is_visible
++RULE: all not lv_is_raid_with_integrity
+ RULE: --poolmetadata not --readahead --stripesize --stripes_long
+@@ -473,6 +475,7 @@ OO: OO_LVCONVERT, --cachesettings String
+ ID: lvconvert_to_writecache
+ DESC: Attach a writecache to an LV, converts the LV to type writecache.
+ RULE: all and lv_is_visible
++RULE: all not lv_is_raid_with_integrity
+ ---
+@@ -481,6 +484,7 @@ OO: --cache, OO_LVCONVERT_CACHE, OO_LVCONVERT, --poolmetadatasize SizeMB, --chun
+ ID: lvconvert_to_cache_with_cachevol
+ DESC: Attach a cache to an LV, converts the LV to type cache.
+ RULE: all and lv_is_visible
++RULE: all not lv_is_raid_with_integrity
+ # alternate form of lvconvert --type cache
+ lvconvert --cache --cachevol LV LV_linear_striped_raid_thinpool
+@@ -488,6 +492,7 @@ OO: OO_LVCONVERT_CACHE, OO_LVCONVERT, --poolmetadatasize SizeMB, --chunksize Siz
+ ID: lvconvert_to_cache_with_cachevol
+ DESC: Attach a cache to an LV, converts the LV to type cache.
+ RULE: all and lv_is_visible
++RULE: all not lv_is_raid_with_integrity
+ ---
+@@ -499,7 +504,7 @@ OP: PV ...
+ ID: lvconvert_to_thinpool
+ DESC: Convert LV to type thin-pool.
+ RULE: all and lv_is_visible
+-RULE: all not lv_is_locked lv_is_origin lv_is_merging_origin lv_is_external_origin lv_is_virtual
++RULE: all not lv_is_locked lv_is_origin lv_is_merging_origin lv_is_external_origin lv_is_virtual lv_is_raid_with_integrity
+ RULE: --poolmetadata not --readahead --stripesize --stripes_long
+ # This command syntax has two different meanings depending on
+@@ -533,6 +538,7 @@ DESC: Convert LV to type thin-pool (variant, use --type thin-pool).
+ DESC: Swap metadata LV in a thin pool (variant, use --swapmetadata).
+ RULE: all and lv_is_visible
++RULE: all not lv_is_raid_with_integrity
+ RULE: --poolmetadata not --readahead --stripesize --stripes_long
+ ---
+@@ -543,6 +549,7 @@ OP: PV ...
+ ID: lvconvert_to_cachepool
+ DESC: Convert LV to type cache-pool.
+ RULE: --poolmetadata not --readahead --stripesize --stripes_long
++RULE: all not lv_is_raid_with_integrity
+ # This command syntax has two different meanings depending on
+ # whether the LV pos arg is already a cache pool or not.
+@@ -574,6 +581,7 @@ DESC: Convert LV to type cache-pool (variant, use --type cache-pool).
+ DESC: Swap metadata LV in a cache pool (variant, use --swapmetadata).
+ RULE: all and lv_is_visible
++RULE: all not lv_is_raid_with_integrity
+ RULE: --poolmetadata not --readahead --stripesize --stripes_long
+ ---
+@@ -583,7 +591,7 @@ OO: --name LV_new, --virtualsize SizeMB, --compression Bool, --deduplication Boo
+ ID: lvconvert_to_vdopool
+ DESC: Convert LV to type vdopool.
+ RULE: all and lv_is_visible
+-RULE: all not lv_is_locked lv_is_origin lv_is_merging_origin lv_is_external_origin lv_is_virtual
++RULE: all not lv_is_locked lv_is_origin lv_is_merging_origin lv_is_external_origin lv_is_virtual lv_is_raid_with_integrity
+ lvconvert --vdopool LV_linear_striped_raid_cache
+ OO: --type vdo-pool, OO_LVCONVERT,
+@@ -591,7 +599,7 @@ OO: --type vdo-pool, OO_LVCONVERT,
+ ID: lvconvert_to_vdopool_param
+ DESC: Convert LV to type vdopool.
+ RULE: all and lv_is_visible
+-RULE: all not lv_is_locked lv_is_origin lv_is_merging_origin lv_is_external_origin lv_is_virtual
++RULE: all not lv_is_locked lv_is_origin lv_is_merging_origin lv_is_external_origin lv_is_virtual lv_is_raid_with_integrity
+ ---
+@@ -757,6 +765,14 @@ FLAGS: SECONDARY_SYNTAX
+ ---
++lvconvert --raidintegrity Bool LV_raid
++OO: --raidintegritymode String, --raidintegrityblocksize Number, OO_LVCONVERT
++OP: PV ...
++ID: lvconvert_integrity
++DESC: Add or remove data integrity checksums to raid images.
+ # --extents is not specified; it's an automatic alternative for --size
+ OO_LVCREATE: --addtag Tag, --alloc Alloc, --autobackup Bool, --activate Active,
+@@ -870,7 +886,8 @@ DESC: Create a raid1 or mirror LV (infers --type raid1|mirror).
+ # R9,R10,R11,R12 (--type raid with any use of --stripes/--mirrors)
+ lvcreate --type raid --size SizeMB VG
+ OO: --mirrors PNumber, --stripes Number, --stripesize SizeKB,
+---regionsize RegionSize, --minrecoveryrate SizeKB, --maxrecoveryrate SizeKB, OO_LVCREATE
++--regionsize RegionSize, --minrecoveryrate SizeKB, --maxrecoveryrate SizeKB,
++--raidintegrity Bool, --raidintegritymode String, --raidintegrityblocksize Number, OO_LVCREATE
+ OP: PV ...
+ ID: lvcreate_raid_any
+ DESC: Create a raid LV (a specific raid level must be used, e.g. raid1).
+diff --git a/tools/lv_props.h b/tools/lv_props.h
+index 2925028..60c8c73 100644
+--- a/tools/lv_props.h
++++ b/tools/lv_props.h
+@@ -52,5 +52,6 @@ lvp(is_cow_covering_origin_LVP, "lv_is_cow_covering_origin", NULL)
+ lvp(is_visible_LVP, "lv_is_visible", NULL)
+ lvp(is_historical_LVP, "lv_is_historical", NULL)
+ lvp(is_raid_with_tracking_LVP, "lv_is_raid_with_tracking", NULL)
++lvp(is_raid_with_integrity_LVP, "lv_is_raid_with_integrity", NULL)
+ lvp(LVP_COUNT, "", NULL)
+diff --git a/tools/lv_types.h b/tools/lv_types.h
+index 778cd54..d1c94cc 100644
+--- a/tools/lv_types.h
++++ b/tools/lv_types.h
+@@ -34,5 +34,6 @@ lvt(raid10_LVT, "raid10", NULL)
+ lvt(error_LVT, "error", NULL)
+ lvt(zero_LVT, "zero", NULL)
+ lvt(writecache_LVT, "writecache", NULL)
++lvt(integrity_LVT, "integrity", NULL)
+ lvt(LVT_COUNT, "", NULL)
+diff --git a/tools/lvchange.c b/tools/lvchange.c
+index 5f0fcab..2d5bb32 100644
+--- a/tools/lvchange.c
++++ b/tools/lvchange.c
+@@ -1573,6 +1573,11 @@ static int _lvchange_syncaction_single(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+ 				       struct logical_volume *lv,
+ 				       struct processing_handle *handle)
+ {
++	if (lv_raid_has_integrity(lv)) {
++		log_error("Integrity must be removed to use syncaction commands.");
++		return_ECMD_FAILED;
++	}
+ 	/* If LV is inactive here, ensure it's not active elsewhere. */
+ 	if (!lockd_lv(cmd, lv, "ex", 0))
+ 		return_ECMD_FAILED;
+diff --git a/tools/lvconvert.c b/tools/lvconvert.c
+index bb40930..e969b44 100644
+--- a/tools/lvconvert.c
++++ b/tools/lvconvert.c
+@@ -1391,11 +1391,23 @@ static int _lvconvert_raid(struct logical_volume *lv, struct lvconvert_params *l
+ 					  DEFAULT_RAID1_MAX_IMAGES, lp->segtype->name, display_lvname(lv));
+ 				return 0;
+ 			}
++			if (!seg_is_raid1(seg) && lv_raid_has_integrity(lv)) {
++				log_error("Cannot add raid images with integrity for this raid level.");
++				return 0;
++			}
+ 			if (!lv_raid_change_image_count(lv, lp->yes, image_count,
+ 							(lp->region_size_supplied || !seg->region_size) ?
+ 							lp->region_size : seg->region_size , lp->pvh))
+ 				return_0;
++			if (lv_raid_has_integrity(lv)) {
++				struct integrity_settings *isettings = NULL;
++				if (!lv_get_raid_integrity_settings(lv, &isettings))
++					return_0;
++				if (!lv_add_integrity_to_raid(lv, isettings, lp->pvh, NULL))
++					return_0;
++			}
+ 			log_print_unless_silent("Logical volume %s successfully converted.",
+ 						display_lvname(lv));
+@@ -1425,6 +1437,12 @@ static int _lvconvert_raid(struct logical_volume *lv, struct lvconvert_params *l
+ 			return 0;
+ 		}
++		if (lv_raid_has_integrity(lv)) {
++			/* FIXME: which conversions are happening here? */
++			log_error("This conversion is not supported for raid with integrity.");
++			return 0;
++		}
+ 		/* FIXME This needs changing globally. */
+ 		if (!arg_is_set(cmd, stripes_long_ARG))
+ 			lp->stripes = 0;
+@@ -1444,6 +1462,12 @@ static int _lvconvert_raid(struct logical_volume *lv, struct lvconvert_params *l
+ 	}
+ try_new_takeover_or_reshape:
++	if (lv_raid_has_integrity(lv)) {
++		/* FIXME: which conversions are happening here? */
++		log_error("This conversion is not supported for raid with integrity.");
++		return 0;
++	}
+ 	if (!_raid4_conversion_supported(lv, lp))
+ 		return 0;
+@@ -5758,6 +5782,119 @@ int lvconvert_to_cache_with_cachevol_cmd(struct cmd_context *cmd, int argc, char
+ 	return ret;
+ }
++static int _lvconvert_integrity_remove(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct logical_volume *lv)
++	struct volume_group *vg = lv->vg;
++	int ret = 0;
++	if (!lv_is_integrity(lv) && !lv_is_raid(lv)) {
++		log_error("LV does not have integrity.");
++		return 0;
++	}
++	/* ensure it's not active elsewhere. */
++	if (!lockd_lv(cmd, lv, "ex", 0))
++		return_0;
++	if (!archive(vg))
++		return_0;
++	if (lv_is_raid(lv))
++		ret = lv_remove_integrity_from_raid(lv);
++	if (!ret)
++		return_0;
++	backup(vg);
++	log_print_unless_silent("Logical volume %s has removed integrity.", display_lvname(lv));
++	return 1;
++static int _lvconvert_integrity_add(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct logical_volume *lv,
++				    struct integrity_settings *set)
++	struct volume_group *vg = lv->vg;
++	struct dm_list *use_pvh;
++	int ret = 0;
++	/* ensure it's not active elsewhere. */
++	if (!lockd_lv(cmd, lv, "ex", 0))
++		return_0;
++	if (cmd->position_argc > 1) {
++		/* First pos arg is required LV, remaining are optional PVs. */
++		if (!(use_pvh = create_pv_list(cmd->mem, vg, cmd->position_argc - 1, cmd->position_argv + 1, 0)))
++			return_0;
++	} else
++		use_pvh = &vg->pvs;
++	if (!archive(vg))
++		return_0;
++	if (lv_is_partial(lv)) {
++		log_error("Cannot add integrity while LV is missing PVs.");
++		return 0;
++	}
++	if (lv_is_raid(lv))
++		ret = lv_add_integrity_to_raid(lv, set, use_pvh, NULL);
++	if (!ret)
++		return_0;
++	backup(vg);
++	log_print_unless_silent("Logical volume %s has added integrity.", display_lvname(lv));
++	return 1;
++static int _lvconvert_integrity_single(struct cmd_context *cmd,
++					struct logical_volume *lv,
++					struct processing_handle *handle)
++	struct integrity_settings settings;
++	int ret = 0;
++	memset(&settings, 0, sizeof(settings));
++	if (!integrity_mode_set(arg_str_value(cmd, raidintegritymode_ARG, NULL), &settings))
++		return_ECMD_FAILED;
++	if (arg_is_set(cmd, raidintegrityblocksize_ARG))
++		settings.block_size = arg_int_value(cmd, raidintegrityblocksize_ARG, 0);
++	if (arg_int_value(cmd, raidintegrity_ARG, 0))
++		ret = _lvconvert_integrity_add(cmd, lv, &settings);
++	else
++		ret = _lvconvert_integrity_remove(cmd, lv);
++	if (!ret)
++		return ECMD_FAILED;
++int lvconvert_integrity_cmd(struct cmd_context *cmd, int argc, char **argv)
++	struct processing_handle *handle;
++	int ret;
++	if (!(handle = init_processing_handle(cmd, NULL))) {
++		log_error("Failed to initialize processing handle.");
++		return ECMD_FAILED;
++	}
++	/* Want to be able to remove integrity from partial LV */
++	cmd->handles_missing_pvs = 1;
++	cmd->cname->flags &= ~GET_VGNAME_FROM_OPTIONS;
++	ret = process_each_lv(cmd, cmd->position_argc, cmd->position_argv, NULL, NULL, READ_FOR_UPDATE, handle, NULL,
++			      &_lvconvert_integrity_single);
++	destroy_processing_handle(cmd, handle);
++	return ret;
+ /*
+  * All lvconvert command defs have their own function,
+  * so the generic function name is unused.
+diff --git a/tools/lvcreate.c b/tools/lvcreate.c
+index 448f125..5c978b3 100644
+--- a/tools/lvcreate.c
++++ b/tools/lvcreate.c
+@@ -858,7 +858,10 @@ static int _lvcreate_params(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+ 	maxrecoveryrate_ARG,\
+ 	minrecoveryrate_ARG,\
+ 	raidmaxrecoveryrate_ARG,\
+-	raidminrecoveryrate_ARG
++	raidminrecoveryrate_ARG, \
++	raidintegrity_ARG, \
++	raidintegritymode_ARG, \
++	raidintegrityblocksize_ARG
+ #define SIZE_ARGS \
+ 	extents_ARG,\
+@@ -1227,6 +1230,16 @@ static int _lvcreate_params(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+ 		}
+ 	}
++	if (seg_is_raid(lp) && arg_int_value(cmd, raidintegrity_ARG, 0)) {
++		lp->raidintegrity = 1;
++		if (arg_is_set(cmd, raidintegrityblocksize_ARG))
++			lp->integrity_settings.block_size = arg_int_value(cmd, raidintegrityblocksize_ARG, 0);
++		if (arg_is_set(cmd, raidintegritymode_ARG)) {
++			if (!integrity_mode_set(arg_str_value(cmd, raidintegritymode_ARG, NULL), &lp->integrity_settings))
++				return_0;
++		}
++	}
+ 	lcp->pv_count = argc;
+ 	lcp->pvs = argv;
+diff --git a/tools/lvmcmdline.c b/tools/lvmcmdline.c
+index f147be3..d87a8f0 100644
+--- a/tools/lvmcmdline.c
++++ b/tools/lvmcmdline.c
+@@ -149,6 +149,9 @@ static const struct command_function _command_functions[CMD_COUNT] = {
+ 	{ lvconvert_to_vdopool_CMD, lvconvert_to_vdopool_cmd },
+ 	{ lvconvert_to_vdopool_param_CMD, lvconvert_to_vdopool_param_cmd },
++	/* lvconvert for integrity */
++	{ lvconvert_integrity_CMD, lvconvert_integrity_cmd },
+ 	{ pvscan_display_CMD, pvscan_display_cmd },
+ 	{ pvscan_cache_CMD, pvscan_cache_cmd },
+ };
+diff --git a/tools/pvmove.c b/tools/pvmove.c
+index 0419a3d..a346b53 100644
+--- a/tools/pvmove.c
++++ b/tools/pvmove.c
+@@ -381,6 +381,11 @@ static struct logical_volume *_set_up_pvmove_lv(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+ 			return NULL;
+ 		}
++		if (lv_is_raid(lv) && lv_raid_has_integrity(lv)) {
++			log_error("Unable to pvmove device used for raid with integrity.");
++			return NULL;
++		}
+ 		seg = first_seg(lv);
+ 		if (!needs_exclusive) {
+ 			/* Presence of exclusive LV decides whether pvmove must be also exclusive */
+@@ -625,6 +630,11 @@ static int _pvmove_setup_single(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+ 			log_error("pvmove not allowed on LV using writecache.");
+ 			return ECMD_FAILED;
+ 		}
++		if (lv_is_raid(lv) && lv_raid_has_integrity(lv)) {
++			log_error("pvmove not allowed on raid LV with integrity.");
++			return ECMD_FAILED;
++		}
+ 	}
+ 	/*
+diff --git a/tools/toollib.c b/tools/toollib.c
+index 6386a69..96d0d6d 100644
+--- a/tools/toollib.c
++++ b/tools/toollib.c
+@@ -718,11 +718,26 @@ int vgcreate_params_set_from_args(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+ 	return 1;
+ }
++int integrity_mode_set(const char *mode, struct integrity_settings *settings)
++	if (!mode || !strcmp(mode, "bitmap") || !strcmp(mode, "B"))
++		settings->mode[0] = 'B';
++	else if (!strcmp(mode, "journal") || !strcmp(mode, "J"))
++		settings->mode[0] = 'J';
++	else {
++		/* FIXME: the kernel has other modes, should we allow any of those? */
++		log_error("Invalid raid integrity mode (use \"bitmap\" or \"journal\")");
++		return 0;
++	}
++	return 1;
+ /* Shared code for changing activation state for vgchange/lvchange */
+ int lv_change_activate(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct logical_volume *lv,
+ 		       activation_change_t activate)
+ {
+ 	int r = 1;
++	int integrity_recalculate;
+ 	struct logical_volume *snapshot_lv;
+ 	if (lv_is_cache_pool(lv)) {
+@@ -780,9 +795,34 @@ int lv_change_activate(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct logical_volume *lv,
+ 		return 0;
+ 	}
++	if ((integrity_recalculate = lv_has_integrity_recalculate_metadata(lv))) {
++		/* Don't want pvscan to write VG while running from systemd service. */
++		if (!strcmp(cmd->name, "pvscan")) {
++			log_error("Cannot activate uninitialized integrity LV %s from pvscan.",
++				  display_lvname(lv));
++			return 0;
++		}
++		if (vg_is_shared(lv->vg)) {
++			uint32_t lockd_state = 0;
++			if (!lockd_vg(cmd, lv->vg->name, "ex", 0, &lockd_state)) {
++				log_error("Cannot activate uninitialized integrity LV %s without lock.",
++					  display_lvname(lv));
++				return 0;
++			}
++		}
++	}
+ 	if (!lv_active_change(cmd, lv, activate))
+ 		return_0;
++	/* Write VG metadata to clear the integrity recalculate flag. */
++	if (integrity_recalculate && lv_is_active(lv)) {
++		log_print_unless_silent("Updating VG to complete initialization of integrity LV %s.",
++			  display_lvname(lv));
++		lv_clear_integrity_recalculate_metadata(lv);
++	}
+ 	set_lv_notify(lv->vg->cmd);
+ 	return r;
+@@ -1144,6 +1184,7 @@ out:
+ 	return ok;
+ }
+ /* FIXME move to lib */
+ static int _pv_change_tag(struct physical_volume *pv, const char *tag, int addtag)
+ {
+@@ -2255,6 +2296,8 @@ static int _lv_is_prop(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct logical_volume *lv, int l
+ 		return lv_is_historical(lv);
+ 	case is_raid_with_tracking_LVP:
+ 		return lv_is_raid_with_tracking(lv);
++	case is_raid_with_integrity_LVP:
++		return lv_raid_has_integrity(lv);
+ 	default:
+ 		log_error(INTERNAL_ERROR "unknown lv property value lvp_enum %d", lvp_enum);
+ 	}
+@@ -2309,6 +2352,8 @@ static int _lv_is_type(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct logical_volume *lv, int l
+ 		return seg_is_raid10(seg);
+ 	case writecache_LVT:
+ 		return seg_is_writecache(seg);
++	case integrity_LVT:
++		return seg_is_integrity(seg);
+ 	case error_LVT:
+ 		return !strcmp(seg->segtype->name, SEG_TYPE_NAME_ERROR);
+ 	case zero_LVT:
+@@ -2367,6 +2412,8 @@ int get_lvt_enum(struct logical_volume *lv)
+ 		return raid10_LVT;
+ 	if (seg_is_writecache(seg))
+ 		return writecache_LVT;
++	if (seg_is_integrity(seg))
++		return integrity_LVT;
+ 	if (!strcmp(seg->segtype->name, SEG_TYPE_NAME_ERROR))
+ 		return error_LVT;
+diff --git a/tools/tools.h b/tools/tools.h
+index 3cf4293..7f2434d 100644
+--- a/tools/tools.h
++++ b/tools/tools.h
+@@ -212,6 +212,8 @@ unsigned grouped_arg_is_set(const struct arg_values *av, int a);
+ const char *grouped_arg_str_value(const struct arg_values *av, int a, const char *def);
+ int32_t grouped_arg_int_value(const struct arg_values *av, int a, const int32_t def); 
++int integrity_mode_set(const char *mode, struct integrity_settings *settings);
+ const char *command_name(struct cmd_context *cmd);
+ int pvmove_poll(struct cmd_context *cmd, const char *pv_name, const char *uuid,
+@@ -274,6 +276,8 @@ int lvconvert_merge_cmd(struct cmd_context *cmd, int argc, char **argv);
+ int lvconvert_to_vdopool_cmd(struct cmd_context *cmd, int argc, char **argv);
+ int lvconvert_to_vdopool_param_cmd(struct cmd_context *cmd, int argc, char **argv);
++int lvconvert_integrity_cmd(struct cmd_context *cmd, int argc, char **argv);
+ int pvscan_display_cmd(struct cmd_context *cmd, int argc, char **argv);
+ int pvscan_cache_cmd(struct cmd_context *cmd, int argc, char **argv);
diff --git a/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_10-Fix-scripts-lvmlocks.service.in-using-nonexistent-lock-opt-autowait.patch b/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_10-Fix-scripts-lvmlocks.service.in-using-nonexistent-lock-opt-autowait.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2eec67f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_10-Fix-scripts-lvmlocks.service.in-using-nonexistent-lock-opt-autowait.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+From 48105f492f7f8c157ba714217ae55c6fb50e76c0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Maxim Plotnikov <wgh@torlan.ru>
+Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2020 00:16:29 +0300
+Subject: [PATCH] Fix scripts/lvmlocks.service.in using nonexistent --lock-opt
+ autowait
+The --lock-opt autowait was dropped back in 9ab6bdce01,
+and attempting to specify it has quite an opposite effect:
+no waiting is done, which makes the unit almost useless.
+(cherry picked from commit a509776588a5c0c0bfc2394e4d1ed717531b0257)
+ scripts/lvmlocks.service.in | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/scripts/lvmlocks.service.in b/scripts/lvmlocks.service.in
+index f6a951f..a3d0bd4 100644
+--- a/scripts/lvmlocks.service.in
++++ b/scripts/lvmlocks.service.in
+@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Type=oneshot
+ RemainAfterExit=yes
+ # start lockspaces and wait for them to finish starting
+-ExecStart=@SBINDIR@/lvm vgchange --lock-start --lock-opt autowait
++ExecStart=@SBINDIR@/lvm vgchange --lock-start --lock-opt auto
+ # stop lockspaces and wait for them to finish stopping
+ ExecStop=@SBINDIR@/lvmlockctl --stop-lockspaces --wait 1
diff --git a/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_10-WHATS_NEW-integrity-with-raid.patch b/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_10-WHATS_NEW-integrity-with-raid.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0d68f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_10-WHATS_NEW-integrity-with-raid.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+From a08afc8d0d18b2547176e731852b816df76c63eb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: David Teigland <teigland@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2020 11:04:12 -0500
+Subject: [PATCH 3/3] WHATS_NEW: integrity with raid
+(cherry picked from commit 211eaa284c4df992916e0a523d0ff932aa790a98)
+ WHATS_NEW | 1 +
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
+diff --git a/WHATS_NEW b/WHATS_NEW
+index 89583f7..c0267b7 100644
+--- a/WHATS_NEW
++++ b/WHATS_NEW
+@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
+ Version 2.03.10 - 
+ =================================
++  Add integrity with raid capability.
+   Fix support for lvconvert --repair used by foreign apps (i.e. Docker).
+ Version 2.03.09 - 26th March 2020
diff --git a/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_10-WHATS_NEWS-update.patch b/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_10-WHATS_NEWS-update.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82eb395
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_10-WHATS_NEWS-update.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ WHATS_NEW | 4 ++++
+ 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/WHATS_NEW b/WHATS_NEW
+index db914c0..89583f7 100644
+--- a/WHATS_NEW
++++ b/WHATS_NEW
+@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
++Version 2.03.10 - 
++  Fix support for lvconvert --repair used by foreign apps (i.e. Docker).
+ Version 2.03.09 - 26th March 2020
+ =================================
+   Fix formating of vdopool (vdo_slab_size_mb was smaller by 2 bits).
diff --git a/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_10-blkdeactivate-add-support-for-VDO-in-blkdeactivate-script.patch b/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_10-blkdeactivate-add-support-for-VDO-in-blkdeactivate-script.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6abd26b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_10-blkdeactivate-add-support-for-VDO-in-blkdeactivate-script.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+ WHATS_NEW_DM                |  4 ++++
+ man/blkdeactivate.8_main    | 11 +++++++++++
+ scripts/blkdeactivate.sh.in | 48 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
+ 3 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/WHATS_NEW_DM b/WHATS_NEW_DM
+index 12bdcea..3ec9c3c 100644
+@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
++Version 1.02.173 - 
++  Add support for VDO in blkdeactivate script.
+ Version 1.02.171 - 26th March 2020
+ ==================================
+   Fix dm_list interators with gcc 10 optimization (-ftree-pta).
+diff --git a/man/blkdeactivate.8_main b/man/blkdeactivate.8_main
+index f3c19a8..06af52e 100644
+--- a/man/blkdeactivate.8_main
++++ b/man/blkdeactivate.8_main
+@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ blkdeactivate \(em utility to deactivate block devices
+ .RB [ -l \  \fIlvm_options\fP ]
+ .RB [ -m \  \fImpath_options\fP ]
+ .RB [ -r \  \fImdraid_options\fP ]
++.RB [ -o \  \fIvdo_options\fP ]
+ .RB [ -u ]
+ .RB [ -v ]
+ .RI [ device ]
+@@ -70,6 +71,15 @@ Comma-separated list of MD RAID specific options:
+ Wait MD device's resync, recovery or reshape action to complete
+ before deactivation.
+ .RE
++.BR -o ", " --vdooptions \ \fIvdo_options\fP
++Comma-separated list of VDO specific options:
++.IP \fIconfigfile=file\fP
++Use specified VDO configuration file.
+ .TP
+ .BR -u ", " --umount
+ Unmount a mounted device before trying to deactivate it.
+@@ -120,4 +130,5 @@ of a device-mapper device fails, retry it and force removal.
+ .BR lvm (8),
+ .BR mdadm (8),
+ .BR multipathd (8),
++.BR vdo (8),
+ .BR umount (8)
+diff --git a/scripts/blkdeactivate.sh.in b/scripts/blkdeactivate.sh.in
+index a4b8a8f..57b3e58 100644
+--- a/scripts/blkdeactivate.sh.in
++++ b/scripts/blkdeactivate.sh.in
+@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+ #!/bin/bash
+ #
+-# Copyright (C) 2012-2017 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
++# Copyright (C) 2012-2020 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ #
+ # This file is part of LVM2.
+ #
+@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ MDADM="/sbin/mdadm"
+ MOUNTPOINT="/bin/mountpoint"
+ MPATHD="/sbin/multipathd"
+ UMOUNT="/bin/umount"
+ sbindir="@SBINDIR@"
+ DMSETUP="$sbindir/dmsetup"
+@@ -54,6 +55,7 @@ DMSETUP_OPTS=""
+ LSBLK="/bin/lsblk -r --noheadings -o TYPE,KNAME,NAME,MOUNTPOINT"
+ LSBLK_VARS="local devtype local kname local name local mnt"
+@@ -124,6 +126,7 @@ usage() {
+ 	echo "    -l | --lvmoptions    LVM_OPTIONS    Comma separated LVM specific options"
+ 	echo "    -m | --mpathoptions  MPATH_OPTIONS  Comma separated DM-multipath specific options"
+ 	echo "    -r | --mdraidoptions MDRAID_OPTIONS Comma separated MD RAID specific options"
++        echo "    -o | --vdooptions    VDO_OPTIONS    Comma separated VDO specific options"
+ 	echo "    -u | --umount                       Unmount the device if mounted"
+ 	echo "    -v | --verbose                      Verbose mode (also implies -e)"
+ 	echo
+@@ -138,6 +141,8 @@ usage() {
+ 	echo "      wait            wait for resync, recovery or reshape to complete first"
+ 	echo "    MPATH_OPTIONS:"
+ 	echo "      disablequeueing disable queueing on all DM-multipath devices first"
++        echo "    VDO_OPTIONS:"
++        echo "      configfile=file use specified VDO configuration file"
+ 	exit
+ }
+@@ -319,6 +324,23 @@ deactivate_md () {
+ 	fi
+ }
++deactivate_vdo() {
++        local xname
++        xname=$(printf "%s" "$name")
++        test -b "$DEV_DIR/mapper/$xname" || return 0
++        test -z "${SKIP_DEVICE_LIST["$kname"]}" || return 1
++        deactivate_holders "$DEV_DIR/mapper/$xname" || return 1
++        echo -n "  [VDO]: deactivating VDO volume $xname... "
++        if eval "$VDO" stop $VDO_OPTS --name="$xname" "$OUT" "$ERR"; then
++                echo "done"
++        else
++                echo "skipping"
++                add_device_to_skip_list
++        fi
+ deactivate () {
+ 	######################################################################
+@@ -335,6 +357,8 @@ deactivate () {
+ 	######################################################################
+ 	if test "$devtype" = "lvm"; then
+ 		deactivate_lvm
++        elif test "$devtype" = "vdo"; then
++                deactivate_vdo
+ 	elif test "${kname:0:3}" = "dm-"; then
+ 		deactivate_dm
+ 	elif test "${kname:0:2}" = "md"; then
+@@ -479,6 +503,20 @@ get_mpathopts() {
+ }
++get_vdoopts() {
++        ORIG_IFS=$IFS; IFS=','
++        for opt in $1; do
++                case "$opt" in
++                        "") ;;
++                        configfile=*) tmp=${opt#*=}; VDO_OPTS+="--confFile=${tmp%%,*} " ;;
++                        *) echo "$opt: unknown VDO option"
++                esac
++        done
++        IFS=$ORIG_IFS
+ set_env() {
+ 	if test "$ERRORS" -eq "1"; then
+ 		unset ERR
+@@ -493,6 +531,7 @@ set_env() {
+ 		LVM_OPTS+="-vvvv"
+ 		MDADM_OPTS+="-vv"
+ 		MPATHD_OPTS+="-v 3"
++                VDO_OPTS+="--verbose "
+ 	else
+ 		OUT="1>$DEV_DIR/null"
+ 	fi
+@@ -509,6 +548,12 @@ set_env() {
+ 	fi
++        if test -f $VDO; then
++                VDO_AVAILABLE=1
++        else
++                VDO_AVAILABLE=0
++        fi
+ 	test "$MPATHD_DO_DISABLEQUEUEING" -eq 1 && {
+ 		if test -f "$MPATHD"; then
+@@ -528,6 +573,7 @@ while test $# -ne 0; do
+ 		"-l"|"--lvmoptions") get_lvmopts "$2" ; shift ;;
+ 		"-m"|"--mpathoptions") get_mpathopts "$2" ; shift ;;
+ 		"-r"|"--mdraidoptions") get_mdraidopts "$2"; shift ;;
++                "-o"|"--vdooptions") get_vdoopts "$2"; shift ;;
+ 		"-u"|"--umount") DO_UMOUNT=1 ;;
+ 		"-v"|"--verbose") VERBOSE=1 ; ERRORS=1 ;;
+ 		"-vv") VERBOSE=1 ; ERRORS=1 ; set -x ;;
diff --git a/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_10-build-make-generate.patch b/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_10-build-make-generate.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b76f58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_10-build-make-generate.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+From 7def94164ae6c18d84e40f00db2e2b74a7662b35 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Marian Csontos <mcsontos@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 5 May 2020 10:20:18 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] build: make generate
+(cherry picked from commit bcc149048440dce5fc7962f88ed523469dd39a32)
+ man/lvconvert.8_pregen | 63 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ man/lvcreate.8_pregen  | 53 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ 2 files changed, 116 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/man/lvconvert.8_pregen b/man/lvconvert.8_pregen
+index b676e72..7440984 100644
+--- a/man/lvconvert.8_pregen
++++ b/man/lvconvert.8_pregen
+@@ -163,6 +163,18 @@ lvconvert - Change logical volume layout
+ .ad b
+ .br
+ .ad l
++    \fB--raidintegrity\fP \fBy\fP|\fBn\fP
++.ad b
++.ad l
++    \fB--raidintegrityblocksize\fP \fINumber\fP
++.ad b
++.ad l
++    \fB--raidintegritymode\fP \fIString\fP
++.ad b
++.ad l
+  \fB-r\fP|\fB--readahead\fP \fBauto\fP|\fBnone\fP|\fINumber\fP
+ .ad b
+ .br
+@@ -982,6 +994,28 @@ Poll LV to continue conversion.
+ .br
+ -
++Add or remove data integrity checksums to raid images.
++\fBlvconvert\fP \fB--raidintegrity\fP \fBy\fP|\fBn\fP \fILV\fP\fI_raid\fP
++.RS 4
++.ad l
++[    \fB--raidintegritymode\fP \fIString\fP ]
++.ad b
++.ad l
++[    \fB--raidintegrityblocksize\fP \fINumber\fP ]
++.ad b
++.RS 4
++[ \fIPV\fP ... ]
+ Common options for command:
+ .
+ .RS 4
+@@ -1405,6 +1439,35 @@ Repeat once to also suppress any prompts with answer 'no'.
+ .ad b
+ .HP
+ .ad l
++\fB--raidintegrity\fP \fBy\fP|\fBn\fP
++Enable or disable data integrity checksums for raid images.
++.ad b
++.ad l
++\fB--raidintegrityblocksize\fP \fINumber\fP
++The block size to use for dm-integrity on raid images.
++The integrity block size should usually match the device
++logical block size, or the file system block size.
++It may be less than the file system block size, but not
++less than the device logical block size.
++Possible values: 512, 1024, 2048, 4096.
++.ad b
++.ad l
++\fB--raidintegritymode\fP \fIString\fP
++Use a journal (default) or bitmap for keeping integrity checksums consistent
++in case of a crash. The bitmap areas are recalculated after a crash, so corruption
++in those areas would not be detected. A journal does not have this problem.
++The journal mode doubles writes to storage, but can improve performance for
++scattered writes packed into a single journal write.
++bitmap mode can in theory achieve full write throughput of the device,
++but would not benefit from the potential scattered write optimization.
++.ad b
++.ad l
+ \fB-r\fP|\fB--readahead\fP \fBauto\fP|\fBnone\fP|\fINumber\fP
+ .br
+ Sets read ahead sector count of an LV.
+diff --git a/man/lvcreate.8_pregen b/man/lvcreate.8_pregen
+index a80f9f5..be8e783 100644
+--- a/man/lvcreate.8_pregen
++++ b/man/lvcreate.8_pregen
+@@ -187,6 +187,18 @@ lvcreate - Create a logical volume
+ .ad b
+ .br
+ .ad l
++    \fB--raidintegrity\fP \fBy\fP|\fBn\fP
++.ad b
++.ad l
++    \fB--raidintegrityblocksize\fP \fINumber\fP
++.ad b
++.ad l
++    \fB--raidintegritymode\fP \fIString\fP
++.ad b
++.ad l
+  \fB-r\fP|\fB--readahead\fP \fBauto\fP|\fBnone\fP|\fINumber\fP
+ .ad b
+ .br
+@@ -425,6 +437,18 @@ Create a raid LV (a specific raid level must be used, e.g. raid1).
+ [    \fB--[raid]maxrecoveryrate\fP \fISize\fP[k|UNIT] ]
+ .ad b
+ .br
++.ad l
++[    \fB--raidintegrity\fP \fBy\fP|\fBn\fP ]
++.ad b
++.ad l
++[    \fB--raidintegritymode\fP \fIString\fP ]
++.ad b
++.ad l
++[    \fB--raidintegrityblocksize\fP \fINumber\fP ]
++.ad b
+ .RE
+ .br
+@@ -1420,6 +1444,35 @@ Repeat once to also suppress any prompts with answer 'no'.
+ .ad b
+ .HP
+ .ad l
++\fB--raidintegrity\fP \fBy\fP|\fBn\fP
++Enable or disable data integrity checksums for raid images.
++.ad b
++.ad l
++\fB--raidintegrityblocksize\fP \fINumber\fP
++The block size to use for dm-integrity on raid images.
++The integrity block size should usually match the device
++logical block size, or the file system block size.
++It may be less than the file system block size, but not
++less than the device logical block size.
++Possible values: 512, 1024, 2048, 4096.
++.ad b
++.ad l
++\fB--raidintegritymode\fP \fIString\fP
++Use a journal (default) or bitmap for keeping integrity checksums consistent
++in case of a crash. The bitmap areas are recalculated after a crash, so corruption
++in those areas would not be detected. A journal does not have this problem.
++The journal mode doubles writes to storage, but can improve performance for
++scattered writes packed into a single journal write.
++bitmap mode can in theory achieve full write throughput of the device,
++but would not benefit from the potential scattered write optimization.
++.ad b
++.ad l
+ \fB-r\fP|\fB--readahead\fP \fBauto\fP|\fBnone\fP|\fINumber\fP
+ .br
+ Sets read ahead sector count of an LV.
diff --git a/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_10-lvconvert-no-validation-for-thin-pools-not-used-by-lvm.patch b/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_10-lvconvert-no-validation-for-thin-pools-not-used-by-lvm.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90ca054
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_10-lvconvert-no-validation-for-thin-pools-not-used-by-lvm.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ tools/lvconvert.c | 3 ++-
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/tools/lvconvert.c b/tools/lvconvert.c
+index f6d9a29..bb40930 100644
+--- a/tools/lvconvert.c
++++ b/tools/lvconvert.c
+@@ -2388,7 +2388,8 @@ static int _lvconvert_thin_pool_repair(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+ 		goto deactivate_mlv;
+ 	}
+-	if (thin_dump[0]) {
++	/* Check matching transactionId when thin-pool is used by lvm2 (transactionId != 0) */
++	if (first_seg(pool_lv)->transaction_id && thin_dump[0]) {
+ 		argv[0] = thin_dump;
+ 		argv[1] = pms_path;
+ 		argv[2] = NULL;
diff --git a/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_10-move-pv_list-code-into-lib.patch b/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_10-move-pv_list-code-into-lib.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad900bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_10-move-pv_list-code-into-lib.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,641 @@
+From 945de675c47d891d1f181f15971d26ff959ac631 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: David Teigland <teigland@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2020 14:12:20 -0600
+Subject: [PATCH 1/3] move pv_list code into lib
+(cherry picked from commit b6b4ad8e28eff7476cb04c4cb93312b06605b82f)
+ lib/Makefile.in                  |   1 +
+ lib/metadata/metadata-exported.h |   4 +
+ lib/metadata/pv_list.c           | 291 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ tools/toollib.c                  | 270 ------------------------------------
+ tools/toollib.h                  |   9 --
+ 5 files changed, 296 insertions(+), 279 deletions(-)
+ create mode 100644 lib/metadata/pv_list.c
+diff --git a/lib/Makefile.in b/lib/Makefile.in
+index c037b41..2a064f3 100644
+--- a/lib/Makefile.in
++++ b/lib/Makefile.in
+@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ SOURCES =\
+ 	metadata/mirror.c \
+ 	metadata/pool_manip.c \
+ 	metadata/pv.c \
++	metadata/pv_list.c \
+ 	metadata/pv_manip.c \
+ 	metadata/pv_map.c \
+ 	metadata/raid_manip.c \
+diff --git a/lib/metadata/metadata-exported.h b/lib/metadata/metadata-exported.h
+index c61c85c..35c1231 100644
+--- a/lib/metadata/metadata-exported.h
++++ b/lib/metadata/metadata-exported.h
+@@ -1385,4 +1385,8 @@ int vg_is_foreign(struct volume_group *vg);
+ void vg_write_commit_bad_mdas(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct volume_group *vg);
++struct dm_list *create_pv_list(struct dm_pool *mem, struct volume_group *vg, int argc,
++		                                            char **argv, int allocatable_only);
++struct dm_list *clone_pv_list(struct dm_pool *mem, struct dm_list *pvsl);
+ #endif
+diff --git a/lib/metadata/pv_list.c b/lib/metadata/pv_list.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..143b573
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/lib/metadata/pv_list.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Sistina Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
++ * Copyright (C) 2004-2017 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * This file is part of LVM2.
++ *
++ * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
++ * modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions
++ * of the GNU Lesser General Public License v.2.1.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
++ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ */
++#include "lib/misc/lib.h"
++#include "lib/misc/lvm-string.h"
++#include "lib/datastruct/str_list.h"
++#include "lib/device/device.h"
++#include "lib/metadata/metadata.h"
++ * Process physical extent range specifiers
++ */
++static int _add_pe_range(struct dm_pool *mem, const char *pvname,
++			 struct dm_list *pe_ranges, uint32_t start, uint32_t count)
++	struct pe_range *per;
++	log_debug("Adding PE range: start PE " FMTu32 " length " FMTu32 " on %s.",
++		  start, count, pvname);
++	/* Ensure no overlap with existing areas */
++	dm_list_iterate_items(per, pe_ranges) {
++		if (((start < per->start) && (start + count - 1 >= per->start)) ||
++		    ((start >= per->start) &&
++			(per->start + per->count - 1) >= start)) {
++			log_error("Overlapping PE ranges specified (" FMTu32
++				  "-" FMTu32 ", " FMTu32 "-" FMTu32 ") on %s.",
++				  start, start + count - 1, per->start,
++				  per->start + per->count - 1, pvname);
++			return 0;
++		}
++	}
++	if (!(per = dm_pool_alloc(mem, sizeof(*per)))) {
++		log_error("Allocation of list failed.");
++		return 0;
++	}
++	per->start = start;
++	per->count = count;
++	dm_list_add(pe_ranges, &per->list);
++	return 1;
++static int _xstrtouint32(const char *s, char **p, int base, uint32_t *result)
++	unsigned long ul;
++	errno = 0;
++	ul = strtoul(s, p, base);
++	if (errno || *p == s || ul > UINT32_MAX)
++		return 0;
++	*result = ul;
++	return 1;
++static int _parse_pes(struct dm_pool *mem, char *c, struct dm_list *pe_ranges,
++		      const char *pvname, uint32_t size)
++	char *endptr;
++	uint32_t start, end, len;
++	/* Default to whole PV */
++	if (!c) {
++		if (!_add_pe_range(mem, pvname, pe_ranges, UINT32_C(0), size))
++			return_0;
++		return 1;
++	}
++	while (*c) {
++		if (*c != ':')
++			goto error;
++		c++;
++		/* Disallow :: and :\0 */
++		if (*c == ':' || !*c)
++			goto error;
++		/* Default to whole range */
++		start = UINT32_C(0);
++		end = size - 1;
++		/* Start extent given? */
++		if (isdigit(*c)) {
++			if (!_xstrtouint32(c, &endptr, 10, &start))
++				goto error;
++			c = endptr;
++			/* Just one number given? */
++			if (!*c || *c == ':')
++				end = start;
++		}
++		/* Range? */
++		if (*c == '-') {
++			c++;
++			if (isdigit(*c)) {
++				if (!_xstrtouint32(c, &endptr, 10, &end))
++					goto error;
++				c = endptr;
++			}
++		} else if (*c == '+') {	/* Length? */
++			c++;
++			if (isdigit(*c)) {
++				if (!_xstrtouint32(c, &endptr, 10, &len))
++					goto error;
++				c = endptr;
++				end = start + (len ? (len - 1) : 0);
++			}
++		}
++		if (*c && *c != ':')
++			goto error;
++		if ((start > end) || (end > size - 1)) {
++			log_error("PE range error: start extent %" PRIu32 " to "
++				  "end extent %" PRIu32 ".", start, end);
++			return 0;
++		}
++		if (!_add_pe_range(mem, pvname, pe_ranges, start, end - start + 1))
++			return_0;
++	}
++	return 1;
++      error:
++	log_error("Physical extent parsing error at %s.", c);
++	return 0;
++static int _create_pv_entry(struct dm_pool *mem, struct pv_list *pvl,
++			     char *colon, int allocatable_only, struct dm_list *r)
++	const char *pvname;
++	struct pv_list *new_pvl = NULL, *pvl2;
++	struct dm_list *pe_ranges;
++	pvname = pv_dev_name(pvl->pv);
++	if (allocatable_only && !(pvl->pv->status & ALLOCATABLE_PV)) {
++		log_warn("WARNING: Physical volume %s not allocatable.", pvname);
++		return 1;
++	}
++	if (allocatable_only && is_missing_pv(pvl->pv)) {
++		log_warn("WARNING: Physical volume %s is missing.", pvname);
++		return 1;
++	}
++	if (allocatable_only &&
++	    (pvl->pv->pe_count == pvl->pv->pe_alloc_count)) {
++		log_warn("WARNING: No free extents on physical volume \"%s\".", pvname);
++		return 1;
++	}
++	dm_list_iterate_items(pvl2, r)
++		if (pvl->pv->dev == pvl2->pv->dev) {
++			new_pvl = pvl2;
++			break;
++		}
++	if (!new_pvl) {
++		if (!(new_pvl = dm_pool_alloc(mem, sizeof(*new_pvl)))) {
++			log_error("Unable to allocate physical volume list.");
++			return 0;
++		}
++		memcpy(new_pvl, pvl, sizeof(*new_pvl));
++		if (!(pe_ranges = dm_pool_alloc(mem, sizeof(*pe_ranges)))) {
++			log_error("Allocation of pe_ranges list failed.");
++			return 0;
++		}
++		dm_list_init(pe_ranges);
++		new_pvl->pe_ranges = pe_ranges;
++		dm_list_add(r, &new_pvl->list);
++	}
++	/* Determine selected physical extents */
++	if (!_parse_pes(mem, colon, new_pvl->pe_ranges, pv_dev_name(pvl->pv),
++			pvl->pv->pe_count))
++		return_0;
++	return 1;
++struct dm_list *create_pv_list(struct dm_pool *mem, struct volume_group *vg, int argc,
++			    char **argv, int allocatable_only)
++	struct dm_list *r;
++	struct pv_list *pvl;
++	struct dm_list tagsl, arg_pvnames;
++	char *pvname = NULL;
++	char *colon, *at_sign, *tagname;
++	int i;
++	/* Build up list of PVs */
++	if (!(r = dm_pool_alloc(mem, sizeof(*r)))) {
++		log_error("Allocation of list failed.");
++		return NULL;
++	}
++	dm_list_init(r);
++	dm_list_init(&tagsl);
++	dm_list_init(&arg_pvnames);
++	for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
++		dm_unescape_colons_and_at_signs(argv[i], &colon, &at_sign);
++		if (at_sign && (at_sign == argv[i])) {
++			tagname = at_sign + 1;
++			if (!validate_tag(tagname)) {
++				log_error("Skipping invalid tag %s.", tagname);
++				continue;
++			}
++			dm_list_iterate_items(pvl, &vg->pvs) {
++				if (str_list_match_item(&pvl->pv->tags,
++							tagname)) {
++					if (!_create_pv_entry(mem, pvl, NULL,
++							      allocatable_only,
++							      r))
++						return_NULL;
++				}
++			}
++			continue;
++		}
++		pvname = argv[i];
++		if (colon && !(pvname = dm_pool_strndup(mem, pvname,
++					(unsigned) (colon - pvname)))) {
++			log_error("Failed to clone PV name.");
++			return NULL;
++		}
++		if (!(pvl = find_pv_in_vg(vg, pvname))) {
++			log_error("Physical Volume \"%s\" not found in "
++				  "Volume Group \"%s\".", pvname, vg->name);
++			return NULL;
++		}
++		if (!_create_pv_entry(mem, pvl, colon, allocatable_only, r))
++			return_NULL;
++	}
++	if (dm_list_empty(r))
++		log_error("No specified PVs have space available.");
++	return dm_list_empty(r) ? NULL : r;
++struct dm_list *clone_pv_list(struct dm_pool *mem, struct dm_list *pvsl)
++	struct dm_list *r;
++	struct pv_list *pvl, *new_pvl;
++	/* Build up list of PVs */
++	if (!(r = dm_pool_alloc(mem, sizeof(*r)))) {
++		log_error("Allocation of list failed.");
++		return NULL;
++	}
++	dm_list_init(r);
++	dm_list_iterate_items(pvl, pvsl) {
++		if (!(new_pvl = dm_pool_zalloc(mem, sizeof(*new_pvl)))) {
++			log_error("Unable to allocate physical volume list.");
++			return NULL;
++		}
++		memcpy(new_pvl, pvl, sizeof(*new_pvl));
++		dm_list_add(r, &new_pvl->list);
++	}
++	return r;
+diff --git a/tools/toollib.c b/tools/toollib.c
+index a5304bf..6386a69 100644
+--- a/tools/toollib.c
++++ b/tools/toollib.c
+@@ -457,276 +457,6 @@ const char *extract_vgname(struct cmd_context *cmd, const char *lv_name)
+ 	return vg_name;
+ }
+- * Process physical extent range specifiers
+- */
+-static int _add_pe_range(struct dm_pool *mem, const char *pvname,
+-			 struct dm_list *pe_ranges, uint32_t start, uint32_t count)
+-	struct pe_range *per;
+-	log_debug("Adding PE range: start PE " FMTu32 " length " FMTu32 " on %s.",
+-		  start, count, pvname);
+-	/* Ensure no overlap with existing areas */
+-	dm_list_iterate_items(per, pe_ranges) {
+-		if (((start < per->start) && (start + count - 1 >= per->start)) ||
+-		    ((start >= per->start) &&
+-			(per->start + per->count - 1) >= start)) {
+-			log_error("Overlapping PE ranges specified (" FMTu32
+-				  "-" FMTu32 ", " FMTu32 "-" FMTu32 ") on %s.",
+-				  start, start + count - 1, per->start,
+-				  per->start + per->count - 1, pvname);
+-			return 0;
+-		}
+-	}
+-	if (!(per = dm_pool_alloc(mem, sizeof(*per)))) {
+-		log_error("Allocation of list failed.");
+-		return 0;
+-	}
+-	per->start = start;
+-	per->count = count;
+-	dm_list_add(pe_ranges, &per->list);
+-	return 1;
+-static int _xstrtouint32(const char *s, char **p, int base, uint32_t *result)
+-	unsigned long ul;
+-	errno = 0;
+-	ul = strtoul(s, p, base);
+-	if (errno || *p == s || ul > UINT32_MAX)
+-		return 0;
+-	*result = ul;
+-	return 1;
+-static int _parse_pes(struct dm_pool *mem, char *c, struct dm_list *pe_ranges,
+-		      const char *pvname, uint32_t size)
+-	char *endptr;
+-	uint32_t start, end, len;
+-	/* Default to whole PV */
+-	if (!c) {
+-		if (!_add_pe_range(mem, pvname, pe_ranges, UINT32_C(0), size))
+-			return_0;
+-		return 1;
+-	}
+-	while (*c) {
+-		if (*c != ':')
+-			goto error;
+-		c++;
+-		/* Disallow :: and :\0 */
+-		if (*c == ':' || !*c)
+-			goto error;
+-		/* Default to whole range */
+-		start = UINT32_C(0);
+-		end = size - 1;
+-		/* Start extent given? */
+-		if (isdigit(*c)) {
+-			if (!_xstrtouint32(c, &endptr, 10, &start))
+-				goto error;
+-			c = endptr;
+-			/* Just one number given? */
+-			if (!*c || *c == ':')
+-				end = start;
+-		}
+-		/* Range? */
+-		if (*c == '-') {
+-			c++;
+-			if (isdigit(*c)) {
+-				if (!_xstrtouint32(c, &endptr, 10, &end))
+-					goto error;
+-				c = endptr;
+-			}
+-		} else if (*c == '+') {	/* Length? */
+-			c++;
+-			if (isdigit(*c)) {
+-				if (!_xstrtouint32(c, &endptr, 10, &len))
+-					goto error;
+-				c = endptr;
+-				end = start + (len ? (len - 1) : 0);
+-			}
+-		}
+-		if (*c && *c != ':')
+-			goto error;
+-		if ((start > end) || (end > size - 1)) {
+-			log_error("PE range error: start extent %" PRIu32 " to "
+-				  "end extent %" PRIu32 ".", start, end);
+-			return 0;
+-		}
+-		if (!_add_pe_range(mem, pvname, pe_ranges, start, end - start + 1))
+-			return_0;
+-	}
+-	return 1;
+-      error:
+-	log_error("Physical extent parsing error at %s.", c);
+-	return 0;
+-static int _create_pv_entry(struct dm_pool *mem, struct pv_list *pvl,
+-			     char *colon, int allocatable_only, struct dm_list *r)
+-	const char *pvname;
+-	struct pv_list *new_pvl = NULL, *pvl2;
+-	struct dm_list *pe_ranges;
+-	pvname = pv_dev_name(pvl->pv);
+-	if (allocatable_only && !(pvl->pv->status & ALLOCATABLE_PV)) {
+-		log_warn("WARNING: Physical volume %s not allocatable.", pvname);
+-		return 1;
+-	}
+-	if (allocatable_only && is_missing_pv(pvl->pv)) {
+-		log_warn("WARNING: Physical volume %s is missing.", pvname);
+-		return 1;
+-	}
+-	if (allocatable_only &&
+-	    (pvl->pv->pe_count == pvl->pv->pe_alloc_count)) {
+-		log_warn("WARNING: No free extents on physical volume \"%s\".", pvname);
+-		return 1;
+-	}
+-	dm_list_iterate_items(pvl2, r)
+-		if (pvl->pv->dev == pvl2->pv->dev) {
+-			new_pvl = pvl2;
+-			break;
+-		}
+-	if (!new_pvl) {
+-		if (!(new_pvl = dm_pool_alloc(mem, sizeof(*new_pvl)))) {
+-			log_error("Unable to allocate physical volume list.");
+-			return 0;
+-		}
+-		memcpy(new_pvl, pvl, sizeof(*new_pvl));
+-		if (!(pe_ranges = dm_pool_alloc(mem, sizeof(*pe_ranges)))) {
+-			log_error("Allocation of pe_ranges list failed.");
+-			return 0;
+-		}
+-		dm_list_init(pe_ranges);
+-		new_pvl->pe_ranges = pe_ranges;
+-		dm_list_add(r, &new_pvl->list);
+-	}
+-	/* Determine selected physical extents */
+-	if (!_parse_pes(mem, colon, new_pvl->pe_ranges, pv_dev_name(pvl->pv),
+-			pvl->pv->pe_count))
+-		return_0;
+-	return 1;
+-struct dm_list *create_pv_list(struct dm_pool *mem, struct volume_group *vg, int argc,
+-			    char **argv, int allocatable_only)
+-	struct dm_list *r;
+-	struct pv_list *pvl;
+-	struct dm_list tagsl, arg_pvnames;
+-	char *pvname = NULL;
+-	char *colon, *at_sign, *tagname;
+-	int i;
+-	/* Build up list of PVs */
+-	if (!(r = dm_pool_alloc(mem, sizeof(*r)))) {
+-		log_error("Allocation of list failed.");
+-		return NULL;
+-	}
+-	dm_list_init(r);
+-	dm_list_init(&tagsl);
+-	dm_list_init(&arg_pvnames);
+-	for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
+-		dm_unescape_colons_and_at_signs(argv[i], &colon, &at_sign);
+-		if (at_sign && (at_sign == argv[i])) {
+-			tagname = at_sign + 1;
+-			if (!validate_tag(tagname)) {
+-				log_error("Skipping invalid tag %s.", tagname);
+-				continue;
+-			}
+-			dm_list_iterate_items(pvl, &vg->pvs) {
+-				if (str_list_match_item(&pvl->pv->tags,
+-							tagname)) {
+-					if (!_create_pv_entry(mem, pvl, NULL,
+-							      allocatable_only,
+-							      r))
+-						return_NULL;
+-				}
+-			}
+-			continue;
+-		}
+-		pvname = argv[i];
+-		if (colon && !(pvname = dm_pool_strndup(mem, pvname,
+-					(unsigned) (colon - pvname)))) {
+-			log_error("Failed to clone PV name.");
+-			return NULL;
+-		}
+-		if (!(pvl = find_pv_in_vg(vg, pvname))) {
+-			log_error("Physical Volume \"%s\" not found in "
+-				  "Volume Group \"%s\".", pvname, vg->name);
+-			return NULL;
+-		}
+-		if (!_create_pv_entry(mem, pvl, colon, allocatable_only, r))
+-			return_NULL;
+-	}
+-	if (dm_list_empty(r))
+-		log_error("No specified PVs have space available.");
+-	return dm_list_empty(r) ? NULL : r;
+-struct dm_list *clone_pv_list(struct dm_pool *mem, struct dm_list *pvsl)
+-	struct dm_list *r;
+-	struct pv_list *pvl, *new_pvl;
+-	/* Build up list of PVs */
+-	if (!(r = dm_pool_alloc(mem, sizeof(*r)))) {
+-		log_error("Allocation of list failed.");
+-		return NULL;
+-	}
+-	dm_list_init(r);
+-	dm_list_iterate_items(pvl, pvsl) {
+-		if (!(new_pvl = dm_pool_zalloc(mem, sizeof(*new_pvl)))) {
+-			log_error("Unable to allocate physical volume list.");
+-			return NULL;
+-		}
+-		memcpy(new_pvl, pvl, sizeof(*new_pvl));
+-		dm_list_add(r, &new_pvl->list);
+-	}
+-	return r;
+ const char _pe_size_may_not_be_negative_msg[] = "Physical extent size may not be negative.";
+ int vgcreate_params_set_defaults(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+diff --git a/tools/toollib.h b/tools/toollib.h
+index 9102f55..53a5e5b 100644
+--- a/tools/toollib.h
++++ b/tools/toollib.h
+@@ -182,15 +182,6 @@ void opt_array_to_str(struct cmd_context *cmd, int *opts, int count,
+ int pvcreate_params_from_args(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct pvcreate_params *pp);
+ int pvcreate_each_device(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct processing_handle *handle, struct pvcreate_params *pp);
+- * Builds a list of pv's from the names in argv.  Used in
+- * lvcreate/extend.
+- */
+-struct dm_list *create_pv_list(struct dm_pool *mem, struct volume_group *vg, int argc,
+-			    char **argv, int allocatable_only);
+-struct dm_list *clone_pv_list(struct dm_pool *mem, struct dm_list *pvs);
+ int vgcreate_params_set_defaults(struct cmd_context *cmd,
+ 				 struct vgcreate_params *vp_def,
+ 				 struct volume_group *vg);
diff --git a/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_10-test-repair-of-thin-pool-used-by-foreign-apps.patch b/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_10-test-repair-of-thin-pool-used-by-foreign-apps.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c05d18d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/lvm2-2_03_10-test-repair-of-thin-pool-used-by-foreign-apps.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+ test/shell/thin-foreign-repair.sh | 72 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ 1 file changed, 72 insertions(+)
+ create mode 100644 test/shell/thin-foreign-repair.sh
+diff --git a/test/shell/thin-foreign-repair.sh b/test/shell/thin-foreign-repair.sh
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..147a9a0
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/test/shell/thin-foreign-repair.sh
+@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
++#!/usr/bin/env bash
++# Copyright (C) 2020 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
++# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
++# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions
++# of the GNU General Public License v.2.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
++# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++# test foreing user of thin-pool
++. lib/inittest
++	dmsetup remove $THIN || true
++	vgremove -ff $vg
++	aux teardown
++# Main
++aux have_thin 1 0 0 || skip
++which mkfs.ext4 || skip
++# Use our mkfs config file to get approximately same results
++# TODO: maybe use it for all test via some 'prepare' function
++export MKE2FS_CONFIG="$TESTOLDPWD/lib/mke2fs.conf"
++aux prepare_vg 2 64
++# Create named pool only
++lvcreate -L2 -T $vg/pool
++# Foreing user is using own ioctl command to create thin devices
++dmsetup message $POOL 0 "create_thin 0"
++dmsetup message $POOL 0 "set_transaction_id 0 2"
++# Once the transaction id has changed, lvm2 shall not be able to create thinLV
++fail lvcreate -V10 $vg/pool
++trap 'cleanup_mounted_and_teardown' EXIT
++# 20M thin device
++dmsetup create "$THIN" --table "0 40960 thin $DM_DEV_DIR/mapper/$POOL 0"
++mkfs.ext4 "$DM_DEV_DIR/mapper/$THIN"
++dmsetup remove "$THIN"
++lvchange -an $vg/pool
++# Repair thin-pool used by 'foreing' apps (setting their own tid)
++lvconvert --repair $vg/pool 2>&1 | tee out
++not grep "Transaction id" out
++lvchange -ay $vg/pool
++dmsetup create "$THIN" --table "0 40960 thin $DM_DEV_DIR/mapper/$POOL 0"
++fsck -n "$DM_DEV_DIR/mapper/$THIN"
diff --git a/SOURCES/lvm2-rhel8.patch b/SOURCES/lvm2-rhel8.patch
index e6b4752..5a2a411 100644
--- a/SOURCES/lvm2-rhel8.patch
+++ b/SOURCES/lvm2-rhel8.patch
@@ -3,16 +3,16 @@
  2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 diff --git a/VERSION b/VERSION
-index c5cc2e4..49d4854 100644
+index 8c4a9a8..00618e0 100644
 --- a/VERSION
 +++ b/VERSION
 @@ -1 +1 @@
--2.03.08(2) (2020-02-11)
-+2.03.08(2)-RHEL8 (2020-02-11)
+-2.03.09(2) (2020-03-26)
++2.03.09(2)-RHEL8 (2020-04-21)
 diff --git a/VERSION_DM b/VERSION_DM
-index f909625..3c2949a 100644
+index 0ae62fd..b9ec43e 100644
 @@ -1 +1 @@
--1.02.169 (2020-02-11)
-+1.02.169-RHEL8 (2020-02-11)
+-1.02.171 (2020-03-26)
++1.02.171-RHEL8 (2020-04-21)
diff --git a/SOURCES/lvm2-set-default-preferred_names.patch b/SOURCES/lvm2-set-default-preferred_names.patch
index 853cf51..ece62c4 100644
--- a/SOURCES/lvm2-set-default-preferred_names.patch
+++ b/SOURCES/lvm2-set-default-preferred_names.patch
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+From 6a078fe01b47fa165226a15263c8bd6350b1c307 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Marian Csontos <mcsontos@redhat.com>
+Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2019 13:49:08 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 2/8] lvm2: set default preferred_names
  conf/example.conf.in         | 3 ++-
  lib/config/config_settings.h | 2 +-
  2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
@@ -29,3 +35,6 @@ index 2bb72ba..dce9705 100644
  	"Select which path name to display for a block device.\n"
  	"If multiple path names exist for a block device, and LVM needs to\n"
  	"display a name for the device, the path names are matched against\n"
diff --git a/SOURCES/lvm2-test-skip-problematic-tests.patch b/SOURCES/lvm2-test-skip-problematic-tests.patch
index 68df0ee..80edd99 100644
--- a/SOURCES/lvm2-test-skip-problematic-tests.patch
+++ b/SOURCES/lvm2-test-skip-problematic-tests.patch
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+From 74f05f17ea3d1a3639a65ba337f2b7df7f4981bf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Marian Csontos <mcsontos@redhat.com>
+Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2019 17:31:30 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 3/8] lvm2: test: skip-problematic-tests
  test/dbus/lvmdbustest.py     | 1 +
  test/shell/lvcreate-usage.sh | 6 +++---
  2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
@@ -37,3 +43,6 @@ index 6d46939..9e00f1c 100644
  lvremove -ff $vg
diff --git a/SPECS/lvm2.spec b/SPECS/lvm2.spec
index d145ede..aea1291 100644
--- a/SPECS/lvm2.spec
+++ b/SPECS/lvm2.spec
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-%global device_mapper_version 1.02.169
+%global device_mapper_version 1.02.171
 %global enable_cache 1
 %global enable_cluster 1
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 %global enable_testsuite 1
 %global enable_vdo 1
 %global enable_writecache 1
+%global enable_integrity 1
 %global system_release_version 23
 %global systemd_version 189-3
@@ -28,13 +29,13 @@
 %global enable_lockd_dlm %{enable_lvmlockd}
 %if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} <= 8
-  %ifnarch i686 x86_64 ppc64le s390x %{arm}
+  %ifnarch i686 x86_64 ppc64le s390x
     %global enable_cluster 0
     %global enable_cmirror 0
     %global enable_lockd_dlm 0
-  %ifnarch x86_64 ppc64 aarch64 %{arm}
+  %ifnarch x86_64 ppc64 aarch64
     %global enable_lockd_sanlock 0
@@ -56,24 +57,28 @@ Name: lvm2
 %if 0%{?rhel}
 Epoch: %{rhel}
-Version: 2.03.08
-Release: 3%{?dist}
+Version: 2.03.09
+Release: 5%{?dist}
 License: GPLv2
 URL: http://sourceware.org/lvm2
 Source0: ftp://sourceware.org/pub/lvm2/releases/LVM2.%{version}.tgz
 Patch0: lvm2-rhel8.patch
 Patch1: lvm2-set-default-preferred_names.patch
 Patch2: lvm2-test-skip-problematic-tests.patch
-Patch3: lvm2-2_03_09-cachevol-stop-dm-errors-with-uncaching-cache-with-ca.patch
-Patch4: lvm2-2_03_09-writecache-check-if-cachevol-is-writable.patch
-Patch5: lvm2-2_03_09-thin-don-t-use-writecache-for-poolmetadata.patch
-Patch6: lvm2-2_03_09-writecache-drop-real-dm-suffix.patch
-Patch7: lvm2-2_03_09-writecache-working-real-dm-uuid-suffix-for-wcorig-lv.patch
-Patch8: lvm2-2_03_09-writecache-fix-watermark-error-message.patch
-Patch9: lvm2-2_03_09-writecache-allow-removing-wcorig-lv.patch
-# BZ 1808012:
-Patch10: lvm2-2_03_09-writecache-require-inactive-LV-to-attach.patch
-Patch11: lvm2-2_03_09-test-Can-not-attach-writecache-to-active-volume.patch
+Patch3: lvm2-2_03_10-lvconvert-no-validation-for-thin-pools-not-used-by-lvm.patch
+Patch4: lvm2-2_03_10-test-repair-of-thin-pool-used-by-foreign-apps.patch
+Patch5: lvm2-2_03_10-WHATS_NEWS-update.patch
+Patch6: lvm2-2_03_10-blkdeactivate-add-support-for-VDO-in-blkdeactivate-script.patch
+Patch7: lvm2-2_03_10-Fix-scripts-lvmlocks.service.in-using-nonexistent-lock-opt-autowait.patch
+Patch8:  lvm2-2_03_10-move-pv_list-code-into-lib.patch
+Patch9:  lvm2-2_03_10-Allow-dm-integrity-to-be-used-for-raid-images.patch
+Patch10: lvm2-2_03_10-WHATS_NEW-integrity-with-raid.patch
+Patch11: lvm2-2_03_10-build-make-generate.patch
+Patch12: 0001-Merge-master-up-to-commit-53803821de16.patch
+Patch13: 0002-Merge-master-up-to-commit-be61bd6ff5c6.patch
+Patch14: 0003-Merge-master-up-to-commit-c1d136fea3d1.patch
+# BZ 1868169:
+Patch15: 0004-Revert-wipe_lv-changes.patch
 BuildRequires: gcc
 %if %{enable_testsuite}
@@ -141,6 +146,10 @@ or more physical volumes and creating one or more logical volumes
 %patch9 -p1 -b .backup9
 %patch10 -p1 -b .backup10
 %patch11 -p1 -b .backup11
+%patch12 -p1 -b .backup12
+%patch13 -p1 -b .backup13
+%patch14 -p1 -b .backup14
+%patch15 -p1 -b .backup15
 %global _default_pid_dir /run
@@ -187,7 +196,11 @@ or more physical volumes and creating one or more logical volumes
 %global configure_writecache --with-writecache=internal
-%configure --with-default-dm-run-dir=%{_default_dm_run_dir} --with-default-run-dir=%{_default_run_dir} --with-default-pid-dir=%{_default_pid_dir} --with-default-locking-dir=%{_default_locking_dir} --with-usrlibdir=%{_libdir} --enable-fsadm --enable-write_install --with-user= --with-group= --with-device-uid=0 --with-device-gid=6 --with-device-mode=0660 --enable-pkgconfig --enable-cmdlib --enable-dmeventd --enable-blkid_wiping %{?configure_cluster} %{?configure_cmirror} %{?configure_udev} %{?configure_thin} %{?configure_cache} %{?configure_lvmpolld} %{?configure_lockd_dlm} %{?configure_lockd_sanlock} %{?configure_lvmdbusd} %{?configure_dmfilemapd} %{?configure_writecache} %{?configure_vdo} --disable-silent-rules
+%if %{enable_integrity}
+%global configure_integrity --with-integrity=internal
+%configure --with-default-dm-run-dir=%{_default_dm_run_dir} --with-default-run-dir=%{_default_run_dir} --with-default-pid-dir=%{_default_pid_dir} --with-default-locking-dir=%{_default_locking_dir} --with-usrlibdir=%{_libdir} --enable-fsadm --enable-write_install --with-user= --with-group= --with-device-uid=0 --with-device-gid=6 --with-device-mode=0660 --enable-pkgconfig --enable-cmdlib --enable-dmeventd --enable-blkid_wiping %{?configure_cluster} %{?configure_cmirror} %{?configure_udev} %{?configure_thin} %{?configure_cache} %{?configure_lvmpolld} %{?configure_lockd_dlm} %{?configure_lockd_sanlock} %{?configure_lvmdbusd} %{?configure_dmfilemapd} %{?configure_writecache} %{?configure_vdo} %{?configure_integrity} --disable-silent-rules
 make %{?_smp_mflags}
@@ -198,7 +211,7 @@ make install_systemd_units DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT
 make install_systemd_generators DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT
 make install_tmpfiles_configuration DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT
 %if %{enable_testsuite}
-make -C test install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT
+make install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT -C test
@@ -741,6 +754,24 @@ An extensive functional testsuite for LVM2.
+* Wed Aug 12 2020 Marian Csontos <mcsontos@redhat.com> - 2.03.09-5
+- Revert wipe_lv changes.
+* Sun Aug 09 2020 Marian Csontos <mcsontos@redhat.com> - 2.03.09-4
+- Merge fixes from upstream.
+* Mon Jun 29 2020 Marian Csontos <mcsontos@redhat.com> - 2.03.09-3
+- Merge fixes from upstream.
+* Thu May 21 2020 Marian Csontos <mcsontos@redhat.com> - 2.03.09-2
+- Merge fixes from upstream.
+* Fri Apr 24 2020 Marian Csontos <mcsontos@redhat.com> - 2.03.09-1
+- Fix support for lvconvert --repair of pools used by third party applications.
+- Fix formating of vdopool (vdo_slab_size_mb was smaller by 2 bits).
+- Fix busy loop in dmeventd.
+- Fix lvmlocks.service using incorrect option.
 * Wed Mar 18 2020 Marian Csontos <mcsontos@redhat.com> - 2.03.08-3
 - Attaching writecache require inactive LV.