diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..511619f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/.libxml2.metadata b/.libxml2.metadata
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30c379d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.libxml2.metadata
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ab3325e6cdda50ab2382fdfe0bdb6f7d1b9224a6 SOURCES/libxml2-2.9.7.tar.gz
diff --git a/SOURCES/libxml2-2.9.0-do-not-check-crc.patch b/SOURCES/libxml2-2.9.0-do-not-check-crc.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e65077
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libxml2-2.9.0-do-not-check-crc.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+diff -up libxml2-2.9.0/xzlib.c.do-not-check-crc libxml2-2.9.0/xzlib.c
+--- libxml2-2.9.0/xzlib.c.do-not-check-crc	2012-09-11 05:52:46.000000000 +0200
++++ libxml2-2.9.0/xzlib.c	2012-11-19 19:28:42.431700534 +0100
+@@ -552,17 +552,20 @@ xz_decomp(xz_statep state)
+ #ifdef HAVE_ZLIB_H
+         if (state->how == GZIP) {
+             if (gz_next4(state, &crc) == -1 || gz_next4(state, &len) == -1) {
+-                xz_error(state, LZMA_DATA_ERROR, "unexpected end of file");
+-                return -1;
+-            }
+-            if (crc != state->zstrm.adler) {
+-                xz_error(state, LZMA_DATA_ERROR, "incorrect data check");
+-                return -1;
+-            }
+-            if (len != (state->zstrm.total_out & 0xffffffffL)) {
+-                xz_error(state, LZMA_DATA_ERROR, "incorrect length check");
+-                return -1;
+-            }
++                /*
++               xz_error(state, LZMA_DATA_ERROR, "unexpected end of file");
++               return -1;
++                */
++            } else {
++               if (crc != state->zstrm.adler) {
++                   xz_error(state, LZMA_DATA_ERROR, "incorrect data check");
++                   return -1;
++               }
++               if (len != (state->zstrm.total_out & 0xffffffffL)) {
++                   xz_error(state, LZMA_DATA_ERROR, "incorrect length check");
++                   return -1;
++               }
++           }
+             state->strm.avail_in = 0;
+             state->strm.next_in = NULL;
+             state->strm.avail_out = 0;
diff --git a/SOURCES/libxml2-2.9.4-remove-pyverify_fd.patch b/SOURCES/libxml2-2.9.4-remove-pyverify_fd.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d05d4cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libxml2-2.9.4-remove-pyverify_fd.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+diff -Nur libxml2-2.9.4.orig/python/types.c libxml2-2.9.4/python/types.c
+--- libxml2-2.9.4.orig/python/types.c	2016-02-09 03:17:33.000000000 -0700
++++ libxml2-2.9.4/python/types.c	2016-12-21 12:34:06.755650986 -0700
+@@ -31,8 +31,6 @@
+     const char *mode;
+     fd = PyObject_AsFileDescriptor(f);
+-    if (!_PyVerify_fd(fd))
+-        return(NULL);
+     /*
+      * Get the flags on the fd to understand how it was opened
+      */
diff --git a/SOURCES/libxml2-CVE-2016-9597.patch b/SOURCES/libxml2-CVE-2016-9597.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43f0243
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libxml2-CVE-2016-9597.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+Make the XML entity recursion check more precise.
+libxml doesn't detect entity recursion specifically but has a variety
+of related checks, such as entities not expanding too deeply or
+producing exponential blow-ups in content.
+Because entity declarations are parsed in a separate context with
+their own element recursion budget, a recursive entity can overflow
+the stack using a lot of open elements (but within the per-context
+limit) as it slowly consumes (but does not exhaust) the entity depth
+This adds a specific, precise check for recursive entities that
+detects entity recursion specifically and fails immediately.
+The existing entity expansion depth checks are still relevant for long
+chains of different entities.
+Review-Url: https://codereview.chromium.org/2539003002
+Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#436899}
+Index: libxml2-2.9.4/entities.c
+--- libxml2-2.9.4.orig/entities.c
++++ libxml2-2.9.4/entities.c
+@@ -159,6 +159,7 @@ xmlCreateEntity(xmlDictPtr dict, const x
+     memset(ret, 0, sizeof(xmlEntity));
+     ret->type = XML_ENTITY_DECL;
+     ret->checked = 0;
++    ret->guard = XML_ENTITY_NOT_BEING_CHECKED;
+     /*
+      * fill the structure.
+@@ -931,6 +932,7 @@ xmlCopyEntity(xmlEntityPtr ent) {
+ 	cur->orig = xmlStrdup(ent->orig);
+     if (ent->URI != NULL)
+ 	cur->URI = xmlStrdup(ent->URI);
++    cur->guard = 0;
+     return(cur);
+ }
+Index: libxml2-2.9.4/include/libxml/entities.h
+--- libxml2-2.9.4.orig/include/libxml/entities.h
++++ libxml2-2.9.4/include/libxml/entities.h
+@@ -30,6 +30,11 @@ typedef enum {
+ } xmlEntityType;
++typedef enum {
++  XML_ENTITY_BEING_CHECKED              /* entity check is in progress */
++} xmlEntityRecursionGuard;
+ /*
+  * An unit of storage for an entity, contains the string, the value
+  * and the linkind data needed for the linking in the hash table.
+@@ -60,6 +65,7 @@ struct _xmlEntity {
+ 					/* this is also used to count entities
+ 					 * references done from that entity
+ 					 * and if it contains '<' */
++     xmlEntityRecursionGuard guard;
+ };
+ /*
+Index: libxml2-2.9.4/parser.c
+--- libxml2-2.9.4.orig/parser.c
++++ libxml2-2.9.4/parser.c
+@@ -133,6 +133,10 @@ xmlParserEntityCheck(xmlParserCtxtPtr ct
+     if (ctxt->lastError.code == XML_ERR_ENTITY_LOOP)
+         return (1);
++	if ((ent != NULL) && (ent->guard == XML_ENTITY_BEING_CHECKED)) {
++        xmlFatalErr(ctxt, XML_ERR_ENTITY_LOOP, NULL);
++        return (1);
++    }
+     /*
+      * This may look absurd but is needed to detect
+      * entities problems
+@@ -143,12 +147,14 @@ xmlParserEntityCheck(xmlParserCtxtPtr ct
+ 	unsigned long oldnbent = ctxt->nbentities;
+ 	xmlChar *rep;
++    ent->guard = XML_ENTITY_BEING_CHECKED;
+ 	ent->checked = 1;
+         ++ctxt->depth;
+ 	rep = xmlStringDecodeEntities(ctxt, ent->content,
+ 				  XML_SUBSTITUTE_REF, 0, 0, 0);
+         --ctxt->depth;
+ 	if (ctxt->errNo == XML_ERR_ENTITY_LOOP) {
+ 	    ent->content[0] = 0;
+ 	}
+@@ -7337,23 +7343,28 @@ xmlParseReference(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt)
+ 	 * if its replacement text matches the production labeled
+ 	 * content.
+ 	 */
+-	if (ent->etype == XML_INTERNAL_GENERAL_ENTITY) {
+-	    ctxt->depth++;
+-	    ret = xmlParseBalancedChunkMemoryInternal(ctxt, ent->content,
+-	                                              user_data, &list);
+-	    ctxt->depth--;
+-	} else if (ent->etype == XML_EXTERNAL_GENERAL_PARSED_ENTITY) {
+-	    ctxt->depth++;
+-	    ret = xmlParseExternalEntityPrivate(ctxt->myDoc, ctxt, ctxt->sax,
+-	                                   user_data, ctxt->depth, ent->URI,
+-					   ent->ExternalID, &list);
+-	    ctxt->depth--;
+-	} else {
+-	    xmlErrMsgStr(ctxt, XML_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR,
+-			 "invalid entity type found\n", NULL);
+-	}
++    if (ent->guard == XML_ENTITY_BEING_CHECKED) {
++        ret = XML_ERR_ENTITY_LOOP;
++    } else {
++        ent->guard = XML_ENTITY_BEING_CHECKED;
++        if (ent->etype == XML_INTERNAL_GENERAL_ENTITY) {
++            ctxt->depth++;
++            ret = xmlParseBalancedChunkMemoryInternal(ctxt, ent->content,
++                                                      user_data, &list);
++            ctxt->depth--;
++        } else if (ent->etype == XML_EXTERNAL_GENERAL_PARSED_ENTITY) {
++            ctxt->depth++;
++            ret = xmlParseExternalEntityPrivate(ctxt->myDoc, ctxt, ctxt->sax,
++                                           user_data, ctxt->depth, ent->URI,
++                                           ent->ExternalID, &list);
++            ctxt->depth--;
++        } else {
++            ret = XML_ERR_ENTITY_PE_INTERNAL;
++            xmlErrMsgStr(ctxt, XML_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR,
++                         "invalid entity type found\n", NULL);
++        }
++        ent->guard = XML_ENTITY_NOT_BEING_CHECKED;
++    }
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Store the number of entities needing parsing for this entity
+@@ -7456,23 +7467,29 @@ xmlParseReference(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt)
+ 	    else
+ 		user_data = ctxt->userData;
+-	    if (ent->etype == XML_INTERNAL_GENERAL_ENTITY) {
+-		ctxt->depth++;
+-		ret = xmlParseBalancedChunkMemoryInternal(ctxt,
+-				   ent->content, user_data, NULL);
+-		ctxt->depth--;
+-	    } else if (ent->etype ==
+-		ctxt->depth++;
+-		ret = xmlParseExternalEntityPrivate(ctxt->myDoc, ctxt,
+-			   ctxt->sax, user_data, ctxt->depth,
+-			   ent->URI, ent->ExternalID, NULL);
+-		ctxt->depth--;
+-	    } else {
+-		xmlErrMsgStr(ctxt, XML_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR,
+-			     "invalid entity type found\n", NULL);
+-	    }
++        if (ent->guard == XML_ENTITY_BEING_CHECKED) {
++            ret = XML_ERR_ENTITY_LOOP;
++        } else {
++            ent->guard = XML_ENTITY_BEING_CHECKED;
++            if (ent->etype == XML_INTERNAL_GENERAL_ENTITY) {
++                ctxt->depth++;
++                ret = xmlParseBalancedChunkMemoryInternal(ctxt,
++                                   ent->content, user_data, NULL);
++                ctxt->depth--;
++            } else if (ent->etype ==
++                       XML_EXTERNAL_GENERAL_PARSED_ENTITY) {
++                ctxt->depth++;
++                ret = xmlParseExternalEntityPrivate(ctxt->myDoc, ctxt,
++                           ctxt->sax, user_data, ctxt->depth,
++                           ent->URI, ent->ExternalID, NULL);
++                ctxt->depth--;
++            } else {
++                ret = XML_ERR_ENTITY_PE_INTERNAL;
++                xmlErrMsgStr(ctxt, XML_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR,
++                             "invalid entity type found\n", NULL);
++            }
++            ent->guard = XML_ENTITY_NOT_BEING_CHECKED;
++        }
+ 	    if (ret == XML_ERR_ENTITY_LOOP) {
+ 		xmlFatalErr(ctxt, XML_ERR_ENTITY_LOOP, NULL);
+ 		return;
diff --git a/SOURCES/libxml2-multilib.patch b/SOURCES/libxml2-multilib.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..138d38f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libxml2-multilib.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+*** XML/xml2-config.in.orig	2006-06-06 16:35:56.000000000 +0200
+--- XML/xml2-config.in	2006-06-06 16:36:24.000000000 +0200
+*** 3,9 ****
+  prefix=@prefix@
+  exec_prefix=@exec_prefix@
+  includedir=@includedir@
+! libdir=@libdir@
+  usage()
+  {
+--- 3,14 ----
+  prefix=@prefix@
+  exec_prefix=@exec_prefix@
+  includedir=@includedir@
+! if [ "`ldd /bin/sh | grep lib64`" = "" ]
+! then
+!     libdir=${exec_prefix}/lib
+! else
+!     libdir=${exec_prefix}/lib64
+! fi
+  usage()
+  {
diff --git a/SOURCES/libxml2-python3-unicode-errors.patch b/SOURCES/libxml2-python3-unicode-errors.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e87dcde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libxml2-python3-unicode-errors.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Index: libxml2-2.9.5/python/libxml.c
+--- libxml2-2.9.5.orig/python/libxml.c
++++ libxml2-2.9.5/python/libxml.c
+@@ -1620,6 +1620,7 @@ libxml_xmlErrorFuncHandler(ATTRIBUTE_UNU
+     PyObject *message;
+     PyObject *result;
+     char str[1000];
++    unsigned char *ptr = (unsigned char *)str;
+ #ifdef DEBUG_ERROR
+     printf("libxml_xmlErrorFuncHandler(%p, %s, ...) called\n", ctx, msg);
+@@ -1636,12 +1637,20 @@ libxml_xmlErrorFuncHandler(ATTRIBUTE_UNU
+ 	    str[999] = 0;
+         va_end(ap);
++        /* Ensure the error string doesn't start at UTF8 continuation. */
++        while (*ptr && (*ptr & 0xc0) == 0x80)
++            ptr++;
+         list = PyTuple_New(2);
+         PyTuple_SetItem(list, 0, libxml_xmlPythonErrorFuncCtxt);
+         Py_XINCREF(libxml_xmlPythonErrorFuncCtxt);
+-        message = libxml_charPtrConstWrap(str);
++        message = libxml_charPtrConstWrap(ptr);
+         PyTuple_SetItem(list, 1, message);
+         result = PyEval_CallObject(libxml_xmlPythonErrorFuncHandler, list);
++        /* Forget any errors caused in the error handler. */
++        PyErr_Clear();
+         Py_XDECREF(list);
+         Py_XDECREF(result);
+     }
diff --git a/SPECS/libxml2.spec b/SPECS/libxml2.spec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fefbe4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SPECS/libxml2.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,502 @@
+%if 0%{?rhel} > 7
+# Disable python2 build by default
+%bcond_with python2
+%bcond_without python2
+Name:           libxml2
+Version:        2.9.7
+Release:        5%{?dist}
+Summary:        Library providing XML and HTML support
+License:        MIT
+URL:            http://xmlsoft.org/
+Source:         ftp://xmlsoft.org/libxml2/libxml2-%{version}.tar.gz
+Patch0:         libxml2-multilib.patch
+# workaround for #877567 - Very weird bug gzip decompression bug in "recent" libxml2 versions
+Patch1:         libxml2-2.9.0-do-not-check-crc.patch
+# In python3.6 _PyVerify_fd is no more
+#  http://bugs.python.org/issue23524
+Patch2:         libxml2-2.9.4-remove-pyverify_fd.patch
+# https://codereview.chromium.org/2539003002
+Patch3:         libxml2-CVE-2016-9597.patch
+# Fix some crashes under Python 3
+# https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=789714
+Patch4:         libxml2-python3-unicode-errors.patch
+BuildRequires:  gcc
+BuildRequires:  cmake-rpm-macros
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(zlib)
+BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(liblzma)
+This library allows to manipulate XML files. It includes support
+to read, modify and write XML and HTML files. There is DTDs support
+this includes parsing and validation even with complex DtDs, either
+at parse time or later once the document has been modified. The output
+can be a simple SAX stream or and in-memory DOM like representations.
+In this case one can use the built-in XPath and XPointer implementation
+to select sub nodes or ranges. A flexible Input/Output mechanism is
+available, with existing HTTP and FTP modules and combined to an
+URI library.
+%package devel
+Summary:        Libraries, includes, etc. to develop XML and HTML applications
+Requires:       %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires:       zlib-devel%{?_isa}
+Requires:       xz-devel%{?_isa}
+%description devel
+Libraries, include files, etc you can use to develop XML applications.
+This library allows to manipulate XML files. It includes support
+to read, modify and write XML and HTML files. There is DTDs support
+this includes parsing and validation even with complex DtDs, either
+at parse time or later once the document has been modified. The output
+can be a simple SAX stream or and in-memory DOM like representations.
+In this case one can use the built-in XPath and XPointer implementation
+to select sub nodes or ranges. A flexible Input/Output mechanism is
+available, with existing HTTP and FTP modules and combined to an
+URI library.
+%package static
+Summary:        Static library for libxml2
+%description static
+Static library for libxml2 provided for specific uses or shaving a few
+microseconds when parsing, do not link to them for generic purpose packages.
+%if %{with python2}
+%package -n python2-%{name}
+%{?python_provide:%python_provide python2-%{name}}
+Summary:        Python bindings for the libxml2 library
+BuildRequires:  python2-devel
+Requires:       %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Obsoletes:      %{name}-python < %{version}-%{release}
+Provides:       %{name}-python = %{version}-%{release}
+%description -n python2-%{name}
+The libxml2-python package contains a Python 2 module that permits applications
+written in the Python programming language, version 2, to use the interface
+supplied by the libxml2 library to manipulate XML files.
+This library allows to manipulate XML files. It includes support
+to read, modify and write XML and HTML files. There is DTDs support
+this includes parsing and validation even with complex DTDs, either
+at parse time or later once the document has been modified.
+%endif # with python2
+%package -n python3-%{name}
+Summary:        Python 3 bindings for the libxml2 library
+BuildRequires:  python3-devel
+Requires:       %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Obsoletes:      %{name}-python3 < %{version}-%{release}
+Provides:       %{name}-python3 = %{version}-%{release}
+%description -n python3-%{name}
+The libxml2-python3 package contains a Python 3 module that permits
+applications written in the Python programming language, version 3, to use the
+interface supplied by the libxml2 library to manipulate XML files.
+This library allows to manipulate XML files. It includes support
+to read, modify and write XML and HTML files. There is DTDs support
+this includes parsing and validation even with complex DTDs, either
+at parse time or later once the document has been modified.
+%autosetup -p1
+find doc -type f -executable -print -exec chmod 0644 {} ';'
+%if %{with python2}
+mkdir py2
+%endif # with python2
+mkdir py3
+%global _configure ../configure
+%global _configure_disable_silent_rules 1
+%if %{with python2}
+( cd py2 && %configure --cache-file=../config.cache --with-python=%{__python2} )
+%endif # with python2
+( cd py3 && %configure --cache-file=../config.cache --with-python=%{__python3} )
+%if %{with python2}
+%make_build -C py2
+%endif # with python2
+%make_build -C py3
+%if %{with python2}
+%make_install -C py2
+%endif # with python2
+%make_install -C py3
+# multiarch crazyness on timestamp differences or Makefile/binaries for examples
+touch -m --reference=%{buildroot}%{_includedir}/libxml2/libxml/parser.h %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/xml2-config
+find %{buildroot} -type f -name '*.la' -print -delete
+rm -vf %{buildroot}{%{python2_sitearch},%{python3_sitearch}}/*.a
+rm -vrf %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/doc/
+#(cd doc/examples ; make clean ; rm -rf .deps Makefile)
+gzip -9 -c doc/libxml2-api.xml > doc/libxml2-api.xml.gz
+%if %{with python2}
+%make_build runtests -C py2
+%endif # with python2
+%make_build runtests -C py3
+%license Copyright
+%files devel
+%doc doc/*.html doc/html doc/*.gif doc/*.png
+%doc doc/tutorial doc/libxml2-api.xml.gz
+%doc doc/examples
+%dir %{_datadir}/gtk-doc
+%dir %{_datadir}/gtk-doc/html
+%files static
+%license Copyright
+%if %{with python2}
+%files -n python2-%{name}
+%doc python/TODO python/libxml2class.txt
+%doc doc/*.py doc/python.html
+%endif # with python2
+%files -n python3-%{name}
+%doc python/TODO python/libxml2class.txt
+%doc doc/*.py doc/python.html
+* Fri Aug 03 2018 Charalampos Stratakis <cstratak@redhat.com> - 2.9.7-5
+- Fix some crashes under Python 3
+- Conditionalize the python2 subpackage
+* Sat Feb 24 2018 Florian Weimer <fweimer@redhat.com> - 2.9.7-4
+- Rebuild with new LDFLAGS from redhat-rpm-config
+* Wed Feb 07 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 2.9.7-3
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_28_Mass_Rebuild
+* Tue Jan 30 2018 Igor Gnatenko <ignatenkobrain@fedoraproject.org> - 2.9.7-2
+- Switch to %%ldconfig_scriptlets
+* Wed Jan 24 2018 Igor Gnatenko <ignatenkobrain@fedoraproject.org> - 2.9.7-1
+- Update to 2.9.7
+- Cleanups in packaging
+* Tue Jan 09 2018 Iryna Shcherbina <ishcherb@redhat.com> - 2.9.5-3
+- Update Python 2 dependency declarations to new packaging standards
+  (See https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FinalizingFedoraSwitchtoPython3)
+* Fri Sep 22 2017 Petr Pisar <ppisar@redhat.com> - 2.9.5-2
+- Fix reporting error about undefined XPath variables (bug #1493613)
+* Mon Sep  4 2017 Daniel Veillard <veillard@redhat.com> - 2.9.5-1
+- update to 2.9.5
+* Sat Aug 19 2017 Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek <zbyszek@in.waw.pl> - 2.9.4-5
+- Python 2 binary package renamed to python2-libxml2
+  See https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FinalizingFedoraSwitchtoPython3
+* Thu Aug 03 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 2.9.4-4
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Binutils_Mass_Rebuild
+* Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 2.9.4-3
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Mass_Rebuild
+* Fri Feb 10 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 2.9.4-2
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_26_Mass_Rebuild
+* Wed Dec 21 2016 Kevin Fenzi <kevin@scrye.com> - 2.9.4-1
+- Update to 2.9.4.
+- Apply very hacky patch that removes the no longer in python-3.6 PyVerify_fd symbol.
+* Mon Dec 12 2016 Charalampos Stratakis <cstratak@redhat.com> - 2.9.3-5
+- Rebuild for Python 3.6
+* Tue Jul 19 2016 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 2.9.3-4
+- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Automatic_Provides_for_Python_RPM_Packages
+* Thu Feb 04 2016 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 2.9.3-3
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_Mass_Rebuild
+* Wed Dec 02 2015 Kalev Lember <klember@redhat.com> - 2.9.3-2
+- Fix obsoletes versions now that F22 has libxml2 2.9.3 (#1287262)
+* Fri Nov 20 2015 Daniel Veillard <veillard@redhat.com> - 2.9.2-1
+- upstream release of 2.9.3
+- Fixes for CVE-2015-8035, CVE-2015-7942, CVE-2015-7941, CVE-2015-1819
+  CVE-2015-7497, CVE-2015-7498, CVE-2015-5312, CVE-2015-7499, CVE-2015-7500
+  and CVE-2015-8242
+- many other bug fixes
+* Fri Nov 06 2015 Robert Kuska <rkuska@redhat.com> - 2.9.2-9
+- Rebuilt for Python3.5 rebuild
+- Python3.5 has new naming convention for byte compiled files
+* Tue Nov  3 2015 Toshio Kuratomi <toshio@fedoraproject.org> - 2.9.2-8
+- Remove executable permissions from documentation.  Complies with packaging
+  guidelines and solves issue of libxml2-python3 package depending on python2
+* Thu Aug 27 2015 Miro Hrončok <mhroncok@redhat.com> - 2.9.2-7
+- Remove dependency on python2 from python3 subpackage, rhbz#1250940
+* Sat Aug 22 2015 Kalev Lember <klember@redhat.com> - 2.9.2-6
+- Rename the Python 3 subpackage to python3-libxml2 as per guidelines
+* Wed Jun 17 2015 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 2.9.2-5
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_23_Mass_Rebuild
+* Sat Feb 21 2015 Till Maas <opensource@till.name> - 2.9.2-4
+- Rebuilt for Fedora 23 Change
+  https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Harden_all_packages_with_position-independent_code
+* Wed Jan 21 2015 Tomas Radej <tradej@redhat.com> - 2.9.2-3
+- Added Python 3 subpackage
+* Thu Oct 16 2014 Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak@v3.sk> - 2.9.2-2
+- Avoid corrupting the xml catalogs
+* Thu Oct 16 2014 Daniel Veillard <veillard@redhat.com> - 2.9.2-1
+- upstream release of 2.9.2
+- Fix for CVE-214-3660 billion laugh DOS
+- many other bug fixes
+* Sun Aug 17 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 2.9.1-5
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_22_Mass_Rebuild
+* Fri Jul 18 2014 Tom Callaway <spot@fedoraproject.org> - 2.9.1-4
+- fix license handling
+* Sat Jun 07 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 2.9.1-3
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild
+* Sat Aug 03 2013 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 2.9.1-2
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_20_Mass_Rebuild
+* Fri Apr 19 2013 Daniel Veillard <veillard@redhat.com> - 2.9.1-1
+- upstream release of 2.9.1
+- a couple more API entry point
+- compatibility with python3
+- a lot of bug fixes
+* Mon Feb 11 2013 Daniel Veillard <veillard@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-4
+- fix --nocheck build which I broke in october rhbz#909767
+* Mon Nov 19 2012 Jaroslav Reznik <jreznik@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-3
+- workaround for crc/len check failure, rhbz#877567
+* Thu Oct 11 2012 Daniel Veillard <veillard@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-2
+- remaining cleanups from merge bug rhbz#226079
+- do not put the docs in the main package, only in -devel rhbz#864731
+* Tue Sep 11 2012 Daniel Veillard <veillard@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-1
+- upstream release of 2.9.0
+- A few new API entry points
+- More resilient push parser mode
+- A lot of portability improvement
+- Faster XPath evaluation
+- a lot of bug fixes and smaller improvement
+* Fri Aug 10 2012 Daniel Veillard <veillard@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-0rc1
+- upstream release candidate 1 of 2.9.0
+- introduce a small API change, but ABI compatible, see
+  https://mail.gnome.org/archives/xml/2012-August/msg00005.html
+  patches for php, gcc/libjava and evolution-data-connector are upstream
+  Grab me in cases of problems veillard@redhat.com
+- many bug fixes including security aspects and small improvements
+* Thu Jul 19 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 2.8.0-2
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild
+* Wed May 23 2012 Daniel Veillard <veillard@redhat.com> - 2.8.0-1
+- upstream release of 2.8.0
+- add lzma compression support
+- many bug fixes and small improvements
+* Fri Jan 13 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 2.7.8-7
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_Mass_Rebuild
+* Fri Mar  4 2011 Daniel Veillard <veillard@redhat.com> - 2.7.8-6
+- fix a double free in XPath CVE-2010-4494 bug 665965
+* Tue Feb 08 2011 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 2.7.8-5
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild
+* Fri Nov  5 2010 Daniel Veillard <veillard@redhat.com> - 2.7.8-4
+- reactivate shared libs versionning script
+* Thu Nov  4 2010 Daniel Veillard <veillard@redhat.com> - 2.7.8-1
+- Upstream release of 2.7.8
+- various bug fixes, including potential crashes
+- new non-destructive formatting option
+- date parsing updated to RFC 5646
+* Wed Jul 21 2010 David Malcolm <dmalcolm@redhat.com> - 2.7.7-2
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Python_2.7/MassRebuild
+* Mon Mar 15 2010 Daniel Veillard <veillard@redhat.com> - 2.7.7-1
+- Upstream release of 2.7.7
+- fix serious trouble with zlib >= 1.2.4
+- xmllint new option --xpath
+- various HTML parser improvements
+- includes a number of nug fixes
+* Tue Oct  6 2009 Daniel Veillard <veillard@redhat.com> - 2.7.6-1
+- Upstream release of 2.7.6
+- restore thread support off by default in 2.7.5
+* Thu Sep 24 2009 Daniel Veillard <veillard@redhat.com> - 2.7.5-1
+- Upstream release of 2.7.5
+- fix a couple of Relax-NG validation problems
+- couple more fixes
+* Tue Sep 15 2009 Daniel Veillard <veillard@redhat.com> - 2.7.4-2
+- fix a problem with little data at startup affecting inkscape #523002
+* Thu Sep 10 2009 Daniel Veillard <veillard@redhat.com> - 2.7.4-1
+- upstream release 2.7.4
+- symbol versioning of libxml2 shared libs
+- very large number of bug fixes
+* Mon Aug 10 2009 Daniel Veillard <veillard@redhat.com> - 2.7.3-4
+- two patches for parsing problems CVE-2009-2414 and CVE-2009-2416
+* Sat Jul 25 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 2.7.3-3
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild
+* Wed Feb 25 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 2.7.3-2
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild
+* Sun Jan 18 2009 Daniel Veillard <veillard@redhat.com> - 2.7.3-1
+- new release 2.7.3
+- limit default max size of text nodes
+- special parser mode for PHP
+- bug fixes and more compiler checks
+* Wed Dec  3 2008 Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams <ivazqueznet+rpm@gmail.com> - 2.7.2-7
+- Pull back into Python 2.6
+* Wed Dec  3 2008 Caolán McNamara <caolanm@redhat.com> - 2.7.2-6
+- AutoProvides requires BuildRequires pkgconfig
+* Wed Dec  3 2008 Caolán McNamara <caolanm@redhat.com> - 2.7.2-5
+- rebuild to get provides(libxml-2.0) into HEAD rawhide
+* Mon Dec  1 2008 Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams <ivazqueznet+rpm@gmail.com> - 2.7.2-4
+- Rebuild for pkgconfig logic
+* Fri Nov 28 2008 Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams <ivazqueznet+rpm@gmail.com> - 2.7.2-3
+- Rebuild for Python 2.6
+* Wed Nov 12 2008 Daniel Veillard <veillard@redhat.com> - 2.7.2-2.fc11
+- two patches for size overflows problems CVE-2008-4225 and CVE-2008-4226
+* Fri Oct  3 2008 Daniel Veillard <veillard@redhat.com> 2.7.2-1.fc10
+- new release 2.7.2
+- Fixes the known problems in 2.7.1
+- increase the set of options when saving documents
+* Thu Oct  2 2008 Daniel Veillard <veillard@redhat.com> 2.7.1-2.fc10
+- fix a nasty bug in 2.7.x, http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=554660
+* Mon Sep  1 2008 Daniel Veillard <veillard@redhat.com> 2.7.1-1.fc10
+- fix python serialization which was broken in 2.7.0
+- Resolve: rhbz#460774
+* Sat Aug 30 2008 Daniel Veillard <veillard@redhat.com> 2.7.0-1.fc10
+- upstream release of 2.7.0
+- switch to XML 1.0 5th edition
+- switch to RFC 3986 for URI parsing
+- better entity handling
+- option to remove hardcoded limitations in the parser
+- more testing
+- a new API to allocate entity nodes
+- and lot of fixes and clanups
+* Mon Aug 25 2008 Daniel Veillard <veillard@redhat.com> 2.6.32-4.fc10
+- fix for entities recursion problem
+- Resolve: rhbz#459714
+* Fri May 30 2008 Daniel Veillard <veillard@redhat.com> 2.6.32-3.fc10
+- cleanup based on Fedora packaging guidelines, should fix #226079
+- separate a -static package
+* Thu May 15 2008 Daniel Veillard <veillard@redhat.com> 2.6.32-2.fc10
+- try to fix multiarch problems like #440206
+* Tue Apr  8 2008 Daniel Veillard <veillard@redhat.com> 2.6.32-1.fc9
+- upstream release 2.6.32 see http://xmlsoft.org/news.html
+- many bug fixed upstream
+* Wed Feb 20 2008 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@fedoraproject.org> - 2.6.31-2
+- Autorebuild for GCC 4.3
+* Fri Jan 11 2008 Daniel Veillard <veillard@redhat.com> 2.6.31-1.fc9
+- upstream release 2.6.31 see http://xmlsoft.org/news.html
+- many bug fixed upstream
+* Thu Aug 23 2007 Daniel Veillard <veillard@redhat.com> 2.6.30-1
+- upstream release 2.6.30 see http://xmlsoft.org/news.html
+- many bug fixed upstream
+* Tue Jun 12 2007 Daniel Veillard <veillard@redhat.com> 2.6.29-1
+- upstream release 2.6.29 see http://xmlsoft.org/news.html
+- many bug fixed upstream
+* Wed May 16 2007 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@redhat.com> 2.6.28-2
+- Bump revision to fix N-V-R problem
+* Tue Apr 17 2007 Daniel Veillard <veillard@redhat.com> 2.6.28-1
+- upstream release 2.6.28 see http://xmlsoft.org/news.html
+- many bug fixed upstream
+* Thu Dec  7 2006 Jeremy Katz <katzj@redhat.com> - 2.6.27-2
+- rebuild against python 2.5
+* Wed Oct 25 2006 Daniel Veillard <veillard@redhat.com> 2.6.27-1
+- upstream release 2.6.27 see http://xmlsoft.org/news.html
+- very large amount of bug fixes reported upstream
+* Wed Jul 12 2006 Jesse Keating <jkeating@redhat.com> - 2.6.26-2.1.1
+- rebuild
+* Wed Jul 12 2006 Jesse Keating <jkeating@redhat.com> - 2.6.26-2.1
+- rebuild
+* Wed Jun  7 2006 Daniel Veillard <veillard@redhat.com> 2.6.26-2
+- fix bug #192873
+* Tue Jun  6 2006 Daniel Veillard <veillard@redhat.com> 2.6.26-1
+- upstream release 2.6.26 see http://xmlsoft.org/news.html
+* Tue Jun  6 2006 Daniel Veillard <veillard@redhat.com>
+- upstream release 2.6.25 broken, do not ship !