diff --git a/SOURCES/libvncserver-0.9.11-CVE-2019-20840.patch b/SOURCES/libvncserver-0.9.11-CVE-2019-20840.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b32616f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libvncserver-0.9.11-CVE-2019-20840.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+Backport of:
+From 0cf1400c61850065de590d403f6d49e32882fd76 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Rolf Eike Beer <eike@sf-mail.de>
+Date: Tue, 28 May 2019 18:30:46 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] fix crash because of unaligned accesses in
+ hybiReadAndDecode()
+[Ubuntu note: patch backported to apply on libvncserver/websockets.c instead of
+ -- Avital]
+ libvncserver/ws_decode.c | 7 ++++---
+ 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
+--- a/libvncserver/websockets.c
++++ b/libvncserver/websockets.c
+@@ -880,7 +880,6 @@ hybiReadAndDecode(rfbClientPtr cl, char
+   int bufsize;
+   int nextRead;
+   unsigned char *data;
+-  uint32_t *data32;
+   ws_ctx_t *wsctx = (ws_ctx_t *)cl->wsctx;
+   /* if data was carried over, copy to start of buffer */
+@@ -938,10 +937,12 @@ hybiReadAndDecode(rfbClientPtr cl, char
+   /* for a possible base64 decoding, we decode multiples of 4 bytes until
+    * the whole frame is received and carry over any remaining bytes in the carry buf*/
+   data = (unsigned char *)hybiPayloadStart(wsctx);
+-  data32= (uint32_t *)data;
+   for (i = 0; i < (toDecode >> 2); i++) {
+-    data32[i] ^= wsctx->header.mask.u;
++    uint32_t tmp;
++    memcpy(&tmp, data + i * sizeof(tmp), sizeof(tmp));
++    tmp ^= wsctx->header.mask.u;
++    memcpy(data + i * sizeof(tmp), &tmp, sizeof(tmp));
+   }
+   rfbLog("mask decoding; i=%d toDecode=%d\n", i, toDecode);
diff --git a/SOURCES/libvncserver-0.9.9-CVE-2017-18922.patch b/SOURCES/libvncserver-0.9.9-CVE-2017-18922.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1280706
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libvncserver-0.9.9-CVE-2017-18922.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,703 @@
+From 92b5cebffa50577bfa9b192926cfd2210f6881c4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andreas Weigel <andreaswe@securepoint.de>
+Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2017 12:31:05 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 3/3] fix overflow and refactor websockets decode (Hybi)
+fix critical heap-based buffer overflow which allowed easy modification
+of a return address via an overwritten function pointer
+fix bug causing connections to fail due a "one websocket frame = one
+ws_read" assumption, which failed with LibVNCServer-0.9.11
+refactor websocket Hybi decode to use a simple state machine for
+decoding of websocket frames
+ libvncserver/websockets.c | 609 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
+ 1 file changed, 476 insertions(+), 133 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/libvncserver/websockets.c b/libvncserver/websockets.c
+index 3c8e99aa..d81b23a8 100644
+--- a/libvncserver/websockets.c
++++ b/libvncserver/websockets.c
+@@ -53,6 +53,9 @@
+ #define B64LEN(__x) (((__x + 2) / 3) * 12 / 3)
+ #define WSHLENMAX 14  /* 2 + sizeof(uint64_t) + sizeof(uint32_t) */
++#define WS_HYBI_MASK_LEN 4
++#define ARRAYSIZE(a) ((sizeof(a) / sizeof((a[0]))) / (size_t)(!(sizeof(a) % sizeof((a[0])))))
+ enum {
+@@ -69,19 +72,19 @@ static int gettid() {
+ typedef int (*wsEncodeFunc)(rfbClientPtr cl, const char *src, int len, char **dst);
+ typedef int (*wsDecodeFunc)(rfbClientPtr cl, char *dst, int len);
+-typedef struct ws_ctx_s {
+-    char codeBuf[B64LEN(UPDATE_BUF_SIZE) + WSHLENMAX]; /* base64 + maximum frame header length */
+-    char readbuf[8192];
+-    int readbufstart;
+-    int readbuflen;
+-    int dblen;
+-    char carryBuf[3];                      /* For base64 carry-over */
+-    int carrylen;
+-    int version;
+-    int base64;
+-    wsEncodeFunc encode;
+-    wsDecodeFunc decode;
+-} ws_ctx_t;
++enum {
++  /* header not yet received completely */
++  /* data available */
++  /* received a complete frame */
++  /* received part of a 'close' frame */
++  /* */
+ typedef union ws_mask_s {
+   char c[4];
+@@ -109,6 +112,38 @@ typedef struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) ws_header_s {
+   } u;
+ } ws_header_t;
++typedef struct ws_header_data_s {
++  ws_header_t *data;
++  /** bytes read */
++  int nRead;
++  /** mask value */
++  ws_mask_t mask;
++  /** length of frame header including payload len, but without mask */
++  int headerLen;
++  /** length of the payload data */
++  int payloadLen;
++  /** opcode */
++  unsigned char opcode;
++} ws_header_data_t;
++typedef struct ws_ctx_s {
++    char codeBufDecode[B64LEN(UPDATE_BUF_SIZE) + WSHLENMAX]; /* base64 + maximum frame header length */
++    char codeBufEncode[B64LEN(UPDATE_BUF_SIZE) + WSHLENMAX]; /* base64 + maximum frame header length */
++    char *writePos;
++    unsigned char *readPos;
++    int readlen;
++    int hybiDecodeState;
++    char carryBuf[3];                      /* For base64 carry-over */
++    int carrylen;
++    int version;
++    int base64;
++    ws_header_data_t header;
++    int nReadRaw;
++    int nToRead;
++    wsEncodeFunc encode;
++    wsDecodeFunc decode;
++} ws_ctx_t;
+ enum
+ {
+@@ -164,6 +199,8 @@ static int webSocketsEncodeHixie(rfbClientPtr cl, const char *src, int len, char
+ static int webSocketsDecodeHybi(rfbClientPtr cl, char *dst, int len);
+ static int webSocketsDecodeHixie(rfbClientPtr cl, char *dst, int len);
++static void hybiDecodeCleanup(ws_ctx_t *wsctx);
+ static int
+ min (int a, int b) {
+     return a < b ? a : b;
+@@ -421,10 +458,11 @@ webSocketsHandshake(rfbClientPtr cl, char *scheme)
+ 	wsctx->decode = webSocketsDecodeHixie;
+     }
+     wsctx->base64 = base64;
++    hybiDecodeCleanup(wsctx);
+     cl->wsctx = (wsCtx *)wsctx;
+     return TRUE;
+ }
+ void
+ webSocketsGenMd5(char * target, char *key1, char *key2, char *key3)
+ {
+@@ -616,146 +654,438 @@ webSocketsDecodeHixie(rfbClientPtr cl, char *dst, int len)
+ }
+ static int
+-webSocketsDecodeHybi(rfbClientPtr cl, char *dst, int len)
++hybiRemaining(ws_ctx_t *wsctx)
+ {
+-    char *buf, *payload;
+-    uint32_t *payload32;
+-    int ret = -1, result = -1;
+-    int total = 0;
+-    ws_mask_t mask;
+-    ws_header_t *header;
+-    int i;
+-    unsigned char opcode;
+-    ws_ctx_t *wsctx = (ws_ctx_t *)cl->wsctx;
+-    int flength, fhlen;
+-    /* int fin; */ /* not used atm */ 
+-    // rfbLog(" <== %s[%d]: %d cl: %p, wsctx: %p-%p (%d)\n", __func__, gettid(), len, cl, wsctx, (char *)wsctx + sizeof(ws_ctx_t), sizeof(ws_ctx_t));
+-    if (wsctx->readbuflen) {
+-      /* simply return what we have */
+-      if (wsctx->readbuflen > len) {
+-	memcpy(dst, wsctx->readbuf +  wsctx->readbufstart, len);
+-	result = len;
+-	wsctx->readbuflen -= len;
+-	wsctx->readbufstart += len;
+-      } else {
+-	memcpy(dst, wsctx->readbuf +  wsctx->readbufstart, wsctx->readbuflen);
+-	result = wsctx->readbuflen;
+-	wsctx->readbuflen = 0;
+-	wsctx->readbufstart = 0;
+-      }
+-      goto spor;
+-    }
+-    buf = wsctx->codeBuf;
+-    header = (ws_header_t *)wsctx->codeBuf;
++  return wsctx->nToRead - wsctx->nReadRaw;
+-    ret = ws_peek(cl, buf, B64LEN(len) + WSHLENMAX);
++static void
++hybiDecodeCleanup(ws_ctx_t *wsctx)
++  wsctx->header.payloadLen = 0;
++  wsctx->header.mask.u = 0;
++  wsctx->nReadRaw = 0;
++  wsctx->nToRead= 0;
++  wsctx->carrylen = 0;
++  wsctx->readPos = (unsigned char *)wsctx->codeBufDecode;
++  wsctx->readlen = 0;
++  wsctx->hybiDecodeState = WS_HYBI_STATE_HEADER_PENDING;
++  wsctx->writePos = NULL;
++  rfbLog("cleaned up wsctx\n");
+-    if (ret < 2) {
+-        /* save errno because rfbErr() will tamper it */
+-        if (-1 == ret) {
+-            int olderrno = errno;
+-            rfbErr("%s: peek; %m\n", __func__);
+-            errno = olderrno;
+-        } else if (0 == ret) {
+-            result = 0;
+-        } else {
+-            errno = EAGAIN;
+-        }
+-        goto spor;
++ * Return payload data that has been decoded/unmasked from
++ * a websocket frame.
++ *
++ * @param[out]     dst destination buffer
++ * @param[in]      len bytes to copy to destination buffer
++ * @param[in,out]  wsctx internal state of decoding procedure
++ * @param[out]     number of bytes actually written to dst buffer
++ * @return next hybi decoding state
++ */
++static int
++hybiReturnData(char *dst, int len, ws_ctx_t *wsctx, int *nWritten)
++  int nextState = WS_HYBI_STATE_ERR;
++  /* if we have something already decoded copy and return */
++  if (wsctx->readlen > 0) {
++    /* simply return what we have */
++    if (wsctx->readlen > len) {
++      rfbLog("copy to %d bytes to dst buffer; readPos=%p, readLen=%d\n", len, wsctx->readPos, wsctx->readlen);
++      memcpy(dst, wsctx->readPos, len);
++      *nWritten = len;
++      wsctx->readlen -= len;
++      wsctx->readPos += len;
++    } else {
++      rfbLog("copy to %d bytes to dst buffer; readPos=%p, readLen=%d\n", wsctx->readlen, wsctx->readPos, wsctx->readlen);
++      memcpy(dst, wsctx->readPos, wsctx->readlen);
++      *nWritten = wsctx->readlen;
++      wsctx->readlen = 0;
++      wsctx->readPos = NULL;
++      if (hybiRemaining(wsctx) == 0) {
++        nextState = WS_HYBI_STATE_FRAME_COMPLETE;
++      } else {
++        nextState = WS_HYBI_STATE_DATA_NEEDED;
++      }
+     }
++    rfbLog("after copy: readPos=%p, readLen=%d\n", wsctx->readPos, wsctx->readlen);
++  } else if (wsctx->hybiDecodeState == WS_HYBI_STATE_CLOSE_REASON_PENDING) {
++  }
++  return nextState;
+-    opcode = header->b0 & 0x0f;
+-    /* fin = (header->b0 & 0x80) >> 7; */ /* not used atm */
+-    flength = header->b1 & 0x7f;
+-    /*
+-     * 4.3. Client-to-Server Masking
+-     *
+-     * The client MUST mask all frames sent to the server.  A server MUST
+-     * close the connection upon receiving a frame with the MASK bit set to 0.
+-    **/
+-    if (!(header->b1 & 0x80)) {
+-	rfbErr("%s: got frame without mask\n", __func__, ret);
+-	errno = EIO;
+-	goto spor;
+-    }
+-    if (flength < 126) {
+-	fhlen = 2;
+-	mask = header->m;
+-    } else if (flength == 126 && 4 <= ret) {
+-	flength = WS_NTOH16(header->l16);
+-	fhlen = 4;
+-	mask = header->m16;
+-    } else if (flength == 127 && 10 <= ret) {
+-	flength = WS_NTOH64(header->l64);
+-	fhlen = 10;
+-	mask = header->m64;
++ * Read an RFC 6455 websocket frame (IETF hybi working group).
++ *
++ * Internal state is updated according to bytes received and the
++ * decoding of header information.
++ *
++ * @param[in]   cl client ptr with ptr to raw socket and ws_ctx_t ptr
++ * @param[out]  sockRet emulated recv return value
++ * @return next hybi decoding state; WS_HYBI_STATE_HEADER_PENDING indicates
++ *         that the header was not received completely.
++ */
++static int
++hybiReadHeader(rfbClientPtr cl, int *sockRet)
++  int ret;
++  ws_ctx_t *wsctx = (ws_ctx_t *)cl->wsctx;
++  char *headerDst = wsctx->codeBufDecode + wsctx->nReadRaw;
++  int n = WSHLENMAX - wsctx->nReadRaw;
++  rfbLog("header_read to %p with len=%d\n", headerDst, n);
++  ret = ws_read(cl, headerDst, n);
++  rfbLog("read %d bytes from socket\n", ret);
++  if (ret <= 0) {
++    if (-1 == ret) {
++      /* save errno because rfbErr() will tamper it */
++      int olderrno = errno;
++      rfbErr("%s: peek; %m\n", __func__);
++      errno = olderrno;
++      *sockRet = -1;
+     } else {
+-      /* Incomplete frame header */
+-      rfbErr("%s: incomplete frame header\n", __func__, ret);
+-      errno = EIO;
+-      goto spor;
++      *sockRet = 0;
+     }
++    return WS_HYBI_STATE_ERR;
++  }
++  wsctx->nReadRaw += ret;
++  if (wsctx->nReadRaw < 2) {
++    /* cannot decode header with less than two bytes */
++    errno = EAGAIN;
++    *sockRet = -1;
++  }
++  /* first two header bytes received; interpret header data and get rest */
++  wsctx->header.data = (ws_header_t *)wsctx->codeBufDecode;
++  wsctx->header.opcode = wsctx->header.data->b0 & 0x0f;
++  /* fin = (header->b0 & 0x80) >> 7; */ /* not used atm */
++  wsctx->header.payloadLen = wsctx->header.data->b1 & 0x7f;
++  rfbLog("first header bytes received; opcode=%d lenbyte=%d\n", wsctx->header.opcode, wsctx->header.payloadLen);
++  /*
++   * 4.3. Client-to-Server Masking
++   *
++   * The client MUST mask all frames sent to the server.  A server MUST
++   * close the connection upon receiving a frame with the MASK bit set to 0.
++  **/
++  if (!(wsctx->header.data->b1 & 0x80)) {
++    rfbErr("%s: got frame without mask ret=%d\n", __func__, ret);
++    errno = EIO;
++    *sockRet = -1;
++    return WS_HYBI_STATE_ERR;
++  }
++  if (wsctx->header.payloadLen < 126 && wsctx->nReadRaw >= 6) {
++    wsctx->header.headerLen = 2 + WS_HYBI_MASK_LEN;
++    wsctx->header.mask = wsctx->header.data->u.m;
++  } else if (wsctx->header.payloadLen == 126 && 8 <= wsctx->nReadRaw) {
++    wsctx->header.headerLen = 4 + WS_HYBI_MASK_LEN;
++    wsctx->header.payloadLen = WS_NTOH16(wsctx->header.data->u.s16.l16);
++    wsctx->header.mask = wsctx->header.data->u.s16.m16;
++  } else if (wsctx->header.payloadLen == 127 && 14 <= wsctx->nReadRaw) {
++    wsctx->header.headerLen = 10 + WS_HYBI_MASK_LEN;
++    wsctx->header.payloadLen = WS_NTOH64(wsctx->header.data->u.s64.l64);
++    wsctx->header.mask = wsctx->header.data->u.s64.m64;
++  } else {
++    /* Incomplete frame header, try again */
++    rfbErr("%s: incomplete frame header; ret=%d\n", __func__, ret);
++    errno = EAGAIN;
++    *sockRet = -1;
++  }
++  /* absolute length of frame */
++  wsctx->nToRead = wsctx->header.headerLen + wsctx->header.payloadLen;
++  /* set payload pointer just after header */
++  wsctx->writePos = wsctx->codeBufDecode + wsctx->nReadRaw;
++  wsctx->readPos = (unsigned char *)(wsctx->codeBufDecode + wsctx->header.headerLen);
++  rfbLog("header complete: state=%d flen=%d writeTo=%p\n", wsctx->hybiDecodeState, wsctx->nToRead, wsctx->writePos);
++static int
++hybiWsFrameComplete(ws_ctx_t *wsctx)
++  return wsctx != NULL && hybiRemaining(wsctx) == 0;
+-    /* absolute length of frame */
+-    total = fhlen + flength + 4;
+-    payload = buf + fhlen + 4; /* header length + mask */
++static char *
++hybiPayloadStart(ws_ctx_t *wsctx)
++  return wsctx->codeBufDecode + wsctx->header.headerLen;
+-    if (-1 == (ret = ws_read(cl, buf, total))) {
++ * Read the remaining payload bytes from associated raw socket.
++ *
++ *  - try to read remaining bytes from socket
++ *  - unmask all multiples of 4
++ *  - if frame incomplete but some bytes are left, these are copied to
++ *      the carry buffer
++ *  - if opcode is TEXT: Base64-decode all unmasked received bytes
++ *  - set state for reading decoded data
++ *  - reset write position to begin of buffer (+ header)
++ *      --> before we retrieve more data we let the caller clear all bytes
++ *          from the reception buffer
++ *  - execute return data routine
++ *
++ *  Sets errno corresponding to what it gets from the underlying
++ *  socket or EIO if some internal sanity check fails.
++ *
++ *  @param[in]  cl client ptr with raw socket reference
++ *  @param[out] dst  destination buffer
++ *  @param[in]  len  size of destination buffer
++ *  @param[out] sockRet emulated recv return value
++ *  @return next hybi decode state
++ */
++static int
++hybiReadAndDecode(rfbClientPtr cl, char *dst, int len, int *sockRet)
++  int n;
++  int i;
++  int toReturn;
++  int toDecode;
++  int bufsize;
++  int nextRead;
++  unsigned char *data;
++  uint32_t *data32;
++  ws_ctx_t *wsctx = (ws_ctx_t *)cl->wsctx;
++  /* if data was carried over, copy to start of buffer */
++  memcpy(wsctx->writePos, wsctx->carryBuf, wsctx->carrylen);
++  wsctx->writePos += wsctx->carrylen;
++  /* -1 accounts for potential '\0' terminator for base64 decoding */
++  bufsize = wsctx->codeBufDecode + ARRAYSIZE(wsctx->codeBufDecode) - wsctx->writePos - 1;
++  if (hybiRemaining(wsctx) > bufsize) {
++    nextRead = bufsize;
++  } else {
++    nextRead = hybiRemaining(wsctx);
++  }
++  rfbLog("calling read with buf=%p and len=%d (decodebuf=%p headerLen=%d\n)", wsctx->writePos, nextRead, wsctx->codeBufDecode, wsctx->header.headerLen);
++  if (wsctx->nReadRaw < wsctx->nToRead) {
++    /* decode more data */
++    if (-1 == (n = ws_read(cl, wsctx->writePos, nextRead))) {
+       int olderrno = errno;
+       rfbErr("%s: read; %m", __func__);
+       errno = olderrno;
+-      return ret;
+-    } else if (ret < total) {
+-      /* GT TODO: hmm? */
+-      rfbLog("%s: read; got partial data\n", __func__);
+-    } else {
+-      buf[ret] = '\0';
++      *sockRet = -1;
++      return WS_HYBI_STATE_ERR;
++    } else if (n == 0) {
++      *sockRet = 0;
++      return WS_HYBI_STATE_ERR;
+     }
+-    /* process 1 frame (32 bit op) */
+-    payload32 = (uint32_t *)payload;
+-    for (i = 0; i < flength / 4; i++) {
+-	payload32[i] ^= mask.u;
++    wsctx->nReadRaw += n;
++    rfbLog("read %d bytes from socket; nRead=%d\n", n, wsctx->nReadRaw);
++  } else {
++    n = 0;
++  }
++  wsctx->writePos += n;
++  if (wsctx->nReadRaw >= wsctx->nToRead) {
++    if (wsctx->nReadRaw > wsctx->nToRead) {
++      rfbErr("%s: internal error, read past websocket frame", __func__);
++      errno=EIO;
++      *sockRet = -1;
++      return WS_HYBI_STATE_ERR;
+     }
++  }
++  toDecode = wsctx->writePos - hybiPayloadStart(wsctx);
++  rfbLog("toDecode=%d from n=%d carrylen=%d headerLen=%d\n", toDecode, n, wsctx->carrylen, wsctx->header.headerLen);
++  if (toDecode < 0) {
++    rfbErr("%s: internal error; negative number of bytes to decode: %d", __func__, toDecode);
++    errno=EIO;
++    *sockRet = -1;
++    return WS_HYBI_STATE_ERR;
++  }
++  /* for a possible base64 decoding, we decode multiples of 4 bytes until
++   * the whole frame is received and carry over any remaining bytes in the carry buf*/
++  data = (unsigned char *)hybiPayloadStart(wsctx);
++  data32= (uint32_t *)data;
++  for (i = 0; i < (toDecode >> 2); i++) {
++    data32[i] ^= wsctx->header.mask.u;
++  }
++  rfbLog("mask decoding; i=%d toDecode=%d\n", i, toDecode);
++  if (wsctx->hybiDecodeState == WS_HYBI_STATE_FRAME_COMPLETE) {
+     /* process the remaining bytes (if any) */
+-    for (i*=4; i < flength; i++) {
+-	payload[i] ^= mask.c[i % 4];
+-    }
+-    switch (opcode) {
+-      case WS_OPCODE_CLOSE:
+-	rfbLog("got closure, reason %d\n", WS_NTOH16(((uint16_t *)payload)[0]));
+-	errno = ECONNRESET;
+-	break;
+-      case WS_OPCODE_TEXT_FRAME:
+-	if (-1 == (flength = __b64_pton(payload, (unsigned char *)wsctx->codeBuf, sizeof(wsctx->codeBuf)))) {
+-	  rfbErr("%s: Base64 decode error; %m\n", __func__);
+-	  break;
+-	}
+-	payload = wsctx->codeBuf;
+-	/* fall through */
+-	if (flength > len) {
+-	  memcpy(wsctx->readbuf, payload + len, flength - len);
+-	  wsctx->readbufstart = 0;
+-	  wsctx->readbuflen = flength - len;
+-	  flength = len;
+-	}
+-	memcpy(dst, payload, flength);
+-	result = flength;
+-	break;
++    for (i*=4; i < toDecode; i++) {
++      data[i] ^= wsctx->header.mask.c[i % 4];
++    }
++    /* all data is here, no carrying */
++    wsctx->carrylen = 0;
++  } else {
++    /* carry over remaining, non-multiple-of-four bytes */
++    wsctx->carrylen = toDecode - (i * 4);
++    if (wsctx->carrylen < 0 || wsctx->carrylen > ARRAYSIZE(wsctx->carryBuf)) {
++      rfbErr("%s: internal error, invalid carry over size: carrylen=%d, toDecode=%d, i=%d", __func__, wsctx->carrylen, toDecode, i);
++      *sockRet = -1;
++      errno = EIO;
++      return WS_HYBI_STATE_ERR;
++    }
++    rfbLog("carrying over %d bytes from %p to %p\n", wsctx->carrylen, wsctx->writePos + (i * 4), wsctx->carryBuf);
++    memcpy(wsctx->carryBuf, data + (i * 4), wsctx->carrylen);
++  }
++  toReturn = toDecode - wsctx->carrylen;
++  switch (wsctx->header.opcode) {
++    case WS_OPCODE_CLOSE:
++      /* this data is not returned as payload data */
++      if (hybiWsFrameComplete(wsctx)) {
++        rfbLog("got closure, reason %d\n", WS_NTOH16(((uint16_t *)data)[0]));
++        errno = ECONNRESET;
++        *sockRet = -1;
++      } else {
++        rfbErr("%s: close reason with long frame not supported", __func__);
++        errno = EIO;
++        *sockRet = -1;
++        return WS_HYBI_STATE_ERR;
++      }
++      break;
++      data[toReturn] = '\0';
++      rfbLog("Initiate Base64 decoding in %p with max size %d and '\\0' at %p\n", data, bufsize, data + toReturn);
++      if (-1 == (wsctx->readlen = b64_pton((char *)data, data, bufsize))) {
++        rfbErr("Base64 decode error in %s; data=%p bufsize=%d", __func__, data, bufsize);
++        rfbErr("%s: Base64 decode error; %m\n", __func__);
++      }
++      wsctx->writePos = hybiPayloadStart(wsctx);
++      break;
++      wsctx->readlen = toReturn;
++      wsctx->writePos = hybiPayloadStart(wsctx);
++      break;
++    default:
++      rfbErr("%s: unhandled opcode %d, b0: %02x, b1: %02x\n", __func__, (int)wsctx->header.opcode, wsctx->header.data->b0, wsctx->header.data->b1);
++  }
++  wsctx->readPos = data;
++  return hybiReturnData(dst, len, wsctx, sockRet);
++ * Read function for websocket-socket emulation.
++ *
++ *    0                   1                   2                   3
++ *    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
++ *   +-+-+-+-+-------+-+-------------+-------------------------------+
++ *   |F|R|R|R| opcode|M| Payload len |    Extended payload length    |
++ *   |I|S|S|S|  (4)  |A|     (7)     |             (16/64)           |
++ *   |N|V|V|V|       |S|             |   (if payload len==126/127)   |
++ *   | |1|2|3|       |K|             |                               |
++ *   +-+-+-+-+-------+-+-------------+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
++ *   |     Extended payload length continued, if payload len == 127  |
++ *   + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +-------------------------------+
++ *   |                               |Masking-key, if MASK set to 1  |
++ *   +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+
++ *   | Masking-key (continued)       |          Payload Data         |
++ *   +-------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
++ *   :                     Payload Data continued ...                :
++ *   + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
++ *   |                     Payload Data continued ...                |
++ *   +---------------------------------------------------------------+
++ *
++ * Using the decode buffer, this function:
++ *  - reads the complete header from the underlying socket
++ *  - reads any remaining data bytes
++ *  - unmasks the payload data using the provided mask
++ *  - decodes Base64 encoded text data
++ *  - copies len bytes of decoded payload data into dst
++ *
++ * Emulates a read call on a socket.
++ */
++static int
++webSocketsDecodeHybi(rfbClientPtr cl, char *dst, int len)
++    int result = -1;
++    ws_ctx_t *wsctx = (ws_ctx_t *)cl->wsctx;
++    /* int fin; */ /* not used atm */
++    /* rfbLog(" <== %s[%d]: %d cl: %p, wsctx: %p-%p (%d)\n", __func__, gettid(), len, cl, wsctx, (char *)wsctx + sizeof(ws_ctx_t), sizeof(ws_ctx_t)); */
++    rfbLog("%s_enter: len=%d; "
++                      "CTX: readlen=%d readPos=%p "
++                      "writeTo=%p "
++                      "state=%d toRead=%d remaining=%d "
++                      " nReadRaw=%d carrylen=%d carryBuf=%p\n",
++                      __func__, len,
++                      wsctx->readlen, wsctx->readPos,
++                      wsctx->writePos,
++                      wsctx->hybiDecodeState, wsctx->nToRead, hybiRemaining(wsctx),
++                      wsctx->nReadRaw, wsctx->carrylen, wsctx->carryBuf);
++    switch (wsctx->hybiDecodeState){
++        wsctx->hybiDecodeState = hybiReadHeader(cl, &result);
++        if (wsctx->hybiDecodeState == WS_HYBI_STATE_ERR) {
++          goto spor;
++        }
++        if (wsctx->hybiDecodeState != WS_HYBI_STATE_HEADER_PENDING) {
++          /* when header is complete, try to read some more data */
++          wsctx->hybiDecodeState = hybiReadAndDecode(cl, dst, len, &result);
++        }
++        break;
++        wsctx->hybiDecodeState = hybiReturnData(dst, len, wsctx, &result);
++        break;
++        wsctx->hybiDecodeState = hybiReadAndDecode(cl, dst, len, &result);
++        break;
++        wsctx->hybiDecodeState = hybiReadAndDecode(cl, dst, len, &result);
++        break;
+       default:
+-	rfbErr("%s: unhandled opcode %d, b0: %02x, b1: %02x\n", __func__, (int)opcode, header->b0, header->b1);
++        /* invalid state */
++        rfbErr("%s: called with invalid state %d\n", wsctx->hybiDecodeState);
++        result = -1;
++        errno = EIO;
++        wsctx->hybiDecodeState = WS_HYBI_STATE_ERR;
+     }
+     /* single point of return, if someone has questions :-) */
+ spor:
+     /* rfbLog("%s: ret: %d/%d\n", __func__, result, len); */
++    if (wsctx->hybiDecodeState == WS_HYBI_STATE_FRAME_COMPLETE) {
++      rfbLog("frame received successfully, cleaning up: read=%d hlen=%d plen=%d\n", wsctx->header.nRead, wsctx->header.headerLen, wsctx->header.payloadLen);
++      /* frame finished, cleanup state */
++      hybiDecodeCleanup(wsctx);
++    } else if (wsctx->hybiDecodeState == WS_HYBI_STATE_ERR) {
++      hybiDecodeCleanup(wsctx);
++    }
++    rfbLog("%s_exit: len=%d; "
++                      "CTX: readlen=%d readPos=%p "
++                      "writePos=%p "
++                      "state=%d toRead=%d remaining=%d "
++                      "nRead=%d carrylen=%d carryBuf=%p "
++                      "result=%d\n",
++                      __func__, len,
++                      wsctx->readlen, wsctx->readPos,
++                      wsctx->writePos,
++                      wsctx->hybiDecodeState, wsctx->nToRead, hybiRemaining(wsctx),
++                      wsctx->nReadRaw, wsctx->carrylen, wsctx->carryBuf,
++                      result);
+     return result;
+ }
+@@ -896,3 +1226,16 @@ webSocketCheckDisconnect(rfbClientPtr cl)
+     return FALSE;
+ }
++/* returns TRUE if there is data waiting to be read in our internal buffer
++ * or if is there any pending data in the buffer of the SSL implementation
++ */
++webSocketsHasDataInBuffer(rfbClientPtr cl)
++    ws_ctx_t *wsctx = (ws_ctx_t *)cl->wsctx;
++    if (wsctx && wsctx->readlen)
++      return TRUE;
++    return (cl->sslctx && rfbssl_pending(cl) > 0);
diff --git a/SOURCES/libvncserver-0.9.9-Work-around-a-gcc-bug-with-anonymous-structs-and-uni.patch b/SOURCES/libvncserver-0.9.9-Work-around-a-gcc-bug-with-anonymous-structs-and-uni.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95d7f16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libvncserver-0.9.9-Work-around-a-gcc-bug-with-anonymous-structs-and-uni.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+From a6e141517b86a866feba4d472ead02a9df569a9e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Raphael Kubo da Costa <rakuco@FreeBSD.org>
+Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2012 22:50:18 +0300
+Subject: [PATCH 1/3] Work around a gcc bug with anonymous structs and unions.
+GCC < 4.6 failed to parse the declaration of ws_header_t correctly because
+it did not accept anonymous structs and unions. [1]
+Work around the bug by adding names to the unions and structs. Ugly, but
+[1] http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=4784
+ libvncserver/websockets.c | 15 ++++++++++-----
+ 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/libvncserver/websockets.c b/libvncserver/websockets.c
+index 8cd96d38..937f6d4d 100644
+--- a/libvncserver/websockets.c
++++ b/libvncserver/websockets.c
+@@ -88,6 +88,11 @@ typedef union ws_mask_s {
+   uint32_t u;
+ } ws_mask_t;
++/* XXX: The union and the structs do not need to be named.
++ *      We are working around a bug present in GCC < 4.6 which prevented
++ *      it from recognizing anonymous structs and unions.
++ *      See http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=4784
++ */
+ typedef struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) ws_header_s {
+   unsigned char b0;
+   unsigned char b1;
+@@ -95,13 +100,13 @@ typedef struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) ws_header_s {
+     struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) {
+       uint16_t l16;
+       ws_mask_t m16;
+-    };
++    } s16;
+     struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) {
+       uint64_t l64;
+       ws_mask_t m64;
+-    };
++    } s64;
+     ws_mask_t m;
+-  };
++  } u;
+ } ws_header_t;
+ enum
+@@ -792,11 +797,11 @@ webSocketsEncodeHybi(rfbClientPtr cl, const char *src, int len, char **dst)
+       sz = 2;
+     } else if (blen <= 65536) {
+       header->b1 = 0x7e;
+-      header->l16 = WS_HTON16((uint16_t)blen);
++      header->u.s16.l16 = WS_HTON16((uint16_t)blen);
+       sz = 4;
+     } else {
+       header->b1 = 0x7f;
+-      header->l64 = WS_HTON64(blen);
++      header->u.s64.l64 = WS_HTON64(blen);
+       sz = 10;
+     }
diff --git a/SOURCES/libvncserver-0.9.9-fix-for-issue-81.patch b/SOURCES/libvncserver-0.9.9-fix-for-issue-81.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8cd461
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libvncserver-0.9.9-fix-for-issue-81.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+From 93fd4bc18a81a568f3329ee2aa22390ef75b05ed Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: plettix <plettix@gmail.com>
+Date: Tue, 7 Jul 2015 10:32:16 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 2/3] fix for issue 81 use different buffers for decode and
+ encode
+ libvncserver/websockets.c | 19 ++++++++++---------
+ 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/libvncserver/websockets.c b/libvncserver/websockets.c
+index 937f6d4d..3c8e99aa 100644
+--- a/libvncserver/websockets.c
++++ b/libvncserver/websockets.c
+@@ -481,15 +481,15 @@ webSocketsEncodeHixie(rfbClientPtr cl, const char *src, int len, char **dst)
+     int sz = 0;
+     ws_ctx_t *wsctx = (ws_ctx_t *)cl->wsctx;
+-    wsctx->codeBuf[sz++] = '\x00';
+-    len = __b64_ntop((unsigned char *)src, len, wsctx->codeBuf+sz, sizeof(wsctx->codeBuf) - (sz + 1));
++    wsctx->codeBufEncode[sz++] = '\x00';
++    len = __b64_ntop((unsigned char *)src, len, wsctx->codeBufEncode+sz, sizeof(wsctx->codeBufEncode) - (sz + 1));
+     if (len < 0) {
+         return len;
+     }
+     sz += len;
+-    wsctx->codeBuf[sz++] = '\xff';
+-    *dst = wsctx->codeBuf;
++    wsctx->codeBufEncode[sz++] = '\xff';
++    *dst = wsctx->codeBufEncode;
+     return sz;
+ }
+@@ -527,7 +527,7 @@ webSocketsDecodeHixie(rfbClientPtr cl, char *dst, int len)
+     char *buf, *end = NULL;
+     ws_ctx_t *wsctx = (ws_ctx_t *)cl->wsctx;
+-    buf = wsctx->codeBuf;
++    buf = wsctx->codeBufDecode;
+     n = ws_peek(cl, buf, len*2+2);
+@@ -781,7 +781,7 @@ webSocketsEncodeHybi(rfbClientPtr cl, const char *src, int len, char **dst)
+ 	  return 0;
+     }
+-    header = (ws_header_t *)wsctx->codeBuf;
++    header = (ws_header_t *)wsctx->codeBufEncode;
+     if (wsctx->base64) {
+@@ -806,7 +806,7 @@ webSocketsEncodeHybi(rfbClientPtr cl, const char *src, int len, char **dst)
+     }
+     if (wsctx->base64) {
+-        if (-1 == (ret = __b64_ntop((unsigned char *)src, len, wsctx->codeBuf + sz, sizeof(wsctx->codeBuf) - sz))) {
++        if (-1 == (ret = __b64_ntop((unsigned char *)src, len, wsctx->codeBufEncode + sz, sizeof(wsctx->codeBufEncode) - sz))) {
+ 	  rfbErr("%s: Base 64 encode failed\n", __func__);
+ 	} else {
+ 	  if (ret != blen)
+@@ -814,11 +814,12 @@ webSocketsEncodeHybi(rfbClientPtr cl, const char *src, int len, char **dst)
+ 	  ret += sz;
+ 	}
+     } else {
+-      memcpy(wsctx->codeBuf + sz, src, len);
++      memcpy(wsctx->codeBufEncode + sz, src, len);
+       ret =  sz + len;
+     }
+-    *dst = wsctx->codeBuf;
++    *dst = wsctx->codeBufEncode;
+     return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/SPECS/libvncserver.spec b/SPECS/libvncserver.spec
index 2d89e5f..a4ab743 100644
--- a/SPECS/libvncserver.spec
+++ b/SPECS/libvncserver.spec
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 Summary: Library to make writing a vnc server easy
 Name:    libvncserver
 Version: 0.9.9
-Release: 14%{?dist}
+Release: 14%{?dist}.1
 # NOTE: --with-tightvnc-filetransfer => GPLv2
 License: GPLv2+
 Group:   System Environment/Libraries
@@ -47,9 +47,17 @@ Patch11:    libvncserver-0.9.11-Limit-client-cut-text-length-to-1-MB.patch
 # fixed in upstream after 0.9.12
 Patch12:    libvncserver-0.9.11-Fix-CVE-2018-15127-Heap-out-of-bounds-write-in-rfbse.patch
 # Fix CVE-2019-15690 (an integer overflow in HandleCursorShape() in a client),
-# bug #1814339, <https://github.com/LibVNC/libvncserver/issues/275>,
+# bug #1814745, <https://github.com/LibVNC/libvncserver/issues/275>,
 # in upstream after 0.9.12
 Patch13:    libvncserver-0.9.11-libvncclient-cursor-limit-width-height-input-values.patch
+# https://github.com/LibVNC/libvncserver/commit/8f544bd276fcabc52d3816fb0814229805c8d198
+Patch14:    libvncserver-0.9.9-Work-around-a-gcc-bug-with-anonymous-structs-and-uni.patch
+# https://github.com/LibVNC/libvncserver/issues/81
+Patch15:    libvncserver-0.9.9-fix-for-issue-81.patch
+# https://github.com/LibVNC/libvncserver/commit/aac95a9dcf4bbba87b76c72706c3221a842ca433
+Patch16:     libvncserver-0.9.9-CVE-2017-18922.patch
+# https://github.com/LibVNC/libvncserver/pull/308
+Patch17:     libvncserver-0.9.11-CVE-2019-20840.patch
 # upstream name
 Obsoletes: LibVNCServer < 0.9.1
@@ -106,6 +114,10 @@ rm -f common/lzodefs.h common/lzoconf.h commmon/minilzo.h common/minilzo.c
 %patch11 -p1
 %patch12 -p1
 %patch13 -p1
+%patch14 -p1
+%patch15 -p1
+%patch16 -p1
+%patch17 -p1
 # fix encoding
 for file in AUTHORS ChangeLog ; do
@@ -174,9 +186,13 @@ rm -rf %{buildroot}
+* Wed Jul 29 2020 Michael Catanzaro <mcatanzaro@redhat.com> - 0.9.9-14.1
+- Fix CVE-2017-18922
+  Resolves: #1852509
 * Wed Mar 18 2020 Petr Pisar <ppisar@redhat.com> - 0.9.9-14
 - Fix CVE-2019-15690 (an integer overflow in HandleCursorShape() in a client)
-  (bug #1814339)
+  (bug #1814745)
 * Thu Jan 10 2019 Petr Pisar <ppisar@redhat.com> - 0.9.9-13
 - Fix CVE-2018-15127 (Heap out-of-bounds write in