From cfe9bea46b1ffa47b6a862fc0eeb0617f4dfc71b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: CentOS Sources <>
Date: Jul 23 2015 17:50:54 +0000
Subject: import libuser-0.60-7.el7_1


diff --git a/SOURCES/libuser-CVE-2015-3246.patch b/SOURCES/libuser-CVE-2015-3246.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca58b47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libuser-CVE-2015-3246.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,1530 @@
+2015-06-26  Miloslav Trmač  <>
+        * modules/files.c (open_and_copy_file): Replace and heavily modify  ...
+        (lu_files_create_backup): ... this.
+        (lock_file_handle_existing, lock_file_create, lock_file_remove)
+        (struct editing, editing_open, replace_file_or_symlink)
+        (editing_close): New functions.
+        (generic_lookup, generic_is_locked, lu_files_enumerate)
+        (lu_files_users_enumerate_by_group, lu_files_groups_enumerate_by_user)
+        (lu_files_enumerate_full): Remove locking on read-only operations.
+        (generic_add, generic_mod, generic_del, generic_lock)
+        (generic_setpass): Use struct editing instead of dealing with locking,
+        backups, SELinux individually.
+        * lib/user_private.h (lu_util_lock_obtain, lu_util_lock_free): Mark
+        as deprecated.
+        * lib/util.c (lu_util_field_write): Fail on an incomplete write().
+2015-06-25  Miloslav Trmač  <>
+        * modules/files.c (format_generic, generic_setpass): Refuse to write
+        field values which contain \n.
+        * tests/ (Tests.testUserAdd9, Tests.testUserMod8)
+        (tests.testUserSetpass5, tests.testGroupAdd6, tests.testGroupMod7)
+        (tests.testGroupSetpass4): New tests.
+diff -up libuser-0.60/lib/user_private.h.CVE-2015-3246 libuser-0.60/lib/user_private.h
+--- libuser-0.60/lib/user_private.h.CVE-2015-3246	2013-10-12 23:56:07.000000000 +0200
++++ libuser-0.60/lib/user_private.h	2015-07-08 15:15:14.060544103 +0200
+@@ -330,9 +330,11 @@ typedef char lu_security_context_t; /* "
+   ((void)(PATH), (void)(MODE), (void)(ERROR), TRUE)
+ #endif
+-/* Lock a file. */
++/* Lock a file. Deprecated. */
+ gpointer lu_util_lock_obtain(int fd, struct lu_error **error);
+ void lu_util_lock_free(gpointer lock);
+ /* Manipulate a colon-delimited flat text file. */
+ char *lu_util_line_get_matching1(int fd, const char *firstpart,
+diff -up libuser-0.60/lib/util.c.CVE-2015-3246 libuser-0.60/lib/util.c
+--- libuser-0.60/lib/util.c.CVE-2015-3246	2013-10-12 23:56:07.000000000 +0200
++++ libuser-0.60/lib/util.c	2015-07-08 15:15:14.060544103 +0200
+@@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ lu_util_field_write(int fd, const char *
+ 		goto err;
+ 	}
+ 	len = strlen(buf);
+-	if (write(fd, buf, len) == -1) {
++	if (write(fd, buf, len) != len) {
+ 		lu_error_new(error, lu_error_write, NULL);
+ 		ret = FALSE;
+ 		goto err;
+diff -up libuser-0.60/modules/files.c.CVE-2015-3246 libuser-0.60/modules/files.c
+--- libuser-0.60/modules/files.c.CVE-2015-3246	2013-10-12 23:56:07.000000000 +0200
++++ libuser-0.60/modules/files.c	2015-07-08 15:16:41.014981429 +0200
+@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
+ #include <fcntl.h>
+ #include <fnmatch.h>
+ #include <limits.h>
++#include <shadow.h>
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+@@ -101,82 +102,79 @@ module_filename(struct lu_module *module
+ 	return g_strconcat(dir, file_suffix, NULL);
+ }
+-/* Create a backup copy of "filename" named "filename-". */
+-static gboolean
+-lu_files_create_backup(const char *filename,
+-		       struct lu_error **error)
++/* Copy contents of INPUT_FILENAME to OUTPUT_FILENAME, exclusively creating it
++ * if EXCLUSIVE.
++ * Return the file descriptor for OUTPUT_FILENAME, open for reading and writing,
++ * or -1 on error.
++ * Note that this does no locking and assumes the directories hosting the files
++ * are not being manipulated by an attacker. */
++static int
++open_and_copy_file(const char *input_filename, const char *output_filename,
++		   gboolean exclusive, struct lu_error **error)
+ {
+ 	int ifd, ofd;
+-	gpointer ilock, olock;
+-	char *backupname;
+-	struct stat ist, ost;
+-	off_t offset;
+-	gboolean res = FALSE;
++	struct stat st;
++	int res = -1;
++	int flags;
+-	g_assert(filename != NULL);
+-	g_assert(strlen(filename) > 0);
++	g_assert(input_filename != NULL);
++	g_assert(strlen(input_filename) > 0);
++	g_assert(output_filename != NULL);
++	g_assert(strlen(output_filename) > 0);
+-	/* Open the original file. */
+-	ifd = open(filename, O_RDONLY);
++	/* Open the input file. */
++	ifd = open(input_filename, O_RDONLY);
+ 	if (ifd == -1) {
+ 		lu_error_new(error, lu_error_open,
+-			     _("couldn't open `%s': %s"), filename,
++			     _("couldn't open `%s': %s"), input_filename,
+ 			     strerror(errno));
+ 		goto err;
+ 	}
+-	/* Lock the input file. */
+-	if ((ilock = lu_util_lock_obtain(ifd, error)) == NULL)
+-		goto err_ifd;
+ 	/* Read the input file's size. */
+-	if (fstat(ifd, &ist) == -1) {
++	if (fstat(ifd, &st) == -1) {
+ 		lu_error_new(error, lu_error_stat,
+-			     _("couldn't stat `%s': %s"), filename,
++			     _("couldn't stat `%s': %s"), input_filename,
+ 			     strerror(errno));
+-		goto err_ilock;
++		goto err_ifd;
+ 	}
+-	/* Generate the backup file's name and open it, creating it if it
+-	 * doesn't already exist. */
+-	backupname = g_strconcat(filename, "-", NULL);
+-	ofd = open(backupname, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, ist.st_mode);
++	/* We only need O_WRONLY, but the caller needs RDWR if ofd will be
++	 * used as e->new_fd. */
++	flags = O_RDWR | O_CREAT;
++	if (exclusive) {
++		/* This ensures that if there is a concurrent writer which is
++		 * not doing locking for some reason, we will not truncate their
++		 * temporary file. Still, the other writer may truncate our
++		 * file, and ultimately the rename() committing the changes will
++		 * lose one or the other set of changes. */
++		(void)unlink(output_filename);
++		flags |= O_EXCL;
++	} else
++		flags |= O_TRUNC;
++	/* Start with absolutely restrictive permissions to make sure nobody
++	 * can get a file descriptor for this file until we are done resetting
++	 * ownership. */
++	ofd = open(output_filename, flags, 0);
+ 	if (ofd == -1) {
+ 		lu_error_new(error, lu_error_open,
+-			     _("error creating `%s': %s"), backupname,
++			     _("error creating `%s': %s"), output_filename,
+ 			     strerror(errno));
+-		goto err_backupname;
+-	}
+-	/* If we can't read its type, or it's not a normal file, bail. */
+-	if (fstat(ofd, &ost) == -1) {
+-		lu_error_new(error, lu_error_stat, _("couldn't stat `%s': %s"),
+-			     backupname, strerror(errno));
+-		goto err_ofd;
+-	}
+-	if (!S_ISREG(ost.st_mode)) {
+-		lu_error_new(error, lu_error_open,
+-			     _("backup file `%s' exists and is not a regular file"),
+-			     backupname);
+-		goto err_ofd;
++		goto err_ifd;
+ 	}
+-	/* Now lock the output file. */
+-	if ((olock = lu_util_lock_obtain(ofd, error)) == NULL)
+-		goto err_ofd;
+ 	/* Set the permissions on the new file to match the old one. */
+-	if (fchown(ofd, ist.st_uid, ist.st_gid) == -1 && errno != EPERM) {
++	if (fchown(ofd, st.st_uid, st.st_gid) == -1 && errno != EPERM) {
+ 		lu_error_new(error, lu_error_generic,
+-			     _("Error changing owner of `%s': %s"), backupname,
+-			     strerror(errno));
+-		goto err_olock;
++			     _("Error changing owner of `%s': %s"),
++			     output_filename, strerror(errno));
++		goto err_ofd;
+ 	}
+-	if (fchmod(ofd, ist.st_mode) == -1) {
++	if (fchmod(ofd, st.st_mode) == -1) {
+ 		lu_error_new(error, lu_error_generic,
+-			     _("Error changing mode of `%s': %s"), backupname,
+-			     strerror(errno));
+-		goto err_olock;
++			     _("Error changing mode of `%s': %s"),
++			     output_filename, strerror(errno));
++		goto err_ofd;
+ 	}
+ 	/* Copy the data, block by block. */
+@@ -190,9 +188,9 @@ lu_files_create_backup(const char *filen
+ 			if (errno == EINTR)
+ 				continue;
+ 			lu_error_new(error, lu_error_read,
+-				     _("Error reading `%s': %s"), filename,
+-				     strerror(errno));
+-			goto err_olock;
++				     _("Error reading `%s': %s"),
++				     input_filename, strerror(errno));
++			goto err_ofd;
+ 		}
+ 		if (left == 0)
+ 			break;
+@@ -206,55 +204,297 @@ lu_files_create_backup(const char *filen
+ 					continue;
+ 				lu_error_new(error, lu_error_write,
+ 					     _("Error writing `%s': %s"),
+-					     backupname, strerror(errno));
+-				goto err_olock;
++					     output_filename, strerror(errno));
++				goto err_ofd;
+ 			}
+ 			p += out;
+ 			left -= out;
+ 		}
+ 	}
+-	/* Flush data to disk, and truncate at the current offset.  This is
+-	 * necessary if the file existed before we opened it. */
+-	fsync(ofd);
+-	offset = lseek(ofd, 0, SEEK_CUR);
+-	if (offset == -1 || ftruncate(ofd, offset) == -1) {
+-		lu_error_new(error, lu_error_generic,
+-			     _("Error writing `%s': %s"), backupname,
+-			     strerror(errno));
+-		goto err_olock;
+-	}
+-	/* Re-read data about the output file. */
+-	if (fstat(ofd, &ost) == -1) {
+-		lu_error_new(error, lu_error_stat,
+-			     _("couldn't stat `%s': %s"), backupname,
+-			     strerror(errno));
+-		goto err_olock;
+-	}
+-	/* Complain if the files are somehow not the same. */
+-	if (ist.st_size != ost.st_size) {
+-		lu_error_new(error, lu_error_generic,
+-			     _("backup file size mismatch"));
+-		goto err_olock;
++	/* Flush data to disk. */
++	if (fsync(ofd) != 0 || lseek(ofd, 0, SEEK_SET) == -1) {
++		lu_error_new(error, lu_error_write, _("Error writing `%s': %s"),
++			     output_filename, strerror(errno));
++		goto err_ofd;
+ 	}
+-	res = TRUE;
++	res = ofd;
++	goto err_ifd; /* Do not close ofd */
+- err_olock:
+-	lu_util_lock_free(olock);
+  err_ofd:
+ 	close(ofd);
+- err_backupname:
+-	g_free(backupname);
+- err_ilock:
+-	lu_util_lock_free(ilock);
+  err_ifd:
+ 	close(ifd);
+  err:
+ 	return res;
+ }
++/* Deal with an existing LOCK_FILENAME.
++ * Return TRUE if the caller should try again. */
++static gboolean
++lock_file_handle_existing(const char *lock_filename, struct lu_error **error)
++	gchar *lock_contents;
++	GError *gerror;
++	gboolean ret = FALSE;
++	uintmax_t pid;
++	char *p;
++	gerror = NULL;
++	if (g_file_get_contents(lock_filename, &lock_contents, NULL, &gerror)
++	    == FALSE) {
++		lu_error_new(error, lu_error_read,
++			     _("couldn't read from `%s': %s"), lock_filename,
++			     gerror->message);
++		g_error_free(gerror);
++		goto err;
++	}
++	errno = 0;
++	pid = strtoumax(lock_contents, &p, 10);
++	if (errno != 0 || *p != 0 || p == lock_contents || (pid_t)pid != pid) {
++		lu_error_new(error, lu_error_lock,
++			     _("Invalid contents of lock `%s'"), lock_filename);
++		goto err_lock_contents;
++	}
++	if (kill(pid, 0) == 0 || errno != ESRCH) {
++		lu_error_new(error, lu_error_lock,
++			     _("The lock %s is held by process %ju"),
++			     lock_filename, pid);
++		goto err_lock_contents;
++	}
++	/* This is unfixably racy, but that should matter only if a genuine
++	 * lock owner crashes. */
++	if (unlink(lock_filename) != 0) {
++		lu_error_new(error, lu_error_lock,
++		     _("Error removing stale lock `%s': %s"), lock_filename,
++		     strerror(errno));
++		goto err_lock_contents;
++	}
++	ret = TRUE;
++	/* Fall through */
++	g_free(lock_contents);
++	return ret;
++/* Create a lock file for FILENAME. */
++static gboolean
++lock_file_create(const char *filename, struct lu_error **error)
++	char *lock_filename, *tmp_filename;
++	char pid_string[sizeof (pid_t) * CHAR_BIT + 1];
++	int fd;
++	gboolean ret = FALSE;
++	lock_filename = g_strconcat(filename, ".lock", NULL);
++	tmp_filename = g_strdup_printf("%s.lock.XXXXXX", filename);
++	fd = mkstemp(tmp_filename);
++	if (fd == -1) {
++		lu_error_new(error, lu_error_open,
++			     _("error opening temporary file for `%s': %s"),
++			     lock_filename, strerror(errno));
++		goto err_tmp_filename;
++	}
++	if (snprintf(pid_string, sizeof(pid_string), "%ju", (uintmax_t)getpid())
++	    >= sizeof(pid_string))
++		g_assert_not_reached();
++	if (write(fd, pid_string, strlen(pid_string)) != strlen(pid_string)) {
++		lu_error_new(error, lu_error_write, _("Error writing `%s': %s"),
++			     tmp_filename, strerror(errno));
++		close(fd);
++		goto err_tmp_file;
++	}
++	close(fd);
++	if (link(tmp_filename, lock_filename) != 0) {
++		if (errno == EEXIST) {
++			if (lock_file_handle_existing(lock_filename, error)
++			    == FALSE)
++				goto err_tmp_file;
++			if (link(tmp_filename, lock_filename) == 0)
++				goto got_link;
++		}
++		lu_error_new(error, lu_error_lock,
++			     _("Cannot obtain lock `%s': %s"), lock_filename,
++			     strerror(errno));
++		goto err_tmp_file;
++	}
++	ret = TRUE;
++	/* Fall through */
++	(void)unlink(tmp_filename);
++	g_free(tmp_filename);
++	g_free(lock_filename);
++	return ret;
++/* Remove the lock file for FILENAME. */
++static void
++lock_file_remove(const char *filename)
++	char *lock_file;
++	lock_file = g_strconcat(filename, ".lock", NULL);
++	(void)unlink(lock_file);
++	g_free(lock_file);
++/* State related to a file currently open for editing. */
++struct editing {
++	char *filename;
++	lu_security_context_t fscreate;
++	char *new_filename;
++	int new_fd;
++/* Open and lock FILE_SUFFIX in MODULE for editing.
++ * Return editing state, or NULL on error. */
++static struct editing *
++editing_open(struct lu_module *module, const char *file_suffix,
++	     struct lu_error **error)
++	struct editing *e;
++	char *backup_name;
++	int fd;
++	e = g_malloc0(sizeof (*e));
++	e->filename = module_filename(module, file_suffix);
++	/* Make sure this all works if e->filename is a symbolic link, at least
++	 * as long as it points to the same file system. */
++	if (geteuid() == 0) {
++		if (lckpwdf() != 0) {
++			lu_error_new(error, lu_error_lock,
++				     _("error locking file: %s"),
++				     strerror(errno));
++			goto err_filename;
++		}
++	}
++	if (lock_file_create(e->filename, error) == FALSE)
++		goto err_lckpwdf;
++	if (!lu_util_fscreate_save(&e->fscreate, error))
++		goto err_locked;
++	if (!lu_util_fscreate_from_file(e->filename, error))
++		goto err_fscreate;
++	backup_name = g_strconcat(e->filename, "-", NULL);
++	fd = open_and_copy_file(e->filename, backup_name, FALSE, error);
++	g_free (backup_name);
++	close(fd);
++	if (fd == -1)
++		goto err_fscreate;
++	e->new_filename = g_strconcat(e->filename, "+", NULL);
++	e->new_fd = open_and_copy_file(e->filename, e->new_filename, TRUE,
++			       	       error);
++	if (e->new_fd == -1)
++		goto err_new_filename;
++	return e;
++ 	g_free(e->new_filename);
++	lu_util_fscreate_restore(e->fscreate);
++	(void)lock_file_remove(e->filename);
++	if (geteuid() == 0)
++		(void)ulckpwdf();
++ 	g_free(e->filename);
++ 	g_free(e);
++ 	return NULL;
++/* Replace DESTINATION with SOURCE, even if DESTINATION is a symbolic link. */
++static gboolean
++replace_file_or_symlink(const char *source, const char *destination,
++		        struct lu_error **error)
++	struct stat st;
++	char *tmp;
++	gboolean ret = FALSE;
++	tmp = NULL;
++	if (lstat(destination, &st) == 0 && S_ISLNK(st.st_mode)) {
++		tmp = realpath(destination, NULL);
++		if (tmp == NULL) {
++			lu_error_new(error, lu_error_generic,
++				     _("Error resolving `%s': %s"), destination,
++				     strerror(errno));
++			goto err;
++		}
++		destination = tmp;
++	}
++	if (rename(source, destination) != 0) {
++		lu_error_new(error, lu_error_write,
++			     _("Error replacing `%s': %s"), destination,
++			     strerror(errno));
++		goto err;
++	}
++	ret = TRUE;
++	/* Fall through */
++	free(tmp);
++	return ret;
++/* Finish editing E, commit edits if COMMIT.
++ * Return true only if RET_INPUT and everything went OK; suggested usage is
++ *  ret = editing_close(e, commit, ret, error); */
++static gboolean
++editing_close(struct editing *e, gboolean commit, gboolean ret_input,
++	      struct lu_error **error)
++	gboolean ret = FALSE;
++	gboolean unlink_new_filename = TRUE;
++	g_assert(e != NULL);
++	if (commit && fsync(e->new_fd) != 0) {
++		lu_error_new(error, lu_error_write, _("Error writing `%s': %s"),
++			     e->new_filename, strerror(errno));
++		close(e->new_fd);
++		goto err;
++	}
++	close(e->new_fd);
++	if (commit) {
++		if (replace_file_or_symlink(e->new_filename, e->filename,
++					    error) == FALSE)
++			goto err;
++		unlink_new_filename = FALSE;
++	}
++	ret = ret_input;
++	if (unlink_new_filename)
++		(void)unlink(e->new_filename);
++	g_free(e->new_filename);
++	lu_util_fscreate_restore(e->fscreate);
++	(void)lock_file_remove(e->filename);
++	if (geteuid() == 0)
++		(void)ulckpwdf();
++	g_free(e->filename);
++	g_free(e);
++	return ret;
+ /* Read a line from the file, no matter how long it is, and return it as a
+  * newly-allocated string, with the terminator intact. */
+ static char *
+@@ -435,7 +675,6 @@ generic_lookup(struct lu_module *module,
+ {
+ 	gboolean ret;
+ 	int fd = -1;
+-	gpointer lock;
+ 	char *line, *filename;
+ 	g_assert(module != NULL);
+@@ -446,7 +685,7 @@ generic_lookup(struct lu_module *module,
+ 	filename = module_filename(module, file_suffix);
+-	/* Open the file and lock it. */
++	/* Open the file. */
+ 	fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY);
+ 	if (fd == -1) {
+ 		lu_error_new(error, lu_error_open,
+@@ -457,15 +696,9 @@ generic_lookup(struct lu_module *module,
+ 	}
+ 	g_free(filename);
+-	if ((lock = lu_util_lock_obtain(fd, error)) == NULL) {
+-		close(fd);
+-		return FALSE;
+-	}
+ 	/* Search for the entry in this file. */
+ 	line = lu_util_line_get_matchingx(fd, name, field, error);
+ 	if (line == NULL) {
+-		lu_util_lock_free(lock);
+ 		close(fd);
+ 		return FALSE;
+ 	}
+@@ -473,7 +706,6 @@ generic_lookup(struct lu_module *module,
+ 	/* If we found data, parse it and then free the data. */
+ 	ret = parser(line, ent);
+ 	g_free(line);
+-	lu_util_lock_free(lock);
+ 	close(fd);
+ 	return ret;
+@@ -666,6 +898,13 @@ format_generic(struct lu_ent *ent, const
+ 		char *field;
+ 		field = format_field(ent, formats + i);
++		if (strchr(field, '\n') != NULL) {
++			lu_error_new(error, lu_error_invalid_attribute_value,
++				     _("%s value `%s': `\\n' not allowed"),
++				     formats[i].attribute, field);
++			g_free(field);
++			goto err;
++		}
+ 		if (i != format_count - 1 && strchr(field, ':') != NULL) {
+ 			lu_error_new(error, lu_error_invalid_attribute_value,
+ 				     _("%s value `%s': `:' not allowed"),
+@@ -729,11 +968,9 @@ generic_add(struct lu_module *module, co
+ 	    const struct format_specifier *formats, size_t format_count,
+ 	    struct lu_ent *ent, struct lu_error **error)
+ {
+-	lu_security_context_t fscreate;
+-	char *line, *filename, *contents;
+-	int fd;
++	struct editing *e;
++	char *line, *contents;
+ 	ssize_t r;
+-	gpointer lock;
+ 	struct stat st;
+ 	off_t offset;
+ 	gboolean ret = FALSE;
+@@ -743,50 +980,30 @@ generic_add(struct lu_module *module, co
+ 	g_assert(format_count > 0);
+ 	g_assert(ent != NULL);
+-	filename = module_filename(module, file_suffix);
+ 	line = format_generic(ent, formats, format_count, error);
+ 	if (line == NULL)
+-		goto err_filename;
++		goto err;
+-	if (!lu_util_fscreate_save(&fscreate, error))
++	e = editing_open(module, file_suffix, error);
++	if (e == NULL)
+ 		goto err_line;
+-	if (!lu_util_fscreate_from_file(filename, error))
+-		goto err_fscreate;
+-	/* Create a backup copy of the file we're about to modify. */
+-	if (lu_files_create_backup(filename, error) == FALSE)
+-		goto err_fscreate;
+-	/* Open the file. */
+-	fd = open(filename, O_RDWR);
+-	if (fd == -1) {
+-		lu_error_new(error, lu_error_open,
+-			     _("couldn't open `%s': %s"), filename,
+-			     strerror(errno));
+-		goto err_fscreate;
+-	}
+-	/* Lock the file. */
+-	if ((lock = lu_util_lock_obtain(fd, error)) == NULL)
+-		goto err_fd;
+ 	/* Read the file's size. */
+-	if (fstat(fd, &st) == -1) {
++	if (fstat(e->new_fd, &st) == -1) {
+ 		lu_error_new(error, lu_error_stat,
+-			     _("couldn't stat `%s': %s"), filename,
++			     _("couldn't stat `%s': %s"), e->new_filename,
+ 			     strerror(errno));
+-		goto err_lock;
++		goto err_editing;
+ 	}
+ 	/* Read the entire file in.  There's some room for improvement here,
+ 	 * but at least we still have the lock, so it's not going to get
+ 	 * funky on us. */
+ 	contents = g_malloc0(st.st_size + 1);
+-	if (read(fd, contents, st.st_size) != st.st_size) {
++	if (read(e->new_fd, contents, st.st_size) != st.st_size) {
+ 		lu_error_new(error, lu_error_read,
+ 			     _("couldn't read from `%s': %s"),
+-			     filename, strerror(errno));
++			     e->new_filename, strerror(errno));
+ 		goto err_contents;
+ 	}
+@@ -798,54 +1015,43 @@ generic_add(struct lu_module *module, co
+ 		goto err_contents;
+ 	}
+ 	/* Hooray, we can add this entry at the end of the file. */
+-	offset = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);
++	offset = lseek(e->new_fd, 0, SEEK_END);
+ 	if (offset == -1) {
+ 		lu_error_new(error, lu_error_write,
+ 			     _("couldn't write to `%s': %s"),
+-			     filename, strerror(errno));
++			     e->new_filename, strerror(errno));
+ 		goto err_contents;
+ 	}
+ 	/* If the last byte in the file isn't a newline, add one, and silently
+ 	 * curse people who use text editors (which shall remain unnamed) which
+ 	 * allow saving of the file without a final line terminator. */
+ 	if ((st.st_size > 0) && (contents[st.st_size - 1] != '\n')) {
+-		if (write(fd, "\n", 1) != 1) {
++		if (write(e->new_fd, "\n", 1) != 1) {
+ 			lu_error_new(error, lu_error_write,
+ 				     _("couldn't write to `%s': %s"),
+-				     filename,
+-				     strerror(errno));
++				     e->new_filename, strerror(errno));
+ 			goto err_contents;
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	/* Attempt to write the entire line to the end. */
+-	r = write(fd, line, strlen(line));
++	r = write(e->new_fd, line, strlen(line));
+ 	if ((size_t)r != strlen(line)) {
+ 		/* Oh, come on! */
+ 		lu_error_new(error, lu_error_write,
+-			     _("couldn't write to `%s': %s"),
+-			     filename,
++			     _("couldn't write to `%s': %s"), e->new_filename,
+ 			     strerror(errno));
+-		/* Truncate off whatever we actually managed to write and
+-		 * give up. */
+-		(void)ftruncate(fd, offset);
+ 		goto err_contents;
+ 	}
+-	/* Hey, it succeeded. */
+ 	ret = TRUE;
+ 	/* Fall through */
+ err_contents:
+ 	g_free(contents);
+-	lu_util_lock_free(lock);
+-	close(fd);
+-	lu_util_fscreate_restore(fscreate);
++	ret = editing_close(e, ret, ret, error); /* Commit/rollback happens here. */
+ err_line:
+ 	g_free(line);
+-	g_free(filename);
+ 	return ret;
+ }
+@@ -938,11 +1144,9 @@ generic_mod(struct lu_module *module, co
+ 	    const struct format_specifier *formats, size_t format_count,
+ 	    struct lu_ent *ent, struct lu_error **error)
+ {
+-	lu_security_context_t fscreate;
+-	char *filename, *new_line, *contents, *line, *rest;
++	struct editing *e;
++	char *new_line, *contents, *line, *rest;
+ 	char *current_name, *fragment;
+-	int fd;
+-	gpointer lock;
+ 	const char *name_attribute;
+ 	gboolean ret = FALSE;
+ 	struct stat st;
+@@ -971,43 +1175,24 @@ generic_mod(struct lu_module *module, co
+ 		return FALSE;
+ 	}
+-	filename = module_filename(module, file_suffix);
+ 	new_line = format_generic(ent, formats, format_count, error);
+ 	if (new_line == NULL)
+-		goto err_filename;
++		goto err_current_name;
+-	if (!lu_util_fscreate_save(&fscreate, error))
++	e = editing_open(module, file_suffix, error);
++	if (e == NULL)
+ 		goto err_new_line;
+-	if (!lu_util_fscreate_from_file(filename, error))
+-		goto err_fscreate;
+-	/* Create a backup file. */
+-	if (lu_files_create_backup(filename, error) == FALSE)
+-		goto err_fscreate;
+-	/* Open the file to be modified. */
+-	fd = open(filename, O_RDWR);
+-	if (fd == -1) {
+-		lu_error_new(error, lu_error_open,
+-			     _("couldn't open `%s': %s"), filename,
+-			     strerror(errno));
+-		goto err_fscreate;
+-	}
+-	/* Lock the file. */
+-	if ((lock = lu_util_lock_obtain(fd, error)) == NULL)
+-		goto err_fd;
+-	if (fstat(fd, &st) == -1) {
++	if (fstat(e->new_fd, &st) == -1) {
+ 		lu_error_new(error, lu_error_stat, _("couldn't stat `%s': %s"),
+-			     filename, strerror(errno));
+-		goto err_lock;
++			     e->new_filename, strerror(errno));
++		goto err_editing;
+ 	}
+ 	contents = g_malloc(st.st_size + 1 + strlen(new_line));
+-	if (read(fd, contents, st.st_size) != st.st_size) {
++	if (read(e->new_fd, contents, st.st_size) != st.st_size) {
+ 		lu_error_new(error, lu_error_read,
+-			     _("couldn't read from `%s': %s"), filename,
++			     _("couldn't read from `%s': %s"), e->new_filename,
+ 			     strerror(errno));
+ 		goto err_contents;
+ 	}
+@@ -1045,16 +1230,16 @@ generic_mod(struct lu_module *module, co
+ 	memmove(line + strlen(new_line), rest,
+ 		contents + st.st_size + 1 - rest);
+ 	memcpy(line, new_line, strlen(new_line));
+-	if (lseek(fd, line - contents, SEEK_SET) == -1) {
++	if (lseek(e->new_fd, line - contents, SEEK_SET) == -1) {
+ 		lu_error_new(error, lu_error_write, NULL);
+ 		goto err_contents;
+ 	}
+ 	len = strlen(line);
+-	if ((size_t)write(fd, line, len) != len) {
++	if ((size_t)write(e->new_fd, line, len) != len) {
+ 		lu_error_new(error, lu_error_write, NULL);
+ 		goto err_contents;
+ 	}
+-	if (ftruncate(fd, (line - contents) + len) != 0) {
++	if (ftruncate(e->new_fd, (line - contents) + len) != 0) {
+ 		lu_error_new(error, lu_error_write, NULL);
+ 		goto err_contents;
+ 	}
+@@ -1063,16 +1248,11 @@ generic_mod(struct lu_module *module, co
+ err_contents:
+ 	g_free(contents);
+-	lu_util_lock_free(lock);
+-	close(fd);
+-	lu_util_fscreate_restore(fscreate);
++	ret = editing_close(e, ret, ret, error); /* Commit/rollback happens here. */
+ err_new_line:
+ 	g_free(new_line);
+-	g_free(filename);
+ 	g_free(current_name);
+ 	return ret;
+ }
+@@ -1118,16 +1298,14 @@ static gboolean
+ generic_del(struct lu_module *module, const char *file_suffix,
+ 	    struct lu_ent *ent, struct lu_error **error)
+ {
+-	lu_security_context_t fscreate;
++	struct editing *e;
+ 	char *name;
+-	char *contents, *filename;
++	char *contents;
+ 	char *fragment2;
+ 	struct stat st;
+ 	size_t len;
+-	int fd;
+-        gboolean ret = FALSE;
++        gboolean commit = FALSE, ret = FALSE;
+ 	gboolean found;
+-	gpointer lock;
+ 	/* Get the entity's current name. */
+ 	if (ent->type == lu_user)
+@@ -1141,42 +1319,23 @@ generic_del(struct lu_module *module, co
+ 	g_assert(module != NULL);
+ 	g_assert(ent != NULL);
+-	filename = module_filename(module, file_suffix);
+-	if (!lu_util_fscreate_save(&fscreate, error))
+-		goto err_filename;
+-	if (!lu_util_fscreate_from_file(filename, error))
+-		goto err_fscreate;
+-	/* Create a backup of that file. */
+-	if (lu_files_create_backup(filename, error) == FALSE)
+-		goto err_fscreate;
+-	/* Open the file to be modified. */
+-	fd = open(filename, O_RDWR);
+-	if (fd == -1) {
+-		lu_error_new(error, lu_error_open,
+-			     _("couldn't open `%s': %s"), filename,
+-			     strerror(errno));
+-		goto err_fscreate;
+-	}
+-	/* Lock the file. */
+-	if ((lock = lu_util_lock_obtain(fd, error)) == NULL)
+-		goto err_fd;
++	e = editing_open(module, file_suffix, error);
++	if (e == NULL)
++		goto err_name;
+ 	/* Determine the file's size. */
+-	if (fstat(fd, &st) == -1) {
++	if (fstat(e->new_fd, &st) == -1) {
+ 		lu_error_new(error, lu_error_stat,
+-			     _("couldn't stat `%s': %s"), filename,
++			     _("couldn't stat `%s': %s"), e->new_filename,
+ 			     strerror(errno));
+-		goto err_lock;
++		goto err_editing;
+ 	}
+ 	/* Allocate space to hold the file and read it all in. */
+ 	contents = g_malloc(st.st_size + 1);
+-	if (read(fd, contents, st.st_size) != st.st_size) {
++	if (read(e->new_fd, contents, st.st_size) != st.st_size) {
+ 		lu_error_new(error, lu_error_read,
+-			     _("couldn't read from `%s': %s"), filename,
++			     _("couldn't read from `%s': %s"), e->new_filename,
+ 			     strerror(errno));
+ 		goto err_contents;
+ 	}
+@@ -1229,41 +1388,38 @@ generic_del(struct lu_module *module, co
+ 	/* Otherwise we need to write the new data to the file.  Jump back to
+ 	 * the beginning of the file. */
+-	if (lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET) == -1) {
++	if (lseek(e->new_fd, 0, SEEK_SET) == -1) {
+ 		lu_error_new(error, lu_error_write,
+-			     _("couldn't write to `%s': %s"), filename,
++			     _("couldn't write to `%s': %s"), e->new_filename,
+ 			     strerror(errno));
+ 		goto err_contents;
+ 	}
+ 	/* Write the new contents out. */
+-	if ((size_t)write(fd, contents, len) != len) {
++	if ((size_t)write(e->new_fd, contents, len) != len) {
+ 		lu_error_new(error, lu_error_write,
+-			     _("couldn't write to `%s': %s"), filename,
++			     _("couldn't write to `%s': %s"), e->new_filename,
+ 			     strerror(errno));
+ 		goto err_contents;
+ 	}
+ 	/* Truncate the file to the new (certainly shorter) length. */
+-	if (ftruncate(fd, len) == -1) {
++	if (ftruncate(e->new_fd, len) == -1) {
+ 		lu_error_new(error, lu_error_generic,
+-			     _("couldn't write to `%s': %s"), filename,
++			     _("couldn't write to `%s': %s"), e->new_filename,
+ 			     strerror(errno));
+ 		goto err_contents;
+ 	}
++	commit = TRUE;
+ 	ret = TRUE;
+ 	/* Fall through */
+  err_contents:
+ 	g_free(contents);
+- err_lock:
+-	lu_util_lock_free(lock);
+- err_fd:
+-	close(fd);
+-	lu_util_fscreate_restore(fscreate);
+- err_filename:
+-	g_free(filename);
++	/* Commit/rollback happens here. */
++	ret = editing_close(e, commit, ret, error);
+ 	g_free(name);
+ 	return ret;
+ }
+@@ -1344,12 +1500,9 @@ static gboolean
+ generic_lock(struct lu_module *module, const char *file_suffix, int field,
+ 	     struct lu_ent *ent, enum lock_op op, struct lu_error **error)
+ {
+-	lu_security_context_t fscreate;
+-	char *filename;
++	struct editing *e;
+ 	char *value, *new_value, *name;
+-	int fd;
+-	gpointer lock;
+-	gboolean ret = FALSE;
++	gboolean commit = FALSE, ret = FALSE;
+ 	/* Get the name which keys the entries of interest in the file. */
+ 	g_assert((ent->type == lu_user) || (ent->type == lu_group));
+@@ -1362,33 +1515,14 @@ generic_lock(struct lu_module *module, c
+ 	g_assert(module != NULL);
+ 	g_assert(ent != NULL);
+-	filename = module_filename(module, file_suffix);
+-	if (!lu_util_fscreate_save(&fscreate, error))
+-		goto err_filename;
+-	if (!lu_util_fscreate_from_file(filename, error))
+-		goto err_fscreate;
+-	/* Create a backup of the file. */
+-	if (lu_files_create_backup(filename, error) == FALSE)
+-		goto err_fscreate;
+-	/* Open the file. */
+-	fd = open(filename, O_RDWR);
+-	if (fd == -1) {
+-		lu_error_new(error, lu_error_open,
+-			     _("couldn't open `%s': %s"), filename,
+-			     strerror(errno));
+-		goto err_fscreate;
+-	}
+-	/* Lock the file. */
+-	if ((lock = lu_util_lock_obtain(fd, error)) == NULL)
+-		goto err_fd;
++	e = editing_open(module, file_suffix, error);
++	if (e == NULL)
++		goto err_name;
+ 	/* Read the old value from the file. */
+-	value = lu_util_field_read(fd, name, field, error);
++	value = lu_util_field_read(e->new_fd, name, field, error);
+ 	if (value == NULL)
+-		goto err_lock;
++		goto err_editing;
+ 	/* Check that we actually care about this.  If there's a non-empty,
+ 	 * not locked string in there, but it's too short to be a hash, then
+@@ -1396,27 +1530,27 @@ generic_lock(struct lu_module *module, c
+ 	if (LU_CRYPT_INVALID(value)) {
+ 		g_free(value);
+ 		ret = TRUE;
+-		goto err_lock;
++		goto err_editing;
+ 	}
+ 	/* Generate a new value for the file. */
+ 	new_value = lock_process(value, op, ent, error);
+ 	g_free(value);
+ 	if (new_value == NULL)
+-		goto err_lock;
++		goto err_editing;
+ 	/* Make the change. */
+-	ret = lu_util_field_write(fd, name, field, new_value, error);
++	if (lu_util_field_write(e->new_fd, name, field, new_value, error)
++	    == FALSE)
++		goto err_editing;
++	commit = TRUE;
++	ret = TRUE;
+ 	/* Fall through */
+-	lu_util_lock_free(lock);
+- err_fd:
+-	close(fd);
+-	lu_util_fscreate_restore(fscreate);
+- err_filename:
+-	g_free(filename);
++	/* Commit/rollback happens here. */
++	ret = editing_close(e, commit, ret, error);
+ 	g_free(name);
+ 	return ret;
+ }
+@@ -1429,7 +1563,6 @@ generic_is_locked(struct lu_module *modu
+ 	char *filename;
+ 	char *value, *name;
+ 	int fd;
+-	gpointer lock;
+ 	gboolean ret = FALSE;
+ 	/* Get the name of this account. */
+@@ -1454,22 +1587,16 @@ generic_is_locked(struct lu_module *modu
+ 		goto err_filename;
+ 	}
+-	/* Lock the file. */
+-	if ((lock = lu_util_lock_obtain(fd, error)) == NULL)
+-		goto err_fd;
+ 	/* Read the value. */
+ 	value = lu_util_field_read(fd, name, field, error);
+ 	if (value == NULL)
+-		goto err_lock;
++		goto err_fd;
+ 	/* It all comes down to this. */
+ 	ret = value[0] == '!';
+ 	g_free(value);
+ 	/* Fall through */
+-	lu_util_lock_free(lock);
+ err_fd:
+ 	close(fd);
+ err_filename:
+@@ -1624,10 +1751,8 @@ generic_setpass(struct lu_module *module
+ 		struct lu_ent *ent, const char *password, gboolean is_shadow,
+ 		struct lu_error **error)
+ {
+-	lu_security_context_t fscreate;
+-	char *filename, *value, *name;
+-	int fd;
+-	gpointer lock;
++	struct editing *e;
++	char *value, *name;
+ 	gboolean ret = FALSE;
+ 	/* Get the name of this account. */
+@@ -1641,34 +1766,14 @@ generic_setpass(struct lu_module *module
+ 	g_assert(module != NULL);
+ 	g_assert(ent != NULL);
+-	filename = module_filename(module, file_suffix);
+-	if (!lu_util_fscreate_save(&fscreate, error))
+-		goto err_filename;
+-	if (!lu_util_fscreate_from_file(filename, error))
+-		goto err_fscreate;
+-	/* Create a backup of the file. */
+-	if (lu_files_create_backup(filename, error) == FALSE)
+-		goto err_filename;
+-	/* Open the file. */
+-	fd = open(filename, O_RDWR);
+-	if (fd == -1) {
+-		lu_error_new(error, lu_error_open,
+-			     _("couldn't open `%s': %s"), filename,
+-			     strerror(errno));
+-		goto err_fscreate;
+-	}
+-	/* Lock the file. */
+-	if ((lock = lu_util_lock_obtain(fd, error)) == NULL)
+-		goto err_fd;
++	e = editing_open(module, file_suffix, error);
++	if (e == NULL)
++		goto err_name;
+ 	/* Read the current contents of the field. */
+-	value = lu_util_field_read(fd, name, field, error);
++	value = lu_util_field_read(e->new_fd, name, field, error);
+ 	if (value == NULL)
+-		goto err_lock;
++		goto err_editing;
+ 	/* pam_unix uses shadow passwords only if pw_passwd is "x"
+ 	   (or ##${username}).  Make sure to preserve the shadow marker
+@@ -1693,9 +1798,9 @@ generic_setpass(struct lu_module *module
+ 	else if (g_ascii_strncasecmp(password, LU_CRYPTED, strlen(LU_CRYPTED))
+ 		 == 0) {
+ 		password = password + strlen(LU_CRYPTED);
+-		if (strchr(password, ':') != NULL) {
++		if (strpbrk(password, ":\n") != NULL) {
+ 			lu_error_new(error, lu_error_invalid_attribute_value,
+-				     _("`:' not allowed in encrypted "
++				     _("`:' and `\\n' not allowed in encrypted "
+ 				       "password"));
+ 			goto err_value;
+ 		}
+@@ -1713,19 +1818,14 @@ generic_setpass(struct lu_module *module
+ 	}
+ 	/* Now write our changes to the file. */
+-	ret = lu_util_field_write(fd, name, field, password, error);
++	ret = lu_util_field_write(e->new_fd, name, field, password, error);
+ 	/* Fall through */
+- err_value:
+ 	g_free(value);
+-	lu_util_lock_free(lock);
+- err_fd:
+-	close(fd);
+-	lu_util_fscreate_restore(fscreate);
+- err_filename:
+-	g_free(filename);
++	ret = editing_close(e, ret, ret, error); /* Commit/rollback happens here. */
+ 	g_free(name);
+ 	return ret;
+ }
+@@ -1802,7 +1902,6 @@ lu_files_enumerate(struct lu_module *mod
+ 		   const char *pattern, struct lu_error **error)
+ {
+ 	int fd;
+-	gpointer lock;
+ 	GValueArray *ret;
+ 	GValue value;
+ 	char *buf;
+@@ -1824,20 +1923,12 @@ lu_files_enumerate(struct lu_module *mod
+ 		return NULL;
+ 	}
+-	/* Lock the file. */
+-	if ((lock = lu_util_lock_obtain(fd, error)) == NULL) {
+-		close(fd);
+-		g_free(filename);
+-		return NULL;
+-	}
+ 	/* Wrap the file for stdio operations. */
+ 	fp = fdopen(fd, "r");
+ 	if (fp == NULL) {
+ 		lu_error_new(error, lu_error_open,
+ 			     _("couldn't open `%s': %s"), filename,
+ 			     strerror(errno));
+-		lu_util_lock_free(lock);
+ 		close(fd);
+ 		g_free(filename);
+ 		return NULL;
+@@ -1873,7 +1964,6 @@ lu_files_enumerate(struct lu_module *mod
+ 	/* Clean up. */
+ 	g_value_unset(&value);
+-	lu_util_lock_free(lock);
+ 	fclose(fp);
+ 	g_free(filename);
+@@ -1902,7 +1992,6 @@ lu_files_users_enumerate_by_group(struct
+ 				  struct lu_error **error)
+ {
+ 	int fd;
+-	gpointer lock;
+ 	GValueArray *ret;
+ 	GValue value;
+ 	char *buf, grp[CHUNK_SIZE];
+@@ -1927,21 +2016,12 @@ lu_files_users_enumerate_by_group(struct
+ 		return NULL;
+ 	}
+-	/* Lock the passwd file. */
+-	if ((lock = lu_util_lock_obtain(fd, error)) == NULL) {
+-		close(fd);
+-		g_free(pwdfilename);
+-		g_free(grpfilename);
+-		return NULL;
+-	}
+ 	/* Wrap the descriptor in a stdio FILE. */
+ 	fp = fdopen(fd, "r");
+ 	if (fp == NULL) {
+ 		lu_error_new(error, lu_error_open,
+ 			     _("couldn't open `%s': %s"), pwdfilename,
+ 			     strerror(errno));
+-		lu_util_lock_free(lock);
+ 		close(fd);
+ 		g_free(pwdfilename);
+ 		g_free(grpfilename);
+@@ -2000,7 +2080,6 @@ lu_files_users_enumerate_by_group(struct
+ 	}
+ 	/* Close the file. */
+ 	g_value_unset(&value);
+-	lu_util_lock_free(lock);
+ 	fclose(fp);
+ 	/* Open the group file. */
+@@ -2015,22 +2094,12 @@ lu_files_users_enumerate_by_group(struct
+ 		return NULL;
+ 	}
+-	/* Lock the group file. */
+-	if ((lock = lu_util_lock_obtain(fd, error)) == NULL) {
+-		close(fd);
+-		g_free(pwdfilename);
+-		g_free(grpfilename);
+-		g_value_array_free(ret);
+-		return NULL;
+-	}
+ 	/* Wrap the group file in an stdio file. */
+ 	fp = fdopen(fd, "r");
+ 	if (fp == NULL) {
+ 		lu_error_new(error, lu_error_open,
+ 			     _("couldn't open `%s': %s"), grpfilename,
+ 			     strerror(errno));
+-		lu_util_lock_free(lock);
+ 		close(fd);
+ 		g_free(pwdfilename);
+ 		g_free(grpfilename);
+@@ -2085,7 +2154,6 @@ lu_files_users_enumerate_by_group(struct
+ 	}
+ 	/* Clean up. */
+-	lu_util_lock_free(lock);
+ 	fclose(fp);
+ 	g_free(pwdfilename);
+@@ -2102,7 +2170,6 @@ lu_files_groups_enumerate_by_user(struct
+ 				  struct lu_error **error)
+ {
+ 	int fd;
+-	gpointer lock;
+ 	GValueArray *ret;
+ 	GValue value;
+ 	char *buf;
+@@ -2126,19 +2193,12 @@ lu_files_groups_enumerate_by_user(struct
+ 		goto err_pwdfilename;
+ 	}
+-	/* Lock it. */
+-	if ((lock = lu_util_lock_obtain(fd, error)) == NULL) {
+-		close(fd);
+-		goto err_pwdfilename;
+-	}
+ 	/* Open it so that we can use stdio. */
+ 	fp = fdopen(fd, "r");
+ 	if (fp == NULL) {
+ 		lu_error_new(error, lu_error_open,
+ 			     _("couldn't open `%s': %s"), pwdfilename,
+ 			     strerror(errno));
+-		lu_util_lock_free(lock);
+ 		close(fd);
+ 		goto err_pwdfilename;
+ 	}
+@@ -2186,7 +2246,6 @@ lu_files_groups_enumerate_by_user(struct
+ 		}
+ 		g_free(buf);
+ 	}
+-	lu_util_lock_free(lock);
+ 	fclose(fp);
+ 	/* Open the groups file. */
+@@ -2198,19 +2257,12 @@ lu_files_groups_enumerate_by_user(struct
+ 		goto err_key;
+ 	}
+-	/* Lock it. */
+-	if ((lock = lu_util_lock_obtain(fd, error)) == NULL) {
+-		close(fd);
+-		goto err_key;
+-	}
+ 	/* Open it so that we can use stdio. */
+ 	fp = fdopen(fd, "r");
+ 	if (fp == NULL) {
+ 		lu_error_new(error, lu_error_open,
+ 			     _("couldn't open `%s': %s"), grpfilename,
+ 			     strerror(errno));
+-		lu_util_lock_free(lock);
+ 		close(fd);
+ 		goto err_key;
+ 	}
+@@ -2267,7 +2319,6 @@ lu_files_groups_enumerate_by_user(struct
+ 	g_free(key);
+ 	g_value_unset(&value);
+-	lu_util_lock_free(lock);
+ 	fclose(fp);
+ 	g_free(pwdfilename);
+ 	g_free(grpfilename);
+@@ -2291,7 +2342,6 @@ lu_files_enumerate_full(struct lu_module
+ 			struct lu_error **error)
+ {
+ 	int fd;
+-	gpointer lock;
+ 	GPtrArray *ret = NULL;
+ 	char *buf;
+ 	char *key, *filename;
+@@ -2311,19 +2361,12 @@ lu_files_enumerate_full(struct lu_module
+ 		goto err_filename;
+ 	}
+-	/* Lock the file. */
+-	if ((lock = lu_util_lock_obtain(fd, error)) == NULL) {
+-		close(fd);
+-		goto err_filename;
+-	}
+ 	/* Wrap the file up in stdio. */
+ 	fp = fdopen(fd, "r");
+ 	if (fp == NULL) {
+ 		lu_error_new(error, lu_error_open,
+ 			     _("couldn't open `%s': %s"), filename,
+ 			     strerror(errno));
+-		lu_util_lock_free(lock);
+ 		close(fd);
+ 		goto err_filename;
+ 	}
+@@ -2358,7 +2401,6 @@ lu_files_enumerate_full(struct lu_module
+ 		g_free(key);
+ 	}
+-	lu_util_lock_free(lock);
+ 	fclose(fp);
+  err_filename:
+diff -up libuser-0.60/tests/ libuser-0.60/tests/
+--- libuser-0.60/tests/	2013-10-12 23:56:08.000000000 +0200
++++ libuser-0.60/tests/	2015-07-08 15:15:14.061544074 +0200
+@@ -262,6 +262,21 @@ class Tests(unittest.TestCase):
+         e = self.a.initUser('user6_8')
+         self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, self.a.addUser, e, False, False)
++    def testUserAdd9(self):
++        # '\n' in field values
++        # libuser.USERPASSWORD not tested because lu_shadow_user_add_prep()
++        # always replaces it by 'x'.  libuser.UIDNUMBER not tested because
++        # ent_has_name_and_id() interprets the value as a number.
++        for field in (libuser.USERNAME, libuser.GIDNUMBER, libuser.GECOS,
++                      libuser.HOMEDIRECTORY, libuser.LOGINSHELL,
++                      libuser.SHADOWPASSWORD, libuser.SHADOWLASTCHANGE, 
++                      libuser.SHADOWMIN, libuser.SHADOWMAX, 
++                      libuser.SHADOWWARNING, libuser.SHADOWINACTIVE, 
++                      libuser.SHADOWEXPIRE, libuser.SHADOWFLAG):
++            e = self.a.initUser('user_6_9' + field)
++            e[field] = str(e[field][0]) + '\nx'
++            self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, self.a.addUser, e, False, False)
+     def testUserMod1(self):
+         # A minimal case
+         e = self.a.initUser('user7_1')
+@@ -421,6 +436,26 @@ class Tests(unittest.TestCase):
+         e[libuser.USERNAME] = 'user7_7'
+         self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, self.a.modifyUser, e, False)
++    def testUserMod8(self):
++        # '\n' in field values
++        # libuser.USERPASSWORD not tested because lu_shadow_user_add_prep()
++        # always replaces it by 'x'.  libuser.UIDNUMBER not tested because
++        # ent_has_name_and_id() interprets the value as a number.
++        for field in (libuser.USERNAME, libuser.USERPASSWORD, libuser.GIDNUMBER,
++                      libuser.GECOS, libuser.HOMEDIRECTORY, libuser.LOGINSHELL,
++                      libuser.SHADOWPASSWORD, libuser.SHADOWLASTCHANGE,
++                      libuser.SHADOWMIN, libuser.SHADOWMAX,
++                      libuser.SHADOWWARNING, libuser.SHADOWINACTIVE,
++                      libuser.SHADOWEXPIRE, libuser.SHADOWFLAG):
++            e = self.a.initUser('user7_9' + field)
++            self.a.addUser(e, False, False)
++            del e
++            e = self.a.lookupUserByName('user7_9' + field)
++            self.assertIsNotNone(e)
++            self.assertNotIn('\n', str(e[field][0]))
++            e[field] = str(e[field][0]) + '\nx'
++            self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, self.a.modifyUser, e, False)
+     def testUserDel(self):
+         e = self.a.initUser('user8_1')
+         self.a.addUser(e, False, False)
+@@ -619,6 +654,22 @@ class Tests(unittest.TestCase):
+         crypted = crypt.crypt('a:b', e[libuser.SHADOWPASSWORD][0])
+         self.assertEqual(e[libuser.SHADOWPASSWORD], [crypted])
++    def testUserSetpass5(self):
++        # '\n' in field value
++        e = self.a.initUser('user12_5')
++        self.a.addUser(e, False, False)
++        del e
++        e = self.a.lookupUserByName('user12_5')
++        self.assertNotIn('\n', e[libuser.SHADOWPASSWORD][0])
++        self.assertRaises(SystemError, self.a.setpassUser, e, 'a\nb', True)
++        self.a.setpassUser(e, 'a\nb', False)
++        del e
++        e = self.a.lookupUserByName('user12_5')
++        self.assertEqual(e[libuser.SHADOWPASSWORD][0][:3], '$1$')
++        self.assertNotIn('\n', e[libuser.SHADOWPASSWORD][0])
++        crypted = crypt.crypt('a\nb', e[libuser.SHADOWPASSWORD][0])
++        self.assertEqual(e[libuser.SHADOWPASSWORD], [crypted])
+     def testUserRemovepass(self):
+         e = self.a.initUser('user13_1')
+         e[libuser.SHADOWPASSWORD] = '03dgZm5nZvqOc'
+@@ -884,6 +935,20 @@ class Tests(unittest.TestCase):
+         e = self.a.initGroup('group21_5')
+         self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, self.a.addGroup, e)
++    def testGroupAdd6(self):
++        # '\n' in field values
++        # libuser.GROUPPASSWORD not tested because lu_shadow_group_add_prep()
++        # always replaces it by 'x'.  libuser.GIDNUMBER not tested because
++        # ent_has_name_and_id() interprets the value as a number.
++        for field in (libuser.GROUPNAME, libuser.SHADOWPASSWORD,
++                      libuser.MEMBERNAME, libuser.ADMINISTRATORNAME):
++            e = self.a.initGroup('group_21_6' + field)
++            if e.has_key(field):
++                e[field] = str(e[field][0]) + '\nx'
++            else:
++                e[field] = field + '\nx'
++            self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, self.a.addGroup, e)
+     def testGroupMod1(self):
+         # A minimal case
+         e = self.a.initGroup('group22_1')
+@@ -997,6 +1062,25 @@ class Tests(unittest.TestCase):
+         e[libuser.GROUPNAME] = 'group22_6'
+         self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, self.a.modifyGroup, e)
++    def testGroupMod7(self):
++        # '\n' in field values
++        # libuser.GIDNUMBER not tested because ent_has_name_and_id() interprets
++        # the value as a number.
++        for field in (libuser.GROUPNAME, libuser.GROUPPASSWORD,
++                      libuser.SHADOWPASSWORD, libuser.MEMBERNAME,
++                      libuser.ADMINISTRATORNAME):
++            e = self.a.initGroup('group22_8' + field)
++            self.a.addGroup(e)
++            del e
++            e = self.a.lookupGroupByName('group22_8' + field)
++            self.assertIsNotNone(e)
++            if e.has_key(field):
++                self.assertNotIn('\n', str(e[field][0]))
++                e[field] = str(e[field][0]) + '\nx'
++            else:
++                e[field] = field + '\nx'
++            self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, self.a.modifyGroup, e)
+     def testGroupDel(self):
+         e = self.a.initGroup('group23_1')
+         self.a.addGroup(e)
+@@ -1190,6 +1274,22 @@ class Tests(unittest.TestCase):
+         crypted = crypt.crypt('a:b', e[libuser.SHADOWPASSWORD][0])
+         self.assertEqual(e[libuser.SHADOWPASSWORD], [crypted])
++    def testGroupSetpass4(self):
++        # '\n' in field value
++        e = self.a.initGroup('group27_5')
++        self.a.addGroup(e)
++        del e
++        e = self.a.lookupGroupByName('group27_5')
++        self.assertNotIn('\n', e[libuser.SHADOWPASSWORD][0])
++        self.assertRaises(SystemError, self.a.setpassGroup, e, 'a\nb', True)
++        self.a.setpassGroup(e, 'a\nb', False)
++        del e
++        e = self.a.lookupGroupByName('group27_5')
++        self.assertEqual(e[libuser.SHADOWPASSWORD][0][:3], '$1$')
++        self.assertNotIn('\n', e[libuser.SHADOWPASSWORD][0])
++        crypted = crypt.crypt('a\nb', e[libuser.SHADOWPASSWORD][0])
++        self.assertEqual(e[libuser.SHADOWPASSWORD], [crypted])
+     def testGroupRemovepass(self):
+         e = self.a.initGroup('group28_1')
+         e[libuser.SHADOWPASSWORD] = '07Js7N.eEhbgs'
diff --git a/SPECS/libuser.spec b/SPECS/libuser.spec
index 80244f9..b45cf44 100644
--- a/SPECS/libuser.spec
+++ b/SPECS/libuser.spec
@@ -2,11 +2,12 @@
 Name: libuser
 Version: 0.60
-Release: 5%{?dist}
+Release: 7%{?dist}
 Group: System Environment/Base
 License: LGPLv2+
+Patch0: libuser-CVE-2015-3246.patch
 BuildRequires: glib2-devel, linuxdoc-tools, pam-devel, popt-devel, python2-devel
 BuildRequires: cyrus-sasl-devel, libselinux-devel, openldap-devel
 # To make sure the configure script can find it
@@ -46,6 +47,8 @@ administering user and group accounts.
 %setup -q
+%patch0 -p1 -b .CVE-2015-3246
 %configure --with-selinux --with-ldap --with-html-dir=%{_datadir}/gtk-doc/html
@@ -96,6 +99,14 @@ python -c "import libuser"
+* Wed Jul  8 2015 Miloslav Trmač <> - 0.60-7
+- Update CVE-2015-3246 patch based on review comments
+  Resolves: #1235519
+* Fri Jun 26 2015 Miloslav Trmač <> - 0.60-6
+- Fix CVE-2015-3246
+  Resolves: #1235519
 * Fri Jan 24 2014 Daniel Mach <> - 0.60-5
 - Mass rebuild 2014-01-24