diff --git a/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2019-14973.patch b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2019-14973.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c668664
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2019-14973.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,830 @@
+From 3cb85548e07580e4d787ab7122900ae6946c8d26 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?Nikola=20Forr=C3=B3?= <nforro@redhat.com>
+Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2020 13:08:37 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Fix CVE-2019-14973
+ libtiff/tif_aux.c      |  49 +++++-
+ libtiff/tif_getimage.c |   6 +-
+ libtiff/tif_luv.c      |   7 +-
+ libtiff/tif_pixarlog.c |  18 +-
+ libtiff/tif_read.c     | 375 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
+ libtiff/tif_strip.c    |  27 +--
+ libtiff/tif_tile.c     |  27 +--
+ libtiff/tiffiop.h      |   7 +-
+ 8 files changed, 377 insertions(+), 139 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/libtiff/tif_aux.c b/libtiff/tif_aux.c
+index 927150a..f686a79 100644
+--- a/libtiff/tif_aux.c
++++ b/libtiff/tif_aux.c
+@@ -59,18 +59,57 @@ _TIFFMultiply64(TIFF* tif, uint64 first, uint64 second, const char* where)
+ 	return bytes;
+ }
++_TIFFMultiplySSize(TIFF* tif, tmsize_t first, tmsize_t second, const char* where)
++    if( first <= 0 || second <= 0 )
++    {
++        if( tif != NULL && where != NULL )
++        {
++            TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, where,
++                        "Invalid argument to _TIFFMultiplySSize() in %s", where);
++        }
++        return 0;
++    }
++    if( first > TIFF_TMSIZE_T_MAX / second )
++    {
++        if( tif != NULL && where != NULL )
++        {
++            TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, where,
++                        "Integer overflow in %s", where);
++        }
++        return 0;
++    }
++    return first * second;
++tmsize_t _TIFFCastUInt64ToSSize(TIFF* tif, uint64 val, const char* module)
++    if( val > (uint64)TIFF_TMSIZE_T_MAX )
++    {
++        if( tif != NULL && module != NULL )
++        {
++            TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata,module,"Integer overflow");
++        }
++        return 0;
++    }
++    return (tmsize_t)val;
+ void*
+ _TIFFCheckRealloc(TIFF* tif, void* buffer,
+ 		  tmsize_t nmemb, tmsize_t elem_size, const char* what)
+ {
+ 	void* cp = NULL;
+-	tmsize_t bytes = nmemb * elem_size;
++        tmsize_t count = _TIFFMultiplySSize(tif, nmemb, elem_size, NULL);
+ 	/*
+-	 * XXX: Check for integer overflow.
++	 * Check for integer overflow.
+ 	 */
+-	if (nmemb && elem_size && bytes / elem_size == nmemb)
+-		cp = _TIFFrealloc(buffer, bytes);
++	if (count != 0)
++	{
++		cp = _TIFFrealloc(buffer, count);
++	}
+ 	if (cp == NULL) {
+ 		TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, tif->tif_name,
+diff --git a/libtiff/tif_getimage.c b/libtiff/tif_getimage.c
+index 503237d..c664cc0 100644
+--- a/libtiff/tif_getimage.c
++++ b/libtiff/tif_getimage.c
+@@ -720,9 +720,8 @@ gtTileSeparate(TIFFRGBAImage* img, uint32* raster, uint32 w, uint32 h)
+         int colorchannels;
+ 	tilesize = TIFFTileSize(tif);  
+-	bufsize = TIFFSafeMultiply(tmsize_t,alpha?4:3,tilesize);
++	bufsize = _TIFFMultiplySSize(tif, alpha?4:3,tilesize, "gtTileSeparate");
+ 	if (bufsize == 0) {
+-		TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, TIFFFileName(tif), "Integer overflow in %s", "gtTileSeparate");
+ 		return (0);
+ 	}
+ 	buf = (unsigned char*) _TIFFmalloc(bufsize);
+@@ -955,9 +954,8 @@ gtStripSeparate(TIFFRGBAImage* img, uint32* raster, uint32 w, uint32 h)
+ 	int ret = 1, flip, colorchannels;
+ 	stripsize = TIFFStripSize(tif);  
+-	bufsize = TIFFSafeMultiply(tmsize_t,alpha?4:3,stripsize);
++	bufsize = _TIFFMultiplySSize(tif,alpha?4:3,stripsize, "gtStripSeparate");
+ 	if (bufsize == 0) {
+-		TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, TIFFFileName(tif), "Integer overflow in %s", "gtStripSeparate");
+ 		return (0);
+ 	}
+ 	p0 = buf = (unsigned char *)_TIFFmalloc(bufsize);
+diff --git a/libtiff/tif_luv.c b/libtiff/tif_luv.c
+index ebbd692..0607c41 100644
+--- a/libtiff/tif_luv.c
++++ b/libtiff/tif_luv.c
+@@ -1244,12 +1244,7 @@ LogL16GuessDataFmt(TIFFDirectory *td)
+ static tmsize_t
+ multiply_ms(tmsize_t m1, tmsize_t m2)
+ {
+-	tmsize_t bytes = m1 * m2;
+-	if (m1 && bytes / m1 != m2)
+-		bytes = 0;
+-	return bytes;
++        return _TIFFMultiplySSize(NULL, m1, m2, NULL);
+ }
+ static int
+diff --git a/libtiff/tif_pixarlog.c b/libtiff/tif_pixarlog.c
+index 6128f2f..558325d 100644
+--- a/libtiff/tif_pixarlog.c
++++ b/libtiff/tif_pixarlog.c
+@@ -637,26 +637,20 @@ PixarLogGuessDataFmt(TIFFDirectory *td)
+ static tmsize_t
+ multiply_ms(tmsize_t m1, tmsize_t m2)
+ {
+-	tmsize_t bytes = m1 * m2;
+-	if (m1 && bytes / m1 != m2)
+-		bytes = 0;
+-	return bytes;
++        return _TIFFMultiplySSize(NULL, m1, m2, NULL);
+ }
+ static tmsize_t
+ add_ms(tmsize_t m1, tmsize_t m2)
+ {
+-	tmsize_t bytes = m1 + m2;
++        assert(m1 >= 0 && m2 >= 0);
+ 	/* if either input is zero, assume overflow already occurred */
+ 	if (m1 == 0 || m2 == 0)
+-		bytes = 0;
+-	else if (bytes <= m1 || bytes <= m2)
+-		bytes = 0;
++		return 0;
++	else if (m1 > TIFF_TMSIZE_T_MAX - m2)
++		return 0;
+-	return bytes;
++	return m1 + m2;
+ }
+ static int
+diff --git a/libtiff/tif_read.c b/libtiff/tif_read.c
+index ff5a548..2198b17 100644
+--- a/libtiff/tif_read.c
++++ b/libtiff/tif_read.c
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-/* $Id: tif_read.c,v 1.41 2012-07-06 19:22:58 bfriesen Exp $ */
++/* $Id: tif_read.c,v 1.42 2013-01-18 21:37:13 fwarmerdam Exp $ */
+ /*
+  * Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Sam Leffler
+@@ -42,14 +42,132 @@ TIFFReadRawStrip1(TIFF* tif, uint32 strip, void* buf, tmsize_t size,const char*
+ #define NOSTRIP ((uint32)(-1))       /* undefined state */
+ #define NOTILE ((uint32)(-1))         /* undefined state */
++#define INITIAL_THRESHOLD (1024 * 1024)
++#define TIFF_INT64_MAX ((((int64)0x7FFFFFFF) << 32) | 0xFFFFFFFF)
++/* Read 'size' bytes in tif_rawdata buffer starting at offset 'rawdata_offset'
++ * Returns 1 in case of success, 0 otherwise. */
++static int TIFFReadAndRealloc( TIFF* tif, tmsize_t size,
++                               tmsize_t rawdata_offset,
++                               int is_strip, uint32 strip_or_tile,
++                               const char* module )
++#if SIZEOF_VOIDP == 8 || SIZEOF_SIZE_T == 8
++        tmsize_t threshold = INITIAL_THRESHOLD;
++        tmsize_t already_read = 0;
++        /* On 64 bit processes, read first a maximum of 1 MB, then 10 MB, etc */
++        /* so as to avoid allocating too much memory in case the file is too */
++        /* short. We could ask for the file size, but this might be */
++        /* expensive with some I/O layers (think of reading a gzipped file) */
++        /* Restrict to 64 bit processes, so as to avoid reallocs() */
++        /* on 32 bit processes where virtual memory is scarce.  */
++        while( already_read < size )
++        {
++            tmsize_t bytes_read;
++            tmsize_t to_read = size - already_read;
++#if SIZEOF_VOIDP == 8 || SIZEOF_SIZE_T == 8
++            if( to_read >= threshold && threshold < MAX_THRESHOLD &&
++                already_read + to_read + rawdata_offset > tif->tif_rawdatasize )
++            {
++                to_read = threshold;
++                threshold *= THRESHOLD_MULTIPLIER;
++            }
++            if (already_read + to_read + rawdata_offset > tif->tif_rawdatasize) {
++                uint8* new_rawdata;
++                assert((tif->tif_flags & TIFF_MYBUFFER) != 0);
++                tif->tif_rawdatasize = (tmsize_t)TIFFroundup_64(
++                        (uint64)already_read + to_read + rawdata_offset, 1024);
++                if (tif->tif_rawdatasize==0) {
++                    TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module,
++                                "Invalid buffer size");
++                    return 0;
++                }
++                new_rawdata = (uint8*) _TIFFrealloc(
++                                tif->tif_rawdata, tif->tif_rawdatasize);
++                if( new_rawdata == 0 )
++                {
++                    TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module,
++                        "No space for data buffer at scanline %lu",
++                        (unsigned long) tif->tif_row);
++                    _TIFFfree(tif->tif_rawdata);
++                    tif->tif_rawdata = 0;
++                    tif->tif_rawdatasize = 0;
++                    return 0;
++                }
++                tif->tif_rawdata = new_rawdata;
++            }
++            bytes_read = TIFFReadFile(tif,
++                tif->tif_rawdata + rawdata_offset + already_read, to_read);
++            already_read += bytes_read;
++            if (bytes_read != to_read) {
++                memset( tif->tif_rawdata + rawdata_offset + already_read, 0,
++                        tif->tif_rawdatasize - rawdata_offset - already_read );
++#if defined(__WIN32__) && (defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW32__))
++                if( is_strip )
++                {
++                    TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module,
++                        "Read error at scanline %lu; got %I64u bytes, "
++                        "expected %I64u",
++                                        (unsigned long) tif->tif_row,
++                                        (unsigned __int64) already_read,
++                                        (unsigned __int64) size);
++                }
++                else
++                {
++                    TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module,
++                        "Read error at row %lu, col %lu, tile %lu; "
++                        "got %I64u bytes, expected %I64u",
++                                        (unsigned long) tif->tif_row,
++                                        (unsigned long) tif->tif_col,
++                                        (unsigned long) strip_or_tile,
++                                        (unsigned __int64) already_read,
++                                        (unsigned __int64) size);
++                }
++                if( is_strip )
++                {
++                    TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module,
++                        "Read error at scanline %lu; got %llu bytes, "
++                        "expected %llu",
++                                        (unsigned long) tif->tif_row,
++                                        (unsigned long long) already_read,
++                                        (unsigned long long) size);
++                }
++                else
++                {
++                    TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module,
++                        "Read error at row %lu, col %lu, tile %lu; "
++                        "got %llu bytes, expected %llu",
++                                        (unsigned long) tif->tif_row,
++                                        (unsigned long) tif->tif_col,
++                                        (unsigned long) strip_or_tile,
++                                        (unsigned long long) already_read,
++                                        (unsigned long long) size);
++                }
++                return 0;
++            }
++        }
++        return 1;
+ static int
+ TIFFFillStripPartial( TIFF *tif, int strip, tmsize_t read_ahead, int restart )
+ {
+ 	static const char module[] = "TIFFFillStripPartial";
+ 	register TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir;
+-        uint64 unused_data;
++        tmsize_t unused_data;
+         uint64 read_offset;
+-        tmsize_t cc, to_read;
++        tmsize_t to_read;
++        tmsize_t read_ahead_mod;
+         /* tmsize_t bytecountm; */
+         if (!_TIFFFillStriles( tif ) || !tif->tif_dir.td_stripbytecount)
+@@ -62,7 +180,14 @@ TIFFFillStripPartial( TIFF *tif, int strip, tmsize_t read_ahead, int restart )
+          */
+         /* bytecountm=(tmsize_t) td->td_stripbytecount[strip]; */
+-        if (read_ahead*2 > tif->tif_rawdatasize) {
++        /* Not completely sure where the * 2 comes from, but probably for */
++        /* an exponentional growth strategy of tif_rawdatasize */
++        if( read_ahead < TIFF_TMSIZE_T_MAX / 2 )
++                read_ahead_mod = read_ahead * 2;
++        else
++                read_ahead_mod = read_ahead;
++        if (read_ahead_mod > tif->tif_rawdatasize) {
+                 assert( restart );
+                 tif->tif_curstrip = NOSTRIP;
+@@ -72,8 +197,6 @@ TIFFFillStripPartial( TIFF *tif, int strip, tmsize_t read_ahead, int restart )
+                                      (unsigned long) strip);
+                         return (0);
+                 }
+-                if (!TIFFReadBufferSetup(tif, 0, read_ahead*2))
+-                        return (0);
+         }
+         if( restart )
+@@ -113,34 +236,26 @@ TIFFFillStripPartial( TIFF *tif, int strip, tmsize_t read_ahead, int restart )
+         /*
+         ** How much do we want to read?
+         */
+-        to_read = tif->tif_rawdatasize - unused_data;
++        if( read_ahead_mod > tif->tif_rawdatasize )
++                to_read = read_ahead_mod - unused_data;
++        else
++                to_read = tif->tif_rawdatasize - unused_data;
+         if( (uint64) to_read > td->td_stripbytecount[strip] 
+             - tif->tif_rawdataoff - tif->tif_rawdataloaded )
+         {
+-                to_read = td->td_stripbytecount[strip]
++                to_read = (tmsize_t) td->td_stripbytecount[strip]
+                         - tif->tif_rawdataoff - tif->tif_rawdataloaded;
+         }
+ 	assert((tif->tif_flags&TIFF_BUFFERMMAP)==0);
+-        cc = TIFFReadFile(tif, tif->tif_rawdata + unused_data, to_read);
+-        if (cc != to_read) {
+-#if defined(__WIN32__) && (defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW32__))
+-                TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module,
+-                             "Read error at scanline %lu; got %I64u bytes, expected %I64u",
+-                             (unsigned long) tif->tif_row,
+-                             (unsigned __int64) cc,
+-                             (unsigned __int64) to_read);
+-                TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module,
+-                             "Read error at scanline %lu; got %llu bytes, expected %llu",
+-                             (unsigned long) tif->tif_row,
+-                             (unsigned long long) cc,
+-                             (unsigned long long) to_read);
++        if( !TIFFReadAndRealloc( tif, to_read, unused_data,
++                                 1, /* is_strip */
++                                 0, /* strip_or_tile */
++                                 module) )
++        {
+                 return 0;
+         }
+         tif->tif_rawdataoff = tif->tif_rawdataoff + tif->tif_rawdataloaded - unused_data ;
+         tif->tif_rawdataloaded = unused_data + to_read;
+@@ -214,7 +329,18 @@ TIFFSeek(TIFF* tif, uint32 row, uint16 sample )
+         if( !whole_strip )
+         {
+-                read_ahead = tif->tif_scanlinesize * 16 + 5000;
++                /* 16 is for YCbCr mode where we may need to read 16 */
++                /* lines at a time to get a decompressed line, and 5000 */
++                /* is some constant value, for example for JPEG tables */
++                if( tif->tif_scanlinesize < TIFF_TMSIZE_T_MAX / 16 &&
++                    tif->tif_scanlinesize * 16 < TIFF_TMSIZE_T_MAX - 5000 )
++                {
++                        read_ahead = tif->tif_scanlinesize * 16 + 5000;
++                }
++                else
++                {
++                        read_ahead = tif->tif_scanlinesize;
++                }
+         }
+         /*
+@@ -401,7 +527,7 @@ TIFFReadRawStrip1(TIFF* tif, uint32 strip, void* buf, tmsize_t size,
+ 		tmsize_t n;
+ 		ma=(tmsize_t)td->td_stripoffset[strip];
+ 		mb=ma+size;
+-		if (((uint64)ma!=td->td_stripoffset[strip])||(ma>tif->tif_size))
++		if ((td->td_stripoffset[strip] > (uint64)TIFF_TMSIZE_T_MAX)||(ma>tif->tif_size))
+ 			n=0;
+ 		else if ((mb<ma)||(mb<size)||(mb>tif->tif_size))
+ 			n=tif->tif_size-ma;
+@@ -431,6 +557,43 @@ TIFFReadRawStrip1(TIFF* tif, uint32 strip, void* buf, tmsize_t size,
+ 	return (size);
+ }
++static tmsize_t
++TIFFReadRawStripOrTile2(TIFF* tif, uint32 strip_or_tile, int is_strip,
++                        tmsize_t size, const char* module)
++        TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir;
++        assert( !isMapped(tif) );
++        assert((tif->tif_flags&TIFF_NOREADRAW)==0);
++        if (!SeekOK(tif, td->td_stripoffset[strip_or_tile])) {
++            if( is_strip )
++            {
++                TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module,
++                    "Seek error at scanline %lu, strip %lu",
++                    (unsigned long) tif->tif_row,
++                    (unsigned long) strip_or_tile);
++            }
++            else
++            {
++                TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module,
++                    "Seek error at row %lu, col %lu, tile %lu",
++                    (unsigned long) tif->tif_row,
++                    (unsigned long) tif->tif_col,
++                    (unsigned long) strip_or_tile);
++            }
++            return ((tmsize_t)(-1));
++        }
++        if( !TIFFReadAndRealloc( tif, size, 0, is_strip,
++                                 strip_or_tile, module ) )
++        {
++            return ((tmsize_t)(-1));
++        }
++        return (size);
+ /*
+  * Read a strip of data from the file.
+  */
+@@ -458,23 +621,8 @@ TIFFReadRawStrip(TIFF* tif, uint32 strip, void* buf, tmsize_t size)
+ 		return ((tmsize_t)(-1));
+ 	}
+ 	bytecount = td->td_stripbytecount[strip];
+-	if ((int64)bytecount <= 0) {
+-#if defined(__WIN32__) && (defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW32__))
+-		TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module,
+-			     "%I64u: Invalid strip byte count, strip %lu",
+-			     (unsigned __int64) bytecount,
+-			     (unsigned long) strip);
+-		TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module,
+-			     "%llu: Invalid strip byte count, strip %lu",
+-			     (unsigned long long) bytecount,
+-			     (unsigned long) strip);
+-		return ((tmsize_t)(-1));
+-	}
+-	bytecountm = (tmsize_t)bytecount;
+-	if ((uint64)bytecountm!=bytecount) {
+-		TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module, "Integer overflow");
++        bytecountm = _TIFFCastUInt64ToSSize(tif, bytecount, module);
++	if (bytecountm == 0) {
+ 		return ((tmsize_t)(-1));
+ 	}
+ 	if (size != (tmsize_t)(-1) && size < bytecountm)
+@@ -498,7 +646,7 @@ TIFFFillStrip(TIFF* tif, uint32 strip)
+ 	if ((tif->tif_flags&TIFF_NOREADRAW)==0)
+ 	{
+ 		uint64 bytecount = td->td_stripbytecount[strip];
+-		if ((int64)bytecount <= 0) {
++		if( bytecount == 0 || bytecount > (uint64)TIFF_INT64_MAX ) {
+ #if defined(__WIN32__) && (defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW32__))
+ 			TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module,
+ 				"Invalid strip byte count %I64u, strip %lu",
+@@ -512,6 +660,39 @@ TIFFFillStrip(TIFF* tif, uint32 strip)
+ #endif
+ 			return (0);
+ 		}
++		/* To avoid excessive memory allocations: */
++		/* Byte count should normally not be larger than a number of */
++		/* times the uncompressed size plus some margin */
++                if( bytecount > 1024 * 1024 )
++                {
++			/* 10 and 4096 are just values that could be adjusted. */
++			/* Hopefully they are safe enough for all codecs */
++			tmsize_t stripsize = TIFFStripSize(tif);
++			if( stripsize != 0 &&
++			    (bytecount - 4096) / 10 > (uint64)stripsize  )
++			{
++				uint64 newbytecount = (uint64)stripsize * 10 + 4096;
++				if( newbytecount == 0 || newbytecount > (uint64)TIFF_INT64_MAX )
++				{
++#if defined(__WIN32__) && (defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW32__))
++					TIFFWarningExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module,
++					  "Too large strip byte count %I64u, strip %lu. Limiting to %I64u",
++					     (unsigned __int64) bytecount,
++					     (unsigned long) strip,
++					     (unsigned __int64) newbytecount);
++					TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module,
++					  "Too large strip byte count %llu, strip %lu. Limiting to %llu",
++					     (unsigned long long) bytecount,
++					     (unsigned long) strip,
++					     (unsigned long long) newbytecount);
++					bytecount = newbytecount;
++				}
++			}
++		}
+ 		if (isMapped(tif) &&
+ 		    (isFillOrder(tif, td->td_fillorder)
+ 		    || (tif->tif_flags & TIFF_NOBITREV))) {
+@@ -601,17 +782,36 @@ TIFFFillStrip(TIFF* tif, uint32 strip)
+ 					    (unsigned long) strip);
+ 					return (0);
+ 				}
+-				if (!TIFFReadBufferSetup(tif, 0, bytecountm))
+-					return (0);
+ 			}
+ 			if (tif->tif_flags&TIFF_BUFFERMMAP) {
+ 				tif->tif_curstrip = NOSTRIP;
+-				if (!TIFFReadBufferSetup(tif, 0, bytecountm))
++				tif->tif_rawdata = NULL;
++				tif->tif_rawdatasize = 0;
++				tif->tif_flags &= ~TIFF_BUFFERMMAP;
++			}
++			if( isMapped(tif) )
++			{
++				if (bytecountm > tif->tif_rawdatasize &&
++				    !TIFFReadBufferSetup(tif, 0, bytecountm))
++				{
++					return (0);
++				}
++				if (TIFFReadRawStrip1(tif, strip, tif->tif_rawdata,
++				    bytecountm, module) != bytecountm)
++				{
+ 					return (0);
++				}
++			}
++			else
++			{
++				if (TIFFReadRawStripOrTile2(tif, strip, 1,
++				    bytecountm, module) != bytecountm)
++				{
++					return (0);
++				}
+ 			}
+-			if (TIFFReadRawStrip1(tif, strip, tif->tif_rawdata,
+-				bytecountm, module) != bytecountm)
+-				return (0);
+                         tif->tif_rawdataoff = 0;
+                         tif->tif_rawdataloaded = bytecountm;
+@@ -717,7 +917,7 @@ TIFFReadRawTile1(TIFF* tif, uint32 tile, void* buf, tmsize_t size, const char* m
+ 		tmsize_t n;
+ 		ma=(tmsize_t)td->td_stripoffset[tile];
+ 		mb=ma+size;
+-		if (((uint64)ma!=td->td_stripoffset[tile])||(ma>tif->tif_size))
++		if ((td->td_stripoffset[tile] > (uint64)TIFF_TMSIZE_T_MAX)||(ma>tif->tif_size))
+ 			n=0;
+ 		else if ((mb<ma)||(mb<size)||(mb>tif->tif_size))
+ 			n=tif->tif_size-ma;
+@@ -776,10 +976,8 @@ TIFFReadRawTile(TIFF* tif, uint32 tile, void* buf, tmsize_t size)
+ 	bytecount64 = td->td_stripbytecount[tile];
+ 	if (size != (tmsize_t)(-1) && (uint64)size < bytecount64)
+ 		bytecount64 = (uint64)size;
+-	bytecountm = (tmsize_t)bytecount64;
+-	if ((uint64)bytecountm!=bytecount64)
+-	{
+-		TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata,module,"Integer overflow");
++	bytecountm = _TIFFCastUInt64ToSSize(tif, bytecount64, module);
++        if( bytecountm == 0 ) {
+ 		return ((tmsize_t)(-1));
+ 	}
+ 	return (TIFFReadRawTile1(tif, tile, buf, bytecountm, module));
+@@ -801,7 +999,7 @@ TIFFFillTile(TIFF* tif, uint32 tile)
+ 	if ((tif->tif_flags&TIFF_NOREADRAW)==0)
+ 	{
+ 		uint64 bytecount = td->td_stripbytecount[tile];
+-		if ((int64)bytecount <= 0) {
++		if( bytecount == 0 || bytecount > (uint64)TIFF_INT64_MAX ) {
+ #if defined(__WIN32__) && (defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW32__))
+ 			TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module,
+ 				"%I64u: Invalid tile byte count, tile %lu",
+@@ -815,6 +1013,39 @@ TIFFFillTile(TIFF* tif, uint32 tile)
+ #endif
+ 			return (0);
+ 		}
++		/* To avoid excessive memory allocations: */
++		/* Byte count should normally not be larger than a number of */
++		/* times the uncompressed size plus some margin */
++                if( bytecount > 1024 * 1024 )
++                {
++			/* 10 and 4096 are just values that could be adjusted. */
++			/* Hopefully they are safe enough for all codecs */
++			tmsize_t stripsize = TIFFTileSize(tif);
++			if( stripsize != 0 &&
++			    (bytecount - 4096) / 10 > (uint64)stripsize  )
++			{
++				uint64 newbytecount = (uint64)stripsize * 10 + 4096;
++				if( newbytecount == 0 || newbytecount > (uint64)TIFF_INT64_MAX )
++				{
++#if defined(__WIN32__) && (defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW32__))
++					TIFFWarningExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module,
++					  "Too large tile byte count %I64u, tile %lu. Limiting to %I64u",
++					     (unsigned __int64) bytecount,
++					     (unsigned long) tile,
++					     (unsigned __int64) newbytecount);
++					TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, module,
++					  "Too large tile byte count %llu, tile %lu. Limiting to %llu",
++					     (unsigned long long) bytecount,
++					     (unsigned long) tile,
++					     (unsigned long long) newbytecount);
++					bytecount = newbytecount;
++				}
++			}
++		}
+ 		if (isMapped(tif) &&
+ 		    (isFillOrder(tif, td->td_fillorder)
+ 		     || (tif->tif_flags & TIFF_NOBITREV))) {
+@@ -876,18 +1107,36 @@ TIFFFillTile(TIFF* tif, uint32 tile)
+ 					    (unsigned long) tile);
+ 					return (0);
+ 				}
+-				if (!TIFFReadBufferSetup(tif, 0, bytecountm))
+-					return (0);
+ 			}
+ 			if (tif->tif_flags&TIFF_BUFFERMMAP) {
+ 				tif->tif_curtile = NOTILE;
+-				if (!TIFFReadBufferSetup(tif, 0, bytecountm))
++				tif->tif_rawdata = NULL;
++				tif->tif_rawdatasize = 0;
++				tif->tif_flags &= ~TIFF_BUFFERMMAP;
++			}
++			if( isMapped(tif) )
++			{
++				if (bytecountm > tif->tif_rawdatasize &&
++				    !TIFFReadBufferSetup(tif, 0, bytecountm))
++				{
++					return (0);
++				}
++				if (TIFFReadRawTile1(tif, tile, tif->tif_rawdata,
++				    bytecountm, module) != bytecountm)
++				{
+ 					return (0);
++				}
++			}
++			else
++			{
++				if (TIFFReadRawStripOrTile2(tif, tile, 0,
++				    bytecountm, module) != bytecountm)
++				{
++					return (0);
++				}
+ 			}
+-			if (TIFFReadRawTile1(tif, tile, tif->tif_rawdata,
+-			    bytecountm, module) != bytecountm)
+-				return (0);
+                         tif->tif_rawdataoff = 0;
+                         tif->tif_rawdataloaded = bytecountm;
+diff --git a/libtiff/tif_strip.c b/libtiff/tif_strip.c
+index 568e489..206eeb8 100644
+--- a/libtiff/tif_strip.c
++++ b/libtiff/tif_strip.c
+@@ -131,15 +131,8 @@ TIFFVStripSize(TIFF* tif, uint32 nrows)
+ {
+ 	static const char module[] = "TIFFVStripSize";
+ 	uint64 m;
+-	tmsize_t n;
+ 	m=TIFFVStripSize64(tif,nrows);
+-	n=(tmsize_t)m;
+-	if ((uint64)n!=m)
+-	{
+-		TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata,module,"Integer overflow");
+-		n=0;
+-	}
+-	return(n);
++        return _TIFFCastUInt64ToSSize(tif, m, module);
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -213,15 +206,8 @@ TIFFStripSize(TIFF* tif)
+ {
+ 	static const char module[] = "TIFFStripSize";
+ 	uint64 m;
+-	tmsize_t n;
+ 	m=TIFFStripSize64(tif);
+-	n=(tmsize_t)m;
+-	if ((uint64)n!=m)
+-	{
+-		TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata,module,"Integer overflow");
+-		n=0;
+-	}
+-	return(n);
++	return _TIFFCastUInt64ToSSize(tif, m, module);
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -362,15 +348,8 @@ TIFFRasterScanlineSize(TIFF* tif)
+ {
+ 	static const char module[] = "TIFFRasterScanlineSize";
+ 	uint64 m;
+-	tmsize_t n;
+ 	m=TIFFRasterScanlineSize64(tif);
+-	n=(tmsize_t)m;
+-	if ((uint64)n!=m)
+-	{
+-		TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata,module,"Integer arithmetic overflow");
+-		n=0;
+-	}
+-	return(n);
++	return _TIFFCastUInt64ToSSize(tif, m, module);
+ }
+ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=8 sw=8 noet: */
+diff --git a/libtiff/tif_tile.c b/libtiff/tif_tile.c
+index 0ff7e85..57a063b 100644
+--- a/libtiff/tif_tile.c
++++ b/libtiff/tif_tile.c
+@@ -160,15 +160,8 @@ TIFFTileRowSize(TIFF* tif)
+ {
+ 	static const char module[] = "TIFFTileRowSize";
+ 	uint64 m;
+-	tmsize_t n;
+ 	m=TIFFTileRowSize64(tif);
+-	n=(tmsize_t)m;
+-	if ((uint64)n!=m)
+-	{
+-		TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata,module,"Integer overflow");
+-		n=0;
+-	}
+-	return(n);
++	return _TIFFCastUInt64ToSSize(tif, m, module);
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -227,15 +220,8 @@ TIFFVTileSize(TIFF* tif, uint32 nrows)
+ {
+ 	static const char module[] = "TIFFVTileSize";
+ 	uint64 m;
+-	tmsize_t n;
+ 	m=TIFFVTileSize64(tif,nrows);
+-	n=(tmsize_t)m;
+-	if ((uint64)n!=m)
+-	{
+-		TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata,module,"Integer overflow");
+-		n=0;
+-	}
+-	return(n);
++	return _TIFFCastUInt64ToSSize(tif, m, module);
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -251,15 +237,8 @@ TIFFTileSize(TIFF* tif)
+ {
+ 	static const char module[] = "TIFFTileSize";
+ 	uint64 m;
+-	tmsize_t n;
+ 	m=TIFFTileSize64(tif);
+-	n=(tmsize_t)m;
+-	if ((uint64)n!=m)
+-	{
+-		TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata,module,"Integer overflow");
+-		n=0;
+-	}
+-	return(n);
++	return _TIFFCastUInt64ToSSize(tif, m, module);
+ }
+ /*
+diff --git a/libtiff/tiffiop.h b/libtiff/tiffiop.h
+index 8d1357b..d0987e2 100644
+--- a/libtiff/tiffiop.h
++++ b/libtiff/tiffiop.h
+@@ -73,6 +73,9 @@ extern void *lfind(const void *, const void *, size_t *, size_t,
+ #define	FALSE	0
+ #endif
++#define TIFF_SIZE_T_MAX ((size_t) ~ ((size_t)0))
++#define TIFF_TMSIZE_T_MAX (tmsize_t)(TIFF_SIZE_T_MAX >> 1)
+ typedef struct client_info {
+     struct client_info *next;
+     void *data;
+@@ -251,7 +254,7 @@ struct tiff {
+ #define TIFFhowmany8_64(x) (((x)&0x07)?((uint64)(x)>>3)+1:(uint64)(x)>>3)
+ #define TIFFroundup_64(x, y) (TIFFhowmany_64(x,y)*(y))
+-/* Safe multiply which returns zero if there is an integer overflow */
++/* Safe multiply which returns zero if there is an *unsigned* integer overflow. This macro is not safe for *signed* integer types */
+ #define TIFFSafeMultiply(t,v,m) ((((t)(m) != (t)0) && (((t)(((v)*(m))/(m))) == (t)(v))) ? (t)((v)*(m)) : (t)0)
+ #define TIFFmax(A,B) ((A)>(B)?(A):(B))
+@@ -303,6 +306,8 @@ extern TIFFErrorHandlerExt _TIFFerrorHandlerExt;
+ extern uint32 _TIFFMultiply32(TIFF*, uint32, uint32, const char*);
+ extern uint64 _TIFFMultiply64(TIFF*, uint64, uint64, const char*);
++extern tmsize_t _TIFFMultiplySSize(TIFF*, tmsize_t, tmsize_t, const char*);
++extern tmsize_t _TIFFCastUInt64ToSSize(TIFF*, uint64, const char*);
+ extern void* _TIFFCheckMalloc(TIFF*, tmsize_t, tmsize_t, const char*);
+ extern void* _TIFFCheckRealloc(TIFF*, void*, tmsize_t, tmsize_t, const char*);
diff --git a/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2019-17546.patch b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2019-17546.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd78e31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOURCES/libtiff-CVE-2019-17546.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+From 7a05de95bf761c4c2a9e409abd443b0c2c1d0ab7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Even Rouault <even.rouault@spatialys.com>
+Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2019 15:05:28 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] RGBA interface: fix integer overflow potentially causing
+ write heap buffer overflow, especially on 32 bit builds. Fixes
+ https://bugs.chromium.org/p/oss-fuzz/issues/detail?id=16443. Credit to OSS
+ Fuzz
+ libtiff/tif_getimage.c | 26 +++++++++++++++++++++-----
+ 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/libtiff/tif_getimage.c b/libtiff/tif_getimage.c
+index c664cc0..4c79479 100644
+--- a/libtiff/tif_getimage.c
++++ b/libtiff/tif_getimage.c
+@@ -889,15 +889,23 @@ gtStripContig(TIFFRGBAImage* img, uint32* raster, uint32 w, uint32 h)
+ 	fromskew = (w < imagewidth ? imagewidth - w : 0);
+ 	for (row = 0; row < h; row += nrow)
+ 	{
++		uint32 temp;
+ 		rowstoread = rowsperstrip - (row + img->row_offset) % rowsperstrip;
+ 		nrow = (row + rowstoread > h ? h - row : rowstoread);
+ 		nrowsub = nrow;
+ 		if ((nrowsub%subsamplingver)!=0)
+ 			nrowsub+=subsamplingver-nrowsub%subsamplingver;
++		temp = (row + img->row_offset)%rowsperstrip + nrowsub;
++		if( scanline > 0 && temp > (size_t)(TIFF_TMSIZE_T_MAX / scanline) )
++		{
++			TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, TIFFFileName(tif), "Integer overflow in gtStripContig");
++			_TIFFfree(buf);
++			return 0;
++		}
+ 		if (TIFFReadEncodedStrip(tif,
+ 		    TIFFComputeStrip(tif,row+img->row_offset, 0),
+ 		    buf,
+-		    ((row + img->row_offset)%rowsperstrip + nrowsub) * scanline)==(tmsize_t)(-1)
++		    temp * scanline)==(tmsize_t)(-1)
+ 		    && img->stoponerr)
+ 		{
+ 			ret = 0;
+@@ -997,11 +1005,19 @@ gtStripSeparate(TIFFRGBAImage* img, uint32* raster, uint32 w, uint32 h)
+ 	fromskew = (w < imagewidth ? imagewidth - w : 0);
+ 	for (row = 0; row < h; row += nrow)
+ 	{
++		uint32 temp;
+ 		rowstoread = rowsperstrip - (row + img->row_offset) % rowsperstrip;
+ 		nrow = (row + rowstoread > h ? h - row : rowstoread);
+ 		offset_row = row + img->row_offset;
++		temp = (row + img->row_offset)%rowsperstrip + nrow;
++		if( scanline > 0 && temp > (size_t)(TIFF_TMSIZE_T_MAX / scanline) )
++		{
++			TIFFErrorExt(tif->tif_clientdata, TIFFFileName(tif), "Integer overflow in gtStripSeparate");
++			_TIFFfree(buf);
++			return 0;
++		}
+ 		if (TIFFReadEncodedStrip(tif, TIFFComputeStrip(tif, offset_row, 0),
+-		    p0, ((row + img->row_offset)%rowsperstrip + nrow) * scanline)==(tmsize_t)(-1)
++		    p0, temp * scanline)==(tmsize_t)(-1)
+ 		    && img->stoponerr)
+ 		{
+ 			ret = 0;
+@@ -1009,7 +1025,7 @@ gtStripSeparate(TIFFRGBAImage* img, uint32* raster, uint32 w, uint32 h)
+ 		}
+ 		if (colorchannels > 1 
+                     && TIFFReadEncodedStrip(tif, TIFFComputeStrip(tif, offset_row, 1),
+-                                            p1, ((row + img->row_offset)%rowsperstrip + nrow) * scanline) == (tmsize_t)(-1)
++                                            p1, temp * scanline) == (tmsize_t)(-1)
+ 		    && img->stoponerr)
+ 		{
+ 			ret = 0;
+@@ -1017,7 +1033,7 @@ gtStripSeparate(TIFFRGBAImage* img, uint32* raster, uint32 w, uint32 h)
+ 		}
+ 		if (colorchannels > 1 
+                     && TIFFReadEncodedStrip(tif, TIFFComputeStrip(tif, offset_row, 2),
+-                                            p2, ((row + img->row_offset)%rowsperstrip + nrow) * scanline) == (tmsize_t)(-1)
++                                            p2, temp * scanline) == (tmsize_t)(-1)
+ 		    && img->stoponerr)
+ 		{
+ 			ret = 0;
+@@ -1026,7 +1042,7 @@ gtStripSeparate(TIFFRGBAImage* img, uint32* raster, uint32 w, uint32 h)
+ 		if (alpha)
+ 		{
+ 			if (TIFFReadEncodedStrip(tif, TIFFComputeStrip(tif, offset_row, colorchannels),
+-			    pa, ((row + img->row_offset)%rowsperstrip + nrow) * scanline)==(tmsize_t)(-1)
++			    pa, temp * scanline)==(tmsize_t)(-1)
+ 			    && img->stoponerr)
+ 			{
+ 				ret = 0;
diff --git a/SPECS/libtiff.spec b/SPECS/libtiff.spec
index 59cbd7b..b2d6c52 100644
--- a/SPECS/libtiff.spec
+++ b/SPECS/libtiff.spec
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Summary: Library of functions for manipulating TIFF format image files
 Name: libtiff
 Version: 4.0.3
-Release: 32%{?dist}
+Release: 35%{?dist}
 License: libtiff
 Group: System Environment/Libraries
@@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ Patch40: libtiff-CVE-2018-17101.patch
 Patch41: libtiff-CVE-2018-18557.patch
 Patch42: libtiff-CVE-2018-18661.patch
 Patch43: libtiff-coverity.patch
+Patch44: libtiff-CVE-2019-14973.patch
+Patch45: libtiff-CVE-2019-17546.patch
 BuildRequires: zlib-devel libjpeg-devel jbigkit-devel
 BuildRequires: libtool automake autoconf pkgconfig
@@ -147,6 +149,8 @@ image files using the libtiff library.
 %patch41 -p1
 %patch42 -p1
 %patch43 -p1
+%patch44 -p1
+%patch45 -p1
 # Use build system's libtool.m4, not the one in the package.
 rm -f libtool.m4
@@ -251,6 +255,18 @@ find html -name 'Makefile*' | xargs rm
+* Mon Apr 06 2020 Nikola Forr贸 <nforro@redhat.com> - 4.0.3-35
+- Fix two resource leaks
+  Related: #1771371
+* Thu Feb 20 2020 Nikola Forr贸 <nforro@redhat.com> - 4.0.3-34
+- Fix CVE-2019-17546
+  Resolves: #1771371
+* Thu Feb 20 2020 Nikola Forr贸 <nforro@redhat.com> - 4.0.3-33
+- Fix CVE-2019-14973
+  Resolves: #1755704
 * Tue Apr 30 2019 Nikola Forr贸 <nforro@redhat.com> - 4.0.3-32
 - Fix one more Covscan defect
 - Related: #1647965